HealthInvestor Awards 2021 - winners supplement

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Awards 2021 WINNERS

Main sponsor

We’d like to thank all our winners, finalists, judges, sponsors and everyone who helped us celebrate the return of live events and the HealthInvestor Awards. With 181 finalists this year’s competition was fierce and HealthInvestor UK crowned

Silver sponsors

24 winners across different categories including; Advisory & Finance, Clinical Services, Investment, Property, Social Care and Technology. Host Kevin Connelly presided over a fun-filled night, with winners such as Barclays (Bank/ Lender of the Year), Vita Health Group (Primary Care Provider), Octopus Real Estate (Property Investor), Voyage Care (Community Support Provider) and many, many more. We’re thrilled to return to live events and can’t wait to welcome you to more of our

Award sponsors

HealthInvestor UK events in the future.

Awards 2021

Awards 2021


Bank or lender of the year: Barclays Consultants of the year – strategic: Rushport Advisory Consultants of the year – transactional: Connell Consulting Corporate financier of the year: Deloitte Legal advisors of the year – private: DAC Beachcroft Legal advisors of the year – public: DAC Beachcroft Legal advisors of the year – transactional: Bevan Brittan



Awards 2021

Consultants of the year – strategic Rushport Advisory

Since 2011 Rushport Advisory has been

We combine market-leading knowledge

Innovation and excellence

at the forefront of advising on the UK

with the highest ethical standards to

We continue to lead the development

pharmacy market and we are delighted to

deliver a service that means our clients

of innovative solutions in the pharmacy

have been voted ‘Consultants of the year

see us as trusted advisors and integral

sector. We are now recognised as the

– strategic’ at the 2021 HealthInvestor

to their business plans. Our unrivalled

leading provider of advice to the fast-


experience of the pharmacy market and

growing online pharmacy market and

the regulations that apply to both NHS

represent the vast majority of companies

Rushport Advisory is the leading UK

and private pharmacy mean that we add

that wish to obtain consent from the NHS

pharmacy consulting firm. Rushport

real and measurable value to our clients’

and regulators to enter this market.

was founded by Conor Daly in 2011

businesses. Whether it is a new UK

and has steadily increased its presence

pharmacy entrant or one of the largest

In 2021 we set up a new division to

every year to become the ‘go to’ firm

existing pharmacy operators in the world,

advise specifically on the medical

for advice on pharmacy matters. Each

we can advise across a wide range of areas

cannabis market and expanded outside

year, as the regulatory and economic

from dispensing regular NHS or private

of pure pharmacy-related areas to include

landscape changes, Rushport enters into

prescriptions, to setting up complex online/

advice on the growing, import, export

new and even more specialist areas and

distance selling models or entering the new

and distribution of medical cannabis as

provides advice to an ever-growing range

and fast-growing market for services in the

well as its prescribing and dispensing.

of clients.

medical cannabis industry. Our clients include some of the largest healthcare providers in the world and also small star t-ups with new and innovative ideas for changing the healthcare landscape in the UK. Almost all healthcare providers will have a pharmacy providing services at some point through the patient journey and we are seeing more providers look to bring pharmacy services in-house to ensure the quality of the care they provide is not compromised by a breakdown in communications between different organisations on the same patient pathway. Each month more than one million people in the UK use pharmacy services that were set up by Rushport or with our help and we are proud of that achievement and the recognition from the HealthInvestor Awards judges for our work to date.

For more information about Rushport Advisory visit



Awards 2021

Consultants of the year – transactional Connell Consulting

The team at Connell Consulting

accurate, insightful and meticulously

is delighted to win the award for

researched reports. Investors, operators

‘Consultants of the year – transactional’

and lenders in the sector. Recent

at this year’s HealthInvestor Awards. This

vendor customer due diligence reports

is much appreciated recognition for our

include Exemplar, Consensus, Routes,

“A company that cares and despite

large volume of projects and increased

Christchurch, RNID, Leonard Cheshire,

the challenges of the last 15 months

market share in the sector.

Scope, Lextox, Pathways and Sequence.

has achieved excellence in its projects.

Connell Consulting produces high-

Clare Connell is included in the HealthInvestor

quality and insightful reports, using large

Power Fifty for the fourth year

volumes of primary research and granular

Clare Connell has also been included

“Clare, Jaimie and the team continue

site-by-site analysis

in the HealthInvestor Power Fifty since

to lead the way on market and

Our reports are the most detailed,

2017 and she has been voted the sector

commissioner assessments, and

thorough and involve more primary

specialist by her peers for the past two

provide practical, deeply-researched

research than our competitors’ reports.

years. Connell Consulting has also won the

and well networked advice – whether

We don’t just rely on widely known

‘LaingBuisson management consultant of

on the buy-side or sell-side. A busy

publicly available sources and published

the year’ award for the past two years.

and productive year, in a sometimes

The judges’ comments:

A company to watch as it grows

data, we interview more stakeholders than


challenging market.”

any other competitor (frequently 75-150 for one report).

“An outstanding performance for the volume of assignments and high level

Increased market share in the last year,

of repeat business.”

despite the Covid-19 pandemic The Connell Consulting team has achieved

“Clearly the organisation has had a

significantly increased market share over

good year supporting its client base

the past nine years. The Connell team has

with sound advice and diligence.

worked on more than 60 projects in the

The business demonstrates the

past 12 months, helping us to achieve

importance of client relations – and

significant revenue growth in fiscal year

loyalty through consistently high

2021. We have produced commercial due

delivery of quality outputs. Connell

diligence reports on over £7 billion of

illustrates the importance of expertise

transactions in the past year, including

in its team and experience from

refinancing processes.

outside of the consulting profession. References evidence the support

Connell Consulting has produced

Connell has from its clients and the

12 vendor commercial due diligence

positive nature of the long-term

reports in the past year, helping clients

relationships fostered by the team.”

achieve great valuations on exit Connell Consulting is well known in the sector for producing knowledgeable,

Clare Connell, Connell Consulting

To find out more about Connell Consulting visit



Awards 2021

Legal advisors of the year – private DAC Beachcroft

DAC Beachcroft, winner of the prestigious ‘Legal advisors of the year – private’ and ‘Legal advisors of the year – public’ awards at the HealthInvestor Awards 2021, has set itself apart from competitors by the scale, breadth and strength in depth of its health and social care team. With over 50 health partners, over 260 lawyers and more than 480 professionals working on health matters across 11 UK locations, and with access to 33 offices across the globe, DAC Beachcroft has the largest dedicated health law team in the UK, with an unparalleled understanding of the market. Leading legal advisor to the independent health sector Over the past 12 months the team has further consolidated its position as a principal provider of legal advice to the independent health and care sector – acting for the largest acute and mental health operators – and the advisor of

to the independent health sector, one

them: enabling them to continue to manage

choice for many of the innovators and scale

HealthInvestor Awards judge commented,

their day-to-day operations during a time of

ups bringing technology and novel models

“What DAC Beachcroft has done over the

significant crisis, and helping them meet their

of healthcare delivery to the wider healthcare

past year exhibits sharp commercial acumen,

strategic needs with an eye on the future.”

sector, as well as established medtech providers.

considerable public purpose, very strong

The team has worked hard to support its clients

external partnership and collaboration, agile

Innovation in healthcare

to run their businesses effectively during an

internal organisational culture, strong and

DAC Beachcroft works hard to maintain

incredibly challenging year.

imaginative strategising and notable public

its reputation as a leading legal advisor in

policy analysis and advocacy. Exactly what

the provision of innovative service delivery,

Covid-19 has of course been central to many

you would hope for from good lawyers. Very

and to promote innovation in the sector.

of the issues on which the team has advised


This includes supporting clients with

its clients, but just as importantly the team

in-depth data analytics to identify subtle

has helped clients to deal with a broad range

Nigel Montgomery, partner and head of

trends and potential patient safety issues

of strategic legal challenges and grasp the

the health and social care team at DAC

that are essential in enabling clients to take

opportunities to progress strategic change

Beachcroft, added, “Many of our clients have

proactive action. The firm also continues to

regardless of the pandemic.

sought to continue to align their business

collaborate with leaders and stakeholders in

activities and strategic objectives despite

the sector to produce insight on the challenges

Commenting on the outstanding support

the Covid-19 pandemic. We have been at

facing the health and social care sector and

that DAC Beachcroft’s team has provided

the heart of tackling these challenges with

how these can be addressed.

For more information about DAC Beachcroft visit



Awards 2021

Legal advisors of the year – public DAC Beachcroft

leading health sector practice. Our teams have worked tirelessly to help our clients navigate the impacts of the pandemic, deliver new and innovative solutions to manage these unprecedented challenges, and provide the agility in service that our clients expect. I have never been more proud of the support we have given to the NHS during such a critical time of crisis.” Having advised the NHS since its inception in 1948, today DAC Beachcroft is appointed on all major legal services frameworks for the NHS and advises over 300 NHS and private sector clients on the full breadth of legal services, spanning corporate, commercial, regulator y, (from left to right): John Williams, Simon Wortley, James Reed, Corinne Slingo, Udara Ranasinghe and Hamza Drabu, partners, DAC Beachcroft

claims, employment, real estate, public law, governance and tax. It is also the only specialist health sector focused firm appointed to the central government panel,

Responding to the Covid-19 crisis

Development Service (GIDS), run by

Crown Commercial Services – giving

DAC Beachcroft has acted as a key advisor

Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation

them access to major health projects and

across the full spectrum of legal advice


advising on government health policy.

Covid-19, assisting in making challenging

A HealthInvestor Awards judge commented

Leading the discussion in health and

decisions at pace against a backdrop of

on the unparalleled support that DAC

social care

emerging, fast-changing guidance and legal

Beachcroft has provided to the sector:

DAC Beachcroft continues to look to the


“What DAC Beachcroft has done over

future – advising clients on the implications

to the NHS in the national fight against

the past year exhibits considerable public

of the NHS White Paper and CQC five-

The firm’s team of health sector experts

purpose, very strong external partnership

year strategy – and to this end they have

played a key role in the Covid-19 response,

and collaboration, commercial acumen, agile

produced a series of briefings on the Health

particularly with the establishment of

internal organisational culture, strong and

and Care Bill 2021, which is available

Nightingale Hospitals, the mobilisation

imaginative strategising and notable public

online. The firm also continues to produce

of additional capacity and making

policy analysis. All highly commendable,

insight, foresight and thought-provoking

contractual arrangements for the roll out

indeed exemplary.”

features and articles under its brand of

of the vaccine. Alongside this, it represents

Health Adviser articles and reports, which

NHS organisations with landmark cases,

DAC Beachcroft’s head of health and social

are designed to promote practical solutions

most notably recently in relation to a

care, Nigel Montgomery, added: “It has been

for the issues of the day, for health and

judicial review with the Gender Identity

a truly exceptional year for our market-

social care professionals.

To find out more about DAC Beachcroft visit



Awards 2021

Legal advisors of the year – transactional Bevan Brittan

Bevan Brittan, winner of the prestigious ‘Legal advisors of the year – transactional’

Bevan Brittan provides a comprehensive range of legal services from offices in

award at the HealthInvestor Awards 2021,

London, Leeds, Birmingham and Bristol. Call 0370 194 3016 | 07917 602 217,

has been helping NHS and independent

email or visit:

health and social care operators to navigate unprecedented legal challenges during the pandemic.

Vincent Buscemi, partner and head of

difficulties of recruitment and retention,

independent health and social care at Bevan

exacerbated by the implications of Brexit in

This is the fifth consecutive year that Bevan

Brittan, said: "Our health and social care

a sector heavily reliant on EU workers, only

Brittan has won a HealthInvestor award.

clients have faced unprecedented challenges

increase the challenge.”

Last year the firm was also named ‘Legal

during the pandemic. Many of the legal issues

advisors of the year – transactional’. The

we’ve helped them to navigate have been

Joanna Lloyd, partner and head of health

top-100 firm has also previously won the

unprecedented too, with rapidly evolving

(NHS) at Bevan Brittan, said: “The pandemic

‘Legal advisors of the year – private’ and

legal and regulatory issues, and it has been

presented our NHS clients with unique,

‘Legal advisors of the year – public’ awards.

incredibly rewarding to support our clients

and time sensitive challenges and it was

throughout this period.”

a privilege to stand shoulder to shoulder

The HealthInvestor Awards judges said:

with them and provide legal solutions. I’m

“Bevan Brittan has achieved quite a

He added: “Despite increasing pressure on

incredibly proud of the way our teams have

portfolio of achievements during a very

margins due to public sector commissioners’

adapted to support them.”

difficult period. It established a Covid

budgets, providers need to deliver high-

task force to support and respond to its

quality services in an environment of

Highlighting the issues caused by the

clients ensuring all risks were identified

tougher regulatory scrutiny and reputational

pandemic, Joanna added: “We are working

and managed.”

damage should they fall short. The workforce

with our NHS clients on formulating policies to balance treatment with finite resources. We are working on notifications of harm and death, RIDDOR, CQC compliance, judicial review, infection control law and grappling with the new regulations and guidance.” Bevan Brittan works with 170 independent health and social care operators, over 60% of all NHS trusts and major health and social care suppliers, funders and investors on a wide variety of corporate, commercial and real estate transactions. The firm’s multidisciplinary health and social care team has more than 60 partners and 200 lawyers, specialising in corporate and commercial,

Jodie Sinclair, senior partner (left) and Monica Macheng, partner

For more information about Bevan Brittan visit

property, litigation, regulatory, patient safety and employment legal advice.

Awards 2021


Diagnostics provider of the year: Medical Imaging Partnership Primary care provider of the year: Vita Health Group Private hospital group of the year: Circle Health Group Recruiter of the year: Compass Holding Group



Awards 2021

Primary care provider of the year Vita Health Group

Vita Health Group was named ‘Primary care

into delivering holistic, person-centred care.

provider of the year’ after being recognised

Vita Health Group celebrates life. Improving

for its work in mobilising four large NHS

lives physically and mentally drives

primary care mental health services, during

everything we do. We work with individuals

Covid-19. In addition, Vita introduced a

and organisations alike to support and

range of initiatives to ensure full-service

improve lives.

Vita by numbers (per year) • 90,000+ people cared for • 450,000 appointments delivered • 1,100 therapist & healthworkers • 40+ services and specialities

accessibility for corporate customers, and it integrated life-changing innovations into

Vita and the NHS

experts provide the most suitable treatment

its treatment plans.

Vita Health Group, in partnership with the

for an injury or condition.

NHS, provide mental and physical services But the award belongs to the Vita team

to residents throughout the UK.

– a group of talented individuals who

Corporate services Vita Health Group is a UK market-leader in

demonstrate commitment, professionalism,

Mental health

workplace musculoskeletal, mental health

and compassion daily.

Vita is part of the Improving Access to

and preventative health solutions. We work

Psychological Therapies programme. We

with some of the UK’s largest companies

Making people better

have a nationwide team of mental health

to provide wellbeing services designed

Vita Health Group is a leading UK healthcare

experts who are highly trained, accredited

specifically for their employees.

provider. We are dedicated to making people

practitioners committed to excellence in

better, by providing integrated physical and

clinical standards.

mental health services to employers, the NHS, and private patients.

We focus on the most common health challenges, proactively supporting our

Physical health

clients and their employees, helping to

We deliver a range of NHS physical

maintain a healthy productive workforce.

With more than 30 years’ experience

(musculoskeletal) health services that

Our approach delivers an integrated end-

delivering best-in-class physical and mental

involve helping people from age 16 to the

to-end solution covering preventative and

health, Vita Health Group has unique insight

elderly, from all walks of life. Our team of

treatment services to assist employers and employees in addressing overall health and wellbeing, positively impacting on absenteeism and presenteeism. Private physiotherapy services Vita Health Group has been at the forefront of healthcare for the past 30 years. We have a range of easy-to-access physiotherapy clinics, offering private and sports physiotherapy services. We have a team of experts who are committed to excellence in clinical standards

Kat Ishaq, senior bid manager and Derrick Farrell, chief executive

For more information about Vita Health Group visit

and customer service. We will help our patients get back to being their best.



Awards 2021

Private hospital group of the year Circle Health Group

In 2020, Circle Health Group grew from

surgery and treatments which are much

the team to achieve this in a year when

one of the smallest operators in the

less common in our sector. For example,

they had undertaken a complex integration

industry to the largest private hospital

the Park Hospital in Nottingham became

programme to merge two diverse hospital

group in the UK, with 51 hospitals, 2,500

the largest centre for oesophageal cancer

groups during the pandemic crisis.

beds, nearly 10,000 staff, and 6,500

surgery in the country last year. Circle has a singular strategic focus and

consultants, treating two million patients a year, having acquired BMI Healthcare

In addition to our work to support the NHS,

vision guiding its operations: to drive up

in the largest UK healthcare transaction

last year Circle opened the UK’s first and

standards of hospital care by deploying

in recent decades.

largest dedicated rehabilitation hospital

world-leading technology at scale. To

in Birmingham, as well as continuing our

achieve this, we have entered a unique

Just days after assuming control of the

expansion overseas with the roll-out of

partnership with Spain-based Ribera

expanded Circle Health Group following

our rapidly expanding chain of hospitals

Salud, who are widely acknowledged

the BMI Healthcare acquisition, we

in China. Circle was the first European

to have the most advanced hospital

decided to dedicate all our resources to

operator to enter China.

technology systems in the world. We

supporting the NHS during the pandemic.

have also signed an exclusive deal We attribute all our progress to

with General Electric to bring the latest

Circle’s contribution was unique in the

an unrelenting focus on employee

technological innovation to market, as

scale and complexity of the NHS work

engagement and clinical leadership. Circle

part of a multi-million pound capital

we performed, seeing more than 670,000

was recently ranked as one of the top 25

investment programme to upgrade our

NHS patients, and performing 385,000

big companies to work for by The Sunday

facilities, particularly in robotics, AI and

tests and scans and 170,000 patient

Times. While this is an impressive feat in

digital infrastructure.

procedures. We also performed complex

any year, it was particularly rewarding for For consumers, we have introduced fully digitalised patient pathways, and have been first-movers in the sector in introducing fully online booking systems and next day appointments online. Since launching our online booking service nine months ago, we have seen an 800% increase in online bookings. We are continuing to open up multiple digital channels for consumers to access healthcare via primary care platforms, retail, med-tech, industry partnerships and dedicated apps. It has been a year like no other for Circle Health Group. We are so grateful to our incredible staff and clinicians who have

Massoud Fouladi, group clinical chair and Paolo Pieri, chief executive

For more information about Circle Health Group visit

worked tirelessly for their patients in the most challenging of circumstances.



Awards 2021

Recruiter of the year Compass Holding Group

Compass Executives representatives collecting the ‘Recruiter of the year’ award

Compass Holding Group is delighted to

on-year, making us the largest provider of

partner for so many businesses delivering

have been awarded ‘Recruiter of the year’ at

recruitment solutions to the independent

critical care to those that were vulnerable

the 2021 HealthInvestor Awards – marking

markets we supply.

is an even greater recognition.

• Compass Associates – Mid-senior

"It is a testament to our improving standards

management across the independent

and levels of service, and this would not be

Following a tumultuous 18 months for

health, social care and children’s services

possible without the graft, dedication and

the sector, we are proud to have had the


excellence of our staff. We are incredibly

our third success at these awards in recent years.

hard work recognised at such a prestigious

• Compass Executives – C-suite

awards, and it is a testament to the

appointments across private (equity

dedication and hard work from all members

and corporate), not-for-profit and

of the Compass team to have received such

independent health, care, and life

The Compass Executives brand sponsored

sciences industries

the ‘Private equity investor of the year’

positive judges’ feedback.

proud and will support the sector to the best of our capabilities in the future.”

• Compass Corporate Services – Back

Award – and as the leading executive search

As a business, Compass Holding Group

office corporate services leadership

firm operating in the investment-backed

is a multi-award-winning, UK-based


healthcare space, we were delighted to have

recruitment and executive search

• Compass Life Sciences – Global life

consultancy, devoted to all aspects of the

sciences contingency and retained

independent health, social care, children’s

recruitment solutions.

services and education, and most recently, life sciences industries.

been able to present the winners, Apposite Capital, with the award. The evening gave a fantastic opportunity

Co-founder, Sam Leighton-Smith, was

for the first time in many months to spend

thrilled with the result: "For Compass

time engaging with so many familiar faces,

We are comprised of four brands with

Holding Group to be recognised previously

with the networking lasting early into the

offices across multiple geographic regions

(2017 and 2019) by such prominent figures

morning. We would like to congratulate

established in line with demands from our

within the industry was always an honour.

all nominees, finalists, and winners for all

clients to accommodate their every need.

However, to be recognised during the year

their work in the sector – and look forward

As a result, the teams have expanded year-

of Covid-19 as a recruitment solutions

to continuing our support.

For more information about Compass Holding Group visit

Awards 2021


Private equity investor of the year: Apposite Capital Property investor of the year: Octopus Real Estate



Awards 2021

Property investor of the year Octopus Real Estate

surrounded by the people who continue to

Octopus Real Estate is honoured to have

shows Octopus’ continuous commitment in

been awarded ‘Property investor of the year’

investment for care and retirement homes

work together ensuring this vital sector has

at the HealthInvestor Awards 2021.

throughout the UK, ensuring we deliver

the resources it needs to strive for excellence.

exceptional healthcare facilities. Thank you to HealthInvestor UK for putting

With a challenging 18 months slowly being put behind us, there has never been a more

The awards evening was one of the

on a stellar event, and congratulations to

important time to celebrate the healthcare

first events in our calendar to return in a

all the other nominations and winners for

sector. Being rewarded at this fantastic event

physical format and it was a pleasure to be

everything we are all doing together.

Michael Toft, head of care homes; Benjamin Davis, chief executive; Kevin Beirne, head of retirement living

For more information about Octopus Real Estate visit


IT innovator of the year: Vita Health Group Technology provider of the year: Liva Healthcare



Awards 2021

IT innovator of the year Vita Health Group

The award for ‘IT innovator of the year’ 2021

Mental health

reflected Vita Health Group’s commitment

Vita is part of the Improving Access to

to using technology to increase access

Psychological Therapies programme. We

to mental healthcare and support, drive

have a nationwide team of mental health

user engagement and enhance service

experts who are highly trained, accredited

choice. It featured Vita’s partnership with

practitioners committed to excellence in

Limbic, an organisation dedicated to using

clinical standards.

cutting-edge artificial intelligence within

Vita by numbers (per year) • 90,000+ people cared for • 450,000 appointments delivered • 1,100 therapist & healthworkers • 40+ services and specialities

maintain a healthy productive workforce.

mental health, to co-develop a digital triage

Physical health

Our approach delivers an integrated

chatbot. It also featured Vita’s innovative

We deliver a range of NHS physical

end-to-end solution covering preventative

use of virtual reality technology within

(musculoskeletal) health services that

and treatment ser vices to assist

treatment pathways for needle phobia.

involve helping people from age 16 to the

employers and employees in addressing

elderly, from all walks of life. Our team

overall health and wellbeing, positively

But the award belongs to the Vita team

of experts provide the most suitable


– a group of talented individuals who

treatment for an injury or condition.


Corporate services

Private physiotherapy services




demonstrate commitment, professionalism, and compassion daily.

Vita Health Group is a UK market-leader in

Vita Health Group has been at the

Making people better

workplace musculoskeletal, mental health

forefront of healthcare for the past 30

Vita Health Group is a leading UK healthcare

and preventative health solutions. We work

years. We have a range of easy-to-access

provider. We are dedicated to making

with some of the UK’s largest companies

physiotherapy clinics, offering private and

people better, by providing integrated

to provide wellbeing services designed

sports physiotherapy services.

physical and mental health services to

specifically for their employees.

employers, the NHS, and private patients.

We have a team of experts who are

With more than 30 years’ experience

We focus on the most common health

committed to excellence in clinical standards

delivering best-in-class physical and

challenges, proactively supporting our

and customer service. We will help our

mental health, Vita Health Group has

clients and their employees, helping to

patients get back to being their best.

unique insight into delivering holistic, person-centred care. Vita Health Group celebrates life. Improving lives physically and mentally drives everything we do. We work with individuals and organisations alike to support and improve lives. Vita and the NHS Vita Health Group, in partnership with the NHS, provide mental and physical services to residents throughout the UK.

Derrick Farrell, chief executive and Emma Weighill-Baskerville, NHS commercial director

For more information about Vita Health Group visit

Awards 2021


Property consultants of the year – capital markets: Knight Frank Property consultants of the year – property services: AECOM Property developer of the year: Prime



Awards 2021

Property developer of the year Prime

Prime was named ‘Property developer of

with property investors. Despite the

the year’ for the second year in a row at the

challenges of the global pandemic and

HealthInvestor Awards 2021. The category,

national lockdowns, Prime’s strength and

made up of eight finalists, promotes excellence

character, as well as strong relationships

and recognises outstanding performance in

with clients and contractor partners, ensured

the independent healthcare sector.

successful planning consent and financial close on five schemes in 2020.

The judges’ comments:

over the past 12 months, delivering on its

Vikki Town, Prime's group finance director,

“It’s almost too difficult to pick the

commitment: ‘developing space for change in

said: “To win the award for ‘Property

highlights of Prime’s year – the

health and care’. Projects covered acute and

developer of the year’ for the second year

herculean effort to deliver the NEC

elderly care, with a seven-storey car park at

running is an incredible achievement, and I’m

Covid-19 Referral Centre in 21 days

Dorset County Hospital, a state-of-the-art

so proud of the Prime team for all the work

to the regeneration scheme in Woking

medical centre in Hereford, a 176-bedroom

they have done to deliver change for health

town centre – underpinned by a

keyworker accommodation complex in

and care property during this challenging year.

commitment to deliver real change

Prime’s submission focused on its work

Yeovil, a park and ride facility for staff at

in health and care.”

University Hospital Southampton, a 74-bed

“In the face of the turbulence caused by the

care home in Worcester and three further

pandemic, our team has needed to keep

hospital car parks in the West Midlands.

a collective foot on the pedal to maintain

This work amounts to development projects

project momentum and community hope,

valued at £440 million across 2,138,080

and receiving this award really recognises

square feet of high-quality health and care

the efforts the team have made to make

real estate, raising the profile of healthcare

change happen in the last year.”

Representatives from Prime

For more information about Prime visit

Awards 2021


Community support provider of the year: Voyage Care Complex care provider of the year: Cornerstone Healthcare Group Domiciliary care provider of the year: The Good Care Group Residential care provider of the year: Hallmark Care Homes Specialist care provider of the year: The Good Care Group



Awards 2021

Complex care provider of the year Cornerstone Healthcare Group

Specialist care provider Cornerstone Healthcare has been named as ‘Complex care provider of the year’ for the second year in a row – one of only two providers to have achieved this. The accolade comes during the backdrop of the pandemic and national staffing shortages, making the win an even bigger achievement for all Cornerstone staff. Cornerstone has two homes in Hampshire, South Africa Lodge in Waterlooville, along with Kitnocks House in Botley,

Jens Kleyenstuber, finance director and Dara Ní Ghadhra, chief operating officer

and opened a third home, Marula Lodge in Camberley, Surrey earlier this year. All three homes care for people with

challenging year for the sector and this is

They were also keen to point out our

challenging behaviours associated with

testament to the hard work and dedication

company’s “excellent business processes

complex neurological and mental health

of the team.

and performance in an underserved part of the market”, along with acknowledging

needs. “I’m so proud of our team; to have won

the “excellent specialist care provided to

Faced with stiff competition this year chief

‘Complex care provider’ again this year is

a very vulnerable set of individuals with a

executive, Johann van Zyl, said it’s been a

further proof that their care and dedication

mixed set of mental and physical needs.”

is the best in the UK. Faced with the The judges’ comments:

challenge of a global pandemic, they

Cornerstone Healthcare is the only operator

pulled together and continued to enrich

in the Southeast of England whose main

the lives of our residents.

focus is specialist nursing care for people

“Cornerstone continued with

with challenging behaviours as a result of

impressive growth, despite Covid.

“This win is also due to the flexibility and

It focused on and rewarded its

support of my colleagues in the executive

teams through pay increases and

management team”, he added, “We were

Two further homes – in Bristol and Somerset

paying full wages even if shielding

able to swiftly increase pay rates, make

– are in the developmental phase and will

or isolating. The chief executive

bonus payments and change sickness

be in operation from 2022 onwards. This

and senior team were based at a

policy to keep our staff motivated and

will take the company’s bed capacity to 355.

care home during the pandemic to

to ensure continuity of our high-quality

provide support, showing that the


Johann added; “At times like these, when everyone in the sector is under so much

leadership team is people-focused and not just growth focused.”

neurological or mental health needs.

The judges were inspired by Cornerstone’s

pressure, it really is an honour to be

“solid growth” and “impressive increase

presented with this award for the second

in bed numbers”.

year in a row.”

For more information visit or email



Awards 2021

Residential care provider of the year Hallmark Care Homes

Hallmark Care Homes, established in 1997,

Covid-19. This financial year, we also

is an industry-leading, and family-run care home group. We provide residential, nursing

increased our team members’ salaries to The judges’ comments:

and dementia care to more than 1,000

reflect their efforts during the pandemic so that all employees in England are paid at or

residents across 19 locations in England

“Hallmark Care Homes has very

above the Real Living Wage.

and Wales and we currently have three

good settings, excellent care and

homes rated Outstanding by the Care

a great Covid-19 response. The

We are proud to have won 100 awards

Quality Commission.

business is very well managed and

over the past 24 years for the quality of the

the management team has taken

care we provide, and we are thrilled to have

Hallmark Care Homes has quickly become

on a sector-leading role. They are a

been awarded ‘Residential care provider

the provider of choice for families, receiving

progressive group putting innovative

of the year’ at the 2021 HealthInvestor

exceptional feedback from residents and

human-led programmes at the core

Awards, recognising our proactive response

relatives. In 2021, we were awarded the

of its services.”

to Covid-19, our unique end-of-life care

highest recommendation in the top 20 mid-

partnership with Marie Curie, and other

size care home groups for the sixth year

innovative programmes which seek to

running with a review score 9.7 out of 10

improve care outcomes for our residents

on At the same awards,

relationship-centred care to residents.

and develop our team.

two of our facilities Ty Enfys and Greenhill

During the pandemic, Hallmark also

Manor were also recognised, being named

proactively supported its teams ordering

We’re delighted that our all-round

in the top 20 care homes in Wales.

sufficient PPE, putting vulnerable team

performance in every sphere of operation

members on furlough, offering counselling

and the contribution from every team

In 2020, we delivered on financial

for all the team along with a support fund

member has been recognised in this way

performance and we have an ambitious

to help people struggling as a result of

with this prestigious award.

growth programme, with eight new developments in the pipeline which will be built by our sister company, Savista Developments. We have also recently branched into the assisted living sector and have launched our new business, Santhem Residences – which will open its first assisted living development in Shenfield, Essex this year. At Hallmark Care Homes, we understand that in order to be outstanding you need an outstanding team, which is why we currently employ 2,150 people who are supported with continuous learning and development and award schemes so that they feel motivated to deliver excellent

For more information about Hallmark Care Homes visit

The Hallmark Care Homes team

Awards 2021


Public/private partnership of the year: Spire Healthcare



Awards 2021

Public/private partnership of the year Spire Healthcare

Spire Healthcare is very proud to have won

service in Manchester, cared for people

the ‘Public/private partnership of the year’

with acute liver disease in Leeds, and carried

category in this year’s HealthInvestor UK

out urgent cancer surgery at Spire Cardiff.


We also looked after people recovering from

The judges’ comments:

Covid-19 in a small number of our hospitals,

“What Spire Healthcare has done over

The award recognises our support for the

after they had spent the most acute part of

the past year exhibits commendable

NHS during the pandemic.

their illness on an NHS ward.

leadership and initiative, clear public

In March 2020, we signed an agreement

Responding to urgent requests for help,

and collaboration, robust internal

with NHS England, making our people,

we loaned a wide variety of equipment

organisational culture, and consistent

facilities, services and equipment available

to local NHS trusts, including ventilators,

large-scale planning, performance

to the NHS. We signed similar agreements

thermometers, monitors and diagnostic

and risk management.”

with NHS Wales and NHS Scotland in April,

equipment, as well as making PPE, gowns

with all services and support provided on

and scrubs available to NHS colleagues.

a cost coverage basis.

Around 250 of our own people also

purpose, external par tnership

volunteered to work in their local trust or

from self-paying patients has also increased

The work we took on was wide-ranging,

at a Nightingale hospital at the height of

significantly and meeting that demand helps

varying significantly across the country,

the pandemic.

further to reduce waiting lists.

was on providing surgery, treatment and

The partnership has continued during 2021,

As a result of the partnership, we now have

diagnosis for patients with cancer and

as we help the NHS address rising waiting

stronger relationships with consultants,

other critical conditions such as cardiac

lists, caring for patients who have been

the NHS at both a national and local level,

disease, and many of our hospitals took over

waiting the longest, and providing diagnostic

and GPs – and our colleague engagement

whole cancer services and chemotherapy

support. Meanwhile, demand for healthcare

has increased.

according to local need. Our biggest focus

from their local trusts. This gave our NHS colleagues time and space to focus on caring for Covid-positive patients on their wards. Across our hospitals, we cared for more than 260,000 NHS patients during the peaks of the pandemic, who would otherwise have seen their treatment or diagnosis cancelled or postponed. This included more than 27,000 admissions of patients who needed urgent cancer care. In Norwich, we put in place a whole new chemotherapy service, to allow provision to move from the local trust to our hospital, while we took over the cystic fibrosis

Dan Cyprus, national business development director and Peter Corfield, chief commercial officer

For more information about Spire Healthcare visit



Awards 2021

Outstanding contribution award Paolo Pieri

This Award is to recognise the individual who has made an outstanding impact in the sector over the past 12 months. As the figurehead of one of the sector’s most significant M&A transactions in years – and now chief executive of one of healthcare’s largest groups – our winner in 2021 has undeniably had an outstanding impact on the UK healthcare sector. Under his leadership, Circle Health Group has been transformed – jumping from five sites to 53 in a £1.5 billion acquisition that involved a complex off-market Propco deal and a private equity-led Opco deal, simultaneously securing large scale debt financing, a substantial shareholder fundraising and the concurrent acquisition of 30 properties.

Paolo Pieri, chief executive, Circle Health Group


Awards 2021

Many thanks to our 2021 judging panel

Mark Bassett Chairman, Bassett Consulting Services

Paul Birley Industry expert

Stephen Collier Chair and non-executive chair

KP Doyle Founder, Layercake Strategic Planning

Carole Edmond Founder and chief executive, Glassmoon Strategies

Jan Flawn Chair, PJ Care

Sandie Foxall-Smith Industry expert

Barry Francis Director, Barry Francis Consultancy

Professor Martin Green Chief executive, Care England

David Hare Chief executive, Independent Healthcare Providers Network

Trish Lee Chair, Diagnostic Healthcare

Linda McGoldrick President and chief executive, Financial Health Associates International

David Mobbs Chair, Vita Health Group

Andrew Ovey Head of healthcare, AXA IM Alts – Real Assets

Mike Parish Chair, Various

Mike Parsons Chair, vice-chair and non-executive director

Dr Chai Patel Founder, Court Cavendish, HC-One, Elysian Capital, Royal Madikwe and Bright Future Trust

Mark Salter Managing partner, Apiary Capital

Professor Sam Shah Chief medical strategy officer, Numan

Dr Jane Townson Chief executive, United Kingdom Homecare Association

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