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THOMAS M. ACHENBACH Department of Psychiatry University of Vermont ñ Burlingto, Vermont
THOMAS P. CAFFERTY Department of Psychology University of South Carolina ñ Columbia, South Carolina
PATRICA A. ALEXANDER Department of Human Development University of Maryland ñ College, Park, Maryland
JOHN CARLSON, M. S. School of Applied Health and Educational Psychology Oklahoma State University ñ Stillwater, Oklahoma
DAVID W. BARNETT Teachers College Univeristy of Cincinnati ñ Cincinnati, Ohio
SANDRA L. CHRISTENSON University of Minnesota ñ Minneapolis, Minnesota
DONALD N. BERSOFF Haverford, Pennsylvania
JANE CLOSE CONOLEY College of Education Texas A & M University ñ College Station, Texas
WILLIAM E. BICKEL Department of Educational Administration University of Pittsburg ñ Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
JACQUELINE CUNNINGAM Department of Behavioral Science Children's Hospital National Medical Center ñ Washington, District of Columbia
CHRISTINE E. BORGELT Department of Educational Psychology University of Nebraska ñ Lincoln, Nebraska
MICHAEL J. CURTIS Department of Psychology and Social Foundations University of South Florida ñ Tampa, Florida
RONALD T. BROWN Medical University of South Carolina Department of Pediatrics Division of Genetics and Child Development Charleston, South Carolina
EDWARD J. DALY III College of Education University of Cinncinati ñ Cinncinati, Ohio
MICHAELANTHONY BROWN-CHEATHAM (deceased) Graduate School of Professional Studies San Diego State University ñ San Diego, California
RICK D' AMATO Division of Prosfessional Psychology University of Northern Colorado ñ Greeley, Colorado
KARLA BUERKLE University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnessota
JOAN E. DONEGAN Department of Pediatrics Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Emory University School of Medicine ñ Atlanta, Georgia
R. T. BUSSE Department of Psychology University of Wisconsin ñ Whitewater, Wisconsin
viii ñ §›ÛÙ· ™˘ÁÁڷʤˆÓ JUDY ELLIOTT National Center on Educational Outcomes College of Education and Human Development University of Minnesota ñ Minneapolis, Minnesota
CAROLYN IMPERATO-MCCAMMON Educational Psychology Department University of Georgia ñ Athens, Georgia
STEPHEN N. ELLIOTT Department of Educational Psychology University of Wisconsin ñ Madison, Wisconsin
JAMES W. KALAT Department of Phychology North Carolina State University ñ Raleigh, North Carolina
TOM FAGAN Department of Psychology University of Wisconsin ñ Memphis, Tennessee
RANDY W. KAMPHAUS Department of Educational Psychology University of Georgia ñ Athens, Georgia
STEVEN R. FORNESS Department of Curriculum and Instruction University of Iowa ñ Iowa City, Iowa
ALAN S. KAUFMAN Stamford, Connecticut
MARIBETH GETTINGER Department of Educational Psychology University of Wisconsin ñ Madison, Wiscosin YVONNE L. GODDARD School of Physical Activity and Educational Services Ohio State University ñ Columbus, Ohio TODD GRAVOIS College of Education Counseling and Personnel Service University of Maryland ñ College Park, Maryland BARRY C. GRIBBONS Division of Counseling and Educational Psychology University of Southern California - University Park ñ Los Angelles, California
KENNETH A. KAVALE Department of Curriculum and Instruction University of Iowa ñ Iowa City, IA TIMOTHY Z. KEITH Division of School Psychology Alfred University ñ Alfred, New York JOHN H. KRANZLER Foundations of Education University of Florida ñ Gainesville, Florida THOMAS R. KRATOSCHWILL Department of Psychology University of Arizona ñ Tucson, Arizona NADINE M. LAMBERT School of Education University of California ñ Berkeley, California
TERRY B. GUTKIN Department of Educational Psychology University of Nebraska ñ Lincoln, Nebraska
KIM L. LASECKI, M. S. Educational Psychology Department University of Utah ñ Salt Lake City, Utah
RONALD K. HAMBLETON School of Education University of Massachusetts ñ Amherst, Massachusetts
DOUGLAS LEE, M. D. Department of Pediatrics Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Emory University School of Medicine ñ Atlanta, Georgia
MARY HENNING-STOUT Graduate School of Professional Studies Lewis and Clark College ñ Portland, Oregon TIMOTHY E. HERON School of Physical Activity and Educational Services Ohio State University ñ Columbus, Ohio JAN N. HUGHES Department of Educational Phychology Texas A&M Univeristy ñ College Station, Texas ROBERT J. ILLBACK R.E.A.C.H. of Louisville, Inc. Louisville, Kentucky
ELIZABETH O. LIGHTENBERGER Laboratory for Cognitive Neuroscience The Salk Institute ñ La Jolla, California PATRICA A. LOWE Educational Psychology Department Texas A&M University ñ College Station, Texas GREGG M. MACMANN University of Kentucky College of Education Department of Educational and Counseling Phyghology ñ Lexington, Kentucky CHARLES A. MAHER Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology Rutgers University ñ Piscataway, New Jersey
§›ÛÙ· ™˘ÁÁڷʤˆÓ ñ ix BRIAN K. MARTENS Department of Psychology Syracuse University ñ Syracuse, New Jersey STEPHANIE H. MCCONAUGHY Psychiatry Department University of Vermont ñ Burlington, Vermont FREDERIC J. MEDWAY Department of Psychology University of South Carolina ñ Columbia, South Carolina JOEL MEYERS Department of Counseling and Psychological Services Georgia State University ñ Atlanta, Georgia DWIGHT MORRISON Independent School District 709 ñ Duluth, Minnesota P. KAREN MURPHY Department of Human Devlopment University of Maryland ñ College Park, Maryland JACK A. NAGLIERI Education Service and Research Ohio State University ñ Columbus, Ohio BONNIE K. NASTASI Programs in School Psychology SUNY-Albany ñ Albany, New York THOMAS D. OAKLAND Department of Educational Psychology University of Florida ñ Gainesville, Florida
DORRIE L. RAPP White River Junction, Vermont DANILE J. RESCHLY Peabody College of Education and Human Development Varnderbilt University ñ Nashville, Tennessee CECIL R. REYNOLDS Department of Educational Psychology Texas A&M University ñ College Station, Texas SYLVIA ROSENFIELD College of Education Counseling and Personnel Service University of Maryland ñ College Park, Maryland BARBARA A. ROTHLISBERG Educational Psychology Department Ball State University ñ Muncie, Indiana DONAL M. SACKEN Department of Psychology University of Arizona ñ Tuscon, Arizona ADAM L. SAENZ Educational Psychology Department Texas A&M University ñ College Station, Texas BRUCE D. SALES Department of Psychology University of Arizona ñ Tuscon, Arizona EDWARD S. SHAPIRO College of Education Lehigh University ñ Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
THOMAS D. OVERCAST Attorney at Law ñ Edmonds, Washington
SUSAN M. SHERIDAN Department of Education Psychology University of Nebraska ñ Lincoln ,Nebraska
KATHLEEN D. PAGET The Center for Child and Family Studies College of Social Work University of South Carolina ñ Columbia, South Carolina
KAREN CALLAN STOIBER Department of Educational Psychology University of Wisconsin ñ Madison Wisconsin
BEEMAN N. PHILLIPS Department of Educational Psychology University of Texas at Austin ñ Austin, Texas DONALD E. POLKINGHORNE Division of Counseling and Educational Psychology University of Southern California - University Park ñ Los Angeles, California FRANCES F. PREVATT Department of Educational Psychology Texas A&M University ñ College Station, Texas WALTER B. PRYZWANSKY School of Educationa University of North Carolina ñ Chapel Hill, North Carolina
ROBERT D. TENNYSON Department of Educational Psychology University of Minnesota ñ Minneapolis, Minnesota DEBORAH J. THARINGEN Department of Educational Psychology University of Texas at Austin ñ Austin, Texas TIMOTHY R. VOLLMER Shcool of Medicine University of Pennsylvania ñ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania DORLENE WALKER Department of Educational Psychology University of Utah ñ Salt Lake City, Utah
x ñ §›ÛÙ· ™˘ÁÁڷʤˆÓ JOSEPH C. WITT Psychology Department Louisiana State University ñ Baton Rouge, Louisiana
JAMES E. YSSELDYKE National Center on Educational Outcomes College of Education and Human Development University of Minnesota ñ Minneapolis, Minnesota
PATRICIA H. LEU WORK Division of Professional Psychology University of Northern Colorado ñ Greeley, Colorado
JOSEPH E. ZINS, PH. D. Teachers College University of Cincinati ñ Cincinnati, Ohio.
TRACIE WURM Department of Psychology North Carolina State University ñ Raleigh North Carolina