“There’s something one should expect not only of a watch but also of oneself: to never stand still.” Company founder Walter Lange’s aspirational guiding principle still characterises the craftsmanship of A. Lange & Söhne across all areas of the manufacture. In their state-of-the-art workshops in Glashütte, the highly skilled watchmakers and 昀椀nishers strive passionately to perfect every watch down to the very last detail. In doing so, they pursue a single goal: to build timepieces that belong to the pinnacle of international watchmaking artistry.
During the division of Germany, there was one man who never gave up his dream of making the 昀椀nest timepieces under the name A. Lange & Söhne again: Walter Lange, the great-grandson of Ferdinand Adolph Lange, who brought 昀椀ne watchmaking to the former mining town Glashütte in 1845. Immediately after German reuni昀椀cation, Walter Lange resumed the family tradition with a clear vision, that each new Lange watch must set new standards while matching the craftsmanship of the prestigious pocket watches the brand had once been famous for. The breakthrough came with the 昀椀rst collection and the LANGE 1, a successful combination of tradition and innovation that to this day epitomises Lange’s art of watchmaking.
At A. Lange & Söhne, product developers and watchmakers work hand in hand to harmonise precision and aesthetics in the best possible way. Each of the 73 different watch movements created since 1990 is developed in-house, whilst every component is decorated with its own speci昀椀c type of 昀椀nissage, whether or not it is visible through the sapphire-crystal caseback. A special type of 昀椀nish is reserved for the balance cock, which is engraved with the Lange-style 昀氀oral pattern that makes each Lange watch unique. Each movement is assembled twice by hand to ensure highest precision.
A. Lange & Söhne is creating extraordinary mechanical masterpieces, encouraging the passion from every single employee, and making their working environment the very best it can be. Perfection, simplicity, community spirit and combining innovative spirit with the preservation of tradition are highly valued in the company.
The theme for this year’s World Economic Forum Annual Meeting is ‘Collaboration for the Intelligent Age’. This seems 昀椀tting, as debates on how, or indeed even if, we should include arti昀椀cial intelligence in our daily lives. How can the public and private sectors invest in human capital development and good jobs that contribute to the development of a modern and resilient society?
To that end, in this edition of International Investor, Bugatti presents its 昀椀rst-ever hybrid vehicle, PASHA Bank explains its role in Azerbaijan’s sustainable economic transformation and we ask if bitcoin is back. ATFX Africa explores impact beyond 昀椀nancial markets, engaging in social responsibility initiatives that creates lasting value in local communities while SpaceVIP invites you to consider the possibilities of living luxuriously among the stars.
Whether it’s helping people or the planet, there’s a lot of potential for the technologies of this Intelligent Age to inspire us all.
Happy reading, Sophie
10 Navigating the Complexity of Business Development
At the heart of Intercorp Group’s success is Leonardo Braune, a veteran tax consultant.
14 Collaboration for the Intelligent Age
The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting will bring together world leaders to tackle global issues.
18 Bugatti Tourbillon: the inaugural hybrid vehicle of its modern era to the world
This is the most technologically advanced Bugatti ever made.
26 Investing in Net Zero by 2050
What are the key developments around the world for countries taking on the challenge of reaching net zero?
20 Women and investing around the world
What progress was made to get women investing in 2024?
30 How Traders Built the Broker of Their Dreams
The vision for XPBEE came from years of experience navigating various trading platforms.
16 ATFX Connect Strengthens Presence in Australia
The opening of its new Sydney of昀椀ce, underscore its commitment to growth.
The Future of Sri Lanka’s Capital Markets
How First Capital went from hidden gem to investment hub.
32 Embracing diversi昀椀cation with the Seventy Ninth Group
What does it take to become the fastest growing asset management company in the UK?
ATFX Africa Honored as Africa’s Best and Most Trusted Broker
The company has established itself as a prominent force in online trading, earning recognition for its commitment to innovation, transparency, and client satisfaction.
44 PASHA Bank’s role in Azerbaijan’s economic growth
The private-sector leader has been instrumental in Azerbaijan’s diversi昀椀cation journey.
The Lotus Theory: a new design manifesto
This manifesto is underpinned by three core principles – Digital, Natural, and Analogue (DNA).
42 A rum with a legacy of luxury
For 135 years, Flor de Caña has been crafting some of the world’s 昀椀nest rums.
Luxury among the stars
SpaceVIP has been dedicated to educating the public about the vital role of space and space technology in improving life on Earth
Swisscom: consistent pursuit of climate goal
For more than 25 years, Switzerland’s leading ICT company has been improving sustainability throughout its supply chain.
54 A Leading Force in Saudi Arabia’s Commercial Real Estate Sector
Alandalus Property has become a key player in Saudi Arabia’s dynamic real estate landscape.
50 Your Trusted Partner in Wealth Management
Banco Invest is a trusted leader in the 昀椀eld of wealth management, known for its expertise and strategic approach.
Is bitcoin back?
Taking a look at the Cryptocurrency’s Resurgence and Future in 2025.
Value for money in real time
At WPS Advisory, the focus is on the theme of Quicker – Easier – Better.
62 Balancing Tradition with Innovation Produces Excellence
‘AcrossGen’ (Across Generations) is Cornèr Bank’s new approach to managing clients’ portfolios.
International Investor Awards Winners
Amongst our award winners there are some exceptional banks, businesses and leaders and we want to recognise their roles and achievements.
Inrecentyears,thegrowingnumberoffamiliesandhighnetworthentrepreneurslookingtoexploreinternationalbusiness orshifttoothercountriesarefacingaplethoraofchallenges. Despite the allure of better economic opportunities and politicalstability,navigatingtheintricaciesofforeignmarkets can be a daunting task. These individuals face a range of concerns,frominvestmentrestructuringandassetprotection to legal compliance and regulatory frameworks, that require expert guidance.
Investment restructuring is a critical aspect of business that demands sophisticated strategies and a deep understanding of the legal and regulatory frameworks of foreign markets. Navigating complex tax implications and minimizing risk while maximising returns is a complex task thatrequiresmeticulousattentiontodetail.Legalconsultants with experience in cross-border investments can provide the necessary guidance to ensure that these individuals can successfully navigate the maze of international investment markets.
Effective asset protection is another vital concern for people exploring international business or shifting to other countries. The need to protect assets from potential threats such as lawsuits, creditors, and political instability is paramount. Consultants with a thorough knowledge of local laws and regulations can help these individuals implement effective asset protection strategies that not only protect their wealth but also ensure compliance with legal and regulatory frameworks.
Intercorp Group is an international consulting 昀椀rm that is dedicated to helping individuals navigate the complexities of international business, tax, 昀椀nancial management, and investment markets. With their expert guidance and deep understanding of laws, regulations, and markets, the companyisonamissiontoprovideimpeccableservicesthat solve the challenges faced by these individuals, including investment restructuring, asset protection, legal compliance, and various other 昀椀nancial and legal aspects of a business.
Intercorp Group is a highly esteemed international tax consulting boutique, led by the visionary Leonardo Braune, with its headquarters based in the vibrant city of London. The 昀椀rm’s exceptional specialisation in diverse areas such as international tax, real estate planning, wealth preservation, 昀椀duciary advice, and project management has earned it a niche for itself in the market. The 昀椀rm caters to high-networth entrepreneurs and their families globally, providing bespoke solutions that are tailor-made to meet their needs.
Thecompany’suniquebusinessmodelleveragesitsextensive network of global strategic partners, which it has carefully built over several years. The network comprises hundreds of quality-assured, vetted, and specialised partners, enabling the 昀椀rm to offer clients unparalleled access to experts in any given 昀椀eld while maintaining its independence. The team of highly skilled consultants at the corporation works with clients on a long-term basis to solve complex issues, providing them with customised solutions that meet their unique requirements.
At the heart of Intercorp Group’s success is Leonardo Braune, a veteran tax consultant with close to three decades of experience in the industry. Braune’s expertise covers international tax, real estate planning, wealth preservation, 昀椀duciary advice, implementation, and project management. Hisleadershiphastransformedthe昀椀rmintoatrustedpartner forhigh-net-worthfamiliesworldwide,deliveringcustomised solutions for tax, estate planning, and 昀椀duciary structures.
The organisation’s commitment to delivering value to its clients is evident in its approach, which is centered on building long-term relationships with them. The 昀椀rm’s consultants work closely with clients, gaining a deep understanding of their unique circumstances and goals, and thendesigningsolutionsthataretailoredtomeettheirneeds. This personalised approach has earned Intercorp Group a reputation for excellence in the industry, making it the go-to 昀椀rm for high-net-worth families worldwide.
Intercorp Group is a distinguished consulting 昀椀rm that caters to the intricate and unique 昀椀nancial portfolios of Ultra-HighNet-Worth (UHNW) families. The 昀椀rm’s services cover an extensive range of areas such as global relocation, postIPO strategic planning, international investment structuring, protection of family businesses abroad, asset protection, corporaterestructuring,realestateinvestment,andadapting to structural change.
Thecompany’sglobalrelocationserviceisapopularoffering of the 昀椀rm. Their expert consultants provide comprehensive and customised solutions to the challenges of relocating internationally.Theycatertotheuniquerequirementsofeach family, including language barriers, cultural differences, and legal requirements. The Group’s global network of partners ensures that its clients receive the highest level of support, regardlessoftheirdestination.Thisservicenotonlyensuresa smooth transition but also enables families to focus on other crucial aspects of their lives.
The organisation’s post-IPO strategic planning service is another area where the 昀椀rm excels. The 昀椀rm’s consultants understand the importance of astute decision-making in ensuring the success of an IPO. Their experts offer tailored solutions that maximise shareholder value, manage shareholder relations, and streamline the post-IPO process. Intercorp Group’s experienced consultants provide comprehensive advice that takes into account the speci昀椀c needs of each family, ensuring a smooth transition postIPO. This service ensures that families can capitalise on their investment while navigating the complexities of the post-IPO process.
The company’s international investment structuring service is designed to help clients diversify their investments in other countries while mitigating associated tax obligations. The 昀椀rm’sconsultantspossessin-depthknowledgeofthevarious investment vehicles and structures available, and they analysethedomicileanddestinationjurisdictionstominimise tax liabilities for their clients. Its experts provide tailored solutions that cater to the unique needs of each family. This serviceenablesfamiliestomaximisetheirinvestmentreturns while minimising their tax liabilities, ensuring their 昀椀nancial portfolios receive the highest level of support.
IntercorpGroupisanexceptionalconsultancy昀椀rmthatoffers advisory and consulting services that are unparalleled in the industry. The 昀椀rm’s distinctive approach is personalized and tailored to meet its clients’ complex and multidisciplinary international needs. Their services offer access to a global network of professionals and specialists, allowing them to provide the most ef昀椀cient approach to ful昀椀ll their client’s wishes.
The cornerstone of Intercorp Group’s services is their team of quali昀椀ed coordinators, who act as the client’s representative throughout the entire advisory and consulting process. The coordinators have access to an international network of professionals and specialists in many areas and are responsible for “playing the role of the client.” As a result, theyarecapableofclarifyingqueriesandprovidingpractical solutions to their client’s issues. Their approach guarantees
that clients receive the best advice and solutions to their problems, making them feel con昀椀dent and comfortable that their matters are being handled correctly and ef昀椀ciently. The Group’s commitment to creativity, technicality, quality, and reliability are its core strengths. They understand that strategic decisions are made at the right time rather than at the earliest opportunity. As a result, they promise to assume responsibility for their client’s best interests as if they were their own. Trust and respect between the client and the 昀椀rm are essential to yield the best results.
Intercorp Group, a trailblazing company in the realm of international tax and wealth management, boasts an impressive track record of success. With over 300 families relocated with ease, 80 private investment funds expertly managed, and 200 private family trusts secured, the company’s exceptional services have earned them a prominent place in the industry. Their outstanding achievements have not gone unnoticed, with a slew of accolades under their belt. These include Leading Taxation and Wealth Planning Consultancy (UK) in the year 2021 by AI Global Media, Succession Planning Advisory Firm of The Year (BR) in 2022 by Game Changers, International Tax Advisory Firm Of The Year 2023 by International Investor Magazine, The Advisory of the Year-Brazil 2017 by Chase Publishing, Consulting Firm of the Year by Deal Makers Monthly, International Tax Firm of the Year by InterContinental Finance & Law, and International Investment Structuring Excellence by Corporate Livewire. As a company, Intercorp is dedicated to staying ahead of the curve, constantly expanding its expertise, and adapting to changing regulatory frameworks. With a proven track record of success and a commitment to excellence, Intercorp Group is the trusted partner that clients can rely on for all their international tax and wealth management needs.
“Intercorp Group is an international consulting firm that serves high-net-worth entrepreneurs and their families. They pride themselves on finding professional solutions to often very personal issues, from migration and succession planning, through to finding the right property and a good school”.
The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2025, taking place in Davos-Klosters from 20 to 24 January, convenes global leaders under the theme, Collaboration for the Intelligent Age. The meeting will focus on five key areas:
• Reimagining Growth - Reviving and reimagining growth is critical to building stronger and more resilient economies. How can we identify the new sources of growth in this new global economy?
• Industries in the Intelligent Age - Industries have had to adapt their business strategies to account for major geoeconomic and technological shifts. How can business leaders strike a balance between the short-term goals and long-term imperatives in the transformation of their industries?
• Investing in People - Geoeconomic changes, the green transition and technological advancements are impacting everything from employment, skills and wealth distribution to healthcare, education and public services. How can the public and private sectors invest in human capital development and good jobs that contribute to the development of a modern and resilient society?
• Safeguarding the Planet - Innovative partnerships and dialogue that enable investments and the deployment of climate and clean technologies will be critical to make progress on global climate and nature goals, as well as to address the energy triangle of achieving equitable,
secure and sustainable energy systems. How can we catalyse energy, climate and nature action through innovative partnerships, increased 昀椀nancing and the deployment of frontier technologies?
• Rebuilding Trust - In an increasingly complex and fast-moving world, societal divides have deepened, geopolitics is multipolar, and policy is shifting towards protectionism, hampering both trade and investment. How can stakeholders 昀椀nd new ways to collaborate on solutions both internationally and within societies?
The meeting is accessible for the wider public through livestreaming of the public sessions, complemented by the presence of media leaders and reporting press, and through local engagement at the Open Forum in Davos.
The Forum’s purpose-driven extended reality (XR) platform, the Global Collaboration Village, will also bring together diverse global stakeholders in immersive, real-time environments to accelerate, enhance, and scale up progress on the key themes of the meeting.
ATFX Connect, the institutional arm of leading global broker ATFX, has made signi昀椀cant strides in expanding its presence in Australia. With the opening of its new of昀椀ce and participation in the FMPS 2024 (Financial Markets Paci昀椀c Summit), ATFX Connect is strengthening its foothold in the Australian 昀椀nancial market, underscoring its commitment to providing cutting-edge trading solutions to institutional clients.
Known for its advanced technology and bespoke liquidity solutions, ATFX Connect provides access to tier 1 bank and nonbank liquidity, competitive spreads, and low latency, making it an attractive choice for 昀椀nancial institutions, hedge funds, and highnet-worth individuals.
In August 2024, ATFX Connect participated in the Finance Magnates Paci昀椀c Summit (FMPS) held in Sydney, Australia. This prestigious event is renowned for gathering the leading minds in the 昀椀nancial services sector, focusing on critical areas such as online trading, payments, 昀椀ntech, and cryptocurrency. The summit offered ATFX Connect an excellent platform to showcase its innovative solutions, engage with industry leaders, and discuss emerging trends and opportunities in the 昀椀nancial markets. The participation in FMPS 2024 was a notable success, further solidifying ATFX Connect’s reputation in the Asia-Paci昀椀c region.
Adding to its achievements, ATFX Connect recently opened a new of昀椀ce in Sydney, marking a signi昀椀cant milestone in its expansion strategy. The new of昀椀ce underscores ATFX Connect’s commitment to providing exceptional service and support to its clients in Australia. The opening of this of昀椀ce not only enhances ATFX Connect’s presenceintheregionbutalsodemonstrates itsdedicationtofosteringcloserrelationships with its clients and partners. This strategic move is set to strengthen ATFX Connect’s position as a leading institutional platform, offering unparalleled services and solutions to its clients.
In conclusion, ATFX Connect’s strategic initiatives in Australia, including its active participation in FMPS 2024 and the opening of its new Sydney of昀椀ce, underscore its commitment to growth and excellence in the 昀椀nancial services industry. These efforts are set to enhance its standing as a leading institutional platform, providing top-tier services and solutions to its clients. As ATFX Connect continues to expand its footprint in the Asia-Paci昀椀c region, it remains dedicated todeliveringinnovativeandreliable昀椀nancial services that meet the evolving needs of its clients.
In June 2024, BUGATTI revealed the 昀椀rst ever hybrid vehicle of itsmoderneratotheworld:theBugattiTourbillon.Combining the timeless wonderment of an all-new V16 engine with the instant power and 昀氀exibility of the electric motor, the Tourbillon is the most technologically advanced Bugatti ever made. Drawing on Ettore Bugatti’s spirit of innovation in designing electrically powered vehicles for his personal use, the shift to an electri昀椀ed powertrain marks a new chapter in the company’s history of innovation and responsibility.
Founded by Ettore Bugatti in 1909 in Molsheim, France, the company has always maintained a deep connection to its surroundings. In fact, Ettore himself established a forest in Alsace more than 110 years ago – a haven for nature that continues to 昀氀ourish. At the company’s headquarters, a four-hectare forest area by the Château serves as home to a thriving herd of fallow deer, embodying the harmony between luxury manufacturing and nature conservation. This admiration for the in昀氀uential power of nature has been wovenintothefabricofthecompany,fromitsearliestdaysof crafting automotive masterpieces like the Type 35 and Type 57 SC Atlantic, through to the modern era of the Veyron and Chiron.
Since 2020, Bugatti has utilized 100% green biogas and electricity for production at its Molsheim headquarters, reducing emissions at every stage of production. And while a Bugatti covers an average of approximately a thousand kilometersperyear,thecompany’smeasurestocompensate for emissions go further than both production and the vehicle itself: the company has been planting over 13,600 trees in recent years near their Molsheim facility, creating new forest ecosystems that will capture carbon emissions for generations to come. These trees will be maintained for 150 years before being replaced with new shoots, ensuring a continuous cycle of environmental stewardship for future generations.
beyond environmental awareness. Fostering and nurturing relationships with local people within its birth-region, Alsace, has always been close to the hearts of the Bugatti family working in Molsheim. Support is at the center-stage of the community spirit – a belief guiding Bugatti in developing strong ties with local charities, including Semeurs d’Étoiles, which supports hospitalised children and their families at the Strasbourg hospital.
It is through partnerships like these that Bugatti can help in contributing to those in need – from donations to facilitating dream-come-true passenger-rides and experiences at Bugatti’s headquarters for in昀椀rm children. During the 2023 holiday season, with special gifts Bugatti had the opportunity tobringjoytoyoungpatients,whiledeliveringelectricBugatti models for children unable to leave their hospital rooms.
The spirit of giving to the community pervades through the Bugatti family, with employees having the opportunity to embrace these values themselves. Contributing their efforts to help combat food insecurity, Bugatti employees and the companyhaveforgedameaningfulpartnershipwithBanque Alimentaire du Bas-Rhin. Building on the power of teamwork, arecentdonationtothefoodbankenabledthedistributionof more than 30,000 meals to those in need through 120 partner associations in the region.
“Sustainable, responsible production is at the forefront of our long-term vision,” says Christophe Piochon, President of Bugatti. “While we continue to create the world’s most extraordinary cars, we remain deeply committed to reducing our environmental impact and supporting our local communities.”
Thisbalanceofexcellenceincraftandresponsibilityinaction showcases how even the most exclusive luxury brands can lead the way in environmental and social governance, proving that performance and sustainability can coexist at the highest levels of automotive achievement.
Recent昀椀ndingsfromFidelity’s2024Women&InvestingStudy highlight a signi昀椀cant increase in the number of American women engaging in investment activities. According to the study, the percentage of women who own investments has grown by nearly 20% compared to 2023. This surge in participationisparticularlynotableamongoldergenerations, with the percentage of Gen X and Boomer women investing in the stock market increasing by 18% and 23%, respectively. Despite this progress, there are still underlying challenges related to con昀椀dence and 昀椀nancial empowerment.
Younger women, particularly those in Gen Z, continue to lead thechargeinincreasingtheirinvestmentportfolios.However, the most striking year-over-year growth has occurred among older women. Gen X women, typically aged between 43 and 58, and Boomer women, aged 59 and above, have signi昀椀cantly increased their stock market participation in 2024, signaling a broadening of investment involvement across generations.
Onekeyfactorbehindthisgrowthistheincreasingavailability of resources and information. According to the study, social media remains a prominent source of investment ideas for many women (46%). However, the younger Gen Z demographic shows a clear preference for more personal and trusted guidance. 52% of Gen Z women turn to family and friends, while 47% rely on their own research to inform their investment decisions. Only 11% of Gen Z women consider social media to be their most trustworthy source of investmentguidance,furtherdemonstratingtheirpreference for learning from more personal, real-world sources. This focus on research aligns with how Gen Z women view themselves—as “researchers” who want to fully understand whattheyownandbuildtheirinvestmentknowledgethrough multiple resources.
Interestingly,despitetheirinclinationtoconductindependent research, 89% of Gen Z women have sought, or plan to seek, help from 昀椀nancial professionals. This indicates a balance between their desire for self-empowerment and recognition of the value that 昀椀nancial experts bring to wealth management.
While the increase in the number of women investors is a positive trend, Fidelity’s research suggests a continuing con昀椀dence gap when it comes to managing personal 昀椀nances and making investment decisions. The study found thatwomenarenearlytwiceaslikelyasmentodescribetheir level of investing knowledge as “non-existent.” Furthermore, women tend to feel more overwhelmed and intimidated by investing and 昀椀nancial management than their male counterparts.
Despite the growing number of women taking control of their 昀椀nances, this gap in con昀椀dence may prevent many from fully realising their 昀椀nancial potential. The research suggests that many women still feel uncertain about navigating the complexities of the 昀椀nancial world, which may lead to hesitations in making investments or building wealth. As women continue to gain access to investment tools, education,andresources,tacklingthiscon昀椀dencegapwillbe crucialforempoweringthemtomakeinformedandassertive 昀椀nancial decisions.
While women in the United States are making strides in investing, other parts of the world are also witnessing a shift
in women’s involvement in managing 昀椀nances. In India, for example, women have become increasingly active in managing their 昀椀nancial portfolios. According to a March 2024reportbytheAssociationofMutualFundsinIndia(AMFI), the share of industry assets owned by women investors has grown signi昀椀cantly, from 15% in March 2017 to nearly 21% by December 2023.
Thisgrowthre昀氀ectsbroadertrendsinwomen’sempowerment acrossIndia,wherewomenarenotonlytakingonmoreactive roles in 昀椀nancial management but also gaining greater 昀椀nancial independence and decision-making power. This shift is seen in both urban and rural areas, as more women understand the importance of managing their 昀椀nances, securing investments, and planning for long-term wealth.
In Europe, the investment habits of women show a more nuanced picture. According to a report by N26, European women invest 29% less of their monthly income on average than men. This disparity could be attributed to a number of factors, including wage inequality, societal expectations, and a lower level of investment education. Women, particularly in countries with strong gender income gaps, may have less disposable income to invest, which can limit their ability to accumulate wealth through investments.
This trend underscores the need for more targeted 昀椀nancial education and access to investment tools that help women maximise their investment potential, regardless of their income levels. Financial institutions and governments can play a key role by addressing the systemic barriers that prevent women from investing and building wealth at the same rates as men.
As women continue to take control of their 昀椀nances across the globe, social, economic, and institutional support will be essential to ensuring they are equipped with the tools to thrive in an increasingly complex 昀椀nancial landscape. With the right support and encouragement, women can continue to close the investment gap and take their place as equal participants in wealth creation on a global scale.
First Capital Holdings PLC has established itself as a prominent player in the 昀椀nancial services sector, with a legacy that spans over four decades. Being a pioneering investment institution and a leading institution in non-bank primary dealing appointed by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, thecompanyaimstoserveasacatalystforgrowthincapital markets. With a “Performance-First” ethos, First Capital envisions to improving the lives of all Sri Lankans through innovative 昀椀nancial solutions. Featuring a diverse portfolio that includes investment banking, asset management and capital markets, the company plays a pivotal role in driving economic growth and supporting businesses across various industries. First Capital has garnered signi昀椀cant recognition within the industry, including the prestigious title of Most Valuable Consumer Brand in the Investment Banking Sector awarded by Brand Finance. The organisation also received the Gold Award for its Annual Report in the Investment Banking Sector at the Chartered Accountants Sri Lanka TAGS Awards. Additionally, First Capital has achieved two Silver Awards at the CFA Society Sri Lanka Capital Market Awards, honouring its 昀氀agship Unit Trust Fund and outstanding Equity Research efforts. These accolades re昀氀ect First Capital’s commitment to excellence and innovation in the investment banking landscape.
International Investor Magazine recently sat down with Dilshan Wirasekara, Managing Director and CEO of First Capital Holdings PLC. Dilshan was recently honoured with the “Financial CEO of the Year Sri Lanka 2024” award, while First Capital Holdings secured the title of “Best Comprehensive Investment Firm Sri Lanka 2024.”
Dilshan has over 28 years of extensive experience in 昀椀nancial services, and since joining First Capital in 2013, he has guided the company to become a major player in Sri Lanka’s capital markets. He has overseen the expansion of its services to include government securities, stock broking, unit trusts, wealth management, debt structuring, and corporate 昀椀nance advisory, all supported by a robust research division. His leadership has also been central to several large-scale debtstructuringtransactionsandstrategicpartnershipswith global institutions. An alumnus of INSEAD Business School, France,andAOTS,Tokyo,Japan,DilshanisalsotheChairman of the Colombo Stock Exchange. DiscussingthepotentialofSriLanka’scapitalmarkets,Dilshan offers valuable insights into the opportunities that lie ahead.
“Sri Lanka’s capital markets are an undervalued treasure chest, with untapped potential. Currently, the market trades at a price-to-earnings (PE) ratio of 8.0 and a price-to-book (PBV) ratio of 0.90, both of which are significantly below historical highs of 17 times PE and 1.5 times PBV. This presents a prime opportunity for investors to tap into its immense growth potential. The Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) is on the cusp of a significant upswing in 2024, buoyed by a broader economic revival in Sri Lanka. The numbers tell the story - With the All Share Price Index (ASPI) up 11% and the S&P SL20 index rising 13% as at 3Q2024, investor enthusiasm is palpable. Daily turnover has skyrocketed from LKR 715 million in January to LKR 1.7 billion by September, indicating heightened investor engagement.
Sri Lanka’s external debt restructuring nearing completion and the anticipated removal of its default status, alongside a robust 5.3% GDP growth in early 2024, the stage is set for a surge in foreign investment.
Sri Lanka’s financial landscape is undergoing a dramatic turnaround as previously sky-high fixed income yields— exceeding 20%—start to taper off. With the Central Bank of Sri Lanka cutting policy rates and the Average Weighted Prime Lending Rate (AWPLR) approaching 9.0%, equities are making a strong comeback while the bond markets giving you trading opportunities. “
“As of 2024, and looking forward, favourable conditions promise improved valuations and appealing equity multiples, while rising IPO interest and innovative financial instruments like sustainable bonds, infrastructure bonds and Sukuks offer diverse fundraising opportunities. The CSE is set to shine with its versatile listing boards—Main Board, Diri Savi Board, and Empower Board—plus exciting additions like the Multi Currency Board for foreign listings. New equity products,
such as stock borrowing and lending, will enhance market liquidity and investor flexibility.
The Sri Lankan bond market has seen a rollercoaster ride in recent years, with investors navigating through periods of both opportunity and uncertainty. While the local bond market and corporate debt market have historically offered attractive yields and diversification benefits, several factors have influenced investor sentiment and market dynamics.
One of the most significant challenges faced by investors was the fear of a local debt restructuring. This refers to the government’s potential actions to restructure or reduce its debt burden, which can have a profound impact on bond prices and interest rates. The anticipation of such a move pushed yields to a level beyond 20%, making investors hesitant to invest in government securities.
However, a turning point came when the government announced a limited local debt restructuring plan that would only affect provident funds. This announcement provided much-needed clarity and eased investor concerns, leading to a sharp decline in interest rates.
Within a short period, rates dropped from a high of 30% to 12.00%, creating a favourable environment for investors to reap higher returns.
First Capital advised clients to invest and take advantage of the high interest rate offered by government securities. We also analysed the impact of the local debt restructuring precisely through our in-house research arm, enabled our organisation and our valuable clients to investment in government securities to achieve a higher return. Being the pioneers in raising funds though government securities to support the government of Sri Lanka. Our foresight in interest rate movement helps us to advise our clients in raising as well as investing in fixed income securities.
The outlook remains positive for both government securities and corporate debt market as all economic indicators are signalling towards a strong growth trajectory. The governments commitment to remain in the IMF programme and the positive signs of concluding the external debt restructuring process will enable Sri Lanka
to improve its current credit ratings from the ‘Restricted Default’ (RD) status. This will boost foreign investor confidence, and we believe that foreign investor interest in Sri Lanka will improve. “
“By 2025, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) plans to roll out a cutting-edge market surveillance system in partnership with Nasdaq, designed to detect trading anomalies and ensure fairness. In a nod to global sustainable finance trends, the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) is developing a framework for carbon credit derivatives and launching an ESG index, positioning Sri Lanka as a key player in the ESG investment arena.
Recent amendment to CSE listing rules and the updated SEC Act are tightening investor protections, curbing insider trading, and ensuring transparency. The introduction of an independent Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) will also ensure that investor concerns are addressed fairly.
Sri Lanka’s capital markets are undergoing significant transformations. New regulations, technologies, and infrastructure upgrades are improving market surveillance, promoting sustainability, and introducing innovative financial products. These advancements aim to attract investors, reduce risks, and enhance market efficiency. While challenges persist, the overall outlook for Sri Lanka’s capital markets is positive. “
First Capital, as a leading innovator in Sri Lanka’s capital markets,excelsinprovidingexpertguidancetoinvestors.The teamisdedicatedtohelpingclientsnavigatethecomplexities of the market, leveraging deep insights to maximize returns while implementing robust risk management strategies. With a wealth of experience that spans more than forty two years, First Capital understands the unique dynamics of the Sri Lankan capital market and offers clients tailor-made investment solutions that align with their 昀椀nancial goals and risk tolerance. With First Capital, investors can navigate the market with con昀椀dence, assured that they have a trusted partner dedicated to their success.
As the recent wildfires in California have shown, climate change is an ever-pressing global challenge, an increasing number of countries are committing to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. This ambitious goal—where the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere is balanced by the amount removed—has gained significant traction in international climate policy. As we look ahead to the rest of 2025, what are the key developments around the world for countries taking on the challenge of reaching net zero?
Achieving net zero emissions by 2050 involves drastically reducing the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. This reduction can be achieved through energy transitions, industrial decarbonization, shifting to renewable energy, and enhancing carbon removal methods, such as afforestation or carbon capture technologies.
The “net” part of “net zero” refers to balancing emissions with the removal or offsetting ofanequivalentamountofgreenhousegases,whichmeansthatwhilesomeemissions may still occur, their environmental impact is neutralised.
The European Union (EU) has set one of the most ambitious frameworks for achieving net zero emissions by 2050. The European Green Deal, unveiled in 2019, lays out a roadmap for transforming the EU’s economy and society to achieve carbon neutrality. In 2021, the EU Climate Law was passed, legally binding the goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2050, with an intermediate target of reducing emissions by 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels.
In2024,theEuropeanCounciladoptedtheNet-ZeroIndustryAct,aninitiativestemming from the Green Deal Industrial Plan to enhance European manufacturing capacity for net-zero technologies and key components, addressing barriers to scaling up production in Europe.
This Act will attract investments and create better conditions and market access for clean tech in the EU. The aim is that the Union’s overall strategic net-zero technologies manufacturingcapacityapproachesorreachesatleast40% of annual deployment needs by 2030.
TheUnitedKingdom(UK)becamethe昀椀rstmajoreconomyto pass a legally binding net zero emissions target by 2050. In 2019, the UK government introduced the Climate Change Act Amendment, which formally set the target of achieving net zeroby2050.TheUKalsopledgedtoreacha40%reductionin emissions by 2030, and has already made signi昀椀cant strides in sectors such as renewable energy, where wind power has become a key contributor to the nation’s electricity generation.
The raft of comprehensive policies should leverage around £100billionofprivateinvestmentasthegovernmentdevelops new industries and innovative low carbon technologies, and these ambitions will support up to 480,000 jobs in 2030.
In 2021, President Joe Biden’s administration introduced an ambitious goal to reach net zero emissions by 2050. The U.S. ClimateLeadershipplanfocusesoncleanenergyinnovation, reducing emissions from the power sector, and enhancing carbon removal technologies. Although the U.S. does not have a federal law binding the country to net zero by 2050, the Biden administration has worked to restore the country’s commitment to the Paris Agreement and is pushing for signi昀椀cant investments in clean energy and infrastructure.
While several states, such as California, New York, and Washington, have already adopted net zero targets, national progresshasbeenhinderedbypoliticalchallenges.However, recent legislative movements like the In昀氀ation Reduction Act (2022) signal progress toward clean energy adoption, electric vehicle incentives, and the expansion of renewable energy sources.
China,theworld’slargestemitterofgreenhousegases,made a signi昀椀cant commitment in 2020 when President Xi Jinping announced that China would strive to achieve net zero
emissions by 2060—a decade later than many other major economies. Despite this later deadline, China has become a critical player in the global race to tackle climate change. In recent years, China has invested heavily in renewable energy, particularly solar and wind power, and has become the world leader in electric vehicle production. The country’s long-termplans,suchasthe14thFive-YearPlanforEcological and Environmental Protection, set a pathway toward carbon neutrality,evenasChinacontinuestorelyoncoalformuchof its energy consumption.
Australia,knownforitsvastcoalexports,hasfacedsigni昀椀cant debate regarding its commitment to reaching net zero by 2050. However, in 2021, the Australian government committed to this goal at the Glasgow Climate Pact during COP26. Australia’s transition to net zero is underpinned by investments in renewable energy, green hydrogen, and emissions reduction in the industrial sector.
On 28 November 2024, the Australian Parliament passed legislation that will enable the Australian Government to put elements of its A$22.7 billion Future Made in Australia (FMA) agenda into action. The FMA agenda supports Australia’s net zero transformation. It includes a range of measures to encourage investment, including reforming and renewing Australia’s foreign investment framework, innovation grants and government-backed 昀椀nance for transformational projects.
Countries committing to net zero by 2050 are part of a growing global movement that is reshaping the global energy landscape. While progress has been made in some regions, challenges remain in balancing economic growth with environmental responsibility. Key hurdles that remain in 2025 include ensuring a just transition for workers in highemission industries, managing the economic impacts of decarbonisation, and developing technologies that can remove or offset carbon emissions at scale.
In the dynamic world of 昀椀nancial markets, where competition and innovation go hand in hand, the emergence of new brokerage 昀椀rms never goes unnoticed. One such standout is XPBEE, a company founded by a group of seasoned traders determined to create a multifunctional ecosystem tailored to the needs of both novice and professional market participants.
The name XPBEE encapsulates two core ideas: Experience and Unity (Bee). These principles highlight the company’s origins and approach. As traders themselves, the founders infused their passion for trading and their drive to improve market conditions intothecompany’sfoundation.Whatbeganasasmall community of trading enthusiasts aiming to craft a unique solution for active trading has grown into what XPBEE is today.
The vision for their own brokerage arose from years of experience navigating various trading platforms. The founders encountered many of the typical challenges faced daily by traders, including high spreads, slow order execution, a limited range of instruments, and insuf昀椀cient support. These obstacles inspired them to create a company that combines the best industry practices with an intuitive interface.
The development of XPBEE was meticulously planned. Initially, the team brought together specialists with extensiveexpertiseintrading,IT,andriskmanagement, laying a robust foundation for the company. Next came the testing of platforms designed to meet the demands of traders across all levels. This process led to the selection of not just one but two platforms capable of facilitating CFD trading across more than 1,000 instruments. These include currency and
cryptocurrency pairs, gold and silver, energy resources, stock indices, ETFs, and shares of leading companies in the US, Europe, and Asia. Negotiations are currently underway to integrate two additional platforms, which willenableclientstotradeUSfuturesandbuyorsellreal digital assets.
XPBEE offers truly unique conditions. Narrow spreads minimise trading costs, making the market accessible even to beginners. Instant order execution ensures high-speed transactions, crucial for active traders. A wide range of instruments provides opportunities to implement diverse strategies. Additionally, the company actively supports its clients by offering training through a partner educational centre and 24/7 technical assistance.
For XPBEE, the goal is not merely to provide services but to foster a community where traders can share experiences and grow professionally. The company aspires to be a place where every trader, regardless of theirskilllevel,feelspartofalarge,thrivingnetwork.This approach empowers clients to achieve their 昀椀nancial goals, paving the way to stable pro昀椀ts and 昀椀nancial independence.
Transparency and integrity are the cornerstones of XPBEE’s business philosophy. Every process, from registration to fund withdrawal, is streamlined and clear. This fosters an atmosphere of trust, where clients can be con昀椀dent in the safety of their funds and the fairness of operations. Such practices not only bolster the company’s reputation but also promote long-term collaboration with its clients.
The launch of XPBEE exempli昀椀es how a team of professionals, deeply attuned to traders’ needs, successfully created a product that meets the highest industry standards in a remarkably short time. It is for this reason that International Investor Magazine awarded XPBEE the title of Fastest Growing Broker 2024.
Of course, XPBEE is far from resting on its laurels. The company’s future plans include expanding its service offeringsandenteringnewmarkets.Particularemphasis will be placed on developing additional training programmes and enhancing client engagement to ensure that every user can unlock their full potential for professional growth and ultimately achieve complete 昀椀nancial freedom.
by Jake Webster, Managing Director, The Seventy Ninth Group
When my family and I saw an opportunity to move into Asset Management, we didn’t hesitate. With an extensive backgroundinRealEstate,theevolutiontoAssetManagement was a natural progression.
Theopportunityweidenti昀椀edwastogiveinvestorstheunique access we have to acquire assets at a fraction of their value and share the upsides. We’d been doing it ourselves for generations and our existing partners had an appetite to join us, it was a no-brainer.
What makes us different is that we only make a pro昀椀t when our clients make a pro昀椀t. We don’t charge any fees, we consistently deliver fantastic results, and we’ve never had a project default. It’s a partnership in every sense of the word. We put our own money into our acquisitions alongside our clients, we’re in it together.
How we differentiate from competitors is our unique ability to 昀椀nd value combined with the basic principles of buy low, sell high. We’re industry disruptors, grafters, and we love a challenge.
As a family we’ve been in business for decades, things really took off in the eighties when my father Dave Webster got into property,becomingBritain’sbiggestprivatelandlordby2006.
My father went on to establish several other successful business ventures and worked as a consultant, he then founded the Seventy Ninth Group in 2020, with my brother Curtis and I. Utilising our collective skill sets and Dave’s signi昀椀cantexperience,we’veexperiencedremarkablegrowth ever since.
We have continued to grow our property portfolio, branching out from short term lucrative development opportunities. Additionally, we’ve expanded into natural resources, acquiring several junior mining assets in diverse regions like Canada and Guinea.
In the last twelve months we’ve experienced signi昀椀cant growth,havingstartedfromjustahandfulofstafftooverone hundred staff in of昀椀ces globally.
Since the start of 2024, the group has undertaken several major real estate projects, including a £15m development in Loch Ness and a £250m development in Anglesey, with more multimillion-pound initiatives in the pipeline.
Additionally, we’ve launched our own private equity fund, securing£10minpledges,andprovidingauniqueinvestment opportunity on listed exchanges.
The expansion continues, with ambitions to recruit many morepermanentmembersofnewstaffintheUKandglobally, in a variety of positions. We’re also expanding our network of partners with an additional 200 advisors and agents.
2024 was an incredibly exciting year for the group, with the launch of its Disruptor Tour taking place at our annual Dubai Golf event attended by hundreds of high-pro昀椀le existing and prospective clients.
2025 promises to be a landmark for us as we prepare to enter the aviation sector and undertake some of our most signi昀椀cant acquisitions yet. It’s an incredibly exciting time to invest with our team.
In today’s climate of economic uncertainty, the investment landscape can feel daunting. However, amidst these challenges, there are signi昀椀cant opportunities for those who have the expertise and industry knowledge to know where to look.
For experienced investors like us, these conditions represent an opportunity, allowing us to acquire distressed assets with high growth potential. By purchasing these assets, we can helpourclientsbene昀椀tfromportfoliosthatnotonlywithstand market pressures but capitalise and pro昀椀t from them.
Diversi昀椀cation acts as a buffer against market downturns.
While one area of the market may be struggling, other investments may be thriving, providing a defense against volatility. This strategy not only shields against potential losses but positions investors to seize opportunities across a broader range of markets that we can access.
Consider the housing market, for instance. As landlords exit the buy-to-let sector, savvy investors are stepping in. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), property funds, and 昀椀xedincome products are providing opportunities to diversify and reduce risk.
Thekeyisadaptability,seeingpotentialwhereothersseeonly challenges. This is what sets the professionals apart from the amateurs, turning market turbulence into an advantage.
Oneareawhereweareactivelyinvestingisshort-termholiday lettings in the UK. Following the pandemic, domestic holidays have surged in popularity, and we’ve seized the opportunity by acquiring and developing sites across the country. This approach marks a shift from the long-term lettings model, which has become increasingly dif昀椀cult to navigate.
Our strategy is rooted in anticipating market trends and seizing opportunities, a central approach our family has followed for years. By diversifying investments, we’ve not only weathered periods of instability but thrived in them.
Building a resilient portfolio demands a deliberate blend of diverse assets. Fixed-income products ensure stability with reliable returns during uncertain times, while private equity
funds offer growth potential and exclusivity.
But don’t overlook the power of alternative investments, hedge funds, commodities, and venture capital. Each of these offer sophisticated strategies for navigating market complexities.
Our natural resources division has been active in gold, focusing not only on the commodities market but also in gold exploration through strategic acquisitions in Guinea and Canada. As global demand for gold continues to rise, driven by its role in technology and as a safe-haven asset during uncertain times, this investment opportunity provides another avenue for expansion and growth.
The strength of a strategic portfolio lies in its ability to spread risk and adapt to changing market conditions. It’s crucial to understand how different assets perform under varying economic scenarios and global events.
The current market environment requires a sophisticated, multi-faceted investment strategy. While the markets may be unpredictable, your investment approach doesn’t have to be.
Embracing diversi昀椀cation across different asset classes not only safeguards your wealth but also positions you to capitalise on opportunities as they arise. By navigating uncertainty, you can guide yourself toward a future where your investments thrive, not just remain secure.
ATFX Africa has established itself as a prominent force in online trading, earning recognition for its commitment to innovation, transparency, and client satisfaction.
ATFX Africa is committed to expanding its footprint across the continent, providing a seamless trading experience through a cutting-edge platform that offers a wide array of opportunities tailored to clients’ needs. Recently, the companyimplementedacomprehensivestructuralupgrade, enhancingeveryaspectoftheclientjourney—fromsimpli昀椀ed sign-ups to expedited withdrawals. These updates not only improve the user experience but also streamline critical processes that make trading smoother and more ef昀椀cient for every client. These advancements re昀氀ect ATFX Africa’s dedication to leveraging innovative technology, fostering trust, and building long-lasting relationships with valued clients and partners.
At the core of ATFX Africa’s success is its unwavering dedication to integrity, transparency, and service excellence. A highly skilled and committed team provides personalised support, fostering strong relationships and instilling con昀椀dence among its clients. This level of support ensures that clients can trust ATFX Africa to guide them through market complexities and achieve their trading objectives. By prioritising trust and client satisfaction, ATFX Africa has established itself as a reliable and dependable trading partner, enabling traders to achieve their 昀椀nancial goals. This has resulted in a loyal client base and solidi昀椀ed ATFX Africa’s position as a go-to partner for traders seeking both excellence and reliability in the 昀椀nancial markets.
ATFX Africa’s impact extends far beyond 昀椀nancial markets, actively engaging in social responsibility initiatives that createslastingvalueinlocalcommunities. Collaborationwith institutions such as UNISA and the Thabo Mbeki Foundation are prime examples, which focuses on alleviating student debt and support education for future generations. These initiatives demonstrate ATFX Africa’s dedication to making a positive societal impact, in line with its mission to contribute to Africa’s broader economic growth.
Receiving prestigious awards such as Best Broker - Africa and Most Trusted Broker highlights ATFX Africa’s exceptional contributions to the trading industry. These accolades are a testament to the company’s relentless pursuit of excellence and its ability to consistently deliver innovative solutions.
“At ATFX Africa, we are honoured to be recognised with these prestigious awards. As we look ahead to 2025, our commitment to understanding and meeting our clients’ needs remains stronger than ever, fostering enduring
relationships built on trust. Equally, we remain dedicated to uplifting the communities we serve, reflecting our core values of excellence and responsibility.”
- Linton White, Country Head of ATFX Africa.
Looking ahead, ATFX Africa is poised to expand its footprint and rede昀椀ne the trading landscape across Africa. With a steadfast focus on innovation, trust, and community engagement, the company is well-positioned to empower traders while contributing to the continent’s economic growth.
AT Global Markets SA (Pty) Ltd is an authorised 昀椀nancial services provider (FSP44816) and licensed OTC derivatives provider. This content does not constitute advice. Should advice be necessary, please consult a 昀椀nancial advisor. Trading carries a high degree of risk and is not suitable for all investors.
Lotus has introduced Theory 1, its first concept car that encapsulates the future of intelligent performance vehicles. Alongside this exciting reveal, the company has launched The Lotus Theory, a new design manifesto that will serve as the foundation for all future Lotus vehicles. This manifesto is underpinned by three core principles – Digital, Natural, and Analogue (DNA) – which together embody the brand’s vision for the future of automotive design.
The Digital principle highlights an immersive, intelligent, and intuitive driving experience, integrating advanced technologies to enhance functionality and interaction. Natural brings to life a human-centric approach, focusing on emotional connection and the tactile, organic elements that make driving a Lotus unique. Finally, Analogue represents the brand’s commitment to advancing performance engineering, drawing on its rich motorsport heritage to ensure a perfect blend of raw power and cutting-edge technology.
By fusing these principles with the latest innovations from Lotus, Theory 1 is designed to simplify and elevate the driving experience, ensuring the car adapts to the driver’s needs and delivers the ultimate driving performance.
A standout feature of Theory 1 is the innovative LOTUSWEAR™ system, which aims to provide a deeply personalised driving experience. This cutting-edgesystemisdesignedtoconnectthedrivertothecarinaway that evokes pure excitement and emotional engagement. LOTUSWEAR™ features an adaptive, lightweight, robotic textile material that communicates with the driver and passengers in real time, enhancing comfort,support,andoverallin-carexperience.Thisisachievedthrough in昀氀atable pods in the seats and steering wheel, which adjust in realtime to offer additional grip, support, and haptic feedback. For example, pulses on the steering wheel will alert the driver when it’s time to turn, providing seamless communication between the car and driver.
The system also includes 昀椀ve drive modes – Range, Tour, Sport, Individual, and Track – each designed to optimise the car’s ef昀椀ciency, performance, and comfort based on the surrounding environment.
Theory 1 introduces a seamless integration of projections, screens, and haptics to create a borderless user experience. The car provides information to the driver using intuitive, analogue components and digital systems, including intelligent environmental lighting and laserlightprojections.Forexample,thecaruseslaserlightsonthedashboard to indicate turning directions, while RGB LEDs on the suspension modules signal acceleration or braking needs. The system also features immersive 3D graphics that evolve in response to vehicle speed and driving modes, improving the driver’s peripheral vision and minimising distractions.
In line with its commitment to sustainability, Lotus has embraced a minimalist approach to material use in Theory 1. The car is constructed using only ten main A-surface materials, each chosen for its lightweight, durable, and recyclable properties. These materials include recycled carbon 昀椀bre, titanium, polycarbonate, and aluminium, re昀氀ecting Lotus’ dedication to a circular economy and ecofriendly manufacturing processes.
The car’s design also utilises innovative laser lighting technology, developed in collaboration with Kyocera SLD Laser,toreducecomponentsizeandweightwhileenhancing both performance and safety.
Theory 1 is not just about innovation and design – it’s
also about exceptional performance. Drawing on Lotus’ motorsportheritage,thecarfeaturesadvancedaerodynamic and cooling systems designed to maximise ef昀椀ciency and stability. This includes a nose cone with drag-reducing de昀氀ectors, a contoured under昀氀oor for improved air昀氀ow, and side pods designed to isolate turbulent wake from the car’s air昀氀ow. The car’s low centre of gravity, combined with its active and passive aerodynamics, ensures exceptional handling and stability.
Theory1introducesagroundbreakingsportscardoorsystem, designedforeaseofaccess.Thereverse-opening,wrap-over doors enable occupants to enter the car with ease, even in tight spaces, while the three-seater con昀椀guration places the driver in the centre for optimal visibility and control. The car also features a steer-by-wire system, allowing for precise control and smooth driving dynamics.
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FlordeCañaRum,a traditionofexcellence andsustainability
For 135 years, Flor de Caña has been crafting some of the world’s 昀椀nest rums. Born from a family’s passion and a commitment to excellence, this iconic brand has etched its name in the annals of history. As the brand celebrates this milestone anniversary in 2025, let’s delve into the captivating story of Flor de Caña.
The journey began in 1890 when Alfredo Francisco Pellas Canessa, a visionary Italian, established a distillery at the foot of the San Cristóbal volcano in Nicaragua. This fertile land, blessed with ideal climatic conditions, proved to be the perfect setting for crafting extraordinary rum. Over the decades, the family has nurtured this legacy, passing down their expertise from generation to generation.
One of the secrets behind Flor de Caña’s exceptional quality lies in its meticulous natural aging process. Each drop of rum is patiently aged in hand-selected bourbon barrels for up to 30 years. This extended aging period, combined with the absence of arti昀椀cial additives or sugar, results in a smooth, complex, and incredibly 昀氀avorful spirit.
Flor de Caña is more than just a premium rum brand; it’s a pioneer in sustainable spirits production. The company has been committed to environmental responsibility and social impact since its inception. As the world’s 昀椀rst Carbon NeutralandFairTradecerti昀椀edspirit,FlordeCañasetsanew standard for the industry.
By harnessing 100% renewable energy, capturing CO2 emissions, and planting over a million trees, the brand minimizes its ecological footprint. Additionally, Flor de Caña ensures fair labor practices and supports local communities, fostering a positive impact on society.
Flor de Caña’s unwavering commitment to quality has been recognized globally. The brand has garnered numerous awards and accolades, including the prestigious title of “Global Rum Producer of the Year” by the International Wine and Spirit Competition.
Whether you’re a seasoned rum connoisseur or a curious newcomer, Flor de Caña offers a truly exceptional drinking experience. From sipping neat to crafting elegant cocktails, this premium spirit is sure to delight your palate.
As Flor de Caña celebrates its 135th anniversary, we raise a glass to this timeless tradition. It’s a testament to the brand’s enduring legacy, its unwavering commitment to quality, and its pioneering spirit.
Azerbaijan, located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, is rapidly emerging as a hub of economic innovation. Rich in cultural heritage and strategically positioned along the Caspian Sea, the nation is transitioning towards sustainable development and economic diversi昀椀cation. Historically reliantonitsabundantoilandgasreserves,Azerbaijanisnow shifting focus towards non-oil sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, and tourism as part of its broader strategy to decarbonize the economy and create a more sustainable and balanced economic framework. In 2024, Azerbaijan’s economy showcased resilience, achieving 4.3% growth driven by non-oil industries like transportation, construction, and manufacturing. By October 2024, GDP surpassed 103,495.8 million AZN, and projections
indicate a 6.4% expansion of the non-oil sector by yearend. This robust performance re昀氀ects strategic investments in infrastructure, regulatory enhancements, and workforce development,positioningAzerbaijanasapremierdestination for global investors.
Asaprivate-sectorleader,PASHABankhasbeeninstrumental in Azerbaijan’s diversi昀椀cation journey. Established in 2007, the bank has continuously aligned its 昀椀nancial solutions with the nation’s evolving priorities, particularly focusing on emerging sectors such as agriculture, retail, construction, and transportation.
• MarketLeadership:PASHABankholdsa21.3%sharein businessloansandnearly17%ofdeposits,strengthening itspositionasa昀椀nancialpowerhouse.
• RegionalIntegration:WithbranchesinGeorgiaand Turkey,thebankfosterscross-bordertrade,connecting dynamicmarketsinBaku,Tbilisi,andIstanbul.
• GlobalPartnerships:Collaborationswithinstitutionslike BNYMellonandRaiffeisenBankhaveenabledthebankto provideworld-classservices,reinforcingitsreputationas atrustedpartnerforlocalandinternationalbusinesses.
• FinancialStability:PASHABank’sstrong昀椀nancials, includingaloan-to-depositratioof47.2%,underscore itsresilienceamidglobalchallenges.Notably,thebank’s contributionshavesupportedAzerbaijan’screditrating upgradebyFitchRatingsfrom“BB+”to“BBB-”in2024.
As global economies shift towards sustainability, PASHA Bank stands out as a pioneer in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives in Azerbaijan. The bank is actively supporting Azerbaijan’s green transition by:
• Developing Sustainable Finance Products: Offering tailored solutions for renewable energy and ESG-aligned projects.
• Engaging Stakeholders: Hosting educational sessions featuring international experts like Bloomberg NEF and Deloitte to equip businesses with tools for integrating sustainable practices.
• Aligning with Global Standards: Ensuring compliance with Azerbaijan’s forthcoming green taxonomy and global climate commitments, as highlighted during COP29 in Baku.
These efforts not only attract environmentally conscious investors but also reinforce PASHA Bank’s role in advancing
Azerbaijan’s long-term prosperity. In 2025, PASHA Bank was honored with the Best Bank Azerbaijan Award at the International Investor Awards, celebrating its leadership in sustainability and innovation within non-oil sectors.
PASHA Bank’s ambitions extend beyond Azerbaijan. Its brancheswithinthe“Baku-İstanbul-Tbilisi”economictriangle are critical to fostering regional economic integration, providing vital corporate and investment banking services.
Looking to the future, PASHA Bank plans to pursue a public listing, locally and internationally, to attract global capital and elevate its standing on the world stage.
AsAzerbaijancontinuestodiversifyitseconomyandembrace global trends, PASHA Bank remains at the forefront, shaping a prosperous and sustainable future. With its unwavering commitmenttoexcellence,innovation,andresponsibility,the bank is set to remain a key driver of Azerbaijan’s success for years to come.
For more than 25 years, Swisscom, the leading ICT company in Switzerland, has been improving sustainability throughout its supply chain.
By 2035, Swisscom aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions across its entire value chain. The company has reduced direct emissions by over 85% since 1990 by pursuing a consistent sustainability strategy comprising 100% renewable energies, heat pumps, postconsumer recycled plastic (PCR) in Swisscom products, and digitalisation to support environmentally friendly business operations.
Social Responsibility (JAC), Swisscom has introduced supplier climate programmes to help and encourage its suppliers to reduce the carbon footprint of their products. Their progress is tracked via the digital platform Sweep.
Swisscom also remains focused on halving direct CO2 emissions from its vehicle 昀氀eet by 2025 and fully eliminating them by 2030. The move to electric for the company’s 昀氀eet of around 2,500 vehicles will signi昀椀cantly reduce operational emissions. To help make this a reality, Swisscom has taken the ambitious step oforderingaround1,200electricvehiclesforthe summer of 2024.
“This recognition confirms that we are on the right track with our ambitious sustainability goals. This motivates us to work even harder and continue pursuing our goals,” says Saskia Günther, Head of Sustainability at Swisscom.
Smart applications are the ICT industry’s biggestcontributiontoclimateprotection.They are helping to reduce emissions in the 昀椀elds of building technology, mobility, agriculture and industry, amongst others. Swisscom offers various services in this area. Some help companiesreducebusinesstravel,whileothers encourage the use of climate-friendly, energyef昀椀cient cloud services, for example. Since 2016, Swisscom has been offering IoT (Internet of Things) services to help Swiss companies
develop intelligent services, such as remote monitoring systems to save heating energy.
Swisscom’s new data-driven sustainability portfolio has been available since 2022. Swiss companies are given support in selecting and implementing the most suitable ESG tools for their requirements. These tools professionalise sustainability management and help the companies achieve their ambitious sustainability goals. For guidance, Swisscom published a Sustainability Software Radar, analysing around 250 ESG software providers andtheirsolutions.In2024,Swisscom’sportfolio of environmentally friendly services helped customers quadruple their emissions savings.
Besides its environmental commitments, Swisscom is also committed to getting everyone ready for the digital future by equipping them with the necessary media skills. For many years, the telecommunications company has been working to ensure that the entire Swiss population can take advantage of the opportunities offered by digitalisation – while also raising awareness of possible dangers,suchasthoseposedbycyberbullying. The Swisscom Campus online content hub providestipsandadviceonusingdigitalmedia for children, young people, parents and older people. It also provides a comprehensive educationprogrammewith25differentcourses covering all areas of life.
Saskia Günther comments: “In my role as Head of Sustainability and also as a mother of two, I see the importance of strengthening media literacy in society. This is why our explicit goal, by 2025 at the latest, is to support two million people a year in the use of digital media.”
Banco Invest is proud to receive the “Best Private Bank 2025” award from International Investor Magazine. This recognition reflects our committed dedication to providing exceptional service and leadership in the private banking industry.
In the delicate art of wealth management, Banco Invest is a trustedleader,knownforitsexpertiseandstrategicapproach.
With a strong foundation in 昀椀nancial knowledge, we focus on the effective management of savings and investments, offering customised solutions designed to meet the distinct 昀椀nancial objectives and aspirations of each client.
At Banco Invest, we recognise that each client’s 昀椀nancial situationisdifferent,andwearededicatedtoofferingtailored solutions that cater to their individual needs. Our mission is to foster long-term relationships by delivering personalised advice and strategies aligned with their unique goals and risk tolerance. By thoroughly understanding their 昀椀nancial
aspirations, we empower our clients to make informed decisions and con昀椀dently pursue their path to 昀椀nancial success.
With a broad and diverse range of investment opportunities, both locally and globally, we are committed to offering our clients the 昀氀exibility and choice they need to build resilient, well-rounded portfolios. Our approach ensures that these portfoliosarenotonlydiversi昀椀edbutalsocarefullytailoredto alignwitheachclient’sunique昀椀nancialgoalsandobjectives. Whether a client’s focus is on achieving long-term capital growth, planning for a secure retirement, or preserving wealth for future generations, we bring deep expertise and
a strategic approach to navigate these complex 昀椀nancial areas effectively.
Atthecoreofourserviceistrust,avalueweprioritiseinevery interaction. We believe that through close collaboration, transparent communication, and ongoing support, we can empower our clients to reach their long-term 昀椀nancial aspirations. Our team of professionals is dedicated to offering specialised advice, building lasting relationships, and providing thoughtful guidance throughout the various stages of life. We understand that the 昀椀nancial landscape is constantly evolving, and we pride ourselves on adapting to these changes while ensuring our clients are well prepared for any challenges or opportunities that may arise.
At Banco Invest, we are committed to upholding the highest standardsoftransparencyandindependence.Ourapproach centers around providing impartial, client-focused advice, always aimed at advancing our clients’ 昀椀nancial well-being.
As a responsible 昀椀nancial institution, we emphasise the importanceofsustainableandsociallyresponsibleinvesting. We ensure that our clients’ portfolios are not only designed to deliver strong 昀椀nancial returns but also make a positive impact on society and the environment.
We are honoured to have been awarded the “Best Private
Bank 2025” award by International Investor Magazine. This distinguished recognition inspires us to further elevate our standards and reinforces our dedication to helping clients achieve enduring 昀椀nancial success.
Discover the distinctive approach of Banco Invest. Whether you are a seasoned investor or just beginning your 昀椀nancial journey, we are dedicated to providing strategic guidance and personalised support at every stage, ensuring that your 昀椀nancial goals are met with expertise and precision.
Together, we can shape a brighter 昀椀nancial future for you and your loved ones.
Contact us today to learn why we were honoured with the “BestPrivateBank2025”awardandhowourtailoredsolutions canhelpyouachieveyour昀椀nancialgoals.Yoursuccessisour greatest achievement.
From its inception, SpaceVIP has been dedicated to educating the public about the vital role of space and space technology in improving life on Earth and advancing global sustainability goals.
SpaceVIP’s private astronauts contribute to critical space research, and during our Michelin-star dining experience aboard Spaceship Neptune, renowned chef Rasmus Munk will craft a narrative through Holistic Cuisine. This immersive storytelling challenges diners to re昀氀ect on humanity’s responsibility to protect our planet, inspiring a deeper connection to Earth and all its inhabitants.
The Space Prize Foundation, our non-pro昀椀t arm, empowers young people by highlighting the transformative power of the space economy. Our core message, Why Space Matters to Earth, emphasizes that space literacy is essential for addressing humanitarian and environmental challenges. Satellite technology, for instance, provides vital internet connectivity and Earth observation data, fostering solutions for education, healthcare, business, and governance.
By leveraging space technology, we can help close the wealth gap, create opportunities across economic sectors, and build a more sustainable and equitable future for all.
Alandalus Property Company is a premier commercial real estate developer and asset management 昀椀rm listed on the Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul). With a solid foundation built on visionary leadership and market expertise, Alandalus has become a key player in Saudi Arabia’s dynamic real estate landscape. Established in 2006, the company has consistently delivered high-quality projects, establishing itself as a leader in retail, hospitality, and of昀椀ce spaces.
“At Alandalus Property, we are proud of our journey as a trusted real estate developer and asset manager in Saudi Arabia. Our commitment to growth, sustainability, and innovation has positioned us to seize the opportunities presented by Vision 2030 and beyond. We remain dedicated to delivering value-driven developments that enrich communities and create lasting returns for our investors.”
– Faisal Al Nasser, CEO
Alandalus Property boasts a diverse portfolio spanning over 350,000 sqm of retail properties with more than 15 million annual footfalls across its shopping centres. The company co-owns 昀椀ve regional and super-regional malls, fully operating two 昀氀agship properties—Alandalus Mall in Jeddah and Hayat Mall in Riyadh. In addition to its 昀氀agship assets, Alandalus operates several community commercial centres, a 164-key Hilton Hotel in Jeddah, and of昀椀ce buildings totaling 62,000 sqm of GLA.
Our properties are strategically positioned in Saudi Arabia’s prime urban hubs, catering to high-demand markets and serving a growing population of consumers, businesses, and tourists. We continue to build on this foundation, leveraging our expertise to expand into new opportunities.
Alandalus Property is deeply committed to sustainability and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. Recentrenovationprojectsacrossourmallsfocusedonenergy ef昀椀ciency,incorporatinggreentechnologies,increasedgreen spaces, and enhanced customer experiences through smart technology solutions.
Our sustainability initiatives align with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, which emphasises economic diversi昀椀cation and sustainable urban development. We aim to contribute meaningfully to this national vision by adopting best practices in green building standards and communityfocused planning.
Digitalisation is at the core of Alandalus Property’s strategy. From WiFi-enabled analytics in our malls to improve customer experiences to integrated data platforms for tenant management, we continue to embed technology into our operations.
Our recent focus includes the implementation of AI-driven analytics,allowingbetterforecasting,demandmanagement, and marketing optimisation. This approach enhances our ability to adapt to changing market conditions while delivering superior results for tenants and investors alike.
Alandalus has grown from a niche player to one of the most recognizedrealestatedevelopersinSaudiArabia.Ourjourney ismarkedbyasteadyfocusonquality,strategicpartnerships, and sustainable expansion. We are actively pursuing new development opportunities, including residential, mixed-use, andcommercialprojects,tostrengthenourmarketpresence.
Looking ahead, Alandalus Property is well-positioned to support Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 goals of creating vibrant urban spaces, diversifying the economy, and elevating living standards.Asweexpandourfootprint,weremaincommitted to delivering value-driven developments that balance commercial success with community enrichment.
For investors seeking exposure to Saudi Arabia’s thriving real estate sector, Alandalus Property offers a compelling opportunity.Backedbyaproventrackrecord,strong昀椀nancial performance, and alignment with Vision 2030, we provide stability and growth potential in a rapidly evolving market. We invite you to join us as we continue to shape the future of Saudi Arabia’s commercial real estate landscape.
On January 3, 2025, Bitcoin celebrated its 16th birthday, marking a significant milestone in the history of cryptocurrency. Since its creation in 2009 by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin has undergone numerous fluctuations, both in terms of price and global adoption. But on January 14, 2025, Bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency market appeared to be on an upward trajectory. Over the past 24 hours, the cryptocurrency market surged by 2.6%, bringing the total market cap to a staggering $3 trillion. As Bitcoin’s price rises, many are left wondering: Is Bitcoin truly back? Or is this just another blip in the volatile landscape of digital currencies?
Despite Bitcoin’s impressive surge, experts caution that the cryptocurrency market remains stuck in a tug of war. On one side, there are concerns about the incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump, who is expected to oversee a period of risingin昀氀ation.Theseeconomicpressuresarefuelingskepticismamongsomeinvestors, especiallythosewaryofhowin昀氀ationmayaffectthevalueofcryptoassets.In昀氀ationhas historically been a concern for digital assets like Bitcoin, which are often viewed as a hedgeagainsttraditional昀椀atcurrencies.However,fearsofin昀氀ationaretemperedbythe unpredictable nature of the market, which has already seen price swings and periods of uncertainty in the 昀椀rst few weeks of 2025.
On the other side of this tug of war is the optimism surrounding Trump’s leadership and its potential impact on the cryptocurrency sector. While his administration may bring challenges to the broader economy, many in the crypto community are hopeful that Trump will push forward policies that are favorable to digital currencies. Trump, known for his business-minded approach and his previous support for blockchain technologies, hasalreadysignaledthathis presidencycouldbene昀椀tthecryptocurrency industry. Should he deliver on these promises, investors believe that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies may receive the institutional support they need to thrive in the coming years.
This dichotomy between short-term uncertainty and long-term potential has left traders and investors on edge, especially as Bitcoin and the broader market continue to 昀氀uctuate. With a rocky start to January, many traders are bracing for a choppier-thanexpected month ahead. The volatility that has characterised the cryptocurrency market for much of its existence remains a key concern for many, and experts predict that the uncertainty could extend into the 昀椀rst quarter of 2025.
However,crypto-positiveexpertsremainsteadfastintheirbeliefthatBitcoin’slong-term upward trend remains intact. Over the years, Bitcoin has proven its resilience, bouncing back from market crashes and regulatory challenges. Many believe that despite shortterm volatility, Bitcoin’s fundamental value proposition as a decentralised, borderless asset remains unchanged. As more institutional investors and mainstream 昀椀nancial 昀椀rms integrate Bitcoin into their portfolios, the cryptocurrency’s credibility continues to grow.
Despite the optimism surrounding Bitcoin’s long-term prospects, there are several challenges that could hinder its growth in the near future. Regulatory uncertainty remains one of the most signi昀椀cant obstacles facing the cryptocurrency market. As governmentsaroundtheworldconsiderhowtoregulatedigitalcurrencies,investorsare left wondering what impact new laws or restrictions could have on the market. In the United States, for example, the Biden administration has already signaled a desire for stricter regulation of cryptocurrencies, particularly in relation to anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) laws. These regulatory concerns could create headwinds for Bitcoin, particularly if governments impose stricter rules on the buying, selling, and trading of digital assets.
AnotherchallengefacingBitcoinisitsenvironmentalimpact.Bitcoinmining,theprocess by which new coins are created and transactions are validated, requires vast amounts of electricity. This has led to concerns about the environmental footprint of Bitcoin, particularly in regions that rely on coal or other non-renewable energy sources. In response, many in the crypto community have advocated for more sustainable mining practices, such as the use of renewable energy sources. However, the environmental concerns surrounding Bitcoin continue to be a point of contention, and how the industry addresses these issues could play a signi昀椀cant role in its future growth.
There has been a thriving financial advice sector for generations. Typically this would cater to the needs of those who could afford advice, or otherwise were happy to meet fees via a product used to help them meet their needs.
Whether the services in the context represented value for moneyisoftenanindividualjudgement, but thekeyquestion in that statement is whether the individual receiving the service and advice actually were clear on what they were paying.
Most people did not take 昀椀nancial advice, indeed it is dif昀椀cult for many to access the support and guidance they need to build 昀椀nancial con昀椀dence, make informed choices.
For a signi昀椀cant period of time employers 昀椀lled that gap, especially when it came to pensions where many people enjoyed and bene昀椀ted from the existence of 昀椀nal salary pension schemes, in addition to state pension schemes and other employee bene昀椀ts.
From the late 1990’s decisions were made in companies, who with advice most often arrived at the conclusion 昀椀nal salary schemesweretooexpensive,involvedcarryingtoomuchrisk, a gap has arisen and we are now moved from a generation wheremanyenjoyeda“cradletograve”approachfromstate and employers to this “new age of individual responsibility”.
However, the gap has not been 昀椀lled by the traditional consultants, nor 昀椀nancial advisers and we have a generation of individuals who do not have the support and guidance theyneed,criticallywithlowerlevelsofsavings–notbecause they did much different, but because their employers were not saving as much for them as they had in the past.
Professional Financial Advisers, being distinct from 昀椀nancial
salespeople, have a real role to play, but traditional models do not engage regular people and fees are often considered too high, whether this is a fair assessment or not.
We see this very starkly, in that if an employer or other stakeholderfundsaccessto昀椀nancialadvice,around25in100 accesstheadviceservice. Whereanindividualisexpectedto pay for this advice themselves, made available through the workplace, this 昀椀gure drops to 2 in 100.
Therearemanyreasonsforthis,butmostoftenthefeedback is that individuals do not understand the value a 昀椀nancial adviser brings. Feels they will be sold too, not advised and there is a clear issue with trust.
So, the model has to change, we have to make it easier, quickertogetsupport,guidanceandwhereneeded昀椀nancial advice.
At WPS Advisory our entire focus is on the theme of Quicker – Easier – Better, on delivering value for money in real time. Helping individuals build their 昀椀nancial con昀椀dence so they feel comfortable making decisions, so they know when it is a good time to seek 昀椀nancial advice. By delivering this via the workplace, using employer led frameworks, by using cutting edge technology we can ensure we create value for money in every interaction.
At the end of 2024 we have introduced our new and market leading “LifeStage” app which embeds open-banking and open 昀椀nance into every aspect of the consumer / adviser relationship. This includes market comparison functionality and will include a function which will look at existing subscriptions and 昀椀nd value alternatives. The individual has theirpersonalinformationvalidatedandprotected. Theycan transact and communicate within the App environment.
This allows them to see their money today, with the Guiide functionality converting this into a picture of their money in the future, with self-service options which allow them to make changes where they see there are shortfalls.
Brand new is the ability to access advice at different levels, at different life stages, by subscription. Making advice accessible and affordable in a way it has never been before. We want this to be a sea-change in the way individuals are empowered,canaccessthesupport,guidancetheyneed. So far,everyonewhohasseenandusedourapphaslovedit,we have even managed to win an award.
Faced with geopolitical and economic situation that has been uncertain for quite some time, Cornèr Group’s prudent policy and long-held pragmatic approach have proven again to be winning qualities, navigating an incredibly complex landscape with an awareness of its own stability and capital strength.
Values are most often passed on from generation to generation, and Cornèr Bank as a family-owned company of three generations has kept true to its values of adherence to sound business traditions, a penchant for simplicity and transparency, and a sensitivity to the society and environment at large.
These values steered the launch of ‘AcrossGen’ (Across Generations), Cornèr Bank’s new approach to managing clients’ portfolios. Pioneering, it has garnered the organisation much deserved recognition by 昀椀nancial services pundits, and also by the bank’s clients who are already enraptured by the services.
AcrossGen offers new asset classes; specialising in shares in familyowned businesses; using structured products and providing an all-inclusive fee structure. Underscoring the AcrossGen approach,
“Family businesses are built on decades of experience, collective decision making and mutual trust. We believe in the power of values and convictions that have been passed on from generation to generation.”
“Cornèr Bank identifies with the AcrossGen concept as a family-owned bank for three generations,” said CEO of the Bahamas-based operation, Christine Russell.
“We strongly believe in this investment philosophy. In addition, we have many entrepreneurs among our clients who also identify with this concept. Investments in family-owned companies, an important aspect of the professional asset management services offered by the bank, are also interesting from an investment optimisation point of view. Family-owned companies are usually more stable and more resilient to successfully withstand economic downturns, which is reflected, in higher performances and reduced risk levels.”
The innovation that preceded AcrossGen changed the way Bahamians and residents in The Bahamas interact with international markets. When the Central Bank of The Bahamas relaxed exchange controls, Cornèr Bank launched its Cornèrtrader platform, allowing Bahamians and residents within TheBahamastoinvestinforeigncurrenciesontheinternationalmarkets.Local accessto昀椀nancialmarketsremainsanimportantmilestonefortheBahamian 昀椀nancial services industry.
When Cornèrtrader launched in 2018, there was nothing like it on the market in TheBahamas,andtruetoitsethos,sinceitslaunchday,thecompanyhasheld newusersbythehandandguidedthemthroughtheuseofthesystem,giving less savvy investors a gateway to new trading and investment opportunities.
“The all-in-one digital banking solution for investments covers all the financial requirements. Whether it concerns trading, comprehensive financial research, simple payments processing – we can provide
everything the clients need to achieve their financial goals. We are continuously innovating and updating our product offerings; funds with special themes are analysed and introduced to our investment offerings, structured products are adapted to new requirements and new trends. We balance innovation with a focus on the human factor, building long-term relationships based on trust, we work alongside our clients to find the ideal solution for enhancing their portfolio,” Mrs. Russell explained.
Whether working on multiple charts on a single screen and bene昀椀tfromintegratedcutting-edgetechnicalanalysistools or taking advantage of broad 昀氀exibility of use through prede昀椀ned layouts featuring charts prices, watchlists, and much more: The intuitive Cornèrtrader platform offers a limitless trading experience.
AnindependentprivateSwissbankfoundedin1952,theCornèr Group offers a full range of products and services to meet therequirementsofprivate,businessandinstitutionalclients. The group comprises the Lugano-based parent bank Cornèr Bank Ltd., the four branches in Chiasso, Geneva, Locarno and Zurich, and af昀椀liates including Cornèr Bank (Overseas) Limited in Nassau, the capital city of The Bahamas. From its parent company’s deeply-rooted foundation, Cornèr Bank (Overseas) has been successfully offering an extensive suite of private banking and investment solutions to the islands since 1996.
Cornèr Bank (Overseas) Ltd. is regulated by both The Central Bank of The Bahamas and The Securities Commission of The Bahamas. Its parent company has been ranked number one in Switzerland for four years in succession due to its 昀椀nancial soundness.
“In Cornèr Bank’s culture, compliance remains paramount to ensure clients’ needs are met and to maximise investment goals. Compliance ensures that our investment strategy closely aligns with the clients’ risk profile and that only investment products in line with the clients’ knowledge, timelines, and risk appetite are offered to our clients,” Mrs. Russell added.
“Our investment strategy is geared towards managing your assets proactively, as if they were our own. We have measures and controls in place to guarantee that
client assets are safeguarded at all times. Consequently, innovation and compliance enhance our level of client service and are therefore critical components for maximising client investment goals. At its core, Cornèr Bank retains its well-preserved values of excellent client service and world-class compliance.”
Some say that the world of private banking has largely remained on the sidelines of the banking sector’s technological transformation of recent years. Cornèr Bank (Overseas) Ltd. remains a standout in this area, continuously innovating as a bank that has moved quickly to meet changing demands and those created by the pandemic of the last two years, without losing sight of their clients’ needs.
The area of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is ofgrowingimportancetothe昀椀nancialservicessector.Howis Cornèr Bank embracing this shift?
Aspects of ESG have long been embedded in the way we do businessatCornèrBankthroughourdeeplyrootedcorporate social responsibility strategy. From supporting at-risk youth tospearheading昀椀nancialliteracyprogramsintheBahamian community to ensuring that the companies we invests in are also strong climate and social leaders, Cornèr Bank ensures the best of humanity aligns with the best of its offerings.
In today’s environment, we apply ESG 昀椀lters to our ‘FamilyOwned Companies Universe’, where we choose our investments. We exclude companies in direct violation of international standards including the United Nations Global Compacts and those involved in controversial weapons (absolute exclusions) and companies with revenues from weapons and defense, 昀椀rearms, tobacco, gambling, adult entertainment, coal mining, power generation from coal and GMO (relative exclusions). In our asset allocation, the bank overweights “climate leaders” and underweights “climate laggards”andour昀椀nancialanalysisisbasedonacarbonrisk rating, which looks at a company’s CO2 ef昀椀ciency.
Note: Cornèr Bank is member of Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF) to reinforce its efforts on current and future challenges related to SustainableFinanceandtoensurefullalignmentwithindustrypriorities in this area. The mission of SSF is to strengthen Switzerland’s position as a leading voice and actor in sustainable 昀椀nance.
Amongstourawardwinnerstherearesomeexceptionalbanks,businessesand leaders and we want to recognise their roles and achievements.
The awards are open to any business, large, mid-size or small, established or start-up, provided they display 昀椀rst rate service, opportunity, innovation and performance.
The following pages celebrate organisations that drive forward the world of international business and investment.
Luxury Watch Brand Of The Year // 2025
In 1845, Dresden watchmaker Ferdinand Adolph Lange laid the cornerstone for Saxon precision watchmaking in Glashütte. After World War II, the company was nationalised and the name A. Lange & Söhne almost forgotten.Butin1990,WalterLange,Ferdinand Adolph Lange’s great-grandson, seized the opportunity and made a courageous fresh start. Based on its unique heritage and the commitment to the highest possible standards, the manufacture crafts exclusive timepieces, endowed with movements developed in-house that are elaborately 昀椀nished by hand and assembled twice.
Best Reinsurance Company // LATAM
Active Capital Reinsurance, Ltd., (Active Re) is a reinsurance company domiciled in Barbados, with a General Insurance and Reinsurance License granted by the Financial Services Commission of Barbados (FSC). Active Re is rated A- (Excellent) by AM Best. Active Re’s product offerings include Property, Engineering, Energy, Financial Lines, Marine Hull, Cargo & Liabilities, Surety, Bonds & Credit, Af昀椀nity & Bancassurance, Group Life which are written through their inhouse underwriting teams or through strategic agreements with delegated underwriting partners. To complement large corporate clients’昀椀nancialneeds,ActiveReofferstailormade Alternative Risk Transfer solutions (ART), including actuarial analysis and risk management advisory services.
Property Developer Of The Year // Saudi Arabia 2024
Best Corporate Governance // Saudi Arabia 2024
Alandalus Property is a leading company in the 昀椀eld of investment, development and operationofcommercialincome-generating properties throughout Saudi Arabia. The main activity of the company is currently concentrated in retail properties (including commercial centers and community shopping centres) and hospitality. Its mission is to develop and operate unique and compelling destinations differentiated by engaging guests, customers and communities through experiences that foster loyalty, frequency of visits and lifetime value which ultimately drive and sustain unparalleled growth. Its vision is to become the most admired and awarded developer of preferred destination spaces by leading the transformation from transactional to engagement-focused destinations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Private Bank Of The Year // Greece 2025
Best Bespoke Wealth Management Service // Greece 2025
Alpha Bank was founded in 1879 by Ioannis F. Kostopoulos and is today one of the largest 昀椀nancial groups in Greece, operating in Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Luxembourg and the UK, providing a wide range of 昀椀nancial products and services. Alpha Bank has been listed on the Athens Stock Exchange since 1925 and is the oldest privately owned Greek bank.
As the Bank of Entrepreneurship in Greece, Alpha Bank maintains 昀椀nancial relationships with 80% of Large and 65% of Small and Medium Enterprises in Greece, specializing in sectors such as Tourism, Shipping, Energy, etc. At the same time, the Bank invests signi昀椀cantly in both Human Capital and digital infrastructure, thus providing its more than 3.5 million Customers with advanced digital services and products as well as top quality, personalized services.
- to enable progress in life and business for a better tomorrow - Alpha Bank is leading the transition of the Greek economy to an environmentally sustainable and resilient growth model, while contributing to efforts that promote an equal opportunity society.
Best Broker // Africa 2025
Most Trusted Broker // Africa 2025
ATFX Africa, a prominent branch of the global ATFX brand, offers traders across Africa access to advanced forex and CFD trading solutions. With a commitment to regulatory compliance and local market knowledge, ATFX Africa provides a diverse range of trading instruments, including currency pairs, commodities, and indices. The platform is designed to meet the unique needs of African traders, offering userfriendly platforms, educational resources, and dedicated customer support.
Focused on empowering traders and expanding its presence in Africa, ATFX Africa combines global expertise with regional insight, helping traders navigate the world’s 昀椀nancial markets with con昀椀dence.
Best Global Sustainable Specialist Investment Manager // 2025
AXA IM Select is a global multi-manager providing investment management and advisory services aiming to help individuals and institutions meet their 昀椀nancial goals. Part of the AXA Group, AXA IM Select is a business unit of AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM), with assets under management of €35.1 billion* across Europe and Asia.
Whilst combining agility and an entrepreneurial spirit, AXA IM Select also bene昀椀ts from the stability and opportunities provided by being part of the AXA Group, a world leader in insurance and asset management.
AXA IM Select wants to make investing accessible to everyone – whether they’re looking for a more comfortable retirement, generating an income or looking to grow their capital.
*30 September 2024. This 昀椀gure includes assets under management and advisory for all AXA IM Select businesses as well as variable annuity assets that we provide hedging services on. The AXA IM Select businesses include AXA IM Select Asia Limited based in Hong Kong, Architas MultiManager Europe Ltd based in Dublin, AXA IM Select France and AXA IM Select Belgium.
Best Private Bank // Portugal 2025
Most Innovative Invetment Bank // Portugal 2025
Banco Invest is a trusted leader in the 昀椀eld of wealth management, known for its expertise and strategic approach. With a strong foundation in 昀椀nancial knowledge, we provide expert guidance and a strategic approach to help clients achieve long-term capital growth, plan for a secure retirement, and preserve wealth for future generations.
Our mission is to cultivate enduring relationships by offering tailored advice and strategies that are closely aligned with each client’s distinct goals. Through a comprehensive understanding of their 昀椀nancialaspirations,weempowerourclients to make informed decisions and con昀椀dently navigate their journey to long-term 昀椀nancial success.
At the core of our service is trust, a value we prioritiseineveryinteraction.Webelievethat through close collaboration, transparent communication, and ongoing support, we canempowerourclientstoreachtheirlongterm 昀椀nancial aspirations.
A bank that offers you value.
Best ESG Initiatives - Luxury Car Manufacturer // 2025
Founded by Ettore Bugatti in 1909, Bugatti is a state-of-the-art hyper sports car marque based in Molsheim, France. For more than 110 years, the brand has been at the pinnacle of the automotive industry, creating the world’s most powerful and luxurious cars. Each car is still hand-assembled in the Atelier in Molsheim.
Today, Bugatti is part of the Bugatti Rimac joint company and counts more than 160 employees,mostofthembasedinMolsheim, some teams are also located in Berlin and Croatia, all embarking on an all-new era with the latest BUGATTI masterpiece: the TOURBILLON. Inspired by Haute-Couture, the TOURBILLON is timeless in its design and its engineering, meant to be admired by enthusiasts a century from now, in the same way that early Bugatti creations are today.
Best Real Estate Firm // Kenya 2025
Centum Real Estate Limited stands as a premier regional developer specialising in expansive mixed-use projects. Our diverse portfolio features notable projects such as Vipingo Development in Kili昀椀 County (10,254 acres), Pearl Marina Estates in Entebbe, Uganda(389acres),andin昀椀llprojectsatTwo Rivers Development (102 Acres) in Nairobi.
As a subsidiary of Centum Investment Company, we uphold high corporate governance standards guided by an esteemed Board of Directors. The management team, with over 30 years of combined experience, excels in real estate development and project 昀椀nance in East Africa.
Banking CEO OF The Year // Bahamas 2025
Christine Russell is the 昀椀rst woman CEO of Cornèr Bank (Overseas) Ltd. and has more than 33 years of service in the 昀椀nancial services sector; she has carved an illustrious career. In 2015, Christine’s business acumen led her to Cornér Bank, where she joined as Head of Management Services and in 2017, shewasappointedChiefExecutiveOf昀椀cer.As CEO, Christine continues to make waves as a pioneer and has led her team through the launch of its Cornèrtrader “”online trading”” platform, making Cornèr the 昀椀rst local internationalprivatebanktogiveBahamians directonlineaccesstointernational昀椀nancial markets. Additionally, in 2020 and again in 2022, Cornèr Bank Bahamas, under her leadership won the award best Private Bank Bahamas by the International Investor UK.
Christine sits on the Board of Directors of the Association of International Bank & Trust Companies (AIBT). She has also served as a director on the board of the Bahamas Association of Compliance Of昀椀cers (BACO), and in 2023, she was nominated as one of twenty-昀椀ve most in昀氀uential women in business in the Bahamas.
Best Private Bank // Bahamas 2025
Excellence Banking Innovation // Bahamas 2025
Founded in Lugano in 1952, the Cornèr Group is an independent Swiss private bank group operating as a full-service bank. Lugano is Switzerland’s third-largest banking center, after Zurich and Geneva.
Active across the whole range of traditional banking services, the Cornèr Group specializes in the private banking sector, as well as in the areas of lending, Visa, Mastercard and Diners Club payment cards (Cornèrcard) and online trading (Cornèrtrader) – the core businesses on which the growth of the Cornèr Group is based.
The Cornèr Group comprises the Luganobased parent bank Cornèr Bank Ltd., the four branches in Chiasso, Geneva, Locarno and Zurich, and the af昀椀liates Cornèr Bank (Overseas) Limited, Cornèr Bank Limited, Guernsey Branch, Cornèr Europe SA and Finpromotion.
Cornèr Bank (Overseas) Ltd, has been successfullyoperatingintheCommonwealth of The Bahamas since 1996. It is licensed and supervised by both the Central Bank of The Bahamas and the Securities Commission of The Bahamas.
Most Advanced Crypto Payment Processing Firm // 2024
CryptoProcessing, developed by CoinsPaid, is a crypto payment gateway that connects businesses with the growing world of crypto users.HeadquarteredandlicensedinEstonia and recently registered to operate in the US as MSB, CryptoProcessing supports customers internationally, allowing companies to unlock new markets and engage crypto users as customers. Named the best cryptocurrency payment gateway for high-volume transactions of 2024 by Forbes Advisor, the platform currently serves hundreds of merchants and processes over €700 million in monthly transaction volume.
Designed speci昀椀cally to serve the B2B sector, CryptoProcessing offers valuable enterprise features, such as a variety of payment optionstailoredtodifferentbusinessmodels, near-instant crypto-to-昀椀at conversions, and mass payouts for maximum ef昀椀ciency.
Lifetime Achievement // Finance
A natural leader and previously one of the largest private landlords in the UK, Dave has over 27 years of experience in the property sector as both a developer and a landlord. Dave has previously built signi昀椀cant personalandcorporateportfolios,consisting of developments in excess of £500 million of both residential and commercial property.
Following his initial retirement from the property sector, Dave partnered with SNR Dentons as a commodity advisor in the precious metals industry, before launching his own venture in the natural resources sector, Lusso Tesoro (now Seventy Ninth Resources).
As Chairman of the Seventy Ninth Group, Dave oversees the overall direction and growth of the Group and its subsidiaries, continuously seeking out new and exciting opportunities that elevate our operations to new heights.
Financial CEO OF The Year // Sri Lanka 2024
Dilshan Wirasekara is the Managing Director and CEO of First Capital Holdings PLC, a prominent member of the Janashakthi Group, where he also holds the position of Deputy CEO. With over 25 years of extensive experience in the 昀椀nancial services sector - including banking, treasury, investment management, and corporate 昀椀nance, he has been at the helm of First Capital since 2013, transforming it into a key player in Sri Lanka’s capital markets. Under his leadership, the company has expanded its full-service investment offerings to include government securities, stock broking, and wealth management.
PriortohisroleatFirstCapital,Dilshanserved as General Manager at Softlogic Capital PLC and Head of Treasury at Nations Trust Bank PLC. Renowned for his expertise in Asset and Liability Risk Management, he has represented Sri Lankan 昀椀rms in international competitions, receiving several prestigious awards. An alumnus of INSEAD Business School in France and AOTS in Tokyo, Dilshan continues to play a vital role in shaping the 昀椀nancial landscape of Sri Lanka.
Investment Banker of the Year // 2025
Don Christensen is the founder of InvestBank Corp. Mr Christensen currently serves as Chairman, Chief Executive Of昀椀cer, and President of the global investment bank.
In 2000, Mr Christensen began his professional career with Edward Jones, a member of the New York Stock Exchange. During his two years as manager of the Edward Jones La Jolla branch of昀椀ce, Mr Christensen increased the assets under management by 3,700%. Mr Christensen receivednumerousawardsduringhistenure at Edward Jones, including the prestigious Edward Jones Regional Leader Award.
Prior to founding InvestBank Corp., Don Christensen founded U.S. Capital, Inc., a merchant bank. He conceived U.S. Capital’s asset-backed bond programme, which was secured by life settlement life insurance policies. U.S. Capital’s life settlementbacked bonds were designed to be privately placed with quali昀椀ed institutional buyers. Mr Christensen gained valuable business and management experience and developed many key relationships during the time he served as Chairman and Chief Executive Of昀椀cer of the merchant bank.”
Best Private Aviation Operator // Europe 2025
Eccelsa Aviation was founded in January 2003 to supply the highest-quality services to private aviation and is 100% controlled by Geasar Group S.p.A. Located on the NorthEast coast of Sardinia – close to renowned Costa Smeralda–EccelsaAviation operates a modern terminal 24 hours a day / 7 days a week exclusively dedicated to the private aviation sector. Eccelsa Aviation assists aircraft from the smallest single piston enginetotheB747sorAirbus340s, providing passengers and crew with all the required servicesintotalcomfort,safetyand security. More than simply a General Aviation, its structure, operation and services make Eccelsa Aviation a fully-昀氀edged Fixed Base Operator (FBO). Eccelsa Aviation’s awardwinning personnel is fully trained according to IATA and ICAO guidelines in matters of safety, security and aircraft handling.
Women in Finance // 2024
Elsa Placanica is the General Director of the Eurofer Pension Fund, with a solid background in 昀椀nance and long experience in the supplementary pension sector. She holds a degree in economics, and she has gained in-depth skills in pension funds management and long-term investments.
Before holding the role as director at Eurofer Pension Fund, Elsa worked with leading 昀椀nancial institutions, developing a strategic vision in the 昀椀eld of pension planning. At the headofEurofer,Elsastandsoutforherability to combine innovation, risk management and transparency in fund management, allowing members to 昀椀nd 昀氀exible solutions forbuildingtheirpensionand昀椀nancialfuture.
Pension Fund Of The Year // Italy 2024
Most Innovative Pension Fund // Italy 2024
Founded in 2002, Eurofer is an Italian funded pension fund dedicated to railway workers and ANAS Group employees. Eurofer’s mission is to ensure its members an adequate standard of living after retirement by offering a supplementary pension in addition to the public pension service.
Asanon-pro昀椀tassociation,Euroferisfounded on the values of innovation, reliability and transparency. Through careful and ef昀椀cient management,itallowsmemberstomanage their savings effectively and pro昀椀tably. With advanced digital tools and an online platform,Euroferallowsworkerstobuildtheir 昀椀nancial and pension future starting today.
Best Comprehensive Investment Management Firm // Sri Lanka 2024
First Capital Holdings PLC is a premier fullservice investment institution in Sri Lanka, boastingover40yearsofexpertiseincapital market solutions. Guided by a “Performance First” ethos, the company prioritises stability, competitive advantage, and an exceptional customer experience. Backed by the Janashakthi Group, First Capital is wellequipped to navigate challenging market cycles.
The organisation is actively enhancing its digital capabilities and streamlining operations to elevate client experiences, boost operational ef昀椀ciency, and promote sustainable growth. Recognized as the Most Valuable Consumer Brand in the Investment Banking sector for two consecutive years by Brand Finance, First Capital operates as a primary dealer, corporate 昀椀nance advisor, wealth manager, and stockbroker. It has achieved a rating of [SL] A with a positive outlook from LRA, re昀氀ecting its robust fundamentals and dedicated teams.
Most Sustainable Spirits Producer // 2025
FlordeCañaisapremiumrumbrandandthe world’s 昀椀rst Carbon Neutral and Fair Trade certi昀椀ed spirit. From an 1890 family estate, it’s distilled with 100% renewable energy and naturally aged at the base of an active volcanowithoutsugarorarti昀椀cialingredients. Thebrandisrecognisedasagloballeaderin sustainability, receiving distinctions such as “World’sMostSustainableRumBrand”(USA), “Ethical Award” (UK) and “Sustainable Spirits Producer” (France).
Private Aviation CEO Of The Year // Europe 2025
Francesco Cossu is the CEO of Eccelsa Aviation. With over thirty years of experience in the luxury welcoming and business aviation sectors he is the perfect 昀椀t to lead a team committed to satisfying the most exigent customers in the world and their requests.
Best Insurance Company // MENA 2024
Best Sustainable Insurance Company // MENA 2024
Gulf Insurance was established in 1962. It is a public shareholding company listed on Boursa Kuwait and a consistent market leader in Kuwait in terms of premiums written. The Group is among the largest and most diversi昀椀ed insurance groups in the Middle East and North Africa region. Gulf InsuranceGroupisoneoftheleadingprivate insurers (By Gross Premium Written) with a strongcompetitivemarketpositioninKuwait, Jordan, Bahrain and Egypt. Furthermore, the Group has operations in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Algeria, Oman, Qatar, Iraq and Lebanon. The Group’s both revenue and earnings are well diversi昀椀ed geographically.
Proprietary Trading Company Of The Year // 2024
Most Transparent Proprietary Firm // 2024
Instant Funding is a proprietary trading 昀椀rm based in the United Kingdom, which offers trading on both MT4 and MT5 platforms, partnering with ThinkMarkets as its broker.
The 昀椀rm is focused on the long-term outlook for the industry and their traders. One with clear-as-day rules, lower prices, and robust risk mitigation and compliance procedures.
They are continuously working with solicitors in the UK and US and other advisors to ensure full compliance at all times, whether that’s in how they handle customers’ trades and their routing to their risk system, or customer queries and marketing activities.
Instant Funding want to operate at the highest standards of integrity and transparency and welcome all traders who value this approach.
Investment Bank of the Year // 2025
Headquartered in the United States of America, InvestBank Corp. is a global investment banking leader. InvestBank’s deal pipeline includes some of the most meaningfulinvestmentbankingtransactions in the world. From sovereign debt 昀椀nancings, to arranging 昀椀nancing for an impactful green昀椀eld medical supplies manufacturing company in Kenya, to securing a trade 昀椀nancefacilityforaleadingenergysolutions provider whose products often help mitigate the effects of inadequate local power infrastructure in Nigeria, InvestBank Corp. is theinvestmentbankofchoiceforcompanies and government entities around the world.
InvestBank Corp. is also a participant in the United Nations Global Compact. InvestBank has established itself as a committed global ESG leader. InvestBank’s ESG goals and principles are designed to create signi昀椀cant impact, transformative change, and a more sustainable future. InvestBank’s global ESG leadership is evidenced by its partnership with the East African Community (“EAC”) and African Battery Initiative. InvestBank is assistingtheEACandAfricanBatteryInitiative with the development and industrialization of the battery minerals supply chain in the East African Community region.
Real Estate CEO Of The Year // Kenya 2025
Kenneth Mbae is the Managing Director of Centum Real Estate. Kenneth is responsible for the company’s overall vision and strategy, investment priorities, ESG agenda, 昀椀nancial objectives as well as operations. Under Kenneth’s leadership, Centum Re has become one of the largest real estate developers in East Africa, delivering record sales and pro昀椀table growth by expanding into new markets around the world.
Kenneth is a trailblazer and result-oriented leader with a proven track record in the real estate industry. Previously, Kenneth held positions of signi昀椀cant responsibility within Centum RE such as the Chief Operating Of昀椀cer.
He holds a BSC. Biochemistry from Kenyatta University and an Advanced Management Certi昀椀cate in Business Management from the Kenya Institute of Management. He is a HarvardGSDAlumni,UniversityofCambridge Judge Business School SMP 8 Alumni, and a memberoftheProjectManagementInstitute and the Institute of Directors (Kenya).
Kenneth is also a Certi昀椀ed RBA Trustee.
Lifetime achievement - Insurance // 2024
Khaled Saoud Al Hasan is the Group CEO and Board member of Gulf Insurance Group (GIG), one of the largest and the most diversi昀椀ed Insurance Groups in the MENA region. Mr. Al Hasan holds Insurance and Administrative experience of over 40 years in different executive positions. Since joining in 1978, he successfully translated corporate business strategies and objectives into operational and 昀椀nancial excellence. Under his leadership, GIG has grown from a commercialinsurerinKuwaittobeanaward winning regional insurance powerhouse in the MENA with direct operational presence in 13 markets across the region with a uni昀椀ed “GIG” brand.
Best Boutique Investment Firm // 2025
Most Innovative Global Structure Products Investment Firm // 2025
Lynceus Partners is an independent investment boutique specialised in alternative investments with a deep inhouse expertise in Structured Products and Private Debt.
As a global 昀椀nancial company headquartered in Switzerland and internationalpresenceoverthreecontinents, we serve asset managers, 昀椀nancial advisors, and institutional clients worldwide by providing them with the highest quality of service and support on a wide range of 昀椀nancial and non-昀椀nancial assets.
As a leading provider of high-tech solutions, we offer an endless universe of tailor-made investment products combined with the latest supporting technologies.
Crypto CEO Of The Year // 2024
MaxKrupyshevistheCEOofCryptoProcessing, a developer of cryptocurrency payment solutions.Heenteredthedigitalassetsarena in 2013, founding the Bitcoin Foundation and Satoshi Square in Ukraine. During this period, he gained extensive industry experience and worked on some of the largest cryptocurrency projects.
In2019,MaxKrupyshevbecameaco-founder and CEO of CryptoProcessing, an awardwinning 昀椀ntech company offering ready-tousecryptopaymentsolutionsforbusinesses.
Since then, Max has been steering the companytowardssuccess,drivenbyavision to bridge the gap between cryptocurrencies and traditional 昀椀nance and connect more businesses with crypto holders. His efforts were recognised through numerous awards, including Founder of the Year and Best Visionary CEO.
Bank // Azerbaijan 2025
PASHA Bank is one of Azerbaijan’s leading corporate banks. Established in 2007, it offers all major 昀椀nancial services, including investment banking, trade 昀椀nancing and asset management, to a range of clients, from large corporates to small and medium enterprises. The Bank works closely with companies operating in the non-oil sectors of the economy, including agriculture, transportation,construction,andretail,which are vital for helping Azerbaijan diversify its economy.
Fastest Growing Asset Management Firm // United Kingdom 2024
Owned and operated by the Webster family, The Seventy Ninth Group is one of the fastest-growing asset management companies in the United Kingdom. The group has disrupted the Asset Management industry since it was founded by serial entrepreneur David Webster (previously the UK’s largest private landlord) and his sons Jake and Curtis. It maintains a unique and advantageous position in both the Real Estate and Natural Resources sectors, specialising in the acquisition and redevelopment of undervalued assets during times of economic uncertainty.
Thanks to its strong business relationships and access to the market, The Seventy Ninth Groupcanacquirehighlydesirableassetsat a fraction of their potential value. Alongside its stakeholders, The Seventy Ninth Group invests its cumulative resources into each project, building value and securing longterm returns.
The Seventy Ninth Group is renowned for its strong family values of loyalty, honesty, and reliability, and is respected by its clients globally.
Visionary Of The Year // MENA 2025
Sheikha Hind Suhail Bahwan is a renowned Omani entrepreneur. As the Founder and Chairperson of Bahwan CyberTek Group (BCT), Sheikha Hind has created a group of companies with a global footprint. Her business activities cover technology, renewable energy, Power-to-gas (green hydrogen) technology, supply chain and logistics, information security technology, commodity trading and lifestyle. BCT has nine subsidiaries, three joint ventures, and numerous strategic partners. BCT employs over 4,500 associates, operates in 50 countries, and serves over 1,000 clients, including many Fortune 500 companies.
Most Innovative Financial Advisory CEO // 2024
Before setting up WPS Advisory, Simon worked in roles supporting individuals, companies and trustees for Capita, TPT, EY and Cavanagh Group. In 2004 he was appointed as a founding Director of cprm actuariesandconsultants,continuinginthat role before following his passion for helping individuals with a move to Oval Financial Services as Head of Strategy in 2009.
He was a member of the Incentive Exercise Working Group set up by Steve Webb in his time as Pension Minister, creating a voluntary framework for 昀椀nancial and pension professionals designed to protect consumers and pension scheme members. He was subsequently appointed to the Incentive Exercise Monitoring Board, and as a core technical member, to oversee the industry Code of Practice.
Subsequently Simon was a member of the PFS Pension Advice Taskforce, producing the Pension Transfer Gold Standard. He is currently a member of the Consumer Duty Alliance Retirement Income Taskforce.
Most Sustainable Telecommunications Company // 2025
As the leading ICT company in Switzerland and the number 2 in Italy with subsidiary Fastweb S.p.A., Swisscom is a provider of mobile, Internet, TV and comprehensive IT services for residential and business customers.Swisscomisthemostsustainable telecommunications service provider in the world and is majority owned by the Swiss Confederation, which holds a 51% stake in the Group.
Pioneer In Alternative Refund Solution // Global 2025
TodayPay is the the world’s 昀椀rst faster refund payment method and inventor of Refunds as a Service™ category. That means helping merchants, marketplaces, logistics, issuers, and insurers disburse value to their customers instantly, in the payment method and speed of their choice.
TodayPay is a US-owned and managed Corporation. The Founder and CEO of TodayPay Inc is Jeremy Balkin, a well known and highly respected industry professional, who previously served as a Managing Director for J.P. Morgan where he led FinTech in the Payments business. Every member of the TodayPay Inc team has real world paymentsindustryexperienceandpedigree, including from prestigious 昀椀rms like J.P. Morgan, Visa, Af昀椀rm, Sezzle, HSBC, CardKnox, and NuPay.
Best Cross-border Investment Solution Advisory // 2025
Most Trusted Trading Technology // 2025
ViewTrade is the force that powers 昀椀ntech and cross-border investing for 昀椀nancial services 昀椀rms throughout the world. We provide the technology, support and brokerage services that business innovators need to quickly launch or enhance a retail investing experience. Over the past 20 years, our approach has helped 300+ 昀椀rms – from technology startups to large banks, brokers and advisors – create the differentiating investment experiences their customers’ demand. With clients in over 20 countries and a team that brings decades of experience and an understanding of brokerage technology and services, we help our business clients deliver the investment access and 昀椀nancial solutions they require.
Lifestyle CEO OF The Year // Europe 2025
In 2010, Wilhelm Schmid joined A. Lange & Söhne. Before joining the watchmaking world,heheldseniorpositionsinanumberof different domains, with Burmah Oil Germany (Burmah-Castrol) from 1989 to 2002 in sales, marketing and management, and with BMW AG from 2002 to 2010 in sales and marketing. HehasaDiplomainBusinessAdministration.
Most Trusted Boutique Advisory of the Year // United Kingdom
WPS Advisory (WPSA) provides access to support, guidance and 昀椀nancial advice via the workplace, focusing upon creating 昀椀nancial con昀椀dence, informed decisions by means of proactive engagement, building trustandensuringwedelivervalueformoney in every aspect of our work with consumers.
Innovating by means of using open banking and 昀椀nance technology, automated information gathering with visual prompts and the unique “Who am I programme” WPSA ensures that whether it be support, guidance or advice it is tailored directly to the consumers values, objectives: needs and wants, presented using language they can understand as it mirrors their own communication style.
Uniquely, advice is available at different life stages, at selected levels, by subscribing to our services through our App.
It’s advice, but quicker, easier, better – value for money in real time.
Growing Broker // 2024
Best Customer Service // 2024
XPBEE is a brokerage company founded in 2023, focused on providing convenient trading conditions for traders of all experiencelevels.ThenameXPBEEcombines two key concepts and approaches to work: “XP” (from Experience) – expertise, and “BEE” – collective unity. The company was created by traders for traders, which gives it a deep understanding of client needs and a strong focus on meeting them.
The broker’s main trading instruments include Forex currency pairs, metals, indices, energy resources, cryptocurrencies, and stocks of the world’s largest companies. (In total, there are 1000+ trading instruments). An account can be opened with a minimum deposit of $100, and leverage is offered up to 1:500, allowing for effective capital use and various trading strategies.
XPBEE is registered in Saint Lucia and holds a Legal Opinion and Good Standing Certi昀椀cate from independent legal 昀椀rms. Client veri昀椀cation requires identity con昀椀rmation through KYC, address veri昀椀cation, passport or ID card information, and a mandatory sel昀椀e for identity con昀椀rmation. Fund security is ensured by the segregation of client funds from company funds.