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Jenny Reid Obituary

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IOCP Noticeboard

IOCP Noticeboard

Linda (Jenny) Reid

I have been lucky enough to have known Jenny (Linda) Reid for the best part of twelve years. She had always been ready to lend a hand and took part in our very first IOCP Open Day, even helping out at our National Podiatry Conference. Jenny was a very respectful lady and was happy to offer her advice, experience and to offer solutions and ideas and will be missed by many. Our thoughts and prayers are with her husband Tommy at this sad time.


Linda Pearson


Western Branch, of the Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, are saddened to announce the sad loss of one of its valued members, Linda Reid, more commonly known to her friends as ‘Jenny’. I’m sure a lot of members will remember Jenny as she was an active member who always helped out at the Institute’s national AGM and Conference.

Jenny was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer for which she fought a long battle, however, on 24th February 2018 she sadly succumbed and passed away peacefully at St Joseph’s Hospice in Thornton. She leaves behind her beloved husband Tommy. Never letting her cancer stop her from doing anything, Jenny continued working right up until Christmas, at her Bold Street clinic where she’d practiced for the last 15 years. Over the past 25 years, Jenny had actively fundraised helping orphans and families in Romania any way she could, and in 2016 she was invited to a wedding there by a family whom she had helped and was welcomed with open arms. Needless to say, she had a fabulous time. She really was a very caring and compassionate person with a lust for life. She enjoyed travelling to Italy and was a massive Trekky fan! Jenny will be sadly missed by our Branch and anyone who knew her.

Western Branch

It was with great sadness that we learnt of the passing of Jenny Reid. We first met Jenny at the IOCP’s 2015 Conference in Southport at which she helped us on the reception desk. In the years that followed, Jenny was always willing to lend a hand whenever she could at any IOCP event here in Southport and it was a great opportunity for us all to catch up on everything. A ‘lady’ in every sense of the word and such a lovely person who will be sorely missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing her.

We send our sincere condolences to Jenny’s husband Tommy at this difficult time.

Jill, Julie & Pauline

Head Office

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