The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a graphical representation of the relationship
between false positive and true positive rates. It is a widely used statistical tool for describing the accuracy of a
diagnostic test and applied in measuring discriminatory ability of diagnostic or prognostic tests. This makes
ROC analysis one of the most actively research areas in medical statistics. In this research we used ROC
analysis in radiological tests as a method for distinction between the two types of kidney stones (radio opaque
and radio lucent) . The sample of this research was 183 patients (119male and 64 female) their ages between
18-80 having kidney stones its size more than or equal (10mm). This research done between September 2014 to
August 2016 in Al-Emammain Al-Kadhymain medical city, Baghdad, Iraq. In all patients X-Ray of
Kidney,Uretare,bladder(KUB) done after preparation and then non contrast Computed Tomography(CT) was
performed to all patients. two parameters we