Culture and Chips Fes0val Concept genera0on Yuyu Chien, 4 Feb
Thinking of A Food Fes0val.. •
Why Dose Limerick Needs a Food Fes;val ? Enhanced a Local’s Reputa;on of food or culture? Which kind of food, chips? Which part of Limerick’s culture?
For who dose the Food Fes;val for? local people? food providers? tourist? UL students? > different Audiences, different strategies.. > Par;cipant engagement study… to draw the character of TA
What Is the story behind the Limerick’s food? What Is The Everyday life of food culture in Limerick?
From a Tourist/UL student Perspec0ve.. •
What can I expect in this fes;val? Chips market or a show?
Actually, I can get chips within any other fes;vals..
Can I have the best chips in your fes;val? Where can I find the best chips in Limerick?
Its a good chance to get some free food..
—> to generate a characteristic for the festival
Key recommenda0ons from Failte Irelands “Food Tourism Plan 2014-‐2016” are: •
Producers should offer an authen;c, high quality core product that’s rooted in the locality
Define and communicate compelling stories that create a sense of uniqueness
Provide world class service standards but with genius Irish hospitality
Great Irish tourism experiences are being developed in response to the Brand Ireland experience pillars and targeted segments
Food makes a significant contribu;on to the overall visitor experience and food offering must respond to clearly defined expecta;ons
Compelling stories muse lie at the heart of all experience
“A na;onal level Failte Ireland has focus on food tourism. Recent Failte Ireland research has iden;fied that food is not the primary reason for tourists to visit Ireland, however 80% of those interviews are “food posi;ve” in other words a posi;ve food experience can significantly enhance their experience. Therefore the focus should be on “food in tourism” as opposed to food tourism. –Food strategy for Limerick 2016-‐2018, Local Enterprise Office, 18th Sep 2015
—> Use food as a connection for ! Limerick culture and tourist spots.
Audiences Segmenta0on •
For Limerick People We create a fes;ve-‐like community carnival that engaged everyone and arise the local pride.
For Limerick Food Providers We being a point of connec;on to encourage the collaborate for integrate local food produc;on.also to promote and find the story that lie behind the food.
For Student of Limerick We Introduce the vibrant food cultures to bring you to the heart of Limerick’s style of life.
For Na0onal and Interna0onal Visitors We share of way of living and bring you the Limerick’s tourism experiences through the food culture of the heart of Limerick.
Limerick Food Landscape •
Milk Market is famous with Limerick residents and na;onal level. Its a showcase local food.
Wide range of Local fes0vals that combined food as part of the experience.
array of award winning restaurant, cafes and bistros. notable increase in the diversity of food offer recent year.
Limerick food producer community has been growing in recent year with a growing base of ar0san producers serving the local market.
Ballyhoura Development Ltd.
Limerick Food SWOT Analysis strengths 1. Improved diversity of restaurants 2. Growing producer community 3. Strong enthusiasm and appetite, within the Limerick food community for change and improving opportunities
weakness 1. Small number of speciality food 2. Little “joined up thinking” with overall local approach of food 3. Under developed food tourism proposition threats
1. Developing a food brand for 1. Failure to work as a group Limerick 2. Being over shadowed by other 2. Food tourism link to Wild Atlantic counties/area who are more Way advanced in food 3. Harnessing the expertise which was 3. “The glass is half empty”mentality gained during the “year of culture”
“Food is the thing that humanizes us. It finds commonali;es.”
– Dawn WELESKI, Co-‐founder, Conflict Kitchen, USA
“That’s how we eat!” Limerick Culture and Chips fes0val —> Limerick looks at the world and says, Come in at your own risk, we are who we are.
Defini;ons from Urban Dic;onary: 1. that is how we act or are expected to act 2. That's how we choose to behave, how we choose to respond or not. 3. a catchphrase for over-‐excited steroid junkies who are willing to do anything to proves there awesomeness. those who use this term seilt only for perfec;on because "they deserve it", and they keep implying that they do not have funny balls.
Recommenda0ons for some ‘hot topic’ programs •
Free chips served in the tourist airac;on/restaurant/bar in whole city > to arise engagement of Limerick food stakeholders > to arise par;cipant for all
100 Home-‐made chips receipt bidding > real chips fes;val for all, > high par;cipant and recogni;on city’s pride.
Limerick Chips mascot > to arise the fes;ve awareness to all city that gemng everyone involved > a significant tool for promo;on on physical or cyber space
Limerick’s people ea;ng video > bantering way to introduce Limerick culture > honest but friendly and
limerick’s Chips’s Poem compe;;on
»Fish 'n' Chips (Limerick)« by Andreas Buchholz
He married sweet Mary from Ipswich, she ate all the ;me fish 'n' chips which made her grow oh so fat, could he keep her from that? He did with a flick of the lip-‐switch.