Hello and welcome back to Warm Welcomes from the Farm winter edition! A place of nostalgia and inspiration as we share recipes, photos and stories from the farm. At Iowa Corn we love sharing the Iowa farmer’s story with you. Iowans come in contact with corn in different forms daily, and usually do not even realize it. Warm Welcomes from the Farm will bring light to some of those corn products and agriculture experiences. You may know that Iowa is the #1 producer of corn, but did you know Iowa produces more corn than any other country in the world. With over 4,000 products made from corn, some might think Iowa just grows corn, but the truth is corn grows Iowa! In this newsletter you will find beautiful photos from this fall’s harvest, delicious corn-fed recipes, an Iowa Corn goodie giveaway and much more! We hope you enjoy the latest issue of Warm Welcomes from the Farm!