ECSA Romania Newsletter
12/03/2014 The Romanian Association of International Relations and European Studies (ARRISE)/ ECSA Romania was established in 2010. It is composed by specialists – academics and practitioners – and it defines itself as a professional organization within the International Relations and European Studies (IRES) field. ARRISE was created in order to set up a functional and effective partnership with public authorities and with private legal persons that are
Editor: Ioana Borcan Ph.D. Candidate Adviser to the President of ARRISE
interested in this academic field. The scope of the association is to enhance knowledge about and to promote intrinsic values belonging to the area of IRES academic study and research, not only in Romania, but also in Europe and worldwide.
(European Community Studies Association), ARRISE became a full member of ECSA network, along with over 50 other national and regional academic associations who are interested in boosting teaching and research on European integration.
In November 2012, following a spring Bucharest-based evaluation visit conducted by Professor Enrique Banus, Ph.D, ECSA President
Call for Papers: CEU Political Science Journal, Feb. 2015 Vol. 10, No. 1 (February 2015)
Inside this issue:
Conference: EU’s founding 2 fathers - genesis, values and CfP: International Conference Active Citizenship, Identity and Democratic Governance in the EU
Call: The Branco Weiss Fellowship
Call: OECD Thomas J Alexan- 5 der fellowship programme Scholarship for studying at Yale University
PhD Studentship-Institute for 8 German Studies Call for a Guest Professor EU 9 Winter School
CEU PSJ accepts now submissions for its February 2015 issue. Manuscripts from Political Science and related fields are welcome. Authors should ensure that their submissions are original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Full guidelines for the presentation of the papers are available at the guidelines for submission section. Authors should send their articles to before 15 December 2014. Peer Review Process All submitted articles are
subject to a rigorous peer review process, based on initial editor screening and double-blind refereeing by a minimum of two reviewers.
ies; Nationalism and Ethnicity; Political Theory; Political Communication; International Relations; European Studies.
ISSN: 1818-7668 (electronic); 1992-3147 (print)
Publisher: Department of Political Science, Central European University Budapest
Publication Frequency: Quarterly (February, April, September, December)
For more information, please go to: http:// -political-science-journal
Type: Open Access Acceptance Rate (2013): 19 percent Submitted Manuscripts (2013): 102 Subjects: Transition Politics; Democracy & Democratization; Electoral Systems; Political Parties; Legislative Behavior; Civil Society; Migration Stud-
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ECSA ROMANIA NEWSLETTER „European Union's founding fathers - genesis, values and developments” Conference Thursday, December 11,
through the Center for
Director since 2010. He is
2014, NUPSPA
European Studies;
also known as a
• the Jean Monnet
consultant on European
We invite you to attend
Association from France;
projects financed through
the „European Union's
• the Romanian
the European Social Fund,
founding fathers - genesis,
Association of
as an evaluator of public
values and developments”
International Relations and
policies and lecturer on
Conference and Debate
European Integration/
topics related to the
that will take place on the
ECSA Romania.
origins of the European
11th of December, 2014
Union and values of the
between 5 and 7 p.m. in
The event focuses on the
founding fathers. The
room 325 (at NUPSPA
genesis of the European
Association is situated
headquarters on Bd.
Union and its future
within the Memorial House
evolution and will be held in
of Jean Monnet from
The organizers are:
English by the Director of
France, which was
• the Department of
the French Jean Monnet
acquired in 1982 by the
International Relations and
Association, Mr. Philippe Le
European Parliament.
European Integration,
Guen. Professor Guen has been the Association’s
CFP: MIGRATION IN AND OUT OF EAST AND SOUTHEAST EUROPE: VALUES, NETWORKS, WELL-BEING Third Annual Conference of the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS, Regensburg) This conference aims at exploring a range of social, economic and cultural effects of migration on the countries of East and Southeast Europe. To facilitate a multi-disciplinary dialogue between scholars from history, economics, and cognate fields of the humanities and social sciences, presentations should concentrate
on the period from the 19th century to the present. Important dates: January 18, 2015: Deadline for paper proposal submissions February 14, 2015: Notification of acceptance June 15, 2015: Deadline for full paper submissions Submissions (in Word or PDF format) to should include:
an abstract (max. 300
a short CV including your institutional affiliation and contact details
The conference language is English. IOS Regensburg will cover travel (up to 500 EUR) and accommodation costs of presenters. For more information, please go to: http:// items/cfp-migration-in-andout-of-east-and-southeasteurope-values-networkswell-being.html
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Call for papers: International Conference Active Citizenship, Identity and Democratic Governance in the European Union
Conference topics: the peculiarities of the European integration process:; identity layers in Europe and the meanings of European identity; social Capital and Civic Engagement in the European Union; political participation and representation in the European Union Important dates: 15 March 2015: Deadline for submission of abstract 31 March 2015: Notification of acceptance
15 May 2015: Delivery of full conference paper 21-22 May 2015: Conference Abstracts: The abstracts (max. 500 words, followed by 3-5 keywords) will be submitted for review in electronic MS Word format. Please provide the full names, affiliations and e-mail addresses of all authors. Abstracts should be sent by 15 March 2015 to the following address:
ences, University of Oradea; e-mails:; For more information, please go to: http:// call-for-papers-activecitizenship-identity-anddemocratic-governance-inthe-european-union/
Cristina Matiuta, Department of Political Science and Communication Sci-
Eurolimes volume 17/2014
The Institute for Euroregional Studies within the University of Oradea is glad to announce the publication of the 17th issue of the review Eurolimes entitled The Social Frontiers of Europe and indexed in the international databases Ebscohost, ProQuest, CEEOL, Index Copernicus, Gesis Socioguide. The volume is coordinated by Mircea Brie, Klára Czimre and Bogumila Mucha – Leszko bringing together valuable contributions of academics and researchers
from Romania and abroad. The volume is divided in three workshops: Welfare and social inclusion; New paradigms of Social Frontiers in the EU; Ethnicity and Social Frontiers, comprising also the section Focus that contains a paper signed by professor George Contogeorgis from Athens focusing on the concept of citizenship in the actual cosmosystem. The next issues of Eurolimes will focus on the topics: Vol. 18/ 2014, The Security
Dimension of European Frontier vs Legitimacy of Political Priorities of EU and EUMS national Preferences, deadeline of publication december 2014 Vol. 19/2015 Border Cities in Europe, deadline for publication: June 2015 More details about the guide of publication and other issues are available on the following website:
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Call: Society in Science – The Branco Weiss Fellowship Awards young researchers around the world with a generous personal research grant, giving them the freedom to work on whatever topic they choose anywhere in the world, for up to five years. This research fellowship is designed to support postdoctoral researchers after their PhD and before their first faculty appointment. Those in current postdoctoral positions are also
eligible. Ideally, fellows pursue unconventional projects in new areas of science, engineering and social sciences. Deadline is 15 January 2015 You are eligible for the 2015 campaign if: You officially hold a PhD on January 15, 2015 Your project departs from the mainstream of research in your discipline
You have a record of outstanding scientific achievement You demonstrate in the proposal a willingness to engage in a dialogue on relevant social, cultural, political or economic issues across the frontiers of your particular discipline For more information, please go to: http://
Call for papers: IIAS Congress
The International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) is organizing the 2015 International Congress of IIAS to be held from 22 to 26 June in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The congress will bring together academics and practitioners, PhD students and young researchers in public administration and management, as well as contributors from any other disciplines who will exchange on the following main theme Trust in Public Administration. Different types of Call for papers are proposed to
Public Administration
* Call for papers Workshop sessions prepared based on three subthemes
Information and Submission
1. Citizens/Customers, Trust in Governments, Public Administration and Public Sector at all levels of governance
The call for papers and the information on how to submit proposals can be found on the Deadlines
2. Trust from Government in Society
Abstracts: 15 December 2014
3. Administrative Trust in Public Administration Reforms: inner-trust, civil servants, trust and interorganisational trust
Notification of acceptance: mid-January 2015
* Open call for authors who wish to submit an abstract or organize a session with a topic that they believe do not fit under a programmed session
* Permanent Study Group XVIII: Financial and Fiscal
Final papers: 15 April 2015 Website:
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Call for Papers: Culture(s) in Sustainable Futures: Theories practices and policies May 6, 2015 - May 8, 2015 Helsinki, Finland Submission Deadline: Dec 5, 2014 This conference is both an ending and a beginning. It caps the work of the European research network COST Action Investigating Cultural Sustainability. But rather than closing the book on this international network, this inclusive conference aims to set directions for future research and actions. During the conference, scholars, policymak-
ers, artists, planners and others will discuss the different roles and meanings of culture in sustainability. Representatives from different sectors and across disciplines will explore how culture(s) can support sustainable development and vice versa. The new ideas generated here about understanding culture(s) in sustainable futures will pave the way for integrating sustainability with cultural studies and practices.
Chair or present a paper at a research paper session
Organise or participate in a panel
Perform, talk or present your poster or visual art on the open stage
Website: http:// www.culturalsustainability. eu/helsinki2015
You can participate in the conference in the following way:
Call: OECD Thomas J Alexander fellowship programme The Organisation for Economic and Development invites applications for the Thomas J Alexander fellowship programme. This seeks to develop and support quality and equity in education, particularly in developing countries, by supporting individuals conducting quantitative, evidence-based research. Applicants from universities, research institutions, governmental agencies and organisations may apply. Ideally the candidates will have experience of quantitative research methods and large -scale surveys and have articles published in scientific journals. There are no nationality restrictions, but
the OECD encourage individuals from developing economies to apply.
Strengthening the use of such analysis in policy making.
Funding will be provided for one year, including a minimum of 3 months spent at OECD headquarters in Paris, France.
Helping education leaders modify their practices to maximise its impact on student learning.
Aims of the programme The programme seeks to develop and support improvements in education quality and equity, particularly in emerging economies, in three ways by: Supporting quantitative research to provide evidence-based analysis relating to education policy and practice.
Closing date 19 Dec 14 For more information, please go to: http:// thomasjalexanderfellowship.htm
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Scholarship for studying at Yale University Yale World Fellows brings rising stars from across disciplines and borders for an intense and unpredictable mash-up of ideas, world views and experiences. We’re a learning lab for the brightest and most creative minds working on the big issues of our time.
five, and typically not more than twenty, years into their careers, with demonstrated work accomplishments, and a clear indication of future contributions and excellence. The average age of a World Fellow is 39, though there is no minimum or maximum age limit.
BE FLUENT IN ENGLISH An excellent command of the English language is essential.
BE IN THE MID-CAREER STAGE Fellows are at least
BE A CITIZEN OF A COUNTRY OTHER THAN THE UNITED STATES While dual citizens are eligible, preference is given to candidates whose work is focused outside the US. Application deadline: December 3, 2014 at 11:59 PM EST
Call: ESRC/DFID Joint Fund for Poverty Alleviation Research – Outline Research Grants Call 2014-15
ESRC and DFID are pleased to announce a third annual funding call under the current phase of the ESRC/DFID Joint Fund for Poverty Alleviation Research. Deadline for applications: 16.00 UK time on 22 January 2015. The purpose of the scheme is to provide a more robust conceptual and empirical basis for development and to enhance the quality and impact of social science research on poverty reduction. Scheme-funded research will have high potential for impact on policy and practice in low -income countries through the use of the new knowledge created. Applications are sought from across the social sciences and may be for fundamental or more applied
research topics. Applications to this call must address one or more of three overarching questions: What factors shape pathways into and out of poverty and people’s experience of these, and how can policy create sustained routes out of extreme poverty in ways that can be replicated and scaled up? What political and institutional conditions are associated with effective poverty reduction and development, and what can domestic and external actors do to promote these conditions? What measures can be taken to reduce the risks and impact of violence and instability on the poorest and increase the effectiveness of peace-
building, state-building and wider development interventions in fragile and conflict-affected situations? For further details, please go to: http:// esrcdfid-joint-fund-forpoverty-alleviationresearch-outline-researchgrants-call-2014-15.aspx
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Fellowship Opportunity ‘Freigeist’ Fellowships A great opportunity for junior researchers in all disciplines: The ‘Freigeist’ initiative is directed toward enthusiastic and charismatic scientists and scholars with an outstanding record: through a highly flexible funding scheme junior researchers are given the opportunity to enjoy maximum freedom in their early scientific career. Objective A ‘Freigeist’ fellow: for the Volkswagen Foundation this means a young
researcher with a strong personality, a creative mind, an ability to identify and use freedom, dedicated to overcoming resistance. If necessary, he or she will be a free spirit, enjoying the unexpected, even unexpected difficulties. A ‘Freigeist’ fellow opens up new horizons and combines critical analysis with imagination and innovative solutions. By thinking ahead the ‘Freigeist’ fellow will act as a catalyst in overcoming existing disciplinary, institutional and even national boundaries.
For further information visit: http://
www.volkswagenstiftung. de/nc/en/funding/ persons-and-structures/ freigeist-fellowships.html? tx_itaofundinginitiative_it aofundinginitiativekeydat es[controller] =FundingInitiative&cHash =16f8133d244d06a981 e3fe74623a2daf
Call for Papers: International Academic Conference on Law, Politics and Management Abstract Text length should not be longer than 350 words and should not be less than 200 words. Who can apply? Abstracts could be submitted by: researchers, faculty members, young researchers and other professionals interested in Law and Political Science. Young researchers are graduated students, M.A. Candidates or M.A. students, doctors, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers or young faculty members under 35 years of age. To be considered for
this category, please attach a proof of identity, such as a copy of an ID card/passport and Students ID that clearly indicates your birth date and status as a student.
Please submit your abstract using online submission form bellow.
Working language The working language of the conference is English and abstracts must be submitted in English. You will hear from the scientific committee of IACLPM 2015 the decision about your abstract on the special period by email.
http:// www.lawpoliticsconference.c om/index.php? a=main&pid=78&lang=eng
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Call for Papers: Information Science in an Age of Change May 11, 2015 - May 12, 2015 Warsaw, Poland Abstract Registration Deadline: Mar 15, 2015 Submission Deadline: Apr 10, 2015 The scope of the conference covers a wide range of theoretical and practical aspects of modern information tools and services, their organization and management, evaluation and use as well as the methods and technologies applied in these services. This year in particular we want to focus on relationships between information
science and digital humanities. The planned discussions will cover the following topics: - digital humanities as research subject in information science - digital tools and environment for humanities - social and philosophical aspects of digital revolution - new technologies and access to cultural, scientific and technical heritage - digital humanities and Semantic Web - mobile access to information and the needs of digital humanities - digital scientific communi-
cation - data literacy – digital competencies in data acquisition and processing and other. For more information, please go to: http:// lang=en
PhD Studentship - Institute for German Studies, University of Birmingham The Institute for German Studies (IGS) at the University of Birmingham is seeking to support a threeyear PhD Studentship as part of the DAAD-funded project: ‘(Not) Made in Germany: Imagining Germany from the Outside” Application deadline: 15th December 2014 The successful candidate will complete a doctoral thesis on a topic related to the project and will provide administrative and research support to the project team. Opportunities to teach may become available in the second and final years of the doctoral studentship. The stipend attached to the studentship
will be at the level determined by the UK Research Councils (currently a maintenance allowance of £14,921 per annum, plus UK/EU fees of £4,301 per annum). Supervision will be provided by the most appropriate member(s) of the project research team. The studentship will commence on 1st March 2015 and continue for three years. The successful candidate will hold an MA or equivalent in a relevant discipline. Fluency in German would be an asset. Prospective candidates should send a CV and research outline (no more than 2 sides of A4) indicating
their fit with the project to: Dr Nicholas Martin (<m k>). The deadline for applications is 15th December 2014. Informal enquiries prior to full applications are welcome. For further information on the Institute for German Studies, see<ht tp://> Webpage: http:// research/activity/institutegerman-studies/research/ projects/from-theoutside.aspx
Call for a Guest Professor in European Economic Integrations, EU Winter School EYCA Kosovo is looking for a Guest Professor with specialty in EU Competition Policy for its EU Winter School (EUWS) to be held between 19-23 January 2015 in collaboration with University of Prishtina. Guest Professor will teach one to two lectures per day between 5 days (it is possible to teach less days) and will receive an honorarium along with travel and accommodation expenses. Possible topics to be covered by the Guest Professor: Theoretical Background and Main Principles of the EU
Competition Policy EU Competition Policy: Constitutional and Legal Foundations (including WTO Rules), Institutions and Decision-Making Processes EU Competition Policy in Practice: Globalization and Economies of Scale Application of the EU Competition Policy and Acquis: the Role of the European Commission and the European Court of Justice and other Institutions EU Competition Policy in the Context of EU Enlargement: Acquis Approximation, Institution-Building, Market Reg-
ulation and Economic Competitiveness Expression of Interest: Please send a CV to<mailto:alejtin@univer>. Deadline: Decemb er 5, 2014. For more information, please go to: http:// print.php? searchtype=app&searchid=18498
CfP/J: Eurasiatique, University of Toronto’s Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (CERES) Administrative office: 30A, Bd. Expozitiei, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
Phone: +40 371 445 076 E-mail:;
The University of Toronto’s Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (CERES) is seeking submissions for its 2015 edition of Eurasiatique, the Centre’s graduate student journal. The journal aims to showcase graduate work from multiple disciplines that focuses on Europe, Russia, and Eurasia. This year’s journal will combine student work from the University of Toronto with that of other premier universities and institutes. In this volume, we welcome graduate-level submissions that address the rise of radicalism in Europe, Russia and Eurasia. From local food bank dispensaries, to the European Union’s parliamentary elections, to coalition-building for and against the Islamic State, radicalism within and beyond Europe has become a hot-topic issue. In the third volume of this journal, Eurasiatique strives to map out this uncertain and shifting terrain. Please send all work to by Friday, January 23rd, 2015. After careful review, selected authors will be contacted by February 16th 2015. For more information, please go to cfpj-eurasiatique-university-of-toronto%E2%80%99s-centre-foreuropean-russian-and-eurasian-studies-ceres/