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EgyptianBankingInstituteMENAlighthouseforbanking sectordevelopment
TheEgyptianBankingInstitute(EBI)wasestablishedin1991by the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) to act as its official training arm with a vision to be the preferred partner for developing the human capital of the banking ecosystem in Egypt, and the lighthouse for banking sector development across strategic African and Arab countries, through mirroring the latest international banking trends.
The unique blend of the Board of Directors, headed by the GovernoroftheCentralBankofEgypt,H.E.Mr.HassanAbdallah, sets EBI in a leading position. EBI’s Board is composed of 8 membersconsistingofbank’schairmenandindustryleaders possessing a high-level of diversified expertise.
Crowning the continuous organizational commitment for quality training and adherence to international quality standards,in2009EBIwasthefirstaccreditedfinancialtraining institute in Egypt and the MENA region by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET) for five years. EBI succeeded in obtaining reaccreditation for 2 moretermsendingin2024.Inadditiontothis,EBI’sInteractive Distance Learning (IDL) instructional methodology and e-learning programs has been also accredited by ACCET in 2021.
In 2021 EBI has been chosen as the “Best Financial Training Institute in MENA Region” by Capital Finance International (CFI) for its commitment to offering state-of-the-art quality training solutions and adherence to international quality standards; keeping in line with the latest industry international best practices & amplifying EBI’s activities to support African banking sector human capital development. CFI is a print journal and online resource reporting on business, economics, and finance headquartered in London.
In 2022, EBI has been awarded the “Best Companies Award” at the Education 2.0 Conference as part of its prominent role in the field of financial and banking training for reforming and improving global education. The award’s selection criteria included meeting Industry Reputation, Innovation in Education and Training Methods, Financial Status,

Competitiveness, and Management Strength. EBI has also beenawardedthe“BestFinancialTrainingServiceCompany” by International Finance at the 10th Annual International Finance Awards as an acknowledgment of EBI’s corporate excellence & contribution to the development of the human capital of the banking ecosystem in Egypt & Africa through offeringstate-of-the-artqualitytrainingsolutions,inaddition toitscommitmenttorecognizingindustrytalent&leadership skills. EBI continues to develop its training programs to stay abreastwiththetechnologicalandtrainingtrendstosupport the development of human capital in the banking sector in Egypt and in Africa.
Withamandatetodevelopthehumancapitalinthebanking sector, EBI excels in providing state-of-the-art training solutions in line with the latest industry international best practices in areas of banking, management, leadership, information technology, and SMEs. In 2015, EBI expanded its offerings by launching a diversified portfolio of Assessment services and partnering with leading international providers, with a goal of availing various assessment tools for the purpose of recruitment, promotion, or development. EBI also provides a wide range of diversified activities and services to disseminate knowledge and raise awareness on the latest industry trends.
EBI takes pride in its continuous efforts to amplify its activities across the African continent with a goal to support the African banking sector human capital development. Under the auspices of the Central Bank of Egypt, EBI provided its training services in 44 countries with more than 4000 African traineesandtakesprideinitspartnershipwithleadingAfrican banking institutes to enhance knowledge sharing across the continent.

As a community responsible institution, EBI’s CSR activities evolved throughout the years focusing on financial literacy and supporting people with special needs. Shaping the Future initiative was launched in 2012, under the auspices of the Central Bank of Egypt to spread financial awareness and enhance people’s capability to manage their finances, understand and use different financial services and thereby contribute to financial inclusion. In 2020 Basira initiative was launched to facilitate the studying process for visually impaired students. In 2021 EBI launched Etaha initiative to support creating a diversified working environment and act asalinkbetweenpeoplewithspecialneedssearchingforjob opportunities and the banking sector.