MAy 2012 – No 31
Alan Channer
Media & Mediation in Chad
Answer which documents the imam and pastor’s peacemaking work in Kenya after the ethnic conflicts of 2007-2008. It struck a positive chord with participants and the event was widely reported in the national press. Ashafa and Wuye had meetings with the Mediator of the Republic, Abderahman Moussa, and with the UN’s Resident Co-ordinator, Thomas Gurtner. In the following days Pastor James and Imam Ashafa facilitated three workshops on mediation and peace-building skills: in the capital, N’Djamena; in Abéché, in eastern Chad (bordering Darfur); and in Moundou, southern Chad (bordering Central African Republic). UNDP, in partnership with the Chadian NGO Comité de Suivi de l’Appel à la Paix et à la Réconciliation, selected 40 participants, including representatives of local government, traditional chiefs and leaders Participants and UN staff at the workshop in Moundou, southern Chad, with Imam of civil society. Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye Une Solution Africaine was screened at the start of the workshops in N’Djamena and Moundou. In Abéché, Nigerian peacemakers, Pastor James Wuye and Imam where Arabic predominates, the fully dubbed version of The Muhammad Ashafa, and British filmmaker, Dr Alan Channer, were invited to Chad by the United Nations from 24 March – 2 Imam and the Pastor was screened. Many of the conflicts which Chadians face were brought to the surface and addressed during April. Their visit, under the theme ‘Media and Mediation’, was the workshops – for example the growing gulf between French part of a bid by the United Nations Development Programme and Arabic speakers in the country, the vying of different ethnic (UNDP) to build skills in mediation and peace-building groups for political power and tensions between pastoralists amongst a newly-forged network of Chadian mediators. and cultivators. All the participants were eager for further The programme started with a screening of Une Solution training materials, including the Resource Guide for Grassroots Africaine, at a Media Roundtable attended by Chadian Practitioners that accompanies the films. UNDP Chad is journalists and press. The film, by Initiatives of Change’s working on translation of this guide into French and Arabic. FLTfilms, is the French language version of An African
Africa Coordination Group in Tanzania & Burundi
In March members of IofC’s Africa Coordination Group visited Tanzania, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo to listen to what local IofC teams are doing on the ground in advance of the All Africa conference, which will take place in Cameroon, 7-11 May. They were also able to invite young Tanzanian students to IofC’s Eastern African Youth Conference. In Dar es Salaam they spent time with the Tanzanian MP and former Minister of State, Anna Abdallah. It was a chance to update her on the expansion of IofC’s Creators of Peace programme, which she had helped launch in the 1991 at the IofC conference centre in Caux, Switzerland. Abdallah said that the secret to meaningful political and social changes is ‘to believe in and do what is right. It takes courage.’ She expressed her wish for Creators of Peace Circles to engage more Tanzanian women leaders – especially women parliamentarians from across the political spectrum – and offered her full support for the local IofC team. Abdallah agreed to be one of the keynote speakers at the forthcoming All Africa Conference. In Burundi the group were briefed by the local IofC team about the current situation and their main objectives. In a meeting with Oliver Hoehne, Political Councillor representing the Swiss Government, Hoehne expressed appreciation and ongoing support for IofC’s peacebuilding and reconciliation work which the Swiss foreign ministry has been supporting in Burundi since 2007. They also met General Evariste
Ndayishimiye, who was part of the CNDD-FDD armed movement during Burundi’s civil war, and now head of military security in Burundi; former President, Senator Domitian Ndayizeye; and attended the monthly Political Café meeting for members of political parties, faith communities, journalists and civil society concerned with peacebuilding and reconciliation. The keynote speech at the Political Café was given by another former President of Burundi, Senator Silvestre Ntibantunganya, who emphasized the need to face one’s fears, and the meeting ended with a showing of Une Solution Africaine (see above).
Members of the African Coordination Group with Burundian hosts on the shores of Lake Tanganyika