Creators of Peace “Global Connections” A Newsletter for reporting the voluntary efforts of
women creating peace across the world’s divides
An international program of
Dear Creators of Peace friends and colleagues, How exciting to get a newsletter which will create a strong and active link within the worldwide Creators of Peace network ! This will enable us to follow the activities of Creators of Peace Circles around the globe and encourage us to share our precious experiences. From Geneva where we meet many committed women’s NGO’s, I trust that the newsletter will be a vehicle to reinforce the links of friendship, to get inspiration from each others’ efforts and initiatives, and to stimulate new ideas or partnerships among the Initiatives of Change (IofC) and Creators of Peace (CoP) network, and other women's groups dedicated to the search and the creation of Peace. I hope it will contribute to pass on the special spark lit up by inner listening and silence, to busy women burdened with so many pressing needs and world concerns. This comes with sincere wishes for a long and fruitful existence of this Newsletter, and a prosperous New Year for all Creators of Peace. Dr Christiane Garin Al-Azhari, President
The Creators of Peace ‘Strategic Plan’ is launched - by Christina De Angelis At the Creators of Peace AGM Meeting in Caux 2012, the first Creators of Peace Strategic Plan was launched. The Strategic Plan was the vision of Christina DeAngelis to have a clear plan and direction for the next five years. Following the AGM, a group of committed Creators or Peace women met in Caux over two days to develop a plan of action and to see how these directions are currently being implemented. The Strategic Plan will also be used to obtain support of donors, sponsors and partners.
Strategic Direction 1: Expand CoP Circles: We are committed to support participants as they seek to practically implement their commitment to peace. Strategic Direction 2: Explore new programmes and partnerships We are aware many of the women involved in Creators of Peace live in communities experiencing or recently recovering from violent conflicts. We seek to empower them further by exploring opportunities to develop new programs and trainings to respond to specific needs and linking them with other peace building practitioners. Strategic Direction 3: Build and consolidate our team We are committed to further building and supporting our team around the world. This team is made up of coordinators, facilitators, staff and all those who have experienced a Creators of Peace Circle. Strategic direction 4: Develop our resources We seek to develop resources and obtain the necessary funding required for our work to be effective and sustainable.
Over the next five years, as we prepare for the 25th anniversary of Creators of Peace in 2016, we are committed to pursue the folTo obtain copies of The Strategic Plan email Christina De Angelis: lowing strategic directions identified as crucial to the effectivechristina.deangelis@googlemail.com ness and sustainability of our work
Regular Feature Article: “On reflection of my CoP Journey” Trish McDonald-Harrison Secretary Creators of Peace International Committee & International Coordinator “I felt a sense of relief when I finally understood Inner Listening. I cried uncontrollably. At last I’d found a way to do something significant in the world. I didn’t have to wait till I came up with a great plan and resources to make it work! I could begin now. I just needed to spend a bit of time each day listening to the deepest part of me - and to God… the steps would evolve.”
in Africa, women sharing their sense of loss at having their culture and laws disrespected and being dispossessed of their land.
For the first time I understood, at heart level, what my people inflicted on Aboriginal people in Australia. I can’t bear to think of it for more than a few seconds at a time. It is so cruel and heartless ..and, I have walked on the other side of the street to avoid Aboriginal people, though I knew this treatment was wrong. I now have AborigiI was conscious of seeing my own prejudice. I nal friends and they have forgiven me. had a sense that “my kind” - Anglo-Christian, were more right or reliable. That sense was How did I connect with Creators of Peace? eroded. I was humbled by the strength of A chance meeting with a woman who told character and generosity of spirit of people of me how Creators of Peace gives a woman a many cultures and beliefs. I knew they were way to first get herself “in order” and then my teachers...and friends. help her family and community. That struck A great “dawning” for me came after hearing, a chord. I wanted that.
WHAT is a Creators of Peace Facilitator by Jean Brown
A CoP Facilitator is a practitioner not a theorist A CoP Facilitator is a guide not a teacher A CoP Facilitator is a midwife not a doctor A CoP Facilitator is engaged not aloof A CoP Facilitator is a learner not an expert A CoP Facilitator is human not a paragon of peace!
Creators of Peace “Global Connections” Newsletter - January 2013 edition