The smart journal for surface treatments
ISSN 2280-6083
ipcm digital on 2020
11th Year - Bimonthly N° 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY
Paint support technology mmo -ঞ ; voѴ ঞomv =ou ;Ŋ1o-| Ő $ ő -rrѴb1-|ouv
ՓՓ v r;ubou -rruo-1_ |o ;1o-| r-bm| ru;|u;-|l;m| -m7 r-bm| u;lo -Ѵ or;u-ঞomv Surface preparation
Weld and laser scale removal In-line and off-line rack cleaning
To achieve superior paint adhesion and corrosion resistance, e-coat (KTL) applicators must prepare a substrate’s surface by removing all contaminants and oils, which can be successfully achieved with UniPrep® long life, low temperature cleaners. With Interlox®, applicators can achieve a phosphorus-free coating that minimizes sludge and scale formation and environmental impact while providing stable performance across variable operating conditions.
Weld and laser cut areas are often the first point of paint failure and corrosion. Scale removal is traditionally accomplished through mechanical finishing or strong acid pickling. UniPrep® AC products offer e-coat (KTL) applicators a near neutral pH alternative, which eliminates the need for mechanical scale removal, improves employee safety and enhances part quality.
Paint removal for racks and fixtures is essential to minimize costly defects and rework. As paint builds up over time, the coating efficiency of racked parts decreases, resulting in poor paint coverage and ultimately corrosion failure. Master Remover® is the ideal in-house paint removal process, efficiently removing ecoat paint from racks and fixtures in both in-line and off-line systems.
Atotech Group +49 30 349850 Global head office
La ďŹ era leader mondiale per le tecnologie di verniciatura industriale World‘s Leading Trade Fair for Industrial Coating Technology
21 - 24 April 2020 Exhibition Centre Karlsruhe, Germany In collaborazione con: In cooperation with:
Agenzia per Italia, Spagna e Portogallo: Agency for Italy, Spain and Portugal: EOS Mktg&Communication Srl Tel +39 0362 503215
Celebrating performance, flexibility, service and thousands of colours and effects
Join us at PaintExpo 21-24 April 2020 Karlsruhe-Germany Hall 1, Stand #1218
RIPOL delivers top performing powder coatings that provide unmatched durability, flexibility and colour retention while being environmentally conscious T: +39 02 97 48 411
© AdobeStock_Liliia
© Guillaume Guerin
High Performance Superwetting Agent for Waterborne Applications
Patina Collection: Aluminium, an Excellent Alternative to Corten Steel
© ipcm ®
© DeGeest Steel Works
48 05 06
Robot Automation as Key Driver of Development: Robotic Painting Revolution at DeGeest Steel Works
IPCM IN REVIEW BRAND-NEW SUCCESS STORIES Dürr Chosen by BMW as General Contractor for Three Paint Shops in China and Hungary
The Evolution of the Euro90 Modular System According to its Users’ Needs: Vermetal’s Case
The New Frontiers of Metal Pre-Treatment: The Organic Compounds of Phosphorus
ANALYSIS Reasons to Choose Only Original Spare Parts for Your Coating Systems
08 10 14
36 44 56
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Thirty Years of Euro90: The Creation, Evolution, and Future of the Modular Coating System Concept
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH The Future Belongs to Agile Companies
BRAND-NEW INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Advanced Solutions for Cleaning, Conversion Coating and Chemical Paint Removal - A High Performance Systems Approach for Today’s Paint Applicators
78 82
BRAND-NEW FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Circular Economy Applied to Waste Water Treatment: Casagrande’s Turning Point
Mowital® – Your PVB for every challenge Even more applications with Mowital® G Series ... Kuraray offers the PVB (polyvinyl butyral) materials of its Mowital brand as granulated grades as well: Multi-talented thermoplastic granulated grades with low residual water content (< 0,5%). E.g. appropriate for 3D-printing. More details: Kuraray Europe GmbH Philipp-Reis-Str. 4 65795 Hattersheim am Main, Germany
© ipcm ®
© Kolzer
The Development of PVD Sputtering for Good-Looking, Functional, and Eco-Sustainable Chrome Plating Results © Teknox
Cataforesi Srl: A New Cataphoresis Line to Optimise Production while Ensuring High Quality
© FreiLacke - Emil Frei GmbH & Co. KG
118 90 94
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH The DN Chemicals Group Expands Through the Acquisition of Kemmex
Speroni: Insourcing Paint Stripping for Better Hook Management
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Finimetal: The Evolution of a Static Powder and Liquid Coating Plant for Workpieces of all Sizes
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Benzi & Di Terlizzi: An Overhead Conveyor Turns the Coating Line into a Highly Digitised System Capable of Integrating Subsequent Production Phases
Increase Throughput, Reduce Costs
ART WITHIN SURFACES STANDARD & LEGISLATION Italian Regulations: Environmental Declaration Form
ART WITHIN SURFACES Materials Come to Life Through Colour: An Interview with Artist Le Rond
146 148
SPECIALIZED TRAINING A New Professional Training Course for Coating Technologists in Collaboration with ASP Mazzini
150 152
Rolling out a stronger future. Together.
Two world leaders in LQGXVWULDO SURFHVV ɨ XLGV, Quaker Chemical and Houghton International, have come together as one company to keep our steel customers ahead in a changing world. As Quaker Houghton, we are proud to partner with the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most innovative steel companies, whose products are building a sustainable, more durableâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and more prosperousâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;future. With our FXVWRPL]HG LQGXVWULDO SURFHVV ɨ XLG VROXWLRQV ZH DUH DEOH WR KHOS you optimize operations and performance. Š2020 Quaker Houghton. All rights reserved.
Kolzer machines guarantee versatility in metallization and PVD sputtering treatments as well as repeatability in production. Kolzer systems perform well in all conditions, with all materials and for processing on each substrate. PVD is totally eco-friendly process with low environmental impact.
Innovation as a Competitive Strategy Richiedi la versione in italiano a
The fact that innovation is the trump card to maintain a competitive advantage in an increasingly crowded global market, burdened by duties and limitations, and sometimes depressed, rather than motivated, by “green” issues is certainly one of the most shared concepts among entrepreneurs and managers. What are we really referring to when we talk about innovation? Sustaining innovation, for example, is aimed at reducing production costs and increasing the efficiency of companies. It is the most widespread type of innovation, but also the least relevant for the market. Breakout innovation, on the other hand, is created by bringing a product capable of creating a discontinuity with the previous offer into a consolidated market. Finally, disruptive innovation can completely change the competitive area and the prevalent business model in a certain market. Let us think of the advent of digital photography, smartphones, or Uber and Airbnb in the service sector. Disruptive innovation proves that no technology or business model is definitive. Therefore, rather than “innovation”, “disruption” is the key word for success. Disruption is the search for innovative elements in technology that do not simply guarantee a competitive advantage but completely redefine the rules of a given sector. This is the type of innovation that is overturning entire sectors, such as the automotive one, apparently in crisis but only when it comes to the already-existing business models. Here, the advent of new players such as Google and Tesla (which has the largest number of projects involving new production and coating plants) is causing profound changes and tumultuousness in a market that is firmly tied to tradition. Digitisation, 3D printing, and nanotechnology are just some of the technologies that companies can use to create disruption. Disruptive innovation must involve all departments and corporate functions: marketing, human resources, and sales. Companies must open up and communicate with universities, laboratories, research centres, and institutions both nationally and internationally. They must also offer specialised trainings, essential to create a culture of innovation.
Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief Direttore Responsabile
In this first issue of 2020, the year that starts the second decade of the 21st century, ipcm® offers a long series of articles related to innovations of both the sustaining and other types. It will be possible to see most of them first-hand at PaintExpo 2020, the industrial coating sector event par excellence, where the world’s industry elite meets every two years to present the latest developments, innovations, and studies on finishes and surface treatments. We also inaugurate some very varied content sections. The “Raw Materials” section was created out of the interest of large chemical companies in presenting the performance levels that paints can achieve through the use of new raw materials to ipcm®’s target readers, mainly end users of painting and coating products. The “Art within Surfaces” section, conceived in the wake of the event organised last year to celebrate the tenth anniversary of our publishing house, which precisely combined the concepts of art and surfaces, will include interviews on the relation between art and industry as well as art and society. Each issue will also contain a review of what ipcm® did in the previous two months in the surface treatment sector worldwide: trade fairs visited, projects, and events, but also opinions and findings on what is happening in our industry. Finally, the “Specialized Training” section will present ipcm®_Academy’s ambitious project to create a school to train “surface finishing process technologists”, a role recognised at the European level but never defined before. Ipcm®’s way to create disruption.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
Š AdobeStock_waldemarus
Reasons to Choose Only Original Spare Parts for Your Coating Systems Mario Ferro Gema Europe Srl â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Trezzano sul Naviglio (Milan, Italy)
The use of non-original spare parts for any coating equipment can result in increased process costs. This article analyses the advantages of using original products and the issues that may arise from the implementation of non-certified spare parts.
The manufacturers of application
They are also continuously supported
So, why rely on non-original spare
devices and systems for both powder
by their network of dealers and local
and liquid coatings are the only ones
service centers, which manage an efficient
Choosing original spare parts
able to fully understand the needs of
distribution and global support network.
for your coating and application
users and as such supply the precise
This ensures equipment producers are
systems guarantees numerous
products and solutions required for
able to rapidly provide the correct spare
advantages for the safe and
their customers.
parts with minimal lead times.
efficient operation of the system.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Better coating results
Non-original components are mere
could occur at any time, with the potential
- Original products are specifically designed to
copies with non-controlled tolerances,
to cause sparking and explosions due
work in unison, maximizing the durability of
often poorly adapted to the equipment
to the presence of electrostatic charges
components and achieving the highest degree
for which they are intended. This
generated by the coating guns.
of coating performance;
can lead to rapid wear, impaired
The use of non-original components
performance, increased powder
ultimately leads to an increase in the
reducing powder consumption and increasing
and energy consumption and even
costs of the coating line. The wear rate
component damage or equipment
of counterfeit products is completely
different from that of original parts.
As they cannot access the correct
With non-original spare parts; the yield
technical information, the manufacturers
of the equipment changes completely,
of non-original spare parts produce their
application efficiency is compromised and
components without having the chance
powder consumption increases.
- They ensure optimal application results,
- They offer the best performance in terms of powder utilization and transfer efficiency.
Full compliance with health and safety standards
If non-original spare
protects the safety and welfare
parts are used, all legal
of workers, as well as the environment. For instance, all
© Gema Europe
The use of original components
guarantees expire immediately and any failure
Gema’s products comply with
is considered the sole
health and safety requirements,
responsibility of the user.
DSEAR and ATEX regulations plus
Non-original parts suppliers
any machinery directives and do
are able to provide only a
not compromise the validity of
small range of consumables,
insurance certification.
without the wider technical support and service
Savings and reliability
offering. Furthermore, these
- Original components are
businesses do not have
designed to work together
the skills to offer proper
to maximize the durability
assistance in the event of plant failures or anomalies,
and life of products, whilst simultaneously providing consistent coating results and
Using non-original components and spare parts can compromise the coating results and significantly affect the service life of equipment.
thus leaving the customer completely alone in these situations.
reliable performance; - They match the specific characteristics of the
to assess their correct integration
equipment range to which they belong, thus
with the rest of the equipment, not
limiting any expensive downtime.
to mention that such spare parts are
How can users protect themselves?
purely designed by copying the original
As a manufacturer of powder coating
Warranty and assistance
appearance of the components.
application equipment, Gema suggests
- Original spare parts are covered by product
Non-original spare parts may not comply
not to risk using non-original spare parts
manufacturers warranty. Gema’s warranty is
with health and safety, the DSEAR and
on your lines. Gema markets its products
valid worldwide;
ATEX regulations and any machinery
exclusively through a worldwide network of
authorized distributors and agencies.
This potentially endangers the health
This is the only structure capable of
and safety of workers, the environment
ensuring efficient and timely service,
Risks and side effects of using non-original products and spare parts
and under certain circumstances could
especially in the case of interventions under
invalidate insurance certification.
warranty. This will also enable you to take
Finally, the lack of traceability of
full advantage of the high-performance
Using non-original components and spare
counterfeit spare parts is a further
level of your Gema systems and equipment,
parts can compromise the coating results and
always guaranteeing compliance with all
significantly affect the service life of equipment.
Problems with non-original spare parts
local health and safety regulations.
- The distribution network of a manufacturer guarantees full traceability of spare parts.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
ipcmÂŽ: 2019 in Review Barbara Pennati ipcmÂŽ
While we wait to find out what 2020 has in store, we retrace the most important moments of 2019.
2019 was for sure as uncertain as it was
sector for the transport of car bodies, to
global growth in 2019 has been the slowest
dynamic and interesting.
the two-tone painting without the need
since the financial crisis of a decade ago1.
The digital transformation has taken place
for masking and without overspray, up to
Many factors have played a role in this:
and Industry 4.0 proved to be one of the
the first voice-controlled laboratory digital
geopolitical instability, social tensions such
most pursued roads, which very often led to
as the ones in Venezuela, rising trade
the affirmation of the economic and financial
At the beginning of the year, the media
barriers caused by the continuous power
success of many companies.
predicted a recession for all the major
play between countries such as the United
2019 brought with it several innovations for our
world economic powers. In part, these
States and China, as well as the general
sector, especially when it comes to technology:
forecasts came true: The International
from the first AVG used in the automotive
Monetary Fund said that the pace of
20 19
AGENCY FOR EUROPE EOS is the new agency for Europe of $ ;Â&#x160;b1oÄş $_; Ć&#x2018;Ć?Ć&#x2018;Ć? ;7bŕŚ&#x17E;om will be held May 12-14 in CDM.
AT UNIVERSITY $_; Â&#x2030;ouh o= br1lÄ˝v ;7b|oub-Ń´ oL1; Â&#x2030;-v ru;v;m|;7 bm |_; ]u-7Â&#x2020;-ŕŚ&#x17E;om thesis of our colleague Ilaria.
SUSTAINABILITY What are companies doing to protect the ;mÂ&#x2C6;buoml;m|Äľ ); |;Ń´Ń´ Â&#x2039;oÂ&#x2020; bm |_; m;Â&#x2030; v;1ŕŚ&#x17E;om o= oÂ&#x2020;u magazines.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
br1lĹ? uo|;1ŕŚ&#x17E;Â&#x2C6;; o-ŕŚ&#x17E;m]v =;-|Â&#x2020;u;v new contents and graphics.
$_; Cuv| Â&#x2030;;0bm-u -bu;7 om oÂ&#x2C6;Äş Ć?Ć&#x2019; -m7 Â&#x2030;-v -0oÂ&#x2020;| -vvbÂ&#x2C6;; bu;ruooCm] -|;ub-Ń´vÄş
Â&#x2020;u 1ourou-|; Â&#x2C6;b7;o Â&#x2030;-v |_; Cuv| Â&#x2C6;b7;o uploaded.
CERTIFIED TRAINING COURSES ou |_; Cuv| ŕŚ&#x17E;l; br1lĹ? 1-7;lÂ&#x2039;Ä˝v |u-bmbm] 1oÂ&#x2020;uv;v -u; 1;uŕŚ&#x17E;C;7 0Â&#x2039; !;]bom; ol0-u7b-m7 Â&#x2C6;-Ń´b7 -| Â&#x2020;uor;-m Ń´;Â&#x2C6;;Ń´
mb]_| |o 1;Ń´;0u-|; " h|]Ĺ&#x; ollÂ&#x2020;mb1-ŕŚ&#x17E;omÄ˝v Ć?Ć?|_ 0bu|_7-Â&#x2039; -m7 |o 7bv1oÂ&#x2C6;;u |_; 1Ń´ov; Ń´bmh 0;|Â&#x2030;;;m 1u;-ŕŚ&#x17E;Â&#x2C6;b|Â&#x2039; -m7 vÂ&#x2020;u=-1;v
political uncertainties of the Old Continent,
After the holidays, September and October were
affected by Brexit and the spectre of Germany’s
characterized by two firsts: the first YouTube
channel and the first ipcm® webinar.
There were some jolts in the surface treatment
The end of the year was important for trade fairs:
sector as well, such as the beginning of a
not only did we participate in our first fair in the
restructuring procedure of one of the most
USA, but in December we also formalized the new
important players in the sector. However, during
role of EOS as the official agency for Europe of
our travels around the world, we perceived a
general feeling of trust and dynamism. This is proved by the several success stories reported on
The smart 2020 of ipcm®
our pages and that show how our sector is more
The new year promises to be just as eventful.
active than ever.
In an increasingly smart, digital and interconnected
A key role in 2019 was played by sustainability: last
world, ipcm® has embraced this concept by
year more than ever before, both individual and
offering readers and customers both printed and
corporate environmental consciences have been
digital magazines, a multi-channel distribution,
awakened from the torpor that has afflicted them
original and exclusive content and a highly
for far too long.
interactive social community.
Various actions have been undertaken by
In 2020 we intend to continue on this path, offering
governments, institutions and companies to
new formats and new editorial initiatives. We will
reduce the impact on the environment as much
introduce two new sections on our magazines: one
as possible – some a mere marketing operation,
dedicated to raw materials and a second one that -
others crucial.
in the wake of the theme that inspired our 10 years anniversary event - will collect interviews, articles,
For our part, we committed to offering our readers a
curiosities related to the link between nature and
closer look at the policies and actions undertaken by
industry, art and surfaces not to mention the one
companies in our sector through the Sustainability
you are currently reading.
section of our magazines and the Five on Five
The training offer will also entail important changes:
initiative. What we found is that they seem to be
a new graphic layout will frame ipcm_Academy’s
attentive and proactive in terms of sustainable
increasingly structured training courses, which will
train tomorrow’s painting technologists.
In addition to the new section on Sustainability,
Certainly, one of the most innovative
lots of innovations concerned ipcm®: in March,
and ambitious projects concerns EOS:
ipcm _Academy training courses were certified for
a new website and blog will carry forward the
the first time by the Regione Lombardia and are now
relaunch of EOS’ brand identity – which began
valid at European level.
with the new logo redesigned for its ten years
April saw a new version of our magazine
- and its marketing, communication and event
ipcm®_Protective Coatings, dedicated to corrosion
organization services. We aim at putting the skills
protection technologies in the heavy industry, which
acquired in these fields at the service of our
featured new graphics and content.
In May, we set a new record: ipcm special on
Once again, we invite you to follow us during
automotive, with its 220 pages, was the richest issue
2020 – through our magazines and our social
in terms of variety of content and advertising sales.
media channels – and to visit us during our
July was the month of EOS Mktg&Communication.
stops around the world: the first appointment
The ipcm® magazines’ publishing house turned 10
is set for April 21 in Karlsruhe, Germany, to
and we properly celebrated at the wonderful Rossini
kick off the eighth edition of PaintExpo, the
Art Site with an event that had the aim of combining
world’s leading trade fair for industrial painting
art, nature and industry.
® -
Classic Blue is PANTONE's Colour of the Year for 2020 Instilling calm, confidence, and connection, this enduring blue hue highlights our desire for a dependable and stable foundation on which to build as we cross the threshold into a new era.
A timeless and enduring blue hue,
As technology continues to race ahead of
to relaxed interaction. Associated with
PANTONE 19-4052 Classic Blue is
the human ability to process it all, it is easy to
the return of another day, this universal
elegant in its simplicity. Suggestive
understand why we gravitate to colours that
favourite is comfortably embraced.
of the sky at dusk, the reassuring
are honest and offer the promise of protection.
qualities of the thought-provoking
Non-aggressive and easily relatable, the trusted
For further information:
colour of the year highlight our
PANTONE 19-4052 Classic Blue lends itself
foundation on which to build as we cross the threshold into a new era. Imprinted in our psyches as a
© Pantone
desire for a dependable and stable
restful colour, PANTONE’s colour of the year brings a sense of peace and tranquillity to the human spirit, offering refuge. Aiding concentration and bringing laser like clarity, Classic Blue re-centres our thoughts. A reflective blue tone, which fosters resilience. “A boundless blue evocative of the vast and infinite evening Blue encourages us to look beyond the obvious to expand
Classic Blue is PANTONE’s colour of the year for 2020. © Pantone
sky, PANTONE 19-4052 Classic
our thinking; challenging us to think more deeply, increase our perspective and open the flow of communication,” said Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the PANTONE Colour Institute. “We are living in a time that requires trust and faith. It is this kind of constancy and confidence that is expressed by PANTONE 19-4052 Classic Blue, a solid and dependable blue hue we can always rely on”, she added.
PANTONE 19-4052 Classic Blue expresses constancy and confidence.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
AkzoNobel’s Powder Coatings Take Landmark Building to Another Level Europe will soon have a new tallest building – and it’s being protected from the ravages of the Warsaw weather by a high-class powder coatings system supplied by AkzoNobel.
Standing 310 metres tall, the Varso Tower
AkzoNobel Powder Coatings. “Customers
“It means our passion for paint will be on
– developed by international workspace
now want the look of a liquid with the
view for all to see.”
provider HB Reavis – will dominate the
properties associated with powder.
The Interpon system will help the tower
skyline of the Polish capital. It features a
Our Interpon D range is available in a
to withstand harsh conditions such as
sleek black exterior which has been created
variety of on-trend colours and finishes.
bright sunshine, fierce winds and driving
by using the company’s Interpon D2525
It’s also highly durable and combines
rain. It will also be a beacon of sustainable
super-durable topcoat on the cladding
sustainability with favourable economic
building, as none of the company’s
and profiles in a striking Noir Sablé shade.
powders contain volatile organic
Meanwhile, the Interpon Redox Plus primer
Due to be completed in 2021, Varso
compounds (VOC) or heavy toxic metals.
provides a super tough core.
Tower will feature an observation deck on
In fact, AkzoNobel was the first global
AkzoNobel is one of several A-list companies
the 53 floor, offering spectacular views of
powder coatings supplier to obtain an
working on the project, including Foster and
the revitalized neighbourhood.
Environmental Product Declaration back
Partners, the world famous architectural
“We have supplied market-leading
in 2015, underlining the company’s
firm who designed the structure.
products for architectural landmarks
ongoing commitment to providing
“It’s inspiring to be working on this
all over the world, so we’re excited to
sustainable products for its customers.
prestigious development with some of
be involved in the Varso Tower project,”
the leading names in the industry,” says
adds Daniela Vlad, Managing Director of
For further information:
Mattijn Klaver, Sales Manager Benelux for
AkzoNobel’s Powder Coatings business.
The Varso Tower will dominate the skyline of the Polish capital.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The Varso Tower will feature an observation deck on the 53rd floor, offering spectacular views of the revitalized neighbourhood.
CHEMTEC Acquires the WNP’s Know-How Chemtec Srl and WATER NANO PROJECTS Srl have signed an agreement under which WNP sells its package of formulas and industrial know-how exclusively to Chemtec. WATER NANO PROJECTS is an Italian company active in the domestic market that has over thirty years of industrial know-how deriving from the acquisition of CTIDA Srl, formerly ENEL HYDRO, in the design of emulsifying plants with chemical-physical processes and in the
industrial wastewater treatment, by inserting new solutions to meet the ever-increasing market demands, and its customers in the domestic market to consolidate the constant process of technological and commercial growth that has characterized
formulation of the related chemical
Chemtec’s path from its creation until
today and - we hope - in the coming
“Thanks to this procedure” declares
Carlo Guidetti, CEO and co-founder For further information:
both its know-how in a strategic sector,
© ipcm ®
of Chemtec, “our company expands
Carlo Guidetti (at the centre) with the Chemtec team.
Dürr Chosen by BMW as General Contractor for Three Paint Shops in China and Hungary BMW is relying on Dürr’s experience and technological leadership to expand its painting capacities in Asia and Europe. In Shenyang (China), Dürr is building a new paint shop and extending an existing painting system. BMW is also working with Dürr on a further new paint shop in a new plant in Debrecen, Hungary. Dürr sets standards in the painting process with state-of-the-art technology. The orders for the construction of the two plants in China were posted in the fourth quarter of 2019.
Dürr has confirmed its position as a market
2013, Dürr will build a further paint shop
shop in Europe, with a new BMW plant in
leader in China with two orders for BMW.
in a new manufacturing facility. In addition,
Debrecen (Hungary).
In Dadong district in Shenyang, BMW has
BMW is already planning a second
“In Dürr, BMW has chosen an experienced
been operating a Dürr paint shop since 2016
expansion stage in Tiexi and has agreed
general contractor for its investments in the
and is now increasing its capacity. In Tiexi
the future expansion with Dürr.
manufacturing facilities in Asia and Europe
district in Shenyang, where BMW has already
An agreement has also been made
who can deliver innovative technology for
been using Dürr painting technology since
with Dürr on the construction of a paint
the entire painting process and whose
© Dürr
solutions make a contribution to sustainable production,” says Dr. Jochen Weyrauch, Chairman of the Board of Dürr Systems AG, in summing up the current orders. “BMW will get three paint shops that set standards for sustainability, flexibility, and quality.” Dürr will deliver proven technology and the latest innovations packaged in a convincing plant concept at all three sites. Successful products like the patented RoDip® rotational dip process from Dürr will create outstanding conditions in pretreatment and cathodic electrocoating for the subsequent paint application.
Efficient use of resources, from application to drying The application step of BMW’s Integrated Painting Process (IPP) in all three paint shops will be handled by Dürr painting robots with high-rotation atomizers of the type EcoBell3. A total of 165 painting robots and 90 sealing robots from Dürr will paint and seal the BMW models in the Ecopaint painting robots from Dürr are used at BMW in China and Hungary.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
three plants.
Integrated supply systems for the paints
© Dürr
and thick matter used as well as a paint mixing room will ensure an efficient paint supply in the standard colour palette. Dürr will install the EcoSupply P system for supplying special colours. Pigging systems will transport the special colours to the paint booth in hoses – with almost zero losses. The coordinated application technology will minimize paint and detergent consumption and ensure fast colour changes. BMW will use sustainable, resource-saving technology throughout the three new paint
In the EcoInCure oven, air flows through the opening in the windshield and heats the body parts from the inside out with a high level of uniformity.
shops. The Dürr products for paint separation – EcoDryScrubber, in China and EcoDry X in Hungary – boast strong environmental credentials.
from the inside out, resulting in particularly
new plants in Debrecen and Tiexi. Here, the
EcoDryScrubber is based on paint
uniform and fast drying of the bodies – even
bodies are transported through the plants
separation using limestone powder,
special body shapes like those of electric
exclusively on traverses. This means that
while EcoDry X uses cardboard filter
no space is required for return transport of
boxes as a separating agent. The Dürr
the skids and there is no need to clean skids
technology thus does not involve any
Compact and scalable layouts
in the top coat section. The end result is
polluting methods that use a mixture of
The latest technological innovations from
compact and scalable layouts.
water and chemicals. The recirculation
Dürr are reshaping the layout of the plants.
of up to 95% of the air used in Dürr’s
BMW is using an integrated skidless
For further information:
separation processes also enables a
conveyor system for the first time in the
in the paint booth. The EcoInCure oven, which will be
© Dürr
60% reduction in energy consumption
used in the new plant in Tiexi as well as in Debrecen in the top coat section, will additionally boost the energy efficiency of the plant. The oven’s exhaust air can be purified using just one afterburning system of the type Ecopure® TAR. A comparable double oven with conventional continuous flow technology would need two air pollution control systems. This reduces the amount of fresh air required, and thus the energy demand. EcoInCure uses a new technology for drying: the air flowing in through the opening for the windshield heats the body parts
Dürr’s RoDip® rotational dip process creates outstanding conditions in pretreatment and cathodic electrocoating for the subsequent paint application.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
Europolveri Launches a New ESD Primer Europolveri, which has been active in the field of anticorrosion primers for many years, especially with the 6L2800003T002 AP zinc phosphate-based primer and with the 6L4800003T002 HP, meeting the market requests, devoted its own research to the study and development of a new product.
speaking, it was proved that the achievement
thanks to its intrinsic characteristics, allows
of antistatic properties in the conventional
an extension and improvement of the
transferring the electrical charge from the
primers does not imply a loss of corrosion
6L4800003T002 HP primer, of which it
primer surface to the substrate, thus facilitating
resistance. The tests were performed on CRS
retains the corrosion resistance properties,
the following application of the top coat.
pre-treated matt steel panels in an industrial
together with the antistatic properties,
All this results in a much easier painting of the
plant with the following cycle:
that is the capacity of transferring the
items, above all of the three-dimensional ones,
alkaline degreasing, 2 RR + RR/RD rinsing,
electrostatic charges on the surface to the
an improvement of the aesthetic effect of
phospho-degreasing with heavy iron salts,
item to be coated, after applying the primer
painting, a reduction of the overspray and, in
2 RR/RD + RD rinsing, nanotechnological
and while applying the second coat.
general, of the powder consumption.
treatment with no-rinse passivating agent and
In the two-layer painting, after applying
The 6L4871153T0C0 ESD primer produces an
immediately after painted in the laboratory with
the primer, the material to be painted is
electric resistance of the painting film ranging
two-coat cycles and a complete cross-linking
coated with an epoxy film which is especially
between 105 and 109 Ω. According to the IEC
of the primer at 180° C for 15 minutes and
effective as an electrical insulator. This
61340 international regulation, this electric
with a 50-60 μm average thickness using the
makes the top coat application more
resistance range defines the materials as ESD,
5L1190163T000 as top coat.
difficult due to the counter-ionization of
i.e. antistatic.
The 6L4871153T0C0 ESD primer extends the
powder that is not able to discharge the
The neutral salt spray corrosion test
range of products of the AntiCorrosion11 Series
excess of the electrical charge received
performed in compliance with ISO 9227
and it is available on stock with a minimum
from the guns. This recalls what happens to
standard at Europolveri laboratories showed
order quantity of 25kg.
the hooks which – if not properly cleaned
that such resistance for the 6L4871153T0C0
– insulate the items by preventing their
ESD is totally similar to the 6L4800003T002
For further information:
correct grounding.
HP one from which it derives. More generally
© Europolveri
The 6L4871153T0C0 antistatic primer,
6L4871153T0C0 ESD primer, which is
© Europolveri
Europolveri officially launches the new
The new 6L4871153T0C0 ESD primer is suitable for sunbed coating which are exposed to a corrosive environment.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The 6L4871153T0C0 ESD primer extends the range of products of the AntiCorrosion11 Series and it is used for metal staircase coating.
Fortex Offers a Clean Room Liquid Coating Service
The main sectors in which it operates are as follows:
© Fortex
Fortex is a young, dynamic, and innovative business in the world of surface coatings. Its continuous search for new solutions, use of the latest generation materials, and selection of cutting-edge systemsbmakes quality its distinguishing characteristic.
- thermal and sputtering Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) coating; - liquid coating; - digital printing with nanocolourants; - low-relief finishing. Its expertise, helpfulness, careful choice of suppliers, latest generation technological systems, and wide range of results offered are the core factors of this cutting-edge company in the surface treatment sector. Fortex owns three sputter deposition plants designed and manufactured by Kolzer. The PVD technology consists in the deposition of thin metal films that can be used to ennoble surfaces and give them a different look without changing the
Fortex can treat countless substrates, from plastic (ABS, PA, PU, PBT, PC, etc.) to all metals, alloys, and glass.
characteristics of the base material, in an eco-compatible way and as an alternative to galvanic treatments. The services offered also include liquid coating and colouring,
the surfaces resistant to atmospheric agents, UV rays, chemical
performed in a clean room with robotic systems or manually.
aggression, heat, torsion in the case of soft materials, etc.
Fortex can treat countless substrates, from plastic (ABS, PA, PU,
Fortex’s ability to constantly acquire new high-profile
PBT, PC, etc.) to all metals, alloys, and glass. Its coating processes
customers both nationally and internationally proves its talent
can guarantee several aesthetic results, ranging from conventional
at offering innovative solutions by developing new projects
RAL/ PANTONE finishes to metallic, pearl, soft touch, and other
and designing samples even for the most particular products.
decorative effects obtained with craft operations that make the treated products original and unique. In terms of functions, all
For further information:
cycles are aimed at meeting the customers’ requests and making
Paint Expo Karlsruhe April 21-24, 2020 | Hall 2 | Booth 2318
Venjakob Maschinenbau – more than 50 years of innovation in surface technology made in Germany Surface pretreatment | Coating | Drying technology | Automation | Exhaust air cleaning
© AdobeStock_Liliia
High Performance Superwetting Agent for Waterborne Applications Vimal Saini, Wolfgang Fuchs, Elke Piron, Carlos Feito, Udo Schonhoff, Frank Abschlag Elementis GmbH – Cologne, Germany
Wetting agents are added to the waterborne coatings in order to increase the wetting of the substrate, and to improve the compatibility with pigments and other components. Selection of the suitable wetting agent for desired formulation and application properties is critical.
For example, anionic wetting agents can have
coatings where micro-foam cannot be
developed (SUPREAD® 2059). It provides
excellent dynamic surface tension control, but
tolerated however, they do not provide
antifoaming properties as well as offers
can often result in an increase in the foaminess
adequate surface tension control.
fast dynamic surface tension reduction for
of the grind that may appear as micro-foam
To overcome these limitations, a new
improved flow and levelling on difficult to
in the applied coating. Low foaming non-ionic
low foaming, silicon and APEO free
wet surfaces like wood, plastics etc.
wetting agents have found value in industrial
multifunctional wetting agent have been
The newly developed multifunctional wetting
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
agent was tested in various coating formulations. The results of the
Basics of wetting
study reveal its outstanding ability in surface wetting, antifoaming,
Wetting refers to the study of how a liquid deposited on a solid
pore filling on wood, block resistance and have shown no negative
(or liquid) substrate spreads out or the ability of liquids to form
impact on gloss, rheology.
boundary surfaces with solid states. The wetting is determined by measuring the contact angle, which the liquid forms in contact
with the solids or liquids (Fig. 1). It is defined geometrically as the
Wetting agents play a critical role in both production and application
angle formed by a liquid at the three phases boundary where a
of waterborne coatings. During production, the performance of
liquid, gas and solid intersect. The well-known Young equation
wetting agents has usually been based on a compromise of positive
describes the balance at the three phases contact of solid-liquid
and negative features. In addition to the above characteristics
and gas.
concerning the anionic and non-ionic wetting agents, another class © Elementis
of wetting agents based on Gemini diols offers benefits of both low foaming and excellent dynamic surface tension especially during high speed application such as spraying etc. Their use is however often constrained by high cost. Therefore, there is a real need in the waterborne coating industry for an advancement in non-ionic wetting agents that can provide low foaming as well as a faster dynamic wetting. Our recent advances in silicon-free non-ionic wetting agent technology have allowed for a significant step forward in performance for this class of wetting agents. This article will provide an overview of the performance of Elementis newly developed multifunctional wetting agent “SUPREAD® 2059”.
1 Figure 1: Illustration of contact angles formed by sessile liquid drops on a smooth homogeneous surface.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
The processes involved in wetting a solid are approximately described
such as craters, fish eyes by forming localized areas of very low
by the following Young equation:
surface tension, which do not wet, thus forming these defects. Coating formulators who experience this often utilize higher
γs = γsl + γl cosθ
concentrations of wetting agents to induce better, more complete surface wetting. But many wetting agents as described above
γs: Free surface energy of the solid γsl: Interfacial energy solid/liquid γl: Surface tension of the liquid θ: Contact angle solid/liquid
generate and stabilize foam, which then requires more defoamers. This potential competition between defoamers and wetting agents can cause this difficult cycle. Thus, there is a real need in the waterborne coatings industry for an advancement into new wetting technology that can provide multiple
From Figure 1, it can be seen that small contact angles (<<90°)
functions such as wetting and defoaming at the same time and
correspond to high wettability, while large contact angles (>>90°)
consecutively eliminating the complexity in the overall formulation.
correspond to poor wettability [1,2]. Critical factors in the successful wetting of a substrate by a coating are the surface tension of the
Samples examined
coating and the surface energy of the substrate [3,4]. Generally, for
SUPREAD® 2059 is an alkyl terminated non-ionic surfactant with
wetting the following rules apply:
polyether segments. Reference 1 is based on Gemini Diol; Reference
- Substrate with high surface energy is easily wet out
2 is based on Siloxane-based Gemini and Reference 3 is based on
- Liquid with a low surface energy is good at wetting
Polyether modified Polysiloxane chemistry.
- Particularly good wetting is obtained when the liquid has a substantially lower surface energy than the substrate.
Surface Tension Figure 2 compares the static surface tension reduction with 0.3% aqueous solution of various wetting agents. SUPREAD® 2059
Waterborne coating formulations are a complex mixture of resin
demonstrated higher surface tension reduction than Reference 1
dispersions, pigments, solvents and additives such as surfactants and
and 3. Only Reference 2 (Gemini Diol) has shown the highest surface
defoamers etc.
tension reduction in comparison to SUPREAD® 2059.
In the waterborne coatings, due to the high surface tension of water,
A reduction of 27 mN/m in the static surface tension with SUPREAD®
surfactants are required to reduce surface tension and improve
2059 proved that it will be able to effectively wet out even low surface
wetting and levelling of the applied coating, especially on low-energy
energy polymers. Low surface energy polymer has surface energy
surfaces such as wood, plastic, contaminated metal etc.
less than 35 mN/m and therefore presents a significant problem
The failure of a coating to adequately wet-out a surface can lead to
to the applicator. To wet out the substrate completely, the surface
film defects such as pinholes, inadequate film adhesion, and poor
tension of the wetting liquid must be lower than the surface energy
corrosion protection when applied on metal substrates. These
of the substrate. With such a low surface tension, SUPREAD® 2059
film defects compromise the appearance and performance of the
will be able to effectively wet out low surface energy polymer as well.
coating, and can lead to a loss of value due to a lower visual aesthetic appearance, higher maintenance costs, and a shortened lifetime. Another challenge in formulating the waterborne coatings is that
© Elementis
Challenges in the waterborne coatings
wetting agents tend to stabilize the foam that can have a negative impact on paint preparation during the dispersion steps (macro-foam) as well as during application methods such as with brush, roller, and spray applications [5]. Especially for the spray application in particular, poorly designed wetting agents could contribute to stable foam generation that consequently leads to pinholes and microbubbles in the dried final film. As a result of these defects gloss reduces significantly, and film’s appearance and performance are also negatively impacted [5]. To avoid these problems, defoamers are commonly used in waterborne coatings; they can be very effective but they need to be carefully selected. Very often, silicon and mineral oil based defoamers, if not selected and incorporated properly, can cause surface defects
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
2 1 Figure 2: Static surface tension comparison of aqueous solutions containing 0.3 wt% wetting agent.
Europolveri presenta il
Nuovo Fondo Antistatico 6L4871153T0C0 ESD Europolveri presenta ufficialmente il nuovo fondo 6L4871153T0C0 ESD, che si propone come estensione del 6L4800003T002 HP, del quale mantiene le doti di resistenza alla corrosione, alle quali si aggiunge l’antistaticità, ossia la capacità di trasferire le cariche elettrostatiche presenti sulla superficie del pezzo da verniciare dopo l’applicazione del primer e durante l’applicazione della seconda mano. Nella verniciatura con cicli a due mani, dopo l’applicazione del primer, il materiale da verniciare si trova rivestito di un film epossidico particolarmente efficace come isolante elettrico.
Zaniolo CdA - 01.20
Powder Coatings series
6L4871153T0C0 ESD Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;evoluzione nella lotta alla corrosione Il fondo antistatico 6L4871153T0C0 ESD, grazie alle sue caratteristiche intrinseche, permette il trasferimento della carica elettrica dalla superficie del primer al substrato, facilitando in questo modo la successiva applicazione del top coat. Il primer 6L4871153T0C0 ESD genera una resistenza elettrica del film di vernice compresa tra 105 e 109 Ί. Secondo la norma internazionale IEC 61340, tale intervallo di resistenza elettrica definisce i materiali come ESD, ossia antistatici. Il primer 6L4871153T0C0 ESD va ad ampliare la gamma dei prodotti della Serie AntiCorrosion11 ed è disponibile a magazzino, con quantitativo minimo ordinabile di 25kg.
Per ulteriori informazioni potete contattare il servizio clienti a:
© Elementis
3 1
© Elementis
Figure 3: Evolution of advancing contact angle with 0.3% aqueous solutions of wetting agents in glass substrate (left) and on untreated polypropylene plastic (right).
Contact angle Typically, lower contact angle values are an indication of high wettability, whereas high contact angle values correspond to low wettability. Figure 3 depicts the contact angles data achieved with a 0.3 wt% aqueous solution of wetting agents on glass and untreated plastics (Polypropylene and Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene). On Glass, ABS and a very hydrophobic Polypropylene surface, SUPREAD® 2059 provided a lower contact angle and superior wetting in comparison to the market Reference 1. Additionally, SUPREAD® 2059 provided fast dynamic spreading on these tested substrates. The ability of SUPREAD® 2059 to wet the surface very quickly and to provide low contact angles allows formulators to develop coatings that
4 1 Figure 4: Foaming behaviour in aqueous solution.
can effectively wet out the most difficult-to-wet substrates even without any surface treatment.
Evaluation in clear coat based on acrylic dispersion SUPREAD® 2059 is evaluated in transparent clear coat based on acrylic
Foaming behaviour
dispersion. The formulation for the same is listed in the Table 1.
Wetting agents have a tendency to generate and stabilize foam in aqueous solutions at concentrations that are typical for a paint
Table 1: Transparent clearcoat based on acrylic dispersion.
formulation. In this evaluation, the 0.3 wt% aqueous solutions of various wetting agents were shaken with Skandex shaker for 5 min. Samples were assessed directly for their foaming tendency. The results for this evaluation are shown in Figure 4.
Raw material
Weight in %
Lay in Pos.1 1
NeoCryl XK 95
Add Pos.2-6 under stirring in the denoted order
The solutions containing the SUPREAD® 2059 and Reference 1 wetting
Wetting agent
Wetting agent
agents displayed no foam.
Org. solven
Rheological additive
The Reference 3 displayed a quite foamy behaviour. Reference 2 also showed some foam in the aqueous solution. The cloudy appearance of the SUPREAD® 2059 and Reference 2 is due to the micelle formation in the solution.
Mix it @ 4 m/s with a toothed Cowles blade for 15 minutes 100.00
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
This higher loading of the wetting agents was chosen to observe
© Elementis
Wetting agents were added at a loading of 1.5 wt% as supplied. any incompatibilities with the formulation and to see the effect on rheological behaviour. SUPREAD® 2059 and Reference 1 showed comparable rheological profile at this loading level. Reference 2 has caused a major decrease in the low shear viscosity, due to that the application properties such as sag resistance have decreased significantly, however levelling is improved in comparison to the blank. Reference 3 was not available at that time and therefore no data is available for this. All paint samples containing wetting agents were brush applied on the Lenata chart (Fig. 5). Blank (without wetting agent) showed brush marks due to inadequate levelling because of absence of
5 1
wetting agent. SUPREAD® 2059 and Reference 1 showed quite improved surface appearance. Reference 2 displayed good levelling
Figure 5: Brush applied clear coat on the Lenata chart.
performance however showed a lot of foam during the brush © Elementis
Evaluation in white wood coating based on self-crosslinking acrylic dispersion Improved surface wetting SUPREAD® 2059 is evaluated in glossy white wood coating based on self-crosslinking acrylic dispersion (Table 2). Table 2: Wood coating based on self-crosslinking acrylic dispersion. Pos.
Raw Material
Weight in %
Dem. Water
Wetting / Dispersant
KRONOS® 2190
6 1
Figure 6: Wetting performance in white wood coating based on self-crosslinking acrylic dispersion.
Block resistance
Pos. 1 – 4 Dispere for 15 minutes at 10 m/sec. tip speed (fineness of grind <10μm) 5
Alberdingk AC 3630 ®
Binder Defoamer
Wetting agent
Dowanol DPM*
SUPREAD® 2059 is very useful for industrial wood applications like window frames and for decorative paints, where low VOC levels and good block resistance are required. A good block resistance helps keep a door from sticking to the jamb, or a window from sticking to its frame etc. Figure 7 highlights the block resistance of a High Gloss white wood
Rheology modifier
coating based on self-crosslinking acrylic dispersion containing
Rheology modifier
0.2 wt% wetting agent.
Viscosity KU 105 / ICI [C&P] : 2.8 Poise
© Elementis
*Pos. 8 – 10 mix before hand and than add to the sytem
Wetting agents were added at 0.2% concentration as supplied. Figure 6 illustrates wetting performance of wood coating applied via brush on the Lenata chart. SUPREAD® 2059 displayed superior wetting performance and a defect free coating in comparison to Blank and Reference 1 (Gemini Diol).
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
7 1 Figure 7: Improved block resistance with SUPREAD® 2059.
When coating wood via spray application, SUPREAD® 2059 can provide
SUPREAD® 2059 along with Blank and Reference 1 showed excellent block resistance. In contrast Reference 2 and Reference 3 showed very poor
exceptional antifoam and wetting performance. Table 3 presents the
block resistance as shown in Figure 7.
formulation used for this evaluation.
Pore filling ability
Table 3: White window paint test formulation.
Wood substrates are very difficult to wet out due to the porosity of the substrate, surface contaminates such as dirt, glue and irregularity in the
© Elementis
surface roughness.
Raw material
Weight in %
Neocryl XK 98
Dowanol DPM
Ammonia (25%)
Coalescing agent pH adjustment
Nuosperse FN 211
Dispersing agent
Parmetol A 26
Kronos 2190
Microtalc IT extra
Dorvalit WSP
Disperse at 20-24 m/s for 15 min 11
Rheolate FX 1010
Disperse for 10 min. 20-24 m/s for 10 min 8 1 Figure 8: Pore filling ability via spray application (Scale in all samples - 1mm except Reference 3- 3mm).
Rheolate 125
Wetting agent
Mixing for 10 min 100
liquid or powder spray applications
over 60 years of experience in surface finishing lines
pre-treatment | spray applications | electroplating | vertical & horizontal plants | enameling | aluminium | white goods | automotive | general industry
on self-crosslinking acrylic emulsion on an oak wood. Wetting agents were
© Elementis
Figure 8 illustrates the spray application of a white wood coating based added at 0.2 wt% as supplied. By incorporating SUPREAD® 2059 wetting agent into the wood coating formulation, improved wetting and pore filling of the wood surface is achieved. Additionally, superior flow and levelling is obtained in comparison to the blank sample. SUPREAD® 2059 showed similar performance in comparison to Reference 1 and Reference 2. Reference 3 however showed very poor performance against SUPREAD® 2059.
9 1 Figure 9: Surface wettability comparison with 0.3% SUPREAD® 2059: a) In OPV system on PVC wallpaper b) BOPP film.
Overall performance comparison SUPREAD® 2059 provided excellent balance of all the application
shows the wettability with 0.3% wetting agent on PVC wallpaper and
properties required for an excellent coating finish. Table 4 highlights the
Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP film).
various application properties tested in a glossy white wood coating based
SUPREAD® 2059 provided superior wetting and while maintaining
on self-crosslinking acrylic dispersion with 0.2 wt% concentration.
excellent foam control on low energy PVC wallpaper and Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene (BOPP film).
Table 4: Overall application performance comparison.
This test depicts that SUPREAD® 2059 can be an excellent alternative for difficult to wet substrates that require good flow and levelling under high
Visosity behaviour
Surface Pore Blocking Leveling defect filling
Gloss 60°
application speeds.
0-poor / 5-excellent
Newly developed multifunctional super wetting additive SUPREAD® 2059
showed the following advantages:
Reference 1
- Very good antifoam properties
Reference 2
Reference 3
- Excellent ability to reduce surface tension effectively and provide good wettability on substrates such as glass, plastics, wood etc. - Very good pore filling properties on wood - Excellent block resistance
SUPREAD® 2059 outperformed the market reference in the overall
- Excellent viscosity stability
performance. Of all the tested market references, each one of them has
- Very good brush out behaviour and levelling
shown poor performance in one or the other application properties.
- Free from defects after application in wood coating system
Reference 2 has shown very poor block resistance. Reference 3 has
- No foam creation by spraying.
shown very poor block resistance as well as Pore filling ability. Reference 1 showed very poor surface wetting performance on the Lenata chart.
When comparing all the application properties SUPREAD 2059 has
The authors would like to thank lab colleagues Anja Wingerath, Parwis Adli, Jörg
shown no negative impact on any of the application properties instead
Bungarten and Sebastian Heinz for their help and support during this work.
it has significantly improved the surface wetting performance and block resistance and Pore filling ability. Hence SUPREAD® 2059 showed an excellent balance of all tested application characteristics: - Superior balance between block resistance and surface wettability - Stable KU and ICI viscosity - Stable sag and blocking stability
References: [1] Huhtamäki, Tommi, Xuelin Tian, “Surface-wetting characterization using contact-angle measurements” Nature Protocols 2018 (13),1521–1538. [2] Yuehua Yuan, T. Randall Lee., “Contact Angle and Wetting Properties”, Surface Science Techniques, 2013, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- No negative impact on the gloss.
[3] De Gennes, P. G., “Wetting: Statics and Dynamics”, Reviews of Modern Physics, 1985, 57(3), Part I, pp. 827-863.
Substrate wettability in OPV ink and adhesive system
[4] Rosen, M. J., Surfactants and Interfacial Phenomena, 3rd ed., 2004, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.
SUPREAD® 2059 wetting agent is also recommended for waterborne printing inks and adhesive system. As seen in Figure 9, SUPREAD® 2059
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
[5] Semmier, H.; Heilen, W., “Elimination and Prevention of Microfoam”, European Coatings Journal, 2000, 6(26), pp. 1-6.
© Guillaume Guerin
The “Patinoire” of Dunkerque in the north of France is an ice skating centre characterised by a façade of light perforated aluminium panels, powder coated and featuring a characteristic finish and colour (Adapta Color patina collection, Effervescent Earth colour).
Patina Collection: Aluminium, an Excellent Alternative to Corten Steel Edited by Adapta Color SL Adapta Color SL, Peñíscola - España
The façade of the Patinoire sports centre in Dunkirk in France designed by the architecture firm Agence Chabanne, was covered with rectangular panels of perforated aluminium sheets treated on the surface and coated with Adapta Color powders. The chosen colour, Effervescent Earth, is harmonised with the place by a mix of typical industrial materials and colours such as the rusty iron sheets, a warm colour which matches the red brick façade of the historic building. The coatings used were chosen for the low environmental impact produced (category A +) and for their resistance in a difficult area such as the marine one.
The city of Dunkerque, in the north of
firm founded by Nicolas Chabanne with offices
It covers an area of 7,500 sqm and is located
France, has a new ice skating centre: the
in Paris, Lyon, Aix-en-Provence and Geneva,
at the port on Pier 1 in front of the city’s
“Patinoire”. It was designed by Agence
taking inspiration from the same place where it
historic centre and inside an area currently
Chabanne, an architecture and engineering
stands, an area between the land and the sea.
undergoing complete redevelopment. It
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Guillaume Guerin
© Guillaume Guerin
The area where the sports centre was built overlooks the sea and the old Pier 1 of the port of Dunkerque.
The building is part of a redevelopment project involving the entire port area. Close to the city historic centre, the “Pier 1” was an industrial area in the past.
connection with the external area
Sucres and represent the history of
enhanced by the presence of disused
– as Nicolas Chabanne pointed
the city”.
railway tracks, by the water’s edge and
out in his study of the building:
The internal walls are covered with
by the Halles aux Sucres, a historic
“(...) it creates a harmonious
rectangular panels of perforated
building with a façade made of
dialogue with the local scenery.
aluminium sheets, treated on the
traditional red bricks.
Inside, the spaces surrounding
surface and powder coated with a
The façade of the “Patinoire” features
the ice rink have been designed
product with high durability from the
a large window which creates a visual
to recall the style of the Halles aux
Patina collection by Adapta Color.
© Guillaume Guerin
has a strong linear structure further
The design of the area is extremely linear, emphasized by the presence of disused railway tracks and the red bricks of the historic building Halles aux Sucres.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
© Guillaume Guerin
© Guillaume Guerin
The large glass window creates a connection between the rink and the external space. The holes of different sizes in the panels create light effects on the stairs and on the wall.
Detail of the perforated aluminium panels used for the façade of the Patinoire. Their characteristic colour is due to a powder coating in Effervescent Earth colour from Adapta Color Patina collection.
the aspects connected with the theory
more than abstract location. We mean a
The colour chosen, Effervescent Earth,
that sites have a precise and recognisable
totality made up of concrete things having
takes inspiration from the atmosphere
identity with characteristics which can be
material substance, shape, texture and
of the area with an industrial past, but is
eternal or mutable. It is the “spirit of the
colour. Together these things determine
harmonised by a mix of typical industrial
place”, the entity which, according to the
an “environmental character” which is the
materials and colours such as the rusty
ancient Romans, people had to please if
essence of place”.
iron sheets, a warm colour which matches
the wanted to earn the right of living in a
the red brick façade of the historic building.
place, where each different material must
A vibrant façade
A stylistic study which recalls that done
be used harmoniously and be compatible
The façade appears extraordinarily vibrant
by Christian Norberg Schulz in the late
with the environment. Norberg Schulz
thanks to a series of perforations of various
1970s in his essay “Genius Loci, Towards a
wrote: «What do we mean by the word
sizes and streaks on the aluminium panels
Phenomenology of Architecture”, especially
“place”? Obviously, we mean something
which evoke the marks left by skaters on the
© Guillaume Guerin
A suggestive colour
The warm colour of the Effervescent Earth finish is enhanced by the red light of the sunset.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Guillaume Guerin
Air Protection Technology airprotech is active worldwide with a wide range of solutions and products for the control of industrial emissions including VOC volatile organic compounds, solvents and other gaseous pollutants.
The erosion of the inorganic passivation patina (the artificial “rust” of the Corten steel) causes dirt stains on porous materials such as stone and so it requires constant maintenance.
ice and at the same time let natural light filter in, hitting the wall at the back and creating an artistic contrast of light and shadow, shielding the rink from direct sunlight. A complex result which would hardly be achieved with the use of steel sheets covered with a patina of rust that this powder-based Adapta Color finish evokes. Corten is a registered trademark for a type of steel patented by the United States Steel Corporation, invented as a material able to withstand adverse weather conditions. Also known as weathering steel, it is used in particular in bridges and other structures and it has become especially popular in recent years for its “decorative” applications. Actually, when used in contexts other than the ones it has been designed for, Corten steel has some severe issues such as: - It requires regular maintenance. In fact, in the United States where this material is widely used, especially in infrastructure works, it is compulsory to adopt precise safety systems.
passivation patina (the artificial “rust”) leaves stains of dirt which are very
© Guillaume Guerin
- The erosion of the inorganic
difficult to remove, in particular from materials such as stone, cement and other porous materials. - In some environments – not only outdoors – the patina which is formed is not homogeneous and behaves in an unpredictable way. - If the patina gets damaged due to graffiti or other unpredicted damage to the surface, it is impossible to restore it back to its original state if not through complex restoration works.
Environmental footprint Another aspect considered in the project was its environmental footprint. The group of environmental engineers of Agence Chabanne
Detail of the aluminium panels with holes of different sizes and streaks which recall the marks left by skates on the ice.
worked to build an environmentally friendly and comfortable building, minimising its energy consumption technological solutions (the Patinoire is one of the first public buildings in France to use CO2 as a coolant). In
this regard, the R&D department of
© Guillaume Guerin
and adopting cutting-edge
Adapta Color calculated the carbon footprint of their powder paints, obtaining an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) in compliance with ISO 14025, while the calculation of the emissions of volatile organic compounds according to the ISO 16000-9: 2006 standard put the building in the A+ category (very low emissions). The issue of having durability and resistance in a very difficult environment (the Patinoire is adjacent to the sea) and achieving complete protection, was solved applying different layers of paint consisting of primers and class 2 powder coatings for use in marine areas, classified according to C5-M standards.
The colour of the powder coated sheets is similar to real rust with a very natural effect.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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The New Frontiers of Metal Pre-Treatment: The Organic Compounds of Phosphorus Carlo De Alessandri, Tommaso Giovenzana, and Carlo Guidetti Chemtec Srl, Corbetta (Milan, Italy)
Chemtec has developed PRONORTEC, a new technology based on organic phosphorus compounds for pre-treating metals prior to coating. It meets all environmental requirements and, at the same time, it guarantees the same adhesion performance of microcrystalline phosphating. This product is highly revolutionary also for its ease of application, since rinsing is only necessary for the cataphoresis process, whereas it can be avoided in any other case.
The use of processes based on technologies using such thick layers
Main features
that they fall within the definition of nanotechnology in the field of
The PRONORTEC process is based on the use of organic
industrial metal preparation to coating goes back to more than a
phosphorus compounds. This material is not only widely
decade ago. In these last ten years, however, the market of metal
present in the Earth’s crust as a component of minerals
pre-treatment chemicals has greatly changed. On the one hand,
such as apatite, but it is also one of the essential elements
the European legislators have fortunately issued regulations that
at the biological level. Phosphorus is important for bone
increasingly limit the use of heavy metals such as chrome, nickel, and
and tooth health, it is a part of cell membranes in the
zinc in order to reduce the environmental impact of processes.
form of phospholipids, and it plays an essential role in the
On the other hand, the market has also started asking for new
transformation of food into energy. It is also a constituent
techniques that are simpler to manage and more efficient, but also
of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), some proteins, and some
reduce energy consumption and the disposal costs of the toxic-harmful
sugars, and it enables the functioning of some B vitamins.
waste typical of microcrystalline phosphating operations.
In the last few years, the scientific world has paid
In this framework, some European pre-treatment chemical
much attention to the development and study of the
manufacturers have carried out major research and development
organophosphorus compounds, whose binding characteristics
activities in order to develop new processes and meet the new
for organometallic compounds have allowed the development
legislative and market needs. We can divide the newly launched
of important catalysts.
nanotechnology processes into three categories:
These specific characteristics have prompted the Chemtec
- processes based on metals with a low environmental impact, such as
laboratory’s team of researchers to test some organic
titanium and zirconium; - hybrid organic-inorganic processes wherein various organic silicon
phosphorus compounds as a metal pre-treatment solution: this is a pioneering project, since it does not appear that there
compounds (silanes) are used in combination with some of the metals
exists a pre-coating metal treatment process based on these
mentioned in point 1;
compounds, to date. Our researchers noted that the reactivity
- organic polymer-based processes, including those based on vinyl polymers and one-stage cold systems.
of these compounds with metals (ferrous and non-ferrous) is very high: after a few seconds of contact with a highly diluted
All these processes guarantee a real reduction of the environmental
solution of them, a “nanocoating” is created. This coating is
impact in terms of energy, water consumption, and toxic-harmful
very thin, with a thickness of a few tens of nanometres, and
compounds of heavy metals. However, they are not always efficient
it is able to react directly by forming primary (or covalent)
in terms of quality: although the effectiveness of nanotechnology
chemical bonds with the organic polymers of liquid or powder
processes has improved, this does not always reach the levels of
finishes. Compared with other nanotechnology pre-treatment
microcrystalline phosphating. With the aim of filling this gap, in the last
methods available on the market, the nanocoating created
two years Chemtec’s R&D lab has tested and developed the application
by the PRONORTEC process is highly hydrophobic because
of organic phosphorus compounds through a new, innovative
it is substantially free of hydrophilic metals and, therefore, it
pre-treatment process for metal surfaces called PRONORTEC.
guarantees a high corrosion resistance degree.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Chemtec
Advantages and benefits 1. Effectiveness: process quality Electrochemical tests (linear polarisation and impedance spectroscopy) show that the nanocoating created by the PRONORTEC process on metals (ferrous and non-ferrous) reaches a ten times higher protective level than that created by alternative nanotechnology pre-treatments based on modified organic silanes acting in combination with zirconium or titanium compounds, produced by either Chemtec or other European multinational companies (Fig. 1 and Table 1). Table 1: Results obtained though the Tafel analysis of the values shown by Fig. 1.
Coating efficiency %
Silane-based technology
Compared with the nanotechnology conversion process based on organic silanes, the sample treated with PRONORTEC shows a flatter anodic branch that is subject to weaker currents.
Figure 2: OCP (Open circuit potential) in NaCl 0.1 M. Substrate: CRS with amorphous phosphating. Comparison between PRONORTEC (red line) and the silane-based technology of a European multinational company (black line).
© Chemtec
This proves that the passivation created on metal by PRONORTEC has a better performance degree than that created with the silane-based technology. The current density (jcorr), reported for each sample in Table 1, is an
important value for assessing corrosion resistance. The jcorr value of
© Chemtec
the PRONORTEC-treated sample is an order of magnitude lower than
© Chemtec
Figure 3: Acetic salt spray test results on AA5005 aluminium. Acid pickling + conversion. White polyester powder.
Figure 1: Linear polarisation in Na2SO4. Substrate: AA5005. Comparison between PRONORTEC (red line) and the silane-based technology of a European multinational company (black line).
Figure 4: Neutral salt spray test results on CRS iron. Alkaline degreasing + conversion. White polyester powder.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
© Chemtec
Figure 5: CRS samples after an 800-hour neutral salt spray test. Alkaline degreasing + conversion. White polyester powder.
that of the modified organic silane-treated sample. Therefore,
The concentration of the PRONORTEC’s active ingredient
PRONORTEC gives the metal a higher corrosion resistance
is measured automatically with a simple tool provided by
degree than that obtained with silane-based technologies.
Chemtec; therefore, its dosage is totally automatic. Such an
jcorr is also directly linked to the coating efficiency value. As can be
ease of use is only possible thanks to a highly stable process.
seen in Table 1, the coating created with PRONORTEC is about
Indeed, it is stable for at least 6-12 months and the operator
50% more efficient than that created with modified organic
must do nothing except add the product drums to feed the
PRONORTEC’s benefits are also noticeable on ferrous surfaces that were previously subjected to amorphous phosphating
Case history
processes (Fig. 2).
The PRONORTEC process can be applied by spraying,
Figure 2 also shows the OCP trend in NaCl 0.1 M, as a function
immersion, or nebulisation. A rinse is necessary only in the
of time, for two iron samples (CRS) on which the nanotechnology
case of cataphoresis or e-coat finishing processes, in order
conversion phase was performed after amorphous phosphating.
to reduce any contamination.
Also in this case, PRONORTEC ensures greater corrosion
No other application calls for a final rinse.
resistance. PRONORTEC binds with amorphous phosphate in a
Thanks to the PRONORTEC technology, Chemtec has
more stable way and it creates a less porous and less hydrophilic
already solved the problems of several companies:
nanometric coating compared with that created by silanes.
for instance, in the case of difficult paint adhesion on
Corrosion resistance tests (with both the ACET method and
sandblasted aluminium parts, it quadrupled the salt spray
the neutral or acetic salt spray one) conducted in compliance
test hours achieved (Fig. 6). In another case, it was possible
with various types of powder coatings show that, in general, the PRONORTEC process guarantees a clearly higher corrosion resistance degree than the various nanotechnology
© Chemtec
with ISO standards on both iron and aluminium in combination
pre-treatments available on the market (Fig. 3, 4, and 5). 2. Efficiency The PRONORTEC process works on surfaces that are degreased and, if necessary, pickled and perfectly rinsed with purified water. The main application advantage brought by PRONORTEC compared with the already existing nanotechnology processes is simply that it uses a one-component product: it is not necessary to add any additive to correct pH, nor any concentration of zirconium metal compounds or other metals. No titration is needed to measure total or available free acidity.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Figure 6: 500-hour ISO 9227 acetic salt spray test. Substrate: aluminium die-casting. Polyester powder coating.
Š Chemtec
Figure 7: 700-hour ISO 9227 neutral salt spray test. Substrate: iron. Polyester powder coating.
to pass the adhesion and corrosion tests on the brazing parts and edges of a workpiece on which no other nanotechnology had given satisfactory results. Two other companies in Italy and one in France have started using this nanotechnology with significant advantages in terms of adhesion (Fig. 7). No or only small plant changes were necessary for the application of this product. Various tests are currently underway for other different applications in several industrial sectors.
Conclusions The main limit to the spread of nanotechnology pre-treatments able to replace microcrystalline phosphates based on highly toxic and polluting heavy metals is the lower corrosion resistance degree achieved. Chemtec has developed and is launching a new technology based on organophosphorus compounds, called PRONORTEC, which is highly revolutionary in terms of ease of application and quality of results. The R&D laboratory of Chemtec is still working to continue improving this technology and expanding its industrial applications.
Five on Five Interview: Sustainability According to the Industry Players_Part III
his issue concludes our second ‘Five on Five’ interview series. Launched a year ago on the pages of our magazine, these were conceived with the aim of providing our readers with a comprehensive overview of the sustainability-oriented strategies implemented by the main companies of our sector. The impact of industrial production on the environment is known: it is estimated that industrial and craft activities account for about 50% of the total VOC emissions, whereas some research es show that almost 80% of the plastic that ends up at sea comes from waste produced on land and transported by rivers. The consequences are there for all to see and media report on them on a daily basis – shocking images of a Pacific Ocean area invaded by debris and waste of all sorts, pictures of melting glaciers, and news about environmental disasters caused by climate change and their devastating impact on people, animals, and nature. It seems a race is underway to find the most suitable and effective solution to a blatantly unsustainable and complex situation. However, there is not only one solution. Actually, there exist many valid and applicable solutions. On the other hand, no one can act alone, from governments, companies, and organisations to research centres and civil society representatives. This explains the growing number of summits that have recently marked the international political agenda, of alliances between multinational companies to reduce pollution, and of public gatherings in squares and meeting places to raise awareness on this issue. “Designing a sustainable future” through the progressive achievement of objectives is the conclusion that everyone comes to; based on the answers we have collected so far, it is also the programme proposed by our sector’s players. The most difficult challenge is and will always be to meet the deadlines imposed by everyone’s increasingly demanding and less and less sustainable living conditions: the task that our magazine has given itself with its “Sustainability” project is to monitor the development of these programmes and report their results to our readers.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For this second interview we were delighted to work with the following sector leaders: • Rinske van Heiningen – Director Sustainability Integrated Sustainability Team AkzoNobel • Marco Benen – BASF’s Coatings Division Sustainability Officer • Gaetano Blanda – Evonik Senior Vice President and General Manager Coating Additives & Stefan Silber – Evonik Senior Vice President Innovation Management Coating Additives • Cecilia Svensson – Perstorp Holding AB EVP Communications & Sustainability • Pedro Perez Vintaned – PPG EHS Director EMEA
Rinske van Heiningen, AkzoNobel – “People. Planet. Paint.” is our holistic sustainability approach. It means that our efforts are reflected in our products, innovations, customer benefits, supply chain and operations. This includes the positive benefits our products and services bring to our customers in industries such as construction, transportation, oil and gas and consumer goods: - People: How we treat our people, our suppliers and inspire and empower communities. It’s about the numerous local projects we carry out that make a significant impact. It also embraces our principles and approach to human rights and diversity. All of which helps to position AkzoNobel as an employer of choice and a good corporate citizen. - Planet: How we protect the environment and preserve our planet. This is how we reduce our environmental footprint to protect and preserve the planet. It includes the many steps we’ve taken – and continue to take – to reduce it through reformed value chains. It incorporates our dedication to reducing energy use, lowering CO2 emissions, VOC reduction and waste, while increasing our use of renewable energy. Not only are we working to cut emissions and reduce waste to minimize impact, we’re also taking proactive steps to improve our ways of working to build better processes for the future. For example, restoring forested areas at our sites. That’s just one of the ways we’re making sustainability a priority every day. - Paint: How we consistently innovate to supply sustainable, impactful solutions. Approximately 40% of our sales come from products with a sustainability benefit. We intend to use this strength and leadership position to grow this percentage
significantly. Our eco-premium products (which represent around 20% of our sales) offer better benefits than competitor offerings. Our product innovation is driven by sustainability. That means the products we bring to market have sustainability benefits – as Dulux Trade Evolve with 35% recycled content - not only for the environment, but also for our customers. By choosing AkzoNobel as their supplier, our customers can strengthen their own sustainability agenda. Marco Benen, BASF – We do take a holistic approach on sustainability. That means taking all these pillars into consideration – along the value chain. We are committed to source responsibly: The transparent selection of the suppliers that ensure safe working conditions and environmentally compatible extraction of raw materials are key criteria for the purchasing process. We are aiming to produce safely and efficiently, improving for example our logistics, packaging or avoiding transports. And of course, the offering of sustainable
products. Take an environmentally product for example. There must be also a market for this product and it must be cost competitive. It also has to comply with all Health and Safety standards, so covering the social pillar. It is always about balancing the three dimensions. Gaetano Blanda, Evonik – Evonik’s sustainability activities cover environmental, economic, and social aspects. In spring 2019, we sharpened our profile with the new sustainability strategy, giving answers to central questions regarding sustainability. It comprises, for example, ambitious new climate and water targets. By 2025, we aim to reduce our absolute GHG emissions by 50 percent compared to 2008 as reference base. In the future, internal CO2 pricing will be an additional criterion in the management of major investments. Moreover, Evonik will integrate sustainability further into its strategic management processes. Cecilia Svensson, Perstorp – Our work with sustainability is conducted on several
Can you describe your sustainability program? Does it include every aspect, i.e. environmental, economic and social?
According to the glacier geologists of the Fondazione Montagna Sicura (Safe Mountain Foundation) the Planpincieux glacier on Mont Blanc in Italy has been sliding down the mountain at about 50 centimetres a day and its fall is possible anytime.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
different levels and focuses mainly on the environmental and social aspects of sustainability, since these are the areas where we think we can have a direct impact. Our program includes improvement work within a broad variety of areas from health & safety, leadership, supplier management and compliance to the long-term ambition to become Finite Material Neutral. Everything counts and you can’t be successful in your long-term ambition unless you have your basics in order. Pedro Perez Vintaned, PPG – At PPG, our sustainability initiatives are categorised into different programmes. We have a health and safety programme which focuses on keeping our employees healthy at work and making sure they get home safely. Our environmental programme focuses on ensuring that we operate
responsibly to protect our community. We run comprehensive programmes to better manage our energy consumption, waste creation and water usage. Our wellness programme provides support for the overall health of our employees and aims to give them opportunities to improve their health and provide them with an understanding of what systems are in place to build their awareness around health concerns or address issues they might have. We also do a comprehensive programme for occupational health to educate on industrial hygiene and limit employee exposure to chemicals handled in our PPG facilities. Our sustainable initiatives also extend to our products and how we can make them more environmentally friendly and improve our customers’ sustainability. Finally, we’ve woven our commitment to sustainability into our community programmes. Our Colorful
Communities programme is designed to raise our engagement and commitment to our communities, by protecting and beautifying the neighbourhoods in which we operate in. Through this signature initiative, our volunteers contribute time and PPG paint products to help transform community areas – whether it’s painting classrooms, bringing colour to hospital wards or redesigning a playground. Last year alone, we invested $9 million in these programmes, protecting and beautifying communities in 30 countries around the world.
Is there a project that didn’t work out?
Rinske van Heiningen, AkzoNobel – As a company we are always looking for interesting projects which have benefits for © NASA Goddard/ Katy Mersmann
NASA and NOAA scientists reported that the ozone hole is the smallest on record since its discovery. However, this is due to abnormal weather patterns in the upper atmosphere over Antarctica that dramatically limited ozone depletion in September and October 2019.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
SUSTAINABILITY our stakeholders. Over time expectations, surroundings and other influences may change, influencing the outcome or a change in focus. Marco Benen, BASF – Of course, some projects don’t work out. Sometimes due to technical limitations, sometimes for other reasons. But that does not mean that we do not keep trying. We are continuously working on new processes, products and solutions. What might not work today may be possible in a few years’ time. Gaetano Blanda, Evonik – Looking back, sometimes we were ahead of the times and it was not easy to implement instruments such as abstract materiality analyses. Today, this has completely changed and all sustainability activities enjoy high acceptance within our Group. Cecilia Svensson, Perstorp – Being successful, by definition, also means that you have encountered a number of failures or not so successful endeavours. It is difficult to single out a project that didn’t work, but, as an example of a challenge, in 2010 we launched, perhaps ahead of its time, the world’s first renewable Penta, Voxtar™, a product that can cut a carbon footprint by up to 80%. It took several years before sales took off, but now it is part of our successful Pro-Environment Solutions portfolio, and interest and sales are rapidly increasing. Pedro Perez Vintaned, PPG – When it comes to our approach to projects we find that it’s often more about timescales. It’s about finding a compromise between priorities we have for the company. We encourage people to bring their ideas to the table. The challenge is to correctly prioritise these ideas in a world that is changing constantly, striking the right balance between priorities and execution.
Do employees actively participate to these programs and activities?
Rinske van Heiningen, AkzoNobel – Yes. We currently have four community programs running under the AkzoNobel Cares banner. AkzoNobel Cares is the umbrella name for all our social impact programs and projects, including Community Program, Let’s Colour, Education Fund and local activities that positively impact communities. In 2018, 49 Community Program projects took place in 29 locations across 16 countries, with a 35% increase in employee participation (1537) - almost five times higher community outreach than in 2017. During 2019 we conducted over 900 projects, positively impacting 40 000 million people and trained 30 000 individuals enabling them to become economically active. In 2018, we carried out 75 “Let’s Colour” projects (28 of the 75 were in partnership with SOS Children’s Villages) across 23 countries, which involved nearly 1536 AkzoNobel volunteers. We donated 220,000 litres
of paint for the renovation of community living spaces, benefiting millions of people. Marco Benen, BASF – We do have a so-called sustainability team, that is the driving force behind sustainability efforts at the Coatings division. But they alone can’t be successful. Everybody has a part to play. It starts with turning off lights and the heating and does not stop with changing internal processes to be more sustainable and developing new products. Gaetano Blanda, Evonik – Yes, sustainability finds a high degree of acceptance among our employees. We discovered, however, that it plays an even bigger role regarding possible future employees. Against this backdrop, sustainability is an important element of our employer branding activities. Cecilia Svensson, Perstorp – Perstorp has a high engagement level across our sustainability work. One example is within the areas of health & safety, where we have a longstanding and successful program called
Care 365 in order to engage both leaders and employees. Another example is how many employees and functions that are engaged on a daily basis in the journey to become Finite Material Neutral, from sales, operations and sourcing to communications and other. We have a committed leadership team and a very active cross-functional team that are together driving the sustainability agenda for the company. Pedro Perez Vintaned, PPG – PPG employees participate in all aspects of our sustainability initiatives in programmes that are specific to each area of our businesses. We have employees focused on technical and quality functions in the development of our sustainable products. In terms of health and safety our operational teams are instrumental in the development of these programmes. In our Colorful Communities community engagement programmes our people work with local communities, authorities and councils to organise events and oversee activities in their specific areas.
© The Ocean Cleanup
The Ocean Cleanup is developing a passive cleanup method, which uses the natural oceanic forces to rapidly and cost-effectively clean up the plastic already in the oceans. The picture shows the plastic retention in System 001/B.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
What is the role of third-party certifications in sustainability within the paint and coatings industry?
Rinske van Heiningen, AkzoNobel – Rating agencies are important as they are used by our stakeholders to assess our performance. They also provide an independent assessment of our performance, giving confidence to the market, and identify areas for improvement. These agencies assess us holistically and look at environmental, social and governance related topics, including: - Carbon footprint - Waste management and energy and water consumption - HSE policy and practices - Diversity and inclusion, including the composition and independence of our board - Social programs. The number of rating agencies is rapidly growing, which forces us to focus on those with the greatest credibility and that create most value for the company and our stakeholders. In 2019, we evaluated rating agencies based on their value, continuous improvement and pragmatism. We decided to actively participate in the following surveys: - Sustainalytics - FTSE4Good - MSCI - ISS Oekom - EcoVadis – Gold rating for the fifth consecutive year - Vigeo Eiris – Rated number one in the chemical industry by Vigeo Eiris (part of Moody’s) - Trucost S&P - Corporate Knights. Despite not actively participating in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) in 2018, we remained in the top ten.
Marco Benen, BASF – Third party certificates are important for creating credibility, transparency and trust. They do have a similar function as seals and standards for products for end consumers. Our customers can use them for orientation. Stefan Silber, Evonik – Such certifications are quite often the rationale and essential driver for most of our current innovation efforts in the coatings industry. Needless to say, the big multinational companies down the value chain and ultimately all consumers around the globe have a big impact on setting the corresponding standards. As a critical side-remark, we would appreciate a better global harmonization of all these initiatives and standards. We will see many more innovations driving the further
transformation towards environmentally friendly coating technologies. This trend will clearly sustain. Cecilia Svensson, Perstorp – They definitely have a role to play to make certain standardized methodologies trustworthy and better known. However, ideally, there shouldn’t be too many and they should represent industry standards. Pedro Perez Vintaned, PPG – Sustainability certifications are like an endorsement that we’re doing things the right way and they’re a way for us to demonstrate that PPG is certified on different areas and guidelines that provide an assurance to those we do business with. We’re proud of achieving certain standards. We have many different certifications but the ones most linked to sustainability are ISO4001 which is focused
on environmental concerns, ISO45001 which is on occupational health and ISO50001 which is on energy. It’s important for us to demonstrate that we’re focusing on environmental improvements.
How do you see the future of sustainability? What are your next steps?
Rinske van Heiningen, AkzoNobel – We are leading an exciting transformation of the paints and coatings industry with our call for collaborative innovation through our Paint the Future innovation ecosystem. Paint the Future is the ecosystem for accelerating new innovations in paints and coatings together with startups, suppliers and academia around the world. Through our platform and programs, innovators get access to resources to help
/ZWE s 2019 tic Atla © Plas
© Mário Cruz
This picture showing a child on a mattress that is surrounded by rubbish floating on the River Pasig in the Philippines has come third in the Environment category for the 2019 World Press Photos awards.
commercialize their solutions. The ecosystem includes startups, suppliers and academia. We believe the only way forward is to safeguard our planet beyond generations by developing cross-industry solutions. Our product innovations are built around sustainable solutions for our customers and this is an area where we can make a real impact both in our coatings and decorative paints businesses. We also strive to continue to limit our own impact on the environment and are ready to announce updated ambitions in this regard during the first half of next year. Marco Benen, BASF – Change is no longer optional. Every company has to do something, just as every individual does. That is why sustainability is an integral part of BASF’s strategy and why we created a roadmap to guide our actions in the coming years. Functional paints for the future mobility will be one of the most important topics for the coatings industry. E-mobility, lightweight cars and new mobility concepts do pose challenges but also create new opportunities for a sustainable development. Chromacool, for example, is a paint technology which combines colour and functionality.
Overview of pioneering approaches to stem the tide of rubbish in all of the world.
A special paint system ensures that the high-energy near infrared radiation (NIR) is reflected, thus reducing the temperature on the vehicle surface by up to 20° C. As a result, the vehicle interior stays cooler and the need to run the air conditioning is minimized. This in turn positively impacts the vehicle’s energy consumption and is particularly apparent in the electromobility sector through the increase in range. Gaetano Blanda, Evonik – Looking ahead, the importance of sustainability as a crucial success factor will continue to rise. With its new sustainability strategy, Evonik is well positioned. In the years ahead, our focus will lie on integrating sustainability even further into our businesses and into the management processes of our Group. Cecilia Svensson, Perstorp – There are real signs from nature that time is running out. To get global traction, I think the UN Sustainable Development Goals are a brilliant initiative. However, I don’t think they will be enough. As climate change and other sustainability issues have no borders, there is a need for global thinking and action. Our company will continue
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
our journey towards becoming Finite Material Neutral by executing on our roadmaps. With regards to all the basics that define us as the responsible company we are, we will continuously improve and keep striving to make a bigger and bigger difference. Pedro Perez Vintaned, PPG – We need to be more creative and more innovative. We need to challenge ourselves about what else we can do in terms of sustainability. We have enough knowledge now to have an impact on everything that makes a difference from the sustainability perspective. It’s now about how we can challenge ourselves, how we can bring in innovations to become more sustainable as a company. When we put together our sustainability report we include very challenging and aspirational targets that provide a direction for PPG to proceed. This sends a very clear message to everybody that we want to get even better on things that will benefit the environment, keep our employees safer and healthier and enable our customers’ sustainability efforts. Our sustainability report is key in challenging ourselves and driving our operational excellence.
INVADENTE: Francesca Torri’s Brooch Sold at the Auction Organised by EOS Mktg&Communication
Mktg&Communication decided to organise
The jewel is made of brass and it is
a special event to celebrate this important
decorated with oxidations, paintings, and
milestone together with its customers and
coatings in gold and silver leaf; the hook is in
guests. The event took place at the Rossini
harmonic steel.
Art Site in Briosco, where the company
Francesca Torri has been producing jewels
created an evening that combined art,
and body ornaments for thirty years and
nature, and industry and during which a
she works with precious and non-precious
charity auction was held in favour of the
materials, excluding iron and platinum.
restoration of the War Memorial monument
Her jewels are inspired by the materials
installed in Trento e Trieste square in Monza.
themselves. Metal and its alterations are a
One of the works donated for the auction
constant source of discovery for her, which
was INVADENTE (i.e. “Intrusive”), a brooch
lead her to create unique pieces meeting her
created by Francesca Torri and purchased
constant need to move forward. Francesca
by Sebastiano Brenni of Salchi Metalcoat Srl
Torri has also been teaching Jewellery Design
(Burago di Molgora, MB). This macro jewel
at the European Institute of Design in Milan
is a shoulder brooch that decorates the
for thirty years and she annually attends
upper part of the bust: a brooch, but also a
international courses on special jewellery
necklace. It has two clasps for firm fixing to
making and handcraft techniques.
The brooch worn by its current owner.
© ipcm ®
clothing and it is entirely handmade.
© ipcm ®
On its tenth anniversary, EOS
© Sebastiano Brenni
Sebastiano Brenni, the owner of Salchi Metalcoat (Burago Molgora, MB, Italy), bought INVADENTE, a brooch created by Francesca Torri, during the auction organised on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of EOS Mktg&Communication.
“INVADENTE”, the brooch created by Francesca Torri, was one of the protagonists of the charity auction organised by EOS.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Sebastiano Brenni won the auction.
Honorary Title for A Man with Many Functions The management team of the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems and the Chair of the Academic Board awarded KR ING Hubert Culik, Chairman of the Austrian Chemicals Industry Association, Managing Director of Rembrandtin Lack, and Executive Director of Kansai Helios Coatings, with the honorary title FELLOW OF IMC FH KREMS in recognition of his merits regarding the set-up of the Applied Chemistry degree course.
In 2019, the IMC FH Krems awarded the international
process optimisation as well as the simulation of
honorary title “Fellow of” for the first time. A Fellow
experiments. The programme offers comprehensive
is someone who has conducted important research
chemical training with future-oriented aspects
activities concerning the aims of a scientific society.
such as recycling, use of renewable raw materials,
He contributes significantly to promoting the
reclamation of raw materials, etc. Students with an
cooperation between research and its application in
excellent academic record may qualify for a so-called
merit-based scholarship from the Austrian Chemicals Industry Association FCIO. Special features of this
Applied Chemistry – a degree course that opens up many opportunities
degree programme include excellent opportunities
The degree programme Applied Chemistry was
contents and input from the industry combined with
established in 2018 and focuses on chemometrics,
practice-oriented lectures and seminars. “The lack of
development and selection of chemical processes and
skilled workers is a big issue in the chemical industry”,
experiments and related computer-based analysis,
Mr Hubert Culik, Chairman of the FCIO, says. With
in the current job market as well as modern course
their degree, graduates will lay a solid foundation for a career in the pharma or food industries, environmental authorities, etc.
Fellow of IMC FH Krems The decree was presented during an academic ceremony by the management team of IMC Fachhochschule Krems, Mag. Ulrike Prommer and Prof. (FH) Dr. Karl Ennsfellner as well as Prof. (FH) Dr. Martin Waiguny, Chair of the Academic Board, on 18 October 2019 in the International Meeting Center on the IMC Campus Krems. Left to right Prof. (FH) Dr. Karl Ennsfellner (Managing Director IMC FH Krems), KR ING Hubert Culik (Chairman of the FCIO), Prof. (FH) Dr. Martin Waiguny (Chair of the Academic Board) and Prof. (FH) Mag. (FH) Dr. Manfred Pferzinger (Vice-Chair of the Academic Board).
For further information:
From Now On Applying 2K Coatings Becomes Even Easier
The new equipment pursues the need for
Š Verind
After the EcoDose 2K/3K, which are now a landmark in the automotive and industrial coating sectors, Verind has developed a new electronic dosing system dedicated to applications that require simpler functionality than those featured in the EcoDose 2K.bEcoDose 2K Easy is born.
reliability by offering excellent performance: in fact, it keeps unchanged the best features and components of EcoDose 2K, but the operator interface and the management of the application parameters are easier. Most operations are performed using only the four buttons on the control panel. Additionally, the 4.3â&#x20AC;? colour touch screen display allows the user to access more advanced features. This is why it is called Easy! The Direct Injection Technology (D.I.T.) allows independent control of the dosage of both components, ensuring the best result in terms of precision even for extreme mixing ratios within the field of application. The fluidic circuits respond to the most recent environmental needs, as they optimize the use of paint and minimize the necessary quantity of cleaning media. A top-of-the-range industrial PLC also ensures complete connectivity satisfying the most modern Industry 4.0 and IIOT protocols. EcoDose 2K Easy is available in several models in order to satisfy every costumer need, including the need to remotely control the fluidic panel inside the coating booth to optimize the colour change process, reducing consumptions. For further information:
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The EcoDose 2K Easy device.
complete plants
IDEAS NEED TALENT C.M.V. srl - Via dellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;industria, 2 - 61036 Tavernelle di Colli al Metauro, PU - Italy - T +39 0721 892274 - -
DeGeest Steel Works automated paint room control center.
Robot Automation as Key Driver of Development: Robotic Painting Revolution at DeGeest Steel Works Alessia Venturi ipcm®
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Manufacturing is changing dramatically and technology will continue to rapidly advance the industry for years to come. Advances in laser technology and robotics have made major strides in recent years, changing the nature of steel production. At DeGeest Steel Works Co. (DSW), located in Tea, South Dakota (USA), the commitment to innovation and automation has led to its position as an industry leader in technology and robotics in all phases of manufacturing. In the last 5 years, DSW has woven technology and software into the entire manufacturing process to complete the fabrication job. DeGeest Steel Works, Co. is a 3rd generation family business established in 1976. It is a steel fabricator for large OEMs providing 100,000’s of different large and complex parts and subparts to OEMs in the fields of agriculture, forestry, mining, earth-moving machines and utilities. DeGeest Steel Works laser cuts, saws, punches, drills, taps, bends, welds, paints and assembles various parts that end up in machines used all over the world. The DeGeest Steel Works, Co. original facility in Harrisburg, SD, was 43,000 sq. ft (around 4,000 m2). In 2014, DSW built the current facility in Tea, measuring 78,000 sq. ft (over 7,200 m2). With the building expansion completed in February 2019, the facility is now 133,000 sq. ft (12,500 m2). Derek DeGeest, third-generation President of the company, highlighted to ipcm® the new features of the DSW Tea facility, including the automated technology for its custom steel manufacturing. “DSW is able to accommodate larger OEMs with expanded capabilities and extensive automation. This alleviates one of the © DeGeest Steel Works
biggest problems faced by large OEMs – finding labour to meet demands. With DSW, they are able to outsource projects requiring a great deal of shop time. We are always striving to push the boundaries on what is possible in manufacturing. We are adding
The investment in production automation makes a manufacturing company extremely more efficient and responsive. Automation and robotics do not take jobs from anyone, instead they create more jobs, speed up the manufacturing process and significantly save on utility costs. DeGeest Steel Works in Tea, South Dakota, was already an industry leader in technology and robotics in all phases of manufacturing. In 2019 DSW found in Lesta’s self programming robots an automation solution for its liquid painting department creating efficiency at its best.
more robotics and automation in storage, software, blasting, washing, drying, painting and packaging to enhance our talented work force accomplish more. DeGeest Steel Works has the ability to quickly adapt to our customers changing needs”. “Our use of automation and robotics has not taken jobs from anyone, instead it has reduced overuse injuries from repetitive tasks, created more jobs to add to our team and given us access to work that wasn’t available or sustainable before”, Derek DeGeest added. In fact, we are adding more jobs than we had in the past 2 decades and plan to increase our workforce of another 40% over the next 2-5 years to help meet the demand in our growing business”.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
© DeGeest Steel Works
Introduction of the largest and most flexible automated robotic liquid paint system. DSW opened a robotic liquid paint system in North America to offer customers high quality painted products that can go straight to their assembly lines. “In the past 5 years, we have automated all areas of our business, whereas with the DSW software division we have created most of the software programs that we use to track our workpieces,” says Derek DeGeest. “However, this investment in production automation had made the company extremely more efficient and responsive, but it had also created a bottleneck that did not exist before: coating, that is, the only production phase that had remained manual, exclusively performed by our operators. The slowness of the coating phase jeopardized DeGeest Steel Works exterior.
the balance achieved with the automation of all other areas. Finding an automation solution also for our liquid painting department had therefore become vital for DSW’s growth.”
© DeGeest Steel Works
“In order to robotize a new paint system, we began a search across North America for a suitable partner, but we were unsuccessful: nobody could help us make our coating department more efficient through robots without the need for long and complicated robot programming operations. We therefore extended the search outside North America and we came across Lesta, an Italian company that produced self-learning coating robots that appeared very simple to use. So we took advantage of an already planned trip to Germany for the purchase of a welding robot to also go to Italy to check out Lesta’s robotic technology,” explains Derek DeGeest. “The most interesting aspect of Lesta’s self-learning robots is their ease of programming. DSW coats complex components: creating a painting program off-line means investing a lot of time and resources. However, the use of these robots does not DeGeest Steel Works assembly.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
require any advanced programming skills.
© DeGeest Steel Works
DeGeest Steel Works robotic welding.
Upon completion of the installation, a manufacturer of
“We installed 6 Lesta robots in our paint
any size can literally be making their own programs and
system” DeGeest added. “2 robots for the
finishing robotically on Day One.
application of the epoxy primer, 2 for the
A finishing specialist initiates a programming sequence
application of the urethane topcoat and 2
while the robot’s motors are disengaged which creates
suction and blow-off robots to eliminate water
a free-floating learning mode. The software generates
pockets from the parts after the multistage
its own robotic code of every movement and spray
pre-treatment and prior to entering the dry-off
output parameters. The finisher’s exact technique is
oven. This is a new application of robots to the
saved and then mirrored by the robot on future jobs”.
finishing industry. It came from a problem we saw in our line, that is water getting trapped
DSW built the new automated wet-coat paint line
inside the parts during the pre-treatment. Due
around Lesta’s robotic solution. It is composed of a
to these water residues, we would have had
5-stages pre-treatment tunnel, 2 Lesta suction and
to raise the temperature of the drying oven
blow-off robot stations, a dry-off oven followed by a
or lengthen the drying process time. Both
cool down tunnel, 2 primer booths with a flash-off area
options were unsustainable. Reengineering
in between 2 top coat booths, a curing oven and a
the parts to include drainage holes was not
cool down tunnel. Handling of the pieces is done with
an option either, because the components
a power&free conveyor with 9’ long load bars and the
are not owned by us and cannot be modified.
painting booth are integrated in a clean room.
Given the Lesta robots’ ease of programming,
The painting system is solvent-based and comprises
we therefore designed our own water sucking
an epoxy primer in 2 colours and an urethane topcoat
and blow-off section. In this way, we were
in 8 colours. Colours to be applied are specified by the
able to immediately reduce the drying oven
end customer.
temperature by 20% while speeding up the
CM AUTOMAZIONE srl Via Monte Bianco 20 20833 Giussano (MB) - IT p. +39.0362.314075 f. +39.0362.861222
DeGeest Steel Works automated liquid paint line.
process and significantly saving on utility costs. Today the takt-time of our line is around 4 to 6 min per load bar and our operators are really happy with the introduction of the robots on the paint line. They were really
© Southbank Place
surprised and excited for the robot’s potential” DeGeest commented. “We have no need for manual touch ups: the robot is very flexible and can easily reach the hidden parts of the components. This is efficiency at its best!”.
Happy operators, efficient production With an eye on the future, DSW has added several new products and services related to automation and programming: • Job build database w/ revision control • Digital real time updates of programs and processes for every part
© DeGeest Steel Works
PERFECT • Automatic workflow validation to ensure part sequences and processes are followed • Weld cell tablets with displayed and interactive validation of WPS parameters “With a portfolio of 100,000+ customer parts, DSW has to ensure the correct information is always at the fingertips of its team members so everything moves smoothly from order entry through shipment. One example of a recent development is a proprietary system
that digitally connects every aspect of our operation to guide parts through our shop”, Derek DeGeest ended. “This development saves time, increases quality, and empowers our team to save our customers money and logistical pain. The system programs, documents and uploads every unique process of a customer’s specific
© DeGeest Steel Works
Lesta self learning finishing robot at work.
“We have leveraged our robotic and software
eventually formed an exclusive partnership
It automatically controls revision levels and
experience to help bring Lesta’s new robotic
leading to the launch of LestaUSA.
saves detailed process documentation at each
technology to North America. Through
LestaUSA’s exclusive manufacturing and
phase of production to ensure repeatability and
this process both Lesta and DSW have
distributorship of these self-learning robots
efficiency. It is like a Supervisor with the task to
developed a friendship as well as a business
expands DSW from a regional contract job
maximize the line density and jobs and control
relationship. Our companies strengths
shop to a supplier of robotic applications for
the production”.
complement each other really well and we
all of North America”.
© DeGeest Steel Works
© DeGeest Steel Works
part into our comprehensive digital system.
Lesta suction blow off robots before the drying oven.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Derek DeGeest, President of DeGeest Steel Works, Co. and President of LestaUSA.
© Atotech
Implementation of UniPrep , UniPrep AC and Interlox for superior painted part quality. ®
Advanced Solutions for Cleaning, Conversion Coating and Chemical Paint Removal - A High Performance Systems Approach for Today’s Paint Applicators Brandon Lloyd Atotech Deutschland GmbH – Berlin, Germany
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Painting applications present many unique challenges for manufacturers.
© Atotech
The pre-treatment process prior to coating and the maintenance of hooks, racks and fixtures for piece hanging are key for a quality coating cycle and a zero-defects coating film. At the same time, sustainability and environmental issues challenges both formulators and paint applicators in providing effective solutions which are energy efficient, with a low environmental impact and compliant with REACH regulations. Atotech developed sustainable alternatives for conventional pre-treatment and paint stripping products, providing to paint applicators high performing process with low energy consumption and low waste creation. for conventional cleaners. With the implementation of sophisticated
A pre-treatment process optimized for
surfactant packages in conjunction with
the washer system must be identified and
the capability of in-situ oil degradation,
work seamlessly with the paint system,
UniPrep® offers consistent performance
whether powder, wet, e-coat/KTL, or a
over a longer period of time and at lower
combination. Maintenance of the hooks,
temperatures. This creates a process
rack and/or tools to remove all cured
with substantial energy savings, increased
paint is required to ensure proper contact
productivity and reduction of wastewater
with the part. Improper maintenance
treatment and chemical consumption.
contributes to transfer efficiency and
For applicators that produce parts
increased defects. Identifying sustainable
with welds or laser cuts, UniPrep® AC
and effective solutions for these problems
is the ideal solution for scale removal.
is challenging. Atotech, a global leader in
Developed to replace hazardous chemical
surface finishing innovation, can answer
and mechanical methods, UniPrep® AC
these demands for paint applicators with
provides near neutral pH processes
their paint support technologies.
capable of operation in spray and
Identifying the ideal pre-treatment process
immersion applications. UniPrep® AC
for a system can be difficult. A selection
efficiently removes weld and laser scale
of cleaners, conversion coatings and even
providing the subsequent conversion
descalers offers a vast combination of
coating a surface free of oxides that
processes to meet many performance
prevent uniform coating formation.
demands. Properly cleaning a substrate
The final step, conversion coating,
surface of organic and inorganic soils is the first step and essential in achieving a high-quality painted part. Without
Achieving good cleaning and conversion coating with UniPrep® and Interlox® is essential for superior paint performance.
removing the soils, achieving the desired
ensures proper adhesion of the paint and provides a barrier to corrosion for the substrate. Interlox® zirconium-based conversion coatings are an alternative to
performance is nearly impossible.
traditional phosphate coatings, delivering
Shortcomings in pre-treatment quality
maintenance and wastewater treatment
comparable performance in a more
contribute to costly paint defects and are a
burden. Developments in sustainable
sustainable package. Improvements
burden on operational efficiency.
alternatives allow paint applicators to
versus traditional pre-treatments include
Conventional pre-treatments are capable
implement high performing processes that
ambient temperature operation, minimal
of meeting many performance demands
remediate many of the issues associated
sludge/scale formation, long bath life and
required by manufacturers but do
with conventional
elimination of harmful compounds like
not provide a sustainable solution for
phosphorus, zinc, nickel and chromium
achieving them. Whether considering
UniPrep®, UniPrep® AC and Interlox®
(VI). Additionally, Interlox® is the ideal
cleaners or conversion coatings like iron
represent Atotech’s solution for
process for multi-metal applicators.
and zinc phosphate, they often operate at
sustainable pre-treatments. UniPrep®
The culmination of these benefits
elevated temperatures, contain hazardous
alkaline cleaners offer applicators a
supports improved operating costs and
or regulated substances, and are a
long life, low temperature replacement
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
© Atotech
Maintenance of paint fixtures, commonly referred to as hooks, hangers, racks, tools or skids, is a significant challenge for every paint applicator. From the largest truck/car body to the smallest painted screw head, fixture cleaning can be a heavy burden. To allow for continuous and efficient production, fixture cleaning is a necessity for applicators in every industry. In today’s market, paint removal solutions are limited and provide moderate process performance at best, often requiring additional secondary or manual cleaning as well as repairs and replacement of fixtures due to damages. Poor cleaning not only inflates maintenance costs with high labour but also generates a high reject rate, poor grounding and coverage, as well as high paint consumption. Current technologies, including mechanical, thermal and chemical methods, present many technical, safety and environmental challenges, frequently forcing manufacturers to outsource paint removal activities.
Master Remover® offers a versatile in-house paint removal solution for fixture cleaning.
Outsourcing paint removal activities necessitates the demand for additional sets
© Atotech
of fixtures, simply to maintain production output, requiring additional capital. With Master Remover®, Atotech has made significant strides in paint removal development. Master Remover® makes on-site, safe and sustainable paint removal a reality at a lower running cost than conventional processes. From liquid to powder to e-coat/KTL paints, Master Remover® offers single pass cleaning, with the additional benefits of long life, low energy and low waste. Master Remover® processes can also be implemented for high value, light metal part reclamation. Even complex geometry, multi metal components like wiper arms or zinc surfaces in under hood/under body brackets can be cleaned 100% in one-step with absolutely no etch. Atotech’s innovations with UniPrep®, UniPrep® AC, Interlox® and Master Remover® allow manufacturers to implement sustainable and cost-effective Even in cases of complex geometries, multi metal components like wiper arms or zinc surfaces in under hood/under body brackets can be cleaned 100% in one-step with absolutely no etch.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
processes for paint pre-treatment and paint removal.
© Euroimpianti
The laser cutting machine in the Euroimpianti’s production site in Valeggio sul Mincio (Verona, Italy).
Thirty Years of Euro90: The Creation, Evolution, and Future of the Modular Coating System Concept From an interview with Gianluca Baruffaldi, Euroimpianti Srl (Valeggio sul Mincio, Verona, Italy)
The concept of modular and standardised coating systems was born thirty years ago based on an idea of Euroimpianti founder Osvaldo Baruffaldi. Thirty years later, it is still succesful. At the same time, the company has been able to pick up the baton by transforming itself into one of the world’s leading suppliers of powder coating lines, through investments, process automation, accurate customer service, and plant reliability.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Thanks to its own R&D department and to
an added value to their users has been
the experience gained by installing over
Euroimpianti’s mission since 1976, when it
2000 systems worldwide, 760 of which only
was established,” states Gianluca Baruffaldi,
in Europe, it is now a leading provider of
who, together with his brother Massimo
both new production plants and qualified
and his cousins Giorgio and Mirko, picked
assistance on already existing systems.
up the baton from Osvaldo, company
“Coating plants are a work tool: as such,
founder and inventor of the modular
they must be highly performing but above
painting system concept. “We fulfil this
all reliable. They must guarantee production
mission by designing machines that are
continuity even in the event of small failures,”
reliable, compliant with every specific
adds Baruffaldi. “Over the years, we have
requirement of productivity as well as
focussed on the development of new
consumption and cost reduction, and
technologies to constantly improve our
technologically advanced, but also easy
plants’ performance, for both lines carrying
to use and quick to produce, assemble,
out standard coating processes and lines
and start. Indeed, the time factor, the
conceived for special finishing cycles, be they
timeliness of interventions, and the speed
devoted to small parts, bulky components,
of response are the biggest success factors
or aluminium profiles. The turning point for
of companies, nowadays.”
Euroimpianti, however, dates back to the end
Since 1976, Euroimpianti has been
of 1989: it was the launch on the market of a
designing, manufacturing and exporting
modular and standardised plant concept with
coating systems for all metal surfaces
its Euro90 system type, which has just turned
to Europa, America, Africa, and Asia.
© Euroimpianti
“Providing coating systems that guarantee
Interior view of the production department.
© Euroimpianti
One of the offices of the new headquarters.
Ipcm: What does modular system
among the various types and with always
Ipcm: What does it mean to be a
available original spare parts, even twenty
reliable long-term supplier?
GB: “For users, buying a modular
years after installation. We offer four
GB: “First of all, we manufacture
system means acquiring a machine that
types of modular machines: Komby, a
everything in-house, including one-rail
can be expanded over time to keep
manual system for large workpieces
conveyors and coating booths. For our
up with production growth, without
and bulk processing; Eurocar, a semi-
plants, we use top quality components,
revolutionising its global design. For
automatic plant for large parts or small
such as Siemens PLCs, or parts produced
coating plant builders, the concept of
series; Euro90, an automatic machine
in Italy. We place so much importance
modularity equals to standardisation
for high-volume mass productions and a
on the real-time availability of our spare
and, therefore, ease of production, total
high number of colour changeovers; and
parts that we have created an automatic
control of construction quality, assembly
a vertical system for coating aluminium
warehouse connected with our SAP
speed, and smooth testing”.
profiles. We also build special systems, for
management system. This enables us
“Our plants are perfectly tried and
example with two-rail conveyors, which
to meet any request while minimising
tested because they are highly reliable
follow a different design and production
downtimes, which makes us a reliable
machines, with common components
supplier in the long run. This is why our
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
customers are very loyal: if you have thousands of systems installed in the world, it is important to always have nozzles, engine oil, pumps, and so on in stock.” By the time we conducted this interview, Euroimpianti was producing seven Euro90 systems. “My father’s idea was to standardise designs, models, and projects to enable users to buy plants that were
Efficient and reliable solutions for surface coating since 1988.
suitable for the type of workpieces to be treated, standardised although possibly larger than necessary, and therefore cheaper and more efficient, reliable, and functional,” continues Gianluca Baruffaldi. “The concept had an incredible success: we installed dozens of these systems throughout Northern Italy in a multitude of sectors, from bicycle production and contracting coating to electrical box and panel manufacturing. By offering seven Euro90 variants only differing in terms of workpiece height and number of pre-treatment stages, depending on the customers’ actual quality requirements, my father’s idea met a need that was latent in the market. Initially, the strength of Euro90 was its modular standard design,
electrostatic systems for liquid painting
but our actual trump card over the years has been the assistance service we have always guaranteed.” Ipcm: How has Euro90 evolved in these thirty
electrostatic systems and spraying booths for powder coating
years? GB: “We have increased the speed of the chain and improved energy efficiency though the implementation of condensing boilers instead of
pneumatic systems for high-, medium-, and low-pressure painting
burners and of sound-absorbing and insulating panels for the construction of ovens, tunnels, and clean rooms; this also protects the health
IR and UV drying systems
of operators: less noise and lower temperatures make anyone work better. Above all, however, we completely digitalised the system with an Industry 4.0-oriented approach. Euro90
robot and reciprocators
can now be managed remotely, it allows the measurement and control of all operating parameters with an alarm system for any deviations from the standard, and it ensures full traceability of each coated workpiece. On the other hand, the basic concept of Euro90 has remained true to itself: a plant consisting of a number of process modules that can vary according to the space available, of the parts to be painted, able to guarantee operational reliability and service continuity.”
the required chain speed, and the dimensions
CM SPRAY s.r.l.
Ipcm: How has Euroimpianti
3000 m2-wide factory ready to be
projects and updates on our works’
evolved since 1976?
further expanded in future, intended
progress. Since we manage up to
GB: “Another strength of our firm
for the construction of our ovens and
eighty orders per year, we generally
has been its choice to specialise
the installation of a new automatic
must follow the progress of six of
in powder coating systems. We do
panel bender. Finally, we own
them simultaneously. This would be
not produce cataphoresis plants,
about 1000 m of production area
impossible without automation.
for example, and the percentage of
at the premises of Fusion, the firm
We have gotten a lot of satisfaction
liquid coating machines is very low:
that manufactures the insulating
out of doing business with foreign
we chose to remain focussed on one
and sound absorbing material
markets, especially the Russian and
field. Being standardised, our plants
of our panels by recovering the
Polish ones. We have also chosen to
are easily produced with advanced
spent powders disposed of by our
open branches in markets that prefer
automatic cutting and bending
customers and that provides us with
direct relationships with local contact
machines. In the last few years, we
completely coated materials. We are
persons. The first one was in Spain,
have made many investments, both
currently focussing on the automation
where we have a sales office offering
in our production department and
of all our production phases: we have
a technical assistance and warehouse
by opening branches in strategic
installed SAP as our management
service. In Brazil, we have a production
countries for the coating market.
system and all our components and
site that also serves all the other
Currently, Euroimpianti has 90
spare parts are identified through
South American countries except
employees and 2 production sites
a barcode. Our 3D design software
Mexico. In the USA, we have opened
in Italy: a newly renovated one, with
program automatically sends
a sales and customer service office
offices and a 6000 m2-wide workshop
component lists to the warehouse
in Miami, which also serves Mexico
to be soon integrated with a new
and production instructions to the
and Canada. Entering the US market
tube laser cutting machine and
machines. A screen in the entrance
was particularly important because, in
hosting the automatic spare
hall to the new offices provides a
the next few years, its companies will
part warehouse, and a new
real-time overview of the current
switch from liquid to powder coatings
and we will be on the front line to © Euroimpianti
provide assistance. Finally, in March 2020, we will open a Euroimpianti sales and customer service office in Germany, which will be officially presented at PaintExpo 2020 next April. Italian companies are recognised worldwide as leaders in the industrial coating field: we are well known for the quality of our work and our industriousness. Euroimpianti, in particular, is a benchmark company because it has kept true to its legacy, by continuing to manufacture excellent plants and, above all, by counting on a great team of employees, many of whom have spent their entire working life here and, in some cases, whose children are now working for us, too. The greatest satisfaction for our team are the customers that come back to buy The engineering division.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
another coating plant.”
rotoli, pannelli e celle in fibra di vetro
rolls, panels and cells of glass fiber
celle filtranti per alte temperature
filtering cells for high temperatures
rotoli e pannelli in fibra sintetica accumulatore vernice “Columbus” filtri “Andreae” cartucce filtranti filtri assoluti applicazioni speciali
rolls and panels of synthetic fiber paint accumulator “Columbus” “Andreae” filters filtering cartridges absolute filters special application
FILTRO ALVEOLARE MAX PAINT distributori esclusivi per l’Italia
massima efficienza massimo accumulo di vernice massima durata
minori costi di smaltimento minori costi di manutenzione
L’esclusivo design alveolare permette di trattenere quantità di overspray notevolmente superiori rispetto ai filtri oggi in commercio
© ipcm ®
Vermetal’s new Euro90 powder coating installation.
The Evolution of the Euro90 Modular System According to its Users’ Needs: Vermetal’s Case Alessia Venturi ipcm®
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Relying on expert partners that can provide reliable technologies, technical support, outstanding customer service is fundamental for every job coaters. Even more important it is the correct choice of the coating installation. The Italian powder coater Vermetal relied on Euroimpianti’s modular installation concept for its development. The modular concept enabled Vermetal to gradually expand its coating systems to keep up with orders increases. In particular, the choice of the new generation Euro90 automatic and digital powder coating installation opened up new business sectors for Vermetal.
“Vermetal was established in 1992
separation from my previous company.
tonnes of coated material per day,” says
based on a partnership between my
Since then, Vermetal has kept growing.
Claudio Bertolo, the owner of Vermetal
wife and me and thanks to the help
It now has 30 employees, 4,000 m2
Srl together with Valentina Bennati.
of Osvaldo Baruffaldi, who was the
of covered area, an annual turnover
“Over time, we have specialised in high
owner of Euroimpianti back then. He
of 3 million Euros, and three coating
quality powder coating processes,
actually helped me start this coating
lines, all supplied by Euroimpianti.
applying two and three-layer systems
contracting business after a difficult
With these, we produce from 17 to 20
that include anti-corrosion primers.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
© ipcm ®
We stand out for our ability to also treat very large-sized parts, with lengths up to 13 metres, especially machines for the food industry, wine and vinegar bottling, and packaging. The three-layer coating systems are especially required for products shipped abroad. In this case, we perform as follows: sandblasting, application of a zinc-rich primer, application of an intermediate product with a barrier effect, and application of a top coat. Both the two and three-layer powder systems also call for a pre-gelation phase outside the booth, between one application and the other. Final curing occurs after the application of the whole coating system.”
The long-standing partnership with Euroimpianti “We started a real partnership with Euroimpianti: since Vermetal began its activity as a powder coater, we have always relied on this Valeggio sul Mincio-based company for the supply of our painting systems,” says Bertolo.
Vermetal powder coats large sized parts for the packaging and food industries.
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“Our relationship goes beyond the mere customer-supplier rapport: there are trust, friendship, and also gratitude for the support that we received from them at the beginning. Even more importantly, there are the technical reliability of their lines, their outstanding assistance service also thanks to our geographical proximity, and the perfect match between their modular system concept and our operational needs. Over the years, this has enabled us to gradually expand our coating systems to keep up with order increases.” Vermetal owns one machine
The unloading area of the Eurocar semi-automatic installation.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
of every Euroimpianti powder
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coating system type. Eurocar is
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The manual Komby installation for the powder coating of pieces up to 2 tons.
a semi-automatic plant devoted to bulky parts that, precisely because of their size, are difficult to handle with a conventional one-rail overhead conveyor. Komby is a manual coating system suitable for small batches and touch-up operations, which Vermetal uses for heavy single-piece parts up to 2 tonnes. Finally, Euro90 is an automatic powder coating plant devoted to semi-finished and metal products, suitable for the mass production of large batches with short delivery times. The current Euro90 plant owned by Vermetal was installed in 2019 to replace the one purchased in 2000.
The clean room that contains the powder coating booth is made with Fusion soundproofing and insulation panels.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
plant. This is a versatile, fully Industry
concept booth enabling to change
4.0-oriented system, with increased
the colour applied in 7-8 minutes,
“We installed our first Euro90 system
productivity and featuring a coating
a condensing boiler that has
to coat panels and small parts,”
booth enclosed in a clean room. The
replaced the burners for heating
explains Claudio Bertolo. “Such
new Euro90 has enabled us to go
the pre-treatment tunnel, and
investment proved strategic: this has
back to work on an 8-hour shift while
always been the plant with the highest
maintaining the productivity level we
The plant is equipped with a
productivity and it has opened up new
reached in 12 hours.”
two-drive one-rail conveyor with a
business sectors for us. Precisely the
Vermetal’s new Euro90 system coats
maximum capacity of 150 kg/m for
increase in market demands – we had
workpieces with a maximum size of
greater workpiece stability.
to work on a shift and a half to fulfil
3000 x 1800 mm. Aside from the
The coating booth, with an automatic
all orders – led us to replace it, after
allowed size, the major differences
powder recovery device and a
exploiting it intensely for almost twenty
with the previous version include
cyclone that is directly emptied into
years, with a new generation Euro90
much faster chain speed, a new
big bags, is enclosed in a clean room
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Vermetal and Euro90: a twenty year long story
The new Euro90 automatic installation.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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Get more from water
Turnkey solutions for industrial waste water treatment Spraybooth water treatment systems and chemicals Chemical-physical systems Sludge compactors Reverse osmosis & ion exchange water demineralization units De-oiling & degreasing units Filtering systems Water treatment chemicals & consumables Technical service & maintenance of water treatment systems
The application booth is equipped with Zeus Electrostatic Systems reciprocators and guns.
built with sound-absorbing and thermal Fusion panels, like the tunnel and the ovens. It features reciprocators and guns provided by Zeus Electrostatic Systems and it includes two pre and post-retouching stations with Lesta robots. “We chose Zeus guns because we already knew this technology, as all our static plants feature Zeus manual units. They are characterised by a much higher flow rate than those of other manufacturers and, therefore, guarantee faster coating operations,” states Claudio Bertolo. “Our Euro90 features last generation Zeus guns with an automatic control module.” Euroimpianti designed both the booth and
© ipcm ®
the powder management unit. The 5-stage pre-treatment includes a no-rinse nanotechnology passivation through a Nebula system for the nebulisation of the product. “We chose to integrate our plant with Euroimpianti’s nebulisation device because we were looking for an automatic tool that guaranteed constant product flow and the application of an always fresh mixture,” explains Bertolo. “In fact, passivation is very uniform, with excellent results in terms of resistance.” “As for the paints, we follow our customers’ specifications but we mainly The touch control panel of the installation: its 4.0 features allow for the full traceability of every coated part and remote control of the processes.
use AkzoNobel products, especially for two and three-layer systems,” adds Bertolo. “For example, we chose to use
© ipcm ®
AkzoNobel’s Redox coatings whenever possible, particularly the Interpon Redox Plus AL258F primer, a pure epoxy product with a high cross-linking capacity and with barrier effect agents to give better corrosion resistance properties to steel, galvanised, and aluminium surfaces.”
Digital, modular, expandable The new generation Euro90 plant is completely digital: the control panel can be managed remotely and it allows sending work orders directly from the office to the PLC. It therefore enables instant production planning, with notifications of start and end of production appearing directly on the programming department’s PC. By complying with the Industry 4.0 principles, it also enables to track all the processing parameters: cleaning times, bath concentration, solution pH values, and warnings. The new Euro90 is 4.0-oriented, modular, and expandable according to the production needs of its users: the ideal companion for the contracting The manual touch up gun with the automatic control module.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
coating operations of the future.
The Future Belongs to Agile Companies From an interview with Martin Welp, CEO of Dörken MKS-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
Uncertain political and economic circumstances, climate change, digitalisation and customer requirements are becoming increasingly more individual and complex: the companies of the surface coating sector are facing enormous challenges. Against this background, the family-run company Dörken, based in Herdecke (Germany), is modernizing its paints & coatings activities. At the same time, the long-established firm is introducing agile structures, installing a digital team and constructing a new office building to keep pace with its ongoing growth. In this interview CEO Dr. Martin Welp explains the background and the specific measures that are being taken.
Why did you decide to introduce
stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity,
worldwide trend towards nationalisation, with
fundamental changes at your company?
Ambiguity – is not just a popular buzzword,
raw materials lists, import tariffs and trade
MW: It is quite simple: for 127 years the
it also describes our current situation very
restrictions. These are joined by issues such
Dörken company has adapted successfully to
well. We are required to deal with a variety
as increasing E-mobility or the current REACH
the changing conditions of the market. And
of requirements and often unforeseeable
discussion regarding the banning of titanium
this is also what we are doing today. VUCA – it
events on a daily basis. For example, the
dioxide. In brief, we find ourselves in a period of
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
P25 system
fewer components to handle tested and always clean joint
fewer parts to be stripped robust and easy to position
© AdobeStock_Philip Steury
economic and political uncertainty. In a globalised
Agile companies work in networks and align their
world tasks are becoming increasingly more
complete strategies towards the constantly changing
complex and there are no longer simple solutions.
requirements of the customer. The entire procedural
For companies, this means that the traditional
organisation is based on interdisciplinary teams
3 or even 5-year plans are no longer possible.
of experts, which form for each project, interact
We believe that the sector needs to adapt to this
and thereby arrive at decisions much faster
co-operatively. The iterative approach is a characteristic of agile project management.
What exactly do you mean by that? MW: Our companies need to become much more
Can you explain this using a specific example
flexible and above all faster. In an increasingly
from the project business?
dynamic world, we need to learn from the digital
MW: Certainly. A typical case would be a wind energy
natives and start-ups to ensure that we remain
engineer approaching us needing an individual
successful in our highly traditional surface coating
coating solution for the concrete bolts used in wind
sector. This means breaking out of old patterns of
energy units. There would firstly be a discussion
thinking, fundamentally changing organisational
with the customer to define the precise corrosion
and work processes and applying agile methods.
protection requirements. Then we form a project
We initiated this process at Dörken 1 year ago and
team, which develops a solution tailored precisely to
we are implementing it consistently.
the specific area of application - in continuous and close liaison with the customer. This means that we
What does agility mean to you?
work practically in stages, presenting the customer
MW: Above all, agility means that a company
with comparatively fast and timely “beta versions”,
leaves behind the old organisational structures
which we then evolve further after receiving his
characterised by silo mentality and hierarchies.
feedback. We continue this until we have the optimal
© Dörken MKS-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
mentality behind, dismantle hierarchies and move towards co-operative working and a comprehensive, exchange-oriented platform. Because this is what we consider the future to be. Is there also a requirement for a different working environment? MW: We are also working on this, naturally. In recent years we have grown very rapidly and we aim to continue to do so, as a result we need to create more space for our employees. We are therefore currently constructing a new office building at our site in Herdecke. We are planning small offices, open room structures and spacious communication areas with stylish lounge Dr. Martin Welp is CEO of Herdecke-based Dörken MKS-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG.
furniture - aimed at promoting agile working, of course. All employees already have
© Dörken MKS-Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
smartphones and use laptops. This enables them to work flexibly in any location, integrate into teams rapidly and interact. In keeping with the concept of “new work”, this enables us to create a pleasant working atmosphere in which our employees feel at ease. At the same time, we are also promoting free, self-determined working with open exchange of ideas, placing trust in our employees and receiving a high level of initiative and sense of responsibility in return. Are there any plans to invest into the surface coating centre as well? MW: Yes, this is also currently under construction and will be the largest surface The new office building at the company headquarters offers state-of-the-art working conditions and ample space for team-oriented working.
coating technology centre of its kind in Germany – with numerous research labs and extensive testing options for almost all sector-specific coating requirements. It is very
surface protection for the project. The
But agile working also calls for a
important for us here that we are able to use
traditional, in some cases years-long,
completely new organisational
the rooms not only for us and our customer
product development until the product
structure, correct?
is ready to market no longer exists, with
MW: Yes, of course. As indicated above, at
we want to join with co-operation partners
the customer receiving a satisfactory
Dörken we plan to combine the resources
in the industry to develop new solutions
product solution much faster.
of our three independent business units
and exchange ideas - without being worried
This enables us to counter the increasing
PROTEC, CD-COLOR and MKS in 2020,
about competition. This is the only way we,
expectation of immediacy, where people
bundling them to achieve better link-up
as a medium-sized, family-run company,
are increasingly impatient and expect
and integration amongst our employees
can continue to enjoy success in the global
results immediately.
and teams. We want to leave the silo
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
AkzoNobel Opens New State-of-the-Art Colour Lab AkzoNobel has invested in a brand-new state-of-the-art colour lab for its Salcomix liquid coatings.
Salcomix is AkzoNobel’s brand for a modularly
colour formulation.
Fabrizio Mattusi, Sales Manager Industrial
designed industrial coatings system that can be
In addition, three digital tools for the industrial
Coatings, Italy. “We are growing our business
used to provide paints for a variety of small-
market will offer customers easy colour matching
so we can support our customers in growing
industry applications, quickly and flexibly. This is
and retrieval:
possible thanks to a mixing system that offers
- Salcomix PaintFinder Cloud provides
In addition, the centre will also serve
superior colour accuracy with maximum product
remote access to more than 600,000 colour
other AkzoNobel brands, including Relest.
formulations. Rooted in an existing
AkzoNobel’s Como site is also a major Interpon
The investment highlights the firm’s commitment
web-based solution also used by other
Powder Coatings plant and hosts facilities for
to growing its General Industry liquid business
AkzoNobel businesses, it is accessible
the company’s Vehicle Refinishes business.
and to deepen its relationship with European
anywhere, enabling colour formulations to be
uploaded quickly and accessed immediately
For further information:
without local installation of software.
Based in Como, Italy, the new lab will service
- Automatchic Vision is a premium
in other European countries. It will be fully
hand-held device offering the highest standards
operational from February 2020.
in supremely accurate colour matching. It’s
The availability of highly skilled resources in
particularly suited to creating special colours for
Como was a contributing factor in the decision to
designer furniture, vases, lamps, architectural
locate the colour lab there. One of the appointed
facades and any application that requires high
colourists boasts more than 25 years of
design standards. - ColorFinder, a small, hand-held device which
All staff have been additionally trained in the
scans colours wirelessly via Bluetooth and pairs
central colour lab in Germany, ensuring excellent
with an iOS or Android device, enabling users to
quality and efficiency.
instantly search for the right colour match. “We have invested heavily in cutting-edge
quality control, continuous process control and
equipment and upskilling our employees,” says
© AkzoNobel
The centre will use cutting-edge technology for
© AkzoNobel
experience with metallic and pearlescent colours.
© AkzoNobel
© AkzoNobel
Italian customers as well as customers based
The Salcomix systems can be used to provide paints quickly and flexibly for a variety of small-industry applications.
Automatchic Vision is a premium hand-held device offering the highest standards in supremely accurate colour matching.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
ColorFinder is a small, hand-held device which scans colours wirelessly via Bluetooth and pairs with an iOS or Android device.
SONGWON Continues to Strengthen its Inhouse Sustainability Efforts Edited by SONGWON SONGWON, Ulsan – South Korea
SONGWON Industrial Co., Ltd. today reported some of its successful in-house sustainability efforts relating to both energy conservation and efficiency, and emphasized its commitment to the environment across the organization.
savings and a substantial contribution to the
energy source to full renewable energy and
company’s hub for specialty chemicals, both
reduction of harmful emissions.
are offsetting 100% of the business’ electricity
energy efficiency and conservation have been
Meanwhile in Korea, at SONGWON’s
usage with 3rd party verified Renewable Energy
at the top of the agenda. “The plant team has
state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Ulsan,
been concentrating its efforts on developing
the company has been replacing the metal-
effective actions directly intended to conserve
halide lights throughout the plant with LED.
Commenting Olivier Keiser, Chief Sustainability
energy in the area of electricity but also natural
This has already led to noticeable benefits.
Officer at SONGWON said: “One of the
gas which will dramatically reduce emissions
Due to the fact that LED lights are more energy
foundations of our sustainability strategy is
and benefit the organization with cost
efficient, using only approx. 10% of the energy
to make sure that we endeavour to make all
savings too,” explains Byungsoo Boo, Leader
a metal-halide needs and have a much longer
of our business activities as environmentally
servicelife, the plant has succeeded in reducing
and economically sustainable as possible.
energy consumption as well as overall costs.
In line with this, we are continually looking
According to Boo, SONGWON has also begun
Furthermore, LEDs are much safer for our
inside the organization in our drive to
replacing its natural gas fired steam boiler
operators due to less heat being emitted. In
optimize processes, source more efficiently
at the Panoli facility with an agro-waste fired
4 years, SONGWON says it expects the switch
and use resources to reduce SONGWON’s
steam boiler. When completed it will mean a
to save 1,884 TCO2 and 425 MW/Y. Also in the
environmental impact. These are just a
successful shift from non-renewable energy to
U.S., Songwon International – Americas Inc.,
few examples of some of our most recent
renewable energy with considerable expected
located in Houston, have transferred the offices
successful undertakings.”
© SongWon
At SONGWON’s Panoli site in Gujarat, India, the
SONGWON continues to strengthen its in-house sustainability efforts.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
Eisenmann Thermal Solutions: Reorganization Successfully Completed Eisenmann Thermal Solutions is saved. Insolvency administrator Joachim Exner has sold the business operations of the company to the strategic investor ONEJOON from Korea. Both locations and all jobs will be preserved.
Solutions GmbH, based in Bovenden
Exner had continued Eisenmann Thermal
GmbH & Co. KG specializes in the
(Lower Saxony, Germany), a
Solutions GmbH & Co. KG business in full
development, manufacture and sale of
subsidiary of ONEJOON Co., Ltd.,
since the application for insolvency and
industrial furnaces for the production
Korea. ONEJOON is a mechanical
pushed ahead with the restructuring of
of various materials. As a subsidiary of
engineering company that among
the business.
the Eisenmann Group, the company
other things specializes in the
“The fact that this was successful is
had to file for bankruptcy in early
manufacture of furnaces for
primarily thanks to the employees who
August 2019. However, Eisenmann
processing cathode and anode
have remained loyal to their company
Thermal Solutions is not part of the
materials in the lithium-ion battery
with full commitment over the past few
Eisenmann Group’s core business,
industry. The transfer of business
months,” emphasized Exner, managing
so Exner has implemented a separate
operations took place on January
partner of the law firm Dr. Beck & Partner.
investor solution for this company.
15, 2020. Both sites (Böblingen and
The purchaser of the business
Bovenden) and all of the 200 jobs
For further information:
operations is ONEJOON Thermal
will be retained.
© Eisenmann Thermal Solutions GmbH & Co. KG
Eisenmann Thermal Solutions
The Eisenmann Thermal Solutions’ plant in Bovenden (Germany).
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Your surface protection.
Your eco-friendly approach.
Surface treatments and nanotechnologies
Water treatments specialities
We care.
We care.
Your lasting colours.
Your fast efficiency.
Paint strippers
Surface cleaners
We care.
We care.
© Casagrande S.p.a.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Circular Economy Applied to Waste Water Treatment: Casagrande’s Turning Point Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
Casagrande S.p.A., a company that has specialised in the design and production of large-sized construction site equipment for over fifty-five years, has chosen to install a water treatment system supplied by Water Energy for the recovery and recirculation of waste water from its coating department. Such strategic choice has transformed one of the biggest items of expenditure into a growth opportunity, both in terms of health and safety of the working environment and of sustainable development of production.
The recovery of waste water from
Andrea Viel to describe Casagrande
works brought us to the top of
industrial processes is one of the most
S.p.A.’s products. “Also due to this,
international markets. From our
discussed topics when explaining the
the use of energy resources within
headquarters in Northern Italy,
concept of circular economy, so widely
our factory is significant in terms
we export 95% of our production
debated in recent times. The volumes
both of consumption and costs and
of water used in production processes
of environmental impact. Indeed, we
Casagrande is currently a group
and, in particular, in the coating ones,
have always paid particular attention
consisting of four companies with
are difficult to quantify but certainly
to environmental issues, including
over 500 employees. The Italian firm is
impressive. However, water is one
water usage optimisation. About a
based in Fontanafredda (Pordenone)
of the resources whose recovery is
year ago, we decided to invest in a new
on an area of 100,000 m2, 60,000 of
facilitated by the implementation of
water treatment solution. We relied
which are covered, and it employs
proper management systems and the
on Water Energy (Bologna, Italy) for its
250 people.
technological development of treatment
design and installation because its staff
HÜTTE-Bohrtechnik (Olpe, Germany),
plants for water recovery. Indeed, these
is highly passionate and expert in its
acquired in 2002, produces and
can even transform the costs related to
sector, just like Casagrande’s one is in
distributes hydraulic drilling rigs up
water disposal into a growth opportunity
its target market.”
to 30 tonnes, geothermal equipment
for companies. In the next pages, we will
and accessories, and tailor-made machines for customers in Northern
piling rigs, diaphragm systems, and soil
Casagrande’s foundation equipment: a success story on construction sites around the world
investigation, anchors drilling, micro piling,
“In over fifty-five years,” adds Viel,
construction of compact rock drilling
jet-grouting, and tunnelling equipment
“we have built 20,000 machines
machines and special foundation
since 1963.
and we offer over 200 solutions for
drilling, soil investigation, well, and
“These are medium and large tracked
construction equipment.
mining exploration equipment. S.C.,
machines, with a mass ranging from 6 to
Our ability to perfect these systems
finally, specialises in the production
200 tonnes,” says production manager
for geotechnical engineering
of metal structures.
analyse the case of Casagrande S.p.A., specialized in the design and production of special foundation equipment such as
Europe and beyond. HD Engineering (Hong Kong) specialises in the design and
Construction equipment manufactured by Casagrande S.p.A.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
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Andrea Viel from Casagrande S.p.A. with Tommaso Ponara and Andrea Occhi from Water Energy, in front of a large tracked machine.
solutions, high flexibility, and customer
network that distributes our products
orientation, from the analysis of their
in over sixty countries,” states Viel.
requests even in the case of complex
From design to testing: the production of Casagrande’s equipment
“The values that characterise us and
issues to the design and production of
“We design our machines’ components
that have made our brand recognised
suitable machines and assistance during
in-house,” says Viel. “These are
worldwide include as follows: ability
start-up and on-site use. We aim for
produced partly in-house and partly
to meet customer needs with both
excellence in each and every stage: no
by our suppliers and then assembled
standard and highly-customised
detail is left to chance.”
and tested here. We finally ship our
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© ipcm ®
“We also have an extensive sales
Construction site equipment painted in the Casagrande brand colours.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The inside of the coating booth.
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The booth can be modulated according to the dimensions of the part to be coated.
carefully tested, finished machines, which can be fully assembled or re-disassembled depending on the destination and the size of the system.” The production plant also includes carpentry, machining, coating, assembly, quality control, and testing departments. “Our paintshop is particularly strategic to meet the growing requests for high quality and personalisation by our customers. Here, we treat both the components we produce in-house and the ones we receive by our contractors already painted with a base coat. The pre-treatment of the products manufactured by us can be carried out with a sandblasting system or in a cleaning booth where the following operations are performed: manual cleaning with a pressure washer, drying, application of a phosphodegreasing product, rinsing, and final drying. Then, the parts are taken to a storage buffer located before the static coating booth. Here, two coating stages are performed: the application of a base coat and that of a top coat. In order to guarantee eco-friendliness and compliance with the
© ipcm ®
highest quality standards, we mainly use high-solid water-based acrylic coatings rather than polyurethane ones, because it dries faster.” The automatic mixing device, coating management unit, and spraying equipment installed by Wagner allow easily managing all the 200-litre drums of the regularly used colours, in addition to the various wild card drums used one-off to meet the customisation requests. Coating and drying take place inside the same booth. “Our booth is equipped with an oven,” notes Viel, “and it enables us to perform both operations without the need to further move the workpieces. The coating cycle, therefore, includes as follows: base coat application, flash-off, top coat application, flash-off, and drying. The booth can reach a maximum temperature of 60 °C; however, since we started using an acrylic coating, we no longer need to reach such values. This has contributed to reduce both the energy consumption linked to heating The booth floor with grates for the passage of waste water.
and our process times.”
© ipcm ®
Air and water treatment plants contributing to reducing consumption “In terms of emissions,” adds Viel, “we are well under the limits permitted by law: based on the measurements carried out over the years, we range from 5 to 8 mg per m3, compared with a limit of 50 mg. The amount of air treated inside our booth is equal to over 300,000 m3/h, needed to guarantee proper air speed in a machine with this size; although we treat half of it during the drying phase, it still is a significant value. “Air is introduced into the booth from above, whereas suction occurs at floor level. The sucked air then goes through some cascades arranged in six closed-loop 44 m3-water collection The waste water treatment plant installed by Water Energy.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
tanks. The booth is 50 metre long and it
can be modulated according to the size of the workpieces to be treated: we only heat the area occupied by the component and activate the corresponding tanks for the collection of waste water, to be managed by our Water Energy system.” “The waste water treatment system we designed for Casagrande,” states Water Energy owner Tommaso Ponara, “includes a sludge separator from our Skimmerflot
8000 series, which collects the water
coming from the six floor tanks and carries out the molecular separation of water and sludge. The products used for the treatment, also supplied by us, are mainly denaturants for the denaturation of the paint and flocculants for its aggregation in the form of floating flakes; these are then removed and collected in big bags after sludge dehydration. Water is recirculated automatically, whereas the tanks are emptied and cleaned periodically. “The overspray abatement in the booth occurs in two ways. 80% of the overspray
© ipcm ®
is abated through water cascades and
G RT Skimmerflot 8000 has a treatment capacity of 8 m3 per hour.
© ipcm ®
© ipcm ®
Flakes of denatured paint float to the surface.
Abated overspray residues.
collected in the underlying tanks,
to periodically monitor the process. Thirdly,
has also been simplified and it is
whereas the particulates that the
and most importantly, water is constantly
characterised by significant savings:
water cascades are unable to
kept cleaner and it can be replaced less
despite using more paint, we now
eliminate are managed by dust
frequently: in the ordinary cycle, only the
we dispose of much less of it. Finally,
control systems placed between the
quantity that is lost by evaporation is
Water Energy’s staff is composed of
tanks and the extraction chimneys.
replenished; therefore, waste management
passionate professionals who were able to provide us with excellent
phase to deposit most residues, it is
service and advice, from the
then “cleaned” through deflectors on
© ipcm ®
Here, air undergoes a first filtration
identification of the most suitable
the water surface that eliminate all
products for our water treatment
remaining residues, and it is finally
needs to the ability to intervene in
case of problems. Overall, our plant and our entire
Benefits of the new water treatment system
water treatment cycle are cleaner
“We installed Water Energy’s system
recirculation of water into our
about a year ago and the benefits
paintshop is the ‘keystone’ of the
I can list are numerous,” says Viel.
environmental sustainability and
“First of all, the control of the entire
work environment health project
process takes place via a digital
that Casagrande has always
display, where any anomalies are
pursued. In general, it is also one
also reported in compliance with
of the main aspects of circular
the parameters of Industry 4.0.
economy, which could inspire and
and therefore more efficient: the
encourage the manufacturing
Secondly, every part of the system is easily accessible to our engineers
Waste water from the coating department.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
industry as a whole.”
Dörken Days 2019: Expanding Expertise. Exchanging Experiences This year’s Dörken Days 2019, held in Frankfurt am Main on 28/29 November 2019, saw over 180 experts receive a comprehensive overview of current trends and challenges in corrosion protection.
Avid interest among sector experts
regarding the new seminar programme
components such as car chassis
and the use of the colourless
Once a year Dörken MKS invites
A further focus was the latest quality
lubricant DELTA-LUBE® 50 with
customers, market partners and
offensive of Daimler Trucks and the new
self-tapping screws. In addition,
corrosion experts from throughout the
MBN 10544 specification of Daimler on
participants also embarked on a
value chain to the Dörken Days – and
the subject of coefficients of friction.
journey through time through the
interest was once again great at this
“evolution of the corrosion test” and learned the latest regarding “audits”
beginning of the varied programme
Coating practice: One-stop information
the participants received a market
Exciting insights into coating
Dörken MKS Managing Director
overview of the global corrosion
practice were delivered, including in
Dr. Martin Welp summarises:
protection activities of Dörken MKS
the form of presentations on the
“We experienced two highly
and learned about new developments
requirements-satisfying coating of large
successful days. The experts
year’s event, the 9th to be held. At the
at Dörken MKS.
© Dörken MKS
participating were able to use the opportunity to network intensively throughout the value chain and interact avidly. We would like to thank the participants for their interest and the speakers for the wonderful, extremely practice-relevant presentations.” Dörken MKS is delighted that so many customers accepted the invitation this year and praised the symposium and actively used the opportunities for discussion and networking. Special thanks also go to the guest speakers: Thomas Jakob, Arnold Umformtechnik; Paolo Cattaneo, Growermetal S.r.l.; Frank Götz, Nord-Lock GmbH; Roman Kucza, Identpro GmbH; Michael Müller, markmann+müller; Heiko Schneider, Eska Schneider GmbH. For further information: The Dörken Days organized by Dörken MKS once a year.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Cabycal Designs Two Liquid Painting Lines for Lauak Group The French aeronautical group relies on Cabycal to provide new surface treatment equipment to its factories in Canada and Mexico.
Cabycal, the Spanish company specializing in coating systems,
for several companies in the aeronautical sector such as Sofitec and GAZC,
will design, manufacture and install two liquid painting lines
among others.
for the Lauak Group, specialised in components for the
Founded in 1975 under the name Eskulanak by its current co-manager,
aeronautical industry. Both facilities will paint aluminium pipes
Jean-Marc Charrintton, the Lauak Group supplied boiler parts to Dassault
and ducts and will be implanted in the factories that the French
Aviation. Today, the group is one of the main subcontractors for the
company has in Mirabel (Canada) and El Marqués (Mexico).
production of primary parts, sub-assemblies and assemblies for the
The two lines will be composed of a manual loading/unloading
aerospace industry.
area, a pressurized painting booth, an evaporating zone, a polymerization oven, an aerial monorail conveyor, a mixing
For further information:
room and an air supply and treatment unit.
In addition, the installation is prepared to collect different values in order to create a history of them for later management by Lauak. It also incorporates a system that allows remote technical assistance to visualize the state of the line in real time and the solution of remote problems if necessary. For Emilio Ferrando, General Director of Cabycal, this project stands out because “it forces us to continue working in the high level of technical requirement required by the aeronautical sector and to develop the equipment and facilities according to the CE and UL certification that they are what each country requires”. More and more companies in the aeronautical sector rely on Cabycal to improve their production processes. These two lines
© Cabycal
for the Lauak Group join others that Cabycal has developed
One of the two liquid painting lines by Cabycal for the Lauak Group.
The Portable Spectrophotometers’ Development by Konica Minolta Sensing The CM-26d series of portable spectrophotometers by Konica Minolta has been upgraded and completed. It allows simultaneous colour and gloss measurements.b
The CM-26dG, CM-26d, and CM-25d are the successors
is perfectly suited for applications in the field. Being able to filter
to the CM-2600d and CM-2500d spectrophotometers
stored data based on additional information (tagging) as well as
widely used in the industry. The new devices are portable
image-based workflows for easy and simple usage by uneducated
sphere type spectrophotometers with horizontal alignment,
users, it sets a new standard for easy and fast data handling.
a design most convenient to measure the colour of flat
With the additional Configuration Tool Software CM-CT1,
or large samples. All devices deliver measurement data
administrators can setup and share settings all across their
including (SCI) and excluding (SCE) surface conditions in one
company network, even globally. With the Remote Support
measurement sequence, at Ultra-High Speed. With their
feature, support and training of user becomes as easy as never
additional 3mm measuring aperture, the devices perfectly
adapt to small sample sizes (not for CM-25d), with the CM-26dG being able to also measure the gloss of a surface
For further information:
with a true, ISO compliant 60° gloss sensor.
While the sample observation port allows perfect sample shows measurement data either numerically or graphically. With the additional Configuration Tool Software CM-CT1 and the new image-based workflow feature, the devices
© Konica Minolta
positioning for measurements, the large colour display
enable easy configuration across a network and make the actual work for users in the field less erroneous and more convenient.
Working features While the CM-25d is the perfect choice for cost-effective applications, the CM-26d and CM-26dG were developed with the aim to reduce the exchange of physical samples throughout the value chain. The CM-26d series allows communication of measurement data based on absolute values to enable true “Digital Colour Data Management”. By default, all CM-26d and CM-26dG devices are true Close Tolerance (CT) grade instruments, and thus Konica Minolta proofs once more its unsurpassed ability and expertise in optical precision technology. Highest Inter-Instrument-Agreement (IIA) of just ∆E*ab 0.12 (Average on 12 BCRA tiles) defines a new level of performance. With its lightweight ergonomic design, optional Bluetooth™ and high-resolution TFT colour display, the CM-26d series
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Portable spectrophotometer of the CM-26d series.
© Benzi & Di Terlizzi Srl
The PTO drive shaft produced by Benzi & Di Terlizzi.
Benzi & Di Terlizzi: An Overhead Conveyor Turns the Coating Line into a Highly Digitised System Capable of Integrating Subsequent Production Phases Barbara Pennati ipcm®
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Benzi & Di Terlizzi, a company specialising in the production of PTO drive shafts for agricultural machines, has recently installed a modern, Industry 4.0-oriented coating system equipped with a two-rail conveyor, which has enabled the integration of the assembly phase directly in-line thus maximizing production efficiency.
specific technological requirements,
Benzi & Di Terlizzi gradually shifted
which generates an advantage and
from the local market and it made
greater yield by using a certain
significant investments to open up to
force. With time and the advent
international markets, so much so that
of technology, the concept itself
exports currently account for 80% of
of machine and its appearance
its production. Benzi & Di Terlizzi now
in our imagination have evolved,
operates in about forty countries and it
but its nature has never changed:
has two commercial branches abroad,
a machine is made up of several
in France and the United States, and two
elements and even the smallest and
production sites in Italy: one in Inzago
simplest mechanism actually plays a
(MI), where most production processes
fundamental role for its operation.
are currently carried out, and its first
It is not surprising that Benzi & Di
factory in Cassano d’Adda, performing
Terlizzi has adopted this philosophy
the moulding of all plastic components
within its production, as it specialises
used for the protection of PTO drive
in the production of drive shafts
for the agricultural sector, which
Benzi & Di Terlizzi has recently
are a crucial mechanical part for
undertaken an important restructuring
power transmission in agricultural
project precisely in Cassano, investing
machines because they turn them
in a new production site with the
into operating systems. This is why
aim of reorganising the old building,
the company undertook an innovative
redistributing production activities, and
project that required a synergy among
insourcing some processes. The first
several companies from the finishing
investment made for the new Cassano
sector. The result was a coating plant
plant, currently in its full start-up phase,
that goes beyond a mere succession
was a modern coating system jointly
of surface treatment phases, but
developed by various Italian sector
rather integrates operations that are
players: Conveyors Nord (Inzago, MI),
normally carried out at a later stage in
which provided the two-rail conveyor;
production, such as assembly, in the
Trasmetal (Milan), the supplier of the
line itself. It is a production machine
coating system; CMA Robotics (Pavia di
in which all the elements interact with
Udine, UD), which installed two coating
each other in compliance with the
robots and a greasing one; and Comaind
Industry 4.0 principles and that has
(Segrate, MI), a Graco distributor, which
generated significant advantages in
supplied the electrostatic dispensers
terms of efficiency and production
and guns.
times. Its core is precisely the coating plant and, in particular, its overhead
Benzi & Di Terlizzi’s production
conveyor, which acts as the link
“Benzi & Di Terlizzi specialises in the
among all process phases, thus
production of drive shafts, the device
enabling their integration into one
necessary to transmit the motion of the
production line.
tractor to an agricultural tool,” explains Alessandro Benzi, the vice president
Rolando Benzi and his wife Nunzia
of the company, belonging the third
Di Terlizzi established Benzi & Di
generation of the Benzi family. “However,
Terlizzi in Cassano d’Adda (MI, Italy)
we also produce all the components that
The word ‘machine’ can have different
in 1955. The company specialises in
relate to power transmission between
meanings. One can define it as a set of
the production of PTO drive shafts for
the tractor and the tool, e.g. parallel axis
elements connected together and meeting
the agricultural sector. In the 1970s,
units, reducers, etc.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
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Products manufactured by Benzi & Di Terlizzi.
The simplest PTO drive shaft can
make up for approximately three
improving its competitiveness in
consist of about forty components,
months of production and allows
international markets. This has
and these are not standard
managing over 4,000 part types
actually led us to become one of the
products, but highly specialised parts
thus shortening production
leaders of our industry. In order to
that can have different variables and
times, and our end products
do this, we have aimed at reducing
reach 2 metres in length.”
warehouses in Italy, but also in
our response time and increasing
Benzi & Di Terlizzi’s production starts
France and the United States,
our production flexibility as much as
from semi-finished products, mainly
which have enabled us to reduce
possible. This is why we decided to
in steel. “We perform in-house
our lead time. In fact, timely
restructure our production, starting
most of the mechanical processes
deliveries are much appreciated
with our coating plant.
involving our drive shafts. In the last
in the agricultural sector,” adds
The previous one was obsolete and
few years, we have worked hard
Alessandro Benzi. “We have
no longer able to cope with our new
to expand both our component
embarked on a project aimed
production needs, although we had
warehouse, which is now able to
at growing our company and
partially modernised it.”
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The overhead conveyor at the service of the production cycle “The plant has a production capacity of over half
OptiCenter® All-in-One Outstanding application performance
a million hooks per year (on one working shift), adequate to our current business needs but also to our growth expectations for the coming years. Drive shafts are actually composed of two half-drive shafts, which require some assembly stages to be performed only after coating. Therefore, we needed a coating plant able to handle hundreds of thousands of workpieces, with different shapes and sizes,” notes Benzi. “Moreover, PTO drive shafts are not standardised products. This raised several issues in terms of part handling and hanging. This is why the system was designed to manage a different coating program for each hook, depending on the characteristics of the product, with an approach 4.0.” “The new plant came into operation in the summer of 2019. It took three years of planning to find the ideal solution and meet the needs not only of the coating process itself, but also of the assembly and palletising phases, as well as space requirements. We wanted a system that would maximise the operational capacity not only of the painting phase but also of the subsequent assembly ones,” states Benzi. “Therefore, together with Conveyors Nord, we developed a conveyor not only linked to the coating plant, but geared to becoming an integral part of the whole production system.” In collaboration with Trasmetal, Conveyors Nord thus installed a power & free overhead conveyor
The first powder center combining electrostatics and powder feeding
with a maximum load of 600 kg and featuring load bars with 14 hooks each, which goes through all surface treatment phases and also enables assembly and even the application of protective devices, before the drive shafts are unloaded from the coating line. “The conveyor ceases to be a mere chain to transport workpieces along the coating plant and it becomes a production tool that Benzi & Di Terlizzi can use to complete the assembly stages without further handling operations and without occupying other production areas,” explains Conveyors Nord owner Giovanni Majer. “Moreover,
The new powder center is equipped with OptiStar All-in-One® gun controls, in which the injector technology is directly integrated. This ensures the fastest powder output response times for reliable coating quality. The fully automated application and cleaning process ensures efficient color changes.
our conveyor’s handling software package interfaces with the ones of Trasmetal and CMA, which supplied, respectively, the coating plant and the painting and greasing robots. This makes sure that Benzi & Di Terlizzi always has the entire production cycle under control.”
Gema Europe Srl | Via Goldoni, 29 20090 Trezzano s/N | Italy T +39 02 48 400 486 F +39 02 48 400 874
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“In conceiving this system, we had to find a way to harmonise the coating process with the assembly phases. The layout was also designed to ensure that operators always have every process step under control, both digitally and visually. Indeed, they can manage each phase and its progress times through eight push-button panels that can be activated on command and enable the movement of the load bars. Each bar also records data on the hung workpieces, the job order to which they belong, and their matching coating program. The operator can therefore gather information on their related production order at any time. Thanks to Conveyors Nord’s conveyor, we have basically created an assembly line with several stations that can be
Conveyors Nord’s overhead conveyor has a capacity of 600 kg and each load bar is equipped with 14 hooks.
turned on or off depending on the production plan. This has given us extreme production flexibility,” says Alessandro Benzi.
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The coating cycle The new Trasmetal coating plant starts with a 6-stage step-by-step nanotechnology pre-treatment station using the Henkel Bonderite conversion product. A condensing boiler heats the water necessary for pre-treatment. This is followed by a double drying phase to remove any water residue. Coating takes place in two booths equipped with multi-stage highabsorption dry filtration systems, developed in compliance with emission standards. The process includes an intermediate flash-off phase. The applied product is a one-layer, direct-to-metal, water-based, two-component acrylic system supplied by Franchi & Kim, custom-made for Benzi & Di Terlizzi and suitable for taking full advantage of the high productivity of the new The assembly area.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
automatic system. The collaboration
XP, calculates the robot’s trajectories,
& Di Terlizzi for the development of
and manages the PLC through of a
this product started during the initial
Real-Time subsystem. The position
plant design stages, through tests on
and speed control of the robots’
substrate preparation and performance,
axes is carried out by digital drives
i.e. salt spray and humidistat tests. Each
featuring a DSP internal memory and
environmental and application value was
able to update the axes’ data every
parameterised and calibrated during
400 microseconds. The industrial PC
the paint preparation and final control
accesses the digital drives through an
phases thanks to a testing laboratory
industrial Ethernet-based bus.
arranged at the end of the coating line.
The robots are equipped with new
Two CMA Robotics GR-630 ST 6-axis
generation electrostatic guns Graco
robots apply the coating. They offer
Pro Xpc, provided by Comaind, which
both self-learning and point-to-point
guarantee optimal paint transfer.
programming methods: Benzi & Di
The guns were designed to be
Terlizzi chose the latter to set its coating
connected to their 100 kV power supply
programs. The robots’ arms guarantee
unit via a low voltage cable and they are
maximum manoeuvrability thanks
equipped with an arc fault detection
to a coupling system and a perfect
software program that automatically
pneumatic balance, in addition to the
deactivates the electrostatic field when
use of special light alloys. The “ST”
any part is near the gun.
robot type is suitable for coating parts
Benzi & Di Terlizzi had also asked
attached to overhead or floor conveyors
Comaind to develop a solution to apply
either with a continuous or stepwise
Franchi & Kim’s one-layer, water-soluble
movement, while also guaranteeing the
acrylic system and to only use mains
possibility of rotating the workpieces
water for cleaning, thus eliminating
both when stationary and in motion.
any additive/solvent that is usually
Additional flexibility is offered by the
employed to clean the (hydrophobic)
particular configuration of their wrists,
catalyst line. Comaind therefore
which allow easily reaching any point
customised two Graco ProMix 2KE
of the part being processed through
dispensers and it designed a remote
the 360° rotation of each axis. “When
mixer where the cleaning water never
the components enter the coating
comes into contact with the catalyst
booths, the hooks rotate at a controlled
in order to avoiding any possibility of
speed. The first robot applies the first
crystallisation of isocyanate, the main
coat and the second one completes it
component of acrylic catalysts. The
with the second coat through a wet-
ProMix 2KE dispensers guarantee
on-wet process. This guarantees a
greater reliability, ease of use, precise
homogeneous finish even inside the
dosage, and excellent mixing quality
most complex-shapes workpieces,” says
for two-component paints, especially
Alessandro Benzi.
the water-soluble ones, thanks to their
The programs are stored and managed
“Dynamic Dosing” option. Comaind
by means of a PC integrated in the
finally completed this project with an
control system. The selection of
interface that provides the coating
programs, sorted by alphanumeric
system ‘master’ with data on the
code on a flash memory device, occurs
instantaneous and global consumption
automatically by remote control.
of the various plant components,
The industrial PC also manages the
meeting all Industry 4.0 requirements.
operator interface, based on Windows
After coating, the parts undergo a
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between Franchi & Kim and Benzi
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The pre-treatment tunnel and the following blow-off station for the elimination of water residues.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
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The coating booths.
One of the two GR-630 ST 6-axis painting robots supplied by CMA Robotics, equipped with Graco Pro Xpc electrostatic guns.
The advantages brought by the new plant
1970s. Such trend, combined with the
40 °C and they enter the curing oven, where they remain for an hour at a
“The market of agricultural machinery
can vary a lot in terms of components
temperature of 90 °C. Afterwards, the
and components has become
and dimensions and can reach a high
shafts and internal joints of the PTO
increasingly demanding both in Italy
customisation degree depending on
drive units are greased by a dedicated
and on international markets, where
customer needs, has made it necessary
GR-6160 6-axis robot, also provided
our company has been active since the
to reorganise our production structure.
flash-off phase at a temperature of
peculiarities of PTO drive shafts, which
by CMA Robotics to automatise this © ipcm ®
previously manual operation. After greasing, the load bars proceed along the conveyor to enable the operators to carry out the assembly and protection operations. Two large storage buffers at the entrance and exit of the line enable to compensate for the different execution times due to the complexity of parts and the loading and assembly operations. “This is a fully Industry 4.0-oriented plant: all its elements are able to communicate with each other and to transmit all process and job order data in real time. Our operators can therefore check the compliance of the process with its specifications at any time, set different coating programs, and manage every step both online and offline. This enables us to continue producing even in the event of a malfunction,” states Benzi.
The coating management unit with Graco ProMix 2KE dispensers.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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CMA Robotics’ greasing robot.
This included our coating plant, no longer able to cope with the new production and quality requirements,” notes Alessandro Benzi. “The main challenge of this project was designing a functional but compact layout that allowed always having the coating process under control with an approach 4.0, as well as a solution to handle all our different types of drive shafts without compromising their finishing quality degree. We worked closely with
SVERNICIATURA CRIOGENICA per recupero di telai e ganci
SVERNICIATURA CHIMICA per pezzi in alluminio e di design
SVERNICIATURA TERMICA per il recupero di telaistica in ferro
Trasmetal, which dealt with the plant engineering aspects, with CMA, which developed and supplied the centralised control terminal for part management, and with Conveyors Nord, which we chose precisely based
. sas
on their extensive experience in this type of systems
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All the system elements communicate with each other in compliance with the Industry 4.0 principles and they guarantee real-time control of all process and job order data.
and which proved a key partner for
to work with a continuous flow.
our coating efficiency is higher and
finding the most functional solutions for
During unloading, the plant shows
our process quality has improved –
our project,” says Benzi.
all process and order information,
a very important factor, as finishes
“Our plant is able to carry out a specific
so that the operators can check that
play a fundamental role for our
coating and greasing program for each
the process took place within the
customers, which gave us very
individual hook, which is automatically
pre-established parameters and
positive feedback. Furthermore,
recognised by the robots. Moreover,
finally close the production order.
the new Cassano site hosting
thanks to the power & free conveyor,
Our next step will be making the
the coating plant is improving
we have managed to integrate the
system able to provide the operator
our productivity. Finally, we have
assembly phase directly in the line,
with packaging instructions in order
obtained significant benefits also
thus optimising production times.
to complete the production order
in terms of eco-friendliness, such
In fact, the operators can stop the
automatically up to the packing
as a significant reduction in energy
chain to complete the necessary
consumption and above all the
operations without affecting the
“Although the line has been running
possibility of using water-based
regular operation of the plant and
for relatively little time, its benefits
coatings without any solvents,”
the painting process. This enables us
have been immediately noticeable:
states Benzi.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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Tubular cells in the cataphoresis tank.
Cataforesi Srl: A New Cataphoresis Line to Optimise Production while Ensuring High Quality Marta Fumagalli ipcm®
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Out of all Italian coating contractors,
while bringing the first one back to
there are only a few specialising in
two work shifts per day. Currently,
electrodeposition coating processes,
the new line works on a shift and
be they by anaphoresis or cataphoresis
a half, but our goal is to reach two
techniques. Even fewer are those who
shifts by the end of 2020. We also
can offer a very high quality service,
aimed at devoting each line to the
suitable to meet, for example, the
treatment of different substrates,
needs of the auto and motorbike
that is, mainly aluminium for the
sectors. One of these companies,
first cataphoresis line and iron for
already the protagonist of an ipcm®
the new one. Our plant equipment
article in 2017, is Cataforesi Srl
is completed by a shot blasting
(Mantello, Sondrio), a supplier of all
machine and two automatic powder
major OEM and Tier 1 brands.
coating systems, which enable us
Established in 2008, Cataforesi is
to provide a complete and modular
closely connected with DAFER Srl
surface treatment service according
(also located in Mantello), specialising
to the quality specifications of each
in contracting coating, and
INVER-PRESS Srl (Valmadrera, Lecco,
“The automotive industry accounts
Italy), a leading firm in the cold
for about 95% of our cataphoresis
moulding of metal parts mainly
lines’ production, whereas with our
intended for the automotive sector.
powder coating service we are well
This company specialises on high
established in the sectors of gas and
quality black cataphoresis processes
municipal waste collection, for both
performed on small, medium,
the finishing of machine components
and large-sized components and
and the coating of underground
it is able to adapt its operations
collection systems,” adds Marastoni.
to each customer’s specifications.
“In general, we powder coat carpentry
The cataphoresis coating can be
parts with either one or two-layer
completed, if required, with a one or
systems using a dry-on-dry process.”
two-layer powder finish.
that the main objective pursued by
Special features and technical characteristics of the cataphoresis line
the company has always been to
The new cataphoresis plant was
guarantee an extremely high quality
started in May 2019. The line was
degree: this is why it chose to invest
once again the result of a co-design
in a second cataphoresis line a few
work involving Cataforesi Srl and
years after the installation of the first
Silvi Srl (Peregallo, Monza), a coating
one. “We recently found ourselves
plant engineering and construction
at a crossroads: choosing between
company. “Together with Silvi,
quality and quantity. The plant built
and in particular with Daniele
in 2017 had been working on three
Fumagalli, we have established a
shifts for over a year; at that point,
fruitful collaboration for the design
we decided to install a second one
of our systems: taking advantage
in order to handle a part of our
of Daniele’s technical advice, we
production volumes with the new line,
act as the prime contractor and
Cataforesi production and quality manager Gianluca Marastoni confirms
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In order to offer the highest coating quality degree to the automotive and motorcycle sectors, Cataforesi Srl (Mantello, Sondrio, Italy) has installed a second cataphoresis system built in collaboration with Silvi and only devoted to iron, thus dividing its production volumes between two plants and improving flexibility and delivery speed.
we purchase all components and 1
L. Antolini, “Cataphoresis: Advanced solutions for maximum functional and design quality”, ipcm® Vol VIII, 2017, no. 43, January-February, pages 42-47
equipment necessary in order to assemble them in the final lines
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
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under his direct control,” explains Gianluca Marastoni. “This investment, in particular, was aimed at dividing the production volumes between the two plants also based on the type of substrates to be treated. As mentioned earlier, the older plant is devoted to coating aluminium: therefore, a passivation tank supplied by Silvi was added to enable the line to perform both an aluminium-specific pre-treatment process and a multi-metal one. This gives us maximum operational flexibility. The new line is shorter, as it does not include the pickling stage because it is exclusively intended for
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The headquarters of Cataforesi Srl.
The new cataphoresis line.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
the treatment of iron.”
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The company specialises in black cataphoresis processes on small, medium, and large parts.
“The unique feature of this new cataphoresis plant,” says Silvi Srl technical sales manager Daniele Fumagalli, “is its ability to perform two cataphoresis deposition operations with one rectifier in a single tank. It is therefore possible to coat two different products in one tank. This gives the plant a very high productivity degree. Moreover, the plant is highly automated, it follows the principles of Industry 4.0, and it is able to operate only with three employees. During loading, the operator matches a load bar with a unique code in order to monitor it throughout the entire process. It is possible to trace all the processing phases, times, and parameters and to obtain a production report for each treated part at the end of the cycle. This allows establishing whether a treatment was performed within the required parameters, even after some time.” “The cataphoresis line is equipped with low energy consumption air vein burners and a power & free conveyor provided by Futura Convogliatori Aerei, featuring four bridge cranes. The tank has a capacity of 7 m3 and it is equipped with Verind last generation tubular cells and two 8-inch membranes. Some backup pumps in standby mode can be activated for the main operations (ultrafiltration, paint recycling, and flushing) in case of anomalies. The plant has a 200-amp rectifier. The tank has a size of
we keep an eye on your AUTOMATION needs. vertical&horizontal axis reciprocators | colour centres dimensional detection systems | control panels | accessories
1000 x 800 x 1600 mm and a capacity of 250 kg per load bar, excluding the bar.
i gent asi a libere c r e c one z per
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Ultrafiltration pumps.
The system installed by Silvi.
in width, and 3000 mm in length. It
but the process is not standardised;
Special features and technical characteristics of the new powder coating plant
therefore, there may be fluctuations
The plant, also co-designed with Silvi, works
final no-rinse passivation stage applying
in productivity, depending on the
with a speed of 2 m per minute, although it
a nebulised product. It is equipped
management of the individual trolleys of
can go up to 2.5 m. It can treat load bars that
with another Futura Convogliatori
components to be treated,” adds Fumagalli.
are maximum 2200 mm in height, 800 mm
Aerei conveyor, a one-rail type with two
The system can treat 10 bars/hour on average with a takt-time of about 6 minutes,
water treatment. We installed KMU LOFT evaporators that clean 6 m3 of water per
© ipcm ®
“We have also invested heavily in waste
day with a continuous flow, recirculating it into the cataphoresis circuit; the concentrate is disposed of externally. For the management of air emissions, the plant is equipped with a centralised scrubber for the filtration of oily mists and dust.” “Once the workpieces are unloaded, they can proceed to one of the two powder coating systems if they require a finishing process or be packed and shipped. If the customers require finishes with liquid paints, we send the components to a contractor,” explains Marastoni. “The powder coating systems are not in line with the cataphoresis ones because we want to fully exploit the potential of all our systems and, in particular, the latter, in order not to lose productivity. The higher labour costs that we bear for the double loading and unloading operations are offset by the plants’ productivity.”
Some products treated by Cataforesi.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
includes a 6-stage pre-treatment tunnel, completely made in stainless steel, with a
and requires only minimal human
Marastoni. “Silvi also installed it in a
heavy loads. It was also conceived with
intervention in the cleaning cycle
pressurised clean room, heated with
an approach 4.0: it is equipped with
(limited to a blow-off operation in
the heat recovered from the curing
a highly advanced production control
the inside of the booth and the
cyclone cone). The Wagner data
“The oven has a particular feature,”
The automatic powder application
software program manages all the
adds Daniele Fumagalli. “It is not a
booth with a quick colour change
production parameters of the booth,
conventional unit with a lower supply
system is a SuperCube type supplied by
it monitors powder consumption
plenum: its upper part features
Wagner (Valmadrera, Lecco), featuring a
for each production batch, and
a system of cones that are all
SuperCenterEvo coating management
it enables to perform video
separately adjustable and balanced in
unit, six guns per side, and two manual
maintenance operations with alarms
order to follow a very precise air flow
pre and post-retouching stations.
for periodic deadlines. “The booth’s
diagram. Both the drying and curing
This booth, which is only 2.5 m long,
design ensures that there always
ovens are perfectly insulated: there is
guarantees constant colour change
are minimum quantities of powder
no heat loss, for the benefit of energy
performance over time, as this is
circulating for consistent and high
efficiency and the quality of life of
managed by the software package
quality coating results,” says Gianluca
© ipcm ®
synchronised towing units designed for
The Futura Convogliatori conveyor.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
© ipcm ®
© ipcm ®
Powder coated parts in the Wagner booth.
A company in continuous development Within four years, Cataforesi Srl has invested in two cataphoresis plants and a powder coating system, as well as in an interoperational and final coating quality control laboratory. This is equipped with spectrophotometers, cross-cut and impact test devices, tools for checking the chemical baths of the plants, and a salt spray machine. “Cataforesi Srl’s strength is its ability to offer a complete, all-round surface treatment service: combined with the very high quality level of our treatments, this makes us wellknown not just locally, but at the national level,” states Marastoni. “The secret is to continue having ambitious projects: indeed, the development of our company does not stop here and we already have many other projects in the pipeline, especially for implementing new types of surface treatment.”
A detail of the powder application phase with Wagner automatic guns.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Salcomix è il marchio di AkzoNobel per un sistema di prodotti vernicianti industriali dal design modulare, che può essere utilizzato per fornire vernici per una grande varietà di applicazioni per l‘industria leggera, in modo rapido e flessibile. Questo è possibile grazie a un sistema di miscelazione che offre una superiore precisione del colore con la massima varietà di prodotto. Salcomix is AkzoNobel's brand for a modularly designed industrial coatings system that can be used to provide paints for a variety of small-industry applications, quickly and flexibly. This is possible thanks to a mixing system that offers superior color accuracy with maximum product diversity.
PVD sputtering can be used in any sector for high aesthetic and functional as well as eco-sustainable results.
The Development of PVD Sputtering for Good-Looking, Functional, and Eco-Sustainable Chrome Plating Results From an interview with Antonio Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Esposito and Izabela Lange of Kolzer Srl
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
is now ready to embrace this innovative technology, which has reached a high level of aesthetic and functional performance and is eco-friendly, unlike traditional chrome plating technologies.”
Background Metallisation has always been a niche process compared to the more widespread galvanising one. “In the past, it was mainly used for disposable cosmetic product packages, in order to improve their brilliance and, therefore, their appeal. It had no need to give the surfaces any functional characteristics, as instead happened with galvanisation. Then, this technology has developed and vacuum technologies such as PVD have emerged.” Kolzer’s corporate history has followed the entire evolution of PVD processes. “My father started his business by patenting a vacuum metallisation process for plastic Christmas balls, which were replacing the glass ones. They had to be decorated but, as they were made with a very soft material, any type of decorative treatment known until then would have compromised their substrates. My father had the idea of using a vacuum metallisation process for the industrial © Kolzer
Chrome plating through PVD technologies has been known for years, but it has always been limited to aesthetic finishing tasks. Now, the development of this technology has reached such a level that it can also guarantee functional properties, as well as cleaner chrome coating results. PVD sputtering, in particular, can be used in any sector for high aesthetic and functional as well as eco-sustainable results: since it is a vacuum technology, it does not generate harmful emissions, it does not use water resources, and it does not produce any special waste to be disposed of. This article describes the advantages of using this technology and the characteristics of the PVD systems designed and built by Kolzer.
coating of these products and he purchased his first metallisation plant in England. Then he sold the patent and built a metallising system with his own hands in 1952: it was the first Kolzer-branded plant. Since then, we have built more than 1200 machines, now distributed all over the world.”
PVD technologies The PVD process is a vacuum treatment that eliminates emissions because it is the result of a physical process, not a chemical one. Over time, other vacuum technologies have developed starting
“This year will mark the starting point of the
this company in 1952, specialising in the
from metallisation, such as Arc-PVD and
spread of the PVD sputtering technology on the
design and construction of Physical Vapour
sputtering. All these three technologies
market:” Kolzer Srl owner Antonio D’Esposito is
Deposition (PVD) chrome plating systems.
consist in the application of a metal layer
convinced of this. His father Guido established
“The whole industry, regardless of the sector,
on a substrate; the Arc-PVD, however, is
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
limited by the high temperatures reached,
The coating system
the former can be bypassed for
which make it unsuitable for heat sensitive
The PVD coating process is simple and it
their products, for example with a
surfaces. “On the other hand, the PVD
includes as follows:
mechanical preparation process
sputtering process is effective even at low
- Primer application, which seals and
for metals or a more accurate
temperatures and, therefore, it can be used
hardens the substrate, makes it
“moulding” for the other materials.
for any material, even those sensitive to
uniform, and improves its adhesion
Even the top coat might be no
temperature variations such as plastic or
and gloss;
longer necessary because, together
wood,” says D’Esposito. “The metallisation, or thermal evaporation, allows to deposit metals with a melting point of 1000 degrees;
- PVD coating, with which a layer of any type of metal or alloy is applied; - Top coat application, which provides
with paint manufacturers, we have developed a primer + sputtering system that guarantees the same
protection to the metal layer and
aesthetic performance of a top coat
layer can no longer be thermally vaporised in
improves its performance.
and maintains functions linked to
an efficient way. The sputtering technology
“Both the primer and top coat
the possibility to deposit a film of
solves this problem because it does not
applications are optional,” notes
hundreds of nanometres. In particular,
require the melting of metal, which is instead
D’Esposito. “Once users acquire
UV coatings combined with the
eroded by the low pressure plasma that
knowledge and skills in the PVD
sputtering technology offer the best
characterises this process.”
technology, they may realise that
© Kolzer
however, above this temperature the metal
One of Kolzer’s systems.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Characteristics of the PVD sputtering system The plant is composed of a process chamber in which the workpieces to be coated are loaded. Here, manifolds and valves activate the emptying stage, that is, they create vacuum in two stages, i.e. pre-vacuum and high-vacuum. The former is generated mechanically, whereas the latter calls for more complex turbomolecular or diffusion pumps, depending on the type of vacuum and level of cleanliness required. “A good vacuum process must reach 1 x 10-4 millibars in about 3 or 4 minutes,” states D’Esposito. “The magnetron, a device used in all our machines to exploit magnetic fields, generates a plasma pad by attracting its plasma molecules and freeing their metal atoms within the deposition chamber: this is the core of the sputtering process.” In the case of a functional as well as aesthetic finish, for example for an auto component, the whole process takes place on average in 10 minutes. “Our company is internationally recognised for the speed with which the PVD processes take place within our plants,” states Izabela Lange, Sales Engineer at Kolzer. “We have developed fast machines that can be easily implemented into the production work flow of any industrial context. Our systems are also able to withstand high productivity levels, since they are fully automated, digitised, and remotely manageable. An additional advantage is that they can treat any workpiece regardless of its type and material, thus giving higher flexibility to engineers and designers.”
The advantages of the PVD sputtering chrome plating process “In addition to the benefits that the Kolzer plants offer as added value,” adds Lange, “one of their most innovative aspects is that they perform a
Bringing your surface to perfection
clean chrome plating process. Indeed, it does not generate emissions, it does not use resources such as water, and it does not produce any by-product to be disposed of and it is compatible with any base substrate. These characteristics are highly appreciated by our customers. It is important that they fully understand all our systems’ characteristics and independently assess whether they are a suitable solution for their coating needs. This is why we have
Painting, Gluing, Sealing – Excellence for All Industries. Dürr offers painting solutions from manual to automatic application, high-quality and easy to integrate.
© Kolzer
The PVD processes are becoming popular in any sector of the manufacturing industry.
equipped our company with a ‘Test Centre’
has made on the European institutions to
research has made great strides
where they can experiment and get to
replace the use of CrVI with this new clean
and reached the state of the art:
know the technology used.”
today’s challenge is to fully exploit the
The lack of information on these
possibilities offered by this process
The future of chrome coating with PVD technologies
and spread knowledge of it at all
diffusion in the Italian manufacturing industry so far. “Especially in the
“According to statistical studies, the PVD
Thanks to the most recent
automotive industry,” says Lange, “where
sector will grow by 84% by 2024,” states
environmental regulations and the
conventional galvanic processes used
D’Esposito. “With its penetrating potential in
first legislators’ declarations on the
to hinder innovation, we have had many
all industrial sectors, there will be no limit to
validity of PVD as an alternative to
difficulties to make ourselves known.
the application of this technology. Starting
hexavalent chromium and nickel
However, we were able to overcome
from its exclusive use in the cosmetic sector,
plating, the future of chrome plating
technologies has actually limited their
these problems thanks to the pressure that the International Alliance of PVD
is now: with the vacuum technologies 1
Providers (APP), to which Kolzer belongs,
levels of the production chain.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
“A sustainable alternative to CrVI: Manifest of the alliance of PVD providers“ in ipcm no. 54 (November/December 2018), pages 36-37.
developed, the era of chrome coating is about to start.”
con | with | mit TMCOAT
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Resistenza alla corrosione Corrosion protection | Korrosionsfestigkeit Durata alle alte temperature Life-time at high | Beständigkeit gegen temperatures | hohen Temperaturen Autolubrifcazione Self lubrification | Selbstschmierung Produttività Productivity | Produktivität
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Via C. Porta, 12 | 23861 Cesana Brianza (LC) | Italy t. +39 031 655688 | f. +39 031 656772 | |
© FreiLacke - Emil Frei GmbH & Co. KG
Geared motors, actuators and pump systems are exposed to many environmental influences and have to withstand factors such as corrosion, chemicals, UV exposure, etc. depending on their later place of use.
Increase Throughput, Reduce Costs Oliver Zanner FreiLacke - Emil Frei GmbH & Co. KG, Bräunlingen-Döggingen – Germany
Fast-drying UHS systems from FreiLacke are VOC-compliant, reduce work processes and make the dryer unnecessary. Coatings with a particularly high solids content, so-called UltraHighSolids, not only meet the requirements for VOC but also stand for rapid drying and accelerated production processes. FreiLacke offers various single- and double-coat solutions for this purpose, which boast high resistance.
Geared motors, actuators and pump systems
They are exposed to many environmental
High-performance surface protection is
ensure motion – in machines – and plant
influences and have to withstand factors
indispensable if they are to remain permanently
construction, as well as in shipping or building
such as corrosion, chemicals, UV exposure,
usable. “Traditionally, these drive elements are
technology, to name just a small selection.
etc. depending on their later place of use.
protected by multi-layer structures”, explains
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Technology at FreiLacke. “As well
Outstanding mechanical resistance
Light fastness for outdoor storage
as cathodic ECs, multiple 2C epoxy
“When using the new single-layer
The 2C PU UHS primer UR1937 can
primers are also used in combination
system, not only is more throughput
also be applied as a single-layer
with 2C PU top coats. Disadvantage
achieved, but an application system
coating and easily withstands 750
of this process: several coating layers
can also be saved”, says the FreiLacke
hours on blasted steel in a salt spray
require a lot of time for application,
project manager. “By moving to a single
test. The coating is available in all RAL
cooling and drying, which ultimately
coating system, handling of the coating
colours or also specially coloured
leads to higher expenditure and
materials is also optimised with regard
according to customer requirements.
correspondingly high coating costs”.
to logistics and storage. As well as
Parts primed with UR1937 can
Florian Pauel, Project Manager Drive
that, it is possible to avoid any coating
be easily stored outdoors thanks
80% solids content
product mix-ups during operating
to their light fastness and can be
UltraHighSolid coatings, or UHS for
overcoated after repeated cleaning.
short, as offered by the Black Forest
To achieve a high degree of resistance
Easy application – regardless of
manufacturer FreiLacke, are faster,
and corrosion protection, the
whether pneumatic, Airmix, Airless or
more efficient and more energy-
manufacturer FreiLacke recommends a
ESTA – and excellent resistance levels
efficient. By using sustainable and
range of substrate pre-treatments such
distinguish this system.
environmentally sound raw materials,
as zinc phosphating, iron phosphating
a product range has been created in
or sandblasting for single-layer coating
which just a few solvents are contained
on steel.
with a solids content of around 80%
High running and popping limits If the focus is on very fast drying,
More powerful corrosion protection
the use of the two-layer system
The proportion here is less than 350 g/l and thus well below the limit values
FreiLacke’s UHS platform technology
Both primer and top coat are
called for by the 31 Ordinance of the
offers particularly high corrosion
dust-dry after 10 min. each, therefore
German Federal Emission Control Act
protection: it consists of the UHS primer
total process times of up to 90 min.
UR1937, based on PUR, or the UHS
are possible here. This sometimes
primer ER1936, based on epoxy, and
eliminates the need for a furnace
One operation, shortened cycle times
can be combined with the UHS top coat
throughput and helps operators save
UR1409. Primers and top coats offer very
large amounts of energy”, stresses
The UHS systems of the coating expert
good resistance to creep corrosion and
FreiLacke include a single-layer system,
can also be applied very well with Airmix.
This coating system offers good
two primers and a high-gloss top coat.
Their VOC content is below 350 g/l.
efficiency of application, very good
The UR1422 single-layer system, with
Based on the 2C-UHS Epoxy Primer
corrosion protection and is available
its VOC-compliant solids content
ER1936, layer thicknesses of up to
in a wide range of colours. Its high
of 80% (up to 55 g/m² possible), is
400 μm can be applied in a single
running and popping limits make it
externally resistant and offers high
operation. “Of course, our ER1936
easy to use.
corrosion protection. The coating is
can also be combined with various HS
FreiLacke supplies the UHS systems
already dust-dry after just 45 minutes.
and UHS top coats in the conventional
ready to use, where curing agent
The entire layer thickness can be
layer thickness range from 60 to
has to be added, but no additional
applied in a single operation.
80 μm. These two-layer structures
dilution is required. The same curing
The elimination of intermediate
achieve salt spray resistances of
agent and the same mixing ratio of
flash-off time and the interim forced
more than “1000 hours”, explains
PUR primer and top coat help to
drying of the primer where necessary
Pauel. The system therefore meets
avoid processing errors. The Black
mean that cycle times for the coating
the requirements for high-grade
Forest coating specialist offers
can be significantly reduced.
coatings with high popping-free layer
HS and UHS coatings both as 2C
In addition, solvent savings – especially
thicknesses, drying that meets the
polyurethane systems and as 2C UHS
for cleaning purposes – can also be
needs of real-life situations and good
epoxy systems. All formulations are
surface properties all at once.
free of reactive thinners.
and are therefore VOC-compliant.
UR1407/UR1984 is recommended.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
© DN Chemicals
The DN Chemicals’ factory in Pordenone (Italy).
The DN Chemicals Group Expands Through the Acquisition of Kemmex Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
DN Chemicals acquired Kemmex, a company specialising in the production and distribution of technical chemical formulations for metal pre-treatment and industrial waste water treatment processes, to consolidate its presence on the coating pre-treatment, waste water treatment, and paint stripping market.
In the field of industrial chemistry, firms can
businesses in the sector with the aim of
needs, DN Chemicals has quickly consolidated
compete through their ability to overcome
offering an increasingly complete service.
its presence on the market by pursuing these
the inherent limits of their structures with
Specialising in the supply of solutions for
two objectives.
the greatest possible flexibility and to
all surface pre-treatment, nanotechnology,
Established in 2018 between Dollmar Spa
establish commercial relationships with other
waste water treatment, and paint stripping
(Caleppio di Settala, Milan, Italy), specialising
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
in surface pre-treatment solutions, and NoxorSokem Group Srl (Cusano di Zoppola, Pordenone, Italy), specialising in the development of industrial waste water treatment and paint stripping chemicals, in January 2020 it added an additional element to its corporate structure. “Starting in January of this year,” states DN Chemicals CEO Gianluca Pinna, “we will increase our offer with the products of Kemmex, a firm that has been manufacturing and marketing technical chemical formulations for industrial metal pre-treatment and industrial water treatment and coating processes for over fifteen years. The decision was made following a commercial collaboration that had lasted for several years, with the aim of giving to DN Chemicals the opportunity to take advantage of Kemmex’s know-how and, at the same time, offering to Kemmex the chance of growth that our structure can guarantee in such a highly specialized market.”
The start of a commercial collaboration Kemmex originally entered into contact with the NoxorSokem Group, which later founded DN Chemicals. “Kemmex was established in 2007,” explains president Gianni Zilli, “and it immediately dedicated itself to the development of chemical formulations for the pre-treatment of metal, by providing specific
© DN Chemicals
technical support. After a short time, we started a
Gianluca Pinna (right) and Gianni Zilli.
© DN Chemicals
© DN Chemicals
The devices of the DN Chemicals’ laboratory in Pordenone.
commercial collaboration with
common point in the synergy of our
stripping, and degreasing products,
the NoxorSokem Group, which
skills and specialisations, which is in
we can now present ourselves on
increasingly consolidated up to the
fact the main reason for our merger
the market with an all-round service.
incorporation of our company into
this January.”
At the same time, our commercial
its organisation in 2015.”
“With its foundation – notes Pinna
contact persons will remain the
“In 2015,” adds Pinna, “the
– DN Chemicals presented a more
same, so that also medium and small
NoxorSokem Group decided to
complete product range, which
companies, which prefer to maintain
acquire Kemmex to consolidate
included pre-treatment, water
personal relationships with their
its presence in the pre-treatment
treatment, and paint stripping
suppliers, will not miss the benefits
sector, in which our company had
chemicals. With the inclusion of
of such service. Our territorial
not established and our products
Kemmex products, the offer has
distribution management has also
were not known and widespread,
been optimised at the technical and commercial levels by improving the
Group’s organisation with a network
The incorporation of Kemmex into
The national and international growth of DN Chemicals
the NoxorSokem Group brought
After DN Chemicals’ establishment
a mutual advantage for the two
and following a settling period,
The DN Chemicals-branded products
companies. On the one hand, by
Kemmex fully entered the
are currently manufactured in the
acquiring Kemmex’s know-how,
company. “With DN Chemicals’
two laboratories in Caleppio di
Noxor expanded its product
acquisition of Kemmex,” states
Settala and Cusano di Zoppola and
offering with coating pre-treatment
Pinna, “our product portfolio is
they are distributed throughout Italy
solutions. On the other hand, with
not only complete, but also able
and Europe. The short-term goal is
only a local sales network, Kemmex
to offer even higher performance
to confirm the consolidation of the
had the opportunity to grow
degrees, which was the ultimate
Group’s presence on the market with
with the support of a more solid
goal of combining the expertise
an ever-wider range of solutions
of our three teams. From multi-
and to continuously develop its
“Although our two companies are
metal pre-treatment chemicals,
know-how, precisely thanks to the
organised in a completely different
including the nanotechnology ones,
synergy of these three corporate
way,” says Zilli, “we have found a
to waste water treatment, paint
strong competences.
A mutual benefit
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
of trained operators in each of our areas of expertise, thus avoiding any
Franchi & Kim Acquires the Colorificio Damiani Company and Becomes Estalia Performance Coatings The Franchi & Kim Spa company acquired the Colorificio Damiani Spa company and changed its name in Estalia Performance Coatings Spa.
The Franchi & Kim Spa company and
- Aims to pursue the consolidation and
the Colorificio Damiani Spa company
development of new market shares
(100% owned by Franchi & Kim Spa)
through a planned strategy of strong
have decided to proceed with the
positioning in specialized market
The company hopes that this new
merger operation to become a new
segments and a clear and well-defined
challenge can generate an advantage for
great economic and industrial reality in
policy of distinguishing individual
the entire supply chain and can act as a
the paint sector, thus creating Estalia
brands and with separate commercial
stimulus to the Italian paint market.
Performance Coatings Spa.
organizations, each dedicated to the individual brand;
The new group has a workforce of
- Intends to guarantee the continuity of
162 employees and 51 commercial million euros. The organizational structure will make use of 3 production plants in Italy located in Castenedolo, Maclodio and Montecchio Emilia with separate shipping warehouses for the two brands: Castenedolo (Franchi
Š Estalia Performance Coatings S.p.A.
consultants for a group turnover of 47
& Kim) and Montecchio Emilia (Damiani). The company Estalia Performance Coatings Spa, born from the merger by incorporation of the aforementioned two companies, aims to increase its presence on the territory, thanks to its own brands. By virtue of this operation, the group is guaranteed leadership in the liquid paint sector, specifically in the specialized segment of industrial tinting systems within the distribution channel. In relation to the above, it is to be noted that the Estalia Performance Coatings group: - Maintains the same previous shareholding structure; - Is characterized by a wholly Italian ownership;
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
commercial policies, economic conditions, constant service and the quality of its products.
For further information:
Business Unit PVB Technical Resin of Kuraray Europe Appointed Gurshranjit Singh as Technical Product Manager of the Mowital® Brand
Recently, Business Unit PVB Technical Resin of Kuraray Europe, based in Frankfurt am Main (Germany), has
© Kuraray Europe
Kuraray Europe GmbH, a global specialty chemicals company and one of the largest suppliers of polymers and synthetic microfibers for many sectors of industry, has appointed Gurshranjit Singh as Technical Product Manager of its brand Mowital®.
manager is to ensure that the product is successful. Therefore, the product manager frequently
appointed Gurshranjit Singh as
accompanies the entire life cycle of
Technical Product Manager of its
the product, from its conception,
Mowital brand.
to optimization up to its possible
Under the brand name Mowital®,
withdrawal from the market.
Kuraray produces polyvinyl butyral
Moreover, the technical product
resins whose properties are
manager also has to hold the
characterised by the presence of
technical knowledge, for example
butyral units, hydroxyl, and acetate
on how the product performs under
groups. Applied to coatings, these
specific conditions. This position
resins can guarantee a better
also represents the main hub of
adhesion and corrosion protection,
information between the customer
excellent pigment dispersion and film
and the different business units
formation, while ensuring non-toxicity
within the company.
and low-odour properties.
“As a young, graduated chemical
Born and raised in Germany,
engineer fresh from university, I
Gurshranjit Singh graduated as Chemical Engineer, presenting a thesis
Gurshranjit Singh is the new Technical Product Manager of Kuraray’s brand Mowital®.
have my finger on the pulse of time and know the future of the chemical
in which he studied the characteristics
industry. I am watching where the
of polymer PE and developed a
industry is going and how today’s issues have changed significantly
software tool to statistically measure them as a function of temperature.
raw material for the Mowital® resins.
over the last decades. The purpose
“The various properties, the diverse
Afterwards, he joined Mowital and
of my position is to keep abreast
application of polymers or the
started working in the quality control
of the times, identifying the latest
technical potential of what is behind
department. The experiences and
trends, innovations and ensure a
them still fascinate me today”, states
know-how gained while working along
better planet”, states Gurshranjit
nearly the entire value chain allowed
Gurshranjit Singh started his career
him to quickly hold the position of
at Kuraray Europe as a student
Technical Product Manager.
For further information:
trainee at Kuraray POVAL, which is the
The primary responsibility of a product
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
© Teknox
Speroni has recently installed a paint stripping system K200, designed and built by Teknox.
Speroni: Insourcing Paint Stripping for Better Hook Management Ilaria Paolomelo ipcm®
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY In order to implement a coating process in line with high quality demands, Speroni SpA has recently installed a hook stripping system designed and built by Teknox.
Whereas once many industrial coaters
degree. Paint stripping also allows
of an ipcm® article in 20191, this company
considered it more convenient to throw
extending the service life of such
opted to install a new paint stripping plant
away and replace a hook when covered
hooks, reducing their repurchase
designed and built by Teknox Srl (Prunaro
with a significant amount of paint, many
di Budrio, Bologna, Italy).
companies now prefer to remove the
This explains why more and more
deposits of paint through a paint stripping
companies are now choosing to
process. During coating, especially with
implement a paint stripping process
Features of the paint stripping system K200
electrostatic processes, contaminants
within their production cycles.
“Our K200 paint stripping plant was
and layers of paint are deposited on
These include Speroni SpA, which
conceived to completely remove any
hanging systems, including hooks, bars,
has been manufacturing cast iron
trace of paint, be it a powder, liquid,
and frames. If not removed correctly, they
electric pumps and electric motors
water-based, solvent-based, or epoxy
can compromise the electrical conductivity
for a wide range of industrial
product, from the metal surface of
of the workpiece and consequently
applications since 1947. Based in
increase overspray, thus undermining
Castelnovo di Sotto (Reggio Emilia,
the achievement of a high coating quality
Italy) and already the protagonist
© Speroni Spa
1 “A 4.0 connection point: Speroni’s plant choices are projected into the future, but in the name of continuity”, ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 56, vol. X, March-April, 2019.
The hanging systems, which can have significant deposits of paint on their surfaces, are loaded into the paint stripping plant and then in a rotating basket cleaning machine.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
© Teknox
process is safe and environmentally friendly, as VOC emissions are absent. The paint stripping system is not adjacent to the coating one, but located in a special area. This is due to both the size of the machine (1400 x 900 x 1200 mm) and to the choice to prevent the prolonged contact with paint strippers to cause any allergic reactions or skin irritations,” adds Devid Montermini, production manager at Speroni.
Speroni’s choices Following the installation of a new coating system, Speroni also invested in the new paint stripping machine K200. Several reasons led the company to this decision. First of all, Speroni has developed a hook management system2 in order to optimise its hanging operations and the related loading ergonomics by matching as many items as possible with each hook: therefore, frequently changing ad-hoc hooks is not convenient for the firm in terms of either coating costs or management. A detail of the cleaning machine.
“We chose to insource the paint stripping operation also because
a painted part. It consists of a single
Here, a high-pressure emulsifying
we wanted to manage this process
tank and performs a timed ultrasonic
solution is sprayed onto the
in-house; performed daily, it enables
cleaning process at a temperature of
workpieces to remove the slight trace
us to always have perfectly clean
70 °C. The hanging systems, which
of paint stripper that remains on
and high performing hooks. Finally,
can have significant deposits of paint
them and give long-lasting antioxidant
we turned to Teknox again to keep
on their surfaces, are unhooked from
protection. The cleaning system is
alive a successful collaboration
the coating system and manually
also equipped with an automatic
that began with the installation
introduced into the tank of the K200
compressed air blow-off system
of a cleaning plant 4.0 installed
plant. Here, they are immersed and
that facilitates part drying,” explains
in a robotised station3,” states
treated with Teknox’s Paintstripper
Teknox owner Matteo Caroli.
A1 + Paintstripper B3. Afterwards, the
“K200 allows having perfectly clean
paint layer is removed with minimal
and reusable hooks in a short
manual operation. Finally, in order to
time. The duration of a cycle varies
eliminate any residue that may have
depending on the quantity of liquid
remained, the hooks undergo a final
needed for the stripping operation,
cleaning cycle in a rotating basket
but our average productivity is 2-4
machine at a temperature of 50 °C.
cycles per hour. Moreover, the
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
“A 4.0 connection point: Speroni’s plant choices are projected into the future, but in the name of continuity”, ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 56, vol. X, March-April, 2019.
“Speroni: Industry 4.0-oriented cleaning of pumps, electric motors, and compressors as a pre-treatment phase prior to coating. An innovative choice”, ICT_Industrial Cleaning Technologies no. 15, Vol. X, February 2019.
powder coatings Paint Engineering
Premium quality Formulation, design and manufacture adapted to technical requirements, and highly complex facilities.
Anticorrosive systems
Coil Coating Superdurable Superdurable coatings for sublimation effect Metallic bonding
© ipcm ®
Finimetal: The Evolution of a Static Powder and Liquid Coating Plant for Workpieces of all Sizes Ilaria Paolomelo ipcm®
When space is limited but demands are high, innovative projects are born. Savim has designed, built, and installed a static coating system with automatic part handling in order to enable Finimetal to provide an all-round coating service and meet any customer need by making the most of a limited space and with reduced labour costs. “In a region dotted with contracting coating firms, such as Veneto, in Italy, providing a complete service in order to meet the most diverse customer requests is certainly the strength of our company,” says Nicolò Brognara, owner and plant manager at Finimetal. Based in Cerea, in the province of Verona, Finimetal was founded by Brognara to combine his passion for the restoration of vintage cars and motorcycles with his long-standing experience in the field of surface treatments and liquid painting. Established in 2017 and became operational about two years later, Finimetal is a part of an industrial group of excellence that includes five other
The chemical pre-treatment cycle occurs in two different cleaning tunnels. In the first one, it includes a phosphodegreasing stage and a rinse with mains water, whereas the second one calls for a further rinse with mains water and one with demineralised water.
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© ipcm ®
The loading area is equipped with an elevator that facilitates the operations.
Veronese companies, each with
restoring vintage cars, I am a great
a different core business, headed
connoisseur of liquid painting.
The layout of the coating system
by the Faben family. “Finimetal
On the other hand, I believe that
The main feature of this coating line
specialises in the coating of metal
powder coatings are the future, by
it that, although it does not have
carpentry parts and sheets, but
virtue of their low environmental
a dynamic overhead conveyor, its
the flexibility of our new plant
impact. Therefore, I wanted a
load bars are managed and handled
enables us to serve several
coating plant that combined these
through automated shuttles. It can
different industrial sectors, such
two worlds. In order to achieve
therefore be considered an evolution
as agricultural machines, stoves,
this objective we turned to Savim,
of conventional static systems
and panels: indeed, our recently
an Italian leader in the production
with manual handling devices.
installed coating system allows
of industrial coating booths and
“It is an evolution of high-labour
painting both large and small
systems. It took us two years
content static systems, which entail
products with both powder and
to analyse all the technologies
great physical effort for operators
liquid products. The goal that
available on the market and
and significant labour costs for
led me to found a new company
develop this configuration. Savim
companies,” says Francesco Scavini,
was precisely to offer customers
started the plant in February 2019
the owner of Savim together with his
a diversified, all-round coating
and now we are very pleased with
sisters Marina and Nicoletta. “With
service. Thanks to my hobby of
it,” explains Brognara.
this system, the first of its kind, the
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
© ipcm ®
operator works exclusively in the coating booth and in the loading and unloading area, exactly as happens on systems with a dynamic conveyor.” The plant has a very compact layout and it is equipped with as follows: - a loading and unloading area with an elevator; - two pre-treatment tunnels; - two drying ovens; - two coating booths. Between one station and another, there are storage and cooling buffers where the components remain while waiting to undergo subsequent treatments. “The line has two parallel working areas, centrally served by two automated shuttles that can handle 6 metre long bars with a maximum load of 1000 kg. The two shuttles have the task of transporting, introducing, and extracting the load bars in and from the various stations. The loading operator has a digital controller with which they match each load bar with a coating program. After the manual load of the workpiece with the help of the elevator, a shuttle picks up the bar and takes it to the appropriate workstation according to the program selected. If this area is already "occupied", explains Francesco Scavini, the system “parks” it in a storage buffer, from which it is picked up when its processing station is free. The system knows the position of each load bar. The
Thanks to the flexibility of its new coating system, Finimetal can serve different industrial sectors, including panel manufacturing.
shuttles continue to place workpieces to be coated in all free positions: as soon as a workstation is freed, the
requires the workpieces to move along
with mains water, whereas the second
system picks up a bar in the queue
curves and edges to the detriment of the
one calls for a further rinse with mains
to proceed with the set cycle. The
system’s footprint.”
water and one with demineralised
plant has a compact layout but at
water,” says Finimetal owner. “After pre-
the same time it is very complete, in
The coating cycle
treatment, the parts are dried in an oven
terms both of coating processes that
“The chemical pre-treatment cycle
and they then reach the application area
it can perform and of productivity
occurs in two different cleaning
equipped with two booths, one for liquid
and storage capacity, because it
tunnels. In the first one, it includes a
and the other for powder coatings. Then,
does not have a chain conveyor that
phosphodegreasing stage and a rinse
they are taken to a second oven for
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
the powder curing or liquid drying phase. The plant’s control system sets the temperature required,” notes Scavini. “The paint application is manual in order to offer a high final quality degree even on large-sized parts.” “The two identical ovens are both equipped with a larger drying chamber designed for large workpieces and a smaller one for small components. In addition to allowing simultaneously painting several components of different sizes and weights, this double configuration enables us to keep
© ipcm ®
© ipcm ®
One of the shuttles that handle the load bars through the various processing stages.
the powder coated parts separate from the liquid painted ones thus avoiding contamination,” says Brognara. “Another peculiarity of the ovens is that they are equipped with air vein burners. This guarantees numerous advantages compared with conventional ovens, in terms of both time and costs. In a standard indirect heating system, a large steel mass, that is, the combustion chamber, is heated in order to subsequently transfer this heat to the oven, with wasted time and energy; air vein burners, on the other hand, have numerous micro flames that light up instantly and exchange heat with air,
The plant is equipped with storage and cooling buffers where the components remain while waiting to undergo subsequent treatments.
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thus immediately producing heat and quickly reaching the set temperature.
© ipcm ®
© ipcm ®
The digital controller with which the operator matches each load bar with a coating program during loading.
Moreover, with this type of system, combustion is ecological since it is free of carbon dioxide emissions. In terms of costs, natural gas consumption is reduced by 30% and a further saving is guaranteed by the possibility of disposing of the fumes directly from the extractor of the drying oven, without installing a special chimney. Finally, both ovens have double thermal insulation systems, which ensures even greater savings in terms of heat dispersion,” states Scavini.
Reasons for a choice “After a careful analysis of the systems and technologies available on the market, we decided to turn to Savim on the basis of their excellent references. We are very pleased with our choice, because after a long discussion and close collaboration, this plant manufacturer has managed to conceive the best solution for our needs. In fact, we required a very compact system due to the small size of our factory, but that could combine powder and liquid coating technologies and was not too labour-intensive. By designing this truly innovative system, Savim has meet all our requirements while proving a reliable partner with a good assistance service,” says Nicolò Brognara. “A plant is conceived through dialogue, the analysis of the data provided by the customer, and the understanding of the options available in terms of space and finishing process,” notes Francesco Scavini. “When space is limited but demands are high, you need to design something innovative and compact. We therefore had the revolutionary idea of implementing automatic shuttles for the handling of load bars; these shuttles were fully conceived and designed by Savim.”
Workpieces entering the drying oven.
© ipcm ®
Future projects “Our collaboration with Savim will
© ipcm ®
The oven is equipped with a larger drying chamber designed for large workpieces and a smaller one for small components.
not end here. We will soon expand our pre-treatment phase by adding a pickling stage, which will allow us painting also aluminium products, and a shot blasting chamber, in order to give our customers the opportunity to choose between the chemical and mechanical pre-treatment processes. Finally, with the aim of providing an increasingly global painting service, we will equip our factory with a coating line with a dynamic conveyor,” states Brognara.
A detail of some coated parts.
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Materials Come to Life Through Colour: An Interview with Artist Le Rond Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
Giovanni Lamberti, known as Le Rond, uses resins, acrylics, PVC, polystyrene, wood, canvases, aluminium, iron, steel, quartz, tin, recycled radiators, turning swarf, lead beads, and photographic films in his works, often defined as “paintingsculptures”. His creative attitude translates into experimentalism and a continuous search for different techniques and materials also on large-sized structures. All of this, however, is always combined with compositional rigour, often based on calibrated geometries and dynamic harmonies. Lamberti has taken part to numerous personal and collective exhibitions and contemporary art fairs, both in Italy and abroad (Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Turkey). Several essays, articles, catalogues, and various publications have been written on his work, which has earned him many awards and acclaim from critics and the public. Le Rond’s works are included in several private and public collections. We met this artist during the celebrations for the tenth anniversary of EOS Mktg&Communication, in which Le Rond participated by offering one of his works, a sculpture named FNA21+FG1, for the charity auction organised on the occasion of the event. The relationship between
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© Le Rond
Artist Giovanni Lamberti, AKA Le Rond, working on one of his compositions.
We described this work in our article “FNA21+FG: Le Rond’s Sculpture for EOS Mktg&Communication’s Tenth Anniversary”, on page 10 of the issue no. 60 of ipcm (November/ December2019).
© Le Rond
© Le Rond
materials I used in the past and those I use now (especially production scraps such as pieces of recycled radiators, turning waste, etc., where the role of recycling was, and partly still is, particularly evident), as well as the colours and the painting materials in general that I choose. Therefore, as also proven by a few exhibitions of mine, the world of work was and is an inborn aspect of my art, also given the peculiar industriousness of the area in which I was born. Ipcm: Can you describe your art and your idea of being an artist in 3 words? Le Rond: Matter, colour, and research.
Composition: acrylic and tin on a PVC layer covered with polystyrene and an iron structure.
Ipcm: How does the creative process develop? Le Rond: It starts with the preliminary design of the work, which I then carry out while
art and industry was the leitmotif
always moving away from the initial idea by
of the whole evening and it was so
following the artistic profiles created from time
successful that our magazine decided
to time.
to start the new year with a column devoted to this theme, which will be
Ipcm: What techniques do you use to
present also on the next issues.
create your works?
That is why we met with Giovanni
Le Rond: The concept of ‘mixed technique’
Lamberti again for an informal
has long been outdated.
interview aimed at deepening his
The techniques I implement are linked to the
artistic vision and its relation with the
type of material used (especially iron, wood,
industrial world in general and the
steel, and aluminium), each with its processing
surface treatment sector in particular.
and colouring method. These aspects where
These were his answers.
deepened in particular by the Department of Industrial Chemistry of the Politecnico di
Ipcm: What relationship exists
Milano on the occasion of one of my personal
between art and industry and how
exhibitions at the university premises.
does it translate into your creations? Le Rond: There is certainly a synergy
Ipcm: Can you describe a work or an
between art and industry, as art can
artist that was a source of inspiration for
enhance products and processes and
you and why?
the industry can enhance creative
Le Rond: Le demoiselles d’Avignon by Pablo
resources. They are connected as
Picasso certainly marked my first artistic
long as the latter pays attention to the
approach back in 1969, because it made me
former and the former produces artistic
understand the ‘fragmentation’ of forms and
expressions related to the latter, in one
the use geometry in art. Besides Picasso, I
way or another. As for my artistic activity,
must mention Burri, Malevič, Hartung, and
such relationship is clear, given the
2010 composition: acrylic, resin, and aluminium on canvas.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
© Le Rond
L12+FN12: acrylic on wood and paint on iron (12 movable elements).
Artist biography
iovanni Lamberti, known as Le Rond, was born in Roncadelle (Brescia, Italy). During middle school, his classmates began to call him with the pseudonym Le Rond, i.e. the nickname of mathematician and Encyclopaedia coauthor Jean-Baptiste d’Alembert, whose name recalls his one. The artist then chose to use this pseudonym again at a mature age, with which he is now called and known. During high school, Lamberti started his artistic activity with traditional oil paintings on canvas; he reproduced several works by Pablo Picasso, including Les demoiselles d’Avignon, to which he is particularly attached. Lamberti has never put aside art. After graduating in economics in Parma in 1976, however, he could not continue to practice his passion due to the roles of responsibility held in public companies. Only in 1994, did he leave such responsibilities and finally began devoting himself permanently to his true passion: painting. He resumed his artistic activity, testing his expressive skills with the creation of “personalised” versions of some works by Pablo Picasso and other past artists. A main turning point was the decision to almost exclusively use spatulas instead of brushes and, after a short period of uncertainty, to employ different materials, especially metals, i.e. turning waste, lead spheres, iron wire,
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etc. In the second half of the 1990s, Lamberti attended artist Piero Tramonta’s studio, who contributed to his education and to the development of new chromatic techniques. Lamberti was inspired by twentieth century masters such as Pollock, Hartung, Malevič, Burri, and Mondrian, whose influence characterised some of his expressive periods, including the “Firework”, “White”, and “Pollockian” ones, with the use of turning waste placed on the surfaces and sometimes used as a pictorial medium. Lamberti began to participate permanently in art exhibitions and fairs in Italy and abroad and to be appreciated by the public and critics. He has also received numerous commissions from private collectors and institutions. Le Rond’s most recent works, defined by him “painting-sculptures”, are often monochromatic and characterised by iron structures; they are sometimes three-dimensional and modulable, though the use of laser-cut aluminium boards often covered with resin and acrylic. The artist’s preference for sculptural solutions is evident, although without ever putting colours aside. He has recently announced the publication of his new art catalogue, including a remarkable selection of different works from his recent artistic production. Le Rond will participate in SWISSARTEXPO (Zurich, Switzerland) in August 2020 and in the Furniture and Design Fair in Bergamo (Italy) in November 2020.
A New Professional Training Course for Coating Technologists in Collaboration with ASP Mazzini Monica Fumagalli ipcmÂŽ
IpcmÂŽ Academy has organised professional training courses for coating operators since 2011. In 2019, it started a new training course for Industrial Surface Finishing Process Technologists, a role that is about to be included in the Framework of Professional Standards of the Lombardy Region and therefore recognised nationally and internationally. The success of the project has led to significant innovations: starting in 2020, the training course will have a more flexible organisational structure and it will make use of the collaboration of the ASP Mazzini Institute (Cinisello Balsamo, Milan, Italy), a well-established local professional training body.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Ipcm® Academy, the training
Industrial Surface Finishing Process
period, and then formally established as
division of ipcm® publisher EOS
Technologists. This role had never
an association in 1974. Since the 2000s,
Mktg&Communication, has been
been considered in any professional
it has been accredited by the Lombardy
organising professional training courses
standard, but it will soon be included
Region for the provision of training
for coating operators for nine years now,
in the Framework of Professional
(mandatory, higher, and continuing
aimed at analysing all the stages of such a
Standards of the Lombardy Region
education) and orientation services (basic,
complicated process from pre-treatment
thanks to the certification procedure
specialist, and work support). “The
to quality control. 130 companies
that has been started. This year, the
institute started its teaching and training
from the most diverse sectors have
structure of the course has been
activities to offer qualifications to the
participated in these courses to date.
updated with this goal in mind. It will
working classes of the last century,”
The venture has gained impetus year by
also use the collaboration of the ASP
says ASP Mazzini director Pierangelo
year, up to becoming a benchmark in the
Mazzini Institute (Cinisello Balsamo,
Gervasoni. “In addition to training young
surface treatment industry: indeed, it aims
Milan, Italy), which has been offering
people to create professionals useful
at informing, updating, and training sector
professional training to young people
to local companies, it organised several
operators on technical topics that are
and adults looking for work or a
evening courses for adults seeking
useful for dealing with their daily activities
specialisation for over forty years.
employment or greater specialisation in their sector. The latter have been
and resolving any critical issues.
ASP Mazzini and the changes in the world of work
progressively reduced because the world
the entire training course, which includes both theoretical lessons in the
The “G. Mazzini” Professional School
school: nowadays, much more attention
classroom and demonstrations and
Association is a non-profit private
is paid to young people who want to
practical tests in the laboratory, and will
entity created as a drawing school in
obtain a job qualification to enter the
pass the final exam will become certified
Cinisello Balsamo during the interwar
world of work before turning twenty.”
of work has changed as much as that of
© ipcm ®
Starting this year, those who will attend
ASP Mazzini’s headquarters in Cinisello Balsamo (Milan).
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
© ipcm ®
of the company through a traineeship similar to those of other European countries. This makes these courses of study comparable to those attended by other young people in the European Union.”
Craft Academy: ASP Mazzini’s mission One of the characteristics of a high-level training institution like ASP Mazzini is being able to adapt to the constantly changing world of work. This is why being constantly present in its area and perceiving the needs of companies is fundamental. “We have built up a solid network of contacts with
ASP Mazzini director Pierangelo Gervasoni.
surrounding businesses,” says ASP Mazzini president Marcello Mariani, Since its foundation, ASP Mazzini has gone
“The objective,” adds Gervasoni, “is to
“which enables us to understand
from about 300 members to 700. 70% of the
create a link among training institutions,
and, sometimes, anticipate their
students who attend the institute find work
universities, and companies, so that
requirements. For instance, in the
from 6 to 12 months after graduation. For
the students can have a job guarantee
1990s we were among the first
those who want to continue their studies,
at the end of the training course. 50%
training bodies to offer socio-welfare
there are the ITS Foundations, made up of
of the training hours take place in the
operator training for healthcare
schools, training institutions, universities,
classroom and the other 50% in the
structures. Currently, we collaborate
and businesses that collaborate together in
company. This ensures that the students
daily with 930 companies and we
the design and implementation of training
spend 3 to 4 months working as interns,
establish a relationship of mutual
in order to gradually learn the dynamics
offer and demand with them: we may
© ipcm ®
ask a company to host one of our students as an intern or it may be the other way round. The dynamism of our school also consists in knowing how to manage these requests by training our attendees at best for any type of company, from the small family-run or single-member ones up to large commercial chains or multinational firms. ASP Mazzini’s mission has always been and always will be to train good citizens and excellent “craftsmen” and, based on feedback, it seems that so far we have succeeded. “The coating technologist course added to our extra-curricular courses this year meets all the criteria of One of the laboratories at the Institute.
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our trainings: first of all, it is not
© ipcm ®
hours, divided into 12 days, including 2 days of practical activities and 1 day
dedicated to the final exam. The topics covered during the course will be as follows: - Corrosion
CORSI DI FORMAZIONE TECNOLOGO DEI PROCESSI DI FINITURA INDUSTRIALE DELLE SUPERFICI Corso di formazione riconosciuto dalla Regione Lombardia con valenza nazionale ed europea
- Pre-treatment - Water treatment and purification - Application of powder products - Application of liquid products - Controls - Failure/Analysis – Maintenance - Plant equipment – Safety. If they pass the final exam, the students will receive a Certification of Competences of Industrial Surface
Realizzato in collaborazione con ASP G. Mazzini - Associazione Scuole Professionali
ente accreditato ai servizi formativi e al lavoro da
Finishing Process Technologist, as defined by the Framework of Professional Standards of the Lombardy Region.
only for painting operators, department
finishing processes, as well as the surface
managers, technical sales employees,
preparation and paint application
The future of professional training
and quality control managers at coating
technologies, based on the corrosion
“The future of professional training lies
manufacturers, but also for unemployed
resistance and durability specifications.
in the high specialisation of operators,”
people or adult workers looking for a
They also manage activities for the
states Mariani. “Therefore, it is crucial
professional specialisation. Secondly,
approval of the process itself, the
for us to offer adequate spaces and
it is a new professional figure that
qualification of the application methods,
technologically advanced laboratories,
is not included in the Framework of
and the verification of the suitability
as industrial technologies develop
Professional Standards of the Lombardy
of applicators. They review all the
very quickly. Training professionals
Region, yet, but that is certainly crucial for
requirements, evaluating the adequacy
that know how to anticipate industry
the production processes of companies
of the company’s production processes
needs and give appropriate answers
in the sector.”
to the defined protection and finishing
to companies has always been the
degrees, and they carry out technical
main goal of our institution. We are
Characteristics of the coating technologist qualification
reviews by checking the adequacy of
implementing a project to extend our
technical data sheets, protective cycles,
headquarters from 3900 m2 to 4500 m2,
The adaptive and complex role of
instructions, and work cycles. They finally
because we need a larger area for two
Industrial Surface Finishing Process
oversee the programming of production
new workshops related to bodywork
Technologists is to organise and manage
operations and of process, series,
and bread making courses. These new
production activities aimed at the correct
equipment, and system controls and
laboratories may even soon include
corrosion protection, finishing, and
they issue the required monitoring and
a coating one, in order to complete
decoration of components and products,
control documentation.
our training offer in such an important area of the national and international
in compliance with the durability expected for the environment in which
Course schedule
they will operate. In collaboration with
The course will take place from April
the design and production engineering
2020 at the offices of Innovhub,
For further information:
departments, the technologists identify
Experimental Station for the Industry, in and
the most suitable protection and
Milan. It will have a total duration of 100
production fabric.”
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
UNStudio and Monopol’s ‘The Coolest White’ featured in State of Extremes, Design Museum Holon’s Decennial Exhibition Shown for the first time in a site-specific installation for ‘State of Extremes’, The Coolest White is an innovative and highly-resilient paint created to protect urban structures from excessive solar radiation and reduce the urban heat island effect.
visitors to see the difference in temperature,
With global warming causing extreme
site-specific installation by UNStudio with
envisioning the effect of The Coolest White.
weathers, drastic climate change cause
manufacturer Monopol Colors showcasing
One of the main causes of the urban heat
dramatically receding glaciers, flooding
‘The Coolest White’, recently revealed for the
island effect, is the heat-retaining materials
and wildfires which severely affecting the
first time in the exhibition State of Extremes,
used in built environments which makes cities
planet, The Coolest White demonstrate
curated by Aric Chen with Maya Dvash, Chief
significantly hotter than their surrounding
how design acts as a mediating and healing
Curator of Design Museum Holon, and Azinta
areas as well as the lack of green spaces and
force. Designers, scientists and engineers
exhaust from air-conditioning which also
responding to these issues with new
The installation visualizes the properties of their
contributes to the boiling effect. As buildings
innovative products that can potentially save
latest innovation, The Coolest White, a paint
absorb solar radiation and store heat from
the planet. The installation featuring
that has been developed to reduce warming in
the sun, greater energy is required to cool
The Coolest White by UNStudio and Monopol
metropolitan areas known as the urban heat
their interiors, while more heat is released
is now on view at Design Museum Holon until
island effect. Emulating the density of the city
and trapped in the urban environment. The
May 9th, 2020.
structures, the installation comprises of black
Coolest White is an ultra-durable paint based
and white buildings and skyscrapers, partially
on fluoropolymer technology, which protects
For further information:
painted in The Coolest White, and partially
buildings and urban structures from excessive,,
covered in regular black paint. The installation
solar radiation – thus slowing down the urban and
implements a heat-sensing camera to allow
heat island effect.
© Elad Sarig
© UNStudio and Monopol Colors
Design Museum Holon unveils a special
The Coolest White by UNStudio and Monopol Colors.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The Coolest White, thermal-screen.
SCT2020 6th International Conference on Steels in Cars and Trucks
Steels in Cars and Trucks June 14 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 18, 2020 Milan, Italy Bringing the automotive, supplier and steel industries together. Future trends in steel development, processing technologies and applications. Steel Components in Cars and Trucks Manufacturing Components New high performance Steels Modeling, Simulation and Testing Special Topic: LIGHTWEIGHT forging Platinum Sponsor
Host and Organizer
Gold Sponsors
Partner Association Steel Institute VDEh
Silver Sponsor
© AdobeStock_intararit
Italian Regulations: Environmental Declaration Form Marcello Zinno UCIF – Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, Milan, Italy
n Italian decree issued on December 2018 sanctioned that companies
their authorisations via the SA-AUT form; - the Simplified Waste Communication
Alongside these conventional communications, there are other
will have to submit an Environmental
must be completed exclusively using the
declarations that must be submitted
Declaration Form (Modello Unico di
application available on the Simplified
exclusively electronically, i.e.
Dichiarazione Ambientale, or MUD) for
Waste Communication website and it
Waste communication, End of life
2019 by April 30, 2020. Such Form is a
cannot be completed manually and sent
vehicles communication, Waste
by post;
from electrical and electronic
well-known tool established by law no. 70/1994 for declaring the waste produced,
- the Italian packaging consortium (Conai)
equipment communication, Packaging
collected, transported, disposed of, and
must communicate electronically to the
communication-Consortia section, and
sent for recovery by economic activities in
National section of the Land registry of
Packaging communication-Packaging
the year preceding the declaration. This
waste data on the annual use of plastic
waste managing authority section.
decree practically confirmed the fulfilments
bags made of light materials and acquired
The Ministry for Environment, Land and
already imposed by the 2017 Prime
by manufacturers and distributors
Sea Protection of Italy also published
Minister decree, i.e.:
of plastic bags; this complies with art.
the procedures for submitting the
- all subjects with authorisation to carry out
220-bis of legislative decree no. 152/2006,
Environmental Declaration Form (MUD)
waste recovery or disposal activities must
dealing with the “Reporting obligation on
and the records for the electronic
transmit a series of information relating to
the use of plastic bags”.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Dallas, USA February 4-6, 2020 Bad Salzuflen, Germany February 4-6, 2020 Poznan, Poland February 4-7, 2020 Utrecht, Netherlands February 4-7, 2020 Kortrjik, Belgium February 5-6, 2020 Carrara, Italy February 5-7, 2020 Pordenone, Italy February 6-8, 2020 Frankfurt, Germany February 7-11, 2020 Ostróda, Poland February 8-9, 2020 Anaheim, USA February 11-13, 2020 Ljubljana, Slovenia February 11-13, 2020 Anaheim, USA February 11-13, 2020 Anaheim, USA February 11-13, 2020 London, UK February 11-13, 2020
Moscow, Russia February 11-14, 2020 Turin, Italy February 12-14, 2020 Tokyo, Japan February 12-14, 2020 Louisville, USA February 12-15, 2020 New Orleans, USA February 16-21, 2020 Orlando, USA February 17-20, 2020 Kiev, Ukraine February 18-20, 2020 Berlin, Germany February 18-21, 2020 Adana, Turkey February 19-22, 2020 Erba (Como), Italy February 20-22, 2020 Riyhad, Saudi Arabia February 24-26, 2020 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia February 24-26, 2020
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
COVERED by ipcm
CIE Srl’s Christmas Dinner: A Special Occasion to Celebrate the Holidays
orporate Christmas dinners have
The company team is young
turned from a custom to a real
(the average age is 39) and
tradition of the pre-holiday period. The
highly qualified (half of the
holidays become an occasion to relax and
employees have a degree).
meet with colleagues and bosses outside
All CIE’s technologies are
the working hours. This year, ipcm
exclusive: the company
celebrated twice, as we were kindly invited
designs and develops
to attend the Christmas dinner of one of
patented technologies and
our well-established editorial partners,
products that have enabled
CIE Srl (San Zenone al Lambro, Milan,
it to become a world leader
Italy). This company is a world leader
in the zero liquid discharge
in the design and construction of zero
(ZLD) field, with over 45
liquid discharge water treatment plants
successfully installed ZLD
for various sectors, especially industrial
systems and others 150
coating, anodic oxidation, and coil and can
These include:
On December 19, CIE brought together
- Gulf Extrusion: extrusion, coating, and anodic
all its employees and a few selected
oxidation of aluminium profiles in Dubai
Alessia Venturi ipcm®
solutions for its own water treatment plants, thus being able to offer turnkey solutions and
customers and partners to celebrate
- Elval1: coil coating in Greece
meet all waste water purification, recovery,
Christmas with good food, music, and
- Ball: beverage cans in Italy
and recirculation needs from a single source.
a stand-up comedy show. It was a
- Bevcan: beverage cans in Angola
Major renovations are currently in the pipeline
nice opportunity to not only exchange
- Almeco2: continuous anodic oxidation and
to give to MST Chemicals a new office building
greetings but also to find old friends, talk
aluminium coil coating in Italy
about the year that was ending, and have
- Canpack: beverage cans in India
laboratory in San Zenone al Lambro, where
fun together. Started with a hearty aperitif,
- Talex : coating and oxidation of profiles in
the CIE headquarters are also located, by
the dinner continued with a tasting of
Abu Dhabi.
and a larger research and development
meat and fish specialties, accompanied by
Some of these plants were the protagonists of
Besides its ZLD systems, CIE is also renowned
the music and voice of an entertainer who
great success stories published in advanced
for the production of accessory equipment for
involved everyone present in the dances.
by ipcm®.
water treatment plants, e.g. demineralisation
The evening ended with the performance
Through its related company MST Chemicals,
and reverse osmosis units, evaporators, and
of a famous Italian stand-up comedian.
CIE also develops exclusive chemicals and
mechanical and membrane filtration systems. CIE and MST Chemicals are true to their motto
Established in 1981, CIE has a deep understanding not only of water treatment processes but also and above all of the pre-treatment ones, which is crucial to design and implement a reliable, efficient, and ecological water purification process.
1 L. Antolini, “ELVAL: Environmental Protection and Resource Conservation thanks to the Zero Liquid Discharge Technology” in ipcm no. 38 (March/April 2016), pp. 122-128. 2 A. Venturi, “ALMECO: the First Zero Liquid Discharge Water Treatment Plant in the World Installed on an Anodic Oxidation Line for Aluminium Coils” in ipcm no. 53 (September/October 2018), pp. 78-86. 3 A. Venturi, “TALEX: Excellence in Extrusion and Finishing Technology for High-Tech Hard Aluminium Alloy Profiles” in ipcm no. 47 (September/October 2017), pp. 36-50.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
“Water is the most precious resource on Earth.” In fact, the new CIE systems are of “Waterreuse” kind. It means that they provide water that can be reused in the same production line. For further information:
COVERED by ipcm
Chemistry and Automotive 2019 Conference in Krakow Sven Kraus ipcm®
The two-day conference “Chemistry and Automotive” 2019 took place from 7 November to 8 November 2019 in Krakow/Poland.
above all every company in particular, must
developed into an important meeting place
day in a comfortable atmosphere, to
face and find holistic solutions.
for industry leaders from all over Europe
deepen the newly gained knowledge and
On both days, the conference topics were
and offers the conference participants a
information in technical discussions and
presented with excellent lectures on current
good mix of technical presentations and
to make new contacts. On the second day,
technical solutions, the latest developments
discussions. It enables participants to meet
the focus was on lectures and discussions
and trends, as well as future prospects and
representatives of chemical companies,
on the subject of industrial coatings and
answers to industry questions by lecturers,
vehicle manufacturers, suppliers and
painting systems.
manufacturers and suppliers from the
related industries, to learn about the latest
The conference was concluded by
automotive, railway, tram, chemical and other
technologies and trends, to make new
two panel discussions on the future of
sectors. Mr. Marek Możdżyński and his team
contacts and to engage in cross-sectoral
industrial adhesive systems and industrial
from MWM Engineering Group Sp. z o.o. are
discussions with others.
coatings and painting systems. Here, the
already busy planning the conference in 2020.
The first day of the 2019 conference
main topics of efficiency, sustainability and
The next conference “Chemistry and
focused on presentations and discussions
ecological aspects, digitalisation, artificial
Automotive” will take place in Wroclaw (Poland)
on industrial bonding systems such as
intelligence, security and the future
from 17 to 18 September 2020.
structural adhesives and adhesive tapes.
change of the industry quickly crystallised
The first day was rounded off with a dinner
for all participants as the most urgent
For further information:
in the historic old town of Krakow. This gave
issues that the industry in general, but
© ipcm ®
everyone the opportunity to review the
© ipcm ®
In recent years, the conference has
Digitalisation and artificial intelligence were the main issues to be discussed.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
A conference partecipant.
Middle East Coatings Show Resumes its Original Format of Alternate Locations
The event is the largest dedicated coatings event in the Middle East and Gulf Region
© dmg events
Since 2015, MECS has taken place annually in Dubai. During this time, the Coatings Group / dmg events has continually monitored the changing social and economic dynamics of the region, and after extensive consultation with exhibitors and stakeholders, it is pleased to announce a resumption of original, pre-2015 programme. From 2020, MECS will alternate every Spring, between Dubai, UAE, and Cairo, Egypt, adding value for exhibitors and enabling the best possible exposure across the wider Middle East and North African markets.
and attracts around 5000 total attendance. It is looking forward to this year’s event with great expectations on the back of a strong show in 2019, the thriving market and of course this encouraging announcement. With 180+ exhibitors on board already, a full Business Presentation programme and really encouraging pre-reg visitor numbers, the 2020 event is set to be THE meeting place for the industry. In addition to this exciting news, the MECS portfolio has not only reacted to deliver a better suited format, but it has also expanded with the welcome launch of MECS Saudi Arabia, which will take place in September 2021.
The next MECS will take place on 09-11, March 2020 in Dubai.
Saudi Arabia’s paint and varnish production is one of the bright spots in the GCC paint sector - it grew from US$672.3M in 2018, to US$701.3M in
Ian Faux, VP, the Coatings Group
In the meantime, we thank our exhibitors,
2019, and is forecast to reach US$729.4M
said: “Fixing MECS in a single
visitors, and partners for their continued
in 2020. The forecast spike in sales is
location was the correct decision
support and look forward to seeing them
attributed to Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030
in 2011, when local instabilities
in March for our flagship event in Dubai.”
policy of economic diversification, which
made some countries unsuitable
The next MECS will take place on
involves the development of some 80
for a major international event.
09-11, March 2020 in Dubai at the DWTC.
commercial and infrastructure projects
With Egypt’s new confidence and
Following that, it will be MECS Cairo
valued at US$1 .4trn.
the emergence of other regional
2021 (March), MECS Saudi Arabia 2021
One project is the US$500bn Neom
players, the picture has now
(September) and then back to MECS Dubai
high-tech residential and tourist ‘smart city’
changed for the better and we are
in 2022.
bordering Jordan and Egypt on the Red
delighted to accept the guidance of
Sea. Paint manufacturers are still awaiting
the industry and return Cairo to its
For further information:
rightful place in the MECS calendar.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
SURCAR Presents: 2020 ASIAN CONGRESS Created by Car Painting Experts for Car Painting experts, SURCAR has served the Car Painting Community for more than half of century.
SURCAR will present the 5th Asian Congress, taking place in Shanghai (China) on April 22 – 23 in 2020.
Launched in 1964 in Cannes, France, the SURCAR Congress has become the most successful biennial meeting for both Car Manufactures and Main Suppliers of Products and Equipment for Car Body Paint Finishing Worldwide. For over 60 years now, SURCAR has enhanced successful innovation strategies and presented R&D programs in surface finishing. Also since 2014, SURCAR has organized 4 successful Asia Congresses and 4 dedicated Workshops in Shanghai, China, and the 2 SURCAR North American Events in Detroit (MI, USA) in 2018 and 2019 which were extremely successful! SURCAR is proud
Some participants of the 2018 Asian Congress.
to announce the 5th Asian Congress will be held in Shanghai next
April 2020. The Shanghai Meeting will unite, once again, 300 Car Body Finishing Experts from International Auto OEMs and decision-making Executives from global Paint Materials & Equipment suppliers. In 2020, during the 2-day Congress, the main discussions will be focus on the ever-progressing Chinese environmental regulation, the impact of reduced sales in some sectors of automotive market, how the Car manufacturing and painting industry adapt their production strategy. 50 high profile speakers from FAW- VOLKSWAGEN, GEELY, PSA, SAIC, TOYOTA etc. will deliver their thoughts on the future of Car industry in Asia and the latest technology and real industry feedback. Unique to SURCAR, the agenda showcases joint-presentations between Auto OEMs and their chosen Paint material and processes
Speaker from BMW Brilliance, Herman Stögmeier, during his speech at 2018 SURCAR Shanghai Congress.
suppliers - explore fresh and innovative approaches, for instance to meet new China national standard & environmental regulation and switch MS/low solid solvent paint system with minimum modification
creating low VOC Coating system and non-overspray Painting Process
before July 2020. With small-groups of experts participating in interactive roundtables, captivating keynote addresses, the next Shanghai Congress’s agenda is packed with content designed to get attendees the answers that they need from those at the forefront of the industry. SURCAR Congress covers most major aspects of our ever progressing industry today: innovation, new Paint materials and processes, current and recent industrial tests as well interesting real production feedback - MA Fengxue, GEELY Vice President Paint For further information:
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Fengxue MA, GEELY Vice President Paint, keynote speaker at 2018 Congess.
T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n C a r B o d y F i n i s h i n g s i n c e 1 96 4
Upc oming events
ASIAN CONGRESS April 22 & 23 Shanghai
AMERICAN CONGRESS June 16 & 17 Detroit (MI)
Trend-Setting Solutions for Sustainable Painting Processes Digitalisation, individualisation and climate protection are megatrends which represent challenges for coating job-shops and companies with in-house painting operations. With roughly 500 exhibitors already registered at the end of December 2019, the upcoming PaintExpo will offer a globally unparalleled range of solutions from the 21st through the 24th of April, 2020. The exhibition portfolio of the world’s leading trade fair for industrial coating technologies covers all process sequences for liquid and UV painting, as well as powder coating and coil coating.
goods production, architectural applications
PaintExpo is the world’s only information
enhance efficiency and react extremely
and all other industry sectors are facing these
and procurement platform for industrial
flexibly to different batch sizes and design
challenges – regardless of whether components
painting technology that covers this broad
requirements. Companies with in-house
made of metals, plastics, wood and wooden
range of applications and tasks. This is
painting operations specialised in vehicle
materials, glass, composites or other materials
confirmed by a glance at the exhibitor list
manufacturing, capital goods and consumer
need to be painted or coated.
of the world’s leading trade fair, for whose
© PaintExpo
Improve quality, productivity and sustainability,
PaintExpo, the 8th World’s Leading Trade Fair for Industrial Coating Technologies will take place in Karlsruhe (Germany) from 21 to 24 April 2020.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Gema
8th edition from 21 to 24 April 2020 roughly 500 companies from 26 countries had already booked their booth floor space at the end of December 2019. With approximately 16,000 square metres of net exhibition floor space, they’ve already reserved more than all of the exhibition floor space occupied at the event in 2018. The industry sector’s global players will be on hand, as will its innovative small and midsized companies. “This makes it possible for job-shop coaters and visitors from companies with in-house coating operations to gather comprehensive information about the most up-to-date developments and trends in all areas of industrial coating technology,” explains Jürgen Haußmann, managing director of event promoters FairFair GmbH.
Focus on Automation and Digitalisation
Automated painting with robots is one of the major trends in industrial painting technology.
“Attention will of course also be focused on automation and digitalisation solutions for
be effectively automated and rendered more
to new developments for faster and easier
painting processes at the upcoming PaintExpo.
efficient with regard to material consumption
masking, the use of electrostatic application
In the meantime, it’s no longer just a question
by means of new developments include
systems, which inherently cause less
of automating individual coating steps, but
paint preparation and conveyance, as well as
overspray, is making its contribution in this
rather of networking the process chain,”
dosing and colour changeovers. PaintExpo
regard as well. A new application solution
continues Jürgen Haußmann. Amongst other
exhibitors will also present innovative solutions
which functions entirely without overspray is
solutions, multi-axis robots specially designed
which make it possible for the operating
now being used in series production for
for the coating industry and robot painting
companies to integrate their MES systems in
two-tone vehicle roof painting.
cells for liquid painting and powder coating will
order to implement automated monitoring of
PaintExpo’s complete exhibition programme
be presented, which combine the high quality
process parameters such as paint quantities,
covers coating equipment for liquid, powder,
and reproducibility of robotic painting with a
temperature and process air, right on up to
UV, immersion and coil processes, paints
flexible and cost-effective solution that also
spray jet monitoring, and to log and evaluate
and enamels for all processes, application
makes it possible for mid-sized and smaller
the resulting data. Quality control systems for
systems, spray guns and atomisers,
companies to get started with automated
the coated surfaces can also be integrated into
automation and conveyor technology,
painting. In the meantime, efficient solutions
the process. If a defect is detected, it’s repairs
cleaning and pre-treatment, drying
for offline programming of robot motion
by means of automated grinding and polishing
and curing, environmental technology,
sequences are also available in addition to
is made possible by another new development.
pneumatics, compressed air supply and exhaust purification, water treatment,
programs for manual teach-in. The required
Individualisation with Reduced or No Overspray
recycling and disposal, accessories, masking,
respective project. New spray gun controllers assure very precise application. All painting
As a result of the trend towards greater
assurance, identification, paint stripping,
parameters can be easily accessed and
individualisation, demand for multicolour
job-shop coating, services and technical
adjusted very accurately – in some cases even
coatings is continuously on the rise. The goal
from a smartphone or a tablet. This also helps
is to be able to apply coatings without any
to limit material consumption and thus reduce
masking at all, or with significantly reduced
For further information:
operating costs. Further functions which can
masking work and less overspray. In addition
application technology is adapted to the
measuring and test technology, quality
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
SFCHINA2019, the 32nd edition of its series, concluded with a record-breaking net exhibit size on November 18-20 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC), P.R. China.
Encouraging Visiting Statistics Strengthen SFCHINA2019 As the Industry’s Great Meeting Platform
11,528 Visitors and 340 Exhibitors Attended The 3-Day Event SFCHINA2019, the 32nd edition of its series, concluded with a record-breaking net exhibit size on November 18-20 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC), P.R. China. The exhibition
The exhibition comprised three exhibit zones: “Electroplating & Finishing Technology”, “Environmental, Safety & Protection”, and “Coating Applications & Coating Products”.
results further strengthen SFCHINA’s surface finishing industry meets annually:
status as a great platform where
- Total Gross Exhibition Area: 17,000 sqm – A New Record! (A rise of 5% and 23% against 2017 and 2018 editions respectively); - No. of Registered Visitors: 11,528, including 10,370 domestic China and 1,158 overseas visitors; - No. of Exhibitors: 340, from 22 countries/regions, including 77 new exhibitors; - No. of Exhibitor Representatives: 3,225 (10% more than 2017 edition); - No. of Delegates Participating in Concurrent Technical Programmes: 911, including 7 Technical Seminars and 8 Technical Forum sessions.
Some booths were designed to stand out from others, drawing visitors’ attention and were able to leave impressions to visitors.
N. 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Visitors Expressed Positive Feedback
Sherwin-Williams (Shanghai) Coating
find new customers and build
Ltd. (China)
relationships with prospects;
Total number of SFCHINA2019
“The Organizer hosted a number
visitors increased by 3.9% and 0.5%
of attractive technical programmes
respectively compared to 2017
alongside the exhibition doubling
Shanghai and 2018 Guangzhou
my gains at the visit.” Shyam Malu,
editions. Number of overseas visitors
Manager, T.K. Malu & Sons Group
remained steady. According to the
How Exhibitors Assessed SFCHINA
Exhibitors Recognized It Was A Successful Exhibition
“SFCHINA2019 has attracted many
comments: - 96% affirmed the exhibitor mix was
Compared to 2018 edition, total
which is an excellent highlight this
number of exhibitors grew by
year.” Jin Hao, General Manager,
8.6% and the number of exhibiting
Gema (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
companies in “Electroplating
“Our buyers come from all over the
and Finishing Technology” zone
world, and SFCHINA visitors are
increased by 23%. Vast majority
particularly interested in our new
of them showed satisfaction to
products and solutions.” Pallavi
SFCHINA according to our exhibitor
More, President, Grauer & Weil
survey results:
(India) Ltd.
- 100% affirmed the exhibition was
The 33rd edition of SFCHINA will
findings from our onsite visitor surveys, majority of visitors gave positive
comprehensive; - 95% agreed SFCHINA2019 was wellorganized; - 95% opined SFCHINA2019 was successfully staged; - 89% would recommend peers to visit the exhibition; - 68% intended to visit SFCHINA2020 Guangzhou.
What Visitors Said About SFCHINA “I continue to find incremental innovations for coating application
- 94% opined the exhibition could reinforce existing sales channels; - 82% concluded their participation as successful.
smart equipment producers to visit,
one otheir important marketing
return to Guangzhou on December
activities in China and Asia;
8-10, 2020 at Area A of the China
- 96% endorsed the exhibition could strengthen brand or corporate
Import and Export Fair Complex (Canton Fair Complex).
SFCHINA.” Gary Gu, Senior Chemist,
serve to develop new markets,
For further information:
- 94% agreed the exhibition could
this year. It is always fruitful to attend
Exhibitors introduced their latest technology and products to visitors who came to collect information for their purchasing decisions.
SFCHINA2019 Shanghai was staged at Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) on November 18-20, 2019. Visitors queued up to enter the venue from 9:00 onwards.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2020 - N. 61
Discover the magic of colours
Paint, Paint Raw Materials, Construction Chemicals and Adhesives Raw Materials, Laboratory and Production Equipments Exhibition & Congress
17-18 7 8 MARCH 20200 *KNVQP +UVCPDWN -Q\[CVCÚè U UV [V
In Coopreration with
Questo periodico è associato all’Unione Stampa Periodica Italiana
Eos Mktg&Communication srl
Dr. Felice Ambrosino: Marketing
Redazione - Sede Legale: Via Pietro Mascagni, 8 - 20811 - Cesano Maderno (MB) - Italy Tel. +39.0362.503215 - Fax. +39.0362.1794768
Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti:
Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics
Kevin Biller
The Powder Coating Research Group
Prof. Stefano Rossi:
Material Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento - Product Design
Dr. Franco Busato:
European environmental legislation and new technologies
Dr. Fulvio Zocco:
Environment and quality
Prof. Paolo Gronchi:
Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section
ISSN 2280-6083
The smart journal for surface treatments
ipcm digital on
11th Year - Bimonthly N° 61 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY
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The smart journal for surface treatments
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Specialists in the chemical paint stripping.
2020, a year of big news for ALIT.
PAINT EXPO 2020 21 APR - 24 APR
We worked to lower the environmental impact of our products and technologies for the chemical stripping of metals. But we have raised their performance. The new T5 and T2 machines are 100% made in Italy. Today they have a completely renewed look and they are larger and sturdier. Thanks to the new Fastrip ISP line of machinery and technologies, the stripping of hooks, JVEQIW ERH QIXEP TVSHYGXW MW RS[ IZIR QSVI IÇ˝ GMIRX ERH PS[ GSWX ;I will introduce many other innovations. We developed them thanks to the constant collaboration between our technical and chemical department and customers who have already chosen our solutions all over the world.
Karlsruhe, Germany
ST Powder Coatings S.p.A. Via E. Segrè, 46 36075 Montecchio Maggiore ITALY Tel.: +39 0444 165400
ST Powder Coatings España S.L. C/Batalla de Brunete, 11 28946 Fuenlabrada - Madrid ESPAÑA Tel. +34 916 977 292
ST Powder Coatings Portugal L.d.a. Rua R.B. Rodrigues, 210 4475-132 Maia - Porto PORTUGAL Tel. +351 220 944 229
Barten S.r.o.
Porfesték Kft.
Ružová 307, Louky 763 02 Zlin CZECH REPUBLIC Tel. +420 573 332 198
Szurdokpart u. 70 3200 Gyöngyös HUNGARY Tel.: +36 37 505 050 Subscribe to our Newsletter