InZhuhai May / June '08

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Wanzai’s mini-Macau Jida property heights Sea kiss dining


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05 04 City periscope

Creative Team: Ian Burns, Christopher Cottrell, Eric Blocher, Neil Bhullar, Apple Tan, David Chen, Wei Ke, Vesper Stockwell, Zoe Zheng

Local business and society, with an eye to the future


06 On the move Up close and personal with Zhuhai's shakers

08 Sailing programme

Regular Contributors: M. Pietzsch, Paul Rey-Burns, Timothy MacBain, Josh Martin, Rory Mitchell, Ben Leventer

ZIS pioneers environmental education

10 Real estate Jida heights p10 Agent insights and listings p13

Legal Consultant: You Hua Law Firm All enquiries

14 Wanzai's mini Macau A mirror of the old city, preserved through the years

INZHUHAI magazine is now going bi-monthly, and is available free of charge throughout the city of Zhuhai and beyond. To make sure you never miss a copy, subscribe and have 6 issues delivered to your home or office for only ¥100 per year.


16 Four words Think of plums to stop your thirst

17 Reviews 18 Zhuhai directory City map p18 Jida map p20 Complete listings p21

26 Places Dining p26 Bars&Clubs p32




Summer 2008

In 2008, we’re bringing Zhuhai to your doorstep.

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culture city periscope dining

city periscope dining

Business In the pipes There’s more oil and gas in the pipes for Zhuhai: the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) has set up a joint venture to build the Guangdong Zhuhai Jinwan Liquefied National Gas Corporation with a special facility. That might sound mundane. It’s not. After all, in February a 12.8 km LNG pipeline running from Zhuhai into Macau opened up in order to meet the former Portuguese enclave’s insatiable energy demands. Where’s the story here? A lot of the gas is coming from Iran. Zhuhai Jinwan officials note that Iran is their top target for sourcing LNG. With the deal inked in February 2008 between China Petrochemical Corporation and Iranian National Oil, as many as 160,000 barrels of crude oil from Iran will be pouring through Zhuhai’s ports. That’s nearly triple the amount they currently import. And it now makes Iran China’s third largest supplier of crude oil after Saudi Arabia and Angola. Chinese media reports say the deal could be as much as US$16 billion. Talk about slick business.

Society Children’s concert for charity It was as cute as the motive was noble — the ‘Children’s Charity Concert’ in late March at the Harbour View hotel. The event showcased local and international childrens’ musical talent in order to raise money for the Zhuhai Fuli Yuan Orphanage. From the piano to the pipa, scores of little tikes played their hearts out. In total, the concert, which received 175 guests, raised ¥9,050. The money will go towards special medical operations at the orphanage. Organised by local piano teacher Ms. Jenna Rose Yao and Zhuhai International Association committee member Linda Leonardi, the concert was the first of its kind in Zhuhai.

Bungalow billions Southeast Asia is getting primed for Zhuhai’s swank seaside suites. Indeed, Malaysia’s LBS Bina Group Bhd is planning to launch several highend bungalow and luxury apartments in Zhuhai valued at ¥11 billion. Recently, LBS managing director Datuk Lim Hock noted that, “Zhuhai is a good location. Our site for the projects is near the LRT station and this has increased the value of our land.” Lim is also banking on the surge in Macau tourism and the prospects of the Hong Kong, Macau, Zhuhai bridge to keep the local property market ship-shape.

A happy marriage between Hong Kong, Macau and Zhuhai is happening. The bridge is on.


Zhuhai’s wine notes

bridge marriage

It’s going to cost more to decant. So say consumer reports, which estimate that prices for foreign wines in Zhuhai rose nearly 20% over the Spring Festival. According to Chinese language wine portal,, the tippling trend is attributed to an increase in cosmopolitan tastes amongst Zhuhai’s denizens. For example, Jointek Wines is seeing locals favour French and Italian vinos. Moreover, the city’s reputation as a destination for fine living and leisure in China is pulling in more demanding palates. In other words, foreign wine is hitting the right notes.

Sir Gordon Wu’s dream of a happy marriage between Hong Kong, Macau and Zhuhai is happening. The bridge is on. Recently, the governor of Guangdong province, the handsome Huang Huahua, announced that an agreement had been reached with Hong Kong and Macau to partially fund the 18-mile bridge. When completed, the Y-shaped bridge will likely pour into Gongbei on the Zhuhai section. Or not — no official word has been published about where the bridge will funnel into Zhuhai. The ¥30 billion deal will see Hong Kong picking up 50.2% of the tab. Guangdong will fork out 35.1 % of the bill. And, not surprisingly, Macau will cover just 14.7% of the cost.

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On the move Simplebyte

Conference queen

Sanjeev Sapkota (left) of Nepal was a programmer from Katmandu before founding Simplebytes in Zhuhai. And America’s Chris Holbrook (right) was a former airline pilot before coming onboard with Sapkota. Together, they’re making Simplebyte into the freshest web-page solutions company in Zhuhai. As such, they’re enhancing Zhuhai’s reputation as a key IT nerve.

Cindy Sha, the Executive Manager at the Zhuhai International Conference Centre, has witnessed a lot of interesting action at her hotel over the last 9 years. Indeed, the Zhuhai International Conference Centre is one of the most popular places for Chinese businesses to hold meetings and conferences in Zhuhai. During the winter months, their 200 square metre suites are filled to capacity with business travellers of all stripes and appetites. Sha’s happy to be a part of that. Very happy.

Keen spirit You know the name: Maureen Keen (smiling blonde Brit, right). Who? Let’s put this way—she’s a veteran when it comes to Zhuhai. She’s one of the scores of “shoe minority” expatriates involved in the global footwear market—60% of which is in China alone. She’s also the president of the Zhuhai International Association, or ZIA, which holds coffee chats every Wednesday at 10.30 am at the Harbour View Hotel. The meetings are open to all, but are typically attended by women. Whether you are new to Zhuhai or have been around the block, the Wednesday morning meetings have become a Zhuhai must do, even if just once. What is more, ZIA has its own English library at the hotel and organises regular events — like the recent children charity concert. Putting it mildly, you could say she's keen on community spirit.

The Kirby way Meet Dr. Robert Kirby and Charlotte Tsang. This dynamic couple run the Kirby Group, a company that specialises in leadership training for the hospitalit y market, with offices in Hong Kong, Macau and Zhuhai. They recently laun ched a new company, Upward Bound Unlim ited, with partner Ron Stier, which orga nises outdoor team leadership programm es on Coloane and Hengqing islands.

Tony rocks! Its Friday after midnight. And Tony's letting it all hang down. His hands fly fast over the guitar strings as he hits piercing, electrified notes. He's playing the sort of hard rock one usually hears in Beijing's bohemian bars. Yet this is Zhuhai. And A Dong, aka Tony (right, in ballcap), is proving that he is arguably one of Zhuhai’s best rock guitarists. The crowds seem to concur. At his regular gigs at China Live Bar, Cohiba and Yesterday Club, rock fans (old and newly annointed alike) pump their fists in the air or spark lighters when Tony hits the stage. Hearing his wicked riffs is an essential Zhuhai nightlife experience.

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Zhuhai Sailing Club maritime magic in the delta Zhuhai International School Principal Todd Flanagan reflects on the value of developing the first scholastic sailing programme in the city and the benefits that it will bring to students and the Zhuhai community in general.

Todd Flanagan

QiAo Island is a designated environmental preservation island

location, as a strong advantage as we are able to offer programmes that few schools can.

When I first visited Zhuhai over a year ago I was quite taken by the location of the city, initially because of the proximity to Macau and Hong Kong in terms of the cultural diversity between these three quite contrasting cities, but more because of the city's natural scenic beauty. After 5 years in Shanghai, Zhuhai offered a more relaxed pace while allowing me to meet my professional needs.

From a professional point of view, being located near the ocean and in particular being located on QiAo island has meant the school has had options which the majority of schools in the world would not be able to consider.

QiAo Island is a designated environmental preservation island which means we are able to offer environmental programmes in the most natural of locations. Environmental programmes can take many forms. In particular, the school will have a strong focus on Outdoor Education which means that, due to our geographical location, students will be able to have the opportunity to take courses in sailing, hiking, orienteering, canoeing, and camping along with other programmes still being developed.

In particular, Zhuhai being located on the coast was very appealing to me as my home city of Perth in Australia is also located on the coast. As such, most of my life has involved living around water in some capacity. Even when I lived in the Middle East which many equate with desert; I still managed to live in Abu Dhabi which meant I was within walking distance to the ocean. Moving to Zhuhai meant that once again I was close to the water and this offers many possibilities.

We are looking to develop one of the leading schools in Asia at ZIS. Whilst this may appear a lofty goal, we are seriously planning strategies to achieve this. Already we are offering one of the leading curriculums in the world through the International Baccalaureate programme and we are now broadening and diversifying our school offerings. Some consider our location on QiAo Island a disadvantage due to the distance from the centre of Zhuhai. However, we tend to see our

In particular, we are very excited to be one of the few international schools in the world to be able to offer a scholastic sailing programme through the donation of eight sailing boats to the school. Given the school's location just over one hundred metres to a protected beach, ZIS is well positioned to be able to deliver such a course. Zhuhai has a prominent boat building industry, so we have a network of experienced sailors to assist with the programme.

We are especially pleased with recent discussions in Zhuhai and Hong Kong with Don McIntyre, one of the world’s most prominent extreme adventurers who has agreed to be a patron to the school's sailing and outdoor education programme. Don McIntyre is a unique individual who has completed the BOC around the world solo yacht club, lived in Antarctica for a year and is a keen advocate of sailing and environmental programmes. He has a strong belief in the importance of skills learnt through physical endurance such as sailing and sees synergy between what ZIS is looking to achieve and the accomplishments which he has been able to achieve in the world arena. In particular he believes strong leadership skills can be developed through outdoor pursuits such as the programmes which ZIS is implementing. Having someone of McIntyre’s profile associated with our sailing programme gives significant credibility and will attract international attention to the city's scholastic diversity. We are also fortunate to have teachers on our staff who already have sailing experience, and recently we sent one of our teaching staff to Hong Kong to complete official certification in teaching sailing through the Hong Kong Yacht Club. In addition, the Hong Kong Yacht Club is very interested in the programme being offered at the school and has offered significant support in the development of the programme. Whilst we see the sailing as a unique way to develop an innovative programme at the school to develop certain values such as character building, cooperation, problem solving, team building skills, water awareness etc, we also view the

programme as another way of being able to develop community building within the city of Zhuhai itself. Already we have had strong support from different groups within the city. Obviously our own school community are excited by the possibilities that a sailing programme brings, (sometimes I think our parents are more excited than our students) and the boat industry is keen to offer its support. Renowned local artist Anais Zhang has offered to design a logo for the sails of the boats and we have had local schools approach us and members of the community who are involved in charity work who are keen to see the programme broadened to provide a bridge between our students and children who have less opportunities than most in the world. We are looking at this very carefully as it is very important to us at the school that our students develop community awareness and realize they are privileged by comparison with most children. ZIS is all about global education and at the heart of this is being able to provide our students with perspective, so when they eventually venture out into the world, they are well developed and can relate to the multiple dimensions that life presents. We are looking to hold our first sailing regatta on QiAo Island in June. This will be quite an accomplishment in our first year of operation as a school. We are also actively exploring the practicalities of forming the first sailing club in Zhuhai. Again this is a challenging prospect, but we have the enthusiasm and commitment and more importantly the belief that ultimately this will be good for our students and the Zhuhai community in general.

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property 10 8 places

property 11

Property agent Michelle Lei rings the doorbell. After several tries, she takes out her mobile phone and calls the owner. There’s no answer. Its lunch time. She asks her client, “Can you come back in an hour?” In a bustling property market like the beachfront blocks in Zhuhai’s Jida district, it’s worth the wait. After all, this is no sedate property sector: its arguably going to blossom as 10,000 to 18,000 apartment units open up in the next year with the capacity to bring in as many as 30,000 to 60,000 more people into the five-block neighbourhood between the Jiuzhou Port, Jiuzhou Avenue and Lover’s Lane.

represents, have been open for a few years. The In a bustling property resides in the traditional resort district, which is home to the International Conference property market Centre, Harbour View Hotel and Zobon Business Hotel. It’s ringed with tiny Chinese restaurants like the beachfront that primarily cater to travelers who are visiting the nearby statue of the Fishing Girl, the city’s blocks in Zhuhai’s legendary symbol. Jida district, it’s worth the wait. After Time ticking Further to the west, Jida consists of a slew of residential buildings, seafood restaurants and a all, this is no sedate giant duty free shopping mall. What makes the newer area attractive to live in? Future potential. property sector Explains Paul James, a retired Canadian, “This area

Full panorama

Jida heights tower costs on the coast

Christopher Cottrell

Two years ago, property prices averaged ¥5,000 to 6,000 per sqm in Jida. Last year, prices in this area nearly doubled, says Cherry Huang, an executive with Zhuhai Shi-Hua Real Estate Agency. “Now prices average 12,000 renminbi per square metre.” That’s just for ocean view buys. The cost per square metre for non-ocean view apartments still hovers in the ¥8,000 to 10,000 range in Jida. Of course, that applies to properties that are still open— three of the six major suburban sky-scraper apartments now rising on Jida’s coastal area are sold-out. One of them, the Grand Panorama, consists of over 3,000 units in four towers. The current price per square metre in this complex averages ¥13,000. When completed later this year, the project will also feature a massive community swimming pool with ocean views, and a bevy of boutique shops and restaurants. Comments Grand Panorama agent Rita Fei,

“Everything sold out last year. But you can try to buy from the owners.” The same real-estate saga holds true just two blocks to the west at the Golden Times Square apartments. They too sold out last year with prices per square metre benchmarking at ¥12,000, explains Jolene Li, a Golden Times Square agent. Currently, most of the flats at Golden Times are being decorated with less than a handful of people inhabiting them. The ground floors are barren concrete caverns that await a shopping court and McDonalds. The same might be said for the overall makeup of this section of Jida: compared with other areas of Zhuhai, this coastal neighbourhood is just starting to get off the ground. Sure, the Hai Bin Gardens properties, which Michelle Lei of Huafa Real-Estate

doesn’t have a lot of things to do in it like other parts of Zhuhai, but more restaurants and bars will open as more people move here.” James, who just purchased a 100 sqm, two-bedroom apartment with a view of the Jiu Zhou Port, remarks, “It’s a good location to the ferry to Hong Kong and real close to the border with Macau.” Indeed, that’s another one of Jida’s advantages—it is equidistant to the bustling Gongbei area to the south and the posh golf courses along Xiangzhou Bay to the north. The port puts it within one hour to either Shenzhen or Hong Kong and 15 minutes by taxi to the Macau border. That being said, time is ticking. Prices in the Gongbei area are expected to rise, moving more people into Jida and Nanping, explains Liu Lei, an agent with Zhuhai Huaju Real-Estate Agency. “In Gongbei, ocean view apartments now cost from16,000 to 20,000 Yuan [per sqm].” Others

property 13

12 property

Jida consists of a slew of residential buildings, seafood restaurants and a giant duty free shopping mall. What makes the newer area attractive to live in? Future potential.

contend that’s on the high end of the scale. Comments Centaline China property consultant Carry Wang, “Gongbei is going for 12,000 to 13,000 per square metre. Its cheaper in Jida at around 10,000 and even lower to the north in Xiangzhou around 8,000 per square metre.” These prices are for ocean view apartments averaging 100 sqm with two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Unlike Gongbei’s combination of rock-bottom shopping options, border bustle, bar streets and ocean views of the Sands Macao at night, Xiangzhou is far more subdued. Apart from hosting the Zhuhai municipal government, it features several botanical gardens, such as the Agriculture Science Garden. It’s also just a 10-minute drive away from both the Zhuhai Lakewood Golf Club and the ocean facing Zhuhai Golf Club. The Zhuhai International Circuit for auto racing is nearby, along with the Dragon Opera House. What this all boils down to is this: one of Zhuhai’s most strategic areas for living is starting to see owner and renters move in like no tomorrow. Jida’s coastal nights are just starting to light up.

Agent insights Ken Fong points to the map as if showing where ‘x marks the spot' is. That’s no surprise given the flurry of activity going on at where this ‘x’ is here at Huafa Gardens in Zhuhai’s western Nanping district. Mr. Fong, an English speaking real-estate agent for Huafa, advises buyers and renters alike to keep their eyes trained on Nanping over the next couple of years. Why? “Because Huafa is building many luxurious, planned communities…each will have world class swimming facilities and great local restaurants and shopping options.” Another tip: these communities will be just a few minutes drive to Zhuhai-Guangzhou light rail station, which is supposed to open sometime in 2009. “You should buy now,” says Mr. Fong.

Ken Fong can be contacted at: or at 15976942380

Hot lots What’s available in Zhuhai’s property market? Plenty of posh apartments, if you ask the Huafa Group. Below is a brief sampling of their choicest properties. Huafa's up to the minute listings can be found at: Or just call Ken Fong....

For Sale: 1. Huafa New Town phase 3, 26F Duplex with a private top floor garden. Details: Price (RMB): ¥3,550,000 Location: Huafa New Town Area: 268m Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 4 View: Overlooking Huafa New Town 2. Huafa New Town phase 2,1F luxurious penthouse with a private garden Details: Price (RMB): ¥6,400,000 Location: Huafa New Town Area: 302m Decoration: Refined decorations, fully furnished

Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 4 View: Garden 3. Huafa New Town phase 3, 10F Price (RMB): ¥1,090,000 Location: Huafa New Town Area: 93m Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 1 View: Garden 4. Huafa New Town phase 3, 22F, River view apartment. Price (RMB): Total ¥ 2,530,000 Location: Huafa New Town Area: 185m Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3 View: River

For Rent: 1. Huafa New Town. Spacious apartment Price (RMB): ¥12,000 per month Location: Huafa New Town Deposit required: 2 month rent Square meters: 215 sqm Property is: Furnished Bedrooms: 4

Bathrooms: 3 View: Garden 2. Huafa New Town. Several 2 bedroom units Price (RMB): ¥ 3,500 — 4,500 per month Location: Huafa New Town Deposit required: 2 months rent Square meters: 89--93 sqm Property is: Furnished Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 1 View: Most of these units have garden views 3. Huafa New Town phase 2, 4F apartment with pretty lake view Details: Price (RMB): ¥8,000 per month Location: Huafa New Town

Deposit required: 2 months rent Square meters: 195 sqm Property is: Furnished Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3 View: Fantastic lake view with an extra balcony in the master room 4. Huafa New Town phase 3, 26F Price (RMB): ¥8,000 per month Location: Huafa New Town Deposit required: 2 months rent Square meters: 195 sqm Property is: Furnished Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3 View: Splendid river view

cover story 15

14 cover story

Wanzai’s mini Macau Will it stay frozen in time?

Christopher Cottrell photos © Christopher Cottrell

The carved angels of St. Paul’s Cathedral. Wavy, psychedelic black-and-white paint patterns on the pavement. Early 20th century Portuguese and art deco buildings. Pyramids of plastic trays filled with Macanese cookies. These sites could easily be anywhere in western Macau,Taipa and Coloane villages.

courtyard of early 20th century Macanese inspired architecture, a score of old men shuffle mahjong chips and sip tea. In many ways, it’s a classic setting from old Guangdong. How long this slow paced style of life here will last remains to be seen. Dual imagery As the revival of Macau’s western harbour takes off and as the Cotai Strip continues to rocket, this stretch of Zhuhai is anticipating a glut of tourists to pour in and possibly revive the area with expensive dwellings and up-market shops. It could see more traffic should Hengqing Island mushroom with resort and conference facilities over the next few years. Either way, this mirror Macau is preparing for them. Recently, a four metre high replica of St. Paul’s Cathedral façade was erected in front of the pink, Portuguese building that’s packed to the rafters with Macau trinket shops.

Yet this is Zhuhai’s Wanzai district. Like a twin separated at birth, the old area of Wanzai is strikingly similar in character to neighbourhoods in Macau. Indeed, across the border in the former Portuguese enclave, these old neighbourhoods are losing their character as Macau transforms into one of Asia’s hottest destinations. Here in Zhuhai, the storied lanes of Wanzai serve as a testament that Macau’s influence was felt far wider than just in its current confines. Gazing at a brick building with a fading, mustard yellow paint, a long time Wanzai resident, Mrs. Wong, says, “I don’t know when these were built.” She adds, “I don’t know if it feels like Macau. It feels like Wanzai. There aren’t any casinos here.” That doesn’t mean a good game can’t be found. Under the shade of a willow tree in a tiny village

I don’t know if it feels like Macau. It feels like Wanzai

Tourist tokens One such trinket vendor, Chen Xiao Di, a lively 22-year old chap with a crew-cut who dons an old army jacket, claims that they can easily compete with Macau for local tourist tokens. Comments Chen, “Prices are much better for cookies and dried shrimp than in Macau.” In Macau, he claims that a container of cookies goes for ¥35. “Here, they’re just fifteen Yuan. Everything is at a discount.”

That being said, most of the tourists pouring into Macau do not use this corridor because the last boats back from Macau sail at 16.30. Moreover, most of the shoppers who come here are from Macau. Big fish Right next to the faux cathedral is a mammoth warehouse that sells bulk fish, fungus and other oceanic products — most wind up being sold in Macau to mainland tourists. A few blocks away, an outdoor wet-market has a bounty of fresh seafood on offer. During weekends, it teems with thousands of diners — even with fish prices going up-stream.

“Last year these were five Yuan per kilo,” says Lei Chi as she pries clams from their shells.” Lei continues, “After the New Year, they are eight Yuan”. Asked if she thought Macau was particularly prone to this inflation and willing to suck it up and pay extra, Lei grins and laughs. “They like my clams,” she says.

Hengqing and the hope of a 24-hour border at Gongbei are others. So, too, is the rumour of redevelopment of Macau’s Inner Harbour. This is all pie in the sky, though, to Chen. Comments Chen, “Macau will only get bigger and bigger. The old will go. New things will come. I don’t think we’ll change so much here.”

Still shot In sum, a lot of factors over the next five years could totally transform Wanzai’s pace of life. The Hong Kong, Macau, Zhuhai bridge is one. The Guangzhou to Zhuhai light rail line (which reduces the trip to just 45-minutes) is another. The race for meetings facilities and possibly a marina on

Which could mean this — Macau may become unrecognizable in the next few years, but, despite changes in other parts of Zhuhai, the Wanzai mirror may stay frozen in time. It could become a reflection of the old Portuguese enclave’s long abandoned village life. A living still shot of its longlost charms.

A view of China's new 'Big Easy' from Wanzai

culture 17 reviews 3

16 culture

Four words wàng méi zhĭ kě 望 梅 止 渴

Rory Mitchell

Image © Violette Suquet


wàng - to look towards hope for, think of méi - plum zhĭ - to stop kě - thirst

Boarding Gate

Directed by Olivier Assayas

‘think of plums to stop your thirst’

"These are fantasy women in fantasy worlds," goes a line in demonlover (2002), Olivier Assayas' oddball revisionist thriller. His unofficial follow-up, Boarding Gate, counts on eye candy (human and otherwise) and sheer nerve to overcome implausibility, and almost succeeds.

Cao Cao, the legendary Chinese general, once led a campaign against Zhang Xiu, an old rival of his. The troops had a long way to go during the height of summer. The sun was beating down like a furnace, and there was not a cloud to be seen in the sky. Cao Cao’s men laboured their way along the winding mountain track, with dense, impenetrable forest on one side and scalding, sun-blasted mountain stone on the other. There was no respite from the heat and the men could barely breathe. As midday approached their clothes were ringing with sweat. Their pace dropped, and some of the weaker men fainted with exhaustion.

The spaghetti-thin plot has Sandra (exploitation vet Asia Argento) rekindling a relationship with sleazy shipping magnate Miles Rennberg (Michael Madsen), having already moved on to the equally sleazy Lester Wang (Carl Ng). Some hazily motivated intrigue sends Sandra to Hong Kong, where she gets caught up with Lester's wife (Kelly Lin) and some local drug dealers. Assayas fearlessly skirts laughability and occasionally falls right over. The prolonged first-act climax has Argento and Madsen negotiating Zalman King-level dialogue ("I don't love you anymore, Miles, I desire you") and some risible bondage play; the train-wreck quality helps us momentarily forget that we don't have any idea who these people are.

Cao Cao noticed that his troops had slowed down and, on seeing their disheveled state, was concerned for their safety. However, there was no way that he could provide water for the thousands of men that followed him. He called over the guide who had led them through the mountain pass, and quietly asked him, “Is there a spring nearby? My men are dying of thirst!” The guide replied that the nearest spring was down the valley, and to get there would involve a long journey. Cao Cao thought for a minute, and decided that this would not do; there was not enough time if the troops continued at their present pace. He looked at the dense forest that loomed beside them, felt the heat reflecting from the rocks, and pondered his predicament. He knew that simply ordering his troops to speed up would do no good; they needed something to inspire them. Then, all of a sudden, the answer came to him. He spurred his horse on and tore up to the front of the division. “Men,” he bellowed, “I have heard that there is a plum orchard up ahead. The plums there are large, juicy and delicious. If we pick up our pace, soon we shall be past this mountain; the orchard is just beyond!” When the soldiers heard this, it was as if they could already taste the fruit in their mouths. Invigorated, they set off at a great pace, and were soon well clear of the mountain.

Assayas' visual trademarks (antsy camerawork, shallow focus, cool blues, blown-out whites) are in fine form here -- but the acting ranges from workmanlike (Argento) to cringe-inducing (Kim Gordon), and attempts to inject some of demonlover 's arthouse-friendly themes (identity trampled by global capital, etc) are secondary to a loose adherence to thriller construction. And the conclusion feels like a cheat, with dreamy Brian Eno music as shorthand for a transcendence the heroine (and the film) never really earns.

Today, the chengyu is used to express a situation in which you motivate yourself with hopes that are not entirely founded. It doesn’t necessarily mean self-deception - many people use it to recommend tolerating minor inconveniences in order to keep their eyes on a more glorious prize, however far off or implausible that prize may appear. Rather than despair at the absence of water, spur yourself on with the idea of plums further ahead.

例子 example

Neither the near-masterpiece some are claiming nor the incompetent mess most will see, Boarding Gate is likely to be remembered as a strange but logical detour for a director who moves freely between respectability and trash, high art and low art. He just needs more time to get the balance right.

Josh Martin

我没有钱买食物,但是梦想一 下奢侈的旅行也可以帮我打发 时间,正如望梅止渴一般


Directed by Jason Reitman The things we do for love and boredom... 16-year old Juno MacGuff is pregnant, thanks to an afternoon of experimentation with her longtime best friend Paulie Bleeker. Faced with the choice of abortion, adoption or becoming a parent, she opts to pass her baby on to a good-looking, affluent couple who have not been able to have their own child. Of course, pregnancy (planned or otherwise) is never quite as simple as that. Some critics have spoken out against the film, claiming its utterly enjoyable, lighthearted tone softens a set of circumstances that lead more often to social marginalisation than to the discovery of true love. These folks miss the point. The hero is not the 'irresponsible' juvenile who indulges her curiosity; rather, it is the young woman who decides to do whatever she can to mitigate the burden she has unwittingly brought into her world, and the people who set their judgments aside to help her salvage her future. Similarly, the villain is not the child's father (who, played by the doe-eyed Michael Cera, cannot help but be emotionally supportive), but the people who discount her ability to cope with her situation or, worse, selfishly make things more difficult for her. Director Jason Reitman (Thank You For Smoking) has created an excellent film that engages a subject too often considered taboo, or fit only for morality plays. The pace is perfect, helped along by a folk-indie soundtrack and a cast that avoids overacting but relishes Diablo Cody's incisive dialogue (Cody won eighteen major awards including an Oscar; Juno is her first time working in film). Young Ellen Page's performance as Juno makes a strong case for her Academy Award nomination, and it's heartwarming to see Allison Janney (TV's The West Wing) turn her Iron Lady persona to the defense of a troubled young woman. If only everyone in Juno's situation were as fortunate.

Eric Blocher

There Will Be Blood

Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson There Will Be Blood is as close to a one-man show as anything put out by Hollywood in recent memory. Five years after Daniel Day-Lewis ran off with Gangs of New York, Paul Thomas Anderson (returning to the miniaturist-epic mode of Boogie Nights and Magnolia) puts him front and center as Daniel Plainview, a relentless early-20th century oilman. Wielding his doll-like son H.W. (Dillon Freasier) as a prop to bolster his 'family man' image, Plainview buys up most of a sleepy California town and encounters some ineffectual opposition in aspiring evangelist Eli Sunday (Paul Dano). Plainview becomes unhinged as success beckons, ultimately resembling a freakish hybrid of Richard III, Hannibal Lecter and Charles Foster Kane. Anderson, working loosely from Upton Sinclair’s 1927 novel Oil!, insists that he hasn’t made a political film – true enough in the sense that Blood doesn’t share its source material’s interest in political corruption and corporate machinations, although the cat-and-mouse interplay of religion (Eli) and commerce (Plainview) arguably has some contemporary relevance. Anderson’s take is more metaphysical, with oil as an elemental force (repeatedly linked to blood and water) that corrupts everything it touches – and with Plainview, a former silver miner, ready and willing to accept that. From the dread-infused opening shot of the depopulated Western landscape, Anderson almost seems to view oil itself as fundamentally malevolent, the intersection of 'rugged individualism' and the key resource of the Industrial Age forming a chain that leads straight through the Great Depression. Day-Lewis swings effortlessly between silver-tongued salesman and diabolical tyrant and even engenders some occasional sympathy. Anderson's formal mastery might have put the film in good stead even without his leading man, but Day-Lewis's compelling performance was a clear choice for the Best Actor Oscar.

Josh Martin Among the current wave of Thai art-house darlings, Apichatpong Weerasethakul stands out. Apichatpong studied experimental filmmaking in Chicago. For many, 'experimental' suggests humourlessness and self-indulgence, but Syndromes and a Century is the director's most wistful (and funniest) effort to date, without deviating from his avant-garde roots. As with the earlier Blissfully Yours and Tropical Malady, Syndromes is cleaved into two parts. The first follows the goings-on at a rural hospital: Dr. Nohng begins his first day on the job, intern Noom confesses his love to the uninterested Dr. Toey, and a dentist is drawn to a Theravada monk, convinced he's the reincarnation of his dead brother. The second half inexplicably finds the same characters in a massive Bangkok medical center, even restaging some of the same events.

i don’t have money for food, but dreaming of extravagant trips helps me get through the day, like thinking of plums to stop my thirst

But Apichatpong is never schematic. Syndromes drifts from incident to incident, and if the complex feels cold after the greenery of the first half, the filmmaking retains its humour (one doctor stashes liquor in prosthetic legs) and its soul - just watch Nohng's wrenching conversation with a brain-damaged poisoning victim. And Apichatpong finds beauty in unlikely places; the finale - a dialogue-free tour de force of the hospital at shutdown - is haunting and lovely, with a monstrous vacuum serving as Apichatpong's version of 2001's stargate.

Syndromes and a Century

Directed by Apichatpong Weerasethakul

What any of it ’means‘ is hard to say, but however personal the proceedings may be (the film was inspired by the director's parents, both doctors), one still feels where Apichatpong is coming from. A challenge for literal-minded critics - and Thai censors, who banned the film for depicting doctors and monks in undignified situations (like playing guitar) – but a stimulant for accommodating viewers.

Josh Martin

Qi Ao Island 淇澳岛 18 title





Zhongshan Hot Spring Golf Course 中山温泉高尔夫球场 Zhongshan Hot Spring / Xianmuyuan Hot Spring 中山温泉 / 仙沐园温泉


Zhuhai International Circuit 国际赛车会

Former Residence of Tang Shaoyi 唐绍仪故居/共乐园


Jan °C





Apr 18





July 28










Julong International Antique City 巨龙国际古玩博览城

source: zhuhai tourism association

Sun Yan-Sen University Zhuhai Campus 中山大学珠海校区




es W





Fenghuangshan Forest Park 凤凰山森林公园 Fenghuangshan Cultural Village 凤凰山文化村


Former Residence of Su Manshu 苏曼殊故居









Apr 72

May 122

Jun 513














source: zhuhai tourism association

Happy Valley 快活谷

Dalangwan Beach 大浪湾泳场








Feb 4





May 5

Jun 5

July 5

Aug 6






Dragon Union Opera House 聚龙歌舞剧院



zhuhai title map 19

Zhuhai Golf Club 珠海高尔夫俱乐部

Zhuhai Lakewood Golf Club 翠湖高尔夫球会



Sep 7








Ye Li Island 野狸岛

Jingshan Park 景山公园



source: zhuhai tourism association

QIANSHAN 前山 Chinese Medicine Valley 中药谷 Q

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to Airport

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n ha

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New Yuan Ming Palace 圆明新园


Jiuzhou Island 九洲岛

Page 20 Barrier Gate 关闸




800 1200 1600 2000m

title map 20 JIDA

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景山 路 HAN L U




洲路 U 海 L U


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中路 情侣 LE IDD 路

石 花 东

LU 3

一路 建业






R LU YE E 路 JIAN 业二 建

U AN L YE S 路 JIAN 业三 建






3 1



LU 九

洲港 路




Jiu Zhou Port

3 1


Where to Stay

Tourist Help (lǚ yóu tóu sù zhōng xīn) (+86 756 333-6061) 旅游投 诉中心

Air Zhuhai Airport Located in the West of Zhuhai, less than an hour away from the central area. (86 756 7771580/777-1188) Getting there: Yellow taxis (airport taxis): Only from the Zhong Zhu Building in Gongbei (near Watson’s) 拱北中珠大厦 20 Rmb per person, 40 / 50 if you are alone. Normal Taxis : 100 Rmb. Bus : 207 (service time: 06:20~18:00) 珠海机场

Sea Jiu Zhou Port to HK Ferry Terminal Depart 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 17:00 17:30

Depart 07:30 08:30 09:30 11:30 13:30 15:30 17:30 19:00

Arrive 09:10 11:10 13:10 15:10 17:10 18:10 18:40

Minutes 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

Arrive 08:40 09:40 10:40 12:40 14:40 16:40 18:40 20:10

Minutes 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70


Bar Street


石湾酒吧街 3





2 1

Chinese Dining

Chinese 1 Jin YueDining Xuan 1 2 Mayflower 2 3 XinYue Muslim 3 4 5

Depart 09:00(1) 11:00(1) 13:00(1) 15:00(1) 16:30(1) 18:00 19:30 20:30 21:30

Arrive 10:10 12:10 14:10 16:10 17:40 19:10 20:40 21:40 22:40

Minutes 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

(1) only for Friday through Sunday

5 Star Grand Bay View Hotel (hǎi wān dà jiǔ diàn) Shuiwan Lu Gongbei (+86 756 887-7998) 海湾大酒店 珠海市 拱北水湾路 Harbour View Hotel & Resort (yí jǐng wān dà jiǔ diàn) 47 Lovers’ Lane Central (+86 756 332-2888) 怡景湾大 酒店 珠海吉大情侣中路47号 Holiday Resort Hotel (dù jiǎ cūn jiǔ diàn) 9 East Shi Hua Lu, Jida (+86 756 333-3838) 度假村酒店 珠海市吉大 石花东路9号 ZOBON Business Hotel 33 Lovers’ Lane Central (+86 756 322-0333) 珠海 吉大情侣中路47号

4 Star Guangdong Hotel (yuè hǎi jiǔ diàn) 1145 Yuehai Rd East, Gongbei (+86 756 888-8128) 粤海酒店 珠海市拱 北粤海东路1145号

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International Dining

Bar & Nightlife

International Dining Bar & Cellar Nightlife 1 Alain’s BBB (Belgian) 1 The 1 2 Rude (Fusion) 2 3 Jewel of India (Indian) 3 4 Roman Seaside (Fusion) 4 5 Indian Kitchen (Indian) 5

12 Bar 88 23 Cohiba Bar/China Club 34 Sand’s Bar 45 Blarney Stone Irish Pub 5

Cafés etc.

Cafés 1 Jack & The Magic Pea


Hotels 1 Holiday Inn Zhuhai

12 Jack & The Magic Pea 23 Zhuhai Deli 3

21 Home Inn 32 Zobon Business Hotel






© REDSTAR Times Media


Shopping 1 Recommend 2 a listing 3 INJIDA? 4 5

Depart 08:40(2) 10:30(2) 12:30(2) 14:30(2) 16:30(2) 18:00(2) 19:30 21:30

Arrive 09:50 11:40 13:40 15:40 17:40 19:10 20:40 22:40

Minutes 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

(2) only for Friday through Sunday

Wanzai to Macau Depart 08:00 08:45 09:15

Arrive 08:05 08:50 09:20

Minutes 5 5 5

What to See Beaches Feisha Beach Gaolan Island, Nanshui (western area) (+86 756 771-0000) 珠 海市西区南水高栏岛 Golden Beach (jīn shā tān) Sanzao, near the airport (western area) (+86 756 778-1614) 金沙滩 珠海市西区 珠海机场侧三灶 Haibin Beach (hǎi bīn yǒng chǎng) Lovers’ Lane, Jida (+86 756 332-0477) 海滨泳场 珠海吉大情侣路

Churches & Temples

My Residence in Zhuhai Shanhailou, 240 ShuiWan Lu, Jida (+86 756 3880388) 珠海市吉大景山路188号 Home Inn (rú jiā kuài jié jiǔ diàn) Block 26, 58 Shihua Lu (E) Jida (+86 756 337-5111) 如家快捷酒店 广东 珠海吉大石花东路58号26栋 JIDA MAP 2 Sunferia Inn 15F Cuiwei Jiuzhu building, Mingzhu Lu, Qianshan (+86 756 853-4821) 珠海前山翠微酒珠 大厦15层 Youth Hostel (dù jiǎ cūn jiǔ diàn qīng nián lǚ guǎn) 9 Shihua Rd E, Jida (+86 756 333-3838) 度假村酒店青年旅馆 珠海市吉大石花东路9号

New Yuanming Palace (yuán míng xīn yuán) Jiuzhou Av. W Lanpu (+86 756 861-0388) 圆明新园 珠海市九洲大 道西兰埔路

Pearl Land (zhēn zhū lè yuán) Tang Jia Wan (+86 756 331-1170) 珍珠乐园 珠海唐家湾

Museums Zhuhai Museum (zhū hǎi bó wù guǎn) Jiuzhou Cheng, Jingshan Lu, Jida (+86 756 332-4116) 珠海博物馆 珠海吉大九洲城

Parks & Gardens Feng Bo Shan Park (xiāng shān gōng yuán) 8 Yan shan Lu Xiangzhou 风波 山公园 (别名:香山公园) 珠海市香 洲区沿山路8号 Banzhang Forest Park (bǎn zhāng shān sēn lín gōng yuán) Gongbei

Hengqin Stone Park (héng qín shí bó yuán) Hengqin Island 横琴石博 园 珠海横琴


Meixi village (nóng kē qí guān) Qianshan northern area (above New Xiangzhou) (+86 756 853-5888) 农科 奇观 珠海市前山梅溪镇

Putuo Buddhist Temple (pǔ tuó sì) Fenghuang Mountain, Dongkeng (northern area, above New Xiangzhou) (+ 86 756 850-8462) 普陀寺 珠海东 坑凤凰山

Nanhai Oil Hotel (nán yóu dà jiǔ diàn) 368 Shuiwan Lu (+86 756 3322188) Toll Free : 800 830-2782 南油大 酒店 珠海经济特区水湾路368

Ocean Hotel (hǎi yáng dà jiǔ diàn) 3 Star, directly in front of Jiu Zhou Port finding it couldn't be easier! 428 South Lover's Road. (+86 756 336-2333)海 洋大酒店 珠海情侣南路428号(九 洲港大厦)

Meixi Archways Meixi Village, Shangchong, Qianshan (+86 756 8659577) 珠海市前山上冲梅溪村

Oceanarium Opposite Wanzai (western area) Wharf (+86 756 8811001) 珠海市湾仔澳门环岛游码 头正对面

(above the tunnel) 板樟山森林公园 珠海拱北

3 Star

Lost City Water Park (mèng huàn shuǐ chéng) Jiuzhou Av, Lanpu (+86 756 866-4246) 梦幻水城 珠海市九 州大道兰圃

Jin Tai Temple (jīn tái sì) Huangyang Mountain, Doumen (western area) (+86 756 579-7141) 金台寺 珠海斗 门黄杨山

Holiday Inn Zhuhai (zhū hǎi yuè cái jiǎ rì jiǔ diàn) Luxurious and spacious, Holiday Inn Zhuhai offers the comforts of home and then some! With large rooms, attentive staff and extensive dining options, you may find yourself spending longer here than you planned! 188 Jingshan Lu Jida (+86 756 322-8888) 珠海粤财假日酒店 珠海市吉大景 山路188号 JIDA MAP 1

HK Macau Ferry to Jiu Zhou Port




LA NE SO WA UT NL H 情 U 水湾 侣 路 南

Jiu Zhou Port to HK Macau Ferry

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Taxi Help (chū zū chē tóu sù ) (+86 756 863-2933) 出租车投诉

HK Ferry Terminal to Jiu Zhou Port


09:50 10:20 10:50 11:20 13:05 13:50 14:20 14:50 15:20 15:50 16:20

Jiu Zhou Port (jiǔ zhōu gǎng) (+86 756 333-2113, 333-3359) 九洲港

Getting Around 道中 洲大 九 G N ZHO

09:45 10:15 10:45 11:15 13:00 13:45 14:15 14:45 15:15 15:45 16:15

Police (bào jǐng) (+86 756 110) 报警

Traffic Accidents (jiāo tōng shì gù) (+86 756 1220 交通事故

莲路 LU 白

莲路 LU 吉

道东 洲大 G九 N O D








路 园林

滨南 U海





路 吉大


1 5

Essential Numbers



U白 莲 路

JIDA LU 吉 大路

title 21 complete zhuhai listings

=wireless internet for more listings see and

Chinese Medicine Valley (zhōng yào gǔ) New Yuan Ming Palace North, Lanpu, Qianshan (+86 756 866-1113) 中药谷 珠海市九洲大道兰埔北侧( 圆明新园旁) Haibin Park (hǎi bīn gōng yuán) Haibin Lu N, Jida 海滨公园 珠海吉 大海滨北路

Jingshan Park (jǐng shān gōng yuán) Jingshan Lu Jida 景山公园 珠海吉 大景山路 Kungfu Park (Wu Lin Yuan) Lian Wan Industry Zone, Pingsha (western area) (+86 756 399-8888) 武林源 珠海大 道中平沙路口 Tangjia Gong Le Garden (táng jiā gòng lè yuán) E Ling, Tangjia (+86 756 331-9605) 唐家共乐园 珠海市唐家 镇鹅岭北麓 Waterfall Park (sān dié quán) After Wanzai, take the bridge to Hengqin island (western area) (+86 756 8842426) 三叠泉 珠海横琴 White Lotus Park (bái lián dòng gōng yuán) Jiuzhou Av, Jida 白莲洞公园 珠海吉大九洲大道中

Other Places of Interest Imperial Hot Spring (yù wēn quán) Doumen (western area) (+86 756 5797128) 御温泉 珠海斗门 Library (tú shū guǎn) 74 Fenghuang Lu, Xiangzhou (+86 756 225-8744) 图 书馆 珠海市香洲区凤凰路74号

Great Hall (zhū hǎi dà huì táng) 1014 Fenghuang Lu S, Xiangzhou (+86 756 222-2396) 珠海大会堂 珠海市香洲 区凤凰南路1014 Lover’s Lane Going from A to B has never been such a visual pleasure. 12 miles of waterfront cruising punctuated in the middle by Zhuhai’s number one photograph opportunity - the Fishing Girl statue. Gongbei, Jida and Xiangzhou Lu 情侣大道 情侣南 路(位于拱北)和情侣北路(位于吉 大、香洲) Chinese Medicine Valley Douse yourself in the wisdom of the ancient Chinese medicine masters, and come away feeling totally rejuvenated. Next to New Yuan Ming Palace, a centrally located hot spring for supreme stress relief! Jiuzhou Lane (+86 756 8661880) 中药谷 九洲大道 Imperial Hot Spring Resort A beautiful, Japanese-style hot spring and hotel with such amazing variety - pools of coffee or wine scented water, steam rooms, waterfalls and hot stones to prepare you for a salubrious massage. You’ll need a whole day to experience everything! About an hour from Jida by taxi or catch the 609 bus direct to the door). Doumen Town (+86 756 579-7168) 珠海御温泉度 假村 斗门镇 Ocean Spring Resort This recentlyestablished giant spa boasts several large entertainment areas. Let the young ‘uns loose in the amusement park while you chill out at the oceanfacing hot springs, or work up a sweat in the sporting facilities. Pingsha Town, Jinwan District 海泉湾度假区 金湾 区平沙镇 Gongle Garden For those with an interest in Zhuhai’s beautiful subtropical flora, Gongle Garden will bewilder with its brilliant array of rare species. Historically part of the estate of China’s first Prime Minister, prior to WWII. The Pearl River Archipelago Zhuhai’s unique marine geology is one of the main draws for domestic tourists. With nearly 150 islands, the area is one of the most scenically varied in China. Locals will boast of military victory on Qi’ao Island, or the beauty of Nansha beach on Dong’ao Island.

title zhuhai listings 22 complete

全新至珠海的! 夜生活,酒吧, KTV 按摩,美食,咖啡吧, 故事,交友,娱乐, 照相

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Fish Girl (yú nǚ) This attractive statue of a young girl holding a pearl was inspired by a local legend about a fishing girl whose boyfriend was lost at sea. She would wait each day on the waterfront for his return. The statue has become an iconic image of Zhuhai, and is perhaps the prime photo spot on the romantic Lovers’ Lane boardwalk. Qinglv Zhong Lu 珠海渔 女 珠海市情侣中路 New Yuan Ming Palace (yuán míng xīn yuán) This park was modelled on the famous palace grounds in Beijing, featuring full-scale replicas of the major buildings there. As well as being a pleasant place for a stroll, visitors can go boating on the lake, and there are several musical and historical performances on show throughout the day. Entrance RMB100 (students RMB60 with valid student ID). 九洲大 道 圆明新园

Seafood Shou Zhi Gong Dining Room 53 Lovers’ Lane (+86 756) 337-6918 珠 海情侣中路53号(国会酒店与渔 女之间)

Muslim New Cantonese Muslim 370 Lovers’ Lane South, Jiuzhou Harbour (+86 756 332-8246) 珠海九洲港情侣南 路370号 Ocean Restaurant 1-2B, Block1, Hai Tao Ju, Lovers’ Lane South, Gongbei (+86 756 815-1722) 珠海拱北情侣南 路海涛居第一座1-2B Xinyue Muslim Restaurant 370 Lovers’ Lane South (+86 756 332-8246) 珠海 市情侣南路370号(青蓝山庄北国 食府)- 九洲港新粤穆斯林餐厅

International Chinese Dining Dining Cantonese De Yue Fang Mingting Park, Yeli Island, Xiangzhou (+86 756 225-1188) 珠海 香洲野狸岛名亭公园内 Jin Yue Xuan 1-3 Floor, B, 265 Ri Hua Commercial Square, Lovers’ Lane South, Gong Bei (+86 756) 813-3133 珠海拱北情侣南路265日华商业广 场B区1-3层 JIDA MAP 1

Mayflower (wǔ yuè huā huáng cháo dà jiǔ lóu) 3F Ri Dong Commercial Square, 49 Lovers’ Lane, Jida (+86 756 323-0000) 五月花皇朝大酒楼 香 洲区情侣中路49号日东广场3楼 JIDA MAP 2 Treasure Inn Chinese Restaurant Modern and elegant, with a wide selection of dim sum and authentic Cantonese dishes. Signature dishes are shark’s fin and abalone. Nine private rooms are available. Open: 8:00-14:00 & 17:30-22:30 4F Holiday Inn Zhuhai, 188 Jingshan Lu Jida (+86 756 3228888) 珠海粤财假日酒店4楼 珠海 市吉大景山路188号

General Cuisine Orientale 4th & 5th floor, Shan Hai Lou Hotel, Shuiwan Lu, Jida (+86 756 886-8288) 珠海吉大水湾 路山海楼酒店四楼、五楼 Zui Yue Xuan 34, Shihua Lu East, Jida (+86 756 336-8999) 广东珠海吉大石 花东路34号(渡假村对面) Rich Garden Blue Mountain Restaurant Limited 3/Floor, Ying Bin Plaza, Ying Bin Lu, Gongbei (+86 756 828-3338) 珠海拱北迎宾大道迎宾 广场三层

North & East China Dong Bei Ren (dōng běi rén) 2F Zhuhua Building, 198 Jingshan Lu (+86 756) 335-1418 东北人 景山路 198号珠华大厦二楼 99 Tian Xiang Restaurant No.42, Shihua LuEast, Jida (+86 756 3370790) 广东珠海吉大石花东路42号 (度假村对面)

Sichuan Bare Head Restaurant 346 Lovers’ Lane South, Jida (+86 756 332-9598) 广东珠海吉大情侣南路346号 Fei Teng Yu Xiang 350 Lovers’ Lane South (+86 756 323-0066) 广东珠海 情侣南路350号

Recommend a listing INZHUHAI?

Belgian Alain’s Belgian Beer Bar & Restaurant For all the class of continental Europe - and a taste of the best lagers in the world, this restaurant will provide! And the food? French fries from the country that invented them. 28/7 Hua Jing Xi Yuanshi Hua Dong Lu 58 (Opp Hai Wan Hua Yuan) (+86 756 333-5671) 吉大石花东路华景西苑28栋7 号 商铺 JIDA MAP 1

Fusion Blue Angel Coffee Restaurant (lán tiān shǐ kā fēi) Shuiwantou, Gongbei (+86 756 888-6456) 蓝天使咖啡 珠 海市水湾头 Chatterbox (zhū hǎi yuè cái jiǎ rì jiǔ diàn) We serve European and Asian cuisine for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Open 24 hours, this cosy and yet tastefully designed coffee shop is an ideal place to have excellent meals and to catch up with the latest news and gossip. 4F Holiday Inn Zhuhai, 188 Jingshan Lu Jida (+86 756 3228888) 珠海粤财假日酒店4楼 珠海 市吉大景山路188号 Roman Seaside Across from the sea on Lovers’ Lane is this fusion restaurant. Boasting Japanese-style noodles, American hot dogs and everything in between - you won’t be disappointed! 49 Lovers’ Lane, Jida (Jida Ri Dong Plaza, next to Harbour View Hotel) (+86 756 323-3869) 珠 海市吉大情侣中路49号(吉大日 东广场二楼罗马海滨西餐厅) JIDA MAP 4 Rude Truly unique. This restaurant and bar shines because of its design - with its molded concrete mezzanine and industrial decor, Rude is unbeatable. Great food and Guinness on tap - happy hour from 5-7pm. 1 Lian An Lu, Gongbei (Intersection of Lovers’ Lane South)(+86 756 888-1708) 珠海拱北联安1 路( 情侣南路交界) JIDA MAP 2

Indian Indian Kitchen 26-28 Huajing Garden, Shihua Lu East, Jida (+86 756 3345784) 广东珠海吉大石花东路华景 花园(东苑)26-28铺

Jewel of India The finest Indian cuisine in Zhuhai. Delicately prepared by masterful hands, the variety and depth of flavour will satisfy the most ardent curry aficionado. Try the chicken Jalfrezi - mouth watering stuff! 28/1 Hua Jing Xi YuanShi Hua Dong Lu 58 (+86 756 332-1770) 吉大 石花东路华景西苑28 栋1 号商铺 JIDA MAP 3

Italian Lucio Italian Restaurant The restaurant’s ‘open kitchen’ design encourages a warm and friendly atmosphere. Enjoy the authentic wood-stone oven, where the chef prepares a variety of Italian favourites, including pasta, pizza, and a variety of Mediterranean dishes. 188 Jingshan Lu, Jida (+86 756 322-8888) 珠海吉大 景山路188号

Japanese Chitose 5F, Block C, Shan Hai Lou Hotel, Lovers’ Lane South (+86 756 889-8985) 珠海拱北情侣南路(水湾 头)山海楼酒店C座5楼 La Mouton Japanese Cuisine 101 Long Yuan Hai Wan Ya Yuan, 288 Lovers’ Lane South, Gongbei (+86 756 383-6668) 珠海拱北情侣南路 288号龙园海湾雅苑商铺101 雾 都日法料理 Wabou-Restaurant 283-285, Building 1, Block M, Hai Wan Xin Jia Yuan, Lovers’ Lane South (+86 756 886-1130) 广东珠海情侣南路海湾新家园M座 1楼283-285号

Pizza / Delivery Alain’s Belgian Beer Bar & Restaurant Light-crusted, well decked in cheeses and sauces that stand with the finest pizzerias and comfort food bistros in Europe. Indulge in some delicious fries, and try a Chimay or Duvel. 28/7 Hua Jing Xi Yuanshi Hua Dong Lu 58 (Opp Hai Wan Hua Yuan) (+86 756 333-5671) 吉大石花东路华景西苑28栋7 号 商铺 JIDA MAP 1

Pizza Hut Ground floor, Duty-Free Market, Jingshan Lu, Jida (+86 756 337-4793) 吉大景山路国营外币免 税商场首层

Portuguese Pinocchio Ground Floor, Zhu Nan Hotel, Liangfen Bridge, Yue Hai Lu East, Xiangzhou (+86 756 889-7628) 珠海 香洲区粤海东路凉粉桥珠南酒店 首层 木偶葡国餐厅

Cafés Bali Cafe & Restaurant 392 Shuiwan Lu, Jida, Xiangzhou (+86 756 3231568) 珠海香洲吉大水湾路392号 Chatterbox (Yudie Coffee Shop) Serving European and Asian cuisine for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Open 24 hours, this cozy and yet tastefully designed coffee shop is an ideal place to have excellent meals and to catch up with the latest news and gossip. 4F Holiday Inn Zhuhai, 188 Jingshan Lu Jida (+86 756 322-8888) 珠海粤 财假日酒店4楼 珠海市吉大景山 路188号 Emma Cafe Guangdong Hotel, Yuehua Lu, Gongbei (+86 756 888-8128 ext.60112) 珠海粤华路粤海酒店纯品咖啡店 Jack & Magic Pea 1F Hai Wan Hao Yuan, 225 Shuiwan Lu, Gongbei (+86 756 888-7316) 珠海拱北水湾路( 酒吧街)225号海湾濠苑一层 JIDA MAP 1 Jane’s Place Huafa New City Business Street, A01, 1 Lu (+86 138 2300-0052) 珠海市珠海大道1号, 华发新城商 业街A01 Jenny’s Café 2F, 1021 Feng Huang Lu (S), Wan Zai Sha, Xiangzhou (+86 756 217-7550) 珠海香洲湾仔沙凤凰南 路1021号二楼 Caffe Frappessa 1F Lijing Bay Garden, 124 Cuihai Lu (Walking street, at the back of Yangming Plaza) (+86 756 218-1899) 香洲湾仔沙扬名广场后 街(吉之岛后街) Pele Coffee shop Tong Luowan Department Store, Jida (near KFC) (+86 756 820-3871) 珠海吉大铜锣湾 百货首层中央大厅 Sea Breeze Cafe Harbour View Hotel, 47 Lovers’ Lane Central (+86 756 3322888) 吉大怡景湾大酒店

Dynamics Pizza 113#, 21 Jiaoyu Lu Xiangzhou (+86 756 621-6227) 珠海 香洲教育路21号113号铺

Victoria Bar & Grill 49 Lovers’ Lane (+86 756 323-0909) 珠海情侣路49号 日东商业广场-维多利亚西餐厅

Happy Tom Pizza Restaurant (kāi xīn tāng mǔ 39yuán bǐ sà zì zhù cān tīng) 63 Jing Shan Lu, Jida (+86 756 333-9159) 开心汤姆39元比萨自助 餐厅 珠海吉大景山路63号

Victoria Restaurant 2F, Ridong Square, 49 Lovers’ Lane, Jida (+86 756 323-0909) 珠海吉大情侣中路49号 日东广场2楼

Lucky Iris (jí zhī dǎo) (behind Ryan’s Bar) Delicious pizzas and burgers.The small street behind Jusco (look for the Carlsberg sign). 吉之岛 珠海香 洲凤凰路 Mr Pizza Some of the finest pizzas in Zhuhai. From the simplest margherita to the sublime feta and sun-dried tomato, anything on this menu is certain to satisfy. 27, Under the Fisherman’s Wharf, Jin Ding (+86 756 338-6418) 肯德比萨店 珠海市金鼎 商业城27号

Zhuhai Deli (hǎi wān guó jì biàn lì diàn) All the culinary treats you've been missing from home! Our favourites: tortilla chips and dips (and any mexican food for that matter!), cheese from around the world, bagels and canned goodies! Room 101, Bldg.1, 231 Shuiwan Lu, Jida (+86 756 818-9979) 海湾国际便利店 吉大水 湾路231号1栋101铺 Zobon Western Executive Lounge Restaurant 33 Lovers’ Lane Central (+86 756 322-0333) 珠海吉大情侣 中路33号

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Bars & Nightlife The Definitive Guide to Life After Dark INZHUHAI. 88 Bar currently Bar Street's newest 'hot spot' with over 20 plasma TVs, regular live performers and a vibrant atmosphere Blarney Stone Irish Pub (zhū hǎi yuè cái jiǎ rì jiǔ diàn) The first Irish Pub in Zhuhai, offering a lively atmosphere and an energetic house band that is sure to entertain. Open: 18:00-2:00 1F Holiday Inn Zhuhai, 188 Jingshan Lu Jida (+86 756) 322-8888 珠海粤财假 日酒店 珠海市吉大景山路188号 Blue Tone Bar Dong Ya Building, Jiuzhou Ave, Jida (+86 756 333-2046) 珠海市九州大道东亚大厦蓝调 酒吧 Blue Angel Music Bar 219 Shuiwan Lu, Gongbei (+86 756 888-3375) 珠海水 湾路219号 China Live Bar Yuanlin Lu 45, Jida (+86 756 335-2580, 662-1943) 吉大 园林路45号 Cohiba Bar & Grill / China Bar 203-209 Shuiwan Lu, Gongbei (+86 756 8892444) 珠海拱北水湾路203-209号 JIDA MAP 3 Come By Bar Shuiwan Lu Bar Street, Gongbei (+86 756 888-2228) 珠海拱 北水湾路酒吧街 F1 Bar Harbour View Hotel, 47 Lovers’ Lane Central (+86 756 332-2888) 吉大 怡景湾大酒店首层 Hollywood Bar D 203-209 Shuiwan Lu, Gongbei (+86 756 889-1931) 珠海拱 北水湾路203-209号D座 LV Club 2F Hai Wan Yan Yuan, Longyan Lovers’ Lane South, Gongbei (+86 756 388-7666) 珠海拱北情侣南路288号 龙园海湾雅园2楼(酒吧街) MTC Bar 201 Long Yuan Hai Wan Ya Yuan, Shuiwan Lu Bar Street, Gongbei (+86 756 383-6866) 珠海拱北 水湾 路 酒吧街 龙园海湾雅苑商铺201 Red Bar & Club Shuiwan Lu, Gongbei (+86 756 818-8299) 珠海拱北水湾路 酒吧街225号 JIDA MAP 2 Rude Maybe -just maybe - the coolest dance floor in the PRD, with eye candy in abundance and something silky smooth for everybody. Close to bar street, but you’ll forget about bar street. Guinness on tap happy hour from 5-7pm. 1 Lian An Lu, Gongbei (Intersection of Lovers’ Lane South) (+86 756 8881708) 珠海拱北联安1 路(情侣南 路交界) JIDA MAP 2 Ryan’s Bar What a rush! This tiny bar is flooded with personality and the crazy atmosphere of expat life! The best bar food on the mainland, and Ryan’s utterly mind-blowing gin and tonics make this place base camp for the weekend, loocated on the small street behind Jusco (look for the Carlsberg sign). (+86 138 2412-1280) 珠海香洲 凤凰路-吉之岛 Sands Bar Lovers’ Lane, Jida (opposite the Harbour View Hotel) (+86 756 333-2073) 珠海吉大情侣路(怡景湾 大酒店对面) JIDA MAP 4

Seven Club 203-209H Shuiwan Lu, Gongbei (+86 756 811-3999) 珠海 拱北水湾路酒吧街道办事处203209号H位

Lakewood Golf Club International Circuit, Xiacun, Jinding (northen area) (+86 756) 338-3666 金鼎珠海国际赛 车场高尔夫俱乐部

Scotland Bar 291 Lovers’ Lane South, Gongbei (+86 756 888-6681) 珠海情 侣南路291号

Orient Golf Huandao Lu North, Hengqin (western area) (+86 756 8688188) 珠海横琴经济开发区环岛北 路一号 - 东方高尔夫球场

Sky in Sky Club J 203-209 Shuiwan Lu Bar Street, Gongbei (+86 756 815-8222) 珠海拱北水湾路酒吧街 203-209号J位 The Cellar What a perfect venue! When indulgence is the order of the evening, the Cellar provides - the highest quality imported wines and cheeses, and expert advice on which wine to choose. Simply superb. Shui Wan Lu 231 (Shui Wan Tou bus stop), Jida (+86 756 818-1894) 酒 窖 吉大水湾路231号(水湾头 巴士站)御海湾花园1栋102室 JIDA MAP 1 The Old Chinese Junk Located in Tangjia near Zhuhai Golden Gulf Golf Club and the racetrack, this bar, with its open air terrace, delivers beer and atmosphere in abundance. 401 (4th Floor) China Town, Tangjia (+86 756 331-9668) 珠海吉大情侣中路47 号 - 怡景湾大酒店 V Club 388 Ning Xi Lu Ningxi (2 minutes after GLV school) (+86 756 229-9030) 珠海市香洲柠溪路388号 太和商务中心-胜地梦都酒吧 Penthouse Pod Shop No.825, Guangfa New Village, 1316 Jiuzhou Dadao Dong (+86 756 388-9933) 珠海九洲 大道东1316号广发新村商场825号 铺(云海酒店对面)

Recreation Bowling Zhuhai Holiday Resort Hotel 9 East Shi Hua Lu, Ji Da (+86 756 333-3838) 珠海市吉大石花东路9号 Zhuhai Sports Centre Hongshan Lu, New Xiangzhou (+86 756 261-1366) 珠海市新香洲红山路-珠海市体 育中心

Cycling Recommend a listing INZHUHAI?


Recommend a listing INZHUHAI?

Fitness Hua Fa Sports Centre Inside Huajing Garden, Shihua East Lu, Jida (+86 756 323-6888) 珠海石花东路-华 发名华会

Golf Golden Gulf Golf (Jinwan Golf) Jinwan Avenue, Golden Coast, Jinwan (western area) (+86 756 763-1888) 珠 海金湾高尔夫球场 International Golf Club Economic Zone, Tangjia Wan (northen area) (+86 756 331-3076) 珠海市唐家湾珠海国际高尔夫俱乐部

Sailing Recommend a listing INZHUHAI?

Scuba Diving Recommend a listing INZHUHAI?

Swimming Recommend a listing INZHUHAI?

Squash Recommend a listing INZHUHAI?

Tennis Recommend a listing INZHUHAI?

Yoga Lotus Yoga 4th Floor, Jin Se Holiday Hotel, 71 Jinghe Street, Jida ( Behind Harbour View Hotel) (+86 756 3321277) 吉大景和街71号金色假日 酒店4楼 Xin Ling Yoga Center 1096 FengHuang Bei Lu, 3rd Floor Xiang Zhou, Bus Station: You Zheng Da Xia 邮政大厦巴士站 (+86 756) 225-7792 珠海市香洲凤凰北路 1096 号三 楼, 公交车到邮政大厦下车

Stage & Screen Cinemas Marslake Cinema 284 Ning Xi Lu, Ningxi Culture Square (near GLV school) (+86 756 228-4999) 珠海市柠溪路284号C座(柠溪文化 广场内)-中影火星湖影城


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Shopping Antiques

Recommend a listing INZHUHAI?

Art Galleria Belle Arti 343 Shuiwan Lu, Jida (+86 756 336-7378) 广东珠海吉 大水湾路343号 No.18 Gallery (zhū hǎi yì shù zhōng xīn) 18 Tonghua Lu, New Xiangzhou (+86 756 615-0000) 珠海艺术中心 珠海市新香洲同华路18号

title 23 complete zhuhai listings

title zhuhai listings 24 complete Books Recommend a listing INZHUHAI?

Electronics Wan Zai Sha PC Market Wanzaisha, Xiangzhou 珠海湾仔沙电脑城

Fashions Gongbei Underground Mall Under Gongbei customs 珠海市拱北口岸 地下商业广场 Moi Department Store 301 Zijing Lu, Xiangzhou (+86 756 212-3709) 珠海 市香洲区紫荆路301号 Vanguard Shopping Centre Ying Bin Ave, Gongbei 珠海市拱北迎宾南路 珠海国际大厦-万佳百货

Food & Beverage Recommend a listing INZHUHAI?

For Kids Recommend a listing INZHUHAI?

Gifts & Accessories Crystie Fashion Jewelry 1-C, Lianjun Building, 8 Lian’an Lu, Gongbei (+86 756 889-3733) 珠海拱北联安路8号 联骏大厦1-C

Home Goods Ohyeah Modern Furniture 1B06B-2 Qianshan Shibang International Decoration Plaza (+86 756 850-3864) 珠海市前山世邦 国际装饰广场二号厅1B06B

Musical Instruments Recommend a listing INZHUHAI?


Recommend a listing INZHUHAI?

Sporting Goods 392 Golf Equipment & Service Block B of Shihua Marketplace, Jida (+86 756 618-1868) 珠海吉大石花新村商场 首层B座 Bright-Bay Golf Service 368, Shuiwan Lu, Jida (+86 756 336-6121) 珠海吉 大水湾路368号南油高尔夫俱乐 部专卖店 Master Golf Tour & Services 363, Shui Wan Lu, Jida (+86 756 335-8822) 珠海 市吉大区水湾路363号 Sunshine Golf Shop 365-367, Shuiwan Lu, Jida (+86 756 336-9569) 珠海吉大 水湾路365-367 Zhuhai Jiafu Golf No.133, Mingzhu Lu (+86 756) 383-9711 珠海市明珠北 路133号 Zhuhai Sunwik Golf Products 5/F, Torita Commercial Center, Jing Shan Rd, Jida (+86 756 333-9487) 珠海市吉 大景山路东大商业中心502

Tailors Parilion Fashion 1F, Nanhai Oil Hotel

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(+86 756 332-3406) 珠海南油大酒店 玻璃楼一楼

Education Kindergartens Dongfang Kindergarten Ji Lin Building, Lianhuashan, Jida (+86 756 335-4143) 珠海吉大莲花山小区(新 昌安酒店后) Phoenix American English Kindergarten Phoenix Garden, 1088 Fenghuang Lu North, Xiangzhou (+86 756 212-7818) 珠海市凤凰北路 1088号凤凰花园内

Language Schools Art Training Center 18 Tonghua Lu, New Xiangzhou (+86 756 850-2422) 珠海市新香洲同华路18号 - 珠海 市艺术中心 Gateway Language Village Box 935 NingXi (+86 756 231-9666) 珠海市柠 溪文化广场平和国际语言村

New Li Hua Beauty And Hair Salon 234 Shuiwan Lu, Gongbei (+86 756 811-9644) 珠海拱北水湾路234 号地下

Medical International Travel Healthcare Center 133 Qiaoguang Lu, Gongbei (+86 756 889-7415) 珠海拱北侨光 路133号 - 珠海国际旅行卫生 保健中心 Medical Consultancy (+86 133 1895 8091) 珠海市吉大景 People’s Hospital of Zhuhai 79 Kang Ling Lu, Xiangzhou (+86 756 2222569) Emergency: (+86 756) 222-2571 珠海市康宁路79号-珠海市人 民医院 Zhongshan University Fifth Affiliated Hospital Mei Hua East Lu, New Xiangzhou (+86 756 252-8171) 珠海 新香洲梅华东路-中山大学附属 第五医院


POPO Tang Rm 202, Bldg. 7 Nanxiangli 1 Lu, Xiangzhou (Next to Nanxiangli Bus Stop) (+ 86 756 228-7088) 珠海 市香洲南香里1街7座202室(南香 里巴士站侧)-泡泡堂婴儿游泳馆

Animal Hospital 479 Meihua Rd E, Xiangzhou (+86 756 251-1807) 香 洲梅华东路479号(香洲交警大 队对面)

Royal Education 7F Ming Men Dasha, Ying Bin Ave, Gongbei (+86 137 2700-3947) 珠海拱北迎宾路名门 大厦七楼

Gongbei Animal Hospital 2111 Yingbin Lu South, Gongbei (+86 756 818-9193) 拱北迎宾南路2111号(龙 城花园一楼5号铺)

Royal Perfectking Music 449 Baihe Garden, Gangchang Lu Gongbei (+86 756) 388-6969 珠海市拱北港昌 路449号百合花园二期17幢 Sunferia Training School 15F Cuiwei Jiuzhu building (+86 756 853-4821) 珠海前山翠微酒珠大厦15层 TPR American English School 1022 Fenghuang Lu South, Xiangzhou (+86 756 221-4900) 珠海市香洲区 凤凰南路1022号,美国TPR英语 专修学校

International Schools ZIS Zhuhai International School (zhū hǎi guó jì xué xiào) Fully qualified western teaching staff providing a comprehensive internationally recognised curriculum for expatriate students. Located on Qi Ao Island the school offers education from Nursery to Year 12 including boarding. In addition the school offers a Chinese program to cater for first and second language Chinese speakers. Qi Ao Island, Tang Jia Wan (+86 756 332-0016 / 3315580 / 137 2703 0105) website: www. email: zis@zischina. com 珠海国际学校 中国珠海唐 家湾淇澳岛 QSI International School 2 Longxing Street #105 Gongbei (+86 756 815 6134) 珠海拱北隆兴街

Services Dentists Liu He Dentist Clinic 345 Ningxi Lu, Xiangzhou (+86 756 381-3666) 珠海 市香洲柠溪路345号(柠溪市场对 面)-柠溪六和口腔医院

Hairdressers Ming Jian Hairdresser 281 Hai Wan Xin Jia Yuan, Lover’s Lane, Gongbei (+86 756 888-5975) 珠海情侣南路海 湾新家园地铺281号名剪


Translation redSTAR Times Media Co. Ltd (hóng xīng shí dài wén huà chuán bō yǒu xiàn gōng sī) Translation and proofreading by native speakers, as well as a full range of creative services. (+86 532 8388-2269) www. 红星时代文化传播 有限公司 Zero Distance Translation 3B Bldg 21 No. 58, Shihua Lu East, Jida (+86 756 332-1408) 珠海市吉大石花东路58 号21栋3B

Travel China Travel Service Gongbei 2F Overseas Chinese Hotel, Yingbin Lu, Gongbei (+86 756 889-9228) 珠海拱 北迎宾大道华侨宾馆二楼 - 拱北 口岸中旅社 Tourist Co, Ltd 1028 Yuehai Lu East, Gongbei (+86 756 815-5222) 珠海市 粤海东路1028号

Massage Harbour View World Massage Centre 259, 2F of Rihua Plaza, South of Lovers’ Lane, Gongbei (+86 756 818-3888 / 818-3288) 珠海拱北情侣南路日华 广场二楼 Ren Lai Health Massage Chang Ping Lu, Chun Ze Ming Yuan, Xiawan (+86 756 813-8633) 珠海夏湾 春 泽名园 汇金商业街2楼 - 仁来 保健按摩 Zhiheng Massage Center 126 Nanxia Fengze Yuan Residential Area Pedestrian Street, Xiangzhou (one block back of Nanken (+86 756 213-3288) 香洲南厦丰泽园商业步 行街126号

Job Market Jobs Available Writers and Photographers INZHUHAI magazine is looking for writers and photographers interested in presenting the city (or other interesting subjects) in all their glory. Modest compensation available; do it for love! Email for more information.

Jobs Wanted Local Purchasing Manager Bilingual trading agent available to assist you in China purchasing, including product search, trip accommodations, translation, etc. Call Pingping at 137 0233 0987

Personals Looking for Poker I will be moving into zhuhai from HK, and was wondering if there are any poker get-togethers in ZH? Not really looking for high stakes, just something “friendly” and fun. Hold’em will be great but dealer’s choice is fine too. Find modern romance or just friends with InZhuhai’s personals. We’re building our love and people list and are eager to hear from you.To list for free e-mail: Experience the DJ Gotama effect. From Brussels to Beijing, DJ Gotama offers his special Goa trance theme parties for clubs or private gatherings. He spins often in Beijing and is now expanding into the Pearl River Delta. For more details: samhanssens@

Language Exchange Private Chinese language tutor Charlie, has the right tones for you. Prices negotiable. E-mail: Chinese Lessons Private Chinese Classes Private students can decide what they want to study. One to one tuition, one lesson lasts 90mins. Each course lasts 10 lessons, 1200 RMB + transportation fee for the teacher. Contact Royal Education for more info.

Community Play an Instrument? Come down to Live Bar! Sing a song, tell a joke, recite a poem, play guitar, or listen to others. No cover, open to all, and 10 kuai pints! Zhuhai International Association (ZIA) 2nd floor, Harbour View Hotel, Jida, Zhuhai, China

珠海吉大怡景湾大酒店二楼 Email: Mission Statement: ZIA is a non-profit association of Foreigners living in or visiting Zhuhai. ZIA will provide the Expatriate community with useful information about Zhuhai, giving people a better chance to experience and appreciate the environment they live in. ZIA will help people wishing to organize social, cultural or sporting events. ZIA will help to contribute to the development of Zhuhai by supporting local charities. Membership It is free to join ZIA, just fill in our membership form and send it back to us. See for more details. Business hours Our office is open: every Tuesday from 18:00 until 20:00 and every Wednesday from 10:30am till 12:30am. Latest News & Events To find out about our latest news and upcoming events, please check our blog on

ZIA SOCIAL EVENTS ZIA Coffee Morning Every Wednesday! Everybody is welcome! For more information, please contact Maureen. ZIA Mah Jong Date:2007-07-02 Every Monday! Everybody is welcome! For more information, please contact Rosemarie.

Market For Sale Special Travel Offers from Kenstar Travel Visit our website hk for more options

Service Music Lessons Piano Teacher American Piano Teacher with over 30 years experience. Trained in New York City, I teach basic musical and pianistic competency, concentrating on the Classics--Bach, Beethoven,Chopin,etc. I also teach theory. For further information please call 136 7600-7867.

Creative Services Need a Creative Partner? Graphic Design, Web Development, Translation, Custom Maps & Guides. / 139 0639-0437

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title 25 complete zhuhai listings

26 places dining

places dining

New menus Rude food The duck breast comes served with an aromatic cinnamon sauce. The meat is succulent and juicy. It’s part east, part west, all culinary innovation. Which is exactly what the chefs at Rude restaurant and bar have in mind. Especially for May 2008, which marks their one-year anniversary. It will also see their new menu, one of the most original in Zhuhai. Rude 1 Lian An Lu, Gongbei (Intersection of Lovers' Lane South) (+86 756 888-1708) 珠海拱北联安1 路(情侣南路交界) JIDA MAP 2

Case in point: their soothing pumpkin soup is a smart starter. Supple and dotted with star-shaped cream dollops, it doesn’t require dashes of pepper or salt to balance it out. Also new on the menu is a beef carpaccio platter sprinkled with crumbled feta cheese. Its ideal for a cold starter on a hot summer’s day. If meat mains matter to you, consider a go at their steak options. There’s a gorgeous sirloin cut that comes on a bed of au-gratin potatoes and a sprig of steamed asparagus. It’s topped with an herb butter slice that’s so creamy it could be mistaken for a small disc of cheese. Other dining delights include shrimp based salads, sautéed sea bass, and seafood inspired platters garnished with grilled mushrooms. There’s also something originally sweet in the dessert department. New additions range from a moist bundt cake with orange slices to a hot-outof-the-oven soufflé. Both can be matched with a wide array of coffees or teas. In a nutshell, Rude’s new food has some serious attitude — just the way we like it! Do you have any new menu news for Zhuhai? We’d love to hear from you:

Breakfast club Portuguese sausage

You’ve just finished your pre-dawn jog on lover’s lane. The sea breeze is soft. The sun is out and you can gauge its to be a gorgeous day. This sort of morning calls for an outdoor breakfast, a hearty one at that. Cohiba restaurant is the best venue in Zhuhai to sate such an occasion. Indeed, the outdoor wood tables underneath the weeping willow trees are a romantic setting. Whilst this is true for all times of day, spring mornings here — when the sun and humidity are just right — bring out the breakfast set in droves. And one of their best breakfast treats at this Portuguese inspired restaurant is its savoury sausage. This hearty meat is tender, slightly spicy and served with mustard on the side. Better still, it comes sliced and looks like a tight roll of pepperoni coins. If you find the rich, salty taste of the sausage a bit heavy — which is our only potential qualm — here’s a tip. It comes with a garnishing of shredded cabbage, tomato slices and wedges of cucumber. Pairing the sausage coins with these veggies adds some refreshing reprieve to a salt assaulted palate. And let’s face it: this salty dish is outstanding for this very lip-smacking quality. Which makes it perfect to kick-start any day. Cohiba Bar & Grill / China Bar 203-209 Shuiwan Lu, Gongbei (+86 756 889-2444) 珠海拱北水湾路203-209号 JIDA MAP 3


places dining

28 places dining

Imperial palates

Serious lunching Tandoor amour

Thai time

The steam from the tandoor is laden with heady aromas. Ever tender, the tandoor at Indian Kitchen near Jiu Zhou Gang port is one of the most delectable in the city. Lightly peppered, this tandoor chicken has a gentle buttery sensation to it and is perfect for a long lunch.

Some say their som-tom, or green papaya salad, is the best in South China. It comes freshly shredded with a healthy dash of chopped peanuts and handful of crushed chilies. It tantalizes rather than tortures the tongue.

That’s no surprise given that Indian Kitchen is a nationally based chain with its headquarters here in Zhuhai. Quality control and a command of the local market comes across to diner’s the moment they step on the premises. The Indian décor is spot on without pandering to kitsch. The ambience is homey with wooden tables and chairs. The big window that frames the chefs at work in the kitchen also adds to the overall intimacy. If you are entertaining clients who like liquid with their lunch, the house red goes nicely with the tandoor. Mighty nice. The kind of nice where you may as well order another bottle, call in the office and write off the rest of the day. Other stand-up mains include their paneer plates, from saag to mutter, and lamb curries. Expect to shell out 200 yuan without wine for a group of four. Indian Kitchen is also bang on for dinner and even features traditional and modern Indian dance. Clearly, they put a lot of loving into all layers of this dining delight.

Chang Thong Restaurant Phone: 756-882286; Fax-8159589 Shui Wan Lu , No 74.

Indian Kitchen 26-28 Huajing Garden, Shihua Lu East, Jida (+86 756 334-5784) 广东珠海吉大石花东路 华景花园(东苑)26-28铺

Welcome to Chang Thong Restaurant, located along the bustling Shui Wan Lu — just a few blocks south of the main bar area on the left. You can’t miss the Thai flags hanging outside nor the neon temple edifice. Another standout main for finicky palates: green curry beef with sticky rice. A suggested dessert: the mango and black rice is as authentic as it gets. What else is popular? We noticed that Cantonese customers favour the fish dishes and that Aussies went for the seriously hot curries. The extensive décor is another treat; glass plated dragons, a lucky money tree or two, a bridge over a faux brook, Thai temple dining areas. In fact, it’s an all around pleaser for most people, even posh folks. Plan to spend ¥250 for a few dishes with some drinks. Last tip: make reservations for the weekends around 7 to 8.30 pm.


places dining

30 places dining

Getting there: Lovers Land Road, Northern Xiangzhou Bay on the right. Look for the large sign in English that says 'MeiliXiaoChu'. 2518818

Sea kiss Meilixiaochu

How do you say that? Just do what some foreigners say, “oh, we just call it that Mexican place, Melixican.” Actually, this little hide-away on the northern stretch of Xiangzhou Bay does have the romance of a sleepy, Baja California beachside restaurant — yet its serves Chinese seafood, not pescado y frijoles. Go for the fresh shrimp selections, which run ¥58 to ¥68 per kilo. Other just from the sea treats include hearty sea-bass and luscious lobsters. A bucket of iced tsingdaos is de-rigueur. Rest yourself right under the thatched roof on the rustic wooden benches and gaze at the sea below. Fresh seafood dining with your lover can’t get any simpler than this. Besides, any restaurant where the cooks take five by leaping into the water in between customers has to be good in spirit. That care comes across in the simple elegance of how the seafood is prepared — completely Cantonese. Altogether now: Mei. Li. Xiao. Chu. What’s that mean? Really good seafood....

Wine matching In the cellar It has a pale straw colour with green reflections. Green apple, melon and gooseberry aromas await the nose. It’s a translucent Terra Mater Sauvignon Blanc. Chilean, from the Maipo Valley, to be precise. Like all new world wines, its best imbibed young. It’s a 2007. It sells for ¥115. Yes, we’re purloining verbatim the tasting notes we got last month at the Cellar. As he does twice a month, the owner and sommelier of The Cellar, Thomas Kaeppelin of France, recently hosted an entertaining ‘edu-tastement,’ as it were, of Chilean wines. For ¥120, guests got four different wines to taste — with good crib notes in both English and Chinese. The wines were also paired with cheeses and meats to boot. And Mr. Kaeppelin kept a good balance between explaining the wine clearly and keeping the natural flow of conversation going down smoothly. Of course, by the time the fourth glass came out, it was hard to curb people’s enthusiasm for both. Those who attend get discounts on bottles. Another nice note: it’s popular with the ladies who attend the neighbouring heath spa. Cheers to escaping to the cellar all summer!

Getting there: Shui Wan Lu 231 (Shui Wan Tou bus stop), Jida (+86 756 818-1894) 酒窖 吉大水湾路231号 (水湾头巴士站) 御海湾花园1栋102室

Café life A 12-inch New York special pizza for ¥40. An English book corner. Live guitar music. Cigarillos and chats of Chinese cinema. Wi-fi internet connections. A big bow is owed to affable Aussies Sue and Mike James for recreating Star Coffee Club and Wine Bar. They’ve linked up the smart-academic set to the north where the business batches typically haunt on the coast of Jida. The mix is welcome news for those who want a ‘chill out’ coffee-house effect, of town and gown. ‘Sue and Mike,’ who also lecture at a local university, liven the joint up personally on the weekends. It’s that sort of personal attention — plus their invitation to academics and students alike to visit —which give Star Coffee Club a genuine community quality. Their new pizza menu means that dinner is now being served. We’re fond of the sneakpreview all day breakfast pizza with bacon, tomato and a fried egg on top. Yummy! Expect to pay ¥ 40 on average for a 12-inch pizza. Coffees are in the ¥25 range, as are the beers. See you here for lazy Saturday afternoons…. Getting there: Its right across the street from the Museum with the replica of giant Chinese palace, on the northwestern edge of Hita Mall, on Jingshan Road North before Haibin Road North. 3360360 or 13672771745


32 places bars & clubs

places bar & clubs

Buhao Boyz at China Live Bar Getting there: Yuanlin Lu 45, Jida

Let’s dance


(+86 756) 3352 580; 6621 943


Why are there so many young ladies here dancing? There aren’t a lot of gents braving the floor. Hmmm. For a single lad or lassie wishing to swish their hips, Thursday at Rude is a place to break to. With a French-Brazilian instructor on hand, this is coastal hot spot is excellent if you want to get your Latin groove going. Don’t be shy. We know you run a multinational shoe factory — or are married to someone who does. We know you expound upon uncountable nouns five days a week to 16-year olds. We know you blush when someone rubs up against you suddenly and speaks in languages you don’t understand. Yeah, we paraphrased that line from the film Wedding Crashers. But that’s kind what it feels like when your letting loose on the Canton coast. Except

24-hour party people

Fear and loathing with the buhao boys Silent Gus is barely breaking a sweat. He’s a cool lead axe man. Still, the is heat on. The Buhao Boys are priming the crowd with classic rock hits. Doug is going heavy on the drums. Brian stays solid with unfussy bass. Its Friday night at China Live Bar and the beer is creeping up on a dozen foreign instructors from a local university. Someone is shelling out big for buckets of beer. A Chinese fan donning a red-leather jacket with a racing flag festooned on the back raises his hands in the air. He is the lizard king, he can do anything. His doors of perception seem unhinged. His friends release baijiu fueled howls of laughter as he sways like a drunken serpent to a Steve Miller Band hit, the Joker.

and wails to the heavens. The rock continues, harder, faster. The university lot gets more liquored. Outside, a couple of German groupies chat up the Buhao Boys. Ah, it’s good to be a musician…. Real, real good.

The Buhao Boys finish and step outside for some fresh air. A Chinese female vocalist takes the stage

Catch their jam:

That’s why the crew is downing their last suds for an all night crawl to Cohiba. There, A-Dong, aka Tony, is cutting through the purple DJ haze with hard licks. For a moment at least. Sheilas writhe to his rhythms with abandon. Tony digs it. So do the Buhao Boys — who are bringing him on as one of the new bad lads. The night is barely cresting…. Contact:

your invited. The moral? Come shake your self on the disco flo. Come shake a lot. Were close enough to Macau to feel raw, Latin fever. For those who of us who like starting the weekend strong on Thursday night, Rude’s Latin dance evening has the right beat. And the ladies are definitely agreeing with their feet.

Bailando at Rude Getting there: 1 Lian An Lu, Gongbei (Intersection of Lovers' Lane South) 珠海拱北联安1 路(情侣南路交界)

(+86 756 888-1708)


A-Z dining 88 Bar - page 23

99 Tian Xiang Restaurant - page 22 Alain's Belgian Beer Bar - page 22 Bali Cafe & Restaurant - page 22 Bare Head Restaurant - page 22 Blue Angel Coffee Restaurant - page 22 Blarney Stone Irish Pub - page 23 Caffe Frappessa - page 22 Chatterbox (Yu Die Ca Fei Ting) - page 22 China Live Bar - page 23 Chitose - page 22 Cohiba Bar & Grill - page 23 Cuisine Orientale - page 22 De Yue Fang - page 22 Dong Bei Ren - page 22 Dynamics Pizza - page 22 Emma Cafe - page 22 Fei Teng Yu Xiang - page 22 Happy Tom Pizza Restaurant - page 22 Indian Kitchen - page 22 Jack & Magic Pea - page 22 Jane’s Place - page 22 Jenny’s Café - page 22 Jewel of India - page 22 Jin Yue Xuan - page 22 La Mouton Japanese Cuisine - page 22 Lucio Italian Restaurant (Lu Qi) - page 22 Lucky Iris - page 22 Mayflower (Wu Yue Hua) - page 22 Mr Pizza - page 22 New Cantonese Muslim - page 22 Ocean Restaurant - page 22 Old Chinese Junk Bar - page 23 Pele Coffee shop - page 22 Pinocchio - page 22 Pizza Hut - page 22 Rich Garden Blue Mountain - page 22 Roman Seaside - page 22 Rude (Huo) - page 23 Ryan's Bar - page 23 Sea Breeze Cafe - page 22 Shou Zhi Gong Dining Room - page 22 The Cellar - page 23 Treasure Inn Chinese - page 22 Victoria Bar & Grill - page 22 Wabou-Restaurant - page 22 Xinyue Muslim Restaurant - page 22 Zobon Western Executive Lounge Restaurant - page 22 Zui Yue Xuan - page 22

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