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Movember style n 5: The Wispy o

ALSO| I heart Valencia - the battle of the parks | the best music in Valencia| chat with Josh Rouse ÂĄAprende inglĂŠs con nosotros!| and much more...

4 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 28 29 30 31

Stay on top with Valencia’s News Know what's going on in Holidays & fiestas Valencia community - tiny Agres We get lost in Bar of the month, Mamaliga Free in Valencia helps the purse-strings Your photos for ‘Autumn' Declan explains the Carbon footprint The newcomer John is checking his brain Sport - football, marathon and motor-racing Talking teaching wants to be interesting I heart Valencia - parkside The cinema is bursting with new v.o. releases Expat life - help a life, get a mo! Live music to rock to Wow! Is that Josh Rouse? Lia explains Thanksgiving in Recipe Local Charity P.E.P.A. needs help Nial is open minded in Health Iain loves his Books. Also Competition & Golf Australian Animals in Valencia? Events & Classifieds keep you in the know eva carots' Art is stunning Art to see - what’s on and where by Rebecca

A big hand to Bradford from Orange Language Academy for his invaluable help!

Welcome to inVLC in our I Heart Valencia section two very famous parks fighting it out for supremacy. Who will win? Even with winter drawing in there's still lots to do and see here in the community. Valencianbased US singer-songwriter Josh Rouse chats to us about life here and his up-and-coming concerts in town in the music section and our sports news includes details of Ferrari's end of season party at Cheste race-track and next months half-Marathon here in Valencia. And that's not all. We also have the latest original version cinema releases and art gallery shows to help you make the most of what the city has to offer this month. So, if you only enjoy this month’s magazine half as much as we enjoyed putting it together then we suggest that maybe you should try reading it again! Happy reading, Andy, Kelly & Sean

First certificate


ola y bienvenido to the November issue of inVLC. It's not easy trying to co-ordinate all the things that allow us to bring you this magazine every month so it's great when readers pro-actively give us ideas to include. As we aim to be both informative and entertaining when we were told about 'Movember' we knew we had to include it. Originally a concept from Australia and New Zealand the idea is for all men to grow a moustache as a very visual way of promoting men’s health issues and to provide laughs for their friends and partners. If you haven't already started, read all about it and join in! Find out more about this worthy cause on Page 19. With our friends from across the Atlantic gearing up for Thanksgiving Day on 25 November we have a feature on this most American of parties and, in keeping with this American theme, we have A lo largo de esta revista encontrarás distintos niveles de dificultad indicados en la parte superior de cada página y recuadros con vocabulario debajo del texto. Para la pronunciación hemos incluido la fonética. Además, cada color se refiere a un determinado nivel como se indica a continuación.

First certificate Advanced Intermediate

A huge thank you to Clara & Javi for proofing the translations!


length in metres of the worlds' longest moustache, held by Indian man Badamsinh Juwansinh Gurjar.

Important numbers Fire| 080 Local police | 092 Emergencies Medical| 061 General| 112 Embassies/consulates French| 96 351 0359 USA| 96 351 6973 British| 96 521 60 22 Dutch| 96 341 4633 German| 96 310 62 53

inVLC is aimed at all people in the community of Valencia: whether born here, visiting for a day, or living a new life in the sun. We hope to guide you on what’s going on in the community, help those living in it, and support language learning with a bit of added fun. If you have any ideas about how we can make it better, we’d love to hear from you.

Legal chat| We do our very best to strive for accuracy in this magazine but does not accept responsibility for unintentional errors or omissions, accuracy of advertisements or contributors’ opinions. We aim at all times not to offend. Deposito legal| V-816-2006

Contact information email| phone| 639 740 746 - English speakers phone| 628 831 400 - Spanish speakers If you have any thoughts, comments or complaints or want to advertise, please email or phone us.

We use CreatorSilk paper - it’s chlorine free & the wood used is from sustainably managed forests. We do this because we’re nice & want to reduce our environmental impact. When you are finished with your inVLC , pass it on to a friend..!





ativity play| This year once again the Cathedral of Valencia will be hosting a huge nativity scene entitled 'The Light of the Nativity at the Cathedral'. This will be the third annual outing for the spectacular show since the real-life plays were stopped in the 17th Century. Consisting of over 400 figures depicting the story of Jesus' birth, the Cathedral also has incredible representations of Jerusalem and Bethlehem and also includes a cast of over 1,000 sheep. However despite the occasion watch for the pious 'better than thou's' queue-jumping. Whatever happened to patience being a virtue?

eople in glass houses| Big Brother really has a lot to answer for. After a successful trial in the Dominican Republic, the front of the Valencian shopping centre 'Nuevo Centro' is playing host to a new form of reality show in which two people are confined in an 18m square glass box where they are watched 24 hours a day for a total of 33 days. Members of the public are encouraged to vote for the contestant which they believe has survived the ordeal the best. Or which one they fancy most which is more likely to be the case. The last day of torment is 7th December. €22,000 is up for grabs for the winner. Helpfully, if you can't get to the shopping centre, Levante TV, the internet and local radio will all be reporting updates as and when they happen. We can only hope that the Spanish public take to this in the same way Londoners did to US magician David Blaine back in 2003. That would certainly alleviate the potential tedium.

Changes to names| The Socialist Government is proposing a change to the way that Spanish surnames are given. Historically the preference in Spain has been to retain the father's name with the mother's name being lost after a generation e.g. Juan Sanchez Garcia marries Maria Gomez Gonzales who then subsequently have a son which they call Jorge Sanchez Gomez. The Garcia and Gonzales parts of the parent's names are then lost forever. The draft bill to amend the Civil Registers Law gives the parents the right to choose the order of the last names thus allowing the potential for the mothers line to be retained in the future. If the bill is passed, both parents would have to agree on the order of last names or, if not, the registrar would put the last names in alphabetical order. Any decision made by the parents on the first child would then be binding for any subsequent children. A further clause in the bill would allow victims of domestic abuse to change their names in certain circumstances. The bill has come in for a lot of criticism from Opposition parties but does seem to mark a significant change in attitudes towards furthering sexual equality in Spain.

17 November 1973. Washington DC. Richard Nixon famously declares ‘people have got to know whether or not their President is a crook. Well I’m not a crook.’ Turns out he was. And a liar too.



Holidays & parties Intermediate

he nights are getting cooler so to keep themselves warm, the Spanish embrace what they do best: fiesta! However this month is not about throwing tomatoes or running with the bulls, but a quieter, more reflective appreciation of Spanish culture through religion and politics. We’ll see two public holidays being celebrated, no, not celebrating the birth of Mark Twain on November 28th, but in fact, to celebrate el Día de la Constitución - Constitution Day on the 6th of December and Inmaculada Concepción - the Feast of the Immaculate Conception on the 8th. El Día de la Constitución On the 8th all around is a celebration of the the world, the Inmaculada anniversary of the Spanish Concepción will celebrate referendum in 1978. The the belief in the Immaculate referendum was needed after Conception of the Blessed the death of Franco to agree Virgin Mary - that is, she how the new political system was born with no original would work. sin and filled with the grace At this time 88% of the that most Catholics only people agreed to the new receive after baptism. constitution for a change to For those who wish to constitutional monarchy and celebrate this event in the democracy. special services, visit the There will be more going churches to find out the times of the ceremonies. on in Madrid, but Valencian Again this will be life is a little calmer. celebrated as a public You might not see the extra holiday, so there will be a classes in the schools about general reduction of buses, Spanish history, however you open shops and public might notice extra Spanish services. flags flying, and that the day will be quieter than normal as families get together.

20 November 1975. Spain. General Franco dies and with him the dictatorship. A return to democracy and a chance to start healing old wounds begins under King Juan Carlos.

Valencia community| Agres



First certificate

nly 619 people live in Agres apparently (est. 2009). This tiny village in the northern province of Alicante can be found where the Mariola and Agullent mountain ranges meet. And mountainous it most definitely is. It’s situated 722 metres above sea level so snow is expected, every winter, without fail and temperatures sink as low as -7˚C. So it would probably be a good idea to get up there before the New Year when it starts getting really cold. It is believed that the name A lot of this wonderful history still remains visible ‘Agres’ comes from the Latin and there is no other building in the village, which ‘agger’ which means ‘elevation’ packs more impact upon arrival than the monastery or ‘height’. Recent discoveries of built into the side of the mountain. Upon arrival in ceramics from the Roman era date the village, it looms over the visitor and one can’t back to the rule of Cesar Augusto help but think that it is no wonder that it is the in 76BC; Jaume 1 conquered the most visited attraction in this province. The story area in 1245 and this sparked the behind its construction goes that, on the last day influx of Christian, Aragonese of August in 1484, local parish Santa María burnt and Catalan settlers three years down completely and, along with it, the image of later. On 15th January 1388, it was the Virgin. The day after, a shepherd called Gaspar sold (along with the castle) by King Joan Tomas found an image of the Virgin amongst the 'The Hunter' to his butler from where it was passed ruins of the Muslim castle. It was swiftly transported on to the Count of Cocentaina Joan Roig in the 15th to the church where it disappeared again and Century and eventually to the Catalayud family. reappeared in the place where it was originally At the beginning of the 20th century many of the found. It was decided that this humble corner was people left Agres due to the lack of impact that the where the Virgin wanted to be. At the end of 1577, industrial revolution had on their village. Many the building of the ‘Sanctuary of the Virgin of the people left in search of work in nearby villages and Castle of Agres’ was commissioned, funded by those the population shrank to (what is now) half of its who were devoted to her. The following year the construction began and it original size. ended up being the home to Franciscan monks until the second half of the 20th Century.


Car| 1 hour 30. Take the A7 towards Alicante, exit onto N-340 for Alcoi, then take CV-700 to Agres. Train| just under 2 hours (from Valencia only) €7.85 one way €14 return

© José Fco. Català Senent

19 November 1875. US. Archaeologist and Senator Hiram Bingham is born. His political legacy is somewhat forgotten due to his re-discovering of the lost wonder of the Incan city of Machu Picchu near Cuzco, Peru in 1911.

Valencia community| Agres They cut it down, took it to the central plaza and planted it there. The guy who cut the almond tree down subsequently found a girlfriend and they now all have girlfriends (except one). Such is how traditions are born. On the weekend before Ash Wednesday then, single men (and men who have girlfriends so as not to leave their friends out) from Agres respect this tradition by heading up into the forest, cutting down a tree and planting it in the centre of Agres. Other places of interest to visit include the many cavas on the outskirts of Agres, high up in the Mariola mountain range. Cavas are old, hexagonal natural coolers made out of stone and used for the storage of snow. Those of particular interest are Cava Grande (or Cava Arqueada) which can be found 1220 metres above sea level, high up in the mountains; Cava de Don Miguel is 1050 metres above sea level and was built to serve the city of Xàtiva; Cava de la Habitación is 1200 metres above sea level; Cava de Buitre is 1220 metres above sea level and many more which can be found dotted around the area and whose coordinates can all be found on Agres’ very helpful website:

First certificate


© José Fco. Català Senent The style of the building was very simple and almost renaissance-like and represented both modesty and austerity. Its simplicity was born out of respect for the poor and the money used to build it was made up largely of alms given to the poor by the faithful. In 1586 King Felipe II and Pope Sixto V issued a Papal bull to the convent in order to ask for alms to be given to the convent from all over Spain to help with its completion. This was followed by another Papal bull issued by Benedict XIV in 1756. Pilgrims were allowed to spend the night at the convent due to the distance and difficulty of the journey, which made it almost impossible to make the trip in one day. ‘Pilgrims’ continue to visit the convent to this day and it is an especially popular destination during September when the fiestas a la Virgen are celebrated. Another celebration worth a mention is the fiesta del almendro de los solteros (maxutxos) which began one Friday evening when a group of friends, all born in either 1980 or 1981 and all single at the time, went out one night to a local village called Banyeres with a chainsaw in the boot of their car. On their way back, at around 4 o’clock in the morning, they were arguing about whether to take down an apple tree, a fig tree or an olive tree until they eventually decided on an almond tree.

19 November 1703. France. The real Man in the Iron Mask dies a prisoner in the Bastille. Mystery surrounds his name but the real iron mask was in fact made of velvet and whalebone.

Bar of the month| Mamaliga



etting lost in El Carmen is an inevitability but you just might use it as a way to find the hidden gems in its tiny streets. When you find them, you revel in excitement. But to find them, like this Alice in Wonderland of a bar, you have to go adventuring. With only a sign above the door and some graffiti art along the walls, you could easily pass it by, which I did, many times. However, by coincidence more than planning, it transpires my flat-mate had taken the plunge and entered this fairyland, and come out smiling. On her advice a large group of us piled into the bar to check it out for ourselves. We were not prepared for what we found. The bar was slender and long, which makes it ideal for couples or intimate groups. As such, our group divided, some taking the smaller tables around the bar, the more daring venturing up the ladders to the raised comfy seating. On every wall, space and even non-space, were images, designs, maps, artistic collages and mouth dropping objects. Not a space had been left bare, leaving your eyes continuously running from knickknacks to art, so seamlessly blended that you might even believe that they were created to be together. Service was fast, and Polish owner Rafau was super friendly. When asked about the decor (probably not the first to do so in his two years as owner), he explained that it was put together by the previous owner, and he has kept it as it was.


Under the impression that this was a Polish bar, the Pole in our group pointed out the lack of similarities between this and a typical Polish bar in the homeland. In fact, there were none. The reason being, as Rafau explained, it isn’t a Polish bar, it's an international bar. So that sorted that. Rafau has an all-welcome door policy, so the clientele varies from artists to office workers and locals to expats. The end result was a relaxed evening spent in amazement at the decor, with a stream of lively conversation and entertainment. This bar is an exotic mix of kitsch, tack and style all very handily placed only a minute from Plaza de la Reina. It’s not an average bar, and will ensure that your night is not an average night. In fact it will be by far one of the most curious things you’ll see in Valencia.

© Ruth Whitworth

Address| C/ Juristas 4, El Carmen Beer| €1.50 caña, €2 doble Wine| €2.50 Cocktails| €6 Opening hours|8pm-2am (except Mondays) Facebook| Mamaliga Bar-café

© Ruth Whitworth

19 November 1863. US. President Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg address at the end of the Civil War. It is here that the phrase ‘government by the people, for the people’ is first heard.


ant to see the Valencian Community on the cheap? Every month we’ll list some great spots where you can enjoy Spanish culture, nature and have some good cheap fun. You’ll find us: 1| going to the free pilates run by those nice people at Café Infinito. It’s on at the centre next to the cafe Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8.30pm to 9.30pm. 2| enjoying the low autumn sun by taking a tour of the bridges that surround the inner city of Valencia. These bridges are steeped in history and character, intertwined with outstanding modern designs as you’ll see below. 3| looking up at the stained glass inside the central Post Office. Email us your favourite free spots to The bridges of Valencia display the varying characters of the city itself. There is no escaping the chunky Gothic built bridges of the 15th and 16th Centuries which replaced the river-damaged wooden structures of the previous eras. The new stonework provided an element of safety and security for the people from the strength of the mighty Turia. The fresh-faced modernity and positivity of the city can be seen here too, with new structures reflecting traditional elements whilst embracing new technology, styles & brave designs giving a futuristic new slant to Valencia’s image. Like so many aspects of Spanish life, Valencia has gracefully blended beauty, form and necessity.

The newer structures include: the 2008 Puente Assut de l’Or, down by the City of Arts and Sciences, with simplistic breathtaking drama and best of all, designed by Valencia’s own: Santiago Calatrava. The 2002 Puente de las Flores offers an attractive walk past the seasonal flowers, over one of the lakes in the riverbed. In the evening you’ll see the bats in full motion beneath you. Modern Puente de la Exposicion of 1995 represents the ladies' traditional hair combs and sweeps over the metro line offering views of the garden and the bustling locals passing by. The 1998 Puente de les Artes is unmissable, handily near IVAM, which offers state of the art technology in its design, best seen from underneath.

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-Stress -Tiredness, lack of energy -Pinched nerves -Migraines, headaches -Stiffness in the neck -Whiplash, neck trauma -Vertigos, dizziness -Tension, shoulder pains -Thoracic or lumbar pain -Chest pain, Asthma -Bad posture -Stomach acidity -Sciatica, pain down the leg -Joint pain, knee pain -Pins and needles, numbness arms or hands -Pins and needles or numbness down the leg If you have experienced one or more of these symptoms, chiropractic could be the solution. Call now for a free check, it could be the start of a new life!

18 November 1906. Turkey. Born today to a German mother and a Greek father Sir Alec Issogonis later became famous by creating the most iconic British car of all time – the Mini.

Your photos| Autumn


Jorden Smith ..fallen leaves. Sean



Gillian Sm

Cheryl Crow

..intense fl



ach month we’ll give you a topic for the following edition. Email us 1 high-resolution image with a sentence describing your photo to by 31st of the month. We’ll choose a few entries to print with your name and photo description. Please send 1 photo per person & only send your own photo for copyright reasons. There are other terms and conditions email us if you want to know them. Next month’s topic is ‘light’. Look forward to seeing your pictures.

...muted colou



Green living| your carbon footprint

he last issue highlighted the opening of a company which analysed 'carbon footprints'. We have since discovered that it only works with businesses so this issue is about how you can measure and reduce your own carbon footprints. A carbon footprint is a measurement of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular: climate change. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced in our day-to-day lives through burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transportation, etc. The carbon footprint is a measurement of all greenhouse gases we individually produce and has units of tons (or kg) of carbon dioxide equivalent. A carbon footprint is made up of the sum of two parts: the primary (Home electricity, gas, coal & oil, private & public transport and holiday flights - total: 46% of all the greenhouse gases we produce) and the secondary (the rest - total: 54%). 1. The primary footprint is a measurement of our direct emissions of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels including domestic energy consumption and transportation (e.g. car & plane). We have direct control of these. 2. The secondary footprint is a measurement of the indirect CO2 emissions from the whole lifecycle of products we use - those associated with their manufacture and eventual breakdown. To put it very simply: the more we buy the more emissions will be caused on our behalf. Top tip for November: What| Buy unchlorinated/ unbleached toilet paper. Why| Reduce use of unnecessary chemicals, reduce infections in women, & chlorine can react with paper creating serious health risks. Why not| It can be more pricey! Benefits| Less chemicals which can leak from factories, less chemical residues which are harming animals, people and the environment, less energy required to clean the sewage.

The average person's carbon footprint

First certificate



Here’s a list of simple easy things you can do: ¤ Turn off things when not in use (lights, television, DVD player, Hi-Fi, computer, etc...) ¤ Turn down the central heating slightly (try just 1 to 2˚C). Just 1˚C will help reduce your heating bill by about 8%. ¤ Turn down the water heating setting (just 2˚C will make a significant saving). ¤ Check the central heating timer setting - remember there is no point heating the house after you have left for work. ¤ Fill your dishwasher and washing machine with a full load - this will save you water, electricity, and washing powder. ¤ Fill the kettle with only as much water as you need. ¤ Do your weekly shopping in a single trip. ¤ Hang out the washing to dry rather than tumble drying it. Thank you to for permitting us to use the information in this article. Declan Lehane

22 November 1963. Dallas. JFK is killed after an unbelievable display of shooting by Lee Harvey Oswald. ‘Unbelievable’ more accurately describes the Warren Report findings that followed.

Learn Better with the British Council


his month we are looking at the area of getting a qualification to certify your level of English. Increasingly institutions like universities and employers want evidence of an applicant's level of English.

This is usually expressed in terms of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR) The CEFR defines six levels of linguistic competence and Cambridge ESOL has a range of exams that link to these levels.

Not sure which exam is right for you? Test your English with Cambridge’s quick, free online test. It will give you an idea of your English level and tell you which Cambridge ESOL exam might be the most appropriate for you. Then, if you want to practice for a particular exam you could try these sites: KET PET KET, PET, FCE, CAE & CPE FCE, CAE & CPE

The newcomer| P2| Massage my language ego


f, when in a classroom in front of a teacher, you have sweaty palms, a heart rate like a race horse and are as anxious as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, then you may be suffering from Sophophobia: The fear of learning. And it is not as ridiculous as it sounds. The pressure of the teacher guaranteeing you assertiveness, and the confidence that you get from will be speaking Spanish in months, the stress of not being scared of making mistakes reaps its own rewards, if you can performing in front keep this fear allayed. of a roomful of other One thing I have people and the anxiety noticed fluent speakers of making mistakes of other languages do again and again can when they speak is be enough to scare Insert Spanish here. touch the left side of the living knickers out their head, sometimes of any sane rational in a confident stroke of student. When Jose their locks, sometimes Mourinho moved to a gentle massage manage Inter Milan, he of concentration. claimed to have learnt This may not be Italian in three weeks pure coincidence. – No Sophophobia for Physiologist Roger Mr Mourinho! Here I Sperry cracked am three weeks into my Spanish course and I have people's skulls open in the 1960s and found that the mastered some numbers, I know my way around brain was split in two and that the left side of the the fruit and veg department in Mercadona and I brain held all the gooey goodness where language can tell you that; ‘Me llamo Juan, tengo treinta y development and acquisition lives. Sperry would cuatro años, y soy profesor’. Although very proud randomly hack and chop at the brain until people of my achievements, I don’t think I am quite ready stopped talking or forgot their own language all for a press conference to explain any team tactics or together and he got a Nobel Prize for it! What both Sperry and Mourinho have in post match analysis. The fear of learning is looming common is the total confidence that what they are within me. One thing that Mr Mourinho and I have in doing is right, just and worthwhile, and while I do common is that we have the outward appearance not have the buoyancy to carry this self-assurance of confidence into my Spanish everyday, I do have a Sperrywhen faced with like motivation to get to the root of my language stressful things acquisition, I know it is in there somewhere. I like learning a also have the stubbornness of a La Liga Football new language. Manager to never give up, and although this The fear and week we have only been learning verb endings regression that and the vocabulary of the classroom, I have been used to have me approaching it with the confidence and charisma shrinking into of Jose Mourinho whilst having a masseuse gently my shell like a massage the left side of my brain – not as horrific shy tortoise has as a cerebral lobotomy and it certainly keeps the been replaced Sophophobia away. John Blakey with hope and

22 November 1986. Las Vegas. Aged 20, Iron Mike Tyson becomes youngest heavyweight champion of all time. Cue inevitable beauty queen problems, mental and financial meltdowns and jail time.



First certificate

he 20th Valencia Half Marathon takes place on Sunday November 21st. Organised by the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation (RFEA) it has a reputation for being one of the country’s fastest half marathon courses. Starting down at the port at 9.30am the runners have just two and a half hours to complete the 21.097,50 metre course. Last year’s winner Geoffrey Kiprono Mutai completed the course in a record time of 59 minutes and 30 seconds. The competitors will run down some of the major thoroughfares and plazas in the city before heading back to the port and the all important finish line so be sure to cheer them on if you're out and about early that Sunday morning.


errari| The p r a n c i n g horse symbol of Ferrari is known worldwide as a symbol of engineering excellence. The closest that most aficionados of the 'Cavallino Rampante' will get to a Ferrari is by purchasing a red baseball cap emblazoned with the brand or watching Fernando Alonso do circuits on the TV. However this month gives the 'Tifosi' (Ferrari fans) the chance to get up close and personal with these supercars when the Ricardo Tormo circuit in Cheste hosts, between 25th to 28th November, the end of season Ferrari World Finals. The final rounds of the Italian, European and North American series for the Ferrari Challenge Pirelli Trophy will take place there and you will also get the chance to see prototypes of future models. Although you can probably guess they'll be sexy, sleek, fast...and out of your price bracket. Tickets start at 30€ for the stands and 59€ for the paddock where you can experience the thrill of being back-stage with the teams and drivers.



he big games are starting to pile up for Valencia with two very difficult away ties in early December against both Real Madrid in La Liga and then Manchester United in the final game of the first round of the Champions League. After the win over group rivals Rangers, Valencia will hope that they don't need to go to Manchester and win in order to qualify for the next round. Our tip for the most exciting game over the next month is Levante's big game against Uruguayan goal-sensation Diego Forlan and his Atletico Madrid teammates. Get yourself along to support Valencia's other team! Valencia fixtures this month| 20 Nov Villarreal CF v Valencia CF 24 Nov Valencia CF v Bursaspor 27 Nov Valencia CF v UD Almería 4 Dec

Real Madrid v Valencia CF

7 Dec

Manchester United v Valencia CF

11 Dec

Valencia CF v Osasuna

Levante fixtures this month| 21 Nov Levante v Racing Santander 28 Nov Hércules v Levante 5 Dec

Levante v Atlético Madrid

12 Dec Sporting Gijón v Levante Buy tickets for Valencia at the kiosks at the Mestalla at Avendia de Suecia, on their web page, on, at any of the official Valencia football shops, or even from the La Caixa website. Just ask for una entrada. The seats at Grada de la Mar are cheap and have a good view. For information on Levante check the up-to-date information in Please note dates are subject to alteration at TV executives whims and you should check closer to the time the exact date and kick off time of each game.

23 November 1963. UK. Dr. Who premières. The original producer thought the Daleks were ‘totally wrong for the series’. After a series of contract talks he was duly ‘exterminated’.



Talking Teaching with Orange Language Academy

he first month of term is always hectic, isn’t it? You get to know your new students and they get to know you, you all have a bit of a laugh together and (hopefully) some English is learnt. Then it’s down to the nitty gritty: the cellophane comes off the freshly purchased books, the pens and pencils come out, the CDs go in, compositions written, homework set, etc. Your adult students will have more than likely seen this coming and are well prepared and hardened by years of experience. The teenagers, else? Inevitably, you’ll always be glad to have on the other hand, get riled and soon enough the book there for those days when you’re not you can hear those all-too-familiar phrases “Me feeling particularly inspired. One colleague of estoy aburriendo”, “¡Qué rollo!” and (my all time mine in my first job actually used the book as a favourite) “Yo soy español. ¿A mi qué coño me punishment instead of working from it! For a lot of kids, English exists on paper and importa como se dice?” (in short “I’m Spanish. What the f*** do I care about how you say it?”). that’s it. As though it were something else to Yes! That’s the spirit. In the words of Naymond study, that getting the right answer is the most Brice (TV series The Wire) “It’s all smiles on important thing in the world, passing the exam, the first day”. After that, you’re just like all the etc. This couldn’t be further from the truth. An others that came before you and the ones that incorrect answer in English in my classes is given will (eventually) come after you. Let’s face it! more praise and attention than a correct one in Teaching teenagers is hard work. So how do we Spanish. This is because the students need to know that language is a tool to be used in class go about it? Well, I’ve just started teaching a pre- rather than an opportunity to 'know' something. Teenagers have their opinions as well as anyone intermediate level class with the same else. They may be more tuned in to what’s cool book that I used last year (with the and what’s not, but they will always have some same age group). I consider myself kind of reaction to things around them. If to be one of the lucky few. Being you can provoke them, elicit some kind fortunate enough to have that rare of reaction from them (in English of insight into what works, what doesn’t, course) then you’re doing your job. what to choose and what to leave out. To “What does Belen Esteban do?” is be honest, I’ve left a lot out already because I always a good start a) because they know teenagers are not interested in talking know who she is and have about space travel and eco-protesters. their opinion of her and After all, if there’s an easier way to teach the b) I literally have no idea difference between present simple and present what she does. It doesn’t continuous, then it doesn’t matter how they learn have to be her. Think of it, does it? This is not an uncommon problem quantity of Spanish celebrities, faced by teachers when planning a class. Should t h e I go with the book or should I try something public figures, film stars, local heroes, etc. My younger students have problems pronouncing the Orange Language Academy has been an American word ‘bird’, but can say 'Spongebob Squarepants' run language school for the city of Valencia and its at the drop of a hat. “What is Fernando Alonso provinces since 2005 offering all doing at the moment?”, “He’s driving his car”, types of language related “Very good Pablo”. Surely this is more interesting services. They also run the and more relevant to a 13 year-old Spanish Tues and Weds language nights at the Portland Ale kid than a story about floating around in orbit House. Find out more at wearing terribly unfashionable clothes. For those of you who really want to get down to learning the language, we’ll be bringing you an expression each month. This is our job. Your job? Get out there and use it! Then tell us how you got on… Armar un buen jaleo - to kick up quite a fuss e.g. They told him he couldn't go so he kicked up quite a fuss. Le dijieron que no podía ir así que armó un buen jaleo. 26 November 1922. Luxor. After laying undiscovered for 3,000 years Tutankhamun's tomb is opened. Tutankhamun's curse is said to have later claimed the lives of 20 of the group that opened it.

I heart Valencia



First certificate

ach mo ach mont month nth h we we’r we’re re go goin going ing g to s sq square q off something famous from Valencia with something else. After last month’s trouncing of Henry VIII by Valencia’s Jaume famous from somewhere e l we’ve decided I, w e’ve e’ ’ decid d ided d to put our veryy own Jardín de Turia in Valencia up against one of the world’s best known parks: Central York k nown pa ark kss:: C entral Park in New Yor en rk City. Here comes the bell... Round 3| Design - Central Park had its own Round Roun nd 1| 1| Age Age ge - Central Park was built bu between 11860 860 and nd d 11873 87 8 73 after aft r many influential New afte af N Yorkers commission set up by the state and subsequently and a nd poet nd poet William Wil Wil illi liam li am Cullen Cul Cul ulle len le n Bryant Brya Br yant ya nt vo voiced voic iced ic ed d the need for held a competition for the landscape design of the land, which was purchased for no less a public park. El Jardín de Turia was inaugurated i 1986. It’s design came about after in n 1986 afte the Gran than $5 million. Frederick Law Olmsted (one riada de Valencia: a flood, which took the lives of America’s forefathers in terms of landscape of around 80 people on 14th October 1957. It was design) and a Londoner called Calvert Vaux had decided that the river be diverted around the city to developed the 'Greensward Plan'. This design won the competition and was a combination of avoid any future tragedy. many different influences. Olmsted came up with Winner – Central Park separate circulation systems which would allow Round 2| Size - When it opened, Central Park people to enjoy the park and traffic to pass through was originally 770 acres (3.1km2), but expanded underneath without any problems. Vaux, in the to 843 acres (3.41km2). It’s 4km long and lies meantime, would be responsible for the design between 59th and 110th street. El Jardín is 1km2. of the 36 bridges throughout the park. More It starts at the Puente de 9 Octubre in the West of gunpowder was used to clear the area of Central the city and finishes at the Puente de Astilleros at Park than was used at the Battle of Gettysburg. the port clocking in at around 6km long. So whilst For El Jardín, many contemporary architects Central Park is bigger in terms of area, El Jardín de were contracted for different sections/ parts of Turia is bigger in length. the river. Catalan architect Ricardo Bofill was Winner – Draw. (I don’t really want to get commissioned to design the area surrounding into an argument about length vs. girth so let’s the Palau de la Música and the main part of the centre of the city. His design included orange trees, just call this one a draw, shall we?) palm trees and surrounding vegetation alongside sections with water, which would allude to the river’s former glory. Local boy Santiago Calatrava took care of the metro stop 'Alameda' and El Parque del Las Artes y Las Ciencias with grand, modern designs that populate the river bed with colossal forms and shapes that house some of the cities most popular attractions. El Tramo III del Cauce Viejo del Turia (in short, the part between the Pasarela Casa del Agua and the Nuevo Centro) was designed by a group of professors based at the University of Valencia called Vetges tu I Mediterrània. The Consellería de Agricultura designed the part known as 'Bosque Urbano' which lies between the Nuevo Centro and Torres De Serranos. Winner – El Jardín (I’m actually quite Sunny Valencia's lungs, impressed that so many designers were involved). El Jardín de Turia.

26 November 2000. Florida. Secretary of State Katherine Harris announces George W. Bush as the winner of the Presidential Election recount against Al Gore. The world cries a collective tear.

Round 4| History - Central Park is the most visited park in the US. It was awarded National Historic Landmark status in 1963 and has been seen the world over thanks to one of America’s greatest exports: cinema. Apparently, it has appeared in over 200 films since 1908 and a quick search on comes back with nearly 250 matches (including both film and TV). A walk through Central Park often has the odd sense of having been there before. John Lennon’s Strawberry Fields memorial can be found there as well as a sculpture of Duke Ellington. There is a Cleopatras' needle here (one of a pair – the other is in London), a reservoir dedicated to Jackie Onassis, a zoo, a carousel, a theatre, a castle and 21 playgrounds. Live performances include that of Bob Marley & The Wailers (1975), Elton John (1980), Simon and Garfunkel (1981), Bruce Spingsteen (1985) and the park now has a regular festival called Summerstage, which has played host to various Pulitzer Prize winners, Nobel Laureates and recording artists. Some of the bridges such as El Puente de Real go back as far as 1321. This particular bridge had to be rebuilt in 1598 after being washed away by no less than two more floods in 1517 and 1528. The rebuild was finished in time for Felipe III’s wedding. Another rather impressive bridge is El Puente del Mar, which was built in 1591 and is an absolute pleasure to walk across at night when it’s lit up and surrounded by palm trees. El Jardín has become an attraction for the yearly MTV Winter Festival, which in recent years has seen Franz Ferdinand (2008), The Cure (2009) and Arctic Monkeys (2010) grace the stage along with a number of supporting acts. The price: FREE! I mean you can’t beat that really, can you? El Jardín is also a popular place to watch fireworks during celebrations like Fallas and national holidays. Winner – Central Park (It seems unfair to compare such a young Jardín to such a worldrenowned park, but it was worth a try.) Round 5| Number of visitors per year - El Jardín has around 3 million visitors per year compared to Central Park’s whopping 25 million. Winner – Central Park

I heart Valencia Round 6| Safety - We’ve all been down into the Jardín at night, haven’t we? I can’t say I’ve ever felt too threatened when I’ve been down there. Aside from a few teenagers having a cheeky cigarette (you know, the ones that smell funny) and a little bit of botellón, I actually feel rather safe down there. There were some problems a few years back with recently-arrived immigrants hanging around down there, but these were swiftly dealt with by local charity organisations. Central Park on the other hand, well, where to start? Although there are claims that crime has gone down over the years (1,000 crimes reported in the early 1980s to 100 in 2005), you can’t help but get rid of those images that have been so kindly provided to us by filmmakers over the years (The Devil’s Advocate? Home Alone 2: Lost In New York?). Central Park has its own police precinct and you wouldn’t catch me around there after nightfall. Strangely, a census in 2000 revealed that Central Park’s population is 18: 12 males and 6 females with an average age of 38.5 years. Winner – El Jardín

First certificate


So the results are in - drum roll please Central Park 3 – 2 El Jardín Winner – Central Park

New York's heart, Central Park.

27 November 1975. Ross McWhirter, who with brother Norris were the original compilers of the Guinness Book of Records, is shot dead on his own doorstep by the IRA.





or those cinephiles among you, there will be a celebration of international cinema at UGC Ciné Cité between 24th and 27th November. Although all of the films won’t be in original version, there will surely be a number of very good films on display from all over the world. And here are a few other movies that we'll be looking out for. Neds| (Peter Mullan) Tamara Drewe| (Stephen Frears) This is Peter Mullan’s Local girl Tamara third film as both Drewe (Gemma writer and director Arterton) returns to after Orphans (1997) the humble village of and The Magdalene Ewedon in Dorset after Sisters (2002). This making a success of time Mullan returns herself as a glamorous to the 1970s Glasgow journalist. Having only come back to sell her mother’s house, of his youth with this semi-autobiographical piece. she soon has a run in with some of the locals: namely John McGill (Conor McCarron) is a hard worker her ex Andy (Luke Evans) and serial philanderer at school but struggles to avoid association with Nicholas (Roger Allam) who seem determined to his older brother Benjamin: a local kid who was cause as many problems as they can for Tamara and expelled for hitting a teacher. McGill soon finds fiancée Ben (Dominic Cooper). himself amidst a gang war in which everyone has Interesting fact» Loosely based on a Thomas Hardy to choose sides for their own safety. Already the novel, the film is full of references about Thomas winner of the ‘Golden Shell’ at this year’s San Hardy and Dorset. Sebastian film awards, this film looks ready to UGC Ciné Cité| 12th Nov onwards; times tbc become a cult classic. Interesting fact» Newcomer Conor McCarron does not even appear on imdb. UGC Ciné Cité| 3rd Dec onwards; times tbc The Way| (Emilio Estevez) American father Tom (Martin Sheen) In the Electric Mist| (Bertrand Tavernier) Set in post-Katrina travels to France due New Orleans, to the death of his detective Dave son (Emilio Estevez) R o b i c h e a u x during a storm whilst (Tommy Lee Jones) walking El Camino de investigates the Santiago. Initially setting out to simply recover his son’s body, serial killing of local he decides to complete the journey out of grief and prostitutes. Katrinas' effects still remain and a community homage to his son. Along the way, he meets like-minded people from can still be seen recuperating from its devastating around the world who are looking for a deeper impact. Meanwhile Robicheaux’s investigation uncovers a lynching from 1935, corrupt local meaning in life. Interesting fact» The film was inspired by a similar businessmen and sparks a confrontation with a pilgrimage that Estevez’s son made which led to him group of Confederates that pop up every now and falling in love with Spain and eventually settling then. Interesting fact» TLJ is fluent in Spanish. down and marrying here. UGC Ciné Cité| 10th Dec onwards; times tbc UGC Ciné Cité| 19th Nov onwards; times tbc UGC Ciné Cité, Avda Tirso de Molina, 16,, Babel, C/ Vicente Sancho Tello, 10,

1 December 1640. After becoming unified in 1580, 60 years later the Spanish are driven out of Portugal for the last time and the country regains its independence after the partnership soured.



Expat life| Time to get your MO’ on! First certificate

ovember or Movember is the international month of the moustache. All around the world men will be cultivating their upper lips in celebration of masculinity and to raise awareness of men’s health issues. Movember has been running for a number of but is not absolutely necessary. At Lenguas Vivas language academy, teachers, years but has had little exposure in Spain to date. It has been especially prevalent in New Zealand management and students are participating in and Australia where prominent sports stars and Movember for the second year running. Last year, media figures have got behind the movement. teachers Sam Slesser and Ricky Dunn sported their Indeed, anyone who watched the New Zealand Mo’s for the month. All Blacks tour of Britain and Ireland a couple of This year Sam and Ricky have recruited years back might have thought they were caught in fellow teachers, students and even boss Paco a time warp with the players resembling their 1970s to participate. Sam described the experience as a ‘great predecessors. conversation starter’, and something which, ‘really added to the banter and sense of fun at work’. He also felt there was a more serious element. ‘Women have done a great job of increasing awareness of things like breast cancer, yet just as many men are affected by prostate and testicular cancer but no one talks about it.’ Ricky also enjoyed the experience, if, ‘At first, it felt a bit strange. It was a foreign Here in Valencia, the Mo’ object on my (stiff) upper lip, was noticeable among the America’s cup crews, although with little cultural penetration here, locals would be forgiven for thinking that it was just a strange fashion trend among sailors. This year there is a website dedicated to Movember in Spain ( and a facebook campaign running to promote it, so the hope is that it will take off. Every year more than 13,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer in Spain and approximately like having a hairy slug live there for a month, or as 6,000 die as a result. Like other developed if one of my eyebrows had come down for a drink.’ countries, male life expectancy here in Spain is As an international event celebrating solidarity also significantly lower than women. Movember and comradeship, Movember, as well as being good primarily aims to help highlight the need for fun, is a great opportunity for the Expat community increased awareness and testing among men. to play a leading civic role promoting both men’s Participation is easy, simply begin clean-shaven health and interaction between the international and do not shave your moustache until December. and local communities. So, put your vanity aside and get your Mo’ on Beards and goatees are not allowed but if you wish, you may add a little soul patch under the lower lip. for Movember. By Eoghan Ryan Raising money or sponsorship is another benefit

3 December 1984. India. Bhopal suffers one of the worst industrial disasters of all time when the Union Carbide factory lets poisonous gas escape leaving 2,500 dead and 100,000 homeless.



Live events


f you’re stuck for what to do this month, check out our view of the best live venues in the city and the surrounding areas. Valencia has something on for everyone’s tastes and at prices which even with the crisis you won’t be concerned about. Music Box| C/ Pintor Zariñera, 16 (VLC) & El Palau de la Música| C/ Alameda, 30 (VLC). You’ll get the odd free performance by visiting Radio City| C/ Santa Teresa 19 (VLC) orchestras although some special performances Both are open every day of the week with visiting DJs and are popular with tourists, are reserved for members only. locals and students alike. On The national ballet opera from Tuesdays you’ll also find live Kiev will be playing on 27th Nov flamenco music at Radio City (21:00, €30/23) and there’s also a (23:00, €7 with free drink). www. special Christmas concert on 11th and www. Dec (19:30, FREE). For further info. - La3 C/ Padre Porta, 2 Sala Matisse| (VLC) C/ Campoamor, 60 (VLC) Rock along here on Saturday This place normally opens from 20th Nov with a homage to Thursday to Friday and tickets the boss. A Bruce Springsteen range from free to €14 depending tribute band will be playing with on the night/ act. Check out Matisse’s ‘So de sons’ nights on Thursday which supporting artists. Tickets are €10/12 and it all showcase Valencian talent and are completely free kicks off at 22:00. (23:00). You’ll also catch some decent exhibitions and independent theatre there too! The Magpies Camp Lliria (Domeno) & The Bitch Magnets will be rocking it live here on Saturday 20th Nov. It starts at 21:00 and it's free to Café del Duende| C/ Turia, 62 (VLC) enter! A great place to catch some decent flamenco from Thursday to Saturday from 23:30 onwards. Sala Loco| C/ Erudito Orellano, 12 (VLC) There’s a lot going on here over the next month or so. They’ve got an Abbey Road Beatles show on 20th Nov, Teenage Fanclub are playing on 1st Jimmy Glass| C/ Baja, 28 (VLC) This place has been a popular jazz bar since 1991 Dec (22:00, €24) (22.30) along with Josh Rouse and often features some great talent from the local playing two dates on 3rd & 4th Dec (22:00). and international scene. There are duo piano Durango Poligono sessions every other Industrial La Closa Tuesday at 22:15 and (Meliana) you’ll catch the Melisa Detroit rockers Electric Aldana Trio on 9th Nov Six are playing here on (21:30) for €10 and the 25th Nov with support Bill McHenry Quartet from local group Anyone on 30th Nov (21:30). (22:00, €18/21). www.jimmyglassjazz. net

9 December 1814. Joseph Brahmah dies. He may not be well-known but is surely one of the coolest men ever. He invented the beer pump and a handy machine for printing bank notes.



Music| Just Joshin'

osh Rouse is an American born folk/ HOW WELL DID YOU ADAPT TO SPAIN? roots songwriter & singer now living in I think pretty well. I mean, it suits an artist’s Valencia. Sean met Josh for a chat. lifestyle because there’s a nice break during the day. In the States there’s a lot of pressure and SO JOSH, WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO? I’ve just had a kid so the past year has been pretty this culture of overachievement but when you’re busy. I started touring in January because I wanted creating something it’s better just to relax and let to help out a bit at home. Of course, I’m gonna do it come to you. a few shows here in Valencia. I’ve actually built a YOU’RE WRITING A LOT MORE SONGS IN SPANISH. studio here. I bought a local and we built it up so I IS THAT SOMETHING THAT COMES NATURALLY OR can record my records. So I’ve just had time to get IS IT A CONSCIOUS EFFORT THAT YOU MAKE? No, I mean, sometimes a song just starts in there and start recording. I started touring quite working out. I have a couple of words or lines. a bit in January. WHO WERE YOUR BIGGEST INFLUENCES DURING With Spanish it takes a bit of time to make it work and make things YOUR CHILDHOOD? rhyme and my wife My uncle was a big helps me. I haven’t influence. He taught me done as much lately. Neil Young songs. He It was kind of a thing played in a band and I that I went through. guess he was more of a I’ve been listening a lot father figure than my to a Cuban songwriter stepfather and my real called Bola de Nieve. father. He appealed to my He’s from the 40s artistic side. and 50s. It’s really THERE’S A LOT OF cool stuff. Cuban jazz. MATERIAL ON YOUR WEBSITE AVAILABLE TO BE DOWNLOADED. HAVE The way he sings is great. He’s kind of like Louis YOU NOTICED A BIG CHANGE IN THE INDUSTRY Armstrong. I learned a couple of his songs and it kind of influenced my writing. WITH ALL OF THE DOWNLOADING? Of course. That’s what everyone does now. I think WHAT IS IT THAT YOU ENJOY ABOUT LIVING HERE there is still a physical market in Europe but it’s IN VALENCIA? expensive. I think I was fortunate enough to start Well, I like that it’s not a huge city and it’s flat. my career 12 years ago when people were still buying We go to Benicassim a lot. I like some of the local music so, hopefully, the important thing for me as towns which we go to a lot. It has a good climate an artist and someone who makes a living from it is which helps. I enjoy living here. that those people will visit my website and download IS THERE ANY PARTICULARLY VALENCIAN THING it or buy it to support what I’m doing. So there’s THAT YOU COULDN’T LIVE WITHOUT? definitely been a change in the last five or six years. I Paella. It’s a Spanish thing I guess. My favourite think every year it’s becoming harder to make music, paella is de marisco. not to actually make it but to sell it. YOU SING ABOUT FALLERAS ON THE TRACK YOU’VE BEEN DOING THIS FOR A WHILE NOW. YOU MUST HAVE LEARNT A LOT SINCE YOU STARTED. WHAT KIND OF ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO SOMEONE STARTING OUT?

Sure. My advice would be do what you want to do and have fun with it. You know to get somewhere is a lot of work and you have to take it seriously but you’ve got to do what your instincts tell you to do. I have a lot of people who have influenced me and you can learn from them but your music is you. It’s your personality and it comes out. No one can really tell you how to do that.


Well, my wife was one. She grew up with that. It was part of her culture. WHAT DO YOU MAKE OF FALLAS?

I don’t like all the firecrackers and the noise but the other part of it is cool. I WAS LISTENING TO ONE OF YOUR TRACKS CALLED NOTHING GIVES ME PLEASURE AND YOU SING ‘HOME IS WHERE I ALWAYS WANNA BE’. WHERE IS HOME FOR YOU?

This is home. Home is where my family is. See Josh at Sala Loco on 3 and 4 December.

4 December 1961. UK. The Swinging Sixties - the introduction of the birth control pill on the National Health Service certainly helped contribute to the free love aspect of the times.

Recipe| Thanksgiving


he Thanksgiving holiday is widely celebrated in the United States and Canada. Canada celebrates it on the 2nd Monday of October and the US celebrates on the 4th Thursday of November. The origins of the holiday are disputed. Some say it was founded in Florida by Spanish explorers and some say in Canada by an English explorer. Others say that it was modelled on existing harvest celebrations of ancient civilizations. The most popular version in the United States is that the holiday was brought there by the English colonists and the Wampanoag Indians at the Plymouth Colony (present-day Massachusetts) in 1621. In the US Thanksgiving is recognized as a commemoration of the 3-day feast the Wampanoag and English colonists held to celebrate the harvest and to thank the Wampanoag for helping the colonists survive the winter. However, as some people in the US try to bring more truth to the past, Thanksgiving has been criticized for presenting a rosy picture of relations between the colonists and the Native Americans, who were subsequently

|22| nearly decimated and grossly mistreated by the new arrivals to their land. While we may never know the exact origins of this holiday, many people in the US and Canada will gather for years to come to eat large quantities of food and spend time with family. The main point of the day is really the food. There are several dishes that are traditionally served in the US Thanksgiving table: Roast turkey; mashed potatoes; gravy; stuffing (also called dressing); green bean casserole; sweet potatoes (yams); cranberry sauce; and pumpkin, sweet potato, or pecan pie. These dishes probably vary greatly from the ‘original’ Thanksgiving dishes, which might have included seafood and types of fowl not commonly served today. The various regions of the US add their own special dishes. In the southern states you might find cornbread and collard greens on the table. The Thanksgiving table has changed with the times as well. The mid-90s saw the introduction of the inevitable Tofurky (a vegetarian turkey replacement). A more disturbing Thanksgiving food change was the popularization of the turducken, which is a deboned chicken stuffed into deboned duck, which is in turn


n Sudoku, every row & column of 9 numbers & 3x3 box must include all digits 1-9 in any order.

For the number puzzle, each letter is represented by a number 1-26. Crack the code! 3 letters are already in place to get you started. 10 December 1948. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is adopted by the United Nations. Universal being a misnomer of course as many countries clearly don’t adhere to it.

|23| Mushroom and Sage Stuffing (for 8-10 people) 2 baguettes, cut/torn into bite-size pieces 4 large spoonfuls of butter, room temperature, 4-6 celery stalks, thinly sliced into half moons 4 shallots, minced 2 garlic cloves, minced ½ kilo white mushrooms, halved or quartered 2 spoonfuls dried sage 3 big eggs, lightly beaten 1 large handful of parsley, chopped 100 ml white wine 1 litre chicken broth Salt and pepper Butter for greasing stuffed into a deboned turkey. The last few years have seen a growth spurt in the fried turkey sector. That’s right, a deep-fried turkey. Yes, it's true, any food in the US can and will be deep-fried. With a little searching you can find pretty much everything you need to have Thanksgiving in Spain. I have included one stuffing recipe that I cannot live without at the Thanksgiving table. This recipe makes enough for 8-10 people as a side dish. To dry the bread cubes, spread them onto two baking sheets and bake for 10-15 minutes in a 200˚C oven. Rotate the sheets halfway through. Cubes are ready when they turn a light golden brown. Grease a shallow, rectangular baking dish, approximately 30 x 20 x 3cm or around 3.5 litres.

Recipe| Thanksgiving Melt the butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add celery, shallots and garlic. Cook for 5 minutes. Add mushrooms and cover the pan and cook for 5 minutes. Uncover and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes. After most of the liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated, add the white wine and cook until wine has mostly evaporated, about 5 minutes. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl. Add the bread cubes, parsley, and eggs to the bowl with the mushroom mixture. Mix carefully to distribute ingredients evenly. Season lightly with salt and pepper. Stir in broth ¼ of a litre at a time, mixing well after each addition. You might not need all of the broth: it should be moist, not soaking wet. Spread mixture in baking dish, cover with aluminium foil and bake at 200˚C for 25 minutes. Remove foil and bake for another 15 minutes until golden brown. Lia Wallon reLIAble eats

Wow factor| Sage provides an uncommon flavor to delight your guests! Effort| Slightly time consuming, but not difficult.

15 December 1964. Canada. A red maple leaf on a white background becomes the new national flag of Canada. It was previously red with a Union Jack and several of the Queen's coats of arms.

Charity| P.E.P.A First certificate

P.E.P.A is the registered charity Asociación Protección y Educación Para los Animales. If you make your way to the animal page of inVLC each month you’ll see that they send in the animal of the month, usually dogs who need adopting or re-homing. They receive no funding and all monies are raised through their shop, lunches and events or donated by supporters. P.E.P.A. aims to help and reduce the number of abandoned animals. They do this in 4 ways: ¤ take in, look after and find homes for animals which have been abandoned or cannot be looked after. ¤ spay stray cats which live on the streets, to prevent future generations joining them. ¤ support animal shelters. ¤ educate & inform people about animal welfare issues like taking animals abroad or animal care. Uniquely, P.E.P.A. doesn’t worry about where an animal is found. They believe that every animal deserves a second chance and so, if you need help, you can call them or check the website.




Lady Sue


P.E.P.A can be found at How can you help? ¤ Become a member - For just 12€ a year you can be part of the organisation which will entitle you to run for office. It will also entitle you to vote on the distribution of money raised.



¤ Send a donation - however small. ¤ Offer to house an animal in your home. ¤ Help with fundraising. ¤ Help by collecting clothes & bric-a-brac for their shop in La Font d’en Carrós. ¤ Become a volunteer working in the shop. ¤ Help with the sterilization programme. ¤ Help with the education programme. ¤ Volunteer with the homing team!! ¤ Take telephone calls.

At their shop you can make financial or shop donations or spend your euros on clothes, books, bric-a-brac and other items. The shop is on Calle Cervantes, La Font d’En Carrós, 26 and they are planning to open a second one in December in L'Olleria. The shop is open Mon - Sat, 10am-1pm. Their website has a whole host of information including a page dedicated to the animals needing new homes now, in addition to the happy endings and new beginnings for the animals who have found a new life with new owners. Their help desk is open seven days a week Pippo Bob 10am - 5pm (650 304 746) for help and support. 650-304-746 Cami les Bases 73, Marxuqera, Palma de Gandia 46724, VLC Registered Charity Number: G.97646921

Health| Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM


CM is a holistic health approach to medicine that looks at a human's relationship internally and externally with their environment, the cosmos and themselves. It may sound a bit 'far out' to some, but TCM has practice there. This has become a regular practice been around for over 5000 years, so maybe they for over 15 years. The results have been very good were (and still are) doing something that works! If and the clinic is still running. Here are some of the you are suffering from a chronic pain and have had types of pains and problems which can be no successful treatment of it maybe you should try treated: - bunion pain, varicose vein pain, something else: like TCM. Chinese Medicine became famous forty years leg pain, calf pain, sciatic nerve pain, ago when a journalist for the New York Times knee pain, hip pain, lower back pain, was treated for appendicitis with Acupuncture stomach pain, menstrual cycle pain, Anaesthesia. Acupuncture needles stimulated by joint pain, tennis elbow pain, frozen electricity were the only things applied and no other shoulder pain, upper back pain, neck pain, headaches, toothache, medication was used. The journalist reported his experience and since earache, and jaw tension and many more. then Acupuncture has grown and grown. People who are 'needle phobic' In England the NHS (National Health System) has incorporated Acupuncture for Pain Relief can be treated without needles through in some hospitals. The NHS rationing body for 'TENS' (a non-invasive nerve stimulation alternative medicine (NICE) issued a report in May of the acupuncture points), moxibustion 2009 recommending the use of Acupuncture for (warm herb stimulation), massage, Tailower back pain. On 4 July 09 The Times reported: chi, cupping therapy, and through herbal "Six months ago, the scientific rationalists among medicine. Therefore if you are suffering us would have had grounds for pooh-poohing all from pain you can go to a Chinese Medicine this as unproved, pricey pampering. But that’s all practitioner. The list of the different pains relieved here is changed. Science has suddenly — and very publicly extensive. Traditional Chinese Medicine covers — taken a turn in favour of the needle. Last month, new official guidance said many, many other ailments other than pain related that patients with persistent lower back pain illnesses, too. Emotional imbalances are very should be offered acupuncture on the NHS. The positively treated by TCM. This is another health recommendation from the NICE said that the issue that Western Medicine treats very expensively scientific evidence now showed that acupuncture and takes a long time to see results, if any at all! However, the theme today is pain relief. You was not only effective at treating back pain, but also cost effective when other treatments, such as can hopefully get a good idea of the extent to which Traditional Chinese Medicine can be used painkillers, were found not to be working." Middlesex Hospital in North London has in treating pain and how it could be relevant in incorporated a 'Pain clinic'. Students who study successfully treating other health issues if you Nial Sawa Traditional Chinese Medicine do their clinical are open to these possibilities.

11 December 1282. Wales. Llewelyn ap Gruffudd dies. History remembers him as the only native Prince of Wales recognised by the English. The following year Wales falls completely under English rule.



Competition & Golf

hantaram – Gregory David Roberts In 1978 Gregory David Roberts was sentenced to 19 years in prison for a series of armed robberies. He escaped two years later and – using a false passport – fled to India where he lived in Bombay for ten years. During that time Roberts lived in a slum, worked as a doctor nursing slum-dwellers through a cholera epidemic, became fluent in Marathi (the local language), became a drug-dealer and smuggler, fell in love, worked for the local mafia, was tortured in an Indian prison, almost died and eventually fought in Afghanistan with the Mujahideen against the Soviets. Unbelievable right? Well, Roberts has stated that Shantaram – his account of his years in hiding in India – is a fictional novel based on real events, most of which happened to him or to people he knew. Needless to say, here we have an epic story – almost 950 pages – of humour, tragedy, pathos, friendship and romance. Most importantly this novel gives the reader a brilliantly achieved experience of modern India in all its complexity. Shantaram is narrated by ‘Lin’, a fictional version of Roberts himself. Lin arrives in Bombay, is befriended by ‘Prabaker’ – a local rickshaw driver

– and soon moves into a slum after being robbed of all his money. Thus begins Lin’s life in India as he gets to know the local people, his neighbours, the ex-pats, fleeting tourists, criminals and police officials that make up this monumental city. Shantaram is also the story of Lin/Roberts himself, and the journey of self-discovery that he makes – from an on the run ex-con to self-reflective man on the point of making peace with himself. So there are big ideas here too, about the meaning of our lives and how we can try to become better people through love and friendship. Shantaram is extremely well-written. When describing India and its people Roberts is excellent, he has a great ‘ear’ for dialogue and is riveting when describing violence or action, or discussing the meaning of life. If you haven’t heard of this beautifully written epic novel you soon will, as it is being made into a film due to be released next year and starring none other than Johnny Depp. One can only hope that Hollywood get this right because if they do – and they manage to make anything half as good as the book - it promises to be one of the films of the year (you read it here first). Shantaram has everything – human drama set against the backdrop of modern India, violence, love, war, philosophy, the Indian mafia...and more – a wonderful read that will take you into another world, as all good books should. Iain Armstrong


61 800 000

Number of people living in slums in India (out of 1.3 billion).


ompetition results| Well done to Lorna Carmichael who correctly answered that the 2nd wife of James I of Aragón was Yolanda, also known as Violante. Well done Lorna, your prize is coming your way! Thank you to all who sent entries. ecembers competition| Names out of a hat for the correct answer what's the new Johnny Depp movie that we're holding our breath for? Answers to by 31st December.


he results of The Jonny Wilson Memorial Cup played by the Edetania Golf Society at El Bosque raising €100 for Macmillan Cancer Support Fund.


12 December 1863. Norway. Artist Edvard Munch is born. Famous for ‘The Scream’ which seems to be stolen and recovered regularly. Died insane. Perhaps not surprising if you’ve seen the painting.


A little help


ou can’t always do everything yourself. So if you’re making changes this summer, from small jobs in the home to something more dramatic, here are some companies for you to consider.

Looking for customers for your business in the Valencian Community? Contact us on ¿Estás buscando clientes para tu empresa en la comunidad valenciana? Ponte en contacto con nosotros

If you want your business to be seen by members of the Valencian Community, please contact us to discuss how we can help -

Animals - spiders



or some it's dogs. For others it's sharks. But for many, the fear is brought on by spiders. Even those really tiny ones that couldn't harm anyone, even if an army of them got together and put all their effort into it. If the thought of a spider creeping over you while you sleep gives you the shudders, you'll be delighted to hear that here in Spain there are 1,700 different types of spiders. Well, OK if they are all the harmless sort. But this is not the case. There are three types of spiders which are more than a tickle on your cheek in the night – the Brown Recluse Spider (Loxosceles Reclusa), Old World Tarantulas (Lycosa tarentula) (wolf spiders) and finally, our favourite, the Mediterranean Black Widow (Latrodectus tredecimguttatus) which is accurately named in Latin for the 13 spots on its back. Their painful presence may come as a shock as these spiders only really play a part in horror flicks and Australian showers. But although the Wolf Spider and the Brown Recluse Spider don't often crawl this way, the Black Widow is very fond of the Valencian Community, as well as the arid parts of Almeria, Aragon and Andalucia. Luckily for those in the city, the spider doesn't like the coast, but for those walking in the countryside or who live in the sticks, this might be a new friend for you to keep your eyes out for. But nightmares aside, seeing one isn't going to cause any harm. It's all in the bite. The Brown Recluse Spider is devious, as by the time you realise you have been bitten, the culprit is many hours away, safely enjoying the knowledge of the painful blister developing on your skin. The Wolf Spiders

Name|Lulu Age| 2 years old Size| Tiny

Health| Health vaccinated Personality| Very loving, good with other dogs Appearance| Miniature Pinsche More info| P.E.P.A on 650 304 746 nip is certainly stingy, but unlikely to come to anything more than that. But it's the Black Widow bite that affects the victim's nervous system (nasty but not usually fatal). Even the ancient Greeks noted their dislike of its bite. Its red and black body with 13 spots are a bit of a give-away, so you should be giving this alter-ego ladybird a wide berth. Home remedies include aloe vera, dried basil and elevation, but five centuries ago in Spain you would have been encouraged to dance to frenzied music: the tarantela, and even in 1875 the Spanish Royal Faculty of Medicine was still recommending this. The dancers were the lucky ones. As if the bite wasn't bad enough, others were placed in hot ovens to remove the spider demon, and in the Canaries the bitten took ‘internal doses of human excrement'. Should you be bitten, the chances of anything dramatic happening are slim, but get a doctor to check it, preferably one without a CD player. The number of eyes of a Black Widow Spider.


15 December 1995. Madrid. A new currency is unveiled at the European Councils summit. After rejecting ducat, ecu, florin and franken they settled on the Euro (€).


Events & Classifieds


f you’ve got an event coming up, drop us an email and we’ll try to give it a mention in the next issue. Markets| Mon - Montroy, Tues - Monserrat & Turis, Weds Piccassent, L’Eliana & Villamarchante, Thurs - Alaquas & Lliria, Fri - Turis, Torrente & Chiva, Sat - Real de Montroy & Torrente, Sun - Alborache Rastro Montroy| 5 Dec| Calle La Pau, Cindy or Nicolas, 960 80 25 13 or 695 100 540. Olocau Rastro| 28 Nov| Social Club Centre, Urb. La Lloma, Olocau. 10am-2pm. Raising funds for charity, food & refreshments available, Spaces FREE, tables available €1 each. Carolyn 962555819 or 664809608. Masia Rastro| Sun 21 Nov (every 3rd Sun of the month)| Mas Pavia Restaurante, Masia Pavia Urba, nr Monserrat. Pitches are FREE (no more than 2m per stall), just turn up, Stallholders from 9am. Amanda 625819734 or

British Consulate open day will be held at Centro de Participación Ciudadanía 'El Pinet', Calle de las Eres de Sant Joan, s/n, Oliva. Wednesday 17 November from 11.30am. The monthly bike meeting of VLC will take place as usual on the first Friday of the month. This aims to promote bikes and bike safety in VLC. Place| Plaza de la Virgin, VLC 7.30pm


re you buying, selling or donating? You can put a free advert in here for a month. Just email us and we’ll try to get it into the next issue - Baby monitor/alarm with sensor pad (for total peace of mind) €100 vgc. 3 way pram with extras €90 vgc white cot with bedding bumper set €85 vgc play pen €30 vgc, bath/changing unit €15 vgc other smaller items also. Chiva/Turis after 6pm please 961800582. Extra-long single bed (2m mattress + base, vgc). Ideal for guests or very tall children! Cost €330. Selling for €99. Buyer collects. 962707592, 679859586 or 606025256 Fiat Cinquecento 1996, 900cc, good condition, low mileage, very economical and reliable. €650 or nearest offer. 657549430


Sales staff member to work in Valencia and the Community. Needs a good level of both English and Spanish. Must have a pleasant manner and a positive attitude.

Are you bored of waiting for customers to come to your business? Advertise with us! Email invlceditor

14 December 1503. France. Nostradamus born, the famous seer who is said to have foretold the rise of Hitler, the atom bomb and the assassination of JFK. Yeah....sure....Russell Grant of the 16th C.

Art in the community



e want to support new and up-and-coming artistic talent in the Valencian Community. Each month we’ll choose one artist at random and devote a page to that artist. Name| eva carot Location| Valencia What’s available| Unique limited edition brooches, necklaces, bookmarks and signed prints of artwork.

Inspiration| In each picture there is always a bit of Eva’s personality. Songs, smells, memories and even dreams create them.

New developments| Eva is looking for new media for pictures with friendly materials like natural wood or wool. Also to be found in the little store is a new line of necklaces for girls, something very simple and innocent.

History| Eva studied graphic design specializing in illustration and editorial. Six years ago she started a blog and gradually improved her style based on experience with different techniques. She uses traditional illustration, collage, photography and computer retouching. Lullaby is a small online shop where you can find jewellery made from her illustrations. The basic premise is to make nothing that the artist herself would not carry or buy, and as satisfaction of the purchaser is essential, she will personalise the project. Email| my blog: my little shop: my mail:

Prices| From 5€ to 20€

If you or anyone you know would like to feature in our art pages, contact us at



Art to see Intermediate

alencia is an art lover’s dream with so many different styles slotted into all manner of buildings. If you have any to recommend, let us know. Rosa Torres| Rosalia Sender Galeria Sala Parpalló| Within this contemporary This fresh and exciting exhibition is a range of inspiring Portuguese exhibition has been shown photography. Images vary from very ordinary previously around the world, scenes in Patricia Almeida but is here in Valencia for the home the first time. and on Rosa Torres has produced the street a modern and unique to grand collection all originally o p e n created in the 70's. spaces in The Valencian artist enjoyed combining chaotic the wild, C/ Alboraia 5, Valencia flare with structured pattern. She used different u s i n g Mon-Sat 10am-2pm, 4pm-8pm tones of acrylic paint and often introduced layers of m o d e r n Sunday 10am-2pm Free! torn newspaper cuttings to create a sense of depth computer and dimension to her work. Her techniques have graphics that highlight explosions of great colour varied throughout her career but have all employed within a confined square frame. The Parpalló the same concept: to portray an exquisitely distinct exhibits the images in a range of ways: The standard photo on a wall, but also large prints floating from style ahead of time. Stand back from the artwork, look deep into the the ceiling, images encased in glass boxes and photos running through a projector within a small fabric picture and allow your mind to run wild. grotto. Using photography as an art form often works well when distinctive styles of unique images are combined to create an eclectic collection. Each image has a background, a story to tell, but it’s up to the viewer to interpret what that story is exactly. Calle Mar, 19 Valencia (Check out the Antonio Zambujo concert here on 19 Tues-Sun 10am-2pm, 6pm-10pm November at 7.30pm with free entry!) Free! Rebecca French psst. Julio Antonio Blanco, our July/August Artist of the month has an exhibition in Zaragoza until 15 Dec - definitely worth a visit! At El Pequeño Teatro de los Libros, Silvestre Pérez - 21, Zaragoza.

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