The first international magazine for surface treatments
ISSN 2280-6083
ipcm digital on
® In this issue :
10th Year - Bimonthly N° 56 - MARCH/APRIL
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© ipcm ®
© Dürr
Ecoscreen Equipment Analytics Optimizes Plant Availability and Product Quality
© ipcm ®
Solid Company Know-How and Flexibility: CM Automazione’s Philosophy
© ipcm ®
luK: Revamping as a Technological A Development Strategy
05 EDITOR’S LETTER 06 ANALISYS BREXIT: Consequences and Possible Solutions for the Surface Treatment Industry
10 14
Challenging Trends for Canada’s Chemical Sector
22 28 36
eturn to GLOBAL: The New Industry R 4.0-Oriented Plant for Coating Aluminium Radiators
A 4.0 Connection Point: Speroni’s Plant Choices Are Projected into the Future, but in the Name of Continuity
i4smallparts. The Overall Solution for Micro-Coating
Maximum Booth Automation for the Coating of Metal Components and Office Furniture
relevant information about the safety and quality of
your products updated and at hand
© ipcm®
© iStockphoto – franckreporter
A Flexible and Modular UV Tunnel Functional to the Development of Formulations in the Laboratory of Paint Manufacturer Arsonsisi © Airprotech Srl
Elegance Meets Design: Demand for Flat Matte Finishes on the Rise
© Saveral
114 98
Saveral: The Innovation-Oriented, Pioneering Company in the Italian Powder Coating Sector
In Mexico, a Coating Line Was Updated To Optimise Control on the Quality of Aluminium Door and Windows Frames
108 HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH BASF’s Lean Lab Sets New Standards: Fit for the Future
At Metalux, the Pre-Treatment Process Becomes Decisive for Obtaining the Powder Coating Quality Label
Henkel’s New Bonderite E-CO DMC Digital Multichannel Controller Helps Customers Optimize the Performance and Cost of Metal Pretreatment Processes
134 FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY MagicCylinder® EquiFlow®: The New Powder Coating System Installed by the Procicchiani Group
Management and Abatement of Emissions Generated by Industrial Coating Processes
Sustainable Growth Fund
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LeBot IA6: articulated 6-axis industrial robots for point-to-point applications, controlled by our LeCRob K-Manager software.
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This is a moment of great excitement Richiedi la versione in italiano a
lthough the media describe the global industrial situation gloomily, with recession forecasts for all major world economic powers, we have found a dynamic and confident atmosphere during our first visits of the year to several surface treatment companies. 90% of them has made significant investments in plant innovation in the last six months. Some chose revamping projects in order to fully or partially update existing plants and bring them to the state-of-the-art level, thus extending their service life and improving their operational quality degree. Others opted for a more radical change and fully replaced their surface finishing lines, sometimes including them in more extensive plant upgrade programs that also involved other production phases. Whether they are new coating booths, sensors and control equipment installed in the pre-treatment phase together with a change in the chemical used, or complete finishing lines, the Industry 4.0 and its digital paradigms have been the main drivers of development and investment. However, they are not the only ones: the improvement of production sustainability (adoption of water-based or powder coatings), the replacement of chromium-based pre-treatment processes (both in the aluminium and coating contracting sectors), and, above all, the automation of production and control processes are all significant trends that translate into production efficiency, consumption and waste reduction, and, above all, quality consistency. Through a virtuous combination of green chemistry and green engineering, companies seem projected to create a future in which it will be possible to produce even very small batches efficiently, sustainably, and with a very high quality degree. Trade fairs are also a gauge of the health of the industry. February and March were two eventful months, e.g. the world-class exhibition for the paint and coating industry European Coatings Show in Nuremberg, the equally important trade fair for the cosmetic packaging sector Cosmopack in Bologna, and national trade fairs such as Scandinavian Coatings in Copenhagen, Middle East Coatings Show in Dubai, Pakistan Coatings Show in Lahore, Industrie - Midest in Lyon, and MadeExpo in Milano. None of them saw any decrease in the participation and number of visitors. So what is the real situation? Surely, European data on the scale of the industrial slowdown are far from comforting. The Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI), an indicator of the manufacturing activity, ended 2018 with the lowest growth rate of the last four years in the euro area, whereas uncertainty on the Brexit deal is a further source of concern. In China, the industrial production rate is the lowest of the last three years and in the United States the beneficial effects of the tax cut are running out. Yet companies continue to believe, invest, and look for new solutions and new tools to be more efficient, competitive, and prosperous.
Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief Direttore Responsabile
The disconnect between the political-financial and industrial reality is well known. The spirit of initiative and the courage of entrepreneurs, the support and lobby work of associations, and the concreteness and willingness of individuals can produce wealth even in times of recession. These strengths enable economies to emerge from the quagmire in the long run – in spite of everything.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
© luaeva © Adobe Stock
Opening photo: The global industry has had to deal with the immediate ramifications of the vote, by starting to question the future of investments and of the legislation and regulations in force.
BREXIT: Consequences and Possible Solutions for the Surface Treatment Industry Barbara Pennati ipcm® From an interview with Tom Bowtell, CEO of the British Coatings Federation
n June 23, 2016, the United Kingdom
The first consequences of the vote have been
The vote on Brexit also brought forth many
answered a referendum question
evident since the announcement of the result:
internal issues, which are to this day among
that will go down in history: “Should
the change of the pound fell in two hours by
the most difficult to tackle, starting from
the United Kingdom remain a member of the
10% compared to the US dollar and by 7%
Scotland and Northern Ireland, where in
European Union or leave the European Union?”.
compared to the Euro; the then Prime Minister
fact respectively 62% and 55.78% of citizens
The 51,89% of the 33,577,342 voters chose to
David Cameron announced his resignation
voted to remain a member of the
leave the European Union.
from his position.
European Union.
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Even the global industry has had to deal with
ipcm: Were you surprised at the outcome
different sets of chemicals regulations, and
the immediate ramifications of the vote, by
of the referendum on Brexit?
face tariffs of 6.4% on both raw materials,
starting to question the future of investments
Tom Bowtell: Yes, we anticipated the result
half of which are sourced in the EU, and on
and of the legislation and regulations in force.
would be close but we were surprised with the
finished products, costing the industry an
More than two years later, the United Kingdom
estimated £150m. The impact of tariffs could lead to the loss of some of the £1bln UK
an official deal, although two options are on
exports of paints, coatings and printing inks,
the table, according to analysts: the so-called
and the European Union have not yet reached
making them significantly less competitive to customers in the EU.
Hard Brexit, for which the United Kingdom would abandon the European Union and all the European treaties and institutions to which
ipcm: How much does the UK contribute to
it belongs; or the Soft Brexit, through which the
the EU coatings market?
UK would exit the European institutions, but
TB: The UK is roughly 10% of the EU coatings
will remain, to some extent, within the single
market. On March 12, the House of Commons rejected
ipcm: What are the negative and positive
Theresa May’s withdrawal agreement with the
effects that Brexit could have on the UK
EU by 391 votes to 242.
and global markets?
On March 14, the House of Commons voted to delay Britain’s EU departure and Theresa May asked the EU for an extension beyond March 29, the date previously set for the
Figure 1: Tom Bowtell.
TB: The devaluation of sterling has negatively hit BCF members, many of whom trade and report in euros. Longer term, we worry about the attractiveness of the UK as a manufacturing hub for Europe. Unfortunately, we don’t see
UK’s official exit. The European Council has conceded a small
ipcm: At the moment of writing, there’s
many benefits to Brexit. In the long-term, there
extension: now, if May’s Brexit agreement is
still no deal on Brexit. What could it entail
might be scope to influence certain regulations,
approved by the British Parliament by April 12,
for the coatings industry and what are the
such as the VOC Paint Product Directive, but
London will have until May 22 to pass all the
possible outcomes of a “soft” or “hard”
this will take time.
legislation needed to set up the new course.
If, on the other hand, May’s agreement is
TB: With a hard Brexit, the coatings industry
ipcm: How will the import/export be
not accepted, the United Kingdom will have
could suffer severe disruption, a loss of
affected by Brexit?
to propose a way forward by April 12 for
millions of pounds and a drain on investment.
TB: If there are tariffs on goods, we could
EU leaders to consider. European Council
BCF members are exporters, and the UK is
see imports and exports drop heavily, if
President Donald Tusk said:
a net exporter of paint and coatings. Several
6.5% is added onto both. The coatings
“The UK government will still have a choice
members use the UK as a hub for Europe. The
industry currently imports 60% of its raw
between a deal, no deal, a long extension or
UK will also become less competitive as a place
materials from the EU, so if there are tariffs
revoking Article 50”.
for manufacturing as a result.
or regulatory barriers to this, we could see this number drop. In total, 60% (£652m)
The situation is even more complicated by the European Parliament elections due to be held
ipcm: How did the coatings industry react
of the £1078m UK exported coatings and
on May 23-26, which the UK is supposed to
to Brexit?
printing inks in 2017 went to the EU, and
start organizing soon.
TB: The industry reacted with shock, however,
looking at imported coatings and inks as
While we wait to see the developments
have continued on with “business as usual”.
finished goods, which totalled £939m, 84% (£791m) of these came from the EU. This
of this complicated issue, ipcm® had the opportunity to discuss the impact of
ipcm: How are companies preparing to
is not just multinationals, as the UK SME
Brexit on our sector with Tom Bowtell,
face it?
coating and printing ink companies are
CEO of British Coatings Federation,
TB: “No deal” planning for the industry
also strong exporters. In addition, almost
a trade association representing the
consists of stockpiling key raw materials and
all coatings companies are importing a
interests of the decorative, industrial and
finished goods, hiring more warehouse space
significant proportion of their raw materials
powder coatings, printing inks and
and setting up legal entities in the EU. BCF
from Europe (there are no BCF members that
wallcovering manufacturers in the UK.
members are also preparing to grapple with
don’t buy something from Europe).
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
© Dan Kitwood © Getty
Figure 2: Brexit supporters in front of the Houses of Parliament asking to leave the EU, even without any deal.
ipcm: Do you think that Brexit will create a chain effect and other countries might go through the same process? What strategies could companies adopt to better monitor Brexit, its process and effects? TB: They should engage with their trade associations where possible, offering case studies and impact assessments on how their companies are being affected by Brexit. ipcm: What is the role of trade
2 1
associations like BCF in this scenario? TB: We feel it is our role to advise and guide
ipcm: How will Brexit affect
ipcm: Many companies are already
our members through this challenging time
environment, health and safety
relocating or planning future
regulations, like REACH?
investments in other countries. Do
TB: We have been in regular contact with
you think this trend will continue? Is
ipcm: What actions had BCF
the government and informed them that
it something truly necessary or are we
undertaken to support UK industry
we want to maintain a high standard of
getting ahead of ourselves?
health and safety, and still have access to
TB: This trend will only continue if we have
TB: The BCF has been proactive in
the REACH regulations. If we leave without
a “no deal” Brexit, where the UK looks like
supporting UK manufacturers in this
a deal, the government will put in place “UK
an unattractive place for manufacturing.
turbulent time. Last year, we ran a Brexit
REACH”. This means that BCF members
The prospect of tariffs, delays at the
seminar to give members a chance to
will have to deal with two different sets
border and a separate regulatory
listen to views from politicians and industry,
of regulations, resulting in extra costs for
system is unattractive for foreign direct
as well as give their own opinions on the
manufacturing. The Secretary of State for
investment. However, this would be a
UK’s departure from the EU. Also, we have
Environment, Michael Gove MP, has said
medium to long term impact. We don’t
published a “No Deal Brexit Guide”, which is
that he wants the UK to be at the forefront
see our member companies making
an amalgamation of all the current “no deal”
of health and safety and environmental
immediate decisions, but it will affect
Brexit advice out there, in one simple place
standards post-Brexit.
investment decisions in the coming years.
for members to consult.
state that the automotive market will be one of the most affected. What direct
ipcm: Seeing the state of
© Associated Press
ipcm: Researches and forecasts
politics right now, what do you think will happen on in the future? Do you
consequence will this have
think that Brexit could
for the automotive coatings
result in the break up of
the United Kingdom (see
TB: Many automotive coatings
Ireland issue)?
companies are based near
TB: We believe “no deal”
car manufacturers, so shifting
should be avoided at
production or closing factories
all costs, as it would
means in a direct loss of business
be disastrous for the
for those automotive coatings
industry. At the moment
manufacturers. Coatings is a just-intime industry, so proximity matters to supply chains.
3 1
Figure 3: Protests against Brexit.
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
we are asking for clarity and certainty from politicians.
Visionaries have no rivals.
Look into these eyes. Can you see it? Trace the purple paint with your finger. Can you feel it? It’s the motivation to discover superior solutions for the challenges of tomorrow in our everchanging world. It’s the passion exuding from our global network of employees. It’s the
confidence that we can deliver true value for your coating formulations. Now, look into these eyes. Join us in shaping the world of coatings.
Condoroil: Ultrafiltration for Degreasing and Phospho-Degreasing Baths Regeneration – MINERVA Unit
ondoroil has been studying and
emulsified oils and the colloidal suspensions
In addition, the units provide
manufacturing, for over 25 years,
by ultrafiltration.
optional devices such as:
continuous regeneration units of
The phospho-degreasing solution, with the
-m anagement of several tanks
use of a MINERVA unit of adequate capacity, is
using the same degreasing agent
which are proposed under the commercial
therefore constantly maintained at maximum
(Mod. TWIN);
name of MINERVA.
efficiency allowing the user to achieve
MINERVA units carry out their regenerating
important ecological, economic and productivity
using different degreasing agents
action through three stages of mechanical
(Mod. PLUS);
treatment in series that allow to remove all
The main features that differentiate the
the contaminants brought by the processed
MINERVA units from other ultrafiltration
demineralizer (Mod.
systems are:
In particular, from the polluted solution,
- total automation;
reintegration of the working tanks.
the sedimentable sludge is eliminated with
- total execution in stainless steel;
the aid of a lamellar decanter, then the free
- no manpower required;
For further information:
oils by means of coalescing and finally the
- low cost allowed by standardization.
Š Condoroil Chemical Srl
degreasing and phospho-degreasing baths,
Figure 1: The use of MINERVA unit by Condoroil helps to maintain the maximum efficiency of phospho-degreasing solution and it allows to achieve important ecological, economic and productivity advantages.
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
-m anagement of several tanks
- i nsertion of reverse osmosis
BYK-1786 Showcased at ECS 2019
he proportion of aqueous formulations
coating with complicated application methods
used in the coatings industry has been
such as spray coating (HVLP), airless and airmix
steadily increasing for over thirty years.
applications. This form of delivery enables
What started out as regionally limited projects to
BYK-1786 to be incorporated more easily and
reduce housing emissions has since developed
dosed better. It is especially recommended for
into a global trend that extends to almost all
pigmented and non-pigmented architectural
areas of application. As things stand, over half of
coatings, general industrial, anti-corrosion, wood
all coatings are water-based, and it is generally
and furniture coatings, floor coatings, adhesives,
expected that this segment will continue to see
sealants, care products, and polishes. The additive
above-average growth. BYK recognized this trend
is VOC and APEO-free and has no impact on
at an early stage and has led the field for decades
transparency, haze, and cratering.
in developing suitable additives.
In other numerous BYK presentations which took
Additives for water-based applications were also
place during the ECS in three different exhibition
the highlight of BYK’s presentation at this year’s
halls, a broad range of products and services also
European Coatings Show (ECS). One focal product
were showcased – from automotive coatings via
here was the new defoamer, BYK-1786.
BYK’s regulatory expertise to additive applications
The new BYK-1786 defoamer, which was
in the wood and furniture coatings industry.
presented to the trade specialists in Nuremberg For further information:
removes any micro foam that might appear in the
in March, is a defoamer emulsion. The additive
Figure 1: BYK-1786 offers excellent clarity in aqueous systems.
Atlas Copco Launches a Clean, Clever and Compact Dry Screw Vacuum Pump
tlas Copco’s Industrial Vacuum
performance in its category. We set
division have launched the
out to build a pump that would create
Integration in the plant management system
DHS 065-200 VSD+ dry screw
a safer, cleaner and smarter industrial
Housed in a noise reducing canopy ensures a
vacuum pump offering lower lifecycle costs,
environment. The robust design, clean
noticeably quiet, vibration-free operation with
higher productivity, less energy consumption
operations and remote monitoring and
a low pitch sound level, the pump is equipped
and easy maintenance.
control capabilities makes it
and controlled with the MK5 Elektonikon®. This
Built for rapid cycling and continuous
the perfect pump for industrial
integrates the pump to plant management
operation applications, the DHS VSD+ is a
systems. Users get the latest status updates on
truly clean, zero contamination dry vacuum
running and stopped hours, warning, and fault
Certified as oil-free in the category ‘Class
No oil migrates in the pump environment
Zero’ according to ISO standard 8573-1
Due to the completely dry operation of
the pump is free of oil emissions, including
the DHS 065 - 200 VSD+, no oil migrates
aerosol oil content in the outlet air stream.
in the pump environment. It helps to
The reduced number of parts within the
create a cleaner and safer working
The belt can be changed within 30 minutes
pump combined with the variable pitch
environment. “This is a great advantage
Reduced maintenance is an integral feature
screw design help increase efficiency and
especially in applications such as vacuum
of the DHS VSD+ series. The grease lubricated
reduce maintenance.
drying and cleaning, paper converting,
bearings and the belt are the only parts which
sensitive and regulations-driven electronics
require replacement. The belt itself can be
manufacturing and food
changed without external service support
packaging industries, because there are
within 30 minutes. The robust canopy retains
Alexander Frerichs, Product Manager Dry
no reactions with other process media or
the integrity of the internal parts and can be
Pumps, commented: “The new screw profile
deposits inside the vacuum pump”, says
removed easily. This greatly reduces installation
of the DHS 065-200 VSD+ offers best-in-class
Alexander Frerichs.
complexity and associated costs. Truly a clean,
pump that requires no water or oil cooling.
Best-in-class performance in its category
and shutdown indications. Combined with Atlas Copco’s SMARTLINK, the pump offers unrivalled remote monitoring capabilities.
clever and compact vacuum pump. For further information:
© Atlas Copco
Figure 1: The new DHS 065-200 VSD+ dry screw vacuum pump by Atlas Copco offers lower lifecycle costs, higher productivity, less energy consumption and easy maintenance.
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Evonik Introduces New Hybrid Crosslinker VESTANAT® EP-EF 201
vonik introduced the latest addition
With VESTANAT® EP-EF 201 we are helping to
The optimal crosslinker is selected from the
to the VESTANAT product family
meet our customers’ requests in this regard,
various options depending on the substrate and
at the European Coatings Show.
enabling them to formulate especially
curing temperature. VESTANAT® EP-MF 203 and
As a constituent of one-component clear
high-performance, but low-emission,
VESTANAT® EP-MF 204 are solvent-free,
coatings, the new VESTANAT® EP-EF 201
coatings,” says Dr. Guido Streukens, head of
ready-to-use hybrid crosslinkers that cure
silane/polyurethane hybrid crosslinker
VESTANAT Technical Service.
even at room temperature. They can be used
imparts a particularly sophisticated visual
At the trade show in Nuremberg, Evonik
as moisture-curing binders or in combination
appearance to metal and wood coatings.
also provided visitors with information
with suitable co-binders such as acrylic resins.
The environmentally friendly crosslinker
about other products in the VESTANAT®
The proven unaccelerated crosslinkers of the
contains only very small amounts of volatile
EF/MF family. All of these combine the
VESTANAT® EP-M grade, on the other hand, are
organic compounds. It is suitable for
advantages of silane chemistry with those
used when temperatures of 80°C to 160°C are
both professional use and do-it-yourself
of polyurethanes—and so provide excellent
reached during the coating process.
applications. Coatings formulated with it are
scratch resistance with simultaneous
very easily processed: They cure even at room
retention of polyurethane properties in
For further information:
temperature and are dry after just one hour,
thus allowing fast downstream processing. “Environmental aspects such as low solvent content are playing an increasingly important
© Evonik
role in consumers’ purchasing decisions.
Figure 1: As a constituent of one-component clear coatings, the new VESTANAT® EP-EF 201 crosslinker imparts a particularly sophisticated visual appearance to metal and wood coatings.
Challenging Trends for Canada’s Chemical Sector Gary LeRoux
s noted by many in the
analysis showed that US tax reform
Other sectors would be less impacted by
business community, there
has eliminated one of Canada’s main
the US tax reform.
will be challenges on both
competitive advantages and that “this
For the chemical sector this new business
sides of the border with respect
loss will have a significant negative
environment is expected to have a
to manufacturing for a number of
impact on capital-intensive sectors
long-term impact with direct and indirect
reasons beyond the recent
GDP at risk in the order of
negotiations on NAFTA or
$10-billion, out of an overall
possibly the new agreement
negative GDP impact of
(USMCA), if and when
$85-billion in total. Also at risk
approved by Congress. The
are more than 78,000 direct
Business Council of Canada
and indirect jobs.
represents the largest group
How this will play out over time
of major companies in
will of course be tempered
Canada representing half the
by how the new USMCA
value of the Toronto Stock
trade agreement plays out
Exchange and they have indicated
in Canada. All else being equal, these
real concerns. The Council just
sectors as a whole would likely face a
released a report done for them by
significant shift in investments from
PwC confirming concerns related to
Canada to the US over the next
the potential impacts of recent US tax
10 years.” PwC notes that capital-intensive
reform on Canada’s economy.
sectors most at risk include
The US corporate tax rate is now
manufacturing related to chemicals,
two points below Canada’s and that
machinery, plastic, rubber,
is having a bullish effect on foreign
and transportation.
investment in the United States. Meanwhile Canada’s last eight quarters saw stagnation in direct foreign investment. This is largely due to the new US business tax rate, but others have argued it is also due to the nature of increasing regulations in Canada. It may also have to do with the number of large projects in Canada having been stalled for various business and political reasons over the past two years. PwC’s detailed
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
over time. This will include whether or not Carsten Reisinger © AdobeStock
Canadian Paint and Coatings Association, Ottawa – Canada
Canada responds to US tax reform, how
the social and economic well-being of
- Require timeliness, policy coherence,
regulatory issues are aligned across the
Canadians, as reflected in legislation;
and minimal duplication throughout
Canada-US border, the impact of new
- Promote a fair and competitive
the regulatory process by consulting,
carbon pricing taxes, whether current
market economy that encourages
coordinating, and cooperating across
direct investments in key projects move
entrepreneurship, investment, and
the federal government, with other
governments in Canada and abroad,
forward, and if regulatory approval processes are shortened. These are
- Make decisions based on evidence and
and with businesses and Canadians1.
many of the issues CPCA has been
the best available knowledge and
Given the foregoing, industry has little
addressing on for the paint and coatings
science in Canada and worldwide;
choice but to remain positive and
sector in Canada. This relatively new
- Create accessible, understandable,
support what’s best for the economy
trend for Canada all hinges on the need
and responsive regulation through
and address the real challenges where
to reduce business uncertainty and
inclusiveness, transparency,
we find them. For the coatings industry
accountability, and public scrutiny;
- and many others sectors - there
create a more focused economic growth agenda for Canada.
- Advance the efficiency and
appears to be much to ponder these
The paint and coatings industry must be
effectiveness of regulation by
mindful of the challenges and continue
ascertaining that the benefits of
to seek greater alignment of regulations
regulation justify the costs, by focusing
where possible. We were encouraged
human and financial resources where
by the renewal of the Canada-US
they can do the most good, and by
Regulatory Cooperation Council last June
demonstrating tangible results for
and remain hopeful that the ongoing
1 Source: Federal Cabinet Directive on Streamlining Regulation, Treasury Board of Canada.
work plans of the RCC will lead to positive outcomes for industry. Positive approaches in this respect will ensure that both Canadian and multi-national companies operating in Canada have consistent regulations. This is most critical for the coatings that 50 percent of the total volume of paint and coatings sold in Canada is now imported from the United States. Much of the product now manufactured here in Canada is done largely by US-based companies. We were also encouraged to learn late in 2018 that the federal government had decided not to amend existing chemical management regulations in its current mandate, as that would create even greater uncertainty for the chemical sector. CPCA has long been advocating that the federal government must deal with regulations that conform to its own regulatory policy as noted below: - Protect and advance the public interest in health, safety and security, the quality of the environment, and
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international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
industry when one considers the fact
© Dürr AG
ADAMOS IIoT Platform Is Growing: Five Further Mechanical Engineering Firms Have Joined he ADAMOS software platform
for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is being used by an increasing number of mechanical engineering firms. Most recently, another five reputable companies have joined the ADAMOS network. Among them are the mechanical
engineering firms Oerlikon Textile, Weber
Figure 1: By means of production data generated through ADAMOS, users are able to utilize digital services, such as apps for predictive maintenance and for maximizing machine utilization. This increases the efficiency of factories.
Maschinenbau (food packaging
apps for predictive maintenance and for
partner and Germany’s second largest
machines), ILLIG Maschinenbau
maximizing machine utilization.
software house, provides central
(thermoforming, packaging technology)
Ralf W. Dieter, CEO of Dürr AG and
software modules for the platform.
and Mahr (production metrology).
Chairman of the ADAMOS Advisory
The ADAMOS network currently consists
ADAMOS is a manufacturer-neutral IIoT
Council, says: “Digitization is the
of 12 companies, which cooperate
software platform, specifically tailored
most important trend in industrial
closely to develop apps and digital
to the mechanical engineering sector
production. German mechanical
business models.
and its customers. It offers simple and
engineering firms can benefit from
According to the CEO of ADAMOS,
flexible digitization of production to users
this trend by pooling their skills and
Dr. Marco Link, “we see ADAMOS as a
of machines and manufacturing facilities.
resources. And this is exactly what we
community of like-minded partners, who
The ADAMOS platform can be used to
are doing with ADAMOS: this platform
regularly share information on certain
interconnect machines, enabling them
stands for cooperation and efficient IIoT
topics to identify and implement new
to exchange information via the Internet.
solutions for our industry.”
business models in the mechanical and
By means of data generated through
ADAMOS was founded in 2017 by the
plant engineering sector”.
ADAMOS, users are able to utilize
mechanical engineering firms DMG MORI,
digital services and thus increase their
Dürr, Zeiss and ASM PT, together with
For further information:
production efficiency. Examples include
Software AG. Software AG, enabling
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
ECKART Reacts Confidently to Unexpected Exchange of Raw Materials
ix months ago, the effect pigment
coatings and printing industries
The result is pigment series that
industry was unexpectedly faced
with products that meet regulatory
both comply with the latest global
with a new challenge: a raw
regulations and meet current
material commonly used in the industry
At the same time, the company
customer requirements.
was classified as a chemical toxic to
attached great importance to keeping
“Due to our fast reaction we are
its customers constantly informed
able to offer solutions guaranteeing
It is a phosphoric acid isotridecyl ester
about the current state of affairs.
long-term product safety for
(CAS 52933-07-0), which up until now
The products concerned have been
our customers with the product
has been completely inconspicuous and
marked accordingly. An intensive
which is widely used to stabilize aluminum
exchange with the customers took
Aqua Slurries, HYDRO PELLET
pigments for aqueous formulations.
place with regard to the reformulations,
and SHINEDECOR,” says Dr. Dirk
As part of its voluntary commitment,
in order to also map technical
Schumacher, Global Head of Product
ECKART was the first supplier on the
preferences and advancements in this
Management at ECKART.
market to react very quickly by developing
process. Another focus was on taking
alternative formulations in order to
into account the listing status applicable
For further information:
continue to provide customers in the
in each country.
Figure 1: ECKART was the first supplier on the market to react very quickly by developing alternative formulations to the raw material classified as a chemical toxic.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
© ipcm®
Opening photo: The power & free conveyor used for tests in CM Automazione’s headquarters.
Solid Company Know-How and Flexibility: CM Automazione’s Philosophy From an interview with Stefano Crotti CM Automazione Srl, Giussano (Monza e Brianza) – Italy
uaranteeing high quality and
company based in Giussano (Monza e
history of a company that has succeeded
precision products while
Brianza, Italy) is specialised in the design,
in establishing itself in the automation and
trying to meet the most varied
production, and installation of industrial
industrial handling sector in just twenty
customer requests through production
handling systems (Fig. 1). ipcm had the
years, thus becoming a benchmark in the
flexibility, product customisation, and a
opportunity to interview Stefano Crotti,
Italian market. The firm is now planning
complete package of assistance services:
who started this business in 1999 together
to strengthen its presence also at the
that is CM Automazione’s mission. This
with Giuseppe Moscatelli, to present the
international level.
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© CM Automazione
Guaranteeing high quality and precision products while trying to meet the most varied customer requests through production flexibility, product customisation, and a complete package of assistance services: that is CM Automazione’s mission.” as hooks, bars, and specific accessories for coating plants (Fig. 2) that can be tailored to user needs (Fig. 3).
Figure 1: CM Automazione’s headquarters in Giussano (Monza e Brianza, Italy).
ipcm®: What is your core business and what are your target sectors? SC: The company’s core business is
ipcm : Can you briefly illustrate to our
Another key moment in the history of
the design and implementation of
readers the evolution of the company
CM Automazione was 2011, when we
internal handling systems, overhead
from its foundation to today?
acquired the well-established company FA
and floor conveyors, one-rail, two-rail,
SC: CM Automazione’s history started in
Ganci (Modena, Italy) and thus expanded
and manual conveyors for coating
1999, when Giuseppe Moscatelli and I
our offer with part hanging systems such
plants intended for a wide range of
the long-standing expertise gained in the technical office of another company in the sector, which enabled us to get to know our product and target market
© CM Automazione
decided to establish this firm based on
very well and to be able to produce high quality handling systems. During these first twenty years, we have achieved many of our goals. One of the most important was switching from manufacturing only one-rail lines to producing more complex systems, i.e. simple and dynamic (power & free) two-rail conveyors managed through software developed and tested in-house (ref. Opening photo). The choice to start producing power & free conveyors called for a change of vision and target market. At first, our customers could only be producers of coating plants. However, thanks to the development of our internal resources, we have acquired the skills and capabilities to collaborate directly with end users.
2 1
Figure 2: Following the acquisition of FA Ganci, CM Automazione manufactures hooks and hanging systems.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
© CM Automazione
© CM Automazione
3 1
4 1
Figure 3: Swivel hooks.
Figure 4: Detail of the drive unit and lubrificator onto a CM conveyor.
specific customer needs.
products such as wooden doors and windows, aluminium profiles, plastic parts, iron, steel, and automotive components. In some market niches, we have been true innovators: in the enamelling sector, for instance, we were the first to offer handling systems for applying enamel on exhaust pipes. ipcm®: How is your production department structured? SC: CM Automazione covers a 3500 m wide area, two thirds of which are 2
CM Automazione’s history started in 1999, when Giuseppe Moscatelli and I decided to establish this firm based on the long-standing expertise gained in the technical office of another company in the sector, which enabled us to get to know our product and target market very well and to be able to produce high quality handling systems.”
Our robotic welding department (Fig. 5) and the use of specific jigs enable us to supply hooks and coating equipment designed and created based on the workpieces’ size and the chains’ overall dimensions, thus optimising the yield of the plants and, therefore, their production capacity. The possibility of including both the construction of the handling line and the customisation of its hanging system in our offer allows us to fully meet the end users’ needs and forge partnerships with national and international installers.
dedicated to production. © CM Automazione
In terms of resources, the company has around 10 employees and longstanding collaborations
ipcm®: The evolution of CM Automazione was marked by the
with a few contractors.
launch of a power &
A large space is devoted
free conveyor designed
to the activities of
by you. What features
development, realisation,
distinguish this and
assembly, testing, and
your other products?
quality control of our
SC: Flexibility is the key
plants. We design and
element that unites
manufacture most of our
our products. Offering
components in-house, such
modular one-rail
as rails, curves, drive units
and two-rail handling
(Fig. 4), and lubricators.
lines means to offer
Our handling system can
versatile systems that
also be equipped with customised two-plane chains in order to meet
5 1
Figure 5: A production phase with a welding robot.
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
are easy to assemble and disassemble and extremely adaptable
It’s up to you how to relax. But, just relax.
We do the rest. San Bonifacio – Verona - ITALY
FASTRIP T5 & FASTRIP T2 for paint stripping of metal parts
FASTRIP T5 is a range of mediumsized stripping tanks with capacity from 600 liters.
FASTRIP T2 is an ultrasonic tank with an integrated heating system combining a mechanical and a chemical action.
EASY TO USE time setting, heating function, constant temperature control, and real-time temperature display STURDY made of high quality steel. The cleaning basket can be supplied in AISI 304 stainless steel EFFECTIVE it features a powerful large-diameter transducer with a considerable cleaning effect SAFE electric circuit insulated from liquids for greater safety San Bonifacio – Verona - ITALY
in terms of arrangement. Depending on the
ipcm®: What does the revamping of a
characteristics of the lines, such as, for example,
conveyor involve?
their length, their windingness, and the weight of
SC: The goal is to solve the problem. If
the loads to be handled, we are able to develop
possible, the rail circuit is maintained,
specific designs to create customised solutions.
i.e. the track and its support structures.
The innovation introduced by our power & free
If necessary, worn curves are replaced
system is the possibility to implement curves
and a more or less radical intervention
with a very narrow radius thanks to the use of
is carried out on the drive unit and the
steering trolleys (Fig. 6).
two-plane chain. One of the most involved components in revamping is the lubrication
ipcm : For CM Automazione, being flexible
system, as old oil emulsion lubricators no
also means to offer revamping solutions
longer comply with current legislation.
for already existing plants. Not many ipcm®: What goals have you set for the
Why this choice?
short and medium term?
SC: Both in the national and international market,
SC: Once we have established our
there is a large number of conveyors that are
presence in the industrial handling and
obsolete or not in perfect operating conditions.
automation sectors, we aim at expanding
The maintenance of these systems is often
and strengthening our position in
difficult, because the company that designed it
the international market through the
no longer exists, the technologies have changed
development of new channels.
or been updated and spare parts are no longer
That is why we have undertaken new
available. CM Automazione decided to meet
communication and promotion strategies,
these needs: after a brief analysis of the existing
which have led to the launch of our new
line, our engineers identify its critical areas and
website and to our collaboration with
determine if it is necessary to replace the entire
international magazines in the industry. It is
handling system or if only obsolete components
the beginning of a journey that will lead us to
can be replaced.
further growth and evolution.
© CM Automazione
companies offer this service.
6 1
Figure 6: The new power & free conveyors are equipped with steering trolleys.
Contactless and Precise Roughness Measurement in the Lab or Directly in The Production Process
hether a surface must be
The vertical transport of the measuring
exceeded. To reach a vast scope of
very smooth or show a
head uses an ultrasonic instead of a
tasks from roughness analysis to
certain texture or degree
common piezo drive. Thus, while combining
imaging the exact shape of whole
of roughness, the new Surface
speed with a high resolution, the usual
products such as screws or tooth
Roughness Analyzer – SRA precisely
height range of the measurement is widely
implants, lenses with magnifications from 2.5 to 100-fold can be
pictures the topographic condition of for optimizing the material or
exchanged quickly and easily.
a surface and provides information
Measuring head for robotic systems – ready for in-line quality control
production process. Contactless, quickly, and with an extremely high resolution, the SRA delivers a 3D image of a sample surface and the correlating data which exactly
With its small size and low weight,
describe its topography. Analyses
the SRA can be used at almost any
with the SRA also help to evaluate
place as a lab instrument, but is also
the contribution of roughness to
available as a measuring head to be
the wettability of a sample or to the
used for automatic processes
adhesion of coatings.
in the production line. This makes real-time sample
Technical innovations for precision and speed
evaluations for QC checks of work pieces possible. Adding to the versatility of
The SRA uses the confocal microscopy technique to create the
the SRA itself, the software
spatial representation of the surface.
can be linked to programs such as Matlab® in order
This happens by stacking layers of 2D images, each one with a very small
to integrate it in information
depth of focus, while lowering the
optics with extremely tiny increments,
The Surface Roughness
leading to a height resolution of
Analyzer – SRA is immediately
down to 10 nanometers.
available. KRÜSS will also present
To scan an area of the sample, usual
the instrument together with
confocal microscopes use a rotating
other solutions in the area of
pinhole disk to create an image at
non-destructive surface analysis
each height level. The disk inside
at the Control trade fair from
the SRA has micro lenses instead of
May 7 to 10 in Stuttgart
just holes, increasing the light yield and making it possible to analyze low-reflectivity or even transparent surfaces.
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Figure 1: The new Surface Roughness Analyzer – SRA precisely pictures the topographic condition of a surface and provides information for optimizing the material or production process.
(Germany): Hall 6, Stand 6419. For further information:
ACEMATT® 3400 – New Matting Agent with High Transparency and Soft-Touch Properties
CEMATT® 3400 is the new matting
the special after-treatment of ACEMATT®
ACEMATT® 3400 can be easily incorporated
agent in the ACEMATT product
3300 and ACEMATT 3400 prevents the
into the formulation; no high shear forces
family from Evonik Resource Efficiency
adsorption of associative thickeners in water-
are needed; thus, the bead mill can be
GmbH, specially developed for high-
based systems. Likewise, when formulated
skipped. Furthermore, ACEMATT® 3400
transparency clear coatings and soft-touch
with particular polyurethane binders, it can
can be added to the coating formulation
coatings with smooth surfaces.
also improve the soft-touch feel.
at the end of the process, allowing for a
post-adjustment of the
treated, thermal silica
gloss level.
© Evonik
ACEMATT® 3400 is a surfacewith medium-particle
ACEMATT® matting agents
size of 7.5 µm.
are high-performance
The improved grind
silica developed for gloss
performance results in a
reduction in a vast range
smooth surface finish with
of applications in
outstanding optical and
the paints and coatings
haptic properties.
This highly efficient silica is
Evonik’s best-in-class
intended for use in clear
recommendations for
coatings and water- and
high-quality coatings with
solvent-based coatings.
excellent transparency
Typical application fields
are the family of thermal
include wood coatings,
silica ACEMATT® TS 100,
plastics, and automotive
ACEMATT® 3300, and
coatings. In addition, this new
ACEMATT® 3400.
type of matting agent can be used in high-solids and lowVOC formulations. In regards to rheology,
Figure 1: Typical application fields of the new matting agent ACEMATT® 3400 include wood coatings, plastics, and automotive coatings.
For further information:
© Dürr
Opening photo: EcoScreen Equipment Analytics is the latest product from Dürr’s Digital Factory. The software continuously collects and analyzes data from the paint shop, making painting processes transparent and efficient.
Ecoscreen Equipment Analytics Optimizes Plant Availability and Product Quality Harald Pandl Dürr Systems AG, Bietigheim-Bissingen – Germany
ürr EcoScreen Equipment Analytics
What is happening in the painting cell and
the pressure regulators, metering
brings transparency and intelligence
what is the condition of the technology?
pumps and color valves (Fig. 1). Main
to paint shops processes. The newly
EcoScreen Equipment Analytics provides the
needles, turbine speed, shaping air and
developed solution for the Industrial Internet
answers. The software records and analyzes
air heaters from the electrostatic rotary
of Things (IIoT) evaluates all robot and process
all relevant signals from the sensors and
atomizers are also connected to the data
data, traceable down to the millisecond, so that
actuators integrated in Dürr painting robots
recorder. The software also records the
faults can be quickly identified and rectified.
(ref. Opening photo). The application
positions, torques, and temperatures
The technological highlight is a streaming
technology of the front robot arm, for
of the painting and handling robots’
analytics application for real-time data analysis.
example, permanently provides data on
individual axes. Data from the conveyor
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
technology is additionally collected for the
different robots improve root cause analyses and help
positions of the bodies in the painting booth.
the plant operator to boost plant availability, increase
This information is compared with data from
the first-run rate, and improve the overall process
the painting cells, such as start and end time
sequence.” This creates transparency. For example,
of painting, or production data for individual
the signals collected from the metering pump together
bodies such as type and color code. All errors
with flow rates, pressure regulators, and main needles
and warnings from the painting process are
of the atomizers can be displayed synchronously on the control computer
also collected.
Visual representation creates transparency In addition to data recorder and database, the IIoT solution comprises a visualization for the graphical representation and analysis of the results. “With the help of the
and correlations can be defined. The software
Dürr EcoScreen Equipment Analytics brings transparency and intelligence to paint shops processes. The newly developed solution for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) evaluates all robot and process data, traceable down to the millisecond, so that faults can be quickly identified and rectified.”
can display these process signals in a 3D view together with the trajectories traveled by the robots and the exact position of the body, and perform a comparison. By superimposing the signal curves, EcoScreen Equipment Analytics can
Visual Analytics module
also compare bodies by
we can precisely trace the
type and color.
data from the previous weeks with millisecond and CEO of Dürr Systems AG. “The detailed
Algorithms calculate the ideal plant condition and show anomalies
information helps us to identify and eliminate
The additional module Streaming Analytics goes
faults quickly. The cross comparisons of
one step further: it analyzes the data in real time.
© Dürr
accuracy,” explains Dr. Lars Friedrich, President
Figure 1: Paint robots equipped with sensors enable the acquisition of large amounts of data - an important driver for applications in the Industrial Internet of Things.
With the help of the Visual Analytics module it is possible to precisely trace the data from the previous weeks with millisecond accuracy. The detailed information helps to identify and eliminate faults quickly. The cross comparisons of different robots improve root cause analyses and help the plant operator to boost plant availability, increase the first-run rate, and improve the overall process sequence.”
the paint booth. EcoScreen Equipment
Analytics solution a powerful tool, since the
Analytics uses software from the IIoT
software automates the plant operators’
platform ADAMOS for the streaming
process knowledge using online analyses.
analytics function. Dürr operates and several mechanical engineering
Integration of machine learning in the future
“In parallel with Streaming Analytics, Dürr
ADAMOS together with Software AG
Model-based plant monitoring
is developing further modules for batch analytics applications that work on the basis
Streaming Analytics provides the plant
of artificial neural networks. The software
operator with easy-to-use graphical
learns the optimal process condition fully
interfaces that do not require any
automatically and registers every deviation.
programming expertise to create analysis
This means that the software will solve
models (Fig. 2). For this, Dürr developed a
problems itself in the future through machine
Model Editor that provides the user with a
learning,” explains Dr. Friedrich. “If the
library of analysis modules. These can also
self-learning modules detect trends,
be individually combined into new models
problems in the equipment can even be
(e.g. a model for monitoring the painting
identified in advance by specifying a forecast
Using algorithms, it calculates patterns
pressure during application).
of the event time.”
and correlations that describe the ideal
The data is displayed graphically on the
A number of car manufacturers have been
plant condition from the data collected.
screen. The operator can see that all values
using the EcoScreen Equipment Analytics
Even the smallest anomalies both
are within tolerance and with Streaming
software since 2018. The additional module
within the plant and in the process are
Analytics, he can create an analysis model
Streaming Analytics based on real-time data
automatically identified. Employees can
that automatically determines anomalies
has been used for the first time in a complete
initiate corresponding service measures
such as air bubbles in the paint from the
production line since the fourth quarter of
straight away and get to the bottom of
characteristics of the signal curve. These
2018. The Batch Analytics module, which uses
the deviation before the body even leaves
possible applications make the Streaming
artificial intelligence, is currently in the trial phase with a customer.
© Dürr
The EcoScreen Equipment Analytics software was developed in Dürr’s Digital Factory. In this competence center, founded in early 2018, around 100 software experts are working on solutions for the digitization of production processes.
2 1
Figure 2: With the new Equipment Analytics software, the plant operator can monitor the condition in the painting cell.
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
A number of car manufacturers have been using the EcoScreen Equipment Analytics software since 2018. The additional module Streaming Analytics based on real-time data has been used for the first time in a complete production line since the fourth quarter of 2018.”
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• Antifinger for stainless steel • High gloss PE coating • Laminated system
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Innovative coil coatings Worldwide market presence High performance paints and inks Salchi Metalcoat Srl Viale dell’Industria 3/A-3/B - 20875 Burago di Molgora (MB) ITALY Ph. +39 039 6251824 Fax +39 039 6251829 E mail: -
Hel en
HMG er, ld
, DSM ets M
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Fred er
John Fa
Five on Five Interview: Sustainability According to the Industry Players - Part II
a, Tikkurila kul ar
n our previous edition of the ipcm® magazine we published the first of a three-part interview to senior figures from within the Coatings and Resins industry on the role of sustainability within their organisations. We wanted to give our readers some unique and different content while at the same time embracing a noble element within our industry. If you didn’t catch the first article you can still read it online at
Joel Sv
Elis aM
5 ON 5
n, Belzona dse en by selecting issue n. 55 of ipcm® (January/February 2019) and scrolling onto page 38. Below you can find the second part of the first Five on Five interview, with the answers to five further questions. Once again, we would like to call out that there are no right or wrong answers as regards sustainability and indeed each company has reached different points in their journey.
For this second instalment we once again had the sincere pleasure of working with the following industry leaders: Joel Svendsen - Belzona President Helen Mets - DSM President Resins & Functional Materials John Falder - HMG Paints Managing Director Fredrik Calenius - TEKNOS Chief Procurement Officer Elisa Markula - Tikkurila CEO & Minna Avellan - Director, Communications and Investor Relations of Tikkurila
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
W hy and when did your company get involved seriously with sustainability?
Joel Svendsen, Belzona – I would say it was really from the very beginning. When Belzona was formed, my father (Jorgen Svendsen) would travel around the UK and see rust and corrosion everywhere! Corrosion protection was really in its infancy at this time. For example, a bridge made out of metal would have a very short lifespan, rust away and large sections would have to be replaced fairly quickly. So, Belzona’s vision from the very beginning was that if we can begin to slow down corrosion, then we don’t need as much metal. Everybody knew it was a problem. But they struggled to come up with effective solutions for it. Steel is such Pumps rebuilt and coated by Belzona. an effective material. It is so integral in construction, that you want to use it all over the place 90% of them have waterborne coatings and in the beginning, you accepted that its resulting in a reduction in VOC emissions from lifespan was short. Gradually people began 160,000 tons per year to just 15,000 tons. to find solutions for it, but it has been a long process. Belzona certainly has been a leader John Falder, HMG – Since our inception HMG in extending the life of steel, being one of the has always aimed to be sustainable, even first companies to have effective solutions before it became a trend. We do this because for this. at every level it is the right thing to do and the right place to be. It makes business sense, Helen Mets, DSM – DSM has been highly personal sense and it shapes the future of the focused on sustainability not only from planet. an ethical point of view, but as a market differentiator and as a business driver Fredrik Calenius, TEKNOS – We are currently for about more than 10 years. With the updating our strategy for 2019-2025 with the recognition that there were truly viable, ambition to grow the company to EUR 1 billion greener and safer alternatives that delivered net sales by 2025. As of this year, sustainability equitable product performance, and with the will be integrated as part of our strategy from advent of innovative technologies enabling the boardroom down.
© Belzona
those developments, we began what can only be described as our sustainability journey, transforming ourselves to a company with sustainability as part of its DNA. For example, it was a decade ago that DSM, along with other coating players, founded the Waterborne China Platform to reduce VOC emissions in the booming industrial container sector by switching from solvent-based primers and topcoats to waterborne ones. Today, with over 3 million industrial container units in operation,
5 ON 5
Minna Avellan, Tikkurila – Responsibility and sustainability has been part of our business already for decades. Here are some of our key sustainability milestones: - Customer cooperation: Tikkurila first started training customers in the late 1920s. A customer magazine “Tikkurilan Viesti” was founded in 1929. The magazine has been published regularly ever since, except for a six-year break during World War II. - F irst waterborne products: Our first waterborne product in Finland, Tikkurila brand’s Joker interior paint, was introduced in 1953. In Sweden, the first waterborne product was launched in 1951 by Beckers. Today, an increasing number of paints are waterborne, low-solvent, solvent-free or high solids products. In 2017, 85% of decorative paints sold are waterborne products (2017). -T inting is an economic and ecological way to produce thousands of colours. Tikkurila launched its Monicolor tinting system already in 1970. This changed both paint-making and distribution. Producing coloured paints by tinting has a direct impact on the ecological footprint (less waste and improved material efficiency, improved production efficiency, logistics benefits). - I n 1994, Tikkurila in Finland got the ISO 14001 environmental management certification. The majority of our units have the audited and certified quality, environmental, and safety management systems. The list is available on our website at - I n 1997, Tikkurila’s Eko-Joker paint received the EU’s environmental label – as the first paint product in Finland to do so. Nowadays we have some 300 eco-labelled products.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
5 ON 5
DSM Decovery range is nearly 50% plant-based.
How are you measuring progress?
Joel Svendsen, Belzona – We regularly review our product portfolio to see where we can make our products more environmentally friendly. Are there ways that we can reformulate to use safer materials and, at the same time, more environmentally friendly? Can we incorporate more bio-based materials than petroleum-based? These issues and how we measure them are raised and discussed in our regular technical liaison meetings. From here we decide if things need to be altered and whether or not to pursue new developments. Helen Mets, DSM – We measure the effect that every one of our products has on people and the planet benchmarked against conventional, less sustainable equivalents. We call them Brighter Living Solutions and they currently account for 80% of our entire portfolio. We also measure our own sustainability progress through key performance indicators (KPIs) we’ve set within the business. An example is the goal of increasing our purchasing of
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
John Falder, HMG – HMG uses a variety of means but the British Coatings Federation, Coatings Care statistics are one of the documented measures. We also work tirelessly to comply with relevant current and future legislation. As part of the strategic planning processes, we incorporate environmental objectives, where appropriate, into business decisions, and ensure all environmental
energy from renewable sources to 70% by 2030, for which we’ve made significant strides, going from 8% in 2016 to 21% in 2017. Allied to this, for many years DSM has been listed at, or near, the top of the annual Dow Jones Sustainability Index and last year we ranked 2nd in Fortune’s “Change the World” list based on the social impact woven into our core business strategy.
HMG Paints’ environmental accolade for its imaginative landscaping work on the banks of the River Irk.
SUSTAINABILITY objectives and targets are appropriate to the nature, scale and impacts of our activities, products and services. Fredrik Calenius, TEKNOS – We have defined concrete goals/targets and KPI’s for all of the areas below. - phase out of Reach substances of very high concern; - decrease of VOC; - increase secondary usage; - safe use of chemicals; - increase our understanding of customers sustainability needs; - increase customers’ awareness of sustainability in Teknos’ offerings; - occupational health and safety; - environmental efficiency; - production efficiency; - business ethics;
- supplier code of conduct implementation; - supplier CSR implementation; - employee satisfactory & fair treatment; - leadership; - sponsorships/support local communities. Minna Avellan, Tikkurila – The sustainability performance is measured in various ways, both on the Group-level and locally, e.g. we are following sales of waterborne products, energy efficiency, amount of waste, development of safety.
How does your company promote the sustainability of its activities/products?
Joel Svendsen, Belzona – Throughout our Marketing literature, videos, articles, we try and promote our sustainability in the industry. We
also have a case study library, our KHIAs, which is an incredible way of demonstrating how we have been successful for decades in preserving and prolonging the lifespan of equipment and structures. Aside from that, we do push energy efficiency. We have our coating, Belzona 1341, which is particularly useful for improving pump efficiency. This differs from our usual push, saying that we will extend the life of your equipment – whereas in this instance, we are saying we can improve efficiency. Which appeals to our customer base from an economic stand-point even more and of course, as an environmental benefit. Helen Mets, DSM – The industry we work within is quite a small world. We are finding that DSM is starting to be recognised by our differentiation brought about by our
Unique paint robot for general industry Pre-installed and ready2spray: the paint robot EcoRP10 R1100 perfectly suits the requirements of general industry and offers a unique combination in the market. It can be equipped with matching dosing pumps, paint pressure regulators and color changers. Its integrated concept also includes the motion control of the robot and the process control for the applications, housed together in one control cabinet.
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SUSTAINABILITY approach to sustainability. But beyond the immediate borders of the industry we operate within, it is important for DSM to advocate on sustainability issues with legislators, partners and customers. We need to continue to be not only outspoken, but to play a proactive guiding role to enable long term sustainable change. At DSM Resins, sustainability is addressed in all of our product communications. Recently, we have launched what we think are the boldest sustainability targets in our industry with the aim to change the industry into a more sustainable one. John Falder, HMG – Ironically this is something we don’t really “Promote” as we see them as key business values. We are actively engaged in promoting good causes and efforts both in the local community and industry. Nevertheless, in order to achieve competitiveness through
sustainability, activities need to be unique, and not imitable by competitors. In this respect HMG works alongside its stakeholders in developing tailored activities that revolve around the companies Value Chain. Fredrik Calenius, TEKNOS – Internally we have programs in place such as workgroups and training for all the KPI’s mentioned above and our employees are encouraged constantly to participate in every area. Externally we use our communication channels (web, newsletters to customer, social media, newsroom, Trade Press). We are also cooperating with the Finnish Chemical Industry association. The first Non-Financial-Information report will be released early 2019. Minna Avellan, Tikkurila – Sustainability is a key element in our communications, brand management and marketing, so it is highlighted as part of product
knos © Te
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Teknos has integrated sustainability into their business strategy.
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promotion, company communications and stakeholder cooperation.
What sustainability initiative are you most proud of?
Joel Svendsen, Belzona – That’s an interesting question. I’m tempted to say our early work/early days in the company. Because we were taking unprotected steel and making a really big difference. In terms of what we are doing lately, I would say it is from a regulatory standpoint. Working in the chemical industry, it goes without saying that over time there will be something that is eventually found to be hazardous. The realisation of these previously unknown concerns then leaves you with a choice to make. As a company there are two roads to go down. Road one - you can pop a label on it and say this chemical is nasty, be careful. Road
SUSTAINABILITY two - you can try and reformulate and replace it with something safer. Belzona has tried very hard to not just “label it”, but to be proactive in researching and developing ways to make the products safer and better. Whereas I think a lot of other companies label it and consider their work done. I feel much happier about the way we do it. Helen Mets, DSM – We are proud of so many genuinely pioneering innovations, but a particular one that comes to mind is our family of eco-friendly paint resins – that is, Decovery® for building, construction, interior decorating and furniture applications. Our Decovery range is nearly 50% plant-based, but with equitable or better performance characteristics than VOC-embedded crude oil-based versions – from coverage and applicability, to durability and colour finish (no yellowing). It’s one of our flagship brands and is testament to how sustainable product stewardship can be a successful business driver. Above and beyond specific product innovations, we are also immensely proud of our vision and ability to dare to take on the sustainability journey in the way that we have. We are not involved in occasional or half-hearted sustainable activity but rather have absorbed the philosophy and tenets sustainability into our very DNA. John Falder, HMG – The huge water saving initiatives we have undertaken as a business overall. The River Irk was the heartbeat of the Industrial Revolution in Manchester and flows through our site so we’re extremely conscious of maximising its resources.
Fredrik Calenius, TEKNOS – Currently we are really proud that we have succeeded to integrate sustainability as part of our strategy. To know more about our recent success cases, you can visit our website: sustainability/ Minna Avellan, Tikkurila – Within the latest product launches, our new biobased product, Alcro A1, in Sweden. A third of the raw materials that usually are fossil-based have been replaced with bio-based ingredients in this interior wall paint. Another interesting product launch is our new product family for facades, Tikkurila’s Finngard Clean. It is one solution for challenges posed by climate change to building facades. Due to its special technical properties (the superhydrophobic surface), Finngard Clean products repel water and dirt from the surface but allow any structural humidity to evaporate through it. Facades are under increasing stress, and surfaces remain wet for longer periods. This is a favourable growth medium for microbes and fungi, causing exterior surfaces to suffer damage more quickly. Regarding our social contribution: In Sweden, Tikkurila has established a Paint Fund, which gives the general public the opportunity to realize socially beneficial painting projects. In practice, anyone in Sweden can apply with his or her painting project for a project within the Paint Fund. A jury of Tikkurila Sverige’s representatives decides which projects to support and donates the needed safe and durable paints. The repainting projects can include a worn asylum-seekers’ homes, forgotten club venues or dark pedestrian tunnels. In 2018, within all applicants some 10 projects have been realized.
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lmost 40 years ago 10 Aeverybody rushed to
go green, but the results where scarce. Do you feel like this is truly a time of change or is it just another marketing strategy?
Joel Svendsen, Belzona – As with everything, it goes in fits and starts – fast progress, followed by a plateau. But I don’t think it died. Living in the US for most of my life, I find it interesting to compare the US and the UK in terms of environmental regulation. Starting in the early 1970s, the US were pioneers in this field. But as result, they suffered a lot. For example, they were among the first to put emission standards on cars and automobile manufacturers really struggled to make the technology work. Whereas, when you compare to the UK, environmentalism came a little later. And because it came later, the big challenges that previously had been stumbling blocks were now overcome. That meant they were able to push it further forward more quickly. In the US, because they had this bad experience, there was a bit of an aftertaste that the environmental legislation was a nightmare. So now, there is more resistance in the US to improving regulations. But time heals old wounds and as things continue to change, environmental issues will become universally accepted rather than be a debate. Helen Mets, DSM – While we can see that there are undoubtedly cases of greenwashing, I absolutely believe we are at the cusp of real change. Although, as I’ve commented
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Tikkurila has established a Paint Fund, which gives the general public the opportunity to realize socially beneficial painting projects.
previously, as pioneers in sustainability, we still feel the need to pull the market along. We are nevertheless seeing more drive from within industry and certainly big shifts from the outside world. There is an increase in consciousness which gives me optimism. Sustainability used to be part of the “softer” stuff that companies adopted into their strategies, but now the softer stuff is becoming harder and more tangible – so much so that quite robust measurement and reporting is being implemented. John Falder, HMG – For many companies, Sustainability is seen as short-term public palliative actions that are expected of it by the public as
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obligations move from stockholders to stakeholders, and companies become more accountable for their impacts on stakeholder communities. For many companies, it is still merely a “cosmetic public relations” activity, that generates no long-term value to society or to the business itself. As mentioned, since our inception in 1930, this has been a key part of the HMG Paints ethics and values, exemplified by its Coatings Care Award wins and award-winning CSR initiatives that have had real impact on us as a company and our local community. Fredrik Calenius, TEKNOS – We truly believe that the successful companies in the future will integrate sustainability
into their strategies. We see a good possibility to build a competitive edge on sustainability. It is not a green washing. Elisa Markula, Tikkurila – In 2030, the human population will be 8 billion and we will consume 50% more food, 50% more energy and 40% more fresh water. There is an urgent need for all companies, governments, countries and individuals to start behaving so that we have something to leave for the next generations. Every company needs to do its part and we believe that our sustainable actions have a meaning to the bigger picture. To help save this planet for the next generations.
© Speroni
Opening photo: Speroni, founded in 1946 as a manufacturer of small water handling equipment, is now a leader in the field of water pumps and electric pumps.
A 4.0 Connection Point: Speroni’s Plant Choices Are Projected into the Future, but in the Name of Continuity Alessia Venturi ipcm®
ne-piece batches have been the
approach was regarded with fear by the
For large coating lines integrated in green
industrial trend of the last two years,
manufacturing industry, for which productivity
plants with a low environmental impact,
due to the marked, and sometimes
is everything. This changed with the advent
process choices are made today following
even extreme, product customisation
of the Industry 4.0, which makes it possible
the 4.0 automation principles, e.g. optimising
required by consumers that are addicted
to maintain productivity and efficiency while
processing costs, guaranteeing high product
to abundance and, therefore, constantly
manufacturing very small batches with a wide
quality levels, and optimising the cost per
search for unique purchases. This productive
variety of part shapes.
unit produced. An example is the recent
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investment of Speroni Spa (Castelnovo di
marketed through the brands Speroni, Marina,
and economically produce even one-piece
Sotto, Reggio Emilia, Italy). This company was
Airmec, and Euromatic. The modernisation of
batches have been the industrial trend of the
established by Giuseppe Speroni in 1946 for the
the last few years has decisively involved its
last three years. Therefore, in 2016, we made a
production of small water handling equipment
project and test centres, but also its production
significant Industry 4.0-oriented investment on
for the agriculture and livestock sectors;
departments. The aim was improving speed
both our machine tools and finishing systems.
now, it is a leader in the field of water pumps
and flexibility in order for Speroni to become
Our flexibility and ability to meet customer
and electric pumps. By creating a work team
an extremely flexible company, able to handle
requests in a few weeks have been, and will
composed of some of the best companies in
the large volumes required by the global retail
continue to be, crucial to the growth of Speroni.
the sectors of metal processing, treatment, and
markets without sacrificing quality.
That is why we had to invest in flexibility and
coating plants and process automation, Speroni
“We are highly customisation-oriented,” says
production speed with a high automation level
completely revolutionised its production
Giuseppe Speroni, one of the founder’s
and digital and paperless operations, not in
structure. The result was a smart factory
grandchildren and currently a manager of the
order to handle large volumes, but to speed up
that now enables the firm to guarantee the
our daily batch change processes.”
customisation degree required by the market
For Speroni, “personalisation” means to
without sacrificing productivity, cost efficiency, and product quality (ref. Opening photo).
Speroni: water handling technologies 70 years of experience. Over 150 employees. A very modern factory that covers about 45,000 m (Fig. 1). A production capacity of over 2
3000 items per day. Brand presence in over 80 countries. Total turnover exceeding 50 million Euros per year. These few figures summarise the business of Speroni, a benchmark company in the production of (submersible, surface,
70 years of experience. Over 150 employees. A very modern factory that covers about 45,000 m2. A production capacity of over 3000 items per day. Brand presence in over 80 countries. Total turnover exceeding 50 million Euros per year. These few figures summarise the business of Speroni, a benchmark company in the production of electric pumps for water.”
manage up to 18 different paint colours and use different packages for different workpieces or markets. “In order to acquire the flexibility needed to work with such specific customer requests with a response time of a few weeks, we had to invest in the flexibility of our production equipment, and especially of our coating plant, by speeding up batch change operations, reducing waste, and achieving a high automation degree,” explains Giuseppe Speroni. “A quick batch change operation is crucial for us: we have a very large market share, which helps compensate for possible demand decreases in some sectors with
and multistage) electric pumps for water
increases in others, but which can be tricky
intended for domestic, industrial, agri-food, and firm together with his sisters and cousins (Fig. 2).
when all industries are flourishing at the same
and motor-compressors.
“We have always enhanced our brand while
time and we must meet all demands in a short
During these seventy years, Speroni has
meeting even the smallest customisation needs
focussed on continuous innovation, product
of our customers. That is why we now serve
“We have always preferred coating our products
research, technological advancement of
many different industries and we find ourselves
with an in-house application line because, as we
production plants, and quality investment. In
managing a very wide range of products – all
have been working with large retailers for many
this period, Speroni has developed one of the
customisable of course, even in terms of colour.
years, we aim at supplying effective products in
largest product ranges on the world market,
Personalisation and the possibility to efficiently
terms of both surface protection and aesthetics.
© Speroni
gardening applications, but also of compressors
Figure 1: Speroni is headquartered in Castelnovo di Sotto (Reggio Emilia, Italy) in a very modern factory that covers about 45,000 m2.
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© Speroni
electronic 2K dosing system and application with the electrostatic technology was designed by Verind. The main colours unit and five wildcard ones guarantee great versatility and very rapid colour changes (Fig. 6). Great attention was paid to the paint dispensing equipment in order to minimise waste and consumption, since the colour change operation takes place directly on the robot’s wrist. As for application, we confirmed the choice of electrostatic bells, which we have been using for twenty years, also for the new robot (Fig. 7). The possibility of managing the air blades and electrostatic charges reduces paint consumption and increases the coating transfer accuracy and efficiency in the most
2 1
difficult-to-reach areas of our electric pumps,
maximum protection and corrosion resistance,
The revolution 4.0 of Speroni’s paintshop
but also maximum gloss and film distension
“For its digital revolution, Speroni relied
(Fig. 3),” says Speroni. “The investment in this
on two well-established partners, HUBO
4.0-oriented plant required the combination of
Automation and Verind, which had already
our skills with those of the partners we chose
designed the application process on
to support us in our factory digitisation project,
the old coating line. They collaborated
with the aim of achieving the highest quality level
with CMV, which built the plant,” says
for both our professional and non-professional
production manager Devid Montermini.
product ranges.”
“We immediately chose to install a two-rail
Speroni’s pumps are made up of cast iron
overhead conveyor to manage different-
castings with a 50 micron anti-corrosion
sized components with bars that can carry
primer already applied by the foundry, some
a maximum of 3 workpieces and have
aluminium components (e.g. flap motor), and
a maximum capacity of 1000 kg (Fig. 4).
a few components in phosphate iron sheet
The management of hooks, which are all
(e.g. fan guard). The parts are processed in
certified, was specifically designed in order
a robotic cell composed of various machine
to optimise the hanging operations by
tools and a cleaning system, all interconnected
matching as many parts as possible with
with each other. This transfer unit ensures in
each hook and improving load ergonomics.
one step that the workpieces are machined
Such study was done for the whole Speroni
on four sides, cleaned, protected against
pump range, from the submersible to the
oxidation, dried, and immediately transferred
surface, standard, and displacement ones,
to a vertical warehouse managing both raw and
as well as compressors. As a result, all
finished parts, which are then picked up for the
parts move on the line at the same height,
subsequent assembly and coating operations1.
regardless of their shape and size.
Therefore, our coatings must guarantee
“The automatic cell for the application with 1 For the article on Speroni’s 4.0-oriented transfer unit integrating a cleaning and pre-treatment line, please see issue no. 15, February 2019, pages 12-18 of supplement ipcm®_ICT Industrial Cleaning Technologies.
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the anthropomorphic robot by ABB and the related interfaces were integrated by HUBO (Fig. 5). The system with the pumping unit,
e.g. around the flaps. We chose to maintain a manual touch-up booth just for doubt’s sake: we use it mainly as a technical base.”
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Figure 2: In the middle Giuseppe Speroni, one of the founder’s grandchildren and currently a manager of the firm together with his sisters and cousins.
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Figure 3: According to Speroni’s philosophy coatings must guarantee maximum protection and corrosion resistance, but also maximum gloss and film distension.
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Figure 4: The coating plant is equipped with a two-rail overhead conveyor to manage different-sized components with bars that can carry a maximum of 3 workpieces and have a maximum capacity of 1000 kg.
“As for coating product, we are
© Speroni
For its digital revolution, Speroni relied on two well-established partners, HUBO Automation and Verind, which had already designed the application process on the old coating line. They collaborated with CMV, which built the plant.”
replacing the one-component product used on the old manual line in all 18 colours with a two-component water-based polyurethane coating developed by Beckers Industrial Coatings Italia, that we apply in one direct-to-metal coat with an average
thickness of 70 microns. In case of special requests, we can also apply a two-layer primer+topcoat system with a double
5 1
Figure 5: The anthropomorphic robot by ABB integrated by HUBO.
Via Monte Bianco 20 20833 Giussano (MB) - IT p. +39.0362.314075 f. +39.0362.861222
© Speroni
phases that took place before design. This is rare, since in most cases we are faced with already-taken plant engineering decisions that make finding automation solutions really challenging,” says Sergio Castagna from HUBO Automation (Fig. 10). “With Speroni’s management and Verind, however, we analysed the type of conveyor, the storage buffer management, the application aspects, the type of robot to be integrated, and, above all, the most suitable system management methods for their needs. Only afterwards did we design the automation and software solutions.” “The plant receives the codes of the products to be painted directly from the central management system. This gets both the robot and the colour change device ready, while tracking all process phases and gathering all the data needed for the correct management of the coating phase,” states Castagna. “Special attention was paid to the man-machine interface. In addition to the conventional touch screens in which the operators can enter data and monitor
6 1
Figure 6: The paint mixing room designed by Verind with Dürr pumps: modular assembly, insulated concept and paint analog levels control for the SS tanks.
application process in the automatic
smart screens displaying in real time the
booth,” says Montermini. “The plant is
hanging and masking diagrams and the
equipped with 43 bars and frames with
coating program associated with the
a maximum size of 1500 mm in length,
product being processed (Fig. 9).”
600 mm in width, and 1000 mm
“In summary, we have cooperated
in height. It has a pitch of 1 bar every
with HUBO and Verind to achieve
3 minutes. After coating, the workpieces
high-level innovation through the
pass through a flash-off tunnel, a
choice of a 4.0-oriented communication
curing oven, and a cooling tunnel,
protocol,” states Giuseppe Speroni.
thus reaching a storage buffer and,
“In this way, we coat about 500 units a
finally, the unloading station (Fig. 8).
day with a perfectly reproducible quality
We manage the plant through the
and uniformity degree in controlled
company’s control software. The
logistics department sends all the to each bar through one paperless
Automation: the result of a planning process
message that also transfers information
“The operational success we achieved
to the 2K dosing device and the robot.
with Speroni’s coating line was the
The whole line was equipped with
result of a careful analysis of all process
information on the coating process
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© Speroni
operations through the characteristic
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Figure 7: Robot station completed with Dürr EcoBell 2 electrostatic direct charge technology.
© Speroni
8 1
Figure 8: Workpieces in the storage buffer before the unloading station.
parameters, we have implemented two
Speroni strongly believed in this 4.0-oriented
that preceded its installation can be clearly
large format and high resolution monitors
system and supported us in all design
perceived (Fig. 12).”
installed in the loading and unloading
phases. In this way, together with Verind
“This plant represents the completion of a
stations. These assist the operators in
and CMV, we created a functional and
journey that began twenty years ago, when,
their activities by showing a photo of the
productive plant that is also well designed
together with HUBO, we developed an
workpiece, the type of hook required,
and beautifully done. All the study work
automation solution that was innovative for © Speroni
and information about the coating program. The loading and unloading stations also
that time: it involved the use of a chase reciprocator that moved on two axes while “chasing” the
feature photocells each, which
workpiece to increase application
perform factory and progress-
yield and efficiency,” says Giuseppe
based readings: based on the
Speroni. “This proves that our
information received from the
company was already seeking
system on the coating program
cutting-edge technical solutions.”
and product code, they detect
“HUBO designed the whole
the presence of hung parts,
software and hardware
by checking automatically
architecture for robot control and
the amount and by sending
programming, coating programs
information to the robot. If they
management, robot interfacing with the plants’ software
detect something different from what the management software communicated, is reported when a loading error has occurred (Fig. 11).
9 1
package and with the mixing and
Figure 9: The whole line was equipped with smart screens displaying in real time the hanging and masking diagrams and the coating program associated with the product being processed.
application systems, as well as part positioning management and product traceability. (Fig. 13).
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Figure 10: From left to right: Speroni’s production manager Devid Montermini, Verind Technical Sales Manager for Emilia-Romagna region, Giovanni Benevelli, Verind Industry Sector Sales Manager, Alessandro Soba, Sergio Castagna from Hubo Automation and Matteo Caroli from Teknox.
Figure 11: Loading and unloading stations are equipped with photocells that detect the presence of hung parts, load the right amount, and send information to the robot.
The collaboration with Verind and CMV was
was also done for the choice of the coating
to identify the most suited coating system to
crucial,” states Sergio Castagna. “Automation
product. “With the installation of the new line,
our needs with the cooperation of Beckers’
starts with handling: a plant of this type can
we decided to switch from a one-component
engineers. The chosen system is of excellent
only be equipped with a two-rail conveyor,
product to a two-component one. Beckers
quality: it has been already approved and
in order to be flexible. Moreover, it was
Industrial Coatings followed the creation
adopted for several years by some of the most
important to choose bars enabling to hang
of the new plant right from the first design
important OEMs in the field of earth moving
one, two, or three workpieces depending
stages, supporting Speroni in all phases,”
machinery and tractors. The primer and the
on their size and to implement the smart
explains Devid Montermini. “This enabled us
topcoat, both two-component water-based
management of the parts’ rotation in the © Speroni
booth: the robot manages the three separate rotators via an interface as a controlled axis (Fig. 14).” “Depending on daily needs, production can be programmed to reduce the number of hook change operations while increasing the colour change ones or to apply the same colour but with numerous hook changes,” says Devid Montermini. “The software interface itself communicates to the operators what to do to optimise positioning or masking. It was designed to keep the whole coating cycle under control and to decide at any moment how, when, and why to save productive time or lose it in favour of flexibility.”
Research on painting products Speroni’s challenge was to automatically coat parts made of three different materials (cast iron, aluminium, and iron) with a uniform coverage and quality level. Much research
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12 1
Figure 12: Panoramic view of the coating plant.
polyurethane products, allow to reduce the curing temperatures, in addition to guaranteeing excellent resistance performance and maximum environmental sustainability. Environmental responsibility is an integral part of Beckers’ values, perfectly in line with the choices adopted by Speroni for several years.”
Investing in technology “For Speroni’s application process, we designed and supplied a specific automatic system that integrates the EcoBell2 electrostatic application equipment to the automatic EcoDose 2K device implementing the fibre-optic technology for dosing and mixing 2K coatings,” says Verind Industry Sector Sales Manager Alessandro Soba. “The success and growth of Speroni SpA are linked to its ability to innovate and invest in cuttingedge technologies. The choice of application equipment and technologies from the automotive field is an example of this. Managing to integrate system engineering, know-how, and innovation was the winning factor that enabled Verind, that is part of the international Dürr Group, to meet the challenging industrialisation demands of Speroni.” “We installed one of the most up-to-date and innovative industrial technologies in the finishing sector,” says Verind Technical Sales Manager for Emilia-Romagna region, Giovanni Benevelli. “As already pointed out by Sergio Castagna, the preliminary collaboration established among all the technological partners involved in this 4.0-oriented investment project was extremely important, because it allowed us to define all process phases, but also all micro-application details ahead of time and in a precise manner. The technology provided represents the evolution of a 2K system that Speroni had already installed in 2014 on its manual line. We used that
“ The only thing I hate about my tractor is that it looks better than me
experience to automate this process. We chose to install a main colour feeding line for RAL 5010, i.e. Speroni’s blue, and five wildcard lines to manage the high variability of tints and reduce the colour change times. Moreover, we connected remotely the dosing and mixing panel inside the booth, again with the aim of speeding up the colour change operations and reducing paint waste.”
My diesel tractor is about my age, and it will probably outlive me. Actually, the chassis still looks as new. My service technician says it’s because of the coating. It protects effectively against corrosion and guarantees my tractor retains this same nice colour as when I bought it. You know, I even think it makes this old girl go faster.”
An overview of the new coating eco-technology The paint application equipment consists as follows: • Pumping units with a recirculation system for water-based coatings; • EcoDose 2K dosing equipment with fibre-optic flowmeters; • Volume-controlled cleaning and colour change cycles, recovering the product in a specific tank to prevent pollution in the booth with dry filters; • EcoBell direct charge, high transfer efficiency electrostatic technology; • An insulation system for electrostatic charges. Adding value beyond the sur face
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Figure 13: The architecture for the robot control, programming and management was designed by HUBO.
Figure 14: The robot manages the three separate rotators via an interface as if they were a controlled axis.
A joint is a hinged connection system combining two rigid bodies or structures. It is synonymous with union, but also continuity. It therefore makes the perfect metaphor to describe what Speroni and its industrial partners have done: going along with the company’s innovation orientedness to implement cutting-edge technologies in the name of continuity with the equally innovative choices of the past, thus meeting the production needs of the present and future.”
The EcoBell2 electrostatic bells for
“In Speroni’s case, these process needs
and stability with a stoichiometric catalysis
water-based coatings guarantee significant
were met with the use of the EcoDose 2K
ratio ranging from 1:1 to 30:1, dosage
advantages such as the reduction of
mixer, an advanced electronic system for the
tolerance lower than 1%, injection dosing
overspray, paint consumption, VOCs,
stoichiometric dosing and mixing of
technology with an A and B dual channel
and sludge in the booth. The EcoHTG500
multi-component water-based paints able to
and separate cleaning circuits, closed loop
generator, with an electronic control
store over 1024 programs.”
paint flow rate control, and the modular
device and a high voltage raising unit,
EcoDose 2K guarantees high mixing reliability
and expandable automatic control of
13 1
14 1
the catalysis ratio and the colour change
well-distributed electrostatic field.
process for the coating and the catalyst.
© ipcm ®
provides for the generation of a strong and In this specific case, the unit is configured maximum value of 500 microampere
A technological “joint” between past and future
(Fig. 15).
A joint is a hinged connection system
“The two-component water-based
combining two rigid bodies or structures.
coatings are required a high degree
It is synonymous with union, but also
of stability and finishing quality. At the
continuity. It therefore makes the perfect
same time, the two-component product
metaphor to describe what Speroni and its
management system must ensure high
industrial partners have done: going along
precision and reliability in dosing and
with the company’s innovation orientedness
mixing,” says Giovanni Benevelli.
to implement cutting-edge technologies
in the constant current work mode with a
in the name of continuity with the equally innovative choices of the past, thus meeting Figure 15: General electric control panel by Verind according to the Industry 4.0’s parameters to manage the EcoDose 2K and EcoHTG500 high voltage generator.
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the production needs of the present and 15 1
future. Digitising also means this.
© Imel Spa
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i4smallparts. The Overall Solution for Micro-Coating Stefano Bianchin Imel Spa - Codroipo, Italy
n 1980, Imel launched Rotover on the
diversity of workpieces, the smaller and
to have significant know-how in order
market, a machine allowing to coat small
smaller size of lots, the high level of quality
to define the most suitable preparation
and very small parts. It was a simple
required, and the increasingly restrictive
and coating cycles. However, they do not
system, able to immediately integrate into
product safety regulations have forced
always possess such expertise. There are
the production flow of small component
large producers to avoid relocating in the
many variables involved, e.g. component
coaters. Over the years, this machine has
Far East while investing in more automated
shape and material, preparation cycles,
evolved, adapting to safety regulations
and efficient production plants, including
paint and solvent type, and of course
and to the ever-changing requirements in
the finishing ones. With i4smallparts, Imel
the final result, which consists not only
terms of finishing.
works with its customers to build the most
of the colour but also of the chemical
In 2018, with over 500 systems sold
reliable and economical coating process to
and mechanical resistance as well as
in 45 countries worldwide to over 240
achieve their market objective.
the tactile and visual characteristics of
customers, Rotover strengthened its
the component. With the i4smallparts
focussing on servitisation, i.e. integrating
The i4smallparts process: Rotover 130 R2, chain-on-edge systems, and robotic tray systems
the sale of the machine with a package of
The bulk coating system is the core of
fastest possible start-up time.
services. These range from the definition
this process. The operating principle of
As a part of the offer, thanks to the
of the complete treatment cycle already in
Rotover 130 is simple: a rotating drum is
collaboration of its subsidiary
the offer phase (analysis of the necessary
surrounded by electrical resistances that
Varnish Tech, with over ten years’
pre-treatment stages, samples coating at
bring the internal environment to 80 °C,
experience in the coating sector and in
the Imel testing lab) to the development of
a sufficient temperature to guarantee the
the construction of plastic coating plants
the most suitable coating program for each
adhesion of the paint, which is sprayed
for high-profile customers, Imel also
type of product, staff training, management
with guns placed on the lid of the drum
includes in i4smallparts chain-on-edge
consulting, technical assistance, and spare
itself. Rotover 130 is easily customisable
coating plants for small-size, large-volume
part supply.
and it can store various treatment
parts that are not suitable to be painted
In 2019, Rotover has thus become
programs. However, the set-up of the
with Rotover 130. Chain-on-edge systems
i4smallparts – no longer just a machine,
machine for each type of product based
are highly customisable; coating is
but a global technical service offered
on the required gloss degree, aesthetics,
performed by a robot and the transport
by Imel for micro-coating operations in
resistance performance, and tactile
system is a chain. The technical solution,
industrial sectors such as the production
characteristics requires significant
the process, the coating preparation
of high fashion accessories and footwear,
field expertise.
centre, the line management software
small metal parts, furniture accessories,
The variability and flexibility of the demands
program, and the robot programming
fancy goods, and toys (ref. Opening
of the final consumers, i.e. the users of
process are entirely developed by the
photo). In these industries, the great
the painted products, requires the coaters
Imel-Varnish Tech team.
presence on the market and its reliability in the micro-coating field. However, it was time for it to further evolve, this time by
services, Imel’s technical staff handles the installation and fine-tuning of the coating programs for each product selected by the customer, thus guaranteeing the
Opening photo: Rotover has become i4smallparts – no longer just a machine, but a global technical service offered by Imel for micro-coating operations in the most varied industrial sectors.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
© Imel Spa
In 1980, Imel launched Rotover on the market, a machine allowing to coat small and very small parts. It was a simple system, able to immediately integrate into the production flow of small component coaters. Over the years, this machine has evolved, adapting to safety regulations and to the ever-changing requirements in terms of finishing. In 2018, with over 500 systems sold in 45 countries worldwide to over 240 customers, Rotover strengthened its presence on the market and its reliability in the micro-coating field. ”
vintage effects, galvanic fixes to guarantee
Figure 1: A rendering of the tray system process’ core.
durability, and so on. In the case of limited batches and/or sizes not compatible with drum machines, i4smallparts can design and
Robotic tray systems are tipically used for
glazing, pad printing, digital printing, and
supply an application process tailored to the
accessories in the fashion industry requiring
PVD. As a part of the service, Imel provides
specific product and productivity needs.
high-gloss finishes that cannot be obtained
its own laboratory to perform the main
with tumbler plants. Layout and process of tray
resistance tests on the applied film to check
Target markets
systems are highly customizable: Imel is able
compliance with specifications.
The i4smallparts service is well suited to a
to meet these requirements thanks to its more
The i4smallparts processes can be applied
variety of industrial sectors, such as high
than ten years’ experience in the engineering
to any substrate, from metals to plastics
fashion (buckles, buttons, clips, zippers),
field (Figs. 1 and 2).
and even wood. The technical features of
footwear accessories, costume jewellery,
the coating programs, moreover, differ
cosmetic accessories, household appliance
according to the resistance requirements
accessories, toys, bottles, caps, containers,
linked to the product’s intended
industrial small parts (gaskets, springs, rivets,
With i4smallparts, Imel defines the
environment, e.g. corrosion, chemical,
screws). “i4smallparts’ target customers are
process depending on the base material
UV ray, water, or cleaning resistance.
both manufacturers painting their products
and the required technical and aesthetic
Finally, aesthetic characteristics are of
in-house and, above all, coating contractors,”
characteristics. The process is fine-tuned from
great importance: especially in the fashion
says Rotover sales manager Henry Panigutti.
the preparation and cleaning phases, which
industry, they are a crucial, but often
“The latter are the most demanding and most
can be done by brushing, flaming, or other
difficult-to-manage requirement in terms of
capable customers, because they need to
methods, to the coating application one and,
management of the various metal shades,
quickly adapt to new market demands while
finally, the finishing one performed through
pearled colours, metallic effects, rubberised
staying efficient and competitive. It takes time
various processes, such as laser marking,
or soft touch finishes, colour combinations,
to train an operator able to create different
Different finishing treatments on different types of materials
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
concept by integrating into the Industry
coating programs and fine-tune the paints required by these industrial sectors: that is why we started this project. With the i4smallparts service, we can define the coatings’ technical and aesthetic features together with the customer.” “The i4smallparts project is giving excellent results,” states i4smallparts Product Manager Massimo Gatti, with decades of field experience as a Rotover machine user. “Indeed, the service of defining pre-treatment and painting cycles, together with specific training and constant advice, reassure the customers and guarantee the achievement of their productivity and quality objectives in a short time and with a very quick ROI. Moreover, we are developing a new machine that will be released on the market in June. It will not replace Rotover 130, but it will complete the i4smallparts
With i4smallparts, Imel defines the process depending on the base material and the required technical and aesthetic characteristics. The process is fine-tuned from the preparation and cleaning phases, which can be done by brushing, flaming, or other methods, to the coating application one and, finally, the finishing one performed through various processes, such as laser marking, glazing, pad printing, digital printing, and PVD.”
4.0 and lean manufacturing-oriented approach that has characterised Imel since the beginning of the i4paintshop project1 last year.”
Case Study: the experience of Made Black Made Black (Chiuduno, Bergamo, Italy), currently one of the most representative companies in the coating field for the clothing, leather good, and footwear accessory sector, is the last customer in Italy to have chosen the i4smallparts project. Over the years, Made Black has grown by designing and offering technical solutions and innovations that have 1 For further information, ipcm®_International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 52, Vol. IX, 2018, pages 80-84 “Imel presents the i4paintshop platform for 4.0 management of coating plants and the facilitation of decision-making processes”
WHEN MAINTENANCE IS AN EASY GAME TO PLAY UV Ray is the major Italian manufacturer specialized in the production of highly resistant dichroic reflectors charecterized by low energy consumption and easy maintenance. Efficient, long-lasting and above all high manegeable, the UV Ray reflectors are the right answer of spray painting sector, for every challenge.
UV Ray, for every challenge
© Imel Spa
2 1
Figure 2: The chain-on-edge systems are typically used for accessories in the fashion industry requiring high-gloss finishes that cannot be obtained with tumbler plants.
characterised the industry’s development in terms of technology and product quality. Therefore, this company can now offer a wide range of high quality coating cycles that are difficult to obtain in its target market. The evolution of the market has led Made Black to invest in new technologies, especially by developing the PVD deposition process with Magnetron Sputtering and heat; the latter, in particular, is used to obtain the Rainbow (or Northern Lights) effect. Another investment involved digital printing, necessary to create graphics, be they simple or complex, to be
different-sized parts, from zipper teeth with
The i4smallparts service is well suited to a variety of industrial sectors, such as high fashion (buckles, buttons, clips, zippers), footwear accessories, costume jewellery, cosmetic accessories, household appliance accessories, toys, bottles, caps, containers, industrial small parts (gaskets, springs, rivets, screws).”
printed directly on the objects, thus offering
a length of a few millimetres to eyelets and buttonholes with a 5-6 cm diameter.” “The possible colours are almost unlimited except for high gloss values (gloss >60) due to the tumbling of the workpieces inside the chamber,” states Belotti. “The possibility of processing up to 45 kg or 25 litres of material makes this technology very competitive compared with conventional solutions requiring the parts to be hang onto frames or arranged on plateaus. The dedication of our operators, the constant support of Imel’s engineers,
a very high degree of customisation. The last
appropriate equipment,” explains Made Black
and the development of specific technical
technology acquired by Made Black was Imel’s
owner Matteo Belotti. “After a first consultation
solutions have enabled us to offer and
Rotover machine.
phase, aimed at defining the technological
perform this type of processing even in the
“The market is always looking for the right
limits (e.g. glossy finishes) and advantages of
medium/high-end sector while achieving
compromise among quality level, lead time, and
this technology with the use of a pilot plant, we
aesthetic quality and durability performance
of course value for money: this can be achieved
decided to buy the Rotover-i4smallparts 130 R2
levels suited to the specifications
through the bulk coating technology with the
system. This plant allows us to work with
of our customers.”
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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BOOK YOUR STAND TODAY, SPACES LIMITED FORE MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Menna Lotfy, Project Manager +2 010 606 55 999 (Egypt) email:
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AluK: Revamping as a Technological Development Strategy
Maximum Booth Automation for the Coating of Metal Components and Office Furniture
Return to GLOBAL: The New Industry 4.0-Oriented Plant for Coating Aluminium Radiators
Elegance Meets Design: Demand for Flat Matte Finishes on the Rise
In Mexico, a Coating Line Was Updated To Optimise Control on the Quality of Aluminium Door and Windows Frames
A Flexible and Modular UV Tunnel Functional to the Development of Formulations in the Laboratory of Paint Manufacturer Arsonsisi
Innovative AkzoNobel Powder Coating Offers Invisible Protection
ith the flu season upon us,
Suitable for a wide range of
performance powder coating, it
the need for robust hygiene
applications, it’s typically used in
also performs to the very highest
solutions is as important as ever.
hygiene conscious environments such
antimicrobial standards.”
AkzoNobel’s innovative powder coatings
as hospitals, clinics, changing rooms,
The BioCote® antimicrobial
help keep surfaces hygienically clean all year
schools and public transport.
technology active in Interpon AM
round, while tackling the invisible threat of
“Demand for antimicrobial coatings is
shows no mercy. It reduces up to
increasing due to growing consumer
99.99% of bacteria and mold on a
The company’s antimicrobial Interpon AM
concern for hygiene,” explains Mark
protected surface, making it easier
range – recently specified for use on 2,350
Reekie, Global Segment Manager
to keep hygienically clean and
door handles in a clinic in Abu Dhabi –
for AkzoNobel’s industrial powder
reducing the risk of
contains BioCote antimicrobial protection.
coatings. “The beauty of Interpon
It not only delivers outstanding decorative
AM is that as well as meeting all
“As the undisputed world leader in
characteristics, but also combats the growth
the protective and decorative
powder coatings, we’re committed
of microbes such as bacteria and mold.
characteristics expected of a high
to setting the standards for quality,
service and innovation,” continues © AkzoNobel
Reekie. “Interpon AM is a prime example of how we continue to develop world class products for our customers while always looking to grow and improve.” Adds Jennifer Collier, Partner Development at BioCote: “We work successfully with industry leading, global companies such as AkzoNobel to help them create more hygienic, premium antimicrobial products. We are extremely proud of our partnership with AkzoNobel, and to be part of such a high quality, reliable product. Interpon AM stands as an example of success for all companies that we work with as we continue to achieve greater levels of hygiene around the world.” BioCote is the market-leading antimicrobial solutions provider, with over 20 years of experience in
antimicrobial technology.
Figure 1: The AkzoNobel’s antimicrobial Interpon AM range is typically used in hygiene conscious environments such as hospitals, clinics, changing rooms, schools and public transport.
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
do you need a CHAIN CONVEYOR?
BRAND NEW HOOK! loading capacity > 1,500 kg, it allows the rotation with an integrated lock system
TRAS-MEC is the first company to safeguard your system and contractually guarantee a downtime free production.
UNStudio and Monopol Colors Develop ‘The Coolest White’ Paint
NStudio has partnered with
multilayered coating system was developed
currently developing a series of innovative
Monopol Colors to develop
for high-quality metallic facade elements and
building technology products in order
‘The Coolest White’, an ultra-durable
to advance the development of applied
The Coolest White provides not only
technology and future-proof our designs.
structures from excessive solar radiation –
remarkable protection against corrosion,
Our team partner with industry leaders,
thus slowing down the urban heat
but also achieves a TSR value which sets
bringing with them the combination of a
island effect.
entirely new standards. (TSR stands for ‘Total
product mindset, engineering know-how and
The paint is based on fluoropolymer
Solar Reflectance’, which, in simplified terms,
a strategic vision for building technologies.
technology. It has long lasting and
designates the powers of resistance of a
ultra-durable properties that prolong the
coating to the effects of sunlight.)
For further information:
lifecycle of the coating up to 30 years. The
UNSProducts and UNSknowledge are
aluminium, steel or fiberglass structures.
paint that protects buildings and urban
Figure 1: UNStudio has partnered with Monopol Colors to develop ‘The Coolest White’, an ultra-durable paint that protects buildings and urban structures from excessive solar radiation – thus slowing down the urban heat island effect.
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The World has Another Blackest Black: British Artist Stuart Semple Launches ‘Black 3.0’
lack 3.0 is a super-flat, ultra-matte
by Surrey NanoSystems that holds the
However, Kapoor managed to get a tube
black that absorbs 98-99% of light
world record as the darkest man-made
of the product, dipping his middle finger in
and, contrary to Vantablack, anyone
substance), Black 3.0 is available to
it and flipping the bird to Semple the other
can purchase it – anyone but Anish Kapoor.
anyone, including private individuals –
protesting artists on Instagram.
After two years of development, artist Stuart
except artist Anish Kapoor. In fact, the
This is what brought up the decision to team
Semple claims that his team – made of artists
new paint is part of a long-running feud
up with other artists to develop a competitor
and paint makers based in Dorset, England –
between the two artists, dating back
to Vantablack.
has created the “blackest black paint
to 2016, when Kapoor licensed the
“We think that sharing your colours with
in the world”.
exclusive rights to Vantablack for artistic
others is nice! When Stuart heard that
“We wanted a super-flat, ultra-matte black
use, forbidding other artists to use the
Kapoor was the only artist that could use
that absorbed almost all visible light”,
pigment, which was originally developed
the blackest black, he felt sad but also a
explains Stuart Semple on the Kickstarter
for satellite and scientific applications.
bit bad that he’d been making awesome
page dedicated to this project. “To achieve
The art community heavily criticized
colours and only using them in his own
that we went right back to the basics of paint
Kapoor and Semple even developed
work. So, he started sharing his colour
making. The problem with existing black
and released what he claimed was the
creations on the internet with other artists”,
pigments is they are all slightly reflective,
world’s pinkest pink paint and made
the team stated.
so we created a whole new pigment in the
it commercially available to everyone
They also added: “Other super blacks
lab and we call it ‹Black Magick’, it is born
except Kapoor.
are complicated to use and extremely © Culture Hustle
matte! […] We’ve also managed to formulate a new acrylic polymer to hold the pigment, it›s special because it has more
expensive. Most require heat, science labs and specialist training to apply. We wanted to make a
available bonds than any other
super affordable,
acrylic polymer being used in
easy to use paint that was
paints. This means it can cling
familiar to artists so they
onto way more pigment, leading
could concentrate on
to a really dense pigment load
expressing themselves.
and a depth of colour not
We’ve been on a mission to
previously possible. We have
create exactly that for a long
sourced some brand new
while because we want all
nano-mattifiers which we have
artists to be able to express
added, these flatten out the
themselves with awesome
last bits of stray light without
materials. The limits of your
compromising colour”.
creations should be your
Easy to use, affordable and available to anyone Contrary to Vantablack (the super-black coating developed
imagination not how rich or successful you are”. 1 Figure 1: Black 3.0 brush applied to sculpture.
For further information:
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
Feltani Reti: Focussing on the Hanging of Aluminium Profiles
eltani Reti Snc (Campodarsego, Padua,
customisation and production flexibility. On
Feltani is very competitive.
Italy) has passionately devoted itself
the other hand, despite allowing less creativity
“For the manufacturing of these hooks, we
to the processing of metal wire for
use C72 carbon steel, i.e. with a carbon
systems enable to achieve a high productivity
percentage of 0.72%, instead of the more
production of coating hooks. Recently, the
rate with standard products.
commonly used copper-plated steel, i.e.
company has installed a few new production
“At the end of 2018, we purchased a new
obtained by copper-plating stainless steel
systems to serve the aluminium profile
mechanical control machine able to produce
wire. Carbon steel has higher strength and
coating industry more specifically. Already a
hooks with a diameter of up to 3 mm,” says
capacity properties than copper-plated
few years ago, the transition from mechanical
Isabella Feltani, at the helm of the company
steel, which makes them suitable for
control to numerical control machines
together with her parents Moreno and
hanging profiles of all types, including the
had enabled Feltani Reti to produce hooks
Ornella. “This will enable us to increase our
heaviest and largest-section ones.”
with the most varied sizes, types, and
market share in the aluminium coating sector.
materials (normal, galvanised, or stainless
Indeed, this system will allow us to double
For further information:
steel wire) while ensuring a high degree of
our production of J-hooks, a product in which © Feltani Reti Snc
in the design of hooks, mechanical control
almost forty years, mainly focussing on the
Figure 1: C72 carbon steel J-hooks are ideal for hanging aluminium profiles on coating lines.
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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© ipcm ®
Opening photo: Panoramic view of the vertical coating line of AluK Belgium.
AluK: Revamping as a Technological Development Strategy Alessia Venturi ipcm®
evamping” is a term derived from
need to upgrade their production plants to
for architecture,” says Birger Vandevenne
the railway sector. It is used to
maintain competitiveness but, at the same
(Fig. 1), the Operations Manager of AluK
indicate general renovation work
time, cannot cease operations for as long
Belgium and AluK Netherlands. “When
on machines or systems to recondition and
as necessary. Coating contractors are an
AluK Belgium found itself having to
update them to state-of-the-art technology,
update its coating system, we opted for
thus extending their service life and improving
“The aluminium market puts a lot of
a revamping project, planning a series of
their performance level while avoiding making
pressure on firms as regards three key
gradual investments that would not have
higher investments for their sudden and
factors: lead time, price policy, and product
forced us to stop our line for more than
unplanned replacement. The revamping
quality. Indeed, these three elements
two consecutive months. For a company
solution is the ideal choice for companies that
qualify a supplier of aluminium systems
like AluK Belgium, serving the entire
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Benelux market, it was unthinkable
in Belgium, AluK also took over the
a production and distribution hub for our
to stop for the six to eight months
coating contractor Colors in order
roofing range”, states Birger Vandevenne.
needed for the full replacement of
to transform it into a paintshop at
“We receive extruded profiles from various
a coating line. Until now, we have
the exclusive service of its Belgian
European suppliers. Here, we process
changed our two application booths
and Dutch offices and markets. “In
them, assemble them with thermal breaks
together with SAT (Verona, Italy). In
October 2016, we started to reshape
and accessories, coat them, and prepare
the future of our coating plant (ref.
the operational model of AluK Belgium,
them for shipping. We have created a
Opening photo), there will be other
which manufactures products and
community of work groups within the
technological updating steps that we
accessories for both the national and
AluK Group, each dedicated to a different
are already defining with SAT. The
Dutch markets, as AluK Netherlands is
production phase, which focus on the © ipcm ®
goal is to have a completely updated coating system
analysis of best practices for the whole group
within two years, without
with a mutual exchange
ever ceasing to provide our
of knowledge and
customers with our profile
experience. In the past,
painting service.”
each branch was much more focused on its
From extruded profiles to door and window frames: a fully integrated cycle for the Benelux market
own business, whereas now the goal is to create synergies and exchange know-how.”
The first revamping phase: two cutting-edge booths
AluK Belgium was established in 2016 with Italian AluK Group’s acquisition of a local Belgian company with four (Great Britain, Belgium, Holland, and Poland). AluK had already acquired its
“Colors was a coating
production plants in Europe
contractor in the
Figure 1: Birger Vandevenne, Operations Manager of AluK Belgium and AluK Netherlands.
British and Dutch factories in
respectively. The Group is now a global leader operating in major countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. It has more than sixty years of experience in supplying systems for high-performance aluminium door and window frames and curtain walls for many of the most innovative and prestigious buildings in the world (Fig. 2). The AluK Group’s general strategy is making sure that each production site has its related coating unit. That is why, with the acquisition
a three times higher production volume than that of AluK
2012 (the year in which AluK France was also established) and in 2014,
aluminium sector with
Belgium. This firm had four coating lines:
The aluminium market puts a lot of pressure on firms as regards three key factors: lead time, price policy, and product quality. Indeed, these three elements qualify a supplier of aluminium systems for architecture. When AluK Belgium found itself having to update its coating system, the company opted for a revamping project, planning a series of gradual investments that would not have forced it to stop the line for more than two consecutive months.”
an automatic vertical one, an automatic horizontal one, an express one, and a line finishing accessories. Aware that its volumes would have been too low to feed all these lines, AluK’s first intervention was dismantling two of them, the express one and the one devoted to accessories. The strategic goal was having a paintshop that only met the internal needs of AluK, without any room for contracting,” says Vandevenne. “In 2017 and early 2018, we remodelled the operational flow here, increased our stock, and decided to start a renovation project in which the coating line played a crucial role. We chose SAT as our partner in this revamping project because
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
© ipcm ®
Figure 2: AluK has more than sixty years of experience in supplying systems for high-performance aluminium door and window frames and curtain walls.
“The plant was already equipped with two booths that operated simultaneously,” says Corrà. “We maintained the previous spraying equipment, which had been recently renovated. It includes an Opticenter OC03 powder management unit with Gema AP01 dense phase pumps (Fig. 4) and 18 guns for each booth. However, thanks to technical support and excellent coordination with Inplasco, the Gema distributor for Belgium, it was possible to optimise the guns’ arrangement while adapting it to the new booths. Indeed, we implemented a configuration that allows maintaining a high line speed even when coating complex-shaped profiles (Fig. 5).”
Until now, AluK Belgium has changed two application booths together with SAT (Verona, Italy). In the future of its coating plant, there will be other technological updating steps that it is already defining with SAT. The goal is to have a completely updated coating system within two years, without ever ceasing to provide the customers with an profile painting service.” some of my colleagues, who already worked
installed are characterised by
for Colors with the previous owners, knew
the V shape that distinguishes
this company well. In 2012, it had actually
the SAT technology and
installed a SAT-patented revolving door on
they are bigger than the
our curing oven, thus enabling to turn off
standard machines in order to
the IR pre-gelling oven and guaranteeing
accommodate a greater number
considerable energy saving.”
of guns and profiles with a
“For this revamping project, we supplied
larger section. In addition to the
two new generation booths that implement a
booths, we also replaced the
different application technology,
reciprocators, the cyclone, and
with the guns arranged at the two sides
the final filter, thus completely
(Fig. 3),” says SAT General Manager
changing this customer’s powder
Alessandro Corrà. “The two booths
coating system.”
Figure 3: The two new booths supplied by SAT implement a new generation technology, with the guns arranged at the two sides.
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm ®
2 1
3 1
smaller average hanging pitch, and, as
“We opted for SAT’s V-shaped booths with these features because, although the total coating volume had decreased, the variability of profiles and colours had remained the same. We therefore needed to perform more colour changes within the same time,” states Birger Vandevenne. “The biggest advantage we have achieved with this revamping project is the possibility to apply black and white coatings one after the other in the same booth.
AluK’s first intervention was dismantling two of its lines, the express one and the one devoted to accessories. The strategic goal was having a paintshop that only met the internal needs of AluK, without any room for contracting.”
a result, increased productivity with the same chain speed (Fig. 6). 80% of the complex-section profiles that we used to paint on the horizontal line (as it was equipped with a touch-up station) are now automatically coated on the vertical system. This will soon enable us to also dismantle our horizontal line, concentrating our whole production on the vertical one (Fig. 7),” says AluK Belgium Maintenance Coordinator
With the previous plant layout, one
Kurt Passemiers. “Moreover, the
booth only applied dark tints and the
cleaning cycle is much shorter than
is a great disproportion between the
Higher quality, higher productivity
demands for the two shades in the
“The two new booths only came into
this revamping intervention, because
Benelux market, as about 70% of orders
operation in mid-February, but we have
we had to increase the total number
require dark colours, and therefore
already found greater paint penetration,
of daily colour change operations.
production organisation was complex
greater general quality of the coatings, higher
The cleaning process can surely be
and inefficient.”
profile density along the line thanks to the
further optimised, but we have already
other light tints only. However, there
PRIMARY WATER TREATMENT ✓ Reverse osmosis ✓ Ion exchange ✓ Softening ✓ Multimedia filtration
before: reducing our colour changing times was one of the main objectives of
PROCESS WATER TREATMENT ✓ D.I. units ✓ Mixed beds ✓ Charcoal filters ✓ UV disinfection ✓ Oil removal
CIE Srl Via 1 Maggio, 20/22 San Zenone Al Lambro 20070 (MI) – Italy Tel: +39.02.9810470 Fax: +39.02.98175079
ZERO LIQUID DISCHARGE (ZLD) ✓ Preliminary Al, COD, F and SO4 removal
✓ D.I. units or R.O. rinses recycling ✓ Multiple effect evaporation
PUR-ALL 1 PLANT FOR 3 PURPOSES: ✓ Standard dump or
✓ Restricted limits or
✓ Re-use (ZLD)
© ipcm ®
observed a marked decrease in the required times. Finally, we also expect to find a reduction in our consumption of powders, although we cannot quantify it yet because the booths went into production only a few weeks ago and we are still adjusting our spray parameters to the new and more efficient technology. “Having the possibility to apply any colour in any booth, we had decided to start with a prudent approach and wait a few minutes from the beginning of the application of each colour before switching to “recovery” mode. However, we verified that there were no contamination problems with neither the new booths nor the new cyclones, and therefore we have already
4 1
minimised or even eliminated this © ipcm ®
Figure 4: The Opticenter OC03 powder management unit with Gema AP01 dense phase pumps.
delay in switching modes. This resulted in a further reduction of our powder consumption. In general, I can state that all objectives presented to SAT have been or are in the process of being achieved.” “In the first four weeks of production,
In 2017 and early 2018, AluK remodelled the operational flow, increased the stock, and decided to start a renovation project in which the coating line played a crucial role. The company chose SAT as its partner in this revamping project because some of colleagues knew this company well. In 2012, it had actually installed a SAT-patented revolving door on the curing oven, thus enabling to turn off the IR pre-gelling oven and guaranteeing considerable energy saving.”
we performed an average of 18 colour change operations per day. In the past, we had to stop at 10-11, whereas our goal is reaching 20-21 changes in a work shift (7 hours and 40 minutes) and a daily productivity of 3000-3100 m2; this equals to about 2000 profiles/ day, 85% of which with a length of 6.5 metres, 10% with a length of 7 metres, plus a 5% of various lenght” says Birger Vandevenne. “When discussing our revamping needs with SAT, we had asked them to reduce our 18-minute colour changing time. Now, our total cleaning time is 10-11 minutes, with a reduction of almost 50%. We aim at reducing it to 8 minutes.” “Our work environment is very clean, 5 1
Figure 5: Each booth has 18 guns, implemented with a configuration that allows maintaining a high line speed even when coating complex-shaped profiles.
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proving that the booths’ air suction system is excellent, whereas it was a critical issue with our previous plants,” explains AluK Belgium Quality
edge coverage: the fact that now we
contamination or powder dispersion,
can also coat profiles that previously
even when we are coating in both
required a manual application
booths. When we started coating with
process proves that we have
the same parameters used in the past,
achieved this goal.” As further proof
we immediately noticed that the applied
of their excellent performance level
thicknesses were higher, i.e. our powder
and, in particular, of the advantages
transfer efficiency was greater thanks
of the their “dynamic” suction
to the new booths, all other conditions
system, able to adapt to operating
being equal. The higher the transfer
conditions, the two V-shaped booths
efficiency, the greater the amount
are arranged in a particular way
of fresh powder compared with the
within the factory: they are placed
recovered one in the application mix
side by side without any separation
and, therefore, in the deposited powder
barriers or containment structures
layer – and, as is well known, the use
and they are located in front of
of recovered powder is always a critical
a glass window, which remains
issue. As for quality, we expected greater
perfectly clean (Fig. 8).
AluK opted for SAT’s V-shaped booths with these features because, although the total coating volume had decreased, the variability of profiles and colours had remained the same. It therefore needed to perform more colour changes within the same time. The biggest advantage the company has achieved with this revamping project is the possibility to apply black and white coatings one after the other in the same booth.” © ipcm ®
Officer Timo De Clercq. “There is no
6 1
Figure 6: Among the benefits of the new booths, besides a greater general quality of the coatings, a higher hanging density with the same chain speed.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
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Figure 7: The vertical line allows to coat also complex-section profiles, that before were coated using the horizontal line, as it was equipped with a touch-up station.
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7 1
Figure 8: The two booths are placed side by side without any separation and they are located in front of a glass window, which remains perfectly clean thanks to the “dynamic” suction system.
8 1
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The two new booths only came into operation in mid-February, but AluK has already found greater paint penetration, greater general quality of the coatings, higher profile density along the line thanks to the smaller average hanging pitch, and, as a result, increased productivity with the same chain speed.”
“Another change brought by the new booths concerns production planning,” says AluK Belgium Production Supervisor Evelien D’Hauwer. “For example, we can now apply a dark colour on a large-sized batch in the booth no. 1 while applying other tints on several small batches in the booth no. 2, without ever changing colour in the first one. Compared with the past, when the minimum batch size had to be 120 m2 to ensure efficiency, today we can plan the coating of very small, even one-piece batches without losing productivity and efficiency.” “In order to be a qualified player in the aluminium sector, a company must be able to offer any colour required by the market. We tried to channel customer requests into a limited colour catalogue, but we were not successful,” says Vandevenne. “That is why AluK Belgium chose to update its coating line based on technical choices oriented towards market demands. We adapted our system to the market and not the other way around. However, we still offer an 11-tint colour catalogue that we have developed exclusively with Axalta, our main supplier together with Tiger Coatings (Fig. 9).”
Technical and aesthetic trends in the Belgian and Dutch aluminium markets “We only use Qualicoat 1. We have encountered two operational problems with Qualicoat 2 products. The first one is the oven temperature, which must always be adjusted differently than for the other types of paint. The second one is greater film damage around the thermal break when this is assembled after profile coating,” says Vandevenne. “Currently,
65% of our profiles are assembled with
The major difficulty of a revamping operation is that the plant must be modernised and then immediately restarted in production conditions, which are supposed to be better than the previous ones. AluK is pleased with the collaboration of SAT. Its engineers coordinated the construction site in such a way as to meet the delivery deadlines.”
thermal break after coating. We are working on introducing a new thermal cutting material to change this proportion, but currently using Qualicoat 2 powders appear to be difficult for us. I think that we will start using them when it will be possible to
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do so without changing all our coating parameters. Surely, these powders are an advantage for users, because they extend the guarantee of durability with a modest price change. There is much space in the market, but as applicators we should be able to use these products without having to continuously adjust operating parameters such as line speed, curing temperature, and so on,” states Vandevenne. “In terms of colours, as I already mentioned, the Benelux market is strongly oriented towards dark shades in the range of greys and blacks, with a few browns, and towards textured surfaces.”
Experience and collaboration to manage the critical issues of this revamping project “The major difficulty of a revamping operation is that the plant must be modernised and then immediately restarted in production conditions, which are supposed to be better than the previous ones,” says Kurt Passemiers. “We are pleased with the collaboration of SAT. Its engineers coordinated the construction site in such a way as to meet the delivery deadlines. We had planned to end in early December and enter full production by the third week of February. An AluK team conducted the first dismantling phase of the old booths in the second half of December; on January 4th, the SAT team took over to install the new booths. The first sample profiles were hung on February
9 1
14th and on February 20th we entered
Figure 9: AluK Belgium offers an 11-tint colour catalogue oriented towards dark shades in the range of greys and blacks, according to the market trends of Benelux.
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regular production, i.e. two days in advance of the set date.”
Opening photo: Temo Srl has been producing office furniture components since the 1980s.
Maximum Booth Automation for the Coating of Metal Components and Office Furniture Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
y the late 1980s and for about a
during the economic contraction of the 2010s.
insourced in the mid-1990s in order
decade, the small and medium-sized
“When all our competitors outsourced their
to eliminate all problems related to
companies constituting the furniture
production phases, my father, the founder
logistics and material handling and
district of Veneto (Italy) turned production
of Temo Srl, decided to go against the grain
give us a winning tool to successfully
fragmentation and outsourcing into their
and insource some production divisions,
overcome the economic crisis that hit
strengths. This system, however, faltered
while the powder coating line was already
so many manufacturers in our sector,”
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FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Figure 1: From right to left: Temo Export Manager Paolo Rizzo, Alessia Venturi from ipcm®, and Andrea Grazi from GRT.
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says Export Manager Paolo Rizzo, the son of the company’s founder (Fig. 1). Temo Srl is based in Piombino Dese (Padua) and specialises in the production of components
components including
for office furniture, such as
the plastic ones, and the
metal drawers, drawer runners,
punching and bending
pull-out racks, and metal shelves.
operations. Currently,
It is one of the most successful
we acquire metal sheet
companies in the office furniture
coils and we ship finished
subcontracting field (ref. Opening
product to our customers:
photo). “The activity was started
our 100% insourced
by my father in the late 1980s
production flow is one of
with the production of pull-out
our strengths, because it
racks and full extension drawer runners,” says Rizzo. “Around the
gives us a flexibility degree
that larger competitors
mid-1990s, the range expanded
cannot afford. We can
to include metal drawers at first,
meet any request, from small lots to large orders,
and then even end products, i.e.
Temo Srl is based in Piombino Dese (Padua) and specialises in the production of components for office furniture, such as metal drawers, drawer runners, pull-out racks, and metal shelves. It is one of the most successful companies in the office furniture subcontracting field.”
metal drawers. After thirty years in the office furniture subcontracting sector, we are able to supply furniture manufacturers with any component or accessory.”
The recession of 2000s hit many companies from the Veneto-based industrial districts, leading some of
right solution to please even the most demanding customer. Our insourced production process gives us total control over the quality of the products we manufacture.”
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The insourcing of the entire production chain to overcome the crisis
always trying to find the
them to close down and others to find production alternatives. “Based on my father’s idea, the paintshop was the first department to be transferred into our factory. After insourcing coating, we understood that this could be the right way not only to overcome that critical economic period, but also to distinguish ourselves. That is why, over the years, we have decided to also insource other production phases and preserve several jobs: the welding of our drawers, the moulding of various
Figure 2: The new coating system supplied by Euroimpianti from Valeggio sul Mincio (Verona).
2 1
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3 1
Figure 3: The outside of the GRT coating booth.
Replacing the previous plant “The flexibility of our paintshop is guaranteed by the effectiveness of the process automation and the speed of the colour change system,” states Paolo Rizzo. “The search for these two solutions was the actual reason why we decided to replace the plant installed in the mid-1990s and designed for painting small components, such as 40x80 cm and 50x50 cm metal frames and drawers. In 2011, the machine had undergone a revamping process to adapt its structure to the production of drawers, which was recording a peak in that period, and to integrate a new booth, more suited to our new range of products.” After only six years, the booth presented some critical issues linked above all to the suction of powder with a cyclone that was undersized for the application’s characteristics. “The difficulties encountered
GRT (Modena, Italy) provided Temo with a booth that has been in operation since September 2018, integrating it into the line supplied by Euroimpianti (Valeggio sul Mincio, Verona, Italy).”
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4 1
by our operators
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Figure 4: A detail of the nozzle-holding arm.
The GRT booth installed at the premises of Temo Srl belongs to the 12000 Superior series, the top of the range in terms of automation. It is made up by sandwich panels in a plastic and antistatic material and it is equipped with a manual pre- and post-retouching stations.”
convinced us to make a new investment that was not limited to the booth alone but, given the obsolescence of the plant, involved our whole coating line,” says Rizzo. “That is where GRT (Modena, Italy) came into play. It provided us with a booth that has been in operation since September 2018, integrating it into the line supplied by Euroimpianti (Valeggio sul Mincio, Verona, Italy - Figs. 2 and 3).”
5 1
Figure 5: The inside of the coating booth.
The automation of the spray paint booth While replacing the spray paint booth, GRT also added a vertical AD horizontal optical bar for the dimensional detection of incoming components and automated the motorized bases and the already existing reciprocators (Fig. 4). “The previous reciprocators had been produced by us,” explains GRT owner Andrea Grazi.
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a solenoid valve for automatically
Temo found several benefits: First of all, the colour change operation now takes less than 10 minutes. As it has switched from two to ten times the tints, the daily frequency colour changes has also increased and it is now similar to that of a coating contractor. Considering that the plant is in operation for 15 hours a day including Saturdays, a greater change speed had become crucial.”
switching on and off the emptying cycle, and a pipe for transporting the powder directly from the box to the big bag. The GRT 12000 m3 cyclone features a sieving system integrated into the base, easily opened for cleaning and inspection (Fig. 7). “The powder management unit (Fig. 8) is
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the “brain” of the whole plant,” says
The new plant’s benefits
6 1
“We found several benefits,” says Rizzo. “First of all, the colour change operation now takes
Figure 6: The manual post-retouching station.
less than 10 minutes: as we have switched from two to ten times the tints, the daily frequency our colour changes has also increased and it is now similar to that of a coating contractor.
“We decided to keep them while simply adding mobile bases to optimise process © ipcm ®
times with the possibility to treat several workpieces at the same time.” The GRT booth installed at the premises of Temo Srl belongs to the 12000 Superior series, the top of the range in terms of automation. It is made up by sandwich panels in a plastic and antistatic material (Fig. 5) and it is equipped with a manual pre- and post-retouching stations (Fig. 6). The bottom of the booth houses a suction
7 1
Figure 7: The high suction capacity cyclone supplied by GRT.
and blowing system for automatic cleaning. The guns’ automatic external cleaning,
Grazi. “It manages multiple functions
instead, allows to significantly reduce the
automatically and it includes as follows:
colour change operations. The filter is
a gun powder feeding system, 2 fluidised
composed by a soundproofed fan and
powder tanks, an air storage buffer for
motor (<80 dB) and high-efficiency cartridges
cleaning the floats and the recovery pipe,
with an automatic integrated backpressure
a connection for the fluidisation of the
cleaning system. Resulting powders are
powder tank, a vibrating table for the
collected by a trolley box directly linked to
powder box, a capacitive probe for level
the automatic emptying system of the filter
control (Fig. 9), and a management PLC
box, made up by a high flow rate pump,
with a simple and intuitive, 4.0-oriented
a powder collection box with a fluid bed,
touch screen panel (Fig. 10).”
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8 1
Figure 8: The powder management centre.
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9 1
10 1
Figure 9: A detail of the gun powder feeding system.
Figure 10: The PLC control panel.
Considering that the plant is in operation
guns, outdated after twelve years, with
powders) and considerable improvement
for 15 hours a day including Saturdays, a
6 automatic and 2 manual Gema guns
in the coating uniformity degree, which was
greater change speed had become crucial.
(Fig. 11). The new application system has
fundamental for us due to the numerous
“As for application, GRT’s technical staff
guaranteed greater paint savings (we apply
colour matching operations that we must
advised us to replace our previous
epoxy, epoxy-polyester and polyester
perform for our customers (Fig. 12).
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11 1
12 1
“We found another advantage related to
Figure 12: The metal drawers made by Temo Srl.
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Figure 11: The powder application operation.
GRT’s team was able to exactly understand the needs of Temo, which are similar to those of a coating contractor, even though we are not, considering the peculiarities of the sector.”
the high suction capacity of the cyclone and the automatic emptying system of the filter box (Fig. 13).”
Conclusions “The type of booth offered by GRT convinced us immediately,” sates Rizzo. “The characteristics we noticed during a visit to a company that used it were structural solidity and high suction
ourselves even more on foreign markets,
capacity, two elements that our machine
which have become our main target after
lacked. The automation of the system was
the recession phase and now account for
the most important factor for us, but any
44% of our production.
coating plant engineering firm is now able
“We have achieved a good product
to supply it. GRT’s team, however, was able
customisation and quality level, optimal
to exactly understand the needs of our
production flexibility, and the possibility
company, which are similar to those of a
of offering a complete service to our
coating contractor, even though we are
customers: with these premises, we
not, considering the peculiarities of our
might consider to further diversify our
sector. Our internal automation process
office furniture range by producing
will not stop here: GRT’s plant is ready to integrate a robot at the exit of the retouching station. With such a structured company, it will be easier to affirm
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
13 1
Figure 13: The filter box with the automatic emptying system.
cabinets and expanding even more our offer to a market that is currently recovering and proving increasingly demanding.”
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N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Return to GLOBAL: The New Industry 4.0-Oriented Plant for Coating Aluminium Radiators Monica Fumagalli ipcm® © GLOBAL
lways striving to offer information
required by an increasingly intensive mass production.
on surface
treatment technologies
In order not to
and products, for the
compromise the
editorial staff of our
final quality of our
magazine it is rare to have
coatings, after careful
the opportunity to visit
assessment we
a user twice in a narrow
decided to add a new
time frame in order to
plant to our existing
follow the evolution of
coating line. Our
its production system.
partner for the design
This article will provide a
and installation of
detailed overview of the
the new line was
4.0-oriented development of the paintshop of GLOBAL Srl (Rogno, Bergamo, Italy), of which we described the peculiar
Imel (Codroipo,
Udine, Italy), which
Figure 1: Carlo Salvadori from Imel, on the left, with Sandro Panteghini in front of the monitor with the data analisys of the coating process.
anaphoresis + powder
in 2018 took care of the project and coordinated the other suppliers of
application technology for
products and plant
coating in 20171 (ref. Opening photo). As
“The demand for aluminium radiators,
components, including Gema Europe for
a well-established company for aluminium
fortunately for us, it is not expected to
the booth and Futura Convogliatori Aerei
radiators manufacturing in the both
slow down or stop,” says Alessandro
for the conveyor.”
the national and international industry,
Fardelli, GLOBAL CEO and company’s
In this project, the new production needs
GLOBAL’s production focusses on the
responsible with the President
of GLOBAL were integrated with the
significant expertise acquired in almost
Giuseppe Delasa, while updating
Industry 4.0-oriented evolution of Imel’s
fifty years of activity and on the “know
us on its production status. “After
plant technology (Fig. 1), thus creating a
how” motto that unites the Fardelli family’s
improving our processes of foundry,
synergy that led to the construction of a
generations that have led the company,
machining, and anaphoresis with the
coating line with the maximum automation
while also pervading its surrounding area.
system provided by Axalta Coatings
degree and with the data analisys aimed
System Italy, we realised that coating
at the highest degree of efficiency and
1 M. Fumagalli, Anaphoresis technology without dialysis cells: a decisive advantage for GLOBAL Radiatori, in ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 47 (September/October 2017), pages 82-88.
was still a bottleneck in our production
process control (Fig. 2).
flow, as our plant was dated and no
“When we approved the new project, we
longer able to handle the workloads
had not planned to build such a futuristic
Opening photo: The coating of aluminium radiators in the new 4.0 plant of GLOBAL Srl.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
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Figure 2: The final coating quality of GLOBAL’s radiators is guaranteed by the anaphoresis + powder coating system developed by Axalta for this company.
plant, a system projected to such an extent in the fourth industrial revolution,” says GLOBAL Plant Manager Sandro Panteghini. “We chose to also automate loading and unloading with robots. These clasp the radiators with gripping systems creating a vacuum effect between the two surfaces and hang them onto the coating line (Fig. 3). The loading robots are fed through carts identified with a QR Code matched with all the information related to a batch (Fig. 4).”
The structure of the new plant The new coating plant replicates the anaphoresis + powder application system of the old system, optimised for the production of GLOBAL’s radiators. “With this system,” states Imel Managing Director Carlo Salvadori, “for the first time we have combined all the most advanced technologies that our team developed last year on i4paintshop. This is a platform designed to turn coating lines into an open system able to interface with the entire production process and to enable users to draw value from the vast amount of data collected2” This new generation line is arranged on both factory floors, connected by the overhead conveyor designed by Futura Convogliatori Aerei (Robecco Pavese, Pavia, Italy - Fig. 5). The robotic loading and unloading stations are located on the 2 Imel presents the i4paintshop platform for 4.0 management of coating plants and the facilitation of decision-making processes, in ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 52 (July/August 2018), pages 80-84.
The demand for aluminium radiators is not expected to slow down or stop. After improving its processes of foundry, machining, and anaphoresis with the system provided by Axalta Coatings System Italy, GLOBAL realised that coating was still a bottleneck in the production flow, as the plant was dated and no longer able to handle the workloads required by an increasingly intensive mass production.”
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2 1
3 1
Figure 3: The robotised loading of radiators.
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ground floor, while the spray and
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immersion pre-treatment tunnel, the anaphoresis system and powder coating line are located on the first floor (Figs. 6 and 7). The radiators’ pre-treatment stages are as follows: spray pre-cleaning and pre-degreasing, immersion degreasing, two immersion cleaning stages with demineralised water, acid deoxidation, two further immersion cleaning stages with demineralised water, conversion at 25-30 °C, and two final immersion cleaning stages with demineralised water. The first floor (Fig. 8) houses also the anaphoresis coating plant, without dialysis cells like the previous one (Figs. 9 and 11), cleaning tanks with
4 1
ultrafiltrate recovery to replenish the baths, a curing oven at 180 °C
Figure 4: Each cart is identified with a code for batch recognition.
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5 1
Figure 5: The overhead conveyor installed by Futura Convogliatori.
of the main objectives
combined with a post-combustor providing for the abatement of emissions and the pre-heating of fresh air for the oven (Fig. 10), a Gema-branded automatic powder application booth placed inside a clean room, and a powder curing oven a 180 °C.
GLOBAL has organised the coating flow dedicating the old line to batches that are smaller or peculiar in terms of colours and part shapes, whereas the new plant handles larger batches to be coated with the two most requested white shades. This will enable it to process twice as many materials as today, which was one of the main objectives of this investment.”
of this investment. The other goals of GLOBAL were improving production quality and reducing consumption. As for the former, Imel worked with Gema to integrate its Optispray
The current state of the coating process
or peculiar in terms of colours
technology into the system, because
“The plant has been in operation for a
and part shapes, whereas the
it is particularly suitable for ensuring
few weeks and we are still in the
new plant handles larger batches
consistent and repeatable quality
start-up and test phase,” states
to be coated with the two most
results (Fig. 12). We also seem to have
Alessandro Fardelli. “Currently, we have
requested white shades. This will
achieved the powder saving goal, but
organised our coating flow dedicating
enable us to process twice as many
we will have to wait a few months for
the old line to batches that are smaller
materials as today, which was one
reliable data (Fig. 13).”
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
dense application
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• management of coating programs, directly handled through data acquisition starting from the automatic loading, and management of information to be transmitted to the fully automatic unloading and packing system; • real-time control of all process parameters, with the activation of alarm systems if these do not meet the pre-set ranges;
6 1
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Figure 6: The pre-treatment tunnel located on the first floor.
4.0-oriented coating “The main innovation of the plant installed at the GLOBAL premises,” states Imel Service Manager Alessandro Cosivi, “is its ImelSW4, software program, developed to
The main innovation of the plant installed at the GLOBAL premises is its ImelSW4 software program, developed to communicate with the 4.0 platform and able to acquire and process a large amount of data, combined with a series of devices and sensors.” © ipcm ®
communicate with the 4.0 platform, i4paintshop, and able to acquire and process a large amount of data, combined with a series of devices and sensors.” Through the identification code assigned to each batch, the ImelSW4 program can collect information about as follows: • plant productivity and efficiency to better plan production and optimise work shifts; • coating quality control thanks to the traceability of batch processing parameters; • discarded part management; • monitoring of consumption (electricity, gas, and water) and its related costs; • monitoring of consumption linked to the coating process and its related costs;
7 1
Figure 7: Workpieces entering the multi-stage pre-treatment tunnel. Figure 8: A detail of the radiators’ handling operations between the ground and first floor of the building.
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GLOBAL chose Imel’s 4.0-oriented solution because it is a digital platform completely integrated in the software package of the company management system and it allows to have a single provider for both the management of the process and the analysis of statistical data.”
9 1
Figure 9: The anaphoresis tank without dialysis cells.
• maintenance of the main process parameters with the automatic replenishment of bath
10 1
consumables; • development of preliminary maintenance plans, by identifying
Figure 10: The post-combustor providing for the abatement of emissions and the pre-heating of fresh air for the oven. © GLOBAL
time intervals based on the actual hours of operation and with the use of dedicated tools that warn of the need to perform routine maintenance operations; • access to maintenance manuals and operating procedures through QR Code reading performed with a tablet or smartphone. “This huge amount of data gives total control on the coating process in terms of performance and consumption (Fig. 14). One of the most important aspects is the optimisation of the coating quality control phase with the i4quality module, which closely monitors the discarded parts
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11 1
Figure 11: The anaphoresis’ area with the control unit.
while taking into account the production costs associated with them. Touch screen panels placed along the line detect the presence of workpieces that have not passed the checks and thus must be discarded. For each batch, the system identifies the radiators that have completed the production process by passing the checks and those that must be taken away from the line,” explains Corsivi. “Moreover, the i4efficiency module monitors the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and shows it in the tables on availability, quality, and performance, also including the causes of any plant stops, the type and amount of discarded parts, and any details on the plant yield.”
Thanks to the abundant flow of data, GLOBAL’s team is now able not only to monitor every production phase in real time, but also to plan component maintenance and the costs related to each step, as well as accessing the data archive and all user manuals with the documentation management module i4smartdoc. And they can do all of this with a simple smartphone or tablet.”
The advantages of GLOBAL’s future-oriented approach GLOBAL chose Imel’s 4.0-oriented solution because it is a digital platform completely integrated in the software package of the company management system and it allows to have a single provider for both the management of the process and the analysis of statistical data. “When I entered the company at the beginning of 2017,” says Fardelli, “I encountered a difficulty: coming from a different sector, I needed to gather as much information as possible regarding the production flow and the painting process. However, these data were missing at that time. With the software program by Imel, we have solved this issue.
OptiFlex® A2 Set new standards with your powder coating equipment!
The versatile, comfortable modular solution Superior technologies make your powder coating line smarter! High transfer efficiency, reproducible coating results and the control of all gun parameters at a glance! The OptiFlex automatic system leaves nothing to chance and guarantees high-quality powder coating at any time! Gema Europe Srl | Via Goldoni, 29 Via Carlo Goldoni 29 | 20090 Trezzano Sul Naviglio (MI) | ITALY | T. +39 02 48 400 486 | F. +39 02 48 400 874
© ipcm ®
© ipcm ®
The integration of the i4paintshop platform with the robotic loading-unloading and packaging systems have turned GLOBAL into a smart factory fully in line with the Industry 4.0 philosophy.”
12 1
13 1
Thanks to the abundant flow of data, showed with an interface easy to read, we are now able not only to monitor every production
Figure 13: Gema’s Opticenter powder management unit. © GLOBAL
Figure 12: Dense phase powder application.
phase in real time, but also to plan component maintenance and the costs related to each step, as well as accessing the data archive and all user manuals with the documentation management module i4smartdoc. And we can do all of this with a simple smartphone or tablet.” The return on the investment made by GLOBAL is still under evaluation: “We will have a precise idea of the results and advantages obtained only at the end of this year,” says Fardelli. “At the moment, we are very pleased, in particular, with the plant’s modular structure and ease of use. Moreover, the integration of the i4paintshop platform with the robotic loading-unloading and packaging systems have turned GLOBAL into a smart factory fully in line with the Industry 4.0 philosophy.”
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
14 1
Figure 14: Luca Maddalena, i4paintshop product manager, on the left, with Alessandro Fardelli discussing the flow of data coming from the coating system.
istoric manufacturer of
© Benelli
Benelli Launches BE.S.T., an Anti-Corrosion Surface Treatment for Firearms firearms Benelli has developed a special coating to protect
the barrel of firearms from corrosion, abrasion, wear and external agents. The process – called BE S.T. (acronym of Benelli Surface Treatment) – employs a recently improved and still under development innovative hybrid technology to create a coating which characteristics are similar to the ones of a diamond: high hardness, aesthetic preciousness and corrosion resistance. It also doesn’t require protective oil for maintenance purposes. “In the frame of a society that is increasingly attentive and sensitive to ecological values, we find BE S.T. which, unlike other treatments, is a wholly ecological technology, as it does not produce waste nor harmful emissions for the environment. It is also one of the processes with the lowest
Figure 1: Benelli has developed a special coating to protect the barrel of firearms from corrosion, abrasion, wear and external agents.
environmental impact, chosen at
The treatment process
outer layer with properties similar to the
European level for the replacement of
A part of the plant uses state-of-the-art
ones of diamonds, as it contains chains of
traditional coatings: in fact, emissions
solid-state ion sources, which allow the
hydrocarbons in which the carbon forms
and waste are basically zeroed”, reads
deposition of compact layers free of
sp3 bonds, typical of the diamond.
on Benelli’s website.
defects (potential corrosion triggers) typical
The coating process is 4.0 oriented.
The complex deposition process is
of other technologies in use. Another part
carried out at the Urbino facility with
of the plant employs a radiofrequency
a plant entirely built in Italy, according
plasma source, which is able to separate
Durability and an ultra-black finish
to Benelli’s specifications. The plant
the gaseous precursors introduced into the
The deposited layer is made of a carbon
employs high vacuum technology and
chamber, in order to create the conditions
and hydrogen lattice, has an amorphous
uses the catalytic properties of plasma,
for their deposition.
microstructure, is chemically inert and
which allow the occurrence of chemical
The BE S.T. process by Benelli employs
very hard. In contrast, the steel substrate
reactions otherwise impossible at the
a liquid precursor, covered by industrial
has a crystalline microstructure, is
low temperatures needed to preserve
secrecy, which is vaporized before entering
chemically reactive and relatively soft.
the mechanical characteristics of the
the chamber. The liquid precursor, also
Therefore, the coating applied directly
called diamantoid, is the key to create an
on the steel has a low adhesion, due
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
to the lack of chemical-physical affinity
which makes it bright, elegant, pleasing
still as new. The evaluation of the
with the substrate: for this reason,
to the eye and to the touch â&#x20AC;&#x201C; much
hunters involved was excellent, both
an intermediate layer with properties
like a precious diamond jewel. Its
from an aesthetic and functional
that gradually change from metallic to
colour, measurable by means of a
point of view. Ultimately, the whole
intermetallic is needed. These properties
spectrophotometer, is a deep black,
process is the result of a know-how
are similar to the ones of diamonds: high
so bottomless and intense that,
acquired while overcoming the several
hardness, toughness and heat, wear and
compared to it, a burnished barrel
challenges that the implementation
corrosion resistance.Â
looks greyâ&#x20AC;?, writes the company.
of this cutting-edge technology at
â&#x20AC;&#x153;In addition to the deposition phase,
an industrial level entail. This is what
post-treatment phases. The production
Tested in extreme environments
process is very complex: it required years
The validation of the process was
of research and development. Its difficulty
performed through a series of
For further information:
is what stopped many from pursuing
field tests in the most extreme
this pathâ&#x20AC;?, states Benelli. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Benelli is the
environments worldwide, where
first company in the world to succeed in
salinity and humidity loads generate a
applying it to gunsâ&#x20AC;?.
highly corrosive action - environments
â&#x20AC;&#x153;After the deposition treatment, a series
commonly found during hunting.
of operations is necessary to give the
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tests lasted 3 years, with incredible
coating its final aesthetic appearance,
results: at the end the barrels were
the process also includes the pre- and
makes it unique and difficult to imitateâ&#x20AC;?, writes the company.
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
Europolveri Introduces the New 1R Arizona Series
polveri © Euro
uropolveri recently introduced the new 1R Arizona Series and it is now available the new
catalogue that shows all the colours of this new collection. The new Series is made of 44 products, all Ral references, with a fine texture finishing and different gloss level, developed to assure both a high level of quality and great aesthetic value. From an aesthetic point of view, the wrinkled finishing allows to hide possible defects of the substrate, but it also satisfies the need of an attractive look in line with the design requests.
All the colours available are part of the Pural Series and are formulated
Figure 1: 1R Arizona Series is made of 44 RAL product with a texture finishing and different gloss level, formulated in accordance to Qualicoat Class 1 requirements.
in accordance to Qualicoat Class 1
© Europolveri
requirements. Due to the intrinsic characteristics, versatility and excellent applicability, all the products of 1R Arizona Series turn out to be ideal for the application in sectors that require high demand for protection and decorative effect, such as façade and windows elements, urban and outdoor furnishings. For further information:
Figure 2: All the products of 1R Arizona Series turn out to be ideal for the application in façade and windows elements, urban and outdoor furnishing sectors.
2 1
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© iStockphoto – franckreporter
Opening photo: Ready for skylines around the globe: TIGER Drylac® Series 68 Flat Matte ensures many years of gloss.
Elegance Meets Design: Demand for Flat Matte Finishes on the Rise Nora Pollmann TIGER Coatings GmbH & Co. KG – Wels, Austria
What is the trend in the finishing industry?
applications. Still, what is enjoyable to the eye
The first-generation products presented
presents great challenges to coaters. Flat matte
significant drawbacks during application.
Flat, satin and low gloss powder coatings are
powder coatings are nothing new, but only
Their gloss was heavily dependent on heating
extremely popular finishes in architecture as
recently they have become highly reproducible,
rate and curing temperature, with only a
well as in the automotive, sports equipment,
effective in application and can deliver
small curing window. This causes a particular
interior design and many others industrial
outstanding performance to the end-user.
problem for flat matte coatings, as even the
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Flat, satin and low gloss powder coatings are extremely popular finishes in architecture as well as in the automotive, sports equipment, interior design and many others industrial applications. Still, what is enjoyable to the eye presents great challenges to coaters. Flat matte powder coatings are nothing new, but only recently they have become highly reproducible, effective in application and can deliver outstanding performance to the end-user.” minutest change can be perceived by the eye. In the last few years, research & development enabled a step change in performance for matte powder coatings for industrial applications, delivering several important user advantages. Among them, a higher curing stability and a lower curing temperature. With TIGER Drylac® Series 68 Flat Matte, TIGER Coatings succeeded in developing a new generation of highly weather-resistant powder coatings (Fig. 1). Depending on color, the innovative coating solution covers a gloss range from 12 to 4 units. Combined with second-generation metallic bonding, we are able to closely approximate C0-C35 anodizing effects (Fig. 2). The result: a finish with velvety haptics that adds value to the object (Fig. 3). Figure 4 highlights the gloss stability of the new generation across a
Upgrade to gain competitive edge
units occurred frequently whereas the new generation shows a variance
The Nordson spray systems utilize HDLV® (High Density Low Velocity) pumps to delivers unmatched performance through independent control of the powder and air volumes for soft,
of only 3 gloss units.
highly repeatable powder application
curing range from 170 to 200 °C. In the past a difference of 10 gloss
© TIGER Coatings GmbH & Co. KG
n Significant powder savings due to higher efficiency and tight process control n No pump maintenance up to 4,000 hours n Intuitive advanced controls for operator convenience n Fast, reliable and automated colour change For a new fast colour change system or easy integration with your existing cyclone booth, get in contact with Nordson for more information. |
Figure 1: TIGER Drylac® Series 68 Flat Matte is a new generation of highly weather-resistant powder coatings.
Performance by design
© TIGER Coatings GmbH & Co. KG
© TIGER Coatings GmbH & Co. KG
2 1
3 1
TIGER Drylac® Series 68 Flat Matte powder coatings were developed to be highly weather-resistant and ensure that they retain their attractive appearance for many years. The
Figure 3: TIGER Drylac® Series 68 Flat Matte adds value to the object through the finish with velvety haptics.
© TIGER Coatings GmbH & Co. KG
Figure 2: Combined with second-generation metallic bonding, TIGER Drylac® Series 68 Flat Matte is able to closely approximate C0-C35 anodizing effects.
and facade coating (ref. Opening photo). Different curing temperatures and heating rates have only a minor effect on the gloss of the innovative coating
products are approved based on
solution. In other words, different heat
QUALICOAT Class II (P-1547) and
levels in the zones of the oven,
hold up to over 1,000 hours of
the different geometries and
Xenon testing. Therefore, the new
wall-thicknesses have little to no impact
series can be used to meet the strict
on the quality of the finish.
requirements of metal architecture
Figure 5 shows that with the same
4 1
curing time and temperature, even different wall-thicknesses have only a
Figure 4: Comparison of generations: Gloss values of conventional and new flat-matte powder coatings between 170 °C and 200 °C.
© TIGER Coatings GmbH & Co. KG
Easy to process, batch-to-batch consistency, stable application, reproducible finish: these are the main advantages delivered by the new TIGER Drylac® flat-matte powder coatings. In addition, TIGER Drylac® Series 68 Flat Matte does not require special labeling nor any additional workplace safety measures during application.”
minor effect on the gloss development.
User-friendly, stable and highly weather-resistant Easy to process, batch-to-batch consistency, stable application, reproducible finish: these are the main advantages delivered by the new TIGER Drylac® flat-matte powder coatings. In addition, TIGER Drylac® Series 68 Flat Matte does not require special labeling nor any additional workplace safety measures during application. The
5 1
Figure 5: Even with steel plates of different wall-thickness, the flat-matte powder coatings from TIGER show a gloss-level that is consistent (oven temperature 200 °C).
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
product is available from stock immediately in 24 exclusive shades, led by the most popular anodizing effects.
Powder coating lines since 1976.
EUROIMPIANTI SRL Via Cavour 44 - 37067 Valeggio sul Mincio (VR) Italy - Tel. +39 045 7950777 -
EUROIMPIANTI DO BRASIL LTDA SC 445, 16815 - 88-828 000 Pedreira Balneário Rincão (SC) Brasil
EUROIMPIANTI SL Baix Llobregat 18B Nave G 08759 Vallirana (BCN) España
EUROIMPIANTI USA LLC 1817 NW 79th Ave Miami, FL 33126 (US)
© Euroimpianti
Opening photo: A bird’s eye view of the coating line installed by Euroimpianti in 2016.
In Mexico, a Coating Line Was Updated To Optimise Control on the Quality of Aluminium Door and Windows Frames Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Euroimpianti
ombining process automation with artisan
white to natural anodised, from bronze to grey, from black to olive green, up to all wood-effect
quality is among the
most difficult tasks to pursue
shades and the most particular
in a factory. On the one
RAL colours upon request.
hand, artisan production is and care for the aesthetic and
Manual pre-treatment issues
functional details of products,
In 2010, Euroimpianti had
but, on the other hand, it is often
installed a standard Komby
seen as a limit to the increase of
system with an overhead
production capacity. In Mexico,
conveyor with 5 bars to
a company manufacturing
transfer components
aluminium doors, windows and
through a manual cleaning
synonymous with attention
shutters for sixty-five years is
booth, a powder coating
an example of how it is possible to maintain a high quality level
booth featuring a suction wall, and a static drying and
Figure 1: A detail of the new coating line.
without sacrificing artisan value
curing oven. Six years later,
and with production volumes
the Mexican company’s
suited to requests. Thanks to its
management decided to
In Mexico, a company manufacturing aluminium doors, windows and shutters for sixty-five years is an example of how it is possible to maintain a high quality level without sacrificing artisan value and with production volumes suited to requests. Thanks to its collaboration with Euroimpianti, an Italian company specialising in the design, construction, and installation of coating systems, this Mexican manufacturer updated its coating line in 2016.”
collaboration with Euroimpianti, an Italian company specialising in the design, construction, and installation of coating systems, this Mexican manufacturer updated its coating line in 2016. Now, it is able to continue to meet its customers’ needs with products of excellent quality and considerable durability,
update and extend this coating line in order to streamline its process management, especially as regards pre-treatment, and update its application technologies. “Their requests were precise,” says Euroimpianti USA Executive Manager Luisa Accordini, while
and prestigious residential
describing the revamping
complexes (ref. Opening photo and Fig. 1).
© Euroimpianti
mainly intended for hotels
intervention. “They asked our staff to improve the management of their
Development of customised innovative systems
pre-treatment process, which occurred in the manual cleaning booth,
“Customer satisfaction is our
with two main objectives:
best form of advertising” is the
Limiting operator exposure
slogan of this Mexican company,
to chemical cleaning
which develops both indoor
agents and minimising
and outdoor innovative systems
the risk of error in the
that can be customised with
use of chemicals, an issue
unique colours, configurations,
due this operation being
and designs in order to adapt to any type of architectural project. The company offers a wide range of colours, ranging from
manual. That is why this
2 1
updating project involved
Figure 2: The new layout includes a spray pre-treatment tunnel beside the curing oven.
a considerable part of the existing coating line.”
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
© Euroimpianti
Figure 3: A detail of the workpiece handling system with a mobile bridge crane.
profiles with a maximum length of 7 m using bars with a maximum width of 1.5 m. “The real challenge,” says Accordini, “was meeting the need to limit automation to certain stations, such as for example the manual booth featuring an automatic cleaning operation in order to control and manage the pre-treatment process according to the firm’s needs, but without revolutionising the already
3 1
The 4-stage cycle takes place in two stations: In order to avoid chemical contamination between them, the hydraulic circuits are separate and they are activated sequentially through a mechanical interphase drainage system; - a new drying and curing oven a 120 °C, with a storage buffer and entry and exit sliding doors to avoid unnecessary heat loss and increase process flexibility; - a manual powder coating booth (Fig. 6);
4 1
Figure 4: The new spray pre-treatment tunnel.
© Euroimpianti
In 2010, Euroimpianti had installed a standard Komby system with an overhead conveyor with 5 bars to transfer components through a manual cleaning booth, a powder coating booth featuring a suction wall, and a static drying and curing oven. Six years later, the Mexican company’s management decided to update and extend this coating line in order to streamline its process management, especially as regards pre-treatment, and update its application technologies.”
© Euroimpianti
established coating process.”
The project, therefore, included the installation of a new overhead conveyor
The paintshop revamping
with a mobile bridge crane for moving the workpieces along the department
The new paintshop covers a more
(Fig. 3) and a new coating line
than doubled surface compared with
composed as follows:
the previous one: It is equipped with a
- a 4-stage automatic spray
horizontal coating line devoted to aluminium
pre-treatment tunnel (degreasing,
profiles and specifically developed for
cleaning, rinsing, and conversion)
metal parts with large dimensions and
replacing the manual cleaning booth
limited thicknesses (Fig. 2). The plant layout
(Fig. 4 and 5).
was optimised to make it as functional as possible for the company, which treats
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The Mexican company’s asked Euroimpianti to improve the management of its pre-treatment process, which occurred in the manual cleaning booth, with two main objectives: limiting operator exposure to chemical cleaning agents and minimising the risk of error in the use of chemicals, an issue due this operation being manual. That is why this updating project involved a considerable part of the existing coating line.”
Figure 5: A detail of the cleaning tank.
5 1
- a curing oven at 200 °C with a ventilated hot air system, an
© Euroimpianti
The client’s goals were focussed on another crucial aspect: installing a manual system with an automatic static cleaning operation to be able to check and modify pre-treatment times and chemicals simply by pressing a button on the panel’s touch screen and this is exactly the function that Euroimpianti implemented on the new line.” Conclusions “Adapting the design of our
indirect combustion chamber, an
coating systems to the particular
internal storage buffer, and entry
needs of each customer is
and exit sliding doors;
our main mission,” says Luisa
- cooling and unloading areas.
Accordini. “In the case of the Mexican company, the
The line was also equipped with
management requested a
a new touch screen control panel
substantial updating of the
to monitor the whole treatment
line that did not alter the
process, as specifically requested
artisanal characteristics of
by the company (Fig. 7 and 8).
their internationally recognised
“With this new plant,” states
products. Three years after the
Accordini, “the company has not
installation of the new system,
found any considerable increase
we can state we have met every
in production volume. In order to achieve it, in fact, it should have invested in an automatic line, with a one-rail conveyor and a vertical coating system. However,
request of this customer, giving
6 1
it greater control over all process
Figure 6: The outside of the manual coating booth beside the drying oven.
the client’s goals were focussed
phases and therefore over the quality of their products, which was its main concern. This manufacturer can continue
to offer its door and window frames on the
on the panel’s touch screen – and this
market with the aesthetic and functional
static) cleaning operation to be able to
is exactly the function that Euroimpianti
characteristics that have always made them
check and modify pre-treatment times
implemented on the new line.”
high-end products.”
7 1
Figure 7: The touch screen panel provided by Euroimpianti for the management of the various pre-treatment stages.
© Euroimpianti
and chemicals simply by pressing a button
manual system with an automatic (but
© Euroimpianti
on another crucial aspect: Installing a
8 1
Figure 8: A detail of the touch screen panel enabling to manage each phase of the coating process.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
© ipcm®
Opening photo: The UV curing phase in the oven installed by UV Ray in Arsonsisi’s laboratory in Berlingo (Brescia).
A Flexible and Modular UV Tunnel Functional to the Development of Formulations in the Laboratory of Paint Manufacturer Arsonsisi From an interview with Stefano Lazzerini Arsonsisi Spa, Lainate (Milan) - Italy
he characteristics of a research
manufacturing company that works on
In order to delve into the needs of an R&D
lab are not different from those of
shifts, an R&D laboratory cannot predict
department developing coating formulation
a manufacturing plant: maximum
when and for how long the tools needed
projects, the ipcm® editorial team visited
equipment flexibility and versatility are
to develop specific products will have to be
the international liquid and powder paint
required also here. However, unlike a
turned on and to remain operational.
manufacturer Arsonsisi Spa’s plant of
N. 55 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm®
The UV curing device supplied by UV Ray was the latest innovation of the laboratory. The Maxwell series oven has a solid structure made of extruded aluminium and it is equipped with a dichroic UV reflector with a 350 mm light arc and a belt conveyor.” synergy with customers and handle several programs for new formulations with different research institutes.” In addition to the laboratory for the development of
UV coatings, this Arsonsisi plant houses
Figure 1: From right to left, Arsonsisi Marketing Assistant Serena Maretti, Arsonsisi UV Coating Laboratory Manager Francesco Italiano, Arsonsisi Business Manager and UV Product Manager Stefano Lazzerini, and Monica Fumagalli from ipcm®.
a testing laboratory for raw materials and finished products and a research laboratory for non-UV thermal products.
Berlingo (Brescia, Italy), covering 9,000
this is a constantly evolving sector,”
m2 and recently expanded. Here, we
says Lazzerini, “only by keeping up with
The UV technology laboratory equipment
interviewed Business Manager and UV
the changing needs of the market is it
The laboratory for the development of UV
Product Manager Stefano Lazzerini, an
possible to remain competitive. The UV
coatings is equipped with a dry spray paint
expert in UV technologies (Fig. 1).
coating field is a clear example. Within
booth, a bench COWLES disperser for the
its Berlingo production plant, Arsonsisi
preparation of pigmented products up to
Arsonsisi’s R&D department
such as a grindometer and a suction hood
department plays a key role for this
cooperating with installers, raw material
for tests with potentially harmful volatile
coating manufacturer, because it is
suppliers, and analysis laboratories to
products (Figs. 2 and 3), and a UV tunnel
the core of its whole activity. “Since
manage specific, tailor-made projects in
provided by UV Ray (Cornaredo, Milan,
2 1
Figure 2: Paint mixing and dosing bench.
© ipcm®
40 kg, standard laboratory instrumentation
the development of UV technologies,
© ipcm®
has created a Competence Centre for
The research and development
3 1
Figure 3: Francesco Italiano shows the operation of the COWLES disperser.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
© ipcm®
4 1
Figure 4: The UV tunnel provided by UV Ray (Cornaredo, Milan).
Fig. 4). The UV curing device supplied
parameters without limiting to any specific
by UV Ray was the latest innovation of
type of workpiece or process. “The UV Ray
the laboratory. The Maxwell series oven
tunnel has perfectly met these needs,” says
has a solid structure made of extruded
Lazzerini, “because it is a very versatile and
The Arsonsisi laboratory needed to find a tool enabling its operators to set variable parameters without limiting to any specific type of workpiece or process. The UV Ray tunnel has perfectly met these needs because it is a very versatile and efficient system. First of all, it allows adjusting the advancement speed of the parts positioned on the conveyor belt from 0 to 10 m per minute. Secondly, it enables to vary the height of the UV lamp, thus increasing or decreasing its distance from the sample and making it possible to cure even three-dimensional objects with complex shapes.”
aluminium and it is equipped with a © ipcm®
dichroic UV reflector with a 350 mm light arc and a belt conveyor (ref. Opening photo). “We introduced this new device to streamline the activity of our lab. That is why we explicitly required UV Ray to equip the oven with a plastic case to prevent our operators from using UV protections, which would otherwise be mandatory because the rays can harm eyesight: this facilitates work. Moreover, previously there was only one UV tunnel used by both the testing and UV coating labs, with easily understandable overlapping issues. Thanks to the UV Ray oven, we have now separated our two activities and solved the problem.”
The advantages of the UV tunnel This Arsonsisi laboratory needed to find a tool enabling its operators to set variable
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
5 1
Figure 5: Thanks to the possibility of adjusting the lamp height, the tunnel also allows curing three-dimensional components with complex shapes.
© ipcm®
6 1
Figure 6: UV tunnel parameter management system.
efficient system. First of all, it allows adjusting the advancement speed of the parts positioned on the conveyor belt from 0 to 10 m per minute. Secondly, it enables to vary the height of the UV lamp, thus increasing or decreasing its distance from the sample and making it possible to cure even three-dimensional objects with complex shapes (Fig. 5). Finally, it allows adjusting the mercury lamp power from a few W/cm2 to a specific maximum power of 180 W/cm2 (Fig. 6).” A further benefit is the energy saving guaranteed by the UV Ray system. Turning on and off a UV lamp reduces the tool’s service life by 3 hours, thus resulting in rapid wear. Since a research laboratory is not a production plant where the lamp remains lit according to work shifts, but it is characterised by discontinuous activities, the UV Ray tunnel has been designed in order to enter stand-by mode to allow the lamp to save energy. The operators can thus concentrate the product preparation activities in a precise period and then, when they are ready for testing, they turn on the lamp, thus avoiding quickly degrading it. “The flexibility of this device is fundamental for us,” states Lazzerini, “as the UV sector is expanding and every day we are faced with very different requests in terms of type and size of parts (Fig. 7). An instrument with such flexible characteristics enables us to meet even the most particular needs.”
Projects in progress for the development of UV coatings The current projects of the laboratory are focussed on pre and post-UV coatings for sputtering processes on plastics and metals, 100% dry UV coatings, water-based UV coatings, LED lamp hardening coatings, and UV coatings for the automotive sector. The requests from the surface treatment industry are varied and constantly changing: that is why the Arsonsisi lab has
© ipcm®
the surface; 2. A mixed system composed of a UV base-coat + a sputtering layer + a post-sputtering thermal coating, generally aliphatic polyurethane enamel; 3. A system composed of a pre-sputtering UV paint + a sputtering finishing layer; the longer dwell time of the workpiece in the sputtering chamber ensures higher thicknesses, so that repainting is no longer necessary.
The future of the UV market Arsonsisi’s R&D department has already completed and presented to the market numerous projects. Other studies have been completed, but they are not
7 1
easily accepted by the sector, such as
Figure 7: Products with different sizes and shapes for which Arsonsisi’s R&D department has developed successful projects.
those relating to powder coatings for MDF. “The main difficulties, especially for coating contractors,” says Lazzerini, “concern the high investment required
decided to equip itself with instruments
the elimination of CrVI, with a negative
to install a UV curing system also
able to meet even future needs.
effect on the development of alternative
optimised for cross-linking coatings on
“As for the development of UV coatings
solutions to polluting galvanic systems1.
complex three-dimensional parts and
that harden with LED lamps, our UV Ray
“If lawmakers do not establish a deadline
for handling large batches. However,
system is ready for the possible addition
for the ban on chromium VI, the market,
the very big orders are now handled
of LED lamps or the replacement of
especially in the automotive industry,
in China, whereas European coaters
the mercury-based one currently in
will continue to use traditional systems.
tend to characterise their production
use. We intend to devote ourselves
The galvanic process will continue to be
by applying special coatings on small
to the development of this type of
counterposed to the physical vapour
batches. Therefore, making such a large
paint in the future, but we looked for
deposition (PVD) technology, which is
investment can be an issue for them.
a tool that allows replacing the lamps
the most ecological alternative on the
“On the other hand, the systems that
without forcing us to purchase a specific
market and, in addition to giving the
include PVD sputtering coatings are now
instrument with LED lamps. The structure
same results, allows treating different
fine-tuned and they work very well, so
of the UV tunnel also ensures a very fast
much so that they are now starting to
lamp replacement operation.”
In this framework, Arsonsisi has
be requested by our most far-sighted
developed three systems for PVD
customers (even those using conventional
sputtering coatings:
galvanic processes) that want to avoid
1. A base system with a UV paint + a
being in trouble when lawmakers will
State-of-the-art PVD/ sputtering coatings The continuous development of coating
sputtering layer + a post-sputtering
definitively ban the use of CrVI. Of course,
formulations suited to ever-changing
UV paint, possibly a dual cure product,
our research activity cannot stop at the
market needs sometimes clashes with
in order to harden the coating even
results obtained. Having found reliable
the slowness of institutions to impose
where UV beams do not directly hit
partners for the supply of the right equipment is a further guarantee that
limitations or substitutions of outdated systems in terms of sustainability and usability. An example are the continuous extensions to European regulations on
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1 ipcm® published the official statement of the Alliance of PVD Providers about this topic on its November/ December 2018 magazine: A sustainable alternative to CrVI: Manifest of the Alliance of PVD Providers, ipcm® no. 54, pages 36-37.
our projects can be developed flexibly and quickly and with the proper safety measures for our operators.”
Opening photo: The lab dosing machine is unique in the paint industry and ensures consistent quality and reproducibility of standard formulations.
BASF’s Lean Lab Sets New Standards: Fit for the Future Susanne Focken BASF Coatings GmbH, Münster - Germany
veryone is talking about
Germany (Fig. 2), and is to be introduced
areas of responsibility allow BASF to respond
digitalization and automation. We
at additional sites in Europe: in Würzburg,
to future market requirements quickly and
have successfully implemented
Germany; Guadalajara, Spain; and Clermont,
flexibly. The laboratory employees in Münster
digitalized and automated processes for
are supported by a lab dosing machine that
automotive OEM coatings in our new Lean
Lean Lab is the modular lab concept that
was specially developed for BASF and is the
Lab,” said Susanne Richert, Lean Lab project
ensures optimized, transparent processes and
only one of its kind in the paint industry (ref.
manager at BASF’s Coatings Division Münster
the efficient use of lab-related resources. The
Opening photo).
site, clearly pleased (Fig. 1). The first Lean Lab
use of standardized and automated processes
Since 2014, BASF has invested €24 million at
was opened in September 2018 in Münster,
and the segmentation of the lab employees’
the Münster site to completely overhaul an
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innovative and customer-specific products
existing laboratory building for Lean Lab, which included adding an extra story. The building now features four levels with spacious offices and functional, state-of-the-art lab workplaces (Fig. 3). All work orders and the corresponding tests are saved and documented digitally, which promotes transparency and reproducibility and serves as the basis for knowledge transfer and the use of synergies across different sites.
Discrete work processes The new division of labor between Lab Material Supply and the process and
Lean Lab is the modular lab concept that ensures optimized, transparent processes and the efficient use of lab-related resources. The use of standardized and automated processes and the segmentation of the lab employees’ areas of responsibility allow BASF to respond to future market requirements quickly and flexibly.”
product labs, which are intrinsically
and respond flexibly to new challenges,” Richert stressed. Lean Lab offers interesting development opportunities for lab employees, permitting them not only to rotate among the individual segments, but also to work at other sites. “In the future, the Lean Lab initiative will enable us to harmonize laboratory activities across the sites, which also makes job rotation among sites in different countries much easier, since the tasks and functions will be the same throughout Europe,” said Kues.
Automatic lab assistant © BASF
interconnected, offers new opportunities for
In Münster, a lab dosing machine supports the
optimizing workflows and
laboratory employees
focusing more heavily
with producing
on the core activities. In
standard formulas
the product lab, which is
or frequently used
divided into a customer
mixing bases. BASF
and a development lab,
collaborated with
the employees address
machine manufacturer
customers’ concerns and
FRICKE Dosing +
develop new products.
Filling Systems from
Their colleagues in the
Minden, Germany, to
process lab produce the
develop the machine.
paint samples, carry out
At 12 meters long and
tests and optimize lab
weighing 8 tons, it can
processes. For many of the employees, the reorganization of the work has been the biggest challenge. “Many colleagues
manufacture standard
formulas from over 300
Figure 1: Susanne Richert, Lean Lab project manager at BASF’s Coatings Division Münster site.
found it difficult at first to
liquid raw materials (Fig. 4). In so doing, it significantly contributes to streamlining work,
dispense with processes, patterns and
incorporated their ideas and supported
assuring quality and reproducibility, and
workflows that they had been used to for
them. Today, we can say that all of the
boosting efficiency (Fig. 5). “It is extremely
decades,” Richert recalled. For this reason, it
new gears are working together more
difficult to use automation processes in
was crucial for the success of the Lean Lab
and more smoothly,” added Dr. Jan-Bernd
the lab, because the processes are highly
for all employees to be on board early on
Kues, who is responsible for the process
complex,” explained Alexander Blaser,
and to include them in the planning phase.
lab. For instance, it came to light that
who is responsible for automation and
“What is working well? Where are things not
dividing up work processes allows individual
digitalization at the new Lean Lab in
working so well? What can we improve?”
employees’ strengths to be leveraged
Münster. “We spent a long time looking
Numerous workshops offered the affected
much better. In addition, the specialization
for a manufacturer who would be able to
colleagues opportunities to help develop
ensures that tasks are executed more
implement our high standards. At the Lean
new ideas for optimizing workflows. “We
efficiently. “The laboratory employees
Lab, people and machines work hand in
took the employees’ concerns seriously,
ultimately have more scope to develop
hand to manufacture samples together.”
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
2 1
3 1
Figure 2: The new Lean Lab building at the Münster site was officially opened in September 2018.
Figure 3: All job orders are digitally stored and documented, which promotes transparency, reproducibility and knowledge transfer.
The raw materials for the machine are
the associated order is generated and guided
organized in the machine storage area one
Transparent and traceable processes
through the process via bar codes.
floor up. Nearly 400 meters of pipelines
“The new lab dosing machine is a core
The machine automatically pulls in the
were installed in a tight space to connect
module of the connected digital laboratory
container, scans the bar code and doses the
the storage area with the dosing machine.
and unique in the paint industry. The
raw materials as specified by the formula.
Manufacturing is carried out directly on site.
guarantee for the concept to succeed,
If needed, the mixture can be stirred during
Each raw material is connected with the
however, is laboratory software that is
weighing. The new lab dosing machine
machine with a dedicated line, pump and
specially developed to meet our needs,”
relieves the lab teams of routine jobs.
dosing valve.
Blaser said. The software ensures that all
For this purpose, a formula is prepared and
The new division of labor between Lab Material Supply and the process and product labs, which are intrinsically interconnected, offers new opportunities for optimizing workflows and focusing more heavily on the core activities.”
Figure 4: Over 300 liquid raw materials are organized in the machine storage area for the dosing machine.
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4 1
Efficient and reliable
The formula is prepared and the associated order is generated and guided through the process via bar codes. The machine automatically pulls in the container, scans the bar code and doses the raw materials as specified by the formula. If needed, the mixture can be stirred during weighing. The new lab dosing machine relieves the lab teams of routine jobs.”
solutions for surface coating since 1988.
processes in the Lean Lab are transparent and traceable. “We’re able to precisely identify in a laboratory sample which raw material has been processed in which batch. With Lean Lab, laboratory work is more efficient and sustainable.” For instance, there is now only one central storage area
electrostatic systems for liquid painting
with managed inventory of all standard raw materials. These include in particular chemicals, as well as semi-finished and finished products. Each new delivery and each consumption and of course the best-before date
electrostatic systems and spraying booths for powder coating
are recorded directly in a bar code-based system. When volumes drop below a defined minimum quantity, raw materials and intermediates are reordered immediately. This ensures that all the materials required
pneumatic systems for high-, medium-, and low-pressure painting
for daily work are available and prevents duplicate orders, enabling all raw materials to be used optimally, which saves material and time and conserves valuable resources. When an employee needs to add a prescribed raw
IR and UV drying systems
material to the manufacturing formula, he or she first scans the bar code on the raw material container. The computer releases the raw material for weighing only
robot and reciprocators
if the employee has scanned the raw material specified in the formula. The precise quantity of a raw material to be added is displayed on the monitor. “As the developer, I can obviously also include new components in a formula,” Blaser added. “So working digitally enables us to manufacture samples in line with requirements while also retaining the development freedom that we need in the laboratory. Our lab technicians are therefore able to carry out their usual tasks in a digital context.” lab are digitally stored and documented, which guarantees reproducibility and knowledge transfer.
All job orders and the associated experiments within the
CM SPRAY s.r.l.
5 1
Figure 5: The lab dosing machine ensures high dosing accuracy and reproducibility of weighings.
in Europe. Lean Lab is our new
All of the laboratory employees have attended training courses for using the new software. “Even colleagues who have had little exposure to the digital world are able to work with the software very easily,” Blaser said. “Using the software is very intuitive. With Lean Lab, we have taken a significant first step on our journey to digitalization. It’s an ongoing learning process.”
New standard in the paint industry Lean Lab in Münster is BASF’s pilot project. “Since late 2017, we’ve been gathering experience that we can use for the roll-out at the other sites
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There is now only one central storage area with managed inventory of all standard raw materials. These include in particular chemicals, as well as semi-finished and finished products. Each new delivery and each consumption and of course the best-before date are recorded directly in a bar code-based system.”
European standard and will open up many possibilities for us to intensify development work and respond flexibly and agilely to new challenges,” said Dr. Wolfgang Reckordt, head of Product Development Europe at BASF’s Coatings division’s Automotive OEM Coatings business unit. “Lean Lab makes us fit for the future and enables us to position ourselves as a future-oriented and innovative company and reliable partner for automotive manufacturers. We are using our long-term solutions to reinforce our customers’ innovative strength.”
Š Saveral
Opening photo: The core business of Saveral, a company based in Almenno San Bartolomeo (Bergamo, Italy) and established in 1954, is the powder coating of components for various industrial sectors, including automotive.
Saveral: The Innovation-Oriented, Pioneering Company in the Italian Powder Coating Sector Barbara Pennati ipcmÂŽ
he development of markets and the
result of a synergy of choices, strategies,
Saveral, a company based in Almenno
emergence of new demands call
and collaborations, which guarantee the
San Bartolomeo (Bergamo, Italy) and
for innovation. However, innovation
continuation of the innovative process
established in 1954, has adopted precisely
does not stop with individual technologies
and the advent of ever more numerous
this philosophy, thus becoming one the
or successes and, very often, it does not only
expressions of human ingenuity.
first companies in Italy to perform powder
involve an individual party. Indeed, it is the
The coating sector is no exception.
coating operations. Founded by Abele
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© Saveral
© Saveral
2 1
Figures 1 and 2: Saveral in its early years and today.
and levers for motorcycle brakes (ref.
Preda as a galvanic processing firm, Saveral devoted itself to liquid coating in 1960 and then abandoned it in 1970 with the installation of one of the first powder coating plants. The company now covers a 10.000 m
area, it has about forty employees, and it has several high-profile customers in the automotive, mechanical carpentry, architecture and furniture and electromechanical/electric and electronic components industries (Figs. 1 and 2). The significant growth recorded in these sixty-five years would not have occurred without the orientation to innovation that distinguishes the company and without the collaboration of technological partners able to share this approach, as CEO Luigi Preda explains
Innovation is the result of a synergy of choices, strategies, and collaborations, which guarantee the continuation of the innovative process and the advent of ever more numerous expressions of human ingenuity. The coating sector is no exception. Saveral, a company based in Almenno San Bartolomeo (Bergamo, Italy) and established in 1954, has adopted precisely this philosophy, thus becoming one the first companies in Italy to perform powder coating operations.”
Opening photo). The other half consists of carpentry components for different uses, such as parts for horizontal packaging machines, for pellet stoves, and for high-end furnishings for hotels and cruise ships. The dimensions and material of the workpieces are also varied. Therefore, over the years, it has become increasingly important to equip ourselves with pre-treatment and coating lines that guarantee greater production flexibility,” explains plant manager Vincenzo Montesanti. “That is why we turned to M.I. Due, which took care of the design and installation of all the coating plants now present in our factory.” Saveral has four pre-treatment plants: - a fluotitanation system with a nanotechnology process; - a phospho-chromating system;
(Fig. 3): “Saveral has always been an
- a phospho-degreasing system;
innovative firm: we were among the first
- a degassing system.
to introduce powder coating in Italy.
A system for every need
However, in order to be innovative and
Powder coating has been the core business
continue to meet our customers’ needs,
of Saveral for over forty years. In 2014,
brake pads, equipped with a continuous
we need equally innovative partners
the company began a modernisation
flow belt linked to the powder application,
to support us in the development and
process to achieve maximum quality,
curing, and cooling stations;
implementation phases.” One of these
flexibility and production efficiency.
partners is M.I. Due (Besana in Brianza,
“Half of Saveral’s production is intended
size of H 1800 x W 4000 x D 1000 mm,
Monza e Brianza, Italy), specialising in
for the automotive market, for which we
featuring a Wagner quick colour change
the design and construction of industrial
paint different components such as,
Supercube booth with reciprocators and
surface treatment plants, which installed
for example, brake callipers and pads,
two manual stations (Figs. 4 and 5). The
Saveral’s four coating plants.
wheels, engines for motorcycles, cylinders,
colour change operation takes place in
There are four coating lines: - a industry 4.0 oriented line dedicated to
- a line for coating parts with a maximum
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
© ipcm ®
about 7 minutes in a fully
parts up to a maximum of
automatic manner, through
H 2500 x W 6000 x D 2000 mm,
the new SuperCenter EVO
installed at the end of 2018 and
powder management
equipped with an in-line
centre (Fig. 6); it allows the
pre-treatment station and a
setting of over fifty painting
manual coating booth.
programs, connecting to
The booth is equipped with an
the management system
automatic fire detection system.
during the cleaning phases,
The project of the new line for large-sized workpieces
maintaining constant the
The plant that can handle parts
quality and timing standards.
up to 6000 mm in length was
(Industry 4.0). The operator doesn’t have to intervene
The powder centre is also equipped with an UltraSieve 200-micron which allows a very high finish. The booth is equipped with
the last one to be installed at
3 1
the premises of Saveral. M.I.
Figure 3: From left to right, Saveral CEO Luigi Preda and plant manager Vincenzo Montesanti.
an automatic fire detection system and it is industry 4.0-oriented; - a line for coating parts with a maximum size of H 1000 x W 1000 x D 700 mm, equipped with a booth for manual application and reciprocators. The booth is equipped with an automatic fire detection system;
Industry 4.0 principles (Fig. 7). “The decision to equip ourselves with this system stemmed from the will to meet the requirements of a particular group of customers needing to coat larger workpieces,” says Montesanti. “This line is able to handle large-sized parts, but we can actually use it also to coat smaller components. This gives us extreme production flexibility (Fig. 8).”
© Saveral
Saveral has always been an innovative firm: it was among the first to introduce powder coating in Italy. However, in order to be innovative and continue to meet the customers’ needs, it needs equally innovative partners to support it in the development and implementation phases. One of these partners is M.I. Due (Besana in Brianza, MB, Italy), specialising in the design and construction of industrial surface treatment plants, which installed Saveral’s four coating plants.”
© Saveral
- a line for painting large-sized
Due designed it according to the
5 1
4 1
Figures 4 and 5: The line for coating parts with a maximum size of H 1800 x W 4000 x D 1000 mm, featuring a Wagner quick colour change booth.
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© ipcm ®
Air Protection Technology airprotech is active worldwide with a wide range of solutions and products for the control of industrial emissions including VOC volatile organic compounds, solvents and other gaseous pollutants.
6 1
Figure 6: The Wagner SuperCenter EVO powder management centre.
The line also performs a three-stage in-line pre-treatment including a phospho-degreasing operation followed by two rinses
with osmotic water (Fig. 9).
The process continues as follows: oven drying, masking, coating in a manual application booth with a floor suction system and two mobile platforms (Fig. 10), and curing (Fig. 11). “This coating line has enabled us to meet new market needs without sacrificing production efficiency and sustainability, another very important factor for Saveral,” states Luigi Preda. “The choice to integrate the pre-treatment into the line has
allowed us to reduce our production and lead times by enabling us to paint different-sized parts with a continuous flow.” “The system was designed for greater energy efficiency.
Half of Saveral’s production is intended for the automotive market, for which it paints different components such as, for example, brake callipers and pads, wheels, engines for motorcycles, cylinders, and levers for motorcycle brakes. The other half consists of carpentry components for different uses, such as parts for horizontal packaging machines, for pellet stoves, and for high-end furnishings for hotels and cruise ships. The dimensions and material of the workpieces are also varied.”
© Saveral
Figure 7: The last system installed by M.I. Due.
The centralised diathermic oil boiler reduces
© ipcm ®
7 1
This coating line has enabled Saveral to meet new market needs without sacrificing production efficiency and sustainability, another very important factor for the company. The choice to integrate the pre-treatment into the line has allowed it to reduce the production and lead times by enabling it to paint different-sized parts with a continuous flow.” greater quality and production efficiency
heat loss and optimises fuel consumption
to our customers and a healthier and
while improving the temperature control of
more comfortable working environment to
the drying and curing ovens,” says Vincenzo
our employees,” says Luigi Preda. “We are
Montesanti. “The application booth is
constantly looking for innovative solutions and
also equipped with an extraction unit for
products. Therefore, it is important to surround
overspray recovery, which has allowed us
ourselves with partners and suppliers who can
to reduce the consumption and disposal
keep up with us with customised and equally
of powder, with a benefit also in terms
innovative solutions.”
of environment. Finally, we installed an
“Our collaboration with M.I. Due has allowed
osmosis system for water recirculation in
us to implement our projects and confirm
the pre-treatment tanks and a waste water
our reputation as a company offering flexible
treatment plant.”
productions with low lead times. Especially thanks to our last plant, we have expanded our
Close cooperation with suppliers “Saveral never stops: in 2014, we started
© ipcm ®
a modernisation project to guarantee
Figure 8: The line is able to handle workpieces with maximum dimensions of H 2500 x W 6000 x D 2000 mm.
8 1
Over the years, it has become increasingly important to equip Saveral with pre-treatment and coating lines that guarantee greater quality and production flexibility. That is why it turned to M.I. Due, which took care of the design and installation of all the coating plants now present in our factory. ”
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Figure 9: The inside of the pre-treatment tunnel.
9 1
© Saveral
Figure 10: The coating booth.
10 1
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© ipcm ®
business by making Saveral even more competitive and strengthening its market position. In the past, we could only treat our parts in our pre-treatment systems and then transfer them to the coating lines. The new plant has reduced production times by around 30%, with a positive impact on production costs,” states Montesanti. “As for the powders applied, it is important for us to guarantee a high quality level to our customers. We use more than 500 powder coating types and we buy about 500 tonnes of powder a year from both Italian and foreign manufacturers, with whom we work closely together to develop unique solutions.” “Saveral also deals with upstream and downstream processes, from pre-assembly to assembly, serigraphy (Fig. 12), and packaging. That is why quality and control are crucial factors for us,” says Montesanti. “We are already ISO 9001-2015 certified. Starting from April 2018 is in place the “Administrative Responsibility of Companies” certification conforming the Italian Legislative Decree no. 231/2001. Soon we will also obtain the ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 certifications.” “Although the new plant has only been in operation for a few months, we have already been approached by several new customers. Having highly efficient coating lines and being even more flexible in terms of production has enabled us to grow a lot and continue
11 1
to be known as a company that produces quality work,” states Montesanti. © Saveral
Figure 11: The entry of the curing oven.
The collaboration with M.I. Due has allowed Saveral to implement its projects and confirm its reputation as a company offering flexible productions with low lead times. Especially thanks to the last plant, it has expanded the business by making the company even more competitive and strengthening its market position.”
12 1
Figure 12: Saveral has a department dedicated to additional processes, such as serigraphy.
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Tutti i colori in pochi minuti
Salcomix è il marchio di AkzoNobel per un sistema di prodotti vernicianti industriali dal design modulare, che può essere utilizzato per fornire vernici per una grande varietà di applicazioni per l‘industria leggera, in modo rapido e flessibile. Questo è possibile grazie a un sistema di miscelazione che offre una superiore precisione del colore con la massima diversità di prodotto.
© ipcm ®
Opening photo: With over 200 tints applied including RAL colours, special colours, and primers, Metalux is a benchmark powder coating contractor in the whole Marche region.
At Metalux, the Pre-Treatment Process Becomes Decisive for Obtaining the Powder Coating Quality Label Monica Fumagalli ipcm®
he elements that characterise a
certifications for the application technologies
contractor, but also a pride for the partners
winning business strategy in the
used. A quality certification is not a mere
that have developed the plant systems and
coating contracting field include the
seal with which coating processes are
chemical products with which the certified
frequent updating and renewal of plants
labelled as high quality treatments. It can
products are processed.
and products to adapt to the continuous
become a growth tool to face a market
“Metalux Trattamenti e Finiture (Castelfidardo,
evolution of the market and the search
that is made even more complex by the
Ancona, Italy) was established in the 1980s
for productive solutions to obtain quality
fragmentation of the sectors served by the
for metal polishing,” says Giacomo Bettucci,
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
currently at the helm of the company
The paintshop structure
with maximum dimensions of
(Fig. 1). “With time, its core business
In addition to the three powder coating
2000 x 1500 x 5000 mm
has become the application of powder
lines, Metalux is equipped with a shot
(up to 5500 mm for linear workpieces).
coatings. It was however completely
blasting system to remove any oxidation,
It mainly treats metal carpentry, fence,
transformed in 2008, when my brothers
calamine, and other residues deposited
and urban furniture components,
and I inherited the company created
on the components to be treated (Fig.
and in general any kind of product
by our father and, at the same time,
2). “We have structured our factory so
requiring excellent outdoor resistance.
a negative economic period began.”
that our coating lines have different
The plant features a one-rail conveyor
During these ten years, Metalux has
characteristics in terms of shape
and it consists of a nanotechnology
faced several market fluctuations,
of the parts treated and chemicals
pre-treatment system installed by
the go-to contractor in the
Dollmar in 2011 and a
© ipcm ®
but it is now back to being
new generation, quick
Marche region for a large
colour change coating
group of customers from the
booth equipped with
most diverse sectors, such as
photocells and a robot
street furniture, household
(Fig. 3).
appliances, lighting, interior
The #2 line is devoted
and exterior furnishings,
to small workpieces
construction, automotive,
(1800 x 800 x 2000
and metal carpentry (ref.
mm). These are
Opening photo). Precisely
pre-treated with a
this extreme diversification has
allowed us not to tie ourselves
process using iron salts,
to a particular sector and,
suitable for metal alloys
therefore, not to suffer any market. “For our company, it has also been crucial to continue
of different types, such
stagnation or crisis in a specific
as zinc and aluminium,
Figure 1: From left to right, Metalux manager Giacomo Bettucci, Alessia Venturi from ipcm®, and DN Chemicals Sales Manager André Bernasconi.
investing in updating our
partners, including DN Chemicals (created from the merger of the Surface Treatments’ Divisions of Dollmar Spa and Noxorsokem Srl) for our pre-treatment plant. Our 4800 m2 wide factory was equipped with four coating lines: we now have only three lines, but we are able to process
such as small parts, sheet metal, and boxed parts. Its low takt time
machines and products with the collaboration of several reliable
and objects of all kinds,
enables the company to rapidly
For Metalux it has also been crucial to continue investing in updating machines and products with the collaboration of several reliable partners, including DN Chemicals (created from the merger of the chemical division of Dollmar Spa with Noxorsokem Group Srl) for the pre-treatment plant.”
meet even urgent requests for small production lots. This line is also equipped with a quick colour change booth. The #3 line is devoted to the coating of carpentry parts, profiles, pipes, furnishings, and metal components with a maximum size of 3000 x 700 x 2000 mm. The phosphochromating pretreatment
twice as many parts thanks to the
performed by this system is
implementation of new pre-treatment and coating technologies that increase
applied, but, at the same time, they are
among the highest performance ones
the value of our products and
interchangeable if we need to paint large
for galvanised steel, aluminium, and
guarantee constant monitoring
batches. This enables us to meet even
stainless steel intended for outdoor use.
of our process and consumption
the most complex requests in terms of
This line is also equipped with a quick
parameters, according to the recent
material quantity and deadlines.”
colour change booth with photocells.
innovations brought by the Industry 4.0
The #1 line is devoted to medium
“The most significant changes to our
and large-sized components
factory,” states Bettucci, “were carried
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
© ipcm ®
replacements of chemicals, which laid the foundations of our current cycle. Thanks to the collaboration first with Dollmar and now with DN Chemicals, we have implemented the best pre-treatment cycle and selected the best chemicals for our new needs.”
The evolution of Metalux’s pre-treatment process The pre-treatment cycle of the #1 line includes the following stages: alkaline degreasing + two rinses, phospho-degreasing with iron salts + two rinses, a rinse with osmotic water, and application of a nebulised multi-metal nanotechnology solution (Fig. 4). “Based on its corporate strategy aimed at finding the best possible solution for the satisfaction of its customers,” states DN Chemicals Sales Manager André Bernasconi, “Metalux has followed the entire evolution of chemical pre-treatment technologies starting from the introduction of nanotechnology, occurred in 2011 due to the need to replace hexavalent chromium, with which aluminium and galvanised steel were exclusively treated.” The choice of a solution that would enable to process components in different materials and eliminate chromium led to the replacement of the cleaning tunnel and pre-treatment tanks, as well as the chemical product. “The old plant limited the types of material that we could treat,” says Bettucci. “This issue was overcome with our multi-metal plant. We
Figure 2: The shot blasting system removes any oxidation, calamine, and other residues deposited on the components to be treated.
© ipcm ®
2 1
out in conjunction with market transformation phases, in order to adapt to new trends and offer our customers a good service as well as high quality coatings. The #1 line is the biggest one and the one on which we have invested more. Since the 1990s, its pre-treatment system has become increasingly important and it has undergone numerous modernisation operations and
Metalux has structured its factory so that the coating lines have different characteristics in terms of shape of the parts treated and chemicals applied, but, at the same time, they are interchangeable if it needs to paint large batches. This enables it to meet even the most complex requests in terms of material quantity and deadlines.”
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3 1
Figure 3: The powder coating application station of the #1 line.
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4 1
Figure 4: The workpieces are subjected to nebulisation in the pre-treatment tunnel.
also decided to implement a SoftRain nebulisation system because, based on a few tests, it proved to be the most functional in terms of consumption, application control in order to avoid dragging, and coating stability. This guarantees a consistent process quality level and therefore result repeatability, so much so that we intend to install this system also on our other lines (Fig. 5 and 6). As for the chemicals used, we relied completely on DN Chemicals’ suggestions for the choice of the best products for our plant, with the aim of maintaining the high quality level of our pre-treatment results. We currently use as follows: Dollcoat S434 for alkaline degreasing, Dollcoat SC183 for phosphating, and Dollcoat SA 118 for passivation.”
© ipcm ®
All the chemical products applied are constantly monitored through digital controls, in order to ensure pre-treatment uniformity and effectiveness. The tanks’ automatic parameter control system is one of the advantages found. About a month ago, Metalux introduced a further innovation: a real-time process parameter verification system able to track the whole production even after some time, thanks to a log that records all data and collects them in an archive.”
5 1
Conclusions “The #1 line is now in full operation,” states Bettucci. “Thanks to the technologies we have implemented, the next step could be the Qualisteelcoat certification, specifically related to the steel coating field. This would be in line with our continuous development philosophy: our company is already ISO 9001:2015 certified and we would like to obtain this label for the à pre-treatment cycle and basecoat + topcoat application that we perform on the #1 line, in order to increase our chance to break into new markets. “Finally, we have already started a new project with DN Chemicals to replace our phospho-chromating system in compliance with new regulations, offering alternative cycles to our customers and transferring their most particular needs to our partners. © ipcm ®
Figure 5: The SoftRain system installed in the Metalux factory.
The aim will be finding the right solution together and getting the best results. This will be a challenging project, because it will take time
Digital control of chemical products
and further investment, but we have decided to finish it
All the chemical products
as quickly as possible. Our
applied are constantly
factory is like an ever-evolving
monitored through digital
open construction site,
controls, in order to ensure
ready to incorporate all the
pre-treatment uniformity
innovations launched on the
and effectiveness. “The
market in order to remain
tanks’ automatic parameter
the go-to powder coating
advantages found (Fig. 7),” explains Bettucci. “About a month ago, we introduced a further innovation: a real-
contractor in our area.”
6 1
Figure 6: The parameter and consumption management unit.
© ipcm ®
control system is one of the
time process parameter verification system able to track the whole production even after some time, thanks to a log that records all data and collects them in an archive. A further benefit of this plant is related to waste water: the entire coating line is fed with the recovered water from the nanotechnology pre-treatment process, thus becoming a zero discharge plant.” Figure 7: The real-time process parameter verification system ensuring the traceability of the entire production.
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7 1
© Airprotech Srl
Opening photo: One of the plants built by Airprotech Srl (Magenta, Italy).
Management and Abatement of Emissions Generated by Industrial Coating Processes Ruggero Baldi Airprotech Srl – Magenta, Italy
ndustrial coating processes using
supply of technologies and plants for air
variety of different applications, performed
solvent-based products require the adoption
purification and VOC emission control.
either automatically or manually on metal,
of systems that reduce the emission of the
the plants’ air intake. Airprotech is a leading
Fields of application of industrial coating processes
company in the design, production, and turnkey
The industrial coating sector includes a wide
volatile organic compounds VOC present in
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
polymers, wood, glass, fabrics, synthetic leather, and much more. Coating processes involve the use of more or less automated and complex systems and machines,
© Airprotech Srl
depending on the application. Surface finishing processes have
The use of liquid paints allows to obtain very well finished
both an aesthetic and functional
surfaces with countless aesthetic
purpose and they provide the
effects. This process is suitable
treated surfaces with chemical
for all industries requiring a high
and physical characteristics that
finishing and gloss degree of
guarantee their protection over
products or excellent resistance
to external (environmental or
In the case of metal, the coating
chemical) aggressions.
process preserves their raw
Liquid coatings are divided into
surfaces against atmospheric
two main categories:
and chemical agents, in addition
namely, solvent-based and
to enhance its aesthetical aspect.
water-based products.
In the case of plastic, different
Table 1: Project data of the case study.
primers are used depending on
The former generally guarantee a higher quality level making
the raw material that makes up the
the surfaces smooth and shiny, precisely thanks to the use of solvents that
adhesion of the applied coating film.
Industrial coatings and application technologies
Another important application field is that
There are two main coating processes,
optimal results and at the same time high
of wood and its derivatives, which generally
requiring different technologies and
chemical resistance. Water-based coatings,
includes the sectors of furniture and design.
featuring different characteristics:
on the other hand, were developed with the
namely, liquid and powder coating.
aim of reducing the presence of potentially
The choice between the two systems
toxic components in paints. However, they
The plants used are mostly spray coating
is based on the specific application
provide lower quality finishes due to the not
machines, booths, or continuous flow
needs, the materials to be coated
perfectly homogeneous drying phase.
lines painting with pump and gun devices
and the required results.
that can finish components with various
The main difference lies in the drying
sizes and shapes. Pressurised booths
temperatures, which are higher in
are closed systems that allow to obtain
the case of powder coating (about
Management and abatement of emissions generated by industrial coating processes
top-level aesthetic and functional results
140-180 °C), thus limiting its fields
In coating processes using solvent-based
thanks to a controlled atmosphere
of application. Liquid coating, on the
paints, a key role is played by the part of
environment. This type of plant must
other hand, generally guarantees
the plant dedicated to the management
be designed with extreme accuracy
more flexibility and a wider range of
and abatement of emissions. The presence
in order to prevent dust and other
possibilities, in addition to simpler
of volatile organic compounds VOC as
impurities from entering the system and
drying systems reaching lower
solvents in the coating products requires
thus compromise the final quality of the
temperatures (about 60-80 °C).
the adoption of abatement systems
substrate, in order to guarantee maximum
Types of coating plants
© Airprotech Srl
product. Continuous flow
ensure a homogeneous drying process,
lines are composed of rail conveyors or carousels.
to comply with the emission limit values of waste gases. Indeed,
They are employed for
during application and
the industrial coating of
drying, the solvents
large-sized parts or large
contained in the
quantities of workpieces
paints evaporate and
and they can operate in a
they must be suitably
manual, semi-automatic,
sucked and conveyed
or fully automatic mode
to a system that
depending on the customer’s needs and production processes.
Figure 1: The pre-concentration process.
prevents them from being released into the atmosphere.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
Š Airprotech Srl
The purification plant consists of two basic units: a pre-concentration unit using a zeolite wheel and a efficiency RTO regenerative thermal oxidizer that guarantees high-energy efficiency. The operating principle of the pre-concentration wheel is based on the properties of the zeolite rotor.â&#x20AC;? Zeolites offer great advantages because they are not combustible, they are inert, very stable, and resistant to water and acids, and
2 1
they can withstand high temperatures.
Figure 2: A comparison between the investments required by a regenerative thermal combustor and by a system including pre-concentration and regenerative thermal combustion processes. Such investment costs include the amortisation costs of the emission treatment plant, its maintenance costs, and financing costs.
The process takes place in three distinct, but connected and interconnected phases (Fig. 1): Adsorption (A): the process air from the production departments is conveyed to the pre-concentration unit, where it is
An emission abatement system for a furniture panel coating plant
The operating principle of the pre-
purified when passing through the
concentration wheel is based on the properties
roto-concentrator. Then, it can be sent directly
Here below, we present the example of a
of the zeolite rotor. This is the core of the
into the atmosphere by means of a chimney.
typical solvent emission abatement system
system and it is made up of active adsorbent
In this phase, the zeolites are loaded with the
developed for a coating plant treating panels
material contained in a rotating structure.
pollutants removed from the process gas.
This includes various automatic coating lines and carousels connected to a main air purification plant. Table 1 shows the project
Š Airprotech Srl
and profiles for the furniture industry.
data related to this case study. Given the need to reduce VOC emissions and considering the low concentration level, has been foreseen a system composed by a pre-concentration unit plus a regenerative thermal oxidizer RTO (ref. Opening photo). This purification plant consists of two basic units: a pre-concentration unit using a zeolite wheel and a RTO regenerative thermal oxidizer that guarantees high-energy efficiency.
Figure 3: A comparison between the operating costs of a regenerative thermal combustor and of a system including pre-concentration and regenerative thermal combustion processes. Such costs include the cost of auxiliary fuel and electricity.
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3 1
A small part of process air, up to 10-15 times less than the total capacity, is removed before entering the zeolite wheel and sent to the K sector. It is then used for the desorption of the pollutants transferred to the zeolite wheel. Cooling (K): the desorption air taken from the process gas upstream of the plant passes through the rotor, thus cooling the newly regenerated wheel K sector. Desorption-concentration (R): the desorption air is heated to a pre-set temperature and sent to the R desorption sector, where it is loaded with solvents while regenerating the rotor. The flow exiting the desorption zone, loaded with VOC, is sent to the thermal oxidizer, where the concentrated flow is completely purified by the solvent. Regenerative thermal oxidizers RTO are specifically designed to destroy the pollutants through thermal oxidation at high temperature, the chemical energy contained in the pollutants is transformed in thermic energy to sustain the combustion itself. Design is focused to optimize the gas mix and distribution inside the combustion chamber, to achieve the required residence time for a complete oxidation process. The polluted gases are burned together with the support fuel such natural gas, LPG, gas oil etc. Regenerative thermal oxidizers exploit the capacity of a mass of inert material to accumulate cyclically and give back the heat generated by the combustion process. The efficacy of the thermal recovery can reach up to 96%, thus drastically reducing the consumption of the support fuel and consequently the plant operating costs. Energy efficiency is guaranteed by optimal system sizing, the optimisation of each phase of the pollutant abatement process, the use of the proper ceramic materials and the overall quality of the plant itself. This pre-concentration and regenerative thermal combustion system is the ideal plant solution for the treatment of significant airflows containing low concentrations of pollutants, which would otherwise require large-sized plants with high management costs. As shown by the graphs, this plant has substantially reduced the management costs faced by the customer each year. As shown by Figures 2 and 3, in this specific case a regenerative thermal combustor alone, although effective in terms of compliance with emission limits, would not have proved to be the most suitable and sustainable technical solution in terms of operating and management costs.
Henkel’s New Bonderite E-CO DMC Digital Multichannel Controller Helps Customers Optimize the Performance and Cost of Metal Pretreatment Processes
enkel has introduced a new
it maximizes the benefits derived from
neighbouring buildings. It can control a
process control system that
Henkel’s leadership in sustainable metal
virtually unlimited number of process
addresses key challenges in
pre-treatment technologies and process
parameters and devices.
metal pre-treatment as customers
Further Bonderite E-CO DMC is equipped
are increasingly seeking to implement
Bonderite E-CO DMC minimizes chemical
with an internal memory that stores all
data-driven Industry 4.0 solutions. In
usage, water and power consumption as
parameter data and events for creating
combination with the company’s New
well as waste. In addition, it helps to avoid
numerical, graphic and consumption
Generation Conversion coatings (NGC)
manual work and chemical exposure in
reports as well as maintaining a historical
for multi-metal substrates, the Bonderite
metal pre-treatment. All equipment and
database. The controller’s comprehensive
E-CO digital multi-channel (DMC)
process setup, adjustment, control and
connectivity easily links the system to
controller enables maximum corrosion
monitoring can effectively be managed by
other resources in local area networks
performance and sustainability at
the controller, including bath preparation
and provides access for remote devices,
minimized overall process costs.
and refill. The multi-channel system
such as tablets and smartphones.
Bonderite E-CO DMC is a process control
supports both single and multiple
It enables alerts with discrete data to
system that allows users to run complex
production lines in one and the same or
be sent to selected recipients by SMS or email and can be
up to fifteen or more stages. It
integrated in cloud-based
features an intuitive touch screen DMC (PLC) interface and supports
© Henkel
metal pre-treatment lines with
data-driven solutions. “The system underscores
fully digitalized process control
Henkel’s total solutions
with flexible communication and
approach and our
remote access functionality
commitment to
(Fig. 1).
supporting customers as
“Thanks to its adaptive open
they implement Industry
system architecture, our new
4.0,” adds Brancaleoni.
digital multi-channel control
“Users can run automatic
system will easily integrate
parameter checks and
in metal customers’ existing
even automate the
conversion processes and
dosage of chemicals
automation concepts,” says
in the tanks by using
Maurizio Brancaleoni, Global
a special function to
Business Development Manager
correlate analysed data with outputs – all without
Henkel’s European Functional Coating Equipment Center in Funo di Argelato (Bologna, Italy) (Fig. 2). “Together with our New Generation Conversion coatings,
Figure 1: The Bonderite E-CO DMC controller has an intuitive touchscreen and an internal memory for storing a virtually unlimited number of process parameters in metal treatment lines of up to 15 or more stages.
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
involving any personnel on site.” While the performance benefits of Bonderite
© Henkel
Get more from water
2 1
Figure 2: Maurizio Brancaleoni, Global Business Development Manager at Henkel’s European Functional Coating Equipment Center in Funo di Argelato (Bologna, Italy).
Turnkey solutions for industrial waste water treatment Spraybooth water treatment systems and chemicals Chemical-physical systems Sludge compactors Reverse osmosis & ion exchange water demineralization units De-oiling & degreasing units
E-CO DMC can be tapped with any of Henkel’s existing metal pre-treatment process, including conventional phosphating, the technology unfolds its maximum sustainability in combination with
Filtering systems Water treatment chemicals & consumables Technical service & maintenance of water treatment systems
the company’s New Generation Coatings. As zirconium-based alternatives for multi-substrate metal conversion and corrosion protection, these NGC contain neither phosphates nor heavy metals, simplify water management and can reduce process steps, contact times, energy consumption and sludge. Leaving only a nano-thin non-toxic coating layer on substrates, Henkel helps customers to optimize the cost, control and reliable quality of production. The European Functional Coating Equipment Center, based in Funo di Argelato (Bologna), Italy plays an instrumental role in the success of Henkel’s innovative new metal pre-treatment solutions with a full line of dedicated Bonderite process control and automation systems. The Center includes a Development Department, a Warehouse and a Maintenance Lab. The Bonderite E-CO DMC system is available throughout Europe and North America, and belongs to a complete range of application, control and support equipment for Bonderite metal pre-treatment processes from Henkel.
© ipcm ®
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
MagicCylinder® EquiFlow®: The New Powder Coating System Installed by the Procicchiani Group Ilaria Paolomelo ipcm®
hen a company’s mission is
as a leader in the fields of sheet metal
painting sector for the ACE industry
focussed on understanding
processing and metal surface treatment,”
in the past, the surface treatments
its customers’ needs and
says Enrico Procicchiani (Fig. 1), the
we have provided to many leading
meeting them by providing products
owner of the Procicchiani Group together
companies in the household appliance
and services of excellent quality,
with his brother Franco. “We are a
sector for several years have led us
it is crucial for it to carefully select
complete contractor company, with fifty
to reach a high quality level in terms
its commercial partnerships. The
employees and three factories. We deal
of both pre-treatment and finishing,
Procicchiani Group was established in
with light metal carpentry, liquid coating,
which we can now apply on any type of
1980 with this strategy in mind. Located
powder coating, assembly, and in some
product (Fig. 2).
(Ancona), the Procicchiani Group
Precisely our focus
© ipcm ®
in Central Italy, in Monsano
on quality recently
immediately established itself
prompted us to install an
in the liquid coating contracting
innovative powder coating
sector. However, in the 1990s
system: Gema Europe’s
did it strengthen its position in
MagicCylinder® EquiFlow®
the market thanks to the start
(Fig. 3).”
of new collaborations and the services and processes that
Procicchiani’s paintshop
attracted many well-known
The coating line is
companies in the household
equipped with a five-stage
appliance and electromechanics
pre-treatment tunnel,
development of innovative
sector. evolved in these thirty-nine years in order to keep up with market changes. Established
performing as follows:
“Our company has significantly
phosphodegreasing, two
Figure 1: From right to left, Marzio Marcolini from the technical sales department of Gema Europe and Enrico Procicchiani, the owner of the Procicchiani Group.
with the aim of providing
rinses with mains water, a rinse with demineralised water, and nebulisation of the nanotechnology
coating services mainly to the built-in
cases even screen printing. We can also
passivation solution with a Soft-Rain
appliance sector, in 2008 it converted
offer further services according to our
device. “The choice to install the
its production, doubled the range of
customers’ needs, in order to become
Soft-Rain system to apply the passivation
processes performed, and embraced a
their sole subcontractor. Within our
product stemmed from our willingness
vast number of target sectors, including
production department, however, coating
to enhance our coating department with
automotive, electromechanics, and
is our forte. In addition to the long-
a cutting-edge pre-treatment system,
furniture. Finally, it established itself
standing experience I gained in the liquid
but without revolutionising our existing
Opening photo: The coating application occurs through two reciprocators and eight new generation OptiGun GA03 guns.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
© ipcm ®
2 1
One of the reasons why Procicchiani Group opted for this type of system was its need to solve the problems it had encountered with the previous booth. These included a difficulty in performing quick colour change operations. As the company was very pleased with the choice made in 2007, in 2018 it decided to expand the coating department by adding a new booth and installing Gema’s new MagicCylinder® EquiFlow®.”
Figure 2: Some examples of parts coated by the Procicchiani Group.
treatment line,” explains Procicchiani.
performs ten to twelve colour changes per
management unit (Fig. 4), with a capacity of 5
Procicchiani’s paintshop features
day, to increase production speed and thus
kg, is completely sealed to minimise pollution
three production lines, two of which
optimise production,” states Marzio Marcolini
and powder dispersion. It is also equipped
are dedicated to powder coating and
from the technical sales department of
with an automatic fresh powder replenishment
equipped with Gema systems. The
Gema Europe. “Unlike the machine installed
system, collecting the product directly from the
company’s collaboration with the Gema’s
in 2007, the new OptiCenter OC02 powder
box next to the machine. The lower amount of
the Group decided to replace one of its booths with a MagicCylinder® machine.
© ipcm ®
Italian branch started in 2007, when
“One of the reasons why we opted for this type of system was our need to solve the problems we had encountered with the previous booth,” states Enrico Procicchiani. “These included a difficulty in performing quick colour change operations. As we were very pleased with the choice made in 2007, in 2018 we decided to expand our coating department by adding a new booth and installing Gema’s new MagicCylinder® EquiFlow®.”
Features of the new plant “One of the main characteristics of MagicCylinder® EquiFlow® is precisely its very quick colour change process, taking between 5 and 15 minutes. This has enabled the Group, which
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
3 1
Figure 3: The innovative MagicCylinder® EquiFlow® powder coating system supplied by Gema Europe.
© ipcm ®
4 1
Figure 4: The new OptiCenter OC02 powder management unit.
powder into play compared with the previous system further speeds up the colour change operation. Moreover, the updated cyclone recovery system enables to automatically recover a large amount of raw material, thus ensuring the constant availability of an equal volume of fresh and sieved powder, whereas the ultrasonic sieving system guarantees the high quality level of the recovered powder.” “The edge-free cylindrical shape, the non-conductive walls, and the new self-cleaning floor of MagicCylinder® are other important features that ensure fast cleaning operations. The plant also includes two reciprocators and eight new generation OptiGun GA03 guns (ref. Opening photo).” “The booth installed by Procicchiani is completely in line with the Industry 4.0 principles. The new generation MagicControl 4.0 (CM40) software program gathers and monitors all
© ipcm ®
5 1
Figure 5: A detail of the OptiFlow injectors.
the parameters and data related to
stems from the high variety of shapes and
booth, we have found several advantages.
the powder application process. Its
sizes treated by our company and, above all,
First of all, as already mentioned, powder
connection is designed for better remote
our frequent batch change operations, as we
saving has improved and, currently, it
supervision and assistance and it allows
also paint very small lots. The new OptiFlow
is around 15-20% compared with the
to customise countless programs that
technology guarantees optimal powder flow
previous installed booth. Nowadays,
can be used at any time. Finally, the booth
and minimises the Venturi injector’s wear, thus
it is essential for a company to check
features a system for workpiece shape
ensuring constant flow over time,” explains
its consumption in real time in order
recognition and automatic adjustment of
to identify any possible areas for
the gun-part distance,” says Marcolini.
“The CM40 management software program
improvement. Our colour changing and
manages a parameter for the daily adjustment
booth cleaning speed allows us to optimise
of the powder flow rate based on the state
production and quickly meet customer
“When we decided to expand our
of wear of the Venturi injector. This daily
requests. Another advantage offered by
paintshop, we had to choose between
adjustment, set according to the coating
Gema is the excellent assistance service
dense phase powder pumps and
program and the type of powder used,
that the company has been supplying for
conventional pumps with Venturi
compensates for any flow rate loss, thus
about twelve years. Last but not least, our
injectors, specifically the new IG07 pump
ensuring spraying consistency and coating
products present a very high quality level.
with an OptiFlow injector (Fig. 5). The
uniformity,” says Marzio Marcolini.
We are all very pleased and optimistic,”
reason why our choice fell on the latter
“Since we installed the new MagicCylinder®
says Procicchiani.
The reasons for a choice
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Sustainable Growth Fund Marcello Zinno UCIF – Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, Milan, Italy
he Decree of 21 November 2018
and business development in complex crisis
structure, the reuse of production facilities,
called ‘Allocation of resources from
and the relaunch of the economy of areas in situations of complex crisis of national
the Sustainable Growth Fund to
importance, achieved by signing program
interventions of conversion and productive
The Fund is intended for the financing
requalification of areas affected by the
of programs and projects with a
industrial crisis’ was issued in the Official
significant national impact on production
Journal of the Italian Republic in February.
competitiveness, especially for the following
companies and the attraction of foreign
The regulation allocates resources from
investments, also in connection with the
the Sustainable Growth Fund to the
• the promotion of research, development,
actions that will be carried out by the
agreements; • the promotion of the presence of international
conversion and requalification operations
and innovation projects of strategic
Agency for the promotion abroad and the
referred to in the law no. 181/1989,
importance for relaunching the
internationalisation of Italian companies (ICE).
specifically referring to the coverage of
competitiveness of the production
the costs of the agreement between the
system, also through the improvement of
All the details relating to the Fund are
companies’ R&D centres and structures;
available on the website of the Ministry of
Ministry of Economic Development and the national agency for attracting investments
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
• the strengthening of the production
Economic Development.
The leading metal forming, fabricating, welding and finishing event in Mexico. More than 13,000 attendees More than 550 exhibitors More than 140,000 ft2 of exhibit floor
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N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Stuttgart, Germany May 21-24, 2019 Cologne, Germany May 21-24, 2019 Osaka, Japan May 22-24, 2019 Brescia, italy May 23-25, 2019
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BASILEA 14 – 17 MAGGIO 2019
© ipcm ®
The Coatings Summit 2019: The Meeting Point for Global Industry Leaders to Discuss the Main Sector Trends, Challenges, and Solutions he whole spectrum of
Sustainability was a much-discussed
coatings manufacturers
topic: sustainable raw materials,
and raw material suppliers
the switch from solvent-based to
met in Paris from January 30 to
water-based coatings, and the
February 1st, on the occasion of
awareness not only of producers
The Coatings Summit, organized by
but also of consumers are among
IPPIC (International Paint & Printing
the key elements that are driving
Ink Council™) and Vincentz Network.
the pursuit of this practice. The last
ipcm took part in this important
speech to close the summit was
forum to get to know, analyse, and discuss the latest global trends, challenges, and innovative solutions
of a Dynamic Industry”. Possible strategies for global growth were
manufacturer Industrias Titan, who asked the audience an interesting question: is the coating industry a conservative industry? Data show
© Vincentz Network
held in the elegant setting of The the slogan “Shaping the Future
CEO of Barcelona-based coating
Figure 1: The Coatings Summit 2019 was held in Paris from January 30th to February 1st.
for the sector. The event was Westin Paris-Vendôme hotel with
delivered by Daniel Llinás Sala, the
that only 50% of firms in the sector are digitised and that digitisation is creating a significant economic gap:
discussed, as well as the significant
the companies that did not adapt
role that the Asian markets are
to the Industry 4.0 paradigm in time
starting to play, especially the
are now struggling to compete with
Chinese one, where industrial
top leaders. Nevertheless, there is
paints are the core business and
still room for improvement through
the industrial fabric is fragmented
the combination of functional
and composed of small-medium
management practices promoting,
for instance, staff training, with productivity and innovation.
There were also several examples of companies that have been able to grow and succeed despite the obstacles encountered along the way. These included Vitex-Yannidis,
2 1
In addition to debates and speeches of sector leaders, there
Figure 2: AkzoNobel CEO Thierry Vanlacker analysed the significant role of the Chinese coating market.
were convivial moments and networking opportunities for all participants, such as a dinner at
a Greek coating manufacturer that faced three significant challenges: the Greek financial crisis, its
La Maison des Polytechniciens, an eighteenth-century villa in the historic
own economic debt, and tensions within the owner family.
centre of Paris.
Vitex has managed to prevail, thus establishing itself among the main Greek industrial businesses and recording a 47% increase
For further information:
in sales volume in six years.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
New Perspectives for Production: Additive Manufacturing Provides New Momentum to Industry
rom 29 till 31 January 2019 about 300
IWS-led innovation consortium AGENT-3D
but also in manufacturing sectors.
international experts meet in Dresden
alone more than 120 partners from industry
With this process, wear parts can be produced
(Germany) for the 3rd International
and science jointly work at the advancement
cost-efficiently and quickly even in small
Symposium Additive Manufacturing
of additive manufacturing processes,
batches making them immediately available
ISAM 2019 to discuss the development
also known as 3D printing. Together they
for maintenance and repair work. All needed
and future perspectives of additive
are shaping the evolution of production
for production is a computer model that is
manufacturing in application industries.
processes and launching a new printing age”,
replacing the traditional, more expensive mold.
“The venue is definitely not a coincidence”,
Prof. Leyens adds.
The layering principle allows any complex
says Prof. Christoph Leyens, Director of the
geometry or inner structure and offers almost
of the institute for Materials Science at TU
Additive Manufacturing: tool-less, cost-efficient, fast and on point
Dresden, one of the German Universities
Additive Manufacturing, in which materials
these production processes to build prototypes
of Excellence. “Dresden is one of Europe’s
are layered in order to “print” a product, tool,
of a new design that make air- and spacecrafts
leading research and innovation sites for
or prototype, is already being used in various
lighter, more flexible and more cost-efficient
industrial applications: At the Fraunhofer
traditional industries such as rail technology
(Fig. 1),
hosting Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS and Director
unlimited freedom in design and construction when handling materials. This did not go unnoticed by the aerospace industry: It uses
Dr. Laurent Pambaguian of the European Space © Institute of Aerospace Engineering, TU Dresden - Fraunhofer IWS
Agency said at the symposium. Today additive manufacturing is mostly using materials such as plastics, ceramics, synthetic resin or metal. Composites like carbon fibre composites or nanomaterials have recently gained in importance. In addition to guaranteeing specific product characteristics the integration of new functionalities into the component is a key objective of modern material sciences.
From niche technology to disruptive power Additive Manufacturing has been in the industry analyst’s eye for a long time already: The market is growing rapidly, in 2017 it reached about seven billion dollars. More and more companies seek and find their place in the value chain. Especially additive manufacturing
using metals is already making the leap from
Figure 1: Aerospace is one of the industries that use additive manufacturing, to build prototypes of a new design that make air- and spacecrafts lighter, more flexible and more cost-efficient.
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
a niche technology to industrial maturity. “Additive Manufacturing brings new momentum to production and shakes through traditional
industries and markets”, says Prof. Leyens.
in industrial environment. In her
the components and the more flexible
Fraunhofer IWS supports established
speech “We Print to Drive: Mobility
their application even in wear-critical
players on their way to the future. The
goes Additive” Stefanie Brickwede of
applications. China is already printing whole
researchers are focusing on using different
Deutschen Bahn AG explains, which
materials in one component, scaling
solutions additive manufacturing
The European focus is more on the
component dimensions and topologically
offers for mobility and Chang-Woo Lee
application in industrial production. For
optimizing structures. “Our partners from
of KITECH shows in “Metal Additive
these fields one also requires new materials
the aerospace industry, tool manufacturing
Manufacturing Process Technology of
and material mixes that can meet the
or medical technology benefit from our
Medical Applications in South Korea”,
increasing challenges of flexibility and
unique infrastructure”, Prof. Leyens adds.
how medical technology benefits from
stability. At the same time, costs cannot be
“We offer a wide process variety in additive
printing processes. Prof. Frank Brueckner,
ignored. “In the end, process quality and
manufacturing, our own industry-proved,
head of the Additive Manufacturing unit
productivity are the linchpins for the rung
technological systems development and
at IWS and coordinator of the Additive
in triumph of additive manufacturing – that
supporting systems for non-destructive
Manufacturing Center Dresden (AMCD),
is what international researchers put all
which offers tool and process solutions
their know-how in for. We are happy that
for aerospace, automotive, energy,
IWS and AMCD play a major role in the
tool and mold engineering as well as
development of additive manufacturing”,
medical technology, knows: “Those are
Prof. Leyens concludes.
ISAM 2019: Experts for the next technology leap At this year’s ISAM international experts
examples for the technology’s manifold
from science and industry discuss new
application possibilities. The more reliable
For further information:
applications of additive manufacturing
the processes become, the more stable
Dates Announced for the 2019 Powder Coating Summit
aint & Coatings Industry magazine and the Powder
“We are currently setting up an agenda chock full of
Coating Research Group have announced dates
innovation spanning powder coating materials, processes
for the 2019 PC Summit. This year’s event has
expanded to include a short course on powder coating formulation, cleverly dubbed the PC Kitchen. This short course will be held in the PCR Group lab on October 1-2, and the PC Summit will be hosted at the Polaris Hilton in Columbus, OH on October 3-4.
and industry trends.” The PC Summit is a powerful, annual event offering engaging lectures and fascinating lab demos from the nation’s top raw material technologists, equipment suppliers, pretreatment experts and formulators. You’ll learn the latest powder
“Back by popular demand and
coating technology and industry
expanded to include an intensive
trends that will help you obtain
formulator’s course, the 2019 PC
that competitive edge to not just
Summit has something for every
survive, but thrive.
powder coating technologist,” says Kevin Biller, aka Joe Powder,
For further information:
and the founder of the Summit.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - N. 56
he 13th Guangzhou International Surface Finishing, Industrial Paint
© Reed Exhibitions
Focus on the Surface Finishing and Industrial Coating Event in Southern China and Coatings Exhibition will be held in Poly World Trade Center on May 21-23, 2019. The scale is estimated to reach 20,000 sqm. More than 300 domestic and overseas enterprises will come to exhibit, including WAGNER, ABB, Gema, Chemetall, PAT, Parker Engineering, UYEMURA, Helm Hellas SA, New Fortune, Potencer, Ching Feng, Mengde, Pentatomic, XIN LI GUANG, NIPPON, TONSON etc. The exhibits cover the latest technologies and products such as paint & coating line, industrial coatings, powder coatings, coating equipment
and accessories, electroplating equipment and raw materials, finished products of industrial coatings, coating intelligent
Figure 1: The 13th Guangzhou International Surface Finishing, Industrial Paint and Coatings Exhibition will be held in Poly World Trade Center on May 21-23, 2019.
manufacturing, electroplating waste water treatment, electroplating and
SF EXPO has been approved by UFI
products etc. And surface finishing
coating waste gas treatment etc. It will be
since 2012 and audited strictly by UFI
is an important part of industrial
the biggest and most influential surface
annually. In November 2018, SF EXPO
manufacturing, so there is a huge
finishing, paint and coating industry event
won the “the most valuable brand of
market in South China. More than
of 2019 in South China.
exhibition” honour of the 2018 Golden
450 exhibitors and 25,000 visitors will
In the meantime, concurrent events are
Finger Award of China Event Industry.
gather in Poly World Trade Center on
essential, including but not limited to The
SF EXPO is based in the Pearl River
May 21-23, 2019.
Fifth International Summit on Surface
Delta of Guangdong Province where
Let’s meet at the most influential
Finishing Industry Development, 2019
is the most important manufacturing
surface finishing industry event of
China (Guangzhou) Automotive Surface
base for automobile & parts,
2019 in Southern China!
Engineering & Anti-corrosion Technology
home appliance, digital products,
Seminar, 2019 Asia-Pacific Powder Paint &
IT, electronics, hardware, sanitary
For further information:
Coatings Application Technology Summit.
products, plastics, aluminium
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Milano Is Getting Ready for the Third Edition of Packaging Première, the Selective Exhibition Dedicated to Luxury Packaging
ilan is getting ready to host
wish to boost this percentage to 40-50%
Art and design will have a leading role within
the third edition of Packaging
in a long-term time frame, thus proving
Packaging Première: design represents an
Première, the selective
the global allure of the event” underlines
essential element, a source of inspiration
exhibition dedicated to luxury packaging,
Pier Paolo Ponchia, organizer of Packaging
for new products and materials. The Art
taking place from May 28th to May 30th in
Première. “This upcoming edition confirms
Gallery, which last edition was dedicated
the new larger spaces of the renowned
an increased number of exhibitors
to paper, this year will emphasise artists
exhibition centre of Fieramilanocity.
compared to the last season, as well as
that use various materials such as wood,
Packaging Première is the one and only
an enlarged itinerary, without losing the
plastic and glass to create artistic elements.
event in Italy dedicated to the packaging
quality, our key value”.
Key issue will be the metamorphosis of the © Packaging Première
industry, considered as an efficient marketplace for designers, manufacturers and international brands
material generally used for packaging that, through an artisanal process, can become an artwork.
discerning packaging as
Lorenzo Petrantoni, the
a pivotal communication
renowned artist creating
element, especially for high
illustrations through the
quality products.
assembly work of antique
Ruled by strong brand
dictionaries from the
personalities, luxury
nineteenth century, has been
packaging develops original
appointed image consultant.
expressive forms, thanks
The exhibition will be
to the efficient supply
enriched by conferences
chain, designed to pursue
dedicated to exhibitors –
excellence at its best, from raw materials to final products. Packaging Première offers previews, ideas, innovations and a precious help to understand trends
thus able to illustrate their
successful case histories
Figure 1: Packaging Première the selective exhibition dedicated to luxury packaging, is taking place from May 28th to May 30th in the new larger spaces of the renowned exhibition centre of Fieramilanocity. It is the one and only event in Italy dedicated to the packaging industry.
– as well as to the research – thanks to the survey conducted by Smithers Pira, the worldwide authority in the packaging industry.
and market situation. The event, launched in 2017, aims to
Among the Italian and international
increase the number of international
exhibitors showing for the first time at
Packaging Première – Shaping Luxury
exhibitors and visitors. “Every year
Packaging Première we can find also
Fieramilanocity Hall 4
we notice a growing interest in
niche sectors, such as fabrics, upholstery,
May 28th – 30th 2019
the exhibition from international
primary plastic or glass packaging and
companies. In 2017 international
components, creating a perfect balance
For further information:
exhibitors represented the 25%, we
among the different industries.
N. 56 - MARCH/APRIL 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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Franco Falcone: ZLD Water treatment specialist
Marco Zavattoni: Michele Cattarin: Electrostatic application of powder coatings
The first international magazine for surface treatments
ISSN 2280-6083
ipcm digital on
® In this issue :
Dr. Ezio Pedroni: Coil coating
10th Year - Bimonthly N° 56 - MARCH/APRIL
Tommaso Ponara: Water treatment
Coil coating pretreatment
Attilio Bernasconi: Paint stripping technologies and cryogenic processes
Loris Rossi:
Surface treatment on aluminium
Dario Zucchetti: Coating lines
Lauro Gatti: Air treatment
Oscar García Palop: Electrostatic application of liquid paints
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The first international magazine for surface treatments La prima rivista internazionale sui trattamenti superficiali
Dr. Felice Ambrosino:
Prof. Fabrizio Pirri:
Department of Material Sciences and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Turin, Micro and Nanosystems, Nanomaterials and Surfaces
Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti: Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics
Dr. Franco Busato: European environmental legislation and new technologies
Prof. Paolo Gronchi:
Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section
Registrazione al Tribunale di Monza N° 1970 del 10 Dicembre 2009 Eos Mktg&Communication srl è iscritta nel Registro degli Operatori di Comunicazione con il numero 19244
Prof. Stefano Rossi: Material Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento - Product Design
Dr. Antonio Tolotto: Marine and industrial anticorrosive coating cycles
Dr. Fulvio Zocco: Environment and quality
Kevin Biller The Powder Coating Research Group
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powder coatings Paint Engineering
Premium quality
Formulation, design and manufacture adapted to technical requirements, and highly complex facilities.
Anticorrosive systems
Coil Coating Superdurable Superdurable coatings for sublimation effect Metallic bonding