Florian Ion PETRESCU, Barbu GRECU, Relly Victoria PETRESCU

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Al III-lea Seminar National de Mecanisme, Craiova, 2008


DYNAMIC SYNTHESIS OF GEARED TRANSMISSIONS Florian Ion PETRESCU, Barbu GRECU, Relly Victoria PETRESCU Abstract: In this paper one presents shortly an original method to obtain the efficiency of the geared transmissions in function of cover grade of the gearing. With the presented relations one can make the dynamic synthesis of geared transmissions, having in view increasing the efficiency of gearing mechanism in works.

1 Introduction In this paper one presents shortly an original method to obtain the efficiency of the geared transmissions in function of the cover grade. With the presented relations one can make the dynamic synthesis of the geared transmissions having in view increasing the efficiency of gearing mechanisms in work. 2 Determining the gearing efficiency in function of the cover grade One calculates the efficiency of a geared transmission, having in view the deed that at one moment there are more couples of teeth in contact, and not just one. The start model has got four pairs of teeth in contact (4 couple) concomitantly. The first couple of teeth in contact has the contact point i, defined by the ray ri1, and the pressure angle Îąi1; the forces which action in this point are: the motor force Fmi, perpendicular in i on the position vector ri1 and the transmitted force from the wheel 1 at the wheel 2 by the point i, FĎ„i, parallel with the gearing line and with the sense from the wheel 1 to the wheel 2, the transmitted force being practically the projection of the motor force at the gearing line; the defined velocities are similar with the forces (having in view the original kinematics, or the precisely kinematics adopted); the same parameters will be defined for the next three points of contact, j, k, l (see the picture number one). For starting one writes the relations between the velocities (1):

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