IPC Pastor
In the following pages you will find highlights of the ministries that took place at IPC in the last year. I hope that you will recognize all the ways that God is at work in and through this wonderful church, not only here at 3100 Highland Avenue South, but also around the world. During 2024, we welcomed 57 new members plus 22 confirmands into our church family and celebrated 35 baptisms. We also said goodbye to 27 of our members who are now a part of the Church Triumphant. We held a sold-out 75th Annual Holiday House Tour which raised funds to support women, children and IPC food ministries. We had record participation in our Grace Groups as we studied the “I Am” statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John during Lent and The Prodigal God by Tim Keller in the fall. And as a result of your generosity, we were able to build a new, safer playground for the church and Day School.
Our congregation also continued to engage enthusiastically in the mission of Jesus Christ around the world in 2024. We sent missionaries to Mexico (Chiapas), Malawi (Nkhoma), Kenya (Nairobi), Zambia (Mwandi), as well as the Dominican Republic.
Highlights on the staff front included the December arrival of our new Associate Pastor for Discipleship, the Rev. Nicole Newton. The Rev. David Seamon became our Associate Pastor for Mission and Outreach following Melissa Self Patrick’s departure as Director of Community Ministries, which David is now leading. Lea Anne Hardy was promoted to Director of Operations and Administration after the departure of Stephanie Heupel. Vanessa Woods retired as our head housekeeper after 43 years of service to our church. And I’m sure that no one will ever forget our Pastor in Residence, the Rev. Dr. Thomas K. Tewell, who filled in for two months while I was on my sabbatical, preaching inspiring sermons on the Seven Deadly Sins and teaching a Sunday school series on the parables.
Finally, due to your generosity, we finished the year in a very strong position financially. I feel so fortunate to be the pastor of such a giving congregation that wants to make a difference in Jesus’ name. The Holy Spirit is clearly on the move at IPC, and I believe our best days are yet to come.
In Christ, Kevin
Rev. Nicole Newton joined IPC on Sunday, December 8. She is a pastor, educator, and coach, coming to us from First Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, where she served as the Associate Pastor for the past four years. She holds a Master of Divinity degree from Wake Forest University School of Divinity with a concentration in Bioethics and a Master of Christian Education from Union Presbyterian Seminary. She is currently working on her Doctor of Ministry degree at Wake Forest University School of Divinity.
Outdoor space for IPC children to play, learn, and grow
In early 2024, fundraising began to replace the 30-year-old play structures and 15-year-old surface on our two church playgrounds. With the help of generous church members and Day School families we were able to raise $230,000, allowing us to replace them with 3 new environmentally sustainable play structures and a new padded surface complete with a race track. Installation was completed in time for the 2024-25 school year. Session approved the naming of the 31st Street playground in memory of our beloved former Director of Children’s Ministries, Cindy Coulter. A celebration and dedication event will take place in 2025.
Rev. Kevin Long embarked on a sabbatical for renewal with his family April 17 - August 17, as outlined in his Terms of Call. During Rev. Long’s absence, Dr. Tewell served as Pastor in Residence providing leadership and support for the first two months of Rev. Long’s sabbatical. Dr. Tewell preached most Sundays and also led a four-week adult Sunday school class in the Sanctuary.
Hosted by the Focus on Faith subcommittee, the Highland Avenue Forum event on April 13 provided a vital platform for discussing pressing issues within Alabama's criminal justice system, focusing on the dysfunction in the justice system, prison violence, overcrowding, and the need for action. Speakers included: Teresa Pulliam, Bennet Wright, Ivana Hrymnkiw, representatives from Alabama Appleseed, and affected family members.
75th Anniversary of Home Tours
1667 Total Members
IPC warmly welcomed attendees to celebrate the milestone anniversary of Holiday House on December 14. Visitors enjoyed tours of three homes in Mountain Brook and Forest Park, as well as our sanctuary with an additional option for Afternoon Tea in the Great Hall. This year’s event featured beloved dollhouses on display in IPC's Parlor. More than $20,000 was donated to women and children in need.
Beloved Montreat conferences stand out as moments of joy, fellowship, and spiritual growth. Nestled in the serene beauty of the North Carolina mountains, Montreat has long been cherished by our congregation, offering a unique setting where many feel that heaven and earth are a little closer than usual—a phenomenon IPC youth affectionately refer to as a "thin place." In addition to attending annual conferences, IPC actively supported Montreat’s Restoration Fund following the destructive effects of Hurricane Helene in early October.
Montreat College Conference (January 2-5) Montreat Youth Conference (July 7-13)
Middle School Montreat (July 17-21)
Women's Montreat Conference (August 9-11)
22 Confirmands
13 Weddings
90% Performance Target Achieved
35 Baptisms
31 New Born Babies
642 Holiday House Tickets Sold
Kirkin’ O’ the Tartan, Jan. 21
Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14
Lenten Chapel & Lunch, Wed. Feb. 21 to March 27
Palm Sunday, March 24
Lenten Vespers Service, March 24
Maundy Thursday, March 28
Good Friday, March 29
Easter Sunday, March 31
Summer Worship Schedule, June 2 - Aug. 25
Guest Preacher: Dr. Brad H. Young, Oct. 20
Christ the King Hymn Festival, Nov. 24
Advent Chapel & Lunch, Wed. Dec. 4 - 18
Family Nativity Service, Dec. 24
Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, Dec. 24
Choral Evensongs
Jan. 28, Feb. 25, Sept. 29
Starting February 11, the Table Worship Service shifted to 11 am on a trial basis with the hope of increasing participation, especially among younger families. This service continued in Highland Hall with its more casual style and contemporary music while the sermon was streamed over from the Sanctuary. The Session made the decision to return the Table to its original 5 pm time beginning December 8 with live preachers again.
The Music & Fine Arts department had an outstanding year in 2024, and the choir continues to sound amazing. The Music & Fine Arts Ministry Team expresses gratitude to Dr. Jeff McLelland and the choir members for their contributions to worship and special events.
Annual Religious Arts Festival, Feb. 5-11
Lecture Series by Lori Erickson
Banquet: “Finding God in Moments of Darkness”
Orchestra Concert Service of Rosh Hashanah
Spring Concert, May 19
Music Dedication Sunday, Aug. 25
November Organ Recital Series: Karol Mossakowski, Nov. 3
Aaron Tan, Nov. 10
Anne Laver, Nov. 17
Bryan Anderson, Nov. 24
Christmas Concert, Dec. 8
Lunch Bunch
Pastor’s Bible Study
Bible Study with Rev. Susan Clayton Knitting Ministry
Centering Prayer
Yoga with Rowena Hiking Group
Bible Study with Margaret Northen Grace Groups (Lent & Advent)
Bill Shanks Men's Bible study Tapestries
Women at the Well Home for Faith: Mom's Group
Book Review Group
Bible Study with Lucy Turner
New! Mahjong Classes
The Young Adults Group at IPC is a place where young adults come together to continue our education in discerning God’s Word and how it applies to us today. The group studied Philippians and Romans and regularly held monthly socials and lunch after church the first Sunday of each month to grow in fellowship together.
Birmingham Museum of Art - “Heroes and Villians” (February)
BlackJack Farms Cocktail Social (April)
Virginia Samford Theater - “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” (June)
Merrill Stewart’s Cocktail Social (November)
Beer & Carols (December)
Adult Sunday School Attendees
IPC Connect & Lunch Bunch Events
380 Lent & Advent Grace Group Attendees
Wonder Years, Seekers: History of Christianity – 10th-16th Century, The Psalms as Prayers of the Heart, and Rabbinic Thought & Literature on the Teachings of Jesus
PW Women’s Class: Come to the Waters and Quotable Women in Scripture
Reformed Class: Book of Romans, Book of Luke, and The Quest for Life at Its Best
An Intro to Dante's Divine Comedy: led by Frank Sutherland Bridges: The Old Testament and “Managing Anxiety in a Faithful Way”
Combined Adult Summer Class: Crimes and Misdemeanors: Revisiting Some of Scripture’s Heroes and Villains, led by Dr. Jeff Leonard
2024 was exciting for our youth program with 22 new 7th graders joining us! We’ve fostered an inclusive environment for spiritual growth during our weekly gatherings and Sunday school. In May, we celebrated the confirmation of 22 youth, many of whom are now more engaged in our church community. Retreats and conferences, especially Montreat and Gatlinburg, helped deepen their faith and build connections. A highlight was our fun camping trip to Living River in September. A big thank you to Grace Daniels for her leadership during Cammie Ashworth’s maternity leave.
Winter Gatlinburg Retreat
Presbytery Youth Retreats
Youth Sunday
Senior Celebration Lunch
Acolyte Fellowship Event at Six Flags
6th Grade Welcome Event at Top Golf
Tribal Assistants at Bibletimes Marketplace
Montreat Youth Conference
Montreat Middle School Conference
Living River Camping Trip
Youth Grant Team
Christmas Party Service Opportunities
Youth Group
Sunday School
Midweek Meetup
Patio Nights
Acolytes in worship
40 Tribal Assistants Acolyte Participants
108 Number of IPC Youth The Youth Grant Team Awarded
2024 has been an amazing year for our children's ministries, filled with joy and growth as we nurtured young hearts in our 'family of faith.' We've seen children deepen their faith through engaging programs and events. A key highlight was welcoming Sarah Scruggs to our team, who quickly made a positive impact on our ministries. Our annual Family Nativity Christmas Eve Service was particularly memorable this year, with the Children's Nativity Choir leading worship and kids participating in our first-ever "Pop-Up Nativity" play. The shepherds, star, and adorable animals brought the Christmas story to life, creating a truly special experience for everyone.
456 Bible Retreat
4th Grade Bible Presentation
Spring Musical: Esther
Monthly Extended Atrium
6th Grade Recognition
Palm Sunday-Palm Processional
Easter Egg Hunt
Toddler Atrium Bible Presentation
Vacation Bible School: Camp Firelight
Bibletimes Marketplace: Traveling with Moses
Blessing of the Backpacks & Home on Highland “Brave” Event
Kids ROCK Wednesday Nights
Kid’s Rock-tober Festival
Presbytery Retreat at Living River
Advent Workshop
First Light Shelter Carol Sing
Family Nativity Service & Children’s Nativity Choir
Average Pledge Number of Pledges Pledge & Offering
436 $3,632,800
IPC Foundation and Church leadership came together to launch an exciting new initiative—IPC Now & Forever. This endowment campaign presents a meaningful opportunity to grow the funds in the Foundation that provide resources and lasting support for IPC’s ministries. Chair: Sheri Cook
Oversees distribution of funds, including the Beeson Fund and the 44 Unitized Funds. 2024 Chair: Jim Shepherd
Conducted the annual IPC Foundation grants cycle, reviewing 121 applications (30 from new applicants) and awarding 105 grants totaling $2.1 million
Managed a Youth Grant team of 14 students recommending distributions of $20,000.
Approved 36 small grant requests for $200,750 and 6 emergency grants totaling $41,400 for various needs, ranging from swimming lessons for underserved children to disaster assistance.
Approved distributions from 39 Unitized Funds totaling $758,400, benefitting IPC and organizations including STAIR, Kirkwood, SOZO, and The Wellhouse.
Conducted site visits of organizations requesting large grants.
Actively oversees financial matters, with a primary focus on the investment of endowments. 2024 Chair: Will Wykle Met quarterly with the Foundation’s investment advisors and reviewed performance compared to benchmark, monitored asset allocation, reviewed manager performance and fees, and discussed industry outlook.
Reviewed and set spending policy for 2024 – reaffirmed 4% disbursement for all Funds. Received the annual financial audit, which had no findings. The audit was conducted independently.
Oversees efforts to publicize the Foundation and grow the endowments. 2024 Chair: Margaret Brunstad
Published the 2023 Foundation Annual Report
Hosted a Lunch and Learn with the Archbishop of Rwanda, Rt. Rev. Dr. Laurent Mbanda
Coordinated Moments for Mission during Sunday worship with organizations or groups supported by the IPC Foundation: First Light, Boy Scout Troop 28, Alabama Arts & Ed Project at Auburn University, Youth Grant Team
Handles matters which span multiple committees. 2024 Chair: John Norris
Nominated 2025 officers and proposed new directors to replace those whose terms end in 2024
In 2024, IPC Community Ministries was able to provide assistance to hundreds of individuals and families through programs targeting food insecurity, assistance with utilities and transportation issues, and providing referrals to community partners. The Social Services Fund receives money from several sources, the largest of which is IPC member contributions to IPC Social Services. This year, 74% of Social Services revenue came from IPC member designated gifts. The Social Services Fund pays for the PopUp Markets, additional needs for the Blessing Box and Buddy Bag inventory, and financial assistance to persons in need. During 2024 the primary categories of Social Services Fund expenditures were 35% Food, 32% Utilities, 18% Housing, and 10% Transportation.
28 First Light meals provided and served
Habitat for Humanity: 2 builds and 30+ volunteers
IPC was a certified Earth Care Congregation for the 8th year
$268,646.01 in financial support for the community through Social Services funds
The Summer Learning Program at the Children’s Fresh Air Farm provided high-impact learning opportunities to 98 scholars. Each summer provides a unique opportunity to serve students and their families, and this summer was no different. Both new and returning students developed new skills and gained experiences vital to their success when they return to school and beyond.
Buddy Bags Delivered
1,675 Families Assisted Financially
290+ Assistance Transactions Harvest for Hunger Bags
3.0 Students
11 11 20
3.0 Tutors Pounds of recycled paper
2,219 Pounds of recycled electronics
Hayes K-8: $1,895.55
Food for Our Journey: $2,500.00
Faith Chapel Care Center: $1,500.00
Presbyterian Disaster Relief: $7,500.00
Montreat Conference Center: $5,000.00
First Fruits Ministries: $2,000.00
PEER(in addition to pop-up market funding): $2,000.00
Community on the Rise: $2,500.00
One Roof: $ 2,000.00
Cahaba Valley Health Care Center: $2,000.00
Living River: $5,000.00
Pres. Home for Children: $3,000.00
AL Appleseed Law Center: $ 2,500.00
Habitat for Humanity: $5,000.00
Meeting God in Missions (D.R. Mission): $2,000.00
Mwandi Missions: $9,048.28
Jimmie Hale Mission: $400.00
Alabama Arise: $1,000.00
First Light Shelter: $2,500.00
Anytown Alabama: $2,500.00
YWCA: $1,000.00
Malawi Medical Missions: $2,064.79
Society of St. Andrews: $2,000.00
Mission Support given to outside organizations
This year’s Global Mission Journeys were marked by meaningful connections and transformative experiences as our teams traveled to Chiapas, Mwandi, Kenya, Malawi, and the Dominican Republic. Each journey deepened our relationships with global partners and shared God’s love in tangible ways. The Dominican Republic was a new addition this year and proved to be an enriching experience, fostering new partnerships and expanding our outreach. These trips continue to shape our church's mission, inspiring us all to engage more fully in God’s work across the world.
Nkhoma, Malawi
Feb. 2-9: 4 participants
Chiapas, Mexico
May 25-June 2: 7 participants
The Dominican Republic
July 15-22: 5 participants
Nairobi, Kenya
July 16-27: 9 participants
Mwandi, Zambia
Aug. 15-27: 3 participants
IPC buzzed with two incredible summer youth and children events! “Camp Firelight” offered preschoolers an adventure of faith and fun, while grade schoolers explored God’s miracles at the Children’s Fresh Air Farm “Traveling with Moses.” With engaging lessons, music, crafts, and activities, VBS and Bibletimes Marketplace brought joy to many families. A heartfelt “Thank You” to all the Youth and Adult Helpers who made these camps possible!
In 2024, the IPC youth collected 168 recipes from 78 members of the congregation and created an IPC families cookbook. Through the sale of 205 cookbooks, the youth created a scholarship fund that has made trips like the Montreat Youth Conference and the IPC Winter Gatlinburg retreat accessible to all youth. In addition, the fund has helped provide resources for youth who will journey to Chiapas, Mexico, this spring.
The Guild updated the Bibles in the sanctuary and carried out regular services, which included arranging the flowers for worship services, a wreath for Advent, and garland and flowers for Holiday House. They also prepared bread and juice for communion, changed the paraments to reflect the liturgical seasons, and supported the baptisms, funerals, and weddings held at the church.
Number of Guild Members
70 Youth and Children at VBS & BTMP
New email templates for all church emails were developed to align with the recent updates to our website, enhancing our communication efforts. This refreshing overhaul included the weekly eUpdate, Sunday morning emails, facility & weather updates, obituary notices, and more, ensuring a cohesive and modern look for our digital outreach.
One of the oldest ministries of IPC, Boy Scout Troop 28 enjoyed its first full year in its new Scout Hut behind Highland Hall. Our Scouts perform many services for our church such as the neighborhood Native Plantings in the medians, selling Christmas trees at the Boy Scout lot at Shades Cahaba Elementary School, and building Creche at Advent Workshop. Troop 28 also hosted Open Houses, a Christmas Party, and the annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. We thank them for their role in the life of our church.
Makes calls to stay in touch with specific members who can no longer attend church for various reasons; most are either ill or are no longer able to drive. The team of 24 members successfully made 456 calls to engage with a list of 40 members.
Meets each week to knit shawls for members who have recently experienced the death of an immediate family member and prays over the shawls and personally delivers each one. 25 shawls were delivered to IPC members, and 75 scarves were knitted and delivered to First Light Women’s Shelter.
Delivers casseroles to members who have been sick or hospitalized or have experienced the joy of birth or the death of a family member. They made over 120 food deliveries in 2024.
Delivers communion to the homes of members who are unable to come to church and would like to participate in communion. Teams of 2 deliver on Communion Sundays or at a time that is comfortable for the recipient. Member situations change constantly but currently communion is being delivered to 6-10 homes monthly.
Meets weekly to pray for each person on our prayer list and to send hand-written notes to members who are currently facing struggles with a death, illness, or other life changing event. Cards are also sent to families as they celebrate the joy of a birth. At any given time, the prayer list has about 80 names, and these are prayed for weekly – that totals over 4200 prayers in 2024.
Writes notes to members on the first anniversary date after the death of an immediate family member. The one-year mark is often a very difficult time for those who have experienced the loss of someone close and this gesture assures them that the church is thinking of them and that we are here for support during this difficult time. The team ideally has 12 members who take just one month per year.
Serve on short notice each time there is a death in the congregation. They offer hospitality and assistance to each person who attends a memorial service and they also oversee all the small details which are so important in helping to comfort family members as they grieve the loss of their loved one This group tirelessly served at over 20 services in 2024.
Birmingham Children’s Theatre performance
Police, K9 unit, and Fire Department visit
Halloween Parade
IPC Harvest for Hunger food drive
Thanksgiving Feast in the Great Hall
3-year-old Christmas program
4 and 5-year-olds Lessons & Carols service
Duck Parade
Doughnuts with Dads
Grandparents Valentine’s Day Arts Benefit
Field Day
Bug Parade
Muffins with Moms
4 and 5-year-olds Graduation service
158 carpool drop-offs (and 158 pick-ups)
$230,000 raised
New Equipment:
5 slides, 5 hammock swings, 2 play houses, 1 car, 1 rock wall, and 1 bridge
16 Spanish classes
20 Music classes
26 Science classes
55 PEP (PE for preschoolers) classes
2 Chapel services
5 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd classes
Teachers Enrolled Students
7 Full Scholarships
For tuition/fees as part of the Day School’s HERO Scholarship program
Bailey Busby & Nathan Mercer
Leah Pickett & Mark Hendrix
Nicole Cunningham & Matthew Cowell
Caroline Amos & John Dooley
Ellie Martin & Weston Williams
Liz Moore & Taylor Mooney
Claire Gorman & William Cook
Mary Haywood & Jacob Talyor
Grace Posey & Kendyl Partridge
Walton Stivender & Isaiah Mears
Allene Arnold & Clay Pruitt
Laney Smith & Patrick Duggan
Liz Castillio & Parker Hartline
Gene Moore Cushman
Martha Spencer Hicks
Charles Ernest Goslin
Frances Blackwell Robinson
Lynn Barner Wood
Mary Margaret Todd
Margaret Locke Fleenor
John B. Johnson
Susan Wade Hammonds
Susan Vance Sikes
Henrietta Ann McDougald Monk
Robert Wesley "Bob" Smith
Carolyn Tynes Cowan
Francis Palmer "Kip" Simmons
Jackson David Royal
Anne Sullivan Hauck
Elizabeth "Libby" Burke Bodden
Eileen Brown Bostick
Margaret Benners Shaw
Kenneth Simmons
Fredrick Dale Price
James Thomas Hogan
William Kenneth Forbes, Jr.
Matthew Piers Ferriter
Judith Sherrod Chenoweth
Ellen Patterson "Pinkie" Ashley
John Martin Klyce
David Jackson Turner IV
Lucille Ann Cope
Collins Constance Graham
Henry Cowan Averitt
Henry Humphries Evans
Luella Clay Evans
Joseph Harry Toboni
Celine Marie Chenoweth
Samuel Owen Jones
Millard Lamar Williamson IV
Cooley Tompkins Chandler
Caroline Reid Samuels
Catherine Forman Samuels
Kathryn Emerson Winne
Emma Roberts Edwards
John Roberts Smith
River Lucien Joseph
Shepherd Lamar Curenton
Holland Chesley Walls
Madelyn Blair Hess
William Long Patterson
Emma Mae Po La’i Kapu
Delilah Evelyn Phillips
Tipton Willoughby Tackett
McDaniel Jennings Tackett
Marguerite Conyers Hicks
Alice Keech McCain
Betty Alice Kubat
Thomas Dean Hall Kubat
Margaret Ellen Miller
Louisa Jane Miller
Virginia Carroll Alverson
Alice Elwood Deer
Elizabeth Chapman Hill
John Corder Blackman
In December of 2024, after an assessment by Bagby Elevator indicated that certain components of our old elevator had become obsolete, impacting performance, reliability, and compliance with applicable elevator, fire, and safety codes, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a new elevator system was installed. The new elevator equipment is designed to enhance safety, efficiency, and long-term performance. In addition to the new system, Southern Surface Care cleaned, lacquered, and removed scratches to refinish the interior cab operating walls, doors, and hand rails.
President of the Congregation:
Caryl Privett
Vice President of the Congregation:
Tommy Thomson
Youth Elder: Spencer Cobbs
Class of 2024
Anne Knox Averitt
Foster Cook
Sheri Cook
David Fleenor
Langston Hereford
Jeff Johnson
Margaret King
Penny Page
Margaret Shepherd
Fairy Sutherland
Bennett White
David Woodruff
Class of 2025
John Faught
Ross Forman
Brandon Glass
Jessica Grover
Neal Hutchinson
Kathy Leaver
Teresa Pulliam
Ellen Walker
Class of 2026
Carl Albright III
Anna Hartzog
Andrew Hicks
Steve Hunt
Clarence James II
Kate Mather
Georgia Miller
Jay Turner
Youth Deacon
Andrew Murphree
Class of 2024
Mary Beasley
Carter Cooper
Chase Couch
Charlie Deer
Cathy DeLozier
Ian Dexter
Jan Hunter
Virginia Jones
Bobby Middleton, Jr.
Heath Pelham
Mark Pledger
Elise Warren
Class of 2025
Sissy Austin
Daniel Beck
Drew Brignac
Lochrane Chase
Elizabeth Faught
Virginia Grisham
Robert Hill
Lene Howell
Allen Murphree
William Powell, Jr.
Jeanene Skillen
Bannon Thorpe II
Class of 2026
Jonathan Ashworth
Jane Cooper
Kelly Falls
Kelley Feagin
Trey Hill III
Tammy Johnson
Sissy King
Koko McCall
Don Myers
Chip Neal
Amy Noden
Cliff Spencer III
In addition to our Deacon’s regular roles as Greeters and Ushers during worship services, highlights of their service include:
Dinner Service at First Light: Participated in multiple service nights during IPC weeks, providing and serving dinner to guests in need. "Just Checking In" Calls: Reached out to members of the congregation to reconnect, offer support, and identify any specific needs within the community.
Home on Highland Greeters: Assisted in welcoming guests at Home on Highland, enhancing the overall experience for attendees.
Security Protocol Development: Engaged in an ongoing project to enhance security measures at IPC, including attending a comprehensive training event organized by the
Rev. Kevin J. Long, Pastor, Head of Staff
Rev. Susan Clayton, Associate Pastor, Cong. Care
Rev. Nicole Newton, Associate Pastor, Discipleship
Rev. David Seamon, Associate Pastor, Mission & Outreach
Community Ministries
Rev. David Seamon, Associate Pastor, Mission & Outreach
Evelyn Puckett, Social Services Coordinator
Catherine Sager, Community Ministries Coordinator
Children’s Fresh Air Farm
Open Position, Children's Fresh Air Farm Director
Grady Joshua, Caretaker
Congregational Care & Counseling
Rev. Susan Clayton, Associate Pastor, Cong. Care
Stacy Pulliam, Engagement & Assimilation Coord.
Cindy Shaw, Asst. Engagement & Assimil. Coord.
Connie Logan, Administrative Assistant
Rev. Dr. Stewart Jackson, Counseling Associate
Dr. Kenneth Wade, Counseling Associate
Music & Fine Arts
Dr. Jeff McLelland, Director of Music & Fine Arts
Nick Mathes, Administrative Assistant
Lindsay Jones, Director of Communications
Lauren Gentry, Comm. & Events Coordinator
Children’s Ministries
Beth Middleton, Director of Children's Ministries
Sarah Scruggs, Asst. Director of Children's Ministries
Kenya Glasco, Nursery Coordinator
Youth Ministries
Cammie Ashworth, Director of Youth Ministries
Grace Daniels, Assistant Director of Youth Ministries
Susan Dukes, Youth Logistics Coordinator
Financial/IPC Foundation
Denise Moore, Executive Director of Finance & Foundation
Beth Grauel, Accountant
Margaret Lane Hollingsworth, Grants and Stewardship Manager
IPC Day School
Dr. Kay Roller, Director
Shanon Johnson, Assistant Director
Susan Edmonds, Administrative Assistant
Administration & Operations
Lea Anne Hardy, Director of Operations & Administration
Brian Hagan, Manager of Technology
Sandra Putman, Administrative Assistant
Andre Asberry, Facilities Manager
Gary Cohill, Operations & Maintenance Assistant
Cynthia Miller, Housekeeping
Alejandra Trejo, Kitchen & Housekeeping
Kim Martin, Director of Food Services
25 years: Cynthia Miller
10 years: Connie Logan & Denise Moore
5 years: Sandra Putman
Rev. Nicole Newton: Associate Pastor for Discipleship
Catherine Sager: Community Ministries Coordinator
Lauren Gentry: Communications and Events Coordinator Promotions
Lea Anne Hardy: Director of Operations and Administration
Sarah Scruggs: Assistant Director of Children’s Ministry
Margaret Lane Hollingsworth: Grants and Stewardship Manager Transitions
Rev. David Seamon: Associate Pastor for Mission and Outreach now leading Community Ministries
Nick Mathes: Music & Fine Arts Administrative Assistant Departures
Melissa Self Patrick: Former Director of Comm. Ministries
Stephanie Heupel: Former Director of Ops. and Admin.
Becky Wright, Former Director of Children’s Fresh Air Farm
Patricia Harper: Former IPC Foundation Development Manager
Vanessa Woods: Retired as Head Housekeeper (43 years of service)
Maegan McRoberts: Former Director of the Catechesis
Rosalynn Fairless: Former Music & Fine Arts Admin. Asst.
Fred Matthews, Former Housekeeping & Maintenance Asst.
Alma Gutierrez, Former Housekeeping
123 Anywhere St., Any City,