WORLD BRAZIL - BRAZIL WORLD - Daniel Lima e Felipe Teixeira

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In recent years Braz l has undergone a h stor c change For he f rst t m and n cont nuous orm, he country s experiencing econom c growth, a reduc ion of poverty, a reduc ion n nequali ies and a growing in ernat ona presence Braz l s ash onable Braz s an emerg ng examp e This great success has allowed Brazi o ga n he right to hos the wo mos mportant sport ng even s n the wor d he 2014 Wor d Cup and the 2016 O ympic Games R o de Jane ro s transform ng i sel as he cen er of this global spec acle The process o “

Arms traf ick ng money aundering he mp ca ion of the state n these processes he hous ng and employment po c es a rema n behind the smoke screen o gunf re Th s en ire arms race s on y poss ble because of the easy access o weapons Who se s hese weapons? Who pro i s from this traffick ng? Do the arms traff ckers ive n he fave as? Is organ zed crime poss ble w thou the S a e s consent?

Geopolitical war for traffic hegemony

THE CORNER OF WORLDS A pro ect created to re-think our h story of co onization and ts implications In South Africa a creat on address ng borders and processes of identity

Africa, Asia, Oceania and America

Braz s h story has always consisted o wa ls Inv sible wa s hat made the country one of the most unequa in the wor d Wa s tha seemed o be crumb ing However once aga n we are con ron ed w h a wal Th s v sib e wal comes wi h the new cover up of env ronmenta protection The government o he state of R o de Jane ro announced he creat on of wa ls to con a n the advance o nineteen favelas supposed y R o de Janeiro s a cen ral po nt n the internat ona network of drug distr bu ion In the c ty the mafias o the world nego iate and de ine he nterna ional pr ce of coca ne Dur ng the m li ary dic a orsh p in the fave as ( n orma se t ements s mi ar o s um dwe ings ) where the S a e was no ab y absen , certain th eves began to view drug raffick ng as an opportun ty or grea er prof ts than the lower eve o earn ngs to wh ch they were accustomed Over t me he ra f ckers began to arm hemse ves in order o defend and expand their terr tor es The r competi ors n turn a so became heav y armed in order to defend themse ves The po ice also armed tse f w th the most e ha weapons The strugg e be ween hese groups generated a s a e o war The og c of war and exterm nat on then began to dominate pub ic secur ty po c es The nhab tants of the favelas are seen as civi popula ions o the enemy army

In fron o a media perpetuaded d scourse o the good (represented by spectacu ar po ce forces ike BOPE) against he ev (represented by he terror owards he poor young b ack traff cker) we have he erasure he inv s b ity of the feroc ous struggle or hegemony in the crime geopo t cal scenar o In ront of h s Pol ce State that br ngs o ight certa n cr mes wh le i shadows others, we ask how do the organized cr me s new d agrams of forces reconf gure hemse ves submerged n he geopo it ca rela ions Where do the traffickers expe ed from the r oca contro s go o? What are he new co us ons of the grea cr minal organ za ions


The Braz ian mi tary po ce emerged as a repub can attempt to ensure he State s monopo y of vio ence However t s consti u ed on the values of s ave-hold ng and co onia societ es The igure of the Cap ain o he Woods who captured black slaves n colonia imes s perpetuated The po ce headquar ers ex end nto the poorest areas and peripher es, not to pro ect the popu at on, b to con ro t Underpa d and underprepared he po ce are a so aunched n o the og c of war Corrup ion v olence and arbi rar ness determ ne the act ons of the pol ce throughout the edera ion

“Standard Colored Suspect”

The stereotype of the young, poor, black criminal


The Invasion of the “Complexo do Alemão”





f rst s ave revolu ion occurred in 1804 The irst independence n he La in Amer can colonies A b ack victory A t me of hope The hope of a na on forged n he struggle for liberty “Hai ian smo the fear of a grea s ave revo t spreads through the Span sh and Portuguese co on es In Rio de Jane ro the b ackes ci y in the con inen , this fear was e t n ensely How does one ma ntain order? How does a minori y ma ntain con ro over a ma or y? The revolut onary future of Ha t begins to be blocked n 1825 with the French obl gat on to Hai i to compensa e them or the loss o he r s aves The debt would last unt l 1947 In 1915 the Uni ed States carr ed out a mi tary occupa ion o he country and rema ned unt 1934, train ng a Hai an m i ary force that has bru a y repressed every res stance movemen These m i ary forces became the ru ing power after the ex t of North Amer can troops From 1957 to 1986 he d ctators Papa Doc and Baby Doc con rol he coun ry ke a mil t a terroriz ng al hose who opposed hem A ter a year of strong public protests Baby Doc was forced nto ex e n France In 1990 Jean Bertrand Ar st de was e ec ed pres dent wi h 67% o the vo e A publ c mob l zat on mpeded a f rst coup a tempt, bu a second attempt ended up insta ing a new m li ary d ctatorsh p ess than one year a ter he e ec ions Ar st de s party members were persecuted In 1995 René Préval is e ec ed as Ar st de s successor Ar st de returns o power n 2000 In 2010 an earthquake des roys more than 80% of the structures in the cap ta of Port-au-Pr nce I is est ma ed hat more han 200,000 peop e were ki ed

City as Spectacle 2014 World Cup, 2016 Olympic Games and the Dramatization of Conflicts Brazi ! 2014 Wor d Cup 2016 O ymp c Games t s everyone s wish to experience ve and in co or th s ncred b e globa spectacle To be the cen er o the wor d To be he wor stage for contests between the warr ors o a the nations in the un verse To be the wor d s thea er The red curta ns are opened The gh s are lum na ed The s rugg e to asser onesel as he venue for he two bigges spor ing events n the wor d the O ymp c Games and the World Cup of Soccer goes beyond the issues of med a vis bi ty and the supposed econom c benef ts Beneath th s façade there s the essent al ro e of the direct on th s theater of forces w take To coord nate these events means to be n a priv eged p ace o art cu ate he strands o a geopol tica d spu e But f rst he pr mary cond t on: one mus erase any poss bi ty o d vert ng attent on from the spec acle Current y n he Brazi an cap ta s hat w l be the headquarters of hese even s a war s being waged to erase soc al conf ct Soc al movements are crim na zed Cr m nal ty s d splaced to spaces ar from the v ew of the cameras Wi hin th s dynamic the Media has a fundamen a role Which cr mes are made v s b e and wh ch are made nvis b e? At the cen er of the colonia process was the crushing of n in te possib l t es of ex stence Co on za ion e t a riple trauma in these new worlds: he v olence of the nquis t on the vio ence o S avery and the vio ence of Ext nc ion Braz l decided to assume the coordinat on o MINUSTAH (Un ted Nat ons Stab l zat on M ss on in Ha t ) Braz l s the coun ry w th the argest cont ngent of troops and t leads the m l tary command o he M ss on One of the ob ect ves of M NUSTAH s o pac fy and d sarm rebe groups n Ha t tha are oca ed in the country s arge efore depar ing or he Mission Braz l an so d ers had a n ng n BOPE n order to earn how to carry ou miss ons n favelas Media Concentration of Power he concen ra ion of power around se ec ed f nancia groups tha ontrol most of commun cat on media has produced a contrac ion th n media-re ated discourse In the same construct on of concepts rks create he context of consensus and egi imacy for police operawar operat ons W th n the logic o war he enemy (the other) can and y a so dier of the army A d cho om zed d scourse between good and bad re gns, sim ar to he a ready repeated d scourse o the war against terror One of the facets of the dispute for Braz l cen ra role n nternat ona po i ics during the Lu a years was the search or a pr nc pa role for Braz l o play in the s abi za ion of Ha t In 2004 the democratical y e ec ed pres den of Ha t , Jean-Bertrand Ar st de, was removed from he coun ry by U S m l tary orces The UN Secur ty Counci hen crea ed the Un ted Nations S abza ion M ssion n Ha t (M NUSTAH) Media driven attacks on the city by criminal factions Tropa de Elite The mov e Tropa de E te (E i e Squad) wh ch premiered n 2007 addressed the ssue of the strugg e aga ns tra f ck ng n R o de Janeiro and the actions o he BOPE The i m was a great success and generated an n ense debate The den i ica ion of he ma n character Cap a n Nasc mento as a hero makes a fascis de rium apparen : torture and ex erm na ion In the mov e s seque Tropa de E te 2, the i mmakers decided to focus on the ssue o mi t as resul ing n the f m becom ng he bigges box of ice success n Brazi an cinema Colonization Haitian Independence The first and only colonial slave revolution to assume power UN Geopolitical Dispute International Organized Crime Drug & Arms Trafficking Militias Paramilitary groups that dispute the monopoly of violence The police force with the highest killing rate in the world

Brazilian Military in Haiti



The holes, the crevices, the cracks in the walls created by the demonstrations of life Unlimited finite of new ways of living Explosions on the no exit road Not everything is dominated The egacy of s avery n Braz the h story of our po ice and the h story of rac sm n our country resu t n a type of standard colored suspect as the po ice orce s main target: young, black, poor, and inhabi ants o the per phery In h s sense po ce act on is extremely d scr m natory Another e emen of he cycle w thin he Po ce State s the pr son system The logic of proh bi on and punishment of criminals generates increas ng y severe laws as the only poss ble response to he ncrease n crime Prohib t on n i sel s never questioned Neither are a ternat ve orms of us ice Leg slat on proh b ts he use and commerc a za ion of certa n subs ances whi e t perm ts others hat are equally or more tox c than those that carry penal ies Prohib t on st aws the des re or pun shment and the og c of he war against cr me lead to the same outcome: an increase n impr sonment The large ma ority of peop e n pr son have not comm tted a vio ent crime Pr sons do not ex st o rehab l tate only o pun sh and generate more dangerous sub ects The more crim na s, he more eg t mized he Po ce State becomes Once aga n al these pol c es af ec the poor b ack popu at ons much more than the rest of society Rac sm is present a a l eve s of the just ce sys em Brazi s pr son popu a ion s made up of approx ma e y 500,000 nd v duals n the ast decade this number ncreased by 150%

Cartography created by Frente 3 de Fevereiro and Afrofuturismo in October 2011 In this Project, Daniel Lima (www danielcflima com) and Felipe Teixeira Drawings by Daniel Lima Photos: Peetssa, Cris Ribas and Frente 3 de Fevereiro (www frente3defevereiro com br)

English translation by Katrina White and Bill Kelley Jr. for Collective


Dialogues in Contemporary Latin American Art 1995-2010 (Duke University Press) ASIL NEGRO SALVE July 14, 2005 The final game of the Copa bertadores São Paulo and Atlét co Paranaense p ay in the game that wi l decide who s the best soccer team in the Americas In the packed stadium more than 75 000 people watch the game In their homes mi l ons of spectators watch on their television screens In the m ddle of the transmiss on a g ant flag beg ns to be opened by the fans A phrase is revea ed: BRASIL NEGRO SALVE” (SAVE BLACK BRAZ L ) Through this enigmat c action wh ch is followed by a series of three other flags a documentary f lm of the São Paulo-based research and action col ect ve Frente 3 de Fevereiro is created The fi m ZUMBI SOMOS NÓS (WE ARE ZUMB ) attempts to deconstruct racia prejud ces in Braz l seeking to inscribe new forms of existence into every-day life *Zumbi was one the most prominent leaders of Qu lombo of Palmares which was estab ished in the 17th century Qui ombos were runaway rebel slaves sett ements in Braz l The logic of mass punishment and incarceration Prison System How do we invent our past? Invisíveis Produções s a center for crea ion, action and reflect on that works at the intersect on between ar and po it cs Inv síve s Produções operates autonomous y, transversa ly and horizonta ly It is autonomous n the way it moves, creat ng different diagrams and nstitut onal ties keeping their independence of thought Transversa in the way it col ects and assembles a cr tical reserve of d ssonant voices Hor zontal n the form t produce and free y share know edge n books, ilms and cu tural projects D scover and download our pub ications in issuu com/invisive sproducoes For Contact, wri e to invisiveisproducoes@gmail com Invisíveis Produções Brazil World Copyleft Copyleft is the pract ce of using copyr ght aw to offer the right to d str bute copies and mod f ed vers ons of a work and requ r ng that the same r ghts be preserved n modif ed vers ons of he work In other words copy eft s a general method for making a creative work as free y avai able to be mod fied and requ r ng al mod f ed and extended versions of the creat ve work to be free as wel Brazil in the 21st Century

wi h the goa of protec ing he rema n ng vegetat on on the hi s des Out of he areas o the c ty hat are bui t higher then 100 meters above sea eve 70% are occup ed by the m dd e c ass and 30% by favelas I is out of h s his ory of v s b e and inv sib e voluntary and involuntary wa s ha he con lic s of the Spectacle C ty are revea ed once aga n Wa ls more than four meters high re tera e a po t cs o repress on Once aga n, barriers are constructed n order to contain popu a ions Arch tectures of exclus on But the f ght o evel these concrete wa ls con inues everywhere A rup ure is inc ted n the mmater a walls A rupture from he sta us quo rom tha which dominates from w th he e oquen vo ce o he wor d Systemic point of drug wholesale Traffickers Special Police Operations Batallion Bope Pacifying Police Unit (UPP) UPPs in the Southern Zone
How s the drug d str bu ion n the Sou h Zone o R o de Janeiro structured? Does anyone be ieve tha the consumers have stopped ? Occupation in the Northern Zone
he becoming wor d of Braz ” began n he decade o he 1990s w th s open ng up for the so-ca ed g oba zat on Th s open ng prom sed wonders modernizat on increased compet iveness greater e f c ency and mproved we l-be ng for a The open market would take care of every h ng Brazi follows he Un ted States and begins to part c pa e more act vely n diverse in ernat ona spaces Nevertheless ust as wi h var ous o her Latin American countr es by the beginning of the 2000s i was a ready c ear that neo-l bera sm had not de vered what it prom sed Inequa ty and poverty had r sen The mi t as are cons ituted by curren and former pub ic securi y agents who dr ve the traf ickers out of the commun ty and hen ake over control of that commun ty Instead of pro i ng from drug ra f ck ng hese m t as prof t from the col ect on of payments for serv ces in those commun ies ke legal cable TV bus ransport gas e c n add t on to charg ng for he secur ty they offer These groups are heavi y oppress ve mposing curfews threatening and execut ng peop e etc The mi t as were created more han a decade ago and they expanded very rapid y control ng areas of favelas oday arger than those of organized cr me ac ions The og c of war w thin pol ce ac ion and the dent f ca ion of the stereotype of the suspect and the ra f cker marked by racism cause the pol ce orce w th the highes k ing rate in the wor d to provoke a true exterminat on o poor b ack youth n the country The arge major ty of indiv dua s murdered by he po ice f t this pro i e a a d sproport onate rate compared o he actual character st cs of the types o nd v duals tha commi the ma or ty o cr mes n Braz Res stance fo owed by dea h s the mot ve for the ma or ty of the pol ce s v ctims and t covers up the real cond t ons under which those deaths occurred Equipmen ke he “Caveirão ype of war ank ut ized n R o de Jane ro po ce opera ions is an examp e of the logic o war and exterminat on tha dom na es publ c securi y The ntensi ication o the confrontaons po ce corrupt on and the di fcu ty of comba ” n the geography of he hi s and the housing of the faveas housing provoked he Rio de ane ro po ce to deve op a h gh y pec a zed comba techno ogy We ave deve oped an immense echo ogy to contro the masses of moverished popula ions o the po nt a we now export our techno ogy We became g oba benchmarks n a ar against our own popu at on Crea ed n 2008, the UPPs are he center o he new pub ic secur ty po icy I s a R o de Janeiro pro ect or the permanent pol ce occupa ion o ave as w th he ob ect ve of rega ning control of the erritories con roled by drug traff cking The operat ons are made up of a arge m itary force w th the ob ect ve of dussuad ng the traf ickers to avoid con ic F rs , “the BOPE sweeps the community c ean ” With the raffickers dr ven out he communi y beg ns to co-ex s w th a constan and n ense po ce presence The tra ning of UPPs consists of 2 weeks w h the BOPE and one-week course of commun ty pol c ng The pol c ng is done w th war weaponry Th s pro ect s orig ns are n he Operac ón Or ón which was the irst m li ary occupat on n the s ums o Mede l n Colombia Traff ckers in the favelas are the t p of a sys em of wh ch no one knows the end po n Those who pro i the most hose who are beh nd the ent re system, clear y do not l ve n the favelas Once aga n one can bet tha the cr m na embod es the cr me So he area where he crim na s “merchants” as Mano Brown says have heir business is nvaded and t s assumed hat he occupat
on akes place over the crime area not the crim na s area Wi cr me be e im na ed from he soc al sphere at the rate hat the criminal is e minated from the geograph c sphere?
Comando Rojo, one o the mos dangerous p ace edera government had a ready nfrastructure cons ruc ion pro ec s November 2010 the state gover a ready had p ans to imp ant a U Complexo do A emão took advan he favorable a mosphere w thin op n on genera ed by he cr m na fac at acks on the ci y in order o carry he occupat on The state governme ogether wi h m l tary forces mad available by the federa governmen nvaded the entrances to the “Compl do A emão Accord ng o o f c al sta 37 peop e were k ed dur ng the inv 123 were accused and 130 w arrested The seizure of weapons a explos ves increased po ice number Around 102 vehicles were set on f re t was poss ble to see the trafficker leeing on ive te ev s on Reporters wore bulletproof vests and narra ed emot ona y from the ront The Secretary of Secur y referred to
stance They p ayed he r ro e in the med a spec ac e n contrast w th he pacif ed ave as of the southern zone of he city the “Complexo do A emão” was ni ia y under he contro of and patro led by he Armed Forces A large number of the army s so d ers who occupy and patro the Comp exo do A emão served n MINUSTAH n Ha t (Un ted Na ions S abi iza ion M ss on in Hait ) 700 of the approx mately 2000 soldiers invo ved in the occupation had already had heir guns pointed at the Ha t ans The just icat on for th s use of Braz an manpower s the troops schoo ing n urban conf icts Troops from Haiti
The Comp exo do Alemão
is a complex of fave as n he nor hern zone o R o de Jane r ma n
ra f cking n
led by he
he region as “the heart of ev ” In the end the ma n news networks procla med the vic ory against cr me In erviews revea ed terror zed res dents A d scourse emerged regard ng berat on from the c utches of drug raffick ng The operat on o occupy ng he “Comp exo do Alemão” had the support o the army Armored cars camou laged sold ers and heavy armament were ut ized in order o convince the ra f ckers hat here was no poss b ity o res
In November 2010 n Rio de Jane ro we w tnessed the med a spectacle o the m l tary s invas on of the Comp exo do A emão The riggers of the occupa ion were attacks aga nst buses rucks and cars part cu arly on the day of November 21 in he southern zone of the city One o the pr nc pa instruments of pressure ut l zed by organ zed crime fact ons are attacks on he ci y From he burn ng o buses to d rect attacks aga ns the po ce this s the me hod hese act ons use when they want to draw a ten ion or seek revenge for a certain police act on Visible and Invisible
Extermination of Youth
World Brazil
our future? “Haitian” Troops Army HAITI HERE The film Architecture o Exc usion came about as a process of research-action created by the Frente 3 de Fevereiro and Afrofuturismo co lectives In th s aud ovisual production, we propose quest ons about the visible and inv s b e walls that permeate urban centers A g ant ba l that reads "Haiti Here" was used to trigger d a ogue and encounters s Ha ti here? Responses from the Ipanema and R o Carnivals reveal the territories of our histor cal perspective AITI HERE The first intervention on the wa l of the Santa Marta fave a was to paint a hole on t Th s was part of the research-action of the Architecture of Exc usion” project POL CE RACISM WHO POL CES THE POLICE? Posters pasted around pol ce headquarters in São Pau o Frente 3 de Fevereiro 2004 What can we expect m a country that kills its populat on at its most active age? And who benefits from those deaths? The weapons ndustry the un form industry? The cemeteries the funeral homes? And
police? And what do
to do w th this? And what do you have to do w th this? MBI* tion in the um was ive The new for the future with the re-framing of the t To connect w th the ansformat ve power of the world The happiness of creat on, action and ref ect on We are Zumb ! São Paulo, 2006 Zumbi was one the most ominent eaders of Quilombo of Pa mares which was estab ished
the 17th century
rebe slaves settlements in Brazil
Military Police
How do
who po ices the
Quilombos were runaway
Fascist Delirium
The past is a fabrication We look for exceptions to the historical norms. To give chances to the multiplicity.

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