Thank you! Rev. Dr. Tomas K. Tewell

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IPC members find joy in obtaining a PhD in Christianity throughout a recent sermon series with the Rev. Dr. Tom Tewell

Just over 10 weeks ago, IPC welcomed the Rev. Dr. Thomas K. Tewell into our church family and the pulpit. Serving as our Pastor in Residence while Rev. Kevin J. Long takes a well-deserved and much-needed sabbatical, Tom preached on the theme of "Enrolling in God’s PhD Program," focusing on how we can grow into the mature Christians that God wants us to be

While at IPC, he joined fellow members in teaching children’s VBS, served as a Tribal Dad at Bibletimes Marketplace, sang in the choir, volunteered at the Children’s Fresh Air Farm, served on various boards and committees, and participated in groups such as Centering Prayer, the Intercessory Prayer group, and the IPC yoga class.

As Tom's short time with us at IPC comes to a close, we want to extend our deepest gratitude for his dedication and service to our family of faith His inspiring messages, active involvement, and joyful presence have left a lasting impact We are truly grateful for his abundant contributions Thank you, Tom, for your valuable time and unwavering support


Tom, I will always be grateful that you agreed to be our Stated Supply Pastor for the first ten weeks of Kevin’s four-month sabbatical. You have been a joyful, loving, uplifting, and encouraging presence to the congregation, leaders, and staff of IPC You have been present everywhere it seems, pouring yourself out at VBS, Bibletimes Marketplace, Intercessory Prayer Group, IPC Connect, New Member class, weekly prayers and encouragement to the IPC Choir, and volunteering at the Summer Learning Program just to name a few. You roamed the hallways of the church visiting staff in their offices to offer praise and encouragement and to pray with us individually Your energy is boundless! You have been uplifting in worship, bringing sermons that help folks live their lives through the week. Your time with us has been a gift and a blessing. We are already grieving your leaving us, but we pray God’s richest blessings on you as you return to your family and your life may God continue to use you and bless you for His glory on your journey! Thanks, Tom You take our love with you!

I know you came to teach us how to get our PhD in Christianity, but I believe you showed us far more how to do it out of the pulpit You reminded me that the movement is always word to flesh And so, it’s impossible for me to take the things you enfleshed and turn them back into words In just ten short weeks, you have taught us about a God, who holds all things, including us, in an unconditional loving embrace You have modeled for us an unswerving joy and gratitude. You’ve seen us lament and laugh, cry and celebrate. You have responded time and time again with largeness of spirit and bigness of heart, with confidence that the God who got us this far, has even more in store for this church and that our best days are ahead of us. I’m not sure how to put it into words, the sacred time of those ten weeks. But I’m absolutely convinced that you had embodied the love and grace of God for us. And we are the better for it Perhaps, the best word to sum up your time with us is simply this: Wa Hoo!

~ Rev. David Seamon, IPC Associate Pastor

Thank you, Tom, for sharing your kindness and inspiration to our Session. Feel like we have had a Southern revival with your presence

~ Fairy Sutherland, Elder

Tom, how often can you say your tie-clad Pastor-inResidence helps escort preschoolers during VBS morning carpool? We are grateful for the enthusiasm you injected in all of our Children’s programming this summer Thank you for sharing your joy and leadership with our young disciples and our dedicated volunteers!

~ Mara Davidson, Chair Children’s Subcommittee

Tom, thanks so much for your leadership and tutelage these past few months. Your immersion into our congregation and our many church programs has been impactful and invaluable. I particularly enjoyed seeing you on Sunday mornings, as well as being with you in a smaller setting during several of our men's bible study lunches this summer. Already looking forward to having you back again sometime soon. Thanks again and have a great rest of your summer!

~ Chase Couch, Deacon

Tom, we thank you for your uplifting presence on staff this summer. You touched us with your kind and encouraging words on Confirmation Sunday. You have a true gift of making people feel known and celebrated We will miss your joy and infectious energy! Thank you for sharing your time with us!

~ Cammie Ashworth, Grace Daniels, and Susan Dukes, IPC Youth Ministry

Rev Dr Tom Tewell, I wanted to give you a heart felt Thank You for your time these last 10 weeks While, we miss Kevin, we have enjoyed having you as Pastor-in-Residence and appreciate your contributions to IPC in this short time It is obvious that you genuinely wanted to get to know us and help in any you could with all our activities rather than just preach a sermon every Sunday. Thanks again for your time, your commitment and sharing your gifts with all of us! We have been blessed to have you during this time. In Christ,

~ “Dr.” Neal Hutchinson

Than wisdom!! at IPC Yo felt throu interact w

~ Sarah

Tom, y poured areas of o your leade us into ~ Elizab

Dr Te and quick plunging yourself into every church activity. The way that you share God’s word through scripture lessons, excellent stories, and laugh out loud humor is both refreshing and enriching. I appreciate your biblical wisdom and for the symbolic “Acorn of Faith”, which reminds me not to be complacent, but to grow stronger each day in my religious beliefs You are truly a soldier for God, and it was an honor having you represent IPC.

~ Allen Murphree, Deacon

Thank you for encouraging Kevin Long to accept his call to IPC Our congregation needed such a leader to ‘bring us back together’ and restoring joy to our community. We are also grateful that you followed up by filling in while Kevin was on sabbatical. Your joyful participation in all our activities raised the spirits of all.

~ Georgia Miller, Elder and CFAF Subcommittee

gy g behold - especially from the pulpit You should teach Extrovert Lessons! I so admire your dedication to our church in your time here. Bibletimes and the Children’s Fresh Air Farm are close to my heart, and I was overjoyed at how much of your time you chose to spend there. My mother could not wait to call me and tell me that you had visited Kirkwood, where she has lived for the past year Her name is Helen Yarboro - I believe you know her! She was so impressed with your willingness to give your time and energy to all of the residents. I hate to tell you that you are a terrible interim because the time has flown, and we all hate to see you go!!!! That is meant as the highest compliment! It has been a true joy and gift for all of us at Independent Presbyterian Church to have had you in our midst Safe travels home and know that our doors are always open!! We will all do our best to be medium!

~ Anna Kate Donovan, Elder

Thank you, Tom, for devoting 2-1/2 months of your time to provide all of us truly uplifting experiences and encouragement through your engaging happiness and joyfulness in worship, congregational interactions, and sermons focused on living joyful, productive lives in our community and world Your smile is contagious, and your engaging happiness sends a clear message that you truly love what you do (which you do so very, very well) and that we should also. Thank you and may God continue to bless you.

~ Larry Krannich, Adult Education Subcommittee and Focus on Faith

Tom, you are truly The Best! I SO ENJOYED getting to know you and working with you over the last 10 weeks. Thank you for your listening ear, and caring heart I already miss you!

~ Stephanie Heupel, IPC Executive Director of Operations and Administration

Dear Rev. Dr. Tewell, we have not met you in person but have watched your sermons via livestream on the Big Screen at Kirkwood Chapel with my mother, Margaret Shaw, who is a new resident there. Also, she has been a long-time member of IPC. Your sermons have been entertaining, inspirational and thought provoking enabling us to earn our PhD in Christianity It has been a pleasure to have you visit us and we look forward to following your path in the future.

~ Allene Parnell, Garden Subcommittee, and Foots Parnell

All that you would normally expect from an interim pastor would be preaching and presiding over Session meetings, but you were totally immersed in all aspects of church life. I’m inadequate with words to express how much you taught us and how much you will be missed

~ Miller Gorrie, IPC Member

Tom, great teachers actively engage their students Our acorns, verses of scripture, weekly homework, and towels are all meaningful gifts and useful reminders of our time together. However, it is the ten weeks of learning, laughter, and love that will be treasured forever. Thank you for it all and remember, students love it when their teachers check on them!

~ Judy Matthews, Adult Education Subcommittee and Guild Officer, and Bruce Matthews

Dr. Tewell, thank you for leading us towards PhD's in Christianity. The love you have showered on IPC will inspire us to continue that journey. You are a joy, and we are a very grateful congregation!

~ Gini Williams, CFAF Subcommittee

How can we thank you for the time, interest, teaching you shared with us for the last two months. I so enjoyed getting to know you and spending time with you on so many occasions. Your enthusiasm was contagious, and I think IPC will be better for our time spent with you I hope you and Suzanne will visit us often

~ Virginia Jones, Deacon

Tom, thanks for the energy, optimism, and contagious confidence in our mission to change the world through sharing the love of God and neighbor.

~ Tom Spencer, Foundation Grantmaking and Focus on Faith

Rev Tom Tewell has been such a gift to IPC! I'm grateful to God for his time among us and especially thankful for the ways he's supported me and Community Ministries. This quote says a lot to me about both Tom's presence among us and the way he preaches and leads on behalf of the Gospel. I read it not long before he and I traveled in early May to the new EJI Freedom Monument Sculpture Park in Montgomery ‘To declare that you are somebody to a world that has told you that you are a nobody is a powerful witness of God's salvation and a prophetic declaration of Christ's ultimate power and abundant grace. Anybody is made somebody in Jesus Christ.’James Cone

~ Rev. Melissa Self Patrick, IPC Director of Community Ministries and Outreach

Tom, I have so enjoyed your tenure here and the upbeat energy you have brought to IPC and especially to our staff Thanks so much for sharing your time with us!

~ Connie Logan, IPC Administrative Assistant

Dr. Tewell, I want to extend my sincere gratitude for your commitment to serve our IPC congregation at every level, specifically our children, during your time in Birmingham. I was the chair of VBS this year, and your involvement in our morning meetings was very special and encouraging I also noticed that you swiftly and enthusiastically took on the Tribal Dad role at BTMP when David had to miss due to illness. You clearly went above and beyond in your role! It is evident that you have a genuine love for children and a passion for helping them grow in their faith Your willingness to jump in with both feet was very touching, and we are so blessed to have had your influence on our church even for a short time Thank you again for sharing your time and energy with our church family.

~ Rachel Phillips, VBS Chair, Children’s and Day School Subcommittee

Thank you for taking the time to sit in on the Guild Officer’s meeting last month Your energy and interest in others are infectious We are blessed to have had you serve IPC these past few weeks

~ Jennifer Cope, Guild President and Worship Ministry Team

Inspired by Dr. Tewell’s messages during his Focus on Faith visit, we eagerly welcomed his time with IPC during Rev Long’s sabbatical His sermons are packed with insight, delivered with humor (what parent can’t relate to the Tewells driving all night to be home for a son’s phone call!) and take aways for the week to come. However, as much as anticipating his words, we have most enjoyed arriving at church early enough to watch him moving through the congregation greeting IPC members Dr Tewell’s megawatt smile and twinkling eyes convey such a sense of joy as the outward manifestation of the Christian spirit. He is truly an individual who inspires others to reach out for that joy in life that God offers to all of us. Having him in the life of our church has been a blessing and a privilege.

~ Cathy Adams, Earth Care Subcommittee, and Tom Adams, Foundation Board

Dear Tom Tewell, I don’t know if you have noticed but most folks around here call you by your first and last names Tom Tewell Your name brings smiles and knowing looks. Looks where people catch each other's eye and nod…meaning what a great guy! I personally appreciate you making each one of us feel like what we do makes a difference. I mean the little things we do without thinking you have let us know that it matters That our place in this space makes a difference and has a positive impact We are the lucky ones to experience your impact on us, even for this short time. You made a difference to us!

~ Cindy Shaw, IPC Assistant Engagement and Assimilation Coordinator

Tom, we paraphrase Meister Eckart ‘If the only prayer you say in your life is Thank You, it will be enough.’ We join IPC in thanking you!

~ Margaret Alexander, Guild Member and Bruce Alexander, Finance Ministry Team and Focus on Faith

Tom will be sorely missed. He brought joy, love and hope to each of us as individuals and to our congregation as a whole He has seen the strength of our congregation and the positive impact we make in the community Tom has been at IPC for a short time but has made a long lasting and significant impact.

~ Dorothy Smith, Small Group Subcommittee and Guild

A simple thank you is not adequate to express the gratitude I feel for Tom Tewelll’s time at IPC His sermons were inspiring and engaging with great stories, powerful messages and a good dose of humor feeling more like a personal conversation with a message that sticks with you. Tom became completely immersed in our congregation's service programs reminding and encouraging us to take advantage of the many opportunities for service I wish nothing but the best for Tom and can’t wait for his next visit

~ Doc Feagin, Choir Member and Alabama Black Belt Journey Group

So much to say about Dr. Tewell. He has brought a remarkable calm to our Congregation from his easy approachable anytime mannerisms, his look at all the things that make IPC special and his incredible sermons with the thoughtful questions he provides also. In fact, after today’s sermon I resolved to make amends with someone I should have done years ago. Will be happy to see Kevin when he returns from his muchdeserved break and will also miss Tom

~ Donna Smith, HR Ministry Team

Words like “blessing” and “inspiration” are what come to mind when I think back on the past 8 weeks From your prayer for illumination to your benediction and, of course, your sermons in between, your words were personal, timely and always included a challenge to be a better Christian. I even liked the homework! I am very grateful for the sacrifice you made to step in for Kevin during his sabbatical. Blessings to you on the next phases of your journey.

~ Nancy Collins, Homelessness and Housing Subcommittee

Thank you Reverend Tewell for the excellent preaching and faithful words during Reverend Long’s sabbatical. Most importantly, thank you for your mentorship of Kevin, that brought him to us!

~ Heath Pelham, Deacon and Community Ministries Team

Enjoyed spending the day with you at the Equal Justice Initiative parks in Montgomery and finding out we have a shared interest in basketball, the sport we both played, coached, and refereed Would have been fun to compete in a game of H-O-R-S-E.

~ Ira Mitchell, CFAF Subcommittee

Tom, thanks so much for sharing your amazing enthusiasm and positivity with IPC. Your steps to getting a PhD are many and not easy, but what a wonderful way to envision how we can grow together with Christ.

~ Kennon Walthall, Stewardship and Global Missions Team

Dear Pastor Tom Tewell, I am writing this message to extend my heartfelt thanks for the amazing energy, positivity, and presence you bring to our church community at IPC. Your unwavering commitment to serving others and spreading the message of faith has been truly remarkable. Your leadership and gentle guidance have inspired me on my own spiritual journey I am especially grateful for your willingness to acknowledge our choir and musicians It has been a while since anyone has acknowledged their hard work and dedication to this congregation. Thank you for being an incredible pastor and a true inspiration to us all.

~ Jeff Johnson, Elder, Choir Member, and Worship Ministry Team

Tom, the enthusiasm you showed for Vacation Bible School and our children’s ministries serving opportunities was infectious Thank you for investing in our youngest members and encouraging our membership to do the same. Our church is better for the time you shared with us this year!

~ Gracie Evans, VBS Co-chair and Children’s and Day School Subcommittee

Thank you for the joy you bring to everything you do. Thank you especially for coming to the Farm every day during BTMP and reminding our church what a treasure we have in the Farm You inspire people to want to participate in bringing God’s love to all his people. You have uplifted every ministry our church has and reminded us how thankful we should be. What a gift you have been to our church!

~ Jan Posey, BTMP Tribal Mom, CFAF Subcommittee, SLP Volunteer, and Community Ministries Team

Tom Tewell has been an unexpected gift. What absolute JOY it has been having him at IPC. ‘Thanks be to God!’ with gratitude,

~ Paige Albright, Presbyterian Women Subcommittee

Thank you for becoming a part of our IPC family You have truly integrated into our community, helped us grow in our faith as we move toward our PhD in Christianity, and led our congregation in such a thoughtful and wise way. I hope that you will not be a stranger even after your official ‘residence’ period ends! Thanks be to God for your ministry to and for us

~ Sheri Cook, Elder and Finance Ministry Team

Tom, we cannot thank you enough for sharing your time, your talents, and your friendship with all at IPC I have always wanted to earn a PhD, and now you have graciously allowed so many of us to proudly matriculate in the faith! Blessings to you and your family, who are always welcome here.

~ Matt Hunter, Adult Education Subcommittee and Focus on Faith

was out of town with our youngest daughter. However, that night I was saying goodnight to my 13-year-old son and saw an acorn on his dresser. I asked him why he had it, and he said ‘Mom! The guy (Dr Tewell, but ’guy’ to a teenage boy) was great today! You should really go back and listen to him We all took acorns as reminders!’ On my walk the next morning, I did watch and was truly moved by his sermon! Not just by his words and relation to scripture but the fact that his message reached a teenage boy which is not easy! Dr. Tewell has that rare and wonderful ability to meet a multitude of people at their own individual level We have thoroughly enjoyed the gifts of his time and his talents and for me personally reaching my teenagers and their friends!!

~ Kelly Falls, Deacon and Youth Subcommittee

Thank you, Tom, you have been a delight!

~ Lene Howell, Deacon

Tom, thank you for your inspirational preaching and caring presence. We have enjoyed getting to know you and God better through your written and spoken words.

~ Jackson Martin and Allyson & John Martin, PhDC, Foundation Development and Grantmaking Committee

Dr Tewell, thank you so much for preaching sermons that were relatable to the young adults! We loved discussing your sermons on small groups and in our Bible study. We appreciate all that you have done for our church! Thank you!

~ Mary Stewart Beasley, Young Adult Subcommittee and Adult Ministry Team

Thank you, Tom, for sharing your joyful spirit with us; for getting to know us and our ministries so quickly and so well; and for giving us such personal encouragement as we go about our work

~ Evelyn Puckett, IPC Social Services Coordinator

Tom, we loved having you at IPC and thank you for spending part of your summer with us. Thank you to Suzanne too! Please come visit!

~ Kathy Thomson, Alabama Black Belt Journey Group

You have been incredibly supportive of me and the choir during your tenure at IPC. Your words of encouragement have meant a great deal to the morale and spiritual life of the singers. Thank you for being YOU!

~ Dr. Jeff McLelland, IPC Director of Music & Fine Arts

I feel like I’ve earned a PhD these past few months not so much in Christianity, but in appreciation of you and your time with us at IPC. Thank you, thank you!

~ Jim Shepherd, Foundation Board

I have so enjoyed your sermons during your term as Pastor-in-Residence at IPC! Unfortunately, I have not been able to attend in person due to some orthopedic surgery. It’s a good thing too, because I have become very emotional during several! You have been a blessing and are appreciated

~ Sonny Williams, PhD Christianity and Religious Arts Festival Sub Committee

It has been a pleasure having you and your wife with us during Kevin's sabbatical With you as his mentor, I now know why he is such a good preacher. May God watch over you during your journey home and know IPC welcomes you two with open arms to visit anytime and often.

~ Lochrane Coleman Smith, Presbyterian Women Subcommittee

I have worked with many pastors, but you are one of the best leaders and friends I’ve ever had, and I will cherish our conversations and collaborations. Thank you for greeting me every morning with a song, a smile, and a high five there is no better way to start a workday than with Tom Tewell

~ Lea Anne Hardy, IPC Executive Assistant to the Senior Pastor

Tom, you are best! You have been such a cheerleader to not only me, but to the whole staff and the church We are so blessed that you took time out to be with us and teach us to be medium people, balcony people and people that offer radical hospitality. See you real soon in Disneyland!

~ Beth Middleton, IPC Director of Children’s Ministries

Tom Tewell, three thoughts: 1) I join with many members in giving thanks for your pastoral service; 2) both in the pulpit and interacting amongst the members you evoke for me the term ‘muscular Christianity’... meaning a faith that is energetic, manly (not in a sexist way), and socially engaged; 3) hence, I recognize how you are a role model for young men such as Kevin Long who may be contemplating the call to attend a Presbyterian seminary and possibly enter the full-time ministry. Our denomination needs more Tom Tewells and Kevin Longs.

~ George L. Jenkins, Alabama Black Belt Journey Group

Dr Tewell, I am grateful for your participation in and speaking about the Children's Fresh Air Farm. It was wonderful to have you there and to have you talk about the special mission opportunities it provides for Independent Presbyterian Church!

~ Catherine Mason,

Some might call his PhD program a little ‘catchy’ but whatever anybody calls it, we all want to grow and be in that inner circle That space of knowledge and understanding The world of PhD’s as a percentage is a small group Sometimes at church or other learning institutions one might feel left behind ‘not on the same page,’ not smart enough or in the know. Tom’s PhD program lifts us all up so that we can better know God. It is a PhD for the every man just as Jesus’ gospel and good news is for the every man If a legion could be on the head of a pin, then multitudes can be in that PhD inner circle of Jesus We can all fit in together and we can use that PhD knowledge to share Jesus’ good news. Thank you, Tom, for being with us. You have touched so many of us and we are so blessed. God has truly gifted you and we are truly grateful for your sharing with us

~ Liz Saunders, Adult Education Subcommittee

Tom, I give you my sincere thanks for being generous with your time and gracious in your interactions with us. Our time together has been too short, so I hope you'll venture back to see us again! Safe travels and God bless you!

~ Steve Hunt, Elder and Clerk of Session

Dr. Tewell, thank you for the enthusiasm and joy you brought to IPC! Your praise for the music and other missions of our church was good to hear and made people feel appreciated and inspired Your gifts in administration were often noted and you gave us all new energy to go out and “be the church.”

~ Robert Posey, Adult Education Subcommittee and Focus on Faith

Dear Tom, I cannot adequately thank you for all you have done for our church family over the past few months It was wonderful having you and Suzanne at IPC and I hope you will come back to see us! You will be missed!

~ Jane Cooper, Deacon

Thank you for being such a bright light and beacon of positivity in our church these past months!

~ Chelsea Crenshaw, Children’s Subcommittee

Dear Tom, to say that your time with us here at IPC has been an inspiration is an understatement Your love and passion for the ministry is infectious I could go on about how much I enjoy your sermons and message, but that is only part of the impact you have made. I can also say how inspiring you have been to Beth as she pours her heart into this work, much like you do. As you know, when you are married to Church staff…that is never just a job it is your life And I’ve felt the positive impact you’ve had there We are humbled and grateful for your time and will look forward to the days we can spend together again. We are certainly all better Christians (dare I say PhDs) because of your love and support that you’ve provided here.

~ Bobby Middleton, Deacon and House & Properties Ministry Team

Tom, I appreciate all the time, joy, and wisdom you have given to IPC. In such a short amount of time, you were able to touch the lives of so many in our congregation and staff The light of the Lord shines through you! Don’t be surprised if I ever reach out for encouragement and guidance.

~ ML Hollingsworth, IPC Communications, Foundation, and Stewardship

As a pilgrim finding my way on a spiritual journey with twists and turns, detours and dead ends, I am grateful for the many ways The Word is revealed. Thanks Be To God for His Word revealed from the pulpit through you Tom Tewell shedding light on my path Thank you, Tom, also for your words of appreciation for the choir spoken in worship and especially at our Wednesday night rehearsal.

~ Bill Casey, Worship Ministry Team and Choir Member

For wonderful sermons, great Sunday School classes and inspiring Session meetings, thank you! For joining us at VBS and Bibletimes Marketplace every morning and singing and jumping around and helping our kids realize how important our Bible stories are, thank you! For joining us where we are - whether at Children’s Fresh Air Farm or Beer and Hymns and brining your awesome smile and laughter, allowing us all to be your friend, thank you!

~ Kathy Leaver, Elder

What a blessing you have been! I am still working on that PhD but your stimulating words and involvement at IPC during your short stay have been so encouraging. I thank you and wish you well as you continue on inspiring others.

~ Melissa Brisendine, Foundation Grantmaking Committee

Dear Dr. Tewell, your time at IPC has been very meaningful for me. I appreciate that you have taken an interest in and supported EVERY ministry You are the first minister to ever hold up Bibletimes Marketplace and Summer Learning in a way that would inspire members to get involved. Your positive messages in your sermons are uplifting and help me start my week with the energy to follow Jesus' lead. I look forward to you visiting us in the future

~ Jean Shanks, Alabama Black Belt Journey Group

We have here a chap named Tom Tewell Who runs on some Heavenly fuel; He came to our Church And from so brief a perch He has led us to quite a renewal.

~ Linda Nelson, Adult Education Subcommittee and Focus on Faith

Tom, thank you for bringing such joy to Birmingham. Your lessons in hope and encouragement to do good work have inspired me to make a difference in this world It is fun to be optimistic!

~ Ivy Spencer, CFAF Subcommittee

I've had the privilege to work with many talented leaders, but few embody all the characteristics of a great leader You are a great leader From day one, you made a point to make sure you knew us, and that's no small feat. "Us" includes the staff, church members and its leadership team, the Day School children, Bibletimes children, and the Children's Fresh Air Farm children. I just wish your time with us wasn't so short, but I also realize that we were blessed to have the time we had Thank you

~ Denise Moore, IPC Executive Director Finance and IPC Foundation

Dr Tewell, thank you for coming into IPC and embracing our community with such excitement and obvious enthusiasm You are a fitting example of living a life of faith We pray God will continue to inspire your teaching as you continue to share your knowledge and passion, planting acorns of faith all along the way. It was our privilege to be a part of your story. 1 Timothy 5:17.

~Kristen Murphree, Youth Subcommittee

What a blessing Rev. Dr. Tom Tewell has been to IPC! Kevin certainly left his staff and our congregation in excellent hands. Thank you for taking such good care of IPC We will miss you and hold dear our diplomas given to us by such a wonderful teacher! You have truly been an angel in our midst

~ Teresa Pulliam, Elder and former PNC Chair

Tom, thank you for immersing yourself fully in the life of the church You were everywhere, supporting us with your presence, your knowledge and your affection. At choir too!!

~ Foster Cook, Elder and Foundation Board President

Dear Tom, thank you for your refreshing ministry at IPC, filled with energy and love for our congregation. In your fine preaching and teaching, I am particularly grateful for the layers of meaning you shared in the parables of Jesus, seeing them in a new light has given me a deeper understanding of life in God's Kingdom You will be in many hearts and prayers as you leave

~ Alice Christenson, Congregational Care Ministry Team

Dear Tom, it has been such a joy to have you at IPC! Thank you so much for sharing yourself with us Your wise counsel and enthusiasm have been special gifts to the members of this congregation, and your leadership has been God-sent to our officers and staff. Your sister in Christ,

~ Judge Caryl Privett, President of the Congregation

Tom, we are all so full of gratitude to you and your family for sharing the gift of your time with us these past few weeks. We have been refreshed and nourished by your kindness, your wisdom, your energy, and the love you have shown us. You will always be a part of our IPC family, no matter which coast you are on!

~Tommy Thomson, Vice President of the Congregation

Tom through your sermons and classes you’ve fed us, challenged us, sent us to our Bibles as well as the library and book sellers to find titles you recommended You’ve cared for us, been involved with us in our activities and become a part of us in a very short time-too short as it turned out. But you will remain with us in those challenges, the stories you told, the books we’ve acquired. We are equipped for post doc studies as long as we listen to God. God speed and give you continued health and energy for your remaining days of ministry

Tom, thank you for the energy and enthusiasm you brought to IPC during your short time with us. We have a lot going on here but somehow you managed to be a part of it all! But most of all, thank you for your inspiring words and food for thought that will keep my brain and heart nourished for a long time PS Tell your wife THANK YOU for sharing her beloved with us

~ Rowena Macnab, Alabama Black Belt Journey Group and IPC Yoga Instructor

Dear Tom, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, energy, and time with IPC the last few months My husband and I both got so much from your sermons. You are easy to listen to and relatable - we think that you are the best medium pastor we have ever had! We hope to see you again soon.

~ Kate Dees, Children’s Subcommittee

Tom, thank you for not just going through the motions of filling in for Kevin but for immersing yourself into the life of our church The small amount of your time you have shared with us will add a lifetime of meaning to IPC We will not only cherish the acorns and diplomas but also the fond memories and messages you have left us with. Please visit soon and often.

~ Carl Albright, Elder

Tom, thank you for sharing your time, energy and wisdom with us You have inspired us in many ways Warm regards,

~ Laura Woodruff, Alabama Black Belt Journey Group, and David Woodruff, Elder and Community Ministries Team Member

Dear Tom, thank you for reminding us of the fruits of the spirit, especially the joy from Faith and true connection with each other and God. Godspeed and return often!

~ Marion Walker, Adult Ministry Team and Focus on Faith

Such a joy to meet you! Thank you for the kind words, smiles, humor, insights, wisdom, and enthusiasm.

~ Sandra Putman, Administrative Assistant

Tom, what a joy to share in your enthusiasm and your great spirit during your time at IPC You and your family always have a home here Godspeed

~ Mary Ann Morrow, IPC Member

There are not enough words to thank you for all you have done for IPC during your time here! Your energy has been an inspiration for all!

~ Nancy Skinner, Congregational Care Ministry Team

Tom, you are such a joy, and your positive energy is so wonderfully contagious. Thank you so much for your engagement in Community Ministries to help those in need and your kind encouragement to us in the IPC Choir!

~ Nick Mathes, IPC Community Ministries Coordinator

Thank you, Tom, for inspiring me and IPC with your passion, knowledge, insights into God’s Word and gift of preaching over the past 10 weeks. You have made a huge impact on IPC as we continue to grow as a church. Your challenge to earn a PhD in Christianity has been accepted so that I can continue to grow my faith as an individual and as part of IPC so that we can touch the lives of others by spreading your Word

~ David Fleenor, Adult Ministry Team Chair and Elder

Rev Dr Tom Tewell, thank you for coming to IPC ‘for such a time as this!’ You have richly blessed our family and congregation so far with the great life application from the sermons each week, pointing us to Christ and to dig deeper in the Bible! Hebrews 4:12 keeps coming to mind, and you are showing us every week that His word IS truly living and active! Thank you again for shining His light and love at IPC

~ Priscilla Maddox, Day School Subcommittee, and Spencer Maddox

Tom, thank you so much for generously leading our congregation these past 2 months Your wisdom and enthusiasm have been a tremendous blessing to us all! You will always be a special part of the IPC family! God Bless!

~ Brandon Glass, Elder

Tom, thank you for sharing the gift of your time with us. You were curious, kind, inspiring, and engaged We will all miss you!

~ Maegan McRoberts, Children’s and Day School Subcommittee

Dear Tom, as an older couple, we want to say your energy as a teacher with your love and knowledge of the Scripture has brought joy to IPC members and to the Birmingham community. You have shown us to listen to our life experiences for God does "speak" to us through them, signaling that God's Kingdom is here now to be seen and touched as Christ leads us in saying "yes", if even timidly, and with the help of the Holy Spirit to strengthen our faith, that we may become a "new creation" We send to you our love and prayers. PS Your reflection questions have a # 10 rating.

~ Martha Reeves, Congregational Care Ministry Team, and Mallory Reeves

Thank You, Tom!!! We, at IPC have loved being with you and learning from you. You touched every ministry in our church in a way that was so genuine, and heart felt You have been a blessing to us, and we all so enjoyed your time with us.

~ Ellen Walker, Elder

Thank you, Tom, for your enthusiasm and support Your impact at IPC will always be remembered, and I’m forever grateful for your 10 weeks with us.

~ Lindsay Jones, IPC Director of Communications

Tom, you have been an absolute joy! We knew you were coming onboard to fill in on the sermon schedule, but you have been ‘all in,’ fully present and engaged in all aspects of the church for your 10 weeks with us, and we can’t thank you enough. On behalf of the Session, the HR Committee, and the Bibletimes Marketplace crew, we will always be grateful for this time together

~ Anne Knox Averitt, Elder and HR Committee

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