Window | Summer 2021

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Steve has always admitted that he was quick to speak his mind (even if it got him in some trouble from time to time). But, he’s also quick to listen, especially to those who disagree with him. Not once did I see him shy away from jumping into a momentous and potentially conflictridden conversation. However, he did so with the deep abiding trust that with Christ as her Head, the Church can handle anything that comes her way, because God is bigger than that which may divide us. He modeled this trust to us at a very important time in the life of the church and for me personally. Without his guidance and (gentle) kick in the pants, I would’ve probably still been meandering along the ordination process. He has been a mentor and friend who has had an impact on my life and the life of IPC for the better." ~Rev. David Seamon, Associate Pastor, Faith Formation



Steve stepped in as our Interim Pastor at a very difficult moment as the pandemic had just sent us into lockdown not long before he arrived. The church building was closed, the staff worked mostly from home for the first three months of the pandemic, worship was livestreamed with no one in the sanctuary but pastors and a few choir members, all church meetings and classes took place on Zoom—it was a strange time for all of us and a particularly difficult time to step into the role of Interim Pastor of any congregation. While it was a harder time for him to get to know the membership at IPC for a while, he got to know the staff quickly, even if it was mostly on screens for a while. I am grateful Steve was willing to take on such a challenge. He has been a great supporter and cheerleader for the staff at IPC in his time here. He has done the hard work of helping us all figure out staff restructuring in a time of numerous important staff transitions. He gives ample praise where praise is appropriate, he coaches when coaching is needed, and he provides a listening ear when that is what a staff member needs. Personally, he has been so helpful to me as I have been in transition in my own work as a pastor of IPC. He affirmed my move from Community Ministries to Congregational Care and has been quick to offer his support in my new role. I am grateful for his honesty, his affirming spirit, his faithful preaching of the Word, and his willingness to wade into the deep end with us at IPC in so many ways. Thank you, Steve!" ~Rev. Susan Clayton, Associate Pastor, Congregational Care and Adult Faith Formation


Rev. Goyer has been the steady hand we have needed during an important time of transition for IPC. He has been very supportive of our search process, highly mindful of the particulars of Presbyterian policy, and always careful to articulate the reasoning behind our procedures. We have accomplished much in the technical realm, such as new bylaws and a revised staff structure, but more importantly, we have regained the skill of engaging each other in civil discourse, understanding that we are united in Christ and that our focus should be to relentlessly serve Him in all that we do." ~George Taylor, IPC President of Congregation


I'm a big fan of Steve Goyer. I think he has been a marvelous blessing to this congregation. One thing I particularly admire about him is his refusal to endorse certainties, other than the certainty of the grace of God. I admire his poetic imagination and his habit of making connections between Scripture, stories, current news, and the care of Creation. I enjoy his self-deprecating humor, except that he deprecates himself far too much, in my opinion. He doesn't mind revealing himself as an emotional and caring man—either quick to feel and quick to tears, without being embarrassed about it. But he's rock solid in every way I've experienced his presence here. I especially like it when he comments on some present human audacity and then looks at us quizzically from the pulpit and says, 'Really?' It makes me sad that he's leaving us, but it seems he's leaving us in good shape. He'll very likely come and see us again at times, I do hope." ~Linda Nelson, IPC Member

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