The smart journal for surface treatments
ISSN 2280-6083
ipcm digital on Special Issue
11th Year - Bimonthly N° 62 - MARCH/APRIL
Dealing with corrosion can be a costly business AkzoNobel’s range of powder primers combine a variety of corrosion-inhibiting technologies to extend the protection time of steel. Interpon Primers can also be combined with wide range of Interpon topcoats to give your product not only corrosion protection but an outstanding decorative finish. Discover our range of Primers • Interpon APP • Interpon BPP • Interpon PZ
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Karlsruhe, DE - 12/15 October
&RORUVWUHDPÂ&#x160; ;LUDOOLFÂ&#x160; 1;7 New effect pigments, 'LJLWDO &RORU &DUG H (IIHNWH 0DJD]LQH 6elected color stylings and the latest evaluation of future color trends are waiting for <ou! ZZZ PHUFNJURXS FRP HQ H[SHUWLVH HIIHFW SLJPHQWV KWPO
Celebrating performance, flexibility, service and thousands of colours and effects
Join us at PaintExpo Karlsruhe-Germany Hall 1, Stand #1218
RIPOL delivers top performing powder coatings that provide unmatched durability, ï¬&#x201A;exibility and colour retention while being environmentally conscious T: +39 02 97 48 411
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A Coating Plant 4.0 with an Automatic Positioning Device to Paint Braking Systems for Off-Highway Vehicles: Safim’s Choices © ipcm ®
© VIV Group
Natures: Fully Biobased Polyesters for Coil Coating Applications
S P E CI AL Pa intE xp o
SP ECIAL Pai nt Ex po
76 05 06 08 33 34
Product Industrialisation and Circular Economy in the Automotive Coating Field: A Possible Combination for IMR Industriale Sud, Thanks to an Innovative Automatic and Sustainable Paint Supply Technology
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Tras-mec Srl: A New Management Focussing on Innovation and Quality
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY MS Srl’s Revolution in the Furniture Industry: Dense Phase Powder Coating also Effective on MDF
SP ECIA L Pai n t Expo
Graco Will Exhibit Complete Industrial Paint Kitchen at PaintExpo
Blasting with Stainless Steel Abrasives. Lifecycle Assessment of Abrasives: From Cradle to Grave
38 44
A Pioneering Nanotechnology Process Based on Phosphorus Compounds for Higher Corrosion Resistance. An Innovative Process Creates a New Payoff for VIV Group: Grow Up
INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE TIGITAL® 3D Materials: Revolutionising Additive Manufacturing
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY A Digitised Cataphoresis+Powder Coating Plant Like a Tailored Suit for OMR Spa, a Manufacturer of Excellence in the Industrial Vehicle Sector
SUCCESS STORIES A Hanging System to Improve the Efficiency of Coating Processes: Rostirolla Presents P25
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH The Versatility of a Multifaceted Company: IBIX Srl’s First 20 Years of Business
SUCCESS STORIES Please Blast, Dip, Powder a 100 Times
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Artisanal Quality in Highly Industrialised Coating Systems: Why Eurotherm Chose to Go Against the Tide
72 82
SUCCESS STORIES Transparent Information for A Simplified Management of The Coating Process 4.0
© ipcm ®
© Panint Jhonlerkieat © Shutterstock
S P E CI AL Pa intE xp o
SP ECIAL Pai nt Ex po
SLA Industrie: A Last Generation Vertical System to Increase the Productivity of a Service Company in the Aluminium Profile Sector © ipcm ®
© Dr. Hönle
UV Coatings and PVD Process, an Innovative Combination that Opens New Frontiers for Surface Finishing
S P E CI AL Pa intE xp o
150 124
Optimising Painting of Plastic Workpieces: Economically Fulfilling Stricter Requirements for Quality and Sustainability
Increasing Productivity, Reducing Emissions
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH HUBO Automation: Innovation and Sustainability in Coating Automation
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Daccordi Cicli: The Perfect Combination of Craftsmanship and Innovation
SUCCESS STORIES Optimal Blasting of Heavily Used Fasteners
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Higher Productivity for a Contracting Coating Line Thanks to the Integration of a High Temperature Infrared Gas Oven
Paint Shop of the Future: Away from the Line, Towards the Box
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY From Railways to Architecture, up to the General Industry: A Nano-Technology Pre-treatment Process Becomes Strategic for Product Resistance and Appearance
A New Shot Blasting Machine Devoted to Stainless Steel Gives Viganò Accessori Srl Full Control over the Quality of its Products
HangOn Wins SEB Award for Best International Growth 2019
Hannex Increases Painting Efficiency and Quality with ProMix PD2K
ART WITHIN SURFACES The Perception of Matter in the Goldsmith Work of Francesca Torri
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH 2020 is the Year of Pink Oyster – a Happy, Soft and Optimistic Colour
196 198 201
ART WITHIN SURFACES BRAND-NEW STANDARD & LEGISLATION Brexit: What Effects Will It Have on our Relations with the USA?
Your surface protection. 1/5
We care. Surface treatments and nanotechnologies
#EverythingWillBeFine Richiedi la versione in italiano a
As I write these lines, Europe is in a state of emergency due to the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. ipcm®’s office is unusually calm and silent: our whole staff is working from home, continuing to show the utmost professionalism, dedication, passion, and social and human solidarity. Although distant and connected only through the bits of the network, our team remains united to face this unprecedented situation, which has changed our lives suddenly, but profoundly. Everyone, from people to governments, financial institutions, and central banks, was taken aback and groped in the dark before figuring out how to react. Many mistakes have been made, often in good faith, because the exceptional and fearful nature of the situation called for equally exceptional and fearful, but also unprecedented measures. We are in the middle of a “black swan event”, i.e. a situation that is as frightening as unlikely, for which no reaction model available as there are no past experiences to draw from. We are living history: we will teach the next generations through our behaviours, our mistakes, and our recovery. The industry is in the midst of a storm, not due to financial or economic reasons (these are side effects) but to an exogenous factor: COVID-19. It is not a structural crisis like the 2008 one, but a contingent crisis: due to the virus, the movement of people is forbidden, so that they cannot work or travel for work, and the movement of goods is limited. As a consequence, consumption is zeroed and production slows down. It is for a good cause, for the common good – but it is devastating for the real economy. It will take liquidity injections as well as fiscal and monetary policies to get out of it, but we will make it. The first countries to tackle this emergency with strong healthcare and regulatory measures (defined by someone “draconian”), now so scary especially for companies, will also be the first ones to recover. Meanwhile, ipcm® will continue to recount the strength of the European industry in the world through the tool we know best: information. We will unite people through our content, because we firmly believe that providing updated information and tools to take advantage of this period’s slower rhythms can be useful to seize all the opportunities that will surely arise at the end of the health emergency. These days, we are learning even more to work and live in a virtual world, where the importance of digital content is growing by the hour. Luckily, we were far-sighted. For a long time now, our website,, has made all our magazines’ issues and a daily-updated “NEWS” section available for free. Even if we were not able to send you your hard copies (but we are working hard to make it happen), you will be reached by our content. We are preparing an updated version of our “Trade Shows, Conferences and Events Calendar 2020”, which will be online in the next few days, to give you a complete overview of the events that will dot your and our autumn season.
Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief Direttore Responsabile
The issue you are about to read was conceived as a special edition for the world’s most important trade fair on coating technologies, PaintExpo 2020, which was postponed to October, 12 to 15. Indeed, it is one of the most beautiful, richest, and most stimulating numbers we have ever written. We have had to struggle to finish it and print it, but it can now offer you top-notch articles about great technological innovations, cutting-edge systems, and success stories, testifying that this industry was being highly dynamic and in full development. And it will be again, because the virus of mistrust and fear must not prevail!
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
January and February in Review Barbara Pennati ipcm®
Communication beyond the five senses. And beyond the fear
It isn’t easy to summarize in a few lines what has happened in the last two months: everyday life as we knew it within our editorial office, houses, companies, the whole Country and the international community has been radically modified by the reasons we all well know. In the world of work, the activities already partially carried out and, in whole, those planned for this period of the year had to be reviewed and reorganized, in the best cases, or interrupted, in the worst cases. But ipcm® doesn't stop: in the light of the postponement of the main fairs of the sector,
Communication beyond the five senses
One of the main trends of
distribution programs of the magazines issued by EOS
Each company knows the
technological development:
Mktg&Communication will not
importance of involving
augmented reality.
change with respect to the
and encouraging the active
In fact, the term ‘augmented
editorial program presented
participation of its audience
reality’ was coined only in the
at the end of last year: we will
and also knows how difficult it
90s, but the first examples
follow all trade fairs based
is to capture and maintain their
of the implementation of this
on their new schedules and
attention in an increasingly
technology date back to 1962.
continue in our information
information and stimuli-
Today, it certainly is one of
activities of the surface
saturated world.
the most interesting tools,
treatment industry.
In this context, in addition
with a great communicative
Because the virus of mistrust
to a strong, functional and
potential, capable of stimulating
must not prevail and because
communicative message,
and enriching human sensory
we must reaffirm the strength
technological development
of the European industry
comes to our aid, offering
At the end of the year we
in the world through the
cutting-edge solutions to reach
described our path towards
instrument we know best: the
people and make ourselves
becoming a smart magazine, a
concept that we are committed
including PaintExpo, the
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
2020 is actually the result of
editorial and photographic material gathered. In January the first issue of the year of ipcm® was distributed: thanks to a new layout and new sections dedicated to “Raw materials”, “Specialized training” and “Art within surfaces”, our main magazine has become even richer in topics and updated with current news. The offer of the ipcm® training division is also expanding: in February we re-launched the to representing by offering
trade fair activity. See you then
webinar dedicated to the topic
global magazines, rich of
next October at PaintExpo, hall
of PFP (Passive Fireproofing)
original contents and with a
1, booth 1442.
materials and their applications to allow those countries which
multi-channel distribution, and by building a community that
Time for planning
were unable to attend the first
expands more and more every
In January, we also outlined
time, due to the time zone
other important projects, first
differences, to follow it. Given
In 2020 we want to keep
and foremost the services
the success of the initiative,
giving meaning to this word
offered by eos which, true
we have decided to expand
and in January we outlined
to its name, will not only be
the proposal: soon we will
different ways to achieve our
a publishing house but also
present the calendar of the
goal. PaintExpo will give us
a business and marketing
next webinars with the new
the opportunity to translate
consulting, graphic design and
topics covered in both Italian
words into facts, through a
event organization agency.
and English.
project that involves augmented
We have also outlined the travel
Finally, the renovation process
reality and interactivity as
plans for the upcoming months:
continues, once again affecting
tools to encourage the active
this year, our magazines will visit
the graphic layout of our
participation of our visitors.
around 70 fairs.
magazines: both ICT – the
The goal is to demonstrate
A similar number of exclusive
ipcm supplement dedicated
the communication potential
case studies will be written,
to cleaning technologies
of these technologies and the
following our travels to observe
– and ipcm_Ibérica/ipcm_
many ways in which they can
from up close the finishing
LatinoAmérica – the two
also be exploited for editorial
world, which you will be able to
newspapers dedicated to the
and advertising purposes.
read about in the pages of our
Spanish- and Portuguese-
Once again, the ipcmLounge will
magazines. In this way, the first
speaking markets – were
welcome you, offering a meeting
two months of the year were
issued with a completely
and networking place where you
intense in terms of the number
renewed look and more and
can take a break from the hectic
of companies visited and the
more different contents.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
Š Adobe Stock_mozZz
From more Functional and Smart Coatings to the Challenges of Regulatory Alignment with the US and Europe: a Closer Look to the Canadian Paint and Coatings Market From an interview with Gary LeRoux President & CEO Canadian Paint and Coatings Association
Even if we live in a globalized and
restrictions, how it relates with other
way of doing business, and bans
interconnected world, where
markets and the issues that might
and restrictions have affected the
information is within reach of almost
arise with regulatory alignment,
chemical industry, and consequently
anyone, sometimes it can be difficult
what investments and technological
the coatings sector as well. Not to
to truly grasp all the peculiarities
innovations are being pursued, and
mention the tug-of-war between
and singularities of a foreign market.
how social, economic and political
world powers and the general
Not only that, but several other
issues influence it.
uncertainties affecting our time,
factors play an important role in the
Lately we have witnessed an increase
which are also factors that play a
assessment and understanding of
in pursuing more sustainable
pivotal role in defining the status of a
a market: its regulations, bans and
solutions, which is changing our
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
This new section stems from our
and nanoparticles for improved
to the south, the United States. It is
will as an international magazine to
functionality. In fact, one of our
Canada’s largest trading partner by
provide our readers with a close-
members has become a leader in
far, with more than $2.7 billion/day
up of the different markets across
the nanoparticle space with the
in two-way trade between the two
the globe from the point of view of
production of graphite and graphene
countries. Since the first free trade
those who are an integral part of it,
with state of the art technology for
agreement between Canada and
to better navigate the current trends
improved performance and more
the United States, coatings products
and situations.
sustainable products.
shipped to Canada from the United States have increased from 35 per
In this first article, we present an interview to CPCA - Canadian Paint
The vast majority of architectural
cent to more than 50 per cent today.
and Coating Association’s President
products now manufactured in
This was also spurred on by massive
Gary LeRoux, who provides an
Canada are water-based. More than
consolidation over that same period.
interesting overview of the current
90 per cent of decorative paints are
However, the volume of coatings sold
state of the coating market in Canada,
water-based in Canada and 30 per
in Canada remains the same relative
how it relates to other countries,
cent in the automotive sector. Some
to economic circumstances. This
especially the US and Europe, and the
SME’s have become leaders in new
one issue requires that CPCA and
key role played by sector associations
approaches to recycling leftover
ACA remain vigilant with respect to
in this scenario in helping
paint or post-consumer paint under
regulatory alignment on a number of
manufacturers and end-users to
extended product stewardship
important regulatory issues including
orient themselves among regulations,
programs across Canada. In 2019
the assessment of chemicals in
bans and new trends.
more than 28 million kilograms of
commerce, VOC limits for product
paint was recovered in Canada,
formulations, raw materials and
What are the main features
enough to paint more than 500,000
biocide preservatives in coatings,
and characteristics of the
homes. A number of Canadian
hazard communications for worker
coating sector in your country?
companies are collaborating with
safety, and more. Given the foregoing,
What level of technological
universities and research institutes
it is critical that ACA and CPCA
advancement has it achieved?
to develop more functional and
collaborate very closely on key files
smart coatings. Several SMEs have
that impact our common members,
As in other countries, Canada is
substantial R&D facilities in various
and we do.
a mix of large multinational and
provinces across Canada, with one
national coatings companies. Within
recently opening a 30,000 square
What needs and demands does
this mix is a range of Canadian small
metre facility employing chemists
the coating sector currently
and-medium-sized enterprises
working on new product formulations
(SME), which is defined as five
and new uses for leftover paint.
hundred employees or less. The
Finally one of our SME member
The demands of the coatings sector
larger companies have the capacity
companies pioneered the use of
are not unlike any other economic
for strong investment in R&D for
sustainable stains and sealants using
sector, it must have a level-playing
technological innovation as one
resins and gums from trees, dating
field to conduct business. The main
would expect, but increasingly in
back almost twenty years ago, while
challenge for a level-playing field
recent years SME’s have also become
still retaining strong performance.
is the regulations imposed on the
strong in both R&D and innovation
Stains now also include water-based
production and sale of products. In
with a focus on producing more
products to meet the growing
Canada, we have a disadvantage in
sustainable products. For example,
consumer demand.
that regard as Canada will often look to Europe for approaches to the
a number of SME’s have substantial labs where they do testing on various
The most unique aspect of the
regulation of chemicals in commerce,
product formulations, which includes
coatings sector in Canada is the fact
while companies in Canada do 75 per
the use of bio-based materials
that it has a very large neighbour
cent of their business with the United
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
© Adobe Stock_knowhowfootage
States, where regulations may vary
The Red Tape Reduction Act also
the past 13 years CPCA has been
with those in Europe. This is a recipe
includes a ‘one-for-one rule’ wherein
engaged in the assessment of 2000
for regulatory misalignment and it has
one regulation must be removed
of those chemicals used in thousands
presented challenges for businesses
every time a new regulation is
of Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants and
manufacturing in Canada. Further,
created. Industry remains hopeful
Elastomers (CASE) products, which
the Canadian Chamber of Commerce
that this will be the approach going
requires a significant investment of
released a report last year noting that
forward as new regulations are being
time and effort by the association
Canada was already over regulated
considered for lower VOC limits
with the critical input of our members
with more than 130,000 regulations
for greater emissions reduction.
with respect to the data needed to
at the federal and provincial levels
This is being done despite the
fully inform the assessment for better
of government. As a result, there
fact that Canada’s architectural
outcomes. The goal is to ensure those
is now a regulatory modernization
coatings segment has reduced
chemicals can remain in commerce
effort underway in Canada to reign in
VOC emissions since 2009 by 42
for our members’ products and to
out-dated regulations. The goal is to
kilotonnes, the equivalent to the
date we have been lucky as there
ensure any new regulations take into
emissions of 150,000 average size
have been very few bans and use
account the regulatory burden it will
automobiles. This also applies to
restrictions for chemicals used by our
impose on industry vis-à-vis the Red
the federal Government’s Chemicals
members. The federal government
Tape Reduction Act that was passed
Management Plan, assessing all
will continue this program for the
several years ago under the previous
chemicals in commerce to determine
foreseeable future and may go back
if they negatively impact both human
and re-assess some of the chemicals
health and the environment. Over
that have already been assessed.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
How does your Association
several hundred still being assessed.
work. However, it continues to be a
position itself in relation to
The association is on the frontline
challenge for the coatings industry
the current market? What
of chemical assessment for the
as the federal government is now
advantages can companies get in
CASE sector in Canada and works
moving to another phase of chemical
becoming members?
hard to provide the relevant data in
assessment over the next five years
the hands of coatings companies,
(2020-2025). The government will
The association’s core competency
which is often critical to inform the
also be broadening the lens for
revolves around issue management
assessment process and thereby
that assessment and will include
related to legislative and regulatory
ensure chemicals used in coatings
areas such as the role of potential
development with focused advocacy.
for thousands of SKUs can remain in
alternatives or informed substitution
That effort consumes 90 per cent
for certain chemicals of concern. It is also using a workplace safety lens to
of CPCA’s staff time, working closely with technical committees to
Lack of relevant and robust data
assess exposure scenarios, which has
advocate for better legislation and
points to positively support various
been the sole purview of other Acts
regulations. This has been challenging
exposure scenarios is the biggest
of Parliament related to WHMIS/GHS.
over the past fourteen years under
concern for the association as it could
The association’s focus will remain on
Canada’s Chemical Management Plan
lead to chemicals being severely
ensuring all members can remain in
assessing thousands of chemicals
restricted or banned outright. Over
full regulatory compliance throughout
in commerce. More than 2000 of
the past fifteen years there have been
the chemical assessment process
those substances assessed are used
very few bans or use restrictions
and thereafter. This requires CPCA
in the Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants
imposed on the coatings sector
to collect and aggregate mandatory
& Elastomers (CASE) sector with
in Canada as a result of CPCA’s
industry data - under existing
Visionaries have no rivals.
s at Visit u
1931 Booth
Look into these eyes. Can you see it? Trace the purple paint with your finger. Can you feel it? It’s the motivation to discover superior solutions for the challenges of tomorrow in our everchanging world. It’s the passion exuding from our global network of employees. It’s the confidence that we can deliver true value for your coating formulations. Now, look into these eyes. Join us in shaping the world of coatings.
legislation - for more informed
countries. This issue has become
What short-term developments
chemical assessment, which mitigates
more pronounced over the past
do you think the coating sector
the risk to companies doing business
several years due to the differences
can achieve, i.e. in terms of
in Canada now and into the future.
in the policies of the respective
technology and production?
Governments in the two countries, What are the effects on
which are arguably based on two
The coatings industry is now focused
the coating sector of the
different political ideologies. This
more than ever on digitalization
international political and
will continue to be a challenge for
across supply chains and within
economic situation and of the
the foreseeable future not only in
their own production processes,
economic agreements signed
North America, but among other
thus impacting both intra- and
between the United States and
trading blocks including Europe
inter-company movement of
and countries in Asia, as it relates
materials. The industry has already
to raw material supply and various
achieved a great deal with respect
When NAFTA was signed several
challenges along the supply chain.
to more sustainable products, while
decades ago it proved beneficial for
There are increasing calls for more
maintaining performance; there has
the coatings sector in both Canada
transparency along the supply chain
also been an increase in bio-based
and the United States, with the
requiring greater collaboration
materials for a variety of products;
elimination of paint-related tariffs.
and engagement with all major
nanotechnology has emerged as
There is still the issue of the exchange
trading countries. This is especially
a field where there are great gains
rate, but by and large it works for
important for Canada with 80% of
in advancing coatings technology;
both countries based on the various
the raw materials used in coatings in
and new formulations have been
business models used by different
Canada originating outside Canada.
moving increasingly to lower VOC use
segments within the industry. Despite
Increasingly this will likely require
beyond just architectural coatings.
recent challenges in negotiations
more focus and a greater role for the
These approaches will continue with
of the new free trade agreement,
World Coatings Council, which has
large investments in R&D to secure
the USMCA, the larger challenge
been in place for the past 25 years
the innovation that is required to
remains regulatory alignment, or
and seeking to align regulations and
grow organically and create wealth.
the lack thereof, between the two
best practices globally.
A big part of that effort will be the ongoing efforts to improve hazard
© Adobe Stock_smartape
communications related to every aspect of chemicals in products, including coatings. This is critical to continue to evolve the coatings sector’s ‘social license’ to operate in a world more focused than ever on sustainable and safe products for the benefit of human health and the environment. The coatings industry has proven that it has the motivation and bandwidth to get this done based on past experience in not only reducing the environmental footprint of their own company, but also the environmental footprint of their customers.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Adobe Stock_metamorworks
Natures: Fully Biobased Polyesters for Coil Coating Applications Guglielmo Catel, Matteo Sitta Novaresine Srl – Colà di Lazise (Verona), Italy -
The increasing interest towards the
impacting on the carbon footprint.
highly pollutant and energy consuming
development of polymeric materials from
Then, from the scientific point of view,
processes to be oxidised.
bio-derived sources featured the last decade.
chemicals derived from biomasses offer
Thus we can formulate the “biorefinery”
The environmental benefits of sustainable
the potential advantage to skip many
concept, the place where this pre-
processes and renewable sources have been
functionalization steps in syntheses, which
functionalization becomes the main
widely studied and discussed.
are instead necessary in the conventional
advantage in manufacturing chemicals
As first thing, the launch of a chemical
oil-based chemistry. An interesting example
through the organic synthesis processes,
industry less dependent upon the crude-oil
is the introduction of oxygen-containing
bearing oxygen-based functional groups.
business is likely to be a subject showing
functions into an organic building block:
Most parts of the chemicals obtained from
great appeal on the audience, as much as the
molecules obtained from crude oil are
lignocellulosic biomasses and carbohydrates
increasing need to reduce pollutant emissions
exclusively hydrocarbons and they need
are either dicarboxylic acids or polyols, which
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Š Novaresine
are among the commonly used monomers in
of the bio-based building blocks: despite of
of the liquid resin can be considered aligned
polyesters production.
the claims of several producers, there are
with those one of a Novasynt standard
In fact polyesters are commonly obtained
few functional bearing monomers ready at
assumed as resin reference.
through polycondensation reactions
the industrial scale. So to assure the fast
between diacids and diols (Scheme 1):
industrialization of its products, Novaresine
In particular the committing task to reach
bio-based monomeric units can be used for
made a thorough selection of suppliers
a polymer glass transition temperature
manufacturing polyesters.
and bio-based raw materials involved in the
(Tg) exceeding 10°C required a relevant
endeavour in terms of lab work and polymer
Therefore biobased polyesters represent a
Nevertheless an essential requirement is the
design engineering. A new approach was
convenient way to exploit the potential of
independence of the renewable feedstocks
necessary to upset the technicians common
biobased monomers, considering both high
used in the polyesters formulation from
synthesis experience: the lack of aromatics
molecular weight thermoplastic products
the food and fodder supply chain: the
availability pushed in a new direction, to move
as well as lower molecular weight resins for
Novaresineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s efforts were aimed to offer to
from aromatic acids towards hindered glycols
coatings and adhesives. This is the reason
its customers a new range of products fully
easily recoverable from renewable sources.
why we can find many papers showing the
Hence this research paper required to gather
possibility to introduce bio-based monomers
Novaresine started working on this ambitious
new experience to re-build a new databank
in the syntheses of polyesters, leading to a
project from scratch at the beginning of 2015:
about the correlations between the polymer
partial to total replacement of the common
the encouraging results already obtained on a
backbone composition, structure and
fossil-based ones.
partially biobased polyesters were the driver
functionalization, and the final properties of
Novaresine took up the challenge and started
to set up a partnership with the Politecnico di
the resin.
its investigations and experimentations in
Milano, very profitable from the point of view
The main step to overcome was to obtain
order to achieve the ambitious target to
of the study development and the technical
a resin generating a cured film of clearcoat,
realize a fully biobased polyester suitable for
achievements. Hence Novaresine could
stoving cured with hexamethoxy-methyl-
the formulation of coil-coating paints.
exploit the precious experience in research
melamine (HMMM), responding to the
Many producers can offer resins with a
and development and the wide availability of
indentation cycle in reasonably acceptable
certain percentage of renewable monomers
high-tech equipment of a such prestigious
trend after hydrolytic attack by means of
that generally consist in a maximum of 40
water immersion. (Table 2).
to 60% by weight of renewable carbon.
Furthermore the open relationship and the
This result is relatively easy to achieve
unceasing sharing of technical information
Moreover the mechanical characterization
since in some cases traditional monomers
with its customers resulted in a strong
of a standard formulations top-coat paint,
are available also as biobased building
support that allowed Novaresine to keep
applied on a primerised steel substrate,
blocks. A total replacement of fossil based
investigating on this promising path.
demonstrates that Natures 4100 brings to the
monomers is instead more difficult, especially
Novaresine succeeded in this tough technical
coating interesting characteristics (Table 3).
considering the limited availability of biobased
challenge and now it can introduce to its
aromatic monomers at an acceptable cost.
customer a polyester resin for top-coat
The high resistance to the solvent, expressed
In addition, requirements for coatings are
formulations fully biobased, showing
by means of the double rubs value, which
typically demanding, and concern not only
performances at the same level as the
exceeds 200, can support the hypothesis of
the mechanical properties of the coating
standard polyesters belonging to the
a higher crosslinking density, effect of the
material but also, and relevantly, its aesthetic
Novasynt series: Natures 4100 the fully
functionality distribution in the polymeric
appearance and durability properties.
biobased polyesters, 65% solution in standard
chain, as well as the lack of aromatics inside
Another relevant issue is concerning the
blend of solvents.
can results in the better aesthetical initial
real availability on the raw materials market
As reported in Table 1 the main properties
properties. Another highlighting point is that the glass
n HO
OH + n HO O
transition temperature of the cured paint film
-n H
H n
is surprisingly pretty close to same parameter of the standard one in spite to be absolutely aromatic-free. This aromatic-free structure takes its effects
Scheme 1: General scheme of the polycondensation reaction between diacids and diols.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
© Novaresine
the significantly rusted metal surface for the severely stressing
weathering conditions, the coated part with the paint formulated by
the use of Natures 4100 still resists and keep whiteness and gloss.
Gloss retention (%)
This behaviour can be considered completely matching to that of a top-coat paint formulated with a Novasynt reference (Fig. 2).
At the end of the day Novaresine can summarize that all tests, even those most demanding, confirm that the new fully bio-based
60 40
polyester Natures 4100 can replace the standard Novasynt series
Natures 4100
products in the formulation of top-coat paints for coil coating, opening a new way for a sustainable supply chain extended from
20 0
the raw materials to the finished goods. 0
Of course Novaresine keeps investing on green chemistry projects
time (hours)
and is still investigating on similar papers to include in its products portfolio fully biobased resins for direct to metal applications and
Graph 1: Gloss retention trend in an accelerated weathering assessment through UV/Condensation exposure cycles.
© Novaresine
a typical coil coating cured paint film. The
© Novaresine
even on the durability and weatherability of
superdurable coating.
following graph reports the gloss retention trend in a severe accelerate assessment, in sequential cycles of exposure to UV A light and moisture, performed according to standard ASTM G154 (Graph 1). As it can be observed the coating formulated by using the biobased resin keeps its gloss 60° higher than the reference. A comparison picture of the specimens exposed to the test are displayed below (Fig. 1): in spite of
Figure 1: Panels coated with a top-coat paint formulated by using Novasynt 4100, before (SX) and after (DX) 2000h accelerated weathering.
Figure 2: Panels coated with a top-coat paint formulated by using Novasynt Reference, before (SX) and after (DX) 2000h accelerated weathering.
Bio-content %
AV mgKOH / g
Tg °C
Mn g/mol
Solid Content %
Viscosity Pa∙s 25°C
Natures 4100
10 ± 2
5500 ± 300
3.5 - 5.0
14 ± 2
4300 ± 300
3.5 - 4.5
Table 1: Comparison table of liquid resin characteristics.
Natures 4100
Average indentation resistance (1/L) 85
Δ (%) 170h -0
Δ (%) 288h -2
Δ (%) 552h - 10
Table 2: Average indentation resistance change of a clearcoat stressed by hydrolytic attack.
T-Bend test (nT)
Erichsen cupping Adhesive T-bend Cross-Cut Double Rubs Tg test (mm) test (nT) Adhesion (0 – 5) Acetone (n°) (°C)
Gloss 60° White (%) Index
Natures 4100
Table 3: Table reporting the results of characterization tests of a top-coat paint realized by using respectively Natures 4100 and a Novasynt Reference.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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Safim is a leader in the production of hydraulic and electro-hydraulic braking systems.
A Coating Plant 4.0 with an Automatic Positioning Device to Paint Braking Systems for Off-Highway Vehicles: Safim’s Choices Alessia Venturi ipcm®
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Safim, an Italian company among the world's leading manufacturers of hydraulic and electro-hydraulic braking systems for agricultural machines, earth-moving machines, and other off-highway vehicles has insourced the brake systems coating department to reduce the lead time and has entrusted its management to Pieffeci company (Turin, Italy). The company, specialized in the management of on-site coating processes, suggested the CMV plant manufacturer. In addition to providing a highly flexible coating plant, it designed a fully automated process control and tracking system managed by the SQLPaint software, with two anthropomorphic robots integrated by HUBO Automation.
Safim, defined as a “pocket multinational
Safim insourced its coating operations
the past1. Pieffeci creates and implements
company” by its own CEO, has its
by installing a highly automated, Industry
rationalisation projects on coating processes
headquarters as well as main production
4.0-oriented plant designed by CMV Srl
by managing their operation, workflow,
plant in Modena (Italy). It is among the
(Pesaro, Italy), a company with twenty
and machinery and handling maintenance
five global leaders in the manufacturing
years of experience in the design of
directly on site, operating through specific
of hydraulic and electro-hydraulic
customised, complete coating systems,
procurement contracts. In particular, it
braking systems for agricultural
which collaborated with HUBO Automation
assesses new construction or retrofitting
machines, earth-moving machines,
on this project. However, Safim opted
solutions to guarantee efficiency, continuous
and other off-highway vehicles and the
for an indirect management solution by
process optimisation, and innovation.
undisputed European leader in its target
entrusting it to a partner specialising in
“We decided to entrust the management
market. “We stand out in the hydraulics
coating processes, Pieffeci (Turin, Italy),
of our coating plant to an industrial partner
industry for three reasons: very high
which has already been the protagonist of
because our core business is hydraulics: we
product customisation, excellent
two success stories reported by ipcm® in
are not painting experts,” states Santoro. “We therefore deemed it appropriate to
times, and high braking performance,”
rely on experts not only for the in-house
© ipcm ®
production flexibility with short response states Safim CEO Pietro Santoro.
management of our process but also for
In its Modena plant, Safim treats cast
the choice of the most suitable system
iron through CNC machining operations.
supplier based on our requirements. We
The workpieces are then ground,
met Pieffeci for the first time on January 3,
cleaned, and assembled with other
2018: in the following months, they have
purchased or in-house produced
helped us to select a plant engineering
parts. The acceptance tests carried
partner through a technical and financial
out on all end products to check their
analysis of offers and to finally choose
functionality are followed by the liquid
the right company to build our system.
coating, packaging, and shipping phases.
Our choice fell on CMV (Pesaro, Italy). We
Coating, in particular, was outsourced
ordered the plant at the end of 2018,
up until last year, but in early 2018 Safim
submitting all our technical and coating
decided to make a structural investment
specifications; they delivered it in less than
to also insource the finishing process in
four months, at the end of April 2019. After
order to manage its whole production
obtaining approvals from all our customers,
we started production in early June 2019,
“There were several reasons for this
that is, six months after giving a purchase
choice,” explains Pietro Santoro. “The
first and most important one was the need to reduce our lead time. By investing in a coating plant, we have
reduced it by one week. Currently, we take 6 hours to manufacture a finished product, ready for packaging.”
Finished products in the packaging phase.
A. Venturi, Pieffeci Torino: the smart way for painting, in ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 57 (May/June 2019), pages 70-82. M. Fumagalli, “High Automation and Continuous Monitoring via PLC for the Efficient Outsourcing of Coating Operations” in ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 45 (May/June 2017), pages 16-26.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
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SPECI AL PaintExpo
The new coating plant.
Integrating automation and the Industry 4.0 principles
handling any new products or variants.
“When choosing this plant, of course, we
automatic system for the interpolation of
Industry 4.0-oriented SQLPaint management software and the automatic positioning system
focussed on its Industry 4.0 and automation-
the robots’ arm movement with the rotary
One of the peculiarities of the CMV
oriented features,” says Pieffeci CEO
movement of each load bar: in this way, the
system supplied to Safim is the
Paolo Cornacchia. “We asked for a fully
robots detects each workpiece as well as
complex automation system designed
automated process control and tracking
each hook’s angular position, thus giving the
and integrated by HUBO Automation
system, managed through CMV’s SQLPaint
robot programmer all the tools needed for
(Civate, Lecco, Italy). It is an automatic
software package and equipped with two
optimising paint consumption and coating
positioning system for arranging the
robots, one for the primer application and
workpieces in front of the coating robots
one for the top coat, to be integrated by
“Automation is a typical feature of Safim’s
so as to achieve maximum process
HUBO Automation and programmed on a
production flow: our machining department
efficiency. “Before entering the primer
product number basis. Safim deals with a
includes several CNC milling-boring systems
application booth, the parts are free to
very high number of different workpieces:
with a robot each,” notes Santoro. “Our
rotate on their hanging hook,” explains
we have created over eighty different coating
logistics department is also equipped
Sergio Castagna from HUBO. “The
programs. The programming system uses
with robots for material handling within
robot, therefore, does not know where
off-line editing and simulation software
the factory. Therefore, we could not avoid
the incoming component, or cluster
in order to improve flexibility, quality, and
implementing a complex automation system
of components, is located. A reader
application effectiveness and allow easily
on our coating system, too.”
above the entrance of the coating booth
HUBO also integrated the line with an
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
We produce according to the highest quality standards thanks to QUALICOAT速, GSB速, POLYESTER MED, QUALISTEELCOAT速, QUALIDECO速, ISO EN 45545 certifications.
We developed more than 16.000 items and special product lines, with a choice of almost 1.000 stock products, immediately available, minimum quantity: one box.
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ST Powder Coatings España S.L. C/Batalla de Brunete, 11 28946 Fuenlabrada - Madrid ESPAÑA Tel. +34 916 977 292
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Barten S.r.o.
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detects the hooks’ position and brings them to their “zero position”, which the robot recognises as the correct position to start the coating process. In other words, the workpieces rotate according to the requests of the robot itself to increase coverage effectiveness. Another salient feature is the possibility to program the
Get more from water
coating robot off-line, starting from the workpieces 3D drawings. This avoids any downtime for programming activities.” Automation is closely related to the use of the Industry 4.0-oriented SQLPaint system management software package, exclusively owned by CMV and protected by trademark. “The production flow of Safim’s coating
Turn key solutions for industrial wastewater treatment
line is organised by colour batches,” says CMV owner Saimon Frati. “When the operator hooks a part during
Design and manufacturing of plants and chemicals for industrial wastewater treatment
loading, SQLPaint software detects it and automatically
Chemical-physical plants
knows which workpiece has been loaded, thus
Sludge treatment and compactor systems
matching it with the treatment cycle to be performed
Ion exchange demineralization systems and reverse osmosis systems
and the colour to be applied. The SQLPaint software package also records all the main parameters of every
Oil separators
process stage, i.e. about 70 process variables, including
Filtering systems
pump pressure, bath temperature, pH value, and
Batch type systems
concentration, conductivity, drying and polymerisation
Flotation units
temperatures, booth status, chemical and painting
Chemicals and spare parts for water treatment
product consumption, any alarms from the robots,
Technical service, support and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants
and any changes made to the coating program. In short, the software program continuously monitors all significant parameters, instantly flagging any deviation from the expected values, each with its preset tolerances.” “The robots need four data to work: load bar number, part program, colour code, and load bar filling level,” says Pieffeci project manager Renato Piazzolla. “Safim sends its assembly order strings to Pieffeci, including the part numbers. Pieffeci fills out the industrialisation bill with the information needed for coating those workpieces: colour code, part program, type of hook to be used from the over thirty modular solutions available, and some other process information that will be automatically displayed in the near future, when the workstations of the coating line will be completed with the installation of some Smart TVs. After the reading of the work order note, the parts reach the loading area and they are subjected to the ‘quality gate no. 1’, necessary to check and register any non-compliance of the workpieces received. Then, the operator records the quantity of compliant parts that are to be loaded on the line. “Once the process order has been validated, the
visit us at
Messe Karlsruhe - October 12-15, 2020 - Hall 2, booth 2242
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SPECI AL PaintExpo
gate no. 2’ is in the unloading area, where the operator performs a visual inspection of all parts and he then declares any coating non-compliance or validates the workpieces. He can then disassemble the cluster and return the parts to Safim, with a list of the processes carried out to certify their quality. Any post-process rework can be managed with the small manual booth provided with the line. Workpiece traceability is always ensured because the SQLPaint system also records all the rework operations.”
Line characteristics From left to right: Renato Piazzolla and Paolo Cornacchia from Pieffeci, Simon Frati and Paolo Gostoli from CMV Impianti.
“Like all our plants - says CMV sales manager Paolo Gostoli - the system provided to Safim was fully designed and built in-house by CMV, including its conveyor. In this case,
set for the type of workpieces involved,
we opted for a one-rail conveyor with
operator the identification number of the
the SQLPaint system automatically
load capacity of 40 kg/hook, considering
load bars with which the batch loading
calculates the required amount of load
the small dimensions of the workpieces.
operation must start and finish. Based on
bars and prepares the line for any colour
The line speed is deliberately very low for
the part quantity and the bar load factor
change operation needed. The ‘quality
optimal order management. We used two
© ipcm ®
SQLPaint system communicates to the
The fully automated system designed by CMV with HUBO automation system.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
rotoli, pannelli e celle in fibra di vetro
rolls, panels and cells of glass fiber
celle filtranti per alte temperature
filtering cells for high temperatures
rotoli e pannelli in fibra sintetica accumulatore vernice “Columbus” filtri “Andreae” cartucce filtranti filtri assoluti applicazioni speciali
rolls and panels of synthetic fiber paint accumulator “Columbus” “Andreae” filters filtering cartridges absolute filters special application
FILTRO ALVEOLARE MAX PAINT distributori esclusivi per l’Italia
massima efficienza massimo accumulo di vernice massima durata
minori costi di smaltimento minori costi di manutenzione
L’esclusivo design alveolare permette di trattenere quantità di overspray notevolmente superiori rispetto ai filtri oggi in commercio
© ipcm ®
SPECI AL PaintExpo
Workpieces loaded on the line.
avoid any sudden accelerations or decelerations when starting or
flow and its tanks are heated by an indirect exchanger located in the
stopping the conveyor. This prevents any load bar swinging and
thermal plant outside the building, also designed by CMV. Its cycle
chain shaking, thus ensuring the best working conditions for both
includes degreasing, phosphating, rinsing with mains water, rinsing with
the line operators and the automatic application of paint.
demineralised water, and passivation phases. Bath concentration and
The pre-treatment tunnel is built in AISI 304 steel; we also designed
other characteristics are monitored continuously for each load bar and
its discharge pipes and relaunch devices from the collection wells
sent to the SQL software package. The system automatically selects the © ipcm ®
to the storage tanks for water treatment. It works with a continuous
© ipcm ®
synchronised driving units to guarantee uniform feed speed and
The robot detects each part as well as each hook’s angular position.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
A detail of the hanging pins.
pre-treatment liquids according to bath pH,
© ipcm ®
conductivity, and temperature values. At the exit of the pre-treatment tunnel, air blades favour draining before the blow-off and oven drying phases. The oven is equipped with an air vein burner guaranteeing excellent ventilation.” “Safim and Pieffeci paid particular attention to the part hanging operation. Together with CMV, they industrialised a standard sub-hook and then customised some hook types to be selected according to the shape of parts. A “cluster” composition is therefore created, varying according to the workpieces to be painted. Because of their limited mass, the parts must in fact be hooked firmly in order not to swing while automatically rotated in the coating booth: the paint nebulisation air alone would be enough to make them move during
The SQLPaint system records all rework operations.
application. Moreover, the hanging system was conceived to also perform a masking
of two pressurised booths, with a 3-stage
owner Saimon Frati. “According to customer
function on some specific surface areas (e.g.
dry filtration device to which Pieffeci adds
requirements, the parts can be coated
interface flanges). The masking of individual
an additional non-woven fabric pre-filter,
with the primer only or with a complete
components is then completed after drying.”
replaced every 4 hours of activity, in order to
primer+top coat system. Between the
“The coating application area is composed
increase the service life of filters,” says CMV
application of the primer and that of the top
Research, Sustainability, Flexibility, and Safety since 1977 Safim was established at the beginning of the 1970s based on the entrepreneurial initiative of two boys in their early twenties, Eronne and Omer Mamei, with vast mechanical knowledge and unbridled passion for the braking systems of earthmoving and agricultural machinery. Encouraged to start a business by their family, they decided to design pumps for such braking systems and present them at a trade fair. This started an adventure that within a few years gave birth to Safim, a company specialising in braking systems for off-highway vehicles, which has grown over the years up to achieving a turnover of 28 million Euros and a staff of 170 employees in 2017. “We work for all the major international OEMs in the sector: CNH, John Deere, Claas, Caterpillar, Volvo, Komatsu, Kubota, and Liebherr,” says CEO Pietro Santoro. “We have 150 customers
and 4 business sectors: earth moving machines, agricultural machines, logistic handling machines, and other off-road vehicles such as road or airport sweepers. Our headquarters is our production plant in Modena (Italy), manufacturing brake valves and hydraulic components for offhighway vehicles, which account for 90% of Safim’s business. Hydraulic valves performing other functions in the vehicles on which they are mounted account for the remaining 10%.” “I like to call Safim a pocket multinational company,” adds Santoro. “We have commercial subsidiaries in the USA, Germany, and France, whereas in India we have a small production plant. We also have local distributors in China and Japan. Currently, we are the undisputed European leader in the production and marketing of braking systems for off-highway vehicles. Globally, we face the competition of four other big players in the sector, but we are also consolidating our leadership
in the USA thanks to the acquisition of important businesses with customers such as John Deere, Caterpillar, and JLG.” In 2017, Safim was acquired by the Milanese private equity fund Ambienta, which guaranteed and supported its further growth through major investments and organisational changes at the managerial level. Turnover grew to 55 million in 2019. “Having achieved the goals set for 2022 in advance, we revised our business plan increasing our target by 100 million Euros for the following four years, and thanks to the industrial partner which is the new owner of the company we will support this new expansion. The refernce is to the US group DexKo, with a 1.8 billion dollar turnover and 40 investee companies, which in turn is linked to the American private equity fund KPS. Our new challenge will be growth through acquisitions in order to become the global leader for hydraulics in the off-highway sector.”
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
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© ipcm ®
SPECI AL PaintExpo
The pre-treatment tunnel.
The oven is equipped with an air vein burner.
about 70 minutes. The booths are equipped
area where the workpieces remain for
with an auto-recovery system to optimise
about 50 minutes. After the top coat
the thermal consumption of the system. The
The water-soluble coating system and the automatic colour change operation
application, the parts remain in a second
hot air exiting those passes through a heat
“Safim and Pieffeci preliminary selected
flash-off station for 25 minutes at 30 °C,
exchanger and transfers heat to the intaken
the coating products to be used through
followed by a final polymerisation phase
air. This allows reducing energy consumption
careful assessment of the solutions offered
in the oven at 60 °C, with a lead time of
by 30-40%.”
by the market,” indicates Piazzolla from
© ipcm ®
coat, we have included a 60 °C flash-off
One of the cluster compositions that vary according to the parts to be coated.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Pieffeci. “Safim was particularly interested
wildcard pump for special tints.”
during the execution of the programs.
in preferring any available solution with a
The coating management unit is made
Atomisation is performed through
low environmental impact. Therefore, the
with frames equipped with stainless steel
an automatic low pressure robot gun
new coating system had to be composed
short stroke diaphragm pumps with 1:1
(Sames Kremlin A35 Convenzionale type),
of water-soluble products. At the same
compression ratio (new Sames Kremlin
in order to guarantee the best finishes
time, however, Safim’s customer impose
01D140 type) and stainless steel tanks
with homogeneous thicknesses even on
particularly strict coating resistance
with 50 litre agitators; these can collect
very different, complex-shaped parts.
standards, often defined through
the three primers, the related catalyst
“The colour change operation is
specifications and rigorous homologation
and the solvent, as well as the six finishing
automatic for both the primer and
processes. After a careful technical and
colours with their catalyst and solvent,
the top coat: the robot understands
functional screening of the available
and feed the two-component mixing and
when it is time to perform it, whereas
options, assessed by also considering the
dosing system. This is managed by two
the SQLPaint system knows the
pre-treatment system, the choice fell on a
last generation 2K machines, one for the
time required for the operation and,
water-soluble system supplied by Inver, a
primer and the other for the top coat,
therefore, the space to be left between
brand of the Sherwin-Williams Company,
featuring gear pumps driven by brushless
one load bar and another during loading
including a 2K epoxy primer from the
motors. This solution enables Safim to
in order to minimise production losses,”
Idroxinver/03 series and a 2K polyurethane
achieve great flexibility and quick colour
explains Renato Piazzolla. “The colour
top coat from the Inverpur series. The
change times with minimum paint waste
change phase takes about 1.5 minutes:
primer and top coat management units
and very limited consumption of cleaning
therefore, it suffices to leave two empty
are identical: they both have three feeding
solvents, combined with the possibility
load bar spots must between one colour
circuits for the most used colours and one
to instantly manage the coating flow
batch and the other.”
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© ipcm ®
SPECI AL PaintExpo
Workpiece masking.
According to customer requirements, the parts can be coated with the primer only or with a complete primer+top coat system.
the solvent-based ones used by our
states Pietro Santoro. “I am convinced
The Safim plant was the result of great
coating contractors. We have also gained
that everyone must do their job: it is
teamwork among Safim, CMV, HUBO,
remarkable production flexibility. We
better to outsource a whole service to
Sames-Kremlin, and Pieffeci, starting from
are very pleased with our decision to
a contractor with specific knowledge,
the part hanging system designed by
outsource this process to Pieffeci and,
rather than trying to hire someone with
Pieffeci and industrialised together with
consequently, with their choice to rely
the required skills, with much longer
CMV. “The creation of this plant lasted a
on CMV and HUBO as our suppliers,”
operating times.”
year,” states Paolo Cornacchia. “The first phase, devoted to the definition of the
© ipcm ®
process and production parameters, was followed by the analysis of the various plant solutions offered by different suppliers. We chose CMV because its solution was the most technically and financially suitable for Safim’s production needs, which we had summarised in the technical specifications used by the plant designers to develop their proposed project. After ordering the plant, Pieffeci kept cooperating with the selected plant engineering firm for the construction site, start-up, and post-sales management.” “This plant has brought us significant benefits in terms of both coating quality and eco-friendliness, since we use a water-soluble system with a reduced environmental impact compared with
The coating management unit.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Master RemoverÂŽ 7000 A superior approach to paint removal
Ő&#x201C;Ő&#x201C; oohġ u-1h -m7 CÂ&#x160;|Â&#x2020;u; r-bm| u;loÂ&#x2C6;-Ń´ ruo1;vv =ou roÂ&#x2030;7;u r-bm|v
Master RemoverÂŽ Ć&#x2022;Ć?Ć?Ć? ;==b1b;m|Ń´Â&#x2039; u;loÂ&#x2C6;;v roÂ&#x2030;7;u r-bm|v =uol - Â&#x2C6;-ub;|Â&#x2039; o= vÂ&#x2020;0v|u-|;vġ ;Ń´blbm-|bm] |_; m;1;vvb|Â&#x2039; =ou v;1om7-uÂ&#x2039; o==Ĺ&#x160;Ń´bm; 1Ń´;-mbm] u;tÂ&#x2020;bu;l;m|v Â&#x2030;b|_ 1omÂ&#x2C6;;m|bom-Ń´ r-bm| v|ubrrbm] ruo1;vv;v
Features and benefits â&#x20AC;˘ b]_Ń´Â&#x2039; ;==;1|bÂ&#x2C6;; r-bm| u;loÂ&#x2C6;-Ń´ ruo1;vv =ou - Â&#x2C6;-ub;|Â&#x2039; o= roÂ&#x2030;7;u r-bm|v â&#x20AC;˘ omĹ&#x160;-tÂ&#x2020;;oÂ&#x2020;v vbm]Ń´; r_-v; ruo1;vv
Master RemoverÂŽ 7000 was developed with the highest level of versatility in mind. Capable of operation in spray or immersion as well as off-line or in-line applications, Master RemoverÂŽ 7000 is a robust and rapid paint removal process for hooks, racks and fixtures. It is compatible with ferrous and light metals (aluminum, zinc, magnesium) and can be used in conjunction with proprietary filtration to extend solution life, offering a sustainable and flexible paint removal process.
â&#x20AC;˘ !-rb7Ń´Â&#x2039; u;loÂ&#x2C6;;v r-bm|ġ lbmblbÂ&#x152;bm] 7oÂ&#x2030;m|bl; -m7 1-rb|-Ń´ u;tÂ&#x2020;bu;7 =ou -77b|bom-Ń´ u-1hv -m7 _oohv â&#x20AC;˘ r;u-0Ń´; bm vru-Â&#x2039; ou bll;uvbom -v Â&#x2030;;Ń´Ń´ -v bmĹ&#x160;Ń´bm; ou o==Ĺ&#x160;Ń´bm; -rrŃ´b1-|bomv â&#x20AC;˘ u;; o= _-Â&#x152;-u7oÂ&#x2020;v voŃ´Â&#x2C6;;m|v â&#x20AC;˘ olr-|b0Ń´; Â&#x2030;b|_ =;uuoÂ&#x2020;v -m7 Ń´b]_| l;|-Ń´v
Atotech Group +49 30 349850 Global head office
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La fiera leader mondiale per le tecnologie di verniciatura industriale World‘s Leading Trade Fair for Industrial Coating Technology
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© PaintExpo
Blasting with Stainless Steel Abrasives. Lifecycle Assessment of Abrasives: From Cradle to Grave
38 44
BRAND-NEW INNOVATION Graco Will Exhibit Complete Industrial Paint Kitchen at PaintExpo
52 54
72 76
128 132
136 140 150
SUCCESS STORIES A Hanging System to Improve the Efficiency of Coating Processes: Rostirolla Presents P25
INNOVATIONS Optimising Painting of Plastic Workpieces: Economically Fulfilling Stricter Requirements for Quality and Sustainability
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY From Railways to Architecture, up to the General Industry: A Nano-Technology Pre-treatment Process Becomes Strategic for Product Resistance and Appearance
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Higher Productivity for a Contracting Coating Line Thanks to the Integration of a High Temperature Infrared Gas Oven
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY A Digitised Cataphoresis+Powder Coating Plant Like a Tailored Suit for OMR Spa, a Manufacturer of Excellence in the Industrial Vehicle Sector
SLA Industrie: A Last Generation Vertical System to Increase the Productivity of a Service Company in the Aluminium Profile Sector
INNOVATIONS TIGITAL® 3D Materials: Revolutionising Additive Manufacturing
INNOVATIONS UV Coatings and PVD Process, an Innovative Combination that Opens New Frontiers for Surface Finishing
Please Blast, Dip, Powder a 100 Times
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Hannex Increases Painting Efficiency and Quality with ProMix PD2K
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MONTH The Versatility of a Multifaceted Company: IBIX Srl’s First 20 Years of Business
INNOVATIONS Increasing Productivity, Reducing Emissions
PhoenixTM Company History
A Pioneering Nanotechnology Process Based on Phosphorus Compounds for Higher Corrosion Resistance. An Innovative Process Creates a New Payoff for VIV Group: Grow Up
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MONTH Artisanal Quality in Highly Industrialised Coating Systems: Why Eurotherm Chose to Go Against the Tide
SUCCESS STORIES Transparent Information for A Simplified Management of The Coating Process 4.0
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY MS Srl’s Revolution in the Furniture Industry: Dense Phase Powder Coating also Effective on MDF
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MONTH Tras-mec Srl: A New Management Focussing on Innovation and Quality
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Product Industrialisation and Circular Economy in the Automotive Coating Field: A Possible Combination for IMR Industriale Sud, Thanks to an Innovative Automatic and Sustainable Paint Supply Technology
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH HangOn Wins SEB Award for Best International Growth 2019
Dust-free blasting with GRITTAL®.
Blasting with Stainless Steel Abrasives. Lifecycle Assessment of Abrasives: From Cradle to Grave Christian Hoffmann VULKAN INOX GmbH – Hattingen (Germany)
By using stainless steel grit the environmental impact can be reduced significantly when compared with mineral blast abrasives. In addition, stainless steel abrasives substantially cut down on process costs and dust pollution.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Sustainable blast abrasives can save energy
packaging material, transport and landfill space,
and costs. However, which media has proven
were also recorded but not taken into account
to be the best? The Dutch government agency
in this press report for simplicity. In this specific
Agentschap NL compared brown aluminium
case they exist equally for all blasting abrasives.
oxide and garnet sand with stainless steel grit
How do these significant differences come
GRITTAL . The entire life cycle was recorded,
from raw material to waste. The result: The
Mineral abrasives like garnet sand or aluminium
corrosion protection industry can avoid
oxide are highly brittle and break every time they
thousands of tons of CO2 every year and save
hit the surface being shot blasted. In contrast,
several million euros.
angular stainless steel grit is much more robust
The life cycle assessment (LCA) is a technique
and only begins to break after many blasting
to assess environmental impacts associated
cycles. The result is a much lower level of grain
with all the stages of a product’s life, from
breakdown and abrasive consumption. The
raw material extraction through materials
stainless steel abrasive achieves significantly
processing, manufacturing, distribution, use,
more operating cycles and the very long service
repair and maintenance, and disposal or
life leads to a better ecological balance.
For example, a specialist for interior coatings
of chemical tanks was able to reduce its
Energy demand and CO2 emissions
consumption from 85 tons of aluminium oxide
To measure this, it first makes sense to map
to 3 tons of stainless steel grit GRITTAL®. This
out the individual production chain of each
corresponds to a consumption factor of 28:1.
blast abrasive to draw up a lifecycle inventory
The current purchase costs for blasting abrasives
(LCI). In the LCI all environmental inputs and
alone dropped from € 70,000 to € 25,000!
outputs, for example, material and energy flows as well as emissions to air, water and land,
In addition to the advantageous environmental
are recorded. The second step determines
balance and economic efficiency, stainless steel
the blasting process and its energy demand.
abrasive offers further advantages.
A corrosion protection company that uses GRITTAL® stainless steel grit, but has worked
More reliable processes
with aluminium oxide and garnet sand
Due to the brittleness and rapid breakdown of
previously, provided all the necessary data.
mineral abrasives, there is a very rapid reduction
Here it became clear that the service life of the
in grain sizing. The broken-down grains have
blasting media had the greatest impact on the
to be removed from the process very quickly to
ecological balance.
keep the operating mix balanced and efficient. In contrast, wear to GRITTAL® occurs only very
For evaluation, the energy demand for the
gradually and the individual grains retain their
production of one kilogram of blasting media
shape and size for a long period.
was multiplied by its hourly consumption in the
Therefore, the operating mix of GRITTAL® is
blasting system. In this constellation, the brown
highly consistent and the blasting process can be
aluminium oxide required 782 Megajoules
easily controlled. The performance and results
(MJ) per blasting hour, the garnet sand 383 MJ
of the blasting process are completely reliable,
and the stainless steel grit GRITTAL® 102 MJ.
which is reflected in the consistent roughness
Converted into a carbon dioxide equivalent, the
and uniform appearance of the blasted surfaces.
aluminium oxide emits 48,5 kg CO2, garnet 30,5
kg and GRITTAL® 8,3 kg per blasting hour.
Blasting with almost no dust At the end of its life, every blasting abrasive turns
Other aspects, such as providing electrical
to dust. Due to the tremendously longer service
energy for compressed air and filtering, as well
life of GRITTAL® and its slow grain breakdown,
as the necessary things for disposal, such as
significantly less dust is generated for disposal.
SPECI AL PaintExpo
Lifecycle inventory (LCI) production chain.
Graph comparison Mj and CO2.
Analogous to the reduced consumption,
to GRITTAL®, the service life of the spare
of hot-dip galvanized steel before
the waste disposal was also reduced by
parts tripled.
coating, where the zinc layer is gently cleaned and enlarged, or the surface
82 tons.
preparation of cooking pots before
improves the working conditions for the
Also suitable for wheel blasting machines
operators and the cleanliness of the
Due to its wear-friendly operating
If a switch to centrifugal wheel
blasted surface. Rework is effectively
behaviour, stainless steel abrasives can
technology is possible, the
avoided and necessary checks of
also be used in centrifugal wheel blasting
environmental balance will improve even
roughness and cleanliness can be
systems if the parts have a simple shape
more. This is due to the fact that for
reduced to a minimum. Blasting nozzles
and are easily accessible for the abrasive.
every thrown kilogram of blast abrasive,
and blasting hoses also benefit from the
The centrifugal wheel technology enables
the energy demand is reduced by 20-30
absence of dust, because mineral dust in
the user to achieve significantly higher
times compared to air-blast system.
the operating mix is highly aggressive and
area outputs or quantities in the same
causes significant wear. After the switch
time. Examples include the sweep blasting
Interior blasting of chemical tanks.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
applying a non-stick coating.
The almost dust-free atmosphere clearly
Dust pollution with mineral abrasives.
WAGNER Expands Its Portfolio in The Automatic Liquid Coating Sector with a New, Universally Applicable AirSpray Gun The new automatic airspray gun TOPFINISH GA 1030 for industrial liquid coating convinces with excellent atomizing properties and a high-quality spray pattern. The universal unit for automatic applications is particularly low-wear, which reduces spare part costs and halves maintenance costs. This enables process-safe coating in continuous operation.
In order to keep storage and investment
various base plates. Optional rear or side
impresses with its high reliability,
costs low, these and the needles are
connections support optimal movement.
minimal overspray and particularly low
identical to the spare parts of the manual
Several adapters are available depending
paint mist. Due to its modular design,
TOPFINISH airspray gun GM 1030P. The
on the type of mounting required and
the automatic airspray gun can be
TOPFINISH GA 1030 can optionally be
for robot mounting. In addition, there is
used for a wide variety of applications
supplied with several circulation variants,
a robot version with fixed needle stroke
for coating workpieces made of wood,
with and without flushing valve and with
without air valves.
appearance with high-quality surfaces is essential. “Thanks to a particularly large material passage of the nozzle, water and solvent-based media can be applied
© Wagner Group
metal or plastic where a perfect
just as easily as low to high viscosity materials and paints with a high solids content. Especially for coating with UV and highly abrasive materials, the automatic gun is available as TOPFINISH GA 1020 version with membrane seal - for switching times of less than 20 milliseconds and particularly fast position changes in the coating process,” explains Peter Neu, Senior Product Manager Industrial Solutions at WAGNER.
Modular design for all coating requirements The new gun can be converted into different variants in no time at all. Several air caps and nozzles are available for applying different paints.
The new automatic airspray gun TOPFINISH GA 1030 for industrial liquid coating.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
BRAND-NEW © Wagner Group
The optimised, particularly durable packing and the specially coated needle support uninterrupted operation. “Even after one million switching operations, there were no leaks in the field test. Accordingly, the number of maintenance operations is considerably reduced. Thanks to the modular and service-friendly design, the wear and spare parts can then be replaced very quickly. This increases productivity and at the same time reduces maintenance and spare part costs,” says Peter Neu. For further information:
The automatic airspray gun can be used for a wide variety of applications for coating workpieces made of wood, metal or plastic.
Efficient material use Overspray and thus material consumption are minimised by the optimised design of the air duct. This allows a transfer efficiency of up to 85 percent very precisely via a needle adjustment knob with micrometre screw. The gun is available with internal and external air regulation, via buttons on the gun or remote control. No matter which version of the TOPFINISH GA 1030 a user chooses: For a reliable coating process, the air supply to all variants of the new airspray gun is automatically interrupted during the coating process as soon as the needle closes.
Long maintenance intervals and low spare part costs Just like the manual TOPFINISH GM 1030P, the automatic TOPFINISH GA 1030 is equipped with a two-part nozzle consisting of nozzle head and nozzle nut, saving costs. In case of wear, only the nozzle head has to be replaced. All parts in contact with the material are made of durable stainless steel and the needle has an additional wear-resistant and low-friction coating.
Competence in Shot Blast Technology We offer new and second-hand wheel blast machines including conveyor and filter systems. Our range of products and services include: • Wear and Spare Parts • Repair and (remote) maintenance • Services … for wheel blast machines of other makes as well.
Gesellschaft für technische Oberflächensysteme mbH Gutenbergstraße 14 D-48282 Emsdetten Tel. +49(0)2572 96026-0
to be achieved. The material flow is regulated
Walther Trowal: Integration of the Rotamat into Digital Networks At the PaintExpo Walther Trowal presents the Rotamat system for coating of mass-produced parts with several new technical features. They facilitate the integration of this machine into digital networks, expand the range of coating applications and make its operation even easier.
systems or uploading them to the cloud,
Even, homogeneous coating thickness
plastic, metal or wood, the Rotamat
irrespective of who the equipment
New sensor technology and an
coaters have proven themselves
manufacturers are.
electro-pneumatic valve on the spray gun
numerous times. Based on various
With the integration of various pieces
permits Walther Trowal to precisely regulate
customer suggestions Walther Trowal has
of equipment into an industrie 4.0
the spray volume of the coating media.
adapted the Rotamat machine range to
environment Frank Siegel, the sales
This ensures that the precise quantity
today’s requirements.
manager for “coating technology” at
of coating material arrives at the work
Walther Trowal, expects numerous
pieces during the entire coating process.
Future-oriented communication
customer benefits: “With the new interface
The result: Even, homogeneous coating
Since manufacturing processes are
the Rotamat coaters can be easily
thickness and a high life expectation of the
increasingly integrated into digital
integrated into networked manufacturing
applied coating material.
networks, Walther Trowal will be
processes. It will allow us to provide higher
equipping its Rotamat systems
efficiencies along the complete coating
Intensive cooling
with a touch panel and integrated
process chain. And, of course, it will also
Some paint systems or coatings demand a
OPC-UA communication protocol.
allow the Walther Trowal specialists to
quick, sometimes abrupt, cooling phase of
This allows sending process data from
perform on-line trouble shooting.”
the work pieces after the coating operation.
© Walther Trowal
various machines to higher level control
mass-produced small parts made from
© Walther Trowal
When it comes to the precise coating of
The new Rotamat units, including the exhaust air filter, can be operated from a touch panel.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The Rotamat is ideal for coating of mass-produced small parts, for example, made from elastomers (photo) or metal.
Š Walther Trowal
Š Walther Trowal
The tilting angle of the drum can be set at any value. The cover is opened mechanically.
For this reason, Walther Trowal has added a by-pass that, upon completion of the coating process, circumvents the heating unit and guides ambient air into the coating drum. This prevents the work pieces from sticking to each other, when they are discharged from the machine. The result: A higher ratio of finished work pieces in premium quality.
Safe filling of the pressure vessel To date, when working with solvent-based coating materials, the pressure vessel containing the coating material had to be disconnected from the material panel for the filling operation, because it could only be opened in the explosion-protected filling room. Since now the air is suctioned off before opening the lid, the pressure vessel can remain at the machine or on the weighing scale. This eliminates a complete operational step. For unloading of the finished parts a pneumatic cylinder tilts the drum downwards.
For further information:
Arsonsisi Launches New Coatings for UV LED Lamps: An Innovative Technology and a Sustainable Choice for Industrial Coating The industrial coating market is constantly searching for innovative solutions to meet the needs of high productivity and a reduction in process and management costs, with a special focus on environmental sustainability. For this purpose, at its R&D laboratories in Berlingo, Arsonsisi has recently developed a new line of coatings for UV LED (Light Emitting Diodes) lamp curing.
Coatings for UV LED lamps are 100% dry
lamps, which emit a spectrum with different
residue, i.e. they do not contain volatile
- guarantee the option of placing several lamps side by side, obtaining continuous irradiation
organic compounds, water or solvents,
- crosslink coatings instantly
whereas crosslinking using UV LED lamp
UV LED technology offers many advantages
curing technology allows significant energy
over the use of traditional Hg UV lamps. For
savings to be achieved.
example, UV LED lamps:
UV LED lamps are used with excellent results
A UV LED lamp can also be combined, on
- do not emit ozone
for crosslinking inks, coatings and adhesives.
the coating line, with a traditional Hg UV
- are free from mercury and hazardous
The new UV LED lamp coatings by Arsonsisi
lamp - with mercury vapours - using “dual
- last about 10 times longer.
are ideal for coating metal and plastic
cure” hybrid UV coatings.
- do not emit UV-B and UV-C rays
materials. They are widely used mainly in
Each UV LED lamp emits UV rays in the
- have low heat emission
cosmetic packaging, and in components
UV-A/UV-V area, using the emission of single
- are equipped with instant on/off switching
produced in large batches, such as bottle
LED diodes mounted in arrays.
- have adjustable power from 0-100%
UV LED lamps are monochromatic lamps
- have a partial irradiance width
(365nm, 385nm, 395nm and 405nm) with
- have very small dimensions that allow them to © Arsonsisi
be easily inserted in production machinery
© Arsonsisi
very low consumption, unlike traditional
For further information:
UV LED lamps.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Example of application of coatings for UV LED lamps on bottle caps.
The New edrizzi® Type for Paint Shops with Low Initial Pressure edrizzi® developed a special type of edrizzi® dry separator: the edrizzi® combi.
Due to constant development in the edrizzi®
system, which has been built and retrofitted
absorption capacity and therefore long service
technical centre and in close cooperation
in the international surface industry since
life of edrizzi®.
with the industry, a special type of edrizzi
2003. The framework inside the new dry
The degree of separation of the patented,
dry separator evolved. edrizzi® combi was
scrubber is designed to meet the edrizzi®
original edrizzi® paint mist separators is up to
specifically developed for applications where
usual high degree of separation, when used
97%. Their absorption capacity of 100 kg/m²
high air volume hits small separation areas.
in applications with low initial pressure and
and more, depending on the type of surface
The new type consists of a 350 mm deep dry
high air volumes, such as paint shops of the
material used, remains unrivalled in dry
separator with integrated slow-down zone
automotive industry. Alternative cardboard
for airflow and a 150 mm deep follow up
scrubbers with conventional filter materials
filtration. With a total depth of 500 mm the
such as paper mesh reach a tolerable degree
For further information:
type fits into the proven edrizzi® modular
of separation, but fail by far to reach the high
© edrizzi®
© edrizzi®
The new type edrizzi® combi with a particularly developed framework.
edrizzi® combi can be used in applications with low initial pressure and high air volumes, such as paint shops of the automotive industry.
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Karlsruhe 12-15.10.2020
The Graco Intelligent Paint Kitchen is a smart, modular, easy, and cost-eï¬&#x20AC;ective system that allows to monitor and control the paint mix room components without the use of a PLC.
Graco Will Exhibit Complete Industrial Paint Kitchen at PaintExpo Philippe Godbil Graco, Maasmechelen - Belgium
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Graco has addressed all these challenges by offering a superior and smarter solution. The Graco Intelligent Paint Kitchen is a smart, modular, easy, and cost-effective system that allows to monitor and control the paint mix room components without the use of a PLC. And if you’re thinking that this sounds complicated, it’s not. “The beauty of the Graco IPK is that it’s pre-programmed, which means that the user just sets the parameters to his preferences and he is ready to start painting,” adds Godbil. Let’s look through the benefits that this approach offers.
Superb results Firstly, the Graco IPK optimizes the balance and performance of paint supply and circulation system(s). Smoother pump operation, flow and pressure control lead to a perfectly finished end product. Constant pressure due to smart sensors, monitoring and adjustment ensures consistent quality, while the control of paint flow and pressure reduces paint shear and keeps paint in optimal condition.
Maximum efficiency The IPK monitors and controls pressure, flow rates, tank levels, and agitator speeds to ensure your system is operating at © Graco
Graco is introducing its Intelligent Paint Kitchen (IPK) at PaintExpo 2020, (12-15 October). It consists of a smart set of sensors, actuators, and control modules that communicate with each other to optimize the performance of paint supply and circulation systems. To demonstrate total paint mix solution during PaintExpo, Graco will have an IPK feeding ProMix PD2K proportioner, which in turn feeds ProBell rotary applicator that's installed on the robot.
peak efficiency. Plug and play hardware and ready-to-use software ensures easy installation, configuration, start-up, operation and troubleshooting. Its design is modular and scalable. It’s possible to start with pump control and gradually add components as user’s need and budget allow; from one to multiple stations. Moreover, maintenance and human intervention is brought down to a minimum; for example, flushing of the system is done in no time at all.
Under the slogan “Take full control of your paint
Product Marketing Manager. “For a start, it’s
Advanced control
room,” Graco is introducing its Intelligent Paint
difficult to keep up and running, and expensive
Real-time access to key paint circulation data
Kitchen (IPK) at PaintExpo 2020.
to maintain. As it offers limited control and
from inside and outside the paint mix room
“For too long, companies have struggled with
monitoring possibilities, it relies too heavily on
enables quick diagnosis of issues. What does
the significant challenges of a conventional
humans. Not surprisingly, the conventional
this mean in practice? For a start, remote
paint room,” says Philippe Godbil, IPD Finishing
paint room is not Industry 4.0 ready.”
monitoring. You can control all tasks and
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
© Graco
SPECI AL PaintExpo
The Graco IPK gives an inexpensive way to take full control of the paint mix room.
functions of paint supply and circulation
hardware, adapt some parameters and it’s
How does it work?
system from outside the hazardous area
ready to go. It increases competitiveness,
“The Graco IPK consists of a smart set of
via an HMI. It’s possible to work with or
because investment and installation
sensors, actuators, and control modules
without a PLC; the IPK can be implemented
costs are much lower than a custom-built
that communicate with each other to
as a stand-alone self-controlling system
optimize the performance of paint supply
or integrated with your PLC by a simple
and circulation systems,” explains Godbil.
‘handshake’. And all data can be visualized
Top productivity
These can be divided into pump control,
and stored, allowing to analyse and trace
With the IPK, paint circulation systems
tank control and overall (remote) control.
complete finishing process.
are operational at all times, informing and
Smooth pump control ensures consistent
adjusting when necessary. This reduces the
fluid pressure and flow rates, keeps
Reduced costs
risk of unexpected downtime; especially
pressure and flow stable and in balance,
The Graco IPK gives an inexpensive way
downtime caused by maintenance. The
and reduces paint shear. Key components
to take full control of paint mix room. It’s
system is always on and connected; it can
include a Paint Circulation Pump, Pump
possible to save on installation, operating,
run on its own and will continue to collect
Run/Stop Switch, Fluid Pressure Sensors,
programming, and paint costs. It’s thus a
data and adjust accordingly, even if PLC is
Back Pressure Regulator (BPR), and Electric/
highly cost-effective way to control your
down. The Graco IPK is also future-proof.
Pneumatic Transducer. All these are
paint room, especially when compared to
Connected via internet, the system is ready
connected to and monitored by the Pump
traditional custom-built systems. It requires
for Industry Standard 4.0 and has the
Control Module.
no expensive programming; just connect all
technology on board for IoT.
Tank control incorporates control of both
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
tank levels and agitator speeds, and keeps your fluids at level and in perfect condition. Key components here, all of
Applied solutions.
which are connected to and monitored by the Tank Control Module, are the Refill Pump and Remote Pump, Radar Level
System coatings from one source.
Sensors, Supply Tank, Production Tank, and Electric/Pneumatic Agitators. Overall (remote) control allows to control the paint mix room from outside the hazardous area and gives access to real-time key paint circulation data. Key components are the Supervisor Box, HMI Touchscreen, Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) and Power Supply.
IPK components in close-up The (literally) beating heart of the Intelligent Paint Kitchen is the E-Flo DC Paint Circulation Pump. This energy-efficient electric reciprocating piston pump delivers smooth pressure and flow rates to paint circulation system. Local control makes installation and operation easy; all its sensors easily connect to
© Graco
the control module.
Best results. Traditionally, w we develop and produce all coating systems under one roof. Therefore, we do not merely provide you with all the important coating technologies, but also tailor them to your individual needs with regard to coating composition and optics. The advantages: Best material properties, consistent colour results (even with varying products and coating types) and the needs-based confi guration of individual coatings – and all from one source. Thanks to its Ultralife Series ceramic coating, its sealed 4-ball lower can withstand the harshest materials, including waterborne paints.
New date. Same solutions.
© Graco
SPECI AL PaintExpo
The Pump Control Module is the connection point and power source for all pump control components.
The E-Flo DC is up to 5x more efficient
monitoring and control of the pump, and has its
switch to start and stop the pump
than an equivalent pneumatic pump,
own software to send instructions between the
without switching off the AC power to
lowering energy bills and saving money.
non-hazardous and hazardous areas. One
the DC motor.
It also eliminates icing, which leads to
Pump Control Module is needed for each
Fluid Pressure Sensors measure fluid
smoother pump operation and better
pump; it can be mounted on the pump or
pressure inside the paint circulation line.
finished products. A more consistent
remotely. The Pump Run/Stop Switch is
Two pressure sensors can be installed:
finish is also the result of less pulsation
mounted close to the pump and is the physical
one at the pump outlet and one close to the Back Pressure Regulator (BPR).
Integrated runaway protection protects
Both sensors connect to and are
the pump from premature wear and
© Graco
and smooth, rapid changeovers.
controlled by the Pump Control Module.
prevents costly material loss. The
Fluid pressure can be read out on the
E-FloDC is approved for hazardous
Pump Control Module. The pump outlet
locations: Class I, Div 1, Group D, T3
sensor can be used to reduce pulsing
(North America); Class I, Zone 0, Group
at the pump outlet. The sensors can
IIA, T3 (Europe).
be activated to run in a closed loop
Thanks to its Ultralife Series ceramic
coating, its sealed 4-ball lower can
The Back Pressure Regulator (BPR)
withstand the harshest materials,
maintains the back pressure in the paint
including waterborne paints. In
circulation system based on profiles set
addition, because the lower is
in the Pump Control Module.
completely sealed it can be used for
It’s easy to switch from production to
every pumping application in the paint
non-production profiles. Its function is to
mix room, including catalysed coatings.
ensure stable pressure at any time. This
So much for the heart; what about
results in less paint shear and maximum
the brain? This is the Pump Control
material life, while also increasing energy
Module, which is the connection point and power source for all pump control components. It allows advanced
Graco’s new generation 2K proportioner ProMix PD2K is based on unique technology of electrically powered and controlled positive displacement dosing pumps.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
savings. The Electric/Pneumatic Transducer converts a current input signal to
© Graco
ProMix PD2K is particularly ideal for short pot-life materials, as it mixes the material close to the gun so the flush zone is significantly smaller.
control components. It sends instructions
pressure, based on a closed loop pressure
between non-hazardous and hazardous
feedback system. It closely controls output,
areas. The Refill Pump and Remote Pump
compensates for supply pressure variations,
Solenoid incorporates a pneumatic
and adjusts the BPR according to the required
controlled air valve that enables control of
target back pressure. The Refill Pump is an
the pneumatic Refill Pump. It starts the Refill
air-operated double diaphragm pump that fills
Pump when the fluid level in the production
the production tank from the supply tank, when
tank falls below a user-specified level, and
needed, and stops automatically when the fluid
stops the pump when the fluid level reaches
target level is reached. It includes a Reed Switch
the user-specified level. To detect and
for cycle detection.
communicate the fluid levels in the supply
The Tank Control Module allows advanced
and production tanks, contactless Radar
monitoring and controlling of tanks and is the
Level Sensors are installed. They generate
connection point and power source for all tank
an alarm if the minimum or maximum level
© Graco
a linearly proportional pneumatic output
SVERNICIATURA CRIOGENICA per recupero di telai e ganci
per pezzi in alluminio e di design
SVERNICIATURA TERMICA per il recupero di telaistica in ferro
. sas
ProMix PD2K is field serviceable in less than 20 minutes, which means there’s no need for costly factory rebuilds like gear pumps.
© Graco
© Graco
SPECI AL PaintExpo
The ProBell’s compact size and small diameter make it ideal for spraying in tight spaces, while its light weight means it is suitable for lower payload robots.
Graco ProBell Rotary Applicator is designed to deliver a superior quality, high transfer efficiency and precision spraying.
is exceeded. Mounted on the supply and
our Graco ProMix PD2K proportioner,
high transfer efficiency and precision
production tanks are Graco’s Electric
which in turn feeds our ProBell rotary
spraying. Its compact size and small
or Pneumatic Agitators. They keep the
applicator that’s installed on the robot.”
diameter make the ProBell ideal for
paint mixed and homogeneous without
Graco’s new generation 2K proportioner
spraying in tight spaces, while its light
incorporating air into the fluid. Their
ProMix PD2K is based on unique
weight means it is suitable for lower
speed depends on the tank level and can
technology of electrically powered
payload robots. System complexity is
be varied with a Variable Frequency Drive.
and controlled positive displacement
further reduced – and safety enhanced –
The Supervisor Box is the communication
dosing pumps. The use of 100% positive
by its 100 kV power supply and low voltage
hub for the IPK. It links with your PLC
displacement technology allows accurate
cable connection. A stainless steel air cap
and contains the software to run the
mix ratios and consistent performance.
cover protects the bell cup and air cap.
IPK. One box can control up to 20 paint
It’s particularly ideal for short pot-life
Dual shaping air improves pattern shape
supply and circulation systems. Acting as
materials, as the ProMix PD2K mixes the
and transfer efficiency for better overall
remote interface between the IPK and
material close to the gun so the flush
finish quality. Configurations include
the operator is the HMI Touchscreen.
zone is significantly smaller. This allows
Hollow Wrist Robot, Solid Wrist Robot,
It displays all paint kitchen conditions
for faster colour changes, less material
Fixed Mount or Reciprocator Mount.
and settings and allows users to change
usage, and reduced disposal costs. In
parameters and preferences or install
fact, up to 80% reduction in flushing
Further information
updates, and schedule production and
waste is possible compared to the
Come along to the Graco booth at
non-production times.
most efficient traditional proportioning
PaintExpo (October 12 to 15, Hall 2,
systems. It also stalls under pressure for
booth no. 2424) and see for yourself
IPK integration with proportioner and applicator
consistent, on-ratio results (within 1%
the extensive capabilities of the Graco
accuracy), and is field serviceable in less
Industrial Kitchen, the ProMix PD2K and
“A fully equipped Industrial Paint Kitchen
than 20 minutes, which means there’s no
the ProBell Rotary Applicator. “Our paint
isn’t all that’s on display at the Graco
need for costly factory rebuilds like gear
specialists at our booth will be delighted
booth at PaintExpo,” explains Godbil.
to answer any questions you might have
“To demonstrate Graco’s total paint
The Graco ProBell Rotary Applicator is
on these products and how they can fit
mix solution, we have an IPK feeding
designed to deliver a superior quality,
your specific application,” says Godbil.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
powder coatings Paint Engineering
Premium quality Formulation, design and manufacture adapted to technical requirements, and highly complex facilities.
Anticorrosive systems
Coil Coating Superdurable Superdurable coatings for sublimation effect Metallic bonding
Functional Coatings with Precise System Technology Sprimag has developed the appropriate equipment to respect the requirements of coating thickness distribution and layer thickness.
The demand for functional coatings such as
At PaintExpo (October 12-15, 2020, booth
a branch in the USA. The product range
anti-friction coating or corrosion protection
no. 1310) Sprimag will demonstrate some of
includes coating systems for functional and
has increased considerably in recent years.
these coating techniques live on automotive
decorative coating of serial parts on the one
Sprimag provides the appropriate equipment
components such as brake discs, bearing
hand and systems for internal coating and
for the various requirements of coating
shells and wheel bearings.
drying of metal packaging such as tubes, cans
thickness distribution and layer thickness.
and beverage bottles on the other hand.
About Sprimag Spritzmaschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG
The product range is supplemented by our
pre-assembled wheel bearings can be applied precisely. Components with complex coating
Sprimag Spritzmaschinenbau GmbH & Co.
and lacquer supplies.
requirements such as internal coatings are
KG designs and manufactures automated
also reliably coated with special extensions,
coating and painting systems. The company
For further information:
centrifugal guns or rotating extensions.
has its headquarters in Kirchheim-Teck and
Š Sprimag
Even partial coatings such as those used for
Anti-corrosion coating on a Chain-on-Edge coating machine.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
own application technology as well as paint
Sustainable Treatment of Industrial Wastewater - H2O GmbH at the PaintExpo 2020 Š H2O
H2O GmbH presents VACUDEST vacuum distillation system, a high quality rinsing water treatment that saves costs.
H2O will present VACUDEST at PaintExpo 2020 at its booth 1611 in hall 1.
Due to increased demands on painting technology manufacturers are faced with economic challenges. The answer of H2O GmbH: A high quality rinsing water treatment that saves costs! The experts for wastewater-free production will explain how this can be achieved at PaintExpo 2020, the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leading trade fair for painting technology, which will take place from 12 to 15 October, 2020 in Karlsruhe, Germany. On site, H2O GmbH from Steinen in Baden presents its VACUDEST vacuum distillation systems. How exactly the technology works and for whom the use of the system is significantly worthwhile, will be explained by H2O GmbH at their booth 1611 in hall 1. Leading companies already rely on VACUDEST vacuum distillation systems for the treatment of used rinse water. The quality of the treated rinse water sets high standards thanks to patented innovations. For example, the Clearcat technology produces crystal clear, oil-free distillate, which enables excellent cleaning results in surface technology processes. It is ideally suited for a reuse in the process and thus reduces disposal costs enormously. Companies with an annual wastewater volume of 200 to 30,000 cubic meters can benefit from the highest savings potential. Wastewater from a wide variety of manufacturing processes can be treated, such as paint pre-treatment, degreasing, electroplating, stainless steel pickling and many more. For further information: -
© Tras-mec
An overhead conveyor built by Tras-mec.
Tras-mec Srl: A New Management Focussing on Innovation and Quality From an interview with Claudia Zanelli Tras-mec Srl (Casalromano, Mantua, Italy)
During an interview with ipcm®, Tras-mec Srl CEO Claudia Zanelli told us about the story of her company, the generational change that took place a few years ago, and the new course of the company. Tras-mec is a company specialising in the
sector, especially in the design and
Tras-mec Srl nowadays
design, construction, and installation of
production of conveyors for internal
The experience gained over the years in
systems for handling parts on production
handling operations. Tras-mec is now a
the internal handling sector has made
lines. Silvio Zanelli established it as a
leader in its industry: it has a 2000 m -
this company, based in Casalromano
metal carpenter’s shop in 1978. 1984
wide plant, manufacturing customised
(Mantua, Italy), a benchmark in the
was a turning point: the firm began to
systems in a short time and with a high
industrial automation field, able to offer
specialise in the industrial automation
quality degree.
customised solutions as well as assistance
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
and maintenance services. Its corporate structure
working here in 2012, when our father asked us
and flexibility enable it to produce custom-made
to support him, and we have learned as much as
handling systems while always meeting the
possible from him for a year and a half. Actually,
deadlines agreed with its customers.
thirty-six months are not a long time, especially for two women approaching the metalworking
ipcm : How has the company evolved over
sector. However, we have worked hard to be
the years?
able to run this company. I am the CEO while my
CZ: Tras-mec has always operated in two separate
sister Daniela is a technician: she takes care of the
industrial sectors: coating and meat slaughtering.
design of the systems.
In the last few years, we have specialised in the
The first challenge arose from my different
design of conveyors for the industrial coating field.
point of view. I had, and still have, a much more
We produce any type of conveyor and, thanks to
innovative perspective. Tras-mec now focusses on
our technical department, we are able to meet
efficiency and innovation, although these are not
any requirement. We mainly focus on conveyors
always easy to achieve. It is difficult to innovate
for small to medium-sized businesses, with plants
layouts and components while guaranteeing
up to 600-700 metres in length and with a loading
absolute efficiency, when you also have to comply
capacity of 3000-3500 kg. Besides conveyors,
with your customers’ specifications.
we also manufacture automatic elevators and
Our customers are mainly installers, but we also
pneumatic systems for side shifters. We produce
carry out a maintenance and/or revamping service
any type of accessory for the handling sector.
on existing plants.
ipcm®: What happened to Tras-mec following
ipcm®: With what kind of business are
the generational change?
Tras-mec’s customers faced?
CZ: After our father’s death in 2014, my sister
CZ: This is certainly a young and dynamic
and I took the reins of the company despite
business. When I took the lead, we were fourteen
neither of us had studied for this job. We started
people. We now have seventeen employees.
P25 system
fewer components to handle tested and always clean joint
fewer parts to be stripped robust and easy to position
© Tras-mec
Tras-mec manufactures internal handling systems with a loading capacity of 3000-3500 kg.
© Tras-mec
© Tras-mec
SPECI AL PaintExpo
A detail of a Tras-mec internal handling system.
A detail of a conveyor’s hook.
Our oldest employees, who already worked
My ambition is to focus on our company’s
We design our conveyors with SolidWorks and
with my father, have remained and they are the
know-how and make it known to the surface
we rely on engineers to carry out constant
cornerstones of Tras-mec: we could not have
treatment industry. Indeed, we have been
checks on components and designs. Specific
grown so much without them. Under the new
operating in this sector for over forty years:
technical inspections set us apart. We also
management, however, a few young people
we are perfectly aware of the problems that
manage to be very flexible with our customers:
have joined them. My goal is to revolutionise
customers might encounter and we have
being a growing company, we need to make
the obsolete owner-employee relationship
everything we need to solve them.
ourselves known – and the best way to do this
by favouring a less hierarchical and vertical
is to fully satisfy our customers.
approach. I would like to create a team that
We must focus on our know-how and invest
collaborates and works together in order to
in promotion. We are going to participate
offer all-round assistance to our customers.
in PaintExpo 2020 (October 12 to 15), the world’s leading trade fair for industrial painting
ipcm®: Are there any plans in sight?
technologies: we will be at Stand 1152 (Hall
CZ: We are currently working on several
1). We decided to participate in this exhibition
projects that we aim to complete by the end of
mainly because we want to take advantage of
the year and we are gradually adapting to the
the opportunities it offers for meeting both
Industry 4.0 principles.
potential and existing customers. We have an ace up our sleeve and we are working on our stand project together with a team of experts.
ipcm : How does Tras-mec present itself ®
on the market? CZ: The previous management had never
ipcm®: What do you expect for 2020?
really focussed on marketing. In the last
CZ: I firmly believe that it will be a very
few years, however, the market has evolved
interesting year. We have already received
and we realised this had to change. A new
several orders, but we are also working on a
generation took over, and the technological
few innovations in terms of both service and
expertise gained in forty years of activity had to be communicated to the market.
conveyor design. We are investing heavily in Claudia Zanelli.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
these developments.
© ipcm ®
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
MS Srl’s Revolution in the Furniture Industry: Dense Phase Powder Coating also Effective on MDF Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
MS Srl, a company founded by Sauro Macrolei in 1979, designs and manufactures wooden furniture components distributed all over the world. Specialising in the processing of MDF, this firm has recently installed a powder coating booth with Nordson’s dense phase technology, supplied to it by Siver, the exclusive Italian distributor of Nordson. The coating quality results are amazing and they will open the doors to the use of MDF panels in the furniture sector.
Medium-Density Fibreboard (MDF) is
optimisation of the pre-heating (if required)
with market trend changes, which
one of the most versatile materials
and curing cycles with the IR technology
are more frequent in the furniture
derived from wood. Introduced in Italy
are now making this technique relevant
sector than in other fields. However,
in the 1970s to make up for the lack
again. In particular, the development of
one goal has never changed: showing
of raw material due to deforestation,
dense phase application equipment and
to our customers the advantages of
it has become widespread above all
the coating quality level it guarantees
applying powder coatings on MDF
in the furnishing sector, especially for
have led MS Srl (Osimo, Ancona, Italy),
panels, which we were among the first
shelves, platforms, furniture, doors,
a European leader in the research and
companies in Italy to recognise. The
chairs, and tables. MDF powder
development of MDF powder coatings, to
development of ever more efficient
coating, introduced about twenty
return to focus in this material.
epoxy powders and of advanced
years ago, has never conquered
application technologies has enabled
the market despite its undoubted
“MS has always believed in the resistance,
us to reach a high quality level and,
advantages: it is sustainable (powders
eco-compatibility, and versatility
above all, consistent results, which
do not generate any VOC emissions)
characteristics of MDF and in the quality
was the main challenge faced in the
and efficient and, above all, it could
results that could be obtained by powder
early years of studying this application.
open up several new applications for
coating it,” states Andrea Macrolei, the son
Eventually, the increased demand for
MDF in the mid-range furniture sector.
of the owner of this company, whose long-
powder coated MDF panels eventually
However, powder coaters treating
standing R&D activity in the field of MDF
pushed us to renew our paintshop to
MDF panels can still be counted on
power coating was described in an article
create the best conditions for facing
the fingers of one hand all over the
published in our magazine in 20131. “In
any future demand peaks.”
the seven years passed since our previous
MS chose to install a new powder
This is due to the technical difficulties
meeting,” says Macrolei, “MS has further
coating booth to replace its previous
associated with painting such a
grown by diversifying its production as
two machines. It turned to Siver Srl
non-conductive and heat-sensitive
much as possible in order to optimally cope
(Corciano, Perugia, Italy), a firm
material. However, the development of powder application technologies, the formulation of low-curing temperature powders, and the
designing and manufacturing coating 1 F. Stucchi, “MDF powder coating: MS Macrolei celebrates 10 years of success”, in ipcm International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 23 (September/October 2013), pages 42-48.
systems that has been the exclusive distributor of Nordson in Italy since 2015.
Dense phase powder application on MDF panels.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
© ipcm ®
SPECI AL PaintExpo
© ipcm ®
A detail of MS’ paintshop.
MS selected the dense phase powder
“The main difference between our
application technology that Nordson is
competitors and us,” indicates Macrolei,
offering since 2004.
“lies in the fact that our company was established in 1979 as a carpentry shop:
Powder coating: MS’ competitive advantage
our experience as woodworkers has always
“Since when we decided to invest
to be coated and select the ones with the
in MDF powder coating in 2005,”
most suitable thicknesses and shapes for
states Macrolei, “we have faced and
their final use.”
helped us thoroughly check the materials
overcome considerable difficulties,
One of two manual guns Encore® HD.
especially the problem of finding
Paintshop revamping
a MDF panel suitable to powder
The old booth had to be replaced due to
coating. However, MS has continued
the need to speed up process times and,
to experiment and fully believe in the
therefore, increase production capacity, as
potential of this process: this has been
well as improving the appearance of the
our strength, in the last few years.”
applied film. “Our previous coating plant
Indeed, MS has been able to establish
was not flexible enough to meet our new
itself as a benchmark in the MDF
production needs,” says Macrolei. “We
powder coating field, thanks to the
therefore tested the booths of several
origins of its business and the know-
manufacturers. In the end, our choice
how acquired during the fifteen years
fell on a machine from the SILVER Booth
of development of this technology.
series created by Siver in partnership with
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
side. It is equipped with the powder feed
phase manual guns Encore® HD, in
centre Top Color Change Dual, launched
order to dispel any doubts about the
about two years ago by Siver. Combined
performance degree of this technology at
with the Nordson dense phase technology,
high temperatures, as we can reach
it can switch from one colour to another
42 °C in our region, in the summer
in 90 seconds by performing the colour
months. Then, in December, we installed
change operations during coating, with
the new booth, integrating it in our
virtually no downtime. This characteristic
department equipped with a pre-heating
is crucial for the efficient management
oven with gas IR panels used before
of batches for which powder recovery is
coating and an IR curing oven for the final
not worthwhile. The innovative system is
process stage.”
based on the presence of two fluidised
“This PVC booth,” explains Siver CEO
containers: while one is operating, the
Luca Tomassoni, “includes a workstation
other can be cleaned to prepare for
for manual pre-retouching operations,
the next colour, thus avoiding that the
followed by the automatic application
downtime for booth cleaning lasts too
process with six Encore® HD guns per
long, thanks to the advanced pneumatic
© ipcm ®
Nordson. We first tested two dense
The inside of the coating booth. October 12-15, 2020- hall 2 - stand 2520
© ipcm ®
© ipcm ®
SPECI AL PaintExpo
The powder feed centre.
One of the two fluidised containers of the powder centre.
exchanger that can switch from one tank to another
panel and caused overspray. In addition to product
in a few seconds. In MS’ cycle, this operation lasts on
savings, the improvements in the finishing results are
average 60-90 seconds, including gun blow-off. Another
visible to the naked eye: better powder film, reduced
feature of the new booth is an innovative gun control
orange skin effect, greater coverage, and more compact
system. Compared with conventional ones, it is a digital,
coating layers even to the touch. In short, the use of
modular, automatic device, which is simple to use, has
the dense phase technology to paint MDF guarantees
pneumatic and electrostatic operating parameters with maximum precision. It also allows adjusting electric
© ipcm ®
low energy consumption levels, and enables adjusting
current intensity down to decimals, even down to microamperes.”
Dense phase application: advantages with MDF panels The advantages of dense phase powder coating are now well known and they have been extensively described in our magazines. For the first time, however, MS has obtained surprising results also on MDF. “We opted for this technology because we appreciated the way in which the powder is treated and then applied on panels: the powder cloud reaches the substrate in a more delicate way, thus favouring adhesion. This is a decisive step forward compared with old conventional guns, which used to spray a considerable amount of powder that actually moved the one already on the
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Gun control interface.
an aesthetic result similar to that of lacquered panels with a textured effect, which should be valued rather than denigrated.” “Such lighter powder jet,” explains Tomassoni, “is created by the minimum pressure guaranteed by speed reduction. Speed is equal to one third of that of Venturi devices; it also remains constant over time. The system works over a very long time, up to 4,000 hours, without any need of maintenance. The guns maintain the same flow rate and the same speed over a long period, in order to avoid the risk of product decay and help further save paint products.” One of the most innovative elements of the
© ipcm ®
Nordson dense phase technology is the
Ready for savings – with optimized powder coating process Advanced spray system technology for greater productivity and operating efficiency delivers top performance at the lowest operating cost. Meet our powder coating application experts at Surface World Show and learn more about the Nordson solutions for future-proof powder coating operations •
Data collection and analysis
Remote connectivity
IOT readiness
This and more is delivered by the next generation of Nordson powder coating system controls in combination with the highst level of the process control offered by the Encore HD spray systems. Get in contact with Nordson today for more information.
Encore HD Pump Cabinet with HDLV Pumps.
Performance by design
© ipcm ®
© ipcm ®
SPECI AL PaintExpo
The PVC booth’s floor, with central suction and integrated blow-off systems.
Luca Tomassoni (left) with Andrea Macrolei.
uniformity of its coating film.
regards the choice of powders,
establishment of this technology in
“It guarantees powder deposit
which must guarantee the highest
our sector is still long, but we hope
consistency down to micrometres,”
possible quality degree.”
to have opened a breach in the wall of preconceptions spread about this
adds Tomassoni. “We have
application system over the years.
reaching a δ value of 5 microns with
The future of MDF powder coating
100-micron film thickness. We have
“Thanks its reduced speed and
and Nordson, which have strongly
managed to apply film-thickness up
very low amperage intensity
believed in this project, MS can now
to 140 microns without finding any
characteristics,” states Andrea
continue its R&D activity to promote
Macrolei, “the dense phase
its finishes and disseminate
Due to the different densities of the
application technology with
knowledge about the potential of
fibre within the panel, one of the
the HDLV pumps of the Encore
MDF powder coating in the indoor
most significant challenges of the
HD Spray System guarantees
furniture sector in general and in
MDF powder coating process is the
uniform thicknesses, avoids edge
the children’s room, recreation, and
coverage of edges. “If the paint is not
overloading, and offers exceptional
school fields in particular. Indeed, as
applied perfectly, the difference in
distension results, also thanks to the
mentioned, it produces completely
density on the edges is immediately
absence of air. All these factors lead
non-toxic coated panels, with zero
noticeable,” says Andrea Macrolei.
to amazing finishing results, both
environmental impact, as well as
“Therefore, we are trying to perfect
technically and aesthetically. Finally,
very resistant and easy to process
our cycle especially considering this
powder coating allows managing
thanks to the material they are
aspect. We are very familiar with the
orders with a just-in-time system
made of. Our sector is increasingly
two-coat system that we have been
thanks to the short duration of its
attentive to these issues. We are
applying so far; with our new booth,
application cycle, which is difficult
sure that it will not be long before
we are assessing the possibility of
to achieve with other types of
it sees the validity of this solution,
using a one-coat system. The results
which MS was once again the first
are still being optimised, also as
“We are aware that the road for the
company to test out.”
performed numerous tests,
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Thanks to the collaboration of Siver
© Eurotherm
Eurotherm’s headquarters in Volpiano (Turin, Italy).
Artisanal Quality in Highly Industrialised Coating Systems: Why Eurotherm Chose to Go Against the Tide From an interview with Paolo Ghiazza Eurotherm (Volpiano, Turin, Italy)
In the plant engineering sector in general and in the coating field in particular, the term “industrialisation” often has a negative nuance, as it seems to indicate a standard product that cannot be adapted to the requests of individual users. Eurotherm has shown that it is possible to industrialise the production of coating systems without losing sight of clients’ needs, thus managing to customise each plant and meet even particular requests by paying attention to details in each production phase.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The word “industrial” is often considered the opposite of “artisan”, as it is believed that the result of an industrial
© Eurotherm
process cannot maintain the care and flexibility levels that are typical of handcrafted products. It is indeed difficult to find a compromise between these two elements. However, Eurotherm (Volpiano, Turin, Italy), a company specialising in the design and construction of complete coating lines for over fifty years, has managed to do it, thus giving a new meaning to the term “industrialisation” as the “evolution of artisan know-how”.
Over half a century of history: Eurotherm’s growth “Our corporate history,” explains Eurotherm CEO Paolo Ghiazza, “started in 1958, when this company, founded by
The metal carpentry department.
three brothers, started manufacturing industrial ovens. In 1983, a type of plants that the two firms would not have been able to
manufacturing industrial coating systems. Finally, in 1990, the
build individually. “Thanks to this merger, strongly desired by both
current management acquired the company, but it maintained
companies, we have been able to offer a wider range of systems,
coating plants as its core business. The real turning point
thus conquering difficult-to-penetrate markets and joining the
occurred in 2005 with the merger of Eurotherm with Riva Italia
small circle of European coating system manufacturers.” Another
(Verona, Italy), a company specialising in the design of large-
important stage in the growth path of Eurotherm was the opening
sized and high-engineering level coating machines.”
of its first agencies in Toulouse (France) in 2015 and in Stuttgart
The combination of these two expertises, one focussed on
(Germany) in 2016, as these countries are its main target markets
design and one on production, led to the development of
besides the Italian one.
© Eurotherm
a new owner took over and converted the activity into the
The coating department.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
© Eurotherm
SPECI AL PaintExpo
The headquarters’ offices.
The insourcing of the coating process
sectors through Colortec1, a company owned by
Simultaneously with its commercial evolution over the
Eurotherm. We can now provide our customers with
last decade, Eurotherm has gradually developed and
plants that not only present high-level engineering
expanded its production structure by insourcing some
and operational peculiarities, but are also aesthetically
of the most important stages in its work flow. “This
pleasing, an aspect not to be underestimated because it is
choice,” says Ghiazza, “was motivated by the critical
our best introduction.”
issues we were encountering with some outsourced
The insourcing of its coating operations brought several
phases, especially coating. Few coaters were able to
benefits to Eurotherm: higher coating quality, significant
properly treat our material due to the large size of
lead-time reduction (from fifteen to two working days),
our components, which can reach 8 metres, and to
and simplification of the packaging phase. It now occurs
improve their aesthetic and functional performance. The
directly in the painting department, as a further guarantee
insourcing of our coating department began in 2011.
of the optimal conditions in which the products reach
Despite a rough start, we managed to reach full capacity
their destinations.
quickly, so much so that, currently, it no longer only treats our systems’ components, but is also offers a coating contracting service for parts mainly intended for the machine tool, furniture, and outdoor architecture
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
M. Fumagalli, “The key role of sheet metal preparation in the manufacture of coating systems and outdoor structures” in ipcm International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 49 (January/February 2018), pages 82-91.
Insourcing all the main production stages: Eurotherm’s winning choice
decision was again motivated by our need for higher-
“Following the benefits obtained with the insourcing of our
clean and, therefore, kept away from other metals that can
coating process,” says Ghiazza, “we decided to also insource
contaminate it, it can lose its performance qualities and
all other operations, in order to achieve total control of our
even rust.”
quality surface treatments: if stainless steel is not kept
production flow. Therefore, in 2017, we acquired a new
The Eurotherm team
department, equipped with integrated, Industry 4.0-oriented
Eurotherm now has two factories: the 3500 m2-wide
machinery. The department became fully operational in late
headquarters, housing all offices and the carpentry and
2018. In the wake of these successes, last year we took a
coating departments, and the new building acquired in
further step by insourcing our carpentry processes.”
2017, where the sheet metal processing, assembly, storage,
These strategic choices have enabled the company to
and shipping operations take place. “82 people work at
consolidate its presence at both the national and European
Eurotherm,” indicates Ghiazza. “26 of them deal with our
levels: in 2018, it installed 150 coating plants all over the
coating processes, while the rest is divided between the
continent. “We could not stop there,” states Ghiazza. “The
technical office and the production departments. Another
last insourcing project started this year concerned the
against-the-tide decision we have taken is to directly hire
processing of stainless steel, which we use for structures
the operators who make up our seven assembly teams, all
in contact with more or less aggressive liquids, such as
composed of experienced, highly specialised, and
cleaning tunnels and water-based coating booths. This
well-trained people. Finally, I would like to point out that one
© Eurotherm
5300 m2-wide plant to house a sheet metal processing
The assembly of components.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
SPECI AL PaintExpo
third of our employees are under the age of twenty: our
now be obtained from systems 4.0, our goal is now to create
company has always invested in young people, so much so
systems that can reduce waste production and energy
that in 2019 we hired ten graduates of a vocational school,
consumption, especially in terms of electricity and gas.”
who became excellent operators within six months. This is
The latest cutting-edge coating line solutions developed by
a way to guarantee continuity to our organisation, which will
the Eurotherm team will be presented at PaintExpo 2020
remain composed of young, yet experienced people also in
(Karlsruhe, Germany).
Conclusions The market has positively welcomed the new production
The company started to produce automatic coating lines
organisation that Eurotherm has built up in the last few
capable of interfacing with their operators and their users’
years. “Our customers,” says Ghiazza, “are positively
management systems in 2015, when the definition of
surprised by the industrial structure we have given to our
“Industry 4.0” was not yet known. “We provide the same
processes, which are typically performed as craft operations.
automation level that we require from the machinery we
We are able to meet any customisation request while
install on our premises,” states Ghiazza, “with the aim of
providing excellent-quality, highly industrialised plants. This
managing a large number of orders in a short time and
is further proof that our against-the-tide decisions can open
with little labour thanks to the traceability of the whole
up development opportunities even in an “artisanal” sector
production cycle. Given the high amount of data that can
such as that of the production of coating systems.”
© Eurotherm
Eurotherm and Industry 4.0
The sheet metal working department.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
we keep an eye on your AUTOMATION needs. vertical&horizontal axis reciprocators | color centers | dimensional detection systems | control panels | accessories
i gent e a i s r a cerc one libe z per
Superdurable Powder Coatings for the Agricultural Sector Ecopolifix has always been sensitive and careful to the demands of the market and is constantly developing powder coating solutions that guarantee high outdoor resistance and increasingly ambitious performance.
Recently, Ecopolifix complemented its product portfolio with a new
In addition to various technical advantages of standard super durable
super durable polyester series – specially developed for the ACE
paints, the super durable polyester is an even more environmentally
(Agricultural, Construction and Earthmoving) sector: The pure polyester
friendly solution by offering a significant reduction of CO2 and fuel
(HAA-polyester) powder cures at low temperature and offers a valid
consumption and causes practically zero VOC emissions.
alternative to traditional super durable polyester systems hardened with
Super durable polyester powder can also be used for aluminium windows,
TGIC or TGTMA (PT910). Due to its excellent UV resistance and other
facade elements, cars components and other metal objects that require
properties, the new series is particularly suitable for the application
excellent resistance to intense UV radiation, high degrees of humidity,
on large machinery in the agricultural, construction and earth-moving
temperature changes and adverse weather conditions.
sector. The products of these series are compliant with Qualicoat Class
Contact our experts at PaintExpo 2020 (October 12 to 15) to find out
2 specification and with the strictest quality standards required by the
more about the super durable powder coatings.
demanding ACE sector as well as the architectural and automotive For further information:
product solutions can be designed in all RAL colours.
© Fotokostic/
sector. In compliance with the customers’ wishes the Qualicoat Class 2
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Caraibi: Varnish Art Studio’s Work is a Fine Example of Robot Art
© ipcm ®
Varnish Art Studio donated Caraibi, a work created with the Robot Art technology, for the auction organised by EOS Mktg&Communication on its tenth anniversary.
The auction organised by EOS Mktg&Communication on its tenth anniversary.
EOS Mktg&Communication celebrated its ten years of activity with the
works of Varnish (Galliate, Novara, Italy), a company with forty years of
event “Art in Surfaces”, combining art, nature, and industry at the Rossini
experience in the industrial coating sector, especially for the automotive
Art Site (Briosco, Italy). During the evening, a charity auction was held: the
and plastic fields. With Varnish Art Studio, the firm aims at exploring the
proceeds were donated to the Municipality of Monza for the restoration
potential of robotics in the artistic field.
of the epigraphs of the War Memorial monument installed in Trento e Trieste square. All works sold at the auction highlighted the link between
For further information: © ipcm ®
art and surfaces, which was the leitmotif of the whole event organised by the Cesano Maderno-based company. One of them was Caraibi, a couple of paintings made by Varnish Art Studio by using robots that are normally employed in industrial coating applications. The two 80x80 cm canvases were made in 2003 as a part of the Diva collection. Both the colour and B&W versions depict the face of a Creole woman. Their processing method, of course, is their most surprising aspects, as they were made by a robot normally employed for coating plastic parts, using tempera on canvas. Robot Art is the most recent technique developed to use robots to create paintings on canvas and it proves that everyday life is now influenced by robotics in all its aspects. Robotics, art, and culture are inextricably linked by brilliant innovative products, exactly like the ones created by Varnish Art Studio. Varnish Art Studio is the branch devoted to the production of artistic
Caraibi, the couple of paintings made by Varnish Art Studio and donated for the auction organised by EOS Mktg&Communication.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
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the smart journal
Functional Surfaces Provide Value Added Bundled technologies give surfaces new functions. According to Wolfram Alber, Managing Director of Pulvercoat, the trend is to “smart coatings”, products
© Tiberius Gracchus_Fotolia
Pulvercoat will present a large selection of “smart coatings” at its PaintExpo stand 1138 in Halle 1.
with special qualities. Together with IBA Kimya, Pulvercoat, its sales partner for the German speaking area, will present a large selection of these functional surfaces at the fair stand. Some examples are: intelligent surfaces that prevent the development of bacteria; coatings that are approved for contact with drinking water or foodstuffs; ESD surfaces which avoid spark generation. Employees in research and development will advise visitors on individual solutions for surfaces of complex components. In addition, four new design series of high-quality metallic coatings will be presented that are produced by our own premium bonding technology. Up-to-date design catalogues will be freely available. For further information:
Pulvercoat will present a large selection of “smart coatings” at its PaintExpo stand 1138 in Halle 1.
Venjakob Maschinenbau – more than 50 years of innovation in surface technology made in Germany Surface pretreatment | Coating | Drying technology | Automation | Exhaust air cleaning
© VIV Group
VIV Group is a liquid and powder coating contractor.
A Pioneering Nanotechnology Process Based on Phosphorus Compounds for Higher Corrosion Resistance. An Innovative Process Creates a New Payoff for VIV Group: Grow Up Barbara Pennati ipcm®
Coating contractor VIV Group implemented Pronortec, Chemtec’s innovative nanotechnology process based on organic compounds of phosphorus, which guarantees high corrosion resistance degrees, in order to solve some critical issues related to its pre-treatment cycle.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
investment has enabled us to achieve
overall, VIV Group turned to Chemtec
Italy) was established fifteen years
greater production flexibility and meet
(Corbetta, Milan, Italy), specialising in
ago by combining the skills of the
the needs of different sectors. We
the formulation of chemicals for the
Bertipaglia brothers, who created a
now treat workpieces in iron, steel,
pre-treatment of metals.
company specialising in contracting
aluminium, and cast iron for the indoor
powder coating together with a
and outdoor furniture sector, for large
dozen people who boasted extensive
gates and modular fences, and for the
A highly versatile production flow
experience in the painting field.
agricultural sector.”
VIV Group’s production takes place
Currently, VIV Group has thirty-three
After opening up to new industries
in two coating plants designed by
employees and a
and starting treating several products
Eurotherm, operating according to
5000 m -wide factory equipped with
intended for outdoor use, however,
the size of the parts to be treated.
cutting-edge technologies for the
new needs arose for greater corrosion
“The first one is an in-line system with
surface treatment of parts intended
resistance and long-term quality.
an automatic booth that can powder
for the most varied sectors, from
“One of the major problems
coat workpieces up to 3000 x 2000 x
architecture to agriculture.
encountered in our process was
900 mm. The second one is a manual
“Over the last decade, we have
related to the pre-treatment phase:
system for powder coating large-sized
experienced strong growth, also
we were struggling to achieve the high
parts, up to 9000 x 2500 x 3500 mm.
thanks to the skills developed
corrosion resistance level required by
As for our pre-treatment process, we
gradually and the innovative drive
our customers,” explains Bertipaglia.
have both a shot blasting cabin linked
that has always characterised us,”
“Moreover, for a particular die-cast
to the manual plant and a 25-metre
states VIV Group Strategy Manager
workpiece intended for outdoor use,
long chemical pre-treatment tunnel
Leonardo Bertipaglia. “In 2016 we
very porous and with a peculiar shape,
integrated in the in-line system.
started working on two shifts and in
we could not reach the salt spray
This production structure gives
2019 we integrated our in-line plant
resistance hour value required by the
us maximum flexibility in terms of
with a new manual coating system for
specifications and paint adhesion was
batch management. The batches are
large-sized components, able to treat
not optimal.” In order to solve this issue
processed on one plant or another
parts up to 9 metres in length. This
and improve its pre-treatment cycle
based on the size of the workpieces
© ipcm ®
The manual system designed by Eurotherm for coating large parts, up to 9000 x 2500 x 3500 mm.
© ipcm ®
VIV Group (Bagnoli di Sopra, Padua,
The entrance to the pre-treatment tunnel.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
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SPECI AL PaintExpo
and subjected to chemical or mechanical pre-treatment depending on the material and customer needs,” explains Leonardo Bertipaglia. “However, as mentioned, with some die-cast aluminium alloy products intended for outdoor use, which have a particular surface porosity, we got disappointing results in terms of salt spray resistance due to problems related to the phosphodegreasing phase. Therefore, we started a renewal project on our pre-treatment cycle, in order to identify the best solution and achieve results in line with the specifications of our customers.”
The innovation brought by organic compounds of phosphorus VIV Group embarked on a six-month trial period with Chemtec, which analysed its process and made changes until reaching the optimal solution. “The first change we made involved moving from phosphodegreasing to alkaline degreasing, which we believed was most suitable based on both the tunnel characteristics and the type of parts treated,” says Tommaso Giovenzana, Scientific Research & Business Development expert at Chemtec. “This led to a significant improvement in the resistance degree. However, since we had not achieved the desired results yet, we also suggested installing a passivation The spraying bar for the application of Pronortec.
bar and using the spraying bar at the end of the existing tunnel for the application of demineralised water. This
© ipcm ®
second change certainly improved the cycle further, but salt spray resistance problems remained for those highly porous aluminium die-cast products.” “In the meantime, we had begun developing a new product and we were able to test it also thanks to VIV Group, which was among the first companies to try it: Pronortec1. This product is based on organic compounds of phosphorus, creating a very thin layer capable of forming covalent bonds with the organic polymers of liquid or powder finishes. The nano coating created by the Pronortec process is highly hydrophobic because it is free of hydrophilic metals: therefore, it guarantees high corrosion resistance, with a ten times higher value than that obtained with silane-based nanotechnology pre-treatment processes. Furthermore, Pronortec also simplifies application, as it uses a one-component product that can be applied by spraying, dipping, or nebulising, as happens for VIV Group. The nebulised product is diluted just before use, so it is always fresh,
A reverse osmosis system that supplies purified water to the Pronortec process.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
1 “The new frontiers of metal pre-treatment: the organic compounds of phosphorus”, ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 61, January-February 2020, pages 32-35
Efficient and reliable solutions for surface coating since 1988.
The bell oven for drying the workpieces after pre-treatment and for curing.
it does not require a final rinse, and it guarantees constant quality on all types of metal,” notes Giovenzana. “The results obtained after the adoption of the Pronortec process have been excellent,” says
electrostatic systems for liquid painting
Bertipaglia. “Those highly porous die-cast parts achieved a 100-hour salt spray resistance value with the conventional silane-based passivation process: now, with Pronortec, we reach a 500-hour value,
electrostatic systems and spraying booths for powder coating
whereas with other aluminium parts we exceed the 1000-hour mark.” "Ours is a no-rinse process" states Giovenzana. "We, then, introduced a demineralized water spraying
pneumatic systems for high-, medium-, and low-pressure painting
stage before the Pronortec process. To sum up, the pre-treatment cycle includes as follows: alkaline degreasing, two rinses, DI water spraying, and
IR and UV drying systems
passivation". For some sheet metal parts presenting oxidation problems after pre-treatment, a last stage is added for applying a corrosion protection product. After pre-treatment, the parts enter a
robot and reciprocators
bell drying oven, which also acts as a curing oven. Coating is done in a quick-colour change booth with two reciprocators with four guns each and two manual pre and post-retouching stations, as well as a Lesta robot for mass coating processes. “We apply one-layer systems. Polyester powder coatings account for 95% of our operations. We get to perform up to thirty colour change operations a day. Finally, we have a Ciroldi paint stripping system, clean our load bars and frames twice a week,” says Leonardo Bertipaglia.
which was revamped in 2018 and with which we
CM SPRAY s.r.l.
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SPECI AL PaintExpo
VIV Group - Grow Up: an innovative process
meeting all our quality and corrosion resistance requirements. Together
“VIV Group has always stood out as a
with Chemtec, we embarked on a six-
competitive business that, thanks to its
month trial period, which was to be
resources and expertise, tries to make
followed by an additional six-month
the best of every experience and to
trial period with another supplier.
always focus on innovation, in order to
However, the benefits and advantages
offer a service capable of guaranteeing
found with Chemtec’s processes were
optimal results. Our customers come
unmatched, so we interrupted the
from different sectors and also sell
second trial period and definitively
their products abroad: this means that
adopted Pronortec.”
their specifications and requirements
“Despite having a reduced number
in terms of quality and corrosion
of pre-treatment phases, Chemtec’s
resistance are very high and diverse.
solution has enabled us to reach the
That is why it is essential for us to
required standards while remaining
collaborate with equally innovative
competitive and flexible. We have
suppliers, which know how to meet
been getting positive feedback from
different needs and can intervene
our customers, from which we have
timely in case of need. Chemtec
not received criticisms of any kind.
is one of them,” states Leonardo
In future, we would like to continue
Bertipaglia. “We got in touch thanks
to optimise our pre-treatment
to a common acquaintance who
phase by installing smaller tanks
had already worked with them and
and implementing an additional
therefore knew the quality of their
stage, but also to integrate a new
technologies. And, when the need
last generation coating booth, for
arose to solve the problem related to
The quick-colour change coating booth is equipped with two reciprocators with four guns each and two manual pre and post-retouching stations.
our pre-treatment cycle, we decided
some suppliers,” says Leonardo Bertipaglia.
© ipcm ®
© ipcm ®
to rely on them to find a solution
which we are already assessing
The Lesta robot for mass coating operations.
From left to right, Leonardo Bertipaglia from VIV Group and Tommaso Giovenzana from Chemtec.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Zaniolo CdA-2.20
QUAL TY Europolveri offers a wide range of powder coatings that are available in several different
finishings and gloss level. A stock of approximately 1000 different colors is always available
and developed to assure the highest quality level as to satisfy the widest needs of the market.
solutions for
metal surfaces treatment
R&D laboratory steadily works in the development of new products and performance improvement in order to enable the company to be an innovation leader and to give solutions to the many technical requests coming from the market. Products development, their industrialization and their use are always directed to obtain the best results and the highest respect for the environment.
EUROPOLVERI S.p.A. - Sandrigo (VI) Italy - Ph. +39.0444.750643 - Fax +39.0444.750653 FILIALI/Branch Office: Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI) Ph.+39.(0)2.92148001 - Erbusco (BS) Ph.+39.(0)30.7704158 DEPOSITO/Depot: Iori Colori, Reggio Emilia Ph.+39.(0)522.327248 -
P O W D E R C O AT I N G S I N C E 1 9 8 2
© Ibix
IBIX’ headquarters.
The Versatility of a Multifaceted Company: IBIX Srl’s First 20 Years of Business Giorgia Ricchiuti ipcm®
IBIX Srl, a leader in the ecological cleaning, sandblasting, and surface treatment fields, tells its story to ipcm®, from its origins to the participation in PaintExpo 2020. Sisters Susanna and Caterina Giovannini
low environmental impact and featuring a
Giovannini. “Under the brand IBIX Industrial,
challenged the market by establishing IBIX
technology that is recognised internationally for
the company designs, manufactures, and
Srl in 2000. Initially called Tecno Supply, over
its versatility, ecology, and innovation degree,
sales manual and automatic systems for
the years the company began to be mainly
as well as in the supply of coating consumables
thermoplastic powder flame spraying, a
identified as IBIX, the brand originally reserved
and thermoplastic powder application
specific evolution of different powder coatings
for its sandblasting and cleaning division. IBIX
grades of Axalta and Plascoat, brands that IBIX
is now a leader in the production of surface
“We operate on the international markets
represents since the beginning for all their
treatment and sandblasting plants with a
through various divisions,” says Susanna
versions (immersion, electrostatic spraying,
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Ibix
use of curing ovens. Thermoplastic powders have manifold applications: besides metals,
Your Leaders in Zero Liquid Discharge
they can be used for coating porous surfaces subject to degradation such as concrete (accounting for 60% of our market), industrial flooring, containment tanks, and swimming pools. The number of flame spray machines sold worldwide increases every year and the number of customers that have confirmed they have found great advantages in terms Susanna and Caterina Giovannini.
of coating performance and durability, too.” It was precisely thanks to the discovery of this technology that Susanna and Caterina
flock spraying). Tecno Supply, which maintained
Giovannini had the idea of founding IBIX, which
the original name of our company, is now
has experienced great growth over the years,
the division devoted to the industrial coating
up to having more than twenty-five employees
sector in the Italian market, which we provide
dealing with technical, construction, assembly,
with the hanging and masking systems of
design, sale, and customer service activities
Swedish manufacturer HangOn. Finally, we
– the latter being the real strength of this
have recently launched a new division with a
company, beside the continuous research and
new website: IBIX Biocare, which deals with
development of innovative technologies.
services and technologies for the restoration
IBIX represents the Plascoat and Axalta
and conservation of stone surfaces through
thermoplastic powder brands on the Italian
selective aero-mechanical cleaning with
market and sells its own brand’s powders in
IBIX patented systems and the subsequent
combination with the related equipment on
application of last generation protective
the international scenario, particularly in the
US. “We offer a wide range of thermoplastic
“One of our strengths is our thermoplastic
powders and our job is to provide them
powder flame spray technology,” adds
together with an effective application
Susanna Giovannini, “which we discovered
technology,” says Susanna Giovannini.
in Canada in 1996 and that impressed us
“For instance, IBIX has specialised in the
for its effectiveness. In fact, it is the only tool
construction of systems for the treatment
capable of applying powder paints without the
of fire extinguishers, a sector in which
© Ibix
thermoplastic products are used for the
Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Simple Principle
Effective Result
lamination of internal parts in order to prevent metal corrosion caused by extinguishing agents. Specifically for this field, we have developed fully automatic application systems capable of coating 100-120 fire extinguisher cylinders per hour. Another very important market for IBIX is the Oil & Gas one, where the flame spray technology is widely applied, in particular for the application of 3LPE/3LPP systems.” Its R&D and staff training activities have also enabled IBIX to create a diagnostic division looking for new solutions in the restoration,
Leading companies rely on vacuum distillation systems for the sustainable treatment of industrial wastewater. Do you want to benefit from a zero liquid production with VACUDEST aswell?
special cleaning, urban decoration, and The masking item’s warehouse.
© ipcm ®
SPECI AL PaintExpo
industrial cleaning sectors. This is why it established IBIX Biocare as its new division devoted to building restoration and conservation. “Another strength of ours is our ability to support our customers during both the preliminary assessment and implementation phases,” states Caterina Giovannini. “In addition to supplying them with the required equipment, we offer them training sessions and we assist them along the whole project. Solving customer issues also enables IBIX to keep up to date and discover always new applications.” “In the Italian industrial coating market, our Tecno Supply division’s technicians can assist our customers and help them solve their masking and hanging issues, but also offer them application solutions that take advantage of the flame spray technology developed by our company, which is now within everyone’s reach,” The assembly line.
indicates Luciano Brunner, sales director of Tecno Supply and
© Ibix
IBIX Industrial divisions. “We sell 25% of the machines we produce in Italy, whereas foreign markets account for over 55% of our turnover.” In 2020, IBIX will participate for the first time in PaintExpo, the world’s leading trade fair for industrial coating technologies. “After years of presence as visitors or as HangOn and Axalta assistants, for the first time this year we will participate as an exhibitor (Hall 3, Stand 3133, Ed.). It will be an opportunity to show our sandblasting systems and promote our new machine type, Atlantis, which combines the flame spray and flock spray technologies in a semiautomatic plant,” says Susanna Giovannini. In future, the company aims at expanding the application and sales potential of its sandblasting and flame spray machines by building increasingly efficient and performing equipment. In order to do so, IBIX is going to move into a new building with a double working space, which will also feature exhibition and training areas.
© ipcm ®
© Ibix
Besides metals, thermoplastic powders are also used on many other materials.
Pipeline maintenance systems.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The conference and training room.
Salcomix è il marchio di AkzoNobel per un sistema di prodotti vernicianti industriali dal design modulare, che può essere utilizzato per fornire vernici per una grande varietà di applicazioni per l‘industria leggera, in modo rapido e flessibile. Questo è possibile grazie a un sistema di miscelazione che offre una superiore precisione del colore con la massima varietà di prodotto. Salcomix is AkzoNobel's brand for a modularly designed industrial coatings system that can be used to provide paints for a variety of small-industry applications, quickly and flexibly. This is possible thanks to a mixing system that offers superior color accuracy with maximum product diversity.
Please Blast, Dip, Powder a 100 Times Truck trailers are useful, but also big and heavy. This does not make their transport in the paintshop easy. Giga Coating GmbH recently built a completely new surface treatment plant in Twist. Here, up to 15.7 m long and 9 t heavy large parts are not only coated, but also blasted, dipped, swiveled and heat treated in hanging furnaces. The automated circulation principle creates capacities for up to 100 trailers and special parts per day in two construction stages.
manufacturing depth. So far, the chassis
“And we wanted to solve that,” explains Ralf
demand for truck trailers in Europe is
was given to external partners only for the
Saatkamp, Managing Director of System
high. At System Trailers Fahrzeugbau
coating process. “We had been thinking for
Trailers Fahrzeugbau. At the same time,
GmbH in Twist on the Dutch border in
some time about taking over the coating
he realized that contract coating of large
Lower Saxony, more than 3500 of these
ourselves. In our production line, we have
parts in Emsland is a growth market. The
leave the production line every year - 70
achieved a high degree of automation
dimensioning of the new coating plant was
to 80 vehicles a week. The specialist
and could thus shorten the cycle times by
therefore planned with buffers for external
designs and manufactures on behalf of
30%. The remaining bottleneck was the
orders and at the same time the subsidiary
well-known manufacturers and has a high
capacity for coating outside the company.
Giga Coating was set up as a contract
© Vollert
Whether semi-trailers or trailers - the
At Giga Coating, large parts weighing up to 9 t and over 15 m long are coated in circulation.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
coater. Vollert from Weinsberg,
in southern Germany, supported the planning. The heavy-duty intralogistics experts have decades of know-how in the design and commissioning of large part painting systems for buses, excavators or railway wagons and effortlessly move loads of up to 50 t and more. Nevertheless, the new system technology from Giga Coating offered a number of innovations: “On the one hand, of course, these are large parts, but also the combination of cathodic dip painting (KTL) and powder coating, combined with a high variety of variants and the desire for an efficient automated circulation concept challenged us,” explains Jochen Keinath, Sales Project Manager at Vollert. In addition to the crane technology and the complete
After blasting, two manipulators take over the loading of the 12 dipping tanks.
material flow system, the team also coordinated with the other system © Vollert
manufacturers: Wheelabrator supplied the sandblasting technology, Afotek the dip coating and furnaces, and Nordson Germany took care of the powder application.
Circulation principle Pre-treatment, Dip Coating and Powder Coating All plant areas at Giga Coating are placed in a floor space of 60 x 110 m and arranged in such a way that a complete circulation for multiple coatings is possible. “Due to different material thicknesses, we expect different dwell times for the workpieces, which is why it was important to us that we automate the parts, but also convey them individually,” explains Ingo Wildermann, Managing Director of Giga Coating GmbH. At the heart of the system there are two cathodic
For maximum energy efficiency, the ovens at Giga Coating were designed to be suspended and open at the bottom.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
© Vollert
A total of 7 manipulators ensure the fully automated distribution of the workpieces.
dip painting furnaces and two powder
technology automatically sorts the
kilns, around which the blasting cabin,
workpieces according to drying time
Pre-treatment and Cathodic Dip Painting
dipping tank, buffer stations and
in interaction with the higher-level
At Giga Coating the trailer parts can
powder coating booths are grouped.
material flow system and optimally
reach dimensions of up to 15.70
Seven manipulators with spans up to
designs the processes. “Another special
m x 2.70 m x 1.50 m. After these
18 m pick up the goods carriers for
feature of the system is that the goods
have been turned in a belt turner to
lateral travel and distribute them to
carriers pass through all work stations,”
remove residual blasting material,
the workstations. In the longitudinal
reports Jochen Keinath. “The product
a loading manipulator from Vollert
direction, stationary friction wheel
carriers are not exchanged after dip
takes them over after the blasting
drives convey the workpieces. This
painting, but accompany the workpiece
cabin and introduces them into the
makes it possible to feed individual
along the entire path from cathodic dip
further circulation. The stator racks
product carriers individually at any
painting until into the furnaces.” The so-
with the workpieces are moved to
time. Buffer positions between the
called wedding - the connection of the
two buffer locations and picked
areas allow different dwell times and
product carriers with the workpieces
up by two dip manipulators. These
also allow individual workpieces to
- is a permanent combination at Giga
serve a length of 55 m 12 tanks for
be pulled forward and overhauled as
Coating. The seamless circulation
pre-treatment - degreasing, rinsing
required. In order to guarantee fast,
process saves time and simplifies goods
and zinc phosphating - and for
efficient processes, Vollert’s control
carrier management.
cathodic dip painting. They lower
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
the parts from above into the tanks
as possible, the ovens are therefore
KTL furnace, a manipulator distributes
and place the product carriers there.
suspended. Since hot air rises and a
the trailer or foreign parts to eleven
As a result, the manipulator can move
lot of heat would escape when the
storage locations for cooling before
more workpieces during the dwell time.
workpieces are moved in and out, the
the transport to the powder plant
The second immersion manipulator
furnaces are closed at the top and
starts. â&#x20AC;&#x153;After a detailed examination of
then automatically takes over the
on the sides and are operated from
all options, we decided on a combined
stand frames after the specified time
below instead. A total of two KTL and
cathodic dip painting and powder
has elapsed and takes them to the
two powder furnaces are installed in
application because it enables us to
next immersion tank and finally to
parallel next to each other - with an
produce in a more environmentally
the draining area. It is also possible
expansion option already prepared.
friendly way and at the same time
to swivel and tilt the parts on the
A manipulator guides the workpieces
achieve automotive quality,â&#x20AC;? says Ingo
manipulators - for perfect, area-wide
into the ovens from below, lifts the
Wildermann. The oven manipulator,
priming results.
parts weighing up to 9 t to a height
which serves the two powder ovens in
of 10 m and hooks in the goods
addition to the cathodic dip painting
The Hanging Furnaces of Twist
carriers. As with dip painting, it can
ovens, once again takes over the
Giga Coating pursued three objectives
transport further workpieces during
powder coating process. The cycle
in the planning of the overall plant:
heat treatment and operate all four
then ends again at the eleven buffer
coating results in automotive quality,
ovens in parallel - up to four product
positions, from where the finished
energy efficiency and environmental
carriers per hour, depending on the
coated workpieces return to the cycle
friendliness. To avoid heat loss as much
drying time. After the treatment in the
via an unloading manipulator for truck
VULKAN INOX Stainless Steel Blast Media
Lowest consumption Less waste disposal Surface enlargement
Dust-free blasting Consistent blasting results
Sweep Blasting
© Vollert
The parts are automatically tilted during insertion and removal.
The product carriers pass through the powder line fully automatically.
the pre-treatment and coating”, Ingo
thing of the past and at the same time
“With this system configuration and
Wang says pleased. In June 2018 Giga
the plant offers sufficient capacity for
equipment, we achieve all of the goals
Coating started regular operation of
processing external orders.
in terms of quality and speed and are
the new coating line. Bottlenecks in
at the same time extremely flexible
the completion of trailers and semi-
For further information:
for all variations and combinations of
trailers from System Trailers are a
© Vollert
loading or multiple coating.
The manipulator lifts the workpieces to 10 m and hangs them in the furnaces. In this way all four furnaces can be operated with only one manipulator.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
One partner for your automated paint applications Preprogrammed centralized controls Easy integration Modular build User friendly interface (HMI)
© TIGER Coatings
TIGITAL 3D Materials offer entirely novel and unique properties for SLS printing systems and carbon-based additive manufacturing (CBAM) and can be finished with powder coatings. ®
TIGITAL® 3D Materials: Revolutionising Additive Manufacturing Dr. Baris Kaynak Tiger Coatings GmbH - Wels, Austria
TIGER Coatings launched TIGITAL® 3D Materials, the new thermoset materials for SLS printing systems and carbon-based additive manufacturing (CBAM). They offer new properties and unique advantages compared to the usual thermoplastics, because TIGITAL® 3D Materials do not melt when exposed to heat and can be refined with powder coatings.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© TIGER Coatings
Forward-looking partnerships RICOH – a company specialising in printers, document management solutions, digital cameras and IT services – has recognized the huge potential of this development and pooled its hardware know-how with TIGER’s research expertise. Together, the companies are working on refining the material itself and how it is used and processed to introduce even more innovations into the emerging SLS 3D printing market.
Numerous advantages: TIGITAL® 3D Materials offer compelling, innovative features in the SLS 3D printing market.
TIGER is also collaborating with US 3D printer manufacturer Impossible Objects on the development of composite thermoset-based
TIGER Coatings is known around the world as a
highly weather-resistant properties, are
materials. This collaboration is set
leading supplier of high-quality surface finishes
approved in accordance with strict quality
to revolutionise the use of additive
and digital inks and powders for industrial
standards such as GSB and/or QUALICOAT,
manufacturing in the aerospace and
printing systems. With the development of
and have been successfully used for many
automotive industries.
high-performance thermosetting polymers
years on buildings in southern regions of the
“TIGER provides a complete solution
for additive manufacturing, the company is
USA. Chemical stability requirements can
integrating both chemistry and
once again demonstrating its pioneering spirit,
also be modified as appropriate.
mechatronics under the brand name
drawing on more than 50 years of experience
TIGITAL Inks & Powders open up further
Chematronix®” Clemens Steiner, TIGER
and expertise in polymer technology.
options for customizing 3D components.
Coatings’ CEO states. “We are working
TIGITAL 3D Materials offer entirely new
Using the materials options provided by
with highly skilled partners to take 3D
properties and unique advantages compared
TIGER, these digital inks and powders can be
SLS printing to the next evolutionary
to the thermoplastics predominantly used
perfectly coordinated with each other, thus
level, from rapid prototyping to
in SLS 3D printing. The printed components
allowing for an enormous degree of creative
small production runs and ultra-high
remain solid even at high temperatures
flexibility in customising objects.
performance hybrid parts.”
and display excellent isotropic mechanical © TIGER Coatings
properties in x-, y-, and z-direction. Furthermore, unlike thermoplastics, TIGITAL® 3D Materials do not melt when exposed to heat. There is no polymer melt drip or loss of shape. When combined with flame retardant formulations, TIGITAL® 3D Materials are also ideal for electrical insulation.
Enormous creative flexibility Another truly unique feature: 3D models printed with TIGITAL® 3D Materials can then be refined with powder coatings. The extensive range of TIGER Drylac® products includes over 1,500 exclusive colours, spectacular metallic finishes, sophisticated anodizing solutions and aesthetically appealing dull matte effects. Many of these powder coatings also have
Clemens Steiner, CEO TIGER Coatings.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
© ipcm ®
The show room of OMR Spa’s headquarters in Remedello (Brescia, Italy) displays the wide range of components for industrial, commercial, and off-road vehicles produced by the company.
A Digitised Cataphoresis+Powder Coating Plant Like a Tailored Suit for OMR Spa, a Manufacturer of Excellence in the Industrial Vehicle Sector Alessia Venturi ipcm®
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Compact design, production versatility, loading and unloading ergonomics, operating cost reduction, consumption minimisation, and high productivity combined with digitalisation, predictive maintenance, and full traceability of coated parts: these are the main features of the cataphoresis+powder coating line that Trasmetal Spa (Milan) supplied to an Italian manufacturer of excellence in the commercial, industrial, and off-road vehicle sector: OMR Spa (Remedello, Brescia).
“Coating plants are not plug-and-
products’ added value. Indeed, it has
company in the production of steel
play systems. They are designed like
just completed the industrialisation
components for industrial, commercial,
a tailored suit: it takes ten to twelve
phase of a new cataphoresis+powder
and off-road vehicles. Nowadays, with
months before they fit a customer’s
coating line designed and supplied by
500 employees, a covered surface of over
production needs perfectly. But when
Trasmetal Spa (Milan, Italy), a company
70,000 m2, and a turnover of about 104
they do, they become the main added
with over fifty year of experience in
million Euros in 2019, OMR has an almost
value of its production flow.”
the creation of customised coating
fully vertically integrated production
These are the words of Ruggero Ceriali,
systems for the automotive, aluminium,
and it is able to turn raw steel into end
the CEO of OMR Spa (Remedello,
household appliances, and general
products almost without relying on any
Brescia, Italy), one of the main European
industry sectors.
manufacturers of components for
“We deal with eleven different production OMR Spa was established in the 1970s
processes in-house, such as laser
earthmoving vehicles. This firm believes
as a small craft carpenter’s shop. Over
cutting, welding, bending, machining, and
that coating accounts for 10-15% of its
time, it has become a benchmark
coating,” explains Ruggero Ceriali.
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commercial, industrial, agricultural, and
A bird’s eye view of the plant designed by Trasmetal from its loading and unloading areas.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
“The other feature that makes OMR
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SPECI AL PaintExpo
unique are its back-up solutions for each department and plant: this enables us to guarantee business continuity in any situation. We applied the same approach to our coating plant, too. With the installation of the new line, we have not dismantled our previous plant, bought fifteen years ago: we decided to use it as a support system to further increase our production capacity and treatment quality degree.” The vertical integration of its production and the back-up solutions available for all processes have made OMR an invaluable partner for the players of the European industrial vehicle sector: Iveco, Daimler, and Volvo in the lorry field, New Holland in the tractor one, and CNH Industrial, Caterpillar, and Komatsu in the earthmoving machine one. “The
The storage buffers near the loading station.
reasons behind the investment made with Trasmetal for our new coating line were both economic and technical,” to increase our production capacity and, above all, improve the quality of
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indicates Ceriali. “Quite simply, we needed
our products. The plant installed fifteen years ago had several defects due to our total inexperience in the finishing field: with the new one, we corrected all the problems we had encountered in those fifteen years of work. Moreover, we wanted a plant that enabled us to coat in-line and with a continuous flow by performing both cataphoresis and powder application operations.”
Digitalisation, automation, and versatility: the characteristics of the new line The installation of the cataphoresis+powder coating plant supplied by Trasmetal began in December 2018 and ended in June 2019. The new line design was based on the concepts of compactness, production versatility, loading and unloading ergonomics, operating and maintenance
The Conveyors Nord power & free conveyor taking the workpieces to the powder application area.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
cost reduction, consumption
in both of them and then send the
the loading and unloading ones. This
minimisation, and high productivity
bars to the pre-treatment station
eliminates any waiting time due to bar
combined with digitalisation, predictive
according to the production order.
flow management activities,” explains
maintenance, and full traceability of
Before the loading area, there is
Giuseppe Groppelli, product manager
coated parts. “Trasmetal’s project
a workstation for the preparation
at Conveyors Nord. “The plant also
focussed on improving OMR’s coating
of the empty load bars with the
features other storage buffers. Some
productivity and optimising the loading
frames needed to hang the incoming
of them allow cooling the parts down
and unloading phases, thus guaranteeing
workpieces. The unloading area is
upon leaving the ovens. Others
operational flexibility despite the very high
equipped with two stations working
house the load bars leaving the pre-
number of different components to be
the same way as the loading ones.”
treatment/cataphoresis unit during
handled,” explains Carlo Zucchetti, project
The cataphoresis+powder coating
the tank system emptying operations,
manager at Trasmetal. “One of the most
line features a power & free conveyor
typically performed at the end of the
challenging aspects was finding the right
designed by Conveyors Nord (Inzago,
day, in order to protect the parts,
size for the load bars, now higher and
Milan, Italy). It does not include any
which are in a delicate phase. Finally,
longer than those of the first plant. We
elevator because the plant was
other storage buffers compensate for
opted for the use of one 1500 mm-wide
designed for ergonomic hanging
the variations in the bar flow intensity
bar or two 600 mm-wide ones. The line
operations. “The use of storage
in some areas of the line, due to the
was equipped with two loading stations,
buffers in both the loading and
fact that each load bar is matched
one for handling heavy components and
unloading stations allows managing
with a specific cycle and therefore
the second for the lightest ones. The
the load bars during the feeding and
takes a slightly different path than the
operators can simultaneously load parts
return phases, which are functional to
visit us at
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liquid or powder spray applications
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SPECI AL PaintExpo
“Trasmetal developed a bar code part management system that identifies each workpiece during loading and shows relevant information on the smart TVs installed along the line: hanging instructions, any masking required after cataphoresis, treatment program, and packaging instructions upon unloading,” adds Carlo Zucchetti. “The plant is set up to treat a 5 metre long, 1.5 metre wide, 1.80 metre high load bar every 3 and a half minutes. During loading, the shape control device communicates to the bridge crane linked to the pre-treatment and cataphoresis tanks the number of load bars to be picked up, that is, one or two. With 1500 mm-wide bars, the bridge crane picks up only one of them at a time, whereas in the case of “narrow”, 600 mm-wide bars, two of
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A loaded bar.
The bridge crane picks up the load bars to transport them along the pre-treatment and cataphoresis line.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
them can be picked up simultaneously.
FOR METAL WORK SUPPORTS Thermal paint-stripping is performed only through heat, paint is incinerated without altering the piece dimensionally or mechanically. Pieces can be washed and/or shot-blasted after the treatment based on the subsequent use. It enables to recover an item making it perfectly polished for subsequent applications.
visit us at Messe Karlsruhe - October 12-15, 2020
hall 1, booth 1449
+39 059 386012
© ipcm ®
SPECI AL PaintExpo
rinses with ultrafiltrate, and blow-off before curing. Condoroil Stainless, Trasmetal’s partner in this project, supplied the electrodialysis cells for the cataphoresis tank. “Due to the peculiarity of the components treated by OMR, Condoroil provided ‘protected cells’, that is, equipped with a protective net wrapped around the membrane to safeguard it against accidental impact and damage,” explains Condoroil sales manager Alessia Sinigaglia. “The cells are equipped with ion exchange membranes and they are created with a wrapped, welded polymer sheet, featuring low deformability and electrical resistance but long service life and greater current intensity
The exit from the cataphoresis tank.
characteristics. With minimum thickness and therefore with limited The pre-treatment tunnel (which
electrical resistance, this generates
process, but also to guarantee a high
uses Chemetall's products) includes
little heat, which is the first cause of
treatment quality level by avoiding the
14 stages, including spray and
premature ageing of membranes;
use of any shielding between parts
immersion treatment operations,
moreover, its poor extension
loaded on an oversized bar.”
cataphoresis (supplied by Basf), two
prevents any short circuits from
© ipcm ®
This helps to optimise the coating
The cooling station with fresh air insufflation devices in its front part.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm ®
contact between the membrane and the electrode. “Whereas in conventional cells the water flow enters the electrode by touching it physically, in Condoroil’s ones it flows through a plastic tube closed at the opposite end by a cap, in order to prevent the liquid from returning back to the electrode. In Condoroil’s tubular cells, the electrolyte is flushed from above inside the electrode and any excess product leaves the cells by going up from the bottom. In the event of an electrode breakage, this solution eliminates any risk of preferential water flow, resulting in the accumulation of electrolyte in the space between the electrode and the membrane. The advantage for users is that, in case of breakdown, it is not necessary to replace the whole
OMR Spa plant manager Fausto Toninelli (left) with CEO Ruggero Ceriali.
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© ipcm ®
SPECI AL PaintExpo
One of the two automatic powder application booths, each equipped with 2 reciprocators and 6 guns per side.
The Gema Opticenter powder management unit with dense phase feed pumps.
component: these cells allow changing
bars reach a cooling station with a hot
masking. Here, there is another storage
only the electrode while maintaining the
air intake system in the back and fresh
buffer that can be used for different
membrane. Finally, the cells are supplied
air insufflation devices in the front.
purposes, for example to “park” small
with their upper part open, in order
Afterwards, the bars continue along the
colour batches to be included in the
to guarantee ease of inspection and
main line towards the powder coating
booths; however, if the loaded parts
“The powder application area consists
“Trasmetal located the cataphoresis
only need a cataphoresis treatment,
of two Gema controlled-temperature,
drying oven and the powder curing one
they are diverted along the bypass line
controlled-humidity, dust-free
on a mezzanine,” says OMR Spa plant
and directly taken to the unloading
pressurised booths,” explains Toninelli.
manager Fausto Toninelli. “They are both
area. The load bars that proceed
“Each of them is equipped with 12
canopy ovens: the workpieces enter them
towards the powder coating booths
automatic guns and 3 manual touch-up
by following a continuous path along the
pass along two conveyor rings with
ones, that is, 1 for pre-retouching and
internal conveyor. Once out, the load
optional stations, such as sanding and
2 for post-retouching operations. We
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
choice in this regard.”
pumps and last generation Opticenter
“Trasmetal’s plant was also designed by
Part hanging and hook maintenance strategies
powder management unit, with individual gun
focussing on environmental sustainability.
“The bars are loaded differently
control modules. A shape detection bar at the
First of all, the firm strived to limit the
through the use of specific frames or
booths’ entrance programs the reciprocators
energy consumption of the drying and
hooks depending on the incoming
and adjusts their stroke height and distance
curing ovens, which are both vertical
workpieces. Frames and hooks were
from the treated parts in order not to
canopy systems featuring a separate
developed based on component
waste paint. We chose Gema’s technology
conveyor with a different pitch than the
families or, in some cases, on
because we had already successfully worked
main one. This prevents any unnecessary
individual workpieces.
with them: after installation, we have never
heating of the chain, resulting in a waste of
We build them in-house and we
needed any product assistance. Moreover,
energy. Therefore, these ovens consume
deal with their cleaning in a Ciroldi
we found their dense phase technology very
10 to 15% less energy than other systems
pyrolytic paint stripping oven
interesting and effective in terms of finishing
of the same type, on average,” says
combined with a sand blasting
Carlo Zucchetti. “Secondly, Trasmetal
system that removes any ashes from
“On average, we perform five-six colour
integrated its coating plant with a zero-
pyrolysis,” says Fausto Toninelli from
change operations per day, sometimes up
liquid discharge water treatment plant, as
OMR Spa. “Paint stripping plays an
to ten. We apply standard colours, mainly
OMR operates in an area not connected
important role with a continuous
in the grey ranges. We have three main
to public sewage. All waste water is
flow coating plant like ours, applying
powder suppliers, in compliance with the
recovered, treated, and recirculated
powders after cataphoresis.
specifications of our customers, which
wherever possible, whereas sludge and
Whereas the former can stand small
often even specify their approved products’
the evaporation concentrate are disposed
paint deposits on hooks without
numbers: OMR, therefore, has a very limited
of by specialised companies.”
compromising the electrostatic field
© ipcm ®
selected Gema’s Optispray dense phase
Parts entering the vertical canopy oven for powder curing.
© ipcm ®
SPECI AL PaintExpo
The zero-liquid discharge water treatment system and the demineralisation plant.
during spraying, with cataphoresis
After eight months, we are very pleased
hooks and frames must be
“The new plant has provided us with
with it.
perfectly clean in order to ensure
great space for further economic
“The collaboration with Trasmetal was
proper electrodeposition. This is
growth,” states Ruggero Ceriali.
perfect: we provided them with all
why we paint strip our hooks and
“The coating line closes the entire
design drivers, as we had clear ideas
frames in the Ciroldi oven after
production cycle and, therefore, it
about the type of system we wanted.
every process cycle.
must keep up with the capacity and
The plant they designed for us was
In the past, we gained some
productivity of the other departments
very interesting both technically and
experience by working with
and plants. Coating used to be a
financially and they managed to follow
paint stripping contractors using
bottleneck for us: we increasingly
our whole vendor list for components.
different technologies and we
needed to rely on contractors and
They provided us with a system tailored
knew that the pyrolytic technology
many of our customers did not like it.
to our needs, which took some time
guaranteed the best benefit-cost
The installation of this new state-of-
to reach full capacity, but now gives us
the-art system was a real success.
excellent quality results.”
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
OptiCenterÂŽ OC07 Fastest colour change and stable powder output
Clean, efficient and superior perior application technology The OptiCenter OC07 powder management center combines state-of-the-art OptiSpray application pump technology with automatic fresh powder feed for fast and clean color changes. The system is the basis for constant and reproducible coating results and significant powder savings.
Gema Europe Srl | Via Goldoni, 29 Via Carlo Goldoni 29 | 20090 Trezzano Sul Naviglio (MI) | ITALY | T. +39 02 48 400 486 | F. +39 02 48 400 874
A Hanging System to Improve the Efficiency of Coating Processes: Rostirolla Presents P25 Office equipment subsupplier Temo Srl turned to Rostirolla, specialising in hanging and masking systems, with the aim of improving its line efficiency. Both companies heavily focus on the automation of internal manufacturing processes interfaced with advanced management software. Rostirolla will present its newest hanging and masking solutions at PaintExpo 2020 (Hall 2, Stand 2520, October 12 to 15).
the other hand, Temo Srl, a firm specialising
for their shape and size.
essential elements of a coating line for the
in the production of components for
“Temo got in touch with us,” explains
correct management of processes. However,
office furniture, grasped its relevance for
Simone Rostirolla, the owner with his
it is also one of the most neglected aspects,
the optimisation of its coating operations.
brother Pierluigi of Rostirolla Srl, which
often considered secondary within a plant’s
Indeed, it managed to eliminate any
has been manufacturing hooks, bars, and
structure, because its importance in terms of
downtime due to the hanging of its parts on
masks for industrial powder, liquid, and
production efficiency is underestimated. On
frames and load bars that were not suitable
cataphoresis coating processes since
© ipcm ®
A proper hanging system is one of the
The hanging system created by Rostirolla for the Temo’s paintshop.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Surface coating
of heavy-duty workpieces and large-scale components Made M d in i G Germany. Since
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1990, “for the development of a hanging
system that was suited to their needs. Following the greater automation degree
Hall 3 | Booth 3334
it achieved with the new coating booth installed in 20181, Temo was faced with the need for a hanging solution that would speed up the loading phase by using the available space in the most efficient way.”
The development of Temo’s project Rostirolla started with an analysis of the products coated by Temo. “Their technical staff was very helpful,” states Simone Rostirolla. “They provided us with the 3D drawings of the parts they need to paint, which we used to develop the most suitable load bar system. Temo’s team knows all aspects of the coating process very well: their expertise is comparable to that of a coating contractor. Therefore, they already knew the number of parts per bar, the chain speed, and the results they wanted to achieve. Above all, they knew very well the possible coating issues related to each product. This facilitated us so much so in the development of the right solution that the samples produced in the second project phase were already close to the desired end products.” “The selection of a hanging system,”
The P20 and P25 hanging systems.
says Paolo Rizzo, the export manager and plant manager of Temo Srl, “is the result of a research study carried out
simplified the coupling phase and they
together with the supplier in order to be
managed to guarantee maximum flexibility
able to hang as many parts as possible
in switching from a product type to
while meeting the coating plant’s
another, even while the chain is moving.
cycle time requirements.” Rostirolla’s
A further advantage is the shape of the
technical staff created a very detailed
load bars, which enables the operator to
computer simulation. “They were
apply powders in a simple and linear way.”
highly professional,” adds Rizzo. “They
Temo was able to present to Rostirolla all
When it comes to the surface coating of heavy workpieces or large-scale components, customers worldwide rely on high-performance plant technology and material flow systems from Vollert.
types of components it produces at the 1 M. Fumagalli, “Maximum booth automation for the coating of metal components and office furniture,” in ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 56 (March/April 2019), pages 72-78.
same time. “This further simplified our job,” states Simone Rostirolla. “It often happens that customers ask for a hanging
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© ipcm ®
with Temo. In their case, we customised the spacing between the supporting pole’s brackets as well as the “combs”, which were adapted to the dimension and shape of Temo’s parts.”
The Industry 4.0-oriented evolution of Rostirolla Rostirolla has decided to invest in machinery and software in order to better control its internal production processes and present itself on the market as a highly innovative company keeping pace with technological developments. “For our hook production department,” says Pierluigi Rostirolla, “we have recently invested in two new machines: one for the CE marking of our products and the other for bending hooks from 10 to 25 mm. For our bar production department, on the other hand, over the last five years we have chosen to invest in two new software programs to Hook marked by new machine introduced in the factory and, on the right, the detail.
improve our order and process management activities. Our goal is to integrate software that can interface with the machines of
product, which, however, can
Features of the hanging system
be modified over time in terms
Temo opted for Rostirolla’s flagship
aim of gaining total control on
of both structure and size: for
product, the P25 system , whose
our workflow.” This is proving a
us, this means re-analysing the
characteristics of strength and
winning strategy: in 2019, the
component and offering a new
durability are the result of years of
company reached a production
solution. As Temo immediately
study. “P25’s structure,” says Pierluigi
peak of about 25,000 P25 combs
provided us information on its
Rostirolla, “has now reached a level of
and 8,000 brackets. “We expect
whole range, we could perform an
optimisation that we can hardly further
to achieve even greater results
in-depth analysis to find solutions
improve. If necessary, this standard
this year,” says Rostirolla. “We aim
that were suitable for the largest
system can be customised according to
at offering ever more innovative
possible number of products at
specific needs, precisely as it happened
and advanced hanging and
system intended for a particular
our production plant with the
masking solutions.”
the same time, thus also reducing the load bars’ production times, since they were manufactured together.”
“Rostirolla introduces new accessories to its handing system P25” in ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 58 (July/August 2019), page 21.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
IMR Industriale Sud is among the Italian leaders in the production of both internal and external car components.
Product Industrialisation and Circular Economy in the Automotive Coating Field: A Possible Combination for IMR Industriale Sud, Thanks to an Innovative Automatic and Sustainable Paint Supply Technology Elisabetta Venturi ipcmÂŽ
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The automotive industry is characterised
units: IMR’s exteriors segment and
by very high chromatic variability. Colour is
Industriale Sud’s interiors segment.
one of the main variables of a car purchase
The exterior part range, including
decision, not only in terms of tint, but also
both coated and uncoated external
of effects – metallic, mica, matte, pearl,
components for vehicles, has in fact
pastel. According to a recent study , in 2018
been integrated with Industriale Sud’s
two thirds of all the vehicles produced were
know-how in the production of internal
coated with special effect paints. More and
components such as ceilings, car
more daring solutions are being sought,
parcel shelves, door interiors, and so
aimed at making a car’s appearance unique
on.” Besides its headquarter in Carate
for differentiation purposes. At the same
Brianza (MB, Italy) and the interiors
time, however, the entire European and
segment’s plant in Teramo, the firm has
world production chains are increasingly
nine production plants and ten Justin
aware of sustainability issues such as waste
in Sequence (JIS) factories throughout
and emission reduction, material recovery
Italy, Germany, Spain, and Poland. The
and reuse, and production optimisation
latter are production units located near
aimed at saving energy and creating a
car manufacturers’ plants, which they
circular economy.
provide with the necessary components
The car sector companies are constantly
‘in sequence’, according to requests and
looking for ways to combine customisation
without the need to create stocks.
and efficiency with green policies. This
“Our clientele is wide-ranging,” adds
is why they are investing in innovative
Ceppi. “With our coated external parts,
technologies to cope with the boom
we have gained high-end customers
in the demand for special colours and
such as Maserati, Ferrari, Lamborghini,
effects witnessed in the last few years. IMR
Porsche, Aston Martin, and McLaren,
Industriale Sud, among the Italian leaders in
just to name a few, but we also produce
the production of automotive components,
large volumes of uncoated functional
is an excellent example of this trend. Its
components for vehicles such as
investment in a new industrial management
Volkswagen Golf. With our interiors
technology for high quality paint products,
parts, we range from niche productions
supplied by Verind (Milan, Italy), a Dürr
devoted to handmade leather
group company, has enabled it to meet the
components for Rolls Royce, AMG, and
increasingly complex stylistic requirements
BMW to mass production operations for
of its customers while achieving a high
Volkswagen, Skoda, and many other.”
environmental sustainability degree.
The main strength of the company is
© ipcm ®
IMR Industriale Sud is among the Italian leaders in the production of automotive components, which it has always coated in-house. Recently, it has installed the EcoSupply P system of Verind, a Dürr group company, whose coating management unit can handle up to seventy different tints in an efficient and sustainable way, thanks to incredibly low paint loss and cleaning product consumption degrees and to very quick colour change times.
the strong vertical integration of its
IMR Industriale Sud’s evolution
production, as all phases are carried out
“IMR Industriale Sud was established two
in-house, from design to manufacturing,
years ago with the acquisition of Industriale
coating, and assembly. “We start with
Sud by IMR. The merger between these
a co-design stage, that is, the design
two equal-sized firms has enabled us to
of a product in collaboration with the
expand our presence in Europe,” says
customer, and we proceed with the
Gianluca Ceppi, the Industrialisation and
construction of moulds. Although we still
Technologies Director of the company.
buy most of our moulds, we now have a
“Currently, the group has around 2,500
system in our Carate Brianza plant that
employees and it operates through two
manufactures a few of them for some
distinct, but equally strategic business
specific market niches,” explains Ceppi. “We use many different production
1 Ipcm no. 55, January/February 2019 – pages 116-118
technologies: conventional injection
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
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SPECI AL PaintExpo
The existing Paint Mix Room.
mostly manual process. We also use a
Part production is followed by coating
of bumpers, rigid polyurethane injection
few technologies patented by us, such
and assembly. This also includes the
moulding for low-volume productions
as multilayer moulding with multilayer
installation of any sensors, cameras, and
of bumpers, compression moulding
sandwich material plates. Our production
radars, in order to provide customers
for under-engine reinforcement plates,
process has a very high variability
with products that can enter their
and thermoset moulding for composite
and complexity level, and so do the
assembly line ready to be mounted on
materials calling for a highly complex and
technologies we use, all highly automated.”
car bodies.
© ipcm ®
© ipcm ®
moulding for high-volume productions
The Verind EcoSupply P system.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
A detail of the PIG cleaning system.
The new coating management unit
and special effects. Conventional
crucial. Typically, a painting line
three-coat systems have now been
has fixed circulation pumps for the
IMR has always coated its exteriors
replaced by four-coat ones. The
most used colours, integrated with
components in-house. “We have
former typically include the wet-on-
wildcard pumps for all other tints.
two coating lines. One is highly
wet application of two base coats
However, the increase in production
flexible and treats most of our
and they are not well with suited
volumes and colour variability has
components, mainly for customers
to one-component water-based
forced the company to increase the
who apply body colours themselves,
base coats, which are the only one
use of wildcard pumps. “There are
so that we only have to apply a
we use. The latter, on the other
two main problems when handling
primer layer; the second one is a
hand, include the application of
a high number of tints: downtimes
special bumper coating system
a primer, a base coat with a clear
for each colour change operation
designed in 2015,” indicates Ceppi.
intermediate coat, and a second
and cleaning times. In addition,
“Initially, it only painted Maserati
base coat with another transparent
each colour changeover requires
components but, over the past
layer, thus guaranteeing greater
the removal of paint residues and
year, we have gradually added
stability especially in terms of
the cleaning of pipes, resulting in a
other parts for several high-end
adhesion. So we went from
waste of time and of both coating
customers. At the same time, we
managing about twenty-five colours
and detergent products,” emphasises
have witnessed a boom in the
to managing seventy.”
demand for different colours, driven
For IMR, the role of coating
A turning point occurred when IMR
by the increasingly daring search
pumping units and the related paint
decided to invest in the EcoSupply P
for product differentiation elements
management has therefore become
technology of Verind, a Dürr group
Painting for all industries
Bringing your surface to perfection. Dürr offers painting solutions from manual to automatic application, high-quality and easy to integrate.
© Dürr
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Concept of Dürr’s PIG system to feed multiple robot stations.
company specialising in the development of equipment and eco-technologies for coating processes. “Dürr devised its EcoSupply P technology to specifically meet its customers’ requests to recover painting materials, to reduce the waste of paint and cleaning products in production lines with frequent colour change operations,” explains Marco Assorgia, Industry Area Manager at Verind. “It is an innovative, flexible, modular, and efficient coating feeding system, able to manage the countless colours required by the automotive sector. Paint circulation is based on the PIG technology, suitable for both waterbased and solvent-based products.” IMR’s PIG systems feed the two already-existing coating robots through A robot performs a pre-treatment cycle with the innovative CO2 snow jet technology devised by German firm acp Systems AG.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
dedicated interfaces. In general, the main characteristic of the PIG technology is the
WEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;RE OBSESSED WITH COLOR YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT OF CUSTOMIZED INDUSTRIAL COATINGS A complete range of industrial coatings Powder | Waterborne | Solventborne | High Solid | E-Coat
Inver and Syntha Pulvin are brands of The Sherwin-Williams Company
The Sherwin-Williams Company | Contact: | Visit:
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scraper probe that runs in the calibrated coating circulation tubes to remove any paint residues and take them back to their drums, thus leaving the pipes clean for the injection of the next tint. This happens in a very short time and creates a circular economy. “PIG systems can also be used for non-standard coatings and for limited paint volumes and batches. EcoSupply P keeps coating processes efficient, with incredibly low paint loss and cleaning product consumption values, as well as very short colour change times. Its return on investment is significant compared with traditional systems, which is an important innovation for the market,” says Assorgia. “We implemented this technology in two stages,” states IMR Process Engineering Director Paolo Buratto. “We initially installed two PIG lines. We then decided to integrate a third one due to an
© ipcm ®
Robots for base coat and clear coat application.
Bumpers coated with a four-coat system.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
increase in the quantity of low-frequency
colours we had to manage and, above all, because we were very pleased with the first two lines. This system has brought us enormous benefits. Our operators’ activity has been greatly simplified and our paint waste is now of just a few grams. We have estimated that, considering about 30 metres of pipes, we save more than one kilogram of paint products. Last but not least, Verind’s technical assistance staff has always been helpful and precise with documents.”
The coating cycle for external components The plant currently consists of a preparation/overhead cleaning booth, a robotised primer application booth with its oven, an overhead flame hardening booth for polypropylene, and an advanced coating booth with two robots applying the coloured base coats and the clear coats. Before primer application, a preliminary phase is performed that includes manual cleaning and degreasing with isopropyl alcohol and, afterwards, pre-treatment with the innovative CO2 snow jet technology, devised by German firm acp Systems AG. This system uses a dry and residue-free process for in-line cleaning the components’ surface areas that need to be coated. For this operation, liquid carbon dioxide is fed through a two-component anti-wear circular nozzle and it then expands to form thin crystals. These are aggregated by a circular jet of compressed air and accelerated to supersonic speed. When the non-abrasive jet of CO2 snow and compressed air hits the surface of the workpiece at a temperature of -78,5 °C, a combination occurs of thermal, mechanical, sublimation, and solvent actions. These four cleaning actions enable the system to reliably remove film contaminants, such as residues of release agents, silicone, and fingerprints, and particulate contaminants, such as dust and lint. If needed, a flame hardening phase follows the pre-treatment one for polypropylene components. The parts are then subjected to finishing.
The goal of customised but sustainable industrial production “The investment in this integrated automatic system for managing the high quality coatings we apply to our bumpers is a part of our company’s ‘green quota’: our group has committed to devote a share of its investments to sustainable projects. Indeed, we relied on Verind also because it has always been attentive to environmental sustainability issues and focussed on the creation of circular economy cycles for modern painting processes,” states Ceppi.
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but also environmental sustainability and energy efficiency policies aimed at meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Our technology, integrated in IMR’s already-existing, very high-quality lines, has brought numerous benefits, that is, maximum customisation capacity combined with the generation of less waste and emissions. An actual and innovative industrial result which combines a general production optimisation with integrated circular economy logics.”
From left to right, Alessandro Soba from Verind, Paola Giraldo from ipcm®, Gianluca Ceppi and Paolo Buratto from IMR Industriale Sud Spa, Marco Assorgia from Verind, and Giorgia Ricchiuti from ipcm®.
Sales Manager at Verind. “Nowadays,
to help them integrate sustainable
a company like IMR that operates in
industrial solutions and systems into
the global market can only achieve a
their production cycle as a significant
competitive advantage by adopting
corporate improvement,” says
not only technological innovations
Alessandro Soba, Industry New Business
and Industry 4.0-oriented solutions,
© Dürr
“IMR Industriale Sud asked Verind
Modularity concept of Dürr’s PIG system. On the right a PIG unit during assembly.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Transparent Information for A Simplified Management of The Coating Process 4.0 Transparency of the powder coating process anytime and anywhere. With the COATIFY information and management platform, WAGNER fulfils this wish of a leading contract manufacturer in metalworking. The web-based system continuously provides relevant performance data of the coating system and raises awareness among the workforce for system utilization, cost reduction and highest quality in coating.
precision are manufactured
has led to a doubling of the
Fox Laser Ltd is a leading contract
for renowned suppliers in the
workforce in the last four years.
manufacturer in the metalworking
automotive, transport and switch
The growth required expansion
industry. In Sofia, Bulgaria,
cabinet construction sectors.
of the production facilities to
housing and profile components
The increasing capacity utilisation
increase capacity. This also
of the highest quality and
of the company due to its success
applied to the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s surface
Š Wagner Group
The challenge
Transparent information for a simplified management of the coating process 4.0.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
to date at the beginning of 2019. For this purpose, a fully automatic
© Wagner Group
technology, which was brought up
WAGNER powder coating system with powder centre, booth and ten automatic guns was installed. The successful company development at Fox Laser requires the continuous hiring of new employees, who have to quickly familiarize themselves with the production facilities. At the same time, costs have to be continually optimized to ensure high production quality and competitiveness. In order to meet these versatile requirements, those responsible at Fox Laser wanted a comprehensive yet easyto-use process control system for powder coating. The aim of the
The WAGNER system with the web-based information and management platform COATIFY represents the latest state of the art in powder coating technology.
production manager was to keep an overview of the system anytime status at all times.
The solution In the planning phase for the new
© Wagner Group
and anywhere and to know its
powder coating plant at Fox Laser, WAGNER Industrial Solutions launched the COATIFY information and management platform. This system exactly meets Fox Laser’s expectations for modern process monitoring. The web-based Internet of Things platform COATIFY visualizes the powder coating process intelligently and continuously. The system’s performance data can be captured at a glance on the clear user interface with descriptive diagrams and graphics. Relevant production data are easily prepared and logged, providing the user with a perfect overview of the process. The platform can
COATIFY optimally complements the components of the WAGNER powder coating system and makes the coating process even more efficient and economical.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
© Wagner Group
With COATIFY, service measures can be planned in good time in order to increase system availability and thus save costs.
be accessed via PC, tablet or smartphone and enables secure access to internal production data from anywhere. “For us, COATIFY came at just the right time. With the continuous provision of important production data on various end devices, we have the possibility to carry out an extremely reliable production monitoring. This improves process reliability and increases productivity,” says Dako Lisichkov, Managing Director at Fox Laser. He is convinced that COATIFY is optimally equipped for the future also with upcoming updates and new developments with regard to Close-up of an exemplary metal workpiece from Fox Laser after powder coating.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
new coating solutions.
The customer experience After a short time COATIFY has already proven itself in operation at Fox Laser. Thanks to the clearly structured and graphically comprehensible system information, seamless monitoring of production is ensured at all times. Timely information on upcoming maintenance, malfunctions or deviations from individually definable limit values increase quality and system availability and thus reduce costs. The system operators at Fox Laser can also access the current operating manuals of the systems at any time via COATIFY. If a question cannot be answered on site, the customer sends a service ticket directly to WAGNER via COATIFY. This ticket provides system data and running times of the components electronically. If required, WAGNER service staff can also carry out remote maintenance. “With COATIFY, we at Fox Laser now have full control over our coating quality and can intervene immediately if a parameter changes. This transparency increases process reliability, which will also have a positive effect on cost accounting,” Dako Lisichkov is convinced. COATIFY optimally complements the coordinated components of the WAGNER powder coating system and thus, makes powder coating even more efficient and economical. With COATIFY, WAGNER has created an industry solution with added value that raises production plants in surface technology to a new level in terms of economy, efficiency and process reliability. For further information:
Innovative solutions
Innovative Lösungen
Eurotherm solves every problem concerning painting processes, creating complete lines for the entire process.
Eurotherm löst alle Probleme in Bezug auf Lackierprozesse und erstellt komplette Linien für den gesamten Prozess.
Our structure is organized and flexible and able to satisfy the most demanding requests.
Unser flexibles und lösungsorientiertes Unternehmen ist darauf ausgelegt die anspruchsvollsten Anforderungen zu erfüllen.
Customers who turn to Eurotherm are customers who, despite knowing the “painting process”, want to improve production by adopting highly customized technical solutions.
Headquarter: based in Turin (IT)
Number of employees: 65
Eine Vielzahl unserer Kunden sind sehr erfahren im Lackierprozess. Zusammen mit ihnen entwickeln wir individuelle technische Lösungen, optimal auf ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmt.
Plants realized in 2019: 180
Other locations: Stuttgart (DE), Toulouse (FR), Verona (IT)
EU1: 3.500 m² of offices, carpentry and painting departments EU2: 5.300 m² for sheet metal department, assembly, storage and shipment
Eurotherm Lackieranlagen GmbH T +49 711 400 545 13 | M Andreas Bisinger Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter T +49 172 749 64 74 | M
Joe Kaut Vertrieb Süddeutschland/Österreich/Schweiz T +49 172 783 83 22 | M
© FreiLacke - Emil Frei GmbH & Co. KG
UV clear coatings are well suited as adhesive primers on difficult substrates prior to printing in order to ensure the adhesion of digital print colours.
Increasing Productivity, Reducing Emissions Oliver Zanner FreiLacke - Emil Frei GmbH & Co. KG, Bräunlingen-Döggingen – Germany
UV coating systems from FreiLacke are curing particularly quickly and offer outstanding mechanical properties.
Coatings protect surfaces, provide them with
all of their components react with each other
systems, which are the subject of growing
new functions and refine them with special
during the UV curing process, hardly any
regulatory scrutiny.
colours and haptic elements. UV coatings
VOC emissions are produced when they are
UV coatings are applied using a rolling or
with environmentally friendly properties are
processed. That makes them a particularly
spraying process. They are dried using
becoming increasingly popular: since nearly
interesting alternative to solvent-based coating
sources of radiation that emit ultraviolet
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
light and do not require a lot of heat.
coatings in order to minimise solvent
The photo initiators contained in the
emissions in the production process.
High scratch resistance, good elasticity
coating absorb the energy from the
If the surfaces are flat, completely
Thanks to its integrated nano particles,
light and disaggregate, which triggers a
solvent-free UV coatings can be rolled on.
ES1952H in particular boasts a very high
chain reaction – following a short, high-
The coating expert Frei offers a variety
scratch resistance, good elasticity and good
energy radiation, the UV coating systems
of UV coatings that stand out because
chemical resistance, which was tested in
are cured. The advantage: The coated
of their very short curing times and
accordance with DIN 68861, according to the
substrates can immediately be processed
very good mechanical resistance. For
coating expert. In addition, the ES1910 and
further, packaged or stacked. That results
example, immediately after they are fully
ES1913G systems also feature top chemical
in an increase in productivity in the
cured, the ES1910, ES1952 or ES1913 UV
and disinfectant resistance, which customers
manufacturing sector.
coatings feature a surface hardness of
often demanded for interiors.
more than 100 oscillations according to
Over the past decades, UV coatings were
Minimal abrasion
the pendulum hardening method.
primarily used for wooden surfaces. But that
“UV systems are mainly used on flat
“This is also evidenced by the abrasion
has changed: They are now also being used
surfaces,” said FreiLacke’s Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
test according to TaberAbrasor CS10
for substrates like metal or plastic. But UV
Beate Brehmer. “But the development of 3D
2 x 500 gram at 500 revolutions. The
clear coatings from FreiLacke do not just
curing mechanisms is progressing rapidly,
abrasion of the FreiLacke products
protect surfaces: Systems like ES1975HF
which means they can also be used on less
ES1901 and ES1952 is less than
or ES1970 are also well suited as adhesive
even surfaces. As a result, we are seeing an
5 milligrams”, explained Gut. In
primers on difficult substrates prior to printing
increased use of hydro UV coatings”. The
comparison: It is approximately 10 to 15
in order to ensure the adhesion of digital print
formers are usually applied as UV spray
milligrams for conventional UV coatings.
SPECI AL PaintExpo
Practical example: UV coatings at Stengel GmbH
using special UV lamps and then
radical polymerisation. Fillers and
receive an overcoat of protective clear
pigments can be used for providing
The demand for digitally printed
coating that is sprayed on. Another
colour and matting as well as to keep
surfaces with UV materials is also
production process is not worth
prices low. Classic additives improve
on the rise – for example for plastic
considering, according to Sendner,
defoaming, flow, wetting and light
substrates in construction, walling
because the quality is just right and
elements for interiors and sanitary
the workflow has been perfected.
Depending on the applications
facilities as well as for printed
Stengel and FreiLacke are currently
process, the layer thicknesses
outdoor industrial surfaces. That is
jointly researching an anti-slip coating
of the UV systems of the coating
also the case at Stengel GmbH from
for ships.
manufacturer from the Black Forest vary from 10 to more than
Ellwangen: The company specialises
80 micrometres. That allows
shipbuilding sector – in particular for
Background information Focus on UV coatings
wet rooms. Stengel has been relying
UV-curable coating systems largely
gloss levels from high gloss
on UV systems from FreiLacke since
consist of oligomers (binding agents)
(angle < 20°:70-90GE) to matt
2013. “First, we prime our metal tiles
and monomers (reactive thinners).
(<60°: 15GE). Following 1,000 hours
with a white UV basecoat using a
They are primarily responsible for film
of WOM weathering, the products
spraying application. Following the
formation and give the coating system
ES 1901, ES1970 and ES1952 feature
partial gelling, the tiles are placed
its basic properties.
a residual gloss of >90 percent
in large flatbed printers, where the
The monomers are also tasked with
and a dE value of <1.5. In addition,
decorative UV coating is applied”,
reducing the viscosity. It is essential
FreiLacke has developed some highly
explained Uwe Sendner, the head
that the formulation contains
matt systems in recent years that
of production. Both layers are dried
photo-initiators in order to initiate
were well received by customers.
© FreiLacke - Emil Frei GmbH & Co. KG
© FreiLacke - Emil Frei GmbH & Co. KG
in the production of metal tiles for the
UV coating systems feature top chemical and disinfectant resistance, which customers often demanded for interiors.
An application example of UV coatings.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
them to meet a wide range of
© Graco
Six-axis KUKA robot.
Hannex Increases Painting Efficiency and Quality with ProMix PD2K Philippe Godbil Graco, Maasmechelen - Belgium
Polish paint sprayer Hannex has a mission to provide ultimate painting performance, and Graco’s latest 2K proportioner helps them meet their goals.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The Hannex Painting Company is a young but fast growing
© Graco
company dedicated to high-quality painting services. Based in west Poland in the town of Obrzycko, about 50 km north of Poznań, the company started operations in 1996 as a specialist painter of plastic household goods. Over the years it has expanded its partnerships with the automotive industry with clients such as Man, Volvo, Ster and Kiel. The Hannex strategy is based on using the most modern technologies and innovative solutions offered by reputable companies. New automated varnishing lines were commissioned in 2013 and 2016, equipped with six-axis KUKA robots and state-of-the-art computer-controlled paint application systems. Recent investments include a double heat recuperation system, a constant humidity system, a fully automated drying plant, and the implementation of a 3D system for marking details. The company is certified to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 quality management systems, confirmed by the TÜV Rheinland quality certificate. Moreover, their production processes and procedures comply with the VDA 6.3 standard. This is an extension of ISO 9001:2015 and aims to help automotive companies meet growth, innovation and compliance goals.
Responding to a more challenging market situation Recently, market challenges have driven Hannex to increase the efficiency of their production lines and further improve their already high production quality levels. New orders brought the necessity to achieve very low paint flows for the painting of small details. Together with new combinations of paint viscosities and mix ratios, their existing painting equipment was not able to provide the flexibility and efficiency they were looking for. Faced with these various
ProMix PD2K: Graco’s latest 2K proportioner.
had to make key decisions regarding the future direction of the company.
© Graco
challenges, Krzysztof Iwanicki, owner and CEO of Hannex,
“We have been partnering with Graco and its authorized distributor Arkus for a number of years, especially for the application of two-component paints and coatings,” explains Iwanicki. “Discussions over the changing direction of Hannex came at the same time as the market release of an interesting new generation of Graco’s 2K proportioner ProMix PD2K.” The ProMix PD2K is based on unique technology of electrically powered and controlled positive displacement dosing pumps. The use of 100% positive displacement technology allows accurate mix ratios and consistent performance. It’s particularly ideal for short pot life materials,
KUKA robot for application and control of the process.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
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SPECI AL PaintExpo
as the ProMix PD2K mixes the material close to the gun so the flush zone is significantly smaller. This allows for faster colour changes, less material usage, and reduced disposal costs. In fact, up to 80% reduction in flushing waste is possible compared to the most efficient traditional proportioning systems. It also stalls under pressure for consistent, on-ratio results (within 1% accuracy), and is field serviceable in less than 20 minutes, which means there’s no need for costly factory rebuilds like gear pumps.
Upgrading with new Graco proportioners As Hannex was looking for a flexible solution that would allow the application of both water- and solvent-based coatings, instead of separate systems based on gear pumps, the ProMix PD2K Dual Panel was the perfect choice. This single unit allows the creation of two independent systems to supply two distinct robots equipped with automatic low-pressure guns. “This would enable us to dedicate one system to water-borne paints and the second system to solvent-borne paints, each for three colours and two hardeners,” adds Iwanicki. Hannex therefore requested Arkus to install the Graco ProMix PD2K Dual Panel. In addition, the paint kitchen was equipped with Graco’s proven low-pressure membrane Triton 308 pumps, which were installed in a separate room. The complete system was connected to the PLCs of the KUKA robots for application and control of the entire process. Air operated double diaphragm pumps.
Achieving higher efficiency and quality Hannex was completely satisfied with the new
© Graco
installation. ProMix PD2K has enabled them to paint simultaneously with two independently operating robots, each with different colours for different details. At the same time, control of the overall process was consolidated in only one unit for easy operation. ProMix PD2K also allows the painting of small components with a high degree of flexibility, using between <3 and 50> cc/min. “The implementation of the Graco ProMix PD2K has helped us to improve the finish quality of our paint jobs and reduce the amount of improperly painted parts to less than 3%,” remarks Krzysztof Iwanicki. “This increase in efficiency played a key part in us achieving a very fast return on investment. In addition, the new installation proved to be almost Triton 1:1 150 Series Pump.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Panint Jhonlerkieat © Shutterstock
The PVD process can be applied to several sectors, from automotive to packaging, and it offers clean but equally functional chrome plating results in terms of both resistance and quality.
UV Coatings and PVD Process, an Innovative Combination that Opens New Frontiers for Surface Finishing From an interview with Tristan Rodriguez GI EMEAI Specialty Plastics & PVD Segment Manager at Sherwin-Williams
The Specialty Plastics & PVD Segment, created in 2019 to bring together all the experiences developed over many years within the entire company Sherwin-Williams to accelerate its growth strategy in this particular sector, has developed a range of high solid UV coatings that are complementary to the PVD technology. In order to test these paints and offer its customers a demonstration of their application, Sherwin-Williams installed a Kolzer PVD machine in its laboratory in Mariano Comense (Como, Italy).
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Kolzer
The issue of sustainability is playing a primary role in our global society, now more than ever. It does not only guide daily personal choices, but it is often also the reason behind corporate strategic decisions. Sustainability has increasingly turned from a simple (so to speak) practice to a real competitive advantage by intertwining with technological innovations, which are its true drivers. An example of this is the PVD technology. The Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) process can be applied to several sectors, from automotive to packaging, and it offers clean but equally functional chrome plating results in terms of both resistance and quality. PVD has carved out more and more space in the surface treatment industry as a replacement for galvanic processes, which are far more polluting. Paint
The KOLZER DGK24 PVD system installed in Sherwin-Williams’ laboratory in Mariano Comense.
manufacturers have also recognised the potential of these process, thus
Industrial application conditions in the laboratory
solutions and specific products for each
to PVD that offer additional metal protection properties and the ability to
“Sherwin-Williams pays great attention
machine supplied by Kolzer, a company
customise finishes with different effects.
to the needs of the market, which is
we have known for a long time, as it
Sherwin-Williams was among the first
increasingly requiring solutions that
has already served several firms in the
multinational companies to devote a
ensure a high quality level in terms of
cosmetic, home appliance, design, and
business segment to plastics and PVD,
both resistance and aesthetics, but that
automotive industries.”
in order to develop UV coatings capable
are also sustainable and environmentally
“We equipped the Mariano Comense
of increasing process performance.
friendly. This is also due to more and
laboratory with a KOLZER DGK24 type
In its laboratory in Mariano Comense
more stringent chemical regulations, such
machine. We opted for a medium-sized
(Como, Italy), Sherwin-Williams has
as REACH, the European regulation on
plant instead of a laboratory version
recently started a research and
the use of these products, which provides
in order to enable Sherwin-Williams to
development project for a range of
for the elimination of Chromium VI from
perform treatments on ‘real’ parts,
UV coatings to be applied in market
any industrial process by 2023,” explains
with processes that are as close
sectors where PVD processes are
Tristan Rodriguez, the GI EMEAI Specialty
as possible to actual industrial
widespread, such as the cosmetics and
Plastics & PVD Segment Manager of
applications,” explains Kolzer owner
car interior ones. In order to give added
Sherwin-Williams. “All these factors, as
Antonio D’Esposito.
value to this development process and
well as the intent to follow the growth
“We chose this model to operate in
guarantee the full functionality of its
trend of PVD and its related paints,
the same process conditions of our
coatings, Sherwin-Williams installed a
led us to the creation of our Specialty
customers. Performing operations
PVD machine in its lab. It was supplied
Plastics & PVD division, devoted to the
as similar as possible to real-world
by Kolzer Srl (Cologno Monzese, Milan,
development of a range of UV coatings
applications is a factor of fundamental
Italy), which has been designing and
capable of increasing the performance
importance for us, because in this
developing PVD chrome plating systems
degree of PVD processes. In order to
way we are able to coat workpieces
since 1952.
provide our customers with tested
and send them to our customers
developing complementary products
application, we also installed a PVD
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
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and paint adhesion; PVD stage; and top coat application to improve aesthetic and resistance characteristics.
The future of the automotive industry? “Thanks to our collaboration with Kolzer and to Sherwin-Williams’ commitment to implement increasingly more sustainable technologies, we have managed to develop base coats and top coats for the cosmetic packaging industry and we are now working on other products to meet the needs of several other sectors. We will soon install a second Kolzer PVD machine in one of our laboratories in France, with the aim of further expanding this segment in Europe, and The Kolzer system enables Sherwin-Williams to perform demonstrations and to develop the most effective cycle directly on the customers' products.
subsequently in the rest of the world,” states Tristan Rodriguez. “One of the most promising markets for this technology is the automotive sector, that has always sought and required
for technical approval, so that they can
on, without any dimensional and structural
high performance levels in terms of impact,
directly assess our products and their
limitation,” states Antonio D’Esposito.
scratch, humidity, and chemical resistance.
effectiveness. In addition to supporting us in
“Research on colours and aesthetic finishes
Indeed, we expect strong growth in this field
the development phase, our Kolzer system
is very important for Sherwin-Williams. This
and the tests carried out so far have obtained
enables us to perform demonstrations and
is why we organise workshops in which our
promising results.”
to develop the most effective cycle directly
customers have the opportunity to meet our
“Sherwin-Williams and Kolzer are at the
on the customers’ products,” indicates
designers, test the finishes obtained with
forefront of promoting the use of more
Tristan Rodriguez. “Thanks to this Kolzer
PVD processes, and learn about new colour
sustainable products and processes, able to
machine, we were also able to test and
trends,” confirms Tristan Rodriguez. The
meet the specific needs of the market in terms
develop a base coat and top coat range for
ideal process includes as follows: base coat
of quality, customisation, and production
the cosmetic packaging industry. These are
application to increase substrate hardness
efficiency,” he says.
both medium and high solid UV paints with a © Sherwin-Williams
low VOC content, able to meet the needs of the cosmetic industry and to offer excellent chemical and mechanical resistance when combined with a PVD process.” “The combination of UV coatings and PVD technology results in a safer and more environmentally friendly cold process, with no water consumption or harmful emissions. The cycle speed also guarantees economic savings on process and material costs, as well as a high production yield. Thanks to the use of UV paints, this process creates an ideal coating to give products high performance and excellent aesthetic properties. This increases their perceived value and enables designers to freely select base materials, that is, plastics, metal, glass, wood, leather, and so
One of the most promising markets for the PVD technology is the automotive sector.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
complete plants
IDEAS NEED TALENT C.M.V. srl - Via dellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;industria, 2 - 61036 Tavernelle di Colli al Metauro, PU - Italy - T +39 0721 892274 - -
© PhoenixTM
PhoenixTM has strengthened the FIS04 system with an intrinsically safe data logger.
PhoenixTM Company History Carola Konitzer PhoenixTM GmbH, Bad Oeynhausen – Germany
PhoenixTM was founded in 2010 by Michael Taake, Ian Budden and Dave Plester. Two company headquarters were established, PhoenixTM GmbH in Bad Oeynhausen and PhoenixTM Ltd. UK based in Earith near Cambridge.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The three company founders before creating PhoenixTM had worked very closely together in the Industrial Temperature Profiling industry, in the specification, design, promotion and support of temperature monitoring solutions. Together they accumulated over sixty years of experience. Michael Taake knows the heat treatment market and customer requirements very well through his time in sales. Ian Budden was involved in development and has very precise knowledge of the requirements for the system components in the heat treatment area. Dave Plester, on the other hand, was an industry expert of high temperature applications such as steel and aluminum processes and brought valuable knowledge and further developments into the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s knowhow. Sadly, Dave passed away in 2017. The two companiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; headquarters in Germany and Great Britain have grown continuously in recent years, so that PhoenixTM GmbH moved to larger premises at its current location in Bad Oeynhausen in October 2017. PhoenixTM Ltd in the UK also moved in 2015 from Ely to Earith and larger premises with improved production and services facilities. PhoenixTM GmbH with now nine employees, the sales areas Europe, Mediterranean countries, Middle East and Russia as well as their former republics are served from here. In many of these countries, PhoenixTM GmbH has cooperation partners who have been involved to a large extent from the very beginning and are very familiar with the products and possible applications. This guarantees competent and always available customer support on site. In addition to sales, customer service is a major component of the company philosophy. At the location in Bad Oeynhausen, the data loggers are calibrated and repairs are carried out. Calibrations according to UKAS guidelines are carried out in England. The next milestone is the targeted DAkkS certification of the German location in order to further expand the service for customers. PhoenixTM started with temperature measurement systems for the high temperature range. This is still one of the core competencies today. Gradually, more and more areas of application were added, driven by close collaboration with an increasing customer base. Thanks to the many years of intensive cooperation with many customers, PhoenixTM has successfully brought many innovate unique new technology break throughs in the heat treatment monitoring onto the market. For example, the Oil Quench TS12 system, which
visit us at Messe Karlsruhe October 12-15, 2020 hall 1, booth 1541
Š PhoenixTM
SPECI AL PaintExpo
A glimpse of the company.
was developed in close cooperation
short decision-making processes
depending on the recipe, can
with the IWT. This system made it
and close cooperation with
produce explosive gases.
possible for the first time to measure
development and production in
Temperature monitoring is and
a complete carburizing process
England, such projects can be
remains an important part of
including an oil quench bath. Not
implemented quickly and easily.
production, in the high temperature
only the furnace temperatures are
The latest development is a
sector (steel and aluminium
measured, but also the heat transfer
system that was continued from
applications), in coating, but also
in the quenching bath is also made
the FIS04 coating system to meet
in the ceramic industry and in the
visible. Vapor formation or insufficient
the requirements of the ATEX
food sector. Due to the constantly
flow can be optimized easily based on
regulations (ATmosphere EXplosive
increasing demands on quality
the measured data.
= explosive atmospheres). Since
and product safety, but also new
Another example for a new product
the last change in 2014, these
market developments, such as
development is the TS27 thermal
have passed from the BetrSichV
the advancing conversion of the
barrier series, which, depending on
(Industrial Safety Ordinance) to the
automotive industry to electric
the specific needs, can be individually
GefStoffV (Hazardous Substances
cars, it is becoming increasingly
adapted to the respective customer
Ordinance). In the course of this
important to gain safe and precise
requirements. For example, in the
transfer, various new requirements
knowledge of the applications and
robot assembly of heat treatment
for the regulations were added,
processes. Process reliability and
furnaces, this is an important aspect
which must now be taken into
product quality are not the only
in order to enable smooth loading
account. In order to be able to offer
important factors. The efficiency of
and unloading of the furnaces. The
legal security to those responsible
the furnace and the optimization
containers are designed to fit into
for security in the company,
an engine block, for example, and, if
PhoenixTM has strengthened the
emissions are equally important.
necessary, can be inserted into the
FIS04 system with an Intrinsically
All of this is directly related to the
production line at any time without
safe data logger to comply with the
correct setting of the ovens. The
interrupting production. The gripper
valid ATEX approvals according to
aim of every oven measurement is
of the robot can handle the complete
Directive 99/92 / EC (or ATEX 137).
to balance the energy input and the
measuring system as easy as a normal
It has been certified accordingly
quality of the products in such a way
work piece. Other collaborations
and is approved for Ex Zone 2.
that the two are optimally balanced.
take place in the area of software
This is particularly important for
This is exactly what the PhoenixTM
development and integration in, for
wet painting systems, as the paints
temperature measuring systems
example, the furnace controls. With
are outgassed while curing and,
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
of operating costs and CO2(g)
© ipcm ®
Aerial view of the plant.
SLA Industrie: A Last Generation Vertical System to Increase the Productivity of a Service Company in the Aluminium Profile Sector Alessia Venturi ipcm®
SLA Industrie, a service company for the procurement, processing, finishing and assembly of aluminium profiles for the French ATRYA Group, has invested in a vertical coating plant for profiles with a maximum length of 7 meters, designed and installed by SAT (Verona, Italy), to replace the previous saturated horizontal plant. The new line presents two highly productive V-shaped coating booths featuring dense phase application devices and numerous technical characteristics aimed at improving sustainability and product quality.
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(Fougerolles-Saint-Valbert, France), specialising in the processing and coating of aluminium profiles for door and window frames. The boom occurred over the previous ten years in the aluminium frame market had completely saturated the horizontal coating line of the company. In order to make up for its lack of production capacity, SLA Industrie chose to make a major investment in a vertical coating plant for profiles with a maximum length of 7 metres. SAT (Verona, Italy) designed and installed it, supplying a last generation, high productivity line with two V-shaped coating booths featuring dense phase application devices and numerous technical characteristics aimed at improving sustainability and product quality.
Sectional view of the profiles assembled with the thermal bridge.
Company history SLA Industrie operates as the procurement, processing, finishing, and assembly service provider of the ATRYA group, a French plant engineering business in the sector
with finished products, or semi-finished products that
of architectural profiles. Johannes Tryba, a carpenter of
have reached the required process stage, as quickly as
German origin, established it in 1980 in the French region
possible. In order to do so, it is essential to have systems
of Alsace by launching the production of PVC windows with
and machines that enable a lean production flow and
fifteen employees and a production capacity of twenty
can compensate for any production peaks or structural
windows per day, sold in the French market. Indeed, the
increases in demand – including the demand for small
ATRYA group’s history is the story of a passion that became
batches - without the need to rely on contractors.
a job and of a job that proved a very successful endeavour.
This was also the issue faced in 2018 by SLA Industrie
In 1984, TRYBA designed its first range of profiles.
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The mission of a service company is to provide its customers
Detail of the vertical coating installations
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recyclability even when painted. The ATRYA group was officially created in 2004 by including various brands, operating in both the BtoB and BtoC markets and in the public building sector. Since 2004, the ATRYA group has continued to expand in France, Germany, Switzerland, and Belgium by incorporating new sectors, such as that of profiles for verandas, pergolas, and garage doors. It thus became a benchmark company in the market of high quality architectural structures. Its strong focus on the protection of our planet has led it to adopt a responsible development philosophy, based on continuous
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innovation that is also respectful of humankind and the
Pascal Fischer, SLA Industrie general manager.
Its success was such that in 1988 it completely automated its production process. TRYBA managed to consolidate its presence in all market segments, thanks to both targeted acquisitions and the establishment of various production units in France, Switzerland, and Germany, thus laying the foundations for the creation of a European-level group. PVC door and window frames were joined by wood and, above all, aluminium ones. Indeed, since the 2000s aluminium has become more and more appreciated thanks to its characteristics of sustainability, lightness, and
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The loading.
The warehouse with the pre-load zone.
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Internal view of the pre-treatment tunnel.
environment: this approach is well summarised by its motto, “ATRYA, Making the best of WE (World’s Energy)”.
The ATRYA group is now among the major European door and window manufacturers, with 1450 employees, 15 production sites in Europe, an annual turnover of 265 million Euros, and a commitment to always invest in the excellence of its product.
The transition from the horizontal to the vertical system Established in 2008, SLA Industrie is the ATRYA’s group service company. It deals with all the operations needed to transform a profile into a window or door, from machining, thermal bridge assembly, and accessory
and small part integration to coating, wood-effect sublimation (carried out in-house), and anodising (currently outsourced). In addition to these services, SLA Industrie also manages the procurement of the aluminium extrusions used by all the companies of the group to produce their aluminium, wood/aluminium, and PVC/aluminium doors and windows. in the last few years, thanks to the sustainability characteristics of this material, whose properties perfectly meet the requirements of recyclability, low environmental impact, and lightness of structures. Aluminium frames have gained more and more ground
“The demand for aluminium has grown exponentially
Visit us in Hall 2, Booth 2128 R
within our group, to the point of pushing us to invest in a new coating plant to adapt our productivity to the boom in market demands. In 2018, our production volume had reached 400,000 coated square metres per year: despite working on three shifts, our horizontal line had reached full capacity. We therefore chose a vertical system supplied by Italian company SAT. We definitely broke with the past, since our already-existing plant was a horizontal machine,” says SLA Industrie general manager Pascal Fischer. “At the end of 2019, the vertical line was ready for the ramp-up phase and we started gradually reducing the use of the previous plant – a phase that is still underway. The vertical line is also supported by a small horizontal line, which we installed in 2015 to coat the accessories and sheets necessary to complete our profiles.” “We deliberately chose a vertical plant that was oversized with respect to our current production needs because we knew we had to take an important step for the development of our company,” states Pascal Fischer. SLA Industrie also coats parts for some firms outside the ATRYA group, which it provides with an integral profile
EcoPolifix Srl − Socio unico T: +39 (0) 424/848555 E: Member of HELIOS. Part of KANSAI PAINT.
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The vacuum evaporator of the water treatment plant.
production according to both colours and delivery deadlines, and dropped off in a few storage buffers in front of the vertical system’s loading station: each buffer corresponds to a different customer or colour batch. SAT’s plant includes a pre-treatment station with a Qualimarine-level cycle with alkaline attack, acid attack, conversion, and rinsing phases. “We chose to obtain the Qualimarine certification: it is the quality mark of French association Adal and it differs from the Qualicoat Seaside one because it has lower tolerances in terms of raw material quality and especially of copper content in alloys, as it is a corrosion factor,” explains Pascal Fischer. “Pre-treatment waste water is handled with a zero-discharge purification
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system with a vacuum evaporator.”
The pre-treatment tunnel.
management service based on their production schedules, so that they can directly manufacture the window frames with the profiles of each batch.
Features of the vertical line: energy efficiency, safety, and excellent coating quality SLA Industrie stores its profiles, mostly coming from European extruding firms, in an advanced automatic warehouse with 2,200 slots. These are then picked up according to production orders, aimed at optimising
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Pascal Fischer from SLA Industrie, on the left, with Stéphane Sénéchal from SAT.
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temperature rises. In this area of France, it can be very hot in summer: the coolers prevent the baths from accumulating too much heat. Finally, the pre-treatment station features a scrubber system to purify the tanks’ vapours before air is released.” The powder application area consists of two V-shaped booths, each equipped with 16 spray guns fed through GEMA dense phase pumps. “In the V-shaped booths, the suction ducts are located behind the guns and, therefore, overspray suction also contributes to paint the profiles,” says Pascal Fischer from SLA Industrie. “Thanks to their rotating walls, the booths are constantly cleaned during
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The booth 1.
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The booth 2.
“The drying oven following the pre-treatment station was separated from the curing oven already during the design stage, at the specific request of SLA Industrie,” says Stéphane Sénéchal, project manager at SAT, “because they required a process enabling to fine-tune operating temperatures. This is why we installed two independent ovens, each with its own burner. With the aim of better managing energy efficiency, we have also equipped the pre-treatment tunnel with two cooling unis in correspondence with the conversion tank, which keep the baths’ temperature constant when the environment’s
Touch screen for booth and guns setting up.
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The V Shape configuration with opposing guns.
spraying, so that the colour change operations are very quick. The two booths work simultaneously, not based on the typical distinction between light and dark colours, but rather on production batches. Of course, we try to optimise production orders by tint, but our main goal is to meet our customers’ deadlines and only rarely is it
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possible to devote one booth to dark colours and the
The powder centre.
other to light ones. We currently perform five to twenty colour change operations per shift. We carry out powder recovery operations or not depending on each batch size. The speed of the chain is 1 metre/minute and during loading we leave 5 metres between one batch and another: if the batch to be processed is smaller than 5 metres of chain, we do not recover the powder used.” “The latest type of GEMA dense phase powder management unit is equipped with a gap control system, The fans are positioned at floor level of the oven.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
which automatically detects the lack of profiles on the
are normally managed by individual control modules,” says
Coating efficiency with reduced powder consumption and improved quality
Stéphane Sénéchal from SAT. “This enables the operator
“Last year, we decided to standardise the use of Qualicoat
to save time and prepare for the subsequent coating
Class 2 powders in order to guarantee excellent quality
program while the system performs the booth and gun
and position ourselves in the high-end market. This led to
cleaning operations.”
a natural selection of our paint suppliers. We have now
“Another peculiar characteristic of this plant is its curing
three main ones: Tiger Coatings, Axalta, and IGP,” explains
oven. It has excellent insulation and softer, more fluid,
Pascal Fischer from SLA Industrie. “With the installation of
and uniform air distribution, since this comes out from
the new plant and, above all, thanks to GEMA dense phase
numerous bottom holes with the same speed. In this
technology, we have already found that we consume much
way, air comes out fragmented and with a constant flow:
less powder than we did on the horizontal line. We already
this avoids any collisions between the profiles and the
had some experience in the use of dense phase pumps on
dispersion of impurities, which may cause inclusions
our horizontal line for coating some accessories, and we
on the profiles’ finished surfaces,” indicates Sénéchal.
chose to also install them on our vertical line because the
“Moreover, gas consumption is limited and fans are
application quality degree is higher.”
positioned at floor level to facilitate maintenance. Finally,
“While designing this plant, we focused on the
its most important construction characteristic, which has
environmental issues related to energy efficiency, which
become the trademark of SAT plants’ curing ovens, are
is a very important aspect for those who choose such a
revolving doors. These are an excellent solution, because
sustainable material as aluminium,” states Fischer. “We
they give the profiles time to gel, with very positive effects
opted for SAT as our plant supplier because its offer best
on coating quality, the reduction of any inclusions, and
suited our technical needs. I especially appreciated the
energy savings.”
oven’s revolving doors, which reduce consumption while
chain and allows simultaneously turning off all guns, which
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SPECI AL PaintExpo
AP01 dense phase pumps.
eliminating the inclusion problem on profiles, which is due to the contamination that normally occurs at the entrance of curing ovens. The V-shaped booth concept is also very interesting: we are obtaining excellent finishing results even on very complex profiles: although we still need to optimise a few parameters, the difference with the coating results of the horizontal line is already clearly visible. Therefore, I can say I am pleased with our switch to a vertical plant concept. Obviously, this phase is not easy to manage because our operators must get used to a completely different coating process, but for now things are going very well, exactly as we expected.”
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The oven’s revolving doors.
The unloading.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Dr. Hönle
LED-UV technology offers various technical and economic advantages – it can be used in a significantly broader range of applications thanks to new paint developments.
Optimising Painting of Plastic Workpieces: Economically Fulfilling Stricter Requirements for Quality and Sustainability Doris Schulz SCHULZ. PRESSE. TEXT, Korntal – Germany
The number of plastic parts being coated is rising inexorably – in a nearly unlimited range of diversity. Demands placed on the quality and individuality of painted surfaces are increasing continuously as well. At the same time, less and less expensive and increasingly sustainable coating processes are required. These requirements can only be fulfilled by means of consistent process optimisation. Attention will be focused on corresponding solutions at this year’s PaintExpo.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Whether cosmetics packaging, housings or
goals with regard to energy-efficiency and
chemicals, water nor drying are required
automobile parts are involved â&#x20AC;&#x201C; products
climate protection. The situation is further
for either of these processes, they also
made of plastic can be found in practically
complicated by cost aspects. All of this
make good sense where environmental
all industries and all spheres of life.
results in the need for high quality painting
and energy-saving aspects are concerned.
With the help of coatings, these products
processes which are more efficient, flexible
Beyond this, no heat is transferred to the
are frequently provided with appealing
and resource-conserving. Numerous
component which could cause substances
optics and haptics, an individualised
appropriate options will be presented by
used in the plastic such as release agents,
appearance, resistance to mechanical,
the exhibitors at PaintExpo 2020 (from 12
additives or filler materials to subsequently
chemical and physical stressing, as well as
to 15 October, in Karlsruhe, Germany).
migrate to the surface from deeper layers, thus resulting in adhesion problems.
special functional characteristics.
From Pre-Treatment to Quality Control
Electrostatic charging of the plastic
operations and coating job-shops are facing new challenges due to current trends and
Pre-treatment is taken into consideration
changes in numerous industry sectors.
first of all: alternatives to conventional
Where the paints themselves are
These include the use of new and modified
power washing such as plasma and
concerned, new developments resulting
materials and material combinations, the
from so-called single-coat systems are
realignment of entire industry sectors,
CO2 snow-jet technology often make
it possible to reduce cleaning process
making it possible to reduce the number of
shortened product lifecycles and smaller lot
costs and footprint, and to integrate fully
required painting steps, at the same time
quantities, personalisation of products, the
automated cleaning processes into the
achieving strong resistance to external
digital transformation and more rigorous
painting line. Due to the fact that neither
influences on painted surfaces. One of
surfaces can be counteracted by means of
Š acp systems
And thus companies with in-house painting
Alternative cleaning methods such as snow-jet technology make it possible to reduce cleaning process costs and footprint, and to integrate fully automated cleaning processes into the painting line. Beyond this, cold cleaning can eliminate adhesion problems.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
© Arsonsisi
© Wagner Group
SPECI AL PaintExpo
Whether manual or automated application is involved – the use of modern, electrostatic spray guns increases application efficiency and reduces overspray, thus minimising material consumption.
Plasma-vacuum coating in combination with UV paint is an effective alternative for metallizing plastic parts.
the issues being dealt with in many
The trend towards automation is
of process parameters such as paint
industry sectors with regard to increased
advancing relentlessly – at small and
quantities, temperature, process air
sustainability involves alternatives to
mid-sized companies as well. Reasons for
and the spray jet, as well as logging
galvanising with chrome(VI). The paint
this include increased process reliability
and evaluating the resultant data, are
manufacturers have developed various
and reproducibility, as well as the minimal
also available. Furthermore, innovative
solutions to this problem. Depending
scrap rates which result therefrom
developments permit process-integrated
on the application and the requirement,
in combination with the respective
quality control of the coated surfaces –
these include three-coat paint systems
savings. Painting equipment and robot
for example non-destructive, contactless
or economically efficient single-coat
manufacturers are responding to this
coating thickness measurement on still
solutions. With their diverse colour
need with multi-axis robots specially
wet as well as already cured paint layers.
variants and effects, these paints are
designed for the coating industry, as well
Selecting the right process is a
more than just an alternative to a
as so-called robot painting cells.
prerequisite for a resource-efficient,
galvanically applied chromium coating.
The paint application technology required
sustainable, high-quality coating process:
Plasma-vacuum coating in combination
to this end is specifically adapted to the
whether liquid painting, powder coating,
with UV paint is a further option. And
respective customer project. New spray
a UV painting process or a combination
significantly more painting solutions are
gun controllers permit highly accurate
is best depends on, amongst other
available in the meantime, which are laid
application. All painting parameters
factors, the product to be painted, the
out for polymerisation with
can be easily accessed and adjusted
required quality and the necessary
LED-UV technology. UV paints which
extremely precisely. This leads to
degree of flexibility. And it pays off to
make it possible to exploit the advantages
outstanding reproducibility, uniform
closely scrutinise processes which have
offered by LED-UV curing – amongst
painting results and reduced material
been in use for years or even decades,
others the curing of heat-sensitive
consumption. In addition to the classic
and to compare them with alternatives.
substrates, energy-efficiency and
teach-in process, robot motion sequences
Thanks to the fact that all technologies
immediate readiness for use after being
can also be programmed offline at a
throughout the entire process sequence
switched on – are not only available for
PC with the corresponding software.
are exhibited at PaintExpo, and because
the metallization of plastic surfaces, but
Other automation issues for which new
all relevant suppliers are represented
rather for conventional painting tasks
developments will be presented include
at the event, this comparison can be
as well. Innovations for powder coatings
paint preparation, paint supply, dosing
conducted very efficiently at the world’s
on components made of plastic
and colour changeovers.
leading trade fair in a targeted fashion.
will also be unveiled.
New solutions for automated monitoring
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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Products coated by CMC Verniciatura Industriale.
From Railways to Architecture, up to the General Industry: A Nano-Technology Pre-treatment Process Becomes Strategic for Product Resistance and Appearance Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
The development of pre-treatment nanotechnologies, implemented in industrial production processes about twenty-five years ago, has reached optimal performance levels in terms of corrosion resistance and paint adhesion. CMC Verniciatura Industriale chose to optimise its coating process with a 5-stage multi-metal pre-treatment cycle that ends with a nanotechnology passivation step using the Soft Rain nebulisation system. The chemical products used are supplied by DN Chemicals: their development with powder application operations in mind has enabled CMC to gain important orders from several high-end customers, including major railway vehicle manufacturers.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The use of nanotechnology for pre-
Now, the revolution of nanotechnology
CMC Verniciatura Industriale
treating metals is now an established
applied to industrial processes is complete,
“The CMC division devoted to industrial
practice: spread around the mid-1990s, it
even though research on possible future
coating,” states CMC Group CEO Stefano
gained popularity in the 2000s, confirming
developments in terms of both technologies
Cicali, “started its business by treating
the validity of its results in the 2010s. In
and products will not stop. The case
bodywork and industrial vehicles. We then
the preface of the study “Nanotechnology
study described below explores possible
specialised in contracting surface treatments.
– Innovation for tomorrow’s world”1,
applications in the preparation of parts
We started with liquid coating and we then
published by the European Commission
intended for the railway, general industry,
integrated powder application processes in a
in 2004, author Ezio Andreta writes:
and architectural sectors.
new 1500 m2-wide factory during the 2000s.”
“Nanotechnology is often described as
Here, CMC received its first orders from
having a ‘disruptive’ or ‘revolutionary’
CMC Group (Monteriggioni, Siena, Italy) has
the mechanical industry in general and the
potential in terms of its possible
offered high quality products and services
railway sector in particular. “We were already
impact on industrial production routes.
for the industry, commercial structures,
dealing with any type of metal,” adds Cicali.
Nanotechnology offers possible solutions
and the furniture sector since 1975. It has
“However, upon entering the railway industry,
to many current problems by means
three divisions, i.e.: Chedin (Chimica Edilizia
we specialised in painting aluminium alloys,
of smaller, lighter, faster and better
Industria, or “Chemistry, Building, Industry”),
which are used for train car boxes, that is,
performing materials, components and
which supplies materials and resin-based
the metal structures formed by walls and
systems. This opens up new opportunities
continuous coatings for shopping centres,
for wealth creation and employment.
production and storage areas of the food
Following the excellent results obtained,
Nanotechnology is also expected to make
and pharmaceutical industries, shops, and
in 2013 CMC decided to expand its
some essential contributions to solving
private homes; CMC Applicazioni in Resina
business and acquire a new building for
global and environmental challenges by
(or “Resin Applications”), which creates resin
housing a higher performance coating
realising more specific-to-use products
flooring, waterproofing systems, street
plant, able to guarantee the durability
and processes, save resources and lower
furniture, walls, and furnishing accessories;
and salt spray resistance characteristics
waste and emissions.”
and CMC Verniciatura Industriale (or
included in the specifications of the most
“Industrial Coating”), which has offered
important manufacturers of railway vehicles.
various types of liquid and powder coating
Euroimpianti (Valeggio sul Mincio, Verona,
processes even on large parts since 1985.
Italy), a company specialising in the design
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1 reportpdf/report1.pdf (last visited: 12/03/2020)
The new factory housing the powder coating plant.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
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and construction of aluminium coating systems, installed this plant. It is equipped with a Wagner booth and it uses a pre-treatment system developed by DN Chemicals, an Italian company established in 2018 as a joint venture between Dollmar Spa, located in Caleppio di Settala (Milan, Italy), NoxorSokem Group Srl and Kemmex, located in Cusano di Zoppola (Pordenone, Italy). “Thanks to the know-how acquired to penetrate the railway market, we are currently able to meet even the most challenging powder coating requirements, including the treatment of aluminium profiles for architecture: for this sector, we coat bars up to 3.20 m in length and already-assembled door and window frames.” The metal products treated by CMC belong to three macro-areas: railway industry products and camper components (door hinges) account for 40% of its activity; general industry products, especially The outside of the pre-treatment tunnel.
engine-generator of various sizes and handling machines, also account for 40%; and the furniture and door and window frame
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sectors account for the remaining 20%.
An optimised application cycle The line installed in 2013 replaced the old Euro90 plant, also built by Euroimpianti, whose three pre-treatment stages were no longer adequate for the new processing needs. “We attempted to add a rinse with demineralised water as a fourth stage,” says Cicali, “but we did not achieve the required results due to the limited space allocated to each phase, which resulted in a high level of tank pollution. The acquisition of a new building to house an adequate pre-treatment and coating line was therefore a mandatory choice.” The current application cycle includes a 5-stage multi-metal pretreatment process: - acid degreasing and phosphate conversion to remove any grease and oil residues left on surfaces; with aluminium alloys, The Soft Rain management unit.
the degreasing solution is integrated with a pickling-deoxidising powder to favour paint adhesion;
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- two rinses with mains water to remove any acid residues from the previous phase; - final rinse with demineralised water, for the elimination of any limestone deposits; - nanotechnology passivation with the Soft Rain nebulisation system. “The latter stage is the added value of this cycle,” notes Cicali, “because it makes the parts’ surfaces chemically inert, thus increasing the adhesion strength of the coatings applied afterwards. Before implementing the Soft Rain nebulisation system, we performed a passivation stage in the tank. However, product concentration was not stable and the process was difficult to control, with the constant risk of non-compliance with parameters. Nebulisation, on the other hand, allows homogeneously applying the exact amount of product required, that is, between 30 and 50 Parts exiting the machine after passivation.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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The inside of the coating booth.
The parts then remain in the drying oven at 120÷140 °C for 15 minutes,
Your information and management platform for simplified coating 4.0.
in order to eliminate any trace of moisture. This is followed by the coating process, with the application of polyester thermosetting powders by electrodeposition in the Wagner booth installed in August 2018. It features a double column of automatic dispensers onto reciprocators. The system is managed from a single point, i.e. the touch screen of the latest-generation SUPERCENTER EVO powder centre, which complies the Industry 4.0 parameters, thanks to its management software of the powder consumption and industrial diagnostics. Curing then occurs in a dedicated oven at a temperature of 190÷200 °C, for at least 20 minutes.
Nanotechnological products functional to anti-graffiti coatings In order to select the products to be used to improve its pre-treatment operations, CMC carried out numerous tests. “With such high-end customers, nothing could be left to chance,” states Cicali. “Therefore, we performed several deep drawing and cross-hatch tests. The Dollcoat SA115 passivation product achieved excellent results on aluminium, especially with the application of polyurethane anti-graffiti powders, included in the specifications of one of our main customers from the railway sector.” “Dollcoat SA115,” indicates DN Chemicals Sales Manager André Bernasconi, “is the most versatile product that our company has been offering on the market for over ten years. It can be applied on any type of metal and for any type of process. When we performed these deep drawing tests on components coated with anti-graffiti paints, the difference between treated and untreated plates was significant. Anti-graffiti coatings are particularly rigid: after bending with a conical mandrel, the untreated samples’ films were cracked, resulting in the complete loss of paint adhesion, whereas the treated plates were perfect.”
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SPECI AL PaintExpo
The powder management unit.
A finished large-sized workpiece.
“Dollcoat SA115,” explains DN Chemicals
This would be an advantage not only in terms
we are industrially testing Sol-Gel based
Sales Representative Stefano Baglioni, “is
of eco friendliness, but also of machine
nanotechnology products added with carbon
not only a very effective corrosion inhibitor,
nanotubes, which are giving amazing results.
but also an excellent adhesion promoter.
DN Chemicals will also continue to
The goal is to refine their formulation and
The former characteristic is fundamental
develop new products and processes.
then extend their application to powder
when treating workpieces in aluminium or
“For years we are implementing the use of
coating systems, which would gain corrosion
iron, the latter when applying anti-graffiti
our nanotechnology products in surface
resistance and film homogeneity properties,
coatings for which specifications impose
preparation processes prior to cataphoresis,”
thanks to their effectiveness in critical areas
a 1000 salt spray hour resistance value –
- reveals Bernasconi. "In the latest months
such as edges.”
pre-treatment system chosen by CMC.” “Indeed, it was our process, optimised with
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which is now even exceeded thanks to the
DN Chemicals’ products,” says Cicali, “that convinced our customer, which was in doubt between liquid and powder coatings, that the pre-treatment + powder coating system we offered was highly effective, enough to lead it to include the DN Chemicals process in its specifications.”
Next projects CMC’s research activity for the optimisation of its pre-treatment and coating processes will not stop. “We intend to replace phosphodegreasing with an alkaline stage,” says Cicali. “Together with the passivation stage we perform, it would give excellent results on aluminium and it would allow keeping the first station of our plant clean by eliminating the presence of sludge due to phosphating.
Coated architectural components.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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Higher Productivity for a Contracting Coating Line Thanks to the Integration of a High Temperature Infrared Gas Oven Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
Coating contractors’ needs are known: high finishing quality, energy saving, and improved production capacity. These can be met through flexible, specially designed plants that are often able to achieve excellent performance despite the limited space available. These are also the characteristics of the project developed to enhance an Italian coating contractor’s powder coating line by Avin Srl, a company from the Imel Spa group, in collaboration with Infragas Srl, a firm designing and building infrared gas radiant systems. The addition of an infrared oven proved to be the key choice for the success of the project. Coating contractors demand highly flexible systems and equipment in order to meet their diverse production requirements, arising from the need to quickly coat components with different materials and sizes. Another challenge they often face is the reduced space available for machinery in their factories. Here below, we will analyse the solution developed for a powder coating contractor that is among its region’s leaders in terms of delivery speed, customer portfolio, and performance by Avin (San Martino al Tagliamento, Pordenone, Italy) and Infragas Srl (Mappano, Turin, Italy). The former belongs to the Imel Spa group and it designs and manufactures coating, industrial cleaning, and air treatment systems; the latter specialises in catalytic infrared panels and infrared gas radiant systems. The infrared gas oven installed at the coating contractor’s premises.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
heating) or rapid treatment times (for example, powder gelling). In the case of the plant supplied by Avin to this Italian coating contractor, we decided that the RHT heater was the best option to meet its need for higher production speed.”
Features of the infrared high temperature radiant system “This infrared oven type,” adds Francesca Marabotti, “operates with short wavelengths and, therefore, very high power density. The infrared spectrum includes long, medium, and short wavelengths. The longer the waves, the lower the beam’s
The outside of the infrared oven integrated into the coating line.
penetration capability; the shorter the waves, the stronger the penetration capability. Catalytic panels can cover the medium and long wave infrared spectrum, which can reach a curing
In 2019, the Italian coating contractor started a project for the
temperature of 200-240°C on organic materials such as powder
development and innovation of its coating plant. The aim was
coatings. Therefore, Infragas developed a product capable of
increasing its production capacity and flexibility in order to meet
covering the short wave spectrum, intended for applications
the needs of its customers, which operate in different sectors and
calling for higher temperature and power density values, as
handle parts with a very wide range of shapes, up to 1000 mm in
in the case of this project: the RHT burner can reach surface
width, 3000 mm in length, and 1800 mm in height. Its coating line
temperatures of 950°C, thanks to the surface micro-flame.
consists of a pre-treatment tunnel, a combined drying and curing
These special heaters are intended for thermal processes that
oven, and two powder application booths.
require high temperatures or rapid treatment times and they
“A bottleneck,” explains Avin Sales Manager Matteo Macor, “was
are ready for installation: they are already equipped with a
found at the curing oven level: frequent downtimes occurred
radiant device linked via a connection hose to a control unit,
due to its inability to cure parts with high coating thicknesses on
which guarantees it is fed with the correct air-gas mixing ratio.
schedule and while keeping up with the line speed, equal to 2.7
The Radiant High Temperature (RHT) – made up by radiant
m/min.” A gelling phase before curing could be the ideal solution.
modules, connection hose, and pre-mix control unit – is
Therefore, Avin’s team, in collaboration with Infragas, designed
CE certified.”
and constructed a tailor-made high temperature infrared oven. “We thought that the integration of an infrared oven would have
The enhancement of the coating system
sped up operations thanks to its gelling phase, that could bring the parts at the required temperature of about 90-100°C before curing,” adds Macor. “The challenge for the technical teams of our two companies was coping with the very limited space available to place such ideal system. This is why we devised an oven of about 3 metres that met all our client’s needs.”
Choosing the right emission source for effective and fast processes Infragas’ radiant panels emit a range of electromagnetic waves whose length is quickly absorbed by most organic products. “With powder coatings, for instance, catalytic infrared energy is perfectly absorbed until curing,” indicates Infragas Marketing Manager Francesca Marabotti. “With liquid coatings, on the other hand, the wavelength of our radiant burners guarantees rapid water and solvent evaporation as well as consistent, high-quality finishes without generating any thermal stress on substrates. Finally, short wave infrared RHT burners are particularly suitable for thermal processes requiring high temperatures (for example, mould
Gelled parts in the infrared oven.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
SPECI AL PaintExpo
contain heat: the pre-chamber’s hood conveys the 300°C-hot air from the infrared oven towards the post-chamber, remaining at a temperature of 180°C and directly connected to the curing oven, thus keeping both the air and workpiece surfaces’ temperature constant, and achieving a thermal recovery. “The automatic management system,” says Macor, “consists of a control panel and an electrical panel entirely made and supplied by Avin. It is however possible to intervene manually where and when necessary.”
Benefits “The main advantage,” states Macor, “is the higher curing speed guaranteed. Previously, the workpieces entered the curing oven at 20-30°C and, therefore, the process started after several The Infragas RHT control group.
minutes: now, after passing through the infrared oven, the components reach the curing one at 90-100°C and, in just 3 minutes, their surfaces reach a temperature of 170°C.”
The right solution for the coating contractor
“Finally” adds Marabotti, “the number of radiant heaters in the
“In the solution provided to this coating contractor,” explains
oven is limited regarding the high powder density required: there
Macor, “the oven has movable walls that enable to maintain a
are 6 RHT 6c heaters arranged on the two walls, which move
distance between the oven structure and the workpieces of about
alternately. This alternation results in a further saving of energy
300 mm per side through the automatic management system,
resources, which is highly appreciated by our customer”.
thanks to the upstream detection of the products’ dimensions
“The improvement of its coating line will continue with the
and shapes. Such movable walls’ clear opening width ranges
update or integration of a few devices; however, it is already
from 700 to 1600 mm. In this way, users can even hang the
pleased with the greater coating speed and productivity
components randomly, for example in the case of any urgencies,
achieved” ends Macor.
while maintaining a high level of oven performance. Moreover, ©Avin
the walls can move both symmetrically and asymmetrically, in order to adapt to the different shape of the products to be coated, such as, for instance, chairs.”
A pre- and post-chamber precede and follow the infrared oven to
The touch-screen monitor for process management.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Components entering the infrared oven.
visit us at
Messe Karlsruhe - October 12-15, 2020 - Hall 1, booth 1346
Kolzer machines guarantee versatility in Metallization and PVD Sputtering treatments as well as repeatability in production. Kolzer systems perform well in all conditions, with all materials and for processing on each substrate. PVD is totally eco-friendly process with low environmental impact.
© HangOn
The HangOn award ceremony at the Stockholm City Hall.
HangOn Wins SEB Award for Best International Growth 2019 Marta Fumagalli ipcm®
Swedish company HangOn, a manufacturer of workpiece hanging systems and coating masks, received Ernst&Young’s “Entrepreneur of the Year” award for “Best International Growth 2019” on January 30, 2020, during a ceremony at the Stockholm City Hall.
Ernst&Young is a global leader in insurance,
a better world of work. For over thirty years,
award programs in the world. Aimed at
tax, transaction, and consultancy services.
it has been cooperating with entrepreneurs
encouraging entrepreneurial activity among
The quality services it offers help build trust
and companies in the fastest growing global
people with great potential, it honours the
in capital markets and economies around the
markets through EY Entrepreneur Of The
contribution of those who inspire others
world. EY plays a fundamental role in building
Year™, one of the most prestigious business
with their vision, leadership, and results.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© HangOn
© HangOn
The EY prize “Entrepreneur of the Year.
The Törefors family.
As the first and only truly global award
confirmation that we are working properly.
program of its kind, Entrepreneur Of The
We are so pleased to know that many people
Year™ celebrates those who are building and
appreciate our work. Even a niche company
ipcm®: How important is teamwork in HangOn’s achievement?
running successful, growing, and dynamic
like ours, if well positioned on the market,
PT: Our team was crucial. As we explained
businesses through regional, national, and
can obtain an award of such importance.
to the jury, although this is a prize for
global awards in over 145 cities and more
Finally, this also favours the sector for which
entrepreneurs, special attention should be
than 60 countries.
we operate, that of surface treatments. We
paid to our employees and collaborators.
In addition to the main “Entrepreneur Of
only produce one type of accessory out of
We would have never won without them:
The Year” award, other prizes are also
entire treatment lines, which however is
this is why we intend to celebrate together
assigned, such as the one won by HangOn
crucial for the quality of their results thanks
with them, throughout all our branches.
(Hillerstorp, Sweden), a European leader in
to its efficiency, ergonomics, and economy.
This is something we want to share with the
the production and marketing of masks and
We are currently trying to make coating
whole organisation.
hanging hooks and frames for the coating
lines even more efficient by minimising
sector. The company was nominated for the
their environmental impact. One of the
EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2019 award
key elements on which we are focussing is
and it actually won the SEB award for “Best
precisely sustainability.
ipcm®: What is HangOn’s next goal as an international company?
International Growth”. The ceremony took
In 2019, we experienced constant growth; we
PT: We are hiring staff in Germany, Holland,
place on January 30, 2020 at the Stockholm
acquired Dutch firm MBS, which has enabled
and Great Britain. We also opened a new
City Hall. The jury chose HangOn based on its
us to expand our HangOn BV distribution
factory in India. I think I can say that our
innovative drive, from product development
hub by about 3000 m . We will also soon
main goal is to continue gradually growing
to technical knowledge. “We are honoured
launch a software package to track our
at the international level and continue
to have been rewarded in this way,” says
production flow, which will help us improve
accepting the challenges with which we are
HangOn CEO Petter Törefors, interviewed by
our manufacturing processes. As already
faced every day.
mentioned last September during the
HangOn Sales Conference, we are striving
Petter Törefors concluded this interview by
ipcm®: How would you describe HangOn’s path to winning this award? What is its meaning for you and your company?
to further implement process automation
announcing his company’s participation in
solutions and achieve maximum productivity
PaintExpo, the world’s leading trade fair for
with our equipment. I think this was one of
industrial coating technologies, to be held
one of our strong suits, as far as this award
from October 12 to 15, 2020 (Hall 2, Booth
PT: The journey was not an easy one. Over
is concerned. In fact, the jury focussed a
a year and a half, we have faced numerous
lot on issues such as sustainability and
interviews and we have prepared ourselves
for the competition with the other finalists, which took place in front of a jury that we did not know. This award was a great
A. Venturi, “HangOn Sales Conference 2019: the smart way for hanging and masking”, ipcm®, year 2019, no. 60, November–December, pages 122-126
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
Paint Shop of the Future: Away from the Line, Towards the Box Growing model diversity, different drive technologies, and greater personalization are pushing conventional line manufacturing to its limits in the automotive industry. Whether major high-volume manufacturers or small e-car startups, manufacturing has to make the switch from rigid to flexible to be able to respond more quickly to customer and market requirements. Dürr’s new “Paint shop of the future” concept breaks away from the traditional line layout, splitting up industrial automotive painting into boxes or short process sections for the first time. This allows the automotive industry to paint much more flexible. In addition, the “Paint shop of the future” saves time and material, increases availability and makes painting more sustainable. Dürr to have a rethink and develop a radical new layout for future
diverse. But the greater the variety of models painted on a line, the
more inefficient the process. This is due to the fixed cycle times,
“With the “Paint shop of the future”, Dürr is reimagining the painting
which are based on the biggest model and the paint with the
process and moving beyond the boundaries of the production
longest application time. If smaller car bodies could be transported
line,” explains Bruno Welsch, member of the Board of Management
faster and some colours could be applied more quickly, this would
of Dürr Systems AG. “The new approach adapts to the needs
save time and increase output. However, the fixed cycle does
of manufacturers, and enables an efficient and flexible painting
not allow this. This was one of the many reasons that prompted
process in every production scenario.”
© Dürr
Model ranges and application processes are becoming more
The paint shop of the future is a modular concept that enables easy adaptation of production capacity to all scenarios.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
On-demand cycle times The general idea of the “Paint shop of the future” is based on splitting up the 120 work steps involved in a painting process into boxes and smaller sections. Instead of a fixed cycle, the process times in each box are precisely adapted to the needs of the individual body. This is made possible by processes running in parallel in the boxes and the interaction with a central highbay storage system and the automated guided vehicle system EcoProFleet. The fleet of AGVs is controlled by the software DXQcontrol. It guides the AGVs with the car bodies intelligently to the next processes, and in this way
ensures efficient utilization of all the boxes. It enables the bodies to be sorted in anticipation of future processes, brought to and collected from the right workstation with pinpoint accuracy, and passed off to final assembly at the end in the sequence planned by the manufacturer. The concept also enables easy expansion of capacities or smooth integration of new models. The revolutionary box concept can be applied to the entire top coat and workstation area, or just to selected process steps.
Fewer resources, greater efficiency In terms of the concrete implementation, the box concept means that three painting processes – the interior and the two exterior applications – can be combined in just one booth. This patent-pending concept, the EcoProBooth, thus helps to save process time, since two of the previously usual three conveying processes are eliminated. The paint-loss during the colour change process can even be reduced by up to ten percent if just one paint is applied in a box, for instance the current top seller white. Splitting up the painting process into boxes shortens the overall process by tailoring the application time to the individual vehicle. These properties combine to reduce CO2 and VOC emissions. The overall equipment availability also increases, since any malfunction only has an impact on the box section in question and does affect the entire production line, in contrast to the classic line manufacturing model. The variable layout also makes integrating special processes such as a special paint supply or overspray-free two-tone painting easier and more cost efficient. Adaptable to both large and small production
Uffici e produzione: Via Monte Bianco 20 - 20833 Giussano (MB) - IT p. +39.0362.314075 - f. +39.0362.861222 -
The concept of the “Paint shop of the future” is geared
© Dürr
towards the specific requirements of various OEMs. It offers major high-volume manufacturers with a high hourly capacity the opportunity to integrate new models and technologies with greater ease. It enables companies that want to avoid investment risks to predictably expand from 24 units per hour to 48 and 72 units in two steps. Newcomers to electric mobility can start their manufacturing with minimal quantities and gradually expand as demand increases. The modular concept is also Industry 4.0 capable and can be combined with the intelligent software products from Dürr’s DXQ family for various scenarios. In this way, Dürr analysis tools make painting processes more transparent and help to further increase the first run rate. For further information:
The AGV EcoProFleet is used as a flexible conveyor system in the paint shop of the future.
© Dürr
The variable layout makes integrating special processes such as overspray-free two-tone painting easier and more cost efficient.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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HUBO Automation’s headquarters in Civate (Lecco), an example of bio architecture.
HUBO Automation: Innovation and Sustainability in Coating Automation Edited by ipcm®
HUBO Automation, a company specialising in the production of complex automation systems and automatic lines with robots, told ipcm® about the secrets of its success, from the design of simple machines to the care of its staff.
HUBO Automation was established over
of Northern Italy, HUBO has been able to
systems such as Cartesian robots with three or
thirty years ago based on an idea of Antonio
develop technologically advanced, reliable,
more controlled axes and efficiently program
Castagna, forerunner of the thermo-setting
and efficient solutions in the coating, welding,
the robots of the world’s major manufacturers.
powder coating technology and the father
and assembly sectors for a wide variety of
It also supports management operations with
of Sergio and Luigi, who later took over the
industries; these include automotive, railway,
its RFID® detection technology.
company and became its current owners.
packaging, mechanics, and medical. Thanks to
“With the emergence of the need to switch from
Based in Civate, near Milan (Italy), in the
the considerable experience gained over the
manual to automated processes also in the
middle of one of the major industrial hubs
years, HUBO can now supply special handling
coating sector, HUBO started manufacturing
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm ®
and a second one for coating plant engineering firms, where HUBO intervenes right into the system design phase. Currently, we are working with several major plant engineering and equipment manufacturing companies in the world, not only in the paint application field but also in the loading and unloading one. We are also an official integrator of the most widespread antropomorphic robots.” The experience gained in the most diverse markets has created a knowledge background that enables HUBO to designing unique, customised machines and systems, almost as if they were prototypes every time. “We deal with much more complex automation issues than those arising, for example, from the needs of a coating contractor,” states Luigi Castagna while telling us about a recent project carried out for the Russian market. “This company wanted to automatise its coating process for wind turbines,
Sergio Castagna (left) and his brother Luigi, the current managers of HUBO Automation.
components 12 metre long. Standard reciprocators were inadequate: the complex geometries in use called for a custom designed system. In these cases, in fact, it is also crucial to analyse the structure of the product
reciprocators for automatic booths, thus gaining a highly loyal customer
to be coated. For this type of projects, HUBO has an amazing technical
base,” says Luigi Castagna. “The success of our first automation systems,
department that accounts for almost half of the company staff, that is,
the growing demand, and the increasingly challenging requests which
twelve employees out of twenty-eight.”
we have been able to meet have led our firm to grow and establish itself
“We have a very young team with a strong corporate spirit,” adds Sergio
as a leader in the industrial coating automation field.
Castagna. He then mentions another project that HUBO has completed
“We have always used two sales channels: a direct one for end users
over the last few months: the supply of a plant for LNG ships in America,
27-29 October 2020
HUBO’s technical department is one of its strengths.
A technician working on a robot that will be integrated into a complex automation system.
which required an advanced automation
applications also in the eyewear sector,”
our working environment comfortable for
system to apply glue on the insulating panels
indicates Luigi Castagna. “Our first experience
of the gas storage area of the ships.
in this field was with an Italian company,
“Another issue that is close to our hearts is
“HUBO is also active in South America.
world-leader in the eyewear industry. Here,
that of young people,” says Luigi Castagna.
Here, we cooperate with large multinational
HUBO developed an automation that, through
“There are many professional schools in the
groups in the field of powder coil coating,
robot, supported the automatic loading and
city of Lecco and HUBO makes itself available
which is an application that requires complex
unloading of the piece-carrying jigs on the
to offer internships to students, who also have
automatic systems for the colour change-
coating line."
a chance to be hired by the company itself.
over operations,” says Sergio Castagna.
HUBO’s activity was strongly boosted by the
We have a very young team. A few people who
“These coil coating lines are equipped with
emergence of anthropomorphic robots, a
started working with us as workers are now
units featuring up to twenty-four guns: in the
technology for which a very large market has
expert technicians.”
colour change-over phase, these rotate by
opened up. Able to replace humans, robots
One of HUBO’s future projects is to build
180 degrees outwards in order to ensure that
are widely used in the liquid painting sector,
Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGV), i.e.
during the cleaning stage paint residues do
but they are now more and more common in
machines capable of moving without the direct
not fall over the coils. We have automated
the powder coating sector, too.
involvement of a driver on board, equipped
several coil coating lines up to 150 metres in
One of HUBO’s strengths is the care for its
with smart software to optimise pick up
length, equipped with different spray paint
staff. The structure of its Civate headquarters,
operations and routes. “HUBO has already
booths working simultaneously: thanks to our
designed by a bio architecture expert, reflects
manufactured three vehicles of this kind,
devices, which allow adjusting the movement
this approach. “We have adopted all the
which are enjoying widespread success. This
of the guns that approach or move away from
necessary systems to limit the environmental
means that our company continues to develop
the metal surface with a continuous flow and
impact of our activities. We paid special
new areas of interest. We believe that we don't
at high speeds, the production flow is never
attention to the liveability of our company.
have to rest on our laurels."
Our spaces feature many windows and glued
“We have worked on several important
laminated timber ceilings, in order to make
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm ®
Accessories for the famous scooter Piaggio Vespa.
A New Shot Blasting Machine Devoted to Stainless Steel Gives Viganò Accessori Srl Full Control over the Quality of its Products Marta Fumagalli ipcm®
Viganò Accessori Srl, a well-established company in the production of accessories for the automotive and motorcycle industries, installed a Tosca shot blasting system exclusively devoted to the treatment of stainless steel in order to have full control on the quality of its production flow.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
manufacturers of original accessories
major motorcycle manufacturers,
Como, Italy) is a well-established
and parts for OEMs,” says Roberto
whereas the metals division produces
company founded in 1953 and
Viganò. “We work for the major
all the other accessories,” explains
specialising in the production of
motorcycle manufacturers in the
accessories for the automotive
world, such as Honda, Yamaha and
The company currently has one
and motorcycle industries. It
Peugeot, which we provide with
production site, but that does
achieved success in the 1950s by
accessories both in metal and other
not stop it from being the largest
manufacturing accessories for the
materials, that is, components such
manufacturer of polycarbonate
famous scooter Piaggio Vespa, an
as windscreens or polycarbonate
screens in Europe, with an annual
Italian style icon. In 2009, under the
screens, luggage racks, skid plates
production of hundreds of
management of Roberto Viganò,
and bag racks. We have two divisions
thousands of windshields. It does
Viganò Accessori left the aftermarket
handling their processing, one for
not have a paintshop and it does
sector to become a leading
the treatment of metal and the other
not perform any chemical treatment
supplier of all major motorcycle
for screens production. Our screens
in-house: the workpieces requiring
manufacturers, also thanks to a
division produces wind-screens,
one, e.g. galvanising or anodising,
highly automated production cycle.
mainly made of polycarbonate for
are entrusted to external suppliers
“We are among the leading
safety reasons as required by all
certified by its customers. However,
© ipcm ®
Viganò Accessori Srl (Lurago d’Erba,
The TS500 shot blasting plant installed by Tosca Srl.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
system exclusively for steel. “We used to
Accessori must have an excellent
outsource our shot blasting operations,
knowledge of finishing technologies.
but we relied on suppliers that treated
Technical characteristics of the shot blasting machine supplied by Tosca
In this way, we can guarantee optimal
different types of materials in the same
The machine supplied by Tosca
quality, which is only possible by
machine, thus causing major pollution
(Canegrate, Milan, Italy) is a TS500 shot
following the production flow of all
problems on our stainless steel parts.
blasting plant. This suspended load
parts from A to Z.”
That is why we decided to insource
system has a Y-shaped conveyor with
Viganò Accessori’s metal division is
this process to have full control over its
two hooks with a size of ø 1000x1500
further divided into two units for the
quality. We chose Tosca as our partner
(H) mm and a flow rate of 500 Kg. It
treatment of steel and stainless steel,
for this project.”
is also equipped with three turbines
as decided by the owner in order to achieve the highest quality degree. “Each
© ipcm ®
“as it acts as a prime contractor, Viganò
material calls for dedicated machines and plants and special abrasives, simply because, if only one machine is used for both metals, the residues from the steel processing operations contaminate the stainless steel processing phase and vice versa; this can create problems in the subsequent finishing treatments,” notes Viganò. Therefore, Viganò Accessori decided to install a shot blasting machine only devoted to stainless steel and its future projects already include
© ipcm ®
another investment for a second
The treatment chamber for the shot blasting.
Connection options with the electrical panel.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
featuring a 7.5 kW motor each. The
separately regulate launch speed and
and receiving production data: the
conveyor has a semi-automatic hook
abrasive flow rate. On the other hand,
company sends its treatment programs,
handling technology: the operator
Tosca’s shot blasting system is equipped
containing all the necessary data, to
pushes a hook towards the entrance of
with a special software package,
the Tosca shot blasting plant, and then
the shot blasting chamber, where the
developed in collaboration with its
processes each cycle’s results,” adds
system anchors it and drags it inside
customers over the years, which allows
Tosca’s team.
for the various shot blasting phases.
simultaneously managing these two
Relatively small stainless steel abrasives
values via a simple PLC interface. This
are used, with a diameter of 0.3-0.4 mm.
guarantees surface finishing results that
Viganò Accessori’s production flow
“We have supplied Viganò Accessori
are definitely above average.
Viganò Accessori currently has all
with one the latest machine types we
“Moreover, this last generation machine
the technologies needed to entirely
have designed. It was conceived for
features different Industry 4.0-oriented
manufacture its products, apart from
shot blasting steel and stainless steel
interfacing accessories. For instance,
the coating and galvanising treatments
parts and, therefore, it is equipped
it has multiple modules for interfacing
that are entrusted to qualified firms. The
with a suitable filter to handle the
with the electrical panel via the IO-Link
process starts with laser-cut stainless
powders generated from their
network and a modem enabling Tosca
steel pipes that are bent in-house with a
treatment,” explains Tosca Srl’s team.
to remotely connect with the system
pipe bending machine and then welded
“The peculiarities of this system are its
for analysing any anomalies, solving any
through robots. After machining, the
versatility and modularity, especially in
technical problems, and modifying the
parts are subjected to controls and then
the adjustment of turbine performance.
PLC software package. The PROFINET
sent to the shot blasting plant. A further
Conventionally, the inverters and servo
connection with Viganò Accessori’s
control is then performed to check the
drives linked to turbines are used to
management system allows sending
aesthetic quality of the workpieces. If
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the products are approved, they are sent to the assembly, packaging, and shipping department. If they need a coating or galvanising treatment, they are sent to the supplier after shot blasting. “The shot blasting process is very important for our production cycle. Without it, it would not be possible to carry out the subsequent finishing treatment,” states Viganò. “Thanks to our new system, our customers have noticed a significant difference in terms of quality, compared with our previous products. First of all, we have eliminated the need to handle our parts, thus no longer risking to damage their surfaces; secondly, we also avoid aesthetic imperfections, as we take care of the whole process personally,” says Viganò.
The partnership with Tosca Srl During his interview with ipcm®, Roberto Viganò revealed that he chose Tosca as his shot blasting partner because of the attention to detail shown in each of their machines. “One of the reasons why we selected Tosca as a supplier was the timeliness and quality level of its service. Moreover, their systems are custom-built based on individual needs,” indicates Viganò. “The shot blasting machine provided to Viganò Accessori was custom-made based on an Industry 4.0-oriented, wellaccessorised standard system,” explains Tosca Srl’s team. “It was installed at the end of July 2019. I am
The three fixed turbines of the shot blasting machine.
that I intend to buy another one in the near future, to be exclusively devoted to the
© ipcm ®
very pleased with my choice, so much so
treatment of steel,” states Viganò. Indeed, an unusual feature of Viganò Accessories is that it is a single-vendor company. “Our business philosophy is to “espouse” a provider and its product and corporate approach: once I have chosen a partner who can meet all my requirements, I have no reason to change.”
The bag racks manufactured by Viganò Accessori.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Daccordi Cicli
Daccordi Cicli has crafted custom frames for road and racing bikes since 1937.
Daccordi Cicli: The Perfect Combination of Craftsmanship and Innovation Ilaria Paolomelo ipcm®
Thanks to its valuable twenty-year collaboration with Colorificio Giuntini, a distributor of Salcomix coatings, Daccordi Cicli can meet the finishing needs of every customer. This company has made the customisation of its bicycle frames its main strength, thus becoming a leader of the Italian bike frame market, a sector with a long-standing tradition.
“A bicycle is like a suit. You can buy a
thus becoming a leader of the Italian bike
bicycle frames. “Back then,” says Sena
beautiful standard suit, or order one made
frame market, a sector with a long-standing
Daccordi, from the third generation of the
to measure from a tailor.”
tradition. Daccordi Cicli’s history began
company’s owning family, “bicycles were the
This is the mantra of Daccordi Cicli, a
way back in 1937, when bike enthusiast
most popular form of transport, as most
company that has turned the customisation
Giuseppe Daccordi decided to devote
people did not own any motorised vehicle.”
of its bicycle frames into its main strength,
himself to the craft production of road
The economic boom of the second post-
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Daccordi Cicli
war period changed the status of bikes, replaced by motorcycles and small cars. The 1980s, however, witnessed a growing demand for bicycles, due to the growing popularity of competitions and the awareness of its healthy effects, which led many people to approach cycling in their spare time. It was in this framework that craftsmen and frame builders started producing racing bike frames in addition to the urban bike ones. The evolution of bicycles went hand in hand with the growth of Daccordi Cicli, located in San Miniato Basso (Pisa, Italy). Precisely in 1980s, led by Luigi Daccordi, the second generation of the family took over the management of the company and started participating in trade fairs with the aim of making its brand known
A detail of a frame built by Daccordi Cicli.
© ipcm ®
nationally and internationally. Since then, Daccordi has been synonymous with fast bicycles characterised by high performance levels and designed with attention to the smallest detail. Over the years, this firm has been able to renew itself, diversify and expand its bicycle range, and adapt its products and manufacturing methods to market demands and new trends, while remaining faithful to its traditional craft production process. Another key to the success of this Tuscan company is its partnership with Colorificio Giuntini (Pontedera, Pisa), the exclusive distributor of Salcomix paints in the provinces of Pisa and Livorno, which has been supplying high quality coatings for over twenty years, as well as offering accurate and expert services
Daccordi specialises in the craft production of steel and carbon fibre bike frames.
aimed at meeting the numerous and different colour requests of Daccordi
optimisation, as well as supplying them with
Cicli’s customers. “Colorificio Giuntini’s
services aimed at the achievement of their
Craft production of bicycle frames
philosophy is to consider retailers more
business goals,” explains Michele Michelotti,
“Our first fifteen years of business were
than a mere product supply channel.
manager at Colorificio Giuntini. Sena
marked by the prevalence of steel alloys
The added value provided by Colorificio
Daccordi confirms: “Thanks to this synergy
as a construction material. This lasted
is its ability to enable its customers to
and all-round collaboration with Colorificio
until the 1990s, when we briefly adopted
comprehensively assess coating products
Giuntini, Daccordi Cicli can design and
aluminium and then moved on to carbon
and systems not only in terms of price,
manufacture solutions and products with a
fibres. For some years now, however,
but also of consumption and application
very high degree of customisation.”
we have been witnessing a growth in
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
© Daccordi Cicli
The coating cycle of carbon frames begins with the application of a filler to make this porous material’s surfaces uniform.
the demand for steel due to two reasons.
“The tubes we buy from our suppliers
The finishing process
First of all, carbon is much more rigid
are cut and scalloped to measure. Then,
“We coat both carbon and steel frames
and challenging terms of driveability for
the eight tubes making up each frame
with the same Salcomix paint range,
amateur cyclists. Secondly, the vintage
are arranged on a template that allows
adapting the systems used to the materials’
cycling phenomenon, arose about twenty
adjusting their length and angle and
characteristics. Carbon is a very porous
years, led many cyclists to rediscover
checking their alignment. The frame
material and it calls for a pre-treatment
vintage bicycles, made entirely of steel.
structure is then definitely fixed through
phase aimed at eliminating the air trapped
This explains why Daccordi produces
spot welding in the case of steel and
among carbon fibres during bundling, as
bicycle frames in both carbon and steel,”
gluing and bundling for composite
well as holes and other imperfections.
indicates Sena Daccordi. “Each bicycle is
fibres. The construction of frames ends
Therefore, we prepare its surfaces by
crafted only after taking the anthropometric
with the addition of accessories, such
applying a filler that penetrates all the micro
measurements of each cyclist, which enable
as bushes for bottle cages and shift
porosities of the material, thus making it
us to design and draw the optimal frame
and brake cables. The frames are then
uniform. Once dry, the filler is removed by
shape through software. After that, the
subjected to coating within a dedicate
sanding,” explains Daccordi Cicli owner. “The
actual production process begins, which
department. Finally, they are assembled
coating process includes the application of
takes place entirely in-house so that we can
with the best components on the
a polyurethane transparent primer, with
monitor and control each frame processing
market and adjusted for each individual
high filling capacity, adhesion, and corrosion
cyclist, says Daccordi.
protection properties, of the required
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Daccordi Cicli
decals, and of a glossy transparent coating called Tixo. These Salcomix twocomponent, low-VOC content, polyacrylic products guarantee high resistance and excellent gloss characteristics; we only use transparent coatings because we want the carbon weave patterns to remain visible. Finally, the coating cycle ends with the drying stage at a temperature of about 60 °C.” “As for steel bike frames, the cycle begins with the application of a two-component epoxy primer on which, after sanding, decals are applied. This is followed by the application of a 1K base coat for metallic, iridescent, and pastel colours, a 2K directto-metal acrylic coating, and a transparent top coat,” explains Michele Michelotti. “Finishing plays a key role within our production flow because Daccordi is committed to providing excellent quality products in terms of both structure and Once dry, the filler is removed by sanding.
© Daccordi Cicli
aesthetics. We therefore use high quality
The application of decals on frames.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
© Daccordi Cicli
pigments that enable us to produce colourful, appealing bicycles that can also last over time and withstand weathering, sand, dust, mud, and aggressive cleaning chemicals,” adds Sena Daccordi.
Twenty-year collaboration with Colorificio Giuntini “For a company that mainly bases its production on tailor-made requests, the relationship with suppliers is extremely important to meet the wide-ranging and diversified needs of customers. Salcomix distributor Colorificio Giuntini is a flexible partner, offering excellent customer service and paying attention to the success of its partners and the quality of its products, beyond sales volumes. We are often asked to recreate a colour identical to that of another frame produced several years before or by another manufacturer: in these cases, we rely on Colorificio Giuntini
Daccordi Cicli handles its entire production process in-house, including the coating phase.
for the research and development of that specific shade – even if it is only for a few
© Daccordi Cicli
grams of product, or the quantity needed to paint one frame. This is an essential service for Daccordi, because it enables us to satisfy the taste and meet the needs of each and every cyclist,” states Daccordi.
Future projects “Daccordi’s added value is its ability to create unique, fully customised bicycles with a craft production process. With the aim of serving an ever-wider segment and reaching the whole world more quickly and easily, we are developing an e-commerce site that will enable us to continue producing completely customised products in terms of anthropometric measurements, frame types, and colours, while providing all-round service. Our collaboration with Salcomix e Colorificio Giuntini will become even more strategic, with this project. After careful market analysis, we are convinced that even a craft manufacturer like us can exploit new media to create the right mix Daccordi coats both carbon and steel frames with the same Salcomix paint range, supplied by Colorificio Giuntini.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
between tradition and innovation,” states the owner.
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Optimal Blasting of Heavily Used Fasteners Krausz Industries with its plant in Tel Aviv has been the market leader for more than 90 years and is part of the Mueller Water Products, Inc. (NYSE: MWA). It is a leading manufacturer and marketer of products and services for the transmission, distribution and measurement of water in North America.
known under their brand names, HYMAX
that the required high roughness values (RZ
produces market-leading intelligent products
coupling solutions (some with hinged seals)
values) must always be the same, to keep the
for the repair and connection of different types
and HYMAX GRIP sealing couplings are
quality of the products constantly high. The
of pipes for drinking water and wastewater pipe
parts were heat treated before blasting.
With the variety of products, there is one
In 2016, AGTOS already delivered a
The company offers a comprehensive range in
thing in common: The high demands
HT 17-17 Hanger-type blast machine.
standard sizes from 40 to 1800 mm as well as
and consequently the high demands on
It replaced the blasting machine from
customized products.
corrosion resistance. This means for the
another manufacturer, which was not
For example, the REPAMAX repair couplings
blasting technology upstream of the coating,
designed for angular abrasive and whose
Krausz Industries develops, designs and
The AGTOS Hanger-type blast machine from type HT 17-17.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
wear parts nevertheless had a much shorter service life. In addition, there was no uniform coverage of the workpieces during the blasting process. The AGTOS machine has a blasting chamber with a height and width of 1700 mm. The hangers can be equipped with many different workpieces. Three high-performance turbines, each with 11 KW, throw the abrasive onto the workpieces. Due to the requirement of the high RZ values, angular grain is used in the blasting process. This abrasive is extremely effective, but has the side effect that the machine must also be very well protected against wear. The body in the area of the blasting chamber is therefore additionally protected with easily replaceable wear plates. The angular grain does not only attack the walls of the blasting chamber. The wear parts of the high-performance turbines are also heavily used. The machine therefore has high-performance turbines with many parts made of tungsten carbide. This material is extremely resistant to wear. Therefore, long service life of the blades, impeller and guiding sleeve as well as the wear plates make a decisive contribution to the economical operation of the machine. Due to increasing capacity utilization, the management decides to relocate to a new building and to defuse the „bottleneck“ of the blasting machine with a second machine of the same size. Due to the good experience, AGTOS was again chosen as the supplier. This fact enabled the team to further increase the good experience from operating the first AGTOS blasting machine. So practical experience was taken over. In addition, the operator’s employees were given training on the many options for fine adjustment of the new machine during the preliminary acceptance at the AGTOS plant. This enables them to adjust the machine so that the fine particles
AGTOS turbines with wear parts made of highly wear-resistant hard metal.
such as undersize and dust are removed from the abrasive. This has great positive effects on the lifetime. As with the first blasting system, the AGTOS high-performance
of shot blasting machines for roughening, cleaning, rust removal,
turbines of the second machine also have frequency converters.
descaling and hardening. That’s why customers on all five continents
These make it possible to continuously adjust the blasting intensity
work with blasting machines from AGTOS.
and thus adapt it to all requirements of the many different
In addition to new shot blasting machines, AGTOS also offers used
workpieces. Noam Hendel, production engineeer by Krausz:
shot blasting machines. This is advantageous for companies that need
“We are very satisfied with the performance, installation and service
a blasting machine at very short notice or who only use it temporarily.
of AGTOS”.
The abrasive used in the shot blasting machine does not only work on the workpiece surfaces. The abrasive effect is also noticeable in the
blasting machine. For this reason, service, i.e. stocking and delivery,
AGTOS was founded in 2001 in Emsdetten. Meanwhile, over 160
as well as the installation of spare and wear parts, play an important
employees work at the two locations. In Emsdetten, the company’s
role. There are also maintenance, repair and modernization work on
headquarter, the concept is created and the shot blasting machines
machines from other manufacturers. These are always carried out by
are constructed. The production is located in the Polish town of
experienced specialists.
Konin, near Poznan. The constant focus on the needs of the customers has made the
For further information:
company an international specialist for the design and manufacture
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
The Powder Coating Research Group Partners with the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint © Powder Coating Research Group
The Powder Coating Research Group thanks to the partnership with the Global Alliance has recently become a partner in the international effort to eliminate lead-based paint throughout the world.
The Powder Coating Research Group, a centre of technical excellence in Columbus, Ohio has recently become a partner in the international effort to eliminate lead-based paint throughout the world. The Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint is a voluntary collaborative initiative to catalyse efforts to achieve international goals of preventing children’s exposure to lead from paint and minimizing occupational exposures to lead paint. Its broad objective is phasing out the manufacture and sale of paints containing lead to eventually eliminate the risks that such paints pose. The president of PCR Group, Kevin Biller, explains, “After traveling the world in my role as a powder coating advocate, I found that many developing nations suffer the bane of exposure to lead-containing coatings.” He further states that, “Not only is the workforce in paint
The Powder Coating Research Group Partners with the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint.
manufacturing facilities exposed to unacceptably high levels of lead and other heavy metals, but consumers, including children and aftermarket personnel are regularly exposed through toxic scenarios such as chipping paint and the refurbishment of coated items.”
Lead-containing paint particles can then poison groundwater,
The Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint is a joint effort by the
soil and the atmosphere. Eventually lead is ingested by humans
World Health Organization and the United Nations Environmental
through food, drinking water and the respiratory system. Even trace
Programme. Major paint suppliers like AkzoNobel and Jotun are
amounts of lead cause serious health issues in children including
partners as well as a number of coatings trade groups such as
significant cognitive impairment, loss of appetite, stunted growth,
the American Coatings Association, British Coating Federation and
poor language development, sluggishness and reduced weight.
The concentration is accumulative as the body does not easily
The Lead Paint Alliance is guided by an Advisory Council chaired
metabolize lead.
by the US EPA and consists of Government representatives from
The economic impact of health impairment from lead exposure has
Colombia, Republic of Moldova, Kenya, Thailand, the International
been estimated to be nearly US$135 billion in Africa. The cost to
Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN), Health and Environmental
switch to non-lead-based paints is miniscule in comparison for paint
Alliance (HEAL), the American Bar Association, Rule of Law Initiative
makers and their customers.
(ABA ROLI) the World Coating Council, AkzoNobel and Pacific Paint
PCR Group is in the process of drafting a white paper that identifies
(Boysen) Philippines.
viable pigment replacements for lead-based colorants commonly
The negative impact of lead exposure to humans cannot be
used by paint manufacturers in many developing nations. Biller will
overstated. Exposure to lead occurs when paint flakes off window
be presenting these options at the North African Coatings Congress
frames, doors, playground equipment and other consumer items.
being held in Casablanca in October 2020.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
ChemQuest’s Technology Institute Appoints Victoria Scarborough, Ph.D., Vice President of Collaborative Innovation The ChemQuest Group, Inc., a leading international business strategy firm in specialty chemicals, announces the addition of Dr. Victoria Scarborough as Vice President of Collaborative Innovation.
Dr. Scarborough is renowned worldwide as
expert. For the next ten years, Scarborough
Centre, and is currently CoatingsTech
an R&D leader and subject matter expert
honed her skills as the Director of New
Magazine’s Inside Innovation columnist and a
for the commercialization of in-demand new
Technology (2007–2010) then Program
Publication Subcommittee member.
technology that leverages open innovation.
Director of Global External Innovation for
Of her new position at ChemQuest’s
Her leadership strengths include aligning
Sherwin-Williams (2010–2017).
Technology Institute, Dr. Scarborough says, “it
company stakeholders, external global
Scarborough’s diverse background
is an honour to work with such a distinguished
partners, and multidisciplined technologists,
at Sherwin Williams was a successful
group of colleagues at ChemQuest and to
for seamless, technology-driven marketing,
springboard for negotiating multiple
continue the innovation journey by providing
finance, manufacturing, and R&D functions.
technology licensing agreements, serving
insights into new technologies that provide
Dr. Scarborough earned her Bachelor of
as an independent technical adviser while
meaningful results for our clients.”
Science degree in Biology from the University
holding multiple patents in breakthrough
“Dr. Scarborough’s multi-faceted background
of Mary Washington and received her
facilitating collaboration among technology
Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University
She created and organized various
owners, equity partners, and key stakeholders,
of TN Health Science Center (1979). She
global technical conferences, is an Open
will position ChemQuest clients for sustainable
pursued an MBA from Christian Brothers
Innovation Master Class YouTube channel
profitability in leading specialty chemicals’
University, and later participated in the
presenter for the Canadian Innovation
markets,” says ChemQuest CEO Dan Murad,
Program at Case Western Reserve University. In 2012, Scarborough completed the
adding that “Vickie has a remarkable track
© ChemQuest
Sherwin-Williams’ Leadership Excellence
record for value creation that leverages open innovation to develop breakthrough products
Licensing Executives Society’s Best Practices
and processes amid stiff competition, global
in Licensing: Developing, Negotiating &
raw material shortages, and price pressures.
Executing Transactions program.
ChemQuest is committed to supporting its
For the past 25+ years, Dr. Scarborough
clients by delivering distinctive, thorough,
has advanced technology in the public
actionable, confidential and professional
and private sector ranging from the DoD
work. We look forward to launching a new
and Federal laboratories, universities,
decade of external technology development
and multinational corporations, to
enabling excellence in research, accelerating
individual inventors and start-ups, often by
our clients’ growth objectives, with significant
creating and managing complex R&D and
contributions from Dr. Scarborough,
commercialization activities, with multimillion-
ChemQuest’s team of experienced Ph.D.
dollar budgets.
chemists and external partners, in our state-
From 1981–2007, as the R&D Director for
of-the-art R&D facility in South Boston, VA.”
Sherwin-Williams Company’s WoodCare Group in Memphis, TN, Dr. Scarborough became widely known as a wood coatings’
Dr. Victoria Scarborough, Vice President of Collaborative Innovation of the ChemQuest Group, Inc.
For further information:
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
© Francesca Torri
A detail of a necklace created by Francesca Torri.
The Perception of Matter in the Goldsmith Work of Francesca Torri Edited by ipcm®
We conducted our second interview for the ‘Art Within Surfaces’ section with body jewellery and ornament designer Francesca Torri. Her unique works are characterised by an experimental approach, focussed on the perception of matter and its reinterpretation.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Francesca Torri has been producing jewels and body ornaments for thirty years, working with precious and
© Francesca Torri
many ways. My body ornaments are the result of my experiments with materials and of precise technical
non-precious materials, excluding
and aesthetic choices. I am an
iron and platinum. Each piece is
artisan: I create unique pieces on
the result of long research sessions
order or small series.
and continuous tests. Her teaching
My pieces are handmade, with tools
job compensates for the loneliness
that have always been the same for
of her atelier. She is hungry for
hundreds of years, and I work with
knowledge and she annually attends
both precious and non-precious
international courses on special
materials. The materials themselves
jewellery making and handcraft
inspire my jewels. Metal and its
alterations are a constant source of discovery for me. Surface colouring
Francesca Torri participated in the charity auction organised by EOS
Francesca Torri.
with natural elements, such as fire and lemon and tomato acids, is often a part of my design research.
Mktg&Communication to celebrate its 10 anniversary last July with a work
Ipcm: What relationship exists
I produce unique pieces because
called “INVADENTE”1. She was happy
between art and industry and
repeating myself is like looking back,
to answer the five questions that the
how does it translate into your
instead of always looking ahead.
ipcm® editorial staff submitted to her
Each piece is the result of long
in order to get to know more about her
F.T.: Art is inside things as well as
research sessions and continuous
artistic activity and her unique works.
people and their everyday life. Human
tests, in order to achieve a result that
beings need art and produce it in
will give me peace of mind for some
Ipcm: Can you describe your art and your idea of being an artist in 3 © Francesca Torri
words? Francesca Torri: I like to refer to the dictionary definition of the word “art”: ART /ɑːt/ noun 1. Any form of human activity performed as the evidence or exaltation of a person’s inventive talent and expressive ability. 2. Any complex of techniques and methods concerning an autonomous activity or practical application and a part of a profession or craft: poetic art; military art; medical art; blacksmith’s art; exercise an art, to do a certain job; person of art, expert or skilled in a craft or profession; verb phrase: art up, to improve the aesthetic quality of something through some form of art.
1 “INVADENTE: Francesca Torri’s brooch sold at the auction organised by EOS Mktg&Communication”, in ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 61 (January/February 2020), page 44.
ELENA: a necklace inspired by a painting by Odilon Redon. Copper and brass base, natural oxidations, acrylic tempera, plastic mesh. Horses made in bronze. Unique piece, 2018.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
© Francesca Torri
© Francesca Torri
A ring in burnished 925 silver. Small series of slightly different 8 pieces, 2000.
LIBELLULA: brooch. Small series of 12 pieces. Yellow bronze, copper, natural oxidations, 2019.
time. My teaching job compensates
cut it, burn it, fold it, and crush it. Or
Afterwards, I create a patina with
for the loneliness of my atelier. I
I shape it, settle it, smooth it, and
natural acids or heat.
have been teaching Jewellery Design
polish it.
Finally, I mix the result with acrylic
at the European Institute of Design
It depends on what inspires me,
colours or gold leaf: as well as a
in Milan for thirty years.
what drives me. Sometimes, it
goldsmith, I also become a painter…
I am hungry for knowledge and
depends on what I am given by
I annually attend international
my client, if I make a personal
Ipcm: Can you describe a work
courses on special jewellery making
jewel: a gem, a stone, a shell, a
or an artist that was a source of
and handcraft techniques.
colour indication, or a memory, for
inspiration for you and why?
F.T.: No artist is an obvious inspiration for me, but I like and
Ipcm: How does the creative process develop?
Ipcm: What techniques do you
study many of them. My work is
F.T.: My creative process always
use to create your works?
certainly the result of many things
starts from the material I use, which
F.T.: I adopt the classic techniques
that I have looked at in my life:
gives me the cue to undertake
of goldsmithing. I melt the alloy,
people, places, objects, paintings,
my experimental journey. I see
I produce plates and wires, and
flowers, fruits, barks, skies, meadows,
a material and I touch it, smell it,
then I saw, perforate, shape, weld,
seas, colours, and perfumes. All
weigh it, deform it, and look at it. I
clean, polish, or satin their surfaces.
these things “speak” to me.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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2020 is the Year of Pink Oyster – a Happy, Soft and Optimistic Colour Edited by CIN Corporação Industrial do Norte, S.A., Maia, Portugal
CIN reveals eight new colours for 2020.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
freshness, luminosity and elegance, the
adds two new shades, which despite
softness and texture of the pink Pleurotus
contrasting with each other, are inspired
mushroom inspired the colour chosen
by the same elements: Soft Grey #E733,
to represent 2020: Pink Oyster. The new
a softly silent grey colour, suitable for
colour designed by CIN completely flees
minimalist atmospheres, which breathes
from conventional standards, awakening
light and tenderness, where wellness
sympathy, sweetness and optimism with
prevails. On the other hand, Charcoal
its delicate tonality and unique softness.
#E734, in its dense and dark shade, is an
Among the 40 colours created by CIN to
elegant backdrop, highlighting the accents
highlight the beauty of any space, there is
of careful decoration and attention to
a set of new shades that inspire limitless
combinations and that express the pure forces of nature. In addition to the colour
Red Revelation Range
of the year, Pink Oyster #E735, other
In addition to Pink Oyster, Red Revelation
additions to this year’s colour card are
range includes Red Clay #E736, a colour
Soft Grey #E733, Charcoal #E734, Red Clay
with a distinguished personality inspired
#E736, Seaside #E740, Light Blue #E739,
by the nuances of that material. Definitively
Olive #E737 and Rainforest #E738.
timeless, yet also modern and trendy,
Céline de Azevedo, Colour Designer at
Red Clay tells us about history, nature,
CIN, points out that “the Color Revelation
our relationship with the earth and with a
colour card is the result of tremendous
craftsman’s know-how in decoration.
dedication by the whole team which, over the years, has designed and developed
Blue Revelation Range
a project that has become a benchmark
Two new colours from Blue Revelation
in the market”. CIN´s Colour Designer
range that are totally complementary and
also added that the eight new shades
that can share spaces without upstaging
launched this year “will further enrich the
each other. For radiant days and refreshing
harmonious and coherent colour palette
atmospheres, the luminous, fresh and
that the brand has been developing
aquatic blues are back, inspired by warm
throughout the 4 years of Color
and transparent waters. Color Revelation
2020 now includes Seaside #E740, a colour that immerses us in the serene blue of
Colour of the Year 2020: Pink Oyster
the summer sea, and Light Blue #E739, a
The main highlight of the Color Revelation
which reminds us of crystalline waters,
CIN, a Portuguese brand and Iberian
colour card is Pink Oyster #E735, CIN’s
enjoyable in silence, without thinking about
leader in the market of paints and
2020 Colour of the Year. Both luminous
the time we would prefer to trickle by.
varnishes, reveals the colour trends for
and soft, Pink Oyster blends the sweetness
2020 in the new edition of the already
of orange with the delicacy of pink.
Green Revelation Range
iconic colour card, Color Revelation, an
Inspired by the nuances and enchanting
They are the intense greens of pure nature
essential reference in architecture, design
natural beauty of the pink Pleurotus
and the celebration of life; they are the
and interior decorating.
mushroom, this new CIN colour is truly a
soft and delicate tones of an organic and
With eight new shades across four
revelation, created to convey friendliness,
serene lifestyle. There are two new colours
colour spectra, through this new colour
sweetness and optimism in home
of Green Revelation range, transporting
palette the CIN Color Revelation 2020
nature and its different nuances to interior
colour card traverses the environments
discreet and delicate, even tenuous blue,
spaces: Rainforest #E738, a celebration of
and textures of natural elements.
Neutral Revelation Range
sustainability and the environment, and
Specifically, if you want to create unique
As the softest and most neutral range in
Olive #E737, the olive-green shade that
atmospheric spaces with harmony,
the CIN colour card, Neutral Revelation
inspires comfort and simplicity.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
© AkzoNobel
Experts from the Rijksmuseum and AkzoNobel got together at the company’s site in Sassenheim, the Netherlands, to discuss the exciting possibilities for the Operation Night Watch partnership.
AkzoNobel and the Rijksmuseum Paint Clearer Picture for Operation Night Watch Edited by Akzonobel Media Relations The Netherlands
Inventive scientific research into colour, light and paint is at the core of the next phase of AkzoNobel’s trailblazing Operation Night Watch partnership with the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Rembrandt’s masterpiece is undergoing the biggest and most innovative conservation in its history, with the two partners combining their knowledge and expertise to conserve and restore the painting in the best possible way.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Wikipedia
Together AkzoNobel and the Rijksmuseum have now identified three key areas to focus on as the collaboration starts to gather pace. “We’re very excited to be working with the Rijksmuseum on such a ground-breaking project,” says Klaas Kruithof, AkzoNobel’s Chief Technology Officer. “By fusing the old with the new, we can think differently, act differently and use our innovative know-how to go beyond expectations and help bring paintings conservation into a whole new realm of possibilities.” Adds Robert van Langh, the Rijksmuseum’s Head of Conservation and Science: “We knew from the start that partnering with AkzoNobel on Operation Night Watch made perfect sense. Now we’re beginning to get into the finer details of how we can progress from a scientific point of view. We have common interests, especially in terms of colour and the ageing of the paint, and we’re confident that the projects we’ll be working on will help bring The Night Watch to a new perspective and level of understanding.” Scientists from both parties plan to work on the following projects
Rembrandt’s Night Watch paint (1642).
over the next two years: • Recreate Rembrandt’s impastos to gain a better understanding of how he created his unique paint formulations – the precise recipe
made colour calibration card for photographing 17th century Dutch
still remains a mystery (impasto is the process or technique of
paintings with the aim of bringing about a substantial improvement.
laying on paint thickly so that it stands out from a surface to create an almost 3D image); • Design custom colour calibration to improve the photography
Improving the viewing experience This project will tap into AkzoNobel’s expertise in colour and
and digitization of paintings. The system will also be fine-tuned to
light reflectance. The paint on The Night Watch has aged and
the particular colours used in The Night Watch, which has a very
many details are difficult to make out. To help enhance the
particular dark colour pallet;
viewing experience, the plan is to analyse hyperspectral and
• Help to improve the viewing experience of The Night Watch –
spectroradiometer data and use physics-based simulations to
taking into account the impact that the lighting conditions and
propose changes in the local lighting that could be used to improve
the surroundings have on colour perception – using AkzoNobel’s
the visibility of the painting.
newest virtual colour display technologies. “This is an incredible opportunity for us to contribute our colour
Recreating Rembrandt’s impastos
expertise to an historic project,” explains AkzoNobel’s Senior Colour
Understanding how Rembrandt created his famous impastos
Scientist, Eric Kirchner. “The Night Watch is an iconic painting, not
will involve gaining a better insight into the relationship between
only in Dutch culture, but in the whole history of art. So being
rheology and practical paint application behaviour (rheology is
involved says a lot about us being the reference in the industry.”
the study of the flow of matter, primarily in a liquid state, but also
Launched in July 2019, Operation Night Watch is using a series
as soft solids). Three different pigmented impasto paints found in
of ground-breaking tools and techniques to carry out a major
Rembrandt’s work will be selected and investigated from different
investigation and conservation of Rembrandt’s famous painting –
which has been encased in a special glass chamber. A dedicated project team of researchers, conservators and restorers from the
Designing custom colour calibration
Rijksmuseum is working in close collaboration with museums and
Colour calibration is the focus of the second project, which aims to
universities in the Netherlands and abroad, including AkzoNobel’s
overcome a common issue with professional photographs of The
colour specialists.
Night Watch and other 17th century Dutch paintings. These images tend to show a consistent brightening of dark areas in the artworks,
For further information:
which misrepresents those paintings on photographs in museum
catalogues and other publications. The intention is to design a tailor-
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
Honeywell Launches New Line of High-Performance Matting Agents, NduroMatt TM
New polyethylene-based product line improves durability and longevity of matte coatings.
based additives designed to improve
Honeywell announced the launch
different stages of the manufacturing
of its new NduroMatt™ product
process, while still delivering improved
line, of polyethylene-based matting
coating products. Tests show NduroMatt
coatings and improve processing of plastic and
agents, that deliver improved coating
significantly improves surface properties
performance for longer service life.
of coatings and provides formulation
NduroMattTM includes three matting
flexibility over existing matting agents.
For further information:
agents, that are specifically designed to
Honeywell’s Specialty Additives portfolio
give improved surface performance, in
includes low molecular weight polyolefin
performance of adhesives, inks, paints and TM
industrial coatings. While conventional matting agents
© Honeywell
a wide range of architectural, wood and
make coating susceptible to surface defects, including burnishing, marring and scratching, NduroMattTM products can completely replace conventional matting agents, or can be used to supplement them and enhance the surface properties of matte coatings. “The introduction of NduroMattTM is a prime example of our team’s focus on the customer, and that customer centricity is what drives new product innovation,” said Bob Gargione, vice president and general manager, Honeywell Additives and Chemicals. “Our team recognized the rapid growth in demand for matte coatings and understood the need for more advanced, high-performance matting agents. that enable these coatings to last longer.” When compared to conventional matting agents on the market, NduroMattTM is easier to incorporate into formulations, can be added at
Honeywell launches NduroMattTM, its new polyethylene-based product line.
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Dassault Systèmes and Geico Taikisha Drive Mass Customization in the Auto Body Paint Shop of the Future
© Geico Taikisha
Dassault Systèmes is collaborating with Geico Taikisha, global leader in the planning and construction of turnkey automotive car painting systems, on a joint initiative to improve the production flexibility of automotive manufacturers in an era of increasing mass customization.
The paintshop of the future designed by Geico Taikisha for the automotive industry.
Geico Taikisha will implement Dassault
digital landscape connecting all stakeholders
production models that rely on big data and
Systèmes’ DELMIA applications as the
that improves visibility into, control over
internet of things technologies enable the
manufacturing execution system of its “Smart
and synchronization across manufacturing
industry to adapt to high levels of customization
Paintshop,” its auto body paint shop of the
operations and supply chain processes
and continuously innovate processes and
future that integrates smart, connected and
on a global scale. By engaging in a model-
solutions. For Geico Taikisha customers,
strategic solutions to improve the efficiency,
based, data-driven digital experience, users
a digital manufacturing execution system
safety, quality, costs and sustainability of the
can establish a common set of operational
for factories that can be tailored for “Smart
auto body painting sector. This will enable
processes that can be created, managed,
Paintshop” users would enable them to rely
Geico Taikisha to offer an end-to-end solution
and governed holistically, to improve agility
on real-time data to prevent maintenance
to its automotive customers for managing the
and expand continuous improvement across
and improve quality, production rates and
challenges of the factory of the future, while
the enterprise and extended value network.
production efficiency.
delivering unique value.
As the automotive market increasingly
DELMIA applications transform global
demands high quality made-to-order
For further information:
operations through digital continuity, a shared
products at the lowest cost, flexible
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
Ricoh Arena, Coventry, UK
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© AdobeStock_Vlad
Brexit: What Effects Will It Have on our Relations with the USA? Marcello Zinno UCIF – Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, Milan, Italy
2020 is the crucial year of Brexit
significant effects, such as those
British trade to and from non-EU
but, at the same time, it is a year
about unskilled workforce, for
countries accounts for 50.9%.
of transition. It is crucial because
Moreover, their common language
Britain’s exit from the European
However, the Brexit issue is
and history will facilitate a further
Union has been formalised earlier
often treated as a theatre whose
rapprochement between these
this year – a decision that will go
stage lies within the borders of
two economic forces. In fact, both
down in history – although many
the European Union: everyone
of them have shown interest in
of the constraints imposed will
is wondering about the balance
signing an agreement that could
be valid as of January 1, 2021.
to be created between the UK
reduce tariffs, remove barriers,
This is a “soft” decision to help all
and the EU in the near future.
and increase market access
interested parties, from individuals
However, we should not forget
possibilities for the two nations.
to companies, to better handle
that Brexit will generate particular
Finally, Prime Minister Johnson’s
its effects. Markets, imports and
consequences worldwide. The
focus is precisely on distancing
exports, movements of people
United States are certainly not
his country from Europe as much
(British and non-British citizens),
a passive player: America is
as possible in terms of regulatory
labour market, European financial
already the UK’s largest trading
standards and legal frameworks:
flows, and so on: many aspects
partner after the EU, with annual
this could be a further push
will change profoundly starting
exchanges totalling over 230
towards creating new economical
from 2021. Already this year, they
billion dollars. Currently, the
and industrial ties with the USA.
are witnessing the integration of
United Kingdom exports 13% of
We should therefore keep our
transition rules that are producing
its production to the USA, whereas
eyes open, even overseas.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
APRIL 2020
architect@work canada
Toronto, Canada April 1-2, 2020
at a later date
solids dortmund
Dortmund, Germany April 1-2, 2020
to June 24-25
Zaragoza, Spain April 1-4, 2020
Budapest, Hungary April 1-5, 2020
to June 10-14
Jakarta, Indonesia April 1-5, 2020
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automechanika istanbul
Istanbul, Turkey April 2-5, 2020
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Sofia, Bulgaria April 6-9, 2020
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Doha, Qatar April 7-9, 2020
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china refrigeration
Wuhan, China April 8-10, 2020
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interstroy expo
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manufacturing world
Nagoya, Japan April 15-17, 2020
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Mumbay, India April 16-17, 2020
to August 19-20
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to June 5-7
Instanbul, Turkey April 18-22, 2020
hvac & refrigeration show
London, UK April 20-22, 2020
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
to September 23-26
until 2021
APRIL 2020 hannover messe
Hannover, Germany April 20-24, 2020
to July 13-17
Birmingham, UK April 20-24, 2020
to January 25-28, 2021
composite expo
Moscow, Russia April 21-23, 2020
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Kaohsiung, Taiwan April 21-23, 2020
to October 14-16
fluid power and systems
Birmingham, UK April 21-23, 2020
to January 25-27, 2021
Moscow,Russia April 21-23, 2020
Shanghai, China April 21-24, 2020
León, Mexico April 21-24, 2020
Karlsruhe, Germany April 21-24, 2020
to October 12-15
Moutier, Switzerland April 21-24, 2020
to November 10-13
salone del mobile
Milan, Italy April 21-26, 2020
to June 16-21
architect@work luxembourg
Luxembourg April 22-23, 2020
to June 24-25
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cutting world
Essen, Germany April 28-30, 2020
international powder & bulk solids
Rosemont, USA April 28-30, 2020
mro americas
Dallas, USA April 28-30, 2020
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to late August/early September
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
September 23 rd, 24th & 25 th 2020 BIARRITZ â&#x20AC;¢ FRANCE
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T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n C a r B o d y F i n i s h i n g s i n c e 1 96 4
Upc oming events
ASIAN CONGRESS 0 D U P C F S 2 & 2 Shanghai
The Ordinary Assembly of ECCA Italy for the 2020-2021 Period
© ipcm ®
On Friday, February 21, 2020, at 10:30 am, at the premises of Condoroil Stainless Srl (Casale Litta, Varese, Italy), the members of the Italian branch of ECCA met in ordinary assembly for the renewal of appointments, an update on the ventures carried out, and the discussion of the training offer for the next two years. the steering committee members. The steering committee also confirmed Antonio Bonoli as its President and appointed Maria Alba Fusco as the Vice-President. Giovanni Scocco was chosen again as the treasurer. Afterwards, promotional activities were discussed with a broad debate on the role played by the association as a national benchmark for technical and product information regarding the pre-painted metal’s applications. The experts discussed about the associations’ visibility and the opportunities offered by social media. During her speech, Alessia Venturi confirmed the opportunities offered by the partnership with the ipcm® technical magazine, which boasts a widespread distribution among industry players From left to right, Alessia Venturi, Giovanni Scocco, Sergio Stecca Marco Zavattoni, Maria Alba Fusco, Antonio Bonoli, Paola Zavattoni, Francesco Tamburrino, Ugo Carcano, Giuseppe Foletti, and Marco Misani.
such as end users, professionals, architects, engineers, and surveyors, with
The ordinary assembly of the Italian branch of the European Coil Coating
Finally, the assembly spoke about ECCA Italia’s appointments for 2020,
Association (ECCA), held on February 21, 2020 at the recently renovated
including the collaboration with Poliefun, an association of Politecnico di
headquarters of company member Condoroil Chemical Srl, saw the
Milano, for the event organised for the seventh edition of its Industrial Short
participation of ten firms out of the entitled seventeen. The assembly
Master, which will mainly involve firms Novelis and Salchi Metalcoat. ECCA
also hosted three special guests: Alessia Venturi and Francesco Stucchi,
Italia also offered to give a lecture at the University of Trento during the
representing Eos Mktg&Communication Srl, the publishing house of the
“Corrosion Days”, the event organised by the Negrelli Foundation together
ipcm® magazine and an ECCA media partner, and QualiSteelCoat quality
with the Trento Order of the Engineer and the Department of Industrial
manager Rolando Ragazzini.
Engineering; the presentation will deal with the coil coating process.
over 3500 international contacts. She also talked about the need to make the most of these in order to promote coil coating.
Ragazzini presented Qualital’s QualiSteelCoat quality mark, already widespread in Europe in the field of post-painted metal and also applicable
For further information: © ipcm ®
to the pre-painted metal one. ECCA Italia president Antonio Bonoli opened the working session by thanking all participants and hosting company Condoroil Chemical, which also offered a welcome refreshment and a lunch. The assembly began with a review of the association’s recent history, statute, aims, and purposes. This was followed by a summary of the activities carried out in the last ten years by ECCA Italia, especially in the conference and editorial fields. This included the re-edition of the manual “I Laminati Metallici Preverniciati” six years ago, which is still one of the most updated and comprehensive publications in the sector. The association’s appointments were also renewed for the 2020-2021 period. Antonio Bonoli from Marcegaglia Carbon Steel, Maria Alba Fusco and Sergio Stecca from Liberty Steel Group Magona, Giovanni Paolo Prandi from Isva (a brand of The Sherwin-Williams Company), Paola Zavattoni from Condoroil Chemical, and Giovanni Scocco from Benasedo were elected as
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Condoroil Chemical's new headquarters in Casale Litta (Varese), where the ECCA members’ ordinary assembly was held.
PaintExpo Postponed to 12-15 October
© Fairfair Gmbh
PaintExpo 2020, the leading trade fair for industrial coating technology, scheduled to take place for April 21-24, now will be held from 12 to 15 October at Karlsruhe, Germany. ipcm® will keep following the published editorial calendar and distribution programs.
On account of the latest developments of the COVID-19 sanitary emergency and after having evaluated the “Risk Assessment and Recommendations for Action for Large-Scale Events” published by the German Federal Ministry of Health, FairFair GmbH has decided to postpone PaintExpo 2020 from 12 to 15 October 2020. In a press release to all exhibitors and parties involved, Jürgen Haußmann, Managing Director of FairFair GmbH, the organizer of PaintExpo, also specified the following: - All exhibitor registrations will be rebooked for the new date of the fair; all contract and booth confirmations will remain valid. - Payments made to the organizer will be credited to the new date. - Any technical services already booked, such as booth construction packages, power connections, etc., are still valid. - Applications for booth construction permits, drill
- Any pre-ordered advertising services, such as guest ticket vouchers, online banners and visitor flyers, will be
holes, the use of gases, booth parties, etc. will be fully
reprinted by us and sent out again in accordance with
adjusted to the new date and do not have to be re-
the orders we have received. You can also place further
orders in PaintExpo online ordering system.
© Fairfair Gmbh
- The printing of the catalogue has been stopped; organizers will send you new blueprints for correction should your address or other details have changed by then.
ipcm magazines editorial calendar and distribution In relation to the distribution of our magazines, we want to reassure our partners and readers that the distribution programs will not change: we will follow the fairs on calendar based on their possible rescheduling and the focus of the magazines will remain the one specified in the media guides. For further information:
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
SURCAR Presents: 2020 NORTH AMERICAN CONGRESS Created by Car Painting Experts, for Car Painting experts, SURCAR has served the Car Painting Community for more
© Infopro Digital
SURCAR will present the 2ndbNorth American Congress, taking place at Detroit (Michigan) on October 6 – 7, 2020.
than half of century. Launched in 1964 in Cannes, France, the SURCAR Congress has become the most successful Biennial meeting for both Car Manufactures and Main Suppliers of Products and Equipment for Car Body Paint Finishing Worldwide. SURCAR has already organized two North American Events in 2018 and 2019, which were extremely successful. For over 60 years now, SURCAR has enhanced successful innovation strategies, and presented R&D programs for Processes, Equipment and Materials in Surface Finishing. bAn international SURCAR Community has been built up with Members from our Committees and participants from our European, North American and Asian
suppliers will deliver their thoughts
the 2020 Detroit Congress. The goal
Congresses and Events
on the future of Car industry in
is to identify, promote and reward the
The Detroit Meeting will unite, once
North America and the World with
most innovative New Start-ups orbnew
again, 250 Car Body Finishing Experts
the latest technology and real
activities frombEstablished companies
from International Auto OEMs and
industry feedback.
with solutions for Car Body Surface
decision making Executives from global
bWith small-groups of experts
Paint Materials & Equipment suppliers.b
participating in interactive
SURCAR Grand Challengebwill reward
In 2020, during the 2-day Congress,
roundtables, captivating keynote
the Start-Ups presenting 1) Leading-
the main discussions will be focus on
addresses, the next Detroit
edge technologies, 2) New solution,
Technology & Innovation, New Paint
Congress’s agenda is packed with
product or process to reduce
Materials, Environmental & Lean
content designed to get attendees
environmental footprint, 3) reduce
Processes and Paintshop Real-Life.
the answers that they need from
production cost or 4) Improve the
50 high profile speakers from
those at the forefront of the
performance of existing production
international Auto OEMs (BMW,
equipment, processes or installations.
FCA, Ford Motor Company, General
In addition, this coming June,
Motors, Hyundai-KIA, Toyota…) and
SURCAR is proud to launch the first
For further information:
major Paint material and process
“SURCAR Grand Challenge” during
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The Sixth "Steel in Vehicle Construction" Conference In close cooperation with the Steel Institute VDEh and the Research Association for
© Alina l'Ami
The 6th International Conference on Steels in Cars and Trucks will take place in Milan (Italy) from 10 to 14 January 2021.
Steel Application (Fosta), Düsseldorf, the international conference “Steels in Cars and Trucks” (SCT 2021) will be held for the sixth time. The conference with an accompanying exhibition opens its doors from 10 to 14 January 2021 in Milan under the motto: “Bringing the automotive, supplier and steel industries together”. The Call for Papers was a complete success with more than 190 submissions. The conference will focus on the research, application and behaviour of steel in vehicle construction. Steel is one of the most important materials in automotive engineering; around 60 percent of a modern car is made of steel. Among other things, highstrength and ultra-high-strength steels are
and applications” covers topics such as
powertrain, as well as new forming methods
used, the use of which enables new designs,
crash behaviour of modern steels, new
and simulation processes as used in the
maximum crash safety and lower vehicle
joining technologies as well as results of
design and manufacture of modern vehicles.
current materials research. Other topics
The main topics:
The second motto of SCT 2021: “Future trends
include new steels with specific properties
- Steel Components in Cars and Trucks
in steel development, processing technologies
for e.g. lightweight body construction or
- Manufacturing of Components
© Alina l'Ami
- New Steels - Modelling, Simulation and Testing - Special Topic: LIGHTWEIGHT forging. The SCT 2021 is supported by ArcelorMittal as a platinum sponsor, Georgsmarienhütte, SSAB and Saarstahl as gold sponsors, Outokumpu as silver sponsor as well as national and international exhibitors and associations. Online registration is already open, and an initial program overview will be published shortly. For further information:
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - N. 62
Postponed as a Precaution, the Global Industrie Exhibition will Finally be Held from the 23rd to the 26th of June 2020 The next edition of the Global Industrie Exhibition, the biggest gathering of industry players in France, initially scheduled for the 31st of March to the 3rd of April, has been postponed due to the concern raised by the spread of the coronavirus Covid-19.
Although an option had been
Transport & Logistics Innovation
together with the ministerial
envisaged at Le Bourget, Global
Week (hall 6) and the World
authorities who are assisting
Industrie 2020 will in the end be
Nuclear Exhibition (hall 7), two
us during this difficult period
held at the Paris Nord Villepinte
tremendous opportunities for
and who have reasserted their
Exhibition Centre (in halls 1, 2, 3, 4
all industry people present
support for Global Industrie”, he
and 5), from the 23 to the 26
throughout our event”.
of June 2020.
“We wish once again to thank
To avoid endangering the health
our customers for their patience
For further information:
of its 2,500 exhibitors, its partners
and their understanding,
and the more than 45,000 visitors, place under optimum conditions, GL Events, the organiser of the exhibition, has opted to postpone the event to a later date.
© Global Industrie
and to allow the event to take
“The fact that Global Industrie is staying at Villepinte is excellent news which is welcomed both by our exhibitors and by our visitors. The location is both ideally suited to an Exhibition of the scale of Global Industrie and a guarantee of genuine logistic and technical comfort for our exhibitors”, stated Sébastien Gillet, the exhibition’s director. “More than ever, we are convinced that the whole of our community will be there from the 23rd to the 26th of June to present our country’s industrial excellence. The exhibition will take place in parallel with
N. 62 - MARCH/APRIL 2020 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
We #StayAtHome but we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stop. What happened in the last two months and what is happening as we speak is unprecedented. Yet, the virus of mistrust and fear must not prevail. :H ZLOO FRQWLQXH WR UHDÉ?UP WKH strength of the European industry in the world through the instrument we know best: information. We will work at the upcoming issues with the same passion and care as always. Enjoy all the editions of our magazines for free and the news section, updated daily, on
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Eos Mktg&Communication srl
Dr. Felice Ambrosino: Marketing
Redazione - Sede Legale: Via Pietro Mascagni, 8 - 20811 - Cesano Maderno (MB) - Italy Tel. +39.0362.503215 - Fax. +39.0362.1794768
Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti:
Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics
Kevin Biller
The Powder Coating Research Group
Prof. Stefano Rossi:
Material Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento - Product Design
Dr. Franco Busato:
European environmental legislation and new technologies
Dr. Fulvio Zocco:
Environment and quality
Prof. Paolo Gronchi:
Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section
ISSN 2280-6083
The smart journal for surface treatments
ipcm digital on Special Issue
11th Year - Bimonthly N° 62 - MARCH/APRIL
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