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NordeaAsset &Wealth Management:
Nordea is the largest financial services group in the Nordic region with extensive expertise based on 200 years in the bankingbusiness.TheAsset&WealthManagementbusiness area provides financial advice to high net worth individuals andcorporateandinstitutionalinvestors.Theextensiverange of savings products and services is offered through internal and partners’ distribution channels. The business area has branches and offices in 17 countries around the world, with some country offices also covering additional markets.

A Clear Focus For The Private Banking Business
In2022NordeaPrivateBankingmaintaineditspositionasthe largestprivatebankintheNordics.Continuedstrongbusiness momentum – in particular high levels of customer activity and acquisition – led to the second-highest ever net flows (EUR 4.6bn), despite a year dominated by macroeconomic uncertainty. The franchise remained strong and resilient across the four markets, and Nordea continued to support its customers with high-quality investment advice amid challenging market conditions.
The Private Banking business at Nordea has a clear focus: entrepreneurs and new wealth. Entrepreneurs are the foundation for wealth and growth in the Nordics and are thus an important wealth customer segment. Close collaboration across the business areas within Nordea ensures the best possible service for entrepreneurs and business owners and that their specific needs are addressed. By using the entire network of investors, brokers as well as legal and tax professionals, Nordea advises corporate customers on the aspects to consider when structuring a company. To strengthen the value proposition for ultra-high net worth individuals and meet increasing demand for high-quality advice,productsandsolutions,aNordicfamilyofficeoffering has been launched. The value proposition covers five main areas: partnership, wealth advice, investment solutions, governanceandeasyliving.Nordeaalsopreparescustomers aged 18-35 for their future wealth with a Next Generation service.
The essence is to help customers manage their portfolios in a way that ensures good risk-adjusted returns and to offer diversified portfolios. Nordea advises customers on their current and future finances and investments and provides wealth planning as well as everyday banking services.
Following years of extensive work by Nordea on its product strategy, customers now have access to world-class investment products through Nordea Asset Management and selected third-party providers. Customers can also take advantage of strategic and tactical asset allocation advice through a large universe of model portfolios, all tailored to customer needs independently of portfolio complexity, sustainability preference or risk tolerance.
Over the past decade, customers have benefited greatly from Nordea’s alternative product range, which includes hedge funds and illiquid private assets managed by Nordea Asset Management and preferred partners.

Nordea’s structured process, based on each customer’s unique needs and expectations, provides the greatest added value for customers, for example through our award winning discretionary solutions. To help customers achieve good riskadjusted returns on a well-balanced portfolio using stateof-the-art tools, Nordea creates a strategy for the individual customer’sentirebalancesheetandconstantlyillustratesthe expected risk and the expected return.
Responsible Investments
Having sustainability at the core is part of Nordea’s strategy and is reflected in its ambitious sustainability targets to reduce carbon emissions by 40-50% across investments and financing by 2030. It is also reflected in Nordea’s products as well as its advisory model (where sustainability has been integrated since 2019). In 2022 Nordea enhanced its advisory model to meet new regulatory requirements and increased transparency by integrating sustainability and sustainabilityrelated product information in its advisory tools and documentation.

Nordeahasabroadsustainability-linked/focusedinvestment offering that caters to different customer risk profiles and sustainability preferences. Nordea’s solutions also meet customers’ preferences regarding how much they wish to be involved in their investment decisions. For example, they can build their own tailored fund portfolios or opt for discretionary solutions. Nordea has partnered up with external ESG data providers to monitor the offering and increase the range of services.
Nordeapursuesanactiveengagementmodel,wheretheaim isfor80%ofthetop200emitterstoeitherbe“Parisaligned”or subject to active engagement to be aligned by 2025.
Nordea Private Banking Finland is the leading private bank in Finland, with a market share of approximately 36%. Nordea Private Banking Norwaymaintaineditsstronggrowthtrajectoryandsecuredtheleading market position in Norway for the first time, with a market share of 25%. In 2022 Nordea Private Banking Sweden delivered a solid business performance and grew its total market share from 13% to 15%, the only universal bank to grow its market share in 2022. Nordea Private Banking Denmark continued to deliver solid results despite challenging market conditions.