Make the most of the Valencian Community
December 2013
Merry Christmas
Valencia Fashion Week Language learning German corner Gardening Gift ideas Recipes Music
Free! The very best in Valencia & the Community
inVLC Mailbag Christmas comes but once a year.
unanswered. After having arranged a time and day he then changed the dates at the last minute. We accepted this as one of those things that happens, however he then subsequently changed the date three My first recollection of Christmas is as a young girl in England. I was at times over a period of about three weeks. Not only was he changing home with my family, feeling the warmth of the fire as the winter sun the dates, he was also changing the pre-agreed route, adding set on white crisp snow that had fallen earlier that day. The Christmas additional travel time. tree lights lit the whole window, decorations around the house were now complete, Christmas greeting cards from friends and family were The final day arrived for pickup and there was no sign of the driver hung from ribbons. The scene was set and now all we had to do was at the arranged time. We were concerned about the journey because enjoy the overall experience that the Christmas season would bring. the route had been changed from a straight forward trip of around 24 As far as I can remember Christmas started in December back then, hours from Spain, through France and into the UK via Ferry, to one at school we would make paper decorations to take home, hung in that went through Belgium and Holland and added an extra two days pride of place by both child and parent, school nativity plays were travelling. arranged, Christmas carols learnt. Making a list for Santa was always fun, trying not to forget anything but trying not to be greedy, also When we finally made contact with the driver much later in the day he going to see Father Christmas in one of the big department stores, still hadn't been to collect our dog and was still at 8pm, in Benidorm usually around Christmas Eve to make sure he got your list, all this unaware that he was supposed to be picking our dog up too. The added to the excitement and anticipation of opening presents on driver was polite and helpful but clearly upset at the situation and Christmas morning. with Lee, reporting that he had spent the day travelling unnecessarily around Spain having to cover for Lee when faced with other similar Nowadays, I am the one setting the scene organising the presents, situations that day. food and drinks and making sure there’s extra chairs for around the table in case people drop by unexpectedly. Don’t get trapped in the The driver then expressed his concern at the journey length saying kitchen, Christmas is for everyone and that includes you. that the rest of the dogs he was taking were rescue dogs and more adaptable to situations but that as a beloved pet, he would not If you are looking for alternative options from the roast turkey dinner recommend a journey of three days and would not feel comfortable why not try a nut roast with red onion marmalade and studded with taking her. At this point we agreed and cancelled the journey. Madeira soaked apricots. Goat’s cheese and mushroom filo parcels are always a tasty treat served with honey glazed carrots, red onion We then tried to contact Lee Kirkley to arrange for a refund and to and braised red cabbage. Add rosemary to your roast potatoes discuss the fact that we were not happy with the service his company and parsnips, and chopped chestnuts to your Brussels sprouts for offered and our reasons for cancelling. Initially he responded and a festive feel. Christmas pudding isn’t to everyone’s taste so for agreed to refund the money and compensate us for the fact that we chocolate lover’s tiramisu or profiteroles, or maybe raspberry pavlova had to get our dog wormed multiple times because of the delayed or even carrot cake filled and covered with cream icing. departures. However, this has not been forthcoming. Initial excuses for not refunding the money were made, claiming he couldn't send However and wherever you are spending your Christmas, I hope you the money because he was not in the UK and would make a bank have a great time with family and friends, good food and plenty of transfer in a couple of days when he was there. Now, a month later, cheer. we have not heard again from Lee, have not received our refund and have had our emails and phone calls ignored. Avid reader of inVLC We paid £250 for a service that we didn't receive and we warn anyone looking at pet transportation to avoid Lee Kirkley and Aztek Transport. Rouge Trader. On a happier note, our beloved dog is back with us in the UK having been transported at the last minute by the very understanding and I feel compelled to write this letter to make public the experience friendly folks at The Dog Mover. Ed and Pauline Franklin were great I had regarding the company I trusted in the transportation of my and we would wholeheartedly recommend The Dog Mover to anyone beloved dog, so that no-one else suffers the same problems. looking to transport their pet.
The company I contacted was Aztek Transport / Lee Kirkley. Initially Anon reader. everything was organised and communication was good. Then, having paid the full amount of £250 up front for his services, communication became erratic with emails and phone calls going
Regulars 4 Before we start 5 Did you know... 6 German Corner 16 City maps
Language learning 22 Learn English with the British Council
inVLC Talks 7 Christmas in Valencia 26 Music reviews 28 Christmas gift guide
inVLC Contact information Scan this code to be taken to previous issues of inVLC
in this issue
Features 10 Valencia Fashion Week Part 2 30 Gardening 34 Recipes
inVLC is for all people in the community of Valencia: whether born here, visiting for a day, or living a new life in the sun. We hope to guide you on what’s going on in the community, help those living in it, and support language learning with a bit of added fun. facebook inVLC If you are looking for more up to date information or have any thoughts or comments please 'like' us on Facebook and join in the fun. Important numbers & Embassies / Consulates Fire | 080 Local police | 092 French | 96 351 0359 Dutch | 96 341 4633 Medical | 061 General | 112 USA | 96 351 6973 German | 96 310 62 53 British | 96 521 60 22 Depósito legal V-816-2006 inVLC We do our very best to strive for accuracy but we do not accept responsibility for unintentional errors or omissions, accuracy of advertisements or contributors’ opinions.
Before we start Welcome to December's inVLC. WOW! It's that time of year again and our twelve month anniversary running inVLC.
In this issue you can find our usual German Corner and Recipe and Gardening pages alongside a couple of letters we received from readers, music reviews, gift guides, information about Christmas in Valencia and the second part of our report from Valencia fashion Week, again including some excellent photos by M.C.
Things have changed for us massively over the last twelve months, experiencing things that we never thought would be possible and changing the direction of our lives profoundly. It has been quite a We hope everyone enjoys this month's rollercoaster ride! issue and we will see you again in January. We hope all our readers had a happy and healthy 2013 and that you will all, wherever you are, have a great MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! Christmas and New Year with family and friends. Lisa & Paul
Merry Christmas
Did you know
that in December...
1884 On Christmas Day an earthquake with the magnitude of 6.5 hit Arenas De Rey, Granada, Spain. Almost 800 people were killed 1,500 were injured, and 14,000 homes were destroyed. More recently, two earthquakes measuring 4.5 and 5.2 on the Richter scale took nine lives when they struck the town of Lorca, Murcia in May 2011. 1946 American film director Steven Spielberg was born in Cincinnati Ohio, to a Jewish family. His mother was a concert pianist and restaurateur, his father was an electrical engineer. During his teenage years Spielberg made amateur 8mm “adventure” films with his friends, and won prizes for his efforts. His actual career began when he went to Universal Studios as an unpaid, seven day a week intern in the editing department. Not only has he directed film, he also screen writes, produces and is a business magnate. Some of his best known films include E.T, Schindler’s List, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Jaws; the list is endless.
outside in the bitter cold conditions, they heard The Who doing a late sound check and thought the concert was about to start. This caused a rush towards the entry doorways and those at the front of the line were trampled down by the crowd pushing them into the unopened doors. The band members of The Who didn’t learn about what had happened until after their performance ended. A total of eleven fans were killed by compressive asphyxia and 23 were injured.
1980 On the 8th former Beatle John Lennon was shot dead by a then unknown gunman who opened fire outside the musician’s New York apartment. The 40 year old was shot several times and was rushed in a police car to St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital Centre, where he later died, his wife Yoko Ono was with him. Mark Chapman was later arrested and convicted of John Lennon’s murder and sentenced to life in prison. As of 2013 he remains in prison having been denied parole seven times. Lennon continues to be mourned throughout the world and has been the subject of numerous memorials and tributes. 1960 In 2002 Liverpool Airport was renamed Liverpool John Lennon Airport 9th December was the first broadcast on Granada Television of and in 2010, on what would have been his 70th birthday, the John Coronation Street, it initially was only commissioned for 13 episodes, Lennon Peace Monument was unveiled in Chavasse Park Liverpool. it has since become the longest running television soap opera. Tony Warren who created the show drew on his own experiences of living in 2004 Salford and his experiences of the working class people of the North On Boxing Day on the island of Sumatra off Indonesia, a 9.0 West of England. To date there has been over 8250 episodes with magnitude earthquake struck triggering a tsunami that killed tens current viewing numbers around 10 million per episode, although of thousands of people in the Indian Ocean coastal communities. during its early years it was estimated to have over 20 million viewers A tsunami is a series of waves, and the first wave may not be the per episode. Some famous faces that have graced the cobbles of most dangerous, a “wave train” is formed and surges from five Coronation Street over the last 50 years include Ben Kingsley, Cliff minutes to an hour apart. Despite a delay of several hours between Richard, Joan Collins, Status Quo, Peter Kay and even HRH Prince the earthquake and the impact of the tsunami, nearly all the victims Charles appeared in the year 2000. were taken by surprise because there were no warning systems in the Indian Ocean at that time. There had been reports of animals fleeing 1979 to high ground minutes before the tsunami arrived, very few animal The Who concert at the River Front Coliseum in Cincinnati Ohio took bodies were found after the event. place as part of the bands US Tour. Unfortunately as fans waited
American food store specializing in products imported from United States C/ Músico Peydró No 54 46001 Valencia 607 231 006
German Corner
Frohe Weihnachten! Alle Jahre wieder … Erinnerungen an idyllische Weihnachtsgesänge schwirren durch meinen Kopf, während ich in meinem kahlen völlig unweihnachtlichen Wohnzimmer sitze und Wort für Wort in meinen Mac klopfe. Der Duft nach frischen Tannenzweigen durchdringt imaginär meine Nasenlöcher und ruft längst vergessene Bilder wach von bunten Päckchen und strahlenden Kinderaugen den prachtvoll geschmückten Christbaum bestaunend. Seit einigen Jahren geht Weihnachten mittlerweile relativ spurlos an mir vorüber. Der Flair der Kindheitsträume ist verflogen und die obligatorischen Christmas Songs, die alljährlich schon Anfang Dezember aus diversesten elektronischen Lautversprechern schrillen, dienen vielmehr der kollektiven Geschmacksverwirrung, als einem friedlichen Gemütszustand. Das Fest des Friedens hat sich in unserer so fortschrittlichen Welt zu einem Fest des kommerziellen Krieges entwickelt … und Dissertation wird hart bestraft. Doch heuer ist alles anders. Zum ersten Mal bietet sich mir die Gelegenheit Weihnachten mit meiner Schwester und ihren Kindern zu verbringen. Und plötzlich denkt man wieder mit schmunzelnden Lippen an diese Zeit des Friedens und der Freude. Kinder zeigen sich doch so friedlich, wenn sie Freude haben. Und sie haben Freude mit so einfachen Dingen, dass es schon Freude bereitet einfach nur an ihre Freude zu denken. Doch wo auf unserem langen Weg haben wir diese Freude verloren? Und ist sie wirklich verloren? Oder verbirgt sie sich einfach nur geduldig wartend hinter Wünschen, Plänen und Sorgen unseres hektischen Alltags? Ist es nicht oft einfacher - und in schwierigen Zeiten unausweichlich - sich schlichtweg über sein Leben zu freuen - und die kleinen Dinge die es so wertvoll machen? Bringt es nicht enorme Befriedigung sich auf kindliche Art und Weise auf das Positive zu konzentrieren um Negatives rasch zu vergessen? Bietet nicht unser Umfeld, unsere Umwelt und unser Umgang mit
uns selbst und anderen schon enorm viel Möglichkeit für Glück und Zufriedenheit? Oder liegt es zu sehr in der Natur des Menschen sich nie zufrieden zu geben und immer nach Neuem zu streben und mehr und immer mehr zu erreichen? Ich durfte ein Stück dieser kindlichen Freude in den letzten Tagen ausgiebigst (aus)kosten. Als Immigrant sucht man doch immer wieder verzweifelt nach kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten aus der Heimat, die man nach einiger Zeit spürbar vermisst. So beginnt jeder Heimatbesuch erst mal mit einem deftigen Einkauf aller Raritäten, die die eingeschränkte valencianische Tischkultur so schmerzvoll vermissen lässt. Umso erfreulicher die Überraschung, die sich bei einem beiläufigen Einkaufsbummel bei Lidl bietet. Abgesehen von fleischlichen Köstlichkeiten, die sich in dieser Form sonst nur in der Ferne offerieren, strahlen einem so typische Leckerbissen wie Lebkuchen und Weihnachtskekse aus den Regalen entgegen. Wäre ich ein Hund würde mein Schwanz unaufhörlich wedeln. Valencia ist ein feiner Ort zum Leben. Und mit jeder Facette, mit jeder Bereicherung wird dieser Ort noch feiner. Es liegt an jedem Einzelnen und als Folge an uns als Gesamtheit diese Bereicherungen zu suchen, zu erkennen und zu fördern. Frohe Weihnachten Valencia!
Die Großmutter zur Enkelin: "Du darfst Dir zu Weihnachten von mir ein schönes Buch wünschen!" - "Fein, dann wünsche ich mir Dein Sparbuch."
Music is a safe kind of high. : Jimi Hendrix
Christmas in Valencia Valencia gets very pretty over Christmas with lots of gorgeous To do: A prank on a local will probably break some ice. Be careful illuminations and energy in the streets. yourself, although most Valencians would think it is below the belt to prank a tourist. Read newspapers if your Spanish is good, look out The main area to experience Christmas in the city is of course, the for the journalist named Innocentio Santos. centre, especially around all the main landmarks such as Plaza de la Reina and Plaza de Ayuntamiento. New Year's Eve Here is our guide to the holiday festivities and events this Christmas 31st Dec - Fun in Valencia. New Year is, as usual, party time and Valencia will go crazy. Many venues will host New Year events and the crowds will gather on Christmas Eve the Plaza de Ayuntamiento for the year's biggest fireworks (and in Valencia this means VERY BIG fireworks) at midnight. 24th Dec - Fun Christmas Eve is not as peaceful in Spain as in other countries. After One particular tradition is to eat 12 grapes (Las Uvas) for each chime a meal with the family the crowds will hit the nightlife hard, making of the clock, to bring good luck for new year. You can buy these just it almost as much of a party as the New Year's Eve. Note that bars about anywhere. won't open until 1am. To do: Go out, mix with the crowds, watch the fireworks at midnight, To do: Party have Las Uvas for good luck in the new year and party till dawn. Christmas Day
Los Tres Reyes
25th Dec - Zzzz Christmas Day is, of course, a national holiday and everything is closed - it is a day for relaxation with the family. Kids don't get main presents today, only the Estrenas - small gifts or bank notes from relatives.
5th-6th Jan - Fun The Day of Three Kings is the biggest Christmas Spectacle in Valencia. At 5pm the Kings enter in a grandeur procession and proceed to the Plaza de Ayuntamiento for the main ceremony. Then the City Hall opens for the Valencians to come in and receive presents from the Kings.
To do: Absolutely nothing The next morning on the 6th, kids finally find the presents they asked for as their main gifts are given.
Los Santos Innocentes
28th Dec - Fun To do: Don't miss the show. This is the Valencian equivalent of the April's Fool, when you can play pranks on people around you and, more importantly, you should expect them to be played on you. Read the newspapers on 28th as well - the mass media participates too.
Lotto, Primitiva, Euro Millions & Quinieles
British cigarettes, tobacco and produce
Pepe i Rossa HORTA , 1 - RIU, 2 (in front of the Town Hall & Church) MONTROY Larger orders for cigarettes tel: 96 255 57 64 - 651 844 033 can be placed two days email: in advance for pick-up
A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. : Leopold Stokowski
Traditional Christmas Market of Mercado Central
Colon Market
Every year throughout December and into January on the streets surrounding the Central Market there is a traditional Christmas market with over hundreds of stalls selling candy, gingerbread, roasted chestnuts, decorations and Christmas figurines.
Every year El Mercado de ColĂłn hosts an agenda of activities starting in December and running until January, where you'll find plenty of activities for children and adults alike.
Christmas Market at Nuevo Centro
The Feria de ArtesanĂas
Many events and attractions are organised in one of Valencia's largest shopping malls including a beautiful exhibition of nativity scenes from around the world. There is also a Christmas train, musical performances, a Christmas house where fairy stories are told and of course, a Santa Claus and three wise men.
Through December the Feria de ArtesanĂas de Navidad or Christmas Craft Fair is on with many artisan stalls occupying Plaza de la Reina, normally until the 6th of January.
9 Belenes in Valencia There are a number Belen or Nativity scenes displayed around the city every Christmas so why not take a stroll around and visit one or two in the different areas of the city. Scenes are normally found in places such as; Belén de la Catedral de Valencia Belén Plaza del Ayuntamiento Belén Museo Nacional de Cerámica El Belén del Metro Belén de la Galería Jorge Juan There are also many other locations to enjoy.
valencia fashion week Part 2
spring summer '14 Tania F.
Valencia’s XV Fashion Week Edition, for me, started with the attendance of Lucia Botella’s Revolution Collection show. The show was presented in the evening, which set the mood perfectly for what was to be shown. This collection was a series of gowns one more intricate and beautiful than the next. The colour scheme for the Revolution Collection was one entirely of black and white with only a hint of colour at the end with the addition of the presentation and focus on the corset top. These where anywhere from pastels to bright floral patterns and shiny materials. Lucia Botella focused on the corset top describing this single piece as one of real luxury to the body of a woman. Guillermo Del Mar's show told the story of a young girl named Beatriz who lived in a Castle, locked in a tower deprived of any freedom because of her beauty.
The show is a representation of this beautiful young girl's struggle in the tower, the memories she has left and the life she imagines outside of the tower. Guillermo Del Mar started the show with black and white numbers and slowly added hints of colour with flower appliqués to the dresses that then turned into blue minis and floor grazing silhouettes. The show continued into soft pastels with flowers still being the focal point of the collection. As the collection developed the flowers appeared bigger and in full bloom which ultimately symbolized Beatriz's happier times.
Apart from the story Guillermo Del Mar created with the show, both the dresses and two-piece combinations were truly beautiful. Continuing with the trend of a monochromatic colour scheme, transparencies and flower motifs, Guillermo Del Mar presented a sophisticated and modern collection with a dash of colour. He ended the show with a stunning gown any girl would love to wear to their next big event!
Guillermo Del Mar
Miguel Vizcaino was the final show at Valencia's Fashion Week. Anillarte’s show had a complete edgy cool vibe, from the music played right down to the main accessory, the eye patch that the models sported along with their strut! The name of this collection, Elastica, meaning elastic, comes from the materials used in the collection giving the look of an elastic mesh like fabric. The designs were created by joining rings with pliers creating a comfortable and light "elastic fabric" that acted as a second skin once placed on the models. Overall Anillarte’s collection was fun with every outfit being so colourful and airy, made perfectly to wear on a hot summer's day to a cool evening out.
I had never attended a final show so I was more than pleasantly surprised as to how it was all organized. Just before the show started awards and prizes were given to those who participated in VFW; best designer to best model. The show then started accompanied by live music from local band Fast Forward. This ultimately set a mood for the show bringing it much more energy than any other. Miguel Vizcaino described his show as being inspired by William Shakespeare's Juliet. Reflecting a character of a passionate and charismatic woman of deep feelings and painful but enriched experiences.
He used a combination of silk, neoprene, satin and lace to bring his pieces together. Keeping the colour scheme of black and white and transparencies with modern silhouettes, Miguel Vizcaino delivered an incredibly beautiful show presenting complete outfits that could be worn straight off the runway. Having attended Valencia's Fashion Week on three occasions now, I can say that it is becoming better and better (from designers to the organization of the whole event) and I cannot wait to attend the next VFW! To keep up with everything VFW related be sure to check out their webpage:
For more photos of the collections visit
Miguel Vizcaino
When we separate music from life we get art. : John Cage
2013 was a pretty good year for Rock music fans with a selection of fine releases gracing the shelves. Albums came from Clutch, Nick Cave, David Bowie, Alice in Chains, Black Sabbath, Pearl Jam, Motorhead and Queens of the Stoneage. And many of them were actually pretty good. Here we run down six of the best.
Music Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Arctic Monkeys
Anna Calvi
Push the Sky Away Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds released their 15th studio album, which was their first since the much acclaimed 2008 Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!. Since then, Nick Cave concentrated on his side project Grinderman but now back with the Bad Seeds, Push the Sky Away features a much more restrained sound. Described by Cave as “the ghost-baby in the incubator and Warren's loops are its tiny, trembling heartbeat” the record is moody, stark and quite brilliant. Cave’s lyrics and vocal delivery are superb and Ellis’ violin loops are as engaging and innovative as ever. Musically sparse and hauntingly atmospheric, Push The Sky Away is a gem.
AM Not having paid much attention to the music of Arctic Monkeys since their debut, I had however seen a lot of positive press written about them over the years and in the summer caught some of their televised set at Glastonbury where they were playing songs from their new album. The song I caught on TV was the super catchy, riff heavy 'Do I wanna know?'. Immediately I had to listen to the new album. AM is an excellent album with some superb standout tracks that makes for an exciting listen. The opening four tracks are simply, superb. It does dip slightly in the middle however, but taking influences from Black Sabbath, and apparently channelling some Hip-Hop influences and with contributions from Josh Homme, this is one of 2013's essential releases.
One Breath Winning the heart of Brian Eno and Nick Cave amongst others, Anna Calvi's first album was nominated for a Mercury Music prize and highly praised amongst music fans and critics alike. This, her second outing carries on from where her self titled debut left off. Superb guitar playing, vigorous vocals, and tense orchestral climaxes make for a dark noiresque journey through sound. Undoubtedly she will continue to be compared to Jeff Buckley which is no bad thing, but she has a voice of her own and is creating something very much individual. Stretching musically and lyrically from her debut album, One Breath is a great work of modern rock music.
Where words fail, music speaks. : Hans Christian Anderson
Black Sabbath
Queens of the Stoneage
13 13 is a strange album in many ways. It offers almost nothing new, doesn't carry the history of the original Sabbath lineup any further forward and often sounds very similar to songs heard on their albums from the 70's. Having said all that however, this is Black Sabbath. A true original, the creators of a whole music genre. They are pioneers of music, so they have nothing more to prove. They don't need to further their history or produce something startlingly new, indeed if they did, many listeners would deride them for it. What 13 is, is a pretty damn fine heavy rock album from a group of 60 something year old's that wipes the floor with many contemporary rock bands less than half their age. This is Black Sabbath, there is nothing more to say.
Like Clockwork Queens of the Stoneage have been around for a while now and band leader Josh Homme has been creating music since his StonerRock days in Kyuss. His latest offering is Like Clockwork and the special edition double vinyl of this release is something to behold. A super heavyweight gatefold with booklet adorned with first rate imagery accompanies an absolute corker of an album. It rocks, rolls, twists and turns with heavy riffing guitars and melodic vocals. There are no fillers here, no dip in the middle of the album, this is start to finish, a superb alt-rock album. An excellently arranged and masterfully rendered collection of great songs that also includes some guest performances from the likes of Dave Grohl, Trent Reznor (NIN), Alex Turner (Arctic Monkeys) and perhaps most surprising, Elton John. Essential.
Aftershock Much like Black Sabbath's 13, Aftershock offers little that is new for Motorhead and like Black Sabbath, it doesn't really matter. From start to finish Aftershock is a heavy, loud, classic rock album that never lets up and Lemmy and company have put together one of their best albums in years. Where all others have faltered, Lemmy stands strong an almost undestructable force and at 67 years of age is still going strong despite some recent health concerns. Motorhead have produced an album that would leave many other 'heavy' bands quaking in their boots. It is still on my 'bucket list' to see Motorhead live and maybe I'll get to do this in 2014, after the rumours of them playing in Valencia during the summer, dissapointingly failed to happen .
Christmas Gift Ideas For him and her
Liquorbrand was born out of a passion for tattoos, art and counter culture, and is known for high quality, attention to detail and ability to embrace a variety of styles. Various interesting designs and colours adorn T-shirts and hoodies etc for both sexes. Available online or from AM Tattoo Supplies in Nuevo Centro.
For him Handcrafted in time honoured tradition in small batches using an original 19th Century Gin still. Hendrick's is made using the highest quality neutral grain spirit, eleven different botanicals, rose petals and most unusually cucumber. Distilled and bottled in Girvan, South West Scotland. Generally available from larger supermarkets.
For him Introduced as the brand’s first flavoured variation. With hints of honey and a naturally smooth finish, its taste is one-of-a-kind and unmistakably Jack. Check local bodegas and supermarkets for availability
For him Yves Saint Laurent La Nuit de l`Homme is a dark and powerful presented fragrance. A veil of mystery and a fiery spicy accord reveal cardamom with sparkling freshness of bergamot, lavender and cedar, which stand for strength of men. Cumin and vetiver in a base ensure a sensual finish and an opulent, elegant closure. Check the many perfume shops around for availability.
Music is everyone’s possession. Only publishers think that people own it. : John Lennon
For her Hell Bunny offer a range of retro inspired women's clothing, taking it's cues from Rockabilly and 50's styles to create a selection of sexy, feminine clothing. Dresses, coats, tops etc are all there. Available online or check out Hadas Pinup on Calle Quart, 128, Valencia, for a selection.
For her Izabel London Belted removable hood jacket. Stylish coat for the winter available online from House of Fraser with delivery available to Spain.
For her Nina by Nina Ricci starts on a sparkling and spontaneous note like a burst of laughter, with citrus flesh heightened by the freshness of Calabrian lemon and Caipirinha lime. It blossoms into a juicy, caramelised heart... the original, mouth watering charm of the red toffee apple... then ripens into a gentle embrace of smooth and reassuring applewood and white cedar. Check your local perfume shop for availability.
For her Collect those memories of nights out, grandchildren, loved ones and anything else you want together with a picture frame.
Dick Handscombe
Christmas presents for gardeners
Dick and his 40 pound turkey raised on vegetable waste and grains During the year the gardening member/s will have created and maintained gardens and apartment terraces that have been beautiful and productive and if you are lucky they are also providing the citrus fruits, fresh vegetables, home-made herb and fruit based liquors and even the turkey for Christmas day.
3. Thinking about knees, how about a new pair of knee pads for all those kneeling jobs. 4. Gardening gloves are welcome, especially waterproof ones at this time of year.
If so they deserve one or two practical gifts at Christmas or the Three 5. In some households gardening is not a shared activity so a promise Kings. to help out next year, especially in getting a vegetable plot going, may go down well. Here are some ideas. 6. How about a miniature gardening kit for young children to get them 1. A new pair of sharp easy to use pruners are always welcome, ready involved young – perhaps give them a few square metres of soil or a for the winter cutback in the New Year. Although more expensive than collection of containers for their own garden. many we find those made by the 400 year old Finish Fiskars company good buys. 7. Sorry for including them, but the eight books illustrated in the photos are all good Christmas presents especially as they are 2. Wearing out old shoes or walking boots is not really the best thing designed to be used throughout the year and not just a few hours for ones feet ankles and knees, so how about a pair of comfortable read in front of the Boxing Day log fire. shoes or boots with reinforced toes.
8. If the intended recipient is new to gardening on Spanish soils, how 16. If you enjoy or would like to try growing sprouting seeds, buy about a set of three sizes of mattocks that are easier to use than a yourself an automatic sprouting machine. British fork and spade. 17. An electric tray dryer to dry fruit, herbs and seeds at any time of 9. Every ten years a new wheel barrow might be an idea. But do buy the year. We use ours several times a month. Currently ours is drying one with a wide bouncy solid or blow up tyre. slices of tangerines for dipping in chocolate to eat after dinner or when needing a boost on winter walks. Grapes to produce the raisins 10. Winter days are often sunny but they can be windy and cold, and sultanas were dried in September for the Christmas cake! so a snug gardeners green sweater or padded waistcoat could be appreciated. 18. Gardening socks wear out every few years. Perhaps this is the year for a couple of new pairs. 11. It's not too late to plant deciduous fruit trees and bushes, so add to the existing collection of fruits for healthy living. 19. If you see a stylish straw hat in the local agricultural cooperative , buy one ready for the first hot sunny days next year. 12. To ensure a chemical free garden next year present bottles of neem oil insecticide and propolis fungicide. 20. To attract wild birds how about bird boxes, feeders and a bird bath. We notice that the Wiggly Wigglers catalogue includes a bird 13. Cutting hedges gets no easier as one grows older so perhaps box with a built in internal video camera to connect at the end of a 30 arrange for someone to come and cut the hedges and prune tall trees metre lead to the television. in January. 21. A good bottle of Spanish brandy to warm up after a long cold 14. A small grape press could help the family press next year’s grape winter day in the garden. harvest rather than using the bath and feet! Happy Christmas Shopping! 15. If the garage is getting cluttered with garden tools and products, how about a Garden shed ?
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Rue da
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Plaza de toros de Valencia
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Bar Victoria
Ca lle
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Torre del
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de la
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Calle Belluga Calle Belluga
DJango Dhaba
s lme Ba le
Calle Calle Foios Foios
La Lonja de la Seda
Calle Exarchs
Colegio de las Escuelas Pías
Carrer Balmes
Calle Camarón
Calle Valerio la
Ca Revolta
Calle Pinto r Dom ingo
inas Calle de las Coc
de Castro
Calle B almes
Calle C ardá
Calle Tejed ores
Calle En Se ndra
Calle C arnice ros
Hilux Hostel in Valencia
Calle Caba llero s
Bodeguilla del Gato
ers Cadir
Calle M urillo
Bar Azahar
C arrer
Purísima Carrer de la
Calle T ejedor es
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m Calle de Guille
Carrer Murillo
Calle P intor D oming o
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Carrer Cavallers
uista Calle Conq
ar Calle Palom
Torres de Quart
Centre & Carmen
Calle Quart t uar er Q Carr
me Calle Rey Don Jai
Calle de Cañe te
City maps
Calle Alica nte
Calle Vivon s Carr er V ivon s Call e So rnell s
Carrer Ribera
Docto r Serr a
Calle Alica nte
Pasa je de l Carr er Al acan t
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rro iza rP rre Ca
Re ig
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fa Russa ig de Passe
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Calle Ra mbla
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Al bo cá ce r
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Man zan era
Av en id a
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Mercadona I.E.S. Benlliure
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Avingud Avenida Valla dolid a Vallad olid
gador d'Alboraia
Carr er d e
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Cof ren tes
Call e de
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Re ig
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s da an M
Av en id a
Ca lle
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Ca lle
ard lev Bu
(c) OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA
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Ca rre rP ere Ale ixa nd re
Party-time ideas
Brie & cranberry twists
Roasted chestnuts
Get creative with filo pastry and serve up stylish canapĂŠs, with These can be served as a dessert with eggnog or vanilla ice cream or creamy French cheese and sweet fruit. just served salted as a snack. Easy 15 min prep 10min cook makes 18 Ingredients 12 sheets filo pastry 100g butter, melted 250g brie, cut into 18 chunky fingers 18 tsp cranberry sauce 50g walnuts, roughly chopped sprinkling of poppy seeds Method 1. Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Stack 2 of the filo sheets. With a widest edge facing you, brush with some melted butter. Put 3 Brie fingers at even intervals across the bottom of the filo. Top each finger with 1 tsp cranberry sauce, then sprinkle over a few chopped walnuts.
Ingredients 1 pound chestnuts 1/4 cup butter salt to taste 1 pinch ground cinnamon Method 1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). 2. Cut a 1/2 inch crisscross on the flat side of each nut. Be sure to cut through the shell to prevent the nut from exploding. 3. Place the nuts in a shallow baking pan and bake for 25 to 30 minutes. 4. Allow to cool and peel off the shell.
5. Place nuts in a skillet with butter and sautĂŠ over high heat until the butter is melted and the chestnuts are well coated. Place skillet in oven and roast until they are golden on top. Sprinkle with salt and 2. Roll up the filo from the bottom. Cut into 3 parcels, and twist the cinnamon. ends to seal. Brush with more butter and sprinkle with poppy seeds. Repeat with the remaining ingredients. Bake for 10 mins. Or, cover the unbaked twists with cling film, chill for up to 1 day and bake just before serving.
Music in the soul can be heard by the universe. : Lao Tzu
Fruit Salsa and Cinnamon Chips
Sangria Perea
10 servings
As always, fresh and juicy fruit will go a long way toward making your sangria one to remember!
Ingredients 2 kiwis, peeled and diced 2 Golden Delicious apples - peeled, cored and diced 8 ounces raspberries 1 pound strawberries 2 tablespoons white sugar 1 tablespoon brown sugar 3 tablespoons fruit preserves, any flavour 10 (10 inch) flour tortillas butter flavoured cooking spray 2 tablespoons cinnamon sugar
Easy 5 min makes 6 rock glasses
Ingredients 3 cups ice cubes 1/4 cup lemon slices 1/4 cup lime slices 1/4 cup orange, slices 1/4 cup pineapple chunks 1/4 cup seedless grapes 2 cups red wine Method 1. In a large bowl, thoroughly mix kiwis, Golden Delicious apples, 1/2 cup peach brandy raspberries, strawberries, white sugar, brown sugar and fruit 1 cup orange juice preserves. Cover and chill in the refrigerator at least 15 minutes. 1 cup lemon/lime soda Method In a pitcher, add all the ingredients and stir to combine. Ideally, you 3. Coat one side of each flour tortilla with butter flavoured cooking want to wait about 1 hour for the fruit and the wine to infuse each spray. Cut into wedges and arrange in a single layer on a large baking other, but you can drink it right away. sheet. Sprinkle wedges with desired amount of cinnamon sugar. Spray again with cooking spray. 2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
4. Bake in the preheated oven 8 to 10 minutes. Repeat with any remaining tortilla wedges. Allow to cool approximately 15 minutes. Serve with chilled fruit mixture.
One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. : Bob Marley
Opening Times / Horario Monday to Saturday / de lunes a sabado 11 am to 2 pm / 4.30 pm to 7 pm
(formerly Kandabooks)
The Best New and Used Second Hand Bookshop Downtown Valencia. Books in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Dutch. Los Mejores Libros Nuevos y Usados en el Centro de la Ciudad. Libros en Inglés, Alemán, Francés, Italiano, Español y Holandés. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you buy a book you can bring it back and get 20% discount on your next book. Si compras un libro obtendras un 20% de descuento en tu siguiente libro. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Calle Tapineria 18. Valencia. Tel. 607 485 370 (behind Plaza de la Reina) (detras de la Plaza de la Reina)
aaff_poster.indd 1
23/01/13 17:17
Old enemies by Philip Patrick & Chris Cavey
Activity 1 Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F) 1 The United Kingdom and England are the same place. ________ 2 England against Scotland was the world’s first international football match. ________ 3 England and Scotland played against each other every year up to the 1980s. ________ 4 Scotland fans hope that England win their matches. ________ 5 The enmity between the teams is mostly just for fun. ________
Activity 2 Complete this list of expressions from the text. 1 … a picture He was ___________ to be complimented on his… 2 … is Scottish. He’d ____________ to be compared to famous… 3 … For lots of people it’s ________ to get confused: Britain,… 4 … tournaments but it’s_________ to say that none of them… 5 … however, the ______________ to defeat their bigger… 6 … sets of supporters __________ to sing songs and laugh… © Mat Wright
For more fun activities to help you learn English visit
draw scored
goalkeeper victory
1 Duncan__________ a great goal. 2 The match ended as a 0-0 __________ 3 The fans celebrated the 3-0 __________ 4 The__________ couldn’t stop any of the goals going in and his team suffered a 9-1 _________
Word of the week Duncan’s face was a picture. How do you think Duncan looked? We use this expression when someone looks surprised or shocked.
Verbs: prefer like Nouns: oppotunity
Although a joint Great Britain team competes in most Olympics sports, each of the four nations in
For some, the dislike of the other team is serious but for most it is just a bit of fun. According to a survey taken before the 2010 World Cup only 24% of Scots would support England’s opponents, 24% would actually support England (albeit quietly I suspect) and 38% would remain neutral. So the enmity may not be as widespread as it sometimes appears – but be careful not to ask a Scot if England and Scotland are the same place!
The United Kingdom (UK) consists of 4 countries England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. but by a long way the largest and most powerful is England and the English are sometimes accused of acting in a superior way. Sport is a chance for the other UK countries to show their own identity and get some revenge on the English.
Annual matches between Scotland and England came to an end in the 1980s but the rivalry between the fans has continued. Both sets of supporters like to sing songs and laugh at the other team when they have a bad result. Some Scots fans even dressed up as cowboys before England’s game with the U.S.A.
Complete the sentences with words from the box.
Activity 1 1F 2T 3T 4F 5T
For lots of people, it’s easy to get confused: Britain, Great Britain, the United Kingdom, England, Scotland, …. Are they all the same place? Ask this question to a Scottish football fan like Duncan and you’ll get a short answer. No!
Over the years there were some great games. Scotland’s 5-1 win in 1929 was their biggest ever victory against England. England’s 9-1 victory in 1961 was the Scottish goalkeeper’s last ever match for his country and he later emigrated to Australia.
Activity 4
Activity 4 1 Duncan scored a great goal 2 The match ended as a 0-0 draw 3 The fans celebrated the 3-0 victory 4 The goalkeeper couldn’t stop any of the goals going in and his team suffered a 9-1 defeat
Duncan’s face was a picture. He was happy to be complimented on his football ability but not so happy to be complimented on his ‘English’ style of play or compared to English footballers. Duncan, you see, is Scottish. He’d prefer to be compared to famous Scottish players like Kenny Dalglish or Denis Law – and not to players for the team Scotland love to beat – England!
England first played football against Scotland in 1870 (a 0-0 draw) and the game quickly became an annual event. At that time, England and Scotland were the only two national teams playing football so the winners could consider themselves world champions.
Look again at the answers to Activity 2. Can you identify 3 adjectives, 2 verbs and 1 noun that can be followed by an infinitive with ‘to’?
Activity 2 1 happy 2 prefer 3 easy 4 fair 5 oportunity 6 like
A few years ago, I played a friendly game of football with my friend and colleague, Duncan, and some Japanese students. Duncan is a pretty good footballer and he played very well and scored a great goal. After the match, two of his Japanese team-mates congratulated him. “Great goal Duncan”, one of them said. “We love your English style of play – just like David Beckham or Wayne Rooney”.
Activity 3 the United Kingdom has its own national football team. England has the biggest population and has historically had the most successful team. Their biggest achievement was winning the World Cup in 1966. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have all qualified for World Cup tournaments but it’s fair to say that none of them has been as successful as England. They have always enjoyed, however, the opportunity to defeat their bigger neighbour.
Activity 3 Adjectives: happy easy fair
England and Scotland may be parts of the same country but when it comes to sport, they don’t always see eye to eye.
© British Council 2010
Musicians don’t retire; they stop when there’s no more music in them. : Louis Armstrong
P.E.P.A Dog of the month Name: Wispa Age: 4 years Size: Medium 12 Kilos Breed: Podenco Health: Vaccinated, wormed and sterilized Personality: She was in a bad state when she first came to us and she has improved in leaps and bounds. She is a super little dog and will make a great addition to any family. For more info contact P.E.P.A. on 650 304 746.
M-S 10:30-13:30 17:00-20:30 H SU 10:30-13:30 H
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