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IOCP Noticeboard
Membership details
If you have recently changed any of your personal details, such as those listed below, please would you advise Head Office, either by email, telephone or letter so the details we hold for you can be updated. Please ensure you include your IOCP membership number on all correspondence. • Name, Address, Marital Status • Telephone Numbers (Land line and/or Mobile) • Email address (Home and/or work) • Business address details • HCPC (registration OR de-registration) • Insurance • Changing your working status from
‘ACTIVE’ to ‘NON-ACTIVE’ or vice versa
Note to Branch Secretaries: should a member contact you directly to amend their personal details please advise Head Office.
IOCP Website - Find a practitioner
If you would like your details to appear on the IOCP’s website, www.iocp.org.uk ‘Find a Practitioner’ section and they don’t already, please email: secretary@iocp.org.uk Alternatively, please telephone: 01704 546141 Please include your contact details, membership number and the practice details.
Note to all members Please remember to log on to the members’ area of the website to find out more about what’s happening in your Institute. If you are having any problems logging in, please contact Head Office or email pauline@iocp.org.uk
Do you have any foot-related photographs that could be used on our website and/or within this journal? If so, we would love to hear from you. Prior to submission of any photographs, you would be required to ensure that you have written consent from the client/patient that you can submit them for use by IOCP?
Are you ready for GDPR?
GDPR (General Data
Protection Regulation) will apply in the UK from May 25th 2018 and is for those who have day-to-day responsibility for data protection. For further information please visit the ICO website www.ico.org.uk/
protection-reform/overviewof-the-gdpr/. You can also find more information on resources and support available to you.
Data Protection Act
If you collect and maintain patient treatment records, medical history, medication lists etc. on any kind of electronic system you must be registered with the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office).
For further information and how to register please visit the ICO website www.ico.org.uk/for-organisations/
Have you logged in to the members’ area of the website recently? If not, why not pay a visit and find out more about the exclusive Members’ Benefits that are available to you.
PODIATRY REVIEW – Opt out of postal copy
We are interested in hearing from any member who would like to opt out of receiving a hard copy of the Podiatry Review and prefer to access it via the members’ area of the website (with availability to download a pdf copy). To register your interest, please contact Head Office or email
IOCP Membership and Insurance
The Board of Directors wish to remind ALL members that the annual subscription fees are due 1st January. The insurance scheme is a benefit of IOCP membership. Therefore, those practitioners wishing to partake in the IOCP’s insurance scheme, via Arthur J Gallagher Insurance Brokers Ltd (AJG), IOCP membership fees must be paid in order for the insurance to be validated. Failure to do so will result in no insurance cover for the period up to IOCP fees being paid. Both the IOCP and AJG offer members a direct debit facility in order to pay their annual subscription and insurance fees. For further details please contact: