Kantor Qwentes Project Reference
Rural Development
Evaluation & Analysis
Contact Point for the European Network for Rural Development - Year 5 (AGRI-2012-0314) Name of legal entity: Kantor Qwentes country: EU27 Overall project value (EUR): 3,653,202 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 91 No of staff provided: 27
Detailed description of project: The project provides a Contact Point to support the ‘European Network for Rural Development’ (ENRD). Services are provided in support of DG Agriculture and Rural Development to promote networking between member state National Rural Networks (NRNs), Managing Authorities and organisations active in the field of rural development. The main aim of the ENRD is to improve the performance of Rural Development Programmes at national and regional level in all 27 member states. Main activities included: »» Support to the ENRD Coordination Committees/DG Agri with analytical, administrative & technical services including: • Representatives of Managing Authorities, NRNs and civil society organisations, the project supports capacity building and management strengthening initiatives. • A major study on Better Delivery of Environmental Services throughout the EU. Based on evidence of practical examples, the conclusions are designed to feed into the implementing regulations of - and guidance related to – the proposed 2014-2020 EAFRD regulation and future RDPs. • A major study on Knowledge transfer and innovation designed to assist the ‘operationalisation’ of innovation as a cross-cutting priority in the 2014-2020 RDPs and the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) for Agriculture as it related to the EAFRD. • EU RD policy workshops on Networking and Financial Instruments preparing institutional stakeholders for the future RDPs in the 2014-2020 period. • Preparing and supporting the implementation of a major two day ENRD / DG AGRI seminar on Better programming for the 2014-
Name of client: EC / DG AGRI Origin of funding: EAFRD Dates (start/end): 07/2012-07/2013 Name of partners if any: Hushållnings Sällskapet, IEEP, CIHEAM-IAMM, Centre for Agricultural Science & Engineering, Agriconsulting Europe 2020 Rural Development Policy. In-depth workshops included ‘Effective shared Management’ (budget, controls), Networking, LEADER / Community Led Local Development, Environment and climate change, Innovation and knowledge transfer, Monitoring and Evaluation and Good Governance. • Analysis and enhancement of RDP monitoring data (output, and results indicators) from all EU regions, covering all measures and axes. • EU Leader events, seminars and conferences, in particular a major event for over 400 practitioners focusing on preparing and implementing Local Development Strategies in the 2014-2020 policy period and transnational cooperation. • EU Leader Focus Group on Better Local development strategies, comprising representatives from all 27 Member States. The conclusions of the group were further used to inform the development of the EAFRD proposals for the 2014-2020 programming period and subsequently the development of guidelines for the preparation of LEADER LDS from 2014 on.
»» Support for ENRD EU wide Communications Strategy implementation including: • Development of an overall communications strategy for both online and off-line media. • Realisation of a ‘Communicating Rural Development Gateway’ with over 100 communication tools and promoting interaction between rural development communications practitioners; • Enhancement of the ENRD website to promote dissemination of ENRD activities and products throughout the EU; • ENRD Publications and newsletters targeted at RD practitioners and/or the wider rural public. • Promotion, representation and awareness building at EU and member state rural development events including promotion of best practice and enhancement of Local Development Strategies.
Rural Development
Autumn 2012
l Development ONLINE
Connecting Rural Europe...
EU Rural Review
EN Winter 2012
A Publication from the European Network for Rural Development
Funded by the
Networks and Networking in Rural Development Policy Funded by the
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development Examples of projects providing environmental services
»» Support for National Rural Networks (NRNs) in all member states including:
velopment policies and programmes; • Supporting the development of National Rural Networks, Local Action Groups (LAGs) and Transnational Cooperation initiatives within and between member states; • Development of innovative communication and knowledge sharing tools to improve rural development practitioners (incl. Local action groups) strategic planning, programming and project implementation; • Collection, collation and dissemination of new Cooperation Project opportunities, initiated by LAGs in both new and old member states to promote new Transnational Cooperation Projects.
• Support and capacity building to Managing Authorities and NRNs on networking and monitoring and evaluation in the future 20142020 policy period. Promotion of Cooperation and Trans-national Cooperation (between Managing Authorities and LAGs in member states, accession and third countries); • Further development of Relevant experience/Good Practice database of projects (including Leader / LAG projects linked to existing or new Local Development Strategies); • Technical support and capacity building activities in support of NRNs and LAGs.
Type of services provided
Funded by the
This project summary refers to the fifth year of activities which will be expanded in the range of support services provided in the sixth year of operations.
• Support to DG Agri /ENRD in RD policy analysis, screening, thematic initiatives and related analytical tasks; • Collection, analysis and dissemination of knowledge and information on EU rural development programme implementation (current and future programming periods) and relevant experience examples; • Organisation of EU level Coordination Committee and Leader Sub-Committee meetings and seminars; • Establishment and analytical support to Thematic Working Groups, Leader Focus Groups and other thematic initiatives at EU level; • Development of expert networks to facilitate exchange of expertise and support implementation and evaluation of rural de-
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m om nC d pea re an ent Euro cultu opm el Agri l Dev Rura
Contact Point for the European Network for Rural Development - Year 4 (AGRI-2011-0254) Name of legal entity: Kantor Qwentes country: EU27 Overall project value (EUR): 3,570,387 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 91 No of staff provided: 27
Detailed description of project: The project provided a Contact Point to support the ‘European Network for Rural Development’ (ENRD). Services were provided in support of DG Agriculture and Rural Development to promote networking between member state National Rural Networks (NRNs), Managing Authorities and organisations active in the field of rural development. The main aim of the ENRD is to improve the performance of Rural Development Programmes at national and regional level in all 27 member states. Main activities included: »» S upport to the ENRD Coordination Committees/DG Agri with analytical, administrative & technical services including: • Representatives of Managing Authorities, NRNs and civil society organisations, the project supports capacity building and management strengthening initiatives. • A major study involving MAs and PAs on the improvement of RD delivery mechanisms including policy coordination, management procedures, control and M&E (CMEF based) was disseminated. The 70 recommendations related to this work, based on 2007-2011 experience, were designed to feed into the preparations for EAFRD policy proposals for 2014-2020 • A Study on Better Delivery of Environmental Services throughout the EU. Information and practical examples expected to be of relevance to the proposed EAFRD policy for 2014-2020 were collected, collated, analysed and synthesized. • EU RD policy events, seminars and conferences on specific topics • Analysis and enhancement of RDP monitoring data (output, and results indicators) from all EU regions, covering all measures and axes.
Name of client: EC / DG AGRI Origin of funding: EAFRD Dates (start/end): 07/2011-07/2012 Name of partners if any: Hushållnings Sällskapet, IEEP, CIHEAM-IAMM, Centre for Agricultural Science & Engineering, Agriconsulting Europe • EU Leader events, seminars and conferences on specific topics; • EU Leader Focus Group on Better Local development strategies, comprising representatives from all 27 Member States. The conclusions of the group were used to inform the development of the EAFRD proposals for the 2014-2020 programming period and subsequently the development of guidelines for the preparation of LEADER LDS from 2014 on.
»» Support for ENRD EU wide Communications Strategy implementation including: • Development of an overall communications strategy including awareness building, on-line and off-line media. • Enhancement of the ENRD website to promote dissemination of ENRD activities and products throughout the EU; • ENRD Publications and newsletters targeted at RD practitioners and/or the wider rural public. In particular a ‘Short guide the rural development policy proposals for the 2014-2020 programming period’ • Promotion, representation and awareness building at EU and member state rural development events including promotion of best practice and enhancement of Local Development Strategies. Development and implementation of a successful Images of Rural Europe ‘photo competition including the participation of Commissioner Ciolos in the final awards ceremony.
»» Support for National Rural Networks (NRNs) in all member states including: • Support and capacity building to Managing Authorities and NRNs on networking and related rural development issues • Promotion of Cooperation and Trans-national Cooperation (between Managing Authorities and LAGs in member states, accession and third countries);
Rural Development
LEADER Event 2012: Local Development
Strategies and Cooperation, 27-28 April 2012
• Development of NRN Initiative on Financial Engineering measures in RDPs • Development of Relevant experience/Good Practice database of projects (including Leader/LAG projects linked to existing or new Local Development Strategies); • Technical support and capacity building activities in support of NRNs and LAGs.
Type of services provided • Support to DG Agri /ENRD in RD policy analysis, screening, thematic initiatives and related analytical tasks; • Collection, analysis and dissemination of knowledge and information on EU rural development programme implementation and relevant experience examples; • Organisation of EU level Coordination Committee and Leader SubCommittee meetings and seminars; • Establishment and analytical support to Thematic Working Groups, Leader Focus Groups and other thematic initiatives at EU level; • Development of expert networks to facilitate exchange of expertise and support implementation and evaluation of rural development policies and programmes; • Supporting the development of National Rural Networks, Local Action Groups (LAGs) and Transnational Cooperation initiatives within and between member states; • Development of innovative communication and knowledge sharing tools to improve rural development practitioners (incl. Local action groups) strategic planning, programming and project implementation; • Collection, collation and dissemination of new Cooperation Project opportunities, initiated by LAGs in both new and old member states to promote new Transnational Cooperation Projects.
14th NRN Meeting (2-3 February 2012)
Capacity Building for the Establishment and Implementation of a LEADER Initiative in the Republic of Serbia (EuropeAid/129135/C/SER/RS) Name of legal entity: Kantor Qwentes country: Republic of Serbia Overall project value (EUR): 1,394,000 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 55 No of staff provided: 10
Detailed description of project: The overall objective of the project is to assist the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM) and relevant local stakeholders in the introduction of the LEADER approach to rural development in Serbia. The ‘LEADER’ approach is designed to harness the energy and resources of rural citizens who could contribute to the development process in their area by forming partnerships at local level between the public, private and civil sectors. Practically LEADER devolves both the development strategy design and funding powers to the local level, making it a highly effective decentralisation tool. The basic administrative unit for the implementation of LEADER is a non-profit Local Action Group (LAG) open to all actors of its territory. This project is supporting the following main activities: »» Institutional support and capacity building of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (and other related institutions) in the development of a LEADER programme for Serbia in line with IPARD requirements: • Establishment and support of a National LEADER Development Group (NLDG) which will develop the policy, programme, legal, financial, administrative and technical framework for the implementation of LEADER in Serbia (as part of a future IPARD Plan; • Development and delivery of an integrated capacity building programme for relevant MAFWM staff related to LEADER legislation,
Name of client: EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia Origin of funding: EU Dates (start/end): 02/2011-02/2013 Name of partners if any: NIRAS (Poland) Institute for Agricultural Economics (Serbia) policy and best practice management in line with IPARD requirements; • Strategic support to the development of the LEADER initiative as part of the wider national agriculture and rural development programme.
»» Awareness raising and capacity building of targeted agriculture and rural local communities: • Design and delivery of a communications campaign for targeted rural communities to raise awareness of LEADER and of rural development and the opportunities for support and involvement in the planning and development process; • Design and delivery of an integrated capacity building programme for targeted local actors and organisations in the introduction of LEADER, development of local groups and articulation of local development strategies;
»» Support and capacity building of potential Local Action Groups (LAGs): • Assistance to local organisations in the formation of potential Local Action Groups (LAGs) • Support to newly formed Local Action Groups (LAGs) in the preparation of local development strategies, applications and detailed budgets required to apply for funding from LEADER (or similar funding sources). • Support to Local Strategic plan implementation (subject to available funds being secured through donor, government and/or private sources.
Wo rksh o p – A lte rn a tiv e so u rc e s o f fu n d in g in ru ra l d e v e lo p m e n t 11 D e c e m b e r 2012
Rural Development
Wo rksh o p – A lte rn a tiv e so u rc e s o f fu n d in g in ru ra l d e v e lo p m e n t 11 D e c e m b e r 2012
Final LIS Confer 30 January 2013
Type of services provided • Conceptualisation, development and implementation of a communication strategy and outputs targeted towards the project stakeholders; • Organisation of the project closing event attended by over 80 participants and broadcasted on local media. • Production of project promotional material, banners, leaflets pens, USB keys, bags, etc. " • Production of the Handbook for LEADER Implementation in Serbia. • Organisation of a study tour to Finland for a total of 27 persons. • Training Needs Analysis and development of Training Plans and delivery of Training Programmes for MAFWM and LAGs. • Preparation of LEADER policy guidelines in line with the Serbian Wo rksh o p – A lte rn a tiv e context and accession requirements. so u rc eofs o f fu nprogramming d in g in ru ra l • Support for the development relevant documents for IPARD and National d e v eRural lo pDevelopment m e n t Programme. • Ad hoc strategic guidance to maximise of the project. 11 D e c e mthe b eimpact r 2012 • Support to development of relevant programming documents. • Development of Local Development Strategy and programming documents that encourage a bottom up approach to local development and meet funding requirements. • Provide expert input into related planning and capacity building initiatives on EU priority axes for rural development – competitiveness of agriculture and forestry, environmental policy, legislation and protection; diversification of the rural economy. • Activities to stimulate local social capital development.
Final LIS C 30 January Workshop - Alternative sources of funding in rural development 11 December 2012
Final LIS conference, 30 January 2013
Final LIS Conference, 30 January 2013
Contact Point for the European Network for Rural Development - Year 3 (AGRI-2010-0294) Name of legal entity: Kantor Qwentes country: EU27 Overall project value (EUR): 3,477,295 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 89 No of staff provided: 27
Detailed description of project:
Name of client: EC / DG AGRI Origin of funding: EAFRD Dates (start/end): 07/2010-07/2011 Name of partners if any: Hushållnings Sällskapet, IEEP, CIHEAM-IAMM, Centre for Agricultural Science & Engineering, Agriconsulting Europe »» Support for ENRD EU wide Communications Strategy implementation including:
The project provided a Contact Point to support the ‘European Network for Rural Development’ (ENRD). Services are provided in support of DG Agriculture and Rural Development to promote networking between member state National Rural Networks (NRNs), rural development organisations, Managing Authorities, Paying Agencies, other relevant administrations and stakeholder groups active in the field of rural development. The main aim of the ENRD is to improve the implementation of Rural Development Programmes at national or regional level in all 27 member states. Activities in Year 3 included:
• Development of the ENRD website (public and dynamic) to promote dissemination of ENRD activities and products throughout the EU including the development of an EU wide Local Action Group database and LAG Partner Search Tool for Transnational Cooperation (TNC); • ENRD Publications and newsletters including distribution via a mailing list to all registered Local Action Groups; • Promotion and representation at EU and member state events including Leader and LAG events to promote Leader best practice and enhancement of Local Development Strategies.
»» Support to ENRD Coordination Committee/DG Agri with analytical, administrative & technical services including:
»» Support for National Rural Networks (NRNs) in all member states including:
• Preparation of overall work plans; • Thematic Working Groups in specific RD policy areas; • Thematic studies in specific topics; EU RD policy events, seminars and conferences on specific topics; • RDP implementation monitoring (including Leader/Axis 4) providing updated analysis of registered LAGs, Leader projects and related initiatives.
• Promotion of Cooperation and Trans-national Cooperation projects (between LAGs in member states and between member states) which must be linked to Local Development Strategies; • Development of a Trans-national Cooperation Guide targeted at LAGs; • Development of NRN Forums and Thematic Initiatives/clusters linking groups of NRNs; • Development of Relevant experience/Good Practice database of projects (including Leader/LAG projects linked to existing or new Local Development Strategies); • Organisation of cooperation and coordination events between NRNs, LAGs and other RD stakeholder groups; • Technical support and capacity building activities in support of NRNs and LAGs.
»» Support to the ENRD Leader Sub Committee with analytical, administrative & technical services including: • Preparation of overall work plans; EU Leader events, seminars and conferences on specific topics; • EU Leader Focus Groups on specific topics to improve/enhance Leader implementation and promotion of the Leader bottom-up development approach and methodology.
Rural Development
Turkish Cypriot study group visit 18 March 2011
Type of services provided
EDATER visit 1 July 2011
• Support to DG Agri /ENRD in RD policy analysis, screening, thematic initiatives and related analytical tasks; • Collection, analysis and dissemination of knowledge and information on EU rural development programme implementation and relevant experience examples; • Organisation of EU level Coordination Committee and Leader SubCommittee meetings and seminars; • Establishment and analytical support to Thematic Working Groups, Leader Focus Groups and other thematic initiatives at EU level; • Development of expert networks to facilitate exchange of expertise and support implementation and evaluation of rural development policies and programmes; • Supporting the development of National Rural Networks, Local Action Groups (LAGs) and Transnational Cooperation initiatives within and between member states; • Development of innovative communication and knowledge sharing tools to improve rural development practitioners (incl. Local action groups) strategic planning, programming and project implementation; • Collection, collation and dissemination of new Cooperation Project opportunities, initiated by LAGs in both new and old member states to promote new Transnational Cooperation Projects. • • This project summary refers to the third year of activities which will be expanded in the range of support services provided in the fourth year of operations. •
US students’ visit 10 January 2011
ENRD Workshop for new LAGs 19-20 February 2011
Contact Point for the European Network for Rural Development - Year 2 (AGRI-2009-0264) Name of legal entity: Kantor Qwentes country: EU27 Overall project value (EUR): 3,439,839 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 88 No of staff provided: 27
Detailed description of project: The project provided a Contact Point to support the ‘European Network for Rural Development’ (ENRD). Services are provided in support of DG Agriculture and Rural Development to promote networking between member state National Rural Networks, rural development organisations, Managing Authorities, Paying Agencies, other relevant administrations and stakeholder groups active in the field of rural development. The main aim of the ENRD is to improve the implementation of Rural Development Programmes at national or regional level in all 27 member states. In Year 2 the Contact Point developed three main strands of activity, namely: (i) Knowledge development (policy analysis); (ii) Knowledge exchange (primarily networking and information exchange across the EU) and; (iii) Communication (publications, website and events). In the second year of its operation, the main project activities and outputs included: »» Support for National Rural Networks (NRNs) and Local Action Groups (LAGs) in all member states including: • Development of a transnational cooperation guide and promotion of transnational Cooperation projects; • Development of three Thematic Initiatives which link groups of NRNs: (i) Forestry; (ii) Social farming and; (iii) Rural entrepreneurship; Development of Relevant experience/ Good Practice database of projects; • Organisation of cooperation and coordination events between NRNs, LAGs and other RD stakeholder groups; • Technical support and capacity building activities in support of NRNs and LAGs.
Name of client: EC / DG AGRI Origin of funding: EAFRD Dates (start/end): 07/2010-07/2011 Name of partners if any: Hushållnings Sällskapet, IEEP, CIHEAM-IAMM, Centre for Agricultural Science & Engineering, Agriconsulting Europe »» Analysis of all EU 27 Rural Development Programmes including: • Review of all National and Regional RDPs (92 in total) and summarizing of main aspects, allocation of resources and unique features; • Development of country and regional fiches and publication on website; analysis of available monitoring data and production of monitoring data summaries including comparative data on programme financial and economic indicators.
»» Support for ENRD EU wide Communications Strategy implementation including: • Development of the ENRD website to promote dissemination of ENRD activities and products throughout the EU including the development of an EU wide Local Action Group database and LAG Partner Search Tool for Transnational Cooperation (TNC); • Development and publication of nine issues of the ENRD newsletter; Development of four issues of the Rural Development periodical. Focusing on, respectively: (i) EAFRD; (ii) Creativity and innovation; (iii) rural diversity and; (iv) climate change. Publications and newsletters including distribution via a mailing list to all registered Local Action Groups; • Promotion and representation at EU and member state events including Leader and LAG events to promote Leader best practice and enhancement of Local Development Strategies.
»» Support to the ENRD Coordination committee and Leader subcommittee, thematic working groups and expert meeting. Major outputs comprised: • Three Coordination committee and two Leader subcommittee meetings supported including preparation of presentations and papers, logistical support, meeting follow-up;
Rural Development
a tio ns
9th NRN meeting, 29-30 June 2010
• Coordination of ENRD contribution to public debate on the future of the CAP (including development of EU27 synthesis paper); • Expert work, Member State surveys, analysis and reports on: (i) ‘Territorial specificities and needs in RDPs’; (ii) Links between agriculture and the wider rural economy’; (iii) ‘Public goods and public intervention in agriculture; and (iv) ‘Delivery mechanisms of EU rural development policy’; Expert work, analysis and reports on three Leader implementation topics: (i) ‘Implementation of the bottomup approach of Leader’, (ii) ‘Preserving the innovative/experimental character of Leader’ and; (iii) ‘Implementation of the Leader coop eration measure’.
Type of services provided Services were provided by 17 full time staff of the CP, supported by a pool of non-permanent experts (approximately 110 person months of short term input) with specialist knowledge relevant to the current EU rural development programmes in the Member States. The main types of services provided were: • Development of expert networks to facilitate exchange of expertise and support implementation and evaluation of rural development policies and programmes; • Supporting information exchange between National Rural Networks, Local Action Groups (LAGs) and Transnational Cooperation initiatives within and between member states; • Collection, analysis and dissemination of knowledge and information on EU rural development programme implementation and relevant experience examples;
Rural News 9
Sa m p le s o f p ub lic a tio ns 9th NRN Me e ting 29-‐30 J une 2 010
"Rural Review
• Collection, collation and dissemination of new Cooperation Project opportunities, initiated by LAGs in both new and old member states to promote new Transnational Cooperation Projects. • Support to DG Agri /ENRD in RD policy analysis, screening, thematic initiatives and related analytical tasks; • Analytical support to Thematic Working Groups, Leader Focus Groups and other thematic initiatives at EU level; • Development of electronic and hard copy publications (ENRD newsletter approximately monthly, Rural Review periodical three times per year); • Continuing development and maintenance of ENRD website. The site comprises: i) a public part with information on all of the main ENRD activities and a comprehensive library of ENRD reports, and; ii) a restricted website for the conduct of online forums and document and information sharing relating to the main activities of the ENRD.
Policy Formulation and Validation through non moderated crowdsourcing (Grant Agreement ICT FP7 288513) Name of legal entity: Kantor Qwentes country: EU27 Overall project value (EUR): 1 380 257 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 18.55 No of staff provided: 6 Name of client: DG Informatics (DIGIT) Origin of funding: European Commission
Detailed description of project: NOMAD is a 7th Framework project that aims to enhance the ability to collate ideas identified through collaboration and crowdsourcing into policy development, implementation and monitoring/evaluation by providing decision-makers with fully automated solutions for content search, selection, acquisition and categorisation. [Crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining required services, ideas, or content through contributions from a large group of people – especially from an online community – rather than from traditional employees or suppliers. It is therefore able to make use of ‘Web 2.0’ features, i.e. cumulative changes how software developers and end-users use the Web beyond the static pages of web sites.] Commercial interest is rising – especially within industries that manufacture consumer goods and services – for acquiring, classifying and managing product related information that emerges out of Web 2.0 channels. And politicians are now able to test, detect and understand how
Dates (start/end): 12/2011-06/2014 Name of partners if any: University of the Aegean Google Ireland, Athens Technology Centre, National Center for Scientific, Research ‘Demokritos’ , Critical Publics Ltd, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research, Austrian Parliamentary Administration, Hellenic Parliament
citizens perceive political agendas/proposals, and also stimulate the emergence of discussions and contributions on the informal web (e.g. forums, social networks, blogs, newsgroups and wikis), to gather useful feedback for immediate (re)action. In this way, politicians can create a stable feedback loop between information gathered on the Web and the definition of their political agendas based on this contribution. The ability to leverage the vast amount of user-generated content for supporting governments in their political decisions requires new ICT tools that will be able to analyze and classify the opinions expressed on the informal Web, or stimulate responses, as well as to put data from sources as diverse as blogs, online opinion polls and government reports to an effective use. NOMAD is introducing these different new dimensions into the experience of policy making by providing decision-makers with fully automated solutions for content search, selection, acquisition, categorisation and visualisation that work in a collaborative form in the policy-making arena.
Type of services provided • Determining the needs and conditions to meet for policy making through DRA modelling of public participation; • Develop conceptual and computational tools necessary to author the models for domains, policies, and arguments that are needed in order to extract opinions about these policies and arguments • Create a linguistic pipeline for extracting opinions and arguments from forums, blogs and micro-blogs, and citizen journalism web applications • Develop information visualisation and visual analytics techniques
• Provide the architectural and implementation aspects for the delivery of NOMAD tools • Pilot in real life conditions and assess the added value in the policy making process • Develop and implement a dissemination and exploitation strategy including: direct exploitation from project partners to enhance interoperability features of their business software products and provide better services to customers; and potential commercial exploitation of project results through next generation products platforms (suites) and services for policy making
»» http://www.nomad-project.eu/Home.aspx
Media and Communication Activities: visibility of budget support financed by the European Union in Morocco (EuropeAid/131206/C/SER/MA) Name of legal entity: Kantor Qwentes country: Morocco Overall project value (EUR): 529,867 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 20 No of staff provided: 2
Detailed description of project: The overall objective of the project is to develop and implement a communications strategy that takes into account the specificities of budget support in the framework of the PEV and the advanced status which attaches to the political, economic, social and especially human dimension of the Euro-Moroccan cooperation. A communication program for budgetary support in the social sectors (health and education) must be implemented in order to raise awareness from Morocco and project beneficiaries and to increase their understanding of the origin, objectives and benefits of these donations. This program aims to raise awareness especially from Moroccan citizens to the EU and its links with the recipient country,
Name of client: EU Delegation in Morocco Origin of funding: EuropeAid Dates (start/end): 06/2012-12/2013 Name of partners if any: Precom (Maroc) by clarifying its politics objectives, highlighting achievements and explaining its benefits to beneficiary citizens. It will aim primarily Morocco and incidentally members of the European Union. The project activities are structured as follows: 1. Preliminary analysis of the situation through a research “desk�, the discussion groups and workshops 2. Design communication strategy planning and detailed plan of action 3. First wave of communication addressed to the media (press kit, field visits) 4. Second wave of communication addressed to young Moroccans (social media, press, radio, TV, posters, etc.). 5. Mid-term and final evaluations
Type of services provided • Management and technical, administrative and financial coordination of the project • Preliminary Analysis • Design and development of a communication strategy and action plan • Design and editorial support for the graphic design of products and communication activities • Design methodology and assessment tools • Preparation of interim and final reports • Participation in quarterly meetings • Client relationship.
Royaume du Maroc
N° 196
August, 2013
e secteur de l’Education est un axe prioritaire de développement pour tout pays. En effet, l’éducation et l’alphabétisation des populations sont un enjeu majeur et un des moyens les plus efficaces pour réduire la pauvreté et les inégalités, afin de jeter les bases d’une croissance économique soutenue. Ainsi, le secteur de l’Education est devenu au cours des dernières années le secteur qui, avec la Santé, a bénéficié des appuis et des investissements les plus importants accordés par l’UE au Maroc. Ainsi, l’Union européenne finance actuellement au Maroc des programmes pour un montant de plus de 1 milliard 485 millions de dirhams (135 millions d’euros) (Programme sectoriel Education, Facilité
Contents Editorial
d’Investissement et de Voisinage Education, Programme sectoriel Alphabétisation et l’ensemble des projets TEMPUS et ERASMUS MUNDUS). Madame Androulla Vassiliou, commissaire européenne à l’Education, à la Culture, au Multilinguisme et à la Jeunesse s’est d’ailleurs rendue dernièrement au Maroc où elle a rencontré des professeurs et des étudiants de l’enseignement supérieur qui ont bénéficié des programmes TEMPUS et ERASMUS. Après ces échanges, la Commissaire a annoncé la mise en place d’un nouveau programme élargi auquel le Maroc pourra participer : ERASMUS POUR TOUS.
Entrevue projets exemplaire/succès 2 Nouvelles
Information et documentation
Eneko Landaburu
Ambassadeur de l’Union européenne
L'europe accompagne le development au Maroc w w w. e u a v e c n o u s . m a
Délégation de l’Union Européenne auprès du Royaume du Maroc
Contact Point for the European Network for Rural Development - Year 5 (AGRI-2012-0314) Name of legal entity: Kantor Qwentes country: EU27 Overall project value (EUR): 3,653,202 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 91 No of staff provided: 27
Detailed description of project: The project provides a Contact Point to support the ‘European Network for Rural Development’ (ENRD). Services are provided in support of DG Agriculture and Rural Development to promote networking between member state National Rural Networks (NRNs), Managing Authorities and organisations active in the field of rural development. The main aim of the ENRD is to improve the performance of Rural Development Programmes at national and regional levels in all 27 member states. Main activities included: »» Support for National Rural Networks (NRNs) in all member states including: • Support and capacity building to Managing Authorities and NRNs on networking and monitoring and evaluation in the future 20142020 policy period. Promotion of Cooperation and Trans-national Cooperation (between Managing Authorities and LAGs in member states, accession and third countries); • Further development of Relevant experience/Good Practice database of projects (including Leader / LAG projects linked to existing or new Local Development Strategies); • Technical support and capacity building activities in support of NRNs and LAGs.
»» Support to the ENRD Coordination Committees/DG Agri with analytical, administrative & technical services including: • Representatives of Managing Authorities, NRNs and civil society organisations, the project supports capacity building and management strengthening initiatives.
Name of client: EC / DG AGRI Origin of funding: EAFRD Dates (start/end): 07/2012-07/2013 Name of partners if any: Hushållnings Sällskapet, IEEP, CIHEAM-IAMM, Centre for Agricultural Science & Engineering, Agriconsulting Europe • A major study on Better Delivery of Environmental Services throughout the EU. Based on evidence of practical examples, the conclusions are designed to feed into the implementing regulations of - and guidance related to – the proposed 2014-2020 EAFRD regulation and future RDPs. • A major study on Knowledge transfer and innovation designed to assist the ‘operationalisation’ of innovation as a cross-cutting priority in the 2014-2020 RDPs and the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) for Agriculture as it related to the EAFRD. • EU RD policy workshops on Networking and Financial Instruments preparing institutional stakeholders for the future RDPs in the 2014-2020 period. • Preparing and supporting the implementation of a major two day ENRD / DG AGRI seminar on Better programming for the 20142020 Rural Development Policy. In-depth workshops included ‘Effective shared Management’ (budget, controls), Networking, LEADER / Community Led Local Development, Environment and climate change, Innovation and knowledge transfer, Monitoring and Evaluation and Good Governance. • Analysis and enhancement of RDP monitoring data (output, and results indicators) from all EU regions, covering all measures and axes. • EU Leader events, seminars and conferences, in particular a major event for over 400 practitioners focusing on preparing and implementing Local Development Strategies in the 2014-2020 policy period and transnational cooperation. • EU Leader Focus Group on Better Local development strategies, comprising representatives from all 27 Member States. The conclusions of the group were further used to inform the development of the EAFRD proposals for the 2014-2020 programming period and subsequently the development of guidelines for the preparation of LEADER LDS from 2014 on.
Autumn 2012
l Development ONLINE
Connecting Rural Europe...
EU Rural Review
EN Winter 2012
A Publication from the European Network for Rural Development
Funded by the
Networks and Networking in Rural Development Policy Funded by the
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development Examples of projects providing environmental services
»» Support for ENRD EU wide Communications Strategy implementation including:
building at EU and member state rural development events including promotion of best practice and enhancement of Local Development Strategies.
• Development of an overall communications strategy for both online and off-line media. • Realisation of a ‘Communicating Rural Development Gateway’ with over 100 communication tools and promoting interaction between rural development communications practitioners; • Enhancement of the ENRD website to promote dissemination of ENRD activities and products throughout the EU; • ENRD Publications and newsletters targeted at RD practitioners and/or the wider rural public. • Promotion, representation and awareness building at EU and member state rural development events including promotion of best practice and enhancement of Local Development Strategies.
This project summary refers to the fifth year of activities which will be expanded in the range of support services provided in the sixth year of operations.
Funded by the
Type of services provided • Development of an overall communications strategy for both online and off-line media. • Realisation of a ‘Communicating Rural Development Gateway’ with over 100 communication tools and promoting interaction between rural development communications practitioners; • Enhancement of the ENRD website to promote dissemination of ENRD activities and products throughout the EU; • ENRD Publications and newsletters targeted at RD practitioners and/or the wider rural public. • Promotion, representation and awareness
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For further
: information C
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-9 2-11
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m om nC d pea re an ent Euro cultu opm el Agri l Dev Rura
Contact Point for the European Network for Rural Development - Year 4 (AGRI-2011-0254) Name of legal entity: Kantor Qwentes country: EU27 Overall project value (EUR): 3,570,387 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 91 No of staff provided: 27
Detailed description of project: The project provided a Contact Point to support the ‘European Network for Rural Development’ (ENRD). Services were provided in support of DG Agriculture and Rural Development to promote networking between member state National Rural Networks (NRNs), Managing Authorities and organisations active in the field of rural development. The main aim of the ENRD is to improve the performance of Rural Development Programmes at national and regional level in all 27 member states. Main activities included: »» Support for National Rural Networks (NRNs) in all member states including: • Support and capacity building to Managing Authorities and NRNs on networking and related rural development issues • Promotion of Cooperation and Trans-national Cooperation (between Managing Authorities and LAGs in member states, accession and third countries); • Development of NRN Initiative on Financial Engineering measures in RDPs • Development of Relevant experience/Good Practice database of projects (including Leader/LAG projects linked to existing or new Local Development Strategies); • Technical support and capacity building activities in support of NRNs and LAGs.
»» Support to the ENRD Coordination Committees/DG Agri with analytical, administrative & technical services including:
Name of client: EC / DG AGRI Origin of funding: EAFRD Dates (start/end): 07/2011-07/2012 Name of partners if any: Hushållnings Sällskapet, IEEP, CIHEAM-IAMM, Centre for Agricultural Science & Engineering, Agriconsulting Europe • Representatives of Managing Authorities, NRNs and civil society organisations, the project supports capacity building and management strengthening initiatives. • A major study involving MAs and PAs on the improvement of RD delivery mechanisms including policy coordination, management procedures, control and M&E (CMEF based) was disseminated. The 70 recommendations related to this work, based on 2007-2011 experience, were designed to feed into the preparations for EAFRD policy proposals for 2014-2020 • A Study on Better Delivery of Environmental Services throughout the EU. Information and practical examples expected to be of relevance to the proposed EAFRD policy for 2014-2020 were collected, collated, analysed and synthesized. • EU RD policy events, seminars and conferences on specific topics • Analysis and enhancement of RDP monitoring data (output, and results indicators) from all EU regions, covering all measures and axes. • EU Leader events, seminars and conferences on specific topics; • EU Leader Focus Group on Better Local development strategies, comprising representatives from all 27 Member States. The conclusions of the group were used to inform the development of the EAFRD proposals for the 2014-2020 programming period and subsequently the development of guidelines for the preparation of LEADER LDS from 2014 on.
»» Support for ENRD EU wide Communications Strategy implementation including: • Development of an overall communications strategy including awareness building, on-line and off-line media. • Enhancement of the ENRD website to promote dissemination of ENRD activities and products throughout the EU; • ENRD Publications and newsletters targeted at RD practitioners
LEADER Event 2012: Local Development
Strategies and Cooperation, 27-28 April 2012
and/or the wider rural public. In particular a ‘Short guide the rural development policy proposals for the 2014-2020 programming period’ • Promotion, representation and awareness building at EU and member state rural development events including promotion of best practice and enhancement of Local Development Strategies. Development and implementation of a successful Images of Rural Europe ‘photo competition including the participation of Commissioner Ciolos in the final awards ceremony.
Type of services provided • Development of expert networks to facilitate exchange of expertise and support implementation and evaluation of rural development policies and programmes; • Supporting the development of National Rural Networks, Local Action Groups (LAGs) and Transnational Cooperation initiatives within and between member states; • Development of innovative communication and knowledge sharing tools to improve rural development practitioners (incl. Local action groups) strategic planning, programming and project implementation; • Collection, collation and dissemination of new Cooperation Project opportunities, initiated by LAGs in both new and old member states to promote new Transnational Cooperation Projects. • Support to DG Agri /ENRD in RD policy analysis, screening, thematic initiatives and related analytical tasks; • Establishment and analytical support to Thematic Working Groups, Leader Focus Groups and other thematic initiatives at EU level; • Collection, analysis and dissemination of knowledge and information on EU rural development programme implementation and relevant experience examples; • Organisation of EU level Coordination Committee and Leader SubCommittee meetings and seminars.
14th NRN Meeting (2-3 February 2012)
Capacity Building for the Establishment and Implementation of a LEADER Initiative in the Republic of Serbia (EuropeAid/129135/C/SER/RS) Name of legal entity: Kantor Qwentes country: Republic of Serbia Overall project value (EUR): 1,394,000 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 55 No of staff provided: 10
Detailed description of project: The overall objective of the project was to assist the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM) and relevant local stakeholders with the introduction of the LEADER approach to rural development in Serbia. The ‘LEADER’ approach is designed to harness the energy and resources of rural citizens who could contribute to the development process in their area by forming partnerships at local level between the public, private and civil sectors. Practically LEADER devolves both the development strategy design and funding powers to the local level, making it a highly effective decentralisation tool. The basic administrative unit for the implementation of LEADER is a non-profit Local Action Group (LAG) open to all actors of its territory. This project supported the following main activities: »» Awareness raising and capacity building of targeted agriculture and rural local communities: • Design and delivery of a communications campaign for targeted rural communities to raise awareness of LEADER and of rural development and the opportunities for support and involvement in the planning and development process; • Design and delivery of an integrated capacity building programme for targeted local actors and organisations in the introduction of LEADER, development of local groups and articulation of local development strategies;
Name of client: EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia Origin of funding: EU Dates (start/end): 02/2011-02/2013 Name of partners if any: NIRAS (Poland) Institute for Agricultural Economics (Serbia) »» Support and capacity building of potential Local Action Groups (LAGs): • Assistance to local organisations in the formation of potential Local Action Groups (LAGs) • Support to newly formed Local Action Groups (LAGs) in the preparation of local development strategies, applications and detailed budgets required to apply for funding from LEADER (or similar funding sources) • Support to networking between Local Action Groups and with public administrations responsible for rural development policy and implementation to improve the effectiveness of stakeholder contributions towards achieving development goals • Support to Local Strategic plan implementation (subject to available funds being secured through donor, government and/or private sources.
»» Institutional support and capacity building of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (and other related institutions) in the development of a LEADER programme for Serbia in line with IPARD requirements: • Establishment and support of a National LEADER Development Group (NLDG) which will develop the policy, programme, legal, financial, administrative and technical framework for the implementation of LEADER in Serbia (as part of a future IPARD Plan); • Development and delivery of an integrated capacity building programme for relevant MAFWM staff related to LEADER legislation, policy and best practice management in line with IPARD requirements;
Wo rksh o p – A lte rn a tiv e so u rc e s o f fu n d in g in ru ra l d e v e lo p m e n t 11 D e c e m b e r 2012
Wo rksh o p – A lte rn a tiv e so u rc e s o f fu n d in g in ru ra l d e v e lo p m e n t 11 D e c e m b e r 2012
Final LIS Confer 30 January 2013
• Strategic support to the development of the LEADER initiative as part of the wider national agriculture and rural development programme.
Type of services provided • Conceptualisation, development and implementation of a communication strategy including networking and outputs targeted towards the project stakeholders; • Production of project promotional material, banners, leaflets pens, " USB keys, bags, etc. • Training Needs Analysis and development of Training Plans and delivery of Training Programmes for MAFWM and LAGs. • Development of Local Development Strategy and programming documents that encourage a bottom up approach to local develWo rksh o p – A lte rn a tiv e opment and meet funding requirements. so u rcguidelines e s o f fu d in g in ra l • Preparation of LEADER policy in n line with the ru Serbian d e v e lo p m e n t context and accession requirements. 11 D e of c erelevant m b e programming r 2012 • Support for the development documents for IPARD and National Rural Development Programme. • Ad hoc strategic guidance to maximise the impact of the project. • Support to development of relevant programming documents. • Organisation of a study tour to Finland for a total of 27 persons for networking and exchange of information and ideas. • Production of the Handbook for LEADER Implementation in Serbia. • Provide expert input into related planning and capacity building initiatives on EU priority axes for rural development – competitiveness of agriculture and forestry, environmental policy, legislation and protection; diversification of the rural economy. • Activities to stimulate local social capital development. • Organisation of the project closing event attended by over 80 participants and broadcasted on local media.
Final LIS C 30 January Workshop - Alternative sources of funding in rural development 11 December 2012
Final LIS conference, 30 January 2013
Final LIS Conference, 30 January 2013
Contact Point for the European Network for Rural Development - Year 3 (AGRI-2010-0294) Name of legal entity: Kantor Qwentes country: EU27 Overall project value (EUR): 3,477,295 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 89 No of staff provided: 27
Detailed description of project: The project provided a Contact Point to support the ‘European Network for Rural Development’ (ENRD). Services are provided in support of DG Agriculture and Rural Development to promote networking between member state National Rural Networks (NRNs), rural development organisations, Managing Authorities, Paying Agencies, other relevant administrations and stakeholder groups active in the field of rural development. The main aim of the ENRD is to improve the implementation of Rural Development Programmes at national or regional level in all 27 member states. Activities in Year 3 included: »» Support for National Rural Networks (NRNs) in all member states including: • Promotion of Cooperation and Trans-national Cooperation projects (between LAGs in member states and between member states) which must be linked to Local Development Strategies; • Development of a Trans-national Cooperation Guide targeted at LAGs; • Development of NRN Forums and Thematic Initiatives/clusters linking groups of NRNs; • Development of Relevant experience/Good Practice database of projects (including Leader/LAG projects linked to existing or new Local Development Strategies); • Organisation of cooperation and coordination events between NRNs, LAGs and other RD stakeholder groups; • Technical support and capacity building activities in support of NRNs and LAGs.
Name of client: EC / DG AGRI Origin of funding: EAFRD Dates (start/end): 07/2010-07/2011 Name of partners if any: Hushållnings Sällskapet, IEEP, CIHEAM-IAMM, Centre for Agricultural Science & Engineering, Agriconsulting Europe »» Support to ENRD Coordination Committee/DG Agri with analytical, administrative & technical services including: • Preparation of overall work plans; • Thematic Working Groups in specific RD policy areas; • Thematic studies in specific topics; EU RD policy events, seminars and conferences on specific topics; • RDP implementation monitoring (including Leader/Axis 4) providing updated analysis of registered LAGs, Leader projects and related initiatives.
»» Support to the ENRD Leader Sub Committee with analytical, administrative & technical services including: • Preparation of overall work plans; EU Leader events, seminars and conferences on specific topics; • EU Leader Focus Groups on specific topics to improve/enhance Leader implementation and promotion of the Leader bottom-up development approach and methodology.
»» Support for ENRD EU wide Communications Strategy implementation including: • Development of the ENRD website (public and dynamic) to promote dissemination of ENRD activities and products throughout the EU including the development of an EU wide Local Action Group database and LAG Partner Search Tool for Transnational Cooperation (TNC); • ENRD Publications and newsletters including distribution via a mailing list to all registered Local Action Groups; • Promotion and representation at EU and member state events including Leader and LAG events to promote Leader best practice and enhancement of Local Development Strategies.
Turkish Cypriot study group visit 18 March 2011
EDATER visit 1 July 2011
Type of services provided • Development of innovative communication and knowledge sharing tools to improve rural development practitioners (incl. Local action groups) strategic planning, programming and project implementation; • Development of expert networks to facilitate exchange of expertise and support implementation and evaluation of rural development policies and programmes; • Collection, collation and dissemination of new Cooperation Project opportunities, initiated by LAGs in both new and old member states to promote new Transnational Cooperation Projects. • Collection, analysis and dissemination of knowledge and information on EU rural development programme implementation and relevant experience examples; • Support to DG Agri /ENRD in RD policy analysis, screening, thematic initiatives and related analytical tasks; • Organisation of EU level Coordination Committee and Leader SubCommittee meetings and seminars; • Establishment and analytical support to Thematic Working Groups, Leader Focus Groups and other thematic initiatives at EU level; • Supporting the development of National Rural Networks, Local Action Groups (LAGs) and Transnational Cooperation initiatives within and between member states;
US students’ visit 10 January 2011
ENRD Workshop for new LAGs 19-20 February 2011
Contact Point for the European Network for Rural Development - Year 2 (AGRI-2009-0264) Name of legal entity: Kantor Qwentes country: EU27 Overall project value (EUR): 3,439,839 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 88 No of staff provided: 27
Detailed description of project: The project provided a Contact Point to support the ‘European Network for Rural Development’ (ENRD). Services are provided in support of DG Agriculture and Rural Development to promote networking between member state National Rural Networks, rural development organisations, Managing Authorities, Paying Agencies, other relevant administrations and stakeholder groups active in the field of rural development. The main aim of the ENRD is to improve the implementation of Rural Development Programmes at national or regional level in all 27 member states. In Year 2 the Contact Point developed three main strands of activity, namely: (i) Knowledge development (policy analysis); (ii) Knowledge exchange (primarily networking and information exchange across the EU) and; (iii) Communication (publications, website and events). In the second year of its operation, the main project activities and outputs included: »» Support for National Rural Networks (NRNs) and Local Action Groups (LAGs) in all member states including: • Development of a transnational cooperation guide and promotion of transnational Cooperation projects; • Development of three Thematic Initiatives which link groups of NRNs: (i) Forestry; (ii) Social farming and; (iii) Rural entrepreneurship; Development of Relevant experience/ Good Practice database of projects; • Organisation of cooperation and coordination events between NRNs, LAGs and other RD stakeholder groups; • Technical support and capacity building activities in support of NRNs and LAGs.
Name of client: EC / DG AGRI Origin of funding: EAFRD Dates (start/end): 07/2010-07/2011 Name of partners if any: Hushållnings Sällskapet, IEEP, CIHEAM-IAMM, Centre for Agricultural Science & Engineering, Agriconsulting Europe »» Analysis of all EU 27 Rural Development Programmes including: • Review of all National and Regional RDPs (92 in total) and summarizing of main aspects, allocation of resources and unique features; • Development of country and regional fiches and publication on website; analysis of available monitoring data and production of monitoring data summaries including comparative data on programme financial and economic indicators.
»» Support for ENRD EU wide Communications Strategy implementation including: • Development of the ENRD website to promote dissemination of ENRD activities and products throughout the EU including the development of an EU wide Local Action Group database and LAG Partner Search Tool for Transnational Cooperation (TNC); • Development and publication of nine issues of the ENRD newsletter; Development of four issues of the Rural Development periodical. Focusing on, respectively: (i) EAFRD; (ii) Creativity and innovation; (iii) rural diversity and; (iv) climate change. Publications and newsletters including distribution via a mailing list to all registered Local Action Groups; • Promotion and representation at EU and member state events including Leader and LAG events to promote Leader best practice and enhancement of Local Development Strategies.
»» Support to the ENRD Coordination committee and Leader subcommittee, thematic working groups and expert meeting. Major outputs comprised: • Three Coordination committee and two Leader subcommittee meetings supported including preparation of presentations and papers, logistical support, meeting follow-up;
a tio ns
9th NRN meeting, 29-30 June 2010
• Coordination of ENRD contribution to public debate on the future of the CAP (including development of EU27 synthesis paper); • Expert work, Member State surveys, analysis and reports on: (i) ‘Territorial specificities and needs in RDPs’; (ii) Links between agriculture and the wider rural economy’; (iii) ‘Public goods and public intervention in agriculture; and (iv) ‘Delivery mechanisms of EU rural development policy’; Expert work, analysis and reports on three Leader implementation topics: (i) ‘Implementation of the bottomup approach of Leader’, (ii) ‘Preserving the innovative/experimental character of Leader’ and; (iii) ‘Implementation of the Leader coop eration measure’.
Type of services provided Services were provided by 17 full time staff of the CP, supported by a pool of non-permanent experts (approximately 110 person months of short term input) with specialist knowledge relevant to the current EU rural development programmes in the Member States. The main types of services provided were: • Development of expert networks to facilitate exchange of expertise and support implementation and evaluation of rural development policies and programmes; • Supporting information exchange between National Rural Networks, Local Action Groups (LAGs) and Transnational Cooperation initiatives within and between member states; • Collection, analysis and dissemination of knowledge and information on EU rural development programme implementation and relevant experience examples;
Rural News 9
Sa m p le s o f p ub lic a tio ns 9th NRN Me e ting 29-‐30 J une 2 010
"Rural Review
• Collection, collation and dissemination of new Cooperation Project opportunities, initiated by LAGs in both new and old member states to promote new Transnational Cooperation Projects. • Support to DG Agri /ENRD in RD policy analysis, screening, thematic initiatives and related analytical tasks; • Analytical support to Thematic Working Groups, Leader Focus Groups and other thematic initiatives at EU level; • Development of electronic and hard copy publications (ENRD newsletter approximately monthly, Rural Review periodical three times per year); • Continuing development and maintenance of ENRD website. The site comprises: i) a public part with information on all of the main ENRD activities and a comprehensive library of ENRD reports, and; ii) a restricted website for the conduct of online forums and document and information sharing relating to the main activities of the ENRD.
Ex-post evaluation of Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) 2000-2006 Name of legal entity: Kantor Qwentes country: EU27 Overall project value (EUR): 490 000 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 90 No of staff provided: 30
Detailed description of project: The objective of the evaluation is to analyse the European Commission’s rural development policy as financed by the EAGGF during the 2000-2006 programming period. It draws conclusions on the relevance, coherence, effectiveness and efficiency of the different measures and programmes, and seeks to identify examples of good practice. Furthermore, it provides a detailed analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the 2000-2006 rural development framework, and makes recommendations for future policy design. In addition, in order to provide the greatest added-value in the context of preparing the policy framework for the post-2013 period, the evaluation also seeks to identify factors influencing the contribution of rural development measures to the new priorities under the Health check, and to EU priorities for the post-2013 period. When formulating the conclusions, the relevance of the Common Evaluation Questions (CEQs) for the evaluation of rural development policy needs to be accounted for. Moreover, supplementary questions, criteria and indicators need to be identified in order to be used in future evaluations. Other key considerations include: • Existing M&E systems; • The recommendations in the MTE and subsequent improvement of the programmes, if applicable; • The extent to which rural development programmes achieved competitiveness, environmental and quality of life objectives;
Name of client: DG Agriculture and Rural Development Origin of funding: European Commission Dates (start/end): 12/2010-09/2011 Name of partners if any: Institute for Rural Development Research (IfLS)
• The extent to which the efficiency of programme implementation was affected by the delivery mechanisms and programming approach used; • The extent to which the potential for coherence, synergy or contradiction between different rural development measures was taken into account in programme design and implementation; • The extent to which the measures selected, and the associated budgetary resources, were consistent with the strategy, priorities and quantified objectives established in the RDPs; • The absorption capacity of rural development measures/programmes as an indication of their efficiency; • The extent to which the targeting of measures contributed to maximising impact in relation to objectives; • Activities which contributed successfully to mitigating climate change or adapting to the effects of climate change; • Activities which contributed successfully to protecting and enhancing biodiversity; and, • Activities which had an impact on water management.
The overall approach for project coordination consists of developing geographical clusters based on a Northern, Southern, Central and Eastern division of countries. Each cluster is managed by a Cluster Co-ordinator who guides his/her own Country Experts under the direction of the Project Director. The Core Team is made up by the Project Director, the Cluster Co-ordinators, an Evaluation Methodologies Specialist and a specialist Survey Team, all supported by an Expert Panel.
Evaluation & Analysis
Type of services provided • Screen all RDPs and analyse all ex-post evaluations for all Member States in question; • Conduct a survey of all Managing Authorities (RDP, TRDI, Objective 1, Objective 2 FR); • Survey selected representatives of all Monitoring Committee member throughout EU25; • Field work and case studies to be carried out in 15 Member States: Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, UK, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia; • Produce conclusions and recommendations on rural development policy as a whole, the internal and external coherence of rural development measures; • Identify examples of good practice and indicate lessons in relation to the future implementation of rural development policy; • Produce and disseminate a leaflet on key findings.
http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/evaluation/rural-development-reports/ ex-post-evaluation-rdp-2000-2006_en.htm
Ex-post Evaluation of the EQUAL Community Initiative (2000-2006) Name of legal entity: Kantor Qwentes country: EU27 Overall project value (EUR): 459,190 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 30 No of staff provided: 7
Detailed description of project: The main purpose of the evaluation was to assess the effectiveness of EQUAL in terms of producing and mainstreaming innovation that is relevant for combating discrimination and promoting equal opportunities in relation to the labour market. On the basis of these results, the evaluation drew conclusions on the intermediary and on the potential long-term impact of the EQUAL Community Initiative on the employment, social inclusion and the equal opportunities and anti-discrimination policy areas. This evaluation also examined and drew conclusions on the Community Added Value of EQUAL. The scope of the evaluation was to provide specific results and conclusions for each of the nine thematic fields of activity defined under the EQUAL Community Initiative. With regard to the evaluation of the implementation of Community Initiative Programmes at national level, a differentiated level of analysis between the EU15 and the EU10 Member States was made, taking into account that most of the EU10 only participated in the second round of EQUAL which started in 2004. Although EU funding for EQUAL was available only under the 2000-2006 programming period, implementation in the Member States continued until 2008 and all 27 Community Initiative Programmes were covered by the evaluation.
Name of client: EC / DG EMPL Origin of funding: ESF Dates (start/end): 07/2009-01/2010 Name of partners if any: Metis GmbH (Lead contractor)
Type of services provided • An account of the number of projects, number of direct beneficiaries and number of target group individuals assisted, under each thematic field of activity. Also, an account of the allocation of resources for each thematic field of activity, with a break-down for national activities, transnational activities and activities at EU-level financed by the European Commission’s Technical Assistance for EQUAL; • An inventory of all validated innovations produced within each thematic field of activity defined under EQUAL; • An inventory of all cases of confirmed successful mainstreaming of innovation, in terms of take-up at a higher institutional/policy level or transfer into another context, especially the ESF, the ERDF, and the Social Protection and Social Inclusion Strategies (without omitting other key European and national frameworks of intervention); • EQUAL Focus Group meeting with the client and stakeholders held in Brussels mid-November. • To complete the evaluation a Final Report was submitted.
http://ec.europa.eu/social/keyDocuments.jsp?policyArea=&type=73&country= 0&year=0&advSearchKey=equal&mode=advancedSubmit&langId=en
Name of legal entity: Kantor country: Greece Overall project value (EUR):156,100 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 50 No of staff provided: 3
Detailed description of project: This project is the most important sub-project of the programme “Organisation of agencies to integrate, monitor and evaluate the equality policies in public actions” as it will define and initiate the process of implementation of the rest of the sub-projects. The monitoring mechanism of the equality of the two genders aims to support Government bodies to strengthen their policies in favour of equality. In this project we will: • Elaborate a business plan for the monitoring mechanism of the equality of the two genders; • Define the specifications for specialised research, studies and national reports which is the main activity of the monitoring mechanism; • Define the specifications of the other sub-projects under the main programme; • Define the specifications for the tasks of the working groups; • Monitor the implementation of the business plan to ensure the effective operation of the mechanism.
Name of client: Ministry of Interior, Decentralisation and E-government Origin of funding: Ministry of Interior, Decentralisation and E-government Dates (start/end): 4/2011–06/2014 Name of partners if any: ADVICE
Type of services provided • Elaborate a business plan for the monitoring mechanism of the equality of the two genders; • Define the specifications for specialised research, studies and national reports which is the main activity of the monitoring mechanism; • Define the specifications of the other sub-projects under the main programme; • Define the specifications for the tasks of the working groups; • Monitor the implementation of the business plan to ensure the effective operation of the mechanism.
Evaluation & Analysis
Business plan for the monitoring mechanism of the equality of the two genders and support of its implementation
Design and Implementation of a Monitoring and Evaluation System for the Knowledge Economy Project Name of legal entity: Kantor country: Romania Overall project value (EUR): 630,000 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 85 No of staff provided: 11
Detailed description of project: The government of Romania, through the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology has received a loan for financing the Knowledge Economy project. The project aims to support knowledge-driven activities at the national level, as well as directly within local communities, in particular to accelerate the participation of knowledge disadvantaged communities in the Knowledge Economy and Society. The project components included a coherent set of interventions built around the physical, human and financial resources. Disadvantaged communities were selected to enable them to use and leverage knowledge in their daily economic and social lives. • Component 1: Access to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Knowledge Disadvantaged Communities and Improved Digital Literacy; • Component 2: Development and promotion of e-government services; • Component 3: Promotion of e-commerce and innovation support for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
The objective of the assignment was to design and implement a Monitoring and Evaluation System (M&E) for measuring the outcome of the project, namely the degree of achieving the project developing objective and the contribution of each component to this end.
Name of client: Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Origin of funding: World Bank Dates (start/end): 05/2008-05/2011 Name of partners if any: 4eSoftware SrL
The main scope of the work was to design a comprehensive M&E System, including methodology and all necessary activities to develop and implement the appropriate instruments in accordance with the following objectives: • Monitor the progress of each Project component, based on a representative sample; • Evaluate the general and specific outcomes of the project; • Support the decision making process and the program management capacity by establishing the general framework and the tools of the Project’s M&E System in order to support the dynamic planning and the implementation of the management tools.
Type of services provided • Definition of the Project’s general indicators and specific indicators for each component and subcomponent, and set-up the Project’s M&E methodology; • Set-up a complex M&E methodology for the overall Project activities, taken into consideration all available resources and operations, according to the pre-defined indicators; • Developing the M&E system implementation procedures (including a Tool-Kit/Manual, M&E Implementation Guide and a detailed Implementation Plan); • The implementation of the M&E system; • Elaboration of the final evaluation of the Project.
Name of legal entity: Kantor country: Romania Overall project value (EUR):400,000 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 80 No of staff provided: 6
Name of client: European Commission DG Regional Policy Origin of funding: European Commission DG Regional Policy Dates (start/end): 04/2008- 04/2009 Name of partners if any: Foundation Partners for Local Development (FPDL)
Detailed description of project:
Type of services provided
Romania will benefit, during the period 2007-2013, of its first programming period under the cohesion policy. Local authorities, at municipal or county level, will then be significant beneficiaries of the structural funds, would it be under the regional operational programme, the increase of economic competitiveness one or the environment programme. As beneficiaries, local authorities could face difficulties with regard to their capability to manage complex infrastructure projects, from the initial investment plan to the operating stage. Thus attention should be paid to their capacity to properly implement and run the projects, in order to guarantee the absorption of the Funds and the sustainability of the projects financed. In this context, the study will assess the situation prevailing within Romanian regions, with regard to the capacity of local authorities to implement projects in three sectors: sustainable urban development, including urban transport, local road infrastructures and waste management. Recommendations will be consequently issued, deriving from possible successful experiences in other member States.
The study involves: • Assessment of the Romanian local authorities, with regard to their capacity to design, implement and operate infrastructure projects in urban improvement, regional and local roads and waste management sectors. Identification of organisational, financing or staffing weaknesses; • Assessment of the capacity of existing regional operating companies, in water and waste water sectors, to efficiently design relevant investment plans and implement and operate corresponding investments; • Issuing of detailed recommendations to overcome the possible difficulties arising from the preliminary assessments and of a subsequent detailed action plan with clear deadlines.
Evaluation & Analysis
Study on the assessment of the management of infrastructures by local authorities in Romania
Evaluation of the contribution of WP29 to the work of the Commission in the field of data protection (Framework Contract for the provision of evaluation and evaluation related services on Community policies, programmes and other activities in the area of Justice, Freedom and Security) Name of legal entity: Kantor country: EU-wide Overall project value (EUR): 99,300 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 30 No of staff provided: 2
Detailed description of project: Directive 95/46/EC on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, provides in article 29 for the set up of a Working Party on the protection of the individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (known as WP29). The WP29 is composed of a representative of the supervisory authority or authorities designated by each EU Member State, of a representative of the authority established by the Community institutions and of a representative of the Commission. It has advisory status and acts independently. According to art. 30 of the Directive, its task is: • To examine any question covering the application of the national measures adopted under the Directive in order to contribute to the uniform application of such measures; • To give the Commission an opinion on the level of protection in the Community and the third countries; • To advise the Commission on any proposed amendment of the Directive, on any additional or specific measures to safeguard the rights and freedoms of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on any other proposed Community measures affecting such rights and freedoms; • To give an opinion on codes of conduct drawn up at Community level.
During its 10 years of performance, the WP29 has adopted more than 120 opinions and other documents. In respect of the role of the WP29 as advisor to the Commission, the Commission has set a target to evaluate the WP29 documents in order to examine whether they contribute efficiently to the advisory task of the WP29 to the Commission.
Name of client: EC DG Justice Freedom and Security (JLS) Origin of funding: EC DG Justice Freedom and Security (JLS) Dates (start/end): 05/2008- 01/2009 Name of partners if any: CPR
The evaluation team examines the opinions mentioned under points a) and b) above produced by the WP29 and how and to what extent the principles set out in these opinions have been implemented by the Commission. The results of this evaluation study will lead to suggestions to improve the working procedures and methodology of the WP29 in order to become more efficient in accomplishing its role of Commission advisor.
Type of services provided The task consists of carrying out an analysis of the impact of the WP29 opinions on the work of the Commission. The study will: • examine to what extent the WP29 opinions have been taken into consideration by the Commission in the field of data protection; • analyse the contribution of the WP29 to the work of the Commission in the field of data protection.
The activities to be undertaken for this purpose include: • Data Collection, including initial analysis of the documentation produced by WP29 and of action undertaken by the Commission following WP29 opinions; • In-depth assessment of the interaction between WP29 and the European Commission • Elaboration of key conclusions and overall recommendations. • Elaboration of the final evaluation of the Project.
(Framework Contract for the provision of evaluation and evaluation related services on Community policies, programmes and other activities in the area of Justice, Freedom and Security) Name of legal entity: Kantor country: EU-wide Overall project value (EUR):95,600 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 100 No of staff provided: 5
Detailed description of project: The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, in Article 8, establishes the right to the protection of personal data as a fundamental right, distinct from the right to respect for private and family life, home and communications set out in Article 7. The main objective of the project is to prepare an overview of the means used by national data protection supervisory authorities (NDPSAs) of the EU Member States in the promotion of personal data protection in general, and awareness raising in particular. This overview will provide information about the wider context in which the relevant means and methods are being applied, and their impact on both the proper and efficient application of data protection rules, and on the desired perception of the protection of personal data by the different national communities. On the basis of the results of the overview exercise, seven data protection supervisory authorities within the EU will be selected for detailed examination. For each authority, the evaluation team will examine the methods applied in the promotion of personal data protection, with a focus on awareness raising activities. Where appropriate, other experts in the field can be approached for their opinions as to how existing means and methods may be improved.
Name of client: EC DG Justice Freedom and Security (JLS) Origin of funding: EC DG Justice Freedom and Security (JLS) Dates (start/end): 005/2008- 01/2009 Name of partners if any:None
Type of services provided • Desk research to establish an overview of means used by NDPSAs of the EU Member States; • Further development and finalisation of methodology taking into account findings about relevant means & methods and their impact; • In-depth assessment of communication means applied in seven EU Member States; • Stakeholder surveys, NDPSA interviews; • Overall analysis of findings; • Elaboration of key conclusions and recommendations.
Evaluation & Analysis
Evaluation of the means used by National Data Protection Supervisory Authorities in the promotion of personal data protection
Evaluation of innovative measures under Article 6 of the European Social Fund regulation Name of legal entity: Kantor country: EU-wide Overall project value (EUR): 977,000 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 60 No of staff provided: 5
Detailed description of project: Under Article 6 of the European Social Fund (ESF) Regulation the Commission may finance operations of an innovative nature and pilot projects concerning labour markets, employment and vocational training and operations directed, within the framework of social dialogue, at staff from enterprises in two or more Member States. For the period 2004-2006 one over-arching theme, “Innovative Approaches to the Management of Change”, and two sub-themes: “management of demographic change” and “management of restructuring” were selected and relevant calls for proposals were published. Through this contract the Commission calls on services of experts for an external evaluation of the calls for proposals. The evaluation shall examine the overall achievements and operation of the entire call for proposals. The overall analysis shall be based on a thorough assessment of project activities. Conclusions and recommendations will be used in policy development within DG Employment and Social Affairs and in order to animate discussion with Member States and relevant stakeholders about ESF innovative actions. The four principal sub-themes of the work to be carried out are: innovation, networking and dissemination, mainstreaming and transnationality, and the operation of partnerships.
Name of client: European Commission DG EMPL Origin of funding: EC ESF Dates (start/end): 09/2005-08/2009 Name of partners if any: ÖIR Management GmbH
Type of services provided • Continuous evaluation of calls for proposals and projects • Writing of a Method Report • Fieldwork: analysis of project documentation, visits to projects, preparation of case studies • Preparations of conclusions and recommendations • Preparation of Interim Reports on findings, including key lessons on innovation, dissemination and networking, sustainability and mainstreaming, monitoring and evaluations
(Framework Contract for the provision of evaluation and evaluation related services on Community policies, programmes and other activities in the area of Justice, Freedom and Security) Name of legal entity: Kantor country: EU-wide Overall project value (EUR):40,850 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 16 No of staff provided: 1
Name of client: EC DG Justice Freedom and Security (JLS) Origin of funding: EC DG Justice Freedom and Security (JLS) Dates (start/end): 04/2007- 02/2008 Name of partners if any: ECO CECL
Detailed description of project:
Type of services provided
In September 2002 the European Commission awarded a contract (ending in September 2006) to the Catholic University of Leuven in order to set up a network of independent experts who are authorities on fundamental rights in order to receive an assessment of the implementation of the European Union institutions and by the member States of each of the fundamental rights laid down in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The network comprised experts in the field of fundamental rights, so that the expertise of the network covered all the EU Members States.
The purpose of the evaluation was to analyse the five years of implementation of the network as a preparatory action and to provide guidance as to a possible successor action in monitoring and respect of fundamental rights in the EU. The objectives of the evaluation were:
The KANTOR association was contracted by the EC to carry out the final evaluation of the activities of the network as part of the preparatory action on research and evaluation programme on respect for fundamental rights.
• The assessment of the network as an instrument delivering reliable and up-to-date assessment of the implementation by the EU institutions and by the Member States of each of the fundamental rights laid down in the Charter; • The assessment of the effectiveness, efficiency, utility and consistency of the work of the network in performing its tasks; • The setting up of the basis for future measures in this area by identifying possible future actions and recommend best possible options.
The evaluation work programme consisted of desk research and stakeholder interviews and the analysis of the results and reporting to the EC.
Evaluation & Analysis
Final evaluation of preparatory action: “Research and evaluation programme on Respect of Fundamental Rights” Part One: Work of Network of Independent Experts
Evaluation of the INTI Programme (Framework Contract for the provision of evaluation and evaluation related services on Community policies, programmes and other activities in the area of Justice, Freedom and Security) Name of legal entity: Kantor country: EU-wide Overall project value (EUR): 107,300 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 17 No of staff provided: 1
Name of client: EC DG Justice Freedom and Security (JLS) Origin of funding: EC DG Justice Freedom and Security (JLS) Dates (start/end): 12/2007- 10/2008 Name of partners if any: ECO
Detailed description of project:
Type of services provided
The INTI Programme is a European Commission funded programme for trans-national projects promoting the integration of Third-Country Nationals (TCNs) in the EU Member States (MS) as well as encouraging cooperation in this field between MSs through the exchange of good practices. Among others, the Programme aimed at supporting the creation of partnerships and of transnational networks, the development of the integration models and the dialogue with the civil society. The INTI Programme co-financed 64 pilot and preparatory actions. The first round of pilot actions commenced in 2003 with a commitment appropriation of € 4 million that were followed in 2004 and 2005 by the INTI Preparatory Actions with commitment appropriations of € 6 million and € 5 million respectively. For 2006, which is the last year of the INTI preparatory actions, € 5 million were allocated. 15 projects were selected in 2003, 22 projects in 2004, 15 projects in 2005 and 12 projects in 2006. The KANTOR association was contracted by the EC to carry out an evaluation covering five years when INTI projects were implemented (2003 – 2007) and in geographical terms, all countries that participated in the INTI Programme (EU Member States, candidate countries and third countries). The evaluation is to be carried out over an eight month period.
The scope of the evaluation is to assess the relevance and usefulness, efficiency and effectiveness of the INTI Programme; The evaluation is being carried out in three phases: • Inception phase – Preparatory Tasks: a kick-off meeting and follow-up interviews with officials from DG JLS and other relevant DGs, development of an intervention logic, evaluation questions and indicators, desk research, review of project documents and development of project typology, specification of the evaluation methodology, and preparation of an inception report; • Field phase – Survey Work, Interviews and Case Studies: survey of the project leaders and partners, migrants’ organizations and National Contact points followed up by case studies and interviews, and preparation on an interim report; • Finalization phase – Final analysis and reporting: analysis of the information gained during the field phase.
Name of legal entity: Kantor country: Romania Overall project value (EUR):1,808,630 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 70 No of staff provided: 15
Name of client: EC Phare Origin of funding: EC Phare Dates (start/end): 05/2007- 02/2009 Name of partners if any: CyclePlan Ltd
Detailed description of project: Sound financial management of the Community funds requires proper and transparent monitoring of implementation progress as well as the evaluation of progress in implementation of pre-accession measures and strategies. In Romania the PHARE Interim Evaluation (IE) is based upon Phare monitoring reports, which have been produced for the 10 Sectoral Monitoring Sub-Committees by the Programme Evaluation Unit within the Implementing Unit. The projects to be evaluated fall under the following sectors: Internal Market, Environment, Transport, Public Administration, Public Finance, Economic and Social Cohesion (ESC), Cross-border Cooperation (CBC), Social (including minorities) Affairs, Justice and Home Affairs, Agriculture and Rural Development. All Phare Projects and Programmes of the Financing Period 2003 – 2006 will be evaluated under the Phare Interim Evaluation Scheme aiming to enhance the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and accountability of PHARE pre-accession funds. The objectives of the project are: • To implement the Interim Evaluation Scheme on a decentralised basis; • To serve as a quality management tool of providing Phare programme managers in Romania with an independent analysis of the facts and findings on the implementation of on-going projects, describing the performance of parties involved, the capacity of Romania to implement the Acquis Communautaire and to provide an evaluation of the progress and likelihood of a programme’s success or failure in achieving the objectives set; • To provide an early warning system for programme implementation in Romania; • To help develop monitoring and evaluation capacity in Romania; • To support know-how exchange between Interim Evaluation Schemes in other countries.
Type of services provided • Programme-wide, sectoral and thematic evaluations • Knowledge transfer and training activities • Seminars and information dissemination
The following reports will be drafted under this project: • • • •
20 sectoral evaluation reports (10 in-depth and 10 standard); 2 consolidated country summary reports; 2 applied methodology reports; 2 thematic reports.
Evaluation & Analysis
Phare Interim Evaluation Scheme Romania
Provision of support to EEA with its dissemination activities (3323/B2012/EEA.55151 & 3323/B2013/ EEA.55365) Name of legal entity: Kantor Qwentes country: EU-wide Overall project value (EUR): 96.025 Phase 1: 20.000 Phase 2:76.025 Proportion carried out by candidate (%): 100
Detailed description of project: The project supports the EEA with its dissemination needs. The focus of the project is the optimisation of dissemination of the Agency’s information and effective management of contacts through two contract Phases: »» During Phase I: • An online contacts’ database (CRM type) that can be accessed by EEA staff with specific user rights was set up. The database contains all information fields necessary for users to be able to create targeted mailing lists for electronic as well as hardcopy dissemination. The lists and fields comply with the OPOCE and Super Office (already in use by EEA) standards. • Hosting and maintenance of the online database. • Quality assurance, updating and completion of existing contact information performed for eventual inclusion in the database.
No of staff provided: 3 Name of client: European Environment Agency (EEA) Origin of funding: European Environment Agency (EEA) Dates (start/end): 12/2012-12/2013 Name of partners if any: none
»» During Phase II the aim is to further enhance the capacity of EEA’s dissemination activities through: • Renewal of hosting and maintenance of the database. • Further enhancement of the CRM tool created during Phase I. • Provision of training for the online applications developed for EEA staff (in-house and remotely). • Creation of training materials and documentation (manuals) developed for all tools. • Maintenance and performance of targeted mail campaigns / Campaign Monitor. • Production of a unique graphical identity for EEA mass mailing templates. • Production of a subscription form (linked to EEA website) to allow subscribers to register in the online database and update their contact details.
Type of services provided »» Phase I: • Hosting and maintenance of the database. • Set up of a Client Relationship Management (CRM) type application to advance the EEA activities (contacts repository, mass mailing & publications (hard copy) dissemination). • Imported a total of 1446 contacts from the existing EEA database of contacts, of which 655 records needed to be verified and corrected.
»» Phase II: • Hosting and maintenance of the database. • Enhancement of the EEA CRM tool. • Preparation of training manual and documentation and conduct of a four-day training course for three levels of users: administrators, operators, users. • Performance of 2 mailshots on behalf of EEA. • Creation of 3 themed based, newsletter mock-ups for use by the EEA. • Development of a subscription tool.
Rue du Marteau 81, 1000 Bruxelles Tel: 02 280 07 74 Fax: 02 280 0774 www.kantorqwentes.eu info@kantorqwentes.eu