Chiapas Photo Book 2024

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Chiapas Chiapas


God’ s Beautiful Creation God’ s Beautiful Creation

The first few photos are from Irma and Salvador's beautiful ranch casa and all around the surrounding mountains and waterfalls we visited to keep cool.

The other photos are of Las Palmas, an area Irma is developing for area children to learn and play. This immediately reminded us of Henry Edmond's vision for CFAF. We definitely recommended IPC return to Chiapas to continue in ministry and relationship building there, but mid-June or later is best due to late May heat!

Thanks be to God for our relationships and journey!

Last & Favorite Night Last & Favorite Night

Our last night at Nuevo Sonora was our favorite, mostly because it involved our spending the whole time with about 75 children and their parents at nearby El Divino Redentor Church. This is the church closest to Irma and Salvador's home and is beautifully painted a warm yellow with twin towers reaching to the sky.

We opened the craft kits prepared by IPC children and watched the magic of children unfold! And yes, there were soccer balls and basketballs shared before sunset. There was great joy and a sense of togetherness no matter our 3 separate languages.

Irma has a big heart and is especially focused on creating spaces for women to be empowered and to learn parenting skills and language skills, and also a place for children to grow and learn. Irma showed us some space she is going to build out for these purposes.

Earlier in the day we visited a beautiful place called Las Palmas, where Irma is developing little cottages where she plans to take the children so they can run and play in this beautiful place and also learn how to swim in the beautiful nearby river. This immediately made us think of the Children's Fresh Air Farm! After more beautiful prayers from a woman of God, we enjoyed guanabana and pineapple juice.

El Buen Pastor El Buen Pastor

We visited with Pastor Freddy and elders at El Buen Pastor Church at Ejido 20 de Noviembre. Our 2022 and 2023 mission teams worked and visited at El Buen Pastor and it was their and the church leaders' shared concern about the kitchen and cooking conditions which initiated the IPCF grant which is now funding the elevated kitchen ceiling, better ventilation, and larger cooking area.

We were deeply blessed as a dear woman of God prayed fervently over us in her native language, Ch'ol. The Spirit moved among us in powerful ways during this prayer and the many other prayers we received from church members and pastors during our week with them.

Getsemani Church Getsemani Church

Getsemani Church at Ejido Chancala Zapote is a sweet and beautiful congregation. We women led worship because the pastors were delayed and many of the church members were at a local community meeting related to upcoming June 2 local and National elections.

There were many children and their mothers at Getsemani Church and we loved worshipping and visiting with them in two languages. Luke Zimmerman found a new Spanish speaking friend and they'll keep in touch and help each other learn.

God is so good!

Sinai Church Sinai Church

Sinai Church is one of the biggest churches in the presbytery. IPC teams have worked here in the past to help construct parts of this large church and Sunday school meeting rooms. Sinai Church has regular worship and study but also hosts many larger gatherings of the presbytery and are in need of building a larger, more efficient kitchen and expanded dining room.

Worshiping & Working Worshiping & Working

alongside Horeb Church alongside Horeb Church

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