Officer Nominees | Dec. 4, 2022

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David Barrett "Barry" DeLozier, nominated for President, joined IPC in July of 1993 when he married Cathy Weaver who was active in the singles ministry With encouragement from Jeanne Issacs (Children's Ministries), Lee Brown (Adult Education), and Art Malone (Young Married Couples Sunday School), Barry served on committees and volunteered teaching bible study. As a Deacon, he enjoyed participating in hospital visitation. He has served two terms as an Elder, been on five nominating committees, and co chaired IPC's Centennial Celebration with April Deal in 2015. Barry and Cathy's sons David Jr. and Joseph grew up at IPC.

Retired Jefferson County Circuit Judge Caryl Privett, nominated for Vice President, grew up at IPC where she was confirmed on Maundy Thursday in 1961 She is an ordained Ruling Elder and Deacon and has served on the Session, the Deacon Board and a number of committees including Music, Fine Arts, Governance, and is currently on the Worship Team She served one term on the Board of Kirkwood by the River She has served as a Confirmand Partner and was one of the drafters of the IPC By laws and one of the stitchers of IPC's needlepoint paraments She serves the Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley as a member of the Commission on Ministries. During her years practicing law, she was a civil rights lawyer, an Assistant U.S. Attorney, the first female U. S. Attorney in Alabama, a mediator, a municipal prosecutor and an adjunct law professor. She is a proud aunt, great aunt and Godmother, and a devoted follower of Vanderbilt University baseball. One of her favorite places is the IPC Labyrinth.

John Faught, nominated for Elder, joined IPC in 2010. He is married to Elizabeth Faught and they have three daughters Caroline (30, Catherine (26), and Jules (22)

Ross Forman, nominated for Elder, I am a Birmingham native who only left to attend Washington and Lee University and the University of Alabama law school. I practiced law in Birmingham for 45 years at Burr & Forman in their commercial litigation, environmental, and intellectual property sections. I have been married to Pat Forman for 51 years and have 2 daughters and 6 grandchildren.

Christopher "Brandon" Glass, nominated for Elder, born 2/21/65 (57 years old) in Birmingham, AL. Widowed in 2017. Married to the late, Christi Anne Neel, for 27 years, no children. Graduated from Mountain Brook HS 1983, graduated from the University of Alabama 1987, graduated from Cumberland School of Law 1990. Started my own law practice in 1992 specializing in Civil Litigation. Joined IPC in 1990 and served as a Deacon in the class of 2021.

Jessica Grover, nominated for Elder, was born in Oklahoma City and raised in Birmingham, where she grew up attending IPC with her family She graduated from Davidson College in 1997 and from the University of Alabama School of Law in 2001 She has practiced law since 2002 and is currently a shareholder at Maynard Cooper specializing in trusts and estates Jessica served on the Board of Directors of Girls Inc. of Central Alabama for six years, including a term as Board Chair. Her current involvement at IPC includes serving as a catechist in the Level I Atrium and as a member of the Finance Committee. Since 2003, Jessica has been married to Scott Grover, who is an attorney at Balch and Bingham. They live in Forest Park with their twin 14 year old sons, Andrew and Walter, and two rescue dogs.


Neal Spence Hutchinson, nominated for Elder, was born & raised in Birmingham and joined IPC in 2002. Have served once as Deacon and once as Elder before this term. Active in Sunday School Classes (Reformed) and served on several Committees and Chaired Worship Comm. in 2014. Also elected once to Nominating Committee. My wife (Ginny) and I have three grown Children and one of our daughters will be Married at IPC in March!

Kathy Leaver, nominated for Elder, married to Paul Leaver. We have two adult children, Sarah Katherine Nichols (Hughston) and Ben Leaver (Allison), and four grandchildren Graduated from Auburn University, B S in Communicative Disorders (Speech and Hearing) I retired in October, 2021 after 40 years in Education including serving as the Director of the IPC Day School from 2013-2021. My husband and I joined IPC in 1980. I have served as a deacon twice and as its moderator, served previously as an Elder and on many committees and subcommittees throughout the decades. I have taught children’s Sunday School, worked at BTMP, and chaired Vacation Bible School. I am currently a member of the IPC Guild and the New Member Committee. Cindy Coulter and I started a young mom ’ s group, Home for Faith. Cindy soon passed away, but I continued to facilitate the group for several years. I participate in Susan Clayton’s Bible Study, Grace Groups, Presbyterian Women activities, and serve as co facilitator/ teacher for a Sunday School class.

Judge Teresa Pulliam, nominated for Elder, is a Circuit Court Judge in the Criminal Division of the 10th Judicial Circuit for the State of Alabama. She is a 1980 magna cum laude graduate of Birmingham Southern College. She graduated from the University of Alabama School of Law in 1983 and currently serves on the Circuit Criminal bench by appointment of the Governor. A lifetime Presbyterian, growing up in First Presbyterian in Huntsville, she has served as Elder at IPC three previous sessions She also served as chair of the Worship committee and was chair of the PNC for Rev Kevin Long She has also served over ten years on the Living River Board of Directors

I, Ellen Waller, nominated for Elder, was raised in Birmingham and have been a member of IPC since I was a child. I am married to Jim Walker and have 3 children, 3 step children, and 5 grandchildren…all of whom were baptized at IPC I run an equestrian facility east of town We specialize in training and competing hunter jumper horses I have held various positions at IPC over the years and look forward to this commitment

Olivia Vanlandingham, nominated for youth Elder, Olivia is a junior at The Altamont School and an active member of Sunday School, youth group, and acolytes at IPC. She enjoys challenging herself academically, participating in the performing arts (theatre & ballet), assisting other students as a peer tutor, and serving on SGA as Vice President of the 11th grade class. At IPC, she has served on the Youth Grant team, Youth Subcommittee, the Chiapas Mission Team, and the Work Crew for the Montreat Middle School Conference. She loves to work hard, try new things, build lasting friendships, and spread joy and light in the world.

Sissy Austin, nominated for Deacon, wife of David Austin and mom to Kate, William and Lucy. Sissy is an Architect at her own company, Austin & Co. She enjoys volunteering at the Botanical Gardens, and is on the Board of Directors for the Alabama Trust for Historic Preservation. In her spare time, she enjoys being active outdoors, traveling, and any opportunity for lunch with a friend.

Daniel Beck, nominated for Deacon, was confirmed at IPC in 1988. He is married to Lyn Beck and they have two sons, Boyd (11) and William (2)


Drew Brignac, nominated for Deacon, I grew up in Selma AL and was baptized and confirmed in the First Presbyterian Church of Selma. I attended the University of Alabama where I met my wife, Haley. Prior to moving to Birmingham and joining IPC in 2013, we lived in Atlanta and Panama City Beach. We have three children Hagan (8), Owen (5) and Clara (3). I am honored to be nominated to serve as a Deacon. I know God is at work at IPC. I am excited for the future of IPC and believe the best days of the church are ahead of us.

Lochrane Smith Chase, nominated for Deacon, is a lifelong member of IPC Lochrane is the Director of Leasing and Business Development at Sloss Real Estate Lochrane is a member of the Kiwanis Club of Birmingham and serves on the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Executive Committee as the 2022 Woman of the Year honoree This month, Lochrane is working with the Contemporaries of the Birmingham Museum of Art to plan and promote New Year's Eve at the BMA Lochrane married Brad Chase at IPC April 23, 2022.

William Cook, nominated for Deacon, grew up in Birmingham attending IPC, parents are Houston and Sheri Cook, sister is Sara Catherine Cook (former IPC youth elder). Graduated from The Altamont School in 2015, and Vanderbilt University in 2019 (degree in Economics). Started career as a consultant at EY, now an investment analyst at Arlington Family Offices. Participates in the young adult sub committee.

Chelsea Crenshaw, nominated for Deacon (class of 2024), joined IPC in 1999. Chelsea is married to Arthur Crenshaw and they have a son, Jesse (7), and a daughter, Cara (4) Chelsea has served as VBS chair, in Children's Summer Sunday School, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, and on both the Day School and Children's sub committees She is a member of the Bridges Sunday School class and A Home for Faith bible study.

Virginia Grisham, nominated for Deacon, is 28 years old. I grew up at Independent Presbyterian Church alongside many family members. My parents are Kay and Bo Grisham and my older brother is David Grisham. I am a graduate of Mountain Brook High School and the University of Alabama. I am an Interior Designer at Grisham Tolbert Interiors. I recently started Grisham Tolbert Interiors with my good friend, Eleanor Hodges Tolbert, this past January. I am loving every second of this adventure. I have also been a volunteer with the youth group for the past 4 years. I am very excited to get more involved in the church!

Mary Adelene (Lene) Wood Howell, nominated for Deacon, member of IPC since 1980. Member of the knitting ministry, Intercessory Prayer Group, Women’s Guild & WATW Taught pottery at CFAF for 30 years for BTMP, volunteered for VBS & Recess Taught & made a stained glass window with the Senior Highs Volunteered at 1st Light (sleeping over, providing & serving meals) My children Audrey (42) & Drew (36) grew up at IPC

Matthew Moore, nominated for Deacon, originally from Birmingham, AL. Raised Baptist, I am still learning much about the Presbyterian Church but have loved growing at IPC during the last year. I went to Auburn for college (War Eagle!) and studied nutrition. During that time my faith took deeper roots, after the example of other believers, and I spent two summers serving as a missionary in Thailand and Nepal which forever changed my faith. I then spent several years in graduate school at UAB researching disparities in maternal and infant health outcomes, and I’m currently in my 3rd year of medical school at UAB planning to pursue a career in pediatrics. In all of this, it is my hope that I can use my skills to serve, not just the church but also the world around us, so that others might know Him the one true God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent Mark 10:45 has become a challenging verse to me in this endeavor but one I strive to follow: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many ” Thank you for your efforts as a church to help me grow in faith and to set an example of service to our community and our world in Jesus name


Allen Jerome Murphree, nominated for deacon, I am honored to be nominated by the IPC Ministry Team to serve as a Deacon for the upcoming term. This is an exciting opportunity for me to become more involved in the church, to serve the congregation, and to grow spiritually in Christ. It also allows me to follow my father’s path, as he was a long time Deacon of a Baptist Church that I attended as a child. I became a member of IPC in year 2000, when my wife and I, Kristen Lindstrom Murphree, were married in the beautiful IPC sanctuary by Dr. Jim Carter. We have two wonderful children together, Abigail Gearhart Murphree (20) and Andrew Lindstrom Murphree (16), both were baptized at IPC, attended the IPC Day School, and currently Acolyte I am employed by UAB as an instructor and enjoy spending my free time with family, watching movies, playing golf, riding motorcycles, sports, and other outdoor activities

William V. Powell, Jr., nominated for Deacon, My family consists of my wife, Claudia Powell, and our children Liam (16) and Evan Powell (12). Our family joined IPC in February 2020-just before COVID closed the church for a while and we were thrilled when services and Sunday School reopened and we could become more entrenched in the IPC family. I am involved in the Reformed Sunday School Group, and we all love our Sunday School communities. I am a lawyer at Powell and Denny.

Jeanene Skillen, nominated for Deacon, moved to the Birmingham area in late 2006, I joined IPC around 15 years ago Most Sundays during the ten o 'clock hour, you'll find me in the youth and children's hallway along with my two sons, Nathaniel (13) and Caleb (10) Siegel, who were baptized here at IPC I've been involved with the children's Catechesis ministry since 2014, when I started my Level I training, and I'm currently completing my training for Level III. On weekdays, you'll find me working at UAB's Sterne Library. I'm married to Danny Siegel, UAB English professor and member of Knesseth Israel Congregation.

Bannon Thorpe, nominated for deacon, was confirmed at IPC in 1999. He is married to Rollins Thorpe and they have three sons, John Bannon III (9), Charles (7), and Anderson (4). He serves on the Community Ministries Ministry Team as the chair of IPC's Habitat for Humanity sub committee. He is a member of the Bridges Sunday school class and helps serve in Children's ministries.

Margaret "McClain" Robinson, nominated for youth Deacon, was born in 2006 in Northport, AL to Leslie and Bob Robinson. Baptized June 6, 2006 at First Presbyterian Church, Tuscaloosa, AL she moved to Mountain Brook and her family joined IPC in 2008. She was in the 3s and 4s class IPC's Day School before attending Mountain Brook Elementary, Mountain Brook Junior High, and Mountain Brook High School. McClain was confirmed at IPC in November of 2021 and she is a new acolyte. McClain loves horseback riding and competes with Blackjack Farms. Her sister Macey is 14 and also a member of the youth group

Amy McCain, nominated for Foundation Board, I am married to Byron McCain and we have two sons Walker is 29 and is married to Emily and Jackson is 25 I am a CPA concentrating in tax I have been a Holiday House chairman, a deacon and my elder term expires in January I am also on the STAIR board

A lifelong member of IPC, Tom Spencer, nominated for Foundation Board, has served as an acolyte, deacon, and elder and is a member of the Focus on Faith committee and served on the IPC Foundation Grants Team He is a writer for the Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama. He is the author of Five Star Trails: Birmingham, a hiking guide for Central Alabama, and serves on the Red Mountain Park Commission. He also volunteers with STAIR. He is married to to the former Ivy Gilbert. They have three children Peter, Anna, and James.


Merrill Stewart, nominated for Foundation Board, joined IPC in 1968. He has served as founder and president of the Stewart/Perry Company Inc. since 1984. Mr. Stewart serves as chair of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta's Birmingham Branch. He is also a director of Birmingham Landmarks Inc. and a member of the Auburn University Research Park Advisory Board, DesignAlabama Board of Directors, the Boy Scouts of America Greater Alabama Council Executive Board, the Auburn University Master of Real Estate Development Advisory Board, the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham Regional Cooperation Council, the UAB Athletics Foundation, the Cahaba River Society, and the Urban Land Institute of Alabama He also serves as an adviser for the University of the South's Beyond the Gates program and Camp Winnataska's Capital Campaign Cabinet Mr Stewart is a former director for the Highlands School

Sumner Starling, nominated for Foundation Board (reappointment), joined IPC in 1982. She is marred to Jeff Starling and they have a daughter, Jane Perry (23), and a son, Walker (20). She has previously served on the Foundation Board and is a IPC Food Pantry partner.

Robert R. Pless, nominated for RNC, has been a member of Independent Presbyterian Church since he and his wife, Gail Sanders Pless, joined in 1990 He has served IPC in many capacities: as Shepherd, Deacon, Elder, Treasurer, Vice President and President of the Congregation He is a banker by profession and has worked the past 15 years at ServisFirst Bank He and Gail have three grown children, Robert Jr, Cece and Lucy, all of whom were baptized at IPC

Ann Walthall, nominated for RNC, has been a member at IPC since 1996 and is married to Kennon Walthall and is mother to Vann (22), Helen (20), and Charlotte (17) She has served as a deacon as well as chair of the Guild and Holiday House Committee. She has also been involved in Shepherds, Day School and Youth sub committees, and as a volunteer in many capacities at IPC including Fall Festival.

Carl Albright, nominated for APNC, is married to Paige Albright. They have three sons, Carl (21), David (19) and Bibb (18). He has been a member of IPC since 1999 and currently serves as Moderator of the Board of Deacons. After a 26 year banking career, he recently retired and is working as a business consultant.

Houston Cook, nominated for APNC, holds an MBA from Harvard University and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration / Finance (cum laude) from Georgetown University He has served as President, Altamont School Board of Directors; President, The Altamont School Alumni Board; Chairman, Finance Committee of Independent Presbyterian Church; Member, Advent Episcopal Association for Education Board; Moderator, Deacon Board of Independent Presbyterian Church; Member and Co Chair, Independent Presbyterian Church Strategic Planning Committee; Sunday School Teacher, Independent Presbyterian Church, and Member, United Way Alexis de Tocqueville Society

Suzanne Graham, nominated for APNC, grew up in Fernandina Beach, FL (Amelia Island) Graduated from Sewanee, The University of the South in 1976 with a BS in Political Science Graduated from the Walter F George School of Law, Mercer University in 1979 Married to Mike Graham 1979 and has two sons Michael (Kelsey) in Austin, TX Grandson Henry, III (18 months) and Matthew (Alex) in Birmingham Granddaughter Samantha Ann (2 years)

Anne Knox Averitt, nominated for APNC, I am a Birmingham native and lifelong IPC member, currently serving on Session Class of 2024, the HR Committee, and involved in the Bridges/Crossroads Sunday School group. I am a lawyer at Bradley, wife to Austin, mom of Brooks (8), Edward (5), and Henry (2). Grateful for the IPC community and all the ways it enriches our family.


Paul W. Simmons, nominated for APNC, IPC member for my entire life. Served at IPC as Deacon, Elder (twice), Stewardship committee (twice), Chair of Finance Committee, Chair of Congregational Care Committee, and Representative Nominating Committee. Currently serves on Finance Committee, Stewardship committee, and the Funeral usher team. Married to Wendy for 34 years, both children are married: Jackson 28 (Hanna) and Anne 26 (Parker). Wholesaler of Investment products for Allspring Global Investments (formerly known as Wells Fargo Asset Management) for 23 years. My late father Richard E. Simmons, Jr. was a longtime member and former President of IPC and my mother Lynne Simmons is a current member and sang in the choir for 25+ years. I am a current member of the Board of Governors of the Country Club of Birmingham. Have served on the Mountain Brook City Schools Foundation Board and Campfire Alabama.

Emily Vanlandingham, nominated for APNC, serves as an Elder, chairs the Youth Subcommittee, and enjoys coordinating the Crossroads group (parents of 7th 12th grade youth) at IPC. She is passionate about developing and participating in faith based communities at IPC and in the world, and she loves to bring people together in fellowship. In her professional life, she is a Partner, Executive Committee member, and Chief Operating Officer of Arlington Family Offices, where she ensures the people, processes, and technology of the firm are aligned to serve clients with excellence. She loves efficient meetings, effective decision making, and getting things done. Most importantly, she adores her family and is happiest when sharing a meal and conversation among friends.


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