2023 IPC Annual Report

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Annual Report

2023 at IPC
Letter From the Pastor Life of IPC Adult Ministries Family Ministries Youth Ministries Children’s Ministries Other Ministries IPC Foundation Community Ministries CFAF Centennial & Global Mi i Worship, Music & Fine Art IPC Day School Finance Baptisms, Weddings, In M Church Officers & Events Church Staff 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Table of Contents


From the Pastor

In the following pages, you will find the Annual Report for the year 2023 at IPC. I hope that you will recognize all the ways that God has been at work in and through this wonderful church during the past year. Significant moments included the 100th anniversary celebration of the Children’s Fresh Air Farm; the construction and dedication of a new pool house at the Farm (the Clinton Taylor Aquatic Center); and the completion of a beautiful expansion to our Columbarium. We also had some key staff changes, highlighted by Beth Middleton becoming our new Director of Children’s Ministries and Becky Wright starting as our new Director of the Children’s Fresh Air Farm Our website got a fresh, new look, and the 74th annual Holiday House returned to an in person event, raising $25,000 for missions

Our congregation continued to engage enthusiastically in the mission of Jesus Christ, both locally and around the world in 2023 We sent missionaries back to Mexico (Chiapas), Rwanda (Kigali), and Zambia (Mwandi) as well as right here in our own backyard as we participated in a variety of ministries, including First Light, Habitat for Humanity, and STAIR. With the resources set aside for Discernment Funds, we began making an impact in our city through Mobility Mentoring at i3 Academy, the Community Connector at Hayes K-8, Family Wraparound Support Services, and the Summer Learning Program Services at the CFAF. And, as always, our congregation impacted dozens of organizations and ministries all over the world through the many grants distributed by our IPC Foundation totaling $2.3 million.

Another highlight from 2023 was our Focus on Faith speaker, the Rev. Dr. Thomas K. Tewell, who led our officers in an energizing retreat on hospitality, taught an inspiring Sunday school class on “Getting a PhD in Faith”, and preached an outstanding sermon on “Balcony People.” We also had record participation in our Grace Groups as we studied Jesus’ final words from the cross during Lent and the challenging book of Revelation in the fall

Finally, due to your generosity, we came out of a late year deficit and finished the year with a small surplus I feel so fortunate to be the pastor of such a generous congregation that wants to make a difference in Jesus’ name The Holy Spirit is clearly on the move at IPC, and I believe our best days are yet to come

In Christ, Kevin


Life of IPC

Children’s Fresh Air Farm

On the last weekend in October, we celebrated the Children’s Fresh Air Farm Centennial commemorating 100 years of IPC's ministry on the mountain We achieved our fundraising goal for a new pool house completed before summer, which is officially named the Clinton Taylor Aquatic Center in memory of George and Honey Taylor’s son Clinton. The weekend also marked our Fall Family Festival where IPC friends and families had fellowship, looked back, and gave thanks for the Farm’s longstanding ministry You can read more about the year-long celebrations on page 11.

Columbarium Addition

On All Saints’ Sunday, November 5, IPC held a dedication ceremony for the beautiful new Columbarium expansion The project was completed over the summer and added 256 additional niches with 192 double and 64 single niches.

Holiday House Tour & Tea

The 74th Annual Holiday House Tour & Afternoon Tea returned to our traditional format with in-person tours of three beautiful homes, as well as IPC's historic Sanctuary with an additional option of Afternoon Tea in the Great Hall. To date, Holiday House remains one of our largest fundraisers with net proceeds benefitting IPC Food Ministries, First Light Shelter, the Children's Fresh Air Farm/Summer Learning Program & Presbyterian Home for Children.

Website Update

This project, led by the Communications Team, improved the website's functionality, refreshed and modernized the overall look, enhanced user experience, improved accessibility for those with disabilities, and made key information more easily accessible. While the site structure remained mostly unchanged, a new Ministry tab was added and high-traffic pages were updated


Total Members


12 Total Weddings

22 Total Baptisms

Discernment Funds

A Proven Record of Community Impact

IPC’s Discernment Fund continues to support the critical needs of children and families in our community through the Community Ministries Team. In 2023, the funds were successfully used to support four focus areas:

Three single mothers who were part of Family Wraparound Support Services received assistance to achieve self-sufficiency and graduated from job training programs in the medical field

Ebone Kimber was hired as Mobility Mentoring Program Director at i3Academy, and under her direction, twelve families were partnered with mentors to build skills to improve their lives

Hayes K-8 School Community Connector Daphne Huff grew parent and family programming, started mentoring programs, implemented a school-wide behavior incentive program, and worked with families to secure safe and affordable housing

53 New Members

1915 Year Founded

Through Summer Learning Program Services, students achieved a six-month gain in math and avoided the “summer slide” in reading.


Adult Ministries

In our educational ministry we strive for knowledge and understanding of the bibl story, application of God’s story in our everyday lives, and service of compassio reconciliation, and justice in Christ’s name

Small Groups

IPC Connect

Lunch Bunch

Knitting Ministry

Centering Prayer

Yoga with Rowena

Bible Study with the Pastor

Zoom Bible Study

Bible Study with Rev. Susan Clayton

Bible Study with Rev. Lucy Turner

Grace Groups

Bill Shanks Men's Bible Study


IPC Small Groups & Task Force

Women at the Well

Hiking Group

Home for Faith: Mom's Group

Book Review Group

Intercessory Prayer Group

Bridge Group

Dinners for Eight Presbyterian Women

Sunday School Topics

Jeff Leonard Summer Sunday School

The History of Christianity

The Prodigal God

Book of Isaiah

Who is God?

Stained Glass Window Class

Searching for Spirituality

Book of Luke

Sacred Encounters

Book of Romans

Young Adults


Christmas Party

Happy Hours & Socials

Summer Lake Day

Barons Game

Spring Retreat

Super Bowl Party

Bible Study & Sunday School Class

258 Sunday School Attendees

211 Presbyterian Women

156 Grace Group Attendees


Family Ministries

The past year has been an exciting time of growth and enthusiasm for Family Ministries at IPC thanks to the support and dedication of the member driven sub-committee. We have been able to strengthen existing ministries as well as start new ones that meet the needs of our current church families The Bridges and Crossroads Sunday school classes continued to meet, and relationships were strengthen through fellowship and service events With such a positive atmosphere, we are excited to continue our work into the new year

Events & Activities

Donuts with Dad

Mother’s Day Celebration

Family of Faith Fall Kickoff

Summer Supper Soiree

Christmas Social

Newborn Ministries

Summer Splash

Advent Booklet

119 Bridges & Crossroads Attendees

Sunday School Topics

Parents and Prayer Habits of the Household

Breaking the Code

Parent Palooza

24 Newborn Babies


Youth Ministries

7th - 12th Grade

41 Acolyte Participants

34 Tribal Assistants

28 Youth Sunday Participants

Youth ministry spent the year fostering meaningful relationships that led to spiritual growth and leadership development. This was evident through senior preachers on Youth Sunday and the discernment work carried out by our Youth Grant Team. In 2023, we welcomed 24 9th and 10th graders to participate in a newly revamped yearlong confirmation process aimed at learning what it means to be an active participant in this community of faith. Throughout this full and fulfilling calendar year, we experienced joy in our weekly programming, growth in our service opportunities, and renewal in our fellowship events.

22 Seniors Recognized

Programming & Events

IPC Winter Gatlinburg Retreat

Presbytery Youth Retreats

Youth Sunday

Senior Celebration Sunday

Acolyte Fellowship Event

6th Grade Welcome Events

Tribal Assistants at Bibletimes Marketplace

Donations to Camden, AL

Montreat Youth Conference

Montreat Middle School Conference

Acolytes in Worship

Youth Grant Team

Lock-ins at the Children’s Fresh Air Farm

First Wednesday Fellowship Confirmation Class


Children’s Ministries

Birth - 6th Grade

31 Catechesis Volunteers

has flourished and touched the lives of many in 2023. Marked by strong attendance, the introduction of a new director, Beth Middleton, and the dedication of volunteers, this year we've been able to continue our mission of providing a nurturing, safe, and engaging environment for children to grow in their faith. The future will bring activities that allow children to explore their faith in new and exciting ways.

27 Musical Participants

70 VBS Patricipants

98 Bibletimes Marketplace Campers

153 Catechesis Participants

Programming & Events

456 Bible Retreat

4th Grade Bible Presentation

Spring Musical: What’s Up, Zak?

Extended Atrium

6th Grade Recognition

Palm Processional

Easter Egg Hunt

2s Bible Presentation

Vacation Bible School: Twists & Turns

Bibletimes Marketplace: Jacob’s Story

Preschool Socials

Blessing of the Backpacks


Mid-Month Mission Meetup (M4)

Fall Festival & CFAF Centennial

Presbytery Retreat at Living River

Advent Workshop

Noon Nativity Choir


Other Ministries

Presbyterian Women

IPC's Presbyterian Women (PW) represents and supports many areas of ministries for women, including Sunday School classes, weekday Bible studies, book groups, retreats, and more PW is led by IPC members who are involved in women’s small groups and who coordinate special events like the annual PW Holiday Luncheon and Holiday House

Congregational Care

Congregational Care and Counseling provides pastoral care to our members during times of illness and other forms of crisis, as well as walking with our members through the death of a loved one and the grief that follows, as well as celebrating with members in times of joy. This ministry is provided by our pastors, but our Shepherd Teams also allow our members to provide care for one another in a variety of ways. Our department also has two professional counselors on staff

IPC Guild

The IPC Guild is a group of 70 energetic and dedicated women who combine their efforts, time, and skills in various duties associated with the care of the Sanctuary, worship, and sacred services

Programs & Ev t

PW Sunday School Clas

Montreat Women’s Con

PW Holiday Luncheon

IPC Holiday House

Cookies in the Courtyar

Programs & Ev

Knitting Ministry

Home Communion

Homebound Calling Team

Intercessory Prayer Group

Bereavement Notes

Love Thy Neighbor

Kirkwood Team

Funeral Ushers

Living After Loss: IPC Grief Group

AA, Al-Anon & AlaTeen


Arranging flowers for the sanctuary

Baking communion bread

Setting up for Holy Communion

Serving as hostesses for weddings, baptisms, and funerals

Making Palm Crosses for Palm Sunday

Decorating the Chrismon tree

700+ Holiday House Tickets Sold 8 70 Women Serve on the Guild

IPC Foundation

Grantmaking Committee

Oversees the distribution of funds, including the Beeson Fund and the 44 Unitized Funds. In 2023, the committee chaired by Jean Shanks:

Reviewed 120 applications and awarded 98 grants for $2.1 million

Youth Grant team of 13 juniors and seniors in high school were charged with researching and recommending distributions totaling $20,000.

Approved 31 grant requests for small grants totaling $166,500.

Approved 6 emergency grants for $37,600

Approved distributions from 37 Unitized Funds totaling $731,300

Finance Committee

Actively oversees financial matters, with its major focus being the investment of Foundation endowments. In 2023, the committee, chaired by Will Wykle: Ended the year with a composite return of 13% slightly ahead of the benchmark of 12%.

Development Committee

Oversees efforts to publicize the Foundation and grow the endowments. In 2023, the committee, chaired by Melanie Talbot:

Hosted 2 Lunch & Learns: Teach for America and Medical Benevolence Foundation.

Coordinated 5 Moments for Mission during Sunday worship: Jones Valley Teaching Farm, Troop 28, STAIR, Youth Grant Team, and Presbyterian Home for Children

Published the 2022 IPC Foundation Annual Report.

Governance Committee

Handles matters that span multiple committees. In 2023, the committee chaired by Margaret Brunstad:

Nominated 2024 officers and proposed new directors to replace those whose terms end in 2023


Community Ministries

For more than 100 years, IPC has provided a place for inspired worship and fellowship with an emphasis on living out our faith through service. Through IPC Community Ministries and our community partners, people struggling with food insecurity obtain food, those who are underserved receive support, and children receive tutoring, love, and nurturing.

Food & Hunger Insecurity

Weekend Buddy Bags

Blessing Box and Food Pantry

Crop Drop

Harvest for Hunger Campaign

Meals on Wheels

Free Mobile Pop-Up Markets

Gleaning at Pepper Place

Homelessness & Housing

First Light Shelter for Women and Children

Habitat For Humanity Presbytery Build Birmingham Warming Shelters

2,720 Buddy Bags Distributed

285 Harvest for Hunger Bags Collected

Earth Care Team

e-Recycling & Paper Shredding Event

Recycle #5 Plastics

Family Stability & Opportunity

IPC Social Services Job Training

Boy Scout Troop 28

Celebrated 100 years at IPC Scout Sunday

Shrove Pancake Supper

Moved into a new Scout House

205 Families Assisted Financially

856 Pounds of Electronics Recycled 10

Since 1923, children in Birmingham have been able to retreat to the Children's Fresh Air Farm (CFAF) in Bluff Park. One hundred years later, IPC is still welcoming campers each summer who can make huge academic gains in their reading and math skills, thanks to dedicated teachers and volunteers who make the Summer Learning Program possible.

Staff and Camper Reunion, Sat, Oct. 28

Centennial Celebration & Fall Festival, Sun, Oct. 29

The Children’s Fresh Air Farm Centennial Global Missions

Sunday School Series

Sundays in January in Highland Hall

The Founding and Early Years of the Church, Jan 8

Children’s Fresh Air Farm Open House, Jan. 15

Behind the Scenes at the Farm, Jan. 22

How the Summer Learning Program Came to Be, Where We Are Now, and Where We are Headed, Jan 29

IPC Global Missions Journeys were back in full swing with 59 IPC members and friends who journeyed to Zambia, Mexico, Rwanda, and also Wilcox County in the Alabama Black Belt. Except for our 16 member team traveling to Chiapas, Mexico in 2022, IPC’s mission journeys had been on pause since 2019 due to the pandemic.

Mission Journeys

Mwandi Mission, Zambia, March 16March 28

Chiapas, Mexico, May 27-June 3

Wilcox County, Alabama, June 24

Kigali, Rwanda, June 29-July 8

59 Mission Journey Participants


Worship, Music & Fine Arts

Worship Services

Kirkin’ O’ the Tartan, Jan. 22

Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22

Lenten Chapel & Lunch, Wed. March 1 - April 5

Guest Preacher: Rev. Dr. Thomas Tewell, March 12

Palm Sunday, April 2

Maundy Thursday, April 6

Good Friday, April 7

Easter Sunday, April 9

Guest Preacher: Rev. Sue Westfall, April 16

Summer Worship Schedule, May 28 - Aug. 6

Guest Preacher: Rev. Jay Wilkins, June 4

Guest Preacher: Rev. Lant Davis, July 2

Christ the King Hymn Festival, Nov. 26

Advent Chapel & Lunch, Wed. Dec. 6 - 20

Family Nativity Service, Dec. 24

Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, Dec. 24

Epiphany Service, Dec. 31

Music & Fine Arts

52nd Annual Religious Arts Festival Service of Light, Jan 29

Presentation & Lunch, Jan 30

“What's the big deal about Tiffany?”

Jan. 31

Banquet, Feb. 2

Orlando Consort Farewell Tour, Feb. 3

A Festival Service with Choirs & Brass, Feb. 5

Choral Evensongs

Feb. 26, March 19, Sept. 17 & Oct. 8

Lenten Vespers Service, April 2

Spring Concert, May 21

Music Dedication Sunday, Aug. 27

November Organ Recital Series:

Erik Suter, Nov. 5

Patrick Scott, Nov. 12

Martin Jean, Nov 19

Joshua Stafford, Nov 26

Christmas Concert, Dec 10

200 Hours of Worship


IPC Choir Members


184 Children Enrolled

IPC Day School

Since its beginning in 1965, the Independent Presbyterian Church Day School has served as a ministry of the church to provide a positive, Christian preschool experience for IPC families and the larger Birmingham community. Our regular school year is from mid-August through mid-May, and we offer APPLE summer weekly sessions during June and July. Due to the large numbers of 4-year-olds this year, we added back our 4th four-year-old class. We anticipate this year’s successful fundraising campaign will provide us with two fully renovated playgrounds by this coming fall 2024.

Enrichment Classes

Music Science


PEP (Physical Education for Preschoolers)

Christian Faith Formation (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd)

Day School Chapel

Extracurricular Programs

Little Artists Art Class Aces and Birdies

Soccer Shots

Music & Creative Movement Class

Little Yogis Class

Play Pals

Step, Skip & Leap

48 Part-Time Teachers

Programs & Events

City of Pelham Police and K9 unit visit Lee Bryant “That Puppet Guy”

Halloween Parade

Harvest for Hunger food drive

Thanksgiving Feast in the Great Hall

3-year-old Christmas program

4 and 5-year-olds Lessons and Carols service

Visit from the Tooth Fairy

Duck Parade

Doughnuts with Dads

Grandparents Valentine’s Day Arts Benefit

Field Day

Bug Parade

Muffins with Moms

4 and 5-year-olds Graduation service


Finances 2023







SOURCES OF FUNDING EXPENDITURES Pledges&Offerings 52% OtherIncome(includesDaySchool) 21% Endowments 8% DesignatedGifts 7% Discipleship 23% CommunityMinistries 23% Facilities 19% MemberSupport 14% Music&Worship 11% CongregationalLife 10% Other Income (includes Day School) 21%
Actual: $6.69 million
Restricted Fund Transfers 4% Children’s Fresh Air Farm 8%
Actual: $6.68 million

Life Events & Campus Updates


James Mark Adams III

Elizabeth Palmer Alspaugh

Iris Pearl Alspaugh

Hayes Borden Alverson

Bennett Charles Bowman

Mary Carter Chiodo

Dorothy Harpe Covington

Grace Collier Deer

Leonard Wilson Hess

Eloise McKinnon Johnson

Luther Barner Lanier III

Grace Anne Lester

Claire Lakin Lyerly

William Elliott Matthews VII

Linda Angeline Noland

James Pearce Pelham

Alice Bentley Raburn

Helen Carlisle Seamon

Maggie Christina Sorabella

Sophie Phillips Wheeler

Leonard Parkes Williams

Charlotte Anne Williamson

In Memoriam

Robert Simson Watson

Mary Anne Burr Weatherly

Patricia Byrne

Thomas Gail LeCroy

Frances Bell Shepherd

William Henderson Dexter, Jr.

Ernest Hugh Cowart, Sr.

William Wiley Horton

Judith Ann Stewart Hill

Barbara Laney Simpson

David Thomas Gaut

Thomas Edward Zadick, Jr

Helen Farnham Hutchison

Elizabeth Lee Newton Anderson

Jonathan David Fraley

Ronald Fredrick Thompson

Norman Thomas Williams

Elwyn Nabors "Bud" Conaway

Sue Aldridge Newton

Clifford Lee Reeves

John Othello Hartley

Dorothy Preuit Naughton

George Johnston III


Zoe Talley & Harrison Dunlap

Cile Hutchinson & Alex Haulbrook

Margaret Page & Gobind Gill

AG Pelham & Pranay Mathur

Cella Jones & Sam McCloskey

Lillian Posey & Mason Jones

Sarah Grauel & Patrick Jones

Lucy Neal & David Harrison

Comer Crockard & Chase Prospere

Kendyl Hollingsworth & Asa Calvert

Jennifer Frederick & Zac Horn

Caroline Jager & Clay Smith

Facilities Updates to IPC

A new Pool House was completed at the Children’s Fresh Air Farm in June just in time for Bibletimes Marketplace and the Summer Learning Program The pool house is called the Clinton Taylor Aquatic Center, named in memory of George and Honey Taylor’s son The Columbarium Project was completed over the summer thanks to the efforts led by IPC's House & Properties Committee and its Garden Subcommittee and added 256 additional niches with 192 double and 64 single niches Session approved Security Recommendations from the House & Properties Committee To ensure the safety of IPC's members, staff, day school, and those on campus, the exterior doors are now locked throughout the work week. Keypads have been installed on all main building doors, which can be accessed with a member code In addition, security cameras were rewired for better performance IPC's House & Properties Committee completed a project at Highland Hall to refresh the interior paint. The main Sanctuary speakers were replaced for improved reliability and sound quality. We upgraded the Sanctuary web streami current standards and requ lighting project for Highlan


Church Officers

The Session/Elders

President of the Congregation

Barry DeLozier

Vice President of the Congregation

Caryl Privett, President-elect

Youth Elder

Olivia Vanlandingham

Class of 2023

Susie Abbott

Wendell Allen

Aly Butts

Margaret Cobbs

Jim Cooley

Anna Kate Donovan

Robert Hill

Matt Lyons

Jeanne Monk

Gail Pless

Julie Rediker

Tommy Thomson

Emily Vanlandingham

Kennon Walthall

Class of 2024

Anne Knox Averitt

Foster Cook

Sheri Cook

David Fleenor

Langston Hereford

Jeff Johnson

Margaret King


Youth Deacon

McClain Robinson

Class of 2023

Justin Carrol

Ian Dexter

Anna Hartzog

Clarence James

Kate Mather

Susan Murphy

Grace Posey

Jay Turner

Thomas Wells, Jr

Kathleen Woodruff

Class of 2024

Mary Beasley

Carter Cooper

Chase Couch

Charlie Deer

Cathy DeLozier

Ian Dexter

Jan Hunter

Virginia Jones

Bobby Middleton, Jr.

Heath Pelham

Mark Pledger

Elise Warren

Class of 2025

Sissy Austin

Daniel Beck

Drew Brignac

Church Events

Officer Retreat

Officer Retreat

On Saturday, March 11, the Rev Dr Thomas K Tewell led a successful retreat on hospitality for all church officers.

Presbytery Meeting

IPC hosted the Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley Spring Meeting on May 18

Beer & Hymns

On the third Monday of each month, IPC friends gathered to sing oldtimey hymns and enjoy good food and beverages. A special Beer & Hymns was held on June 18 in observance of Juneteenth We celebrated Christmas with Beer & Carols in December

Moment for Mission

As part of our commitment to furthering our mission partners, the third Sunday of each month beginning in April became Moment for Mission Sunday


Penny Page

Margaret Shepherd

Fairy Sutherland

Bennett White

David Woodruff

Class of 2025

John Faught

Ross Forman

Brandon Glass

Jessica Grover

Neal Hutchinson

Kathy Leaver

Teresa Pulliam

Ellen Walker

Lochrane Chase

William Cook

Virginia Grisham

Lene Howell

Matthew Moore

Allen Murphree

William Powell, Jr.

Jeanene Skillen

Bannon Thorpe II

April: Bread for the World Team

May: Heart Gallery Alabama

June: PMUA

J l J V ll T hi F

IPC Staff


Rev. Kevin J. Long, Pastor

Rev Susan Clayton, Associate Pastor, Cong Care

Rev David Seamon, Associate Pastor, Families & Outreach

Community Ministries

Rev. Melissa Self Patrick, Director of Community Ministries

Evelyn Puckett, Social Services Coordinator

Sarah Scruggs, Community Ministries Coordinator

Children’s Fresh Air Farm

Becky Wright, Children's Fresh Air Farm Director

Grady Joshua, Caretaker

Congregational Care & Counseling

Rev Susan Clayton, Associate Pastor, Cong Care

Stacy Pulliam, Engagement & Assimilation Coordinator

Cindy Shaw, Asst Engagement & Assimilation Coordinator

Connie Logan, Administrative Assistant

Rev. Dr. Stewart Jackson, Counseling Associate

Dr. Kenneth Wade, Counseling Associate

Music & Fine Arts

Dr Jeff McLelland, Director of Music & Fine Arts

Rosalynn Fairless, Administrative Assistant of Music & Fine Arts


Lindsay Jones, Director of Communications

Margaret Lane Hollingsworth, Adult and Family Ministries Communications Coordinator

Children’s Ministries

Beth Middleton, Director of Children's Ministries

Maegan McRoberts, Director of Catechesis

Kenya Glasco, Nursery Coordinator

Family Ministries

Rev David Seamon, Associate Pastor, Families & Outreach

Youth Ministries

Cammie Ashworth, Director of Youth Ministries

Grace Daniels, Assistant Director of Youth Ministries

Susan Dukes, Youth Logistics Coordinator

Financial/IPC Foundation

Denise Moore, Executive Director of Finance & Foundation

Beth Grauel, Accountant

Patricia Harper, Development Manager, IPC & Foundation

IPC Day School

Dr. Kay Roller, Director

Shanon Johnson, Assistant Director

Susan Edmonds, Administrative Assistant

Administration & Operations

Stephanie Heupel, Executive Director of Operations

Lea Anne Hardy, Executive Assistant to Pastor

Brian Hagan, Manager of Technology

Nick Mathes, Technology & Operations Assistant

Sandra Putman, Administrative Assistant

Andre Asberry, Facilities Manager

Gary Cohill, Operations & Maintenance Assistant

Fred Matthews, Housekeeping & Maintenance Assistant

Cynthia Miller, Housekeeping

Vanessa Woods, Housekeeping

Alma Gutierrez, Housekeeping

Alejandra Trejo, Kitchen & Housekeeping

Kim Martin, Director of Food Services

Nicole Dugger, Operations Assistant

Milestone Anniversaries

20 years: Brian Hagan & Kim Martin

15 years: Alejandra Trejo

10 years: David Seamon

5 years: Susan Dukes, Lea Anne Hardy & Stacy Pulliam

Staff Updates

Courtney Kraus served as Director of Children’s Ministries from February through October Beth Middleton became Director of Children’s Ministries in November. Enid Athanas and Emma Stewart completed their time in Children’s Ministries. Grace Daniels was named Assistant Director of Youth Ministries in May upon graduation from Samford

Staff Updates

Catherine Goudreau stepped down as Director of the Children’s Fresh Air Farm in April. Becky Wright joined staff in July as Director of the Children’s Fresh Air Farm. Mark David Bradford completed his time as Caretaker at the Children’s Fresh Air Farm Brannan Hardy served as Interim Caretaker, and in August Grady Joshua was named full-time Caretaker

Stephanie Heupel was promoted to Executive Director of Operations and Administration in November.

Rev David Seamon’s role expanded in November to include more outreach in our neighborhood and city


Connect with IPC

IPC Facebook Page: Independent Presbyterian Church Birmingham, AL

Community Ministries Facebook Page: IPC Community Ministries

IPC Instagram: @ipcbirmingham

Children’s Instagram: @ipcbirminghamkids

Youth Instagram: @ipc youth

3100 Highland Avenue South | Birmingham, AL 35205 | (205) 933-1830 | IPC-USA.ORG

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