Dec / Jan 2012
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From the Editor... Apparently it is Christmas time again. I say apparently because it has come around again so quickly that we are still finishing off last year’s Christmas ham and still reading last year’s Christmas books. I am sure a lot of people feel this way too as time has sped up so incrementally that many people I know can’t keep track of what day it is, and whole month’s go by in what feels like one weekend. However I checked the calendar, and yes it is Christmas, and then New Year’s after that. (Just like every year. Funny that) And with New Year’s comes the celebration that will see us welcome in 2012, which is probably one of the most anticipated, talked about New Years of all time. It has been a big crazy year for us and for the world as a whole. So many changes are taking place; we can see the world moving and breathing and adjusting all the time, and the consciousness has shifted so much that it is clearly evident as people are speaking and behaving differently, and you can even see in the world news that there are protests and movements worldwide, as people are finding their voice and breaking out of the control and rising up… we have reached critical mass and the shift is happening and can’t be stopped. It is wonderful to watch and be a part of. So in light of the fact it is the holidays, it is important that we all take Christmas as a time to reflect, be joyful, live in the moment, enjoy spending time with your family, and feel the spirit of Christmas – and don’t be pressured by the commercial version. We hear more about the true joy of Christmas from Natasha Clarke. And for New Years, we are featuring PRANA, which holds a wonderful retreat over New Year’s in the Coromandel where hundreds of like-minded people gather to learn, dance, sing, reflect, experience, relax, and celebrate the energy and welcome in the 2012 year. Then we get philosophical and ask the questions what is faith? What is love? How about truth, trust and compassion? Do you know what these truly mean and what they can teach us? We reflect on how can we truly take stock of ourselves and what earth can teach us in these times of great change… And learn why you the architect of your own experience and why thoughts truly do become things. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year’s everyone, see you on the other side.
Editor Amanda Jeffs Designer Alana Houghton Into Light Magazine was brought to you by Into Light Forum and Soul Destiny Foundation All information within Into light Magazine is Copyright and belongs to each author. Would you like to provide feedback about an article you’ve read in Into Light? Or share how a story has helped you in some way? Simply email intolightmagazine@gmail. com. Letters may be edited for length, style or grammatical reasons before being published. If you would like to see your art featured in this Magazine please email us intolightmagazine@
Kind Regards
Amanda Jeffs Editor Into Light Magazine
Manager Patricia Lankshear
On the cover.... The Creativity Expanded by Angelo De Marchi
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Dec / Jan 2012 The Heart of Prana New Year Festival 2012 is in the kitchens!
Going through the changes with Fluidity
Louise James
The Joy of Christmas
Natasha Clarke
What would you like to Experience?
Aaron Wigg
These Earth Changes
Shari Rhodes
What to Expect from 2012
Wayne Morgan
Shamanism and Sacred Space
David de Warenne
Book Review - My Best Alkaline Rich Recipes
Gilly Varcoe
Your Shadow is Your Light
Helen Barnes
Summer Solstice/Christmas
Deborah Joy
Interview - Biljana Knaap
Noeline Levinson
Dolphin’s Message & Message from the seals on 11.11.11
Faye Rogers
How future life progressions can help empower you
Terry Kellior
“And in the silence the answers will come”
Trish Stewart
So what is your cat’s agenda?
Jeanne Northwood
Simple Truths: The knowledge and wisdom of the ancients
Gail Taylor
Mission Nutrition, Are you a Human Rubbish Bin?
Claire Turnbull
Book Review - Soul to Soul Parenting
Sheena McPhail
Eileen Darwin
The 6 Conditions for Healing
Kim Knight
Transform your life with ThetaHealing™
Nancy Cate
A Beautiful Soul Connection
Karen Wills
Health Takes More Than Medicine
Lani Lopez
Apophylite & Stillbrite - the Gift of Ease
Debbie Gillespie
You Can Have Mind Control
Mel Abbott
On the Couch
Richard Gray
Anger - constructive or destructive
Darren Wallace
Craig Lankshear
What’s On
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The Heart of Prana New Year Festival 2012 is in the kitchens! By Maya Join us from 30 December 2011 to 3 January 2012, at an iconic New Zealand festival serving up lots of live music, more than one hundred creative, transformational workshops, and the pristine clear waters of Opoutere Beach to swim and surf in. This is a truly unique New Year celebration that attracts beautiful conscious people who come away having experienced a bit of magic. The following excerpts by some of the festival food outlet owners highlight their conscious contribution. One World Café with Maya & Dan Our seasonal kitchen for 2012 is excited to offer you our own style of nutritious and tasty vegetarian meals from around the globe. Our inspiration comes from the local and traditional street food found on busy market corners in all parts of the World. Full of flavour, spices and colour! Prana festivals are always such a multi-cultural delight for all the senses and so we thought it fitting for the food to reflect the diversity of the people who travel from far and near to be a part of it! The One World cafe will be serving raw cakes and superfood shakes, juices, and to top it all off and because life is just not the same without them, raw sweets, cakes and cookies, delicious snacks and fresh wraps to suit the on-the-run workshop hopper! Ashram Yoga Kitchen with Prasad
Bountiful Earth At Bountiful Earth (simply Vegetarian) we celebrate with GRATITUDE, the abundant nourishment so lovingly provided by our beloved Mother Earth and consciously prepare Her GIFTS with Joy, Love, Peace and Passion for the wellbeing of all, ever mindful to support bringing Heaven To Earth. Blessings to All.
Experience Prasad’s knowledge of blending spices, flavours, fresh vegetables chopped for better taste and texture, and colourful presentation of food. The intersection of Yoga and food is prana – the subtle life force that permeates the entire universe. Prana is refined, intelligent energy that moves through every living being making the heartbeat, the mind think and the eyes see. Everything depends on prana. The yogic way of preparing food believes that the intention of the cooks goes into the food. Likewise, when the food is consumed with gratitude and awareness then its nourishing properties are enhanced. Smoked baked Spuds with Eugene O’Reilly Our Food Philosophy is based on health and respect.
We believe it is important to use ingredients that are as organic and chemical free as possible to respect our bodies and the earth. It is also very important to us that as we use meat, the animals are respected and raised in a way that reflects this. We source our meat & vegetables from local organic farms and do not use imported ingredients. All our meals are gluten free. We cook our meals with the active loving intent of providing the Prana tribe with healthy, tasty, goodsized meals for a good price. by Maya. The One World Cafe is run by Prana resident Maya, who joined the Prana festival team in 2009. After more than 18 years of travelling and working overseas, I have come full circle back into my passion for cooking and food culture. My new life in NZ is about investing in my own talents, making the most of everything I have learnt and expanding my knowledge further. The challenge of providing delicious and simple healthy food for a festival is an exciting mission and I look forward to working with my kitchen crew and learning from them.
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Going through the changes with Fluidity
By Louise James of Ascension Explorers© 2011
‘To be fluid is to be in constant awareness, to be aware that at any moment of your linearity or conscious state, life, reality, cosmic state of being, may change. You may be taken from one place of understanding, and thrust into another. To be fluid you must be in the ready. You have the essence of knowing that things will change, when, you are not sure, but you know that they will. ’ What is fluidity? This is a word that seems to be used a lot recently. Both in the channelings I give and by those that are around me. It seems as if fluidity seems to be the new buzzword. Yet truly what does it mean to the general person in the street. Fluidity: a changeable quality is what the dictionary & thesaurus give as an answer. So what exactly is the reason that we are told to be fluid or to be in fluidity or to allow the fluidity to move through us! After giving this some thought and coming up with various answers ranging from – we need to be in a state of allowance of all things, to not let anything get the better of us or be annoying. So armed with this I went to the team that I work with to get some clarification on why they keep using this word fluidity. I remember the first time I heard the use of the word in any of the channels that came through via the energy beings that work with us. It was via a very gentle energy being calling itself ‘Marcus’. Not for any other reason than I would never be able to annunciate its name and that it happened to like the ‘sound’ of this name Marcus. Apparently heard being referred to an honorable young man during a time period ‘Marcus’ was passing by. Marcus would speak to Heather and I about the fluidity of time, energy, and life, of all things in our world. How we should look to the water of this planet for our guidance on how to move from one place to another. How to be fluid in any given moment was to be in perfect connection with all that is around us. Then about a year later AdamusTM began to use the word and so did Kuthumi and now so does Cifethr. I went to them and asked “Why is the word or use of the word fluidity used so much in your conversations with us. They replied: This word is used as such to ensure that you remember it. If we were to use a word
that is commonplace you would treat it as such – commonplace. Yet when we use this word it remains in your energy and you begin to think and meditate upon it. As you begin to allow the energy of the word to permeate your being, you begin to receive the message within the energy of the word. To be fluid is to be in constant awareness, to be aware that at any moment of your linearity or conscious state, life, reality, cosmic state of being, may change. You may be taken from one place of understanding, and thrust into another. To be fluid you must be in the ready. You have the essence of knowing that things will change; when, you are not sure but you know that they will. You are pulled into the center of knowing that all things are not equal and yet when you are in a state of change you realise that all things are equal. As when you realise that nothing has a solid form because you are constantly changing the ‘solid world’ around you this therefore must also be in a constant state of change. Now if you are in a constant state of change you should realise that there is an understanding that the form that you call reality is actually a non-reality. It is the hologram that we have been talking about in many different ways. By viewing the world and all that it contains in the true way of constant change this in itself should by rights make you view your own experience differently. You are able to change the situations you are in by allowing change to come into your space. How do you do this? By believing in your reality of fluidity. By being the changeable quantity in your life. Fluid takes the shape of the container it is poured into, what if we, The Ascended, The Cosmic Councils, The Angelic etc., asked you to not just allow the shape to take place but to allow your energy of change to change the shape of the container by being the unknown factor in the quantity of change. Be the difference that you
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are looking for in others, allow yourself to reach into your depths and come to know that you are indeed a fluid energy. When we look at the human life we are reminded that you are at times as blocked and unmovable as the dam walls that you construct to restrain the water that you believe needs to be stored up. Yet the water tears down this same wall, that supposedly keeps the water back, when the strength of what is there is added to by storms or floods. Why is it that nature always has a lesson in fluidity for you but you never seem to learn? Why is it that we will speak of being fluid in your choices, life, creating, living etc. but you still retain some degree of stiffness that cracks under the pressure that is built up over time. This pressure is normally created by the storms in your life due to reactions from Aspects and fears. We, The Ascended, Angelic, the Cosmic, again would ask you why do you feel that you need to be in constant control of all that you ‘think’ is necessary. Why do you not try and allow a space of fluid thinking, which is, to be honest, the most real way of being and allow the universe to connect with you in the moments of lucid knowing. My dear human friends being fluid allows for all states of knowledge and understanding to flow into your being. It is perhaps the easiest way to connect with the way of the universe. You have all been told of the Universal Secret to increase your wealth, wisdom, health and life, and yet most of you read the book and the follow up book and the third the edition only to find yourself still attempting to be in the flow and to allow all things to come to you. Why do you think that it takes so long to connect? Yes, there is the concept of the seed being planted; yes, there is the understanding that you need to tell the Universe by thought, deed and word that you believe the changes in your thought structure and belief system. Yes, you have many different concepts going through your mind and heart that have been taught to you by many great teachers, both human and energy, and yet still you stumble at the hurdles of ‘belief’. Why? We are beginning to see that it may be due to the inflexible state of your understanding and truth. What do we mean by inflexible? Simply this, that when we ask you to trust yourself you immediately say ‘but I do’, then when we say if you trust yourself then go out and do what is in your heart and allow the creation of what is there. You say ‘OK’ and you begin to put things in place till that voice in your head begins to ask questions; ‘Why are you doing this and what is it going to achieve?’ and so on. You begin to doubt your beliefs and truths and wonder why you are doing what you are doing. It is almost as if you forget that you are following the fluid direction of the universe. When you look at the universe, it is not structured in a linear way, it is fluid and loose yet it is knitted together with the most beautiful geometric patterning that could be created.
This fluidity of creation is what we want you to begin to patterning yourself on. For when you pattern yourself on the ideals of the fluid movement of the universe, you begin to know and feel the rhythm of the universe. You begin to recognise the feel and resonance of being in a balance of being, where you realise that it is in this neutral place of balance that you are able to tap into all parts of being. Knowing that you are capable of all things by being fluid. This is being in the flow of the river, feeling the abundance of all things in the middle of all that you are. Know that it is in the state of ‘inbetween’ that you are able to tap into the full fluidity of being the Energy Being that you are. It is here that you truly tap into the Higher Self recognition of energy and power of being. Being fluid is not just accepting that you need to be ‘in the flow’ of things but it is being fluid in all area’s at all times allowing the essence of what you do when you do it to seep in and around you as you begin to activate or create in that place of being. Slowly I begun to realise that as we grow into our understanding of our limitlessness as creator beings and standing in the, I AM that I AM of awareness; we begin to live and be in the fluidity of life. It is not something that we need to go out and study to gain a degree but it is something we allow to be ‘absorbed’ into our being. We begin to resonate with the fluidity of things so much easier than when we ‘analyse’ and try to use logic to work things out. It is in the understanding of being fluid in all things that I am able to tap into the Source connection more fully and allow myself to believe that I am truly able to create and manifest in this time. It is in the integration of this knowledge that allows me to see the hologram image of a river flowing and a person allowing the river to float them down to the destination. It is in the knowing that no matter what the circumstances, by being fluid I am able to stay in balance. Just like Marcus said back in 2009 while we were channeling in the UK & Kauai, remain in the fluidity and see how all things come to you. Do not resist any or all changes but welcome them. For it is in the balance of the depths of fluid that you find where to swim or to walk. Being in fluidity is to be in a place of ease, to be at peace and to know that if you are in fluidity you are in balance and if you are in balance then you are able to listen, see, and act at the perfect time. Being fluid perhaps then, dear readers is not that difficult. Thanks for reading. Lou James with Cifehtr & Marcus © Ascension Explorers 2011
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The Joy of Christmas By Natasha Clarke
Joy is a magical word, encompassing every positive thought and emotion know to human kind. It is the root of happiness, the gateway to love, and fills us with light and peace… We are approaching one of the most joyful times of the year, a time for love and happiness. If we forget commercialism and society's conditioning of what we have allowed Christmas to become, we can let go and be free to feel into and connect with the true joy of Christmas. Christmas is traditionally known as the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, one of the most beautiful and enlightened beings that has ever walked this planet. Jesus wanted us to become him, to step into our own divine light and embrace our true selves, embrace our birth right as enlightened beings, full of love, joy, peace and happiness. Christmas really is the celebration of you and I, a beautiful and joyous occasion for human kind to come together as one, to rejoice in this beautiful life that has been gifted to us all, to love each other as god intended without any conditions, judgment or fear and to be fully present in the moment with ourselves and each other. Christmas is a time for giving to others without expecting anything in return. The gift of compassion, kindness and love may seem slightly out of context in today's society where commercialism has a firm grip on reality and monetary items are exchanged as a token of our appreciation and love for one another and we tend
“Maybe Christmas, ‘he thought’, doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more.” ~ Dr. Seuss
to forget our own self in the process. If we remove the layers of societies conditioning, judgement and expectations, financial pressures, the stress and disconnection from ourselves, we can allow the joy of Christmas to fully embrace us. Love and kindness for one’s self is the greatest gift we can give, we are each the creators of our own reality, love yourself and this will be reflected in the world around you. Children are bundles of joy and are a beautiful reflection of the magical joy of Christmas. Adults often refer to Christmas as being all about the children and it’s no wonder, these joyful beautiful beings are free to live in their moment. They don’t burden themselves with the past or worry about the unpredictable future, unlike most of the adult world. Our children are divine gifts to be treasured, they are our future – so embrace them, learn joy and honesty from them, play with them and share in their joy of Christmas. The joy of Christmas has a certain magic about it, touching your soul and bringing forward emotions of love, compassion and kindness, it is able to reach even the most guarded of souls, melting away the layers and allowing our beings to shine through. Imagine if we could hold that magic in our lives permanently, what a beautiful world it would be, what beautiful beings we are.
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What Would You Like to Experience? By Aaron Wigg
Whether you are aware of this or not, or are consciously doing it or not, it is always in process. We are always creating and defining our experiences every second of the day with thought. If we aren’t doing it consciously then we are doing it unconsciously. If we aren’t intentionally creating the experiences we want to experience, then we are unintentionally creating the experiences which appear as thoughts in our minds. Either way, by law, what and how we experience, is determined by thought. For example, many people in reading and hearing this could say, “I don’t agree.” The reason they wouldn’t agree with it, would be because of thought. We often define ourselves by our thoughts but often, our thoughts are not defined by us. They are often defined by our parents, extended family, teachers, priests, political leaders and many other environmental influences (but not limited to).
To re-emphasize: The mind replicates and reproduces thoughts so that they can be experienced. The point is experience. So all ideas of lack, impossibility and limitedness are all ideas programmed into the subconscious mind determining the quality of experience. This also goes for all attitudes towards spirituality and money as well. Thoughts don’t belong to anyone and neither does the mind. It is a design, for that which is without form, to experience itself as form, for the infinite to experience itself as finite. How cool! As this becomes clear, the infinite then expresses and experiences itself as infinite, in form. But coming back to thought - thought is the power of creation, the power of experience, and the opportunity to experience. Thoughts become things. Whatever appears in the mind as a picture or idea, and through emotion and/or repetition becomes impressed onto the screen of the subconscious and automatically then dictates what actions the person takes, what they perceive and what is attracted to them.
“You can have as much money as you want.” Answer: “No, I can’t” / “I don’t need money.”
“Anything you dream and imagine, you can bring into form.” Answer: “Really? That’s a nice idea (but untrue).” The point I’m making with these examples is that the answer in every instance was an expression due to a pre-recorded answer/reaction. It wasn’t original, new or authentic. They are all the robotic duplications of the mind, based on the programming of limitation often from our upbringing. There’s nothing bad about this. It is merely a function of the mind. There is nothing wrong or right with it, it’s just the way it works, by design. The pictures or thoughts in our mind are often based on either possibility or impossibility. When they are of impossibility, the body is uneasy, unpleasant emotions arise, a deep frustration may harbour. But deep down, deep down, there is a knowing, that anything and everything is possible, because... I’m INFINITE! So of course there’s no such thing as impossible! When there are images or thoughts of possibility and originality, then immediately there is a charge of power and love pulsating and vibrating through every atom of the physical body. The atoms are yelling out, “YES! YES! YES! That’s what I’m talking about!” We can, as Conscious Creators, decide what we
would like to put into our minds and allow it to flourish in the realms of the subconscious so that something of more enrichment and fulfillment can be created and experienced. When we do this in every area of our lives, we can experience the CUTTING EDGE of what it means to experience form. We will see what the bible speaks of when it speaks of “God’s Kingdom on Earth”. This can all be seen as religious, this can also be seen as spiritual. But then again it can be seen as anything – any value or charge can be placed on it, depending on how you want to experience it. Every business for example that has ever been started was due to an image or vision in someone’s mind. The clothes you are wearing, the computer or phone you are using, the chair you may be sitting on and the car you may be driving, all originated as a thought in the infinite, and was brought into physical form through collaboration and action. How amazing is that?! Everything we use on a daily basis to eat with and out of, to sleep in and on, to put on our bodies and take off... the list goes on... for entertainment and necessity were all created from the imagination of people, who then took action and used attraction, either consciously or unconsciously to make them definite objects of experience. How wonderful! What would you like to experience? Aaron Wigg Founder & Director at Helping people achieve Spiritual, Business and Social transformation.
This is always happening, without exception. There are always thoughts, dictating actions, perception and attraction, whether we are aware of them, or not. Without them, there would be no experience.
Through the repetition of suggestions of how life is and has to be, these suggestions (from others) become our own thoughts, belief systems and actions. This then determines how we view, experience and act in life, and therefore what we experience.
So therefore, as the architects of our own experience in form, the possibilities are unlimited. As Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there will ever be to understand and know.”
So the answer, “I don’t agree” is an automatic replication and reproduction of what others have said. There is nothing wrong with this. It is simply the way the mind functions. It replicates and reproduces, and creates the ideas which appear in it (either through suggestion or inspiration), so that they can be experienced.
Through imagination, anything can be created and experienced. The ability to create a picture in the mind which hasn’t been seen or suggested before is one so pristine and perfect! We often think about (or allow the mind to automatically re-process) that which we see in front of and around us. Then when something which differs from what we see around us
For example:
“You are already enlightened; it is your natural state.” Answer: “No I’m not; I’ve got to work for it.”
“In the beginning was the Word...” “Through him all things were made...” John 1:1-3 Thoughts determine experiences. I mean how amazing is that? I find it absolutely fantastic! Thoughts determine experiences. This totally changes everything, right? I mean, this changes how we have been experiencing life, from it’s happening to me, to I am the architect of my own experience. I like the sound of that, “I am the architect of my own experience.”
is suggested to us, we find it impossible, because it goes against the habitual thoughts which reside in the mind, dictating perception, action and attraction.
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These Earth Changes The Macrocosmic Index of Human Emotion By Shari Rhodes
What is happening in our world? With the increasing frequency of natural disasters, political discord and economic crisis, we question the validity of the predictions of Nostradamus, 2012 and the end of the Mayan calendar. We don’t want to buy into the fear of world annilation, (the end of life, as we know it). However Cataclysmic events are mounting. We are witnessing massive earth changes. Scientists are discovering great shifts in the planet’s structure, tectonics and magnetic plates. The earth is rotating on its axis and changing position in relation to the sun. There are concerns about global warming. The earth appears to be erupting from the inside, out. The earth is a living-breathing organism, not just solid rock. It has an energy frequency. It resonates. It’s not an inanimate platform to serve our material needs. Mechanization, over population, technology, pollution, materialization, deforestation and drilling into the earth’s core has all added stress to the planet. We have over- pushed industry and urbanization, exhausting the natural resources of the planet. There have been warning signs - global warming, increased structural tension on the fault lines, movement of the tectonic plates, erratic shifts in weather patterns, prolonged draughts and excessive flooding that have impacted the farming and dairy industries. California and Australia have been plagued by out of control forest fires. Earthquakes in Christchurch and Japan have killed and injured thousands of people. Buildings have collapsed. There has been Contamination of radiation. Tsunamis have taken out entire cities. People have lost everything. In an instant, their homes, loved ones, jobs and communities gone. We are impacted by the recession, rising petrol, rent and food prices. The cost of imparts and exports items have increased exponentially. We have seen political breakdown. Revolutions in Saudi Arabia, Libya, Egypt and Fiji have erupted. Governments and political leaders have been over thrown, resulting in violence and anarchy. The fight continues over power, money, domination and control. We still see
segregation and class structure. We see conflict and judgment, racial, cultural and religious differences. Throughout history, wars continue. But why are we still fighting? Why is it so difficult to accept our differences? Does it have to be so complicated? Why can’t we maintain a harmonized world order? We have to ask ourselves, why is this happening? What are we learning? How am I contributing to this global mess? What do I need to examine within myself to support global change? I think the earth reflects the macrocosmic index of human emotion. What we see in the world mirrors our beliefs and how we conduct ourselves. The outer turmoil reflects our own inner turmoil. These events challenge us to face each other and look at how we are treating the planet. We need to consider the impact we havethe consequences of our choices. So many of us are caught up in the microscopic lens of our own psychology (our own stories) and daily survival, we have lost sight of the larger picture. Nature will always move towards balance. The planet is exhausted, buckling under the pressures of a heavy load. We have ignored the warning signs and have exploited her for our own needs. It is time to reconsider our choices, become more environmentally friendly and live more simply. We need to respect our environment. The earth is just as important as we are. The elements of nature and all life forms are equally important.
consciousness is starting to shift toward a greater sense of shared humanity, connection and generosity. Global consciousness is moving from the focus on self to the larger perspective of the collective. It’s about recognizing humanity as a single unit, that we are not alone. We are in this together. We need to be there for each other, supporting our friends, neighbours and community, stepping outside our comfort zones and lending a helping hand.
the world, but rather a “revolution in consciousness”. The questions become:
I think energy patterns are being accelerated on the planet giving us a wake up call to become more conscious. It’s about clearing the decks. We are being challenged to examine our emotional issues and patterns and make a change. It is easy to become complacent in familiar routines. However I think we are being pushed to raise our awareness and vibration and heal our wounds from the past. We need to take responsibility and come to terms with our angers, resentments and past hurts. It’s about letting go and not holding on to relationships and behavioral patterns that no longer serve.
We have the opportunity right now to be present and live fully in the moment. Life is fragile. As we see in the news, in a blink, everything could be gone. We can’t assume things will stay the same. They never do. As the earth is changing and shifting on her axis, we too must change. Life is energy. We are all impacted by the shared energy between us. It is our choice how we respond to global experiences. We can choose to become more open hearted and compassionate or cynical and embittered. The challenge becomes “how do I become a better person”? “What must I do to make a difference?” “We all have our unique purpose. We must decide how we can most potently contribute. It is up to us to act. We are all part of the collective pattern. Each stitch impacts the structure of the whole. As links in a chain, we must all stand together. I don’t think these cataclysmic events mark the end of
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Are we looking after each other or are we living in avoidance? Are we listening to others or are we wrapped up in our story? Are we aware of the impact we have on the planet? Are we trusting our inner guidance and taking action? Are we living fully for today or we too preoccupied with our own drama? Are we shut down or open in the heart? Are we willing to connect? Are we stepping up or are we hiding in fear?
“Our lives touch other lives”. “The light of hope pushes away the darkness.” We all have a choice. We have the gift of hope. Shari Rhodes is an International Intuitive Reader. She is a citizen of the United States and New Zealand. Shari offers readings, workshops and public talks locally and internationally. Shari holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and has completed further study of Intuitive development, counselling, mediation, emotional release work and public speaking. She has published many articles on social issues and psychological development. Shari supports people to move forward in a positive direction with greater clarity, self-empowerment and self-confidence. She is available for consultations over the phone or in person. You can contact Shari at 027-629-5469 or email Her website is www.
These so called disasters have given us a gift, an opportunity to ask the deeper questions. These events such as the earthquakes in Christchurch and Japan have brought people closer together. They have opened people’s hearts in compassion and kindness. Many people, jobless or homeless themselves, have stepped forward and have offered a helping hand. Governments, all over the world, have stepped in and assisted. The collective
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What to Expect from 2012 By Wayne Morgan Rather than looking at what to expect from 2012, I think we should look at what not to expect. Things like waiting for a saviour to appear, or the world to end. Instead people should start taking full responsibility of their own interaction with themselves. I think we should be looking at how things have been changing. Over the past 12 years I have been looking at the changes that are affecting all of us and also making changes within myself. The two main areas I have worked on are the ‘power of one’ in conjunction with Soulmates, and how can we better understand our youth. It is interesting that these subjects have both given me a better understanding of what to expect form 2012. One of the main things I have seen is the ever increasing stress that we are consistently putting ourselves under to do with relationships with others and the eternal world. Over the past two years I have been running development classes with the emphasis on learning techniques to help to take self-responsibility. The majority of my classes are made up of under 40’s and they all seem to be having the same issue - a problematic mind. The external world is now very focussed on how much you have, be it intellect, money or material possessions. I have noticed that the younger people are responding badly to this type of outlook. The one thing that they want is love. As a race, our older generations have forgotten to love themselves first. There is a technique I have been using with young families with great success, which is to say to your child “I LOVE ME, I LOVE LOVE YOU” every time the word love is used. This one simple thing has changed whole family units from how the kids feel about themselves to how mum and dad interact with each other. This is because the traditionally people say Í love you’ and they wait for a response. Then the other person feels the need to say ‘I love you’ back. This is needy love. By saying ‘I love me’ first, you give yourself the love you crave, then saying I double love you, it gives a less needy, more positive, fulfilled love. So going back to what’s going to happen in 2012. Well I think love and family values are what we are going to start to see more of. Also generally people and groups who are saying to us ‘We can save you’ are dwindling
as we get a better understanding that only we can save ourselves. 2012 will be about each individual learning how to better handle themselves and take responsibility. Our young people are showing us this, particularly those born from 1980 until 2000, otherwise known as Crystals. Also making a huge impact and changing the way we do things are those born from 2000 till now, who are known as Bluestar children and Rainbow children. They are called this because the aura they are born with is majority crystal or rainbow colour, or they are born with stars in their being. One thing my research has shown, if young people don’t have love in their environment, they become very erratically behaved. This is showing up more and more as the youth suicide rate increases, and most countries worldwide are having problems with the youth who are unhappy with the way things are being run. So what can you do to help make 2012 and beyond a better place? • • • • • • • •
Love yourselves. Create fair exchange. Speak your truth. Take self-responsibility. Be happy in your moment - yesterday is dead and tomorrow is yet to be born. Everyone is a winner or we are all losing with grace. Win ‘at all costs’ to your soul, or lose ‘with grace and humility’. Stop all judgement of yourselves and others. Feel joy.
Of course there are many other ways to bring us closer to peace. This is what we all are searching for after all. So find what works for you and what makes you happy, and do your part to make 2012 the happy and joyful year for you and family that it is meant to be. We the people of earth have the power to make these changes. For more info on Wayne Morgan go to
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Shamanism and Sacred Space By David de Warenne
Within this article we will investigate sacred space and experience how to create this within our own personal spaces, homes and healing practices. Shamanism is an ancient healing practice found throughout all of the traditional cultures in the world and practiced most actively today in the Americas. The Shaman is the individual who mediates between Heaven and Earth, between the visible and invisible worlds, and facilitates the healing of all things, Earth, Sea and Sky...past, present and future...and everything living or dead. They also bring about the balance and right the connections between all things. Shaman and other healers always work within Sacred Space. There are many different kinds and levels of sacred space including, calling on Spirit helpers or using Feng Shui, (space clearing and the art of placement), within our lives. We can all create a personal sacred space by calling in the four corners of the world, and on the organising and unifying principles that each of these four corners represents. When we call upon them we create a space that is safe, which is an essential condition for healing to occur. Many clients come to healers because at an early stage of their lives their environment ceased being a safe place for them and until we can create a safe energetic space for them, healing is going to be very difficult. Creating this space differs within specific shamanic cultures around the world, but essentially it is all the same. We call upon the four corners of the world... the four directions...We also call upon Heaven and the Earth...and sometimes the realm of the ‘in between’ and the realm of ‘within’....thus eight directions can be summoned on. This sacred space connects us to the all the forces of nature. We then create a second kind of sacred space...that of which is a distinctly human sphere...that which connects us to the Medicine Men and woman, to the Luminous beings that assist us from the Spirit world, the Teachers, the Angels, the Luminous ones. If we really understood just how much Spirit
help we have at our sides then we would be truly overwhelmed. These Spirit helpers cannot directly influence our world, for our world is too dense, so we have to create a microcosm of the universe so that they can come and assist us and help us with our healing processes. Shamanism is also about right relationship, right relationship with all that is, so setting up our sacred spaces before our work is essential for any work to actually be successfully done at all, remembering that the Shaman is only a bridge for the healing. The following is an example of a method that I personally use within my own daily life, healing practice and that which I share within my Shamanic workshops to my participants. I personally begin by facing the greet the direction of the rising sun, that which embodies new beginnings, birth and moving energy. (Other cultures begin facing other directions, The Shaman of South America often begin by honouring the South first....But begin wherever you fell drawn to begin.) Please note that the script in bold below is spoken aloud or internally and that body motions accompany this moving meditation. Remember that intent is the most important thing and that there are no rules. I HONOUR THE SPIRIT OF THE EAST WITH GREAT LOVE AND APPRECIATION (Or GRATITUDE, which ever word you wish to use) Start in any way that feels appropriate for you - For example with hands in a position of prayer at the heart level....or with your arms extended out to you sides (Heart open). AS I HONOUR MY FEMALE AND MY FEMALE LINEAGE With the left arm sweeping slowly into a swimming backstroke movement in a wide circle, following your hand with your eyes as it sweeps back around and is placed onto the heart.
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AS I HONOUR MY MALE AND MY MALE LINEAGE... With the right arm sweeping slowly into a swimming backstroke movement in a wide circle...following your hand with your eyes as it sweeps back around and is placed onto the heart. AND OFFER ALL THAT I AM TO BE OF SERVICE TO THE LIGHT (or to Spirit, which ever word you wish to use) Hands together in a prayer position, held high above the head then sweeping out to the sides at the waist/ hip level and back up to a prayer position high above the head, and whilst in that position continue with..... I HONOUR THE SEPARATION OF RANGANUI THE SKY (The Sky Father) Opening your arms to the sky to acknowledge Rangi and then sweeping your arms outwards and down towards the Earth saying... AND PAPATUANUKU THE EARTH (The Earth Mother) Opening your arms and acknowledging the Earth Mother... I GATHER UP THE 3 KETE (BASKETS) OF KNOWLEDGE (MENTAL, EMOTIONAL and PHYSICAL) Gently scooping up the Mauri / Prana / Chi energy and drawing it towards you, and then from touching the ground bring your hands into a cupped shape. I OFFER THEM UP Bring you cupped hands to high above your head then sweep your arms out to the sides to the waist/hip level and back up high. I BRING THEM TO MY HEART With cupped hands bringing them from high up, down and with a gesture placing them into your heart. AND I SCATTER THEM THROUGHOUT THE LAND... As you make a scattering gesture with a gentle Tai Chi movement and with the left foot - step at 45 degrees out to the left - both hands go far forward (at the chest level) and then sweep till they almost touch behind your back, then sweep your hands forward into a prayer position in front of the heart, then bring your right foot up with your left foot and prepare to honour the next direction. (Repeat for each direction South, West, North and return full circle to East then proceed with the following) I HONOUR THE ABOVE, I HONOUR ABOVE ALL ELSE - GREAT SPIRIT (Adding as you wish...The Ascended Masters, The Angelic realms The Christed Galactic Federation, Spirit Helpers, Guides, Teachers, Ancestors... etc. etc. ...whoever you associate with the higher realms)
Arms up in an ancient V power symbol AS I HONOUR THE BELOW (Beloved Mother Earth, The Devic realms, the power animals...Including anyone else you associate with the below) Bringing arms down making an inverted “V” with your hands below your hips at your sides... AS I HONOUR THE IN BETWEEN...All that are seen and not seen Arms’ sweeping out to include all that is in the world before you... AND AS I HONOUR THE REALM OF WITHIN... Hands coming home to the heart. And if appropriate you may add... I honour the Spirit, Spirits, Guardians, The Ancestors and the Keepers of this Land. I honour the Elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. I honour beloved Moon, the Stars and all that is. I honour my Spirit Helpers and ask that they please be with me upon this day and beyond. I also ask for their help and assistance with my intention for this day and that I may be of service for the light. (Define and express your intent for the day at this time or for whatever purpose that you created the sacred space for. Always finish with...”Thank you” Whenever any healing work has completed, it is important to send the unifying principles of the directions back to where they came.) It is done...So be it...It is so...Blessed be... This is a very beautiful and powerful ceremony. It really makes sense to start each day with this sort of that we may walk into our day energized and connected to Spirit and to our own hearts. I invite you to create sacred space within your own life, to connect with the invisible forces of nature and to the luminous ones, and invite them all into your personal space, homes and healing practices. David de Warenne is a Shamanic Practitioner, Sound Healer, Visionary, Author and Teacher, and also tutors these modalities both within New Zealand and internationally. For further information regarding Shamanism, Shamanic workshops and healing, please go to www. or email divineessence@xtra.
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Book Review
Book Review By Gilly Varcoe
My Best Alkaline Rich Recipes By Dhyana Tribe
This is no normal book review…. This is a review about a collection of reference materials designed as handy tools that can give you the nutrition information that you need at-a-glance. Natropath Dhyana Tribe, co-founder of Prana Retreat, has created a collection of healthy food references to help make good health and nutrition easier for us to manage in our daily busy lives. The nutrition reference materials consist of nutrition charts, cards and recipe booklets. The materials have been put together, and make up what Prana Retreat calls 'Dhyana Tribe's Publications'. They are available for purchase on the Prana website at The 'Dhyana Tribe's Publications' are comprised of the following four reference materials: 1 x A3 sized laminated 80/20 Alkaline/Acid Chart 1 x A3 sized laminated Glycemic Index Chart 1 x A5 sized Raw Food Power reference Card
knowledge of nutrition such as myself still learnt new things. For example, did you know that every 30 days our blood cells are renewed? And that every 3 months, 60% to 90% of our body cells are replaced and built from the food we eat? This is how we create good health for ourselves, and this is the principle upon which Dhyana’s publications are based. In them Dhyana emphasizes the importance of alkaline-forming food for the body, good food combinations for improved digestion, and low glycemic index foods to help weight loss.
Our planet is going through a transition from past Piscean principles to new Aquarian ideals. People are suffering as the old energy breaks down and the new frequency tries to anchor. This is a difficult time for all of us. We don’t have to do it alone – help is available from millions of Spirit Guides from higher dimensions, as they stand ready to work with us towards a better future. Never has there been a time in the history of this planet where progress depends on awakening communication between all the dimensions. IT STARTS WITH THE INDIVIDUAL: Learn how to connect and obtain a clear link with Spirit and help this planet move forward. Read more
I found it particularly useful having the A3 sized laminated 80/20 ALKALINE/ACID CHART and a GLYCEMIC INDEX CHART as handy references on my fridge door. I have learnt over the years how much better my body feels when it is ‘alkaline’, and how my energy benefits from low glycemic index food, so Dhyana’s clear and comprehensive charts are certainly welcome tools in helping me keep on track.
She includes so many tips and interesting facts that are easy to understand yet a person with
Also, some of the tasty and nutritious recipes from Dhyana’s Cookbook have already become firm favorites in my household. I would recommend Dhyana’s publications to anyone with an interest in optimising their health through improved nutrition.
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1 xA4 Gourmet Vegan/Vegetarian Cook Booklet 'My Best Alkaline Rich Recipes'
An extract from A Year with Spirit
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Your Shadow is Your Light By Helen Barnes
I am blessed to be in Egypt cruising the River Nile as I write this article and so it feels fitting to write about the ‘shadow’ as the ancient Egyptians believed that the shadow travelled with you through all levels to enlightenment.
Soul Haven – A Self Catering Retreat Do you fancy waking up to the sound of birds singing? Want to sit on the deck and look out over rolling hills and peaceful countryside? Self Catering Retreats are now available at Helen’s home, Soul Haven. Set amongst some of the most beautiful rural farmland in the Kaipara District, this is the ideal location to escape city life, retreat for some relaxation or recuperation or write that book you have always wanted to write. Whether it’s a few nights, a week or more, there is no better way to relax your mind, calm your spirit and soothe your soul. For more information, contact Helen on . You can also check out her website
A Radical Forgiveness Session is a powerful healing process that enables us to shift old hurts, resentments and wounds making way for much love and peace in our lives. It is a transformational process and is particularly beneficial for anyone who….
Many who visit Egypt today also find that the shadow comes up for them while they are here. People can be challenged by the way of life here and can judge some of the customs as right or wrong rather than accepting that they are different – not good or bad, right or wrong, just different. In this way modern Egypt offers us her own gift – the gift of loving the shadow. The shadow aspects of self are often the parts of ourselves that we judge or deny and as long as we do this, we continue to perpetuate the need to experience the shadow until we are able to make peace with it. It is important to remember that the shadow comes from the light – it is the light – yet in the illusion of the 3rd dimension, it can appear separate from the light. We are truly blessed to be moving from duality into unity consciousness at this time and so it is important to heal those shadow aspects of self that are holding us in old beliefs that no longer serve us. Almost all of us at some point on our spiritual path will be called upon to face the shadow side, the ego self and will be challenged to let go of the limitation of the negative aspects of self and fully embrace the divine spirit that is the truth of who we are. To do this we need to heal all our judgments of self and others and transcend them by choosing love, for love heals everything.
At this time we need to move from a state of victimhood into one of self-empowerment and we can do this by loving all our fellow beings. We need to embrace the oneness that connects us all so that we feel and know that everyone is of us and we are of them and thus can embrace them with love, knowing that they, too, are divine spirit manifest as form. And once we have reached a place of love we will be aligned with God once more and work with the magic and mastery of the divine creator being that we truly are. The key to healing the shadow is to love it unconditionally – we have to love and accept it fully. We cannot heal it while we emanate negative thoughts about it. This applies whether these negative thoughts are directed in relation to ourselves or others. So remember to love your shadow as you do your light. One of my favourite sayings that I use is…………… “I am the shadow and the light. I love my shadow and my light. My shadow is my light. Come dance with me in the light.’
~suffers from feelings of guilt ~feels inadequate in anyway ~is experiencing a relationship challenge ~has unfinished business with someone ~bears any kind of grudge or resentment ~suffers from a recurring pattern in their life ~feels they are stuck in some issue or issues ~considers themselves a victim of any kind ~has low self-esteem ~has suffered abuse of any kind ~has been unable to forgive their parents Whereas ordinary forgiveness supports the theory that in forgiving another, you are letting them off the hook and in some way compromising, Radical Forgiveness involves a total release, through a shift in perception that allows us to see the perfection in the situation from a spiritual point of view. Radical Forgiveness allows us to see the spiritual meaning in any situation, the big picture and we are able to recognize that life is divinely guided and unfolding perfectly for our highest good. We are able to surrender to the flow of life and realize there is nothing to forgive. With Radical Forgiveness we can let go of being the victim and find peace in every experience. We are able to recognize our healing angels – the souls who love us the most. To book a Radical Forgiveness Session with Helen, phone 021938024 or email Helen’s work includes: Workshops, Individual Healing Sessions and Readings, Tours to Sacred Sites around the globe and Spiritual Retreats. She is the author of two books, Emerging Soul and Self Realization – A Journey to the Heart.
Helen Barnes 021 938 024
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Summer Solstice/ Christmas By Deborah Joy
Here in Aotearoa at the time of the Summer Solstice, we have adopted the Christian ritual of Christmas which was originally based on the Yule festival or winter Solstice of the Northern Hemisphere. Down here our Yule or winter Solstice is in June, around the 21st and 22nd. Then December 21st and 22nd is our Summer Solstice time. This is a time of celebrating the Sun, celebrating family and traditionally a time of harvest, hay making and generally working while the “Sun is shining” to prepare for the winter months ahead. In our past Maori history, this was a time of gathering flax honey and raupo pollen, tending the kumara gardens, hunting and fishing. A large amount of the fish, shell fish and game caught was dried and stored for the winter months ahead. For the Pakeha who came a little later it was also a time of gathering and preserving the bounty of the Land. By celebrating Christmas as we do generally, we are making it really hard for ourselves on so many levels, spending money, cooking food that is more suited for winter eating and going against Nature! Naturally at this time in Aotearoa the Sun is at its Zenith; its moment of greatest Light. All around us this is reflected with the flowering of the Pohutakawa with its gorgeous red flowers, or the crimson flowers of the Rata, both symbols of Summer in New Zealand. The toetoe feathery yellow fronds are all over, the flax (harakeke) is in full flower, the Kawakawa is dropping its yellow fruit and the Olearia is growing all over, with its white daisy like flowers imitating the Sun, and the gorgeousness of the Rose also in full bloom at this time.
What would it look like to have a celebration that reflected our external environment that was harmonious with Nature? To gather with our family and friends and celebrate our accomplishments of the year, to acknowledge the Light within each of us and allow ourselves to be the radiant Beings that we are. We could have a celebration meal that is abundant with the fresh fruit and vegetables of the season, carrots, beetroot, tomatoes, courgettes and capsicums – no coincidence that these are mainly red and yellow! Strawberries, oranges and honey.... seafood, chicken and/or duck would also be in keeping with the season. With a small amount of tuning in to Nature and our own inner guidance, we can elegantly create our own individual celebration, based on our beliefs and who we are, rather than going along with the ‘consensus reality’ flow. A celebration of the birth of Christ is also easily able to be incorporated into a New Zealand summer solstice celebration. With the values of Peace and Goodwill to Man being attitudes that are required 365 days of the year, every year, year after year.....Then we can all have an enjoyable, relaxed holiday for the whole Summer. Happy Summer Solstice to all and may everyone fully embrace their Radiance and be like the Sun. Blessings Deborah Joy
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SUPER FOODS, SUPER Interview HEALTH AND SUPER SCIENCE What on earth is this all about? By Noeline Levinson
I had the great pleasure to interview Biljana Knaap. This wonderfully enlightened being is originally from Macedonia. She comes from Ohrid, or the City of Light as it is known through history. It is an area with deep spiritual heritage and the seat of the first University in Europe founded in the 9th century. She comes from a long lineage of healers. Her grandgrandmother, Vergilia was also a remarkable woman and was still seeing clients from all over Macedonia at the age of 92. Biljana arrived in New Zealand 17 years ago and had the distinct feeling she was coming home. She has graduated at the School of Medicine Department of Pharmacy and then followed that with the Diploma of Naturopathy and Medical Herbalism. She has been practicing in the last 23 years as a Vibrational Medicine clinician. She is also a Reiki Master, Thought Field Therapy Practitioner scientist, lecturer, and creator of 13 systems of natural health with 36 individual products. She currently runs two companies, the one being Nature Science Ltd and the other is the Super Life Academy. Biljana started very early on in her life being able to see auras, and her ability to move energy came naturally to her. At 12 years old, she realised she could control the state of her health, making herself sick when she needed a rest. One day she was reading a book on 2nd world war, and she was disgusted at how humans could treat other humans,
and she was shouting at God about how such cruelty could have been allowed to happen. At that moment she was enveloped in a very powerful, calming energy. This Energy could only be described as UNCONDITIONAL LOVE” she says she felt totally at peace and realised there was a DIVINE PRESENCE and it was listening to her. It assured her that everything was okay. If anyone had seen this 12 year old who was in such a state, they would have thought she had ‘lost it’, but the truth was she had just ‘found it’. Since then she has been connected with the divine presence and has used that to work with people bringing balance into their lives. Biljana has always been in service.” I am deLight-ed to serve this way” she says. She strongly feels now that we have to learn the new protocols, now we must hold the energy, to start creating a new lease on life. “We have to appreciate the scientific fact that everything is energy in a state of vibration including our bodies and state of health. During the healing sessions The Higher Beings who have mastered the energy transmissions far beyond the human race are projecting the correct templates toward everyone in the group correcting their physical emotional mental and other imbalances” – says Biljana. To this end Biljana has started a healing group that works together every alternate Wednesday from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at a cost of $45 for two hours of intense healing. Many people are experiencing ascension symptoms and the group healing sessions
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assist those who attend to rebalance themselves. Biljana has been working with people for many years, assisting them with re-establishing balance in the body. She was concerned that they would return to their lives after their sessions and once again be bombarded with a toxic environment. This spurred her onto developing a range of products. She has studied the nature of how each element of the body finds its balance. “The human body is in a state of vibration, everything we eat, drink or put on our skin is changing this vibration for better or worse. We must focus on creating products that are compatible with human body. “The products are a living system in a bottle, not just one active ingredient.” says Biljana. Her products then work in harmony with the natural balance of the body. Make your way to her website to see all the wonderful products that are available.
“Health was defined as absence of pain. Well we say SUPERHEALTH is the perfect condition of harmony in body mind soul and all of the creation” Super Life - here she is teaching people how to live life free of struggle, to be more in the flow, manifesting all that they desire in their lifetime. “The Universe is just a playground for us to create and enjoy ALL THE TIME” “Super Science is instant knowing, and access to our own Divine given intelligence is the key to Super Science. The time for ‘can’t’ and ‘won’t’ is over, it is time to burn the old cellular memory and connect to a higher intelligence. Many great scientists who have come before us brought through divine inspiration. Now with the new vibration of the 5th dimension, we all have the ability to connect to that divine inspiration. We just need the guidance to know how.”
“it is just like those who first heard of electricity, they too could not ‘We need to connect all the time, in area of life, for our personal believe it...” every lives, for our community and for the
The Super Life Academy was established 3 years ago and was designed to allow Biljana to impart her wisdom and to help people reach their greatest potential. This is where she runs seminars and healing groups. She is dedicated to teaching people the skills for a super life. Here is where, Super life, Super Health, Super Science comes into being.
Super Health – here she desires that all people reach their full potential, and to connect to the divine intelligence all the time, not just once in a while. She says: ‘you don’t have to know everything there is to know, you just have to know how to login to your inner light’. That way you can access anything and everything you need for a joyful existence. We are very used to fixing a pain here and there, but her desire is for us to be more than pain free, she is guiding those she works with to be all they can be.
Global world.’ With this in mind Biljana has launched the Global GOoDness project. The Global GOoDness Project is a very practical tool which is designed to help us create our “new life” Individually and globally with the help of the higher realms….Shifting issues with positive thought, having a global affect. This is free to join, each day the divine presence amps up the energy on the grid at a specific time of the day. If one is sending out a positive thought form at that moment, it will be amped up. Therefore the more people who are holding the same thought form during this time, the more likely it will manifest. Powerful stuff! Now we can really all join together to make a better life for everyone. Those who choose to join in the Global GOoDness Project please e-mail and you will receive full information. It is FREE to register
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and benefits are PRICELESS. There are a couple of products that Biljana wanted to bring to our attention. I thought they sounded too good to be true, and she replied, ‘Yes, that is it, it is just like those who first heard of electricity, they too could not believe it, and yet look at how today it is common place.’ Firstly, there is a marvellous Natures Science Oral Hygiene System which consists of Ionic toothbrush and Ionic oral spray; we all know how important oral hygiene is. It seems that 98% of people suffer with tooth decay. Research has now shown that saliva does not only assist with digestion but also with our immunity. This toothbrush is used without the use of toothpaste. The Ionic Toothbrush works on the principal that every element in Nature has a positive and negative charge. This is called Polarity. When the Polarities are opposite, the two elements cling together. This is why Plaque, which has a positive charge (+) clings to negatively charged teeth (-). The Ionic Action Toothbrush temporarily reverses polarity of the tooth surface from negative (-) to positive (+), drawing Plaque towards the negatively charged Toothbrush Sounds amazing. The Ionic spray deodorises the mouth cavity, controls the bacteria removes toxins and most importantly enhances the flow of healthy saliva. This is a must try. Then there is a product of Superfood, it is designed to ‘PUT IN’ what stress ‘TAKES OUT‘. This is based on the need for good sugars in our diet. Good sugars are the only real energy fuel for the cells.” Far too many people live their lives on the adrenal energy constantly yo-yoing between exhaustion and stimulants like coffee and bad sugars. Superfood puts an end to that unhealthy cycle, introducing sugars that do not destabilise our blood sugar levels and keeps us on an even keel. Our contract with food and nutrition has changed since our planet has moved in the 5th dimension. What worked for us before may not work for us now. Biljana suggests that we have to move with the times, and
understand what will best nourish us. ‘We have been updated to the next level of programming. We need to start behaving like that.’ Superfood retails for $38. (Please include your image of her products in front of the trees that you photoshopped last month) The next product is the Eco Cup, this is most intriguing, It is a dual technology of Natures Science micronized quartz and programmed polymer and the H-type magnetic field which was developed by the Tongji medical University. I am not sure I can explain the whole process whereby this is made, but the upshot of it is to re magnetise the water we drink so that it is revitalised. Much like us drinking water straight from a clean mountain spring, which is the most desirable water for humans to drink. This same technology has also been made into a ‘body box’, which can be worn on the clothing or popped into a pocket and does much the same revitalising to the water that makes up most of your body. Body-Box is broadcasting to the cells the healthy and friendly frequency of the forest and earth, so while you are in front of computer or using mobile phone your body is in a healthy “bubble”. The Eco Cup only costs $45, a once off investment that will revitalise your water always. The price of Body-Box is $40; it doesn’t require batteries and lasts 5 years. There is a great Christmas special, you can get three of the products spoken of above, the Superfood, the Eco cup and the Body box for just $85.
The Clinic can be found at No. 25 Kauri Glen road, in Northcote. Their contact number is 09 489 9090. Do check out her website for more detailed information about her products Thank you Biljana for taking the time to chat with me, it was a most enlightening and an enthralling couple of hours. Written by Noeline Levinson
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Dolphin’s Message & Message from the seals on 11.11.11 By Faye Rogers, Animal Communicator In October I held an Animal Communication Workshop in the Waikato hosted by Shirley Calder. (Visit During the workshop I took the attendees on a guided meditation journey to connect with Dolphin Consciousness. One of the attendees Belinda Paton has kindly shared her beautiful message that she received from the Dolphins. Belinda’s Message received from the Dolphins: We are the keepers of the ocean. We work on the earth’s grids beneath the ocean. We are the keepers of the leylines here within the water. We help to heal Mother Earth and to raise her vibration; this is one of our purposes. We are also here to teach humanity, compassion and open their hearts. We bring the codes of Atlantis forward at this time of great need to humanity. We bring peace, light and healing to all who wish to come in contact with us, those who seek us will benefit from our beautiful energy. A little bit about Belinda - Belinda is the founder of “Opal Sky dancer Spiritual Gifts”, Belinda is a spiritual artist and alchemist who channels the light and different transformational energies into her artwork and essences. 11.11.11 SEAL’S MESSAGE “BRIDGE THE GAPS OF THE WORLDS” I did a meditation on the 7.11.11 and during the meditation I was shown that I would on the 11.11 go to the where the sea meets the headlands, where there is cliffs and legend. I had no idea what legends meant or where to go but trusted that I would be where I was supposed to be on the 11.11.11.
Phyllis, Nathan, Poppy & I headed north on the 11.11 to Kaikoura. On arriving at Kaikoura the sky was blue, the sea was this amazing intense blue colour, the wind was blowing a gale. We spent time close up to nature with two NZ Fur Seals that were basking next to the car park. Due to cameraman Nathan was with us we filmed the Seals for a future Spirit Talk Live show – Spirit Talk Live is an online spiritual development show once the shows have been ustreamed they can be viewed at any time that suits the viewer. I asked the Seals if they had any messages to share, both Seals did share important messages but one of the Seals started to share that there is factual behind mythology and legends – myself I had no awareness of any mythology concerning Seals. Seal’s Message - We live on the land and live in the sea and this alone is an important message – we are able to ‘Bridge the Gaps of the Worlds’ - do think on this – we live on the land and we feast in the sea – we bear our young and keep them on the land and as we grow we live with the sea to sustain ourselves but we return to the land. We are living barometers as we capture what is happening in the sea but also what happens on the land and we send this information forth to the Worlds. The Worlds is All – the underworld, other dimensions, other star systems. We are from Ancient Civilisation’s that predated Atlantis. Once we lived alongside what you would maybe classify as humans but they were not humans they were people from an Ancient Civilisation that predated Atlantis, we are connected to Lemuria. The people of Lemuria treated us as brothers and sisters; we were once honoured and revered. We were also considered Wisdom Keepers – do remember the words I have shared ‘Bridge the Gaps of the Worlds’. Whilst we were in the sea we would have the physical form of Seal when we left the sea we would take on a more humanoid form – we would shed our skins and be almost humanoid in form but not as humanoid as
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the people that we lived alongside and shared our daily lives with. Also we would choose an offspring and present this to the people and the offspring would be the Wisdom Keeper – this offspring wouldn’t enter the sea and would live only on the land and would be a Wisdom Keeper; the Wisdom Keeper would bridge the gaps of the Worlds – would be a great Seer to the people. I present my message to you on this date of the 11.11.2011 due to my message is now ready to be heard, this date of 11.11.2011 that many people all around this planet are blessing but every day should be blessed – this planet is evolving but the evolving has been happening over a long period of time not just on this date – do not become fixated with a date as this will keep one stuck and unable to move forward. We have been overlooked due to the Dolphins and their connection to Atlantis but our connection to this planet goes back further than the Dolphins as we are the Wisdom Keepers that are able to Bridge the Gaps of the Worlds. We carry the Wisdom of all Worlds on ourselves, we are ready to be heard and to share our messages – this planet is evolving and has much more to learn. We are still acting as Wisdom Keepers as we are sending messages forth to the Worlds. Messages on what is happening to this planet due to we are barometers, living barometers, whilst in the sea we are sourcing information on the sea’s pollution, of the sea levels, of the destruction of the sea floor, of the destruction of the sea species, of the melting of the Antarctic, on the land we are also barometers and sending information forth to the Worlds on pollution, on atmospheric destruction and also the land energy that we are receptive to and so on. We are weightless in the sea, it is almost like we are two different species, whilst in the sea we are insulated due to the blubber of special oil that we carry and shouldn’t we overheat due to this special blubber that we carry whilst sun basking on the land but we are able to regulate our temperature naturally and this is due to our special energy centre that we have in our flipper feet and so we are able to Bridge the Gaps of the Worlds, of the sea and of the land but also of the other Worlds due to our special energy centre and connection we have with the Worlds. Do we feel we have been overshadowed because of Dolphins – we do not – it is only time now for this World to realise who we are. The Wisdom Keepers are the ones that carry the keys of all Worlds, ancient knowledge that serves all, that is shared with all
and due to the changing energy that has been happening not just on this date, the changing energy has been happening for a long period of time but people have applied it to dates because it is easiest to understand – we feel now is the time for us to be heard not because of this date but because of the energy changes that have occurred before this date and because you are with us today, you are our voice Faye so do share who Seals are – we are brothers and sisters – we are from an Ancient Civilisation – we are Wisdom Keepers, we Bridge the Gaps of the Worlds – all Worlds – the underworld, all dimensions, other star systems. Do we feel we should be honoured and revered for who we are – we ask for naught from people for what we do – this isn’t about people this is about the Worlds – do not set yourself apart do not see that life revolves around you but revolves around the Worlds and just like you are a part of this so are we – we do not sight ourselves above people that live here and we have had to learn to tolerate their pain they give us, their slaughter of us but also their destruction they give to this World that we all live in. We honour you Faye, we send gratitude to you Faye but also we are gifting special esoteric symbols with you, with Phyllis, with Poppy and Nathan – you will be exhausted today due to receiving these special esoteric symbols you will wake refreshed tomorrow. Spirit Talk Live will be bringing this feature on the Seals to you in December. Spirit Talk Live is also planning on returning to Kaikoura to charter a boat and filming the Dolphins also connecting again with the seals, if anyone is interested in being a part of this journey please drop me an email.
Faye is co-presenter on Spirit Talk Live – an online interactive spiritual TV channel. Cosmo has appeared twice on Spirit Talk Live sharing parts of his messages but also showing the progress that he has made, to view Cosmo’s shows recorded/16570824 and recorded/16860943 Faye Rogers is an Animal Communicator who lives in Christchurch. 021 204 0703
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How future life progressions can help empower you By Terry Kellior
Future life progressions – how can we progress into a future that hasn’t been created yet? While most believe that the future is a product of our free will – our probable future is often quite determinate. Primary determining factors of our future are our current attitudes and intent. While these are mutable, often we are not even consciously aware of our underlying attitudes and intentions. Our subconscious mind in conjunction with our superconscious mind, are incredibly resourceful and have the ability to project probable future scenarios, based on our underlying attitudes and intentions. Just as it is far easier to recognise the issues that other people have compared to our own, so too does it help to recognise our own shortcomings, when they are projected forward onto probable outcomes.
in a more challenging role. When asked to repeat this exercise, but this time with a more proactive approach to his studies, he visualised himself working at a very responsible job in the IT field after three years. He even specifically mentioned the company, position and salary he would receive. Upon returning to his normal level of awareness his comment was “well I guess I had better pull the finger out!” While in most cases clients would only project into the near future of 1 to 3 years, some have chosen to project into a future life. In these cases they have provided details about the positions they hold, relationships they have, geographical environment and even technologies utilised.
A case in point was a student I once taught who was very capable, but lacked motivation. He volunteered to be the subject of a class hypnosis session and proved a good subject. When regressed to the age of one he was able to tell us the presents he received, who was at his birthday party and even the clothes he wore.
Even when going to a life several hundred years into the future, clients have found they gained useful insights into underlying aspects of their behaviour or attitudes. By altering these behaviour or attitudes now, they find that they can create more favourable outcomes for themselves, both in this lifetime and in future lifetimes.
Most people believe that it is impossible to remember these kinds of details from such an early age, but I assure you it is possible – you just have to be able to slow your brain rhythms down to the dominant level (4-8 cycles per second) experienced by a one year old. This is called state dependent memory.
In my experience, the subconscious/superconscious minds have unique ways of demonstrating to us the kind of changes we need to make now. By letting them lead us to new insights through reviewing both our past and future, we can make the greatest progress in the present.
When this student’s subconscious mind was asked to project into the future three years, he saw himself leaving after one year of study and working in a games store - not using his training. It wasn’t until he progressed five years into the future that he visualised himself working in the IT industry in another country
Terry Keillor ( (terry@empower-u. net) (In next months issue I will write about conquering our fears)
Use Hypnotherapy, NLP & EFT to change your life! Are you wanting to achieve: Change how you think Change how you feel Better health Improved lifestyle Reduced stress Freedom from unwanted habits or addictions Improved performance Freedom from fear and self-limitation in whatever form they take A better understanding of your life purpose Do you find that no matter how much you consciously focus on achieving these goals that they seem out of reach? If so, then you like all of us at some time, have probably been using the wrong approach. We specialize in helping you to tap the unlimited power of your mind and achieve the goals you want. Our individual and group sessions enable you to explore the causes and effects of self-limiting programs and conditions (be they physical, emotional, mental or spiritual). Once identified we work with the full power of your mind to release self-limiting programs and assist you to reprogram yourself for success. Generally with just two or three sessions you can rid yourself of unwanted habits that may have been a burden for many years. At the same time we will teach you techniques that you can easily employ in all aspects of your lives so that you can live a life with less stress, better health and improved goal achievement. Contact me today to start achieving the life you want tomorrow! Terry Keillor BASc MASc Dip Clin Hyp &NLP Phone 07 544 2619 for an appointment or email
Reiki Classes KIDS Reiki is a subtle vibrational healing system using the life force and light therapeutic touch. Come and experience being attuned to Reiki energy. It enables you be able to treat yourself daily New 2011 Class Dates Level One Class Sat 15th & Sun 16th October 9.30am till 4.30pm $200 Level Two Class Sat 19th & Sun 20th November 9.30am till 4.30pm $300 Contact Lynley Frame Reiki Master/Teacher Auckland 09 525 2558 021 254 7610
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“Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness.” ECKHART TOLLE, Stillness Speaks
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“And in the silence the answers will come” By Trish Stewart
“And in the silence the answers will come.” was what I heard as I pondered on what to do.” Our eyes had met across a crowded room, his blue and mine hazel. They had an impact on me that was to last for the rest of my life. I had never seen eyes that colour and was very curious about the owner of them. That was in the early 60’s, we were both in primer four, and of course went our separate ways as you do when you are growing up, but as chance would have it we kept on meeting up and by college we were going out together. My Mum wasn’t too pleased when he left school and insisted that he get a job, and he was banned from our house until he had one. That was all the incentive he needed and a week later he was back on our doorstep. Mum wasn’t too keen on me going out with a ‘working boy’ in case I decided to leave school, and that was the end of that!
While in the grip of pain on any level it is hard to be still and allow the pain to ease, but it can be done. Over time I have learnt the value of meditation and visualisation. I have had most of my coaching and training from the other side, but also been blessed with finding some very talented and inspiring teachers on this side as well. It was my introduction to the Spiritualist church in the 80’s shortly after my separation, which led me to Ray; I called him my little ray of sunshine, because that was what he was to me. He shone his light in my world of darkness and showed me how to meditate, visualise, heal and understand the other side. This led onto further exploration in a myriad of healing modalities and ways of living life to the fullest.
A year or two later after I had returned from my little overseas experience there was a knock on the back door and there he stood. We married a year later. Our lives had been intertwined on many levels and now ten years later I was wondering what had gone wrong. We were all at a tipping point and in the silence the answers came.
Twenty five years on and the most valuable lesson I have learnt has not changed; the more we understand ourselves the easier it is to understand others, and the easiest way to understand yourself is to listen to your inner voice, the voice of your Soul as it knows more about you and what you need than anyone else.
Our marriage ended and I was left with two small children a cat, a dog and a broken heart. No one had told me about this at school and I was totally unprepared for the fall out of separation and going it alone. Only I was not alone, in the time leading up to the inevitable split my paternal grandmother had been popping in to help console me as I tried to make sense of things. The voices became stronger and the messages louder. At the end of each visitation they would end with ……”…and in the silence the answers will come.” This is how I learnt to listen to my inner voice, the voice of my Soul. When we are in a life of turmoil and emotions are running high we can’t hear anything but our pain. This pain blocks out any way we have of releasing it, it takes a hold of you and that is that.
a time to reflect, a time to say goodbye and a time to say hello.
Meditation is a present moment experience; a sense of being in the now, instead of concentrating on future goals and past experiences.
Your attitude will affect your meditation. Greet every moment as your teacher. You will experience moments of boredom, restlessness, and resistance. All this is part of the learning process. In fact, it is often these elements that teach you the most about yourself. They teach you to accept yourself, to see yourself as you are, not as you perceive yourself to be and in doing this you also find it easier to accept others.
Meditation helps you to focus on yourself right now. No one else can take this journey for you.
For meditation to work you must be willing to learn, have an open mind, and above all be patient.
There are many ways to meditate, and all of them focus on these few things:
Meditation is helped by and through simplicity. Simplicity begins with taking an honest look at your life. Look at how many commitments you make, how much you do and at how much you want.
Meditation allows you to take time out and give back to yourself; to nurture yourself and be still. You will feel calmer, more relaxed and in control of your life instead of the other way around.
Awareness of ourselves being in the present moment, this encourages us to declutter our lives and bring a sense of simplicity. Understanding who we are develops clarity and compassion for ourselves and for others. This in turn improves our relationships by helping us to build love, integrity, and respect both within and without ourselves. Vision to see our world and ourselves as it could be not as it is. This gives us an opportunity to make positive steps in the right direction.
Doing and wanting too much can make you tense and agitated. Over committing to do things, places unnecessary burdens on you, and those around you. In this state, you do not enjoy life. Simplicity helps to teach us to let go and just be in the moment. Where do I begin?
With these understandings, you will experience a new sense of freedom and calmness.
For meditation to work it is a good idea to set aside the same time each day for practice. I find the best time for me is first thing in the morning or last thing at night.
Meditation helps you to look inside yourself and take full responsibility for your thoughts, actions, and
Make a space that works for you, one where you will be at peace, without interruption.
One of the easiest ways to listen is to learn to meditate; there are many ways to meditate. The following is from my book ‘Meditation for Freedom’. The following is designed so you are able to use meditation in your everyday life. So you can find the answers to your questions and heal. Often life can be very stressful, with all the pressure placed on us to perform, as parents, children, siblings and employees or employers. There always seems to be someone who needs your time, space, energy, or income. “We find ourselves ragged and tired and there appears to be little joy in our lives and our laughter often sounds hollow, not quite hitting the mark.” You can use the following meditations for yourself or share with a friend. They will allow you healing time;
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Surround yourself with the things that you like. Flowers, photos, crystals, perhaps burn some essential oils or incense. Play soothing relaxing music. Take the phone off the hook and be still. Sit or lie down, make sure you are comfortable and not crossing arms and legs. Check your body for tension and relax. This can be done by breathing deeply into the tense area and then exhaling. Do this several times and feel the tension leave your body. Breath The most important thing to learn first is to breathe. I know we all do it but most of us tend to breathe into our chest or upper body area. Very few of us breathe down into our abdomen, thus we are depriving our bodies of good clean oxygen. This alone can cause tension; our muscles need oxygen to keep them bouncing and fighting fit. With a lack of oxygen, we are stressing our body. Let’s begin:Take a deep breath in and then exhale. On the in breath, imagine clean clear oxygen going into your body. On the exhale, visualise the stale toxic air being released. Allow this breathing pattern to form a rhythm of slow, deep breathing. Repeat this rhythm at least 6 times before embarking on any other form of meditation. It will help you to relax.
For example: • When stuck in traffic and running late for an appointment. • Feeling upset or uptight about the way a person has spoken to you. • When work pressure and deadlines are fast approaching. Take time out to breathe deeply before responding. This puts you in charge and gives you time to think things through. You keep your power. Reacting instantly without thinking means you have given them your power.
Concentrating on your breath is a wonderful form of meditation and is very easy to do. Just practice the previous exercise and remember to concentrate on the inhale and exhale. Object If you find you have difficulty meditating on your own, then find an object to concentrate on. This could be a flower, crystal, picture anything that represents something good and positive for you. I have found many of my students have enjoyed focusing on a candle flame. This can be done sitting cross-legged on the floor, lying on your stomach, or sitting at the table. Whatever is the most comfortable position for you to sustain focusing on the flame. As you feel connected with the flame gently close your eyes and maintain the image in your mind. If it fades, open your eyes and again focus on the flame. You may have to do this many times but practice makes perfect. As your concentration deepens, you will have less clutter in your mind. You will then develop greater clarity of focus in your life.
Meditation helps to still my mind and allow the answers to flow
This is also a quick way to release tension throughout the day and to help you to remain in charge of your responses and reactions to stressful situations.
Golden Light Meditation For protection
First make sure you are comfortable and have settled your breathing (refer Breath) and then begin. As you begin to relax, visualise golden light in front of you and breathe it in. Relax. Imagine it rising up like a fountain and then cascading down over you showering you with its protection. Breathe in and continue to relax. Each time you breathe in the light and see it cascading over you, imagine all the toxins leaving your body, feel the tension ease and your muscles relax. In this relaxed state see clearly that you are safe and protected. If you wish, you can place this golden light around your family, friends, and property. Also send this light to friends who are sick, lonely or hurt in some way. Continue this meditation until you feel ready to finish.
Sound Find a sound, prayer, chant, or verse that works for you and concentrate on it. Keep everything simple and enjoy. Repetition helps you to go deeper into yourself and allows you to focus in the moment.
All these practices help you to concentrate and bring about clarity in your life. You will notice that you want to springclean and release the clutter and tension. Your life will become simple and you will begin to place boundaries around you. Boundaries are our choice of self -preservation. We deliberately choose to set them in place after we have suffered some grief. Unfortunately, we set them for negative rather than positive reasons. We set them to keep things out. Over a period of time as you selfheal, you will find that the boundaries that you set will be for positive reasons. You will focus on what you want to bring to you. You will have a greater awareness about yourself and what works for you. Ph 021 115 3086, Orewa, New Zealand
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Hot Air Balloon Meditation Put your troubles in the Basket.
Focus on the tense part of your body. Body assist. First make sure you are comfortable and have settled your breathing (refer Breath) and then begin. Breathing in slowly and gently, see the clear blue sky above you, smell the fresh cut grass and the sea air combined. Hear the cry of the seagulls as they talk to each other. Relax. Hear the excited chatter of the people around you as they help to fill the hot air balloon with air. Visualise all the colours and patterns of your balloon. Relax. As the chatter and surrounding noises fade into the background, go inside your body and find the tension. Breathe into the tense parts and check they are relaxing. Locate the tension that will not budge and place it in the basket of the hot air balloon. When you have finished placing all your body tension, worrying thoughts and negative images into the basket, slowly untie the ropes that hold it to the ground. As it floats up into the universe say “Goodbye” and release it with love. Up, up, up and away. Relax and continue breathing.
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So what is your cat’s agenda?
By Jeanne Northwood, Energy Works Do you really know your cat companion? What do you see when you look at your cat? Contentment? A spoilt fur ball? A manipulator? A living cuddly with fur? Or a free spirit? Cats come into this world with their own agenda – which we often, as humans, do not understand. In our lifetime we may be lucky enough to be privy to what it is; if not, we will surely be part of it! I do believe that in most cases, our animals choose us.
how to love, how to nurture, how to open our heart centres. Some cats are here to teach us patience and understanding. Some are here for their own growth and experience, something that we may have chosen to help them with before incarnating!
They may walk into our lives, and some will chose to just walk right out again – much to our sadness and confusion. What did we do? Was Puss unhappy? It is not really about us, it is about them and their agenda.
They offer unconditional love, although some of their guardians may dispute this. Their love is not quite like ours; they love in a cat’s way. For they are cat are they not? They can assist us with our growth and healing, they can also be here for their own experiences and lessons as well. So perhaps we could allow our cats to be.....cats? Perhaps we could respect cats as cats, and not as little humans in fur.
We cannot put our emotions onto our cats. They have their own emotional level which is very different from ours. They will choose who they love, who they wish to teach, who they will assist with healing & growth. Cats can also reflect back to us too, our own emotional crisis. They can often try & absorb our emotional stress; our illness, our dis-ease in some cases. They do this by free choice; their way of trying to help their people. Sometimes to their own detriment, but that is their choice – as cat! Unlike dogs, our cats are not a pack animal, and are often seen by us as loners, not needing anyone, and capable of making their own decisions. They are not that isolated in reality. Cats actually do want to be with us, they are not loners as such, they are just individual beings - and we need to respect that. They want companionship, love; but more on their terms – for they are cat!
Perhaps we could step back and allow our cats to have their own Agenda – and give them the love, & respect that all living creatures deserve. For after all, do they not carry the essence of God too? So, what is your cat’s agenda? Energy Works, Animal & Personal Healing For information or questions, please contact us at, or visit us at
I have found that the cats that I have worked with in my healing work can be here for our evolution and healing. Many are our teachers, like my own beautiful boy, a very wise old soul. Many are here to show us
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Animal and Personal Healing Offering a Holistic approach to healing for people and animals. Energy Works offers a holistic approach to Healing for oneself, and for our equine and domestic animals. Energy Works is all about using Universal Energy to its maximum potential - to bring peace, balance and harmony back in line to assist us, and our animals on our Healing journey. Our body is designed to heal itself. The ability of our body to maintain its health and overcome illness is, in fact, among nature’s most remarkable feats. However, we have been placed in a world that systematically interferes with this natural capacity, and our conscious involvement in our health is required if we are to truly prosper. Energy Healing is a wonderful way to obtain, and maintain optimum health and well being. It works on all levels of Healing; the Emotional, which can be a result of our stressful lives and lifestyle, grief, job loss, worry and anxieties, through to the Physical in the case of injury, illness or accident, to the Spiritual, as in the general feeling of peace, tranquillity, harmony, balance and relaxation felt after a Healing.
Energy Works offers ~ •
Energy Healing
Magnetic-Auric Healing
Atlantis Rising Healing
Remote Healing and on site for animals and people
Bach Flower Essences for animals and people
Synergens – our own range of Natures Healing products, suitable for beast and man
For all inquiries and questions, please contact us at: Ph 09) 4446374 Mob 021 1254268 info@energyworks
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Destiny Fate occurs whilst our destiny lies intact. Our destiny cannot be tapped while we live our life, when unfulfilled we search around, often confusing fate with destiny, for fate shows itself proudly, exposing all of life confidently, holding no secrets, for it is the play of life. Destiny is quiet, and cannot be framed since it never dies or remains still. Expanding with the moving story of a person’s life, it requires great skill to understand, the tenderness of every soul that searches, through experience that is sacred. The silent knowing of fulfilment is destiny, as it is searched for in the loud, over-played voice of fate. Fate is only an echo, reminding us we have a Destiny. “If our fears are fulfilled and we follow them, we follow the path of fear, not light.”
Animal Communication and Energy Healing TO BRING AWARENESS & HARMONY As an Animal Communicator I am able to connect with animals and receive messages from them for their families. Animals have much wisdom, joy & humor that they love sharing with their families. The majority of my work is working distance; I will record a written transcript of your animal’s messages on situations in their own lives or if practical I can visit in person. I have communicated with animals worldwide. Occasionally I have Workshops. I have been interviewed on Close Up TV Show, Radio Shows, Newspapers, Magazines and also published writer on Animal Communication & Energy Healing. I will be having regular guest appearances on Spirit Talk Live an online spiritual show. Please visit my website for more information. www.animalcommunication-newzealand. com
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Simple Truths: Gail Taylor Energy Works
Trust. What is Trust?
The knowledge and wisdom of the ancients
Paintings for the Soul
By Gail Taylor, Energy Works
Trust knows. You trust that the Sun will rise and set each day. Your trust for one another reflects your Trust for yourself. Trust is free of Judgement, of yourself or others. Trust is of the Heart –all we speak of, is of the Heart, again a part of the whole. When you trust implicitly, you have a high level of Trust. If someone “lets you down”, then that is a judgement. So you see….Faith and Trust are one. We will expand more on these late, so you see – Love is incomplete without Faith and Trust, Love is incomplete without Truth and Compassion.
LORD METATRON CHANNELING through Gail Taylor and written as was received. These beautiful paintings are Co-created with Spirit,Truth. asWhatais Truth?
gift for a loved one for you personally. Now weor speak of Judgement is not Love –painting it is lack of Love for is yourself Uniquely yours, each Judgement personal imprinted and your fellowman, for those who find fault with with specific high vibrational encodings to another, finds faultenergetic with himself. Unconditional Love Love without Fear, free of Judgement – It is the assist you onisknowledge yourthat Life’s Journey .for we are one; created in his likeness,
Honesty you say- What is your truth? The truth of a child is different from the Truth of an Adult. What is true for you one day is not true the next – is that Truth? No. That is the Mind. Truth is Knowing – an unshakable Knowing. As your faith and trust grows, so does your Truth. Ask yourself now – “What is your Truth?’ Is your answer now, the same as it was a
“We wish to bring to you tonight, the Guidance of our Father. It is of HIM whom we speak – The Great Father. The Language of the Stars flows freely through you now. These words of Wisdom that follow, are for you to teach as you move through your Process of Life. The Words we speak are of Ancient Times.”
to surround the situation, person/ people or Living things involved. This not only helps those involved in a myriad of ways, but also raises your own level of Compassion, you see. Why would you add your Fear and your Pity to a situation – that is not LOVE. So – LOVE is the art of detachment is it not. You become an observer, able to think and feel and therefore act from your Heart – THAT is COMPASSION. Compassion, when shown fully, raises the level of Trust in those who are suffering. Compassion is a contagious vibration, in that it expands exponentially. Just look at how the Compassion of the people of your small country of New Zealand, spread after the Christchurch earthquakes – THAT is Compassion – THAT IS UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS. People thinking and feeling from their Hearts. The vibration of Love and Compassion has been raised throughout your entire Country, through this experience of suffering, you see. In times past, this did not have to happen, as people
Faith Trust LOVE Truth A photograph is required for connection. LOVE Painted on 30cm x30cm Stretched Compassion Faith Canvas suitable for Framing. LOVE LOVE Trust Available in both full size Print & Canvas format, the Compassion LOVE Truth ‘Paintings for the Soul’ range can be viewed on
The 3 L’s – Love, Listen with your 3rd Ear, and Light. • Love – All Living things
• Listen – to everything – Grass, Colour, Light. You understand
• Light – Keep your Life Light – Colour, Voice, Food and your Being.
Tonight we speak of LOVE- a Love that is abiding and whole; complete, but incomplete, as in the Great Unknown, completeness is in its incompleteness. In the Great Unknown, the vast mystery of all that is, everything unfolds in Divine Order- an Order that has no Order as you know it in Earthly terms, you see.
not to love One’s self is not to Love God.
Love does not define beauty, for Love is Beauty – the beauty of all Living things- for not to see their beauty is not to see your own. We ask you, who read this, to take time to Love, to see the Beauty of all Living things, for it is in this experience, that your own beauty and Love expands. – They are the same, you see. Whether it is a touch, a sound, a taste or a smell – these are the gifts of Love, that when appreciated, raise your vibration of Love…..and so it is. We will speak more fully of Love…… What is Love?
It is true - it is a Vibration of the Highest. Love encompasses many things – Love is Faith, Love is Trust, Love is Truth, Love is Compassion. When you place all these vibrations together, you have Love. So let us explain more fully…..
I AM one with you – You I AM, in the infinite Glory of All That Is - Sounds yet unheard, Visions yet unseen, lay the Glories of God.
All formats retain their original Faith – What is Faith? energetic imprint.
The Ancients knew of these mysteries. Much of this knowledge was bought to your Planet by the Starseeds. It is now time for this knowledge to again be taught, as it was by the Ancient Ones, during that peaceful era on Earth, known as the Golden Age.
Cost - $250 + p&p
We speak of LOVE
Faith is a deep Knowing, free of doubt, a knowing that all is in Divine Order. Faith is not Religion. Faith is an understanding that sometimes has no words. Faith is different from trust, but goes hand in hand with it you see. So with faith, comes Trust – the deeper your Faith, the Higher your Trust. There are levels of faith and there are levels of trust. You have a saying “Faith can move mountains”, you have Faith Healers – Jesus was a Faith healer of the Highest level. His Faith encompassed the highest levels of Trust, truth and Compassion – there was no doubt. So you see – Faith is a part of the whole. Faith knows no right, or wrong, it just is. Your level of faith is determined your level of Trust. How can you have Faith in something if you have no trust?
Your Spirit Guides, Angels & Ascended Masters await your invitation…
This is not love as you know it now, but as you will know it once more.
In order to experience Love in its Highest Vibration, you must let go of the attachments you have to your family and loved ones- those you call nearest and dearest. You will not lose them – that is Fear, you understand. Letting go is Love without Fear, which is unconditional. When you achieve this, you have raised your vibration of Love.
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couple of years ago? If you have grown spiritually, your level of truth will have expanded, as will your levels of Faith and Trust – all are one, you see – all are a part of the whole. “No show without Punch” as you say. So you see – Love is all there is. Take away one ingredient, be it Faith, Trust, Truth or Compassion, and Love is incomplete.” Tonight we talk of Love and Compassion. What is Compassion?
Compassion comes from your Heart, not your Mind. Your Mind feels “sorry” for something – that is not Compassion. Compassion is Love for all Living things, while understanding that they too, must suffer in order to learn the lessons they have chosen, you understand. Compassion is not about the Physical, it is about the Heart. When you observe someone suffering, you FEEL for them – from your Heart. When you understand that suffering is a part of learning, you are able to detach, and not add to their suffering with your pity. Instead, you are able to send Light and Love
lived from their Hearts, honouring all Living things and Mother Earth, who supported them. They lived as one, the One Heart, in Unity Consciousness. It is of these times that we now speak, when lower thought forms were unknown, and all was of Love, Light, Peace and Joy. The Wisdom of the Ancients was known by all- everything existed in perfect harmony. These times will come again as the Knowledge and Wisdom is again manifested in the Lives of the many Starseeds who have agreed to bring forth this knowledge as Mankind is ready – NOW. Part 2 continues in February‘s Into Light magazine 2012… My present limited technology means I am unable to attach the Light Language Audio that partners each channelled session—these are available by emailing me with your request—info@gailtaylorenergyworks. com.
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Mission Nutrition
Are you a Human Rubbish Bin?
By Claire Turnbull from Mission Nutrition When you head round to someone else’s for dinner, you can often end up over doing things a bit on the eating front and may end up going home feeling uncomfortably over-full – and, as my friends often describe, feel like they have a food baby on board!! Now, no one wants their guests to go hungry – there is nothing worse than leaving a restaurant or dinner party and feeling like you need to go home for a few sneaky slices of toast that’s for sure, I hate that! BUT… as with most things, there is a balance between enjoying what you eat and over indulging for the sake of it. The same concept of ‘overeating’ applies whether you are eating out, eating for one or feeding a family. In a society where throwing out food is seen as wasteful and well… wrong, there is a point at which you can become what I term, a human rubbish bin! We live in a world where more is better; value for money when it comes to food is key and if you are able to get an extra side of something with your dinner for FREE, all the better. But, please be aware, eating more food than you need is not free and it is not saving you any more money than if you put it in the bin. Many people (like me) have been brought up to eat everything on their plate. When this habit is installed into your brain and being, it can be a very difficult routine to break. But remember this, when you put food in your mouth that you do not need – it is COSTING you money, not saving you money, particularly so if you are trying to lose weight. Also, let’s be honest, you aren’t saving any starving children by eating every last scrap on your plate.
forcing that last spoonful of curry down so as not to waste it can mean an extra few hours at the gym is needed to burn it off or an extra few hours walking – not to mention that horrible over-full feeling! Why not try something new? For 2 weeks, I decided to eat until I was nearlly full (remembering it takes about 20mins for your brain to register that you are full!) and then I put any left over food STRAIGHT away for next day’s lunch and, on occasions, threw it in the bin. I know what you are thinking, HOW WASTEFUL! But, let me tell you, after 2 weeks, I figured out I needed to measure my rice out and cook less as I was ALWAYS cooking too much and I also learnt to only buy as much meat/fish as I needed, rather than just buying and cooking whatever was in the pack that I picked up. After a month, I had changed my ways and now, along with my meal planning, (See blog on POWER PLANNING) I have saved money and no longer overeat. Try it – 2 weeks, you will be amazed, and let me know how you get on! Post your results on our Facebook and be in to win a 12 month subscription to Healthy Food Guide Magazine!
These beautiful paintings are Co-created with Spirit, as a gift for a loved one or for you personally. Uniquely yours, each personal painting is imprinted with specific high vibrational energetic encodings to assist you on your Life’s Journey. A photograph is required for connection. Painted on 30cm x30cm Stretched Canvas suitable for Framing.
Available in both full size Print & Canvas format, the ‘Paintings for the Soul’ range can be viewed on All formats retain their original energetic imprint.
Cost - $250 + p&p
Your Spirit Guides, Angels & Ascended Masters await your invitation…
Yours in Health and Happiness! Claire xo
It costs you money in the sense that overeating impacts on your health, wellbeing and how you feel about yourself. Also, an additional hundred or so calories everyday from picking at things at the dinner table after eating, finishing off your kids’ leftovers or
Gail Taylor Energy Works Paintings for the Soul
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Contact - Gail Taylor 64 9 475 5493 027 442 7848
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Book Review
Book Review By Sheena McPhail
Soul to Soul Parenting
A guide to Raising a Spiritually Conscious Family By Annie Burnside
As a parent it can be easy to lose your way in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. This book is an essential guide in directing you as a spiritually minded parent raising children in today’s modern society. This empowering practical guide has step by step guidelines which are very achievable and flexible to work with depending on the individual and their family. Soul to Soul Parenting is a book that you will keep referring back to throughout your journey through parenthood and beyond. It not only gives you a practical guide to live a spiritually conscious life as a family but also serves as a great personal guide which applies to all relationships and life situations. It provides real life themes and situations that can easily be applied to your family life. It offers many spiritual tools and vehicles to guide you practically. The tools include music, books, movies, nature and much more. It gives insight into how to become a spiritual leader in your family in a way that feels right for you and your family. Overall this was a very enjoyable, empowering read which broadened my knowledge and enhanced my family life. It expands spiritual awareness in your family and other relationships. This book is an essential tool in helping you to enhance spirituality in your family.
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“METAPROGRAMS” By Eileen Darwin, Creative Director, Communications Plus Ltd
Metaprograms – what are they and what does it mean? Breaking the word Metaprograms down, we have: • Meta – which means beyond • Programs – which means the patterns of thought that we use So Metaprograms are a little like what’s beyond the “mask” – the things we may not notice in another person, yet they are inherent in how the person behaves and reacts. Metaprograms are about: • What a person pays attention to that creates their “reality”. • Their habitual behaviours, habitual language patterns, personality and attitudes. E.g. Pessimism / Optimism: Is the glass half empty or half full? The answer is both; however it depends on the viewpoint of how a person processes their internal world that will have them decide. What do these words mean? Metaprograms are considered to be “filters” that people have BEFORE they speak; respond; or behave. In other words, metaprograms are driving the responses and reactions of each person, in any given moment. Metaprograms happen at an unconscious level. They are ‘instant and automatic’ and well ingrained from early life conditions. Yes, they can change as a person matures ‘ and yes, you can choose to change them! NLP has the methodology to assist with “how” to make the changes you want. Metaprograms are dependent on ‘state’ (how you are being physically and emotionally in any given
moment) and ‘context’ (what environment are you in – work / home / sport, etc.) They can and most likely will change between you being at work, home, with family, on the sports field, going to church or holidaying. There are over 140 metaprograms, some are introduced in NLP Practitioner, and then in NLP Master Practitioner we look at many more, especially those relevant to business and personal relationships. 2 of the Motivation Metaprograms: 1) TOWARD or AWAY FROM
People who move away from challenge “procrastinate”, “want things handed to them”, “stay out of topical debates” and “avoid standing for office” or “volunteering”
environments, job roles that are more suitable to their motivation and character type.
As an example, let’s look at people who register for NLP training programs:
People who move toward ease often move through challenge first - in order for things to be “easy” later on,
• People who move toward challenge register on early bird and see it as moving toward what they want in life and in business
“do the hard jobs first”, “delegate”, “work for 18 months flat out; then take 2 months off”
• People who move away from challenge will probably not register, too afraid to attend, unless they perceive it as easy enough and within their capability range
People who move away from ease “Do Europe in 8 days”, tend to make life harder for themselves just as things were getting easy, and often sabotage themselves when things look like working smoothly... so that life becomes hard again! Amongst other insights, Metaprograms show you: • How “life” progresses for people – and which motivation type you are • Why you take one course of action compared with another, when responding to a situation • How peoples different “models of the world” occur
• TOWARD – is about paying attention to the benefits of doing something i.e. the ‘carrot or reward’ motivates
• Why some people spend their time “doing” and others “procrastinating”
• AWAY FROM – is about the consequences of not doing something – i.e. ‘stick, fear, or missing out’ motivates
_ Staff selection
E.g. Health – Do you move towards being healthy? Do you go to the gym regularly; eat healthy food; take nutritional supplements ‘ or do you move away from being ill? When something goes wrong with your body, do you then take action! For some people health means the absence of illness. 2)
• Do you MOVE TOWARDS CHALLENGE, or do you MOVE AWAY FROM CHALLENGE? People who move toward challenge are at home with doing it “hard”, “they go for it”, “test themselves”, “grab at life”, “feel the excitement stirring them” and “take up the gauntlet”
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So how does this relate to real life?
• People who move toward ease - may or may not be registered - it depends on whether they want the skills now and are willing to get the time or money handled for it to be easier and more profitable for them in business and relationship later on • The people who move away from ease - well they’ve probably gone and done accelerated NLP training in 5 days only to find it wasn’t enough, and they still need more!
(Metaprograms continue next issue “What’s all this about TIME?”)
Learning Metaprograms assists with – _ Staff Management _ Enhancing personal relationships _ NLP Interventions, Counseling and Therapy _ Selling and negotiating _ Advertising and marketing _ Coaching _ Training _ Business Consulting If you learn how to recognise a person’s metaprograms quickly you can gain better understanding of them, and can choose work
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“We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dream. Wandering by lone sea breakers, and sitting by desolate streams. World losers and world forsakers, for whom the pale moon gleams, yet we are movers and the shakers of the world forever it seems.” ~ Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy ~
I create journals for those of us who are the dreamers, the world forsakers, the movers and shakers. Journals to inspire you to write, to dream, to have the desire to be who you are destined to be. These journals have been carefully handcrafted with love and intended as a keepsake or a special gift for someone. These journals have 84 hand dyed pages, in the colours of the rainbow with hand dyed pockets to keep those memories tucked away safely. The stone on the cover is colour matched to the cover and is a precious stone, with Chakra clearing properties. The journal measures 19cm x 13cm. The cover material can be the colour of your choice, so just let me know what your prefer. The journals I create come in many different styles and sizes. All handmade; I can collaborate with you to create a one off journal especially for you or someone special. For further information please feel free to contact me on my email
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The 6 Conditions for Healing with Kim Knight
Do you know that the body needs to feel safe enough to heal? Because many illnesses are emotionally-based, if we do not address emotional safety issues first, the body-mind may simply decide it’s not safe to change. The following article is adapted from Gilles Marin’s book “Chi Nei Tsang – Healing from within’. Whilst it is focused on Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal work, the principles apply to all healing. “The emotional body is irrational. It does not belong to time or space but lives in the present, and the present is eternity. It takes a tremendous amount of energy and an absolutely trustworthy support system to be able to stay with an emotional issue and allow the healing process to take place. The work of the practitioner is to create the opening for the client to reach that place and remain in it until the emotional charge is dissipated. Up until now there has never been enough energy or a strong enough support system to convince the guardian that it is possible to work out an issue. During treatment it is the role of the practitioner to provide the support, understanding, and respect clients need to take steps toward healing, and to help them develop the ability to provide these things for themselves. Practitioners can support and assist, and also they
can step out of the way and let the process unfold. Their task is to witness what is going on and to hold the space for it to happen. 1Clients have to feel safe physically, mentally and emotionally: Physical safety comes with appropriate support. Mental safety comes with reassurance and clarity of contract between client and practitioner. Emotional safety comes with validation and respect for feelings. These aspects of safety have to be cultivated throughout clients’ whole lives before they will be able to use and trust the new found feelings of support during treatments. 2 Clients need to relax deeply on a physical level: Physical relaxation is possible only after safety issues are met. Then a continuous process of release is possible, arising from providing and cultivating the following ‘earth’ attributes: (a) support: physical support, mental reassurance, emotional validation; (b) acceptance of transition from a familiar place that doesn’t fit people’s needs to a more comfortable place that is not yet familiar enough. It is the most uncomfortable place of transition: feeling between a rock and a hard place; (c) nurturing: to
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provide people with the necessary resources to afford healing: (d) timing, which allows people to remain present, where healing is happening, no matter how uncomfortable they feel. 3 Client’s minds need to quiet: People’s analytical, hyper-vigilant minds will slow down and give peace when the two previous conditions of safety and support are provided. Only then will their minds be able to listen to feelings without being on the defensive, without too much fear of treason from the irrationality of the emotional self. Only then will the Guardian trust enough to let people get completely in touch with their emotions. 4 Clients need support and permission to recognize and validate their feelings: At that vulnerable stage where the analytic mind is in recess, clients need the emotional support and reality check of others before they can allow themselves permission to feel completely. At that stage practitioners shouldn’t take anything for granted and should work even harder at providing the previous condition. Clients are now entering the scary stage of increased awareness, where uncomfortable feelings and sometimes unbearable pains
reside. They will often look for any pretext to withdraw from that place, and often just knowing another person recognizes what they are going through helps them stay with the process. 5 Clients need to feel the importance and sacredness of the moment: Once people feel safe and relaxed to the point of being able to quiet their minds, get in touch with the depth of their souls, and feel entirely supported in that moment, that very moment is personal history in the making. It becomes the pivotal space time of transition where a page gets turned in the unfolding of their existence. This is the time where people get a glimpse of their destiny, where they get in touch with their spirit guides. 6 Clients need to open to the surge of increased energy and to surrender to the power within: When all of the previous conditions have been met, we get permission from within the energy gates to open and liberate a surge of energy which provides transformation. At that point there is no turning back. The page is turned; we are stepping into our new selves, our new existence. We are outgrowing ourselves. From now on nothing will be the same.
For more information on a new era in healthcare see:
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Transform your life with ThetaHealing™ Feeling Good About Saying No by Nancy Cate, Master ThetaHealer® Whether you’re a parent, professional or anyone else trying to fit too much into your busy life, one thing we all have in common is the need to look after ourselves. Funnily enough, loving ourselves is not necessarily foremost in our minds; we are usually too busy saying yes and looking after everyone else so your own needs fall to the bottom of a very large pile. Carrying other’s burdens at your own expense, or never knowing how to stop and rest, is a sure fire way of burning out, or at the very least becoming resentful. That’s where it’s crucial to learn how to love one self enough to know when to put yourself first. During a recent ThetaHealing™ session I worked with Jayne, (a healer herself), because she was having trouble with managing her workload and life: “I have to do everything I’m asked to do, and I feel that I can’t ask for help - that would mean I’d failed. I am a perfectionist. Being able to be self-sufficient and independent were highly valued in my family and stopping to take a rest was seen as a copout or just plain lazy – so I just keep going until I drop – only then am I entitled to rest”. Jayne felt truly incapable of managing her hectic life, so we worked on her underlying beliefs of failure and its consequences; and how her perfectionism could both serve and harm her. This kind of inner stress can contribute to conditions like chronic fatigue where we’ve ignored our body’s signals to rest, so it finally takes control and makes us rest. I then used a ThetaHealing™ technique that teaches us positive new feelings in an instant. These included how to see herself as important and valued; that it was possible for her to control her workload; to know how to feel successful and how to live without feeling a failure if she sought help; that it’s possible to ask for help whilst also valuing the gifts of her perfectionism, self sufficiency and independency; and a new balanced definition of rest, relaxation and allowing her body to recharge itself. Jayne was also
intuitively taught how and when to say no; and how to set boundaries before she needed them. These changes allowed Jayne to recognise her achievements and the space to instigate some other simple solutions in her life: scheduling her diary with time out for holidays and days off – both were a marvellous psychological and physical help. Jayne got back into eating a good nutritious diet; she remembered to take her supplements; she also had a regular medical check-up to rule out any underlying causes for her fatigue; and she finally began to get regular rest and recreation away from her clients’ needs; everyday exercise found its way back into her life and she found time to have lots of fun with those she loved.
BodyMind Balance Restoring balance to mind, body & soul If you are: Looking for support to get to the next step • Needing some help to rest, reconnect and rejuvenate • Wanting more wholeness and balance across all areas of your life • Wanting to manage or cope with your life better BodyMind Balance can help… BodyMind Balance helps you establish balance mentally, emotionally and physically with holistic massage, energy healing and a unique range of NZ made crystal essences – Soul Heart Essences.
These beautiful crystal elixirs are a safe, natural and cost effective way to balance your emotions and energy. Available as individual remedies (both stock or treatment bottles), combination or personalised blends, Soul Heart Essences can help restore balance and support you on your path. For more information, please phone Debbie Gillespie on (09) 412-7234 or go to my website and see for yourself the extensive range of crystal essences and other services that are available.
Jayne has learnt the valuable lesson of how to love herself enough to know when to put herself first, which in turn transformed her life through her new practice of knowing when and how to say the simple little word – no – and feel good about it. bio and photo of Nancy Cate here and add to accompany article Nancy Cate is a ThetaHealing™ Master & Certificate of Science; and also the ThetaHealing™ Representative for NZ. She’s available for personal healings and speaking engagements; teaching the full curriculum of ThetaHealing™ classes at Knowledge Tree School of ThetaHealing™, Browns Bay, Auckland, tel: 09 479 5706, nancy@knowledgetree., or visit
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A Beautiful Soul Connection By Karen Wills
This is a true story about my Granny and Grandpa who had been married for many, many years. They are two souls entwined together in life and in death… Dying on the same day of natural causes when I visited them showed me “a beautiful soul connection”. Here is the story. As I drove along the open road on the 4 hour journey that I frequently took to Granny and Grandpa’s house, a feeling of uneasiness came over me. I felt that something was wrong, but at the same time I felt it was right. Granny and Grandpa were in my thoughts and I smiled to myself, looking forward to seeing them, and to the good humour that awaited me. Grandpa was so funny and Grandma was very much like the queen of England. But as I pulled into the driveway and parked the car, I had this feeling inside of intense nervousness. What came next was quite a shock. It was as if I had been thrown from reality into a dream. I went to the door and knocked, and knocked again. They were normally at the door to greet me but this time there was no answer. Peering through the open curtains in the lounge showed no movement. I thought they could be out the back in their beautifully tended gardens where they spent most of their time. As I rounded the house I noticed the bedroom curtains were still closed. Then finding the garden empty I knew something was wrong. I immediately ran next door to get Nellie, a close friend of theirs. I asked her for a towel and grabbed a loose brick from her garden. Wrapping my hand in the towel I whacked the brick against the triple glazed window. The glass shattered and went everywhere, but I didn’t notice and at that point nothing mattered except finding them. I ran round the house yelling out to them but there was no answer. I ran into the bedroom and there was Grandpa.
There he was lying on his bed, alone, peaceful, and un-bothered by all the noise I was making. I touched him gently. He was warm and there was a pulse, but no response. Running to the phone, I dialled for an ambulance and tried to get out the information with tears streaming down my face. At that moment while I was sobbing down the phone, I was interrupted by a gentle hand on my shoulder. It was a policeman telling me it was too late, grandpa was gone and we didn’t need an ambulance. I dropped the receiver, cupped my hands over my face, and as my knees hit the floor, I cried. It couldn’t be true. I was in shock and my whole body trembled with disbelief. When I had gathered myself, I slowly made my way back into the room and sat beside grandpa and just cuddled him. Then I noticed his false teeth in the glass of water on the bedside table. I started to laugh. The policeman looked at me a bit puzzled. So I told him about when they went to bed each night granny would have a lovely glass of drinking water on her side and grandpa would have his teeth in a glass on his side. On one occasion grandpa had forgotten his glass so he took his teeth out, reached across granny and plopped them into her drinking water. She was not impressed. I finally realised with all the action that Granny was missing. She had been taken to hospital in the night with severe pain. The policeman also puzzled me so when finding out I had been a suspect of breaking and entering and had to fill in a statement as to why a neighbour across the road had called the police, I had to laugh. I guess you don’t see a person running up to a house with a brick and towel every day.
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Eventually I rang Mum and Dad in New Zealand. It is always so hard giving sad news to the people you love. The hardest thing was listening to their voices start to crack as they tried to keep from crying. It was all I could do not to break down either. Soon after, the Policeman left. The doctor came and went. The undertakers arrived. Then two gentlemen dressed in suits. These men explained to me that an unexplained passing meant an autopsy was needed. Very understandingly they gave a business card and said ring us tomorrow when you can talk. Then I had help from another neighbour to fix the glass and make the house safe. Once that was all dealt with I headed straight to the hospital to find Granny. How was I going to tell her about Grandpa? I sat chatting for a while with Granny, and then somehow the words fell out so easily and lovingly to describe Grandpa’s passing. I told her he is now happy and peaceful in the heavens dancing with the angels, waiting for her. I’m sure when she heard he may be dancing with the angels she knew she would have to get there pretty fast to sort him out - he was very much a ladies’ man! While I was there she had test results arrive showing a brain tumour. Granny deteriorated so quickly through the day after that. Eventually she couldn’t talk. She was slipping into a coma. I called a nurse to query the situation and they told me it wasn’t good. I had to accept that she was just left to weaken. B That was a shock to realise Granny was dying too. And on the same day. How could that be? I went to the toilet, cried my heart out and tried to prepare myself for this. I could do but one thing. Just be there beside her. So I spent a few hours sitting close to her and telling some stories, jokes and singing songs. Then her breathing started to quieten, and her skin became pale. I reached out and held her hand... I thought this is it. Then suddenly she sat straight up, opened her eyes as wide as could be and looked straight at me, or through me, I wasn’t sure. She just glared for what seemed like ages. I was telling her how beautiful her eyes were when she slowly lowered herself down on the pillow, closed her eyes and stopped breathing.
in suits arrived and were a little startled when they saw me again. I laughed and said we have to stop meeting like this! Laughter was the only emotion left. Very understanding they said you already have our card, we’ll talk tomorrow. I rang mum and dad again. More sad news. This was much harder to give the second dose. Two parents gone in one day. How would you feel? Granny and Grandpa were 85 and 86 years old and to me they had been together forever. Even though I was only in my mid-twenties at the time, I knew there was so much more to this than a coincidence. Sleeping in their house that night I felt a sense of peace and contentment and I knew that somehow it was all OK. Yes it was extremely sad, but I saw the Beautiful Soul Connection that was the synchronicity of their passing. I believe the separation of soul mates were created by the unhappy god within us all. We used to have two heads, four arms and four legs, but only one soul. We would roll around the place and not function terribly well. So in seeking wholeness we created separation and became two halves. One half man and one half woman, with one head and two arms and two legs each. And to this day we remain an uncompleted Soul Connection. Since then we have searched and searched the world for our “other half”. (Think about this for a moment. I mean how many times have you introduced your partner as “your other half”?) I have been searching all my life for a soul reconnection to complete by way of reflection. I feel after a few attempts I have found that Soul Mate. He is a concentrated reflection of myself, which annoys and frustrates me to the highest levels but at the same time also melts me with the most pure light and love from deep within.
Karen Wills Ph 09 5217009 M 021 2582729 E
I called the nurse, who called the doctor, who called the undertakers. The same two gentlemen dressed
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Do you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears?
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Health Takes More Than Medicine
By Lani Lopez Naturopath BHsc, Adv Dip Nat. Across many cultures there are centuries of learning and practice in health and healing that have been distilled into six laws of natural medicine. These six fundamental principles of natural medicine provide guidelines in work and life for Naturopaths and other professionals in all aspects of natural health… As a naturopath of Maori and Chinese descent, I see that these principles seem to have a real resonance with diverse world views; one that I believe holds the key to the wellbeing for all people. The six laws or fundamental principles of natural medicine are: 1) The Healing Power of Nature
medicines prioritise balancing the immune system for any challenges it confronts. Right now, colds and influenza pose the most frequent challenges for the immune system of all age groups. Boosting immunity in the cold and flu season is the topic of my next column. 2) All natural approach
4) Self-Understanding
Naturopathy is a very gentle, non-invasive approach to healthcare. As treatments are packaged in the most natural form, medicines by naturopaths are easily absorbed by the body.
5) Prevention
3) Identifying and treating the cause
6) Treating the Whole Person
Hence, these fundamentals of health deserve a little explaining.
True healing doesn’t come from suppressing or treating just symptoms. Healing is a thorough process that starts with uncovering the fundamental cause(s) of disease. To be effective and prevent recurrence, any treatment must first address the source of disease. This is often where lifestyle and nutrition are important and effective factors. Many of our daily decisions and habits can affect and perhaps even determine long-term health.
1) The healing power of nature
4) Self understanding
Naturopaths understand the body has the ability to heal itself. Our job is simply to do all we can to support that ability.
No-one can fully understand another’s body and physical experience.
2) All Natural Approach 3) Identifying and Treating the Causes
Familiarity with these principles can give back to individuals, even whole communities, by empowering their own wellbeing. With understanding, comes the ability to make informed decisions about health and treatment.
The human body is amazing and has a wide range of tools and actions dedicated to healing. This is obvious every time we cut or graze ourselves. The body instinctively rushes to clean, then close, and heal the wound. Internally, the body is equally affective. An immune system is ever vigilant, ready and able to counter attack illness. Natural
For Naturopaths, two of the greatest healing assets are self-understanding and awareness. Individuals and families taught and mentored by healthcare professionals are best placed to practice healing and promote wellbeing for themselves. It is the health professional’s role to encourage people taking responsibility for their wellbeing and to assist in their learning. It is never too early or too late to learn about being and living well. 5) Preventative Medicine While cliché it is true, ‘prevention is better than a cure.’ The aim is to avoid having to treat illness by doing everything in one’s power to prevent it. The structural thinking and planned approach of sanitation is the key to individual systemic health. Avoiding environments and actions that pose risk is logical. Being aware of things that weaken and stress the immune system is hugely valuable. Learning when and how to strengthen against any illness is fundamentally useful. And practicing all this in advance, sub-conscientiously translates to planning to be well. This principle is one I believe we all need to take to heart; it would save us pain, discomfort and end so much unnecessary illness and suffering. My naturopathic specialty is formulating health supplements and while they do assist in overcoming illness, the essential aim is preventing getting sick at all. My immune formula OLE-Up is a great example. A combination of Olive Leaf Extract the noted anti-
viral, Acai Berry Brazil’s anti-oxidant super food, Turmeric nature’s anti-inflammatory and Schisandra the stress soother, taken in high doses OLE-Up will attack a cold or flu and speed recovery time. But made by these principles it is most effective taken every day to boost the immune system to prevent bugs taking hold in the first place. The last principle is probably my favorite and the key to both accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. 6) Treating the whole person Good health is more than the absence of symptoms or disease. True health and wellbeing can be evident when the whole person is cared for. Mental, emotional, physical, environmental and spiritual wellbeing in tune and supported is when one can claim to be in a status of good health and wellbeing. These are the principles and laws my predecessors, mentors and teachers have given me. I live by them, daily. My work as a naturopath is motivated by an ambition to see these principals more widely understood, practiced and lived by worldwide. I hope they can support you in living well, you deserve to. Lani Lopez in a naturopath, specialist in formulating naturopathic health supplements, author and the creator of find her at
It is the role (and expectation) of doctors, in fact every healthcare professional to educate people about their own health and wellbeing. However, health professionals are only too aware of the flawed ability of many patients who struggle to comprehend the content and quality of information needed to best treat themselves.
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Soul Heart Crystal Essence
Apophylite & Stillbrite the Gift of Ease
Clairvoyant; Transformation Facilitator; Teacher
By Debbie Gillespie from BodyMind Balance Apophyllite & Stillbrite is a combination of two beautiful crystals with a delightful soft energy. Apophyllite is a white/clear crystal and Stillbrite a gentle peach colour. This combination gives this remedy a deep level of contentment similar to that which comes at the end of summer holidays when you feel rested and ready to move back in to the world. With Christmas coming and summer holidays this is the perfect remedy to hold that calm, relaxed feeling as you go about your Christmas shopping and organising. It gives us ease around the things we have to do particularly when we are feeling overwhelmed by it all. It promotes an ‘All is well in my world” feeling. The Soul Heart Crystal Essence of Apophyllite and Stillbrite gifts us ease of, and with life. It can also assist with the heightening of senses especially smell. This gem is particularly helpful for those who can’t feel they can take a break or when you are time and amount pressured. It helps us take an energetic break from something which enables us to go back with fresh eyes. Apophyllite and Stillbrite Soul Heart Essence can be used when: • You feel you have too much to do and not enough time to do it • You are not able to see the ‘wood from the trees’ – when fresh eyes or energy is needed • You want to reclaim a more positive relationship to life • You want more ease in life • Wanting be more relaxed and rested • You have a need to slow down and be connected to your soul but still need to be ‘in the world’ • Wanting to clear and smooth aura • Feel unable to take a break, but desperately need one
“Change your thoughts and follow a new path”
A little bit about Soul Heart Crystal Essences Soul Heart Crystal Essences are a range of crystal elixirs created by Debbie Gillespie as part of her unfolding journey as a teacher and wise woman healer. These beautiful NZ made crystal preparations perfectly support you to connect to your heart and soul – promoting more joy, peace and fulfilment. They are particularly effective for helping you move beyond self-defeating patterns and behaviours, removing the impact of past experiences (including deep seated trauma) that may be preventing you from moving forward, assisting in times of transition, promoting self-confidence and improving relationships with self and others.
our Soul has messages that it wants you to hear. Issues and questions about relationships, family, finances, career and your life path can benefit from the input from the other side and help to give clarity. Let me connect you with their messages and the wisdom of their insight. Because we have lots of different things going on in our heads, their advice can help ease your burden and redefine your path. They know what you need to hear.
I bring my many years of experience with co-ordinating, implementing
A typical Soul Heart Remedy comes in a 20ml bottle and the usual dosage is 3-4 drops 4 x daily. Each Soul Heart Crystal Essence can be used on its own or combined with other Soul Heart Essences, flower essences or other vibrational remedies.
Transformation Workshops
and facilitating events and projects to the ‘Life Patterns’ workshops. Including tools like chakra and energy work, these workshops are designed to help you understand your patterns and the blocks they have formed, to remove what no longer serves you and elevate you to live the life you were born to live. We are often unable to unearth and remove these blocks without help, but once we do we take off in ways that opens the world for us. Look forward to gaining more clarity in identifying your patterns, so you can move on from them with confidence. Workshops are small and private, where you can be seen, heard and acknowledged in safety.
For more information please visit my website www. or if you would like to subscribe to my free monthly newsletter and receive monthly inspiration and notification of upcoming events please click here.
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One on One Consultations
Teacher & Speaker • Meditation and Psychic Development classes • Helping you understand and make changes • Teaching the energy of the divinatory arts, and the unique way they work for you as an individual • Speaker at public or private events
Ph: 021 115 3086 Email: Orewa, New Zealand
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You Can Have Mind Control!
By Mel Abbott of Empower Therapies Today I’m going to share with you an excellent technique in mind control. I use this with most of my clients at the start of a session so that they feel empowered and able to regulate their own emotional states, which is not only a highly useful life skill but prepares them very well to trust the NLP Process and to be empowered to make fast changes to their symptoms. I see a very wide range of clients in my practise. In just two weeks since returning from overseas conferences, I’ve seen people who are suicidal, anxious, addicted, suffering from chronic pain, chronic fatigue, skin conditions, hay fever, vertigo, constipation, self-esteem issues… but no matter what the presenting issue, there is a dominant theme of people feeling helpless. They feel like they cannot control or influence the problem that they come to me with. They have usually already seen a lot of Doctors and Alternative Healthcare professionals and nobody can “cure” them. I believe that empowering people to make their own changes is a far more long-lasting solution that “treating” people so that they still feel like they need someone else to fix their problems. So I teach them this very simple technique and every person who’s learnt it has been amazed by how much control they have over their emotional states. You may like to try this out yourself: You start by closing your eyes and breathing calmly and deeply and then remember a time when you felt very calm, paying attention to lots of details of that memory including what you see, hear and feel. You notice what your calmness rating is out of 10 and realise how much you have already influenced your calmness levels. Then you mentally reach out and turn up your calmness dial another notch or two out of 10 and see how much better again that feels. Then turn it down 4 notches to see the difference. Every client has reported that as soon as they turn it down, they feel heavy and uncomfortable and quickly crank it back up to a 7 or 8. Then we turn it up even higher and see just how capable the person is of controlling their calmness state completely. People are invariably surprised and delighted to see how much control they have. We then look at other emotion dials such as happiness, self-worth, confidence, pain etc. and learn how to control each
of these dials also. So far, everyone has successfully been able to control their states on all the dials that we have played with. Wouldn’t this be a useful thing to teach people in school? How much happier and more trusting would we all be if we all had more skills at regulating our emotional states? One of my new clients last week came to me because she had attempted suicide a couple of months ago and has been depressed for years. Her Psychiatrist has given her a huge cocktail of pills to take for managing depression, OCD, anxiety and sleep and yet she is still feeling so low that she can’t work and said she was 90% sure she wanted to die this week and she knew how she would do it. We did the Dials Technique and she brought her happiness up to a 7 and her relaxation to an 8, her pain down to a 2 and her self-worth to an 8. She was delighted to see that she had a lot of influence on her feelings. By the end of the session, she said she was only feeling 50% desire to commit suicide, which was a bigger improvement than she’d had from years of therapy and pills. In order for her to be truly happy and free of this condition (and for her dials to stay naturally at good settings), she will also need a deeper NLP process to resolve the underlying cause of her depression. We will address this in the next couple of sessions. However, simply by realising the control that she could have over her emotional states produced so much improvement that she felt that she would be able to make it through the week safely. So try this technique out for yourself. Greater empowerment leads to a happier and healthier life. You have the ability to empower yourself and trust your own ability to regulate your feelings.
‘To be or not to be’ that is the question? But what is the answer? Genetic Brain Dominance Profiling! Most of us struggle with communication; we don’t say what we mean and we don’t mean what we say. We often think back and wish we could have said this or that. Done things differently and behaved in different ways. I, myself, always wanted to be a laid back person, someone who just went with the flow and could handle any problem with ease and grace. Turns out that this is not who I am. I am just not wired like that. Once I had my Brain Profile done I could really relate to how I behaved and how I reacted in certain circumstances. I began to respect myself and have more compassion towards myself. The Brain Profile gives us a map of how we function under stress, and how we function day to day. It assists us to understand ourselves and our loved ones better. I highly recommend each and every person to attend a Brain Profile. It takes just over an hour and you will emerge from this time, enlightened and equipped to deal better with the hurdles that face us on a daily basis. Book now and you will receive a $20 discount off the normal price. Offer only lasts till the end of November 2011. Once you have had one yourself you may want to purchase profile vouchers as gifts for Christmas. This is a great gift that keeps on giving for years to come. Book now with Noeline on 09 522 8584 or 021 052 8980, offices in Remuera/Meadowbank. Check out her website
If you would like a session to learn this technique from me directly and to also then proceed to deeper NLP techniques to resolve underlying causes, I am available in Orakei, Auckland or via Skype. You can read more about my own story of recovery from Chronic Illness and see demos of my work on my website www.
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On the Couch
'Dream Keepers', NZ presents -
Your Mind with Richard Gray
Continuing last month’s discussion... Summing up last month, the voices a person might hear is not some mysterious experience that needs tranquillising into oblivion, but one that needs to be acknowledged, accepted and released. An almost amusing aspect to all this is that when a person hears warm and supporting voices but perchance tells a family member or doctor who is ignorant of the inner meaning or purpose of the voices, they become judged as being unwell or having schizophrenia and are then given psychiatric treatment. The sad result is usually one or two happy internal voices becoming several very angry ones, and… the person becomes a life term psychiatric patient. Now you may say this is all very well, but statistically only a small number of people are affected this way. And that is true; perhaps 2% of the population, but it would help these people enormously if the rest of the world, family and medical people had some real understanding. At present they often get ‘abused’ for the rest of their lives for having had a learning experience that gave rise to internal voices, now turned sad by being drugged heavily and put away in a kind of public prison. Public often have fears around such people being violent, but this is a misconception generated by the media. In a formal study made circa 1998 of all reported acts of violence, mental health patients were low offender, but media are always happy to say ‘metal health patient harms…’ or ‘Maori does this…’, but they never write ‘average white man commits murder or rape’. Most of these souls are lovely people. Funnily enough a side-effect of the drugs can be feelings of violence. However, most
often the violence is turned within, and people do harm to themselves as they care too much about not harming others. Suddenly stopping ones drugs can also cause a major destabilising reaction that may result in violence. That notwithstanding, people committed into the mental health system have good reason to feel angry; as a result of having difficulties coping with life for a period of time they’ve been diagnosed as having a lifetime mental illness, then find themselves institutionalised and heavily tranquillised with medication. Getting used to voices can be quite difficult, but so often ‘the medical fix’ is even worse. It may seem that I am rather antimedication, but what I am anti is the heavy over-use of it, and the use of it as a first option. Because medication usually has unhealthy side effects, it needs to be used as a last resort. If we look at ourselves as being creatures with 3 aspects; spirit, mind, body, then sure, it is appropriate to treat all 3. However, the medications are attempting to treat the mind with a physical substance, which is really a bit of an oxymoron. The mind needs to be treated with the mind by helping the person understand and realise what is actually happening. This process might include what is called voice dialoguing. Often people are fearful of their internal voices, and allow themselves to become ruled – just like an abuser and an abused. A key starting point is to understand that such relationships are unhealthy and unnecessary, as the experience holds the real power. The voices might use ‘stand over’ tactics, but they cannot physically attack the person. The
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person needs to realise that they can have a totally different relationship with an internal voice, and it is they who can affect such a change. Some support from groups like the Hearing Voices Network and certain people within the Soul Destiny Foundation can help facilitate this change in understanding. However the real work is as always done by the person themselves. Another way that often helps is simply reflecting back to the person what they are describing, so that they may see themselves and their experience from an almost external standpoint, and as a result see a whole new and more real aspect to the experience such as its likely origins. Also, using your intuition is invaluable as it helps you to know when to speak, and when not to… timing is important. The body too needs to be treated but with the physical; good nutrition, which is likely to include high doses of certain vitamins, minerals or other herbs because often when the mind is distressed the body bio is out of balance too. But please note, this is a reasonably exact science, and needs to be done in conjunction with someone who knows what to look for. Such diagnosis are of done with the help of blood, urine and even hair analysis tests – the latter being to check for such things as heavy metal and chemical toxicity. And then there’s the soul! For good balance this needs nourishing too…
SHAMANIC WORKSHOP INTRODUCTION TO SHAMANISM 'ENTERING THE SACRED SILENCE' Within these times of challenge and change David invites you to participate in this unique and life transforming Shamanic Training Workshop - ('INTRODUCTION TO SHAMANISM'), that with introduce participants to a wide range of both ancient and cutting-edge skills and tools that with practice, will provide them with authentic self empowerment, liberation, healing and continued spiritual unfolding. Shamanism is a way of life that dates back to palaeolithic times, showing us how to live our lives through sacred relationship, that of living in harmony, respect and balance with the Spirit in all life forms. It is the world's oldest method of expanding consciousness in order to access healing, wisdom, creativity and immediate spiritual experiences. This work is based on the teachings of Grandfather Stalking Wolf, a Lipun Apache elder and wisdom keeper as taught to Tom Brown Jr, the recipient of his Shamanic knowledge and understandings. It honours all cultural heritages and honours the spirit of this land.
Within this workshop the trainee will be given traditional techniques and skills of the Shaman, and will experience the 'Shamanic Journey', a Dynamic Shamanic Meditation technique that with practice, will enable the trainee to Contact and communicate with spiritual guides, teachers and power animals Communicate with the realms of nature Access wisdom, knowledge and techniques for healing, problem solving and personal well being Restore authentic spiritual power Release mental, emotional and physical pain Apply Shamanism to contemporary daily life and towards issues including - Spirituality, Relationships, Health and Well being, Job, Career and Economic issues ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DAVID - was born in Aotearoa, New Zealand and has studied a myriad array of natural healing modalities and philosophies in over 20 years of inquisitive research and hands on experience. These include Shamanic Philosophy and Healing Techniques, Te Rongoa Maori, (Traditional Maori Herbal Medicine of Aotearoa, N.Z.) and Sound Healing. He has walked the trail of the Shaman for almost fifteen years and is an initiated graduate student of 'The Academy of Shamanic Studies', NZ. He has completed extensive Shamanic Healing training including that of...'Soul Retrieval', Extraction Healing, Lineage and Quantum Healing along with other facets of Shamanic training including the teachings of the 'Laika Q'ero Inka' of South America. A Practitioner of Vibrational Medicine, An Educational Facilitator and Coach, A Visionary and a Musician, David is also co creator of 'Dream Keepers, NZ' , an enterprise that promotes educational facilitation of Shamanism, Natural Health and Spirituality, Neuro Science and Sacred Technologies. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Workshop Details: Introduction to Shamanism
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Anger - constructive or destructive By Darren Wallace
Anger can be a positive or negative emotion. It can be used as a motivating force for change and growth. It can also become hate, resentment, sarcasm, racism, prejudice and war. Anger is an emotion that’s misunderstood, misused and often distorted. What I’m going to put forward are view points and perspectives that will encourage thinking and feeling. Not necessarily ideas that will be right, wrong or agreeable. Positives: In the case of sports, directed anger can help to focus and produce winning performances for teams or individuals. A person in an impoverished or disadvantaged situation may improve themselves if they harness its power. Negatives: Anger can be a destructive emotion it can cause cancer and increase the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure . From anger can spring all sorts of extremes such as domestic violence, rage, war, all sorts of hate and depression. A modern world dilemma Our modern world has become so technically advanced so quickly and our population has grown so rapidly. We now are being manipulated more than ever by those that pull the strings in our world economy that virtually no one is free of the stress and negativity that this creates. Our minds and bodies are conditioned for a Stone Age lifestyle of hunting, gathering and warring to get what we want. The lack of exercise, poor diet and stress is weakening us. Couple that with out of date religious and spiritual practices and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. From a young age most of us have our anger and creativity suppressed and distorted. Even in the new age movement there are those that encourage love and light while denying anger,
and our lives become less stressful and more simple. Strong boundaries are needed sometimes for some people. There is one last thing. We live in a world which is touch deprived. It is important for both men and women to learn about healthy non sexual touch. Research has proven that a person that allows themselves to touch and be touched is healthier and happier. As people we all have emotions and feelings - we don’t have to be perfect , and emotions can be constructive.
A few take home tips: •
Avoid gossip. It is one of the most senseless forms of anger.
Watch self-righteousness. It keeps a person from growing.
Seeing others viewpoints. This is invaluable in dealing effectively with anger.
Having a sense of humor. It can help definitely. (It can be used to avoid as well)
Acknowledge anger. Face it and accept it. It is a natural part of us.
sexuality and grief. The mind is where our thoughts are stored and the body is where stress and memories are stored from past lives, childhood, family and so on. Our shadow sides are with us throughout our whole lives. The neediness and addiction that this creates is straggling. We are in the information age there is a constant bombardment of advertising, parenting and relationship advice etc. A lot of men are feeling shaky being men, many people are confused and feel stressed and don’t know how to cope. A solution to this dilemma Realizing that the extremes of anger are a universal difficulty that needs to be addressed is a good first step. Most of us need to exercise. Just simply walking helps but more vigorous movement is ideal. Tensions from all sorts of sources including emotional can collect in the different areas such as shoulders, jaw, forehead and legs. So boxing bags, beating pillows, running and swimming can help to release stress. The other aspect is relaxed belly breathing many people in our modern world mostly breathe in a shallow way from the chest this constricts our life energy not allowing for an easy release of stress, good breathing can make a difference to our entire lives. When situations arise in our lives were we feel uncomfortable instead of allowing them to build up we can take responsibility for ourselves and deal with them seeing what’s happening and releasing them from our bodies and minds. Small issues if they’re left undealt with can snow ball into bigger problems. The wisdom of the ‘Live in the moment, deal with one day at a time’ principle means that difficulties are let go of
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By Craig Lankshear Universal Healer for Soul Destiny Foundation
Father Forgive Them Painting by Akiane aged 9
Every Man, Woman and Child has a Dream. They believe this will assist them to be happy and to attain fulfilment in life. We are often told this by many people surrounding us including our education systems, Banking Systems and many other systems BUT what happens then. All of these external dreams that we thought would lead us to a happy fulfilled and secure life start to cause us great difficulty because we become infernally unhappy. We forget the most important principle of life that is rarely talked about, the happiness and love within ourselves. This internal happiness and love is the crucial ingredient. The Amount of love we have for ourselves is equal to the amount of love we have to give and receive from someone else. This very principle was put to the test in my own personal life. After a series of difficult events in my life over a number of years, it wasn’t until I started to love myself and clear my anger at those events that I was able to turn my life around and start building a stronger foundation on which to base a new life for a brighter peaceful and more meaningful experience for myself. I now work from a new awareness that is clear of the negative external energy that restricted me. I know that no other person or material experience can make me happy on its own. I share a beautiful love with my wife and any home, car or holiday that we share is first of all beneficial to myself and then those that I share my life with.
have a strong foundation from which to create your projections for a better life experience with others. Clear your anger, frustration and self-pity by accepting them and when this becomes overwhelming say silently to yourself as many times as it takes I RELEASE I RELEASE I RELEASE this x y z and I accept responsibility for creating this. Also say this great affirmation daily: I LOVE AND APPROVE OF MYSELF AND FEEL ACCEPTED BY LIFE. These two simple statements will greatly benefit anyone going through difficult cycles in their life. I have experienced this and am a living example of its effectiveness.
Craig is a “Universal Healer” and teacher with 30 years experience and he is currently practicing at Soul Destiny Foundation.
This principle also allows me to tap into a wonderful life of abundance, simplicity and love. By learning to accept your aloneness and love yourself you
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What would you like to know? The stars can tell you!
Radio Improv—Joy in the Moment Inspiring HOPE - Liberating COMPASSION—Evoking JOY,nz/radioimprov
Tuesday 7.20pm and available as a free download
Produced snd Anchored by Pat Armitstead Brand Strategy Frans Huysmans Cenro
To be a global voice for all that is joyful about humanity
To facilitate the enquiry into humour and joy in business and life
To get a free reading from our in house Astrologer Andrea, simply email your question, your full name, birth place, birth time, and birth date to to have your question answered and featured in the next issue of Into Light Magazine.
What questions do you need answered?
To be a listening space in which to deliver a holistic and integrated approach to wellbeing
Do you have questions about your current or future relationships?
To use the art of being present as a channel to deliver people into a space of wellbeing For advertising and guest spots email
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Get a free reading from our in house clairvoyant Patricia and guide Alanta. Simply email your question, your full name and birth date to to have your question answered and featured in the next issue of Into Light Magazine.
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What’s On
Events / Workshops / Classes / Groups Soul Destiny Foundation Development Class Every Monday Arrive 7:30pm Class from 8pm till 10pm Address: 122 Norman Lesser Drive, Meadowbank, Auckland Cost $20 These are fun, interactive open groups focused on spiritual self development in all areas of life. The group will give you a better understanding of who you are, what magic you have, and how to manage your energy and growth. In These Classes You will... * Recognise and clear clutter (Past, Present, Future) * Create trust and faith within yourself, so you can follow your true path * Meet with like minded people who have walked similar journeys who can guide you through yours * Clear your mind to prevent future blocks * Gain joy of heart when you reach your true alignment * Have the ability to live in the “NOW” Soul Destiny Foundation Development Class Every Wednesday Arrive 7:30pm Class from 8pm till 10pm Address: 101 Aberdeen Rd, Castor Bay Cost $20 These are fun, interactive open groups focused on spiritual self development in all areas of life. The group will give you a better understanding of who you are, what magic you have, and how to
manage your energy and growth. In These Classes You will... * Recognise and clear clutter (Past, Present, Future) * Create trust and faith within yourself, so you can follow your true path * Meet with like minded people who have walked similar journeys who can guide you through yours * Clear your mind to prevent future blocks * Gain joy of heart when you reach your true alignment * Have the ability to live in the “NOW”
Self-Mastery Life shop with Cifehtr When: Mondays at 7pm. This is an interactive life shop facilitated by the Grand Master Cifehtr sometimes joined by their presenters. This covers everything in our lives from health, wealth, relationships, work, passion, imprints, aspects, in fact it touches everything. This is an excellent foundation, for those seeking to walk in Mastery in this life. Cost: $20 in person or $25 via Skype. Register your interest with us: 021 023 85772 / 027 6315288
The Continuation The Ultimate in Self-Healing! This is a healing modality, which is based in Self-healing and has been brought
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to us by Platorans of the Pleiades. Created to assist you in accessing True healing within yourself. Cost: $160 / session. Allow an hour We are currently based in Dairy Flat, North Shore or if you wish to contact via Skype (Skype: Ascension Explorers) Register your interest with us: 021 023 85772 / 027 6315288
‘Which therapy is right for me?’ Free on-going Teleseminar Series Free on-going teleseries, exploring the benefits of natural therapies, covering a range of energy and body work techniques, from the well-known to obscure. Date: Ongoing Coming up: The Ancient Templates of Wisdom – codes hidden from mankind for eons are now available again to benefit the evolutionary shift of consciousness. For full details see www.artofhealth. - Find out what a teleseminar is here ‘Who Are You’? ‘Know Yourself’ Life shop with Cifehtr. When: Tuesdays 7pm. Are you ready to access your greater knowledge? Are you willing to connect
into the realms of true essences of learning? Join us and others who are serious in their seeking of Self knowing.
Phone: 02102385772 Email:
Cost: $20 in person or $25 via Skype
2012 - 2013 Go Quantum!
Register your interest with us: 021 023 85772 / 027 6315288
Dec 29 – Jan 5 “The Far North” New Zealand This is the Deluxe New Years party and Conscious Living package that will propel you into 2013 as many wonder why the mothership did not arrive.
Venue: Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand
Mentoring with the Masters. A channeled personal session for you, with the Ascended Masters, who give guidance and help you to answer your questions. Cost: $120 /hour with audio. Register your interest with us: 021 023 85772 / 027 6315288
2012 packages with Ascension Explorers * 12:12:12 Lets Celebrate* Dec 10 - Dec 15 “The Far North” , New Zealand What do these numbers truly mean? Join us for a time of Celebration and Conscious Living with Daily channelled Lifeshops with The Ascended Masters, Sacred site visits and heart connection in community to Gaia, Self Catered, includes food, 5 nights accomodation,travel. Register your intent with Heather or Lou Skype Name: Ascension Explorers
Have you made your choice? The new or the old? Are you ready to Party? We offer ongoing Channelled guidance, Lifeshops, 4 sacred site tours. fully Catered quality lunches and evening meals with continental breakfast, 7 nights quality accomodation, Travel and lots of fun. Register your intent with Heather or Lou Skype Name: Ascension Explorers Phone: 02102385772 Email:
Date: 30 December 2011 – 3 January 2012
Adult Ticket $ 325; includes * NZ & International Creatives * art projects * light shows * dance music performances * meditations * more than 100 creative, transformational workshops * organic and fresh foods & drinks * healers * market stallholders * 3-part Kids Zone* Buddhafield * Yoga * campsite * access to a pristine surfing and swimming beach. For more info:
PRANA Gail Taylor from Energy Works will be at PRANA NEW YEAR’S FESTIVAL from DEC 30th 2011 to JAN 3rd 2012. See Gail at the following workshops:
Emotional Health Teleseries
Sat. Dec 31st - Conscious transformation – Part 1 9am-10-30am
Learn how to regain and improve physical and mental health by mastering emotions and stress.
Sun Jan 1st – Paintings for the Soul exhibition – All day
Learn practical techniques for identifying, managing, dissolving and transforming emotions and stress with ease. 4 week online teleclass Dec 2011
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Mon Jan 2nd – Conscious transformation – Part II 9am – 10.30am
Brought to you by Into Light Forum and Soul Destiny Foundation. All information within Into light Magazine is Copyright and belongs to each author.
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