ECSA Romania Newsletter
29/01/2015 The Romanian Association of International Relations and European Studies (ARRISE)/ ECSA Romania was established in 2010. It is composed by specialists – academics and practitioners – and it defines itself as a professional organization within the International Relations and European Studies (IRES) field. ARRISE was created in order to set up a functional and effective partnership with public authorities and with private legal persons that are
Editor: Ioana Borcan Ph.D. Candidate Adviser to the President of ARRISE
interested in this academic field. The scope of the association is to enhance knowledge about and to promote intrinsic values belonging to the area of IRES academic study and research, not only in Romania, but also in Europe and worldwide.
(European Community Studies Association), ARRISE became a full member of ECSA network, along with over 50 other national and regional academic associations who are interested in boosting teaching and research on European integration.
In November 2012, following a spring Bucharest-based evaluation visit conducted by Professor Enrique Banus, Ph.D, ECSA President
INVITATION: International Conference and the Annual Reunion of ARRISE/ ECSA Romania
26-28 March 2015
Inside this issue:
CfP: Conference organized by ARRISE/ ECSA Romania
Presentation: Centre for European Studies, Iasi , Romania
CfA: Visegrad and Romania Conference
CfP: New issue of Europolity 5 CfP: EURINT International Conference, Iasi Romania
CfP: 13th Conference “European Culture”, ClujNapoca, Romania
Call for ARRISE/ ECSA Roma- 9 nia Membership
ARRISE/ ECSA Romania and the Centre for European Studies on Human Migrations from the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NUSPSA) have the pleasure to invite you to the International Conference “The implications of EU policies for the social, economic and political integration of immigrants” that aims to raise awareness upon the subject of immigrant’s integration and upon the need of developing a more efficient strategy in order to create real premises for their social and economic integration. The international event will be followed by the Annual Reunion of ARRISE/ ECSA Romania and the
launch of the Centre for European Studies on Human Migrations. The conference is organized within the Jean Monnet project “Contributing to the development of the EU immigration and mobility field of study from a multidisciplinary approach. Support for the Romanian Association of International Relations and European Studies / CDEUS”. The project manager is Jean Monnet CHAIR, Professor Iordan Gh. BĂRBULESCU, President of ARRISE/ ECSA Romania. The Call for Papers is now open until the 20th of February, 2015—the deadline of the abstract submissions. More information are available on the following page. The event will take place in
Bucharest, at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration. Address: 30 A Expozitiei Street, sector 1, 4th floor. Members of ARRISE and other participants are requested to confirm their attendance until February, the 20th, on the following e-mail address:
For further details regarding the schedule and not only, please follow us on Facebook or access our website: http:// https:// ecsaromania
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Call for Papers International Conference The implications of EU policies for the social, economic and political integration of immigrants 26 – 28 March 2015, Bucharest, Romania This Conference intends to raise awareness upon the subject of immigrant’s integration and upon the need of developing a more efficient strategy in order to create real premises for their social and economic integration. In 2012, the estimated number of immigrants in EU-27 was of 1.7 million, and another 1.7 million people that were previously residing in one EU Member State migrated to another Member State. Not only should the magnitude of this phenomenon draw attention to it, but also its implications and consequences. The event aims at encouraging a multi-disciplinary debate between scholars and practitioners from different fields of study, such as European studies and public policies. On the other hand, this conference represents a good opportunity for young researchers to promote their academic work and to interact with representatives of the public administration and civil society. Specific topics include, but are not confined to: determinants, patterns, and consequences of migration implications of social policies towards the integration of immigrants evaluation of policies that address the integration of immigrants labor market impact long-term effects and path dependencies policy reactions and impact on the political evolutions multiculturalism and interculturalism European citizenship and European culture transformation of values and attitudes the security dimension of the immigration phenomenon return migration transnationality integration policies and examples of good practices demographic and economic aspects of human migrations How to apply? Submissions to and (in PDF format) should include: a 300 word abstract, name of the authors, affiliation and e-mail addresses. The abstracts will be double blind peer reviewed. The authors of the selected papers will receive a notification by e-mail until the 28th of February, 2015. The conference languages are English and Romanian.
The selected papers can be published in a new issue of the Romanian Journal of International Relations and European Studies (RoJIRES). For more information about the Journal, please go to: Important dates: 20th February 2015 – deadline for abstract submissions 28th February 2015 – notification of accepted abstracts 15th March 2015 – deadline for full paper submissions For any further information, please go to or write to the following e-mail addresses:;
CENTRE OF EUROPEAN STUDIES (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi) The Centre for European Studies (CES) within Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi is located in one of the easternmost locations of the European Union, an important university centre in Romania and also a cradle of Romanian culture and history. CES was founded in the year of 2000, after the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi took part in the project PHARE RO 9706-01-02 "Establishment of Centre of Excellence in European Studies". Later on, in 2009, CES acquired the status of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. CES's mission is to contribute to the development of the European dimension of education, to promote research and consultancy, information, documentation in the area of European Studies. Furthermore, CES is looking to scientifically exploit the potential brought by the placement at the eastern edge of the EU by establishing a bridge between East and West, bringing its neighbours from Eastern Europe closer to their goal of European integration. For its valuable results, in 2012 CES received the Award of Excellence for Research and Training in European Affairs from the European Institute of Romania. Also, CES is affiliated to different associations, like Regional Studies Associations, Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies and The Partnership for Peace Consortium. CES is offering 2 Master Programmes (European Studies and Regional Development) and various Lifelong Learning Programmes (European Economic Integration, European Business Environment, European Integration for students in real/technical sciences, Project manager training, Trainer of trainers etc.) looking to provide a better knowledge and understanding of the process of integration, in its different aspects, of the standards for Romania's participation in this process and of the place and role of the European Union in the world. Starting with 2015, in order to further promote the international dimension of education and research, CES will organise the Master Programme in European Studies and the EU Eastern Neighbourhood, in English language. The scientific activities of CES Research Department cover fundamental and applied research areas, as the topics of interest are adapted to the strategic research priorities established at regional, national and European levels, being focused on regional development and EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood. CES’s publications represent a support for sharing ideas, theoretical and empirical analysis in an inter- and multidisciplinary perspective of the wider European thematic studies: - Eastern - Journal of European Studies, our main publication, has already managed to attract studies from wide known authors in the field of economic and political studies (currently under evaluation for Thomson ISI indexation); - CES Working Papers is addressing young researchers, giving them the opportunity to publish their research results, to receive feedback from other researchers in order to improve their methodology and validate their results; - The Excellence Book Collection in European Studies, in order to promote the most representative works in the field. For achieving its mission, CES organises various scientific events in European thematic studies, consisting of conferences, seminars, communication sessions, debates, roundtables etc.. The annual conference – EURINT – usually organised with the occasion of Europe Day, represents our reference event. Since we have begun, we have always been concerned with providing top academic events and involving numerous experts from Romania and abroad. Being interested in strengthening our role as an active regional player, we aim to disseminate the results of our research projects by outlining some directions of economic and political action. To this end, we engage in conducting our projects along with other universities, centres or institutes from Romania and abroad, but also with local and national administration.
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Call for papers | International conference | 22-23 May | Iasi, Romania and integration. New chal-
economic, social and politi-
lenges for the EU (May 22-
cal context, to draw togeth-
23 May, 2015).
er scholars, researchers, experts, civil society activists
Regional development and integration. New challenges for the EU
The event is part of the EURINT conference se-
and to encourage an exchange of views.
ries which was successfully 22-23 May, 2015 – “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Uni-
launched in 2013 in the frame of the Jean Monnet
versity of Iaşi | Centre for
Life Long Learning Pro-
European Studies, Romania
gramme. Since 2013 the EURINT conference series has
We are pleased to announce you that the Centre for European Studies from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania, or-
ganizes the EURINT 2015 international conference: Regional development
established itself as a visible academic event in field of European Studies and in this regard we aim at develop-
Please find more information in the attached document and also on the conference website: http:// index.htm If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organising committee at eurint.conference@gmail. com
ing it into a traditional con-
ference series. The two day conference aims to transmit knowledge about the EU
CfA 2015: Postdoctoral fellowships at the Research College “The Transformative Power of Europe”
Fellowships: 4 postdoctoral fellowships Date/duration: 12 month fellowships starting October 2015 Deadline for Applications: 1 April 2015 (Successful candidates will be informed in early May 2015) The Research College (Kolleg-Forschergruppe) “The Transfomative Power of Europe. The European Union and the Diffusion of Ideas”, directed by Profs. Tanja A. Börzel and
Thomas Risse, advertises up to 4 postdoctoral fellowships. We particularly encourage applications on projects located in the field of comparative regionalism. We are especially interested in the following topics:
Regional cooperation and integration in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East
Adaptation of and resistance to European institutional models
and policies in other parts of the world
Diffusion of institutions and policies from other parts of the world to Europe and the EU including historical perspectives.
For more information, please access this link.
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CfP: 13th Conference “European Culture” 2015, ClujNapoca, Romania The European Studies Insti-
core of the Conference struc-
following online form be-
tute of the University of Piu-
ture. Therefore, in line with
fore March 31, 2015:
ra (Peru) and the Babeş-
the previous editions of the
Online form for applica-
Bolyai University, Cluj-
“European Culture” Confer-
Napoca (Romania) invite
ence, you are invited to en-
you to the 13th «European
rich its content with your
Culture» Conference, which
paper which will be included
will take place in Cluj-
in Modelling New Europe
Napoca, Romania between
Journal (indexed in EBSCO,
the 29th and the 31th of
ProQuest, CEEOL, DOAJ,
October 2015 at the Faculty
Scipio, DRJI, Index Coperni-
of European Studies (Babeş-
cus, Ulrich) and in the online
Bolyai University). The dia-
Conference Proceedings.
logue between academics,
The call for papers is now
experienced lecturers and
young researchers is at the
For any further information, please contact the Organising Committee at conference@euro.ubbcluj. ro For more information, please go to: http:// europeanculture/
Send your abstract using the
12 scholarships for doctoral candidates - Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) The Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) invites applications for up to *12 scholarships for doctoral candidates* These scholarships are available from October 1st, 2015, initially for two years (subject to a satisfactory progress review after 12 months). An extension to a third year is subject to the availability of funds and a satisfactory review. Specialised research agendas have been grouped into four thematic
pillars: Pillar 1: Education, personal development and learning from early childhood to adulthood Pillar 2: Education and social inequality across the entire life course Pillar 3: Changes in human capital, labour markets and demographic structures and their impact on social inequality in modern societies Pillar 4: Governance, institutional change and political behaviour A detailed list of topics that will be supervised by professors in our four pillars
can be found here: bagsstopics<http:// bagss-topics>
For further information, please visit the website at bagss/application<http:// bagss/application> The deadline for the submission applications is Tuesday, March 31st, 2015.
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Conference “The founding fathers of the European Union– genesis, values and developments”
Thursday, December 11, 2014 Organizers:
The Department of International Relations and European Integration through the Cen-
ter for European Studies (from the National University of Political Studies and Public AdministrationNUSPSA) ; Jean Monnet Association from France; The Romanian Association of International Relations and European Integration ECSA Romania.
The theme of the event is related to the genesis of the European Union and its future evolution. The lecture was held in English by the Director of the Jean Monnet Association, from
France, Mr. Philippe Le Guen. Expert consultant on European projects financed by the European Social Fund, public policy evaluator and lecturer on topics related to the origins of the European Union and values of the founding fathers, Philippe Le Guen is the Director pf the French Jean Monnet Association since 2010. The headquarters of the Association are situated within the memorial House of Jean Monnet in France, which is also an European museum (acquired in 1982 by the European Parliament).
Special programme on security, society and the state – research scholarships
The Gerda Henkel Foundation invites proposals for its special programme on security, society and the state. This targets new security-related issues that are prime examples of the post-Cold-War era but have been largely neglected in mainstream research. The programme is intended to encourage junior scholars to pursue unconventional research agendas that are nonetheless crucial, while
providing scholars with the opportunity to focus intensively on work in progress for a limited period. Fields: challenges of new technologies; public administration and human security; patterns of conflict resolution between the state and traditional actors; non-governmental actors as partners and contenders of the state; security strategies between doctrine formation and implementation. Applicants must be postdocs or scholars with post-
doctoral lecture qualification. The call is directed to individual investigators who will work on a specific project on their own. PhD scholarships are only granted in connection with a research project. The funding period is generally between one and 24 months. Scholarships include a monthly stipend of up to €2,700 depending on experience, travel- and material expenses plus a family grant award. Closing date 04 Dec 15 For more information, please go to: http://
Images from last year’s ARRISE/ ECSA Romania Annual Reunion
Administrative office: 30A, Bd. Expozitiei, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania, 4th floor Phone: +40 371 445 076 E-mail:;
We are looking forward to seeing you in Bucharest for the Annual Reunion of ARRISE/ ECSA Romania and for the International Conference “The implications of EU policies for the social, economic and political integration of immigrants ”. Also, do not forget about the Call for Papers. Please, feel free to disseminate it to all interested parties. For more information and the event’s agenda, follow our webpage and Facebook page:
Call for ARRISE/ ECSA Romania Membership We invite researchers and practitioners from the field of International Relations and European Studies to become part of ARRISE/ ECSA Romania, by filling in the form available on our website. All applications that will be sent before the Annual Reunion will be put to the vote on the 27th of March, 2015.