5 minute read
2018 National Podiatry and Associated Healthcare Conference

The 63rd National Podiatry and Associated Healthcare Conference 11th - 12th May 2018
• Run by professionals for professionals • Interactive Forensic Podiatry workshop by Bond Solon • Trade exhibition with exclusive delegate discounts • Lectures & Workshops • CPD points for your portfolio • £29.99 for members • £39.99 for non-members
“shaping the future of Podiatry together”
Itinerary and Booking Form
Forms & payment can be completed online via our website or by filling in the form below and following the instructions.
Friday 11th May 2018
9.30 – 10.30
Workshop: ”Growing your business through effective messages” by Tony Gavin, OSGO Lecture: ”Dementia Friends” by Linda Lawson, Alzheimer’s Society
11.00 – 12.00
Lecture: ”Red flags of the foot and lower extremity” by David Lintonbon, DO, PGCert(ClinEd) Workshop: ”Setting a price in private practice” by Jonathan Small
14.00 – 15.00
Lecture: ”Achilles Tendinopathy” by Daniel Lawrence, Rocktape Workshop: ”Lacuna Method for fungal nails” by Nicola O’Brian, Love your feet CPD courses
15.30 – 16.30
Lecture: ”Anatomy & examination of the spring ligament
/tendon of muscle tibialis posterior”
by Michael Ratcliffe, Cuxson Gerrard Lecture: ”Management of Plantar Hyperhidrosis” by Dr Richard Oliver, STD Pharmaceuticals
Saturday 12 May 2018
9.00 – 10.00
Workshop: “Verruca? Verrucae? Verrucee?.... Plantar warts” by Belinda Longhurst Workshop: “Flexitol – a range to add value and profit!” by Caroline McGowan, Flexitol Lecture: “Introduction to platelet rich plasma” by Martin Harvey
10.00 – 11.00
Workshop “Our role in fall prevention” by Olga Frankowski, Medifoot CPD School Workshop: “Emtrix - update on research including Nail Psoriasis” by Steve McGowan, Moberg Pharma Workshop: “The pelvic equilibrium theory - a new pardigm” by Clifton Bradeley, Sub-4 MD
11.30 – 12.30
Workshop: “Cosmetic podiatry - a beautiful way to diversify your practice” by Nicola O’Brian, Love your feet CPD courses Lecture: “Clinical management and self management of Raynaud’s / Scleroderma in the foot” by Tracey Spray, SRUK Workshop: “Podiatrist in the Box!” by Catherine Brown, Bond Solon Training (NEW for 2018)
14.00 – 15.00
Workshop: “First aid” a 2 hours workshop by Martin Harvey Workshop: “Safeguarding children and adults” by Somuz Miah Workshop: “Medical cuppings for the lower limb” by Abid Ali
15.30 – 16.30
Lecture: “First principle & innovative business thinking to develop a mega practice” by Clifton Bradeley, Sub-4 MD) Lecture: “Naloxone saves lives” including an open Q&A on substance/alcohol/POM misuse by Dr Carola Sander-Hess
Booking form
Please tick all lectures/workshops you wish to attend. Places are allocated strictly on a first come, first serve basis. Booking forms and payment can be completed online on our website or if you prefer, completed booking forms should be sent along with payment to: The Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, 150 Lord Street, Southport, PR9 0NP. (Cheque, Credit/Debit card and BACS payment accepted)
Personal details (please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS)
Title (please circle as appropriate) Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss Forename:
Address: Surname:
Annual Dinner & Awards:
19.00 to midnight President’s reception followed by the awards ceremony, dinner and entertainment, reserve your place now for on £34 per person
No. of tickets required:
Guest name(s)
To be seated by* Lunch
A pre-bookable 2 course lunch is available on both conference days at a cost of £12 each. Please advise your requirements:
Friday 11th May 2018 Saturday 12th May 2018
Dietary requirements:
Light refreshments (tea & coffee only) are included. There is no reduction in price if attending for one day only.

Clips to your seatbelt to provide it with optimal performance!

SHOFTTM is a small palm-sized product designed to help keep the slack out of the seat belt. After a 2 second install adding a SHOFT to the seat belt provides it with extra functionality by turning it into an ‘anti-slouch’ device. By keeping out the usual slack that creeps into our seatbelts, SHOFT helps to keep both driver and passengers in a better and potentially safer seated position.
Please answer the following question
Q: How many seconds does it take to fit a SHOFT onto a seat belt tongue? A: 2 hours B: 2 minutes C: 2 seconds
Either email the answer to julie@iocp.org.uk or post your answers to The IOCP, 150 Lord Street, Southport, Merseyside. PR9 0NP to arrive no later than 25th February 2018, please include your name, address and contact number. A winner will be drawn at random from all correct answers. The winner will win a SHOFT, see page 28 of the July issue of Podiatry Review for further information about the product.
Prize Draw Rules
• Entry to the competition is restricted to one entry per person please. • Multiple entries will be disqualified. • Winners will be chosen at random from all valid entries. • Winners will be contacted and names displayed on our website and available to SHOFT for advertising purposes. • The Judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered in to.

Diabetes Representative within the IOCP Do you have an interest in Diabetes and are currently a member of the IOCP?
The Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists currently has a vacancy for a Diabetes Representative. This is a voluntary position within the organisation and would suit someone with an interest in diabetes. The role involves liaising with Diabetes UK on a regular basis and informing the Board of Directors on all the latest news and updates in this regard. Such important updates and information can then be passed on to the membership. It is important therefore that applicants are computer literate and have access to the internet/email as you will be required to liaise with Head Office via email in order that relevant diabetic news can be circulated. This is a very important role within our organisation. It will assist members, readers of Podiatry Review and the public in keeping up-to-date with relevant diabetic news and information which the Institute can publish.
If you are interested in this position please email your contact details to secretary@iocp.org.uk