2 minute read


Dear Reader

Welcome to the Spring issue of Podiatry Review.


As this year rapidly passes by and the HCPC audit looms, it is good to check that your CPD is in order. If not, don’t worry as there’s an abundance of opportunities for you to catch up.

I have recently attended a Safeguarding Children and Adults course which has given me a greater insight into the warning signs to look for and what would be the next best direction to steer that individual in, if and when necessary, definitely worth while for all Practitioners and anyone who comes into contact with the general public. Ivan Bristow has an update for a new innovative test strip kit for the diagnosis of fungal nails, which is quick and easy for the practitioner to use and is an effective aide for diagnosis. There is also a really good article by Iain McIntosh on systemic arthritis, an excellent source of revision.

Forensic Science has always fascinated me, maybe it was watching all those episodes of Quincy M.E., so the article by Barrister Catherine Brown on Forensic Podiatry is really worth a read (Pages 6 & 7). It is with great sadness that our colleague Jenny (Linda) Reid from Western Branch lost her long battle with cancer, she will be missed by all who knew her and for her tireless charity work. Dates for your diary, the IOCP will have a visible presence at Naidex, COPA and Primary Care (see adverts for more info) so if you’re attending, come over and see us! 11th & 12th May IOCP National Podiatry Conference. May is also National walking month and Skin Cancer Awareness month, in addition it is World Foot Health month and 11th-17th June brings Diabetes awareness week. I look forward to seeing you at this years National Podiatry Conference, which will be the final year at Southport in its present format, so come along and celebrate the best Social, Educational and Networking event of this year! Keep us informed of your local Branch meetings and Seminars, I recently attended the Leeds seminar, which was a great informative and networking day.

Happy reading!

Kind regards,

Linda Pearson


Guidelines for new and established authors

Content of your article should be Podiatry or foot health-related. Podiatry Review is mostly in easy-to-read format, and articles for submission should reflect this. Please ensure that your name and title (ie - FHP, Podiatrist, or other) are included with your article. Please proof-read and spell-check your article before submission. It would be helpful to the Editorial Committee if you could reference any books or Papers mentioned in your article. If you are not sure how to do this we are happy to assist.

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