ipcm® n. 60 - November/December 2019

Page 1

ISSN 2280-6083

The first international magazine for surface treatments


ipcm digital on In this issue :






10th Year - Bimonthly N° 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER






Rolling out a stronger future. Together.

Two world leaders in LQGXVWULDO SURFHVV ɨ XLGV, Quaker Chemical and Houghton International, have come together as one company to keep our steel customers ahead in a changing world. As Quaker Houghton, we are proud to partner with the world’s most innovative steel companies, whose products are building a sustainable, more durable—and more prosperous—future. With our FXVWRPL]HG LQGXVWULDO SURFHVV ɨ XLG VROXWLRQV ZH DUH DEOH WR KHOS you optimize operations and performance.

quakerhoughton.com Š2018 Quaker Houghton. All rights reserved.

© B.M. Colora

© ystral GmbH




A Highly Effective Method for Manufacturing Paints and Coatings

A New Pre-Treatment Cycle Enabling B.M. Colora to Offer a Timely, Highly Flexible Service

© ipcm ®

© Mascar Spa






56 05 06 18 26 40

Continuous Technological Innovation and Paintshop Updating for High Quality Agricultural Machinery: Mascar’s Winning Strategy

51 52 78



Agrostroj: Coating Equipment to Better Serve the ACE and Automotive Sectors

S P E C I A L O N AC E & O F F R O A D V E H I C L E S




ON THE ROAD TO ipcm n. 60 ®

SUCCESS STORIES Durable and Even Paint Surface for Environmental Management Machinery

100 112 122

FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY The Sustainability-Oriented Evolution of the ACE Sector Also Calls for Innovative Waste Water Treatment Technologies




Franchi&Kim Reliability at the Service of ACE Market


The Future of Wheel Painting

46 49


BRAND-NEW BRAND-NEW HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH HangOn Sales Conference 2019: The Smart Way for Hanging and Masking



© ipcm ®

© ERO & Karl Bubenhofer





Ilcar: A New Compact Shot Blasting Plant for High Aesthetic Value and Long-Lasting Protection

© Nordson Deutschland GmbH


Low Temperature Powder Coating System from KABE Maintains the Value of Vineyard Machines

© LestaUSA





108 132

LestaUSA brings European robotic technology to the United States

HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH SAVIM: Thirty-five Years of Beauty, Sustainability, and Family in Tune with the System

136 142


Liquid-to-Powder Conversion, Done Right





ICT - HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Walther Trowal: Sustainable Mass Finishing Operations


ICT - TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW Efficient Parts Cleaning and Process Optimisation Starts with the Cleaning Container



ICT - TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW Fismet Service Applies Circular Economy Principles to its Cleaning Treatments


A New Cleaning Concept: Flexible Solutions for High-Performance Engines The Machinery Directive and the Update of the Guideline


163 164 176




Tough environments and hard work

Š Ponsse

require tough coatings

Outstanding colour & gloss retention with new high solids DTM polyurethane paint TEKNODUR COMBI 340

More at: teknos.com/340

Formula Color

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For each Color, Its Proportion

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SMART Richiedi la versione in italiano a info@ipcm.it


ive letters, an English term now widely used in every language, but probably one of the most difficult words to translate despite its simplicity. Its meanings range from capable, active, brilliant, and witty to refined, elegant, and fashionable. Yet, no foreign word faithfully reproduces the lexical nuance of the English one. Indeed, being smart means having an extra oomph, the ability to timely but naturally react to external stimuli, be they technological, aesthetic, or social. We are surrounded by smart cities, that is, digital and clever towns where knowledge, structures, and technologically advanced means are integrated in favour of the common good; smart factories, that is, automated plants operating in complete autonomy and in accord with the surrounding environment; smart manufacturing, that is, Industry 4.0-oriented production processes exploiting digitalisation, robotics, augmented reality, and the Internet of Things; and smart coatings, that is, high added value paints that combine complex functions and interact optimally with the external environment by adapting their performance and characteristics to the different conditions. Not to mention the smart phones, smart TVs, and smart watches present in our everyday lives. Like all terms with multiple semantic nuances, “smart” is a word that must be filled with meaning by those who use it. This issue of ipcm®, a super issue in terms of number of articles, content quality, and advertising presence, offers a varied overview of the smart industrial world applied to the surface treatment sector. Sustainability, energy saving and efficiency, new frontiers of robotics and automation, circular economy-oriented recycling, finishing systems organised as machine tools, and coating plants that reduce cycle times and energy consumption: these are just some of the great themes that have guided the development and transformation of the companies presented, many of which belong to, or are suppliers of, the (ACE) sector, which includes agricultural, earthmoving, and construction machinery as well as off-road vehicles in general. When reading all these articles, it emerges that the smart-oriented development is the response of these businesses to the growing market demands for customisation and flexibility, which in turn call for quick reaction and clever processes. In a word, smartness.

Alessia Venturi

How does ipcm® fill the term “smart” with meaning? By being a global magazine with a dual nature as a digital and paper medium; with its multi-channel distribution (traditional, digital, and social networks); with its originality (60% of the contents of each issue are exclusive and created by its editorial staff); and with its community, created around its social pages thanks to the high level of information offered, which has enabled it to loyalise an international audience that includes users and producers of finishing technologies, laboratories, universities, and associations. 2020 will be a year full of novelties: new formats, new publishing and training projects, new markets to get to know and present, and an innovative venture that will put the marketing and communication skills we have acquired over the past ten years at the service of our customers. With all these projects in sight, we will make sure to enjoy the Christmas break that awaits us!

Editor-in-chief Direttore Responsabile

Best wishes for a Merry Christmas from the whole ipcm® staff and me.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60




ranquil Dawn is AkzoNobel’s Colour of the Year for 2020.

© AkzoNobel

AkzoNobel Sees New Dawn Rising with 2020 Colour of the Year The culmination of extensive trend

research by experts around the world, it’s designed to capture the essence of what makes us human as the dawn of a new decade arrives. A delicate, fluid shade somewhere between green, blue and grey, Tranquil Dawn features in all four of the company’s ColourFutures 2020 palettes. They’re designed to empower and inspire customers and make the task of choosing colour easier. “Tranquil Dawn perfectly captures the 2020 mood of what makes us human,” explains Heleen van Gent, Head of AkzoNobel’s Global Aesthetic Centre – which leads the annual trend research. “It’s reminiscent of the colours of the morning sky and encapsulates our desire to treasure our most human qualities, which we’ll need in the new decade we are entering. It’s an

Tranquil Dawn is AkzoNobel’s Colour of the Year for 2020: inspired by the dawn horizon, it is a delicate, fluid shade that sits somewhere between green, grey and blue.

exciting and inspiring way for us to share our passion for paint with the world.” market-specific colours and finishes for

“Our Automotive and Specialty

Specialists from the company’s paints and

various segments, including automotive,

Coatings business in particular makes

coatings businesses work with leading

architecture, consumer electronics and

full use of the trend research to

design professionals to study the annual


create corresponding colour palettes

trend research findings. The colours

For homes and decorative paints in particular,

across various segments, such as

are then translated for use with specific

the four related 2020 colour palettes meet

consumer electronics, automotive and

products to offer on-trend selections to

a series of specific needs (such as creating a

aerospace,” explains Menko.

customers in various markets. It’s a prime

home for play), while also enabling consumers

“A unified colour and trend

example of the importance AkzoNobel

to express themselves. Divided into separate

development process also helps our

attaches to investing in colour expertise

themes, the palettes are known as The Care

Wood Coatings and Powder Coatings

across all of its activities. “The research we

Palette, The Play Palette, The Meaning Palette

businesses to successfully launch and

carry out is designed to enable the latest

and The Creativity Palette. The beauty of the

leverage their own trending colours

trends to be applied in all relevant areas

annual research means the same palettes

and accompanying palettes across all

of our paints and coatings businesses,”

can be applied to other businesses where


adds David Menko, AkzoNobel’s Chief

colour plays an important role – most

Marketing Officer. “Our design

notably Automotive and Specialty Coatings,

For further information:

teams translate the information to

Powder Coatings and Wood Coatings.



N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Heat Resistant and Waterborne - New Silicone Resin for Pots and Pans


olourful cookware is right on

It is free of organic solvents and features

trend. Bright reds, deep blues,

a significantly reduced VOC content from

and vibrant yellows – pots and

production to application.

pans are increasingly becoming a design

SILIKOFTAL® HTW 3 is suitable for food contact

feature rather than simply a functional tool.

as part of the external coating. By eliminating

This gives a dual purpose to the external

critical ingredients, the silicone resin is not

coating: it has to look good and withstand a

classified as hazardous according to GHS.

fair amount of punishment.

The combination of properties – high

Heat-resistant coatings for cookware and

performance, ease of handling, and suitability

bakeware are certainly not new – but to

for food contact – makes this product unique

date, they have been almost exclusively

on the market. Customers can enjoy greater

solvent-borne. Evonik’s Coating Additives

freedom when formulating their coatings

business line is now launching a more

as SILIKOFTAL® HTW 3 can be combined

environmentally friendly silicone resin,

with numerous pigments and can be used

which has been specifically developed for

anywhere stoving coatings are used. This

waterborne coatings.

also includes, for example, toasters or other

The new SILIKOFTAL® HTW 3 is a heat-

household appliances (electrical appliances).

resistant silicone resin that meets all the

The working temperature resistance is 200°C.

requirements of a sustainable formulation.

The high flashpoint of above 90°C offers corresponding benefits for storage and

© Evonik

transport. “In SILIKOFTAL® HTW 3 we offer a product that meets increasingly stringent regulations,” says Maximilian Morin, head of the industrial coatings market segment. “The extensive and vigorous development has paid off and is an excellent example of our efforts to continuously expand our portfolio and offer more sustainable products.” For further information: www.coating-additives.com

SILIKOFTAL® HTW 3 is suitable for food contact as part of the external coating.


BENSELER Expands Downstream Processes for Zinc Flake Coating


efficient handling of logistics, we offer

equipped with a complex camera system

zinc flake coating value-added chain for,

our customers a complete package of

in combination with appropriate image

the BENSELER group of companies is now

corrosion protection, featuring high quality

processing software, the threaded parts

equipped with optically-automated measuring

with 0ppm error target and project-specific

can be checked for surface defects, wrench

inspection of threaded parts processes at its

solutions,” explains Kerstin Genz, Head of

width, inner and outer diameter, centricity,

Lüdenscheid location; this follows an addition

Sales at BENSELER Oberflächentechnik

and bursting, as well as the coherence

of such processes at its Markgröningen

GmbH & Co. KG, Markgröningen. “This

of chamfers and threads. The cameras

location. Since the spring of 2019, BENSELER

makes us a strong partner for our

arranged above, below, and to the side of

Oberflächentechnik NRW GmbH & Co. KG has

customers with regard to our position

the glass plates also allow a view into the

been consistently developing and expanding

in the supply chain,” adds Johan-Adriaan


the area of 100% mechanical sorting, especially

De Hek, who as Head of Production at

The two automatic roll sorting systems, in

of nuts, but also screws and more.

BENSELER Oberflächentechnik NRW GmbH

turn, enable the sorting of foreign parts

The BENSELER group of companies has tripled

is also responsible for “Automated Sorting”.

with dimensions between 3mm and

its sorting capacity at the Lüdenscheid site

In this area, BENSELER now focuses

25mm diameter. BENSELER can pack all

by expanding its “Automated Measurement

100 per cent on the sorting of nuts in

nuts identified as iO (correct) according to

Testing of Bulk Goods” division. “With this

the measurement range M6 to M16.

customer requirements and prepare them

capacity expansion and the subsequent

Using three glass plate machines, each

for shipment.


n order to simplify its customer-oriented

BENSELER Oberflächentechnik NRW uses the new glass plate systems to inspect specific parts. In Lüdenscheid, it is mainly nuts that are scanned for defects by the complex camera systems.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

BRAND-NEW Open to various options With the expansion of the division “Automated Measurement Testing” of bulk goods in Lüdenscheid, Germany, the supplier is meeting the increasing demand from manufacturers for deliveries with a 0ppm error target. However, this service covers much more than just sorting good and bad parts: upon request, BENSELER can take over entire subsequent distribution and logistical preparation processes for the end costumer in any given supply chain. This includes storage, exact packaging in the desired batch sizes with the corresponding labelling, and the corresponding accompanying documents as well as the direct dispatch of the parts to the respective OEM plant according to the individual production requirements. With its new automated sorting service, BENSELER Oberflächentechnik NRW has focused on nuts. But of course it also checks turned parts and washers from 10mm to 35mm diameter or fastening elements with a length from 10mm to 140mm on customer request. Checking the outside diameter of pins and pistons, the head diameter of screws and bolts, or the outside diameter of threads for threaded parts without a head is also possible.

About BENSELER BENSELER is a competent service provider and partner for technically demanding solutions in the fields of coating, surface finishing, deburring and electrochemical metalworking of serial parts. The BENSELER group of companies, based in Markgröningen near Stuttgart, consists of two divisions: Coatings and Deburring. In 2018, the company also started additive manufacturing in the metallic sector. The company is constantly developing its core processes, adding upstream and downstream processes and maintaining system partnerships with its customers. BENSELER therefore understands the needs of the market and can offer solutions with added value. Several locations in Germany as well as participations in Switzerland and the Czech Republic ensure proximity to the customer. The BENSELER group of companies achieved sales of around 170 million euros in the 2018 financial year. It currently employs around 1,100 people. In addition to technical expertise, sustainability and social commitment characterize the activities of the family-owned company, which has been in existence for over 50 years. For further information: www.benseler.de


FNA21+FG: The Sculpture Created by Le Rond for EOS Mktg&Communication’s Tenth Anniversary


OS Mktg&Communication celebrated

This table sculpture is composed of 21 iron

shapes thanks to the possibility to freely

its tenth anniversary with the event

elements (F = Ferro, iron in Italian, N = Nero,

compose it, in terms of element sequence,

“Art in Surfaces”, held on July, 24

black, and A = Azzurro, light blue) as well as a

rotation degree, and length.

2019 at the Rossini Art Site museum park

grey iron support (F = Ferro, iron, G = Grigio,

It perfectly mirrors all distinctive features of

in Briosco (Italy). The company celebrated


Giovanni Lamberti’s style, characterised by

by offering its guests and customers a

It has a size of 30 x 15 x 15 cm and it was

shapes and elements of optimism, beauty,

journey through art, nature, and industry,

made in 2019. It can be given partially different

harmony, and trust and appreciated at the international level. He uses resins, acrylics,

were donated to the Municipality of Monza

PVC, polystyrene, wood, canvases, aluminium,

for the restoration of the epigraphs of the War Memorial monument installed in Trento

© Lucrezia Roda

including an art auction whose proceeds

iron, steel, quartz, tin, recycled radiators, turning swarf, lead beads, and photographic

e Trieste square.

films in his works, often defined as “painting-

The sculpture FNA21+FG, kindly donated by

sculptures”. His creative attitude translates into

artist Giovanni Lamberti, known as Le Rond

a continuous search for different techniques

(Fig. 1), was purchased by Carlo Roda, whose

and materials combined with compositional

family owns a steel wire drawing company

rigour, based on calibrated geometries and

called Trafilerie San Paolo (Molteno, Lecco)

dynamic harmonies. Le Rond has taken part

and a manufacturer of bearings and chains

to numerous exhibitions and contemporary

for industrial conveyors called Orbita (Cesana

art fairs both in Italy and abroad and his works

Brianza, Lecco – Figs. 2 and 3).

are included in several private and public

The title of Le Rond’s work of art, FNA21+FG, represents the number of elements that compose it, the material (iron), and the

For further information: www.lerond.it © ipcm ®

Figure 1: The FNA21+FG sculpture by Giovanni Lamberti.

© ipcm ®

colours used (black, blue, and grey).



2 1

3 1

Figure 2: The Lamberti’s work of art was won by Carlo Roda during the auction organized by EOS.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Figure 3:The Roda family during the event for the tenth anniversary of EOS Mktg&Communication.

Salcomix è il marchio di AkzoNobel per un sistema di prodotti vernicianti industriali dal design modulare, che può essere utilizzato per fornire vernici per una grande varietà di applicazioni per l‘industria leggera, in modo rapido e flessibile. Questo è possibile grazie a un sistema di miscelazione che offre una superiore precisione del colore con la massima varietà di prodotto. Salcomix is AkzoNobel's brand for a modularly designed industrial coatings system that can be used to provide paints for a variety of small-industry applications, quickly and flexibly. This is possible thanks to a mixing system that offers superior color accuracy with maximum product diversity.

www.akzonobel.com infosalcomix@akzonobel.com




© Europolveri

Europolveri Reaches also the Shipbuilding World


Figure 1: The Italian Naval Register (RINA) has certified Europolveri’s powder coatings, in accordance with (MED) 2014/90/EU European Standard for the marine equipment.


established by the maritime equipment

This latest certification adds up to the many

certified Europolveri’s powder coatings


other that Europolveri already got in the past

with module B and D, in accordance

After a meticulous check of the previously

and that continues to maintain at present

with (MED) 2014/90/EU European Standard for

submitted documentation and tight audits of

time, attesting the high quality and the

the marine equipment (Fig. 1).

our Quality System, the epoxypolyester and

performance of the products placed on the

Europolveri’s powders DURPOL

polyester thermosetting powders in various

Italian and international markets.


finishings and colours, have been approved for

POLYESTER PURE SERIES 5 are in compliance

ship interiors thanks to their flame-retarding

For further information:

with the fire protection requirements

properties (Figs. 2 and 3).


© Europolveri

© Europolveri

he Italian Naval Register (RINA) has

2 1

3 1

Figures 2 and 3: The epoxypolyester and polyester thermosetting powders in various finishings and colours, have been approved for ship interiors thanks to their flame-retarding properties.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



Pangborn Opens State-of-the-Art Customer Technology Centre


angborn, a leading supplier of shot blast

and engineering teams will use the Centre

and surface preparation equipment,

to continually improve our equipment and

announced today the opening of their


state-of-the-art Customer Technology Centre in

The Centre is equipped with a multi-

Fairburn, Georgia. The new Centre is designed

purpose room with a robotic arm and an

for pre- and post-purchase evaluations,

interchangeable wheel to simulate a wide

validation of modernization and process

variety of applications. The multipurpose

improvement designs, and internal research

room, as well as a set of standard machines,

and development.

gives Pangborn the flexibility to quickly

“We are excited to announce the opening of

move from computer simulations to

the new Customer Technology Centre,” said

real-world testing and validation. Customers

Mat Loutzenheiser, VP Engineering. “The Centre

can also visit the Centre for demonstration

was developed with the customer experience in

and training on a variety of shot blasting

mind, a place for our customers and

equipment and parts.


experienced engineers to work together to For further information:

interrupting normal operations. Our R&D


© Pangborn

simulate machine configurations without

SABBIATURA e SGOMMATURA di telaistica in ferro

SVERNICIATURA CRIOGENICA per recupero di telai e ganci


per pezzi in alluminio e di design

SVERNICIATURA TERMICA per il recupero di telaistica in ferro

The new Centre is equipped with a multi-purpose room with a robotic arm and an interchangeable wheel to simulate a wide variety of applications.

. sas



Condoroil, Your Partner in the Field of E-Coat Š Condoroil Chemical Srl


ondoroil Stainless is a global partner for solutions management in the field of E-coat.

Here following a brief presentation of the main technologies and components that are part of the range.

Minerva Unit Ultrafiltration units Minerva are used for the continuous regeneration of degreasing solutions, allowing to maintain high standards of cleaning and reducing consumption of both degreaser and rinse water (Fig. 1).

Ionex 1200 Unit Ionex 1200 - ion exchange units - are used

2 1

to demineralize and recycle the water used in the last rinsing stages and to feed the

Figure 2: Ionex 1200 - ion exchange units.

process tanks (Fig. 2). Depending on the needs, 4 variants of models are possible:

- LC uses multi-function valves and dosing

Š Condoroil Chemical Srl

ejectors for regeneration - ST uses single valves managed by PLC and dosing pumps - RX constructively similar to the ST model allows to produce less eluates - HT constructively similar to the ST model

For the continuous removal of the adverse-ion of the painting resin, Condoroil offers a complete range of electrodialysis cells, accessories and complete system solutions. The cells are designed to meet all market needs and include cells for use in pressure or outflow, for vertical or horizontal positioning, tubular

Blade Mud lamellar decantation units, with

cells with different diameters (Crono TB),

the use of special flocculants operating at

flat cells (Crono FL) and semi-circular cells

highly acidic pH, are used to continuously

(Crono SO).

tanks (Fig. 3).

Giunone Unit


Electrodialysis Cells


remove the sludges from the phosphating

Spare Parts and Consumables The after-sales phase, followed by the Customer Service, provides all needed spare

Giunone ultrafiltration units are used to

parts, e.g.:

produce the rinsing water starting from the

- Ceramic ultrafiltration membranes for

cataphoretic paint tank, allowing the water

Figure 1: Minerva Unit.

in the dragging (Fig. 4).

allows to operate on water at high

Blade Mud Unit


and, at the same time, to recover the paint lost

circuit to be closed in the painting section

N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

degreasing mod. ILHA - Polymeric ultrafiltration membranes for

© Condoroil Chemical Srl


3 1

Figure 3: Blade Mud lamellar decantation units.


Your information and management platform for simplified coating 4.0.

electrophoretic paints mod. KRATOS - Reverse osmosis membranes for demineralizers mod. PRAIX - Electrodes and/or membranes for electrodialysis cells - CERIX bag filters and ADEX cartridge filters - Ion exchange resins and active carbons for demineralizers - Detergents, preserving and conditioning agents for membranes. For further information:

© Condoroil Chemical Srl


4 1

Figure 4: Giunone ultrafiltration units.



ST Powder Coatings Inaugurates Three New Warehouses in Italy


locations were chosen based on their

stated Marco Zadra. “We believe in the need to

continues unabated. With the

valuable logistics position. Indeed, thanks

continue developing in Italy in order to meet

opening of three new distribution

to its new hubs, the company is now able

the requests of our customers, demanding

points in Caponago (Monza e Brianza),

to perfectly serve the whole Lombard

for more capillary presence.” After recently

Lavena Ponte Tresa (Varese), and

territory, with a particular attention to the

entering the Portuguese and Hungarian

Rome, the firm now owns ten logistics

Milan metropolitan area, where delivery is

markets, the Group’s growth and consolidation

warehouses on the Italian territory.

guaranteed within 24 hours.

strategy is pointing in the same direction

In Lombardy, the Caponago and

A technical sales partner will manage the

also abroad. “We are very pleased with our

Lavena Ponte Tresa warehouses have

new Rome warehouse, located near the

four branches located between Eastern and

joined the already-existing one in Cusago

important logistic hub of the Lazio region.

Western Europe,” said Zadra. “That is why

(Milan). The available spaces are currently

Its goal will be to strengthen the presence

we do not want to stop our international

able to guarantee stock quantities of

of the ST brand in Central Italy, while at the

development: we are considering new foreign

40,000 and 20,000 kilos of product,

same time striving to guarantee the best

partnerships for next year.”

respectively. At the inauguration of the

service level in terms of speed and offer.

Caponago warehouse, ST Powder Coatings

Yet, the firm’s expansion will not stop here:

For further information:

CEO Marco Zadra explained that these

“We have plans for further openings,”


© ST Powder Coatings

T Powder Coatings’s expansion

The recently opened Caponago warehouse.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



Five on Five Interview: Sustainability According to the Industry Players_Part II



ustainability is a term that is now far too abused, perhaps because it has numerous meanings, some of which are ignored by most. In fact, it does not only refer to the ability to produce less pollution/waste/impact on the environment in the everyday life and in industrial production processes, but also, for example, to the choice of lengthening the service life of a product, thus promoting a circular economy model. We live in a world geared towards the bulimic consumption of products, resources, and raw materials, where replacing is better than repairing, and where the life cycle of many consumer and non-consumer goods has shortened dramatically. Yet, not guaranteeing the durability, long service life, and operational reliability of a product means not being sustainable. This is why we think it may be interesting for our readers to understand how the leading companies in our sector address the issue of sustainability..










For this second interview we were delighted to work with the following sector leaders: • Claudia Salomoni – AkzoNobel Coatings SpA Specification Sales & Marketing Coordinator • Marco Benen – BASF’s Coatings Division Sustainability Officer • Gaetano Blanda – Evonik Senior Vice President and General Manager Coating Additives & Stefan Silber – Evonik Senior Vice President Innovation Management Coating Additives • Cecilia Svensson – Perstorp Holding AB EVP Communications & Sustainability • Pedro Perez Vintaned – PPG EHS Director EMEA





Why and when did your company get involved seriously with sustainability?



















N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Claudia Salomoni, AkzoNobel – In the last two decades AkzoNobel set out to transform itself into a trusted generator of sustainable long-term value and positive social impact. As a company, AkzoNobel believes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), developed by the United Nations in 2005, are a blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all. Increasing stakeholder value by delivering sustainable solutions to our customers is crucial for the success of our Company. Sustainable business operations are a prerequisite for meeting our challenging targets. This is the main reason why in 2016 AkzoNobel issued a new Policy Statement on Health, Safety, Environment

Marco Benen, BASF – What we call sustainability today has been a topic for decades. BASF has been paying attention to environmental and societal issues for a long time. Over the past years, a holistic view along the entire value chain has been taken into consideration. Gaetano Blanda, Evonik – Sustainability has a long history at Evonik. It dates back to the commitments of our predecessor companies such as Hüls or Degussa. At the beginning, environmental and societal aspects prevailed. Nowadays sustainability has a significant impact on our business success as mentioned above.


How are you measuring progress?

Claudia Salomoni, AkzoNobel – For eight consecutive years, AkzoNobel has been listed as one of the leaders of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and this is surely a great result for our Company. It means that our sustainability performance based on environmental, social and economic performance are competitive with other leading companies. We are always ahead of local regulations applying more restrictive rules to our formulations, eg. our products are heavy metal free and TGIC free since 1996; in 2014 we certified SMaRT our architectural collection Interpon D and lately EPD Environmental Product Declaration, in

order to set a clear parameter to check our progress. Nowadays, being sustainable and capable to satisfy these kinds of requirements represents one of the most important index of progress, and AkzoNobel is on the right way. We are also re-designing our industrial collections to be more efficient and less impacting with Low-E technology. For the first time powder coatings can be baked at a very low temperature, generating less CO2, using less energy to be applied and speeding up the production. Marco Benen, BASF – One key KPI for BASF is the Sustainable Solution Steering. This method creates transparency on our product portfolio and builds the basis to steer our portfolio in a more sustainable direction.

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and Security, which is fully aligned with our commitment to meeting all our stakeholders’ expectations in running a profitable and sustainable business, while at the same time meeting all our commitments to society and the environment.




Cecilia Svensson, Perstorp – Perstorp implemented its first environmental policy in the 80s so we were early in setting up a more systematic approach to sustainability. More recently, we took the decision to conduct LCAs on all our major products and solutions and, in 2017, we launched our ambition to become Finite Material Neutral alongside our first portfolio of products with renewable content. Pedro Perez Vintaned, PPG - PPG’s sustainability programmes have been running for more than 10 years. Yet it’s really in the last six or seven years that sustainability has truly become a part of the DNA of our company. This is inseparable from our businesses. Our commitment to the safety and welfare of our employees, to the environment, in the products we develop and supply to our customers, and to our community are at the heart of what we do as a company.

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Each solution is assigned to one of four categories according to its contribution to sustainability. This detailed analysis and transparent classification allow us to both improve individual solutions and steer the entire portfolio to make it more sustainable. It also enables further integration of sustainability into our strategic, R&D and customer support processes. Gaetano Blanda, Evonik – Measurability is key. That’s why, many years ago, Evonik started using a broad spectrum of methods, including life cycle assessments based on international standards. Until now, we have performed life cycle analyses covering around 70 percent of the external sales of our chemical segments.

We also monitor and measure the progress and success of our activities with instruments such as external sustainability ratings. Moreover, we get valuable feedback from ESG/SRI analysts and investors. Cecilia Svensson, Perstorp – We measure progress in several ways. Our work to become Finite Material Neutral is handled and followed up via roadmaps for each of the respective enablers that have been defined. We also have a set of targets on a broader scale with everything from safety to transport to carbon emissions, of which some are followed up monthly and others on a yearly basis.

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Pedro Perez Vintaned, PPG - We operate a comprehensive database system which our locations and businesses feed into monthly to report on different aspects of our programmes. This allows us to track our progress and see trends in almost real time and enables us to respond immediately to shifts or issues. We release a sustainability report on an annual basis, so that PPG’s performance is made public. This report is a way for us to very clearly visualise and be transparent about where we’re going. We’re also proud of the external recognition some of our sustainability initiatives have achieved. Last year, in

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SUSTAINABILITY the European region, PPG received the British Coatings Federation Corporate Social Responsibility Award for the second consecutive year for its CSR and social responsibility campaigns in the UK. We were also finalists in four other categories in sustainable innovation, excellence in training, customer service and coatings care.


How does your company promote the sustainability of its activities/ products etc.??

Claudia Salomoni, AkzoNobel – In order to ensure the implementation of a sustainability plan, AkzoNobel has a comprehensive HSE&S Management System – including Corporate Directives, Standards, Guidance Notes and Operational Management Systems at our Manufacturing Sites – in place. Moreover, Product Stewardship, the ongoing performance improvement of products in terms of safety, health and environmental impact is an important part of our Value Chain approach to sustainability. AkzoNobel’s Eco-premium solutions program, which focuses on the development of products with lower toxicity; improved energy efficiency; use of natural resources/ raw materials, reduced emissions waste, land use and risks (e.g. of accidents) is the logical next step in Product Stewardship. Marco Benen, BASF – We do see a growing interest for sustainable solutions. That applies to OEMs just as well as to small paint shops. We are trying to convince by offering credible, tangible and transparent data to showcase the benefits of our solutions. Gaetano Blanda, Evonik – Transparent and open reporting of our sustainability activities is important to us. The information channels provided for this include, for example, our website and our sustainability

report. Regarding the continuous improvement of our reporting, we set high standards and focus on continuous improvement. To cite just one example: We have brought forward the publication date of our sustainability report to coincide with the publication of our financial report in March 2019 which meant an acceleration by seven weeks. Cecilia Svensson, Perstorp – Generally, we communicate via traditional channels – our website perstorp.com, social media as well as through the more traditional media. We also have more in depth communication with our customers and potential customers regarding our Pro-Environment solutions. We are active members of CEFIC and the corresponding Swedish trade organization IKEM, where we have a continuous dialogue. Pedro Perez Vintaned, PPG - Every year we celebrate our PPG Sustainability Awards, which is an initiative that was introduced many years ago to recognise significant achievements that support PPG’s sustainability vision, values and successes throughout our businesses. The awards highlight accomplishments and outstanding performances by PPG facilities, functions, teams and individuals who support our company sustainability vision and values. We encourage employees to submit applications within each area of our sustainability work frame with awards for: Safety & health and wellness – To recognise PPG sites and service teams based on performance, best-in-class leadership, employee engagement and risk reduction practices and wellness activities. Customer sustainability solutions – To acknowledge individuals and teams for customer technology or service solutions that quantifiably improve green chemistry, societal benefits, environmental impact, natural resources, customer sustainability or risk reduction. Environmental impact – To celebrate PPG sites and sales or service teams for improvements made in energy consumption, emissions or waste generation and spills.

Community engagement – To honour employee volunteer teams for efforts made to enhance education, health and human services or culture in their communities. Senior operational executives and field experts make up the Corporate Sustainability Committee who validate each nomination and choose winners. In 2018 we handed out 232 awards across each of our business units.


Which sustainability initiative are you most proud of?

Claudia Salomoni, AkzoNobel – The importance given by AkzoNobel to sustainability is confirmed by the

development of some programs oriented to this specific theme. One of this is “Planet Possible”, approved by the AkzoNobel Executive Committee as coherent program that brings the sustainability strategy to life. The main aim is to use a strategy of radical efficiency which involves us working with customers and suppliers to open up infinite possibilities in a finite world. It’s our commitment to finding opportunities where there don’t appear to be any. Another initiative of which we are proud and that pursue sustainable goals is “Ocean Clean-Up”. It’s about an innovative system for the collection of plastic waste in the sea: it works with currents, wind and waves and conveys the garbage to a single point

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of recovery. In addition to an economic contribution at the project, AkzoNobel has developed a special coating without biocides that ensures the protection of the device and its equipment, which daily are in direct contact with seawater. Marco Benen, BASF – The successful launch of our biomass balanced refinish coatings. After only one year we were able to convince a lot of existing customers and even win new ones. With the sold amount of refinish coatings we so far saved more than 150 tons of CO2. Gaetano Blanda, Evonik – We are currently very proud of our cutting-edge impact valuation activities. Since 2017, Evonik

Cecilia Svensson, Perstorp – Without doubt, I am most proud of our ambition to become Finite Material Neutral. I am proud that we had the courage both to develop the foundation and then to make the decision of adoption. There is still a lot of unknown territory as to how we will get there in the end, but that has not stopped us becoming even more curious and determined that we will get there. It has mobilized our company in a clear direction, which has already been very impactful.

Drawdown Test Charts

Pedro Perez Vintaned, PPG - I’m most proud of our community engagement activities. Our Colorful Communities projects give PPG the wonderful opportunity to get involved in the communities in which we operate. A lot of these projects benefit children – whether it’s painting hospitals or revitalising facilities that take in children with disabilities. These activities bring out the best in our people and it’s rewarding to see the positive impact of our business up close in reality.


Almost 40 years ago everybody rushed to go green but results were scarce. Do you feel like this is truly a time of change or is it just another marketing strategy?

Cross-Cut Adhesion

Claudia Salomoni, AkzoNobel – From when AkzoNobel decided to be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and consequently to embrace a new vision oriented in this way, it tried to modify all treats that could be distant from this principle: starting from process, until products or internal and external communication. And even now, every time science progresses, we progress with it. Just think about the decision to remove from our products all those ingredients which have been discovered to be harmful to health or the environment. If we want to send out a real message and if we want that people follow this message, we first must believe in it and be the author of the change.


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analyzes the direct and indirect impact of its activities from an economic, ecological, and social perspective along the value chain. In this way, we can reliably describe our contribution to the sustainable development of society, build on positive factors, and reduce undesirable effects.








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Marco Benen, BASF – By now climate change is evident in our everyday life: sustainability cannot be just another marketing strategy. We must take our corporate responsibility seriously. We also have to work together with our suppliers as well as with our customers to make an impact. Therefore, it is important, that everybody sees the value of sustainable actions. Stefan Silber, Evonik – Yes, things have really changed significantly. Sustainability nowadays is an inherent element of corporate strategy and a decisive factor for the economic performance and business success of companies. This goes


hand in hand with the impressive development on the capital markets on which “Sustainable Finance” has become a global megatrend. Cecilia Svensson, Perstorp – This time it is definitely for real and we are also more advanced in our understanding and approach. There are real signs from nature that time is running out. To get global traction, I think the UN Sustainable Development Goals are a brilliant initiative. We can all relate to them, whether as an individual, a company, a community or even a nation. Question is though, will we be fast enough to make the change that is needed? Pedro Perez Vintaned, PPG - I believe that we’ve passed a time in which

N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

people perceive going green as just another marketing strategy. This isn’t about a marketing strategy anymore but a part of our values and beliefs as a company. What may have started many years ago as a marketing strategy for the industry has now become a part of PPG’s DNA, putting sustainability programmes at the forefront to be as environmentally friendly as possible. PPG people across the company in many different functions and around the world are deeply involved in sustainability.

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Norner Signs Deal to Build New Polymer Exploration Centre and Enters Future Materials Catapult


t is a pleasure for Norner to announce

work will start at the turn of the year

The centre was designed by architects

two very important news which are key

and will be completed in the spring of

Borve and Borchsenius from Porsgrunn

to its future: it has signed an agreement

2021. Norner is investing long-term,

and is expected to be completed in

with R8 Property on the construction of

and a 20-year lease has been signed

April 2021 (Fig. 2).

our new Polymer Exploration Centre and

between the parties”, says Kjetil Larsen

The Future Materials Catapult Centre is

it becomes part owner of Future Materials

CEO of Norner (Fig. 1) and continues

a national test centre for the materials

Catapult Centre - a national test centre for

“Our owners, Thai SCG, have a long-term

of the future, established in the fall of

the materials of the future.

strategy and commitment with Norner.

2017 by Arendals Fossekompani, Elkem,

The new Polymer Exploration Centre will

They are strengthening their position

Mechatronics Innovation Lab, ReSiTec

be a modern international research and

as a significant player in the plastics

and the University of Agder. The

technology centre for the plastics industry

industry through this investment.”

catapult will make the path from idea to © Norner

and provide research services throughout the value chain. With more than 40 years in

market shorter for Norwegian business by offering test

the industry, Norner today

facilities, expertise

has customers in more

and networks to

than 60 countries and has

develop sustainable

experienced a strong growth

advanced materials

in recent years. The creation

and production

of this new centre, together


with entering the Catapult

“The initiators

centre, will ensure that

behind Future

Norway develops a leadership

Materials are

in the development of future

very pleased that

sustainable plastic solutions.

Norner AS is joining

Norner and R8 Property signed, in 2017, an agreement for Norner to move all activities from Bamble to the new Powerhouse and

as a partner and


part owner in the

Figure 1: Håvard Moe, Chairman of the Board of Future Materials, Aslaug Hagestad Nag, Managing Director of Future Materials and Kjetil Larsen, CEO of Norner.

catapult”, says Chairman Håvard Moe and continues “Norner’s world-

a nearby application centre in Telemark. Due to increased space

“This is a very exciting project

leading expertise in polymers and

requirements, a nearly 5000 square meter

for Porsgrunn as a city, but

the plastics industry strengthens the

technology centre will now be established

also for Grenland, Telemark

Future Materials’ material broadness,

at the bank of the Porsgrunn river and

and the entire region”, says

while at the same time the company’s

neighbouring the Powerhouse Telemark.

R8 Property Development

philosophy of innovation, strategic

“We will get a significantly more efficient

Director Tommy Thovsland.

consulting and circular economy is

building and have consolidated all our

He says construction starts in

fully in line with the focus areas of the

operations into one house. Construction

December this year.

catapult centre.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Š Norner


2 1

Figure 2: The Norner’s new Polymer Exploration Centre.

“We look forward to being part of such a

fact that the catapult centre will now

partner, Future Materials Catapult can

strong team that Future Materials already

cover such a wide area, says Kjetil

assist with expertise, networks and

is, and we have good faith that we can

Larsen CEO of Norner.

testing facilities within a larger portfolio

further develop Future Materials together

Siva, who appoints the national

of future materials. It will be crucial for

as a leading centre for future materials

catapult centres in Norway,

many companies’ competitiveness and

both nationally and internationally. Plastics

warmly welcomes Norner into the

value creation in Norway�, says Siva CEO

and composites are an important part of

catapult family. “We are building a

Ingrid Riddervold Lorange.

the materials of the future, and we believe

comprehensive national structure with

that existing and future customers will

catapult centres to assist companies

For further information:

have great pleasure and benefit from the

across Norway. With Norner as





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© ystral GmbH

Opening photo: Functional principle of powder wetting with Conti-TDS.


A Highly Effective Method for Manufacturing Paints and Coatings Thibault Weinert ystral GmbH, Ballrechten-Dottingen – Germany



N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



arge amounts of powders have to be

An intensive mixing procedure is therefore

dispersed into liquids when manufacturing

necessary in order to ensure that all the particles

paints and lacquers, including decorative

are wetted, as the powder generally floats on top

paints, industrial paints and coatings, coil coatings,

of the liquid’s surface. A vortex is created in the

automotive lacquer, and printing inks. As it is

liquid when using a dissolver air is also introduced

particularly time consuming and dusty, this

into the product. As different raw materials often

process often requires great effort. However, an

have to be dispersed into a liquid, this can lead to

increasing number of manufacturers are beginning

particularly high workloads as a variety of different

to use a technology that takes a completely new

packing systems including different bags, barrels

path for the production of paints and coatings.

and containers have to be handled.

ystral Conti-TDS technology is at the cutting

Many powders are sticky and tend to form dust,

edge of development and enables the dust-free

which leads to layers of crusts and agglomerates

introduction of pigments, fillers, thickeners, and

building up on the side of the vessel and possibly

other powders from any container into liquids

clogging equipment installed inside the vessel.

such as solvents, water, and resins. The powders

The removal of these agglomerates in later

are inducted with up to 500 kg per minute and

production stages is very difficult and requires a

dispersed immediately after the induction, which

lot of time and energy. The quality of the product

leads to high-quality dispersions and solutions

also suffers through such coarse dispersion and

as well as significant savings in raw material

leads to unequal levels of quality from batch to

consumption, production time, floor space, and


energy consumption. 10t batches can be produced

As the raw materials are used in such an

in as little as 15-30 minutes, depending on the ratio

inefficient way, larger amounts are required in

of powders. And for many products the additional

order to achieve the desired effect. A significant

process step of milling can be reduced to a

proportion of the raw materials is actually

minimum or even be dispensed with entirely.

lost in the form of dust and escapes into the

Such state-of-the-art results can be achieved

environment through exhaust systems and dust

by combining 5 process steps in one machine:

filter systems. As a result, production costs are

emptying of bags and containers, powder

much higher than they should be.

transport, powder incorporation, wetting, and

Powder versus liquid – the normal procedure

© ystral GmbH

dispersing under vacuum.

Customary dispersing machines are normally installed directly in a vessel or lowered into the vessel by a lift mechanism. The basic liquid is then filled into the vessel and the raw materials are added by simply pouring them onto the surface of the liquid. Powders generally have a large specific surface, with up to about 300,000 m²/kg of powder in extreme cases (e.g. for fine pigments or silica acids). In most common production processes several kilograms of these powders are added directly onto the surface of the liquid. However, as the liquid only has an area of a few square meters, there is an adverse relation between the powder surface and the liquid surface. Individual particles will therefore not be wetted, while the agglomerates and aggregates are only crudely wetted.


Figure 1: Conti-TDS powder wetting module with JetStream mixer and powder induction from big bag station.

© ystral GmbH

in turn expands the surface of the powder for efficient wetting. At the same time, the surface of the liquid in the dispersing zone is also greatly expanded. Only now does the powder come into contact with the liquid (Fig. 1), which leads to highly efficient wetting. This is where the shear gradient is about 1000 times higher than when using a dissolver. The colloid wetting is completed because of the blast waves created during the pumping action. Even in products that are considered difficult to ventilate, the micro air bubbles that stick on the surface of the particles are separated and then collected on the surface of the liquid as a layer of foam. The suspension produced in the dispersing chamber can then be returned to the vessel as a finished product. If required, the induction of the powder can be interrupted by

2 1

Figure 2: Comparison of dispersing results: Conti-TDS (directly after powder induction) vs. dissolver (after original processing time).

closing the powder inlet, according to the amount of powder and the necessary solids loading. In order to achieve a specific particle size distribution or homogeneity, additional dispersing or homogenising in the recirculation loop is also possible, which correspondingly serves to de-aerate the product.

Dust-free dispersing and wetting – the effective procedure

With this procedure, stable suspensions and solutions can be produced in a fraction of the time required by conventional mixing

In contrast to the normal procedure, the Conti-TDS powder

and dispersing systems, irrespective of the viscosity, type of vessel,

wetting machine is actually installed outside of the vessel and

and batch size. Furthermore, a variety of different powders can be

connected via a piping system (ref. Opening photo). The basic

dispersed one after the other through a common inlet or multiple

liquid creates a vacuum inside the dispersing chamber of the

inlets for various containers or bags.

machine as it is circulated in a loop. Thanks to this vacuum, directly from bags, containers, big bags, silos, or even silo trucks.

Handling of highly viscous products also possible

It is possible to disperse the powders directly into the liquid

If an additional volumetric pump is installed, not only paints and

under vacuum, as they are transported in a dense state without

coatings but also high-viscosity products can be handled, including

the need for false air.

sealing and insulation material, glue, resin, and modelling or filling

The vacuum leads to the expansion of the entrained air, which


powders can be introduced dust-free and without any losses

Facts and figures: - Significant time savings for production of any given batch size, e.g. a 40t batch of ‘slurry’ in less than 2 hours with 26t of TiO2 at 72% solids. - Significantly reduced amount of raw material (e.g. TiO2) for the same colour strength due to highly improved dispersion and colloidal wetting of the powders. - Significantly lower energy requirements (generally between 50% and 70% less) for the production of any given batch compared to high-speed dissolvers. - Much shorter milling times due to excellent pre-dispersing.


- Dust-free operation thanks to direct induction from silo (via buffer hopper), big bags, sack, or other container. - Small footprint for high capacity: e.g. 30m² for 10t batch of decorative emulsion at 50% solids in 15 to 30 minutes. - Controlled shearing (less degradation of the cellulose structure) and optimised distribution lead to a reduction in HEC content and faster hydrolysation. - As they are completely wetted, thickeners, thixotroping and matting agents achieve their performance immediately after the induction under controlled conditions. - Dust- and loss-free induction and dispersion of light powders such as

N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Expancel, Aerosil, ACEMatt under controlled shear forces. - Energy input on temperature sensitive products like PVDF organosols or PVC crystals is particularly constant and controllable. - Defined induction and dispersing processes ensure repeatable product quality. - Flexible batch sizes of between 500 and 50,000kg. - Fully or semi-automated closed turn-key systems with powder and liquid handling, control system and chip system for colour changes. - 1000 x higher shear gradients of 50’000 s-1 compared to a dissolver (Fig. 2).

Zaniolo CdA - 1.19

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Š B.M. Colora

Opening photo: B.M. Colora (Legnano) is a coating contractor.


A New Pre-Treatment Cycle Enabling B.M. Colora to Offer a Timely, Highly Flexible Service Barbara Pennati ipcmÂŽ


n the coating contracting market,

dynamic service, able to meet the most

production flexibility and efficiency. Powder

service is key to establish and grow in a

varied needs without sacrificing quality.

coating contractor B.M. Colora (Legnano,

highly competitive sector where quality,

Investment in new production plants or in

Milan, Italy) has made focus on service

delivery times, and production versatility

the updating of product, treatment, and

become not only its main strength, but also

requirements are increasingly strict.

finishing technologies can help boost the

a turning point for its corporate relaunch

The creation of added value, therefore,

service offered by a contractor, especially

and expansion into new markets (ref.

often starts from a more attentive and

when they are aimed at improving

Opening photo).


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


“The story of the creation of B.M. Colora is

“We moved from Gemonio, on Lake

peculiar,” says owner Paride Brusa.

Maggiore, to our current headquarters

“My mother had a company that had

in Legnano, a much more strategic

operated in the metal stamping and

and functional location in terms of

coating sectors since the 1960s. I have

logistics. Our aim was to expand our

always been a motor enthusiast and, when I told my mother that I wanted to buy a car, she suggested that I start working in the firm. That is how I also became passionate about coating: I asked her employees, who are still an integral part of our company, and her suppliers for information and

We were inspired to start a commercial relaunch and market research operation that over time has allowed us building a new, much broader customer base.”

range of action and guarantee more timely deliveries to our customers,” says Brusa. “Since 2013, production has experienced steady growth, but we still had only two main customers entrusting us with large volumes. When these customers became insolvent, we suffered significant financial slowdown.

processes and techniques guaranteed the

However, we tried to tackle this problem

best results for our customers. In 2007, we

proactively. We were inspired to start

abandoned all other activities to focus on

a commercial relaunch and market

contracting coating, officially establishing

research operation that over time

B.M. Colora.”

has allowed us building a new, much

© ipcm ®

advice, in order to understand which


Figure 1: The new Proma 8 in-line coating plant.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60


© ipcm ®

broader customer base. The conditio sine qua non for our rebirth and ability to meet market needs was high-quality service. We heavily invested in it, in order to be able to tackle customer requests without delaying deliveries. Indeed, at the same time, we invested in our equipment to guarantee just in time deliveries and an excellent quality level. In 2016, we also established QSC Verniciatura Milano for powder coating large workpieces, which enabled us to expand further on the market. These are the factors that have contributed to our growth. And service is still our trump card.”

2 1

Now, the B.M. Colora group has 60

Figure 2: The pre-treatment tunnel using DN Chemicals products.

employees and it owns four static coating

© ipcm ®

booths, three of which are of the latest generation. The company has also recently invested in a new in-line system. “We had solved our major issues, linked above all to the expansion of our customer portfolio, but we also wanted to target new sectors, especially that of carbon and galvanised steel for outdoor use. Finally, we wanted to lighten the workload of our alreadyexisting line to better manage production and deliveries,” explains Brusa. In order to tackle these new production needs, B.M. Colora installed a new blasting plant and an in-line system (Fig. 1) with a highly flexible pre-treatment tunnel designed by Proma 8 (Verona, Italy) implementing a process developed by DN Chemicals (Caleppio di Settala, Milan), a company specialising in the production and distribution of surface treatment chemicals.

3 1

Figure 3: The spray pre-treatment cycle developed by DN Chemicals has seven stages, including a no-rinse conversion through the nebulisation of the Dollcoat SA 115 product.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

We heavily invested in high-quality service, in order to be able to tackle customer request without delaying deliveries. A the same time we invested in our equipment.”


A highly flexible pre-treatment cycle

of Dollcoat SA 115, a nanotechnology product

“Following our corporate relaunch and the

silanes (Fig. 3).

saturation of our static coating line, we needed

“Silane oligomers guarantee maximum paint

a new plant that would also enable us to expand

adhesion and do not require any rinse.

into new market niches. As contractors, it is

Thanks to the use of the nebulisation system,

essential for us to have plants guaranteeing

moreover, the product applied is always fresh.

maximum production flexibility, short delivery

We chose Dollcoat SA 115 based on its ability

times, and an optimal quality degree,” notes

to guarantee optimal results with any type of

Paride Brusa. “We turned to DN Chemicals, with

alloy, which was an essential condition for B.M.

which we developed a versatile solution that

Colora because they treat several different

allowed us treating different types of materials in

materials,” explains DN Chemicals sales

different sizes and had competitive construction

manager Andrè Bernasconi.

and maintenance costs.”

“The system developed by DN Chemicals and

The new in-line coating line integrates a

Proma 8 is extremely versatile and it allows

DN Chemicals pre-treatment cycle device for

activating or deactivating certain pre-treatment

the nebulisation of the last surface conversion

stages according to our production needs: in

stage of the pre-treatment cycle (Fig. 2), fully

fact, not all customers require the same type

operational since mid-June. Indeed, the

of pre-treatment, usually depending on the

pre-treatment process includes the following

intended use of their products. Being able to

stages: alkaline degreasing with Dollclean

decide which stages to activate and to create

AS434, a rinse with mains water, phosphating

custom treatment programs enables us not

with Dollphos SC189, another rinse with mains

only to meet all our customers’ requirements,

water, two rinses with demineralised water, and

but also to optimise our consumption and

a no-rinse conversion through the nebulisation

expenses,” states Brusa. © ipcm ®

containing synthetic oligomers obtained from

4 1

Figure 4: The new coating line can paint parts up to 4500x2500x1000 mm in size.

Š ipcm Ž

5 1

Figure 5: The powder management unit of the Wagner SuperCube quick-colour change booth.

The coating process The new coating line can paint parts up to 4500x2500x1000 mm in size (Fig. 4) and it is equipped with a Wagner SuperCube quick-colour change booth (Fig. 5), six guns per side, and two manual pre and post-retouching stations (Figs. 6 and 7). The SuperCube plastic booth allows a quick paint change without entering the booth. Thanks to the patented Twister Effect suction system, it ensures an even flow distribution of the suction flow for the highest coating application efficiency and dielectric performance, with no accumulations on the walls. Main features of this booth are: - Very rapid and simple colour change, partially automated. - SuperCenter Evo presents constant colour change over time, which is software-controlled. This also contributes to minimizing the presence of the operator during the cleaning cycle, who only has to blow the inside of the cabin and the cyclone. - Wagner data Software: one-of-a-kind software that manages all the production parameters, dust consumption monitoring for each production batch, onscreen maintenance with alarms for periodic deadlines. - Short booth, only 2,5 m long. - Very low powder quantities in the cycle for consistently high-quality coating results. - Manual coater located at the front. - Direct access to workpieces to ensure very high coating quality.


- Walk-in booth with access to all locations, only in case of maintenance. For colour change operations the operator does not have to enter the booth. Both the drying and curing ovens use an air vein system and they ensure the optimal temperature is reached in up to 7 minutes in the winter months and up to 4 in summer. “This plant was built based on a project of Paride Brusa

© ipcm ®

aimed at ensuring that an operator can check the entire

© ipcm ®

6 1

7 1

Figures 6 and 7: The coating booth is equipped with six guns per side and two manual pre and post-retouching stations.

© ipcm ®

of components, we opted for efficient but standard solutions in order to be able to intervene in a targeted and timely way. The pre-treatment cycle also allows controlling all process parameters and it sends us alarm signals if these are not optimal.” “This project would not have been possible without collaboration with our suppliers, including DN Chemicals, with which we have established a relationship of trust and mutual respect over the years. These factors, as well as the assistance they have offered us, especially by suggesting the use of products that have always proved to be up to our needs, have made DN

8 1

Figure 8: From left to right: Paride Brusa (B.M. Colora), Roberto Rebuffo (DN Chemicals), Andrè Bernasconi (DN Chemicals), and Andrea Mazzi (Proma 8).

Chemicals become our sole supplier of pre-treatment products.”

A 4.0-oriented future “In future, we intend to transform coating cycle from one place and,

plant has enabled us to target such

the new plant with a 4.0-oriented

therefore, identify any potential

businesses even in the outdoor

approach, in order to be able to

problem immediately,” explains

sector, precisely as we wanted,” states

remotely manage its production cycle

Andrea Mazzi from Proma 8.

Paride Brusa. “We have created the

and collect data on its operating

“Since it treats very diverse lots, not

right conditions to make sure that

parameters for batch traceability.

only the pre-treatment tunnel, but

the plant never stops, equipping all

Our ultimate goals are to offer our

also the booth and the drying and

hot-temperature operations with two

customers an increasingly attentive

curing ovens had to provide B.M.

pumps and two rinsing stages. In terms

and timely service and to gain more

Colora with maximum flexibility.”

and more control over our process

“Our Wagner booth allows us

performance,” states Brusa (Fig. 8).

performing a colour changeover

“Finally, we intend to offer more and

in a few minutes, whereas our air

more additional services, such as

vein ovens enable us to adjust the temperature based on the batch being processed and the paint being used, that is, polyester, epoxy-polyester, epoxy, or polyurethane,” says Brusa.

A sole supplier to guarantee quality “B.M. Colora’s target customers are companies that need added-value surface treatments and finishes. The implementation of the new pre-treatment cycle and coating


In future, we intend to transform the new plant with a 4.0-oriented approach, in order to be able to remotely manage its production cycle and collect data on its operating parameters for batch traceability. Our ultimate goals are to offer our customers an increasingly attentive and timely service and to gain more and more control over our process performance.”

N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

storage, ancillary work, assembly, and access to quality testing laboratories. Future investments will also include the installation of another in-line coating plant, in order to be even more flexible, as this is key to a contractor’s success. In general, our development project aims at automating our painting processes as much as possible and increasing the quality level of our whole production, while providing an increasingly attentive, careful, and competitive service.”

Opening photo: A demand of around 9 million additional wheels will arise from the opening of new automotive plants, which requires changes in the production processes and in wheel design. These changes will strongly affect the industry of surface treatments, in particular the technologies for wheel painting.


The Future of Wheel Painting Alessia Venturi ipcm®


he industrial segment of alloy wheel

market outlook for new greenfield

These changes will strongly affect the industry

production is strictly linked to the

business is predicted, especially in the

of surface treatments, in particular the

automotive industry. After a decline in

US and EU, while brownfield and service

technologies for wheel painting (Ref. Opening

2019, leading to a tangible reduction in spare

opportunities will increase globally.


parts business, a constant growth of 4% in

A demand of around 9 million additional

This was the focus of the Wheel Painting

the global car production is anticipated in the

wheels will arise from the opening of

Conference organized by Dürr Systems AG last

upcoming years. Since traditional customers

new automotive plants, in particular

23 October at its Campus in Bietigheim-

are expected to continue cutting their

dedicated to E-Mobility, which requires

Bissingen, at the gates of Stuttgart, Germany.

investments in favour of CASE (Connected

changes in the production processes

The Conference brought together over 100

Automated Shared Electric) trends, a reduced

and in wheel design.

industry professionals from the global wheel


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Dürr

manufacturing industry, and offered an array

growing and brings about issues regarding

improve the Overall Equipment Effectiveness.

of interesting speeches about megatrends and

production and energy efficiency, whereas

The OEE is made up of three aspects:

electric mobility, detailed studies about the new

the new requirement from OEMs for bolt hole

- System performance

automated processes for wheel painting and

painting brings about issues about overspray

- System availability

a final expert discussion with manufacturers

reduction and first run rates. Similarly, the request

- Production quality.

of chemicals, paints and powder coatings for

for a high quality coating goes hand in hand with

The DXQ portfolio features powerful and


the need for high cleaning standards for spindles,

user-friendly Human-Machine Interfaces, control

wheel mounting face and centre bore.

software, artificial intelligence for real time decisions

What can technology do to meet these

and continued aftersales services that allow to:

megatrends, ensuring at the same time

- Enhance availability of the systems through

The megatrends within the wheel industry Dirk Gorges, Vice President Sales, Paint and

production and energy efficiency, digitisation

controlled maintenance in accordance with the

Final Assembly Systems of Dürr Systems AG,

for single wheel control and unconventional

maintenance plan, including recording of the

opened the conference with a presentation that

customized layouts of the painting lines?

tasks and findings

highlighted the trends and outlooks of the wheel

Dürr showed its guests what its technological


know-how is able to provide during a full day of

production and quality data with reference to

Besides E-Mobility, which asks for changes in

technical presentations and live demonstrations

the single product and through analysis and

wheels design, for example closed wheels, there

of automated processes for painting, cleaning and

is a clear trend towards an increase of width and

separation processes in the Dürr technical centre.

overall diameter of the wheel. Comparing to 10

- Increase OK units and quality through recording

correlation of the recorded date - Ensure factory transparency and control. Wheels traceability is another important step

a small car is 17’’, while electrical premium cars

DXQ – state of the art software products for plant operation

feature 20’’ wheels.

Bernd Kremer, Senior Manager Sales Digital

knowledge in painting technology for wheels,

Another big trend is individualization: the

Solutions, Dürr Systems AG, explained in details

designed a wheel tracking solution that integrates

request for 2-tones or 3-tones painting is

the DXQ software family by Dürr, designed to

ERP system and shop floor to manage all

or 20 years ago, today the standard wheel for

toward full quality control. Olpidürr and Verind, Dürr’s Italian subsisdiaries with comprehensive

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60


© Dürr

production parameters and process monitoring via online visualization for ultimate batch tracking. Each record is composed by the following additional fields: - Tracking point ID - Batch ID - Recipe information (TBD) - Wheel type - Time of the first batch position that gets inside - Time of the first batch position that gets outside - Empty hanger / spindles ahead of the batch - Number of hangers/spindles assigned to the batch - Number of wheels assigned to the batch. Single wheel tracking is also possible. Each record is composed, besides


previous ones, by the following additional fields: - Wheel ID (QR code, for example)

Figure 1: For 2-tone painting Dürr launched at the beginning of 2019 its new overspray-free application process.

- Time it will remain inside a process area © Dürr

- Main process data (minimum, maximum value and average) - Applications sets / process values. Both batch record and single wheel record are available when the last batch or wheel gets out from the plant.

Overspray-free paint application: Full automation of two-tone painting The automotive market is in turmoil: Increased demand for individualization options on one side, differentiation between product lines on the other while the eco-friendly production (i.d. electric vehicles) is getting sales-relevant. All this requires the development of advanced technology in order to meet the needs of the market production-wise and in an efficient fashion. For 2-tone painting Dürr launched at the beginning of 2019 its new

2 1

overspray-free application process, which allows to have partial areas,

Figure 2: Bolt hole painting is a brand-new requirement from OEMs.

dynamic elements or even logos painted in a different colour on the surface of a car body or of a wheel (Fig. 1).

© Dürr

Painting 2 colours with the standard atomizer requires manual masking and de-masking of contrast surfaces. For the paintshop process this means: - One complete additional topcoat line or - Each two-tone body/component must pass twice on the existing line. This implies additional costs and reduced output. With Dürr's new EcoPaintJet application technology,1 it is now possible to paint with 100% transfer efficiency and no overspray. Therefore, masking is no longer needed due to the particularity of the patented applicator: It has a precisely machined nozzle plate with about 50 hardly visible holes that are used to apply the paint. EcoPaintJet is market-ready: it is suitable for 1K and 2K waterborne or solvent borne paint in solid colours (no metallic paints); it paints with a speed of 600 mm/s to 1,000 mm/s; its integration into topcoat process is possible

3 1

Figure 3: A high rotation atomizer EcoBell2.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

1 See ipcm® Vol. X, year 2019, edition 57 May-June, pages 50 and 51.

(alternatively it should be used after clear-coat application and baking). Requirements for good application results are a stable foundation or structural steelwork; a highly accurate, two-stage measuring system for the compensation of body or components and positioning tolerances; the adjustment of the decorative paint, in cooperation with paint manufacturers. Dürr is going a lot further: the new EcoPaintJet Pro is currently in development. Thanks to the separate control of each single nozzle, it will allow the creation of logos, symbols, the writing of text, and the production of sharp-edged contrast surfaces. This is particularly relevant to wheels painting because it will allow new design with sharp line in a contrasting colour on the wheel mounting face.





New requirement: Bolt hole painting Automatic bolt hole painting is a relatively new requirement from automotive OEMs (Fig. 2).b Dürr has developed an industrial solution, which includes a new application tool especially designed for this task of automatically painting the wheel bolt holes within a Dürr's robot station. The accordingly required vision system with a special camera including dedicated software and interfaces for the conveyor has been developed by Dürr’s subsidiary Verind. For the complete application in the production line, the system combines the use of electrostatic high rotation atomizers (EcoBell2 Fig. 3) or, if desired, with automatic air spray guns (EcoGun2). At the Dürr Test Center a complete application process was simulated at a line speed of approx. 7 m/min. The performance showed the automatic bolt hole painting followed by front face coating and external channel application. All steps were performed by robots equipped with the different Dürr applicators (EcoBell and EcoGun).

Hangers, spindles and cleaning machines: Tools for wheel production Hangers need to manage wheels with significant different shapes and dimensions, with diameter from 14” to 24” and width from 3,5” to 14”. Olpidürr's hangers design requires additional adapters only in very special cases, as extremely narrow wheels and/or in combination with special geometry that moves the centre of gravity close to one side. Similarly, a different design of spindles is required depending on the process loop (powder paint application, curing, wet paint application). Marco Pozzi, Design Engineering Manager of Dürr, illustrated the latest generation of hangers and spindles designed by Dürr (Fig. 4), while Patric Pedruzzi, Engineering Manager of Dürr, explained two new cleaning machine concepts, one dedicated to spindle cleaning and the other one to the cleaning of a wheel centre bore and mounting face. Dürr developed the spindle cleaning machine SCM 200 for the complete and automatic cleaning of the spindle and the conveyor

CM AUTOMAZIONE srl Via Monte Bianco 20 20833 Giussano (MB) - IT p. +39.0362.314075 f. +39.0362.861222 info@cmautomazione.it


© Dürr

after powder coating application to prevent subsequent contamination of certain areas of the wheel and of the room itself (Fig. 5). Passing through the machine, spindles rotate and each 1/6 rotation of the spindle is cleaned by compressed air operated nozzles mounted on a ramp while accurate vacuuming prevents powder from escaping machine entry and exit sections. Time for «upper nozzles ramp», time for «bottom nozzles ramp» and frequency of the «bottom nozzles ramp» can be adjusted from HMI. The machine has a compact design, it is also adaptable to the existing conveyor and spindles, and performs sequential cleaning cycles of the spindle, which is also stabilized during the process. The machine requires an easy maintenance, prevents the surrounding areas from

4 1

contamination and can be customised to the customer’s process. The machine is Atex certified and patented.

Figure 4: The latest generation of hangers and spindles designed by Dürr.

The wheel cleaning machine WhCM 200 (Fig. 6) was developed to

© Dürr

remove powder paint deposit from the centering bore up to a fixed height depending on the type of wheel and from the mounting face before entering the oven. Up to now the large design variety of wheels complicates the cleaning process and affects the final cleaning results. Dürr WhCM series features a hybrid technology with the combination of different kinds of nozzles and brushes for customized cleaning processes using both compressed air and brushing. Air pressure for the rotating nozzle, air pressure and cycle time for dust removal, air pressure and cycle time for external brush cleaning, rotation speed of external brushes can all be adjusted from the HMI. Nozzle design, brush design and life ring (the area on which the wheels touch the heads) design can be customised. Also this machine is Atex certified and patented. 5 1

Moving beyond fossil fuels – our progress on the road to electric mobility

Figure 5: The spindle cleaning machine SCM 200.

Engines and Automotive Engineering of the University of Stuttgart closed the day by presenting the progress of the society on the path

© Dürr

Prof. Hans Christian Reuss of the IVK Institute of Internal Combustion

towards sustainable mobility. Electromobility has fewer emissions, is less noisy and is more efficient than traditional combustion vehicles. There is no way back: the switch to E-Mobility will take years but it is the future because urbanization, economic trends and environmental regulations are powerful drivers. Future cars will be Connected, Automated, Shared and Electric. In 2030 powertrain-portfolio will be more miscellaneous than today. Advanced ICEV (Internal Combustion Electric Vehicles), HEV (Hybrid Combustion Electric Vehicles), PHEV (Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles), BEV (Battery Electric Vehicles), FCEV (Fuel-Cell Electric Vehicles) will be available and suitable in different ways to short and long distances. In the long term electrification, connection and automation will bring the society forward.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

6 1

Figure 6: Detail of the wheel cleaning machine WhCM 200 developed to remove powder paint deposit from the centering bore.



uring the ARCHITECS@WORK PARÍS 2019 trade fair, which took place from Thursday, 26th September to

© Adapta Color

Creons Ensemble Pour Innover: ADAPTA Has Been Awarded the 2nd DUO@WORK Prize Friday, 27th September 2019, ADAPTA was awarded the

2 DUO@WORK prize. nd

This is the 6th edition of the contest which recognizes the joint work between architects and industry for innovation. The prize was collected by Victor Manuel Diaz and Mathieu Dutheil, Adapta Color France Sarl commercial technicians, who reported the praise received by the jury for Adapta’s work (Fig. 1). The award-winning project is ADOMA Project – Résidence Sociale 75013 París, created by the architect Phillipon of KALT Architectes (Fig. 2). The coating that has been used is Lethargic Savannah of the Colección PATINA and has been applied by Adapta’s customer Le Mans Peinture Industrielle, a company of PRESTIA group (Fig. 3). This product imitates weathering steel, better known as Corten steel, while avoiding corrosion problems and drag marks.


For further information:

© Adapta Color

Figure 1: The DUO@WORK prize was collected by Victor Manuel Diaz and Mathieu Dutheil, Adapta Color France Sarl commercial technicians.

© Adapta Color


2 1

3 1

Figure 2: The ADOMA Project – Résidence Sociale 75013 París, created by the architect Phillipon of KALT Architectes.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Figure 3: A detail of the used coating: Lethargic Savannah of the Colección PATINA imitates weathering steel.





complete plants



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52 56

BRAND-NEW FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Continuous Technological Innovation and Paintshop Updating for High Quality Agricultural Machinery: Mascar’s Winning Strategy


FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Agrostroj: Coating Equipment to Better Serve the ACE and Automotive Sectors


INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Franchi&Kim Reliability at the Service of ACE Market


FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY The Sustainability-Oriented Evolution of the ACE Sector Also Calls for Innovative Waste Water Treatment Technologies


SUCCESS STORIES Durable and Even Paint Surface for Environmental Management Machinery


FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Low Temperature Powder Coating System from KABE Maintains the Value of Vineyard Machines

BRAND-NEW FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Ilcar: A New Compact Shot Blasting Plant for High Aesthetic Value and Long-Lasting Protection

© Kadmy_Adobe Stock

100 102




eveloped by the Research & Development team of SherwinWilliams India lead by Ajitkumar

© Sherwin-Williams

2K 3C1B Compact High-Performance PU System: Two Component “3 Coats 1 Bake” Paint System Padhi, R&D Technical Manager, the new 2K 3C1B Coating System has demonstrated positive results in the production of ACE (Fig. 1). This system consists on a 2K Epoxy primer, 2K PU colour coat and 2K PU clear coat (Fig. 2). It has a superior performance in terms of gloss and colour retention, mar and

2 1

Figure 2: Scheme of the 2K 3C1B Coating System’s application.

chemical resistance, it has high durability The gloss is over 85 at 20° and over 90 at

production time with 3 bakes in the oven.

60° angle.

Instead, the application is wet on wet with only

The advantages brought by a clear top coat

one bake. Zero to 1 minute flash-off between

are the smooth finish, with an orange peel

primer, colour coat and clear coat means

rated over 6, the excellent appearance in

that the addition of a clear coat layer does

terms of clarity, the reduced risk of damage

not require a process modification. Finally, as

due to the handling, less rework costs and

we keep an eye on the sustainability of the

no colour transfer on field.

processes, this is a lower temperature curing,

“Along with these advantages, there is also

that means energy saving and respect for the

an increase in the throughput. In fact, a 3

planet”, points out Laura Zambrini, Product

coats system would normally lead to a long

Manager Liquid GI EMEAI (Figs. 3 and 4).

© Sherwin-Williams

and excellent exterior performance.

3 1

Sherwin-Williams team in India completed pilot

Figure 3: Total time: Application and curing time (minutes).

© Sherwin-Williams

trials with full customer’s satisfaction in terms of appearance and performance: 2K PU colour coat and 2K PU Clear coat system - Wet on wet application, only 1 bake

© Sherwin-Williams

- Superior performance with 2K Epoxy primer,

- Zero to 1 minute flash-off between primer, colour coat and clear coat - Addition of clear coat layer without process modification - Lower temperature curing technology.


Figure 1: The new 2K 3C1B Coating System by Sherwin-Williams has demonstrated positive results in the production of ACE.


For further information: www.sherwin-williams.com

N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

4 1

Figure 4: Dry Film Thickness (micron).



DSM Introduces New Resin to Drive Shift to Waterborne Coatings in Construction and Heavy Machinery Segments


oyal DSM, a global science-based

opportunities of up to 50% during

coatings to deliver outstanding corrosion

company in Nutrition, Health and

forced drying processes. What’s more,

resistance, as well as a high-gloss finish.

Sustainable Living, has launched a new

the new resin enables coatings with high

Ap Heijenk, Global Technical Application

direct-to-metal (DTM), waterborne coating

levels of durability, driving the lifetimes

Manager, Industrial Coating Resins DSM:

resin, NeoCryl® XK-117, that will enable a

of the end products, and helping to

“The launch of NeoCryl® XK-117 is an

more sustainable future for the coatings

reduce our consumption of valuable

important step forward for DSM as

industry. The new resin underlines DSM’s

metal resources.

we look to expand our sustainable

commitment to developing coating resins that

The new resin also delivers a wide range

direct-to-metal product offering, and

outperform conventional coating technologies

of functional and aesthetic performance

reinforce our position as the world’s

in terms of both sustainability and functional

benefits, bringing together the diverse

number one waterborne resin producer.


properties of traditional multi-step

With the new resin, we are again

Above all, NeoCryl® XK-117 offers a viable

primer-topcoat systems within a

delivering on our commitment to shape a

alternative to solvent-borne coating

single-layer coating solution. In this

more sustainable future in which coating

technology for the construction and heavy

way, the new resin can help applicators

products can perform excellently without

machinery segments, and contains low levels

reduce their process times and spatial

damaging the health of people or our

of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), as well

requirements, without compromising

planet. In short, more than ever, we are

as being low in odour. Moreover, by enabling

the practical qualities of the end

helping to create brighter lives for all!”

a direct-to-metal application, rather than

coating. In particular, with a high solid

requiring the traditional two-stage application,

content level of 50%, this full-bodied

For further information:

NeoCryl XK-117 enables energy-saving

resin can be formulated into high-build

www.dsm.com © DSM Coating Resins



DSM introduces new resin to drive shift to waterborne coatings in construction and heavy machinery segments.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60





Tatiana Shepeleva © Shutterstock

AGM Advances Applications for Water-Based Anti-Corrosion Coatings pplied Graphene Materials, the producer of specialty graphene materials, is pleased to announce

it has achieved significant technological progress (patent pending) on the deployment of graphene into water-based coatings to enhance their barrier properties. The company will be sharing the findings of recent development work with its existing customer base and the wider industry. Water-based coatings development remains a focus for industry formulators. This push is driven by the continuing tightening of regulations brought in to lessen the detrimental impact that solvent-based coatings have on both worker health and the environment. As the technology for water-based coatings continues to evolve, one of the key challenges that remains is to significantly improve their anti-corrosion

incorporation of graphene into coating

customers, reaffirming AGM as the leader in

performance. In doing so, this will fully

formulations and existing processes.

the development of cutting-edge graphene

extend their use away from decorative

Genable dispersions are fully scalable

applications tailored to add significant value for

applications into broader industrial

industrial products and, based on initial

paints and coatings manufacturers”.

protective coatings.

findings, the addition levels required

While the findings being shared publicly are

Over recent years AGM has proven the

to significantly enhance anti-corrosion

in a commercial acrylic DTM (Direct-to-Metal)

outstanding barrier and anti-corrosion

performance in water-based systems are

coating, AGM believes that water-based

performance gains possible by incorporating

low enough to ensure commercial viability,

Genable® technology could, with considered

graphene into solvent-based coating

even in light industrial applications.

formulating, equally well be adopted into

systems using its Genable dispersion

Adrian Potts, CEO of Applied Graphene

water-based epoxy chemistries and likewise

technology. This has been demonstrated

Materials, said: “A key driver for coatings

into more complex formulated primer systems.

with several commercial products reaching

developers to upgrade their product

AGM remains the industry leader for

industrial end-user markets. However,

formulations is increasing regulatory

graphene exploitation into the global paints

effective incorporation of graphene into

pressure to improve the environmental

and coatings industry, boasting a highly

water-based systems has previously proven

impact and safety of their products.

experienced formulations and applications

more problematic due to interrelated issues

This is why AGM is working to replicate

team, supported by a well-equipped product

around materials compatibility and film

the success we have already achieved

development and characterisation laboratory


with the incorporation of our Genable

and production capability for consistent

This water-based breakthrough is again

products into solvent-based products with





based on AGM’s platform Genable

its incorporation into water-based products.

technology, a range of master dispersions

We are delighted to be able to present

For further information:

that are designed to facilitate the easy

significant technological progress to our




N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



Waterborne Coatings: Acrylic DTM (Direct-to-Metal) Creep Assessment following accelerated exposure testing (Neutral Salt-Spray (Fog) Testing - ASTM B117).

20.0 15.0 10.0

6.7 3.5



0.0 6B1-1P2





5% Genable 1250

10% Genable 1250

20% Genable 1250

Blasted Steel - 1000 Hours (42 Days)

Average Corrosion Creep (mm)

Average Corrosion Creep (mm)

Blasted Steel - 480 Hours (20 Days) 50.0 40.0 30.0


30.0 20.0





0.0 6B1-5P2





5% Genable 1250

10% Genable 1250

20% Genable 1250

30.0 20.0 9.8 10.0



0.0 6B1-9P2





5% Genable 1250

10% Genable 1250

20% Genable 1250



5% Genable 1250



10% Genable 20% Genable 1250 1250

40.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0



0.0 6B1-6P2





5% Genable 1250

10% Genable 1250

20% Genable 1250

Abraded Steel - 1000 Hours (42 Days) Average Creep Average Corrosion Creep (mm)

Average Corrosion Creep (mm)




Abraded Steel - 480 Hours (20 Days) Average Creep 50.0


Bonderite Steel - 1000 Hours (42 Days) Average Creep Average Corrosion Creep (mm)

Average Corrosion Creep (mm)




Bonderite Steel - 480 Hours (20 Days) Average Creep 50.0



50.0 40.0 25.0

30.0 20.0 10.0



0.0 6B1-10P2





5% Genable 1250

10% Genable 1250

20% Genable 1250

Note: Except for the 480-hour assessment of the coated blasted steel control panel, all of the other control panels at both 480 hours and 1000 hours testing had substantial levels of corrosion emanating from the scribe and/or a complete failure in terms of corrosion. These panels have been denoted as having an average creep corrosion of 50mm to aid pictorial representation in the graphs below.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60


Opening photo: Mascar SpA (Grumolo delle Abbadesse, Vicenza, Italy) has specialised in the production of agricultural machinery for the sowing and haymaking sectors for over twenty years.



Continuous Technological Innovation and Paintshop Updating for High Quality Agricultural Machinery: Mascar’s Winning Strategy Ilaria Paolomelo ipcm®


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


© Mascar Spa

ike much of the manufacturing

autonomous driving, and sensors and

industry, the agricultural sector

IoT technologies capable of collecting

is currently facing the challenge

data on environmental, climatic, and

of digitalisation and technological evolution. Originally a totally labour-driven sector, from the 1950s to the present day the agricultural industry has changed a lot – through the so-called green revolution, which led to the introduction of chemical fertilisers, the 3.0 era, characterised by the advent of machinery aimed at speeding up and improving production, and finally the so-called smart agriculture or agriculture 4.0. Nowadays, the primary sector is in fact more prosperous than ever in terms of technological innovation.

The primary sector is more prosperous than ever in terms of technological innovation. Proof of this are the drones used for mapping areas, “smart” tractors with autonomous driving, and sensors and IoT technologies capable of collecting data on environmental, climatic, and crop conditions in real time.”

crop conditions in real time as well as providing information on the possible spread of diseases. In this constantly evolving framework, continuous research and development of innovative solutions has proved to be a winning strategy adopted by many businesses. These include Mascar SpA (Grumolo delle Abbadesse, Vicenza, Italy), a company specialising in the production of agricultural machinery for the sowing and haymaking sectors for over twenty years (Ref. opening photo). The current quality requirements for

Proof of this are the drones used for

the finishing of such equipment are as

mapping areas, “smart” tractors with

high as those of the automotive sector

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60


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2 1

Figure 1: Balers are among Mascar’s top products.

Figure 2: After machining and assembly, the parts are transferred to the coating department.

are. In order to meet these needs at best,

to break away from the homonymous

well, and the haymaking sector, such as

in 2017 Mascar renovated its paintshop

industrial group and acquire this

round balers and bale wrappers, which

with the help of Graco, a world leader in the

company, already active in that sector.

already accounted for 40% of the original

supply of fluid management systems and

We used our know-how and previous

company’s production (Fig. 1)”.

equipment (through Comaind, one of the

experiences to reorganise the firm

“The choice not to produce a full line, but

Graco distributors in Italy), and Inver, a brand

from every point of view, turning it from

only focus on these products arose from

of the Sherwin-Williams Company, which

an artisanal to an industrial business,”

Mascar’s will to offer reliable, high tech,

supplies the company with last generation

explains Mascar General Manager

high quality, high productivity machinery

water-soluble two-component coatings.

Maria Teresa Maschio. “We also

in a very specific market niche. For

redesigned the entire product range by

example, whereas a standard haymaking

Company history

a year, Mascar’s systems produce up

history started in 1998, when agricultural

the sowing sector, such as pneumatic

to 12,000 bales a year; our seeders can

machinery expert Antonio Maschio decided

seed drills, which my father knew very

reach a speed up to 15 km per hour,

3 1

4 1

Figure 3: Manual primer application.


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machine can pack around 5,000 bales

production of agricultural machinery for

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choosing to specialise exclusively in the

“Established in 1964, Mascar’s contemporary

N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Figure 4: Manual top coat application.


which is crucial for markets like Russia and China, where arable land plots are enormous. These are premium machines, with mechanic, hydraulic, and electronic solutions of excellence. Our engineering team is constantly looking for innovative concepts especially aimed at improving field performance,

PAINTING ROBOTS & SYSTEM INTEGRATOR We are able to provide the full range of articulated and cartesian robots for every painting need!

increasing work speed, and reducing environmental impact. In order to remain a leader in its sector, each year Mascar reinvests about 10% of its turnover in research and development and in the updating of its production equipment, including the

LeBot MV A5-A6: 5 and 6 axis articulated robot with self-learning, point to point and 3D offline programming, also available in chariot, carriage and carousel configuration with 3D Lesta shape acquisition system.

coating one.” “Mascar now exports over 80% of its production worldwide and it has recently signed two very important partnership agreements: one with Alpego SpA (Vicenza), which will enable the two companies to expand their customer portfolio, and the other with CNH, for the exclusive supply of fixed-chamber balers for cylindrical bales,” says Maria Teresa Maschio.

LeBot C5: 5 axis cartesian robot with 3D Lesta shape acquisition system. acqui ystem.

Mascar’s production flow “Mascar produces 95% of its machines in-house by dealing with all phases, from carpentry to coating and assembly, in a 27,000 m2-wide plant. We are equipped with the most advanced carpentry technologies such as laser cutting, numerical control machining centres, and welding robots, with which we treat our raw material: pickled sheet metal. After machining and assembly, the parts are subjected to quality checks and then transferred to the coating department (Fig. 2). This enables us

LeBot IA6: articulated 6-axis industrial robots with jointed-arm kinematics for all point-to-point and continuous-path tasks, controlled by our LeCRob K-Manager software. LeBot IA6 robots can work with 3D Lesta shape system. aacquisition ac qu tem.

WWW.LESTA.IT The choice not to produce a full line, but only focus on specific products arose from Mascar’s will to offer reliable, high tech, high quality, high productivity machinery in a very specific market niche.”

LESTA S.r.l.

Via D. Chiesa, 42 - 20020 Dairago (MI) - Italy +39 0331.430817 +39 0331.1581053 0331.158 info@lesta.it

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5 1

Figure 5: Workpieces exiting the coating booth, ready to be transferred to the polymerisation oven.

to both constantly monitor the production

demineralised water. Then, they pass

them with new spray guns from Graco’s

process, thus guaranteeing our products’

through the drying oven and the masking

XP range, which in just two months have

reliability, and reduce our time to market,”

station. Finally, they enter the coating

allowed us to save over 30% of paint

states Mascar plant manager Emanuele

booths’ area. Here, they are subjected

and improve the quality of our finishes,”

Ghezzo. “Mascar builds its different types

to the following operations: manual

the plant manager adds. “Moreover, in

of agricultural machines with different

application of a two-component epoxy

order to solve some problems related

production cycles: round balers follow

primer (Fig. 3), flash-off, second primer

to the fluidity of our paint products

a fixed path, whereas for our seed drills

application stage and further flash-off,

and increase plant productivity by

we produce the individual components

application of an acrylic top coat (Fig. 4),

eliminating machine downtimes due to

separately and we assemble them in

and polymerisation in the oven (Fig. 5),”

extraordinary maintenance, we have

different ways based on customer needs.”

says Emanuele Ghezzo.

installed two new dosing and mixing

“We use waterborne two-component

systems developed by Graco (Fig. 6).”

coatings developed by Inver, specifically

“We have provided Mascar with

“In our coating department, the assembled

a state-of-the-art 2k epoxy primer and a

equipment that requires less ordinary

products undergo a pre-treatment phase

2k acrylic enamel, both designed by Inver

and preventive maintenance,” states

that includes a phospho-degreasing stage,

to meet the high quality requirements of

Davide Galvani from Comaind, a Graco

a rinse with mains water, and a rinse with

the heavy equipment industry. We apply

distributor for the industrial coating and

Features of the new coating line


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Mascar the Graco ProMix 2KE dosing unit (Fig. 7)

Results achieved and future projects

for the primer application stage, as it provides

“We have also solved a problem related to

thanks to the dynamic dosing technology

electrostatic insulation by supplying an advanced

accurate fluid volume measurements

insulated polypropylene cabinet with dielectric

fluid management fields. “We recommended to

to efficiently achieve the pre-set mixing proportions. With this compact and flexible system, the primer is applied at a maximum pressure of 21 bar. Graco ProMix 2KE also features a user-friendly LCD display that allows setting, managing, and monitoring the system during operation and scheduling maintenance activities. For the top coat application, we also recommend to Mascar the installation of the 2KS multi-component dosing system (Figs. 8 and 9), which allows managing up to five colours, but is expandable up to a maximum of thirty. These are arranged within

certification designed by Comaind to isolate the

We have installed a control panel with the aim of gradually organising our production based on the Industry 4.0’s principles. It manages the supply flow to the recovery tank, the recirculation cycle, and the pumps and it controls the temperature, density, flow rate per minute, and circulatory pressure values”

tanks containing the primers and an air-insulated bench, where the tanks containing the top coats are positioned with an external perimeter protection spaced at 5000 m. Both systems are adjacent to the booth area,” says Galvani. “Finally, we have installed a control panel with the aim of gradually organising our production based on the Industry 4.0’s principles (Fig. 10). It manages the supply flow to the recovery tank, the recirculation cycle, and the pumps and it controls the temperature, density, flow rate per minute, and circulatory pressure values (Fig. 11). We use this information to have a general or variations with respect to the standards.

Coriolis mass flow metres to precisely measure

The next step will be to put the machines

paint density and viscosity,” explains Galvani.

in communication with our company’s

6 1

Figure 6: The Endura-Flo 3D high-pressure diaphragm pump has solved the coating fluidity issues.

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control of the system and detect any anomalies

changeovers and interfaces with fibre-optic

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an insulated box that guarantees quick colour

7 1

Figure 7: Mascar has chosen the Graco ProMix 2KE dosing unit for the primer application stage.

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8 1

9 1

Figures 8 and 9: For the top coat application, Mascar installed the 2KS multi-component dosing system, which allows managing up to five colours but is expandable up to a maximum of thirty.

optimised consumption, increased productivity, and significantly reduced

Italy) Mascar managed to switch from waterborne one-component

maintenance. Our partnership with Graco have turned out to be winning

products to waterborne two-component ones, thus reducing the

choices. The company is not just a supplier for us, but also a partner that

environmental impact, increasing parts’ corrosion resistance and

has helped us solve our coating issues and improve the final quality of

durability, and optimising the tack time” states Filippo Pellegrini,

our products. At the same time, thanks to the results obtained, we have

Sales Manager, GI Italy of The Sherwin-Williams Company.

strengthened our collaboration with Inver,” states Ghezzo.

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“With our new coating plant, in a few months we have saved paint,

“Thanks to the research done by Inver’s laboratory in Minerbio (Bologna,

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management systems to achieve global control over our production cycle”.

10 1

11 1

Figure 10: Mascar installed a control panel to manage the system and detect anomalies.


Figure 11: A bird’s eye view of the coating management unit.

N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

One partner for your automated paint applications Preprogrammed centralized controls Easy integration Modular build User friendly interface (HMI)

DISCOVER OUR SOLUTIONS www.graco.com/ďŹ nishingproducts

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Opening photo: Components of agricultural machines painted by Agrostroj.



Agrostroj: Coating Equipment to Better Serve the ACE and Automotive Sectors Alessia Venturi ipcm®


ver one hundred years in business, a new 16,000 m2-wide

founded in 1896 that currently boasts over 2,600 employees and a

industrial coating line that is about to become the largest

turnover of 246 million Euros (2018 data), manufacturing drum and disc

one in Europe (Fig. 1), and the record of having been the

mowers, flail mowers, grass cutters, and disc spreaders for itself as well

first Central European company to invest in the automation of its

as for other important global brands (Ref. Opening Photo).

agricultural machinery powder coating processes with the installation of

Project complexity, increasingly stringent quality requirements, and the

four Italian-made pre-retouching robots (Fig. 2). These are just some of

aim of expanding its production volumes were the reasons behind its

the characteristics of Agrostroj Pelhřimov, a large-sized Czech company

project of extensive department modernisation and purchase of


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


A 122-year long story

cutting-edge technologies for all its production phases, including coating. The primary criterion for these investments was environmental and production sustainability, closely linked to energy efficiency and process automation. This was also the case for one of Agrostroj’s most recent investments, dating back to the end of 2016, for the automation of pre-painting touch-up operations, which are crucial to guarantee coating quality in terms of both coverage and penetration, through self-learning robots provided by the Italian firm CMA Robotics. In fact, Agrostroj’s positive experience with coating robotisation has quickly become

The turbulent history of the central

One of Agrostroj’s most recent investments, dating back to the end of 2016, is the automation of pre-painting touch-up operations, which are crucial to guarantee coating quality in terms of both coverage and penetration, through self-learning robots provided by the Italian firm CMA Robotics.”

European region saw many companies struggle to keep staying in business. Among the struggling businesses we find AGROSTROJ Pelhřimov, established in 1896, which managed to survive the collapse of the Eastern European markets in the 1990s, but almost went bankrupt. The intervention of Lubomir Stoklásek, who saw the potential of AGROSTROJ and decided to invest in it, changed the fate of the company, making it thrive again. Today, Stoklásek is the owner and Managing Director

ACE sector.

of AGROSTROJ and in 2018 he was

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a benchmark for the whole Central European


Figure 1: Agrostroj’s new 16,000 m2-wide industrial coating line by Eisenmann is about to become the largest one in Europe.

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awarded with prize E&Y Czech

meets the ISO 9001: 2008 standards

Entrepreneur of the Year.

and has been classified as a ‘Class A

Today, AGROSTROJ employs 2,600

supplier’ by its partners. Recently, it

people and its customers are OEMs

also obtained the IATF certification.

from the agricultural and commercial

Long before Industry 4.0 and

vehicles sector worldwide.

Sustainability concepts became

The company’s core business is

megatrends, AGROSTROJ had

general subcontracting for two

already started implementing both,

dozen of the world’s or Europe’s

by installing its first welding robots

top leading OEMs but it also

in 2000. Today, their number has

manufactures mulching machines,

increased to 150, and the company

tractor feeders, drum rotary mowers

also introduced painting robots,

and other agricultural machines

with 85% of production completed

under its own brand, also managing

on CNC technologies. This project

its own logistics to secure deliveries

of modernisation entails an

just in time and just in sequence as

increase of this figure to 98% by

required by customers.

2022 and has sustainability and

AGROSTROJ’s headquarter in

environmental protection at the

Pelhřimov has a production facility of

forefront: the company not only

230,000 m which houses state-of-

satisfies all mandatory regulations

the-art technologies and equipment,

and customers’ environmental audits,

the result of an investment of

but environmental sustainability has

almost €500 million which has

become a part of the company itself,

contributed in making it one of the

and consequently of the investments

largest universal subcontractors

in new technologies.

for agricultural machines and

The recently commissioned state-

commercial vehicles in Europe, with

of-the-art paint shop is a perfect

the two segments being almost

representation of this way of thinking

equally divided.

and it currently is one of the most

AGROSTROJ’s production volume

modern and largest paint shops in

for each costumer is substantial:

Europe, able to paint components

for example, for one leading

as heavy as six tonnes. This degree

manufacturer of commercial

of versatility and capability enables

vehicles the company produces 240

AGROSTROJ to accommodate any

components, of which most are key

request for the surface treatment of

components mounted in the truck

even the more complex and largest



The company not only manufactures

Another valued advantage is

the components but it covers the

represented by the use of progressive,

whole production process, from

lightweight high-strength materials,

designing to final assembly, making

which are nowadays more and more

it a comprehensive supplier with a

required by vehicle manufacturers: the

key competitive advantage and great

extensive use, over the last ten years,

flexibility to meet each customer’s

of S700 to S1100 grade materials

specific requirements, thanks to

has resulted in the acquisition of an

the range and availability of its

extensive knowledge and experience


in how to incorporate these materials

For AGROSTROJ quality is of the

into production with no faults.

utmost importance: the company

Over the next five years, AGROSTROJ


2 1

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Figure 2: With the installation of four Italian-made pre-retouching robots by CMA Robotics, Agrostroj is the first Central European company to invest in the automation of its agricultural machinery powder coating processes

3 1

Figure 3: Libor Zdvihal, coating manager of Agrostroj


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


spare part supply services.

production for existing customers

Three coating lines, automation, and process flexibility for a highly diversified production

and by starting new projects for

“Agrostroj mainly manufactures

operational reliability, stability, high

the commercial vehicles segment.

forage harvesting and shredding

productivity, and a long service life even in

To support this plan, new major

machines under its own brand, as well

the harshest environmental conditions.

investments are currently being

as agricultural machinery for other

“Our production cycle starts from

implemented in Russia, where, at

brands, including John Deere, Claas,

raw materials, that is, machined

the end of 2020, a new factory with

Krone, Fendt, Pöttinger, and large

sheet steel and aluminium.

a 42,000 m covered area, which

components for commercial and public

Our in-house tooling department

will house all the processes run in

transport vehicles for brands such as

produces highly sophisticated and

plans to increase turnover from the current €300 million to €400 million both by increasing


Our flagship products are ZTR drum rotary mowers and mulchers. Their robust and sophisticated design guarantees

Pelhřimov, will be commissioned.

Volvo, Mercedes, MAN, and DAF,” states

customised tools, and metal stamping

This factory will make AGROSTROJ

Agrostroj coating manager Libor Zdvihal

dies. Our production plant accommodates

the second biggest Czech investor

(Fig. 3). “We analyse our customers’

cutting machines, machining centres,

in Russia after Škoda Auto,

needs and we produce systems and

presses, heat treatment ovens, and

improving also the company’s

components with the highest possible

surface treatment and finishing plants.

market position.

operational reliability, the longest

Finally, we have three Eisenmann

In the medium term, AGROSTROJ is

possible service life, and the lowest

coating systems performing cataphoresis

also considering a new acquisition

possible purchase and operating costs.

and powder and liquid painting

in the European market.

We also offer technical assistance and


Dynamic contour detection Sophisticated coating solution

- High level automation of the application process - Automated recognition of complex geometries for both the front and rear of the object - Optimized coating quality - Powder savings and reduction in overspray - Drastic reduction of the manual coating operation - Automated programming of U-axes. No time consuming axes adjustments Gema Europe Srl | Via Goldoni, 29 Via Carlo Goldoni 29 | 20090 Trezzano Sul Naviglio (MI) | ITALY | T. +39 02 48 400 486 | F. +39 02 48 400 874

Industry 4.0 Ready


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Our production cycle starts from raw materials, that is, machined sheet steel and aluminium. Our in-house tooling department produces highly sophisticated and customised tools, and metal stamping dies. Our production plant accommodates cutting machines, machining centres, presses, heat treatment ovens, and surface treatment and finishing plants.” 4 1

Figure 4: One of the four Wagner’s powder coating booths installed on Agrostroj’s Painting Line 1.

The company’s original coating department includes a cluster shot blasting machine

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for components with a maximum size of 1,800 x 2,200 mm and a continuous flow one for parts with a maximum size of 1,800 x 2,200 mm and a maximum length of 6,000 mm. The cataphoresis line was designed for workpieces up to 6,000 x 1,800 x 2,200 (H) mm, with a maximum weight of 2,200 kg; it uses the PPG Powercron 6200 HE lead-free technology to apply a primer layer between 20 and 45 microns. This cataphoresis line is connected to two finishing lines. The first one coats 6,000 x 1,800 x 2,200 (H) mm workpieces weighing up to 2,200 kg; it is composed of four Wagner powder coating booths (Fig. 4) for components intended for the automotive, commercial vehicle, and transport sectors and one Wagner manual liquid coating booth applying epoxy enamel on agricultural machines. This line works on three shifts and produces approximately 7,500 m2 of

5 1

painted surface per day.

Figure 5: The power&free conveyor, which feeds Agrostroj’s Painting Line 2 dedicated to automotive components.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

The second, more recent finishing line is exclusively devoted to automotive parts


When it comes to heavy equipment, there’s no room for error. From demanding durability requirements to exacting colour and finish criteria, the toughest of applications require the most formidable of solutions.

Our extensive range of products, including waterborne, high-solid, powder coatings and e-coat, are the result of our commitment to the ongoing development and quick approval of new products and technologies that provide the performance and colour capabilities needed in this market.

Contact: gi.emeai.marketing@sherwin.com Visit: www.sherwin-williams.eu

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6 1

Figure 6: Agrostroj’s Painting Line 2 features four Gema automatic coating booths arranged in a dust-free chamber.

(Fig. 5) and it only applies powder coatings.

cataphoresis station of the line no. 1.

Installed in 2016, it consists of four Gema

We installed two opposing robots (Fig. 8) on

automatic coating booths with a quick colour

both the first two booths of the line, whereas

change system, arranged in a dust-free

the touch-up phase of the other two is

chamber (Fig. 6). Here, automation is the

still manual, at the moment. Each booth is

protagonist: Agrostroj was the first company in the Czech Republic to install four new generation robots supplied by CMA Robotics (Pavia di Udine, Italy) to automate the preretouching stage on two of the four booths; moreover, all Gema booths are equipped with the Laser 3D piece recognition device (Fig. 7) launched by their manufacturer last year. The plant operated on two shifts and coats 70% of the production intended for Volvo, MAN, DAF,

Agrostroj was the first company in the Czech Republic to install four new generation robots supplied by CMA Robotics (Pavia di Udine, Italy) to automate the pre-retouching stage on two of the four booths.”

equipped with ten Venturi injector-technology automatic guns, five per side, mounted on opposite reciprocators, two automatic guns mounted on the pre-retouching robots, and two manual groups for the postretouching stage, occasionally required for the components with the most complex shapes,” explains Zdvihal. “The booths operate simultaneously and they are fed through a power&free conveyor

Mercedes, Scania and BT Toyota.

featuring three loading stations with elevators,

“This powder coating line receives components

which create storage buffers before each

in various sizes, all intended for the car

booth,” adds Jiří Drápela (Fig. 9), painting junior

and commercial vehicle sectors, from the

project manager at Agrostroj.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

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“This finishing line is equipped with two different ovens, with set temperatures of 195 °C and 205 °C: the parts enter one or the other depending on their finish colour and substrate thickness/mass. The total thickness of the coating, including cataphoresis, is between 100 and 160 microns. We apply almost fifty different tints using polyester or epoxy-polyester powder paints.” “We chose to install pre-retouching robots to increase the quality of our products, minimise labour, and reduce our touch-up times. We intend to eventually automatise all four booths but, even with the current configuration, the coating process is no longer a bottleneck for us,” notes Libor Zdvihal. “Our daily production is equal to about 1,700 m2 of coated surface per day,

7 1

with a chain speed of 6 m/min. Now that we have tested the potential of robots on

Figure 7: All Gema booths are equipped with the Laser 3D piece recognition device (see the 4 red laser devices at the entrance of the booth).

this powder finishing line, in 2020 we will implement other four of them on the two remaining booths. technology with a 3D scanner is a sophisticated solution that guarantees

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Gema’s dynamic shape recognition

a high finishing quality level through automation, especially if combined with pre-retouching robots”. This device identifies even the most complex part shapes and brings every gun mounted on the reciprocators to the most suitable position for optimal coating. The dynamic shape recognition process occurs in three phases: workpiece identification thanks to laser barriers located at the booth entrance to cover its whole height and width; dynamic shape recognition by measuring the object’s distance to calculate its shape with precision and sending of these data to the Magic Control unit of the booth; dynamic coating where, the shape of the object is segmented and translated into the accurate positioning of the independent axes and the adjustment of each gun.

8 1

Figure 8: Two of the four CMA opposing robots installed for the automatisation of pre touch-up phases.

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9 1

10 1

Figure 9: Jiří Drápela, on the right, with Alessia Venturi and Luca Di Giusto of CMA Robotics.

CMA’s technology for car and commercial vehicle components

Figure 10: CMA GR 650 ST is a 6-axis robot.

our CMA robots are programmed for 18,000

The largest agricultural machinery coating line in Europe: the future goal of Agrostroj

Agrostroj chose GR 650 ST robots, which

of them (Fig. 12): this choice has enabled

What has been defined as Europe’s largest

are ATEX certified for the application of

us to save a great deal of time and almost

coating line for agricultural machinery parts

powder coatings and programmed with

completely eliminate the need for post-

up to 3,200 x 2,700 x 16,000 mm (e.g. wheat

direct self-learning or point-to-point

retouching operations. Moreover, this robot

harvester blades – Fig. 13) is currently in

methods. “Our GR 650 ST is a 6-axis

programming mode allows checking in real

its ramp-up phase in a new construction-

robot (Fig. 10) suitable for in-line painting

time if the position of the guns is correct

smelling building adjacent to Agrostroj’s old

processes with either overhead or floor

or not: this is a great advantage for our

one. Designed by Eisenmann, this enormous

conveyors,” explains Luca Di Giusto, area


plant covers an area of 16,000 m2 and it is

options with offline programming methods. We coat 70,000 different components and

arranged on two floors, connected by an

programmed with both point-to-point

elevator. It is a cataphoresis + powder or

and self-learning techniques (Fig. 11).

liquid finishing line. It even accommodates

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manager at CMA Robotics. “It can be

Thanks to its sturdy structure, it is suitable

a smaller line with an overhead conveyor

for treating large workpieces and it can

for small components – almost like in the

be synchronised with the conveyor for

“Inception” movie, except it is for coating.

adjusting the parts’ pace. It is 1,976 mm

“This all-purpose line can be used for

high and it has a maximum range of

the industrial finishing of any metal

2,175 mm. In order to further expand its

component, be it large or small,” states

work area, the robot can be mounted on

Libor Zdvihal. “The ramp up phase will be

transfer cars. Its load capacity is 5 kg.”

completed by the end of the year 2019

“We chose CMA’s robots because we

and it will be fully productive from 2020.

believe they are the best in terms of self-

The choice to install it stemmed from our

learning process,” states Libor Zdvihal. “Their programming is very fast. As ‘time is money’, we preferred to select these self-learning robots rather than other


11 1

Figure 11: The programming device of CMA robots.

N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

need to insource the coating of nonstandard agricultural machines, which we produce in particular for the American company John Deer: we used to rely on a

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Get more from water

Turnkey solutions for industrial waste water treatment Spraybooth water treatment systems and chemicals Chemical-physical systems Sludge compactors Reverse osmosis & ion exchange water demineralization units De-oiling & degreasing units Filtering systems Water treatment chemicals & consumables Technical service & maintenance of water treatment systems

12 1

Figure 12: CMA robots are programmed for the coating of 18,000 different automotive parts.

German contractor, but the related logistics processes and the consequent quality problems had become a critical issue to be solved for Agrostroj.” The line no. 3 of the Pelhřimov-based firm includes two combined loading/unloading stations with an elevator (Fig. 14), the pretreatment and cataphoresis line and its related oven on the lower level (Fig. 15), whereas the upper one accommodates as follows: - 4 manual application booths, 3 of which are devoted to powders (Fig. 16) and 1 to liquids, all equipped with lifting platforms for operators and 4x75 kW absolute filters for air purification and recirculation; - 6 curing ovens, 4 of which are combined systems treating both powder and liquid coatings, with a temperature range between 80 °C and 220 °C; - 4 cooling areas (Fig. 17).



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13 1

Figure 13: Wheat harvester blades.

Each pre-treatment and cataphoresis tank has a capacity of 250 m and 3

they are linked to three synchronised overhead cranes (Fig. 18). Their cycle includes degreasing, rinsing, activation, zinc phosphating, three rinses with

ultrafiltrate cleaning. The flying bars tilt

The flying bars tilt inside the cataphoresis tank to minimise the formation of bubbles due to the large size of the immersed mass.”

inside the cataphoresis tank to minimise the formation of bubbles due to the large size of the immersed mass. The workpieces are hung onto them obliquely to promote drainage and avoid bath pollution (Fig. 19).

14 1

15 1

Figure 14: The two combined loading/unloading stations with an elevator of Agrostroj’s Painting Line n. 3.


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demineralised water, cataphoresis, and

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Figure 15: The pre-treatment and cataphoresis line.

16 1

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17 1

Figure 16: A large part entering one of the manual powder coatings booths of the new line.

Figure 17: Overview of the six ovens + 6 cooling areas (on the left) and of the powder and liquid coating booths (on the right) located on the upper level of the new huge line

the plant” (Fig. 20) and a storage buffer

plant management software so as to

for its flying bars. The powder coatings

the application of the powder or liquid

proceed to the right booth, depending

booths of the “plant within the plant”

top coat or they directly reach to the

on the production schedule and the

(Fig. 21) are located on the lower level.

unloading stations located on the lower

finishing program required. The upper

The whole system receives clean air

level. In the former case, the workpieces

level of the plant also features the

from an air conditioning unit that

are sent to a storage buffer from where

overhead conveyor of the “plant within

guarantees clean room conditions.

18 1

Figure 18: The cataphoresis tanks have a capacity of 250 m3.

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they are automatically picked by the

upper level through the elevator for

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The parts are then transferred to the

19 1

Figure 19: The workpieces are hung onto the flying bars obliquely to promote drainage and avoid bath pollution.

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Our employees are highly qualified: 60% of them hold a diploma or a degree. This is the result of our systematic and proactive HR policy, focused on active collaboration with local technical schools and universities.”

20 1

Figure 20: The overhead conveyor with storage buffers of the “plant within the plant”.

Investing in human resources to gain a competitive advantage © ipcm ®

In addition to plant equipment of such magnitude, state-of-the-art automation, and a fully integrated production process, another aspect contributes to make Agrostroj a leader in its sector: investment in human resources. “Our employees are highly qualified: 60% of them hold a diploma or a degree. This is the result of our systematic and proactive HR policy, focused on active collaboration with local technical schools and universities. We are also planning the construction of a training centre that will offer both theoretical and practical work experiences to our new employees before they join Agrostroj. A highly specialised technical workforce is required, in order to continue automating our processes as we have done so far, for example with the implementation of CMA’s robots.

21 1

This is the future of Agrostroj,”

Figure 21: The powder coatings booths of the “plant within the plant”.


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Zdvihal says.

© Erich Werner - stock.adobe.com

Opening photo: It is very rare now to find agricultural or building machinery painted with 1K systems, at most, they are accepted for small details or parts subject to immediate wear such as the teeth of the plowshares, or the buckets, or the portable cement mixers on construction sites.



Franchi&Kim Reliability at the Service of ACE Market Davide Terzoli Franchi&Kim Spa, Castenedolo, Brescia – Italy



nder the acronym ACE (Agricultural -

connotations that are the basis of all three.

settled for bright and very bright colours,

Construction – Earth Moving) we mean

As far as painting is concerned, it is easy to

such as yellows, oranges and reds, and no

the market of all the machinery and

identify in the aesthetic finish, in the resistance

particularly high glosses or flow of the paint

accessories of the agricultural, construction

to corrosion and to mechanical wear, the main

were required (Fig. 1). In recent years, on the

and earth moving sectors. It is a very extended

qualities that painting systems dedicated to

other hand, in many cases it has arrived to

and various world, as each sector has both

this market must have.

sand the underlying primer coats to ensure

specific individual characteristics and common

At one time, for the aesthetic part, people

a very smooth finish without any orange peel


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


the systems with epoxy primer and

pigments, while in the top range products,

body ones, in order to obtain the best

polyurethane finish are considered the

even cataphoresis is used. The ACE sector

results. It should be noted that in this

minimum standard also for this sector,

vehicles must by now have a very long

sector, levels of gloss and flow have

and in many cases, there is also a wide

service life, given the investments necessary

been reached that are almost better

use of high solid acrylic finishes and

for their purchase; only for accessories, it

than the first line of cars. It is very rare

3-coat system. In the last few years

is acceptable the use of a 2-coat system

now to find agricultural or building

the use of metallic finishes has taken

or DTM. The standard request is for a

machinery painted with 1K systems, at

place with the application of protective

performance level with durability H - high

most, they are accepted for small details

transparencies. Almost all finishes

or VH - very high and classification of

or parts subject to immediate wear

must also have high gloss retention

environmental corrosivity C4 or C5. The

such as the teeth of the plowshares,

guaranteed by high quality resins,

preparation of the supports has become

or the buckets, or the portable cement

polyesters or acrylics and by the use of

very accurate: it usually starts with a SA 2 ½

mixers on construction sites (ref.

UV absorber.

sandblasting or, at least, with a phospho-

Opening photo). Even in this case,

As far as the anticorrosion aspect is

degreasing for the surfaces where it is

light years seem to have passed since a

concerned, more and more often epoxy

impossible to carry out the first operation.

10% catalysed fast drying enamel was

primers are used with anticorrosive,

Both a passivating effect of anticorrosive

considered a satisfactory solution. Now

organic or inorganic galvanizing

pigments, such as powdered zinc (sacrificial

Š guitou60 - stock.adobe.com

and to use systems similar to auto


Figure 1: For the aesthetic part, people settled for bright and very bright colours, such as yellows, oranges and reds, and no particularly high glosses or flow of the paint were required.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60


© Paulo Resende - stock.adobe.com


anode) or traditional zinc phosphates, and a barrier with high thicknesses obtained with epoxy intermediates rich in selected insoluble fillers and with lamellar geometry (such as micaceous or aluminium) is required. The mechanical resistance and, in some cases, the chemical resistance are guaranteed by the use of highly crosslinked products with high hardness and resistance to acids and bases, as each part of the machinery in the ACE sector is subject to strong abrasions, shocks and stresses of the gravel and contact with fertilizers, insecticides, cellulose or water (Fig. 2). All coating systems must also have high elasticity to withstand strong temperature changes both in summer (with steel temperatures at 70-80°C) and in winter (with -10°C), or continuous cycles

2 1

of freezing and thawing. Franchi&Kim has been present for years

Figure 2: Each part of the machinery in the ACE sector is subject to strong abrasions, shocks and stresses of the gravel and contact with fertilizers, insecticides, cellulose or water.

in the field of agricultural, construction

© Eugene Sergeev - stock.adobe.com

and earth moving equipment painting, with its experience gained both in the OEM sector, since the company is directly providing maintenance and in accessories primary brands in the sector, through the widespread network of specialized retailers distributed throughout the Italian and European territory. Franchi&Kim devotes much attention to this market, as can be seen from a special manual supplied to its sales network that suggests the best painting systems for the ACE world and precise evaluation of them. Among the most used and performing systems, we mention: - Series 0770 zinc phosphate epoxy primer with 0410 glossy polyurethane finish that optimizes corrosion protection and adhesion, while maintaining a high aesthetic finish and high hardness due to polyurethane

3 1

resin. Moreover, it allows applying

Figure 3: In a highly competitive sector such as agricultural, earthmoving and construction machinery, the customization of products and systems is essential to fully meet the demands of individual producers.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

products with excellent distension even vertically and with a good drying speed.


the ease of application due to the use

The range of water-based products is

primer with glossy acrylic finish

of a single hardener for both products

one of the flagships of Franchi&Kim as

3950 that enhances the fullness and

should be noted.

it provides high performance solutions

- Series 1726 zinc phosphate epoxy

distension of the products guaranteed

- Series 1773 glossy acrylic DTM which

and guarantees high productivity and

by a primer with an excellent

represents the optimization of times

ease of use. We start from the 1K

anticorrosive and barrier power, but

and application costs, as it allows to

immersion enamels for the simplest

also a semi-glossy and polished effect,

apply two coats wet-on-wet without

components such as buckets or engine

over-painted with a high body and high

changing product and hardener,

blocks, to reach the DTM 2K acrylic

gloss enamel and with gloss retention

meeting the limited scheduling needs

enamels of which we have amply

worthy of the best 2-coat bodywork

of today’s companies. It has excellent

discussed in the article published in


characteristics of resistance to bad

ipcm®1, and to high-end systems with

weather as it is of an acrylic nature.

2K epoxy or acrylic primers and 2K

- Series 1314 zinc phosphate acrylic primer with 1038 glossy acrylic-

- Series 1056 water-soluble epoxy

acrylic or polyurethane finishes.

polyurethane finish that allows a wet-

primer with zinc phosphates and 1399

In a highly competitive sector

on-wet system to accentuate the speed

water-soluble glossy acrylic finish that

such as agricultural, earthmoving

of application while maintaining a full

minimizes VOC and environmental

and construction machinery, the

body and glossy appearance and good

impact problems, guaranteeing

customization of products and systems

anti-corrosion. The system has excellent

resistance to corrosion and bad

is essential to fully meet the demands

resistance to weathering and to UV rays

weather on the levels of the best

as it is completely acrylic-based. Finally,

solvent systems.

1 See ipcm Vol. X, n. 57, May-June 2019, pags. 98-102

Excellence in surface finishing For the painting of aluminum wheels, Dürr delivers powerful technologies along the whole process, starting with wheel surface cleaning and chemical conversion for effective corrosion protection, painting and curing, to the purification of air exhaust. Dürr offers their own application technology with specially patented features that fit best with the requirements of quality-oriented aluminum wheel surface painting.


© Bugphai FOTO - stock.adobe.com


4 1

Figure 4: All Franchi&Kim painting systems are tested for anti-corrosive performances in salt spray and humidistat to provide, where possible, a classification based on the European standard 12944 with highly performing results up to C4VH and C5H systems.

of individual producers, and at the same

service: its expert staff field trained is

identify the correct formulation for each

time, thanks to the experience gained,

always ready to provide support and

colour reference, regardless of the nature

guarantees continuous improvements of

suggestions to customers in quick and

of the support. All the colours created by

paints (Fig. 3). Each production plant or

certain times; this because even the best

Franchi&Kim tinting system guarantee

specific geometry of the pieces require

products cannot give the desired results

the resistance of pigments to UV rays and

small modifications of the paints used,

if not accompanied by proper training of

weather, essential qualities for products

in order to have the best result in the

application team. Franchi&Kim encourages

constantly exposed to the exterior and

application phase: only highly rated and

the continuous updating of its customers by

used on construction sites and in the

client-oriented companies can meet these

organizing every year Scuolab, continuing


demands. Those who choose Franchi&Kim

education course that are now a classic in

All Franchi&Kim painting systems are

can count on the decades of experience

the market. Participants will always find new

tested for anti-corrosive performances

of its technical and commercial staff, which

information, to be updated on application

in salt spray and humidistat to provide,

makes the production of “tailor made”

systems, technologies and safety and

where possible, a classification based on

paints possible. Finding and implementing

environmental protection standards.

the European standard 12944 with highly

the most suitable solutions for the

The customization of the product is also

performing results up to C4VH and C5H

particular characteristics of customers

possible in the colorimetry department: by

systems (Fig. 4). They have also been

is not only a recurring theme in our

now, creating colours in small quantities

tested for the QUV and Xeno accelerated

brochures and company profile, but it is

upon customers’ request (both pastel and

aging system (for pigments and resins).

the guiding principle of Franchi&Kim and its

metallic shades) is no longer a taboo. This

entire staff.

is thanks to the commercial network and to

Franchi&Kim confirms therefore as a

In fact, technical assistance is one of the

Play&Color colorimeter, which allows - in a

reliable and innovative partner for all

strong points of Franchi&Kim customer

few moments and with extreme ease - to

companies in the ACE sector.


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© Alcar


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The Sustainability-Oriented Evolution of the ACE Sector Also Calls for Innovative Waste Water Treatment Technologies Monica Fumagalli ipcm®


ccording to the data collected on

The Observatory on sales of construction

of companies in this sector plan

the current year by the industry’s

machinery and equipment (Cresme)3

their development strategies

organisations, the sales of

has also detected a positive trend on the

based on the eco-friendliness of

agricultural, construction, and earth-moving

Italian market in the first half of 2019,

their productions, which in turn

machinery are showing positive results both

with a growth of 15% compared to the

also, and maybe above all, calls

nationally and internationally. The estimates

same months of 2018.

for investment in the regeneration

presented by Agrievolution1, a federation

In this favourable climate, sustainability

and recovery of materials.

including fifteen of the most important

is one of the issues that are taking on

international associations and organisations

an increasingly strategic role within

The case of Alcar

of agricultural machinery and equipment

company policies. An increasing number

“The types of components required

manufacturers, show the growing trend

for building an agricultural or

followed by both European and US markets

3 http://www.cresme.it/doc/osservatorio-macchine/OsservatorioMacchine-Nota-Luglio-2019_II_trim_2019-EXP_IMP_Marzo_2019.pdf

in the first six months of 2019, with an

construction machine are varied and complex,” notes Massimiliano Prisciano, Coating Department

13% in the United States. After the economic

Manager at Alcar Srl (Lecce, Italy),

crisis of 2009 and the Arab Spring of 2010,

one of the most important European

exponential growth is also characterising

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increase in registrations of 4% in Europe and

manufacturers of light and medium-

the markets of the Mediterranean area,

heavy components for agricultural,

especially those of Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt,

earth moving, and lifting equipment

and Algeria, toward which Italian companies

(ref. Opening photo). “This is

are leading exporters.

the reason why our production

In March 2019, after highlighting that

processes are characterised

2018 saw the greatest growth in the

by different methods, intensive

European market after the 2008-09 crisis,

operations, and treatments on

the Committee for European Construction

various materials, as well as why this

Equipment (CECE)2 predicted an increase

is among the industries that produce

in sales of around 3.4% in 2019, a forecast

the most waste. Its treatment and

confirmed by the current estimates.

disposal are therefore key elements in terms of both finances and healthy

1 https://www.cema-agri.org/market-trends/market-data/521positive-first-six-months-for-tractor-registrations-in-2019_2 2 https://www.cece.eu/publications/cece-annual-economic-report


work environment. That is why each of our production phases is involved

Figure 1: A coated bucket.

in an eco-sustainable management

Opening photo: One of the components for agricultural and earth moving machines produced by Alcar.

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2 1

3 1

Figure 2: One of the seven separate self-propelled units that lift large workpieces.

Figure 3: A detail of the hanging system for bulky components.

harvesting and processing agricultural

a painting plant today means integrating

The evolution of Alcar: a history that crosses Italy from south to north

it with a waste water treatment system

Alcar is one of those companies whose

near CTM’s building, the company

with certain characteristics, especially

history faithfully reflects the evolution

started producing medium-heavy metal

perfect compatibility with the production

of their industry. “Alcar was created

parts intended for FIAT’s earth moving

management system and simple, easy-

with the merger of CTM – Costruzioni


access maintenance.” Faced with these

Termomeccaniche Meridionali Srl

“In 2005, the rationalisation process that

increasingly pressing needs, Alcar decided

(Lecce) and Alcar Spa (Vaie, Turin,

many manufacturers of earth moving

to replace its outdated waste water

Italy),” says Prisciano. “CTM, founded in

machinery were implementing at the

treatment plant with a system developed by

1962, established itself in the sector of

time to reduce the number of suppliers

Water Energy (Bologna, Italy).

mechanical machinery and equipment for

by favouring larger and more financially

project, although our greatest efforts have

products. In the early Eighties, when the FIAT-Allis (now CNH) plant was opened

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been focussed on coating. In fact, installing

4 1

5 1

Figure 4: The outside of the sand blasting station.


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Figure 5: The shot blasting operation: the parts are sand blasted with metal grit to obtain surfaces with a roughness degree of 2.5 Sa.


which specialised in the production of oil

Diversified coating processes for medium and large components

and diesel tanks and bodyworks. This laid

The production process of both sites

the foundations of our current company.

is vertically integrated and it includes

solid firms that could perform co-planning activities, led CTM to acquire Alcar Spa,

Our merger with Alcar, which was run by the Bruneri family back then and which had designed and built the first hydraulic excavator in the world, enabled us to diversify our customer portfolio, establish ourselves at both the national and international level, and work for major European manufacturers such as CNH, Caterpillar, Haulotte, Liebherr, Manitou, and Volvo.” Indeed, its ability to manufacture both structural and mediumheavy parts such as buckets, extendable

Its ability to manufacture both structural and medium-heavy parts such as buckets, extendable arms, arc frames, frames, stringers, and front loaders in its Lecce plant and bodies and tanks in the Vaie one makes Alcar a unique company in the European scene.”

design, sheet metal cutting, steel profile machining, bending on 25 machining centres, welding through 50 robots, machining, coating, and assembly. Prisciano adds: “We are equipped with two automatic coating systems, one applying liquid products and the other powders, able to treat different types of workpieces. In our Lecce plant, the liquid coating system handles large-sized frames and parts

arms, arc frames, frames, stringers, and front

up to 7 x 4 x 4 m. The components

loaders (Fig. 1) in its Lecce plant and bodies

proceed along a closed ring track on 7

and tanks in the Vaie one makes Alcar a

load bars with a maximum capacity of

unique company in the European scene.

5000 kg each and they are subjected



liquid or powder spray applications

over 60 years of experience in surface finishing lines


pre-treatment | spray applications | electroplating | vertical & horizontal plants | enameling | aluminium | white goods | automotive | general industry

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6 1

Figure 6: The liquid coating plant is the one enabling the most intensive production rate.

to the following phases (Figs. 2 and 3):

hung onto 111 load bars and handled

conveyor, automatic loading and

automatic sand blasting (Figs. 4 and 5),

through a 4-inch Morris two-rail

unloading cells, a pre-treatment tunnel

manual pre-treatment, application of two

conveyor with a maximum capacity of

with a phosphodegreasing stage, a

base coat layers, primer polymerisation,

500 kg. The combined liquid/powder

primer application booth and three

application of two top coat layers, and

painting cycle includes as follows:

powder coating booths, two of which are

flash-off. The liquid coating plant is

sand blasting, primer application,

automated and each of which is linked to a

the one enabling the most intensive

polymerisation, powder top coat

dedicated oven.

production rate: its operators alternate

application, and curing.” The plant’s

on thee work shifts and it treats 95% of

paintshop is also equipped with 10

Alcar’s products (Fig. 6).

workstations for the assembly and final

Critical issues in waste water management

“Our powder coating system, on the other

packaging of all parts.

“The environmental impact of our

hand, operates on one shift and it is used

The Vaie plant, on the other hand,

processes can be inferred easily,” notes

for smaller parts with a maximum size

features a sophisticated system

Prisciano. “As we handle large-sized, heavy

of 1.2 x 1.6 x 5 m. The workpieces are

including a box type overhead

workpieces and treat different materials


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We turned to Water Energy for a continuous flow waste water treatment plant able to replace the obsolete system with which we had worked up to that point.”

7 1

in large batches in order to meet the demands of our customers, our biggest

Figure 7: The Water Energy Skimmerflot 5000 flotation unit.

problem was related to waste water treatment. We initially considered converting our liquid coating booths © ipcm ®

in dry application systems through the installation of Columbus-type paint collector filters. However, such structures would have entailed excessive cleanliness requirements, resulting in downtimes that were unthinkable for our intensive production flow. Therefore, we turned to Water Energy for a continuous flow waste water treatment plant able to replace the obsolete system with which we had worked up to that point.” This Bologna-based company, specialising precisely in waste water treatment, installed two identical plants at the premises of Alcar. The first one is linked to the liquid coating line and the second one, which was installed more recently, is linked to the powder coating line. The two systems differ only in the capacity of their settling tanks, since the amount of fluid coming from the liquid painting plant is greater than that of the powder painting one.

8 1

Figure 8: The Skimmerflot 8000 water treatment system.

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9 1

Figure 9: Sludge residues floating on the liquid surface.

The two waste water treatment plants “The process of treating water from these coating units,” states Water Energy owner Tommaso Ponara, “starts in the booths themselves, each featuring a pump that recovers the fluid and sends it to the flotation unit. We have equipped Alcar with two sludge separators from our Skimmerflot 5000 and 8000 series (Figs. 7 and 8), which carry out the molecular separation of water and sludge to enable the removal of the supernatant sludge through a continuous flow skimming system. The sludge is then collected in special draining containers. In order to facilitate the separation of pollutants and the floatation of sludge (Fig. 9), the system uses micronised air injected directly both inside the feeding circuit and at the bottom of the reaction tank. “We also provide Alcar with specific chemical products to ensure maximum system efficiency: flocculants, denaturants, sanitisers removing organic contaminants, and defoamers are all part of the service package that Water Energy offers to its customers. The use of these specific products, especially the denaturants for the denaturation of the paint dispersed in the booths’ waste water due to the elimination of the overspray and the flocculants for the aggregation of the denatured coatings in the form of floating flakes, guarantee many advantages. These include, above all, a high cleanliness degree of the booths, an 80% sludge recovery rate, and a sludge moisture degree below 40%. Management is simplified by the possibility of collecting the sludge residues directly in specific big bags ready for disposal (Fig. 10), whereas the booths’

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10 1

Figure 10: A big bag for the collection of sludge.

water is disposed of annually.” After the separation of sludge from water, the latter is recirculated to the booths and mixed with fresh water.

Conclusions “The advantages we have found after the installation of our Water Energy systems,” states Prisciano, “certainly go beyond savings. We have solved all critical issues related to our booths’ cleaning times and even procedures, which are now simpler thanks to a markedly lower production of sludge and to the less burdensome maintenance operations required. The plant that produces the greatest amount of waste water is obviously the liquid coating one, not only because it operates 24/7, but also because it exclusively applies two-component products due to our customers’ strict specifications; moreover, each paint must be mixed with the suitable catalyst suggested by its manufacturer. We also work with coatings from different suppliers, which results in greater water pollution and, consequently, in the need to replace it every six months.” Alcar has appreciated Water Energy’s solution so much so that its management has decided to install the same system also in the plant of Vaie, equipped with a combined liquid/powder coating system identical to that of Lecce. “Everyone is talking about ‘sustainability’ nowadays, sometimes inappropriately so,” says Prisciano. “Alcar is pleased to have succeeded in improving the environmental impact of its processes in a rapidly developing sector that is going to grow more and more and to extremely need solutions for reducing the risk of environmental responsibility that many of its firms are running every day.”





Durable and Even Paint Surface for Environmental Management Machinery


What was then a small machinery

and maintenance of urban areas, its

entrepreneurial spirit founded a machinery

workshop became the largest

requirements include especially high wear

workshop, ‘Lankisen Konepaja’ near Loimaa,

North European manufacturer of

and weather resistance as well as a good

in the village of Hintsala (Finland).

environmental management and

appearance (Fig. 1).

Understanding the versatile needs of

maintenance machines in the 2.0–5.8

The small, complex parts of the hydraulic

customers Vilho Lankinen set up in 1978

tonnes weight category, with key market

cylinders are painted at Vilakone by hand

a completely new, multifunctional and

areas in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Russia

using liquid paints (Fig. 2). “All pieces

articulated machine under project name

and North America. Vilakone Oy is also

painted with liquid paint are small, round


part of the international Wihuri group,

and challenging to coat” says Heikki Ketola

As the project progressed, the name was

which net sales are EUR 1.9 billion, and

from Vilakone Oy.

switched for Vilho’s nickname Wille, and the

employs over 5,000 people.

The solution for coating these challenging

first prototype of the machine saw daylight in

Being Wille a multipurpose machine

hydraulic cylinders turned out to be


for the environmental management

Teknos’ newly launched low-solvent © Teknos Group

n 1950 Vilho Lankinen, a young man with


Figure 1: Wille is a multipurpose machine for the environmental management and maintenance of urban areas.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


TEKNODUR COMBI 340 polyurethane paint, which has good levelling and which paint film resembles that of a powder-coated surface in

© Teknos Group

terms of gloss, hardness and appearance (Table 1).


The new high solids polyurethane paint Teknos has launched the new two-component, direct-to-metal polyurethane paint TEKNODUR COMBI 340 for corrosion protection, with excellent mechanical abrasion and weather resistance and uncompromising colour and gloss retention (Fig. 3). It is a two-component anticorrosive pigmented polyurethane low VOC paint (275 g/l) for steel surfaces. The painted surface resists exposure to mechanical abrasion, impacts, chemicals and UV radiation. Developed in close cooperation with the customers, the new steel coating allows painting wet on wet with selected primers, boosting production and enabling faster throughput time for 2-layer systems with only one-time curing. “The new TEKNODUR COMBI 340 polyurethane paint is very easy to paint with, it would require quite much ‘plastering’ to make it drip. One bracket has space for 10 cylinders and painting them is quickly done. Currently, we rotate the cylinders 90° when painting them, but our goal is to adjust the hanging so that the cylinders can rotate half a turn at a time. This way the painting process will become even

© Teknos Group

quicker,” Ketola describes.

2 1

Figure 2: The small, complex parts of the hydraulic cylinders are painted at Vilakone by hand using liquid paints.




Liquid paint like powder coating Powder coating is known for its even and hard surface. “For a liquid paint” - Ketola explains – “TEKNODUR COMBI 340 polyurethane paint levels extremely well, and its surface matches that of powder paint in terms of gloss and hardness. When the priming is good and the nozzle is not worn, it yields an excellent surface. Only an expert can distinguish which piece has been painted with powder paint and which piece with 340 polyurethane paint. The TEKNODUR COMBI 340 is easy to paint with and its gloss, hardness and appearance match those of a powder paint surface.”

Training and technical support for painters Heikki Ketola praises the teamwork with Teknos. “Collaboration with

3 1

Teknos has been easy. We have been given technical support any time we have needed it. The training offered by Teknos has been

Figure 3: TEKNODUR COMBI 340 has excellent mechanical abrasion and weather resistance and uncompromising colour and gloss retention.

very important for us. Especially our younger painters who have participated in the trainings have all been full of enthusiasm when they

© Teknos Group

have come back from Teknos trainings,” says Ketola.

Conclusion Thanks to its outstanding finishing parameters, TEKNODUR COMBI 340 ensures the ideal outcomes for the customer’s needs. Teknos has done comprehensive test paintings themselves as well as on customer sites. The hydraulic cylinders of the Wille environmental management and maintenance machines have to endure hard mechanical wear no matter the weather (Fig. 4). “The 340 is very good in terms of its mechanical durability,” says Ketola. “And in terms of its weather resistance,” adds Jan Åkerlund, Teknos. “We are very pleased with the 340, since it is easy to apply, the finish is smooth and very hard. The appearance is almost as good as with powder coatings. We are also happy with the technical support and customer service we get from Teknos”, notes Ketola. TEKNODUR COMBI 340 is an excellent choice in terms of surface appearance for machines and equipment operated in agriculture, forestry and steel construction, among other industries.

TEKNODUR COMBI 340 at a glance: - Excellent weather resistance, outstanding gloss and colour retention - Low viscosity and high solids content 70 vol-%, decreased VOC emissions - Direct-to-metal, fast production lead-time - Wet on wet painting with selected primers faster throughput for 4 1

2-layer systems and reduced energy consumption

Figure 4: The hydraulic cylinders of the Wille environmental management and maintenance machines have to endure hard mechanical wear no matter the weather.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

- Available as glossy, semi-gloss and semi-matt options as well as a lower viscosity version for electrostatic spraying - Gloss level up to 90 GU/60°.


FASTRIP, for the easy, effective and rapid paint stripping of metals.

ALIT Technologies, the chemical paint stripping specialist. Products, machines, processes and consultancy.

www.alit-tech.com San Bonifacio – Verona - ITALY

© ERO & Karl Bubenhofer

Opening photo: The self-driving grape harvesters from ERO need excellent corrosion protection.



Low Temperature Powder Coating System from KABE Maintains the Value of Vineyard Machines Edited by Karl Bubenhofer AG Gossau – Switzerland



RO GmbH is Germany’s largest

by the grapes and to other chemicals.

manufacturer of machinery

Another challenge is sea transport, as

Coating shop integrated into the new factory

and equipment for use in

Georg Ehlen, production manager at ERO

In 2014 the management team at

vineyards (ref. Opening photo). Their

explains: “We export our machines to the

ERO began planning to centralise the

products, including their impressive

USA, Australia and South Africa. Reliable

company’s production and to build a new

self-driving grape harvesters, are

corrosion protection is essential while

plant on a greenfield site. They opted

exposed to the tartaric acid produced

they are onboard ship.”

for an electrostatic powder coating to


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


improve the resistance of their products

The coordination of the different colours

powder coating from Karl Bubenhofer

to corrosion, because the two-component

across the paints and the powder coatings,

AG is the ideal solution for parts with

liquid paint that had previously been used

which was one of ERO’s requirements,

wall thicknesses between 1 mm and

often provided inadequate protection

allowed us to demonstrate our expertise,”

10 mm. “This powder coating has been

against aggressive tartaric acid. In the past

says Markus Ammann, regional manager

specially developed for outdoor use

ERO had outsourced its powder coating.

at KABE Pulverlack Deutschland GmbH.

and is very cost-effective and flexible.

Having decided to bring it back in-house,

The company colours, which include ERO

It also has a high level of mechanical

the company needed to get up to speed

red and grey plus orange for the BINGER

and chemical resistance, which is a big

with the process. Because ERO intended to

product range, are not RAL shades. KABE

advantage in the case of the tartaric

continue using liquid paint for the majority

reproduced them, evaluated them on

acid,” explains Markus Ammann. Since

of its components, it needed a single system

sample panels and subjected them to

the PES low temperature range was

supplier that could coordinate all the colours

corrosion testing before submitting them to

launched nearly 10 years ago, the

across both the systems.

ERO for approval.

coatings have been used successfully

At PaintExpo 2016 in Karlsruhe, ERO met the

across a wide variety of industries.

specialists from Karl Bubenhofer AG. “We

Manual application in two coats

are both family-owned businesses with a

The range of parts at ERO is very varied in

components. The first is the POLYFLEX®

lean organisation and we immediately hit it

both shape and colour, but it is limited to

EP-20-NT-GU KORROFLEX primer with

off. From the first day we were on the same

small batches of no more than 50 items.

a thickness of 80 μm. After this has

wavelength. Together with Geholit+Wiemer,

For this reason, the coating shop was set up

been cured and cooled, a gloss top coat

we were able to provide ERO with expert

for manual application (Figs. 1 and 2). The

(POLYFLEX® PES-166-NT) is applied.

advice on powder coatings and paints.

POLYFLEX PES-166-NT low temperature

The parts are cured in two ovens at


ERO applies two coats to its

WHEN MAINTENANCE IS AN EASY GAME TO PLAY UV Ray is the major Italian manufacturer specialized in the production of LMKLP] VIWMWXERX HMGLVSMG VIƥIGXSVW charecterized by low energy consumption and easy maintenance. )JƤGMIRX PSRK PEWXMRK ERH EFSZI EPP LMKL QERIKIEFPI XLI 9: 6E] VIƥIGXSVW EVI XLI VMKLX ERW[IV SJ WTVE] TEMRXMRK WIGXSV JSV IZIV] GLEPPIRKI

UV Ray, R for f every challenge h ll


© ERO & Karl Bubenhofer

© ERO & Karl Bubenhofer



2 1

Figures 1 and 2: The primer and the top coat are applied manually in a walk-in booth.

190–200°C for a maximum of 30 minutes (Fig. 3).

GmbH, the things that he values most

Georg Ehlen. The POLYFLEX® PES- 166-NT

The specialists at Karl Bubenhofer AG have

are the high level of technical expertise,

low temperature powder coating from

carried out tests to identify the curing period

the consultancy that goes far beyond the

KABE, combined with the POLYFLEX®

for each component. “The carefully planned

coating process and the straightforward


workflow and the central location of the coating

service (Fig. 5). As a newcomer to the

guarantees long-term corrosion

shop in our new plant have resulted in a lean,

field, ERO had a lot to learn about powder

protection for ERO’s products. The powder

ergonomic and cost-effective production

coating and was very pleased to have

coatings have been coordinated with

process,” says Ehlen, the production manager

comprehensive support from KABE. “We

the paints supplied by Geholit+Wiemer

(Fig. 4).

can still call the specialists from the KABE

to provide ERO with a system that has

powder coating department now and we

complete colour consistency, is highly

know that they will help us out straightaway.

resistant to corrosion and protects the

Consultancy far beyond the coatings

investments that ERO’s customers make in

allowing us to set up our new coating shop

their vineyard machines. The perfect

cooperation with KABE Pulverlack Deutschland

quickly and in ensuring its success,” says

high-quality solution. © KABE

© ERO & Karl Bubenhofer

Their support has played a major role in

When Georg Ehlen looks back over the

3 1

4 1

Figure 3: The KORROFLEX primer and the POLYFLEX® PES-166-NT powder coating are cured in two ovens at 190–200°C for a maximum of 30 minutes.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Figure 4: The ERO red and the BINGER orange were accurately reproduced by Karl Bubenhofer AG in its laboratory.

Powder coating lines since 1976.

EUROIMPIANTI SRL Via Cavour 44 - 37067 Valeggio sul Mincio (VR) Italy - Tel. +39 045 7950777 info@euroimpianti.com - www.euroimpianti.com

EUROIMPIANTI DO BRASIL LTDA SC 445, 16815 - 88-828 000 Pedreira Balneário Rincão (SC) Brasil

EUROIMPIANTI SL Baix Llobregat 18B Nave G 08759 Vallirana (BCN) España

EUROIMPIANTI USA LLC 1817 NW 79th Ave Miami, FL 33126 (US)



Coating Solutions for the ACE Market with an Integrated System Approach


oatings for Agricultural, Construction and Earthmoving

production and quality control processes and align them with their

(ACE) equipment need to meet many quality

customers to fully meet their expectations.

requirements, such as high corrosion protection, gloss

Due to the much lower volume and higher diversity/variety

Environment and process eďŹƒciency are going hand in hand

compared to coatings for automotive OEMs, ACE coating

Environmentally friendly and process efficient paints represent

solutions must be custom-made for each producer in order

the current coating market trend: ultra-high-solid & waterborne

to meet the specific requirements. A lot of ACE producers

liquid coatings, low-cure powder coatings and efficient E-coat

are combining a variety of modern paint systems such as

systems. HELIOS Group as part of Kansai Paint is following this

E-Coat, Powder Coating and Liquid Coatings for different parts

trend and specialized on perfectly aligned coating systems for the

to achieve the best end result possible. These systems are

ACE markets. The coating producer offers, supplies and technically

altering under the natural environment in a similar way. This

supports ACE clients on a global level.

stability, good aesthetics, chemical resistance and robustness.

means that the object remains homogeneous and in good For further information:

coating producers core goal is to fully integrate their R&D,


Š Regien Paassen_Shutterstock

shape even after a lot of years of UV influence. Therefore the


Agricultural, Construction and Earthmoving (ACE) equipment.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



The Inauguration of a New Coating System for Components of the Largest Mining Trucks in the World Š Belaz


new coating system for components of the largest mining trucks in the world

was inaugurated on November, 6 2019 in the presence of Chairman of the Council of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Miasnikovich, representative of the Ministry of Industry Borusko, Zhodino city mayor Zabloskiy, Belaz general manager Parchomchik, and Imel Sales Director Grillo (Fig. 1). The plant consists of a zinc phosphate pre-treatment section, a cataphoresis section, and an


automatic coating section where robots apply epoxy powders on load

Figure 1: A new coating system for components of the largest mining trucks in the world was inaugurated on November, 6 2019.

bars with a size of 4100 x 2100 x the line, equal to one frame every 3 minutes, and its high flexibility

Š Belaz

3000 mm. The high productivity of

enabling to perform different application cycles are guaranteed by an overhead two-rail conveyor and various automation solutions that make this plant one of the most upto-date and advanced in the sector (Fig. 2). Imel is proud to have once again been trusted by such an important customer. This is the fifth time in ten years that it has produced a coating paint for Belaz, and it hopes that the collaboration continue with mutual satisfaction also in future. For further information: www.imelspa.com

2 1

Figure 2: This plant is one of the most up-to-date and advanced in the sector.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60


© ipcm ®

Opening photo: Since 1988, Ilcar Srl (Cherasco, Cuneo, Italy) has specialised in the contracting coating of large-sized components especially for the earthmoving sector, which accounts for 40% of its production.



Ilcar: A New Compact Shot Blasting Plant for High Aesthetic Value and Long-Lasting Protection Barbara Pennati ipcm®


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



search for new customers in other

to meet the emerging market needs by

industries where powder coating was

for ten years now. If we took stock of

conveying the image of a firm offering a

required. Therefore, we invested in

the strategies they have implemented, it

punctual and quality service (ref. Opening

new plants and technologies, especially

would emerge that there is no perfect or

photo). “Ilcar was established almost

with the aim of addressing a sector

ultimate recipe to guarantee the success of

thirty-two years ago as an industrial body

in which we had identified a shortage

a business. A firm’s growth or its relaunch

painting company working for a nearby

of contracting powder coaters: large

after a period of crisis often depend on the

manufacturer of car carrier trailers,”

carpentry,” says Beccaris. “We installed

historical moment, the geographical location,

explains founder Francesco Beccaris. “Five

a coating system able to handle parts

the spirit of the people who manage it, and

years later, this producer incurred some

with a maximum size of 8 metres

other more or less controllable factors,

problems and it was then taken over by the

in length and 2.80 metres in height

including the human ability to seize the

Rolfo group, still one of the most important

and with a hanging capacity of up to

opportunities that arise. Moreover, real

ones in Italy for the car carrier trailer sector.

2 tonnes. Back then, no one treated

success, that is, the kind of success that

We continued painting trucks for a few

workpieces with this size in the province

enables a company to continue to exist for

years, but we gradually transitioned to a

of Cuneo. This enabled us to immediately

several years, is often linked to the ability to

general industrial coating service.”

establish ourselves on this market and

wisely manage every achievement through

“In 2000, we stopped applying liquid

to be competitive thanks to the product

targeted investments.

products and exclusively devoted to

savings guaranteed by the use of

An example of this is the case of Ilcar Srl

powder coating, in order to solve the

powders. We also offered a shot blasting

(Cherasco, Cuneo, Italy), which has

quality and eco-friendliness issues that

service prior to coating, which was a

specialised in the contracting coating of

we were encountering. This involved a

surface preparation process that nobody

large-sized parts since 1988 and which, at

reorganisation of our company and the

else performed. This also contributed

© ipcm ®

a particular historical moment, managed

of companies from around the world

© ipcm ®

pcm® has been reporting success stories


Figure 1: The new OMSG shot blasting system, equipped with 16 automatic turbines.

2 1

Figure 2: The chamber preceding the shot blasting one, where an operator performs blow-off, quality control, and, if needed, manual touch-up operations.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60


© ipcm ®

© ipcm ®


3 1

4 1

Figure 3: A shot blasted part, ready for coating.

Figure 4: The entrance to the coating booth of the manual application plant.

to our success in a well-defined market

and above all, functionality and protection.

a new automatic shot blasting system

segment, in which no one offered the

We initially had a manual shot blasting

able to paint any type of workpiece, so

services we did,” explains Beccaris.

plant, but we soon realised that it entailed

as to definitively abandon our manual

Now, Ilcar has 23 employees and

higher costs and problems related to the


works for different segments of the

repeatability of our surface preparation

“However, equipping ourselves with

heavy carpentry industry, including the

results. We therefore opted for a Carlo

a shot blasting machine with a length

earthmoving field, which accounts for

Banfi automatic roller conveyor shot

of several metres would have been

40% of its production. New production

blasting machine; however, it had some

impossible due to space reasons,”

requirements and the will to guarantee

limitations in terms of pre-treatment with

notes Francesco Beccaris. “We turned

ever greater quality and corrosion

particularly large-sized and complex parts.

to OMSG, which had acquired the

protection have led Ilcar to turn to

That is why we decided to integrate it with

Carlo Banfi brand in 2017, to develop a

OMSG – Officine Meccaniche San Giorgio

compact solution that, at the same time,

SpA (Villa Cortese, Milan, Italy), for nearly

allowed us pre-treating large structures

sixty years specialising in the design

with consistent, high-quality results.”

and construction of shot blasting, sand

The new Tunnelblast series tunnel

blasting and shot peening systems, for

shot blasting plant (Fig. 1) features 16 automatic turbines that can be adjusted

an automatic turbine shot blasting plant.

Functionality and compactness: the new shot blasting system “Ilcar treats medium-light and heavy carpentry parts with large dimensions, up to 8 metres in length, such as railings,” says Valentina Beccaris, who has been managing the company together

We turned to OMSG, which had acquired the Carlo Banfi brand in 2017, to develop a compact solution that, at the same time, allowed us pre-treating large structures with consistent, high-quality results.”

depending on production requirements and treated materials and a chamber where an operator performs blow-off, quality control, and, if needed, manual touch-up operations (Fig. 2). “No such plant had ever been designed and built,” states Giorgio Pozzi, sales manager for Italy at OMSG. “In order to solve the firm’s space issues, we designed

with her father for twenty years. “We

an alternative process in which the

have always distinguished ourselves

workpieces go through the blasting

as capable of guaranteeing quality in

chamber twice: whereas a standard

terms of not only aesthetics but also,

system is composed of loading, shot


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Efficient and reliable

blasting, and unloading stations, loading and unloading occur on the same side in Ilcar’s one.”

solutions for

“Although unconventional, this system fully met our needs. In a standard system, the parts would have to move more slowly to achieve our required surface preparation degree,

surface coating

whereas this double-passage system guarantees higher speed, thus making the process competitive – with the

since 1988.

added value that it can pre-treat large structures even though it is a compact plant,” says Francesco Beccaris. “We are also very pleased in terms of yield: we have achieved greater result consistency and repeatability, as well as better paint adhesion. And, one year and a half after its installation, we can state that our productivity is also higher (Fig. 3).”

The coating systems In addition to the mechanical pre-treatment operation performed by the OMSG plant, Ilcar can also carry out a

© ipcm ®

chemical pre-treatment process designed by Silvi (Peregallo

electrostatic systems for liquid painting

electrostatic systems and spraying booths for powder coating

pneumatic systems for high-, medium-, and low-pressure painting

IR and UV drying systems

robot and reciprocators

Figure 5: The automatic coating system with the two-rail conveyor supplied by Futura Convogliatori Aerei.

CM SPRAY s.r.l. www.cmspray.it

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60


5 1

© ipcm ®


di Lesmo, Monza e Brianza, Italy) that occurs in three stages: phosphodegreasing, rinsing in mains water, and rinsing in demineralised water. The company owns two coating plants: a manual, static one built by Euroimpianti (Fig. 4) and an automatic one; the latter features a Futura Convogliatori Aerei two-rail conveyor (Fig. 5), a Wagner SuperCube quick-colour change booth (Fig. 6), five Reind reciprocators per side, and two manual pre and post-retouching stations (Fig. 7). “The two off-line pre-treatment plants allow being very flexible and activating the mechanical or chemical pre-treatment process based on the materials to be treated. We usually opt for the chemical one for lighter

6 1

alloys such as aluminium and for the mechanical one Figure 6: The SuperCenter powder management unit of the Wagner SuperCube booth.

for heavier alloys such as iron and steel,” indicates Francesco Beccaris. “Our coating plants also guarantee a very versatile process flow, as we can distribute the

© ipcm ®

workpieces between them depending on their size and shape: the largest parts, up to 2.20 metres in length, are treated in the manual system and all other components are handled by the automatic one.

Quality and long-term protection “Coating contractors often depend on market fluctuations; therefore, it is very difficult to predict future production trends. There are both quieter periods and moments in which we completely saturate our production and logistics capacity,” states Valentina Beccaris. “Ilcar has always tried to stand out on the market – by meeting the sector’s new needs at first, and then by offering high-quality services guaranteeing not only excellent aesthetics but also high corrosion protection. As they recognise our efforts, many customers demand our services and rely on our experience to select the best coating cycle.” “When we decided to install a new shot blasting plant to make production leaner, we turned to OMSG because we have always esteemed them and we knew their products’ quality,” adds Francesco Beccaris. “Their system has enabled us to guarantee higher result repeatability and consistency, which also helps further increasing our finishes’ quality and durability.” “The future of coating is changing: customers no longer just ask for a good-looking, ‘fashionable’ finish, but they are increasingly focussing on long-term corrosion protection. Ilcar wants to meet this need by presenting

7 1

itself as a producer of high-quality finishes in terms

Figure 7: The coating booth is equipped with five reciprocators per side and two manual pre and post-retouching stations.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

of not only aesthetics, but also functionality,” states Valentina Beccaris.

© LestaUSA

Opening photo: Programming self-learning robot in finishing booth at DeGeest Steel Works in Tea, South Dakota, (USA).


LestaUSA Brings European Robotic Technology to the United States Alessia Venturi ipcm®


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



esta Srl, an industry leader with over

integrated. From there, the robot

“This robotic technology itself isn’t

350 systems being used worldwide in

enters the Test Lab for the run-off.

new,” said Derek DeGeest, President

small, mid and large companies, has

After every available feature of the

of LestaUSA. “What’s unique here is

announced its entry into the U.S. market as

robot is tested, LestaUSA offers to the

that Lesta technology is so simple that,

LestaUSA to allow manufacturers of any size

customer a customized training on its

upon completion of the installation, a

to incorporate robotic finishing technology


manufacturer of any size can literally be making their own programs and finishing

without the need for complicated programming or teach pendants.

“Our expansion into North America

robotically on Day One. A finishing

LestaUSA is the North American distributor,

and our partnership with LestaUSA

specialist initiates a programming

integrator, manufacturer and technical

was 2 years in the making. Now, we

sequence while the robot’s motors are

support for mechanical and software of

can help U.S. manufacturers gain

disengaged which creates a free-floating

Lesta robots built for industrial finishing

efficiencies and peace of mind with our

learning mode. The software generates

applications. By second quarter of 2020,

technology,” says Emanuele Mazza, one

its own robotic code of every movement

robots will also be built, integrated and

of the founding partners of Lesta Srl.

and spray output decisions, such as

tested in the LestaUSA factory located

“Traditional robotic technology can be

flow rate, spray patterns and controlling

inside DeGeest Steel Works in Tea, South

complex and intimidating, especially

electrostatic settings. The finisher’s exact


for smaller companies. LestaUSA will

technique is saved and then mirrored by

Once a robot is built, it moves over to

allow manufacturers in the U.S. to take

the robot on future jobs.”

the DeGeest Integration Center where all

advantage of robotic finishing quickly

“Lesta robots are designed from the

related safety and finishing equipment

and easily because no advanced

ground up for liquid, powder and

needed to create a unique system are

programming skills are needed”.

fiberglass applications for metal, wood,

© ipcm ®

© ipcm ®


2 1

Figure 1: Easy programming on show at Fabtech 2019: Paolo Maccagnan and Marco Morlacchi of Lesta Srl showing some students how it is done.

Figure 2: From left to right: Paolo Maccagnan of Lesta Srl, Alicia and Derek DeGeest of LestaUSA, Emanuele Mazza of Lesta Srl and Alessia Venturi.

plastic, ceramics and composite material.

throughout their manufacturing processes,”

customer to becoming Lesta distributor and

They are easy to use and will shave time off

stated Derek DeGeest. After forming a

integrator was a short step.”

any manufacturers finishing process,” Alicia

partnership with Lesta Srl to become the sole

DeGeest, marketing manager adds. “Painters

distributor, integrator and manufacturer of its

At the FABTECH trade show on November

are amazed when they see their work

self-learning robotic finishing technology in

11 to 14, LestaUSA introduced another

automated by the robot. It’s like capturing the

North America, I am proud as president of

simple robotic solution, this time to eliminate

knowledge of your best painter and hitting

both DeGeest Steel Works, Co. and LestaUSA

moisture on parts during the finishing

copy and repeat to free up your talent to

to help elevate the finishing capabilities of the

preparation process by developing a suction

help your company accomplish more,” Alicia

general manufacturing industry.”

and blow-off robot. Manufacturers with a multi-stage wash process in their coating

DeGeest added. “A couple of years ago DeGeest Steel Works

operation struggle removing pockets of

The technology was showed during a

was trying to create added value for its

standing water even with the aid of a dry-

Press Conference & Live Demonstration

customers and better jobs for its people

off oven. Traditional methods of eliminating

held on Tuesday, November 12 at the

by looking for robotic solution that could

moisture include manually blowing off every

FABTECH Exhibition in Chicago, and gained

speed up the manufacturing processes,

part destined for the oven,

a lot of interest among the visitors of the

reduce cycle-time, improve product quality.

re-engineering parts to contain more drain

trade show. LestaUSA President Derek

We robotized welding operations first,

holes, or raising oven temperature to

DeGeest was interviewed by ipcm® after the

and then we needed to automate our

evaporate standing water.


painting operations. Nevertheless, we could not find any appropriate, simple robotic

“Our suction and blow-off robots are simple

“As the third-generation steel fabrication job

finishing technology in the U.S. We then

to program to eliminate water pockets prior

shop, DeGeest Steel Works knows about

discovered Lesta in Italy and we decided

to entering the dry off oven, saving time and

complex and large volume steel weldments

to visit the company and check if their

money,” explained Brad Ruppert, Finishing

and finishing processes.

robotic technology for painting could fit our

Applications Specialist for LestaUSA. “Similarly

Our future vision for continued growth

expectations. After installing six Lesta robots

to the painting robots, Lesta suction and

through automation quickly led DeGeest

at our factory in South Dakota, we realized

blow-off robots do not require complicated

Steel Works to become a technology leader

that many of our customers and partners

programming or teach pendants. Programs

through software development, data

were interested in the robotic solution we

are made without a gap in production and

analytics, automation, and the use of robotics

were showing off. Going from being a Lesta

immediately ready for the next part”.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Stahl’s Dr. Alexis Pey Appointed Executive Board Member of European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE)


r. Alexis Pey, Global SHE & Process

opinions, training and education by organizing

heat, and be recycled and upcycled. As a world

Safety Manager at Stahl, has been

various awards and events on the topics of

leader, Stahl uses Responsible Chemistry that

named as charity trustee (executive

digitalization, sustainability and energy.

meets tomorrow’s needs – for customers

board member) at the European Federation of

The EFCE currently comprises 36 member

and society. In particular, it serves high-end

Chemical Engineering (EFCE).

societies in 28 European countries.

industries in mobility, fashion & footwear,

The appointment, which begins on January

architecture & construction, interior spaces and

Stahl’s industry leading role in safety, health and

Responsible chemistry that meets tomorrow’s needs

environmental practices.

Stahl creates specialty chemistry for coatings,

that promote transparency and provide

The appointment of Dr. Pey will enable Stahl to

processing, and treatments of many different

high-performing, low-impact solutions to drive

share its expertise on process safety with the

everyday materials. Its chemistry gives the

the transition to a fully sustainable supply chain

chemical engineering community.

things we use the properties they require to

and circular economy. “If it can be imagined, it

The company has a proven track record when

last longer, feel softer, resist scratching, diffuse

can be created.”

1, 2020, and runs for two years, underlines

paint, ink & packaging. In close collaboration with its partners, the company initiates activities

(SHE), based on activities, policies, monitoring, reporting and training programs that are aimed at creating a true safety culture with zero

© Stahl EFCE

it comes to safety, health and environment

injuries and accidents. The addition of Dr. Pey to the executive board will allow the EFCE to use Stahl’s know-how and experience to advise and support member organizations, working towards sustainable development within the chemical industry. “Like every other industry, the chemical industry is facing many challenges, including topics like technological transformation, how to contribute to generating a circular economic model and how to interest new generations”, says Pey. “Actively contributing to the EFCE is actively contributing to finding the right answers to these challenges.”

European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) Founded in 1953, the EFCE serves the European chemical engineering community by offering expertise, supporting research programs and promoting scientific collaboration within the industry. It provides a platform for views and


Figure 1: Dr. Alexis Pey, the new charity trustee at the European Federation of Chemical Engineering.

N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



Your fast efficiency.

We care. Surface cleaners

© Nordson Deutschland GmbH

Opening photo: Soft spray from the Encore HD spray guns ensures full coverage in corners and recesses.


Liquid-to-Powder Conversion, Done Right Paul Drysdale Nordson Industrial Coating Systems – United Kingdom



witching from liquid to powder coating

line density at their shelving plant in Brierley

“Going away from liquid paint with the

with dense-phase technology improves

Hill, England, an electrostatic liquid paint

associated VOC emissions and the need for

operating efficiency and environmental

system with rotary atomizers delivered high

overspray and sludge disposal was simply the

friendliness at Link 51.

paint application efficiency and finish quality

right, environmentally-friendly move for us.” –

Converting from liquid paint to powder coating

their customers liked (Fig. 2). Yet, the system

says Christopher Walker, Operations Director

did not happen overnight for Link 51 – the UK’s

had seen better days, required hours of weekly

Whittan Group.

leading supplier of storage, pallet racking and

maintenance, and created environmental

Link 51 designs and manufactures a full range

shelving solutions (Fig. 1). Thanks to the high


of storage and shelving solutions which help


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


users improve their work environment.

environmental benefits but also improve

- Fast colour change for flexible production

From pallet racks for warehouses, to

our operating efficiency and finish quality”.

- Clean, environmentally-friendly work place

mobile shelving, to lockers and multi-tier

After Link 51 joined the Whittan Group

storage systems for hospitals, warehouses,

in 2017, the move from liquid to powder

Once the specifications were defined, the

schools, gyms and a broad range of other

became a priority project. In early 2018,

team started the supplier selection. “We


Link 51 began a search for a powder

knew our requirements were challenging,

In 1951, Joe Kinnear and his son Peter

coating system tailored to their production

so we were looking for a supplier with

combined ingeniously designed slotted

needs. “We were used to our liquid system

demonstrated abilities to design a system

steel angles with matching clamping

applying 25 micron of coating. One of the

to match our needs and reliably support

plates to form an extremely stable and

concerns with powder was the ability to

our production.” Says Lyndon Woodfield,

versatile configurable shelving system.

match that thickness consistently, without

Sr. Team Leader, Manufacturing, who has

They founded “The Handy Angle Company”

daily fine-tuning, and to reduce the overall

extensive powder coating experience with

which, since 1966 operates under the “Link

applied coating and operating costs”,

Link 51’s old line.

51” brand name. Today Link 51 is a part

recalls Peter Charles, Engineering and

Link 51 team knew about the positive

of Whittan Storage Systems Ltd. – one of

Maintenance Manager at Link 51, who also

experience at their two sister-plants,

the largest manufacturers of steel storage

led the upgrade of the Link Lockers’ line to

Lockers and Pallet Racking, which were

products in the United Kingdom, operating

Nordson technology back in 2015.

using the new dense-phase powder delivery

with several market-leading companies and

The targets for the new system were set

technology from Nordson. So, the team

processing 1,000 tons of steel each week.

quite high:

headed to the suburbs of Dusseldorf, to

To stay in the premier league of surface

- 4 m tall products with a line speed of up

experience the new spray systems first-hand

to 3,5 m/min

technology, Link 51 Shelving plant has

(Fig. 3).

at the Nordson demonstration centre. “It’s

recently installed a specially-designed

- Highly efficient powder application

nice to test the equipment with our products

Nordson powder coating booth equipped

- Consistent and uniform 25 microns of

and powder.” Says Tom Clayton. “Since I was

coating thickness

with advanced dense-phase spray systems

- Full automatic coverage of the shelving

(ref. Opening photo). “The nature of our


the line quite densely, with minimum gaps between the products. Because of this, the old liquid system delivered a rather high application efficiency and material utilization”, said Christopher Walker, “however, each day we came to work

to work with it without the pressure of running production was important.”

© Nordson Deutschland GmbH

product is such that it allows us to load

to operate the new system, having a chance

smelling solvent in the air. Although all cleaning and disposal procedures were closely followed, we have a high level of environmental awareness and it was time to do the right thing – convert to a more environmentally friendly finishing method.” “In 2015, our sister-plant, Link Lockers, installed a new Nordson spray system with dense-phase pumps and significantly improved their powder usage”, explains Tom Clayton, the Powder Coating Line Manager and a member of the project team. “It was clear that we had to get away from liquid and convert”. “First we defined our goals,” recalls Christopher Walker, “and agreed that if we were to improve the paint system, it would need to deliver not only


Figure 1: Link 51 – the UK’s leading supplier of storage, pallet racking and shelving solutions.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60


© Nordson Deutschland GmbH

“A few days of testing at Nordson helped us gain confidence in the attainability of our goals. Their solution was easy to work with and was proven to apply highly controlled coating thickness with no operator intervention. Process control was important for our production efficiency.” Recalls Christopher Walker. “Additionally, Nordson offered a special booth allowing Tom to clean it from the top down using convenient, high-level openings with platforms. That made good sense to us.” Because of the close team work, demonstrated abilities, and the special booth solution, Nordson was awarded the order for Link 51’s new powder coating system with the target to install in late December 2018 and start of production on January 6th – just 3 weeks later. “Those were intense weeks.” Recalls Lyndon Woodfield. “In only one week we

2 1

had to take out the old system, fill the pit, seal the floor and have the area ready for

Figure 2: High line density and application efficiency combine to deliver unmatched powder utilization and operating efficiency.

Nordson’s installation team. A large booth with 20 automatic guns had to be ready for © Nordson Deutschland GmbH

production just 2 weeks later”.

Startup 4 days ahead of schedule All involved worked like clockwork. From demolition to installation to startup, Link 51 and Nordson teams worked double-shifts. On January 2nd, 4 days ahead of schedule, the first batch of powder coated shelves came off the line and everyone could breath a sigh of relief. “A couple of weeks prior to the start of the installation, our team spent 3 days at Nordson in Germany learning to work with the equipment. We passed the learning curve at high speed while at Nordson. On day one we were ready to hit the ground running and run full production.” – remembers Woodfield. The new system features a customengineered, 6,5 m tall ColorMax® booth with a Spectrum® HD powder feed centre and advanced controls. The booth is designed to provide reliable powder containment while also ensuring soft airflow in the spray area.

3 1

Special high-level openings with platforms

Figure 3: Clean, environmentally friendly operating conditions.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

enable operators to clean the booth walls

© Nordson Deutschland GmbH


4 1

Figure 4: Intuitive controls simplify operator work and guide colour change.

The new system operation

from the top down. This way, no powder is blown in the direction of the conveyor opening against the booth airflow. The automatic floor cleaning system keeps the powder in the booth to an absolute minimum. The high line density combines with the efficient powder application resulting in minimum overspray. Any airborne powder is efficiently recycled through a twin-cyclone system and screened through an ultrasonic sieve prior to being returned to the fully enclosed feed centre. The new system also delivers on the fast, contamination-free colour change. “The step-by-step colour change instruction on the main controller and many of the colour change tasks being fully automated, makes my work much easier” – confirms Tom Clayton.

The high line density combines with the efficient powder application resulting in minimum overspray. Any airborne powder is efficiently recycled through a twin-cyclone system and screened through an ultrasonic sieve prior to being returned to the fully enclosed feed centre. The new system also delivers on the fast, contamination-free colour change.”

Since commissioning of the powder coating plant, Link 51 team took full ownership of the process. With the support from the local Nordson personnel, the applied coating and application efficiency were perfected over the first few weeks of operation. “We have a new local sales and service team in UK which is focused on delivering 2nd to none support to our customers”, says Paul Drysdale, Sales and Service Manager, Nordson (U.K.). “Our task is much easier and more rewarding when working with a customer like Link 51, who understand their production needs deeply, and embrace technology to reach their goals.”

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60


Peter Charles, the Engineering and Maintenance Manager testifies: “Prior to the conversion to powder, we identified several areas of improvements. For example, the liquid paint pots had to be stirred 24/7 requiring us to run our air compressor non-stop. Now, the compressor is running only during the 8-hour production shift. This alone saves us £ 2,000-3,000 per month. Additionally, about 2,500 litres of water had to be treated and discharged to waste every 6 months. None of that any more.” Significant gains are also evident in finish quality and rework rates. “We worked diligently to minimize rework on our liquid system,” recalls Lyndon Woodfield, “yet, paint runs, solvent boils, resprays were part of our daily life. All of these issues are eliminated with the conversion to powder.” Additionally, the liquid system required 3-4 hours of service and maintenance each week. In the 9 months of production on the new powder coating system – zero maintenance or service downtime. “Our maintenance team hasn’t been called to the new system once,” confirms Peter Charles. Lyndon Woodfield, who has many years of experience managing the Link 51 old powder coating line recalls: “We are used to changing Venturis inside the pumps every 3-4 weeks while tweaking our pump settings weekly to keep the desired coating thickness. None of this on the new system. No adjustment as there is no wear parts inside the Nordson dense-phase pumps, which affect the powder output.” The combination of the high line density, excellent powder application efficiency, and the use of thin-film powders allowed Link 51 Shelving to half their applied coating cost. “We used to coat about 15 m2 of metal per litre of liquid paint, yielding an applied cost of £0.47 / m2. Today, we achieve the same 15 m2 of coverage but with only one kilogram of powder. This brings our applied coating cost to £0.23 / m2. That’s a 50 % cost reduction!” – confirms Peter Charles.

Link 51 was used to changing venturis inside the pumps every 3-4 weeks while tweaking our pump settings weekly to keep the desired coating thickness. With the new system no adjustment is necessary as there is no wear parts inside the Nordson dense phase pumps, which affect the powder output.”


After the first 9 months of operation, the positive results achieved by Link 51 include: - 50 % reduction in the applied material cost - Operating, disposal, and environmental compliance cost reduction - 70 % reduction in rework and quality costs - Increased production capacity due to zero downtime for maintenance - High colour change flexibility with less than 15 min colour change time on a 6.5 m tall booth - Zero consumption of replacement parts - Clean, environmentally-friendly operating conditions - Expected 14-month return on investment. From its inception back in 2015, the overall project took several years to implement. “The good news is that we got the latest equipment and technology. Plus, the new local Nordson team is supporting us every step of the way with their powder application expertise. Everybody worked hard and smart on this project and the results are fully reflective of this”, summarizes Walker. “We can definitely say that moving from liquid to powder coating was an excellent investment for Link 51. Our high expectations for a quick payback and numerous operating benefits have been fully met or exceeded.”

Thin-film powders demand process control In order to achieve the targets on the applied coating cost per square meter of the coated surface, Link 51 had to work with specially formulated thin-film powder, capable of achieving the correct coating opacity at films as low as 18 microns. Thin-film powder coatings have been available for some time, and appeal to many powder coaters. Although they often more expensive than traditional powders, they can result in significant applied coating savings allowing powder coaters to achieve product coverage at applied thicknesses significantly lower than those with traditional powder coating materials. However, to fully benefit from using thin-film powder coatings, the application system must have a high degree of process control (Fig. 4). Unfortunately, with traditional venturi-pump powder coating systems, maintaining the coating thickness at a stable 25 microns requires frequent adjustment of the settings due to progressive wear of the venturi inserts inside each pump. Rarely can a powder coating system operator fine-tune a traditional system with such precision and consistency. Due to this, many coaters who trial thin-film powders with a venturi-based powder coating system, observe that they pay more per Kilogram for their powder without being able to realize the savings of a thinner film, actually increasing their applied coating cost.



copolifix Srl - Socio unico, one of the leading producers of powder coatings on the European market, is this year

marking 25 years of innovation, quality and flexible delivery options. The company has

© Ecopolifix Srl – HELIOS Group

Ecopolifix Srl: 25 Years of Powder Traces Designing the Future in Industrial Coatings Solutions

grown from a small manufacturing company to an internationally recognized supplier of industrial coatings that is part of the broader network of HELIOS and Kansai Paint. While Ecopolifix has been continuously and reliably providing top powder coatings to its customers, the company is also looking ahead. To further strengthen the global presence, Ecopolifix will provide its customers with the full range of HELIOS Industrial Coating Solutions in addition to the top-quality powder coatings. With the two production sites in Riese Pio X (TV) and Tezze sul Brenta (VI), in northern

The ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate Ecopolifix’s 25 years of activity.

Italy, Ecopolifix ranks among one of the few powder coatings producers in Europe to

As the important milestones are the

and strong support from combined HELIOS

have more than 900 products permanently

opportunity to remember the past,

and Kansai Paint network will bring new growth

on stock. In the special production facilities

celebrate the achievements and to look

and development opportunities for Ecopolifix.

approximately 10,000 tons of powder and

into the future, Ecopolifix announces the

Our company will combine strengths from all

PVC coatings are produced annually. All

next step in its business development. Due

areas of HELIOS Industrial Coating Solutions by

this enables the Italian company to achieve

to significant growth potential the company

providing high quality powder coatings, liquid

extremely short reaction times and to

decided to invest in a new powder

metal coatings of Helios and Rembrandtin as

meet versatile customer demands. Since

production line with a capacity of over

well as E-coat solutions to our international

2014, Ecopolifix is a member of HELIOS,

2,000 tonnes per year. With the acquisition

clients. At the same time, we will exploit the

the European coatings and system solution

of the trading company Helios Italia Srl.,

resulting synergies in R&D, logistics and sales

provider that combines many renowned

Ecopolifix enriched its portfolio with car

for the benefit of our customers. Access

brands, such as Rembrandtin, Color Powder

refinish products as well as sealants and

to additional resources, new segments,

Coatings or Rembrandtin Powder Coatings.

PU foams. Furthermore, the company has

faster distribution channels, further product

In 2017, HELIOS became a part of Kansai

expanded its activities into industrial metal

innovations and an international network of

Paint, one of the top ten global coatings

coatings to position itself as a full system

experts will enable us to serve our customers

producers. Thanks to worldwide production,

supplier in the field of industrial coatings.

even better in the future.”

distribution and sales activities, the

Bine Pangršič, President of the Board

opportunities for Ecopolifix have also grown

of Directors of Ecopolifix stated: “New

For further information:


investments, expansion in other segments

www.ecopolifix.it; www.helios-group.eu


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


© HangOn

Opening photo: Nearly 70 people from all over the world attended HangOn Sales Conference 2019.


HangOn Sales Conference 2019: The Smart Way for Hanging and Masking Alessia Venturi ipcm®


e focus on small solutions that

back to the 16th century. At the beginning of

the coating industry started in the mid-

make the difference for your

the 19th century, a wire drawing company

1970s. In 1989, the generational shift


first was founded which was the base for

accelerated the development of the firm,

This sentence excellently summarises the

what today is the largest supplier in the

which further specialised in the coating field.

mission of HangOn, a European leader in the

Nordic region. Later 100 years ago a new

New products were launched, new services

production and selling of masks, hooks, and

company was started, which became and

introduced, and new markets discovered.

frames for coating.

still is a global market leader in production of

On September, 18-20 2019, the Swedish

The entrepreneurial spirit of the Törefors

garment hooks out of wire.

company organised a three-day conference

family, which founded the company, dates

The manufacture of the first products for

at its Hillerstorp plant, 250 km north of


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Malmö, to illustrate to its distributors from

“Our international operations are

over twenty-five countries the results

constantly being developed to meet

obtained over the last year, new products

customer needs. Our main office,

and production technologies (such as 3D printing for samples), new sales and marketing tools, and the new company website (ref. Opening photo). The ipcm magazine was also invited to the ®

conference. We were able to attend the event, the live demonstrations of hanging products at the Test Centre (Fig. 1), and the moments of cultural exchange and entertainment, experiencing HangOn’s

HangOn has significant know-how and experience in industrial coating processes. It can quickly find the most innovative solutions to guarantee the best hanging and masking results as well as efficiency, time and labour reduction, and material savings.”

R&D department, production site, and main distribution centre are located in Hillerstorp, in Sweden,” explains CEO Petter Törefors (Fig. 2). “In order to guarantee high-level logistics, however, our distribution centres are located worldwide in strategic locations. Our most recent acquisition has been Dutch firm MBS. This has enabled us to further expand our HangOn BV distribution hub, serving all of Europe.” HangOn has

for research first-hand.

significant know-how and experience in

© HangOn

dynamism, collaborative spirit, and passion


Figure 1: Live demonstration of smart hanging at HangOn Test Centre. On the back, Andreas Orre, HangOn sales manager.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60


© HangOn

industrial coating processes. It can quickly find the most innovative solutions to guarantee the best hanging and masking results as well as efficiency, time and labour reduction, and material savings. In 2018, the company owned more than forty product and design patents. “Last year, we registered a 20% turnover increase by covering thirty-two different markets,” says Export manager Andreas Orre, “and we expect a further 9% increase in 2019. This is the result of a large investment program carried out in the 2017-2019 period involving both our

2 1

production equipment and our plants, with the completion of the Hillerstorp

Figure 2: Petter Törefors, CEO of HangOn. © HangOn

headquarters’ expansion in Sweden and the acquisition of MBS in the Netherlands beside of setting up HangOn India. The HangOn Experience Centre (where the 2019 Sales Conference took place, Ed.) includes spaces for shows, conferences, samplings, and a laboratory. Here, our customers can develop and test various hanging and/or masking solutions and pick up standard products from our sampling department.” “In order to help our distributors and customers, we have also completely renewed our website, translated into 3 1

© HangOn

Figure 3: Eric Thyrell.

4 1

Figure 4: Alessia Venturi.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

The HangOn Experience Centre includes spaces for shows, conferences, samplings, and a laboratory. Here, the customers can develop and test various hanging and/or masking solutions and pick up standard products from HangOn sampling department.”


eighteen languages,” explains marketing

“As for production, we are

by saying “There are no failures, only

and communication manager Martina

encouraging the development of

results”, Eric Thyrell spoke to about

Orre. “Thanks to new design and

solutions that combine masking and

seventy people from all over the world

features, it is now easier to surf and

hanging, in order to speed up these

about “The Future of Sales”. Through

able to specifically support our users.

operations within coating cycles,” says

anecdotes and success and failure

Its structure, look, and functions are

Jakob Törefors, partner and head

stories, he illustrated that, in addition

integrated with each other. The news

of development at HangOn. “Our

to knowledge, a company’s attitude

section is constantly updated and it allows

focus remains the development of

can affect its sales success. Regaining

finding information on all of HangOn’s

customised solutions, which we call

motivation, igniting enthusiasm,

most recent activities. The extranet area

hangonish-ideas. We have also heavily

rediscovering one’s own success

enables our distributors to download

invested in 3D printing to create

vision, and understanding that it is

presentations and technical and sales

moulds and tools producing samples

possible to get good sales results even

material independently. We have also

with the same look and feel of the

in difficult years by simply getting used

created a platform for HangOn employees

end products.”

to thinking outside the box were the

only, called HangOn Inspiration, where

Two guest speakers were invited

key concepts of his lecture. At the

our colleagues can share photographs

at the Sales Conference 2019 of

end of his speech, Thyrell identified

of industrial applications, technical

HangOn: Swedish inspirational

four key factors that will determine

problems, or simply inspirational images

speaker and motivator Eric Thyrell

the future of sales: service, customer

to encourage mutual exchange of ideas

(Fig. 3) and ipcm® Editor-in-Chief

loyalisation, professional ethics, and

and collaboration.”

Alessia Venturi (Fig. 4). Beginning


© HangOn

5 1

Figure 5: Family photo outside HangOn headquarters in Hillerstorp, Sweden.

Reflecting on HangOn’s “Smart Masking”

lines, and robotised hanging processes.

The Sales Conference 2019 participants

concept, Alessia Venturi presented a technical

She also described the role that a magazine

(Fig. 5) also got to visit Troax, a company

report entitled “The Smart Way to Coating”.

with global distribution and visibility like

based in Hillerstorp and specialising in the

She illustrated a series of smart, futuristic

ipcm® plays in promoting and disseminating

production of metal panels and protective

innovations in the industry, such as smart

knowledge in this field through both

nets for machine tools and industrial

paints, digital lab assistants, modular coating

traditional and digital and social channels.

plants, which uses the HangOn robotised hanging system on its coating line.

© HangOn

The three-day technical meeting ended with a morning of workshops on the following topics: - Best practice: the success stories of companies Falk Lack and Thorn Lighting; - Cleaning methods: how to assess the efficiency of pyrolytic stripping compared to disposal; - Creating value for customers: special projects (Fig. 6). At the end of the conference, HangOn’s management invited everyone to meet at the next edition of the world’s leading trade fair in the industrial coating field, PaintExpo 2020, where the company will once again

6 1

make a large and highly interactive stand

Figure 6: Jakob Törefors, Partner and Head of Development at HangOn during the workshop “Creating value for customers: special projects”.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

available to its customers, distributors, and visitors.


do you need a CHAIN CONVEYOR?

BRAND NEW HOOK! loading capacity > 1,500 kg, it allows the rotation with an integrated lock system

TRAS-MEC iW XLI ǻVWX GSQTER] to safeguard your system and contractually guarantee a downtime free production.



Environmentally Friendly Flushing System Reduces VOC Emissions During Colour Changes by Up To 60 Percent


Flushing funnels have many disadvantages

manifold via a return and collected.

environmentally friendly flushing system for two-component paint

ürr has developed a new,

This means that only very little media

In the case of materials with just one

has to be flushed forwards out of the

application: the EcoBell PurgeBox makes it

component, such as are typically used for

atomizer. In the EcoBell Cleaner D2, this

possible for the first time to collect almost

primer and base coats, the paint in the

flushing takes place in parallel with the

all solvent-based two-component paints and

atomizer channels can be fed into the

cleaning of the atomizer in cycle time.

The system is used for two-component clear coats and base coats. It makes it possible to

© Dürr

flushing media when changing colour.

reduce the VOC load in the booth caused by colour change by up to 60 percent. The new system does not require the flushing funnel commonly used in the past. This reduces the power consumption as well as the maintenance involved, and also offers maximum protection against high-voltage flashovers. Around the world, statutory regulations are requiring plant operators to adhere to increasingly stringent limit values for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In industrial painting, VOCs escape when changing colour and during the associated flushing of the atomizers. To change paint, the channels inside the atomizer must be flushed before the new paint is pressed on. Regular exterior cleaning of the atomizer housing is also necessary so that no overspray can fall from the atomizer onto the body. The development of the EcoBell Cleaner D2 with integrated droplet separator has enabled VOC emissions to be reduced by 94 percent compared with the previous model, on the one hand through the reduction in flushing agent consumption achieved through the elimination of a cleaning pass and on the other hand through the collection of the spent media (Fig. 1).



Figure 1: The EcoBell PurgeBox flushing system reduces VOC emissions produced during two-component paint colour changes.

N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Dürr


produces a dynamic spray cloud, from which a lot of VOCs escape. In addition, the funnel must be regularly flushed with sludge thinners so that the two-component material does not clog the funnel – this also introduces VOCs into the booth (Fig. 2).

Easy disposal The newly developed EcoBell PurgeBox is a system that replaces the funnel solution entirely and significantly reduces the VOC load in the booth. Instead, the atomizer moves into the box. The special filter mats in the box collect the majority of the paint, the air escapes to the side, the almost pure flushing medium flows downwards and can be disposed of with ease via a manifold line that requires no additional flushing. The filters are simply discarded as residual waste after their lifetime. “In two-component zones, it will be possible to significantly reduce VOC emissions by means of flushing and cleaning processes if an EcoBell Cleaner D2 is combined with an EcoBell PurgeBox instead of a funnel,” says Sandra Schlichenmaier.

Protection zone against high-voltage flashovers Another unique feature is the high level of protection offered by the EcoBell PurgeBox and also the EcoBell Cleaner D2 in combination with Dürr’s EcoRPC

2 1

control technology. A virtual protection

Figure 2: EcoBell PurgeBox flushes two-component paints from the atomizer without paint mist escaping into the booth.

zone ensures that the atomizer cannot come into contact with any grounded components while it is under high voltage. The software switches off the

“For two-component paints, this kind

Since two-component paints have a short

system if the protection zone is violated

of clean solution was not available on

curing time, they must be fully drained

to prevent flashover on combustible

the market up to now because these

forwards out of the atomizer. Up to now,


materials pose special challenges for

the paint has either been fed directly into

the flushing process,” reports Sandra

the booth or into a funnel that is flushed at

For further information:

Schlichenmaier, R&D engineer at Dürr.

regular intervals. The flushing on the funnel


international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60



Concept for Blasting Lightweight Parts


t the EUROGUSS exhibition, which

of new blast machines at AGTOS.

consultation and does not end with

takes place from 14 to 16 January

For example, special blast machines were

the commissioning. The visitors are

2020 in Nuremberg, AGTOS will

cordially invited to convince themselves in

components and aluminium and magnesium

personal conversations.

of lightweight aluminium and magnesium

die-cast parts. Actually, aluminium is used

In existing blasting machines, an increase


as abrasive aswell. Considering the specifics

in performance can be achieved.

The surface treatment of complex

of this material, this has implications for the

For example, turbines developed

workpieces made of aluminium and

design of the machines. The special features

specifically for this application work

magnesium is becoming increasingly

are presented at the AGTOS booth.

more gently. The abrasive consumption

demanding. Customers request a uniform

The most important issue after investing in a

is lowered. The exhibition team will also

surface finish on the entire component. In

blasting machine is the operating costs. With

inform visitors about this.

this context, the reproducibility for mass

the help of the right concept and the right

parts is important. Therefore, this topic

turbines, these can be minimized accordingly.

For further information:

complex is a focal point in the development

The service starts at AGTOS during the



developed for the machining of lightweight

be addressing the distortion-free blasting

AGTOS Hanger type blast machine for aluminium parts.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

we keep an eye on your AUTOMATION needs.

vertical & horizontal axis reciprocators | color centers dimensional detection systems | control panels | accessories



Opening photo: The Mosconi Bertani mansion, a unique place in the oenological history of Verona and in the artistic tradition of the Italian region of Veneto.


SAVIM: Thirty-five Years of Beauty, Sustainability, and Family in Tune with the System Alessia Venturi ipcm®


he venue was that of great occasions:

five years of activity of Savim Europe Srl,

The Scavini family – Renzo with his wife

the Mosconi Bertani mansion, a unique

a well-established company active at a

Lauretta, who founded the company in

place in the oenological history of

global level and specialising in the design

1984 and developed it in the following years,

Verona and in the artistic tradition of the Italian

and construction of complete manual

and their children Marina, Nicoletta, and

region of Veneto, built in the late Eighteenth

and automatic plants for both liquid and

Francesco, the current managers (Fig. 1) –

century and surrounded by a splendid park and

powder coating, painting booths and

decided to bring their employees, suppliers,

vineyards (ref. Opening photo). The occasion,

ovens, and systems treating fiberglass and

and friends together for a day dedicated to

in this case, was the celebration of the thirty-

composite materials.

beauty, art, theatre, good food, and good


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



wine, representing the values on which the history and success of this firm are based. “We wanted to combine the themes of beauty and business, as the latter directly entails the former, especially in a sector like ours, since finishes give products a ‘skin’ and, therefore, an aesthetic value,” stated Marina Scavini speaking to about one hundred and twenty guests. “We would like to thank our parents for passing on to us values that are still behind what we are and what we do, such as honesty, consistency, trust, reliability, listening, respect, hard work, and commitment, and above all the ability to always do it with a smile. On the strength of our history but at the same time projecting into the future with both product and management innovations, Savim never forgets the importance of building positive and constructive relationships with people.


“We are three siblings with different experiences and abilities that help us better

Figure 1: The Scavini family – Renzo with his wife Lauretta, who founded the company in 1984 and developed it in the following years, and their children Marina, Nicoletta, and Francesco, the current managers.

manage our firm, always united even in conflicts. It was not easy to choose to be it difficult because they wanted to make sure that we would have had the good of


entrepreneurs. Indeed, our parents made

the company at heart. We have chosen to take on this burdensome but rewarding responsibility. That is why today, together with the network of people we have built over the years, we are celebrating love and beauty. Surfaces are beauty and love is in every product, since it is the result of the time, intelligence, sacrifices, errors, and dedication invested in its creation.” Marina Scavini’s words opened the event and started a series of speeches by institutional representatives, consultants close to the Scavini family, and staff, some of whom were rewarded for their loyalty to the company. Each speech was linked to an issue of great importance for Savim, including social commitment, involvement in the local economic and industrial fabric, and sustainability (Fig. 2), and it was preceded by the theatrical representation of some scenes from works by European playwrights, such as Shakespeare

2 1

Figure 2: The event started with a series of speeches by institutional representatives, consultants close to the Scavini family, and employees.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60


outside their own fi rms, through the

“As well as a sound product, the best


concepts of legality and compliance with

legacy an entrepreneur can leave is the

Renato Della Bella, the President of the


ability to build strong relationships,”

Apindustria association, of which Marina

Savim consultant Matteo Civiero addressed

stated prof. Franco Cesaro, the morning

Scavini is the vice-president, spoke of the

the issue of sustainability as related to

speech moderator and a consultant

responsibility to do business, understood as

business management. “The future belongs

of Savim. “This is an excellent ability of

being responsible not only for the territory

to those who can imagine and build it. By

Renzo Scavini, which has been inherited

within one’s own company but also for that

its own nature, a company is created to

by his children.” The event continued

surrounding it.

build the future. What worked in the past

with a rich aperitif in the gardens of the

“Savim’s expansion abroad also affects its

will not work in future, but the beauty of

villa with the delightful accompaniment

territory of origin and it boosts the growth

the eff ort to do business for pursuing a

of jazz music, followed by a lunch in the

not only of the company itself but also of its

dream and giving it to future generations

beautiful banquet hall of the Mosconi

employees, suppliers, and anyone coming

so that they take care of it will always exist.

Bertani mansion (Fig. 3), gladdened by the

into contact with it,” said Renato Della

Whereas once it was possible to neglect the

comedy duo I Lucchettino. After the cake

Bella. “In order for the territory in which

issue of sustainability in business, nowadays

cutting and a few photos,

a company operates to remain beautiful,

a company that does not think about the

all the guests could enjoy the villa and

healthy, and rich in values, entrepreneurs

future in terms of sustainability

its vineyards as well as a tasting of the

must exercise their responsibilities also

will soon cease to exist.”

famous Valpolicella wines.


and Goldoni, symbolising the themes

3 1

Figure 3: The event continued with a lunch in the beautiful banquet hall of the Mosconi Bertani mansion.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Maximum Sustainability Scholarly article by Huzaifa Matawala (Paint Recyclist) huzaifa@regentpaintsusa.com

© bigleaves_∏ Kaggle

Regent Paints Inc., New York – United States


ustainability is the seed of paint and

in oceans; the climatic extreme on the aircraft:

Within this sustainable industry also

coating industry. The sole purpose

durable infrastructure on the ground and below.

we need to prioritize best use and

of paints is to provide sustainable

Liquid engineering by the way of oxidization

optimization of resources. Reduction

development. To provide durability and

and adhesion is the prime objective of the

of waste on the paint manufacturing

protection, prolong life cycle of the object and

coating. Protecting the object for a longer time,

floor is a discussion of maximum

enhancing its appearance. The contribution of

is its sustainable objective. This property of


the paint industry towards global sustainable

increasing the life causes savings in several

Reuse of total paint items is Regent

development is enormous. The coatings protect

million manhours, energy and environmental

Paints’ revolutionary best step forward in

ships from marine salts, algae and pressures


sustainability towards the industry.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


With several options available manufacturers can get rid of

They crush cans and protect the brands in the events of

the waste.

mis-tint and discontinued or expired finished products.

The dependency on a secondary vendor or recycler

Solvent based paints like alkyd enamels, stains, solvent based

is currently inevitable, so is the generation of waste.

ink products, primers, paint thinners, tank washed solvents,

Prime responsibility lies with the factory.

alkyd resins, epoxies, hardeners, etc. are now a part of the

Hence solution is possible from the point of generation.

reusable paint family. Mr. Huzaifa Matawala (Regent Paints)

By creation of coating product from the waste streams,

has patents pending with USPTO for several formulations

within the facility of the generator Regent Paints can

and processes on Oil paint Recycling.

not only eliminate a lot of waste but provide savings in the raw material imports or extractions of natural

Patent products, research and processes

resources. Producing the basic resin and base type

With a vision to initiate a process of oil paints reuse and

intermediate and final items that is in further reusable


state. Transformation of waste to usable products is

The Regent Paints’ patents cover a total program of recreating a

required in cases with items that have been damaged

product form the solvent based items like it does latex recycling.

chemically and has chances of some recoverable

It checks the ingredients details and the chains that resins have


formed due to the reactions. The study of the binders and resins in the paint is essential to

Due to revolutionary formulations and products created

determine the final batch consequence.

by Regent Paints, several million pounds of materials are kept away from waste disposal. This results as lesser waste

Water-based paints

in the factories along with economical reuse solutions.

For water-based paints the process is simply just:

Items moved under this partnership are moving as a

- Colour-wise sorting

product and no longer as waste (hence that, much lesser

- Bulking

waste generation).

- Filtering

Regent Paints is seeking best environmental solutions on

- Blending

recycling the paint related waste. It is now reutilizing paints

- Packing.

and raw materials into best sustainable way possible.


Binders in paints The three most important binders (resins) used in modern paints

The companies cooperate with Regent Paints Inc. for


its technical and reprocessing capabilities, utilizing their

- acrylic polymers (resins)

plants in several locations to find environmentally best

- alkyd polymers (resins)

solution. They can create, classify and use paint waste as a

- epoxy polymers (resins)

product to be used in paint batches.

The binder in many emulsion paints is based on homopolymers

These companies have incorporated the system of reusing

or co-polymers of ethenyl ethanoate (vinyl acetate) and a

the waste, raw materials, wash streams, expired products,

propenoate (acrylic) ester.

mis-tint, batches gone wrong, discontinued lines, closeouts

Ethenyl ethanoate is manufactured by passing a mixture

and all kinds of off specs. They can now create items from

of ethanoic acid vapour, ethene and oxygen over heated

the factory locations, stores, warehouses or third-party

palladium(ll) and copper(ll) chlorides:

customers to produce instead of waste. This can now move as a product by virtue of its capability to change its form, properties, chemical composition in sync to required batch properties. End Use Certificate and Undertaking is provided by the reuse facility. The companies take a list of obsolete or unsalable items




+ H 2C



½ O2




H2 C


+ H2O


ethenyl ethanoate

along with basic details to categorize them. These items will not be categorized as waste any longer.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60



Ethenyl ethanoate and an acrylic ester (for example, methyl

which are mixed together just before use: the main paint

2-methylpropenoate) are then co-polymerized to form a random array,

portion typically consists of an acrylic resin produced by the

in which these groups link into a linear chain:

polymerization of a propenoate ester formed from a polyhydric alcohol (diols and triols). The resulting polyester has numerous hydroxyl groups (-OH) pendant from the polymer backbone.



H 2C





C and



The hydroxyl groups react with the other compound often consisting of a polymeric isocyanate such as a trimer of 1,6-diisocyanatohexane (hexamethylene diisocyanate):




Other acrylic esters used as co-monomers with ethenyl ethanoate are ethyl propenoate, butyl propenoates, or a co-


polymer of butyl propenoate and methyl 2-methylpropenoate.


Emulsion paints are so-called as they are made by a process




known as emulsion polymerization, in which the liquid monomers to be polymerized are first dispersed in water, as an emulsion. The polymers produced by this process typically have relative molecular masses of 500.000 – 1.000.000. As such they are useful only as dispersions since they would be extremely


viscous if they were carried in solution and this would make them unusable (Fig. 1). Acrylic resins may also be used in industrial paints, either as water-borne emulsion paints or as solvent-borne paints. Solvent-borne industrial paints can have a tough protective

Such a compound is known as a crosslinker for it produces, on

finish and are widely used in industry as topcoats, for example

reaction with the resin, a three-dimensional structure similar to

on car bodies. The paint frequently comes as two components

the polyurethane formed from a polyol and an isocyanate. When these two components are mixed together, a chemical reaction takes place between the hydroxyl groups on the polymer (acrylic resin)

Š Regent Paints

and the isocyanate groups on the cross linker:

CH2 OH pendant hydroxyl group










cross linker

This reaction proceeds relatively slowly at room temperature, allowing enough time for the paint to be applied, after which the solvent thinner evaporates and the painted item is placed in an oven to accelerate the chemical reaction. This greatly increases the molecular mass of the Figure 1: Graph showing relationship between relative molecular mass and viscosity for solution and dispersion polymers.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

polymer causing it to become a three-dimensional molecule and form a hard film, resistant to chemicals:


cross-linker polymer

Solvent-based paints For solvent-based paints Regent Paints has extra processes as every batch is special and the products are more diverse in properties. It classifies them on the basis of the resins. Alkyd polymers (resins) Decorative gloss paints typically contain alkyd polymers (resins). A typical resin is that produced from a polyol such as propane-1,2,3-triol (glycerol) with a dibasic acid such as benzene-1,2-dicarboxylic (phthalic) anhydride and a drying oil (linseed or soybean oil). On being heated together, ester linkages are formed, and water is a by-product. The name alkyd is derived from alcohol and anhydride. The first step in making the alkyd polymer is the reaction between the triol and the drying oil to produce a monoglyceride. For example:



CH 2




+ O O






R R propane-1,2,3-triol (2 moles) (glycerol)







triglyceride of a fatty acid (1 mole) (drying oil)






a monoglyceride (3 moles)


international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60



The monoglyceride then reacts with the anhydride to form the alkyd

The value of n can be controlled to give a range of

polymer (resin):

resins varying from viscous liquids to solids with high melting points. Epoxy resins can be carried in O








benzene-1,2-dicarboxylic anhydride (phthallic anhydride)

a monoglyceride

solvents such as aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols,



ketones and esters (solvent-borne paints) or as


dispersions in water (water-borne paints) as true


emulsions. They are not normally used in topcoats

- H 2O

for outdoors because they are susceptible to











UV degradation, but they make excellent interior





coatings and exterior primers. Epoxy resins are also used as adhesives (e.g. Araldite)


and electrical insulators.


Stages involve initial sorting on the basis of:

alkyd polymer


A) All kinds of decorative enamels/epoxies/ polyurethane and industrial coatings and primers. Before Regent Paints finalizes a contract

The alkyd resins, which generally have relative molecular masses in the

it asks for TDS, specs, or sample report, or visit in

range of 10.000 – 50.000, are usually carried in organic solvents (solvent-

personal. The company always has an idea of what

borne paints). Turpentine extracted from trees was used in the past as

is collected. Most of the items are mineral spirits

the solvent, but this has been replaced by solvents from petrochemical

based. Most general resin is soya based, long/

feedstock, such as ‘white spirit’ which is a mixture of aliphatic and alicyclic

medium oil. B) Compatibility with other matt and gloss paints.

hydrocarbons. Once the alkyd resin is applied, the pendant oil drying groups react with

Regent Paints uses glossmeter and density checks

oxygen in the air to form a cross-linked, hard thermoset coating, with a

to ascertain the resin content and strength of the

high molecular mass.

item received. There are variations in every barrel it receives. But the final product is primer of matt/

Epoxy polymers (resins)

eggshell finish or bitumen item. The final product

Epoxy resins are often used as the binder in industrial coatings (primers).

performance is not very demanding. It is a basic

They give the paint excellent adhesion together with high resistance to

economic coating for walls, metals or wood.

chemicals (corrosion), and physical resistance necessary, for example, on

C) Density and Ingredient check. After the above

ships and chemical storage tanks.

steps Regent Paints ascertains the product mixing

The epoxy resins are made from 1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane (produced

in batches of patented primers and coatings.

from 3-chloropropene) and substituted phenols, such as bisphenol A:

It has to be careful in this. If it mixes 1 wrong can the entire batch gets gelled. Regent Paints creates final products that are




H 2C





CH3 bisphenol-A a polymer is formed when these react



creates more value-able products with experience and judgement on the recycling. The use of these


coatings is minimal in the developed countries, but can serve as a major help in the economies


that need infrastructural development. The infrastructural zones of the developing countries


used in the market for its local buyers. Hereby it




N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

can be served with the durable healthy products,


that are created from the solvents and oil paints.


Regent Paints has markets who use these items as an economical coating.


The company produces bitumen paints and several coatings that use lower end resins and solvents in formulations.



Such primers serve as an undercoat. It has replaced bitumen coat formulations with these recycled paints. It has also formulated several primers for wood and metals. The salty humid and dry extreme climates require a coat that protects the surface, prevents the erosion on walls and keeps the structure stand for longer. Regent Paints has listed technical data sheets with the ministry of Kuwait with the element of alkyds and its CAS details as a part of the new changed formulation. These products have been tested





on the market and have been approved as they passed the requirements and functions, with a vision to initiate a process to recognize the fact that oil paints have several important ingredients that are better utilized as paints. The resins, when cooked in a reactor with the amines and phtalic anhydrides or penta or metallic or monomers, are the composites achieved with several variations of mixes of temperatures and petrochemical fusions. Hence the energy, resources, power and rare blends of nature and technology shouldn’t be wasted without a study.

Particolare dei cuscinetti con HPCOAT Detail of bearing with HPCOAT Ausschnitt der Lager mit HPCOAT

If Regent Paints is able to sustain the pulp of these and be able to re-utilize them as a pulp in blending paints in the future, it is on a better path of serving the environment. paints and paint related items so we can save the process of raw material generation. Such generation of raw material process is far more environmentally stressful. And re-utilization of the oil paint saves on natural resources. Solvent based paints like alkyd enamels, stains, solvent

con | with | mit HPCOAT

based ink products, primers, paint thinners, tank washed solvents, alkyd resins, epoxies, hardeners, etc. can reach a solution of reutilization. Savings on costs, ingredients and environment. We can recycle, classify, rectify, and re-utilize in a very


cost-efficient manner.

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The Machinery Directive and the Update of the Guideline Marcello Zinno UCIF – Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, Milan, Italy



ne of the most important

description in the Directive) and of all

The recipients of the guide are

European directives for

other cases, like, for example, with ‘almost

therefore all subjects interested in the

the member companies of


application of the Machinery Directive:

the ANIMA Federation and the UCIF

This is why the guideline written and

manufacturers, importers, distributors,

association within it is certainly the

published by the Machinery Working

notified bodies, standardisation bodies,

Machinery Directive, which aims at

Group of the European Commission is of

and national authorities.

ensuring the safety of machines placed

fundamental importance for companies.

In particular, this new update of the

on the market within the borders of

Aimed at clarifying the interpretation

second edition of the guide contains a

the European Union. The social cost

of the directive and now in its second

series of corrections and clarifications

linked to the high number of injuries

edition, the document is being constantly

relating to “safety components”. Some

caused directly by the use of machines

updated precisely due to the complexity

changes have also been introduced to

can be reduced by integrating safety

of the matter. In fact, two years after

ensure consistency with the LVD guide

in the design and construction of

the publication of the Version 2.1 of the

relating to the Low Voltage Directive

plants themselves and by carrying out

“Guide to application of the Machinery

2014/35/EE (§90). Finally, two new

correct installation and maintenance

Directive 2006/42/EC,” in October 2019

paragraphs have been added about

operations. Obviously, there is a great

a new update, i.e. the Version 2.2, was

machine control units (§417) and safety

variety of machines on the market and

published. This guide helps understand

components considered as logical

the developments in the mechanics

the concepts and requirements of the

units (§418).

sector have made it more complicated

Directive 2006/42/EC and standardise its

The guideline is available for free:

to define the concept of ‘machine’ for

interpretation and application throughout

please contact UCIF or ANIMA to

legal purposes (despite the very clear

the European Union.

receive a copy.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

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COVERED by ipcm

Finishing Becomes SMART: The Conference Organised by UCIF on the New Technological Frontiers of Finishing


Marta Fumagalli ipcm®

Opening photo: UCIF organised the conference “Finishing becomes SMART” on November, 6 at the premises of Fondazione Cariplo in Milan.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


COVERED by ipcm





Figure 1: The Fondazione Cariplo in Milan hosted the conference organized by UCIF.


he Italian Surface Treatment

knowledge useful to all participants

on eco-sustainability and ever better

Equipment Manufacturers’

(ref. Opening photo and Fig. 1).


Association (UCIF) organised a

After the opening greetings from UCIF’s

With his speech titled “Robotised internal

conference about the new

president , the presentation of a

cleaning though shot blasting”, Renzo

technological frontiers of finishing on

commemorating plaque for Savim

Boarino from Pangborn Europe started the

November, 6 2019 at the Congress

Europe’s thirty-fifth anniversary (Fig. 2)1,

conference by talking about cleaning the

Centre of Fondazione Cariplo, in Via

and the introductory speech of

internal cavities of components with high

Romagnosi 8, Milan. As suggested by its

Politecnico di Milano professor Giancarlo

production and automation systems. He

title, “Finishing becomes SMART”,

Giudici on current market trends, the

then analysed the robotised or

containing an acronym for Surface,

conference continued with several

manipulator-based solutions adopted by

Manufacturing, Advanced, Research,

speeches delivered by the participating

his company for its customer Fonderie di

and Trends, it aimed at giving

companies, alternated with Q&A sessions

Montorso, an Italian foundry specialising in

manufacturers and suppliers the

for the over hundred attendees (Fig. 3).

the production of gray and nodular iron

opportunity to take stock of the

In particular, all reports (Fig. 4) clearly


technologies available for several

mirrored the close relationship between

Matteo Ducceschi, Project Manager at

industrial finishing sub-processes while

plant innovation and target sectors’

Tecnofirma, presented the speech “Flexible

discussing issues such as industry

development, both increasingly focussed

solutions for cleaning high performance

trends and applied research fields. This prompted an exchange of ideas and

engines”, about a cleaning system for 1

See the in-depth article on page 132 of this magazine.

engines intended for premium cars

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60


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installed in an FCA Italy plant2. The main feature of this line is its ability to different technologies in order to achieve a cleanliness level exceeding the conventional standards of the automotive sector. Tecnofirma illustrated the extreme flexibility of its plant, which allows treating all the main elements of these engines, even with different configurations and in different process phases. This unique system is now a benchmark in the cleaning plant sector and it already meets the future needs of a market increasingly looking

2 1

for quality and, above all, flexibility.

Figure 2: UCIF President Marco Leva (left) gave Renzo e Marina Scavini a commemorative plaque for the thirty-five years of activity of Savim Europe.

Trasmetal’s report, “A virtuous company”, dealt with the main features of a new coating system developed for


OMR, an Italian manufacturer of metal components for automotive, earthmoving, agriculture, and commercial vehicles with a fully integrated production flow. This plant has a particular layout and it is based on a peculiar concept. As OMR is very attentive to the environmental friendliness and efficient resource management issues, Carlo Zucchetti from Trasmetal briefly illustrated the energy savings achieved thanks to the new plant. Stefano Bellu from IMF Engineering then delivered a speech on “Powder coating technologies for car and truck brake pads”. He analysed the use of powder coatings in the automotive friction sector compared with that of liquid products, highlighting the improvements in performance and sustainability guaranteed by the former. The speaker explained how its lean production approach led their customer, Federal Mogul, to search for more flexible, dynamic solutions

3 1

ensuring consistent product

Figure 3: Over one hundred company representatives from the surface treatment industry took part in the conference.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

2 See the in-depth article on page 176 of this magazine.



performance rather than greater volumes. Alessandro MolĂŠ from Verind analysed the Overspray Free Application (OFA) technology through the report “Zero-overspray application systems for a significant reduction in emissions,â€? taking the work done by his firm for FCA Italy as an example. The OFA technology was created to efficiently meet the growing needs of the car market in terms of colour customisation, resulting in the elimination of masking operations with significant time and

labour requirements. However, such result can only be achieved with a careful plant analysis involving not only the application units, but also the robotised systems, the sensors, the vision systems, and the cleaning ones. Moderated by Riccardo Oldani from the TecnĂŠ magazine, the morning session ended with the speech of Alessia Venturi from ipcmÂŽ (Fig. 5), “Special-effect, multi-function smart paints: the future is already here,â€? which highlighted the developments in the industrial coating sector

Wet chemical quality testing

over the last decade. ipcmÂŽ Editor-in-Chief

- . / . 0 1

presented some examples of powder and


liquid smart coatings and their industrial

5 3 41 6 6 3 41

applications, also analysing the reasons that

6 3541 7 8 3 4

led to this transformation, such as the request for greater sustainability, better performance, and more and more attractive finishes for the end consumers. The afternoon session started, moderated by




9 : 8 3)4 : 8 ; <






Luca Rossi from the RMO magazine, after a

; , . 8 =8 <

delicious lunch break (Fig. 6) organised by the

. / ;> : 2 - $

Da Vittorio restaurant (Brusaporto, Bergamo)

) 7 (( ((' ' &< .

and the speech delivered by the Italian National Institute for Foreign Trade (ICE) on current market and export trends. Afterwards, Riccardo Leoni from RĂśsler Italiana presented the report “Surface finishing of components obtained with additive technologies (AM or 3D printing)â€?, which highlighted that AM allows creating complex shapes but it then requires special finishing solutions. RĂśsler Italiana collaborated with 3D printer manufacturer Roboze to develop a

8 8 : 8 1 . . 8 8 8 ! " #$% & '( ) *! " #$% & ' ( + ,,,

surface finishing solution for a specific type of printers using techno-polymers: this led to the


COVERED by ipcm



4 1

Figure 4: The event speakers.

creation of AM Solutions Srl, a company

that both manufacturers and design

bodies and parts”. This company

aiming at offering all services related to

companies have a flexible production

designed a plant solution for the Zanasi

the 3D printing field.

flow with high quality standards. Geico

Group, which needed to maintain the

“Geico’s smart paintshop: flexible

has also fully embraced the Industry

flexibility of a manual system for

production with high quality standards”

4.0 principles, focussing on different

high-end cars while increasing

was the title of the presentation of Juan

development areas (Smart Design,

production volumes and achieving

Sebastian Avila from Geico, dealing with

AGV, IOT, Smart Energy, Smart

higher quality levels. Verind’s

the latest innovations in the design of car

Management, and J-Suite) illustrated

representative focussed on the main

coating plants compared with the

during the conference.

challenge posed by this project, i.e. the

conventional method based on a fixed

“Following its report on the OFA

presence of different types of products.

layout with a fixed electrical architecture

technology, Alessandro Molé from

This is why the firm built a system that

,which makes it difficult for design

Verind took the floor again and spoke

can treat both the internal and external

companies to make changes based on

about “Box Concept Smart production:

surfaces of a body complete with its

already-existing projects. It is necessary

the complete, integrated coating of

plastic components in the same booth,


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


COVERED by ipcm



thus solving all colour matching and application consistency issues. Verind also gave its customer great colour management flexibility with its EcoSupply P systems and EcoDose two-component mixing machines. Another important conference guest was the Politecnico di Milano, which has always played a leading role in spreading the surface culture through its research and educational promotion activities. With his report “The study of surface treatments at the Politecnico di Milano. The role of PoliEFUN”, professor Stefano Ettore Romano Turri explained that the PoliEFUN association has been supporting the training of new engineers qualified for the surface treatment of organic and inorganic substrates for about twenty years, thanks

5 1

to an ad hoc specialisation course within

Figure 5: Alessia Venturi during her speech. At the table, Marcello Zinno from UCIF and morning session moderator Riccardo Oldani.

the degree course in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology. This occurs through dedicated lessons, seminars held by industry experts, and participation in research projects. The objective is to


combine sustainability with scientific and technological developments. Ambra Redaelli from Rollwasch Italiana spoke about the “Microfluid” technology (patent pending – I), available since 2010 for the surface finishing of many components made of different materials, such as metal, ceramics, polymers, etc. Its potential application fields include medical components (e.g. orthopaedic implants), aerospace, and the high-end fashion accessory industry. “EcoDryX, a smart solution for overspray dry abatement systems”: as suggested by his presentation’s title, Michele Gallo from Olpidürr described EcoDryX as a brilliant solution for dry abatement systems, comparing wet and dry abatement methods and illustrating the pros and cons of each solution. He ended his speech with

6 1

some practical application examples.

Figure 6: A networking moment during the lunch break.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

The possibility to realise the circular


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ZOOM ON EVENTS economy principles by extending the

Stefano Bianchin from IMEL

About UCIF

average service life of products and

delivered the last speech, “From

Established in 1973 as a member of

reducing the production of waste through

automation to integrated plant

the Confindustria ANIMA association,

its reuse was the key concept of the joint

management”. He focussed on the

the Surface Treatment Equipment

report presented by Sabino Di Pierro from

evolution of control systems for

Manufacturers’ Association (UCIF)

Fismet Service and Nicoletta Nesto from

coating plants, from

represents over 58% of the Italian

Italy’s National Research Council (CNR),

electromechanics to PLCs and big

producers of machines and plants in this

titled “Seeking absolute cleanliness and

data management. In order to keep

sector. This has over 2,000 employees,

total recycling”.

up with the new market needs, IMEL

an annual turnover exceeding 620 million

In particular, they spoke about cleaning

has developed a global solution that

Euros, and an export share of 69%.

technologies exploited to reuse

includes tools for controlling and

UCIF represents the whole finishing

deteriorated materials . They especially

maximising efficiency, managing

chain, including coating, cleaning, shot

focussed on systems operating with

quality, planning maintenance, and

blasting, air/wash cleaning, handling,

ultrasound, water-based detergents,

interacting with external databases

automation, and robotic systems and

eco-compatible solvents, carbon dioxide,

for inline operations.

equipment. Its relation with ANIMA gives

and super-saturated steam.

The conference ended in the late

it international visibility, the possibility to

afternoon with several questions

participate in round tables, and greater

from the attendees (Fig. 7).

collective strength.


3 See the in-depth article on page 186 of this magazine.


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7 1

Figure 7: The conference attendees.

It provides assistance in approaching foreign

that analyse the main macroeconomic

sector, it helps small and medium enterprises

markets through its institutional stands at

data relating to the different types

to focus on technological innovation and

major trade fairs, the search for partners

of treatment plants and the related

professional training, and it offers in-depth

abroad, a consultancy service on international

employment data. In terms of marketing,

information on topics such as entrepreneurial

payments and contracts, customs, export

UCIF promotes exchanges of experiences

and managerial training, internships, and

credit insurance, and export financing, and

with other associations active in the sector,

training financing. It also collaborates in

an intelligence activity for scouting new

it coordinates co-marketing activities to

the development of Poliefun, the university

business opportunities. The association

make participation in international events

training body of Politecnico di Milano that

also carries out a technical activity, sharing

more effective, and it guarantees constant

was created to establish a close collaboration

information on technologies and regulations

presence in the media with the support of

between the academic and business worlds

relating to the surface treatment industry. It

the ANIMA Press Office.

and that helped starting a Degree Course

is a point of reference for the development,

Finally, the UCIF association devotes much

in Surface Treatment Engineering. It also

application, and interpretation of industry

attention to the subject of training. It

facilitates the establishment of relations

regulations and it collaborates with CEN

organises course sessions on specific topics

for research purposes, innovation, and the

and UNI by monitoring their editorial work.

related to the surface treatment field, it

dissemination of scientific topics between the

UCIF periodically carries out sector studies

promotes the cultural advancement of the

industry and academic research worlds.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine




Passion is our engine. For over 60 years, we have come a long way. Our mission has always been reaching new horizons in industrial washing, coating and impregnation. It was a call of innovation that has led us to an outstanding achievement: to become the appreciated partner of the most important companies in the automotive market. For us, it is the recognition of our ability to offer solutions and to respond in the shortest time to constantly accelerating customers’demands. For our clients, making choice of our plants has guaranteed reaching their best performance over all type of surfaces, for all their products. All around the world.

TECNOFIRMA S.p.A. - Viale Elvezia, 35 - 20900 Monza (MB) Italy - Phone +39 039 236 01 - Fax +39 039 324 283 - www.tecnofirma.com - tecnofirma@tecnofirma.com - Company Certified ISO 9001 since 1992

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TITAN’s 11th Technical Day: A Meeting Among Producers, Users, and Industry Experts to Discuss the Present and Future of Powder Coatings

© ipcm ®

Barbara Pennati ipcm®


Figure 1: TITAN’s 11th Technical Day, held on October, 22 in Madrid with the title “La pintura en polvo hoy”, saw the participation of over 130 people.


e do not simply want to be

manifold and, in many cases, strongly

is constantly growing, with more than 130

among the largest paint

requested by the participating companies,

people present at this eleventh technical

manufacturers: we want

including galvanising, corrosion, low-

day, it was the turn of José Manuel Mota, the

to be among the best at producing and

temperature curing, the sublimation process

technical director of the Asociación Española

guaranteeing quality,” said José Manuel

and its evolutions, and an analysis of the

del Aluminio y Tratamientos de Superficie

Azpeitia, the general manager of TITAN

problems that companies operating in the

(AEA), who illustrated his technical forecast

Powder Coatings España S.L.U., to open

aluminium coating sector usually face.

on aluminium and steel corrosion also in

TITAN’s 11 Technical Day on October, 22

After the speech of Azpeitia, who also

relation to current regulations, standards, and

in Madrid (Fig. 1). The title was “La pintura

emphasised that the number of participants

certificates. TITAN Powder Coatings España

en polvo hoy”; the topics discussed were

in the annual meeting organised by TITAN

technical manager José Antonio Arrieta



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then talked about new formulations and


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analysed the low-temperature curing and quick-curing processes. After a short coffee break, the event continued with the report presented by Davide D’Agostino from Sublitex, a company from the Miroglio group specialising in transfer printing. He illustrated a few innovations in the field of steel and aluminium sublimation and he emphasised the versatility of this technique, able to embrace different industrial sectors, from architecture to fashion. He took the example of some Middle Eastern countries, where the use of sublimated surfaces for interior furniture is increasingly spreading. José Manuel Azpeitia then took the floor again to give an engaging explanation of the tests available to assess paint adhesion on galvanised and aluminium components, as well as a detailed description of the guarantees offered by architectural paints (for aluminium) and the conditions for

2 1

Figure 2: The panel discussion saw the participation of (from left to right) José Antonio Arrieta (TITAN), Jordi Cañizar (TITAN), Patricia Mateos (GalvaZinc), David Olmedo (Alueuropa), and José Manuel Azpeitia (TITAN).

determining the service life of the products covered by the guarantee. © ipcm ®

The day continued with a panel discussion (Fig. 2) that saw the participation of Patricia Mateos from GalvaZinc, a firm specialising in the immersion hot-dip galvanising of steel components and the electrostatic coating of galvanised and non-galvanised parts and structures, David Olmedo from Alueuropa, active in the aluminium extrusion and coating sector, and Jordi Cañizar, laboratory manager at Industrias Titan. The debate, focussed on the coating of galvanised products, the typical problems of aluminium coating plants, and their possible solutions, actively involved several audience members, who asked specific questions and described their experiences in the field (Fig. 3). The technical day ended with an excellent lunch in a hall of the Hotel Rafael Atocha, where the event was held.

3 1

Figure 3: Several audience members asked specific questions and described their experiences in the field.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60



Powder Coating Week 2020: Three in One Events


ith educational opportunities to meet

The Basics which will run concurrently with

one of the greatest benefits of attending

every finisher’s needs, the Powder

PCI’s Custom Coater Forum on February 17

industry events. The roundtables will provide

Coating Institute invites to participate

& 18. PCI’s long-standing Powder Coating

a platform for attendees to share information


Technical Conference & Tabletop Exhibition will

on key topics in a casual setting. Following

February 17 – 20 at the Renaissance Orlando

start on the evening of February 18 and run

the general sessions each morning, attendees

at SeaWorld in Orlando, Florida. Comprised

through February 20. The tabletop exhibition

can choose from a wide range of concurrent

of three separate programs, this four-day event

held as a part of the Powder Coating Technical

breakout tracks covering a myriad of powder

offers the perfect combination of training,

Conference will include exhibits from powder

coating-related topics. The Tabletop Exhibition

keynote presentations, technical sessions,

coating manufacturers, powder coating

will be open during lunch on Wednesday

tabletop exhibits, roundtable discussions,

application equipment manufacturers, systems

and Thursday, along with a reception on

expert panels, and social activities for everyone

houses, chemical suppliers and various services

Wednesday evening. At the conclusion of

in the powder coating industry. Registration

that support the powder coating industry.

POWDER COATING WEEK 2020, there will be

is now open for all events taking place during

On Wednesday, February 19, the Technical

a very special giveaway – a trip to PCI’s 2020


Conference features a keynote presentation

Annual Meeting from June 22 – 24 in Whitefish,

“We are excited to bring a well-rounded

from Lisa Ryan with Grategy, “Sweat the Small

MT, near Glacier National Park. The trip includes

selection of topics and new insights designed

Stuff – Attention to Detail Helps You Create

a 3-night stay at the host hotel, complimentary

to help both powder coaters of all experience

a Workplace Culture that ROCKS!” Ryan’s

registration to the meeting and $500 towards

levels and those looking to get into powder

entertaining, engaging and fun program will

airfare for the lucky winner. The prize does not

coating,” comments PCI Executive Director,

address specific strategies that you can put

include optional activities fees. Winner would

Trena Benson. “Attendees will have ample time

into practice immediately, which when applied

need to pay for any optional activities in which

to connect with industry professionals and gain

consistently, create a workplace culture where

they wish to participate. Prize is

a great deal of knowledge and expertise to

people want to come to work and stay working.


improve their finishing operations.”

Day two of the Technical Conference kicks

POWDER COATING WEEK 2020 begins with

off with Powder Coating Roundtables during

For further information:

PCI’s popular Powder Coating 101 Workshop:

breakfast. Peer discussions continue to be


© Powder Coating Institute

© Powder Coating Institute


2 1


Figure 1: The Tabletop Exhibition hosts lunches and reception at the Powder Coating 2020 Technical Conference.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Figure 2: Attendees can choose from a wide variety of presentation tracks.


American Coatings Show and Conference 2020 to Include Novel Features

AC Conference Plenary Session


nticipation is rising: the American

opportunities to engage with business

technological developments. The conference

Coatings Show and Conference will be

professionals than ever before.”

program will be divided into 16 sessions. With

March 31-April 2, 2020 at the Indiana

New exhibitor pavilions on the show floor,

the ten pre-conference tutorials, attendees

Convention Center. In response to industry

including those dedicated to powder coatings

can update their coatings knowledge

demand, the conference will run simultaneously

as well as adhesives and sealants, will create

before the conference starts. The keynote

with the show, enabling an even better

new opportunities for peer and customer

presentation kicking off the conference will be

exploitation of synergies.


given by Michael H. McGarry, chairman and

The American Coatings Show (ACS) is hosted

As ever, this leading North American industry


by AC Media in collaboration with American

event will feature the whole industry portfolio,

In 2018, the ACS drew more than 9,200

Coatings Association (ACA) and Vincentz

including coatings raw materials, adhesives

attendees to Indianapolis. With 558 exhibitors

Network (VN). Cheryl Matthews, vice president

raw materials, laboratory, production

on 137,500 square feet, the show floor was

of events and expositions at ACA, and Amanda

equipment and packaging equipment, testing,

completely sold out. The 2018 conference

Beyer, director of events at VN, are very excited

and measuring equipment as well as services,

attracted nearly 1,100 attendees. The 2020

about the upcoming additions to the show

including software/hardware, e-commerce

show and conference are expected to

and conference. “I expect to see an increased

and training.

outperform those numbers.

level of interaction overall on the show floor,”

The American Coatings Conference will offer

says Matthews. Beyer adds: “We have acted

a comprehensive overview of advancements

For further information:

on industry feedback and have created more

in coatings formulations, as well as key


international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60



Explore the Big Market in Southwest China, Lead the Surface Finishing Trend in 2020


an important modern manufacturing base

Surface Finishing, Electroplating and

Xingyi, CLP II, SPE, Jidao, Chengao, Jianzheng

and high-tech industrial base, but also the

Coating Exhibition will be held in

Electroplating, Juke, Wagner, Gema, Yudong,

economics and financial centre of the upper

Chongqing International Expo Centre on May

Xinliguang, Landtech, JOIHEY, Mingyi Coating,

Yangtze River, radiating many important cities

28th to 30th 2020.

SQROBOT, Haosheng Coating, CNISOO. Various

such as Xi’an, Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Wuhan,

As the most professional and fast-growing

manufacturers that own the latest surface

Changsha, Guiyang, Liuzhou, Nanning, ect.

surface finishing exhibition in China, SF EXPO

treatment technology, equipment and raw

As the government carries out some national

is the only global surface engineering expo

materials launched core frontier products and

preferential policies on taxes and services, the

approved by UFI. It makes great contributions

technologies competed to display the most

business investment increases rapidly in the

to the technology exchange and international

advanced technology, equipment and solutions


trade for surface finishing industry every year.

to meet the needs of southwest manufacturing

The world’s top 500 enterprises such as

In order to better serve the southwest market,

industry. The exhibition area reached


SF EXPO organizing committee made strategic

11,500sqm, increased 53.33% compared with


expansion in 2013 by holding the exhibition in

the previous SF EXPO in Chongqing. It attracted

and BAOSTEEL establish offices here one after

Guangzhou and Chongqing every other year. At

11,343 visitors with 8.67% overseas visitors.

another. With Chongqing as the core strategic

present, SF EXPO has been successfully held 13

Surface treatment has always been an

stronghold of the Silk Road Economic Belt, the

times in Guangzhou, three times in Chongqing,

indispensable part of the manufacturing

southwest market will be bound to usher in a

which has been deeply recognized by the

industry, moreover, its decorative and

more vigorous development.


functional performance greatly affect the added

The organizer expects a total exhibition area

In order to adapt to the booming development

value of the products. With the implementation

of 15,000sqm, 400 exhibitors and 20,000

of southwest manufacturing industry, at

of the national western development and

professional visits in SF EXPO 2020.

the last SF EXPO in Chongqing, there were

“One Belt, One Road” strategy, the economy of

total 318 overseas and domestic companies

southwest China is injected with more power

For further information:

from 16 countries and regions, such as

and develops rapidly. Chongqing is not only





020 Chongqing (China) International

SF EXPO 2020 will be held in Chongqing International Expo Centre (China) on May 28th to 30th 2020.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

The organizer expects a total exhibition area of 15,000sqm, 400 exhibitors and 20,000 professional visits in SF EXPO 2020.


SurfaceTechnology GERMANY 2020: Industry Forum Call for Papers Now Open


networking and the use of data.

product engineers and designers and

and R&D experts get

Another important topic is energy

production engineers. The talks will

together to present

efficiency: How can businesses cut

each have 20-minute slots, including

and explore the hottest topics

power consumption and lower costs

follow-up Q&A. For in-depth discussion,

and trends of relevance to the

in times of rising energy prices?

breakout sessions can follow in the

surface technology community,

Process authorization requirements

Speakers’ Corner located right next

their voices are truly heard.

pursuant to the REACH regulation are

door. The Industry Forum schedule is

More than 1,000 user-industry

yet another topic of major importance

as follows: Tuesday, 2:00–4:00 p.m.;

professionals attended the last

to the industry. This particularly

Wednesday, 10:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.;

SurfaceTechnology GERMANY in

pertains to the use of chromium VI,

and Thursday, 10:00 a.m. –2:00 p.m.

Stuttgart. Prospective contributors

but also to nickel and cobalt. Another

Simultaneous German/English translation

to next year’s Industrial Forum

session in the Industry Forum is

will be provided. The Industry Forum

(16 to 18 June) are now invited to

devoted to new methods of extending

is organized by WOTech GbR, with

submit their proposals.

and enhancing surface properties and

support from Fraunhofer IPA and the

The forum will feature a series of

functional traits.

Surface Technology section of the VDMA

sessions covering topics of current

The call for papers is open to

engineering federation.

interest. For example, in the Industry

academics, R&D specialists and

4.0 session speakers will explore

industry experts, such as plant

For further information:

the many benefits arising from

managers, heads of department,


© Deutsche Messe AG

© Deutsche Messe AG

hen leading industry

The Industry Forum being held at SurfaceTechnology GERMANY provides valuable insight into all the latest trends in the surface technology sector.

SurfaceTechnology GERMANY will take place in Stuttgart from 16 to 18 June 2020.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60


Supplemento a IPCM n° 60 - November/December 2019


ICT digital on





here are two macro themes that I can identify by reading the articles included in this ICT issue, which is added to the ipcm® magazine twice a year to exploit the synergies and overlaps that exist between the coating sector and the cleaning and mechanical finishing ones. The first theme is the transition from the idea of machine to that of system. These two concepts are actually very different. A machine generally meets one production need, such as cleaning, deburring, or mass finishing, whereas a system (or workstation) is a solution combining several processes that are normally performed by more than one machine, thus guaranteeing lower investment and operating costs also thanks to the presence of single ancillary devices for an entire system (for instance, loading and unloading robots, filtration, separation, and collection systems, and so on). This issue of ICT presents various types of workstations for deburring and cleaning tasks. They guarantee two advantages: they give their users extreme flexibility and they simplify process management. This approach is also focussed on sustainability: a system has a smaller footprint on its production environment, it generates less waste water, waste, and scraps than a series of machines, and its energy consumption is reduced. The second theme is circular economy, an economic system conceived to reuse materials in subsequent production cycles in order to minimise waste. The linear ‘take-make-dispose’ model is based on the accessibility of large amounts of resources and energy and it is less and less suited to the reality in which we find ourselves operating. The circular economy model, on the other hand, is designed to self-regenerate: materials of biological origin are destined to be reintegrated into the biosphere, whereas the technological ones must be designed to be reused without entering the biosphere. Industrial cleaning technologies can play a fundamental role in the regeneration of materials and in their reintroduction into the economic cycle in another form. An example of this is the experimental project of an Italian company that cooperated with Italy’s National Research Council (CNR) to develop a method for cleaning abandoned fishing nets and turning them into a by-product suitable for use in other industrial sectors. This brings two benefits: the marine environment is cleaned from waste and waste becomes a resource. Again, this is a sustainable approach. In fact, sustainability does not just refer to producing less pollution/waste/impact on the environment with industrial processes, but also to giving longer service life to objects or new life to materials, thus precisely promoting a model of circular economy.

Francesco Stucchi Editor

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60




ollmar Meccanica’s cleaning plant range includes a machine from its RDV line that was designed for the precision components industry, available for immediate delivery.

© Dollmar Meccanica

A Water-Based Solution for Precision Mechanics The Finep RDV 10 system (Fig. 1) is intended for large-sized

companies from various industrial sectors, such as automotive, pneumatics, oil hydraulics, etc., needing to handle precision components. It was conceived based on the search for a low environmental impact technology intended for the removal of machining oils, chips, and solid residues from workpieces with a particularly complex geometry, up to the highest cleaning standards. The machine performs a combined spray-immersion process and as many as four cleaning phases are included in its automatic treatment cycle. The plant is also equipped with an ultrasound system that can be used in every phase of the cleaning process. Its vacuum drying system guarantees short cycle times and better cleaning and drying performance. The system is configured to be compatible with the requirements of Italy’s Industry 4.0-related regulation (Fig. 2). For further information:

Figure 1: The Finep RDV 10 system by Dollmar Meccanica.

© RS-Studios_Adobe Stock



2 1

Figure 2: The Finep RDV 10 system was conceived in order to remove machining oils, chips, and solid residues from workpieces with a particularly complex geometry and it is compatible with the requirements of Italy’s Industry 4.0-related regulation.


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© ipcm ®

A Robotised Grinding Station: Dan Technology at DeburringEXPO

The robotic workstation designed for grinding and satin finishing operations.


an Technology took part in

The main features of this machine include

limited space and by only changing

DeburringEXPO, the most important

the ability to mount one to six abrasive

the abrasive belt type and the contact

trade fair in Europe for the precision

belts with different grains combined

wheel shape.

deburring and surface finishing technologies,

with contact wheels with different sizes

The flagship characteristic of the

which took place in Karlsruhe (Germany)

and hardness values, depending on the

station is its patented system for the

on October, 8 to 10 2019 attracting over

surfaces to be processed. This reduces

automatic control of pressure. This

180 thousand visitors from all over the

the space requirements, facilitates

guarantees consistent and repeatable

world. Specialising in the mechanics and

logistics, reduces costs, and increases

quality even with components that are

automation sectors, this company presented

productivity at the same time. As a result,

not perfectly identical to each other,

a robotic workstation designed for grinding

users can treat parts with the most

as well as the machine’s ability to work

and satin finishing operations. It is defined

varied geometries and intended for

in complete autonomy without the

as “multi-contact” because each abrasive

different industrial sectors, such as taps

constant presence of an operator and

belt can have different points of contact with

and fittings, household appliances, and

the possibility to adjust speed and

the workpieces to be treated.

furniture with a single system, even in a

contact force.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60



Hit the Target with Sonic Velocity LiquiSonic® Systems for Challenging Installation Requirements


ften operators come to their

Under harsh process conditions it is hard to

A space-saving solution, this housing

limits when they are looking for

find a robust inline measurement system.

is tailored for customers with difficult

an inline analyzing system that

In the fields of phase separation, concentration

installation conditions especially in chemistry,

measures highly precise under harsh process

measurement and reaction monitoring

off-shore, mining and semi-conductor

conditions. SensoTech is a specialist for

the sonic velocity measuring devices from


those measuring tasks and supports many

SensoTech GmbH have been setting standards

As a leading provider of measuring and

applications, that cannot be measured with

for decades. The maintenance-free LiquiSonic®

analytical systems on basis of sonic velocity

standard solutions. Every branch has its own

measuring devices record the absolute sonic

SensoTech gradually enhanced decade-long

demands and SensoTech GmbH offers a

velocity, a traceable and proven physical

experience in measuring and automation

variety of solutions for special applications.

quantity, as well as the temperature and

and expanded its application experience

Especially in the chemical and pharmaceutical

determine the temperature-compensated

step-by-step. This know-how supports the

industry is a high demand of small and

concentration of fluids with high precision.


robust inline analyzing devices. To solve

A special electronic housing made of stainless

these applications also in hazardous areas

steel was developed for harsh process


the LiquiSonic explosion proof sensors are

conditions, as in off-shore applications with a

Measuring systems of SensoTech GmbH

now available in a smaller diameter (Fig. 1).

constantly high-concentrated salty atmosphere

are made for challenging requirements

A perfect fitting solution for every application

(Fig. 2). It is perfectly fitting for this high

so that also complex installations and

even under difficult installation conditions:

corrosive environment. Commonly used

measuring tasks can be met. The robust

free choice of the length of the sensor, of the

housings made of aluminium are normally not

LiquiSonic® sensors are measuring sonic

material and of process connection.

allowed here. Furthermore, the housings of

velocity in various customized applications

The sensors are certified as FM, ATEX, IECEx

the LiquiSonic® sensors can be manufactured

and are integrated directly in the plant and

and NEPSI.

with a separated electronic.

connected to the process control system.

© Sensotech

© Sensotech



2 1

Figure 1: LiquiSonic® Ex sensors for complex installation geometries. This image shows a model of a sensor with 24 mm diameter, with standard installation length for use in a tank with an individually chosen flange.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Figure 2: The LiquiSonic® sensor with a robust IP65 electronic housing (made of stainless steel 1.4404, 1.4401) for the use in high-corrosive environment.


Micro-Component Precision Cleaning Project by Layton Technologies


n international client, specialising in

Historically, the cleaning process had been

the manufacture of precision micro-

carried out on a manual ad hoc basis

components for the medical device

employing various individual tanks and vessels

- Provide a high level of functionality to improve process control and data collection. - Introduce a reliable and repeatable, fully

industry approached Layton Technologies

where operators manually moved components

automated process within limited floor space

Limited - a global leader in the design,

between tanks and exposure time was

and headroom.

manufacture and installation of precision

ascertained using manually operated time

cleaning equipment for the medical, aerospace


during the process and to remove the

and specialist engineering industries - with a

The main objectives for Layton, as defined by

extensive risk to operators due to the manual

requirement to rationalise their cleaning, pickle,

the client, were to process precision micro-

nature of the current process and potential

rinsing and drying process.

components, complex tubular components and

exposure to the chemicals employed.

The international client wanted to be able to

sub-assemblies to the required medical implant

Layton performed extensive trials to ensure

manage their forecasted increased throughput


that the defined customer objectives could

whilst at the same time ensuring that they

- Rationalise the current process into a more

be met, particularly with relation to the drying

maintained a scrupulously clean process to

logical order resulting in a shorter overall

efficiency of all micro and complex tubular

medical implant standards and provide a high

process time.


degree of safety for both the environment and

- Develop a drying process which would

- Remove, where possible, human intervention

Tests were developed with the client to ensure

operatives. They also had limited floor space in

guarantee the removal of rinse water without

that components were cleaned, pickled and

order to accommodate the process.


dried to the required standard and provide a benchmark for future use.

Š kritchanut_stock.adobe.com

Special fixturing design was developed to hold the components to optimise the cleaning and drying process. A comprehensive Design Documentation Package was produced which included for the use of Hastelloy tanks to contain the hazardous chemistries employed in the process and for automated chemical dosing and data logging to satisfy the client in terms of the overall ability of the new system to meet the requirements of the project. The final design resulted in a new, fully automated, multistage cleaning, pickle and drying system, suitable for use in a limited space designed specifically to meet the stringent documentation requirements of ISO 13485 complete with Layton’s unique 5-year warranty. Layton Technologies developed a new project for the precision cleaning of micro-component for the medical devices.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

For further information: www.laytontechnologies.com


For a Safe and Stable Cleaning Process


o less than three new products were

No chance for corrosion

hydrocarbons, rounds off the corrosion

presented by Richard Geiss GmbH,

Another new product featured at the

protection package. It determines the

Offingen (Bavaria, Germany), at the

parts2clean was the RG PROTECT 160

concentration of corrosion protection oils in the

parts2clean 2019 trade fair from 22 to 24

corrosion protection concentrate, which can

solvent bath, allowing companies to efficiently

October in Stuttgart: the newly developed

be used in perchloroethylene, hydrocarbon

monitor whether their parts are sufficiently

Cleanstab S stabiliser, the GEISS Digital

solvents and in modified alcohols. “We have

conserved for later storage. “The GEISS Digital

Indexer and the RG PROTECT 160 corrosion

developed the RG PROTECT 160 specifically

Indexer is basically the counterpart to our

protection concentrate. In addition to its

for companies in industrial parts and surface

GEISS PER Density Test for perchloroethylene,

latest innovations, the solvent specialist

cleaning that need to conserve very large

which was already unveiled in 2017 at the

showcased established products for solvent

numbers of parts and require extended

parts2clean and received an excellent

monitoring and care as well as its high-purity

corrosion protection”, Bastian Geiss,

response”, CEO Bastian Geiss emphasises.

solvents and contract degreasing services at

Managing Partner of Richard Geiss GmbH,

the leading international trade fair for parts

says. “RG PROTECT 160 has an even higher

and surface cleaning.

concentration than our established

Sustainable solvents of the highest quality

“I’m absolutely delighted that we presented

RG PROTECT 180, enabling companies to save

Besides the new and established products

as many as three new products at this year’s

not only corrosion protection concentrate,

for solvent monitoring and care, Richard

parts2clean”, Bastian Geiss, CEO of Richard

but ultimately also money.”

Geiss GmbH’s high-purity distillates, of

Geiss GmbH, explains. “Industrial parts and

The third new product, the GEISS Digital

course, also were showcased in Stuttgart.

surface cleaning faces many challenges as

Indexer for modified alcohols and

The globally operating recycling company specialises in the processing of solvents and

of cleanliness for components. To meet this

their return into a functioning circulation

demand, we offer not only high-end solvents, but also full-package solutions for a safe and stable cleaning process.”

© Richard Geiss GmbH

almost all sectors require ever-higher levels

system. The distillates achieve 100% of the original product’s quality while saving up to 90% in carbon emissions.

New Cleanstab S stabiliser stops acid formation

Contract degreasing

The absolute highlight of the trade fair

as a major feature at parts2clean 2017,

was the newly developed Cleanstab S

is another key topic. Given the growing

stabiliser for modified alcohols. With this

demand for professional contract

product, Richard Geiss GmbH offered a

degreasing, the solvent specialist has

sump stabiliser that stops acid formation

since launched an additional parts

in the cleaning system and reduces any

cleaning system, consistently expanding

acid that has already formed. This prevents

its range of high-end degreasing services.

acidification or even self-decomposition of

At the company’s headquarters in

the solvent used and significantly increases

Offingen, Richard Geiss GmbH offers

the durability of modified alcohols. The

reliable contract degreasing for small

Cleanstab S thereby prevents corrosive

parts and components measuring

damage and surface oxidation. The

up to 1,200 mm x 800 mm x 970 mm

Contract degreasing, first introduced

in size.

requirements are analysed and determined individually for every system and every customer in the Geiss laboratory at the company’s headquarters in Offingen.


Reliable contract degreasing for small parts and components.

For further information: www.geiss-gmbh.de

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60




s part of its active global support for the metal coil industry, Henkel is

© Henkel

Henkel Offers Custom-Tailored Products and Services to Steer the Future Of E-Mobility partnering with major coil producers

to implement dedicated process solutions for end applications in e-mobility. In addition, the company is also addressing demands for reducing the complexity of downstream manufacturing steps by enabling continuous upstream functional coating processes without compromising the technical properties of the coated material. E-mobility is a megatrend that requires new approaches to enable the production of electrical applications in increasingly larger volumes, as required to meet the expected

Henkel offers custom-tailored products and services to steer the future of e-mobility.

growth of hybrid and fully electrical vehicles. Metal coil producers play an essential role in

which is a considerable time and cost factor

and electrical conductivity. At the same time,

this market, supplying steel and aluminium coils

particularly with high-volume applications,”

they also address important sustainability

to the manufacturers of batteries, transformers,

explains Aziz Mabrouki, Business Director Metal

goals, such as minimized product consumption

converters, wound cores, shunt reactors

Coil Europe for Henkel. “In close collaboration

and waste and the phase-out of hexavalent

and other key components for e-drive and

with major customers, we have developed an

chromium (CR VI) in metal treatment.

electrified powertrain systems.

integrated coil pretreatment and functional

Latest product innovations targeted at both

Henkel is determined to help its customers

coating technology that can be applied in a

upstream and downstream metal pretreatment

in this dynamic market segment to steer the

continuous upstream process and will not only

and functional coating for end products in

future of e-mobility and gain a competitive

maintain but even improve the performance

e-mobility include:

edge with a complete portfolio of products

properties of the coated metal. In other words,

• Bonderite O-TO dedicated product range

and services for metal pretreatment and

adding value right on the coil.”

• Bonderite M-CR 12 series

functional coating. Moreover, in underscoring

Henkel’s process know-how extends across

its commitment to the metal industry beyond

the entire value chain from the rolling oil for

In addition to the company’s comprehensive

established downstream solutions, the

electrical steel to specific pickling inhibitors

product portfolio for the metal coil industry,

company is also exploring advanced concepts

and cleaners to specialized new functional

Henkel also offers special equipment to

together with major metal coil manufacturers,

and conductive thin coatings, such as for

ensure best manufacturing practices in

designed to bring the value-added benefits of

covering the aluminium foil used in EV battery

many coil process steps.

its functional coating products to upstream

systems. Besides providing reliable corrosion

Bonderite is a registered trademark of


protection for painted or unpainted substrates,

Henkel and/or its affiliates in Germany and

“So far, most functional coatings are applied

these products have been custom-tailored to


in secondary process steps at the battery or

improve the overall performance of e-mobility

component manufacturers’ sites, increasing

applications by enhancing insulation and

For further information:

the manufacturing complexity of end products,

bonding properties, magnetic permeability



N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Automatic sealed ultrasonic cleaning machine 2S 90/24-P-F PCT AC Our machine requires only 5 kW (about 20% of the normal power requested by type Ib machines).

The future of green technology.

MEG S.r.l. Via Rometta, 13/G - S. Martino di Lupari (PD) - Italy Phone +39 049 9461165 - Fax +39 049 9461133 e-mail info@meg.it – www.meg.it




SurTec and Chem-Trend Present New Innovative Solutions for the Die Casting Industry


ie cast components are becoming

years. One example such cooperation is

The new generation of chromium (VI)-free

increasingly complex and the

a research project that was conducted

processes is set apart by easy handling,

requirements on their performance

in April of this year in collaboration

industrial robustness, possibilities for

ever greater, while demands for more

with Braunschweig University, which

precision process control and especially by

sustainable production processes continue

investigated in-depth the influence of the

optimized process costs while at the same

to increase. At each step of the production

release agent on the cleaning and coating

time maintaining extremely stable quality

process, specialized process chemicals ensure



When coordinated precisely, these process

New aqueous cleaning systems from SurTec

Chem-Trend’s new series of release agents

chemical specialty materials have an

High-performance cleaning agents,

At EUROGUSS Chem-Trend is introducing a

enormous influence on process efficiency.

together with metal pre-treatment and

new series of release agents based on newly

Together for the first time, SurTec and

functional and decorative electroplating

developed polymers for structural casting

Chem-Trend, two affiliates of the Freudenberg

constitute SurTec’s core areas of

applications that demand low porosity levels

Group, will present innovative products at

expertise. At EUROGUSS the surface

and high-quality surface finishes. The new

a joint trade fair stand at EUROGUSS 2020.

technology specialist will present its latest

release agent technology offers outstanding

Customers of both companies benefit

developments in the field of aqueous

protection from die solder while significantly

from the close cooperation between the

cleaning systems and will demonstrate how

reducing in-cavity and ex-cavity residues.

companies in research and development

SurTec provides users with comprehensive

This extends the service life of casting

and from their high standards for top-quality,

advice and support for each and every

dies and increases the overall equipment

environmentally-conscious products for a

cleaning step within the production

effectiveness (OEE) of the casting systems.

more sustainable production process.


“Our custom-tailored solutions help die

“We are seeing an increasing need on the market for aluminium die casting alloys that

Complete chromium (VI) substitute from SurTec

are extracted from the moulds with

Another main focus of the trade fair is

explains Darko Tomazic, Chem-Trend’s sales

customer-tailored Chem-Trend

the development of chromium (VI)-free

director for Germany. “The high effectiveness

mould-release agents. Afterwards, the

conversion products for aluminium alloys

of our new formulations ensures excellent

modern, water-based high-performance

that meet all relevant requirements and

external temperature control of the casting

cleaners from SurTec remove the release

specifications of the automotive and

die as well as better film formation on hot

agents without leaving residues and

aerospace industries. The technological

dies. These effects make it possible to use

optimally preparing the components for

benchmark in this respect is SurTec

less release agent and shorter cycle times,

further processing,” explains Dr. Jens

650 for the pre-treatment of light alloys.

which increases the profitability of the

Krömer, SurTec’s director of global business

This REACH-compliant technology sets


development automotive. “The affiliated

standards for excellent self-corrosion

companies Chem-Trend and SurTec have

protection, improved paint adhesion

A long tradition of innovation

already been collaborating successfully on this

and adhesive bonding, weldability and a

With its new release agent technology,

sort of coordinated technologies for several

low electrical surface resistance.

Chem-Trend is continuing a long tradition

that the components have been perfectly prepared for their respective purposes.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

casters to attain the highest process efficiency in an environment with intense competition and to operate more profitably,”


of trail-blazing innovations for the

About Chem-Trend

America, South America, Asia, and Europe.

die casting industry. In 1960 Chem-

Chem-Trend is the most proven partner

Chem-Trend is part of Freudenberg

Trend manufactured the first water-

in the world for release agents, purging

Chemical Specialities SE & Co. KG, a global

based release agent, and in 1990

compounds, and other process chemical

technology group.

the company was the first supplier

specialties. Using a customer-centric

in its sector to receive the ISO 9001

approach and deep research and

certification. Chem-Trend’s new and

development, Chem-Trend is dedicated to

About Freudenberg Chemical Specialities

innovative solutions include the

improving production efficiency, reducing

Freudenberg Chemical Specialities

development of the innovative and

waste, and minimizing the impact on the

develops, manufactures and markets

agent (HERA = High Efficiency Release Agent) for use in micro-sprays,

chemical specialties. To be

© Chem-Trend

highly efficient HERA™ mould release

close to its customers, the company is represented

which offers numerous advantages

globally in the market with its

compared with customary release

five brands, Klüber Lubrication,

agents and attains top-quality results

Chem-Trend, OKS, SurTec and

using much smaller amounts of

Capol. Freudenberg Chemical

release agent.

Specialities is one of the global

At EUROGUSS 2020, the specialists

leading manufacturers of

from SurTec and Chem-Trend will be

specialty lubricants, release

available in Hall 7A, Stand 7A-110,

agents, chemotechnical

to respond to all relevant questions

maintenance products, and

on process optimization and advise

solutions for surface and galvanic

users together or individually on the

technologies. Headquartered in

specific challenges in the production

Munich, Germany, the Business


Group runs its own companies in some 40 countries.

About SurTec

In 2018, Freudenberg Chemical

SurTec develops, manufactures

Specialities employed about

and supplies chemical specialities

3,600 people and generated

for surface finishing. With its four

sales of more than one billion

fields of application – Industrial


Parts Cleaning, Metal Pre-treatment,

Freudenberg Chemical

Functional and Decorative

Specialities is a full subsidiary of

Electroplating – SurTec offers a highly

Freudenberg & Co. KG, which

comprehensive portfolio in this

is headquartered in Weinheim,

sector. SurTec is certified according to ISO 9001 (Quality Management). The additional certifications according

Die cast components are becoming increasingly complex and the requirements on their performance ever greater.

Germany. Founded in 1849 by Carl Johann Freudenberg, the family-owned company provides customers with technically

to OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001 emphasize the important corporate

environment for its customers. Founded

advanced solutions. In 11 business groups,

goals of ecological friendliness and the

in 1960 and headquartered in Howell,

more than 49,000 employees cultivate a

conservation of resources.

Michigan, Chem-Trend offers a globally

continuous innovation partnership with

The SurTec Group, based in Bensheim,

integrated network of experienced,

customers in about 60 countries.

Germany, has subsidiaries in 22

knowledgeable, and insightful production

countries. In addition, it cooperates

and technical experts in all major

For further information:

with partners who represent SurTec in

manufacturing regions around the world,

www.SurTec.com and

more than 20 countries.

serving customers through offices in North


international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60



Robot Service Presented a 4.0-Oriented Robotised Station at the DeburringEXPO Trade Fair


sola Academy stood out among the

cells for various industrial sectors such

As well as customisation, another strength of

innovations presented at the last

as automotive, taps and fittings, food,

Robot Service is its ability to provide turnkey

DeburringEXPO edition as a 4.0-oriented

solutions, as it handles the entire production

stations have a standard layout that is then

process in-house, from the development and

cutting, satin finishing, and grinding. Robot

tailored to individual customer requests

design of the systems to the delivery of the

Service (Carpenedolo, Brescia, Italy) presented

with different components and application

end products. Afterwards, all customers are

its demo version with the aim of showcasing

programs. The cells are equipped with ABB

invited to participate in a training course to

and simulating the main processes and

and FANUC robots. They can be integrated

learn how to use their machines correctly.

technologies it can offer.

into other processes or production lines

Robot Service has been designing and

and they are insulated from the external

For further information:

manufacturing robotised and customised



Š ipcm Ž

furniture, and design for 20 years. All its

robotised station for metal cleaning, deburring,

Isola Academy, a 4.0-oriented robotised station for metal cleaning, deburring, cutting, satin finishing, and grinding.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Impianti di lavaggio aquar oll e aquat unn Washing machines machine aquar oll and aquat unn ®


aquaroll® EE40 Impianto di lavaggio automatizzato Automatic washing machine

aquatunn® Impianto di lavaggio a tunnel Tunnel washing machine

aquaroll® EE30 Impianto di lavaggio Washing machine



aquaroll® MR7 Macchina rotativa robotizzata multistadio Rotational robotized multistage machine

aquaroll® AF Impianto di lavaggio ad asse orizzontale Horizontal axis washing machine

Efficace, Ecologico, Economico e... Sicuro Effective, Ecological, Economical and... Safe STS Srl - Via L. Galvani, 8 - 48123 Ravenna RA (Italia) Tel. +39 0544 456731 - Fax +39 0544 456733 we b : w w w. s t s i t a ly. i t - e m a i l : i n fo @ s t s i t a ly. i t


A New Cleaning Concept: Flexible Solutions for High-Performance Engines Matteo Ducceschi Tecnofirma Spa (Monza, Italy)


© Tecnofirma

Opening photo: The layout of the plant, equipped with a mechanical deburring unit and five cleaning stations.


he automotive industry is among

need flexible, compact, and

surface treatment industry since 1949,

the ones requiring the highest

environmentally friendly cleaning with

has designed a new concept that meets

cleanliness degrees because any

minimum investment and operating

all these requirements (ref. Opening

kind of contamination can affect the


photo). Installed at the FCA plant in

reliability and performance of parts, for

Tecnofirma (Monza, Italy), specialising

Termoli (Campobasso, Italy) in 2016,

example the mechanical components of

in the construction and installation of

the plant was specifically designed for

engines. In addition, car manufacturers

cleaning and coating solutions for the

cleaning a type of aluminium V6 cylinder


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


engine intended for high-end cars.

to position the workpieces in the

processing areas can be easily

The close collaboration between the

loading station and select their related

reached while ensuring adequate

two companies’ teams, which worked

program, thus avoiding any downtime

accessibility for operators during

side by side for this intense co-design

that could compromise the regular

maintenance. Another key element

project, resulted in a system combining

production flow.

guaranteeing the system’s flexibility

processes that are usually performed

is the use of workpiece-holding

while guaranteeing excellent part

The layout of the cleaning system

cleanliness and occupying a limited

The plant covers an area of about 11 x

types, i.e. one to transport bases,

space inside the factory.

8 x 4 m and it is composed as follows:

one for underbases, and one for

- 1 mechanical brush-off station;

heads, able to manage all eighteen

- 5 cleaning stations performing

possible configurations; they all

by several different cleaning machines,

The characteristics of the V6 engine The engines for which the system was

feature conventional gripping points

fluxed, and high-pressure processes;

for robotised handling. The pallet loading and unloading stations are located at the beginning of the


terms of cleaning process quality, in

seven pallets of three different

hydrokinetic, ultrasonic, fixed-position, - 2 medium and high-pressure rinsing

designed pose high requirements in

pallets. The plant is equipped with

order to guarantee high performance:

- 2 drying areas;

two rollers that take the parts in

downstream of the final cleaning

- 1 cooling station.

and out of the machine. Only the workpieces’ arrangement on the

stage, any residual particle can have a maximum size of 500 μm, without

Within the cleaning machine, two

pallets and transfer of the pallets

any possible exceptions. Moreover,

robots handle the components along

themselves between the exit and

the complexity of the project was

the different process stations. This is

entry roller are performed manually,

due to the structure of the engines

made possible by the plant’s compact

in order to guarantee maximum

themselves, composed of six different

design, which guarantees that all

ergonomics for the operators.

elements, i.e. underbase, base, left overheads (Fig. 1), and to the need to actually treat the components of two different types of engines, i.e. a

© Tecnofirma

and right heads, and left and right

Left Overhead

4x4 drive one and a rear-wheel drive

Right Overhead

one. The new concept was therefore based on the need to build a single system capable, on the one hand, of perfectly cleaning both engine types both during the machining process (interoperational stage) and at the end of it (final stage) and, on the

Left Head

other hand, of quickly adapting to any

Right Head

production planning requirement in a reactive way. Another challenge was related to the fact that each of the six elements to be


cleaned can be arranged in eighteen


different configurations. That is why twenty-eight cleaning and handling programs were set in the machine. This gives maximum flexibility to


Figure 1: The design of the 6-cylinder engine cleaned in Tecnofirma’s system.

the operators, since they only have international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60



holes, with a pressure of 10 bars

order to warm up the components’

and an indicative flow rate for each

surfaces, so as to facilitate drying

Each process operation can be

nozzle equal to 10 l/min. The fluxed

and the evaporation of any water

selected or excluded directly from

cleaning stage is selected to treat

residue. A dripping phase then takes

the operator panel, depending

the through channels of the engines’

place, where the robots’ movement

on the workpieces’ characteristics

cooling circuits, as it fills them with

facilitates the removal of water from

and the required cleaning stage,

the cleaning liquid. Finally, the

the parts’ channels, followed by the

i.e. the interoperational or final

high-pressure cleaning (about 350

compressed air blow-off and final

one (Fig. 2). In particular, the

bars) is chosen for a more intensive

vacuum drying phases. Finally, the

hydrokinetic cleaning process is

treatment on oil channels and bush

cooling tunnel at the end of the

aimed at generally cleansing the

housings, also performed with a

plant was designed to lower the

surfaces and it is performed at room

special robot that makes sure that all

parts’ temperature, still around 50

temperature with a pressure of 10

surfaces are reached by directing its

°C, to make them handleable during

bars. The ultrasonic one is selected


unloading and enable the correct

to effectively reach the components’

Two rinsing stages, the second of

execution of the quality controls

cavities. The fixed-position operation

which occurs with hot water at 60

performed downstream of the

is chosen in the presence of blind

°C, follow the cleaning process in

cleaning process.

© Tecnofirma

Twenty-eight custom cleaning programs

Fluxed and Positioned Washing


High Pressure Washing

Hot Rinsing

Vacuum Drying


Hydrokinetic Washing

Handling Robot


2 1

Figure 2: The scheme of the processes implemented on board of the machine.



N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Hydrokinetic Rinsing U.S. Washing


The advantages of the new system It is worth to highlight a few advantages brought by the new system, as follows: flexibility guaranteed by the handling system featuring pallets and two robots, which ensures that, if it was necessary to add further cleaning stages or modify the current ones, any change would take place quickly and effectively (Fig. 3); reduced installation and maintenance costs because, instead of having different auxiliary systems for several cleaning machines, all stages are centralised and combined in a single plant; reduced electricity, water, and air consumption, comparable to that of a machine cleaning single components in one step; possibility to operate with a just-in-time approach for any changes in the production planning; machine compactness for reduced impact within the production site.

“The future is now”: the cleaning plant 2.0 Given the results achieved and expecting an increase in the production volume of its 6-cylinder engines, FCA asked Tecnofirma for a second, almost identical plant that will come into operation in mid-2020. Currently under construction, this machine actually has even higher performance than the first one. It will be able to manage five different engine types and it will be equipped with a piece recognition system: the operators will no longer have to select the component type and its cleaning program,

STABILIZE YOUR CLEANING PROCESS FOR THE EXTRA MILE The proven MAXISTAB™* S-Series – specially developed for the DOWCLENE™* 16 Series

the whole process will be further improved, and new phases will be integrated. Like the previous system, this will also be able to be easily reprogrammed according to any customer need

■ Extended lifespan of DOWCLENE™* 16 Series bath

that may arise in future.

■ Safeguard for your cleaning machine

Conclusions The need to treat all the main elements of V6

■ Increased process stability ■ Better cleaning experience

engines, i.e. cylinder heads, bases, underbases, and covers, in different configurations and in different processing phases, together with a limited annual production volume, required the development of an innovative, almost unique machine: a single cleaning system capable of

www.safechem.com ™ Trademark of SAFECHEM ™* Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company

© Tecnofirma




5 1 1 3 1 2







1 Hydrokinetic washing and rinsing 2 U.S. washing 3 Positioned washing 4 Fluxed washing 5 HP washing 6 Vacuum drying 3 1

Figure 3: Plan view of the plant and processes description.

treating a complete engine by performing all the necessary phases, guaranteeing a high flexibility degree, and maintaining the highest cleanliness standards. As proved by the new project currently in progress, the challenge was won brilliantly, also thanks to the fact that the design and development of new systems able to meet the increasingly complex demands of customers and overcome the most difficult challenges posed by the market

Production volumes Annual production: 10,000 complete engines Daily hours: 22.5 h (3 shifts) Cleaning cycle time: 40 minutes per engine

Cleanliness requirements Allowed particle size: ≤ 500 μm Maximum number of particles: 2 over 100 μm Residue weight: ≤ 2.5 mg

have always been and always will be Tecnofirma’s

Operating results


Hours worked: 20,000 Engines produced: 32,000 Parts processed: 200,000 Cleaning cycles: 450,000


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Walther Trowal: Sustainable Mass Finishing Operations Georg Harnau Walther Trowal GmbH & Co. KG - Haan, Germany


© Walther Trowal

Opening photo : The thickness of the new wear lining is measured and documented.


n September Walther Trowal

of material from the work pieces being

inspection of all equipment components

commissioned a new facility for placing

processed. However, the downside of this

and, if necessary, repair welding of the steel

wear linings into new and used work

process is that the inside of the work bowl,

fabrications as well as the replacement of

bowls, which are essential components of

in which the mix of media and work pieces is

worn items with original spare parts. This

the company’s mass finishing machinery.

moving, is also exposed to a certain amount of

way the customers can be absolutely sure

With this significant step Walther Trowal

wear, especially in case of aggressive grinding

that after the refurbishment work their mass

practically doubled its capacity for

operations (Fig. 1).

finishing system is running again as if it was

overhauling the work bowls and, thus,

That’s why, for many years, Walther Trowal

brand new.

guarantees fast turnaround times and high

has been offering a service for the complete

The new facility at the company location in

equipment availability for its customers.

refurbishment of worn work bowls. The service

Haan was equipped with additional curing

Central function of any mass finishing

not only includes the placement of new wear

ovens allowing the relining of more than 15

operation is the removal of a small amount

linings into the work bowls but also a complete

work bowls per week. With the installation of


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Š Walther Trowal



Figure 1: During the mass finishing process the lining of the work bowl is subject to considerable wear.

a new digital manufacturing control system pass-through times could be significantly reduced resulting in much faster deliveries. Of course, the fact that all casting moulds for the various machine types and sizes are in stock and, therefore, immediately available, also helps expediting turnaround times. Klaus Peter Dose, service manager at Walther Trowal, explains that the refurbishment work is not limited to new wear linings: “If necessary, within the scope of our exchange program we also replace worn machine components. In regular intervals the work bowls are passing through a recycling phase and, therefore, do not have to be scrapped - a prime example for resource saving sustainability in our industry.�

As good as new Whenever Walther Trowal receives a work bowl for refurbishment, the job is not just limited to relines: actually, the customer receives a work bowl that is as good as new with not only a new wear lining but also new equipment components. Walther Trowal is the only supplier of mass finishing equipment who offers a system signaling the wear rate of a lining. Towards this goal the company is using a method that everybody knows from automobile tires: the lining contains polyurethane cones in a colour

© Walther Trowal

© Walther Trowal


2 1

3 1

Figure 2: A relined work bowl prior to painting.

Figure 3: Refurbished work bowls in the final assembly stage.

that is significantly different from the colour

bowl is not warped. This is extremely

before it became a legal requirement -

of the surrounding lining material.

important: the vibratory motors mounted

Walther Trowal has been using mercury-free

Once these cones become visible, the user

to the work bowl generate a high amount


knows that a refurbishment will soon be

of torque that must be absorbed by the

This means that customers taking advantage

required. And the diameter of the visible

steel fabrication. For this reason, the

of the exchange bowl program, have

PU cone provides a good indication of the

motors must be carefully mounted. Even

received work bowls lined with mercury-free

time frame, within which the bowl must be

tiny surface irregularities of the mounting

polyurethane already since 2012.

refurbished. This allows placing a purchase

flanges, caused by the heat of the welding

Before a refurbished work bowl is dispatched

order for an exchange bowl and its on-site

operation, can cause a catastrophic

to a customer, worn accessories and

delivery without any interruption of the

failure of the vibratory motor mount.

components are replaced or repaired (Fig. 3).

manufacturing operation.

Subsequently, the work bowl is relined.

In a last step the machine undergoes a

Once a work bowl refurbished by Walther

Walther Trowal is one of the few

rigorous test (ref. Opening photo) to

Trowal has been delivered to the customer,

suppliers in the industry who is mixing

ensure that it is running without any flaws.

the respective mass finishing machine will

the polyurethane components in-house

The overall result:

be up and running again within one or two

and, therefore, can precisely control the

a refurbished product with the

working days.

wear characteristics of a specific lining

characteristics of a new work bowl.

Each work bowl received at the Haan facility

with certain additives. Depending on the

Christoph Cruse, general sales manager at

undergoes a comprehensive inspection

technical requirements of a given mass

Walther Trowal, considers himself personally

that not only covers the wear lining but

finishing process Walther Trowal can

responsible for the trouble-free

also the structural integrity of the steel

process different polyurethane types

function of the machines: “In the end all

fabrication, all built-in components and,

within a hardness range from 45 to

functions of the refurbished machine

upon customer request, also the drive

92 shore A. Of course, a sophisticated

must be working, as if it was brand new.

mechanism (Fig. 2).

documentation system allows tracing

In addition, it must comply with all legal

The refurbishment process starts with the

every lining material used in any given

requirements. The refurbishment is not

thermal removal of the existing wear lining.

work bowl.

just limited to relines. When we find that a

Then the work bowl is shot blasted, checked

When it comes to the selection of

separation flap is worn, we will replace it.

for cracks in the steel fabrication and, if

polyurethane types for work bowl relines,

Naturally, we only use original spare parts.

required, repair-welded. For the welding

Walther Trowal has always chosen

Since the exchange work bowls are no longer

operation Walther Trowal has developed

eco-friendly materials with a special focus

new, after the exchange we provide a 1-year

special systems that ensure that the work

on work place safety. Since 2012 - long

warranty for the complete work bowl.”


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Fismet Service Applies Circular Economy Principles to its Cleaning Treatments From an interview with Sabino Di Pierro Fismet Service Srl, Cornaredo (Milan, Italy)


© Fismet Service

Opening photo: The outside of the new Fismet Service plant in Cornaredo (Milan, Italy).


he key factor that will determine your

test the cleaning equipment it builds in-house

nature and, therefore, completely tolerated

financial future is not the economy;

with treatments carried out on behalf of its

by people and the environment. “The

the key factor is your philosophy.”

customers (ref. Opening photo and Fig. 1).

eco-compatibility of our plants and of the

(Jim Rohn)

The technologies developed by Fismet, which

processes we perform within our factory,”

Fismet Service, a Milan-based company

ipcm also recorded in a previous article

(Figs. 2 and 3) explains Sabino Di Pierro, the

specialising in the sale, design, and installation

published on its issue no. 51 (May/June 2018)1,

founder and current owner of the company

of industrial cleaning systems and in contracting

include supersaturated-steam ultrasonic

together with his daughter Chiara, “has always

cleaning services, has always been inspired by

cleaning with water-based detergents or

been our “business philosophy” and a primary

this maxim. In fact, it has established itself on

eco-compatible solvents and carbon-dioxide

goal for us, as well as the achievement of ever

the market for its ability to develop innovative,

cleaning; the latter is a process for which

higher cleanliness standards. In the last few

efficient as well as sustainable ideas and to

Fismet was a pioneer in Italy and that has the

years, we have also embraced the principles

implement technological innovations is its

advantage of using an element present in

of the circular economy, for example by


making moulds, boxes, and other production

production, thanks to over thirty years of experience in the industry. Another key to success has been its capability to large-scale



F. Stucchi, High quality, eco-friendliness, and research in contracting cleaning services, in ipcm no. 51 (May/June 2018), pages 152-156.

N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

tools reusable after cleaning for absolute cleanliness and total recovery.”

Circular economy: Fismet’s focus on total recovery “In recent years, the cleaning process has been gaining more and more importance in production processes,” says Di Pierro, “due to

© Fismet Service


the increasingly rapid technological evolutions that continuously raise the quality and efficiency level of products, thus setting new challenges for the sector’s players. Nowadays, we are asked to guarantee a high cleanliness quality for increasingly complex products in terms of structure and dimension, but also materials. Recently, our customers have started asking us to clean not only their products, but also the interoperational equipment used to manufacture them, such as the moulds and housings that contain the parts during the various processing phases. This allows reusing such tools rather than


replacing and disposing of them, thus cutting down their costs.” For some time now, Fismet has also been focussing on the recovery of

Figure 1: The inside of the building.

the waste generated by cleaning operations. “As both manufacturers

© Fismet Service

and contractors, our main target sectors are the medical, aerospace, automotive, cosmetic, electronic, pharmaceutical, food, and precision mechanic ones. The stringent regulations both in Italy and abroad, especially for materials used in the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical sector, call for ever higher degrees of cleanliness in order to avoid the release of inorganic or organic material that could affect the quality and healthiness of substrates. Our team has investigated the possibility of recovering even this kind of waste and reusing it, after appropriate treatment processes, to make terracotta objects such as moneyboxes, planters, and statues. We have also started a study project to mix them with cement and make outdoor products.”

The GHOST project for ghost nets

2 1

Always aiming at the reuse of deteriorated materials, Fismet Service

Figure 2: External overview of the new Fismet’s plant.

has collaborated with the Marine Science Institute (CNR-ISMAR) been abandoned or lost in the sea, on marine environments and increase biodiversity in the coastal areas of the Northern Adriatic sea. “These nets,” notes Di Pierro, “have a significant negative impact

© Fismet Service

to reduce the impact of ‘ghost nets’, that is, fishing nets that have

on the environment, because they are dragged by currents and can trap marine organisms, thus killing them. This also negatively affects biodiversity. Moreover, they are not biodegradable because they are made of synthetic polymers and, if they break, they can cause the death of the animals that feed on them because they confuse these with marine organisms. Fismet can now recover these nets by cleaning them from dirt, limestone, and organic residues through an ultrasonic cleaning process combined with the tilting and rotating action of the cleaning chamber and through recirculation and filtration systems. The material thus separated and recovered can be reused as raw material for other processes, such as in the cosmetic packaging field; the nets can be recovered and reused for their original function.

3 1

Figure 3: A cleaning plant in the Fismet’s factory.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60



“This project is just one example of how

the firm’s priorities upon moving to a larger

– the optimal condition to deliver products

research is proceeding quickly to find

building was turning the old laboratory into

with the required degree of cleanliness. We

solutions that can limit or eliminate waste

a clean room.” Fismet moved to a newly built

also perform microscope checks based on

production and achieve total industrial

factory in September, while expanding its

international standards, such as ISO 16232,

recycling. Fismet believes that, in a sector

staff and equipping itself with state-of-the-

which allow automatically counting the

like that of cleaning, notoriously among the

art plants and equipment.

particles present on parts (Fig. 5).”

most polluting ones at both the industrial

“In particular,” says Mauriello, “the lab

and civil levels, it is necessary to promote

features a new CO2 plant enabling to control


the temperature of the extractor and tank

“Fismet Service has always put the quality

environmental impact through the dramatic

where the workpieces are placed and from

of its work first, both in the design of its

reduction in the use of chemicals and the

which carbon dioxide is extracted.

plants and in the development of contracting

upgrading of mechanical cleaning systems.”

This system is connected to a computer that

cleaning processes,” states Di Pierro. “At the

allows modifying, setting, and monitoring

same time, it has always invest heavily in the

processes and products with a reduced

search for innovative solutions breaking the

the gaseous state from the process extract,

patterns of traditional applications. Long ago,

The company’s R&D department and

which is collected and recovered. We use

it was widely believed that limiting the use of

laboratory have played a key role in its

supercritical carbon dioxide to remove

chemicals, thus sacrificing cleaning quality,


organic contaminants from special materials

was enough to reduce the environmental

“We are equipped with a cutting-edge

with high porosity, such as magnesium and

impact of cleaning processes: we have

in-house laboratory where we perform

titanium, because it allows eliminating dirt

proved that this trend was groundless and

control tests for cleanliness degree

down to a few micrograms.”

we have offered innovative solutions to the

certifications,” says Enrico Mauriello, Head

Finally, the clean room features a laminar

market, able to eliminate even the smallest

of Technical Department at Fismet (Fig. 4).

flow system and small tanks for cleaning

residue of surface contamination without any

“This lab is the heart of our firm. In addition

tests on components characterised by

consequence for the environment. Now, we

to checking our cleaned workpieces’

high cleanliness standards. “We mainly

are embracing the circular economy principles

compliance with quality standards or

use the clean room for products intended

to reduce the production of industrial waste

customer specifications, we constantly test

for the food and pharmaceutical sectors,

as much as possible. We will certainly not stop

the efficiency of the innovations that we

for which any type of contamination can

here, because we are convinced that cleaning

gradually implement in our processes also

be harmful in terms of both quality and

without polluting the environment is possible

through a careful and constant control of

health. It enables us to work in an aseptic,

and even capable of bringing both economic

baths and part surfaces. This is why one of

completely clean, and dust-free environment

and ethical benefits.”

© Fismet Service

process parameters. It separates CO2 in

© Fismet Service

Fismet lab, a laboratory driving development

5 1

4 1

Figure 4: Enrico Mauriello, Head of Technical Department at Fismet.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Figure 5: Girolamo Amodio checks the microscope connected to the PC for the remote control of tests.

pubblicità DAN

AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS FOR GRINDING AND POLISHING Impianti automatici per smerigliatura e lucidatura DAN di DE ANTONI srl 25 03 0 Cocc a glio (BS) - Via G a zzolo 2/4 Tel. +39 030 77 21 850 - +39 030 77 22 477 s a l e s @ d e a n t o n i . i t - w w w. d e a n t o n i . i t


Efficient Parts Cleaning and Process Optimisation Starts with the Cleaning Container Jörg Schleeh Metallform Wächter GmbH – Bretten, Germany


© Metallform Wächter GmbH

Opening photo: METALLFORM Wächter GmbH is an owner-run company active in the fields of sheet metal working and wire processing.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



oday, parts cleaning mostly means to

jet as well as the cleaning media can only

and can take maximum effect. This

fulfil defined cleanliness specifications.

take their cleaning effect if they reach the

yields to shorter cleaning processes

In order to clean as economically

parts to be cleaned. This is it what the

with better results. Additionally, the

as possible, the potential of the cleaning

MEFO-BOX system with standard cleaning

easy accessibility of parts and good

system needs to be fully exploited. This is

baskets and accessories is designed for.

draining behaviour reduce the drying

often prevented by the cleaning container.

time required and enable uniformly

developed a solution whose well thought-out

Faster, better and more efficient cleaning

design offers key advantages (ref. Opening

Thanks to the system’s well thought-

enables increase in throughput without

photo and Fig. 1).

out design, open structure and its

additional investments.

When designing or optimising a cleaning

manufacture from stainless steels rounds

At the same time, the manufacture

process, much attention is usually spent on

with electrolytic polished surfaces, it

from rounds without closed edges and

finding the appropriate machine, cleaning

ensures that the capability of the cleaning

corners prevents the formation of dirt

mechanics and agent. With this approach, it is

mechanics will be used at its best. Cleaning

traps and residues in the container. As

frequently forgotten that the costly cleaning

media as well as ultrasonic waves and/or

a result, process reliability is increased

mechanics such as ultrasonic waves or spray

spray jet have boundless access to parts

since re-contamination of parts is

dry parts – even in bulk material processes. Thus, the MEFO-BOX system

© Metallform Wächter GmbH

With the MEFO-BOX system, Metallform has


Figure 1: The MEFO-BOX system with standard cleaning baskets and accessories are designed for increasing efficiency and quality in cleaning processes.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60



largely eliminated. The open basket design

available ex-stock – allow to fix approximately

For all other applications in which parts

also minimises the carry-over of cleaning

85% of all parts in the cleaning basket for the

with complex geometries and/or large

media, resulting in extended bath service

cleaning process. If required, the MEFO-BOX

quantities have to be cleaned, Metallform

life and thus improved system availability.

standard components can be supplemented

offers a technically and economically

Additional benefits of the MEFO-BOX system

by part specific components. This kind of a

optimised solution with part specific

are compatibility to standard transport

flexible solution is suitable for parts which

workpiece holders. This is also the case

containers, a high stacking frame for safe

are manufactured in small numbers, which

when the workpiece holders have to be

transport and reliable separation as well as

have simple geometries as well as if the

automatically loaded and/or unloaded,

the integrated occupational safety due to

throughput is uncritical and no upstream or

designed for maximum throughput or

completely welded joints without sharp edges,

downstream handling has to be considered

adapted to a packing (e.g. blister pack).

corners or wire ends.

(Fig. 2). Another application for such a solution is a frequently changing range of

Metallform Wächter GmbH

parts. A solution with standard components

METALLFORM Wächter GmbH is an

is also useful to gain experience with the

owner-run company active in the

The extensive range of standard components

cleaning process and handling of baskets

fields of sheet metal working and wire

of the MEFO-BOX system and of the flexible

and then optimise the system for all top


workpiece holder system MEFO-VARIO – both

seller parts in a second step.

In the wire processing division,

A system for countless applications

Metallform develops and manufactures © Metallform Wächter GmbH

cleaning baskets and workpiece holders from stainless steel wire. These products are used in the automotive and automotive supply industry, mechanical engineering, machine building, aerospace, optics, precision mechanics, electrical and electronics industry, medical and laboratory applications, and many other sectors. Comprehensive experience in the cleaning sector and intensive cooperation with notable manufacturers of cleaning machines form the solid foundation for the services. To be able to provide the optimum solution for any task, alongside its specialist consulting service with the MEFO-BOX and MEFO-VARIO system Metallform offers a comprehensive standard range of products off-the-shelf in the standard sizes of cleaning machine manufacturers as well as customised solutions for part-specific workpiece holders. In the sheet metal working division, Metallform manufactures stainless steel components such as laser-cut parts, bent components and welded parts as well as

2 1

Figure 2: The cleaning basket is the link between parts and cleaning machine as well as logistics and automation. It therefore decisively influences efficiency and effectiveness of parts cleaning.


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

complex assemblies. Metallform employs 70 employees and generated a turnover of around 8 million Euros in 2016.


DeburringEXPO - Distinguished by Quality and Valuable Leads


eburring and the production of

but there was an increase in the proportion

precision surface finishes are very

of visitors from other industry sectors such

Visitors with Strong Qualifications and a Propensity to Invest

special manufacturing issues, and

as machinery and equipment manufacturing,

Maria Loula, managing director of Perfect

they’re becoming increasingly

metalworking, medical technology, tool and

Finishing GmbH, was also enthusiastic

important for many companies. This became

mould making, aviation and aerospace,

about the exhibitors’ excellent qualifications:

apparent at the third DeburringEXPO from

electronics and electrical engineering, as well as

“DeburringEXPO is one of our most important

8 to 10 October 2019: nearly all of the roughly

pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.

trade fairs. We were able to generate orders

2100 visitors came to the trade fair with

The great majority of the 183 exhibitors (an

and pick up new customers from roughly

concrete tasks in the form of sample parts or

increase of 20% as compared with 2017) from

40% of the leads fielded at the last two

drawings. For the 183 exhibitors, this resulted

14 countries were in a high spirits thanks to the

events, which is a very good quota. Beyond

in first-class leads and on-site discussion

concrete problems and projects brought along

this, we’re still running trial tests with various

of possible solutions with opportunities for

to the event by the expert visitors. “The quality

companies. We’ve been able to field lots

expert forum which was attended by 49% of the visitors also registered great demand for

of top quality leads this year

© DeburringEXPO

valuable projects. The bilingual

too, which involve precision applications. Amongst other things, this is made apparent by

knowledge and solutions in the

the fact that roughly 90% of our

area of process optimisation.

visitors came to our booth with

The fact that specialised trade

components or drawings.” The

fairs can also be successful in a

high levels of decision-making

business setting characterised

authority and the propensity

by subdued economic

to invest demonstrated by the

expectations and uncertainty was

visitors are also confirmed by

demonstrated by DeburringEXPO

the visitor survey: more than

from the 8 through the 10

95% are involved in company



of October, 2019. With 2082 visitors from 27 countries, the results of the third leading trade fair for deburring technologies and precision surface finishing

procurement decisions. This


makes an important contribution

Figure 1: The visitors came to DeburringEXPO with concrete tasks, thus opening up the opportunity for intensive technical discussions which are expected to result in successful post-event business.

to ensuring that the exhibitors achieve their trade fair goals, as confirmed by Stefano De Antoni, CCO of Dan Technology, Dan

picked up where the event left off in 2017. 20% of the expert visitors came from

of the meetings is very good. Whereas other,

di De Antoni S.r.l. from Italy: “The trade fair is

outside of Germany. The largest percentage

bigger trade fairs have large numbers of visitors

highly specialised and we’re rewarded with very

of visitors came from Germany, followed by

who only want to gather general information,

substantial leads here. The visitors come to the

Switzerland, France, Austria and Italy. The

all of the visitors at our booth were looking

event with problems for which they’re seeking

breakdown by industry sector revealed that

for solutions to actual tasks,” reports Christian

solutions, and we were even able to schedule a

the automotive industry and its suppliers were

Höhn, Product Management for Mass Finishing

visit with a company not far from the trade fair

less well represented than in previous years,

at Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH.

grounds for the day after the event.”


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

2 1


© DeburringEXPO

© DeburringEXPO

© DeburringEXPO

COVERED by ipcm

3 1

4 1

Figure 2: Attention was focused on the post-processing of additively manufactured components at this year’s leading trade fair for the first time.

Figure 3: Numerous exhibitors took advantage of the leading trade fair to present new and further developed solutions, in this case a robot system for deburring with ultrasound.

Figure 4: 49% of the visitors gathered information at the expert forum about trends, current developments and solutions for process optimisation.

Thoms Magnussen, head of sales and marketing

quality. Component cleanliness plays a role in

European regional sales manager at Extrude

at SHL AG, was also very pleased with his début

this regard. “In contrast to other trade fairs,

Hone GmbH, also reports on applications

at DeburringEXPO: “We didn’t decide to exhibit

DeburringEXPO is also attended by visitors

which are indicative of the trend towards

here until shortly before the trade fair opened,

who are specifically looking for a combination

new drive technologies: “DeburringEXPO is a

but everything worked out beautifully – from

process for deburring and cleaning. We can

very important trade fair for us where we can

organisation and project management right on

offer solutions for a variety of applications in

enter into intensive dialogues with potential

up to booth setup. But the visitors are the most

this area. Not only did we establish interesting

customers from various sectors such as

impressive thing about this trade fair.

contacts at the event, we were also able to

medical technology, ultra-pure gas technology

They know exactly what they want and

spontaneously arrange for processing of

and the automotive supply industry. In this

frequently bring sample parts with them.

several samples, including the removal of

regard, attention was also focused on new

As a result, we were able to establish lots of new

powder residues from additively manufactured

projects this year involving components for

contacts to companies we hadn’t been familiar

parts,” explains Mirijam Maier from inside sales

alternative drive technologies.”

with in the past. The price-performance ratio

at acp systems AG. Leering Hengelo B.V. from

is very good here, which gives me reason to

the Netherlands, for example, also presented

Knowledge is Also in Demand

assume we’ll be back again in two years.”

solutions for the post-processing of additively

One of the highlights of this year’s event was

René Kehl, new business development manager

manufactured parts: “The visitors came to us

the expert forum which offered practical

at Heule AG in Switzerland, arrives at a similar

with a great deal of knowledge and interest,

know-how on various issues covering all

conclusion: “We’ve been exhibiting here since

and thus by and large the trade fair went well

aspects of deburring and surface finishing with

the first event in 2015. We doubled the size of

for us,” explains owner André Gaalman.

29 simultaneously interpreted presentations

our booth this year and increased our team to

The challenges faced in the automotive

(German <> English). During the course of

six people, which turned out to be a good idea.

industry as a result of new drive technologies

the 3-day event, roughly 1000 visitors took

Based on the visitors who came to our booth,

were also explored at DeburringEXPO. “We’re

advantage of this opportunity to gain in-depth

we were also able to ascertain that market

here for the third time and we know it’s about

knowledge and exchange experience. For more

penetration has made further progress – both

quality – not quantity. Our visitors, who come

than 25% of the expert visitors, the programme

within the industry and at the international level.

primarily from the automotive industry and its

offered at the expert forum influenced the day

There’s no doubt that we’ll be back in 2021.”

suppliers, approached us again this year with

on which they attended the trade fair.

highly precise requirements. Amongst others,

The next DeburringEXPO will be held at the

we’re taking two concrete RFQs from the field

Karlsruhe Exhibition Centre from the 12th

of e-mobility home with us”, says Stephan von

through the 14th of October, 2021.

Growing Importance and New Applications Meetings held by the exhibitors with expert

Schneyder, managing shareholder of WMS-

visitors also confirm the trend towards stricter

engineering Werkzeuge-Maschinen-Systeme

For further information:

requirements for deburring and surface

GmbH. Ralf Krieger, authorised signatory and


international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60



parts2clean a Clear Success Through Quality, Size and International Profile Despite a Difficult Economic Trend


ver a period of three days,

and reports about reduced or cancelled

not seen in the past. Interest was focused

parts2clean again offered a global

business travel budgets, many exhibitors

on the tasks and challenges of lightweight

platform for information and

arrived at the event with relatively low

engineering, medical technology,

acquisition with 230 exhibitors from 20

expectations. The parts2clean organizer

electronics, precision engineering and

countries taking part in the 17 edition

added: “We learned from the exhibitors that

optics. Our new processes for deburring

of the event. Some 4,250 trade visitors

many of the enquiries and the talks they

and cleaning of individual parts, as well

from 48 countries attended the display in

held focused on new applications.” This was

as partial component cleaning, generated

the Stuttgart exhibition halls looking for

confirmed by Rainer Straub, member of the

some very keen interest at our stand,

information and solutions to the problems

Board of Management and Vice President of

particularly among visitors from aluminium

and daily challenges facing them in their

Sales & Customer Service, Ecoclean GmbH:

die casting.”


industrial segment. This flagship

28 percent came from other

The serious, business-like

European countries. This means

nature of the talks that take

that one in ten foreign visitors

place during parts2clean

came from outside Europe.

is underlined by the

As could be expected, the

consistently high proportion

biggest number of visitors came

of trade visitors: 99 percent

from Germany and Austria.

of all attendees. Many

After these two countries the

are involved in decision-

biggest contingents of visitors

making and more than half

came from Italy, France and the

of them are either from

not exceeded, the results of the previous year. The proportion

© Deutsche Messe

came from EU countries, while

Trade visitors with decision-making competence – and a clear interest in investing and finding solutions

international event matched, if

of foreign visitors rose slightly to 22 percent. 63 percent of them

United Kingdom. “The stable trend in visitor

The next parts2clean will take place from 27-29 October 2020 in Stuttgart, Germany.

numbers, despite difficult

top management or hold an important position in management. This year, 86 percent of the attendees

economic conditions, illustrates the

“Considering the background to the event

were involved in making their company’s

important role played by parts2clean as

and our experience of other major fairs,

investment decisions, a figure slightly above

a global hub for promoting business in

parts2clean went a lot better than we had

the results of the previous event. Some

this industrial sector,” says Olaf Daebler,

expected. Although visitor numbers from

76 percent of the trade visitors reported

Global Director for parts2clean at Deutsche

the automobile industry were clearly down,

that they came to parts2clean with the

Messe AG. In view of the cautious market

we registered a very substantial number of

firm intention of making investment and

predictions, the uncertain economic

contacts and new enquiries about cleaning

procurement decisions. Of this number,

prospects affecting the automobile industry

requirements, which was something we had

some 77 percent plan to invest within the


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

COVERED by ipcm

next twelve months. Among 39 percent of

visitors from a broad cross-section of

replace face-to-face talks. Every other

the visitors intending to invest, the amount

industry was able to offset the slight fall in

form of communication, whether digital

involved exceeded €100,000.

numbers from the automobile industry.

or print, merely complements personal

On this basis, the exhibiting companies were

This development was commented on by

communication. In addition, participating in

able to make some very interesting contacts

Peter Ruoff, Head of Marketing & Sales,

parts2clean is a good way of keeping an eye

and initiate a number of highly promising

MAFAC – E. Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG:

on market trends and new developments.”

projects. As Katharina Wolf, management

“This year we attracted the same number

assistant at Vapic GmbH, explained:

of visitors as attended our stand in 2018,

Another exhibitor, Tobias Jessberger,

“parts2clean 2019 went really well for us.

despite a decrease in the numbers from

Managing Director of Jessberger

Thanks to our more creative stand design

the automobile sector, especially from OEM

Fasspumpen GmbH, reported even more

we were able to draw the attention of many

and Tier 1 suppliers. This was, however,

encouraging results: “We have been

trade visitors which led to some serious

offset by the numbers from other areas

exhibiting at parts2clean for more than

and interesting talks and the development

such as the watch and clock-making

ten years. We value the high calibre of the

of some new projects. We will exhibit again

industry, medicine and the food industry,

trade fair visitors and the interesting and

in 2020 because we feel it is important

as well as other industrial sectors. They

promising discussions that take place there.

for our company to be represented at

came to us with some interesting problems

On the last day of the event we were again

parts2clean.” Likewise, Raffaela Tessari, Sales

and challenges and I am confident that we

able to conclude some concrete business

and Customer Care division of the Italian

will again be able to gain some contracts

deals at our stand. The growth in our

manufacturer of cleaning systems Novatec

from the contacts we made.” Stephen

annual turnover, even when the economy is

s.r.l., reported that her company would be

Playdon, Regional Business Manager

sluggish, depends on a number of different

participating again next year: “parts2clean

of MicroCare Europe BVBA, shares this

factors, but our participation in this kind

was much better than another trade fair

confidence: “The calibre of the visitors at

of trade event is definitely one of these

that we attended in September. We met

parts2clean is excellent. We held some


interesting visitors from medical technology,

very profound and detailed talks which

precision parts manufacturing and PVD

we expect to generate business for us.

coating technology at our stand, so it was

Furthermore, we were able to identify

Growing importance of parts cleaning

possible to make some good new contacts.

new potential markets for our company.”

Irrespective of the type of industry,

Our existing customers also visited us here,

Michael Wickell, CEO of Viverk AB from

whether in traditional processes or in new

and this is obviously also very important to

Sweden, experiencing parts2clean for

applications such as additive manufacturing,


the first time, also found it was a positive

e-mobility or new developments in semi-

experience: “Perhaps there could have

conductor technology, parts cleaning is

parts2clean attracted company

been more visitors here, but those who

playing an increasingly important role as

representatives from diverse sectors and

came were the right people. The talks were

a factor in product integrity and quality. In

areas of industry. The biggest contingent

concrete and we made many contacts

fact, parts cleaning is becoming a major

of visitors continues to be the automotive

which will be followed up in the next

factor in a growing number of sectors and

sector with 39 percent of the total number

few weeks by more detailed discussions

for an ever-greater range of components.

of visitors. Mechanical and plant engineering

about projects.” Bernd Menke, Head of

Obviously, the visitors to this international

accounted for 32 percent of the visitors,

Distribution, BvL Oberflächentechnik

flagship event are fully aware of this trend

which represented a nine percent increase

GmbH, reported: “parts2clean offers, in a

and recognize its global significance. For this

on the previous year. Other important

concentrated form, the best opportunity

reason, nine out of ten visitors to the trade

industrial sectors responsible for large

to showcase current developments

fair intend to come again.

numbers of visitors were the metal-

and new products. Thus we could use

The next parts2clean will take place from

working industries, surface treatment

this sector’s flagship fair to present our

27-29 October 2020 at the Stuttgart

and processing, pharmaceuticals, the

innovative Libelle Product Control. The

Exhibition Grounds.

chemicals industry, process technology and

in-depth discussions we had with existing

the electronics and electrical engineering

customers and visitors interested in our

For further information:

industries. The encouraging presence of

technology reaffirmed that nothing can


international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60




GLOBAL INDUSTRIE: More than 20 Industrial Sectors to Clarify the Offer


he European event for excellence

(Research & Innovation, Design, Production,

dear to visitors and exhibitors alike, retain

and industrial perspectives is

Services, Training, etc.) and all the user

their specific identify.”

continuing its revolution by

sectors (Transport & Mobility, Energy,

The aim of this new, more readily

reorganising around twenty major industrial

Food, Infrastructures, Consumer Goods,

understandable division into sectors

fields in order to offer visitors a more easily

Chemicals, Cosmetics, Pharmaceuticals,

is to clarify the experience for visitors,

understandable division into sectors.

Defence / Military, Metallurgy, Iron and Steel,

helping them to prepare better for their

Among the other new features of the 2020


visit, optimise the time they spend at the

edition: intensified international leadership

In this exhibition on a human scale with a

show, quickly find the suppliers they are

and a new competition, Golden Tech.

friendly atmosphere, visitors and exhibitors

interested in and have the most complete

Following the growing success of its first two

are sure to find the product, the equipment,

and exhaustive vision possible of industry in

editions, GLOBAL INDUSTRIE comes back to

the know-how or the solution they are

general and of the industry of the future in

Paris in 2020 in a 110,000 m² exhibition area

looking for to improve their process, from


expected to host 2,500 exhibitors covering

design to production and including services.

It also offers visitors a full understanding of

the whole industrial ecosystem.

“To be fully exploitable, this abundant offer

industry from top to bottom by presenting

needed to be clarified. That is why GLOBAL

major themes encompassing suppliers of

A more understandable offer

INDUSTRIE 2020 is reorganising around 20

raw materials, machines and equipment

Worldwide in its scope, the offer presented

major industrial sectors which make the

and know-how (subcontractors):

will bring together the whole industrial

event more easily understandable”, explains

Smart Tech - Robotics - Electronics - Metal-

ecosystem (product/solution providers,

Sébastien Gillet, the Director of the event.

removal machine tools and peripherals

equipment suppliers, subcontractors,

Despite this, the exhibitions which make up

- Tooling - Factory equipment and industrial

start-ups, primary contractors and major


supplies - Measuring and Control - Industrial

corporations), the whole value chain


fasteners - Assembly and installation


N. 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


- WORKS, a technical test, marked at

- Welding - Industrial IT - Sheet metal,

collective creative tests, this new challenge is an

tubes, wires and sections - Material

ongoing show which, over the whole period of

the show, which takes two hours

treatment - Woods, technical textiles &

the exhibition, will evaluate the skill, technical

per candidate and is designed

other materials - Machining, screw cutting

knowledge, know-how and creativity of the

to evaluate each person’s know-

and special machines - Semi-finished

candidates for 17 selected professions:

how per profession. Referees will

products - Additive and 3D manufacturing

- DESIGN: Product Designer - Additive

ensure that the tests are conducted

- Forging and Casting - Plastics, Rubber and Composites - Services

Manufacturing Designer - Process Designer - PRODUCTION: Metrologist - Welder - Rolling

Lastly, it also allows the offer of the

mill operator - Lathe operator - Milling

Electronics and Plastics Processing sectors

machine operator

to be expanded to the whole of their

correctly and monitor them. - QUIZ, a speed test evaluated in the form of points won or lost. The Genius creations will be submitted to the vote of a Grand

- AUTOMATION: Automation programmer

production chain (Production Equipment,

- Automation Network Designer - Motion

Jury consisting of around ten

Peripherals, Know-how & Raw Materials).

Control Manager - Automation Data Manager

internationally famous personalities

- Cyber Security Manager – Robotics Engineer

(Yann Vincent, Industrial Director of

(2 options)

PSA, Philippe Starck, designer, etc.*).

A new challenge which is... golden! In 2020, GLOBAL INDUSTRIE will include a

Following three days of intense

- OPTIMISATION: Digital Transformation Manager - Continuous Improvement Manager

competition and evaluation, the results will be announced and the

new keynote event which will identify and reward the best professionals (of all ages) in

At the head of around ten competing teams, a

trophies will be awarded on Friday

all industrial jobs, the very people who are

leader from the SME network will select his or

April 3 in the area dedicated to the

the pride of our industry: the Golden Tech

her 17 candidates, all experts in their field.


challenge, a new competition which aims

Three tests are scheduled:

to draw attention not only to the variety of

- GENIUS, a creative test to be conducted

For further information:

professions in industry but also to the men

before the show according to a theme to be

and women who embody it on a daily basis.

followed which is communicated to the teams

A mixture of individual technical tests and

five months in advance.

www.global-industrie.com *Subject to confirmation

international PAINT&COATING magazine - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 - N. 60



Questo periodico è associato all’Unione Stampa Periodica Italiana


Eos Mktg&Communication srl www.myipcm.com info@ipcm.it

Sergio Castagna: Automation specialist

Redazione - Sede Legale: Via Pietro Mascagni, 8 - 20811 - Cesano Maderno (MB) - Italy Tel. +39.0362.503215 - Fax. +39.0362.1794768

Attilio Bernasconi:

Paint stripping technologies and cryogenic processes specialist


Marco Zavattoni:

ALESSIA VENTURI venturi@ipcm.it

Coil coating pretreatment specialist





ISSN 2280-6083

The first international magazine for surface treatments


ipcm digital on In this issue :






10th Year - Bimonthly N° 60 - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER


PAOLA GIRALDO giraldo@ipcm.it




NICOLE KRAUS kraus@ipcm.it


MATTEO SOTTI sotti@ipcm.it

BARBARA PENNATI pennati@ipcm.it





EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Felice Ambrosino: Marketing

Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti:



Alessandro Soba:

Electrostatic application of liquid paints specialist





Lauro Gatti:

Air treatment specialist

Loris Rossi:



Electrostatic application of powder coatings specialist

Tommaso Ponara:

Water treatment specialist

Surface treatment on aluminium specialist



Michele Cattarin:

Franco Falcone:

ZLD Water treatment specialist

The first international magazine for surface treatments La prima rivista internazionale sui trattamenti superficiali

NICOLE KRAUS kraus@ipcm.it

Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics

Dr. Franco Busato:

European environmental legislation and new technologies

Kevin Biller

The Powder Coating Research Group

Prof. Stefano Rossi:

Material Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento - Product Design

Dr. Fulvio Zocco:

Environment and quality

Prof. Paolo Gronchi:



Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section

CLAUS GÖRLICH goerlich@ipcm.it

Registrazione al Tribunale di Monza N° 1970 del 10 Dicembre 2009Eos Mktg&Communication srl è iscritta nel Registro degli Operatori di Comunicazione con il numero 19244


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