R ry U sa O er iv n an
ripe for a renaissance: new study takes pulse of gay village
Gay & Lesbian
City Living
june 2013
best bets by Jorn
Plus puppet master
Ronnie Burkett
pride prom Youth get more vocal about gender
’70s Disco diva Patsy Gallant
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Fierce, family-friendly & fabulous
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20/02/2013 23/05/2013 2:36:34 3:12:39 PM PM
Slide into the lower, sport-bolstered driver’s seat and set your heart racing. The All-New 2014 Lexus IS features an LFA-inspired instrument cluster, aggressive aerodynamic styling and performance-tuned suspension. It makes any journey feel like a victory lap.
03.AdPage.indd 2
23/05/2013 3:12:58 PM
PUBLISHER Patricia Salib EDITOR Alan A Vernon Art director Nicolás Tallarico CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Gordon Bowness, Paul Gallant, Michael Pihach, Krishna Rau CONTRIBUTORS David Bateman, Mary Dickie, Derek Dotto, Amy Knowles, Serafin LaRiviere, Alice Lawlor, Trudie Lee, Pamela Meredith, Alejandro Santiago, Adam Segal, Andrea Zanin proofreaDER Tristan McFarland ON the cover Photography by Aaron Cobbett • aaroncobbett.com
Senior Account Director Ryan Lester Account Manager Simon Ma DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Reggie Lanuza
uur rbba anng ga al l el er ry y a r t gallery event space venue rental
Controller Luis Varesis
OUR MISSION Inspire gay men and lesbians to live life to the fullest. Expand the gay and lesbian community by valuing diversity and individual choice. Celebrate Toronto. Provide readers with compelling news, information and entertainment.
ADVERTISING & OTHER INQUIRIES 416-800-4449 ext 100 • info@intorontomag.com EDITORIAL INQUIRIES 416-800-4449 ext 201 • editorial@intorontomag.com PRODUCTION
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In Toronto is published 12 times per year by The Mint Media Group all rights reserved. 182 Davenport Rd, #300, Toronto, ON, M5R 1J2
04 05.INTO.MastContents.indd 4
4.1563 w x 5.1563 h
23/05/2013 3:13:28 PM
issue 37
views | living & design | insight | listings | Art & entertaiNment | sex
08 15
art attack At home with Francisco Alvarez and Daniel Garcia-Herreros ripe for a renaissance Study explores the gay village’s need for a facelift
Bunny girl It’s not all about hair for Starry Night DJ Lady Bunny
The disco diva returns Patsy Gallant still kicking it up after all these years
06 Pride T.O.’s Kevin beaulieu talks money 07
clare nobbs supports our youth
11 busting a lime in st kitts 14
quality not quantity during sex
June events calendar and listings
Jorn Weisbrodt's Luminato festival faves
market flower power
Women painters are it
no strings attached with ronnie burkett
the sex geek asks: what's up doc?
34 Caught in the Act Photos
sex is easy to find
love isn’t.
The dilemma: You are a successful professional living a fulfilled life. You are active, dynamic, intelligent, and financially stable. Your friends and family say that you are a catch. Then why is it that sincere love is so hard to find? The soluTion: A boutique networking agency specializing in personalized matchmaking will save time and energy. Their service is designed for busy, successful professionals who cherish the idea of a loving, faithful relationship once they find the right partner. The clienTs: Preferred Partners clients value the prospect of meeting like-minded individuals who are also tired of the internet and bar scene. Typically, they are successful professionals living full and active lives who work hard and love to play, too. Preferred ParTners canada’s exclusive Gay maTchmakinG aGency
Call us today for a free Consultation
1 866-467-5252
www.preferredpartners.ca www.preferredpartners.ca
04 05.INTO.MastContents.indd 5
23/05/2013 3:13:56 PM
toronto talk exchange VIEW FINDER
Luke Hayes
→ A SHOO IN For the Carrie Bradshaw in all of us, the Christian Louboutin retrospective celebrates two decades of the iconic French shoe designer who pushed the boundaries—and the prices—of high fashion shoes. Curated by The Design Museum London in conjunction with Christian Louboutin, the collection is a theatrical journey of style, glamour, power, femininity and elegance, and runs the gamut from stilettos and lace-up boots to studded sneakers and bejewelled pumps. The only Canadian stop on what is expected to be a global tour, the exhibition includes shoes Louboutin created for the 2007 Fetish exhibition produced in collaboration with acclaimed artist and filmmaker David Lynch. From June 21 to Sep 15 at the Design Exchange. For more info, go to dx.org.
In their own words Kevin Beaulieu
→ “Money isn’t everything.”
By michael pihach “We’d like to have this issue settled once and for all and provide stability,” says executive director of Pride Toronto Kevin Beaulieu. For the third year in a row, the organization responsible for planning Toronto’s 10-day Pride festival faces the possible risk of losing its cultural funding from the city. Last April, Toronto city council’s executive committee addressed the legalities of banning the words “Israeli apartheid” at city-funded events. The debate mirrors past attempts by a small contingent of city councillors to remove Pride’s municipal funding following the inclusion of Queers Against Israeli Apartheid (QuAIA) in the Pride parade. Despite city staff reports concluding the term “Israeli apartheid” is not a criminal offence and does not contravene city policy, the validity of Pride’s annual grant of $123,807 was still deferred to an executive committee meeting on May 27. Pride Toronto won’t know if it receives its allocation until June 11, a mere 10 days before the festival begins on June 21. For Beaulieu, this is business as usual. “One of our biggest challenges is organizing the festival as far in advance without necessarily knowing what the budget will be,” he says. Pride Toronto’s operating budget is $2 million. Would losing the city’s support put the organization in a tough situation? “Yes, it would,” says Beaulieu. “It might take a year or two to rebalance things.” If funding falls flat, the backup plan is to rely on Pride’s accumulated surplus, which, says Beaulieu, “helps even out the bumps when they happen.” He adds that Toronto’s LGBT communities would likely “step up” if funding were ever jeopardized. Last year’s Pride festival pumped
$214 million into the city’s economy—a big sell to city council. But “money isn’t everything,” says Beaulieu. “We’re optimistic council will recognize the opportunity to connect with and show appreciation for our queer communities. The city has been supportive despite controversies in past years and we’re hopeful they continue to be so. “We take nothing for granted, but I’m convinced good sense will prevail.”
June 2013
06 07.INTO.TTE.indd 6
23/05/2013 3:14:39 PM
toronto talk exchange Sound off Pride Prom by Gordon Bowness → When hundreds of LGBT students and their friends party together at the 18th annual Pride Prom this
month, it’s not just a rite of passage for young adults, it’s a celebration of a queerer, more just future. To get an inside look, we talked to Clare Nobbs of Supporting Our Youth (SOY), the organization that co-presents Pride Prom along with the Triangle Program, Canada’s only queer classroom. Who puts together Pride Prom and why is it important? Back in 2002, the Triangle Program approached SOY and asked us to work with them to make this event spectacular. We’ve collaborated ever since. Plus there are a number of teachers from other schools who are involved who really work to build it. Most important are the youth volunteers, mostly high-school age; they do tons of legwork. In the last five years Pride Prom has really grown. It’s gone from maybe a 150 in Tallulah’s Cabaret to a fullfacility event throughout Buddies in Bad Times with 350-plus youth attending. One year it topped over 400; that was phenomenal. It’s such a wonderful opportunity for queer and trans youth to celebrate. Some dress formal, some dress according to the theme, some come as they are; and they bring their friends. It’s just a really chill night.
What is SOY’s core mission? SOY, which turned 15 in April, works to create space by and for youth. SOY helps queer, trans and questioning youth to take up space and build healthy community with each other and beyond. Have you’ve seen any shifts in the 10 years you’ve been SOY’s coordinator of community programming? Youth are starting to be much more vocal about gender, and at a younger age—naming who they are. We as a society need to be able to catch them and allow them to be safe in all of that. That’s why, when community folks ask us what can they do around youth, I like to encourage less gendered language. I see a lot of people suffering from the violence that comes from the gender binary. So many people feel boxed in. If society had a more fluid awareness and respect for gender, and had less expectation for what gender looks like, then there would be a lot less suffering. Coming up? Following Pride Prom is the Fruit Loopz Youth stage at Buddies on the Saturday of Pride Weekend. We need volunteers for that. And SOY is always looking for mentors both for our Monday night drop-ins and one-on-one.
Gordon Bowness
Any special moments for you? When we crown an Ace, King and Queen every year it’s just a spectacular moment. There’s an Ace who’s as important as the King who’s as important as the Queen. Gender doesn’t really matter in all of that, it’s how people self-identify. The beauty of the contest is the symbolism: It’s not just about the individuals, it’s about the youth who are in the space, who’ve been dancing and partying and enjoying each other’s company, who look at the folks being honoured, who might be dressed completely different than they would at a mainstream prom, being celebrated for who they are.
They are not your stereotypical prom king and queen. It’s just a way of doing things differently, outside the box. It’s really lovely.
06 07.INTO.TTE.indd 7
23/05/2013 3:14:55 PM
L I V I N G & D ES I G N
Proud hook-up → When
they’re not planning city festivals, Pride Toronto co-chair Francisco Alvarez and his partner Daniel Garcia-Herreros can be found in their eccentric loft—home to their cat with Sofia Vergara eyes Story Michael Pihach | Photography Alejandro Santiago
You guys have been together for two-and-a-half years. How did you meet? Francisco Alvarez (pictured top left): We met at an open meeting for Toronto Pride. Daniel was there with the Latin American gay group HOLA. Daniel Garcia-Herreros: Francisco 8
was speaking. He introduced himself as “Francisco Alvarez,” which sounded Latin. I’m originally from Colombia, so I asked where he was from and discovered he was from Colombia too. It was a nice surprise. And your first date? FA: About a week after we met we
went for Chinese food at Lobster King, which is a super cheap place. You can feed two people for 20 bucks. Now you live together in a loft near Dundas and Bathurst. FA: I bought this place nine years ago. The building used to
be a picture framing factory and is supposedly one of the oldest condo lofts in the city. It’s two floors with more than 1,400 square feet. It feels like a little house. DGH: By coincidence, my sister and mother live three blocks away near Trinity Bellwoods.
June 2013
08 09.INTO.OpenHouse.indd 8
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→ LOf t love The couple fill their space, supposedly one the oldest condo lofts in the city, with objets d’art.
from 41 countries from the PanAmerican region.” So you’re the cook in the house? DGH: Actually, Francisco usually does the cooking. I’m just the sous-chef. On weekends we drink cocktails or wine, prepare food with candles. He makes shrimp. It’s delicious. You’re both in great shape. Do you work out together? FA: We do, but we ignore each other at the gym. Daniel is one of those guys who works his arms one day, his legs the next. Because of my background in dance, I do everything at the same time. So you’re not one of those couples that spot each other. FA: No. I have no idea how much he can bench press.
I see you have furry friends. FA: We have two tabby cats, Blinky and Sofia. Blinky is 10, Sofia is 2. DGH: We adopted Sofia together. She has eyes like Sofia Vergara, who’s actually from my hometown of Barranquilla. Judging by the paintings on your walls, I take it you’re art lovers. FA: I started as a visual arts major in university, but then I started taking dance and became a professional contemporary dancer. I retired from dance when I was 30 and ended up in communications, later becoming the director of the Institute for Contemporary Culture at the Royal Ontario Museum. I now run an art consultation business called Mr Pink. I see you have a painting of Deborah Harry. FA: It’s an acrylic painting by G N’ S Projects. I like it because
of the pop references. It’s punk and fashion looking. She’s saying the word “whimper,” which is spelled backwards. It’s a reference to the anime scene in Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill 2. What’s the story behind the big blue circle in your living room? FA: It was one of the first things I made when I moved in. It really bugged me that the fireplace was not in the centre of the room, so I took a string and pencil and drew a circle. The centre of that circle is the centre of the room. It’s inspired by artist Yves Klein’s Blue Disc, which is an intense monochromatic blue. What do you do, Daniel? DGH: Events. I have a lot of experience with events. This year I’m directing the first-ever Pan American Food Festival, happening between Sep 20 to 22 at Harbourfront Centre. It will feature music, art and food
Francisco, as the co-chair of Pride Toronto, what kind of changes can people expect to see this year at Pride? FA: Two big things. The Trans March will go down Yonge Street for the first time. We now have support from the city to do that. We’re also extending the Pride Parade route so it now ends at Yonge and Dundas Square, rather than Gerrard. And we’re going to use Dundas Square on Pride Sunday for more programming. With the TreeHouse Party moving to Ryerson’s Quad, is this year’s trend to take the festival southbound? FA: The festival is getting bigger. We felt we had to try new things as we prepare for World Pride next year. Pride Toronto was struggling when you joined the board four years ago. Funding was at risk over Queers Against Israeli Apartheid marching in the parade, former executive director Tracey Sandilands resigned; there was a $400,000 deficit…. FA: I was there during the worst times. Why did you run as co-chair?
FA: When elections came up, we had no candidates. No one on the board wanted to run. If I didn’t run, some stranger would have come in. I had some call to leadership. I had to help save this organization. And Pride Toronto had a $100,000 surplus one year later. FA: We saved money by only presenting Canadian artists in 2011. We squeezed all of our suppliers to give us a price break. It’s all about strategies and very close monitoring of the budget. We have a very dedicated staff. Pride has been criticized for not reflecting the LGBT community as a whole, which led to the creation of its Community Advisory Panel. FA: You have to realize that Pride Toronto isn’t the biggest LGBT organization, but it’s the most visible because of the festival. People tend to think it’s more than it is. Everyone thinks it’s their Pride. But you have to respond to people’s expectations. A lot of people have an emotional attachment. Some people only see hard partying and circuit boys, others only see small community groups. Few people have the same experience, which is a great thing. Do you actually have time to experience the festival? FA: I’ll get distracted by things like [city councillor] Giorgio Mammoliti stalking the Dyke March and there goes my entire afternoon. Do you and Daniel even spend time together at Pride? FA: We head over there in the morning and check in by phone during the day. He’s helping collect toonie and cash donations. DGH: Last year we were on a float together promoting World Pride. We have big carnivals in Barranquilla where I’m from, so I love floats. Francisco, what has been your most memorable Pride memory as co-chair? FA: The first time I rode in one of those golf carts was amazing. I took a video of it and watch it from time to time. •
08 09.INTO.OpenHouse.indd 9
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23/05/2013 3:16:53 PM
t r av e l
Isle of Plenty → From natural beauty to bustling bars, St Kitts proves that good things come in small packages Story Alice Lawlor
to one particular segment of people in any one given area; the entire island is a playground for all travellers.” The slogan of the favourite local beer, Carib, says it all: “Know who you are. Drink what you like.” And drink they do. Kittitians love a good time, from beers on the boat to dancing ’til dawn. They even have their own phrase for partying hard: “Busting a lime.” Ask a Kittitian where you should be “liming” and they’ll probably say The Strip, a row of fun beach bars in Frigate Bay. It’s one of those rare spots where tourists rub shoulders with locals and everyone gets along just fine. Start at Cathy’s Ocean View Beach Bar and Grill with a plate of succulent chicken ’n’ ribs, garlic shrimp or lobster and a glass of Cathy’s famous rum punch. Everything is fresh from the barbecue and comes with tasty island sides like rice and beans or fried plantain. It’s the best kind of casual dining, where you sit on picnic tables, eat off plastic plates and sink your feet in the cool sand.
St Kitts Tourism Authority
or a small island, St Kitts really punches above its weight. The little-known Caribbean gem has beautiful beaches, gourmet cuisine and culture aplenty— all in just 68 square miles. Tourism is still relatively new and there’s only one big resort: the St Kitts Marriott, a bustling beachfront hotel, casino and spa that just celebrated 10 years. Workers haven’t yet perfected the tourist patter, which means they’re neither slick nor fake. The easygoing culture gives the place a “live and let live” vibe and, best of all, there’s none of the underlying homophobia you sometimes find in other Caribbean destinations (stand up Jamaica). “They call St Kitts ‘Sugar City’ because of the sugar cane production in the island’s history, but also because the people are so genuinely sweet,” says Lavern Stevens, St. Kitts Marriott PR Manager. “We open our arms to people of all races and backgrounds and want to make each visitor feel welcome, regardless of their sexuality. St Kitts does not cater
11 12 13 Travel.indd 11
23/05/2013 3:17:45 PM
L I V I N G & D ES I G N
Next stop on The Strip is Mr X’s Shiggidy Shack, a happily ramshackle place that spills out onto the sand. “No shirt, no shoes, no problem mon,” is their motto and it seems to fit: unselfconscious revellers throw shapes on the dance floor as a tipsy crowd looks on. Depending on the night, you might see live music, karaoke, a bonfire or even a fire-eater. Order the island tipple, Ting with a Sting (local cane-sugar rum and citrus pop) and take it all in from a twinkly-light festooned booth on the beach. Still up for liming? Just walk along the shore to Vibes— the newest and swankiest bar on The Strip—for silly cocktails and serious dancing. It’s a party scene that’s far from pretentious. People dress casually to go out and relaxation is taken very seriously. In fact, St Kitts is a great place to do nothing at all. At the Emerald Mist Spa, serenity comes by way of their fabulouslynamed treatments—indulge in a Cocolicious Organic Facial, perhaps, or the massage-based Honey Ginger Propolis Journey. Tucked away in a corner of the St Kitts Marriott, the spa is a hidden paradise of fluffy warm towels and scented lotions. Once you’re all primped and polished, don your swimsuit and spend the day beach-hopping along the southeastern peninsula. Grab some lunch and a bed-cabana on the sand at hip hotspot Spice Mill Restaurant. Then splash along the shore to Reggae Beach and nibble their homemade banana bread pudding to the tune of Reggae Beatles. Finally, end up at Shipwreck Bar, where monkeys and mongoose
roam free and the sunset has to be seen to be believed. Beyond the beach, there’s plenty to stimulate the senses. Venture into the busy capital city of Basseterre and you’ll get a taste of workaday St Kitts— lobsters sizzling on cast-iron barbecues, pastel-coloured storefronts and the ubiquitous honking of car horns. Everyone toots everyone else. To an outsider it can seem like mass road rage. Local guide O’Neill laughs at the idea. “The horn is for a couple of things: get the hell out the way, but mainly hello,” he says. He’s the man behind O’Neill Tours (arranged through the Marriott) and what he doesn’t know about the rainforest isn’t worth knowing. His tours of the tranquil tropical oasis are fun and interactive, as he cracks open seed pods for tasting, points out monkeys in
Amy Knowles
St. Kitts Tourism Authority
Amy Knowles
Amy Knowles
→ Perfect playground There’s plenty to do on this tiny island from chillin’ at the Shipwreck Beach Bar (top left) and sightseeing in Nevis (middle left) to just walking on the sandy beach at sunset.
June 2013
11 12 13 Travel.indd 12
23/05/2013 3:18:22 PM
the trees and encourages Tarzanstyle swinging from them. He’s full of local wisdom, too. Never ever step on monkey poop, he advises, and “don’t stand under the coconut tree. You never know which one is gonna say ‘down de hill!’” Look up, way up, and you’ll see zipliners taking the scenic route above the rainforest canopy. It’s typical of laidback St Kitts that even the adventurous stuff is easily accessible. Hit the water
for scuba, snorkelling and jet-skiing, or rent a car and take off on your own private tour of the island. There are no traffic lights and it only takes a leisurely couple of hours to get all the way around. The main road snakes through Basseterre, past the bustling port and out into the countryside. Just outside the city, in a clearing at the side of the street, is a big tree hung with empty rum bottles. It’s quite a sight to behold, the glass glinting in the sun and each
branch sagging under the weight of its bottle bauble. But this is no artful collection of empties. Touching this tree, the locals say, will magically get you drunker more quickly. And who wouldn’t want that? This is Sugar City, where ending your day busting a lime— with the best people, in the most happenin’ spot, with the rum aflowin’—is just as important as starting it with a good breakfast.
St Kitts Marriott
can savour succulent lobster or red snapper in the beach club’s own secluded bay. There’s an eat-in wine cellar and an excellent sushi bar—order the Kittitian and Frigate Bay rolls for a tangy taste of heaven. carambolabeachclub.com.
The island’s only full-service resort has everything you could ever need, including duty-free shops, car hire, seven restaurants, a huge pool and a gorgeous beach with free cabanas. It’s also a 15-minute walk to The Strip, so it’s easy to explore without relying on taxis. stkittsmarriott.com.
Meet local artisans and find charming souvenirs at Caribelle Batik. Expert demonstrations of batik— dye-resistant hot wax painted on cloth—take place throughout the day, with work for sale in the retail shop. It’s all housed in Romney Manor, a historic 17th-century building set in a beautiful tropical garden. caribellebatikstkitts.com.
Even locals make the trip to the Marriott’s Calypso restaurant for their bountiful breakfast. The buffet is packed with fresh and seasonal delights, and there’s a full menu of brunch favourites with a Caribbean twist, like Cajun eggs benedict and cornflake-crusted French toast. SPICE MILL RESTAURANT
A scenic spot for lunch, the beach-chic Spice Mill looks just as good as it tastes. The global-fusion menu keeps it simple with zingy jerk chicken pasta and crunchy fish tacos. After a spot of dessert, grab a fresh-fruit punch and head to one of their luxurious four-poster-bed cabanas. spicemillrestaurant.com. CARAMBOLA BEACH CLUB
Designed by British military and built by African slaves in the 1700s, this UNESCO World Heritage site is a monument to the island’s many power struggles. The Brits and French fought for control of this profitable sugar-cane producer until 1783 when the British won out. Today, you can tour the restored fortress, browse historical artifacts and get a breathtaking view of the island. brimstonehillfortress.com.
Amy Knowles
St Kitts Marriott
Nevis is St Kitts’s quiet little sister across the sea. It’s best experienced on a Leeward Islands catamaran trip, with some snorkelling en route and a barbecue on the beach. Walk along the sand to the infamous Sunshine’s Bar and try the Killer Bee, a potent rum punch that’ll knock your socks off. leewardislandscharters.com.
Dinner is a stylish affair at Carambola, where you
wles Amy Kno
11 12 13 Travel.indd 13
23/05/2013 3:19:00 PM
relationship advice
— with Adam Segal → “I’ve been dating a new guy for about a month now and am really excited about him. Our conversation is amazing and I feel very lucky to have met someone whom I’m so compatible with. I find him physically attractive but there’s one hitch—he has a very very small penis. I feel awful to take issue with this, but I find myself obsessing about it and wondering if it will lead me to end our emerging relationship. I shudder at the thought of my friends knowing that I’m with someone who is so minimally endowed and feel quite distracted by it while we have sex. How do I get over this or is it okay to just not dig dudes with small members?”
sex is easy to find
love isn’t.
The dilemma: You are a successful professional living a fulfilled life. You are active, dynamic, intelligent, and financially stable. Your friends and family say that you are a catch. Then why is it that sincere love is so hard to find? The soluTion: A boutique networking agency specializing in personalized matchmaking will save time and energy. Their service is designed for busy, successful professionals who cherish the idea of a loving, faithful relationship once they find the right partner. The clienTs: Preferred Partners clients value the prospect of meeting like-minded individuals who are also tired of the internet and bar scene. Typically, they are successful professionals living full and active lives who work hard and love to play, too. Preferred ParTners canada’s exclusive Gay maTchmakinG aGency
Call us today for a free Consultation
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Adrian I think it’s wise to be questioning your knee-jerk reaction to your guy’s modest girth. To dismiss this new romantic venture when so much of it feels right, would be thwarting a pretty special connection. While some extent of our attraction to others might be fixed, I’m a strong believer that our desire is flexible if we are willing to open our minds and, by extension, our libidos. To have a fighting chance of moving past this seeming roadblock, you will need to shed your assumptions and stay curious about how steamy this relationship could really be. As for fearing your friends’ judgments, this simply highlights your own judgment of your BF’s body and your self-criticism for dating him. You’re the one who’s actually with him so your take on the matter is the only one that matters. Your reaction, or recoiling, from his body might reveal something about your own perfectionism. Do you have very high standards for your appearance or frequently fret about how others are perceiving you? In other words, the more you can show yourself acceptance, the more likely you will be able to embrace your boyfriend exactly as he is.
Other than your obsessive thoughts, you haven’t said much about your actual sexual experiences you’ve had together. When you are having sex with him, try to minimize the barrage of distracting negative thoughts by bringing your attention to the moment-tomoment experience of the physical interaction (a sort of a sex meditation). Perhaps the idea of his smaller penis is more detrimental to your desire than the actual thing. Making time for sexy moments that are less penisfocused might also liberate you from obsessing about this one piece (pun intended). What’s unavoidable, at least initially, is your disappointment. It’s okay to feel a little let down that your guy doesn’t perfectly live up to your expectations (at least in the genital department). If you are willing to allow this feeling and move on, it might save you the trouble of taking a great new relationship and classifying it as a problem when it really isn’t one.
Adam Segal The writer and therapist works in private practice in downtown Toronto. Ask him your relationship or mental health question at relationship@intorontomag.com.
www.preferredpartners.ca www.preferredpartners.ca 14
April 2011
14.INTO.Rel.indd 14
23/05/2013 3:19:36 PM
Ready for a renaissance →
Can The 519 Village Study help bring back the golden age of the Church/Wellesley neighbourhood? Story Paul Gallant
tanding in a dusty unpaved
But the study’s stakeholders are
laneway off Church Street
also looking for results that are
quick, dramatic and crowd-pleas-
parking lot and Pizza Nova, Jane
ing. Launched just weeks ago, a
Farrow is asking the 40 or so peo-
draft of the study will be presented
ple gathered around her to imag-
this Pride Week to get things roll-
ine the lane as something else. A
ing to spruce up the neighbour-
green space? A pop-up retail outlet?
hood for Toronto’s World Pride cel-
A special events venue? If Toronto
ebrations—a short year away—and
were Tokyo, Farrow imagines a
for the 2015 Pan American Games,
tiny orphaned space like this, right
during which The 519 Church Street
in the heart of the city, might have
Community Centre will host Pride
something like a movie theatre
House and the Ryerson University
squeezed into it. But the only thing
Athletics Centre in Maple Leaf
squeezed here are the bins full of
Gardens will host basketball.
smelly garbage.
While the team of researchers,
“You might be, ‘More condos—
planners and community types
can’t deal.’ But if you can’t stop
working on the study all hold firm
them, you can get ahead of the
to the idea that Toronto needs an
plan,” says Farrow. “If you’re just
LGBT hub, they are also aware that
opposing, the decisions may get
increased legal rights and social
made for you. It’s kinda awkward.
acceptance for Canadian queers,
What do you think?”
combined with the power of the
Former CBC radio host, City Hall staffer
Internet to bring far-flung people
together, have changed how LGBT
director of Jane’s Walk (janeswalk.
people connect. Gay bars and bath-
net), Farrow is leading this urban
houses, the historic focal point
tour-cum-focus group as part of The
of urban gay male life, now com-
519 Village Study. Funded by the
pete with dozens of websites, apps
city and TD Bank, the study aims
and gay-friendly hot spots all over
to take the pulse of the Church/
the city. It’s become fashionable to
Wellesley neighbourhood—roughly
declare that we no longer need the
Bloor to Carlton, Yonge to Jarvis—
village. Last month, when I sug-
and determine where its future
gested to a guy I met online that we
might lie. Relying on input from 49
meet in person on Church Street,
Meanwhile, central Toronto is
stakeholders, a survey of 1,500 peo-
his reply was: “Ewwww no village
experiencing a frenetic cultural
ple and public brainstorming ses-
lol.” It’s hard to avoid the sense that
renaissance. Cool shops, restau-
sions, the enterprise has a soul-
the village’s golden age is behind
rants and bars are popping up in the
searching long-term outlook: What
it. When Farrow directed her tour
most unlikely spots. Mobs of young
can be done to ensure the LGBT hub
to its next stop, she declared: “I’ll
hyper-social condo dwellers trip
has a major role in the life of the
meet you past Zelda’s, after where
over each other on Queen, Dundas,
LGBT people have been asking the
The Steps was,” naming two land-
Bloor, College and King. So perhaps
wrong question about the village.
marks that no longer exist.
→ how times have changed The heritage building at Church and Wellesley, seen here in the 1970s (top) now houses a Pizza Pizza. The parking lot beside the now shuttered Carman’s Dining Club, (below, circa 1970), is now a park abutting Buddies in Bad Times Theatre.
15 16 17.Village Study.indd 15
23/05/2013 3:20:04 PM
Italians don’t wonder if they need
elling with the closure of Boots
Gardens development and is con-
Little Italy—it’s just a fun place to
in 2000, the closure of the origi-
tributing to the historical and cul-
“I’ve lived in the Castro in San
hang out. What the study must get
nal Barn/Stables in 2004, the clo-
tural component of The 519 Village
Francisco, in West Hollywood and
at, what we’ve never had the lux-
sure of This Ain’t the Rosedale
Study. He agrees that it’s the feel-
the village,” says Tae Hart, a psy-
ury of asking ourselves before, is
Library in 2008 or the closure of St
ing of the neighbourhood, rather
what kind of village do we want?
Marc’s bathhouse in 2010. When
than its look, that makes it special.
University who now calls Leslieville
And, more dauntingly, can we get
I ask about the virtues of the vil-
“The public realm means all kinds
home. “I would say I see a lot more
something that looks like what we
lage, Farrelly, like most everybody
of people are on the street; women
older guys in the village than in
want—confident, sexy and stylish—
I talked to for this story, skips over
feel safe at night. We think of that
other cities, which I appreciate.
before WorldPride lands on our
any praise for its physical form,
as a given, but we really need to
It’s wildly safer than those other
doorstep in 2014? The 519 Village
instead using words like “open,”
treasure that,” says McClelland.
places, but it doesn’t have the spar-
Study has just one year to deliver
“tolerant,” “inclusive.” “It lives in
Enthusiasts like to call the village
what village connoisseurs have
two worlds. It lives in the old world
a “place of arrival” for newcomers,
been waiting decades for.
of the people who were here before
especially LGBT newcomers who
ditions. Unlike Queen West and
Yorkville and the Eaton Centre.
kle that it could have.” Sparkle
Paul Farrelly, a founder of the
it was a decidedly gay neighbour-
will put up with the nuisances of
Dundas West, which are able to
Church Wellesley Neighbourhood
hood,” says Farrelly. “Then there’s
downtown living in order to be stag-
cough up a seemingly endless
Association (cwna.ca) who moved
what it means to LGBTQ people. It’s
gering distance from the bars and
supply of low-rent storefronts for
to the area in 1987, dates the vil-
a community of the imagination.”
transit. But many of the area’s vir-
the use of buzz-making entrepre-
lage’s state of flux back to the clo-
Although the neighbourhood is
tues have, over time, become limi-
neurs, the village is no place for
sure of the CBC building on Jarvis
historic—home of the 1981 bath-
tations. The prime central location
trend-chasing experiments. When
in 1992 and the closure of Maple
house protests and Toronto’s Pride
has driven up property values, so
it closed its basement location this
Leaf Gardens in 1999—a hell of a
celebrations since 1984—little of
residents have gotten older, richer
winter, Flatiron’s was reportedly
long time to be in limbo. Before that
that history is visible to the casual
and less interested in a loud and
paying $3,000 a month. Woody’s
the area’s ultra ritzy steakhouses
observer. Michael McClelland, prin-
proud nightlife. As a shopping des-
pays an annual $100,000 realty
started to dry up. Gay men might
cipal of ERA Architects (era.on.ca),
tination, the village is dauntingly
charge—on top of its monthly rent.
suggest the place started unrav-
worked on the Loblaws Maple Leaf
close to heavy hitters like Yonge,
No wonder people complain there’s
The evolution of a village
Alexander Wood purchases 50 acres of land around what is now Yonge and Carlton streets.
Construction of walk-up apartments in the Church/ Wellesley neighbourhood attracts a slew of single childless tenants. The city outlaws such developments in the 1930s, claiming they promote a nonfamily-oriented lifestyle.
The Yonge subway line opens, including Wellesley station. So do the City Park apartments (later a co-op), some of the area’s first high-rise buildings.
The Village Green opens, including a round building later known as “Vaseline Tower.”
The 519 Church Street Community Centre opens up in what was once the Granite Club.
The Barn, formerly Les Cavaliers, opens up on Church Street, one of the city’s first gayowned bars.
May 2013
15 16 17.Village Study.indd 16
23/05/2013 3:20:21 PM
insight → Memory Lane These photos show how the area has been in constant flux since the 1970s. (Opposite page, clockwise from top left) Victorian houses being renovated beside a parking lot that is now Cawthra Square; Victorian rowhouses, where Woody’s bar stands today; The St Charles Tavern on Yonge, an old firehall, is one of the first gay bars in the area; an alley with a Canada Post office on the right and the old YMCA building on the left (the YMCA building has been demolished for a new condo project while post office employees have been told this branch will also close in the not too distant future); the old storefront that once housed This Aint the Rosedale Library is now home to a gourmet cheese shop, an upscale optician and an organic butcher; The former Odeon Theatre (this page) is now home to The Magic Lantern Carlton Cinema. Photos courtesy of Toronto Archives (Series 377, E.R. White Collection).
the process has been breakneck. The 519 wants the study to make an impact before World Pride, in the hopes that improvements realized there will create momentum for long-term changes that depend on the enthusiasm of landlords, developers, city officials and business owners. Coming out of its own recent village study, the BIA is going ahead with a mural project that will see village buildings emblazoned with depictions of historic events by the
Archives’ new digs
Place, integrating The Beer Store
end of this year. Over the summer,
and its dreary parking lot into a
some of the street’s parking spaces
vides a showcase
larger development and turning
will be transformed into green-
for queer culture
the parking lot next to O’Grady’s
space parklets—fun in themselves,
and history.
into a green space. And he’s just
but also a test of the appetite for
getting started.
permanently eliminating a lane
And to describe newer venues like
“It’s an area that seems ripe with
of traffic. Making a good impres-
Church on Church,
opportunities that haven’t been
sion at World Pride is paramount.
realized,” says Madi.
London’s 2012 World Pride was
nowhere good to eat on Church
and Fuel as “tired” seems patently
As he and his partners pull
largely considered a PR disaster,
together all the study’s feedback,
so the knives of the world’s LGBT
“High rents make it difficult to
sleepy on a Saturday afternoon
Madi has discovered another of
media will be at the ready.
attract risk-takers and innova-
compared to the Entertainment
the village’s virtues: the hunger to
“What the street needs is a big
tors,” says Liz Devine, co-chair of
District, but it’s after midnight
make the best of things. Though
bold idea for World Pride,” says
the Church Wellesley Village BIA
when it shows its true colours. The
the sidewalks “are mean,” they are
Madi. “It can’t be little landscape
dilemma is how to fill in the gaps
packed on the weekends. Pride and
strips and a couple of flags.” I sug-
“Landlords are reluctant to risk
between these assets and convince
other village festivals demonstrate
gest painting everything in the vil-
renting space to people who don’t
a sometimes jaded community
a willingness to close the streets,
lage pink. Madi laughs. “That would
have a track record.”
that cool people, as well as seniors
inconveniencing drivers for the
be a demonstration of one singu-
and fresh-off-the-boat newcomers,
sake of a good time. “People here
lar coherent idea that resonates.
hang out in the village.
are not about no, they’re about yes.
When you have thousands and
We’ve done work in communities
thousands of people on the street,
ou have to wonder how fab-
where there’s a lot of pessimism
what can make a real impact? We
ulous Church Street would
and cynicism. Here it’s very opti-
need to think vertically. We need
mistic and hopeful.”
to think horizontally. We also need
lage easily bests rivals like San Francisco’s Castro, New York’s Chelsea, Chicago’s Boystown or Montreal’s Rue Ste-Catherine. The 519 hosts a wide array of queer
look if Harold Madi were appointed
organizations and activities, pro-
emperor. A partner at The Planning
Parts of the wish list that will
viding users with cheap or free
Partnership, the urban design firm
likely emerge from the village
space that gives them a presence
they could not otherwise afford.
Study, Madi used to live at Yonge
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre
and Maitland and, though he’s
ers who will provide more small-
manages to keep its spaces buzzing
straight, he knows the neighbour-
scale retail spaces—will take lots of
“People will notice and they’ll
even between productions. Pride
hood inside out and upside down.
time and the cooperation of many
be proud of what they see at
Toronto hosts one of the biggest
Within a few minutes of chatting,
stakeholders. Other aspects of the
World Pride,” Madi says, “and it
annual events in Canada. And the
suggested retail on the
plan will have to come together
will build momentum for a true
ground floor of Progress
much more quickly. The pace of
transformation.” •
Canadian Lesbian and Gay
When Metro Toronto Police raid various bathhouses, arresting 306 men and smashing up property, protesters gather at Yonge and Wellesley, chanting “No more shit! Gays fight back.” Glad Day Bookshop, founded by Jerald Moldenhauer in his Annex apartment, moves to its current Yonge Street location.
For the first time, Pride Toronto wins the bid to host celebrations are centred in World Pride in 2014. Cawthra Square. The Churwell Centre opens. So does the Second Cup, home of “The Steps.” The steps are removed in 2005.
15 16 17.Village Study.indd 17
widening attracting
to think realistically about what we can implement.”
Can a project that’s come together
so quickly satisfy nay-sayers who consider the village passé?
Kristyn Wong-Tam is elected councillor for Ward 27 Toronto Centre-Rosedale after Kyle Rae, Toronto’s first openly gay city councillor, elected in 1991, steps down. She is currently the only openly queer city councillor.
Loblaws opens a new flagship store in Maple Leaf Gardens, about 12 years after the Maple Leafs leave the arena for the Air Canada Centre.
The BIA unveils rainbowcoloured steel pylons marking the village.
23/05/2013 3:20:44 PM
June Sian Richards
national ballet of canada Carmen opens
Art & Photography PILLOW PICTURES Artist Annie Tung explores her obsession with shunga, the Japanese word for erotic art. Revisiting her love of drawing, materials and erotic images, strange fantasies and impossible appetites are presented as intimate dreams and nightmares. Part of the Toronto International Jewellery Festival. To Sat, June 22. Made. 867A Dundas St W. 416-607-6384. madedesign.ca DADDY’S MAD Keith Cole presents a selection of work from his ongoing series The Army of Black Lesbians. All artwork is $100. Opening night reception. 6pm-9pm. Tue, June 4. 3pm7pm. To June 8. Videofag. 187 Augusta Ave. videofag.com. STEPHEN ANDREWS Photographs from Andrews’ blog adotwentforawalk. blogspot.ca document his trip around the world, including an extended stay in
18 19 20 June.calendar.indd 18
DOGGY LOVE Woofstock celebrates 10 years
22 Mesopotamia Opens at the ROM
Lakes of Canada Plays North by Northeast
Cats Opens at the Panasonic Theatre
TRUTH/DARE First of two nights at Queer Pride
Michael Lyons & Jeremy Willard History Boys at Videofag
Shanghai. Andrews is also part of a concurrent group show with established gay artists Tom Dean, Robert Flack, Ron Giii, Andrew Harwood, Glenn Ligon and Will Munro. Reception 7pm-10pm. Fri, June 7. 11am-5pm. Wed-Sat. To July 6. Paul Petro Contemporary Art. 980 Queen St W. 416-979-7874. paulpetro. com. 10x10 Photography Project Celebrating queers in the arts, this annual exhibition features works by Belle Ancell, Lise Beaudry, Bruno Billio, Paul Dymond, Lynne Fox, Stev’nn Hall, Jeanette Martin, Anthony Manieri, Adam Moco and Walter Segers. Tue, June 18-July 14. Reception. 7pm. Thu, June 27. Gladstone Hotel. 1214 Queen St W. 10x10photographyproject.com. some boys i’d like to know This retrospective by Allen Shugar explores the mystique of the male figure as an object of attraction. Tue, June 18-29. Reception. 6pm-9pm. Thu, June 27.
Urban Gallery. 400 Queen St E. 647-460-1278. urbangallery.ca DANIEL FARIA GALLERY A solo show of new work by Douglas Coupland. Thu, June 20-July 27. 188 St Helens Ave. 416-538-1880.danielfariagallerycom. The Power Plant Brussels-based artist Jimmy Robert explores the corporeal potential of a range of media, including photography, drawing, film, video, sculpture and performance. At the centre this solo exhibition, Draw the Line, is a new performance project that takes place within an installation of new and past work. Free. 10am-5pm. Tue-Sun.10am-8pm. Thu. Sat, June 22-Sep 2. 231 Queen’s Quay W. 416-973-4949. thepowerplant.org. Mesopotamia More than 170 priceless objects from the British Museum span 3,000 years, most of which have never been seen in Canada. $16. Sat, June 22-Jan 5. ROM. 100 Queen’s Park. 416-586-8000. rom.on.ca/meso.
Leisure & Pleasure pocket pride guide Mark these events on your calendar: The Pride Parade starts at Church and Bloor, goes down Yonge and for the first time ends at Dundas Square. 2pm. Sun, June 30. The Dyke March starts at Haydn and Church, goes down Yonge and ends at Allan Gardens with a Dyke Rally. 2pm. Sat, June 29. The Trans March starts at Norman Jewison Park, goes down Yonge and ends at Church and Wood. 6pm. Fri, June 28. pridetoronto.com. AIDS Candlelight Vigil. 9pm. Thu, June 20. Cawthra Square. the519.org. The Pride and Remembrance Run is a 5k run and 3k walk. It begins at Church and Wellesley. 10am. Sat, June 29. priderun.org. Rainbow Flag Raising. 12pm. Mon, June 24. Toronto City Hall. 100 Queen St W. See the attached Pride Guide for more information. WOOFSTOCK This marks the 10th anniversary of the doggy love festival
23/05/2013 3:50:22 PM
listings & events
our guide to your month
27. Cawthra Square (behind The 519 Church Street Community Centre). greenspaceto.org. See page 26. Patsy Gallant The disco diva performs at Disco Disco. Free. After the Pride Parade. Sun, June 30. Cawthra Square Park (behind The 519 Church Street Community Centre).greenspaceto.ca. See page 28.
Molly Johnson
Performs a couple of gigs at the Toronto Jazz Festival
national ballet of Canada The summer season opens with a fulllength version of Carmen, one of the greatest classic stories of lust, betrayal and murder. Created by Italian choreographer Davide Bombana. $25-$180. 7:30pm. Wed, June 5-8 & 15. 2pm. June 6, 8, 9 & 16. Next up is the mixed summer program with Pur ti Miro by Finnish choreographer Jorma Elo, No. 24 set to Paganini’s Caprice No. 24 in A minor, The Man in Black choreographed by James Kudelka, and George Balanchine’s Theme and Variations. $25-$239. 7:30pm. Wed, June 19-22. 2pm. June 22-23. The one-night only gala fundraiser, Mad Hot Ballet, is inspired by Davide Bombana’s Carmen and programmed by artistic director Karen Kain. Reception to follow. $55-$133. Wed, June 12. 416-345-9595. madhotballet.ca. Four Seasons Centre. 145 Queen. St W. (416) 363-8231. Shaping Sound Emmy-nominated choreographers and So You Think You Can Dance stars Travis Wall, Nick Lazzarini, Teddy Forance and Kyle Robinson lead a company of contemporary dancers in an exhilarating mash-up of music genres and dance styles in a showcase of movement, speed, physical strength and passion. $35-$80. 7pm. Sat. June 15. Royal Alexandra Theatre. 260 King St W. 416-872-1212. shapingsoundco.com.
Stage that’s welcomed more than 1.5 million tail-waggers and over 2.1 million passionate pet parents from across North America. Free. 10am-6pm. Sat, June 8-9. Front St E. woofstock.ca. TALL SHIPS 1812 TOUR Part of the Redpath Waterfront Festival. Passes for ship deck tours available, plus a Parade of Sail finale. Thu, June 20-23. Queen’s Quay (from Lower Spadina Ave to Lower Sherbourne St). towaterfrontfest.com
Classical & Jazz TORONTO JAZZ FESTIVAL Festivities include a free-for-all Friday, featuring Molly Johnson and Motown’s legendary Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee Smokey Robinson with Martha Reeves and The Vandellas. 8pm. Fri, June 21. Nathan Phillips Square. 100 Queen St W. Big names coming this year also include Lighthouse (Sat, June 22), Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings (Fri, June 28), Boz Scaggs (Fri, June 28) and Steve Martin &
18 19 20 June.calendar.indd 19
The Steep Canyon Rangers with Edie Brickell (Sat, June 29). torontojazz.com. Rock and Pop NORTH BY NORTHEAST (NXNE) The lineup at the 19th annual music fest includes The DA (11pm. Fri, June 14. Rancho Relaxo), an indie dance rock band out of El Paso, Boston steampunkers Walter Sickert and the Army of Broken Toys (9pm. Sat, June 15. The Great Hall), and Montreal-based bands, including experimental indie rockers Archery Guild (1am. Thu, June 13. Monarch Tavern), and the lyrically driven songs of Lakes of Canada (1am, Fri, June 14. Monarch Tavern) and Mad June (2am, Thu, June 13. Hideout), an all-female indie/alt rock band. June 10-16. Various venues. nxne.com/tickets. Lady Bunny The drag legend DJs at the annual Starry Night titled Love is in the Hair. Guests are encouraged to wear wigs. Free. 7pm to midnight. Thu, June
The Daisy Theatre Inspired by the illegal underground “daisy” puppet shows of Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia, puppeteer Ronnie Burkett’s The Daisy Theatre blends nightly improvisation, variety acts and music, monologues and morality tales. $25-$35. 9:30pm-10:45pm. Fri, June 14-23. Berkeley Street Theatre (Downstairs). 26 Berkeley St. 416-3683110. luminatofestival.com. See page 24. sister mary’s a dyke This Cahoots Theatre production, written and performed by Flerida Pena, tells the story of a pious and naive teenager who finds herself on a quest that takes her beyond the walls of her all-girls school. It’s a coming-of-age and coming-out-of-thecloset tale. $15-$25 (PWYC Sun) 2pm & 8pm. To Sun, June 16. Aki Studio Theatre. 585 Dundas St E. 1-800-204-0855. cahoots.ca. QUEER PRIDE at buddies A festival of queer theatre, comedy, art and music, including PrideCab (Wed, June 19), a multi-disciplinary cabaret, created by
members of the Buddies Queer Youth Arts Program, that explores what it means to be young and queer today. Truth/Dare (Thu, June 26-27), a live re-creation of the famous 1991 concert DVD from Madonna’s Blond Ambition Tour, performed by local celebs Salvatore Antonio, Gavin Crawford, Keith Cole and Sharron Matthews. Award-winning comic and star of This Hour Has 22 Minutes, Gavin Crawford returns with Sh--tting Rainbows (Fri, June 21-22), his signature combination of oddball characters and impressions. Plus perennial favourites Bitch Salad (Fri, June 28)and Homo Night in Canada (Sat, June 29), showcasing the comedic talents of Julie Klausner, Emma Hunter, Mae Martin, Vong Sundara, Dawn Whitwell, as well as the return of the Paul Hutcheson’s Pride Package III (Fri, June 14-15) and a new showcase from Mariko Tamaki. And dance sensations Ill Nana (Thu, June 13-14) bring back their Rhubarb hit Fire as part of a two-day showcase and conference on queer artists of colour in dance and performance. Buddies in Bad Times Theatre. 12 Alexander St. 416-975-8555. buddiesinbadtimes.com. CATS The second-longest-running show in Broadway history is back with an all-Canadian cast. Composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber and based on “Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats’ and other poems” by TS Eliot, Cats opened in London in 1981, where it ran for 21 years. Translated into more than 20 languages, it’s been 28 years since Canadian producer Marlene Smith first produced it at Toronto’s Elgin Theatre. $40-$110. Tue, June 11-July 28. 7:30pm. Tue-Sat. 1:30pm. Wed, Sat, Sun. Panasonic Theatre. 651 Yonge St. 416-872-1212. mirvish.com/ticketking DORA MAVOR MOORE AWARDS Toronto’s biggest theatre night of the year celebrates extraordinary talent in the performing arts. Naomi Snieckus and Matt Baram, Second City alumni and founding co-artistic directors of the three-time Canadian Comedy Award-winning improv company, The National Theatre of the World, co-host the 34th annual ceremony, featuring 13 new award categories. $65. 7pm. Mon, June 24. St Lawrence Centre. 27 Front St E. Under the Stars street party to follow outside the theatre. 10:30pm. 416-366-7723. tapa.ca or totix.ca. HISTORY BOYS Ready for some academic discipline? You’ve broken all the rules, you bombed your oral exam, you didn’t do any of your homework. Now you need to be taught a lesson. Come to summer school and learn about queer and trans movements and events throughout history with your teachers, professor emerit-anus Maud Lynn Erotica (Michael Lyons), ersatz-Oxonian Jeremy Willard and illustrator Eric Kostiuk Williams. $5. 8pm. Thu, June 27. Videofag. 187 Augusta Ave. videofag.com.
23/05/2013 3:39:27 PM
listings & events
in spot Toronto Flower Market
Tony Hauser
Story & photography Derek Dotto
Five festival faves Luminato artistic director Jorn Weisbrodt shares his best bets The Daisy Theatre “One never knows what Ronnie Burkett will do next. Or better what his marionettes will do next. He is an artist of amazing stature on the smallest stage possible. His marionettes can voice what we would not be able to. What I love is that he is subversive, queer, funny, romantic, raunchy, aggressive, and sweet all at the same time. And the wonderful thing about The Daisy Theatre is, every night will be different. Ronnie improvises. How daring is that?” $25-$35. 9:30pm-10:45pm. Fri, June 14-23. Berkeley Street Theatre (Downstairs). 26 Berkeley St. 416-368-3110. See page 24. The Life and Death of Marina Abramovic ”It is one of those theatrical pieces that defies categorization. Robert Wilson, the grandfather of avant-garde theatre stages the life of Marina Abramovic, the grandmother of performance art. The transgender musical genius Antony from Antony and the Johnsons writes original songs and performs some of those live. Willem Dafoe is the narrator and male counterpart to Marina and really bundles all his theatrical magic into one explosive performance.” $55-$125. 7:30pm. Fri, June 14, 15 & 17. 2pm. June 16. Bluma Appel Theatre. 27 Front St E. 416-368-4849. Dolls by Viktor & Rolf “Here you have two gay dreams in one: fashion and dolls. For 20 years, Viktor & Rolf have dazzled the fashion world with their conceptual glamour; their fashion shows are theatrical feasts. To create a career overview, rather than putting clothes on a mannequin, they crafted exact miniature porcelain dolls of one or two iconic looks from each of their collections on a specially designed catwalk.”
18 19 20 June.calendar.indd 20
Free. 10am-5:30pm. Sat-Thu. 10am8:30pm. Fri, June 9-30. ROM. 100 Queen’s Park. Joni: A Portrait in Song —A Birthday Happening Live at Massey Hall ”Joni Mitchell told me that there are about 10 Hollywood movies where the female star is being laughed at by her male counterpart for being a Joni Mitchell fan. Joni Mitchell fans are women and gays, people who understand the complexity of the human emotions and thoughts that her songs paint. Is that really true, guys? LGBT people, bring your hetero best friend to experience one of two extraordinary nights with one of the most exquisite bands you will ever hear in your life with artists Chaka Khan, Rufus Wainwright and Glen Hansard singing the songs of one of the greatest songwriters ever.” $35-$175. 7:30pm-10pm. Tue, June 18-19. Massey Hall. 178 Victoria St. Music Mob ”Toronto might see the largest orchestra that ever played in this city. Everyone is invited to bring an instrument of their choice from violin and bagpipe to ukulele, tuba, kazoo or triangle, or just your voice to play Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries (yes, from Apocalypse Now) and Verdi’s Triumphal March (written for the opening of the Suez Canal) with members of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, with Peter Oundjian conducting. All the parts and tutorial videos are available on our website.” Free. 2pm-3pm. Sat, June 22. The Hub at David Pecaut Square. 55 John St.
Luminato Fri, June 14-23. 416-368-3110. luminatofestival.com.
On a gloomy, overcast day the outdoor Toronto Flower Market at 99 Sudbury is bustling with people eager to add new blooms to their living rooms. About half a dozen vendors from outside the city bring their flowers to the heart of downtown Toronto so urban dwellers can get a much-needed dose of colour. The market, which takes place the second Saturday of each month from now through September, is the brainchild of Natasa Kajganic, who was inspired after visiting London’s historic Columbia Road Flower Market last August. “It’s been around for 75 years so there’s a long history,” she says. “When I visited, I said, ‘How does Toronto not have one of these?’ It’s amazing; the bustle, the heckling by the growers, the abundance of flowers. I came back and it was on my mind.” There are more than 200 greenhouses in Ontario, growing 80 cut flower varieties and 120 potted plant varieties. Sixty per cent of those greenhouses are in the southern part of the province, but for city folk, the trip outside the core can be unappealing and inconvenient. This market brings it right to your doorstep. Potted plants, hanging baskets and bouquets of every hue line the street just across from yet another condo
→ Flower power Greenhouses from
all over Ontario bring their blooms to the Toronto Flower Market on Sudbury Street.
tower jutting into the sky. Much like the locavore movement, which sees foodies consume locally produced ingredients, this locaflora movement, if you will, benefits not only the greenhouse economy here at home but also the end consumer in the form of longer lasting, healthier plants. “You’re getting flowers that have been cut days ago,” says Kajganic, “maybe even hours ago versus flowers being shipped in from the US or South America which were cut a week ago.” There is also the added bonus of being able to talk face to face with the people who grow the plants themselves. For an apartment dweller like myself, whose thumbs are anything but green, they’re able to provide tips to greening your living quarters. “Grab a mixed pan with bulbs [such as tulips, hyacinths or lilies], put it out on your patio and just water it,” says Miekes Spruit of Pioneer Flower Farms of St Catharines. Simple advice for the botanically challenged, but even the most experience gardener can always pick up a thing or two. •
24/05/2013 12:45:29 PM
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23/05/2013 3:28:38 PM
V i s u a l art
Women are doing it →
Five female artists break new ground Story Pamela Meredith
n a recent column I expressed
my admiration for five power-
Julia (Jessica
ful public artworks in Toronto.
Bradley Gallery) is
As it turns out, all five were created
a sculptor as well
by male artists. I made this selec-
as a painter. With
tion truthfully and without any pre-
tools and scrapers
conceived categorization, but the
of her own devis-
Guerilla Girl in me isn’t thrilled with
this state of affairs. We could ana-
paint around the
lyze and critique the system that
creates such an imbalance in the
public art sphere, and we absolutely
like she assert-
should. But one of my goals for this
ively bends and
column is to illuminate all that is
controls Plexi in
engaging and good in the art world.
three dimensions.
And one of the brightest spots for
The first or bot-
me right now is the range of compel-
tom layer on the
ling painting that’s going on. And, if
stretcher is often
I approach it truthfully and without
a patterned textile
or textured fabric, which is then cov-
The work of Vanessa Maltese
canvases. Painted (and sometimes
my top five young painters at the
ered by clear vinyl onto which paint
(Erin Stump Projects), the winner of
real) nets and ropes droop into view
moment all happen to be women.
is applied and removed in portions
the 2012 RBC Painting Competition,
deepening the maritime vibe. This
Painting has always been alive,
to reveal the pattern below. Typically
is wonderfully puzzling to me, and
young artist is taking on age-old sub-
well and relevant despite any reports
another layer and then another will
perhaps by design. Maltese has said
ject matter and finding a graceful,
to the contrary. Toronto has a long
follow creating windows down to
that she’s not setting out to prove a
ethereal style to make it all her own.
and rich history of ground-break-
layers far below, and a depth of pat-
point or to arrive at any conclusions
“The Bride’s Last Encounter with
ing painting practices but right now
tern and complexity that is com-
about where painting is at today, but
her Lovers.” Even the title of one
feels like a particular boom in fresh
pletely dynamic and unique.
moves of
much Daniel Faria Gallery
given fresh meaning.
icate and misty light pervades the
rather to pose more questions about
of Kristine Moran’s (Daniel Faria
where it might be going. I marvel
Gallery) recent paintings (pictured)
I look for in a successful painting? I
Gallery) silk paintings also have a
at her unexpected colour choices,
is sensuous and inviting. With pas-
appreciate techniques and processes
layered, temporal quality to them.
her use of painted frames and por-
sages in the painting that nod to foli-
that I have never seen or considered
Using, among other techniques,
tals creating depth and structure,
age, blossoms and architecture, the
before. I look for a conceptual frame-
batik dye and bleach baths, which
and her inscrutable patterns. It all
paintings remain mostly abstract.
work that points to a bigger idea; an
resolves somehow, but with a cer-
The way that Moran applies paint is
artist may be rendering a forest or a
amount of control over to chance
tain amount of tension and strange-
the real revelation, sometimes thick,
face or a solid blue square, but does
effects, Bool layers ornamental pat-
ness that keeps me looking and
wild and loose side-by-side with
it contribute to the ongoing conver-
tern and figures onto a surface that
precise, transparent veils of colour.
sation on landscape painting or fig-
feels rich with references to art his-
Hanna Hur’s (O’Born Contemporary)
These layers pile up with an inten-
uration or monochromes? It can be
tory alongside motifs from ironwork,
recent work references the sea, the
tion and an energy that is incredibly
a very subtle tweak to tradition, but
mosaics and carpets as well as con-
sky, the weather—powerful, heady
confident and authentic.
when you see it, it speaks volumes.
temporary pop culture. The blend
phenomena that are immaterial and
These five artists are breaking new
is fantastical. The works feel simul-
mysterious but rich in allusion and
taneously ancient and completely
sensory effects. Paint is applied in
new. All symbols and sources are
washes that read as watery, and del-
approaches to the medium. What do
Like most of the artists in this
PAMELA meredith Is TD Bank Group’s senior curator. intorontomag.com
23 Art.indd 23
23/05/2013 3:29:00 PM
L u minat o
Split personality →
Puppeteer Ronnie Burkett a bit bitter old showgirl, fairy boy and outspoken housewife
Trudie Lee
Story David Bateman
nternationally acclaimed mar-
strong sense of camp, influenced by
and personalities that will emerge
nity is all about now, all these new
ionette artist Ronnie Burkett
the raucous comedy of the British
when it all appears onstage.
describes himself as a “very
Carry On films, Burkett was able to
public hermit.” What has been
And for Burkett, it’s always from
develop a unique blend of the out-
1980s, he formed his own com-
a queer vantage point; he is com-
called “end of the world romance”
rageous and the truly poignant, a
pany and mingled professionally
by the UCLA Center for the Art of
theatrical mixture that can appear
with the acclaimed “rabbits” of the
with socially relevant voices. After
Performance, and “beautiful and
somewhat “queer.”
One Yellow Rabbit performance
a string of popular musical mario-
shocking mastery” by the Globe
“I suppose to the outside eye it is
fame. Two decades later, at 43, he
nette pieces, Burkett felt his career
and Mail, his approach to mar-
incredibly queer,” says Burkett. “My
moved to Toronto where, he says,
path had been laid out. Then he
ionette theatre is elaborate and
mother, God bless her soul, used to
he became the “go-to guy on puppet
read about artists during the Nazi
say, ‘Oh your friend Bill is so queer,’
history for young puppeteers.
regime and everything changed.
Discovering early on that no one was going to give him the roles
as in different. I guess I am an odd duck.”
“I’m a puppet history junkie. I
“I was an angry young man, says
have about 140 books on puppetry.
Burkett. “What I mean is that I
he truly desired, Ronnie Burkett
He spends countless hours in his
I post albums of dead puppeteers,
really thought I was going to be an
chose to create them for himself.
studio creating drawings of the pup-
where they came from—where I
airhead fag who liked musicals and
Faded showgirls, rural housewives
pets, building the bodies, joining
came from. I taught last year at a
going out dancing. I was dragged
and fairy boys without wings pop-
limbs to a meticulously crafted cast
puppet conference with gay boys,
kicking and screaming into my pol-
ulate his many plays. Growing up
of characters, designing costumes,
dykey girls and trans kids. The
itics.” A kind of queer angst began
in Medicine Hat, Alberta, with a
and beginning to imagine the voices
landscape of the puppet commu-
to emerge. The beginning of the
June 2013
24 25.Ronne Burkett.indd 24
23/05/2013 3:29:23 PM
“I really thought I was going to be an airhead fag who liked musicals and going out dancing. I was dragged kicking and screaming into my politics.”
aging, fundamentalism and inflat-
ter traits he’s created for his
able pink genitals.
marionettes. “I’ve said for
With his show titled The Daisy
years that Canadians will
Theatre (at this month’s Luminato),
give you the shirt off your back
Burkett invited several Canadian
then criticize you for not having a
shirt,” says Burkett. “Sometimes I
scripts: Daniel MacIvor, Damien
get a bit judgy, a bit up your ass. My
Atkins, Brad Fraser, Anusree Roy,
characters allow me to reveal more
Joan MacLeod, Amy Lee Lavoie,
of Ronnie Burkett than just me on
Karen Hines, David Yee, Chris
stage telling you about my life. I love
Craddock and Morris Panych were
my craft. I’m a vampire; I need that
given free reign. Burkett cast the
group of strangers in the dark every
shows from a selection of puppets
night to feed. Every night I think I
possible for him to bring his mes-
he’s been creating over the past
bring a lot of authenticity to them
sage across. Conversations hap-
several months. Performances will
that other forms of performance
pening in the arts are always way
also include improvisational inter-
wouldn’t allow.”
ahead of political discussions.”
His make
ludes where Burkett comes onstage
The Daisy Theatre is a metaphor
The Daisy Theatre is a co-com-
with beloved past characters. He
about growing in the dark, surviving
mission with UCLA Live, a per-
will then improvise scenes around
under difficult circumstances, like
forming arts program in Bel Air,
current political and social events.
the Czech puppeteers. “The main
California. Weisbrodt helped to ini-
A new element where he invites
hinge,” says Burkett “is improvis-
tiate the co-sponsorship that led to
an audience member onstage to
ing with characters based on what is
a Los Angeles premiere of another
take on various roles, from pull-
happening currently.”
of Burkett’s pieces, Penny Plain,
ing strings to voicing social con-
Queries from friends and col-
slated for January of 2014. “It is
cerns, will add a whole new layer
leagues over the past few years
always very important to me that
AIDS pandemic, coinciding with
to his political landscape. One or
Burkett’s awareness of Czech artists
two plays per night, selected from
who were forced underground dur-
what we produce and commission
at Luminato is not a dead end,” says
these 10 writers, will also be per-
inspired Burkett to pitch the idea
Weisbrodt. “I want to get the work
ing the Nazi occupation, was a pro-
formed by a repertory company of
to Luminato artistic director Jorn
we produce outside of Toronto and
found turning point. A mid-20th-
new characters.
Weisbrodt. “When I saw Penny Plain
out into the world.”
century generation of puppeteers,
For the improv segments, Burkett
at Factory Theatre I was totally fasci-
Original scripts by various artists
more than 100 of whom were sent
is bringing three beloved charac-
nated,” says Weisbrodt. “I had never
coupled with improvisational inter-
to the concentration camps, had
ters out of retirement. He says that
seen this kind of mixture of queer,
ludes will bring a body of work full
created socially relevant marionette
these characters “actually repre-
slightly subversive, nasty, funny,
circle, revealing even more about
plays during very turbulent and
sent the three equal parts of me at
romantic, raunchy, kind of theatre,
a queer Canadian artist who con-
dangerous times. Burkett’s decision
this age: Esme, the campy theatri-
all performed by one person—and
tinues to be brutally honest about
to become political was an astute
cal bitter old showgirl, Schnitzel,
all puppets. It was a great revelation.
himself, the world around him, and
career move, allowing him to cre-
the completely innocent little pure
I immediately thought it would be
his many finely strung characters.
ate complex scripts that addressed
fairy boy and Edna Rural,” the out-
amazing to do something with him
diverse social issues: Street of Blood
spoken housewife living in a farm-
for Luminato.
(1998) dealt with celebrity worship,
house near Turnip Corners.
“Art is a vehicle for expressing
religion and AIDS. Billy Twinkle:
Burkett speaks openly of his
content that you might not be able
Requiem for a Golden Boy (2009),
sense of being Canadian as a com-
to talk about on a social or political
and 10 Days on Earth (2006) took on
plex amalgamation of the charac-
level. That’s why art is so impor-
The Daisy Theatre. $25-$35. 9:30pm10:45pm. Fri, June 14-23. Berkeley Street Theatre (Downstairs). 26 Berkeley St. 416368-3110. luminatofestival.com. intorontomag.com
24 25.Ronne Burkett.indd 25
24/05/2013 12:08:06 PM
t n a f f u Bo and brains →
Don’t tell this drag legend to shut up and just look pretty Story Serafin LaRiviere
hanteuse. Actress. Disc jockey.
the closet,” she says. “When you’re somewhat
Bunny? One of drag’s classic qua-
effeminate, everyone else knows you’re gay,
druple threats, the Lady Bunny
even before you yourself know what gay is.
has been thrilling audiences for
“My parents often said they didn’t know
more than 30 years with her
whether they should give me the Barbie dolls
wit, her homespun southern charm and
I’d been requesting since age four, and later
the fiercest blonde bouffant since Marie
confessed that they thought it might make
Antoinette’s final days as dessert advisor to
me gay. Well honey, if I’m asking for ’em,
the poor.
chances are I am.”
She was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee,
Given her parents’ religious convictions,
a town known perhaps less for its female
the budding cottontail didn’t have much of
impersonators and more for a certain epon-
a real-life role model when it came to dis-
ymous choo-choo. Back then the Lady was
covering her inner fabulousness. Thank God
known simply as Jon Ingle, son of a vegetarian
for 1960s television. “I love my mom dearly,
Quaker couple who moved around a lot due
but she is no glamourpuss,” Bunny says. “She
to Daddy Bunny’s work as a history profes-
can’t even put on mascara. So maybe that’s
sor. The clan led quite a nomadic experience,
why I latched onto shows like Bewitched and I
hopping from Chattanooga to Connecticut,
Dream of Jeannie. I loved the idea that I could
England and even Africa, where our gal’s fash-
be transported somewhere and be a gorgeous
ion sense really began to bloom.
blonde with supernatural powers.
“My parents were, shall we say, frugal,” says
“In the first grade we had a circus-themed
Bunny. “Oh hell, they were cheap. When we
show and I was the snake charmer—and
came back to the US from Africa they brought
honey, I’ve charmed a few snakes since then.
tons of these dashikis that they had picked up
But I was obsessed with Barbara Eden, so my
cheap. So there I was, 11 years old, on my first
mom made me these red velvet harem pants
day of school dressed in what everyone else
and I wore pretty much the same eye make-
assumed was a dress. I wore my hair long as
up that I wear today.”
a child, and the teacher referred to me as Jan
This may provide at least a partial explana-
instead of Jon, thinking I was a girl. The kids
tion as to why the Ingles decided to send their
in my class never let me live that down, I can
son abroad to a boarding school in England;
tell you.”
perhaps a sojourn in Mary Old England would
Looking back, our Lady acknowledges there
toughen up their young Jon into the strapping
may have been other signs that little Jon may
red-blooded American lad all parents hope
be destined for a more fabulous life than
for (yeah, because those Brits are so notori-
many of his peers. “I joke that I was never in
ously butch). “They were thinking it would
June 2013
26 27.Lady Bunny.indd 26
23/05/2013 3:30:10 PM
put me on the straight and nar-
speaker, while her stage act got rac-
row, but instead it introduced me to
ier and more topical.
Punk and New Wave and, best of all, pubs!” Of course the Thatcher years
Some pretty heady thoughts from
and see those magnifying mirrors
someone that some may be tempted
and think, who would ever want to
“I often laugh because, growing up,
to dismiss as just a fluffy drag
see that up close? Now it’s like, you,
politics was the furthest thing from
queen, but it’s clear that this Lady
you blind bitch.”
my mind,” she says.
knows her stuff, and is unwilling to
“But I’m 50
And she’s also not shy about her
were all about pink hair, bad pierc-
now. I know who I am and I’m look-
ings and rebellion, a trio of fun that
ing around at the world and seeing a
“There’s always a bee in my bon-
tainment these days, particularly
suited Ingle perfectly. It also encour-
lot of things going wrong. Our gov-
net,” she chuckles. “Things just seem
when it comes to the slurry currently
aged his dalliance with drag to flour-
ernments do not represent us. They
so messed up. It’s alarming that HIV
being shovelled through television
ish upon returning home to the
are so crooked and policy is dictated
infection rates among American gay
and movie screens. “I would just like
States. “When I was in high school
by whoever’s given them money.
youth are up,” she continues, wor-
to say, what was Madonna thinking
I was very influenced by New Wave
It’s so corrupt and I think we need a
ried about the growing culture of
with that horrible WE movie? Does
and the androgynous boy in make-
change in the two-party system.
barebacking. “Why bother with safe
she think she’s like Orson Welles,
just shut up and look pretty.
disdain for what passes for enter-
up look,” says Bunny. “But once I got
“America’s middle class is dying.
sex, because your life may not be
one of those great actors that went
into heels it was like, ‘Okay, hello
These austerity measures we’re see-
that worthwhile if you live past the
on to become a great director? Well
ing in Portugal and Greece are going
time when you’re considered hot?
she’s a crap actor, how dare she
Moving to Atlanta signified a huge
to come here. The government is
That’s a really horrible message, and
think she can direct? And Britney?
life-change for the Chattanooga
realizing that they can do Robin
unfortunately I think a lot of people
I’ve met her; she’s a moron, a sweet
waif. Suddenly she was surrounded
Hood in reverse; rob from the poor
got it loud and clear.”
moron, but a moron just the same.
by other like-minded peers who
and give to the rich. The crazy thing
were also taking those first teeter-
is we’re all buying it.”
ing steps into dragdom. The Lady
And while many of us north
Certainly being a queen of a cer-
Now we’ve got her and Nicki Minaj
tain age affords this Lady a per-
on TV judging singing competitions,
spective on life. Still, aging does
25 cents. My first pair had those ’60s
demands an evolu“My a sigh of relief tion of both style n e t f o over our neighand substance s t paren bour’s current as the years w no k ’t n d Commanderi pass. Looking at d e said they v in-Chief, archival photos, i g should y e Lady Bunny Bunny appears h t r e h ” . whet is among much the same s l l e do i b r a many in her as she is now, but B e me th country’s LGBT one can’t help but
pointed toes with an hourglass heel.
It was the ’80s, and my look was
feel let down by his per-
influenced by people like the B52s.”
Bunny sprang to life alongside other
of Bunny’s border may
luminaries like RuPaul and Larry
continue to breathe
Tee, finding her voice and her look as she burst onto Atlanta’s thriving gay scene. “When I lived in Atlanta I was fairly penniless, so I had to create my look from second-hand stuff. I was a thrift store queen for all my clothes, hell, a pair of heels was only
have its drawbacks, and
and they can’t even sing.” Lady Bunny can sing, and does on several club hits, including “Shame Shame Shame” and “The Pussycat Song.” She prefers working behind the turntables as a DJ though, a role she’ll be taking on at this year’s Pride celebrations in Toronto. For her, stepping a toe onto Canuck soil is always a special treat. “It’s so great to come to Canada,” says the Lady. “Somewhere they actually
notice an increase
have health care and gay marriage.
in the height and volume of
It’s not just a big deal up there. You
formance. “Obama is a huge disap-
that famous platinum bouffant. “As
know, sometimes Americans like to
But her arrival in New York really
pointment,” she says. “And so many
the gut gets bigger the wig gets big-
paint Canadians as slow, but they’re
ratcheted things up a notch. Bunny
gays are all nostalgic and gagging for
ger,” she laughs. “It’s all about pro-
leaving us in the dust honey.”
and Ru had already begun to make
Hillary, but if the system itself is bro-
portion honey!”
a name for themselves among the
ken then changing one of the play-
I beg to differ, given that her face
Bunny’s summer tour of festivals
Atlanta club circuit, having starred
ers won’t do much. When 91 percent
is unlined and smooth, and those
and events, a far cry from that lit-
in Starbooty, the cult classic film
of Americans want enhanced (gun)
gorgeous gams still go on forever.
tle boy denied a Barbie by his flum-
series. But the Big Apple was a whole
background checks, and they can’t
Yet Lady Bunny herself can’t escape
moxed parents. But time, as they
new ball game. It was also the begin-
even get that put through, it’s clear
her own brand of caustic wit. “I’m
say, heals all wounds.
ning of Wigstock, history’s biggest
that there is a problem. The gov-
chubby, but I don’t do the corset
celebration of fierce boys in girls’
ernment has taken so much money
thing anymore. My legs never got
clothing. Bunny launched the festi-
from gun manufacturers that they
fat thankfully, but that’s because
val in 1985 and remained at its helm
can’t do a thing.
they’re hauling around my massive
until her swan song 20 years later.
gut. But weight does soften the fea-
Even as Wigstock began its long
me is this bombing in Boston. I
tures. You know, a lot of women pay
sashay into the sunset, Bunny’s star
mean, where are these guys from,
to have fillers. Just eat. It’s much
continued to rise, with appearances
cheaper and more fun.
in shows like Sex and the City and,
they hated us over there. America
“Also, now that I’m getting old,
more currently, RuPaul’s Drag U. Her
has to come to terms with the fact
my eyesight is going. And just try
penchant for quick comebacks and
that we’ve been screwing around all
putting make-up on while wear-
thoughtful opinions made her an
over the world and it’s going to have
ing glasses. I need one of those lor-
in-demand social commentator and
gnettes. I used to go into hotel rooms
I didn’t even know
It’s one of many stops on the Lady
Lady Bunny Performs at the sixth annual Starry Night titled Love is in the Hair (part of the Green Space series, a fundraiser for The 519). Guests are encouraged to wear wigs. Free, but proceeds from drink sales and donations support the centre’s programs and services. 7pm to midnight. Thu, June 27. Cawthra Square (behind The 519 Church Street Community Centre). greenspaceto.org. intorontomag.com
26 27.Lady Bunny.indd 27
23/05/2013 3:30:20 PM
disco lady →
Patsy Gallant still kicking it up after all these years Story Serafin LaRiviere
remember it like it was yester-
and literally, long before as part of
day: a tall, lanky blonde, hold-
Les Soeurs Gallant. Starting out at
ing one of those 1970s mega-
the tender age of three, Gallant sang
long microphones as she descends
the sweet melodies of groups like
gracefully from the carpeted risers
the Andrews Sisters with her sis-
of a tacky Canadian TV set. Then
ters Angie, Florence and Ghislaine.
that voice, that glorious, crystal-
It was the start of a long career.
line voice, singing: “In my mind,
“I’ve been in show business for
there’s a face, on my lips there’s a
60 years,” Gallant says, chuckling
name/ In my life there’s no place
warmly. “I can’t count from when I
for the man that I love/ ’Cause I’m
was three, because I don’t remem-
living my life just to sing and be
ber it. But I had my own show at the
free/ From LA to New York, from
age of 10. It’s been my whole life.”
New York to LA.” Acadian
Six decades to exact. It’s almost Patsy
impossible to imagine, but Gallant
ruled the 1970s disco scene in
is still going strong, having recently
Canada. She had her own televi-
finished an 11-year stint doing musi-
sion variety show, The Patsy Gallant
cal theatre in Paris. Though she’s
Show, performed at sold-out con-
happy to be back home in Canada,
certs and graced magazine covers
there is still a part of her longing for
usually reserved for American disco
France. “I truly loved it there. I had
a three bedroom apartment, and I
But it was her biggest hit, “From
was in the biggest show Paris ever
New York to LA,” from the 1976
had. I was treated like a queen, and
that shit so much. My high is going
album Are You Ready For Love, that
maybe that’s okay at my age.”
shattered the borders of Canadian
It was with some trepidation that
Not only is Gallant still belting out
music and surged up record charts
I sought out some recent live per-
her classics with the same power
all around the world: UK (#6), Ireland
formances, nervous that my child-
and clarity of the disco era, but she
(#5), Australia (#10), the Netherlands (#15), Norway (#7), South Africa (#5)
frequently punctuates songs like
“I went to my doctor about menopause and he said don’t worry about hormones, just keep your young lovers.”
“Proud Mary” with a high kick that
Gallant still struts her stuff on stage
is downright astounding. She shim-
in Louboutins and miniskirts. She
mies and dances around the stage
credits healthy eating, exercise and
like a woman in her 20s.
a robust sex life.
ner, who now makes her home in
and Sweden (#17). Quite a feat for a song whose melody was taken from a classic Québécois folk anthem, “Mon Pays,” written by Francophone
“I absolutely do the high kicks
“I’ve had young lovers all the
to show off,” she says, laughing.
time,” she says. “I still have one in
“I swear to God, I want to see any
Paris. I went to my doctor about
other 65-year-old do that. I still
menopause and he said don’t worry
can’t believe I’m going to be 65
about hormones, just keep your
hood idol would be croaking out old
in September. I almost threw up
young lovers.”
Montreal. “We were none of us pre-
hits an octave below the original ver-
when I got the papers for my Social
pared for how big it went.”
sion. But Gallant still looks fabulous
Gilles Vigneault (with English lyrics by Gene Williams). “That song was just huge,” says Gallant, a multi-Juno award win-
Gallant had already scored some national hits before “From New York
→ T hen t here’ s t he high kicks Writer and fan Serafin LaRiviere was trepidatious over the current voice of disco legend Patsy Gallant; he needn’t have worried.
and sounds sublime. I need not have worried.
Age certainly hasn’t slowed this diva down; she books her own
to LA” propelled her to so-called
“I think it’s because I didn’t
shows, chooses her own songs and
“overnight success” but she’d cut
smoke,” she says. “I did drugs like
manages every aspect of her career.
her showbiz teeth, both figuratively
everybody in the ’70s, but I hated
Despite some aches and pains,
Patsy Gallant Performs at Disco Disco (Part of the Green Space series, a fundraiser for The 519). Free. After the Pride Parade. Sun, June 30. Cawthra Square Park (behind The 519 Church Street Community Centre). greenspaceto.org.
June 2013
28 Pasty.indd 28
23/05/2013 3:30:45 PM
29.AdPage.indd 50
23/05/2013 3:31:01 PM
30.AdPage.indd 50
23/05/2013 3:32:42 PM
s ex s p o n s o r e d b y s p a e x c e s s
ask the sex geek — with Andrea Zanin → “I’m a GP, and it is like pulling hens’ teeth to get patients to tell me the truth about their sex life. Is it just that it’s weird to talk sex in a super unsexy place? Is it that you think I won’t know what you’re talking about? Or do you not want to hear the safety rules I’m going to explain to you? Once it’s said out loud, folks have heaps of questions, but it takes 85 per cent of our time to get it said. Tell me how to help (I’m out and known as being ‘cool.’)”
Susan This seemed like the perfect question to take to Doc, my favourite
male/female gender identification or allow for a broader range?
physician and go-to expert. But any
Do you ask only about sexual ori-
service can use these tips, not just
entation, or do you inquire non-
judgmentally about specific sex-
Not just a beautiful body. The COOLPIX A from Nikon is a radical concept in camera design. How radical? Nikon somehow managed to squeeze a 16.9 MP APS-C
ual practices? Your familiarity and
patients are silently asking, “How
comfort with those practices helps.
much of my story can I tell you and
I was super impressed when a doc-
camera. Nikon also cleverly attached a super-sharp, super-fast f/2.8 lens
still get care?”
tor once asked me matter-of-factly
onto the camera – a lens that will allow you to capture brilliant images in
“We as doctors need to prove we’re trustworthy,” Doc says. “No
about sexual penetration: “Fingers? Penis? Dildo? Fist?”
DX sensor – the same sensor found in Nikon DSLRs – into a pocketsize
all lighting conditions.
one has forgotten the AIDS cri-
Doc suggests the following schema
sis and how shitty doctors were. A
as a starting point: “For people
lot of young people died, and a lot
under the age of 30, I ask who puts
of them were shamed as they were
what where; same for patients over
dying. And no one really said sorry,
30 whom I sense [are members of a
and no one has said things are dif-
sexual or gender minority]. Between
Come see this amazing new camera at Vistek. Talk it over with a Vistek
ferent now. So every doctor-patient
50 and 70 I usually ask if they sleep
encounter is about proving that it’s
with men, women or both, and over
product pro. One look and you’re going to fall head over heels in love
different now.”
80 it’s ‘are you sexually active?’” Doc
But you, Susan, have to be that
admits this isn’t perfect, but when
difference. You have to build trust
you’ve got four minutes to take a
against serious odds. This begins by
sexual history, you have to make
acknowledging that as a physician,
fast judgement calls.
you hold enormous power and it’s
Then, how do you react to the sex-
your responsibility to create a safer
related information they provide?
space. Start with your office: infor-
What does your body language con-
mation pamphlets, posters, rainbow
vey, your facial expression, your
flags. These won’t do the job for you,
but they set the tone for patients
This is complicated stuff. There is
and provide valuable info without
no perfect approach. Good on ya for
requiring disclosure.
working on it.
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Next, assess the way your intake forms and in-person questions are worded. For instance, do you ask if the patient is married/divorced/ widowed, or give more contemporary options? Do you require a
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ANDREA ZANIN The Sex Geek blogs at sexgeek.wordpress.com.
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