PROJECT 2005 - 2015 ryoko abe - Graphic / Web Designer
6 Visual Identity
4 Painting Web Design
Concept Design
22 3
www.v i n o m
S a l l y WA R I H A S H I Managing Director +32 476 46 48 27
VINOWA CO LTD Brussels sinc e 2007 Cross and trade facilitator P R cultural a n d M marketing edia 80 rue de Hennin, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
L E F E V R E www.v i n o m
www.swaf f o o m
Jacqui Meskelle Managing Director +35 387 662 5026
+32 2 477 3170 - Appointments +32 2 477 2341 - Medical secretariat 皆 様 の お か げ で 、 弊 社 も 本 年 3月に は 創 立 2 0 周 年 を 迎 える 運 び と な り ま し た 。 Avenue Crocq 15 - 1020 Brussels
できました。改めて厚く御礼申し上げます。 大 き な 節 目 に 立 っ て 周 囲Hospital の状況を新たな気持ちで眺めた時、目の前に続いているのは Queen Fabiola Children’s 今University
決して平坦な道ではありません。しかしながら、これまでにもいくつかの坂道を乗り越え てきたことを思い出し、初心に立ち返って気持ちを新たに、またこの道を歩いて行きたい と思います。 昨 年 は 強 力 な 新 メ ン バ ー と の「 輪 」もしっ かりと 結 ば れ 、本 年 は、 マ ー ケ テ ィ ン グ・ 広 告
( ブ ラ ン ド )の 専 門 家 を 顧 問 に 迎 え て ク オ リ テ ィ の 更 な る 充 実 を 目 指 し ま す 。
2 1 年 目 に 向 け て 力 強く 歩 み 出 し た 私 た ち と 、 本 年 も 変 わ ら ぬ お つ き あ い を 心 よ り お 願 い
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申し上 げます。 植木悦子 岩城洋子 井上明伊子 藤澤知美 佐藤紀子 顧問:田中洋(中央大学大学院戦略経営研究科教授)
te municate Link Create Communicate
皆 様 の お か げ で 、 弊 社 も 本 年 3月に は 創 立 2 0 周 年 を 迎 える 運 び と
本当に多くの皆様と出会い、いつも助けていただきながら今日ま できました。改めて厚く御礼申し上げます。 今大きな節目に立って周 囲 の状況を新たな気持ちで眺めた時、目
決して平坦な道ではありません。しかしながら、これまでにもいくつ てきたことを思い出し、初心に立ち返って気持ちを新たに、またこ と思います。
昨 年 は 強 力 な 新 メ ン バ ー と の「 輪 」もしっ かりと 結 ば れ 、本 年 は、
( ブ ラ ン ド )の 専 門 家 を 顧 問 に 迎 え て ク オ リ テ ィ の 更 な る 充 実 を
2 1 年 目 に 向 け て 力 強く 歩 み 出 し た 私 た ち と 、 本 年 も 変 わ ら ぬ お つ 申し上 げます。 植木悦子 岩城洋子 井上明伊子 藤澤知美 佐藤紀子 顧問:田中洋(中央大学大学院戦略経営研究科教授)
for Institutional projects
YOUTH ON THE MOVE Developed initial concept of Youth on the Move visual campaign. Strong color and dynamic move of dancer to maximising impact out of the “Youth� around Europe
Visual identity served as key element for many youth event organized by DG Employment
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FOR THE FUTUR E LEADER BUILDING BR IDGE FOR THE FUTUR E ENRD 3rd LEADER Event 17 th-18 th April 2013 Brussels, Belgium
ENRD — Connecting Rural Europe
http: //
ENRD 3rd LEADER Event 17 th-18 th April 2013 Brussels, Belgium
ENRD — Connecting Rural Europe
Funded by the
Funded by the
http: //
Funded by the Funded by the
7 th-18 th April 2013
Brussels, Belgium
sels, Belgium
17 th-18 th April 2013
17 th-18 th April 2013
Brussels, Belgium
ENRD 3rd LEADER Event 17 th-18 th April 2013 Brussels, Belgium
ENRD — Connecting Rural Europe
ural Europe
Brussels, Belgium
ENRD — Connecting Rural Europe
LEADER: Building Bridge for the Future
Type A Using shape of “bridge” as main graphic element ENRD — Connecting Rural ENRD Europe — Connecting Rural Europe
MAIN POSTER Funded by the
Funded by the
http: //
Funded by the
Funded by the
Funded by the
Funded by the
17 th-18 th April 2013
Brussels, Belgium
ENRD — Connecting Rural Europe
17 th-18 th April 2013
Brussels, Belgium
ENRD — Connecting Rural Europe
17 th-18 th April 2013
Brussels, Belgium
ENRD — Connecting Rural Europe
ENRD 3rd LEADER Event 17 th-18 th April 2013 Brussels, Belgium
ENRD — Connecting Rural Europe
http: //
Funded by the
17 th-18 th April 2013
Brussels, Belgium
European Network for Rural Development LEADER (ENRD) / European Commission - DG Agriculture BUILDING BR IDGE
ENRD — Connecting Rural Europe
FOR THE FUTUR E ENRD Contact Point is an institutional organization to promote Rural Development in Europe. During 6 years, I was responsible for development of overall visual identity, PR materials including periodical Magazine, and Web contents. ENRD 3rd LEADER Event 17 th-18 th April 2013 Brussels, Belgium
Event THEMEPoster POSTERmockup
ENRD — Connecting Rural Europe
Funded by the
Funded by the
http: //
Funded by the
Funded by the
w w w.e n r d . e u ENRD 3rd LEADER Event ENRD 3rd LEADER Event
17 th-18 th April 2013
17 th-18 th April 2013
Brussels, Belgium
17 th-18 th April 2013
Brussels, Belgium
17 th-18 th April 2013
Brussels, Belgium
Brussels, Belgium
ENRD — Connecting Rural Europe
Funded by the
Visual Identity Poster
ENRD — Connecting Rural Europe
ENRD — Connecting Rural Europe
ENRD — Connecting Rural Europe
ENRD Connecting Rural Europe
Example of Poster mockup for Urban Development Policy Conference in Brussels - DG Regio
Large format banner for Anti Pesticide Campaign / European Commission Health and Consumers
back to INDEX
Future Networks Technology Briefs
Sm art Con nectiv ity fo r A l l Example of Poster mockup for promoting Future Networks Technology Brief for DG Infso
Information Society and Media
Example of Poster mockup for promoting education and health EU funding in morocco, commissioned by Europeenne aupres du Royaume du Maroc
Visual identity for LEADER INITIATIVE SERBIA example of vertical banner format A project funded by the European Union
for Act for JAPAN project
ACT FOR JAPAN Charity project Act for is an asbl organization lanuched immediately after earthquake of 3.11 by group of japanese artisit in brussels area. Charity events to raise the donation has been organized elsewhere not only in belgium. Helped to promote their events by designing seriese of posers, visual identity, and leaflets to support the activity.
Donation of
Donation of
Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra The musicians in the orchestra were also victims of the earthquake, but are now organizing a series of charity concerts called “Recovery through the Power of Music”. The musicians also visit evacuation shelters to bring music to people staying in the shelters.
Save Iwate
Based in Morioka city, this group provides emergency food for people in the shelters, and also organizes various volunteer projects in Iwate region.
Donation of
Donation of
Japan Institute of Architects Architects in Japan now face the challenging task of designing emergency wooden houses, creating new community centres and proposing plans to rebuild their towns.
910€ Mintsuna
Mintsuna is a non-profit organization created by journalists. The organization has established an information network in areas devastated by the earthquake in order to facilitate efficient delivery of emergency food and supplies.
Donation of
Donation of
The Soma City Earthquake Disaster Orphan Scholarship Fund The mayor of Soma city has set up a fund for children who have lost their parents. Act for will support these children in the long-term.
Fukushima Junior Orchestra (FTV)
Charity concert to support Fukushima Junior Orchestra has been taken place at Brussels, initiated by pianist living in Brussels, Tokuko Kakiuchi-Guiot, and two flûtistes Mayumi Kubo, Misako Toyofuku-Baujard.
© ACT FOR JAPAN.BE 2012 coordination: Inspiration Publishing
Poster to communicate the result of fundrasing and recepient Poster for charity gala concert in Lyon, France Poster for charity concert by Esmerald Jazz, Belgium Poster for “MOVE FOR JAPAN“ event organzed in Tours de Taxi
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Poster for “Antwerp Fashion and Japan“ event took place in Mode Museum Antwerpen
Reconstruction proposal “Yuriage Renaissance projects” by architect Shoich Haryu (SHAA) + Yuriage Local team
Poster for oostende”Bon-Odori” dance festival Poster to promote architectural symposium to introduce reconstruction after 311 organized by SHSH and AFJ in BOZAR. After tsunami 311 in Yuriage area in Natori-city, Miyagi © Shizuka Hariu
Poster for Re Naissance du Japon expo in Vill de Lyon, France
Key speaker
Japanese Architects Shoichi Haryu SHAA (JIA) supported by SHSH
Jyunichiro Matsumoto (JIA) Yuriage locals
6 May 2012 th
symposium curation by
The symposium at Bozar in Brussels Lecture : 14:30-15:30
Architects and specialist from UK and Europe
Symposium : 15:30-18:00
8th May 2012 The symposium in London at RIBA Symposium : 15:00-18:00 Lecture : 19:00-20:00
Poster for presentation by Japanese pottery maker from fukushima region in Leuven University
SHSH (Shin Bogdan Hagiwara & Shizuka Hariu Architecture + Scenography)
symposium produced by RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) BOZAR Architecture and A+ JIA (The Japan Institue of Architects)
Supported by Japan Foundation, Act for, SHSH
Merci à lyon pour son soutien et sa générosité
Après le seisme , le tsunami et l’accident nucleaire, la vie continue….
na iss a nce
du Jap n après l e 1 1 Mars 201 1
Organisateur : Comité d’organisation de l’exposition « Renaissance du Japon après la catastrophe du 11 Mars 2011 à Lyon» Co-organisation : Ville de Lyon, Bureau Consulaire du Japon à Lyon, Association Lyon-Japon “Association Amicale des Ressortissants Japonais à Lyon et en Rhône-Alpes” (AARJLRA) Sous le patronage de : Grand Lyon Parrain : Mr. et Mme. ONO Kazushi, Chef permanent de l’Opéra de Lyon
atRiuM de l’Hôtel de Ville de lyon du lundi 11 mars au dimanche 17 mars 2013 MaiRie du 3èMe aRRondisseMent de lyon du mercredi 13 mars au samedi 23 mars 2013
PHOTO: Koinobori bleu « carpe bleue » qui flotte dans le vent est un symbole de prière pour les enfants décédés dans cette catastrophe du 11 mars 2011. VisiTez: © sHiGGY YOsHiDA
lieux de Rendez-Vous
avec la collaboration de
European Network for Rural Development Website Creation of graphic interface and seriese of banners and project/ event site >PREVIEW
smart, sustainable and inclusive growth for the atlantic area #EUAtlantic
The Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan (DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) Design and development of visual identity, graphic interface and maintenance >PREVIEW
European Environmental Agancy Online Newsletter / subscription form interface design
back to INDEX
Athens Development and Destinations management Angency Development of Web interface Design
Vetweek / European Commission - Health and Consumers This flash video is one of supporting visual materials for EU VETWEEK 2008 Campaign. The EU (DG SANCO) has set a new slogan to increase awareness to prevent and control serious animal diseases; Animals + Humans = One health. Under this slogan, we develop online and print campaing with using transforming ORIGAMI as way of convaying message. >PREVIEW This movie is combination of stop motion and vector graphic animation.
> Click to Play
> Click to Play
Flash Animation Christmas card for DG Employment Created Flash video greeting card using the seriese of colorful graphic produced for Youth on the Move campaign. >PREVIEW
Example of design mocke up for Inforegio Social Support Instruments website
Example of design mock up for Future Network Technology Brief website and its mobile site.
sender’s mobile Launch page
Sign up page
Selection step 1
Selection step 2
reciever’s mobile Selection step 3
Confirmation page
Notification email
Code activation page
Playing page
Example of design mock up and Huggnote mobile application interface (project foreseen 2016)
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Farnet website renewal proposition - tender 2015 (DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) Design and development of visual identity, graphic interface.
KANTOR GROUP WEBSITE Web interface design for all Kantor group website. >PREVIEW Kantor Qwentes
Interreg North-West Europe 2014 - 2020 Website proposal
>PREVIEW Kantor Athens
Other example of rotating banner
Example of internal page layout
Interreg North-West Europe 2014 - 2020 Website proposal
HOME PAGE REDESIGN ANALYSIS Other example of rotating banner
Example of internal page layout
for Institutional projects European Network for Rural Development publication design renewal - tender 2015
Network magazine example :
Analytical periodical example :
Concept: A publication for the network, by the network. A short, informal magazine. Easy-to-read articles. Links to more information. New publication title would help to mark the transition to the new programming period. Distinct and engaging design. Format optimised for ease of online reading. Content to include: ENRD, NRN and LAG news; good practices highlights; Q&A feature with ENRD members on trending topics; and snapshots of rural development network in action. Primary target audiences: NRNs, LAGs and MAs.
Concept: Analytical publication for rural development specialists. New publication title would help to mark the transition to the new programming period. Distinct and engaging design. A4 format preferred, as product is typically read offline. Content to include: a single theme from a number of angles. Primary target audience: MAs, NRNs, rural development academics.
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Farnet publication renewal proposition - tender 2015 (DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries)
Further information LEADER Initiative Serbia Vase Carapica St. 18, III/13, 11000 Belgrade
What are the main features of LEADER?
Tel: (011) 328 3671 Email:
The LEADER Initiative Serbia
What is LEADER?
When is LIS taking place?
The LEADER Initiative Serbia (LIS)
The LEADER model requires local partnership groups to: a) represent communities in a defined and coherent area with a territorial identity; b) have appropriate stakeholder representation and sound rules for management; c) define their priority needs and plan for actions to address these needs in innovative and multi-sectoral ways. There is also emphasis on exchanging ideas and cooperating with other partnership territories within the country and with other countries/territories.
LIS is partly a project, and partly a broader initiative. The LIS project is an EU-funded support package starting in spring 2011 and continuing for about two years. But it is much, much more than a project. LIS as a broader support initiative will provide some help to rural Serbia and the groups and institutions that can be effective partners to build on the foundations already sprouting for this kind of local rural development and nurture progress in the medium to longer term.
What is LIS about? Local rural development is more effective if local people identify their community’s needs and plan and deliver actions to address these. Already these kinds of “bottom-up” local development initiatives have taken root in some areas of rural Serbia. LIS wants to build on what has been achieved by providing some additional support to various actors to achieve further sustainable rural development that responds to the needs of local communities to improve their quality of life.
How can my local community participate in LEADER-type rural development? Support to the LEADER approach will be strengthened in Serbia in the coming years, and opportunities will emerge for representatives of local communities to engage in LEADER-type development through partnership groups. Assistance will normally be conditional on achieving criteria in line with the features of LEADER. LIS is one opportunity, and more specific details of the LIS assistance will be communicated to communities during 2011.
LEADER and local rural development
Who is LIS for? LIS will provide some support to two main types of actors in local rural development in Serbia: a) local partnership groups representing community and voluntary organisations, the private sector and local public authorities and agencies; and b) higher-level policy makers and administrators responsible for rural development. This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Kantor Management Consultants and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
LEADER is the EU name given to a specific type of approach to local rural development. It is really about a collection of projects and development actions planned and delivered by local partnership groups to address specific local problems they have jointly identified.
How are LEADER actions funded? In EU Member States, LEADER actions are supported through combinations of public funding (i.e. EU and Member State) and private and community funding (i.e. beneficiary and community contributions) within approved national and regional rural development programmes (RDPs). In countries preparing to join the EU, LEADER-type actions can be supported through public funding (i.e. rural, regional development and local government support programmes), donor support programmes and projects, and private and community funding (i.e. beneficiary and community contributions).
A project funded by the European Union
Serbia Leader Initiative Leaflet
the eva
JaNuaRy 2015
European Evaluation HELPDESK for Rural Development
IN THIs IssUE Good Practices
2014-2020 rdPs
National rural networks: How to show their benefits
the evaluator’s iNsiGht
Monitoring and Evaluation of rural development policy 2014-2020
Page 3
euroPeaN eveNts
Let’s give the floor to some ex ante evaluators
Page 4
New “Thematic Working Group on ex ante evaluation” kicks off
Page 6
Page 8
Guidance documents concerning the application of the High Nature Value impact indicator
The guidance document on ‘The application of the High Nature Value impact indicator’ aims to assist with the application of the HNV indicators of the Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (CMEF), and specifically Impact Indicator 5 – the maintenance of HNV farmland and forestry. hiliaturiam utm. — written by XXXXX
International Cooperation INCO-NET projects, calls 2007 and 2009
onsisting of six main chapters, the document considers the policy framework and the HNV concept, introduces the CMEF HNV indicators, and provides support in relation to application of HNV indicators in both farming and forestry. The document was developed through a Thematic Working Group established by the Evaluation Expert Network. While the primary purpose is to support assessment of impacts of RDPs on HNV farming and forestry, the paper focuses mainly on the HNV baseline indicator, establishing the baseline situation of HNV farming/forestry in the programme area at the start of the RDP.
Please subscribe here to receive this newsletter in English, French or German. Please click here if you wish to unsuscribe.
Due to current data limitations, this will be an indicative figure, with land-cover data the most likely source. Quantitative monitoring of this baseline extent will provide a very approximate indication of change. Cartographic monitoring, allowing changes to be located and examined in detail, is more useful. continued on page 2
Join the discussion on
Project information
Series of brochure produced for DG Research
Invitation to Tender No. MARE/2014/29 Contract for the Provision of Networking Services in Support of the European Fisheries Areas Network 2014-2020 - FARNET Support Unit -
DG Agriculture , The Evaluator newsletter templete design proposal
GEIE GECOTTI Groupement Européen pour la Coopération Transfrontalière Transnationale et Interrégionale
call FOR TeNDeR No eNTR/172/PP/2012/Fc
Year of the Citizen: Tender Performance Review
Ref. : AOOE No. 14B006 Framework agreement with one preselected contractor
Open call for tenders Conception, graphic design, development, maintenance and hosting of a new website for the Interreg North-West Europe Programme; optimisation and ongoing developments
Identification and Administrative Document ORIGINAL
Jac q u i M e s k e l l communications consultant Submitted by
Tender cover design
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Connecting Rural Europe...
European Network for Rural Development “ENRD magazine“
Quarterly ENRD magazine to feed all activites happening in Rural Development in Europe. Produced in 6 European Language.
The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) is the hub that connects rural development stakeholders throughout the European Union. Read all about our latest activities.
ENRD Report
Trending on social media...
ENRD Report
LinkedIn is the online world’s largest professional network. It has over 175 million members and growing…
Twitter is an online service that lets users exchange short messages known as ‘tweets’. Created in March 2006, it now has some 500 million registered users worldwide.
YouTube YouTube lets users upload, view and share videos. It has also now become the world’s second largest search engine! user/EURural
ocial media has completely changed the nature of communication between organisations, communities and individuals. In fact, it has so altered the digital communication landscape that some now consider e-mails passé! In this issue of the ENRD Magazine, we take the pulse of the rural development community’s social media presence … Social media refers to a diverse range of web-based, highly interactive tools that allow users to create, share, exchange and comment among themselves in virtual communities and networks. Many have rapidly become household names. Collaborative projects such as Wikipedia, social networking sites like Facebook and content communities such as YouTube are all nestled under the social media umbrella.
EU AGRI is the name of the DirectorateGeneral for Agriculture and Rural Development’s Facebook page, which it set up in October 2010 as a complement to its other communication tools. The page has over 2 500 followers. Agricultural and Rural Development Commissioner Dacian Cioloş also has his own Facebook page with some 3 700 ‘likes’ already collected. Many National Rural Networks (NRNs) use Facebook to further their rural development goals. For example the Bulgarian NRN uses it to involve the general public in discussions on important issues and to engage with experts on specific project or measure-related topics.
Papamichael from the Larnaca LAG in Cyprus, Facebook has been really useful in promoting the group’s strategy, getting young people involved and sharing information on networking activities, projects and events. “We use it to promote local regional businesses by sharing links to articles on other websites or disseminating information about events, awards…anything of interest to the rural development community,” he says.
Pinterest Pinterest is a content sharing service that allows members to pin (virtual) objects, such as images and videos to their pinboard.
Claudio Mura from the Marghine LAG in Sardinia – another LAG that uses social media extensively – values being able “to track opinions on the issues raised by LAGs, develop a dialogue and through this process build a relationship of trust. Social media also allows for better transparency, encouraging active citizenship and participation.” But like other practitioners, the Marghine LAG representative advocates the use of multiple social media tools, including Twitter and YouTube to really maximise the potential they have to offer… The ‘SMS of the internet’ - Twitter - is growing in popularity amongst rural development activists. For example, the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) Network has some 1 000 Twitter followers, i.e. those who have opted-in to receive RDPE information. “Twitter links us with individuals interested in all aspects of rural development including wildlife, agribusiness, nature science, researchers, communicators, charities and local businesses – in other words the network of the network,” says James Elliott
Local Action Groups (LAGs) are also embracing social media. According to Makis
Facebook Launched in 2004, Facebook is now a social media phenomenon! Its over 1 billion users upload photos and videos, post updates and send messages to each other.
from RDPE. “We tweet links to funding opportunities and programme updates just minutes after they have been announced,” he adds, noting that ‘event tweeting’ is a way in which followers can stay informed about oversubscribed events that they would otherwise miss. As a very active user of social media, the Dutch NRN has even published a ‘guide’ on how social media can be used to support rural businesses and the rural community at large. The NRN uses a combination of social media tools, including Facebook and LinkedIn, but most especially Twitter. “Our Twitter account @GuusNet has over 2 000 followers. We hold a weekly ‘Twitter Chat’ which has really grown in popularity,” says Josien Kapma, who works with the NRN. She remembers how, “it started by role-modelling and encouraging people to share CAP news on Twitter and we requested that they use the tag ‘#toekomstglb’ (and ‘#CAPreform’ in English). Two lively streams now exist for these tags, which have been contributed to by diverse stakeholders. A
dairy farmer in the north of Holland can directly share and interact with his MEP in Brussels, and they do!” And social media stimulates the rural development community network. “The interesting thing is that relations do not necessarily need to follow institutional lines. With our initiative we are building our social network relations over the EU. The UK’s #agrichatuk on Twitter is the counterpart to ours, so we are constantly in touch,” explains Josien Kapma of the Dutch NRN. It’s important to choose the right social media tool for the task at hand. The Wallonian Rural Network in Belgium runs an online discussion forum for LAGs offering and seeking cooperation partners, which is proving very successful. “For a well-defined topic, a blog can allow for more detailed information than other social media tools,” says Cecile Schalenbourg, from the Belgian NRN, who also uses Facebook. And video-blogging is also proving popular with the Dutch and Greek NRNs already having worked together on a video-blog series.
© 123rf
The rural development community has been quick to use a variety of social media. By promoting real two-way communication, social media is a great networking tool that helps to extend outreach. “Rural development policy does not only concern
farmers,” explains Camillo Zaccarini of the Italian NRN, “we see the ordinary citizen as part of our target audience and social media has been so useful to us for this.” “Social media can electrify rural development,” agrees Josien Kapma of the Dutch NRN, as “it offers true democratisation of rural communities!”
© 123rf
Social media and rural development
Spring 2013
Communicating Rural Development
Project winners in the category ‘LEADER: admirable local action’ at the gala ceremony in Tampere, Finland in November 2012.
Communicating Rural Development
The ENRD’s online Communicating Rural Development (CRD) Gateway celebrates excellence in communication. Here, we delve into some great examples…
Kirsi Hakoniemi, Information Officer with the Rural Network Unit from the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, explains the rationale behind this successful Finnish communications project: “We know that there are great projects helping to build vibrant rural communities. To boost knowledge about these Finnish rural development success stories, we used a web-based participatory approach to uncover and promote some great projects!” The competition, “answered an identified communication need and supported a central aim of our network activity, which is to showcase the development results and to pass on best practices. It also contributed to our network’s self-assessment and analysis needs and delivered useful feedback about the measures financed by the RDP.” The original idea for the competition - the first of which was held in 2010 - highlights the benefits of networking: “we were impressed by a competition organised by the
Finland: Sharing good practice via the web
Connecting Rural Europe...
The inside story
To enter, the candidates feed their proposals into an online database. The 2012 edition saw nearly 200 projects submitted and the prizes for winning entries were awarded at a gala ceremony in Tampere, Finland. Categories included best rural enterprise, best environmental effort and best LEADER LAG.
The campaign was not just about communications, it was about “networking with rural community actors in order to find real Finnish rural development gems!”
The campaign required detailed planning, “we communicated about the competition prior to launching it at our network events. Targeted communication was carried out online, in newsletters, press releases and to email groups. We also developed e-brochures, advertisements and social media support.”
And finally a key lesson? “Accurate planning and allocating sufficient resources to preparation are essential!”
Funded by the Access inspiring examples of rural development communications on the CRD Gateway: communicating-rural-development/eafrd
The Portuguese ‘Terra Viva’ (or Living Land) campaign was one of the winners in the ‘communication to the public’ category of the Communications Awards 2012 organised as part of the 50 years of CAP celebrations. The award jury highlighted the campaign’s communication for its “short, easy-to-understand, personal testimonials.”
he Finnish National Rural Network runs an innovative online competition known as ‘Rural Network Best Practices’. The competition gathers together inspiring project ideas and good practices that have received funding and been implemented throughout Finland.
Swedish rural network. As we further developed the concept in our working groups, we also benefited from the experience of our Austrian colleagues.
INHA TERRA, the Federation of Portuguese Local Action Groups Associations, produced an engaging radio broadcast series about LEADER-financed rural development projects. Thirty short programmes were produced in all; each of which brought to life the story of a LEADER project through the voice of an experienced journalist, accompanied by interviews with the project owners who explained how the project began, how it evolved, outlined the current state of play and highlighted the importance of LEADER support.
dynamism of rural areas - Terra Viva - and the concrete results of LEADER-supported projects. “Each story explains how the money is invested to create jobs, to help diversify the rural economy and to improve quality of life.”
All the 30 programmes are still available to stream from the TSF radio webpage. The radio station also broadcast more than 60 thirty-second trailers to promote the programmes.
The creative execution of the concept was one of the campaign’s real strengths, “we used a journalistic approach to effectively communicate the reality of the rural world and people really connected with it.”
The outcome was impressive. By presenting LEADER projects from different regions, the public understood the diversity inherent to LEADER and the impact of EU funds in terms of local development and job creation.
The objective was to raise awareness of the LEADER approach, conveying the message that it promotes the integrated development of rural areas from entrepreneurship to environment, to local products, etc. The twominute radio programmes emphasised the
“By broadcasting on TSF, the main news radio station, we were able to maximise the campaign’s impact. The 30 programmes were all aired at peak listening times. It is estimated that we reached around 400 000 people!”
The campaign, which was run on a modest budget, was part of a wider communication strategy of the MINHA TERRA network, as well as part of a wider project financed under the Portuguese Rural Network Programme, which involved other communications channels including newspapers and seminars.
Luís Chaves, coordinator of MINHA TERRA, which worked on the campaign, explains why Living Land was a success:
For more about the Finnish network:
The campaign also leveraged support from the network, “regional communicators played a vital role as ambassadors for the competition. They helped attract entries, generated publicity about the selected finalists and they helped the finalists prepare their presentations for the gala ceremony.” The Finnish NRN was happy with the outcome of this coordinated communications effort: “we achieved our goal of promoting good rural development practices nationwide. We have received a lot of encouraging and positive feedback and we look forward to another edition in 2014.”
Spring 2013
Best Practises 2012
Connecting Rural Europe...
Wi n t e r 2011-2012
One of the many projects promoted during the radio campaign was the ‘Fantasticable’ over the Vale da Ribeira, in the Algarve, Portugal. The cable is 1 538m long and is suspended 125m above the ground!
European Copper Institute “The Copper Wire“ newsletter Example of design mock up
Connecting Rural Europe...
2012 /2013
MAIN STORY: Communicating Rural Development to Citizens
For more information: MINHA TERRA: 50 Years of CAP: http://ec.europa. eu/agriculture/50-years-of-cap/ communication-awards-2012/index_en.htm
© Rural Network of Finland
The inside story
© Rural Network of Finland - Mika Kanerva
Portugal: ‘Living Land’ radio campaign
SOcIAl MedIA ANd RuRAl develOpMeNT
Added VAlue of NetworkiNg
© Pena Aventura Organização de Actividades Desportivas, Lda
© 123rf
TEST EDITION Please give us your feedback using this online survey form
Funded by the
Funded by the
future artICLe
Safe for health and the environment:
the EU risk assessment for copper
to promote the positive findings of the recently approved eu risk assessment for copper, the european Copper Institute has developed a digital information toolkit geared towards the industry and local communities. the kit contains leaflets, presentations and other promotional materials to spread the findings of the risk assessment; namely that copper is safe and necessary for human health and that its production does not threaten the environment.
assessing the copper industry In 2000 the copper industry launched a voluntary risk assessment (VRA) of copper in anticipation of existing and upcoming EU legislations, most notably REACH. The assessment process was organised by the Instituto Superiore di Sanità of the Italian government and acted
as the review country on behalf of the European Commission and Member States. In May 2005, Italy, on behalf of the European Copper Institute, submitted a draft VRA to be reviewed by the Commission and Member States. The draft received comments from the EU Technical Committees on New and Existing Substances, the EU Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks, the European Chemicals Bureau and the European Chemicals Agency. These comments were integrated into the draft text. The final assessment report, taking into all consideration all commentary and suggestions, was adopted in April 2008.
Spreading the good news Now the risk assessment is finalised, the copper industry is taking steps to spread the good word that copper is safe for both human health and
the environment. The new digital information toolkit is the cornerstone of this effort. Offering factsheets, graphs, presentations and other informative material, the kits are geared towards the copper industry, the copper value chain and local communities. The toolkit is available to the general public in English, french, German, Italian and Spanish. The goal is to reach as many people as possible and share, not just the results of the risk analysis, but also the achievements of the copper industry in incorporating sustainable development and health policies into all levels of its operations. Moreover, the copper industry is meeting, if not exceeding standards and regulations set out by REACH.
Key results of the copper Vra ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔
Copper is an essential nutrient for all living organisms Copper is safe for the environment and people Some Europeans may actually be facing copper deficiency Copper is nether a carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic, persistent, bio-accumulative or toxic material The copper industry is proactive Provides scientific platform to base regulatory initiatives Provides necessary information for the industry to meet its REACH obligations
For more information: Risk assessment toolkit: About the risk assessment:
NeWS How can the risk assessment for copper be beneficial for other industries?
Based on the copper experience, what advice can you give to other sectors embarking on similar assessments?
This work can constitute a precedent both in organisational and scientific terms. The VRA example will be important for the evaluation of other metals since the VRA has provided elements for the development of new guidelines for metals risk assessment (i.e. HERAG and MERAG).
With the entry into force of REACH, substance risk assessments are mandatory for industries to demonstrate safe use throughout the supply chain. The level of detail of this assessment will be linked to tonnage bands and Member States will be involved in the overall evaluation of substances. Cases like VRAs will be difficult to be repeated since the roles of the actors involved have radically changed. However the idea of similar approaches creating a pool of experts and an independent panel is certainly advisable.
If you had to identify one or two things that made a significant different in the final approval process, what would they be?
The amount of data and information on copper and its compounds gave the chance to increase the level of confidence and the credibility of the work of the industry and the review country. At the same time, the volume of data helped to minimise uncertainty factors used in the assessment. The capacity of all the experts involved to work together also contributed to achieving a positive result.
Interview with Erik van de Plassche erik van de Plassche is responsible for the work on biocides at the european Commission’s Joint research Centre, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (JrC-IHCP). He had an active role in the voluntary risk assessment of copper, particularly with the technical elements of the environmental risk evaluation. the Copper Wire recently spoke with Mr Van de Plassche to discuss the voluntary risk assessment and the role the JrC played throughout the process.
What role did the Joint Research Centre play during the execution and evaluation of the copper risk assessment?
The copper risk assessment had two elements: an environmental and human health risk assessments. The JRC managed the evaluation process through the Technical Committee for New and Existing Substances (TC NES). The aim of this process was to develop an opinion by TC NES on: i) if the methodology used in the assessment was in line with the one used in the existing chemicals program; ii) the plausibility of the conclusions of the assessment. The JRC drafted the TC NES opinion on the copper assessment after the peer review process was finalised. This opinion served as the basis for the opinion of the Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) and was handed over to our colleagues in DG Environment.
In this peer review process JRC consulted with the industry as well as the competent Italian authorities, as Italy was the so-called review country. The JRC also liaised with DG Environment in Brussels which handled the policy side of the assessment.
How can Member States benefit from the copper risk assessment?
The risk assessment is a tool that Member States can take advantage of in several ways. firstly, the risk assessment produced a great deal of new information and data about copper and copper compounds. This means the body of evidence about copper is even greater than it was before and Member States can use this information to assess the risks of copper in their national situation. Secondly, the information can also be used in other EU regulatory frameworks, for example the Water framework Directive for setting environmental quality objectives. Lastly, the information has already been re-used by industry under the Biocidal Products Directive.
furthermore, the experience of completing the copper risk assessment can be useful. After much discussion, all Member States agreed on a methodology for completing the copper environmental risk assessment and this methodology can be adapted and used for the risk assessments of other metals, for example under the REACH legislation. Also, the outcomes of the risk assessment were supported by the majority of Member States, who agreed that there are no concerns for most sectors and no regional concerns for any of the compartments considered (surface water, sediment and soil). for some scenarios more information is needed, for example for some local sites and for some sectors (cable manufacturing with outdated treatment techniques and chemicals industry).
What were the biggest challenges faced by the JRC during the development and acceptance stages?
The main challenges were in the environmental risk assessment. Getting all parties to agree on the method for performing the environmental risk
assessment was difficult. At the time of the copper voluntary risk assessment, risk assessments for nickel and lead were ongoing. A methodology was being developed at the same time on how to incorporate bioavailability in the risk assessments and there was an extensive debate on the method and how to apply it. Eventually a methodology was developed that satisfied the majority of the Member States. The other big challenge we had to deal with was deciding on threshold values. Values had to be agreed upon for surface water, sediment and soil. There was extensive discussion before all parties were able to agree, although we did not reach full consensus. This was especially true when deciding on acceptable threshold values for the aquatic environment.
What advice can other industries take away from the copper risk assessment?
The copper risk assessment was special because it was voluntary. However, since the REACH legislation came into force, risk assessment is requested for all metals. Therefore, other industries can still learn from the experience of the copper industry. It should be mentioned that the copper industry was very transparent throughout the process ensuring all parties had access to data and that all questions were responded to promptly. The use of a review for the copper risk assessment could also be useful for other industries, especially for data-rich substances. Italy, the review country for copper, was the first Member State to look at the data, facilitated the peer review and helped with the acceptance process.
Copper tackling climate change the copper industry is well aware of the relationship between copper and climate change. Copper, as the best conductor of electricity, can help reduce carbon emissions and increase the efficiency of electric systems. the carbon strategy for copper sets out the steps necessary in order to use copper to reduce carbon emissions.
How to reduce emissions To take full advantage of copper’s ability to limit carbon emission and therefore help meet international climate change goals a carbon strategy for copper has been created. The strategy outlines key areas where copper can play a role as well as partners and technologies necessary to make the biggest impact. These include electricity distribution networks, motor systems and street lighting, amongst others. Electricity networks use an astounding amount of energy. Inefficiencies in electricity networks across the globe create energy losses equal to 750 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions a year. Technology already exists that could reduce losses in transformers by 30-50%, with a savings of over 100 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. Motor systems are another major source of carbon emissions. They consume 60-70% of
industrial electricity and there exists a savings potential of 20-30%, or over 1 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.
Putting copper to work These are just two examples where work can be done. To achieve reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, work needs to be undertaken on all levels; global initiatives need to be complemented with activities on the local level. furthermore, everyone in the supply chain needs to be mobilised so that energy saving changes are properly implemented. All the while, copper will be playing a major role. Technologies which increase energy efficiency rely on copper and its conductivity. As technologies using copper are put into place, carbon emissions can be reduced.
Was there anything in particular that helped with the approval process?
The body of evidence certainly did. The copper voluntary risk assessment was one of the biggest dossiers ever discussed at TC NES and even prior to the launch of the voluntary risk assessment there was already a massive amount of data. The copper industry’s attempts to support all claims with relevant data certainly enhanced the acceptance process. It should be noted however that not all Member States accepted the conclusions of the assessment. And as said earlier, transparency was very important. The fact that everyone involved was fully informed of the data to hand and that questions were always answered in writing increased confidence in the final report.
for private sector projects
SponSorShip program
Friday 4th to Monday 7th M a y 2012
Series of cross cultural publicatin for VINOWA Vinowa buissiness consluting agency based in brussels organize series of event promoting japanese culture. Design leaflet / poster / invitations for these numerous events. Cross cultural marketing and trade facilitator
VINOWA is delighted to host the participation of the renowned Japanese Sencha School, HIGASHIABERYU, at the Tea World rendez-vous© (hereafter called TWR,) an international tea expo in Brussels, Belgium, from May 5 through May 7, 2012.
Tea seeds were brought from China by the monk Eisai in 1191 to Japan, and Chanoyu (a form of tea ceremony using powdered tea) was perfected by the famous Rikyu. Sencha (leaf tea) was introduced by the monk Ingen (Yinyuan Longqi ) from China in 1654. Later, Ingen was granted to found his own temple MANUPUKUJI in Kyoto under the patronage of 5th EDO Shogun Tsunayoshi TOKUGAWA, this was the beginning of the flourishing era of SENCHADO.
This is the very =first time that a major Japanese Sencha School will participate at an international tea-related cultural trade show held in Europe. Primarily, the objectives of HIGASHIABERYU’s visit to Europe is to introduce and spread “SENCHADO” the philosophy and arts of Sencha. Spanning five generations, the HIGASHIABERYU continues to teach harmony, gratitude, duty, respect, and reflection, through Sencha and appreciation of the arts. Secondly, to build a foundation to promote SENCHADO in Europe through lectures, demonstrations, training, and tea gatherings. The current Grandmaster, Mr. Sessho Doi, has presided over the style since 1996. He is also on the board of directors for the Japan Senchado Association (currently 38 schools are registered under the association.) During TWR, HIGASHIABERYU offers a series of tea services called SENCHASEKI in a contemporary style and setting where visitors can discover and learn the joys of teas.
S E N C H A Sencha is by far the most popular tea in Japan. An early-harvested green tea, its deep emerald green leaf colour contradicts a delicate, grassy flavor with a somewhat astringent sweetness.
G Y O K U R O Considered the finest of Japanese green teas. While the young leaves in spring develop, the tea bushes are shaded from sun for several weeks. This makes the tea grow more slowly, taking time to develop depth and flavor. The sun-deprived leaves are higher in chlorophyll, which creates the vivid green color in the leaves. They’re also higher in amino acids, most notably L-theanine, which account for the perfectly smooth, rich and soft flavor of Gyokuro. They are deeply sweet, with an aroma of freshly buttered greens - no harshness or grassy flavors.
By the early nineteenth centur y, SENCHADO had become popular with a wide spectrum of urban and rural residents. Some took up Sencha as a subversive activity in opposition to the mandated protocol of Chanoyu. Others enjoyed Sencha because of its connections with elite Chinese culture, knowledge of which indicated intellectual and cultural refinement. It was also relished by many simply as a fine tasting beverage. Sencha inspired painters and poets, and fostered major advances within craft industries from ceramics to metalwork, and basketr y in Japan. Sencha lovers, many of whom became serious connoisseurs of Chinese art and antiquities, hosted some of the earliest public art exhibitions in Japan.
REICHA A tea drink made from the leaves of Gyokuro or Sencha slowly brewed by ice or icy water.
HIGASHIABERYU in BELGIUM 12 pages lealfet at tea world 2012. Produced in 3 languages
MEET JAPAN - Sencha work shop - 12 pages lealfet at tea ceremony event in brussels. Produced in 3 languages
Senchado is the teaching of art and philosophy. It offers to learn how to prepare tasty teas but furthermore to refine ourselves through practice to appreciate broader aspects of arts such as flower, utensils, calligraphy, poetry and painting. Senchado is the state of art in cultural education and entertainment that takes place as a tea ceremony where guests welcomed by a host create and enjoy the harmony together, the heart of Japanese hospitality.
J A PA N E S E t E A Leaf Picking
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H O U J I C H A Made from roasted green tea leaves to give a smooth and mellow aroma. The leaves contain beneficial catechins but the content of these and caffeine is lower than other teas due to the roasting process.
During the manufacturing process of Japanese teas, tea leaves are normally steamed to stop oxidation to prevent fermentation, then rolled and dried. During this work shop we use a variety of Japanese tea, GYOKURO. While the young leaves in spring develop, the tea bushes of GYOKURO are shaded from sun for 20 days or so. This makes the tea grow more slowly, taking time to develop more amino acids but less tannin creating further depth and round flavor. This unique process of non-fermentation of tea leaves produces higher content of nutrients which is beneficial to the health such as catechin, vitamin C, vitamin B2, vitamin E. Health benefits of Japanese green tea have been studies and proven to be effective as anti-oxidant and against chronical diseases such as cancer, arterial sclerosis, and stroke.
K O U S E N Tea infused and flavoured with a seasonal product to appreciate an occasion in time. In Springtime, for example, salted Sakura flowers are commonly infused in Sencha.
The Only Good Poet Is A Dead Poet.
The Only Good Poet Is A Dead Poet.
Book cover design for belgum poet, Garry Rowley
By Garry Rowley
Garry Rowley
sEason 1
古 典 美 術 館
Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium OLD MASTERS
Cross cultural marketing and trade facilitator
s a t u r d a y 2 2 s e p t e m b e r, 2 0 1 2
ベルギー 王 立 美 術 館 公 認 解 説 者
森 耕治 著 Koji MORI
1 EN
werelD Van sake
Japanese Sake tasting - 12 pages lealfet Sake tasting event in brussels. Produced in 3 languages
ProductEur dE
1 2 3
6 4
7 8 10
s o o r t va n s a k E b r o u w p r o c E s va n s a k E
Brand: JOkIgEN Sakata-shi, Yamagata-prefecture
2. AOKI SHUZO Brand: kAkUrEI Uonuma-Shi, Nigata-prefecture
s E rv E r E n va n s a k E
p r o d u c E n t va n s a k E
Brand: MIZUBASHO, tANIgAWA-Dake kawaba-mura, gunma-prefecture
4. TENZSAN SHUZO Brand: SHIcHIDA Ogi-shi, Saga-prefecture
Brand: NABESHIMA kashima-shi, Okayama-prefecture
6. MORITA SHUZO Brand: ArABASHIrI, HAtEN, IttEkI kurashiki-shi, Okayama-prefecture
Brand: tENMEI, AkEBONO Aizu-sakashita-machi, Fukushima-prefecture
名 作 ガ イ ド
Japanese sake TasTing
8. MIYAIZUMI MEIJO Brand: SHArAkU, MIYAIZUMI Higashi-sakae-machi, Aizu-wakamatsu-shi, Fukushima-prefecture
9. FUCHU HOMARE SHUZO Brand: Fuchu-homare, Wataribune Ishioka-shi, Ibaragi-prefecture
10. BUNBUKU SHUZO Brand: BUNBUkU tatebayashi-shi, gunma-prefecture
11. SHIMIZU SHUZO Brand: kIYOMUSUME, ZAkU Suzuka-shi, Mie-prefecture
王 立 美 術 館 古 典 美 術 館 名 作 ガ イ ド
Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium OLD MASTERS
Series Experience Japan
EpisodE 1
ベ ル ギ ー王 立 美 術 館
Book design for Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium Ancient Art Guide in Japanese
ベ ル ギ
Package and visual identity design for “Ichigo Ichie” Strawberry polyphenols skincare line product by SOCIA Coperation in Japan
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3D Architectural design conception and presentation for avenue circulaire 104
Commission de concertation
Projet avenue CirCulaire 104
Projet : vue latérale sud Projet : implanta.on Maîtres d’œuvre : Nicolas Lefèvre et Ryoko Abe Architecte : Egide Meertens
• Eloignement du mitoyen de 4,5 m (contre 1,5 m actuellement) majorant considérablement l’ensoleillement et la des 2014, immeubles voisins. d’Uccle Réunion de concertation du 8vue mai Commune • Améliora.on de l’u.lisa.on de l’espace construc.ble sans en augmenter la surface imperméable par l’u.lisa.on d’une toiture intensive.
Intégr de sta
Projet • Construc.on d’une maison de moindre volume à front de rue et de moindre hauteur que la maison actuelle réduisant l’impact visuel.
3D Architectural design conception for rue du fort 42
3D Architectural design conception for interior garden design rue du repos 123
oostende 3/30 - 2011 BW print
altitude 5/20 - 2010 BW print / graphite
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Paris - 2011 BW print
Paris - 2011 BW print
Oostende - 2011 BW print
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Oostende - 2011 BW print
altitude 2/20 - 2010 BW print / watercolor
altitude 2/20 - 2010 BW print / watercolor
back to INDEX
Oostende - 2011 BW print
Morning - 2011 BW print
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Oostende - 2011 BW print
in the forest - 2011 Digital
PAINTING 2010-2013
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Clear water - 2011 Digital
melt away - 2010 Acrylic on BW photograph
composition study A - 2012 Acrylic
composition study B - 2012 Acrylic
back to INDEX
color study A - 2012 Monoprint
Haiku book - 2012 Monoprint book page 2/36
IN /BETWEEN/DAYS. Ryoko Abe Avenue Guillaume Herinckx 9/4 1180, UCCLE
0486.799.489 back to INDEX