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Make the most of the Valencian Community

October 2013

Happy Halloween

Language learning German corner Information Classifieds Recipes Articles

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Regulars 4 Before we start 5 Did you know... 6 German Corner 7 News in brief 16 City Maps 21 Classifieds, Weekly markets & Rastros

inVLC Talks 8 Monthly essentials

inVLC Contact information Scan this code to be taken to previous issues of inVLC

in this issue

Language learning 22 Learn English with the British Council 23 Halloween English & Language exchanges Features 9 Films to scare yourself to 12 Recipes 14 Gardening 19 La Carabasseta 20 Grand Theft Auto and media violence

inVLC is for all people in the community of Valencia: whether born here, visiting for a day, or living a new life in the sun. We hope to guide you on what’s going on in the community, help those living in it, and support language learning with a bit of added fun. facebook inVLC If you are looking for more up to date information or have any thoughts or comments please 'like' us on Facebook and join in the fun. Important numbers & Embassies / Consulates Fire | 080 Local police | 092 French | 96 351 0359 Dutch | 96 341 4633 Medical | 061 General | 112 USA | 96 351 6973 German | 96 310 62 53 British | 96 521 60 22 Depósito legal V-816-2006 inVLC We do our very best to strive for accuracy but we do not accept responsibility for unintentional errors or omissions, accuracy of advertisements or contributors’ opinions.


Before we start


Some of you may know and some of you may Until the new year inVLC will be available not but we received some pretty exciting and as before online through issuu and through surprising news over the summer. Facebook, and with over 10,000 hits last month alone; we know that this is a popular We will have our first child! forum for presenting the magazine. We will not however, be producing a print edition. For various reasons that we will not go into here, not only was this a surprise; it was a We are aware that some of our readers may massive surprise that came late in the day not have internet connections or Facebook and we are now having to make some tough, accounts etc... and we apologise for any life altering decisions. inconvenience if they are unable to access inVLC. However, we feel that this is the inVLC is not a big company with a staff of right thing to do for the moment as we employees; it is simply the two of us who try and take some pressure off ourselves write, edit, distribute, design, layout, sell and concentrate on readying ourselves for advertising, etc... and do everything that impending parenthood and on becoming the needs doing to produce a magazine. It is a best parents we can be. full-time job if done properly and with the added pressure of impending parenthood We trust all our readers understand our on our time, we have taken the decision to position and thank you all for your continued temporarily present inVLC as a digital only support and loyalty towards inVLC. We magazine. appreciate it now more than ever.

So, October's edition brings our regular German Corner, Recipe pages explaining how to make some great Pesto, a run down of recent News topics, Monthly Essentials around town and also information for Halloween, information and activities for Language Learners and a wide variety of articles covering topics such as films, gardening, organic food and media violence.

Enjoy! See you in November. Lisa & Paul


Did you know

that in October...

1881 Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga Spain and became one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. Not only did he paint but he was a sculptor, ceramicist and stage designer, and of course co-creator of cubism. His father taught him at an early age to draw and paint and by the age of 13, he had surpassed his father’s ability. At 14 years old his family moved to Barcelona and he was accepted to the school of “Fine Art”, by the age of 16 he had moved to Madrid. In 1899 he had moved back to Barcelona where he started to experiment in different areas of his craft and at the turn of the century he moved to Paris and opened his own studio. He always believed that work would keep him alive but on April 8th 1973 at the age of 91 years in Mougins France he died, his legacy however has long endured.

1941 Mount Rushmore was completed; it shows the faces of four American presidents carved in the mountainside and took fourteen years to construct. The four presidents are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln and it is said to have cost $989,992. The sculptor Gutzon Borglum wanted the presidents to be waist up, but funding was insufficient and the carvings came to a halt. Some 400 workers removed around 450,000 tons of rock which still remain in a heap near the base of the mountain.

1957 Space Age began when Russia launched the first satellite into orbit, Sputnik 1. It weighed 184 lbs, was 23 inches (58 cm) in diameter 1908 and made from polished metal, sphere shaped with four external Henry Ford's Model T, a "universal car" designed for the masses, went antennae to broadcast radio pulses. The satellite travelled at around on sale for the first time. 18,000 miles (29,000 km) per hour, taking 96.2 minutes to complete an orbit of the earth. After 22 days of transmitting the batteries ran 1926 out and as it fell from orbit on January 4th 1958 it burned up. It spent Charles Edward Anderson "Chuck" Berry was born on October 18. three months in orbit and travelled a total of 43.5 million miles (70 A pioneer of rock music, Berry was a significant influence on the million km). development of both the music and the attitude associated with the rock music lifestyle. With songs such as "Maybellene" (1955), "Roll 1960 Over Beethoven" (1956), "Rock and Roll Music" (1957) and "Johnny The first successful kidney transplant in the UK was performed in B. Goode" (1958), Chuck Berry refined and developed rhythm and Edinburgh by Sir Michael Woodruff. It was between identical twins, blues into the major elements that made rock and roll distinctive, the donor was back at work in 3 weeks and the patient returned to with lyrics successfully aimed to appeal to the early teenage market work after 15 weeks. The second transplant in Edinburgh was carried by using graphic and humorous descriptions of teen dances, fast out on a brother and sister in 1961. cars, high-school life and consumer culture, and utilizing guitar solos and showmanship that would be a major influence on subsequent 1971 rock music. His records are a rich storehouse of the essential lyrical, Disney World Florida opened, it covers an area of 30,080 acres showmanship and musical components of rock and roll; and, in and took seven years to complete, but sadly Walt Disney died just addition to the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, a large number months after purchasing the land so never saw the completed park; of significant popular-music performers have recorded Berry's his brother Roy took over the project. In 1974 it was announced that songs. Though not technically accomplished, his guitar style is very the second phase “The Epcot Centre” expansion was to begin and by distinctive and many later guitar musicians would acknowledge him 1982 it opened to the public. It claims to have 16 to 17 million visitors as a major influence on their own style. Berry's showmanship has annually which is over 44,000 per day. been influential on other rock guitar players, particularly his onelegged hop routine, and the "duck walk"; he used the "duck walk" 1989 when "performing in New York for the first time and some journalist San Francisco had a major earthquake which lasted only 10 to branded it the duck walk". Chuck Berry continues to perform to this 15 seconds and measured 6.9 magnitudes. The quake killed 63 day. people and injured 3,757. Over 100,000 buildings were damaged and thousands were left homeless. The earthquake triggered a four 1940 foot tsunami wave in Monterey Bay and the sea level dropped three John Lennon was born on the 9th October in Liverpool; he became foot at Santa Cruz. The property price tag for the quake was over 5.9 famous as a founder member of the Beatles in 1960. After the billion dollars. performing years as the Beatles, which lasted until 1966, Lennon felt lost and turned to studio work, the Beatles finally broke up in 1970 2011 and a solo career followed which also led to him meeting Yoko Ono. Steve Jobs, Apple co-founder died aged 56. He was the mastermind After a long and very public life it was in December 1980 when he behind an empire that has revolutionised personal computing, was returning to his apartment that he was shot in the back and died. telephony and the music industries. He died in California of pancreatic cancer. Jobs left an estimated 8.3 billion dollars.


German Corner


Das Zusammenspiel der Kulturen. Es ist immer wieder erstaunlich welch eingefasste Meinung Herr und Frau Spanier von uns “Europäern” hat. Allein die Tatsache, dass sämtliche Völker nördlich der spanischen Grenzen als Europäer bezeichnet werden, bezeugt die skurrile Selbsteinschätzung, die hierzulande nicht minder vorzuherrschen scheint. In dieser kleinen scheinbar unbedeutenden geographischen sowie politischen Verwirrung steckt doch eine ganze Menge - sagen wir - Ironie. Der sonst so unzerbrechliche spanische Stolz fällt wie ein im Suff konstruiertes Kartenhaus in sich zusammen, wenn vermeintlich typisch europäische Tugenden gefragt sind. Mit leuchtenden Augen wird die deutsche Zielstrebigkeit und Effizienz bewundert, während man sich selbst auf Grundsätze wie Gemütlichkeit und Bürokratie konzentriert. Interessant wird das Gespräch aber, wenn Zielstrebigkeit und Effizienz, Genauigkeit und Umsicht als “quadriert” und “unflexibel” disqualifiziert werden.

Gespräche mit meinen Freunden und neuen interessanten Bekanntschaften beweisen immer wieder wie gut das Zusammenspiel der Kulturen funktionieren kann. Valencia ist im Umbruch. Junge Abenteurer verlassen die Stadt, um ihr Glück in Effizienz und Umsicht zu suchen, andere kommen gerade jetzt, um mit neuen Ideen und Ansätzen die entstandenen Möglichkeiten zu nutzen. Der Mix aus Kulturen und Meinungen braucht Offenheit und Geduld. Geduld Valencia! Geduld!

Ein Franzose, ein Engländer und ein Deutscher treffen sich.
Engländer: "Wir sind vielleicht komisch! Wir schreiben 'school' und sagen 'scul'!"
Franzose: "Wir sind noch komischer! Wir schreiben 'peugeot' und sagen 'pöscho'!"
Deutscher: "Wir sind am komischsten! Wir schreiben 'Wie bitte?' und sagen 'Hää?'!"

Angeblich verhindert das Respektieren allgemeiner gesellschaftlicher Regeln das Entfalten von Kreativität. Danach habe das warten aufgrund eines roten Ampelsignals negative Auswirkungen auf den Erfindergeist, weil ihm die nötige Freiheit fehle. Aus humoristischer Sicht ist dieser Ansatz durchaus interessant. Aufgrund meiner fehlenden Freiheit scheint es mir allerdings nicht möglich, genügend Kreativität zu entfalten, um die komplexen Zusammenhänge zu verstehen, die derartige Aussagen erst möglich machen. Heißt das die spanische Gesellschaft ist tatsächlich so viel erfinderischer als beispielsweise die Deutsche, weil sich hierzulande niemand freiwillig an Normen hält? Was aber steckt hinter all diesen kulturellen Unterschieden und Sichtweisen? Ist es überhaupt möglich eine europäische Identität zu entwickeln? Oder ist es eher so, dass wir uns wieder stärker auf unsere regionalen Gepflogenheiten besinnen müssen, um nicht den Boden unter den Füßen zu verlieren? Oder bringen diese regionalen Unterschiede nicht erst viele Konflikte hervor, die wir uns in einer Gesellschaft gegenseitiger Akzeptanz ersparen würden. In den letzten Monaten wurde mir näher gebracht, Teile meiner Persönlichkeit zu ändern, um mich an die Umgangsformen in der spanischen Gesellschaft anzupassen. Ein auf den ersten Blick durchaus überlegenswerter, einem friedlichen Miteinander dienender Ansatz. Aber braucht es nicht eine gehörige Menge Arroganz, zu verlangen, dass Mitmenschen anderer Kulturen sich an die Lebens- und Denkweisen in ihrer neuen Heimat anzupassen haben? Geht diese Ansicht nicht viel zu sehr davon aus, dass ebendiese vorherrschende Lebensweise gegenüber der anderen richtiger, positiver, fortschrittlicher oder gar überlegen ist? Macht es nicht durchaus Sinn sich mit anderen Sichtweisen und Charaktereigenschaften auseinanderzusetzen, um die jeweiligen Stärken gemeinsam zu nutzen? Hat eine Gesellschaft das Recht, über allgemeine Normen und Gesetze hinaus, seinen Bürgern vorzuschreiben, wie sie zu sein, zu denken oder sich auszudrücken haben?

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My mother loved children; she would have given anything if I had been one. Groucho Marx


News in brief Spain is out of recession?

and aggressive driving behaviour is more rife in men than women, according to the research carried out by the Road Engineering Spanish president Mariano Rajoy has told The Wall Street Journal Investigation Group at the centre. that the country is 'out of recession', but 'not out of the financial crisis'. The PP leader says his current aim is a 'rigorous recovery' They also found that drivers aged 30 or less tend to travel at an which allows Spain to 'create employment'. average of four kilometres per hour faster than older motorists. And when overtaking, they spend a whole second less in the 'fast lane' He has also stated his intentions to stand for election again at than drivers of 31 years or more – 6.2 seconds as opposed to 7.2 the end of 2015. “I have no intention of retiring, but my party will seconds. decide,” he announced. Where the driver has had to wait more than 25 seconds to be able to Germans 'donate' their vote to Spanish expatriates overtake, on single-carriageway roads, overtaking manoeuvre time reduces by a further second. Researchers say that although laneNumerous German nationals have chosen to hand over their right to hogging is not recommended, a shorter time spent in the outside, or vote to Spanish people living in the country to allow them to make left lane means the driver is overtaking faster and leaving a shorter a statement about how politics in Berlin are affecting life in Spain. safety distance between them and other cars. A system in Germany allows any eligible voter to apply in person But this practice has not been seen in women drivers of any age as a to give their vote to a foreign resident – who cannot vote because rule – only in younger men, according to the study, which has been they are not a citizen of the country – and for both parties to explain published in the magazine Intelligent Transport System. their reasons for doing so and the party for which the recipient of the 'donated' vote chooses. Italians, Greeks, and mainly Spaniards living in Germany say they are 'fed up' with austerity measures crippling their countries and, in the case of the latter, feel they need to make Berlin aware of the fact that Spain is falling apart at the seams with unemployment at six million and suffocating taxes.

inVLC comment: Having driven for a couple of years around the towns, villages and city centre of Valencia, I'm not entirely sure where this study got their information as personal experience doesn't tally with their findings. Regardless of age or gender, aggressive driving, tail gating, lane-hogging the central lane on motorways whilst doing well under the speed limit, perilous overtaking and a host of other Many admit they would not even be living in Germany if this were dangerous infractions including speeding, illegal stopping, ignoring not the case. They also say they are tired of Germany 'demonising' stop signs and traffic-light signals are a part of everyday driving here southern Europe. and to single out young men seems short-sighted. I don't feel that young men under 30 are any more impatient or men more aggressive Are younger drivers 'more impatient' and men more likely to than anyone else and to suggest that some of these traits are not found overtake faster? in women drivers is in my experience, absurd. Drivers aged 30 and under are more impatient and tend to overtake A complete overhaul of the attitudes of local police to driving violations more quickly, a recent study by Valencia Polytechnic University has and of drivers and other road users to their responsibilities is in this revealed. writers opinion, a better way to address the almost universally low standard of driving encountered on a daily basis here. They get more quickly fed up when stuck behind slow-moving drivers,


inVLC talks

Monthly essentials

October 9th

October 31st

9 de octubre

El Dia de los Muertos

On the 9th of October every year, the people of Valencia celebrate the national day of their autonomous region. This is a historical commemoration of the date in 1238 when King James I officially entered the city of Valencia, freeing it from Moorish rule.

Halloween is one of the oldest and the most popular celebrations observed by people all over the world. However, the customs and traditions of celebrating the festivals differ from place to place. Every country has its own unique pattern of observing the festival.

Since 1365 every 9th October, Valencia's Senyera flag has presided over the festivities. The Senyera flag is lowered from the main balcony of the Town Hall, rather than being taken out by the door, and carried in a civic procession to the Cathedral, where the “Te Deum” is held. It is then taken to the Parterre, where a floral tribute is laid before the statue of King James. Following the event, and after the Valencian anthem has been sung, it is taken to the History Museum.

Halloween is a three day celebration in Spain. It is known as the “Day of the Dead”, or “El Dia de los Muertos”. It starts on the 31st of October and ends on 2nd of November. Family members commemorate their loved ones whom have passed. People believe that the dead relatives return home to be with their families. Families sometimes make an altar at home as a way to reminisce. But Halloween is not only about honouring the dead, but also a celebration of the continuity of life.

The 9th of October is a public holiday throughout the Region of Valencia, although the tradition is stronger and the celebrations much more lively in the city itself. Further events are also organised by other institutions and groups, such as some of the organising committees of the Fallas fiesta.

On the night of 31st of October the celebration starts with “Noite de Calacus”, night of the pumpkins. If you’re looking for some Halloween fun, don’t forget your pumpkin. The supermarkets have them, but the biggest and best ones are from the local fruit and vegetable sellers. Children will do trick and treats from door to door, dressed up as witches, ghosts or vampires.

The 9th of October is also the day of St. Dyonisius, the equivalent of Valentine's Day in Valencia. On this day the custom is for men to give The 1st of November is “All Saints day”, a public holiday and the the women what is known as a “Mocadorà”, also called a “Mocaorà”: 2nd of November is “All souls day”. These are days of remembrance a bundle of marzipan sweets wrapped up in a handkerchief. for loved ones that have passed away. As tradition, people attend church services in honour of Catholic saints and martyrs. People Every year the cakemakers of Valencia produce thousands upon return to their villages to visit and decorate the graves of loved ones thousands of these little marzipan figures. An interesting fact is with flowers and gather with friends and family. that more than 70,000 kilos of marzipan are used to produce some 200,000 "mocadoràs" to be given as gifts to wives, girlfriends and Cemeteries are full of people, streets are congested with traffic and mothers. florists are churning out more sales than almost any other day of the year.


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Films to scare yourself to


innocent kids (a guy in a wheelchair! A blonde girl!), a creepy house in the forest, nighttime chases through the trees, the sound of the The obvious choice and an absolute classic of film from the 70's. chainsaw, the killer’s mask… This is high-energy peril, right up until Scary, suspenseful, and viscerally thrilling, Halloween set the the frenzied final scene on the road as dawn arrives. Simple and sick. standard for modern horror films. It was "The Night HE Came Home," warned the posters for John Carpenter's career-making horror smash. In Haddonfield, IL, on Halloween night 1963, six-year-old Michael Myers inexplicably slaughters his teenage sister. His psychiatrist Dr. Loomis (Donald Pleasence) can't penetrate Michael's psyche after years of institutionalization, but he knows that, when Myers escapes before Halloween in 1978, there is going to be hell to pay in Haddonfield. While Loomis heads to Haddonfield to alert police, Myers spots bookish teenager Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) and follows her, constantly appearing and vanishing as Laurie and her looser friends Lynda (P.J. Soles) and Annie (Nancy Loomis) make their Halloween plans. By nightfall, the responsible Laurie is doing her own and Annie's babysitting jobs, while Annie and Lynda frolic in the parentfree house across the street. But Annie and Lynda are not answering the phone, and suspicious Laurie heads across the street to the darkened house to see what is going on.... The Omen Another film from the 70's. Films about Satan and his minions remain popular for a number of reasons, but a key one must be the fact that, when depicting the infinite power of the Devil, filmmakers can get away with just about anything. ‘The Omen’ is chock full of creepy business: the weird nanny and her rottweiler sidekick, the zoo animals behaving erratically, the young lad on his tricycle bumping his mother over the banister, the church lightning rod spearing the priest where he stands, and of course cinema’s most iconic beheading scene, shown from multiple angles in juicily slow motion. Like many classics of the genre, Donner’s first feature wasn’t especially well received by critics at the time, but it’s remained a mainstay on late-night TV and ‘best of horror’ lists. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre From the 70's again (are you spotting a theme here?) There are horror films which bend the boundaries of the genre, which deal with the psychological, the suggested or the subtly thematic – and then there are the sheer, in-your-face, terrifying horrors which threaten to drain your body of sweat and lock your jaw shut forever. This is one of the latter. There have been sequels and remakes and plenty of pretenders looking to steal the film’s terrifying demonisation of those strange folk who live in the woods with a link to the local abattoir, but this is where it began. Its methods are basic:

10 The Shining This one is from the 80's and again, an absolute classic of film. The scariest moments in ‘The Shining’ are so iconic they’ve become in-jokes: Jack Nicholson leering psychotically from posters on the walls of student bedrooms everywhere... ‘Here’s Johnny’. Even so, Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece of execution and claustrophobia still retains the power to frighten audiences out of their wits. Nicholson is Jack Torrance, a writer working as a caretaker at the isolated Overlook Hotel in the Colorado mountains over winter. Stephen King, on whose novel the film was based, was famously unimpressed. The problem, he said, was that ghost-sceptic Kubrick was ‘a man who thinks too much and feels too little’. He resented Kubrick for stripping out the supernatural elements of his story. Torrance is not tortured by ghosts but by inadequacy and alcoholism. And for many, it’s as a study of insanity and failure that makes ‘The Shining’ so chilling. The Silence of the Lambs The Exorcist

Almost a modern day film, this one is from the 90's.

Back we go to the 70's where horror had divided into two camps: on one hand, there were the ‘real life’ terrors of ‘Psycho’ and ‘Night of the Living Dead’, films that brought horror into the realm of the everyday, making it all the more shocking. On the other, there were the more outrageous dream-horrors popular in Europe, the work of Hammer Studios in the UK and Mario Bava and Dario Argento in Italy, films that prized artistry, oddity and explicit gore over narrative logic. The first film to attempt to bring the two together was ‘Rosemary’s Baby’, but Polanski’s heart clearly belonged to the surreal.

In its own old-fashioned way, this is as satisfying as that other, more modernist Thomas Harris adaptation, Manhunter. When FBI trainee Clarice Starling (Foster) is sent to conduct an interview with serial killer shrink Dr Hannibal Lecter (Hopkins) in his high-security cell, she little knows what she is in for. The Feds want Lecter to help them in their search for homicidal maniac 'Buffalo Bill'; but in exchange for clues about Bill's behaviour, Lecter demands that Clarice answer questions about herself, so that he can penetrate the darkest recesses of her mind. It's in their confrontations that both film and heroine come electrically alive. Although Demme does reveal the results of the killer's violence, he for the most part refrains from showing the acts themselves; the film could never be accused of pandering to voyeuristic impulses. Under-standably, much has been made of Hopkins' hypnotic Lecter, but the laurels must go to Levine's killer, admirably devoid of camp overstatement, and to Foster, who evokes a vulnerable but pragmatic intelligence bent on achieving independence through sheer strength of will.

The first to achieve that blend with absolute certainty was ‘The Exorcist’ . In cutting from the clanging bazaars of Iraq to the quiet streets of Georgetown, in blending dizzying dream sequences with starkly believable human drama, Friedkin created a horror movie like no other – both brutal and beautiful, artful and exploitative, exploring wacked-out religious concepts with the clinical precision of an agnostic scientist. And make no mistake: ‘The Exorcist’ is most definitely a horror film: though it may be filled with rigorously examined ideas and wonderfully observed character moments, its primary concern is with shocking, scaring and, yes, horrifying its audience out of their wits – does mainstream cinema contain a more upsetting image than the crucifix scene? That it still succeeds, almost four decades later, is testament to Friedkin’s remarkable vision.

28 Days Later… Finally, 0ne from the 2000's. The streets of London are terrorised by blood-crazed maniacs nothing new there then. Except that those same streets seem so preternaturally quiet. Twenty-eight days have passed since the Rage virus was unleashed; four weeks which have decimated the population. When Jim (Murphy) awakes from a coma it's as if he's still in the throes of some frightening fever dream: Robinson Crusoe in Piccadilly Circus. Survivors Selena (Harris) and Mark (Huntley) bring him up to speed. They haven't seen another living human being for days, they say. The unliving come out at night. An apocalyptic psychological horror film, shot on DV and peopled with newcomers, this marks a sharp volte face for the globe-trippers behind The Beach. Barely conceiving of a world beyond Britain, this is a very insular movie, but none the worse for that. Profoundly indebted to George Romero's zombie trilogy, but brusque and brutal in comparison, it clicks on urban alienation, social paranoia, viral and bacterial terror, pollution and contamination, but homes in on the idea that the greatest threat may be fear itself.

Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born aged eighty and gradually approach eighteen. Mark Twain

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Marina Lekkerkerker

Pesto presto!

Pesto is a traditional (dip) sauce made from basil leaves, Italian cheese, olive oil, pine nuts, and garlic. Well made, it's one of world’s best treats. But most people only know this green gold from is ugly stepsister: pre-made Pesto Genovese you buy in glass jars in the supermarket. SHAME ON YOU!! This is not pesto, but a disgusting mix of mashed up cashew nuts with sunflower oil and unidentifiable greens….If I were to be boss, I would simply forbid the selling of this and punish those who nonetheless did. Valencian almonds

Ingredients for Spanish pesto - one biggish or two small cloves of garlic, skin peeled off - two handfuls/cups of fresh (washed and dried) parsley leaves - half a cup of (toasted) almonds - one cup of mature Spanish cheese (Curado, Manchego), or - even tastier - a mix of Spanish cheese and Italian Parmesan

Anyhow, it's probably only for the best that I am not in charge of - about one cup of simple but good Spanish olive oil things. Pesto is really simple to make, delicious and it can make a simple - a little pinch of salt (the cheese is already quite salty) and some meal into something fabulous. It’s just a matter of using good and freshly ground black pepper fresh ingredients. Unfortunately, unless you live on an Italian farm, pesto is also quite expensive. And that's because pine nuts, Italian cheese and even basil leaves are pricey here. But the good news is that you can also make delicious pesto using almonds, parsley and local cheese. And even better, although harvesting time already started in August, there should still be plenty of nuts hanging from the branches of the many almond trees around Valencia. So go for a hike and collect your own!

Shelling almonds

Harvesting almonds Almonds grow from the flowers of the gorgeous pink and white blossom you see in January and February. Depending on the area, the harvest starts around the middle or maybe end of August. Harvesting is traditionally done with the help of sticks to smash about the branches so the nuts fall down. They land on nets that have been put down for that purpose. It's also possible to use a motorized tree shaker, but you don't see them often. Commercial collecting lasts until the end of September. But as there's not much money to be made in this labour intensive business, you can still see and pick nuts well into early winter.

Crack almond nuts while sitting outside (otherwise your tiles will get damaged as I know from experience). Put an almond on a big stone or on the ground and smash the nut with another stone. You can also use a nutcracker, but they usually break after one or two tries. You can also get yourself a high stool and a hammer. That's the way the people in my village crack their nuts. Take the almonds out of their shells after cracking (use the shells in your stove to heat up your house or oven) and leave on the thin brown skin. Try not to eat all the almonds at once. If you don’t have the time, patience or opportunity to pick and crack your own almonds, buy them from a local seller with some terraces or go to a shop. If you happen to have plain white almonds, toast them first in a dry frying pan to let the taste come out. If you buy salted almonds, be careful about adding extra salt to the pesto.


alternative is pesto made with Greek Feta cheese, almonds, parsley, and some lemon juice and peel. There might even be a possibility for a cashew based pesto somewhere, but please, do me a favour and NEVER, EVER buy pesto in a jar again….!!

To do Put everything in a high plastic bowl and mix with an electric hand blender. The mix should be very green and quite thick (if not add some more almonds and cheese). Pesto purists will say you shouldn’t use a blender, but grind everything in a morsel instead. Well, maybe. But I like the smooth substance you get using a blender and it's fast and easy. When done, leave the pesto (in the fridge) for at least half an hour to let the flavours come out and intensify. If you don't finish all the pesto in one go, keep the rest in a jar or container in the fridge. As long as there's some oil covering the pesto, your mix will last at least a week.

Combinations Pesto is delicious with many different dishes. Think pasta with grilled vegetables (tomato, aubergine, olives, spring onion, peppers, and courgette) topped with pesto and some extra cheese. Pesto is also good sprinkled on a salad with lettuce, tomato and grilled peppers. A classic combination is pesto with slices of (buffalo) mozzarella and tomatoes. Less common, but also good is to add pesto on grilled meat or fish. And last but not least, pesto is delicious as a dip with some fresh bread. Closing note… Although I do respect the traditional Italian recipe, there are also plenty of other ways to make pesto. Like the almond recipe described above or a variation with coriander and walnuts. Another great

Marina Lekkerkerker For more recipes and stories please visit the blog:


American food store specializing in products imported from United States C/ Músico Peydró No 54 46001 Valencia 607 231 006



Dick Handscombe

Colourful window boxes

Throughout Spain window boxes are used to brighten up the facades of some otherwise drab houses and apartment blocks. But too many suburbs and the centre of Valencia plus surrounding villages remain bland, even though window boxes are easy and inexpensive to install. Well planted they can be colourful throughout the year, the best looking like mini gardens in every season. Tiers of window boxes on four storey village houses and even taller apartment blocks can create an amazing ‘hanging gardens of Babylon’ effect even during the winter months when most individual and communal gardens are not at their best.

money and don’t invest unnecessarily in fancy designs. Care of your window boxes The soil in window boxes needs to be kept constantly damp to get the best out of your plants. We suggest that you achieve this by; - Ensuring that you fill the window box with a rich water retaining but free draining compost. Being waterlogged can be as bad as being too dry. Our solution is to use a 5:5:1 mix of good soil, homemade compost and sharp sand with a little TerraCottem water retaining gel mixed into the bottom half of the compost. - Watering twice a week in the spring and once a week in the autumn and winter. In the summer you will need to increase watering. Window boxes in full sun may well need watering every day. - Planting less thirsty plants. - Mulching the top of the compost with volcanic ash, grit, or coloured stone chippings.

Where to locate them

A regular feed is also helpful especially for flowering plants. We suggest that a weak weekly feed in the spring and summer and The four most popular places are on windowsills, hanging on balcony monthly during the autumn and winter is preferable to a strong feed and terrace railings, hanging on the inner and end walls of covered at less frequent intervals to achieve a steady rather than stop go terraces and on the front floor with plants hanging down between development of the plants. Ensure that you use a balanced feed and the railings. not one too high in nitrogen. The latter can stimulate green growth in preference to flower buds and long lasting flowers. Also fast growing Types of window boxes green growth can be fleshy and weak. Therefore susceptible to disease and pests. Ceramic fibreglass and plastic window boxes last longer than wood. If you can afford them buy the ones with a self-watering reservoir that Flowering plants will flower more continuously and for longer if you holds sufficient water for several weeks. If you are planting trailing deadhead regularly. Also remove all dead leaves and ends as soon as plants these will soon cover the front sides of the boxes. So save they appear to prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases.

wo es ur ch an pa be se u al h dr ul g n le a w g k d e fle br y i w th pa m m d r l ich adl ar on ro ile tri ul wo ey re ge o os s br ae un th n r h f a l da a s d ta co dl afl an be on us rre t e m l e er gg in t y ap co o f n h d o t n d p l p. r e u v i p o a o i a e c m o (e au tate s rre tte na lo ah a xt fa co gh n n r ro hu .) ex us l br zin l g t j i g o a a n r a m a t n e t e dl m lio ich nd e po rs at ed an d e n i h on ha re an y tte di o gr u i r w rr. e da m nu n ar th r ee f o a c c a a eg a r jo rs og h o v n p d r n m e e l a n ew p. dr g g e co n e a l a c k r (e jg rs ew t e pa h t l lin h o i a e x m e rz th on a g t d t u x e l n i . i h ile lb ch )a ni wo fa irr m co hu pot fo an ch s us ae ra n l te . v u l io ap m ec or ea dr dl ha nd lb t r n a d p l t e e di ur jo n o fl h h e i . y w e m g ( e a g ex an tte na gr se ex h r m d g c o a e tri ha ar ar no t nd r w a m e . p jg )a n r o jo d i a l o s n r e t k d rz ul h ew ge or n n fa irr lio re co m in wo ta b th rs u w . ed atha l l i i r d s i c i t c a o l a n un e t c h i h e d e n m h n s a p irr di le hu d al el ot co an fo nu ha an y .a k m m t b v l d e pp ec da r ea fl a e o a r r s e g e no n ro ew ich lo .(e jo rt w g he gr ge rren gh s n r xt p i x i e a t o c a r h .) ed th nu ta so ol ul an m fa t a i rs n n e n b lk d n u i or rr. ra re e w and po st hu fo co m th a dw v t l r p m di ith ich ec ea te am ew ch p. a an r lo n (e ae he al wo lil j g j g o x k g l es x h na a t.) re u r m o m z n ve m an no in ich no ed a h d m hafl ich alio d rth i re ae rr. rth on er ex di w am lb d n e a t o ur rio nu m m s eg an cha jg s n c rs e g l dr ol fa wi e w rzin ort in pa us ew k h t ich h am po ith ul t liwo d b t i wo te a r jg un ad n r r 15

Naturally trim to shape to improve the overall appearance of your boxes. But don’t over trim cascading plants such as trailing petunias and geraniums.

Hopefully more houses and apartments will look more attractive when we pass by during the coming autumn Christmas season.

Dick Handscombe :

ICR Distribution

drone esoteric ambient experimental sound art minimalism soundscape industrial atmospheric field recording

Vinyl, CD's & Books

Mailorder direct from the UK

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(c) OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA

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Opening Times / Horario Monday to Saturday / de lunes a sabado 11 am to 2 pm / 4.30 pm to 7 pm

(formerly Kandabooks)


The Best New and Used Second Hand Bookshop Downtown Valencia. Books in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Dutch. Los Mejores Libros Nuevos y Usados en el Centro de la Ciudad. Libros en Inglés, Alemán, Francés, Italiano, Español y Holandés. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

If you buy a book you can bring it back and get 20% discount on your next book. Si compras un libro obtendras un 20% de descuento en tu siguiente libro. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Calle Tapineria 18. Valencia. Tel. 607 485 370 (behind Plaza de la Reina) (detras de la Plaza de la Reina)

aaff_poster.indd 1

23/01/13 17:17


Humour is like a frog, if you dissect it, it dies. Mark Twain

La Carabasseta

Declan Lehane

"La Carabasseta" celebrated its first anniversary on September the 3rd a few weeks ago. La Carabasseta is one of a number of ecological shops in Benimaclet, about 4 or 5 in total well distributed throughout the barrio. I discovered the shop on C/ Vicent Zaragoza N57 near the end of September last year. My experience shopping there has been very positive. The staff (Laura, Esther and Eli) are very friendly and will help you to find whatever you are looking for. They have a great variety of products from cheeses, fruit and veg, wines, different types of breads and many more Eco products. If you can't find what you are looking for ask the girls and they'll do their best to find it for you. I interviewed Laura the owner about her overall experience in setting up the shop and having it up and running for a year.

food and are willing to pay a little more for quality food with a very positive side effect on the environment. We believe in the importance of selling tasty good food and we are very happy to participate in such a positive enterprise.

How long did it take to set up the shop?

When we decided to stop thinking about it, and do it... it was at Biocultura Madrid 2011 and it was there that we started to compile all the information we needed. In June 2012 we rented the ground floor space on Vincent Zaragoza and from June to September we did it all up for the opening on the 3rd of September. Why Benimaclet? Because we live in Benimaclet and because we really like this neighbourhood. Also we have a bar near the shop called "El Carabasser" which is run by my husband Ruben. We believe in small businesses and we love the closeness between neighbours, clients...... like one big family. Why an ecological shop? We have friends that have a similar shop in Madrid and we have always been open to the possibility of having one. Then when our daughter, Alba was born, we were looking at the type of food that we were going to give her and what we found in the conventional shops didn't convince us. We started to investigate Eco food more and more and finally decided to open "La Carabasseta". It has also fitted in well with the bar because little by little we are introducing more Bio food into the menu of "El Carabasser". It is well known that the Eco food sector is growing, people are concerned about the quality of their

OPENING HOURS Mon to Fri 09:30 - 14:00 and 17:00 - 20:30 Saturday 10:00 -13:30 Sunday closed Address C/ Vicent Zaragoza Nยบ57, 46020, Benimaclet, Valencia. Email


I have often said, the only thing standing between me and greatness is me. Woody Allen

Grand Theft Auto

and media violence

Hailed as "an unbelievable achievement", the video game Grand Theft Auto V was recently released to much fanfare amongst gamers all over the world. It is however, not without its controversies and has come under attack regarding the level of violence featured in the game. Arguments surrounding violence in media, be it video games, film or music have long raged on and the fact that it continues to do so, tells us that it is an argument that is a long way from being resolved. Critics have claimed that scenes in films, actions in video games and even lyrics in songs have incited people to commit violent acts that they would not have ordinarily done. In response, many people think that this is simply wrong, that violent people commit violent acts regardless of their exposure to such things. It should be noted here that games like Grand Theft Auto and films are age restricted and albums now carry "Parental Warning" stickers if appropriate. If children are being exposed to these things then there is a responsibilty amongst parents etc... to try and ensure this doesn't happen. Video games such as Grand Theft Auto are aimed at an adult market, yet they still come under fire and actors involved in the making of the game have recently had to speak out and defend their work.

Ogg told Buzzfeed that he was "thrilled" by the positive reaction GTA 5 has had from fans - and their reaction to Trevor. "They have enjoyed his impulsive, psychopathic nature but have revelled in his humour — that has been great to hear!" "I wanted to make him multidimensional, and fans are responding to that. It’s just great!" One of Trevor's most disturbing moments is a torture scene which is fast becoming infamous. The Daily Mirror newspaper game editor Dan Silver said the scene left him "feeling repulsed". The player is instructed to pull out Trevor's victim’s teeth with a pair of pliers and gamers then perform the ‘water boarding’ torture technique by pouring a flammable liquid over a victim tied to a chair. Players then smash the victim’s kneecap with a monkey wrench and give him electric shocks using spark plugs as he pleads for mercy.

Ogg has defended the scene, saying: "People play these games to escape, to be free of the repression they may or may not feel in their ordinary lives. "Trevor brings it all back for gamers — you get to act out on every impulse and desire." Grand Theft Auto has always been a violent franchise, but the latest "I was never concerned because it is acting — it’s the same thing as instalment features a character that has shocked even veteran when I was 12 years old pretending I was a British soldier with a gun gamers. One of three playable characters, Trevor is a wantonly and bayonet in the theatre — it’s play." violent, wantonly sexual career criminal. So, who is right? Does music, film and games such as Grand Theft Steven Ogg, a Canadian-born television and stage actor, played Auto incite otherwise normal, law-abiding citizens to commit violent Trevor by lending his voice and appearance to one of the most violent acts, or is it simply 'play' and escapism? characters in gaming history.



Classifieds For Sale

GRAB YOURSELF A BARGAIN EVERYTHING MUST GO! Any sensible offer accepted on the following, if you need more information, would like pictures or to view please email: or call 960616158 Portable Air Conditioning Unit Gas Heater with bottle included 2x portable oil filled radiators Exercise bike Krups dolce gusto coffee machine 2x microwaves Coffee table 2x glass topped computer table Office swivel chair Chest of drawers Lounge chair with foot stool 2x wooden shelving unit Complete set of dishes Fold up bike with accessories Leather bike suit Full faced womans motorbike helmet Large mirror 2x Large floor standing rotating fans 2x orange gas bottles Epson 3 in 1 printer, scanner and photocopier LG midi hifi English language books and teaching materials

Electric guitar. Stratocaster with double humbuckers. Attractive looking guitar with sunburst finish & rosewood fingerboard. Hand assembled from decent quality parts (Squier, Wilkinson, Tonerider, CTS etc). Includes appropriate headstock logo. Great sounding and highly playable guitar. 200€ ono Electric guitar. Stratocaster. x2 single coils & bridge humbucker. Assembled from high quality Fender original parts. USA pickups/ controls, pickguard & knobs etc. CTS pots, Fender Mexico body with Allparts licensed rosewood neck with large frets, FenderSchaller tuners, Fender trem unit. Dimarzio humbucker in the bridge. Excellent quality build with superb sound. €350 ono Contact: Motorbike, blue Honda Fireblade RRY 929. ITV until 2014. Price 2200€. x8 Central heating radiators and central heating boiler. Offers. Electric awning. Brand new and unused. 3 Meter wide. Yellow and grey colour. 100€ Tel 693496283

Wanted Garden furniture. Petrol hedge cutters and Milling Machine. Building materials; blocks, slab, tiles. Mechanics and engineers tools, roll cab and box. British Reg cars. Small trailer. Harley Davidson Motorcycle. Contact 693496283.

6ft Christmas tree Tallboy chest of drawers

Weekly Markets and Rastros Markets Monday

Montroy, Riba Roja, Manises and Valencia (Ruzafa)


Monserrat, Alfafar, Paterna, Turis, Bunol and Valencia (Jerusalem, Nazaret and San Pedro Nolasco)

Wednesday L’Eliana, Casinos, Piccassent, Alzira, Villamarchante, Aldai, Catadau and Valencia (Avd del Cid, Mossen Sorell and Grao) Thursday Alaquas, Gandia , Lliria, Yatova and Valencia (Torrefiel) Friday

Moraira, Turis, Villar Del Arzobispo, Torrente, Chiva, Bunol and Valencia (Benimaclet, Malvarrosa and Cabanyal)


Real de Montroy, Gandia , Torrente, Cheste, Godelleta, Macastre and Valencia (Jesus Patraix, Pinedo)


Alborache, Montserrat, Siete Aguas and Valencia (Plaza Redonda)

Rastros Every 2nd Sunday of the month at Bar Sardi in Pedralba. Table money donated to Animales y Naturaleza. To book tables phone Lin 680790059. Every Sunday next to Mestilla football ground. 1st Sunday of the month, Montroy c/La Pau, 625 674 906 Sagrario Sat 13th, Sun 14th July GALP Godelleta, 09-14h. Craft Fair/ Rastro. To reserve your free pitch call Isadora 615 445 026 for reservations


There’s no place like home by Ellen Darling

Activity 1: Subtitles There are seven paragraphs numbered 1 to 7. See if you can match the subtitles below with the correct paragraph. a No surprise b DIY on TV – Here to help you c A very dangerous job d Holidays are over e Makeovers all over f

Proud owner

g DIY disasters

Activity 2: Synonyms For each paragraph, find the word or phrase that means the same as those below. 1 the portable box where you keep DIY equipment 2 new ideas 3 TV station 4 recession 5 extra or guest’s room in the house 6 bad work 7 hurt

4. I guess it’s not really surprising that DIY programmes are so popular. Two common sayings in Britain – ‘an Englishman’s home is his castle’ and ‘there’s no place like home’ - show how important our houses are to us. With the current economic downturn, many people can’t afford to buy a bigger house so they are looking at how they can make their house better without spending a lot of money. DIY is the perfect option.

Complete these idiomatic expressions with ‘house(s)’ or ‘home’. 1 Charity begins at _______. 2 They get on like a _______ on fire. 3 Come in! Make yourself at _______. 4 The food was nothing to write _______ about. 5 My teenage son eats us out of ________ and _______. 6 People who live in glass ________ shouldn’t throw stones.

Fun Corner DIY stands for Do It Yourself. What do these common short forms stand for?

6. There are several stories of DIY TV’s own botch jobs. On one episode of ‘Changing Rooms’, a room was built to display a large collection of expensive teapots. Overnight, the shelves collapsed, destroying the valuable collection. On another famous episode, when the designer brought the owner in to see the redecorated room, she shouted ‘why would I want this in my room?!’ and burst into tears.



2 PM




4 PA

8 FC

7. And have I ever been tempted to try some DIY? Well, the thing is, I’ve seen the statistics. I read a report that said over 230,000 people were injured while doing home improvements in the UK in just one year, including 41,000 who fell off ladders and 5,800 who were seriously hurt by hammers. So no, I won’t be going down to the hardware store. I’ll stick to watching DIY on TV with a nice cup of tea, thank you very much!

For more fun activities to help you learn English visit

Activity 3 1 home 2 house 3 home 4 home 5 house and home 6 houses

3. This got me thinking about the enormous popularity of DIY programmes in the UK. Each major channel has at least one home or garden makeover show and there’s even a satellite channel entirely devoted to the subject.

‘There’s no place like home’ is a popular English idiom.


2. As he proudly showed me the new kitchen he’d put together by himself and the newly painted walls, I asked Pete where he got his inspiration from. He told me that his favourite source of ideas was a DIY programme on TV.

Activity 3: Idioms

Activity 1 1d2f3e4a 5b6g7c

1. Last week I visited my friend Pete in the new home where he lives with his wife and daughter. Pete used to spend his holidays travelling the world, visiting the pyramids in Egypt or scuba diving in the Caribbean. Nowadays he prefers to spend his holidays and weekends making his house look more beautiful. Like hundreds of thousands of other British people, he’s discovered the joy of DIY (Do It Yourself), which means if there are any things that need fixing around the house, he will try to do the job on his own. On Saturday morning he’ll visit his local DIY store, get out his toolbox and settle down to work on his next DIY project.

5. So, what DIY programmes are on offer on TV? The most successful was called ‘Changing Rooms’. It had 10 million viewers and the basic idea of the show - in which neighbours do up each other’s houses with the help of two designers - was sold to more than 20 countries. Currently, the BBC offers ‘DIY SOS’ on prime time TV. The show is a winning combination of friendly presenter and jokey builders who brighten up people’s lives by repairing their DIY mistakes. This week the team helped a family who had started to build extra rooms on their house but had run out of money. The family’s three daughters had been forced to live in the tiny spare room for the last four years, so ‘SOS DIY’ saved the day, giving the girls a stylish bedroom each and helping the family out of a very stressful situation. My favourite DIY programme is ‘60 Minute Makeover’. The challenge is to redecorate a number of rooms in a house in 60 minutes. The owner of the house is sent out for the day not knowing that their house will be completely transformed when they come back.

Fun Corner 1 Save Our Souls 2 Prime Minister 3 As soon as possible 4 Personal assistant 5 Over the top 6 Very important person 7 Please turn over 8 Football club

More and more people are trying DIY at home and watching DIY on TV. What is DIY? Read on and find out.

Activity 2 1 toolbox 2 inspiration 3 channel 4 downturn 5 spare room 6 botch job 7 injured

© Mat Wright

© British Council 2010


It’s not the people who are in prison that worry me; it’s the people who aren’t. Arthur Gore

Halloween English Some interesting sayings & vocabulary related to Halloween scared stiff - if someone is scared stiff they are so frightened they are unable to move. Example: I was scared stiff when I saw the ghostly face at my window.

Dog of the month P.E.P.A

scare the pants off someone - to scare the pants off someone is to frighten them a lot. Example: Halloween scares the pants off me! stab in the back - to stab someone in the back is to betray them. Example: We let him stay in our home, but he stabbed us in the back by telling lies about us to everyone. a rat - a rat is a person who betrays or deserts their friends or associates. Example: He's a rat. He sold our plans for the new business to a rival company. mad as a hatter – if someone is as mad as a hatter, they are completely insane. Example: Be careful when you talk to him, he's as mad as a hatter. driven out of one's mind - to be driven out of one's mind is to be made insane with worry or fear. Example: I was driven out of my mind with worry when I lost my job and had no money to pay the bills.

Intercambios Portland Ale House - Calle Salamanca, 10 - Tuesday & Wednesday 8:30pm English Night & Thursday 8:30pm German Night Anfora - Avenida de Francia, 65 - Thursday 8pm St Patricks - Gran Vía Marqués del Turia, 69 - Thursday 8pm English, Spanish & German Cafe de las Horas - Calle del Conde de Almodovar - Monday 8pm The Lounge - Calle de la Estameneria Vieja - Monday 9pm Big Ben - Plaza Honduras, 36 - Monday 8pm El Labratorio - Plaza Cors de la Mare de Deu, 3 - Tuesday 7pm The Black Sheep - Plaza de la Porta de la Mar, 6 - Tuesday 7pm Sofa Club - Avenida Tirso de Molina, 15 - Tuesday 7pm Ubik Cafe - Calle Literato Azorin, 13 - Tuesday 8:45pm Sally O'Brien - Avenida de Aragon, 8 - Thursday 8:30pm Route 66 - Avenida Regne de Valencia, 59 - Thursday 8:30pm GALP Godelleta Bar/Rte - Friday 5:30pm

Name: Blanca Age: 9 Years Size: Large Breed: Podenco Health: Generally good, she has Anemia Personality: She is the most amazing girl, but she needs somewhere to call home, she has anaemia and needs a daily tablet. She is very laid back and loves everyone, she is great with all other dogs and cats. Can you help this beautiful girl?

For more info contact P.E.P.A. on 650 304 746.



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