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Carnegie Sustainability Award
Since 2019 Carnegie has awarded companies for their sustainability work with the purpose of shining a light on sustainability metrics that create shareholder value and presenting good examples to inspire companies and investors.
“Companies with ESG integrated into their business models and with ambitious sustainability targets continue to capture investor interest. Several new regulations aiming for market transparency will impact investor decisions even more in the future and make companies like the winners of the 2023 award attractive investments,” says Lena Österberg, Head of Sustainability Strategy & Advisory.
“The winners of the 2023 award; Novo Nordisk, AF Gruppen and Kempower are good examples of companies that are not only successful in integrating sustainability in their business model, but they have also shown a high ambition to make a positive impact and reduce their environmental footprint,” Österberg continues.
Read more about the award https://www.carnegie.se/nyheter/novonordisk-af-gruppen-and-kempower-winner-ofcarnegie-sustainabilityaward-2023-2/