Global Update No 32: August 2012

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AUGUST 2012 – No 32

Human Security Forum

UNCCD, was a keynote speaker and host of the day. ‘Land degradation is about life degradation, so land restoration is about life restoration,’ he reminded the audience of 350 participants from 62 countries. Some 70% of the world’s poor The fifth Caux Forum for Human Security started on 9 July at live in rural areas, and about 1.5 billion people are affected by the Initiatives of Change centre in Switzerland with a special food insecurity, he said. one-day event on Restoring Land, Restoring Lives. The event The Hon. Kevin Rudd MP, former Prime Minister and was co-organized by the Secretariat of the United Nations Foreign Minister of Australia and member of the UN Secretary Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and the General’s High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability, noted Restoring Earth’s Degraded Land initiative of Initiatives of the failures of international politics. ‘If we wait for an absolute Change International. Luc Gnacadja, Executive Secretary of global consensus to arise, we’ll be waiting for disaster,’ he said. ‘Non-governmental action, driven from below, is more important than ever.’ A few days later, Rudd spoke again with two leading Aboriginals, Jackie Huggins and Prof. Daryle Rigney, about the processes of healing springing from Rudd’s public apology presented at the Opening of Parliament in 2008 to the ‘stolen generations’. Referring to the history of other healing processes in which Caux had played a part, he said, ‘Everything is possible if we have the heart to do it. We should be inspired by this place. Never underestimate your power as civil society.’ The act of recognition, justice and healing, said Huggins, ‘was very important for our people, but also for all Australians’. A full report of (L to R) Luc Gnacadja of UNCCD, Elizabeth Thompson, Executive Coordinator of Rio+20, all the Caux conferences will be available Kevin Rudd, former Prime Minister of Australia, and Omnia Marzouk, President of Initiatives of later in the year. Change International

School for Changemakers

world’. One of the participants later wrote: ‘Back home after a life-changing weekend at the School for Changemakers in Liverpool! Time to step outside my comfort zone, take risks and not be afraid of making mistakes and even failure. Time to change me as person because it’s only after I change myself, I can change the world.’

Alan Channer

The 2012 School for Changemakers summer conference took place June 22-24 at Liverpool Hope University. SfCM is a residential programme for young people who want to initiate and sustain positive change in their lives and beyond. It is a partnership between the university, Initiatives of Change and iGenius – a company that promotes social enterprise all over the world. Eighteen of the 68 participants were alumni of previous SfCM events. The participants were divided into four learning tracks: Vocation and the heart of IofC; Being a social entrepreneur; Education – the only way to bring change; Justice, integrity and the flourishing life. Later, each group presented its conclusions to the other, putting across a lively understanding of the inner changes that took place and their impact on events. Speakers included Krish Raval (director of SfCM), Barry Crisp (head of communications for iGenius), Dr Omnia Marzouk (President of IofC International) and Dr Bob Doherty (of Liverpool Hope University, one of the pioneers of fair trading). Professor Gerald Pillay, Vice Chancellor of the university and an enthusiastic supporter of SfCM, spoke on the final day. SfCM is a year-round programme, with the stated promise that ‘following the programme you will be part of a dynamic network of future leaders who are making a difference to the

Prof.Pillay addresses the SfCM

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