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Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) for the 2014 to 2020

DISCOVER BLUE LOCAL ACTIONS Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) for the 2014 to 2020 programming period

What is meant by CLLD?

Who is involved in CLLD?

CLLD is a policy tool, based on a bottom-up approach to development; it is

CLLD is addressed to coastal and inlands at sub-regional level, with popula-

used to mobilise and involve local communities and organisations in planning

tion from 10,000 to 150,000 inhabitants. Members of the public, private and

and implementing projects that contribute to the Europe 2020 Strategy goals

civil society sectors come together in fisheries local action groups (FLAGs).

of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. CLLD encourages and enables

They might include local authorities, fishermen and their associations, other

local communities to develop their own response to the challenges and op-

足entrepreneurs, local and environmental organisations, citizen groups and

portunities they face.

足others. FLAGs are responsible for preparing and implementing a local development strategy based on cooperation between multiple economic sectors.


ty 4 EMFF in the EU











What is CLLD working towards?

Under the EMFF, CLLD strategies will focus on increasing employment

In the 2014-2020 programming period, CLLD strategies can be supported

and territorial cohesion through the promotion of economic growth,

by any or many of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF):

social inclusion and job creation, and on providing support to employ-

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Social Fund

ability and labour mobility in coastal and inland fisheries communities,

(ESF), Cohesion Fund (CF), European Agricultural Fund for Rural Devel-

and encouraging the diversification of activities within fisheries and other

opment (EAFRD), and European Maritime & Fisheries Fund (EMFF).

maritime sectors.


Economic growth & job creation


Employability & labour mobility


Sustainable & inclusive development Strengthening the role of fisheries in local development

Promoting innovation at all stages of the supply chain of fishery and aquaculture products

Diversification of activities within commercial fisheries and into other sectors of the maritime economy

Capitalising on the environmental assets of fisheries and aquaculture areas, incl. operations to mitigate climate change

Lifelong learning

4 Cooperation Engaging in inter-territorial and transnational cooperation projects to share best practices and jointly address common challenges

Strengthening the governance of local fisheries resources and maritime activities Bringing together all sectors of the local economy

The role of FARNET

FARNET Support Unit

Follow us on the web

FLAGs and all other stakeholders involved in

The activities of FARNET are supported by the

The website will be the main channel for the

CLLD make up the Fisheries Areas Network

FARNET Support Unit. It provides technical

dissemination but outreach will be enhanced

(FARNET), whose role is to assist FLAGs in the

assistance in building FLAG capacity, dissemi-

through the use of Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook,

development of innovative local development

nating information, promoting cooperation be-

Yammer and dedicated Youtube channel.

strategies, to facilitate the exchange of ideas

tween FLAGs and facilitating the exchange of

Be the first to follow us #FARNET or to contrib-

and good practices, to create a platform for

good practices. The Support Unit comprises a

ute to focused group discussions on LinkedIn.

communication not only amongst FLAGs but

central team located in Brussels and a network

also between FLAGs and other European and/or

of geographical and thematic experts in all the

international fisheries stakeholders, to support

EU Member States.

transnational cooperation, and to monitor and analyse key developments in fisheries policy and its implementation.

WWW.FARNET.EU Email: info@farnet.eu Telephone: +32 2 613 26 50 Address: rue du marteau 81, brussels 1000

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