HealthInvestor Awards 2020 - winners supplement

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Gold partner

Silver partner

Award sponsors









Event partners





Bank or lender of the year (sponsored by Kingsley Healthcare): Barclays Consultants of the year – strategic: PLMR Consultants of the year – transactional: Candesic Corporate financier of the year: Deloitte Legal advisors of the year – private: Browne Jacobson Legal advisors of the year – public: Mills & Reeve Legal advisors of the year – transactional: Bevan Brittan

WINNER Consultants of the year – transactional Candesic

The Candesic team wants to say a special

technology and, most of all, people can

thank you to all who work in the life sciences,

come together to achieve things previously

health, social care and education sectors.

thought impossible. We have proved to

This year we are especially grateful for every

ourselves that with the will, we can find a

“Candesic wins this award for the

key worker. Covid-19 has highlighted the

way to safeguard and improve wellbeing.

diversity of the transactions on

importance of health, science, education and

The judges’ comments:

which it advised and the respected

friendship. We want to take this opportunity

Our future is bright, set to be more inclusive,

knowledge of the healthcare sector

to thank all our clients and stakeholders who

more progressive and open to new solutions

that it brings.”

share our love for outstanding quality health

grounded in science, evidence and data. We

and care. Nurturing relationships is key to

are here to lead with integrity, conviction, grit,

“Candesic again evidenced high

finding success and core to the Candesic

determination and hard work – to crunch the

achievement and well-explained

ethos to improve and innovate care for all.

numbers, find new ways forwards and solve


for client success. Candesic is hopeful that Candesic also want to thank everyone who

Covid-19 has a silver lining, set to shine on

has been on this journey with us, to win the

our value of evidence-based analysis with

HealthInvestor Award 2020 ‘Consultants of

the strategic vision to deliver high-quality

the year – transactional’. We are a happy team

operational outcomes. We look forwards to the

delivering ‘CEO level clarity with R&D level

joy of a world with a newly found respect for

Candesic Limited,

insight’. Throughout this global pandemic

health, care, education and for basic science.

New Zealand House,

the Candesic team continue to work above

Contact details

80 Haymarket,

and beyond, to be part of local community

Our time is now and we look forward to

London SW1Y 4TE

solutions and to leverage our knowledge

working with you soon. Please do pick

+44 20 7096 7680

to help global investors and companies to

up the phone or ping an email to contact

improve care outcomes.

Dr Leonid Shapiro, Marc Kitten, Dr Michelle Tempest and Dr Joe Taylor. We want to

Dr Leonid Shapiro,

We have discovered that in the face of

listen, continue our friendship and ensure

managing partner

unprecedented challenges – science,

our clients’ success. Marc Kitten, partner Dr Michelle Tempest, partner Dr Joe Taylor, principal

Screenshot taken from the virtual HealthInvestor Awards 2020 ceremony

To find out more about Candesic visit

WINNER Legal advisors of the year – transactional Bevan Brittan

At Bevan Brittan, we were delighted

Over the past year, we have advised on

clients through very challenging times this

to win the award for ‘Legal advisors of

some of the largest independent health,

year with a broad range of corporate and

the year – transactional’ at this year’s

NHS and social care corporate, commercial

commercial transactional work, including

HealthInvestor Awards.

and real estate transactions in the UK.

mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures,

This includes advising on NHS hospital

and restructuring and refinancing deals.

We have a proud track record in the awards,

mergers and acquisitions, as well as more than

Ultimately, we can’t do the work without

with 2020 being the fourth successive year

10 acquisitions of GP, dental and pharmacy

our fantastic clients, who come to us for

that we have been successful. Last year, we

businesses by independent and NHS

advice when they need it most. We feel

were named winners of the private category,

sector clients.

incredibly privileged to serve the clients

and previously have been recognised with awards for our public sector work.

we do.” Our aim is proactively and passionately to deliver best-in-class healthcare

Joanna Lloyd, partner and head of health

This year, of course, it was an awards

transactional advice and support, providing

(NHS providers and commissioners)

ceremony with a difference, taking place

strategic thinking, ideas and creative

at Bevan Brittan, said: “I am especially

entirely online. Notwithstanding the new

solutions based on a foundation of business

proud of the way our teams have adapted

format the evening was really engaging and

partnership, market understanding and

to the complex and varied needs of our

the organisers are to be commended for that.

commercial strength.

clients during the Covid-19 pandemic,

Our continued recognition at one of

Vincent Buscemi, partner and head of

advice they need to navigate the rapidly

the sector’s most prestigious events

independent health and social care at

evolving legal and regulatory landscape.

demonstrates Bevan Brittan’s ability to

Bevan Brittan, said: “On behalf of our

We have the most amazing clients and it

provide clients with a market-leading,

team, I am so proud to win this award. We

has been a privilege to support them in

multidisciplinary health and social care

have supported our health and social care

these unprecedented times.”

continuing to provide them with the

team that delivers to the needs of the whole system. Our practice is made up of more than 60 partners and 200 lawyers specialising in corporate and commercial, property, litigation, regulatory, patient safety and employment legal advice. We were proud to be recognised for our transactional work, which forms an important part of our support to clients across the health and social care sectors. We now work with 170 independent health and social care operators, more than 60% of all NHS trusts and major health and social care suppliers, funders and investors on a wide variety of corporate, commercial and

Screenshot taken from the virtual HealthInvestor Awards 2020 ceremony

real estate transactions.

For more information about Bevan Brittan visit


Diagnostics provider of the year: Alliance Medical Primary care provider of the year: The Dermatology Partnership Private hospital group of the year: HCA Healthcare UK Recruiter of the year: Nurseplus

WINNER Diagnostics provider of the year Alliance Medical

We a re i m m e n s e l y p ro u d to h ave

In 2019 Alliance Medical continued to show

and have recently engaged with Doncaster

won this award in such an impressive

its commitment to delivering a national

and Bassetlaw NHS health system. This

field of competitors. The diagnostic

PET-CT service by further investment in

pathway approach to early diagnosis of lung

imaging market continues to grow as

its radiopharmacy business. The several

cancer is undoubtedly providing patients

it is an essential part of healthcare.

upgrades and refurbishments carried out

with early detection and vital treatments

Alliance Medical has worked hard and

further secure production capabilities and

at a much earlier stage in their disease and

we are proud of our commitment to

meet the ever-growing capacity needs for

saving and/or prolonging lives.

partnership working especially with

vital cancer and dementia scans for patients

the NHS and it ’s great to see this

long into the future.

recognised by the judges and this award.

Alliance Medical has also continued to develop and deliver community diagnostic

In 2019, Alliance Medical also continued

facilities and in 2019 delivered several

its commitment to lung health checks and

of these in partnership with the NHS. In

2019 was a very successful year for

screening programmes. Building on creating

2020 and beyond, Alliance Medical has

Alliance Medical and built on previous

early diagnosis pathways with the pilot at

been committed to delivering world-class

years’ continued growth. We continue

Manchester, the Royal Brompton and the

community diagnostic hubs which provide

to grow with an emphasis on quality,

Royal Marsden, we also continue to deliver

important capacity, access and improved

collaboration and partnerships.

the lung health check programme in Leeds

patient experience across the UK.

The judges’ comments: “A true commitment to partnership working and innovation, Alliance Medical has once again shown strong growth coupled with a commitment to excellence.” “Scale, reach, and focus now make Alliance Medical an integral part of the fabric of UK healthcare. It continues to grow, delivering consistent results year-in, year-out, and it continues to innovate with radio-pharmacy and lung screening. There is no other choice in this category that comes close.” “Alliance Medical’s commitment to partnership and staff development gives it the edge. Alliance Medical demonstrates a very systematic and consistent management style with great emphasis on staff development linked to lifelong education and related research.” “Alliance Medical continues to demonstrate real excellence and innovation to further consolidate its pre-eminent position in the diagnostics sector. During 2019 it secured further NHS partnerships at the same time as making alliances across the private sector and into higher education. Its innovative approach to securing and investing in staff suggests it will be the operator to beat for some time.”

For more information about Alliance Medical visit

WINNER Recruiter of the year Nurseplus

Nurseplus is proud to have been awarded ‘Recruiter of the year’ at the 2020

• Insightful data analysis and business intelligence

Through an holistic approach with our workers, clients, the many vulnerable

HealthInvestor Awards.

• A centralised, standardised on-boarding

people we care for and their families,

process backed up by local interviews

we are proud to support approximately

Nurseplus chief executive Josh Collins

• Improved loyalty, retention and incentive

1,250 establishment clients (care homes,

commented: “A huge thank you to everyone who has played their part in helping us

schemes • Encouraging professional development.

win this award for the last two out of three years. This award is everyone’s at

nursing homes, etc), 5,000 carers, nurses and support workers and 800 clients with personalised homecare packages.

Success has seen new hires increase by 12%

Nurseplus. It highlights the great work that

By providing great nursing and care staff

everyone has done and continues to do,

Streamlining our recruitment process

throughout the UK, we make a positive

that makes Nurseplus a fantastic company.

provides the following advantages:

difference to people’s lives. We are proud

A massive thank you to all of our staff across the country; these nominations are a testament to the hard work you do that is not only recognised, but truly appreciated.”

of our care staff who share our passion • We ensure all applicants are contacted within 24 hours • Our marketing team implements

for delivering the highest standard of care and at times like the present, this is more important than ever.

optimised, brand consistent advertising Over the past year we have carefully

methods and are able to trial and analyse

curated a more streamlined and concise

innovative advertising avenues

recruitment process and branding strategy.

• Our team members are knowledgeable

Our reputation, particularly online, has

ambassadors, familiar with their own and

never been more important; we understand

neighbouring branches' geographies,

that our people bring our brand to life so

offering a reliable and consistent

we asked them to take the time to share


The judges’ comments:

their experiences with our teams. We have been able to utilise their feedback to make

To support our recruitment efforts we

“Nurseplus has expanded significantly

improvements throughout our recruitment

have invested £500k in a new customer

across the spectrum of its temporary

process to support an evolved ‘better

relationship management software

and permanent recruitment activities

together’ approach.

platform which we are currently in

for a wide range of healthcare

the process of implementing. The new

providers. It has invested in that

So far, we have made significant

system facilitates better management of

growth to meet a dire need across the



applications, improving turnaround time

private and public care and healthcare

streamlined candidate journey, refreshed



and an enhanced on-boarding process


branding and better candidate retention,

through to better payroll services.

satisfaction reports from providers

with a focus on areas such as:

and nursing staff.” Nurseplus is a leading provider of

• Effective multi-platform candidate generation • Ensuring candidates can identify with our brand and values more easily


nursing and care recruitment solutions, specialising in supplying staff to healthcare establishments from our 51 branches nationwide.

For more information about Nurseplus visit



Private equity investor of the year: Downing

WINNER Private equity investor of the year Downing

Downing is an FCA-authorised and regulated

with 16 significant healthcare transactions

sector. Consequently, Downing’s healthcare

investment manager with more than 30

completed. The investments made span the

investment pipeline has continued to

years’ experience in industry. Its purpose is

healthcare spectrum. Examples of these

grow during 2020 and as we head further

to help UK companies grow by investing via

investments include:

into 2021.

was recently recognised as one of the top

• Magnus Care Group – an elderly residential

While the businesses we invest in are

10 most active lead investors in early stage

care platform focused on regional, modern

headquartered in the UK, a number have

rounds in European companies for 2019.

purpose-built care homes that sit at the

international reach. Downing’s collective

It believes a great investment opportunity is

top of their local markets in terms of care

healthcare experience, individual healthcare

not just financial, but also a chance to invest

and asset quality

specialisms and road network of healthcare

a range of managed funds. In fact, Downing

with purpose. As of today, it has more than £1.1 billion funds under management.

contacts gives its investment team a unique • Macc Care Group – a West Midlands-focused

insight into healthcare markets. These

developer and operator of older people’s

insights allow it to engage more effectively

Downing has been a long-term investor

housing, including elderly residential care

with the businesses it invest in.

in healthcare since 1997. Since then, it has

homes and retirement living

invested across the healthcare spectrum

Unlike many other investors, most of the

using a range of venture capital, private

• Open Bionics – award-winning designers,

capital Downing deploys comes from

equity and public equity funds. The range

manufacturers and suppliers of smart

evergreen funds rather than limited life

of investment activity includes areas such as

‘superhero’ prosthetics using 3D printing

funds. This means it has the potential to

elderly residential healthcare, specialist care,

and advanced sensors

support the companies and teams it backs

specialist education, retirement living, digital

over a longer period. As a result, Downing

health services, medical devices, imaging

• Fundmemtal VR – providers of surgery

continues to provide a meaningful level of

and diagnostic services, biotechnology and

simulator software to enterprises and

follow-on investment to existing portfolio

health and wellbeing platforms.

public healthcare organisations to enhance

companies. This flexibility has the potential to

surgical outcomes (‘flight simulators but

help the companies and management teams

for surgeons’)

it supports better meet their ultimate aims

As an investor, Downing positions itself to fill the funding gap for growing companies in a

as well.

market that is underserved by other investors.

• Congenica – a digital healthcare solution

It invests in healthcare operations, healthcare

that interprets genomic data faster than ever

Downing is also increasingly mindful of its

real estate and healthcare technology. Downing

before, allowing healthcare professionals

responsibility to society and the impact it

goes beyond traditional providers of capital

to translate genomic data into actionable

can make through the way it invests. It is a

to invest in the growth and development of

information and provide life-changing

signatory to UN Principles of Responsible

UK-based companies of all sizes, whether

solutions by providing accurate and early

Investing and to the UK Investing in Women

privately held or publicly quoted. It can invest

diagnosis to optimise care for patients.

Code. Downing has been increasing its

debt alongside the equity packages provided

allocation of capital towards investments

to offer flexible investment structures that

As healthcare operations, healthcare

that have clear social benefits. It believes

other investors often struggle to replicate.

technology and healthcare real estate evolve,

this can be done without sacrificing investor

its investment activity proves that Downing

returns. Increasing allocation to healthcare

Downing’s commitment to healthcare

has been at the forefront of innovation,

companies that are solving a societal problem

increased substantially over the course of 2019

change and improvement within the

is just one example.

For more information about Downing visit or contact Mark Gross, partner (; 07876 036 976)


Technology provider of the year: Person Centred Software IT innovator of the year: Healthcode

WINNER IT innovator of the year Healthcode

Healthcode is delighted to receive the ‘IT

connecting different organisations so they

further enhance The PPR so the resource

innovator of the year award’ and we thank

can exchange sensitive data and streamline

meets their needs, introducing time-saving

HealthInvestor UK for organising this virtual

cumbersome processes. Building on its

automated features to make regulatory

celebration of independent healthcare.

success, Healthcode has developed a range

compliance easier for hospitals and reduce

Despite the challenges of this extraordinary

of additional services and applications for

administration for practitioners.

year, it is important to recognise excellence

our online platform that help our customers

across the sector and we congratulate all

operate more efficiently, from practice

The PPR may be Healthcode’s most

the other award winners.

administration and finances, to clinical

ambitious project to date, but it won’t be the

coding, to secure messaging and file-sharing.

last. We are excited about the potential of

This award is a fitting way for Healthcode

our online technology to shape the future of

to celebrate 20 years in business. During

These innovations helped make us the

independent healthcare in the next 20 years,

that time, we have facilitated the transition

market leader in online solutions for the

in the interests of providers and patients.

to secure electronic billing across the

independent healthcare sector, but we have

independent healthcare sector and become

a responsibility to use our expertise and

acknowledged experts in data processing,

industry knowledge for the common good.

clearing more than 28,000 invoices daily

The groundbreaking Private Practice

before the pandemic. By analysing this

Register (The PPR) exemplifies this

valuable billing data, we have been able

approach. A secure online information

“Healthcode shows clarity of strategic

to provide a detailed picture of activity

resource that now securely connects more

purpose, persistence and pragmatic

since May, helping us to document the

than 20,000 practitioners, more than

step-by-step innovation.”

sector’s recovery.

300 private hospitals and the major PMIs,

The judges’ comments:

The PPR supports efficient and secure

“Already a well-established service

Electronic billing is only one example of

information-sharing and effective clinical

provider, Healthcode has continued

how online technology can make a positive

governance. Healthcode continues to

to innovate with an expanding suite of

difference across the sector, securely

collaborate closely with stakeholders to

enterprise solutions and a rock-solid core delivery platform. Healthcode’s Private Practice Register, designed and implemented with extensive user involvement, is a model of best practice in the scoping and execution of new, interoperable, platform-based services that rapidly gain sector-wide adoption. The regulatory context into which this is being launched has been fully taken into account and is a resource created at speed and scale, which delivers full compliance for customers.”

Screenshot taken from the virtual HealthInvestor Awards 2020 ceremony

For more information about Healthcode visit


Community support provider of the year: Venture-People Complex care provider of the year: Cornerstone Healthcare Group Domiciliary care provider of the year (sponsored by Avery Healthcare): The Good Care Group Residential care provider of the year (sponsored by Compass Executives): Avery Healthcare Specialist care provider of the year: Voyage Care

WINNER Community support provider of the year Venture-People

Venture-People is a specialist mental

Venture-People’s work with individuals


health support provider, passionate about

aims to be person-centred, providing

commissioning teams to work in partnership

delivering a high-quality, innovative service,

a responsive service which enables the

and shape service offers capable of

steeped in therapeutic optimism. Based in

person to gain independence. As a recovery

supporting care leavers, who experience

the Southeast, the company is committed to

service, the intervention reduces over time,

autism, who have experienced trauma and

empowering individuals and helping them to

creating excellent cost-efficiency measures.

have a diagnosis of personality disorder.

gain independence, to participate, develop

Importantly, this strengths-based approach

and thrive as members of their community.

ensures that the individual’s outcomes are

To ensure quality of service to this

achieved, with the individual able to learn

vulnerable client group, services have

The Venture-People ambition is to create

skills to maintain their wellbeing outside

been developed to reflect the needs and

innovative services which offer alternatives

a hospital setting. This work has reduced

priorities of our commissioning colleagues

to individuals who have been unsuccessful

readmission and self-harm rates, and

and the perspectives of individuals with

in conventional services. To achieve this, the

increased engagement in work, education,

lived experience. This co-design has been an

teams have been recruited from a diverse

and community participation, alongside

important aspect of the services’ growth and

range of health and social care disciplines,

individual self-reports of wellbeing

defined what ‘good’ support looks and feels

with the service investing in specialist

and health.

like. This has included working with housing

training to reflect the bespoke support




partners to develop capable environments,

packages for individuals with a complex risk

Most recently, Venture-People has worked

including redesigning spaces to create

presentation. This approach has facilitated

in collaboration with its commissioning

places where people feel safe. In addition,

discharge for those people who have been

colleagues to think creatively about

we offer tenancies so that individuals can

‘trapped’ by barriers to discharge from

individuals whose complexities have

feel ownership of their own home, often for

secure, acute and rehabilitation settings.

excluded them from traditional service

the first time in their lives.

The judges’ comments: “Venture-People has demonstrated a focused ability to care for complex individuals. It has provided highly specialised care to vulnerable people where risk to individuals and the wider community must be balanced to achieve beneficial outcomes.” “Venture-People commissioned an innovative well-structured service specifically designed to meet successfully the challenges posed by various specialist commissioners. This produced a win-win scenario with both service users and commissioners benefiting from the enhanced well-thought-through service offering.” “The outcomes demonstrate that the service has improved lives for the people the company supports, while at a time of financial constraint, also reducing costs to commissioning teams.” “Venture-People has demonstrated how it provides community support across a range of healthcare sectors with a dedicated team of professionals.”

For more information about Venture-People visit

WINNER Complex care provider of the year Cornerstone Healthcare Group

Cornerstone Healthcare was among

This industry accolade comes just two

The group will open its third home

a n i m p re ss i ve g ro u p o f f i n a l i st s

years after the group established its first

early this year. Marula Lodge will offer

this year and to be crowned winner

two homes in Hampshire. South Africa

42 bedrooms in Camberley, Surrey. Two

of the ‘Complex care provider of the

Lodge in Waterlooville, along with Kitnocks

further homes – one in Bristol and one

year’ award is recognition for the entire

House in Curdridge, cares for people

in Somerset – are in the developmental

team says chief executive, Johann

with challenging behaviours associated

phase and will be in operation from 2022

van Zyl. “We are beyond delighted to

with complex neurological and mental

onwards. This will take the company’s bed

win this award!” he said. “Not only

health needs.

capacity to 355.

homes’ for many people who can’t

This year, the judges were looking for

Cornerstone Healthcare is in an underserved

find care that meets their complex

organisations and individuals that have

market – the number of residents who

needs, we have done it to a world-

made an outstanding contribution to

require the care it provides is around

class standard.

healthcare in 2019/20 and represent the

15,000; however, there are currently only

leading players in the market.

5,000 beds available nationwide.

have we successfully created ‘forever

Johann van Zyl added: “We have

“We knew there was a need for our type of specialist care and having that focus

The judges recognised Cornerstone’s

ambitious plans for the next five years;

has allowed us to become expert at what

specialist care and its ability to offer a

we want to increase our bed capacity to

we do.

home to those who struggle to be cared

at least 500, through a strategy of new

for in ‘ordinary’ care home settings.

builds and acquisition. This is an exciting time for everyone at Cornerstone as we

“Our staff should feel immensely proud of their work, particularly at a time when

They praised its “impressive” and

know we have the right model and the

their roles are made more challenging by

“innovative” approach to dealing with

right staff to give people with complex

the coronavirus pandemic.”

individual service users.

needs the very best quality of life.”

The judges’ comments: “The service has proved that it can support people with some of the most complex needs, who have often been failed by other services and other parts of the system.” “What is particularly impressive is the comprehensive nature of this service which looks at the physical and emotional needs of the people it

Screenshot taken from the virtual HealthInvestor Awards 2020 ceremony

supports and their families.”

For more information about Cornerstone Healthcare Group visit or email

WINNER Residential care provider of the year Avery Healthcare Group

Established in 2005, Avery Healthcare

a judge representative from the awards

or rolled out to support care and lifestyle

provides residential, dementia, nursing, step

ceremony commented: “Avery firmly

choice for the residents.

down and respite care through 57 homes

positions itself as a high-end residential

in England, and operates four Hawthorns

care provider, and 2019 saw the introduction

Cementing values is proven in Avery’s

independent living retirement communities.

of further innovative approaches heavily

established and comprehensive wellbeing

focused on enhancing the experiences not

and activity model, and we launched a

Avery has grown quickly to become the

only of residents but also its staff, thereby

detailed and evidenced-based wellbeing

twelfth-largest provider of beds in the sector

cementing its enviable position as one of

measurement tool in 2019. It shows individual

and has a progressive build plan with two

the pre-eminent UK care home operators.”

resident progress against measures agreed

more new services set to open this year,

with them and is a fundamental part of

and six more locations in build. Services are

Our offering is differentiated with sector-

their person-centred care. The measurement

modern, purpose-built and are subject to

leading programmes in resident services,

tool covers all factors of mind, body and

a continual programme of investment, with

wellbeing and activity and local community

soul, with measurements first completed at

several homes now rated as Outstanding by

engagement. High-quality medical care is

admission, then three-monthly thereafter,

the Care Quality Commission with the group

now expected and closely regulated; what

to demonstrate wellbeing improvements

having one of the highest percentages of

sets operators apart is the quality of resident

and that residents are living happier and

homes in the Good category in the sector.

lifestyle for all categories of care, meaningful

more fulfilling lives, measured against their

to both the residents and their families.

own criteria.

performance, secured additional investment,

Dining is essential within Avery’s wellbeing

We’re proud that our all-round performance

and innovated in care and resident services.

strategy, and much investment is made in

in every sphere of operation and the

We continually strive to innovate and

chef training with innovative programmes

contribution from every staff member

differentiate through the quality of care, a

to support residents with specific dietary

has been recognised in this way with this

proactive focus on resident wellbeing and

and dining needs, with initiatives launched

prestigious award.

In 2019, we delivered on financial

their lifestyle, all set within well-appointed environments that are the backdrop to its hotel-standard resident services. We are an employer of choice for the care sector, with an award-winning training and development division that delivers proven career pathways for all staff regardless of role. We are thrilled to have been awarded ‘Residential care provider of the year’ at the HealthInvestor Awards 2020. Recognising outstanding delivery on financial performance, expansion and repositioning, developing investor base and exceptional residential care services,

For more information about Avery Healthcare visit


Property consultants of the year – capital markets: Cushman & Wakefield Property consultants of the year – property services: AECOM Property developer of the year (sponsored by Aitchison Raffety): Prime Property investor of the year: Inspired Villages


Public-private partnership of the year (sponsored by Active Care Group): Peninsula Heart Clinic

WINNER Outstanding contribution award (sponsored by Civitas Investment Management) This Award is dedicated to all front-line health and social care workers

Each year, the HealthInvestor Awards has given an award for the Outstanding Contribution by an individual. This award has been presented to some of the sector’s most illustrious figures, and is designed to recognise excellence of contribution by a leader in our marketplace. The pandemic, however, has not been a time for individuals. More than ever, the coronavirus pandemic has reminded all of us of the importance of teams in health and social care – suppressing the virus while also delivering care to those in desperate need of it required a collective effort and sacrifice the like of which many of us have never seen before. So in 2020, rather than a recognise an individual, our outstanding contribution award will be dedicated to front-line workers across the health and social care sector.

HealthInvestor UK is the leading news source for investors, operators, lenders and advisors focused on the UK health and social care sector. As a subscriber you will receive: • Unlimited access to HealthInvestor UK online for the latest news, deals, moves and events, accessible from desktop, mobile and tablet devices • A summary of the latest news direct to your inbox each week before non-subscribers • Fund Focus, a database of vital market intelligence exclusively for our subscriber network, learn from leading funds in the sector to better understand what is driving investment activity and market trends in the healthcare space • The latest on business intelligence, thought leadership and research for the UK independent health and social care sector • Discounts on selected HealthInvestor UK flagship events and seminars, including subscriber-only webinars.

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Many thanks to our 2020 judging panel

Mark Bassett Chairman, Bassett Consulting Services

Stephen Collier Chair and non-executive chair

Jan Flawn Founder, PJ Care

Barry Francis Consultant

Mike Fry Director, MFIM

Martin Green Chief executive, Care England

David Hare Chief executive, Independent Healthcare Providers Network

Graham Lovell Founder and chief executive, Rockhaven Healthcare

Linda McGoldrick President and chief executive, Financial Health Associates International

David Mobbs Chair of Vita Health Group and Anthropos Digital Solutions

Mike Parsons Chair, vice-chair and non-executive director

Andrew Wheelan Founding chairman, Westcott Care

Thank you all those who attended the HealthInvestor Awards 2020. We look forward to seeing you in 2021. Ian Wootton Advisor

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