Green’s Function Approach to Solve a Nonlinear Second Order Four Point Directional Boundary Value Pr

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IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM) e-ISSN: 2278-5728, p-ISSN: 2319-765X. Volume 13, Issue 3 Ver. IV (May - June 2017), PP 01-08

Green’s Function Approach to Solve a Nonlinear Second Order Four Point Directional Boundary Value Problem Goteti V R L Sarma1, Awet Mebrahtu 2, Mebrahtom Sebhatu 3 Department of Mathematics, Eritrea Institute of Technology, Mai-nefhi, Eritrea.

Abstract: In this article a four point boundary value problem associated with a second order differential equation involving directional derivative boundary conditions is proposed. Then its solution is developed with the help of the Green’s function associated with the homogeneous equation. Using this idea and an Iteration method is proposed to solve the corresponding nonlinear problem. Key words: Green’s function, Schauder fixed point theorem, Vitali’s convergence theorem.

I. Introduction Non local boundary value problems raise much attention because of its ability to accommodate more boundary points than their corresponding order of differential equations [5], [8]. Considerable studies were made by Bai and Fag [2], Gupta [4] and Web [9]. This research article is concerned with the existence and uniqueness of solutions for the second order four point boundary value problem with directional type boundary conditions (1.1) u " f (t , u)  0, t [a, b] ,

u (a)  k1u(1 ), where

u (b)  k2u(2 ); is a given function

(1.2) and k1 , k2  R

The Green’s function plays an important role in solving boundary value problems of differential equations. The exact expressions of the solutions for some linear ODEs boundary value problems can be expressed by the corresponding Green’s functions of the problems. The Green’s function method will be used to obtain an initial estimate for shooting method. The Greens function method for solving the boundary value problem is an effect tools in numerical experiments. Some BVPs for nonlinear integral equations the kernels of which are the Green’s functions of corresponding linear differential equations. The undetermined parametric method we use in this paper is a universal method, the Green’s functions of many boundary value problems for ODEs can be obtained by similar method. In (2008), Zhao discussed the solutions and Green’s functions for non local linear second-order Three-point boundary value problems. subject to one of the following boundary value conditions: i. ii. iii. iv. where k was the given number and is a given point. In (2013), Mohamed investigate the positive solutions to a singular second order boundary value problem with more generalized boundary conditions. He consider the Sturm-Liouville boundary value problem with the boundary conditions , where are all constants, is a positive parameter and is singular at . Also the existence of positive solutions of singular boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations has been studied by many researchers such as Agarwal and Stanek established the existence criteria for positive solutions singular boundary value problems for nonlinear second order ordinary and delay differential equations using the Vitali’s convergence theorem. Gatical et al proved the existence of positive solution of the problem with the boundary conditions , using the iterative technique and fixed point theorem for cone for decreasing mappings. Recently Goteti V.R.L. Sarma et al., studied the solvability of a four point boundary value problem with ordinary boundary conditions u  f (t )  0, t [a, b] satisfying the boundary conditions

u (a)  k1u (1 ), u (b)  k2u(2 ); where DOI: 10.9790/5728-1303040108

are real constants.

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