Giving is part of our identity as followers of Jesus. Through your pledge, you become an essential part of Christ’s mission in this world. Independent Presbyterian Church
Thank you for $3.2M in annual pledges for 2024!
Your generosity in 2024 allowed us to continue to grow and accomplish our shared mission.
As Christians, we are called to give our gifts of time, talents and treasures year-round, but NOW is the time to pledge.
When you pledge, you are actively engaging in the life of the church and making a tangible difference. Our church’s yearly spending plan is formed directly from our pledged dollars.
Come join us in giving!
If you pledge annually, prayerfully consider increasing your pledge 10%.
If you’ve never pledged before, consider making a first time pledge.
Please submit your pledge by Thanksgiving, which will allow us to plan for the upcoming year and continue vital church ministries.
In support of our 2025 goals, your new & increased annual pledges allow us to grow and deepen areas of IPC ministry.
Add an Associate Pastor to lead the young adult, family & new member ministries
Assist those in need within our community
Expand discipleship and fellowship offerings for all ages
Provide pastoral care and support to nurture our congregation
Provide opportunities for worship and spiritual growth
Support mission partners spreading the Gospel globally
Maintain and operate our beautiful facilities in a time of rising costs.
Retain and fairly compensate our dedicated staff who help grow IPC’s ministries
Teach our children what it means to follow Jesus
“Freely you have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8b (NIV)
Will you pledge a small 10% or 5% increase?
Mail your pledge card to the church.
Place your pledge card in the offering plate during a worship service.
Scan our QR code to pledge online.
Text PLEDGE to (205) 927-3100 and simply follow the prompts.