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Branch News

Western Branch Meeting - Sunday 14th January

On Sunday 14th January, fifteen members of the Western branch of the Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists came together for the first time in 2018, for the amalgamated annual general meeting and the branch meeting.


Before we commenced with business though, Ben Stead from Canonbury gave us a very informative talk on a revolutionary new treatment for the removal of verrucas. The machine in question is called “Swift” (for obvious reasons) and uses microwave technology. According to Ben, the results are incredibly successful and more and more clinics around the country are embracing its success. It is a portable machine, slightly larger than a chiropody drill and very light so supposedly suitable for those amongst us that only do domiciliary visits. After a short break for refreshments with a sumptuous buffet, we had the opportunity to have a mooch at the Swift machine itself and purchase from the trade stand supplied by Ben from Canonbury. We then ploughed on with the AGM. Rachael Littleton, our secretary, went through all the relevant business from Head Office and we then continued with our branch meeting. The roles of office were discussed and voted for and I’m delighted to say that some new volunteers came forward to help share the responsibilities with the same old faces! We welcome them with open arms. Our treasurer Kevin O’Sullivan then gave his report on balancing the books as efficiently as ever. Thank goodness he has volunteered to carry on with his role for another year as I’m sure there’s no one amongst us that can do the job as well as he can! We as a branch have an annual “star” award, voted for by our members and I’m pleased to say this year it was won by Rachael Littleton in recognition of her hard work as branch secretary over the past year. When all the business was dealt with, the Institute’s President, our very own Linda Pearson gave us a very informative talk on the history of the Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists from its beginnings in 1955 to present day. She went on to explain how important the role of President is within the Institute and the duties she carries out to fulfil her role. Did you know that Linda is one of only four women that have ever held the role of President and is also the youngest! I and the rest of my colleagues would like to give a very big thank you to Ben Stead for giving up his valuable time at the weekend for the benefit of the Western branch members. We very much appreciate it.

The next meeting is on Sunday 29th April and as this is an audit year it would be very beneficial to come along and gain the necessary cpd by joining us. All members welcome.

Leeds Branch Meeting - 7th January 2018

With a few last minute unexpected changes to our original schedule, we welcomed 32 attendees to this year’s Leeds Branch Seminar which was held at our usual branch venue in Batley. Our morning lecture was given by Mr Andrew Williams a consultant in podiatric medicine and musculoskeletal science, who gave us a very informative talk on common foot and ankle problems. Covering conditions such as tendonpathy, metatarsalgia and plantar fasciitis giving us a basic talk about his experience in dealing with these problematic foot ailments. Andrew is currently the Chair of the consultants committee and Chair of procedures and medicine panel for the Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists. Before Andrew continued with the second part of his lecture he presented Norman Hodge with his life membership award from the IOCP, for all his hard work and commitment to the Institute over the years. It was also a great opportunity to catch up over a coffee with not just some of our Leeds members, but members from other branches that had attended. These events are not only a vital part of our CPD but gives us chance to network with other like-minded peers, plus meeting and interacting with other branches. Lunch was supplied by a local company so we could all indulge in sandwiches, quiche, cheese and cakes! Our afternoon lectures were given by Beverley Wright. These were split into two parts, first was Reflexology for Relaxation. Beverley demonstrated a simple relaxation technique for the feet which we can implement in our everyday practices. The second was an Aromatherapy Workshop, testing our noses and sense of smells with different aromatherapy oils and explaining how we can use these oils in our practices safely but effectively. Beverley is the Vice-Chair Board of Education for the Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists as well as senior lecturer at one of the largest Universities in the east of England.

Over all despite the last-minute changes the course ran very smoothly and hopefully was enjoyed by all.

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