ECSA Romania Newsletter
Editor: Ioana Borcan Ph.D. Candidate Adviser to the President of ARRISE
The Romanian Association of International Relations and European Studies (ARRISE)/ ECSA Romania was established in 2010. It is composed by specialists – academics and practitioners – and it defines itself as a professional organization within the International Relations and European Studies (IRES) field. ARRISE was created in order to set up a functional and effective partnership with public authorities and with private legal persons that are
interested in this academic field. The scope of the association is to enhance knowledge about and to promote intrinsic values belonging to the area of IRES academic study and research, not only in Romania, but also in Europe and worldwide.
(European Community Studies Association), ARRISE became a full member of ECSA network, along with over 50 other national and regional academic associations who are interested in boosting teaching and research on European integration.
In November 2012, following a spring Bucharest-based evaluation visit conducted by Professor Enrique Banus, Ph.D, ECSA President
Inside this issue:
The Institute for Euroregional Studies
250+ International Jobs open in May
UNESCO-China CoSponsored Fellowships
CfP/J: Open Citizenship
Postgraduate Funding Opportunities
Postdoctoral researcher at 7 University of Antwerp Call for papers: REGIMES OF MEMORY
In January 2013 the first CELAC – EU Academic Summit was held in Santiago de Chile, which brought together academics and representatives of universities, higher education institutions and scientific networks from both regions, a few days before the CELAC – EU Summit of Heads of State and Government. The Summit had outstanding results, among which the most important are the ones regarding the intention to promote a Euro – Latin American higher education, science, technology and i nno va t i o n c o m m o n space, to create a Latin America and Caribbean – European Union Permanent Academic Forum, to strengthen the integration of higher education, scientific research and innovation systems and promote collaboration between higher education institutions and their relations
with society and the production sector. The main debates and proposals, but also the content of the Santiago Declaration can be found at
and Lima (October 2012). Indeed, one of the most important elements of the Declaration, the creation of a Permanent Academic Forum was an initiative presented in Lima. Therefore, we recognize the substantial importance of the preparatory meetings and hope that the goals established in the Preparatory Seminar of Bucharest (May 2014) may open new perspectives for discussions within the Second Academic Summit in 2015.
the official site of the Summit. The Summit ‘s success was due in part to the excellent preparation during the preparatory seminars in Paris (June 2012)
For the registration form, program and other useful information, please go to http://
“Jean Monnet” European Centre of Excellence ( The institute for Euroregional Studies ( IERS) was created in 2005 as a “Jean Monnet” European Centre of Excellence of the universities of Oradea/ Romania and Debrecen/ Hungary From January 2008, IERS became an autonomous structure, with judicial personality which brings together professors, researchers with interests in the field of European territorial cooperation, especially the cross – border one and regional development. Among its 56 members there are professors from Belgium, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Moldova, Polonia, Romania, Ukraine.
IERS promotes networking as a method of work
IERS collaborates closely with regional, local and professional communities: networking for twinning local communities; regional universities networking ( Oradea – Debrecen – Kosice); networking with business associative structures ( businessmen federations, SME local councils, Chambers of commerce); networking with business enterprises. IERS collaborates closely with institutions of research very prestigious: The International Institute of Administrative Sciences of Brussels, The Centre for Research on European Integration of the University of Siena, the Centre of Interdisciplinary Studies of the XXth century from the University of Coimbra, the Institute of regional studies from the Jagellonian University of Cracovia, the Institute of International sociology from Gorizia (Italy), the Institute of European Studies from the University of Louvain – la- Neuve, European Evaluation Society. ISER is involved in the Siena Network in European Studies, coordinate by Center of European Integration from University of Siena (Italy), that cover 14 universities from Europe. ISER is strongly involved in activities of research, studies and analysis with institutions from partner countries: Institut of Research of Central Europe, Uszhorod/ Ukraine; Institute of Bukovinian Research from Chernivtsi / Ukraine, Institute of International Relations of Republic of Moldova, Chisinau. IERS promotes excellency in the field of regional development and territorial cooperation
IERS is involved in diverse projects of research and of consultation of public opinion of whose finality is concretized in contributions of great actuality: more than 20 books that include researches, analysis referring to regional development. Under the auspices of IERS it is edited the semestrial journal Eurolimes, a publication specialized in the problematic of the new sense of frontiers. In the sixteenth published numbers, more than 250 of authors from Europe, Asia and Northern America exposed their thematic points of view. The prestige of publications is acknowledged by important data bases: EBSCO, ProQuest, CEEOL, GESIS, Index Copernicus.
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250+ International Jobs open in May
250+ International Jobs open in May. Check out upcoming jobs next month in communications, administration, finance, environment, health & hygiene, ICT, human rights, research, human resources, marketing, fundraising, management and more including consultancies. Explore now at http:// -2014/
25 Fellowships for Advanced Studies at Undergraduate and Postgraduate Levels: UNESCOChina Co-Sponsored Fellowships Program In cooperation with the University of Graz, the P rovince o f S ty ri a has been offering a new grant for outstanding stude n ts fro m Sou th Eastern European countries – “Go Styria!”. In the winter semester 2014/2015 a total of 50 scholarship months can be awarded. The Department for Scientific Affairs of the Province of Styria takes a very strong interest in
Eastern Europe, adopts an active role in the scientific and cultural exchange between the countries and has th e necessary preconditions to inte-
More information on fields of study offered at t h e U n i v e r s i ty o f Graz available at: incoming/s-in-mprog/go -styria/ en/studying/forprospective- students/ study-opportunities/
the process of SouthEastern European integration and sets a course in those countries who are not – or not yet – members of the European Union. Styria, as a link between the EU an d E aste rn / S o u th -
grate the research competences and to utilize the available synergetic opportunities.
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CfP/J: Open Citizenship [DL: 23.06.] The next issue of ‘Open Citizenship’, a journal that combines the academic discourse on EU citizenship, migration and political participation in the EU with reports from civil society and daily life experiences, will be looking at the challenges facing youth in Europe, and will seek to link these debates with citizenship. In particular the editors will be examining whether young Europeans are being given the chance to address the issues they face in their own ways, and whether this need is being recognised by the EU. By considering the concerns, needs and
actions of young people, it is the hope of the editors not only to describe the current state of European citizenship, but also to build a picture of its potential future. Academics, practitioners, politicians and engaged citizens are invit ed to express their views and knowledge on the topic of youth in Europe. Authors of academic essays and commentaries are asked to send a short abstract or sketch of their proposed article (no more than 250 words) by 23 June 2014. Authors of accepted ab-
stracts, as well as submissions to other sections, should submit full articles by 18 August 2014. All details can be found here: http:// citizensforeu- -a-lost-generation
Postgraduate Funding Opportunities in Politics and International Relations for 2014-2015 For 2014-2015, the Research Centre for SPIRE in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Keele University is offering a range of studentship opportunities. Applications are invited from high quality prospective doctoral students in all areas of Politics and International Relations, though we are particularly keen to encourage applicants whose research falls into the following specific areas: Modern Political Theory; Political Parties, Elections and Representation; Environmental Politics and Policy; Critical Securities of War. For further details of our specific research specialisms and the expertise of our supervisors please visit:http:// research/ Our postgraduate funding opportunities for 2014-15 include: Graduate Teaching Assistantships (fees at UK/EU rate and annual maintenance grant)
C a r t e r ( and/ or prospective supervisors in advance of submitting their application. Please liaise with Helen Farrell for advice o n the
Full Studentships (fees at UK/EU rate and annual maintenance grant) Bursaries and Fee Waivers (fees/part fees at UK/EU rate) A full studentship includes an annual taxfree stipend at RCUK rate (£13,863 for 2014/15) plus tuition fee (£3996). Applicants are strongly advised to discuss their interests with the Postgraduate Research Director, Dr Elisabeth
most appropriate contact point:; tel. +44 (0)1782 733641. The closing date for applications is Friday 30 May 2014.
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Call for Contributions—The Global State of Young Scientists The project "The Global State of Young Scientists (GloSYS) is concerned with the major challenges of young researchers around the world. Our aim is to provide a voice for the main concerns of young scientists and to contribute to the improvement of their current state. Therefore we need your support! 1) Let us know names and details of experts who can be approached to
identify the major challenges of young scientists in your country. 2) Share with us studies and/or statistics in your country or region that might be relevant for our project.
For more information on the GloSYS project, please visit the Project Website.
Please send related information and documents to glosys@globalyounga
PhD Studentship, International & Comparative Public Policy 5 Studentships Available The University of Strathclyde’s School of Government and Public Policy is offering up to five PhD studentships in International and/or comparative public policy. The studentships are intended for candidates with interests in one or more of the following areas that are linked to the School’s existing funded research projects: Administrative capacity and regional development; Public sector reform and local government; Territorial cooperation in peripheral regions; The size of government; Policymaking and democratic representation Details The studentships cover EU
fees and a stipend for three years (stipend available is £13,863). Applicants should normally enjoy EU tuition fee status. Overseas students can apply by demonstrating to have secured additional funds covering the difference between EU and oversee fees. All applicants must also apply online (http:// for a place on the PhD programme at Strathclyde. Applicants already holding doctoral qualifications should not apply. Informal inquiries may be directed to the School’s Director of Postgraduate Studies, Dr. Heinz Brandenburg,heinz.brandenbu Academic lead contact details: Heinz Brandenburg Email/ telephone heinz.brandenburg +44 141 548 4376 Graduate School contact details: Email/telephone +44 141 444 8400 Closing date: 13 June 2014
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Call: Exploring new values for society – individual research grants Toyota Foundation The Toyota Foundation invites proposals for its individual research grants on exploring new values for society. These support projects based on creative concepts reflecting a youthful perspective and whose results can help change people’s ways of thinking and bring solutions to identified issues.
plines and fields of activity, particularly those for which NPOs and NGOs play an active role, are also welcomed. There are no restrictions on the nationality, place of residence, academic background or organisational affiliation of applicants.
All areas of research or research methods are eligible. Projects of nonprofit nature will be supported. Proposals for projects involving research methods that span different disci-
Grants are worth up to ¥1 million per year for one to two years. The budget is worth approximately ¥20m.
For more information, please go to https:// english/program/ research.html .
Closing date 05 Sep 14
Call: EU Improving expertise in the field of industrial relations The Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion invites proposals on improving expertise in the field of industrial relations. This aims to improve expertise and knowledge on industrial relations, in particular through analysis and research at EU level as well as in comparative terms, in order to contribute to developing and reinforcing industrial relations structures in Europe. Proposals must fall within the following categories: initiatives contributing to the preparation and use of the European Commission’s industrial relations in Europe reports; activities to further deepen the analysis on topics examined in previous editions of the industrial relations report; research
activities; initiatives to enhance the collection and use of information on national industrial relations systems and on developments at European level; measures to identify and exchange information in the area of industrial relations; initiative to promote knowledge on effective industrial relations practices; actions to disseminate findings. Applicants must be social partners, organisations linked to industrial relations, public authorities or international organisations. The budget for this call is €4 million. Proposals must request at least €108,000. Grants may cover up to 90 per cent of eligible costs over a maximum of 24 months.
Ref: VP/2014/004. Closing date 13 Jun 14
For more information, please go to social/main.jsp? catId=629&langId=en&callId =404&furtherCalls=yes
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Postdoctoral researcher at University of Antwerp The Faculty of Political and Social Sciences is seeking to fill a full-time vacancy in the Department of Political Science, ACIM for a Postdoctoral Researcher Following recently obtained research grants from the European Research Council (ERC) and the Research FoundationFlanders (FWO-V) the research cen tre AC IM ( is looking for one talented and highly motivated postdoctoral researcher. Job description You offer substantive support to the ERC CoG pro-
ject iBias by developing your own postdoctoral research project in one of the following domains (or a combination of these domains): the Europeanization of national interest groups from an organization theoretical perspective; interest representation toward international organizations (such as WTO or the UN Climate Conferences); the influence of interest groups in Belgian politics (federal and regional).
overall research activities (such as lunch seminars or workshops) of ACIM. You will compete to obtain
externally funded research grants. For more information, please go to https:// jobs/vacancies/ ap/2014bapfpswef092/
We expect you to contribute to teaching and the
Call for papers: REGIMES OF MEMORY [16.05]
A ca d e m i a E u r o p a e a Knowledge Hub Wrocław and Polish Regional Office on International Relations in Wrocław invite young scholars (PhD candidates and postdocs), to take part in the interdisciplinary conference to be held in Wrocław (Poland) on October 9 - 1 0 , 2 0 1 4 . Context and rationale: The region of Central and Eastern Europe is overburdened with history, centuries-old grudges, rival narratives and ethno-political conflicts. From Poland and
Baltic states, through Ukraine and Hungary to the East and West Balkans political cultures are dominated by various grievances, fears and pursuits of amends as a consequence of unprocessed historical traumas. Competing regimes of memory manifest themselves in different interpretations of symbolic dates, places and traditions. That vicious circle of commemorating history and fueling historical grudges poses questions about the role which is played by collective memory in the processes of trauma management and reconciliation. Can we keep the memory of historical events alive without preserving historical grievances? What is required for reconciliation: the act of forgiving or
the act of forgetting? The goal of this conference is to assess the various means in which communities and nations could and can overcome historical resentments. A selection of the conference papers will be published in the quarterly New Eastern Europe. The organisers will provide accommodation and reimburse travel expenses to certain maximum, conference fee, insurance and the costs of publication of refereed conference papers for participants. ae/Acad_M ain/E vents/ Regimes%20of% 20Memory%202
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Call: World social science fellows The International Social Science Council invites applications for its world social science fellows programme. This aims to give early career social scientists the opportunity to take their research and teaching activities forward by interacting with some of the leading researchers in the area of sustainable urbanisation and with other young scientists as well as policy makers, practitioners, activists and other stakeholders. Fellows will participate in an interdisciplinary world social science seminar in Taipei from 2 to 8 November
2014. Applicants must be postdoctoral researchers under 40 years of age with a maximum of five years’ research experience following their PhD or earlycareer researchers without a PhD but with an equivalent level of research experience and output. Applications are invited from the socialand natural sciences as well as humanities scholars working on topics related to urbanisation and sustainability.
costs as well as insurance for participation in the seminar. Closing date: 16 Jun 14
For more information, please go to: http:// www.worldsocialscience.o rg/
Up to 20 fellowships will be awarded to cover travel and subsistence
Academic Cooperation Association Annual Conference 2014 Exploring Europe’s place in light of recent higher education trends from across the world is the central theme of ACA’s Annual Conference 2014. Under the title Europe in the world. Higher education developments across the globe, the conference aims to bring together, as always, a remarkable cast of policy experts, university leaders, academics, and institutional managers working on international aspects of higher education. In line with the ACA tradition, the programme features speakers who are internationally-recognised ‘authorities’ in the field – scholars, high-level policymakers and innovative institutional leaders, includ-
ing Cédric Villani (Professor of Mathematics at Université de Lyon, Fields Medal (2010), Administrator of the proEuropean Think-Tank EuropaNova), Jordi Curell (Director, European Commission, DG Education a n d C u lt u r e ) , Jo h n Yopp (Associate Provost for Educational partnerships and International Affairs, Lexington, USA), and Lesley Wilson (Secretary General, EUA), to name just few. Some of the brightest minds in higher education will be at from 15 to 17 June at the 2014 ACA Annual Conference. So do consider to register soon – if not for the speakers and the programme, than for the wonderful time that
Bordeaux promises to offer you! For more information, please click here.
Call for papers: Deliberation after consensus: Democracy, epistemic quality and public discourse Date: 20–21 November, 2014 Venue: Centre franconorvégien en sciences sociales et humaines, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'homme, Paris, France. Keynote speakers: Professor Simone Chambers (University of Toronto) and Professor Jürg Steiner (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Bern University).
media and communication, and related disciplines on the following topics:
How to measure deliberative rationality and epistemic quality?
What is the role of consensus in deliberative democratic theory?
What is the relationship between expert discourse, democratic deliberation and epistemic quality in political processes?
How does agreement affect the quality of subsequent deliberation?
Issues For this workshop, the conveners welcome contributions from scholars in political science, philosophy, law,
For more information, please go to: http://
European Research Council – Funding Schemes Administrative office: 6 Povernei Street, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
Phone: 0372.177.146 Fax: 021 318.08.91 E-mail:
European Research Council (ERC) funding schemes are open to top researchers of any nationality or age who wish to carry out their frontier research in the 28 EU Member States or associated countries. There are three ERC core funding schemes and two additional schemes: OPEN CALLS ERC Consolidator Grant Deadline: 20 May 2014 (17:00:00 Brussels local time) Identifier: ERC-2014-CoG ERC Proof of Concept Second deadline: 01 Oct 2014 (17:00 Brussels local time) Identifier: ERC-2014-PoC For more information, please go to: