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IPAV-INSTITUTO PADRE ANTĂ“NIO VIEIRA is a non-profit civic association, recognized as a private social welfare institution (IPSS), its objective being reflection, education and action in the promotion of human dignity, social solidarity, sustainability, development, diversity and dialogue between civilizations/cultures. It acts by developing and managing social innovation projects which provide solutions to unresolved social needs at the national and international level, in particular by supporting children and young people, the family, social/ community integration, the protection of citizens in old age, disability and in all situations where there is need or reduced means of subsistence.


Social innovation for a better world


Instituto Padre António Vieira

IPAV’s activity is structured around 5 axes: Em

o pl

Self-help groups for Job Search (GEPE) Informal groups of unemployed people who meet weekly with the goal of looking for active employment or creating their own job. Through the dynamics of group mutual aid, the aim is to overcome the demotivation and isolation that often creates unemployment and establish new strategies to approach the labour market. 100 working groups across the country, with about 1,500 participants. This project is supported by the Ministry of Solidarity and the Montepio Foundation.

ty bili ya



Map of Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship


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Go ve


Inte Migra rcu ltu tion ral s a Di n al o

e Citiz Participation and

Ser vant Leade rship

ip nsh

(In partnership with the IES). Is a research project which aims to uncover and map socially innovative initiatives at the national level, seeking knowledge creation and using a methodology of proximity to local communities. The focus of this methodology is to analyse the competitiveness of the innovative business models identified, and on uncovering and disseminating domestic and international success stories and good practices. It seeks to contribute to the growth and competitiveness of a new market in Portuguese social innovation and entrepreneurship. Project financed the COMPETES programme, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and EDP. http://map.mies.pt https://www.facebook.com/miesportugal

Towards Employment Integrated Governance

Participation and Citizenship

To support a strategic vision as part of the dynamics of social innovation by focusing on analysis, reflection and action to solve complex social problems, mobilizing the state and civil society to develop integrated governance models based on cooperation/partnership, stakeholder participation, effective communication and collaborative leadership, notably by influencing public policy, and supporting and giving visibility to pilot projects for geographically-based integrated governance with a thematic focus or selection of specific recipients, while inspiring crosssectoral policies on this principle;

Developing a culture of civic participation, in particular amongst young people, in the most diverse areas of society, from environmental to economic and social issues, by way of issues associated with justice, democracy or the construction of Europe, and seeking to create new responsible citizens.

Servant Leadership With a view to the empowering new leaders towards an innovative vision of leadership, while serving the common good and the community, with particular attention to young people from vulnerable backgrounds, or willingness to work on them.

Developing innovative approaches to unemployment, in particular longterm unemployment, through training initiatives, mutual aid between peers and the active search for employment using support ecosystems.

Migrations and Intercultural Dialogue Promoting a love of diversity and by building bridges between different cultural, ethnic and religious circumstances, finding in human mobility a place for dignity of the person and a meeting of cultures.

Our Km2

Forum for Integrated Governance

A community development project which seeks integrated solutions in response to complex social problems. Focused on the parish of Avenidas Novas in Lisbon, the project’s mission is to help promote an inclusive proactive community, based on dialogue and solidarity, acting on issues of youth and female unemployment, school underachievement and abandonment, the isolation of elderly and inter-ethnic/interreligious conflicts. This project is sponsored by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon City Council, GEBALIS, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa and IPAV.

Has the support of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Montepio Foundation, the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, the Municipalities of Lisbon and Braga and GRACE, and the institutional support of the Minister of Regional Development, and has since 2014 been developing a set of initiatives to help mobilise Portuguese institutions at various levels towards integrated governance. Its activities have included conferences, studies, pilot projects, advanced training and, above all, the mobilization of a network of institutional actors so that steps can be taken towards the change needed in the organizational culture.

http://www.km2.pt https://www.facebook.com/onossokm2

A dynamic programme that combines training with the active search for employment, through the mutual assistance of its members. Daily monitoring by a project manager who specializes in the area of employability. http://www.maiorempregabilidade.pt

Non-formal education programme for training young people with high leadership potential, from backgrounds of social exclusion and/or with the intention of working on them, with the aim that they may develop projects of social entrepreneurship in the service of the community. With a two-year training cycle, the Ubuntu method based on non-formal education pedagogy with a fixed formation team and guests and a proposal based on model leaders, leadership tools, experiences and challenges. Project supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Montepio Foundation and Lipor. http://www.academiaubuntu.org https://www.facebook.com/academiaubuntu

Fórum para a Governação Integrada


Greater Employability Project promoting employability, equal opportunities and social inclusion by strengthening transferable skills (soft skills) and digital literacy; encouraging the early compilation of a CV with what the job market values; supporting the introduction of young people into the labour market, through initiatives that publicise the activities of companies, the experiences of young workers, adaptation to work or promotion of entrepreneurship. Promotion of a proactive and supportive attitude to seeking employment. Project developed in partnership with the Coordinating Council of the Polytechnic Institutes, the National Association of Professional Schools and the Student Forum, with the support of the Active Citizenship Programme/EEGrants. http://www.maiorempregabilidade.pt

Ubuntu Academy



Justice For All A project to promote democratic values by emphasizing education for justice and law (in particular human rights, minority rights and non-discrimination) as a fundamental civic tool for the rule of law. Geared towards young people. In partnership with the Escolhas programme and the General Directorate for Rehabilitation and Prison Services and the support of the Active Citizenship Programme/EEGrants.

Ubuntu Academy Guinea-Bissau Emerging from the experience of the Ubuntu Academy in Portugal, Guinea-Bissau’s version sets itself apart by addressing its distinct cultural context, adapting its programme and methodology to local circumstances. By training young people with high leadership potential, who are active in civil society organizations, and encouraging the creation and implementation of local social entrepreneurship projects. Project funded by the European Union through the EU-Programme PAANE. http://www.academiaubuntuguinebisssau.org https://www.facebook.com/academiaubuntuguinebissau

Ubuntu Lives Programme to structure and present, in the first person, the life stories of young people (14-25 years) with particular attention on those coming from vulnerable backgrounds. It aims to develop social/cultural roots amongst young people, giving them a sense of their identity; strengthening self-esteem/self-confidence; encouraging selfknowledge, an integrated reading of life trajectories; the capacity for oral communication with multimedia support; and empowerment to develop a project (presenting life stories) that requires design, planning, presentation and evaluation. In partnership with the Escolhas Programme and the General Directorate for Rehabilitation and Prison Services and the support of the Active Citizenship Programme/EEGrants






Instituto Padre António Vieira

IPAV’s activity is structured around 5 axes: Em

o pl

Self-help groups for Job Search (GEPE) Informal groups of unemployed people who meet weekly with the goal of looking for active employment or creating their own job. Through the dynamics of group mutual aid, the aim is to overcome the demotivation and isolation that often creates unemployment and establish new strategies to approach the labour market. 100 working groups across the country, with about 1,500 participants. This project is supported by the Ministry of Solidarity and the Montepio Foundation.

ty bili ya



Map of Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship


ate d


n na

e gu

Go ve


Inte Migra rcu ltu tion ral s a Di n al o

e Citiz Participation and

Ser vant Leade rship

ip nsh

(In partnership with the IES). Is a research project which aims to uncover and map socially innovative initiatives at the national level, seeking knowledge creation and using a methodology of proximity to local communities. The focus of this methodology is to analyse the competitiveness of the innovative business models identified, and on uncovering and disseminating domestic and international success stories and good practices. It seeks to contribute to the growth and competitiveness of a new market in Portuguese social innovation and entrepreneurship. Project financed the COMPETES programme, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and EDP. http://map.mies.pt https://www.facebook.com/miesportugal

Towards Employment Integrated Governance

Participation and Citizenship

To support a strategic vision as part of the dynamics of social innovation by focusing on analysis, reflection and action to solve complex social problems, mobilizing the state and civil society to develop integrated governance models based on cooperation/partnership, stakeholder participation, effective communication and collaborative leadership, notably by influencing public policy, and supporting and giving visibility to pilot projects for geographically-based integrated governance with a thematic focus or selection of specific recipients, while inspiring crosssectoral policies on this principle;

Developing a culture of civic participation, in particular amongst young people, in the most diverse areas of society, from environmental to economic and social issues, by way of issues associated with justice, democracy or the construction of Europe, and seeking to create new responsible citizens.

Servant Leadership With a view to the empowering new leaders towards an innovative vision of leadership, while serving the common good and the community, with particular attention to young people from vulnerable backgrounds, or willingness to work on them.

Developing innovative approaches to unemployment, in particular longterm unemployment, through training initiatives, mutual aid between peers and the active search for employment using support ecosystems.

Migrations and Intercultural Dialogue Promoting a love of diversity and by building bridges between different cultural, ethnic and religious circumstances, finding in human mobility a place for dignity of the person and a meeting of cultures.

Our Km2

Forum for Integrated Governance

A community development project which seeks integrated solutions in response to complex social problems. Focused on the parish of Avenidas Novas in Lisbon, the project’s mission is to help promote an inclusive proactive community, based on dialogue and solidarity, acting on issues of youth and female unemployment, school underachievement and abandonment, the isolation of elderly and inter-ethnic/interreligious conflicts. This project is sponsored by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon City Council, GEBALIS, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa and IPAV.

Has the support of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Montepio Foundation, the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, the Municipalities of Lisbon and Braga and GRACE, and the institutional support of the Minister of Regional Development, and has since 2014 been developing a set of initiatives to help mobilise Portuguese institutions at various levels towards integrated governance. Its activities have included conferences, studies, pilot projects, advanced training and, above all, the mobilization of a network of institutional actors so that steps can be taken towards the change needed in the organizational culture.

http://www.km2.pt https://www.facebook.com/onossokm2

A dynamic programme that combines training with the active search for employment, through the mutual assistance of its members. Daily monitoring by a project manager who specializes in the area of employability. http://www.maiorempregabilidade.pt

Non-formal education programme for training young people with high leadership potential, from backgrounds of social exclusion and/or with the intention of working on them, with the aim that they may develop projects of social entrepreneurship in the service of the community. With a two-year training cycle, the Ubuntu method based on non-formal education pedagogy with a fixed formation team and guests and a proposal based on model leaders, leadership tools, experiences and challenges. Project supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Montepio Foundation and Lipor. http://www.academiaubuntu.org https://www.facebook.com/academiaubuntu

Fórum para a Governação Integrada


Greater Employability Project promoting employability, equal opportunities and social inclusion by strengthening transferable skills (soft skills) and digital literacy; encouraging the early compilation of a CV with what the job market values; supporting the introduction of young people into the labour market, through initiatives that publicise the activities of companies, the experiences of young workers, adaptation to work or promotion of entrepreneurship. Promotion of a proactive and supportive attitude to seeking employment. Project developed in partnership with the Coordinating Council of the Polytechnic Institutes, the National Association of Professional Schools and the Student Forum, with the support of the Active Citizenship Programme/EEGrants. http://www.maiorempregabilidade.pt

Ubuntu Academy



Justice For All A project to promote democratic values by emphasizing education for justice and law (in particular human rights, minority rights and non-discrimination) as a fundamental civic tool for the rule of law. Geared towards young people. In partnership with the Escolhas programme and the General Directorate for Rehabilitation and Prison Services and the support of the Active Citizenship Programme/EEGrants.

Ubuntu Academy Guinea-Bissau Emerging from the experience of the Ubuntu Academy in Portugal, Guinea-Bissau’s version sets itself apart by addressing its distinct cultural context, adapting its programme and methodology to local circumstances. By training young people with high leadership potential, who are active in civil society organizations, and encouraging the creation and implementation of local social entrepreneurship projects. Project funded by the European Union through the EU-Programme PAANE. http://www.academiaubuntuguinebisssau.org https://www.facebook.com/academiaubuntuguinebissau

Ubuntu Lives Programme to structure and present, in the first person, the life stories of young people (14-25 years) with particular attention on those coming from vulnerable backgrounds. It aims to develop social/cultural roots amongst young people, giving them a sense of their identity; strengthening self-esteem/self-confidence; encouraging selfknowledge, an integrated reading of life trajectories; the capacity for oral communication with multimedia support; and empowerment to develop a project (presenting life stories) that requires design, planning, presentation and evaluation. In partnership with the Escolhas Programme and the General Directorate for Rehabilitation and Prison Services and the support of the Active Citizenship Programme/EEGrants





IPAV-INSTITUTO PADRE ANTĂ“NIO VIEIRA is a non-profit civic association, recognized as a private social welfare institution (IPSS), its objective being reflection, education and action in the promotion of human dignity, social solidarity, sustainability, development, diversity and dialogue between civilizations/cultures. It acts by developing and managing social innovation projects which provide solutions to unresolved social needs at the national and international level, in particular by supporting children and young people, the family, social/ community integration, the protection of citizens in old age, disability and in all situations where there is need or reduced means of subsistence.


Social innovation for a better world

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