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Branch News
Western Branch Meeting
Sunday 15th October
Thirteen members turned out for our final branch meeting of 2017.
The day began with an insight into the world of muscles and rheumatology by Professor of Medicine Robert G. Cooper, this was followed by a short break where members and nursing staff took advantage of the charity cake sale, to raise much needed funds for “Sunflowers” a local cancer charity. We reconvened where Podiatrist and Fellow Loreto Sime gave an extremely interesting and thought-provoking lecture about
“Nighttime eating syndrome”.
This was followed by the branch meeting.
A total of £54.00 was raised for the
Sunflowers charity, for further information
We look forward to our next meeting and AGM at 12.15pm on Sunday 14th January 2018, at Liverpool Women’s Hospital where John Roose will be on hand to service autoclaves.
Linda Pearson
Cheshire, North Wales Branch Meeting
Sunday, 15th October 2017
Sunday meetings of our Branch are something the regular attendees enjoy and this meeting was no exception as we were joined by a member of the Dementia Friends team. Natalie Pierce-Jones attended our meeting to highlight the importance of trying to understand this devastating disease of the brain and to attempt to shine a more positive light on some of the problems surrounding living with it. With over 100 diagnosed variations of the illness specific treatment is difficult to offer and often appears to be unsuccessful. However, the importance of trying to comprehend the sufferer’s point of view was emphasised and we were encouraged to try and view the world from their perspective and then comprehend what they see and experience. Natalie included light hearted games to impart various information bullet points regarding many aspects of the illness to good effect. We all felt that the talk was very informative and worthwhile as during our work we meet many patients suffering from this condition and their carers too. The ability to communicate at some level is paramount to ensure their safety during treatment and being sympathetic and compassionate is of vital importance. At the end we were all invited to become a Dementia Friend then given a universally recognized badge to wear to indicate to others that we have some ability associated with caring for people with this condition. The talk was followed by the raffle and Branch Meeting, this always raises differing viewpoints and encourages debate amongst members.
It was also a sad opportunity to bid farewell to Miriam Moorcroft. Miriam has been a strong and pro-active member of the branch for 25 years and we would like to thank her for valued input over the years and wish her well in her well-earned retirement.
Phil Yeomans

Introducing the College of Foot Health Ltd
As a new year approaches we are delighted to announce the inception of the College of Foot Health Ltd. The College is wholly owned by the Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists and joins our other associated professional brands; the College of Podiatric Surgeons and the Faculty of Podiatric Medicine.
Membership of the College is open to all Foot Health Practitioners and is an automatic right of all current IOCP Associates. It is designed to clearly announce the professional status of Foot Health Practitioners.
More information to come soon.