Window | Fall Kickoff

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How is it possible we’re already talking about September!?

Will we ever get used to how quickly the year goes by and then begins again?

While the weather may not show it, fall is fast approaching, which means the entire staff is prepping for the program year to begin. There have been brainstorming sessions and lunch meetings, video recordings and pew restocking. The church is buzzing with energy for this upcoming year.

One of our buzz-worthy events is our fall kickoff, “Home on Highland” on September 8! This is more than just an event; it’s a celebration of our church family and the love that binds us. It’s a nod toward our Scottish heritage, embodying the spirit of Scotland’s Highland Games.

A bagpiper will usher us in for worship that day. After worship, Highland Hall will be filled with delicious food by Kim Martin for lunch. Our children’s department will transform the Garage


Get ready for an exciting fall at IPC PG 4

into a Celtic wonderland with Highland games, food for the kids, and a showing of Disney’s movie Brave…oh, and don’t forget the popsicle truck sponsored by the Stewardship committee. This is truly an event for the whole family.

Our amazing staff will have everything covered, but here’s what we need from you. The main event for the


Midweek programming and fellowship returns Sept. 4 PG 6

day will be an open-mic story-telling in which anyone can share a true, personal 5-minute story on the day’s theme.

The theme for that day will be “Home” and we want to hear from you. Think of a story in your life about


Welcome Dr. Brad Young, Hebrew University PG 8


Hear from Living River and Kirkwood PG 9




See complete calendar online including details and updates: > connect


1 Holiday Worship Schedule, 10 am, Sanctuary, No Sunday School or Table Service

2 Labor Day, IPC Closed

4 Wed. Night Programs & Dinner Resume, 5:30 pm, See page 6

Adult Bible Studies & Groups, 6 pm

Kids ROCK, 5:30 pm

Youth Grant Team, 5:30 pm

8 Home on Highland Sunday, See cover story Regular Worship Schedule Resumes, 8:45 & 11 am Traditional in Sanctuary, 11 am Table in Highland Hall

Adult Sunday School Classes begin, 10 am

Grace Group Registration Opens

15 Moment for Mission: Teacher Commissioning

15-21 Serve at First Light, 5:30 pm

16 Beer & Hymns, Iron City, 7 pm

21-22 Youth Camping Trip, Living River

24 Lunch Bunch, Luca Lagotto, 11:30 am,

29 Choral Evensong, Sanctuary, 4 pm


5 Popsicles on the Playground, IPC Playground, 9:30 am

6 World Communion Day

Extended Atrium: Levels 2 & 3

13 Grace Groups Begin

20 Focus on Faith Guest Speaker, Dr. Brad Young, See page 8

Seed Packing Party, See page 7 Moment for Mission: Harvest for Hunger

20-Nov. 17Harvest for Hunger Campaign, See page 7

21 Beer & Hymns, Iron City, 7 pm

27 Acolyte Installation, Sanctuary, 11 am

29 Lunch Bunch, 11:30 am

CONSIDER THIS “ Your Home at IPC ”

Dear Friends,

As I write this letter, summer is fast drawing to a close and many of our IPC families have been posting their “Back to School” photos on social media. Time flies! As we prepare for the start of our busy fall season, it is good to reflect on a wonderful spring and summer at IPC!

During Rev. Kevin Long’s fourmonth sabbatical, we have been so grateful that you all have continued to be active and engaged in the worship, mission, and ministries of IPC. Worship attendance has been wonderful, and we continue to have many visitors each week. We all enjoyed Dr. Tom Tewell’s time with us for nine weeks from April through mid-June. He was a joyful presence in our midst and we are all happy to receive our PhD in the Christian faith! Since Tom’s departure, David Seamon and I have enjoyed our “I Have a Question” sermon series as we wrestled with some of the hard questions you all sent in about the life of faith. Thank you for engaging with us in this fun series!

So many important, joyful ministries continued over these months. We had great attendance from children and adult volunteers at VBS and BibleTimes Marketplace. Our Summer Learning Program at the Children’s Fresh Air Farm served more than 100 rising 2nd through rising 8th graders from Birmingham City Schools for six weeks of academics and enrichment. Mission teams journeyed to Malawi, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Kenya, and Mwandi, Zambia in recent months.

IPC Connect enjoyed a wonderful evening at the Virginia Samford Theatre together. The Youth journeyed to Montreat, as did a group of women for the Women’s Conference in August. Adults enjoyed the opportunity to learn from Dr. Jeff Leonard in our Summer Adult Sunday School. And of course, service continued in many ways through Community Ministries. Thank you for being a part of a wonderful spring and summer!

We are all thrilled about Kevin’s return! We pray his sabbatical was a time of rest and renewal for him and his family, and we cannot wait to see what the fall will bring as we begin a new and busy season of worship, ministry, and mission.

Please join us for “Home on Highland,” our fall kick-off on September 8. You can read more about that day in this issue! Then, we hope you will find a Sunday School class, weekday study group, a Wednesday night class, service, and fellowship opportunities to deepen your faith. We truly want to see you often at IPC—our Home on Highland!

Grace and Peace, Susan Clayton Associate Pastor

home. Perhaps you could prepare a story about where the heart is; Where you're from...your humble abode, your roots, your heritage, or where your mama lives. Your comfort, refuge, or domestic bliss! Or perhaps a dysfunctional swamp with no lifeboat in sight. Your zip code, your people, your culture, your pajamas. There's no place like it! Tell us about...

• A time you went back to your roots.

• A time it took a village.

• A time you ran away.

• A time when there was no place like home.

You may even want to share a story about how IPC has made you feel at home. Perhaps in a Grace Group or worship. Maybe it was a mission trip that made you feel far from home and yet, something transformational happened.

We don’t want you to write anything down. We’re asking for stories you know “by heart;” stories that mean something to you. There’s also no need to sign up for story-telling. When you get there, you’ll simply drop your name in a hat and we’ll randomly pull out names as we go along…sort of like karaoke for storytelling (story-oke?). Whether you’ve been with us for many years or are brand new to this church, we want to hear your story.

Come clad in your kilt, your coat-and-tie, or your casual clothes, it makes no difference. Just come and let’s make Home on Highland a memorable one filled with laughter, story-telling, and lasting connections.

See you all on Sunday, September 8!


Worship and find fellowship with your Family of Faith

We're excited to share the many fall activities, events, and classes at IPC.

Scan our Fall QR Code with your smartphone to see all that is offered.

The Window is a publication of Independent Presbyterian Church, 3100 Highland Avenue South.

The Window is published for church members and friends.


Get ready for an exciting new season at IPC! This fall, we invite everyone in our congregation to explore the latest ways to connect with your Faith family. Keep reading to discover all the opportunities to find your spiritual home at IPC.


I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing summer and is ready for cooler weather and a return to our regular worship schedule. “Home on Highland” will kickoff the season for adults, youth and children on September 8. It will be a special time that you don’t want to miss!

“Home on Highland” is only the start for the Fall 2024 Adult Education program. The Adult Education Committee is excited about the selections and believe there is a Sunday school class, Bible study, small group or Grace Group for every member.

We have studies that are Bible Focused weekday Bible studies and a class “What She Said” looking at quotable women in the

Bible, classes that examine the Theology/ Nature of God Rabbinic Thought and Literature in Teachings of Jesus, those that touch on Practical Theology How to Manage Anxiety in Faithful Manner and some focusing on Religious Art, Literature and Leisure a trip through Dante’s Divine Comedy as well as a Wednesday night Mahjong Beginners class. A full course selection is available under the Ministries tab at

Once you have found your home, I encourage members to spread the word about your group (as we have found personal invitations are the best way to get other members to engage).

And don’t forget to mark your calendar for October 20 when the Focus on Faith Series welcomes Dr. Brad Young, who focuses on Jesus as a Jewish Rabbi.

These are exciting times at the church and hope everyone takes a moment and finds the best way they can continue to grow their faith this fall. Autumn is a time to open doors, reunite the family of faith, and nestle into our church home. Adult Ministries (which includes Adult Education, the Library, and many small groups) is tasked to

oversee adult engagement opportunities— learning with a Sunday School class, experiencing God’s call in an interest group, quietly studying in the library, and venturing into large intergenerational gatherings like IPC Connect.

We have a new Small Group Subcommittee to help us become more intentional and responsive to IPC adults where they gather, grow in faith, and minister to one another and our neighbors.

Please contact Adult Ministries to let us know what you need to experience warm and welcoming grace at IPC and beyond.


This fall, we are back to our weekly routine in Youth Ministry, with a few big changes! The first change is that we will be missing Cammie and Jonathan as they are out caring for their new baby girl! We cannot wait to have all three of them back in December!

We are excited to have a new intern, Caroline Seamons, joining the Youth team for the fall semester. She will be a great asset


to our ministry.

The third change, a lot less exciting, is that our Youth Group time has moved! On Sundays, we will meet from 5 to 6:30pm in The Garage at Highland Hall for dinner, faith formation, and games! Sunday mornings will continue in Youth Room 101, join us for donuts and a Bible lesson.

We are proud to announce that we have 14 juniors and seniors serving on our Youth Grant Team, working on Wednesday nights, to allocate funds to nonprofits in our community and beyond.

Stay tuned for more information regarding midweek programming. We will be meeting our youth where they are, at their sporting events, recitals, musicals, and local ice cream shops!



We are excited to start another fall season here in Children’s Ministries. We had a wonderful summer in ministry with your families and are ready to start back to school and back to our normal church schedule.

In Children’s Ministries, we strive to offer programming that will engage our children in the “Big Four,” four important parts of our ministry here at IPC: Worship, Learn, Serve, and Connect. Our first graders will join us in WORSHIP for the whole service for the first time on September 8. We will be supporting their development by providing Worship Bags/Worship Stations in each of our morning services. Keep

FALL 2024

Join a Grace Group

Join a Grace Group this fall for an opportunity to grow in faith and fellowship with members of IPC. Beginning the week of October 13 and running through November 23, each group will be studying Prodigal God: Recovering the Heart of Christian Faith by Timothy Keller.

watch for the children’s special contribution in Christ the King Hymn Festival and the Family Nativity Service.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and Kids ROCK Wednesday Nights provide wonderful opportunities for our children to come together and LEARN about our Good Shepherd and about all of God’s Amazing people. SERVICE to others will focus on the scripture, Matthew 25:35-36, starting off with service to the hungry.

Finally, CONNECTING with other IPC friends will happen in big and small ways on Sundays, Wednesdays and during special events like Home on Highland, Living River Retreat and Advent Workshop.

Join us this fall as we grow together as a family of faith.

In this thought-provoking book, Keller explores Jesus' parable of the two lost sons, revealing God's prodigal grace and offering fresh insights into Christianity.

Registration opens on Sunday, September 8

Grace Groups is a small group study providing an opportunity delve deeper into the scripture, so you don’t have to go at it alone. Groups meet in various locations and at different times to fit your schedule. Whether you are new to the church or a longtime member, there is a place for you.

To learn more or to find the right group for you, please contact Cindy Shaw at or (205) 933-3696.




Midweek Faith Formation & Fellowship

Wednesday nights are back offering opportunities for adults, youth, and children to connect and grow in their faith. This fall, IPC invites you to explore our programming and fellowship events designed for midweek gatherings.

Whether you are looking to deepen your faith, enjoy a communal meal, or engage in meaningful activities, IPC offers a welcoming environment for everyone.



Before diving into various activities, make plans to enjoy a delicious meal in the Great Hall at 5:30 pm. IPC's Kitchen offers a range of dinner options by Kim Martin for both adults and children.

To-go adult and children’s meals, along with to-go family casseroles, can be picked up between 5:30 and 6 pm. Be sure to place your order by noon on Tuesdays. If you require a later pick-up time, simply inform Sandra or Kim, and they'll make the necessary arrangements.

For more information or assistance, call (205) 933-1830.


Adults can choose from several enriching classes, such as exploring The Book of Common Prayer from 6 to 7 pm in Room 306, facilitated by IPC members Matt Hunter and Linda Nelson. Alternatively, join Rev. Kevin Long for a Bible Study with the Pastor in Room 218, focusing on the upcoming Sunday sermon text. For those keen on learning a new skill, the Beginner Mahjong Class is also offered, but it is currently full with plans to offer it again next semester.

For the youth, IPC offers the Youth Grant Team for select rising high school juniors and seniors. Meeting every Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:30 pm in Youth Room 101, our youth engage in reviewing grants and conducting site visits, culminating in awarding IPC Foundation grants to non-profit organizations.

Children can sign up for Kid's ROCK, an exciting program for kids aged 2 years to 6th grade. Running from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, this Awesome Adventure includes dinner, crafts, recreation, and music.


IPC Choir rehearsals are held every Wednesday from 6:30 to 8:30 pm in the Music Suite. If you've ever considered adding your voice to the choir, Dr. Jeff McLelland, Director of Music & Fine Arts, is the person to contact for more information at

Find more information about IPC's mid-week programming and sign up for classes at


IPC Playgrounds



Our beloved IPC playgrounds have been replaced with new environmentally sustainable play equipment and soft playground surfaces just in time to welcome the Day School children back to school. The playground serves as the front door to the church for many families and stands as a visual reminder that young families and children are valued at IPC.

Since starting our capital campaign in January, we have received 235 donations, helping us reach our $300,000 goal. These donations came from IPC members and many in the community, making the new playground more meaningful, knowing that all these people feel love for IPC’s children. A heartfelt thank you to everyone for their generous donations and to our devoted playground task force members.

We are thrilled to announce that the playground on 31st Street will be named for our beloved former Director of Children’s Ministries, Cindy Coulter, who passed away in 2019. A formal celebration and dedication will be announced soon. Thanks be to God for the joy of play, the gift of children, and the unity we share with all generations of believers.


Serve this Fall


IPC is hosting a Seed Packing Party in partnership with The Society of St. Andrew (SoSA). We will need 150+ volunteers on the afternoon of Sunday, October 20 to pack bulk seeds into individual packets to be distributed to community and school gardens.

This event will replace the Crop Drop and serve as our annual anti-hunger initiative with SoSA to bring fresh food into the area. The event kicks off our Harvest for Hunger campaign and aims to supply 3,000 packets of cucumber and cabbage seeds to Alabama nonprofits, community gardens, and agencies across the US. Watch IPC Communications to find a sign-up link.


Each fall IPC hosts Harvest for Hunger to stock our Food Pantry. This drive is critical for keeping our Food Pantry stocked with non-perishable food, hygiene items, and paper products to support our Blessing Boxes and Weekend Buddy Bags. Our Blessing Boxes are frequently emptied daily as our neighbors who are challenged by food insecurity and/or homelessness receive vital support. The Weekend Buddy Bags program delivers bags twice a month to students at Hayes K-8 School to feed children for the weekend or supplement their weekend food.

Sign up for our Seed Packing Party to be held on Sunday, October 20 and make plans to pick up a Harvest for Hunger grocery sack at IPC. The needed items will be listed on the sacks, and the list also available on Return your filled bags by Sunday, November 17, which is Harvest for Hunger Dedication and Celebration Day.


IPC will again join our Presbytery for this year's Habitat for Humanity Build. Watch IPC Communications for sign-up dates to be announced.


Cookbook Fundraiser

Our youth are so excited to share our cookbook with you, where you will find a collection of cherished recipes generously shared by members of our congregation. We encourage you to explore the diverse flavors and dishes that bring our community together.

For your convenience, cookbooks can be picked up or purchased at the reception desk during the week, in addition to online and Sunday sales in the parlor through September 15.

Each cookbook is $25, and the proceeds help support scholarships for IPC Youth trips and retreats.

We hope you will enjoy good food and good company because of this cookbook, which directly impacts the lives of our youth, making enriching youth trips accessible to all families.


TThis year’s Focus on Faith speaker is Dr. Brad H. Young, Ph.D., from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. While at Hebrew University, Dr. Young studied under David Flusser, a renowned Israeli professor of Early Christianity and Judaism of the Second Temple Period. Dr. Young is the founder and President of the Gospel Research Foundation, which is dedicated to the scholarly exploration and spiritual restoration of Jesus' Jewish roots. He is also the author of numerous books, including Jesus, the Jewish Theologian; Meet the Rabbis, Rabbinic Thought and the Teachings of Jesus; and The Parables, Jewish Tradition and Christian Interpretation. Dr. Young’s extensive academic background and deep commitment to understanding the Jewish context of Jesus’ teachings make his work impactful in bridging gaps between these two faith communities, offering fresh insights that resonate with believers and scholars alike.


We welcome Dr. Young on Sunday, October 20, to speak at the 8:45 and 11 am worship services, as well as lead a Sunday school class in the Sanctuary at 10 am. Dr. Young’s sermon title will be The Faith of Jesus or the Faith in Jesus: The Lord’s Prayer in its Jewish Context. The sermon will explain how the Dead Sea Scrolls, rabbinic literature, and ancient Jewish spirituality give fresh meaning and application to the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples to pray. Dr. Young will also present a Sunday School lesson on Parables of Faith, Reconciliation, and Healing: Jesus' First Century Jewish Message to the TwentyFirst Century Christian Church.

Our congregation, as well as friends and community members, are welcome to join us for this presentation, so please extend invitations to those around you.

NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS: Rabbinic Thought and Literature and the Teachings of Jesus

In preparation for Dr. Young’s visit, we will have a Sunday school class starting Sunday, September 8 called Rabbinic Thought and Literature and the Teachings of Jesus. Rabbi Adam Wright of Temple Emanu-El in Birmingham will teach the class along with members of IPC.

This class will explore how New Testament literature serves as a primary source for Jews and Christians to understand the late Second Temple period, identify the strong comparisons between parabolic literature from the Jewish and Christian sources, and more over the fall term.

Dr. Young’s literature will be used throughout this course to build understanding. This collaborative class represents a unique opportunity for interfaith learning and dialogue. By studying alongside Rabbi Wright and members of our own congregation, we will not only deepen our understanding of the historical and religious contexts

of the New Testament but also foster a sense of shared spiritual heritage with our Jewish neighbors.

We have invited the Birmingham Jewish community to come hear Dr. Young while he’s here and to attend the classes taught by Rabbi Wright. This event will explore the interconnectedness and commonalities of Jewish and Christian faiths and celebrate our Southside Birmingham faith community. You will not want to miss this opportunity for learning and for sharing our faith.

Find more information about this year's Focus on Faith event and speaker at


Save the Date for Fall River Fest & Fall Elementary Retreat

Join Living River for our second annual Fall River Fest on October 20. Together, we will celebrate Living River’s 10th Anniversary and the 20th Anniversary of the amazing dam (Marvel Slab) removal from the Cahaba.

All are welcome for a full day of fellowship; recreational, craft, spiritual, and educational activities for all ages; worship; and respite. Fall River Fest is a great opportunity for everyone from first-time Living River visitors to old friends of Living River. The event will be come and go, so you can decide how you’ll enjoy Living River for the day! Maybe a hike with a group, fishing on your own, or one of our scheduled


activities. Lunch and dinner will be provided, no reservation required.

Living River's annual Fall Elementary Retreat over the Veterans' Day holiday weekend, November 9-11, is for kids K-5th grade. Join us for games, canoeing, fishing, crafts, music, discussion, and fellowship with friends new and old. All are welcome, so please invite friends! Registration will be available through your congregation.

More details about both events will soon be published at! We hope to see you soon at Living River.

Phase Two Construction Begins for Cedar Ridge at Kirkwood

Kirkwood by the River is thrilled to announce Phase Two of our Independent Living Neighborhood, Cedar Ridge at Kirkwood! Building on the success of Phase One, this expansion will bring even more charming, cottage-style homes to our picturesque 120-acre campus along the Cahaba River.

Cedar Ridge offers a unique blend of "modern mountain living" and peace of mind. Residents enjoy a vibrant community atmosphere with the comfort of knowing future healthcare needs are planned for. The twobedroom homes feature open floor plans, a screened porch, a one-or-twocar garage, and a fireplace.

Having already downsized from a home to an apartment, Cedar Ridge residents Phyllis and John Guschke found it

appealing to rid themselves of the hassles of home ownership and began seeking communities such as Kirkwood.

“We realized we were approaching an age where we might need more assistance than what just downsizing could provide,” Mr. Guschke said.

“Knowing we have my sons nearby and the levels of care should we need it is comforting, and the beautiful hillside, river, and the woods makes it that much more appealing. We don’t know of any other community that has the woods, the various levels of care, and so many different amenities.”

Phase Two will introduce a collection of 10 additional homes designed to complement the existing neighborhood's warm and welcoming character. With construction underway this summer, we invite you to reserve your lot location and floor plan by contacting Sandi Hall at 205-862-0305

or Experience the Cedar Ridge difference today!

Kirkwood by the River is a Life Plan Community founded by IPC in 1980. If you have questions about senior living at any level, including Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing, or Short-term Rehab, Kirkwood is always available to IPC Members for counseling and is happy to be a resource for you and your loved ones.


Welcome TO IPC

Linsey Slay and Kim Slay New Members
Sarah and Carter Capra with Duff, Ian, Colette & Sybil New Members
Tambry Henderson New Member
Jessica and Jamie Kubat with Thomas & Alice New Members
Allene Arnold and Clay Pruitt New Members
Lauren and John Harris New Members
Virginia and JP Sauer with Henry & Philip New Members
Suzanne and Ken Thompson New Members
Colleen and Duncan Varner with Carrie & Hudson New Members
Barbara and Mo Wright New Members
Scott Nelson New Member


The Confirmation Class of 2024

On Sunday, May 12, we warmly welcomed our 2024 Confirmands. Throughout their Confirmation year, these youth engaged in worship, service, and fellowship opportunities at IPC as they deepened their understanding of what it means to be in a Christian community. We had the joy of seeing them wrestle with new ideas, grow in their faith, and enjoy the company of their peers. These youth were guided through the confirmation process in their covenant partner groups led by Jan Posey, Paul Simmons, Bobby Middleton, and Susan Dulin. These leaders shared meals, laughter, and encouraging words as they attended confirmation classes, had meaningful discussions, and walked alongside our confirmands this year. What a joy to celebrate this milestone with our youth!

Emily Baird

Mary Hanson Borders

Graves Bowman

Libby Franks

Sutton Gregg

Andrew Grover

Walt Grover

William Hardee

Charlie Hill IV

Heidi Hollingsworth

James Inscoe, Jr.

November 3


Katelyn Long

Will Long

Julia Mather

Sam Meriwether IV

Oliver Middleton

Murphy Peterson

Benjamin Polson

Macey Robinson

Nathaniel Siegel

Luci Smith

Harrison White

All Saints' Sunday, November Organ Recital Series Begins

November 7 IPC Connect Social at the home of Merrill Stewart

November 17

November 28-30

Youth Grant Team Presentation and Harvest for Hunger Dedication

Thanksgiving Holiday, IPC Closed

Caroline Seamons Youth Intern
Lauren Gentry Communications and Events Coordinator

3100 Highland Avenue Birmingham, AL 35205

AN IPC TRADITION SINCE 1965 November Organ Recitals

Sunday, November 3 • 4 pm • Sanctuary KAROL MOSSAKOWSKI Saint-Sulpice Church Paris, France

Sunday, November 10 • 4 pm • Sanctuary AARON TAN Concert Organist Rochester, New York

Sunday, November 17 • 4 pm • Sanctuary ANNE LAVER

Setnor School of Music, Syracuse University Syracuse, New York

Sunday, November 24 • 4 pm • Sanctuary BRYAN ANDERSON

St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church and School Houston, Texas

All recitals will be in the Sanctuary and livestreamed on IPC's YouTube channel @IPCBirmingham.

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