ipcm® n. 58 - July/August 2019

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The first international magazine for surface treatments


ISSN 2280-6083

ipcm digital on In this issue :




Zaniolo CdA - 1.19


info@europolveri.it - www.europolveri.it


10th Year - Bimonthly N° 58 - JULY/AUGUST




One partner for your automated paint applications Preprogrammed centralized controls Easy integration Modular build User friendly interface (HMI)

DISCOVER OUR SOLUTIONS www.graco.com/ďŹ nishingproducts

The revolution in color control Visual and instrumental color control go hand-in-hand.

New light booth, byko-spectra pro, makes sure that you see things the right way with best-in-class daylight. New spectro2guide measures color, gloss and uorescence to not only control color harmony, but also guarantee longterm color stability. Standardized conditions according to international standards are essential for successful color management.


© Datacolor

© Evonik





How Humans See Colour and Why Colour Perception Causes So Many Disagreements

COOL COLOURS. Evonik Presents COATINO™, the First Digital Laboratory Assistant for the Coatings Sector © acp systems

© American Chemistry Council






42 03 08


Cleaning Process for Interior Parts Made of Plastic Integrated into Flatbed Coating Lines: Ice-cold Technology Enhances Quality and Productivity


FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Robotic Electrostatic Application of Water-Based Coatings for Semi-Trailers and Tippers: Menci’s Revolution


ON THE ROAD TO ipcm n. 58 ®



HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Operational Continuity, Knowledge Transfer, and Brand Awareness: The Leitmotifs of Varnish’ Strategy



Imel’s Plant: Perfect Integration into the Factory Logistics



ANALYSIS On the Front Lines of Chemical Assessment in Canada

10 16


Painting Plastics Problems

INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Stahl Powder Coatings: Ultra Violet, Ultra Fast and Ultra Low Bake Curing Process Compared

41 44


FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Dissemination of Best Practices in Coating, Technical Analysis of New Polymers for Excellent Finishing Results, and Supplier Retention: GHE-PA’s Mission in the Field of Plastics

72 86

SUSTAINABILITY INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Photoinitiators for High-Performance UV Curing Applications

© ipcm ®

© ipcm ®






A New Coating Plant for Promoting Growth in the Plastic and Glass Metallisation Sector

© Nordson Deutschland GmbH

New System Painting: When the Robotisation of Plants Becomes Synonymous with Production Flexibility and Result Repeatability © Dürr Systems AG




108 89 92


11 Dürr Innovation Show: Digital Solutions for Smart Production



FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Industry 4.0-oriented Innovations Simplify the Management of an Intensive and Versatile Production Process in the Contracting Coating Sector

HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Chemtec Inaugurates a New Production Plant

FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY A Nanotechnology Pre-Treatment Process for Heat Exchangers: The Sustainable and Innovative Choice of the LU-VE Group




120 126 127




White Goods Take On Colour: New Powder Coating Line Increases Production Flexibility While Reducing Costs


do you need a CHAIN CONVEYOR?

BRAND NEW HOOK! loading capacity > 1,500 kg, it allows the rotation with an integrated lock system

TRAS-MEC iW XLI ǻVWX GSQTER] to safeguard your system and contractually guarantee a downtime free production.



Hey Siri! Who were the first men on the Moon? Richiedi la versione in italiano a info@ipcm.it


ow many times have we heard people around us speaking to Siri (or to Alexa, Cortana, or the more impersonal Google Now) as if it were an assistant in flesh and bones but able to answer any question? Voice assistants are inanimate, but smart objects (generally our phones) that simplify our everyday lives, especially when we need to do or know something while driving. Since 2010, when Apple’s Siri was created, billions of dollars have been invested in the development of voice assistants with an incredible potential. Now, the coating industry has its own virtual assistant, too, thanks to the R&D efforts and investments of a leading company in the field of raw materials for paints. We previewed it in action at the European Coatings Show in Nuremberg in March and we deepened its technology through an exclusive interview with its developers, but we have been able to maintain secrecy until today. In this issue, you will find an in-depth description of COATINO™, the first digital voice control laboratory assistant for the coating industry, an advanced tool that will enable formulators to optimise their time. And that is not all. This summer issue of ipcm® lifts the veil on the future of the car industry and its paintshops. Thanks to our media partnership with the Surcar exhibition, started at the beginning of our activity, also this year we were able to attend numerous high-technical level presentations on innovations in this industry, which, as is well known, will be gradually implemented in all other sectors for which finishing is a fundamental process step. We also interviewed six VIP speakers from as many manufacturing companies, who told us their opinion on the subject of coatings, materials, and the impact of the future of mobility on them. In our previous issue, we presented an innovation that is going to revolutionise the car coating sector: a technique to apply paint with no overspray, developed by the market leader in the design and construction of automotive paintshops. In the next pages, you will find a long report about the Open House that revealed this and many other technological innovations in terms of digitisation, smart production, automation, and finish customisation. Finally, we have decided to add a feature story about the coating of materials such as plastics, glass, and MDF, with which we deal only occasionally, but which entail very high technology, quality, and innovation degrees. It contains a series of reports about companies that have specialised in plastic and glass coating processes, conquering very promising niche markets thanks to their excellent skills.

Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief Direttore Responsabile

July is also our tenth birthday month. This is a first important milestone for us, because the success of our ambitious idea to create an international editorial product was not to be taken for granted. We celebrated it in a big way, through a special event that combined art, nature, and the surface treatment industry in an exceptional venue, with all those who have supported us in these years and have chosen to devote an entire day to our party. You will find photos and reports of this evening on the next issue of ipcm®. In the meantime, let us enjoy a well-deserved rest and a moment of happiness for our achievement.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


© Datacolor

Opening photo: We see thanks to photoreceptor cells in the retinas of our eyes that transmit signals to our brains. Highly sensitive rods allow us to see at very low light levels – but in shades of grey.


How Humans See Colour and Why Colour Perception Causes So Many Disagreements Edited by Datacolor Datacolor AG Europe - Dietlikon, Switzerland Barbara Rudek, PR Agent EMEA barbara.rudek@datacolor.com


ou might have heard that colour is

want to dive with you into the science behind

We hope you will be left with a better

highly subjective. As a global leader

colour perception and the many factors that

understanding of why we so often disagree

in colour management solutions,

impact how we see (which, by the way, is

when it comes to colour.

and provider of software, instruments

not exactly the same as how our friends or

and services to assure accurate colour of

neighbours or co-workers see).

How we see

materials, products, and images, Datacolor is

The article explores some of the basics of

We see thanks to photoreceptor cells in the

quite familiar with this fact.

colour vision and perception. We will also

retinas of our eyes that transmit signals to our

With this article - on which we worked

go into physical factors that impact colour

brains. Highly sensitive rods allow us to see at

together with the editors of ipcm

perception. And we will cover environmental

very low light levels – but in shades of grey. To

International Paint&Coating magazine - we


see colour, we need brighter light and cone



N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


cells that respond to roughly three different

But things get much more complicated when

luminance, A the red/green axis,


individuals or multiple people try to match

and B the blue/yellow axis. Yet

- Short (S) – blue spectrum

colours to samples. Physical/environmental

another model, CIE L*C*h, factors in

factors and personal differences among viewers

lightness, chroma, and hue.

can alter perception. These factors include:

Measurement depends upon

- Physical: Light source, Background, Altitude,

colorimeters or spectrophotometers

(absorption peak ≈ 445 nm) - Medium (M) – green spectrum (absorption peak ≈ 535 nm)


- Long (L) – red spectrum

- Personal: Age, Medications, Memory, Mood.

(absorption peak ≈ 565 nm).

that provide digital descriptions of colours. For instance, the percentages of each of the

This is the basis of trichromatic theory, also called Young-Helmholtz after the

Some of these factors we will talk about a bit

three primary colours required

researchers who developed it (Fig. 1). It was


to match a colour sample are

only confirmed in the 1960s.

referred to as tristimulus values.

Opponent process theory postulates that

Mathematics of colour

colour vision depends upon three receptor

Since environmental and personal factors

in quality control applications.

complexes with opposite actions: light/dark

influence colour perception, we can’t be

Datacolor offers a complete line of

(white/black), red/green, and blue/yellow.

assured of accurate matches when we’re

spectrophotometers suitable for

Together, the two theories help describe the

comparing colours visually to a standard

a variety of industries and more

complexity of our perception of colour.

sample. This can cause real business

sophisticated applications.

object absorbs and reflects wavelengths. Human beings can only see a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, from about 400 nm to 700 nm, but it’s

© Thomson Higher Education

Perceived colour depends upon how an

Tristimulus colorimeters are used

These four environmental factors can impact your perception of colour Physical factors can interfere with

enough to allow us to see millions of

our ability to see and describe


colours the same way others do. That subjectivity gets in the way

Subjectivity in colour perception We are pretty good at recognizing the colour of familiar objects even as lighting circumstances change. This adaptation of eye and brain is known as colour constancy. It doesn’t apply to subtle colour variations, though, or counteract

when we try to execute a designer’s vision or specify a change. It can also interfere with our ability to


visually match a colour to standard

Figure 1: According to the trichromatic theory of colour vision, also known as the Young-Helmholtz theory of colour vision, there are three receptors in the retina that are responsible for the perception of colour.

for production purposes. As we noted before, these physical factors might include: Light source, Background, Altitude, Noise.

the changes in colour due to intensity or quality of light.

problems like production delays, material

We might also be able to agree with each

waste, and quality control failures.

The most important of these, since it’s

other on the wavelengths that define

As a result, businesses are turning to

fundamental to the way we see colours,

basic colours. This might have more to

mathematical equations to specify colours

is light.

do with our brains than our eyes. For

and non-subjective measuring devices to

instance, in a 2005 study at the University

ensure matching.

of Rochester, individuals tended to

The CIE colour model, or CIE XYZ colour

perceive colours the same way even

space, was created in 1931. It’s essentially

Colour of light

though their number of cones in their

a mapping system that plots colours in a

Objects absorb and reflect light. We can

retinas varied widely. When volunteers

3D space using red, green, and blue values

only see objects that reflect light into our

were asked to tune a disk to what they

as the axes (Fig. 2).

eyes, and the colour we see depends

would describe as “pure yellow” light,

Many other colour spaces have been

upon the wavelengths of light that are

everyone selected nearly the same

defined. CIE variants include CIELAB,

reflected. When the visible spectrum is


defined in 1976, where L refers to

reflected equally, we perceive an object

The most critical factor: Light

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


© Nanosys Inc.

as white. When it absorbs most light, we see it as black.

Altitude Colour perception has been shown to change

Colour in light, unlike pigment, depends

in high altitudes. One study evaluated the

on the spectral energies contained in the

effect of reduced oxygen levels that create

light. Objects that appear red reflect the red

physiological changes in the eye. Another found

energy while absorbing all others. Without

that vision changes climbers experienced at

the red energy a normally “red” object will

high altitudes reversed themselves within a

appear black.

short time when the subjects returned home.

Light we perceive as “cool” includes more blue than does “warm” or yellowish


light. The colour of a light source can be

The relationship between sound and colour

described by measuring the relative powers

has fascinated scientists for hundreds of

of various wavelengths. As this spectral

years. Plato and Aristotle speculated about the

power distribution (SPD) changes, so does

relationship between colour and music, and

the way light is reflected to our eyes, which affects the colours we perceive (Fig. 3). Light sources are measured according to their ability to accurately reveal colours in comparison with natural lighting. This value,

Sir Isaac Newton styled his colour wheel to

2 1

correspond to the musical scale. Synesthesia

Figure 2: The CIE colour model is essentially a mapping system that plots colours in a 3D space using red, green, and blue values as the axes.

determined by the spectrum of the light

is a well-known condition whereby people can hear colours (or experience other crossed senses). But while sound can trigger a colour, it’s

source, is called ‘colour rendering index

Brighter isn’t always better, though.

not clear whether sound – especially noise

(CRI)’ and is often indicated on commercial

Research from the Lighting Research

– can suppress colour perception. One

lamps. The CRI for natural, outdoor light is

Center has compared the relationship

study measured “hue bias” associated with


of efficacy to CRI, gamut area, and full-

several factors, including noise, and did see

Retailers, restaurateurs, and office space

spectrum colour index values. Sometimes

a relationship. Another study indicated that

designers are among those who routinely

very bright lights, for instance high-pressure

bursts of white noise could suppress visual

consider CRI in an effort to make goods

sodium lamps, scored poorly on colour

perception generally, but it didn’t single out

more attractive and an atmosphere more

rendering. Depending upon the application,

colour perception.

inviting. But natural light varies with the

colour might be more important than

weather, time of year, time of day, and


position of a building, among other factors.

Backgrounds and colour

We have looked at a few of the physical and environmental factors that affect how we perceive colour, but that’s just part of the

Lighting designers can make adjustments

Colours can appear quite different

story. We bring personal factors into colour

by careful selection of artificial light. And

depending upon their context – not just

perception, too – like age, physical health,

paint and textile colours can be chosen to

the brightness of the viewing area, but the

and mood. As you can see colour perception

offset characteristics of natural light. For

relationship between a colour sample and

is such an exciting story to talk about even

instance, indirect northern light can make

its background.

much more.

colours appear darker, so © Datacolor

a designer might select brighter paint and textile colours than they would for a southern exposure. Intensity of light In addition to colour, the power of the light source can also affect the perceived colours of objects it illuminates.


3 1

Figure 3: As the spectral power distribution (SPD) changes, so does the way light is reflected to our eyes, which affects the colours we perceive.

N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


On the Front Lines of Chemical Assessment in Canada Gary LeRoux Canadian Paint and Coatings Association, Ottawa – Canada


Chemicals management in Canada

Information on all of these issues, and many

There is always much to do to ensure

Canada CoatingsHUB on the website

chemicals remain in commerce for the

www.canpaint.com. There are some

paint and coatings industry in Canada.

chemicals and groupings of chemicals

CPCA’s work with federal and provincial

requiring further feedback from companies

governments on important assessments

using those substances in Canada. It is

more, are posted for members on the

will determine whether or not chemicals

TDIs was published and any facility releasing

critical that companies provide the data to

are designated toxic and if so whether

more than 100 kg of TDI will have to develop

CPCA to ensure a fully informed assessment

a P2 plan

can be made for a positive outcome for the

use levels are restricted or banned. More than 500 substances are now being

- CPCA is actively reviewing ongoing

coatings industry.

assessed at the federal level for coatings

assessment of a sub-grouping for flame

under Canada’s Chemicals Management

retardants and there will likely be several

VOC emissions

Plan (CMP), with more to come in future.

candidates considered for prohibition in the

VOC emissions and air quality continues to

The final decisions for all of them are

coming months, yet others seem to pass the

be a strong focus of the current government.

based on the relevance or robustness

toxicity test

The federal government is conducting

of the evidence-based data provided by

- The federal government is seeking to reduce

a comprehensive study related to a

industry. The end result will be whether or

ketone concentrations for MEK, MIBK and

broad review of national VOC content for

not critical substances are permitted for

2,4-PD in certain paint and coatings products,

architectural coatings in Canada. Industry

continued use in a wide range of coatings

including DIY products that are available

must be prepared to respond to the study

products in Canada. Over the past several

to consumers in Canada such as lacquer

especially as it relates to impacts on coatings

years CPCA has been actively engaged

removers, adhesive removers, paint thinner/

products used across the wide spectrum

with members in an effort to monitor

remover, adhesives and PVC cement/primer

of industry sectors. The data collected will

ongoing work in this regard. Some of the

- CPCA is closely watching the review of nine

form the basis of future negotiations on

areas on current chemical assessment

different groupings of substances containing

VOC limits and it is critical that government

by the federal government require the

compounds used in a wide array of CASE

fully understands the impact on product

attention of the entire coatings industry in

products, which could present a challenge

formulations and related performance

Canada, including the following:

for industry depending on the outcome

over the long term. As such, CPCA will be

related to that assessment

fully engaged with the industry throughout

- The Code of Practice developed by Health Canada in concert with CPCA

- After months of discussion CPCA was

the course of this study as it could have

for MEKO is now being evaluated with a

pleased to see that the assessment of

dramatic, long-term effects on industry as

view to either continuing with the Code

copper and copper compounds will not

much as the first round of VOC limits for

or possibly further restricting MEKO or

target the paint and coatings sector

AIM and auto refinishing coatings

banning it outright for use in Canada - The government is also looking at the

- CPCA continues reviewing final assessments

introduced in 2009.

of chemicals in a number of product

significant new uses for ethylbenzene

categories for substances used in CASE

Staying on the air side of the ledger,

and how it may need further controls to

formulations, most recently for two specific

industry should note that the final

be applied in future

groups of substances used in a number of

environmental emergency regulations

product formulations.

will come into force later in 2019. In

- New pollution prevention plan (P2) for


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


addition to that the National Pollutant

by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency

to determine if the ban might be lifted

Release Inventory (NPRI) reports from

in Canada. OIT is one of the few biocides

pending a review of a study recently

companies were due in June with more

remaining for use in paint and coatings

submitted by registrants related to

than 30 substances impacted in one

for this purpose and as such it is critical to

exposure for airless paint sprayers. CPCA

way or another and several thresholds

preserve waterborne paint, which represents

manufacturers remain hopeful the new

altered, which will impact reporting

more than 50 percent of the paint products

exposure data will lead to more positive

requirements for companies who must

sold in Canada. However, new data has been


remain compliant in Canada.

submitted, which may alter the decision and prevent dire consequences for industry

Given this situation CPCA urges members

The Canada Gazette Part I publication

as the ban will likely require companies to

to take necessary actions in order

for the Third VOC Regulation ‘scope

engage in extensive testing for reformulating

to remain compliant with respect to

and definitions’ was just published for

products with other available biocides.

products sold in Canada containing OIT used for paint and coatings preservation.

a 75-day consultation period. CPCA has a number of substantive questions on

The OIT ban for paint and coatings relates

There are more biocides scheduled for

the proposed regulation for further

only to OIT added ‘after’ production as a

re-evaluation in Canada over the next two

clarity related to paint and coatings

biocide preservative. It does not include

years and it is critical that those biocides

consumer products in Canada. CPCA is

other ingredients in the paint or coating,

remain available to the paint and coatings

now consulting with member companies

which may contain minimal concentrations

industry to ensure product can get to

seeking their input on the proposed

of OIT. In such cases OIT will still be

market. CPCA continues to work with the

product definitions and VOC limits, which

permitted in paint and coatings as part

relevant agencies on a cluster approach

are supposed to be aligned with those

of the ingredients added to mixtures per

to ensure all pertinent data is used wisely

of the California Air Resources Board

label limits. CPCA has recently been actively

pre-empting further bans of important


engaged with federal officials and registrants


The federal government has just completed a survey of the one-litre exemption under the architectural VOC regulations. CPCA has made the case that the exemption should remain in place as it generally helps reduce VOC emissions for consumers who only require small quantities and can obtain 1 or 2 litres for their personal projects as opposed to a larger quantity they don’t need and won’t use, which was the original intent of the 1-litre exemption. It is incumbent upon industry to call out those who seek to abuse this positive feature of the regulations for industry, for the benefit of both consumers and the environment.

Biocide preservatives in paint The biocide OIT (Octhilinone) was banned for use in paint and coatings as an in-can and film preservative as of May 31, 2019.


This was based on a recent re-evaluation

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58




wo new zinc flake products from Dörken MKS deliver a high level of corrosion protection and offer new opportunities for

© Dörken MKS

Curing at Room Temperature coating.

Too large, too bulky, too temperature-sensitive to coat… attributes that are no longer a problem with the two new products from Dörken MKS. To prevent the corrosion of temperature-sensitive or large parts and components it is now possible to use the new DELTA-PROTEKT® 170 RT zinc flake solution (Fig. 1). The new product is applied via spray application and cures at room temperatures of 20–25°C within approximately 20–60 minutes, depending on the thickness of the coat applied. This means there is no need for a curing oven. In addition, a matching topcoat can also be applied, further increasing the level of corrosion protection and improving other characteristics such

2 1

Figure 2: The new spray can DELTA-PROTEKT® REPAIR is used for the optimal repair of defects after the coating und handling process.

as chemical resistance, appearance and feel. The second new product in the portfolio of the Herdecke-based

This corrosion protection to go enables the coating of bare

company is the zinc flake in a can DELTA-PROTEKT® REPAIR

metal, especially for repairing defects after the coating and

(Fig. 2).

handling process. In addition, the product can also be used to coat small areas on

© Dörken MKS

prefabricated component groups that may not be subjected to high curing temperatures. This zinc flake solution also cures at room temperature and offers cathodic corrosion protection for Dörken MKS basecoats as a repair solution. Both room temperature curing solutions achieve good test results in the laboratory and reach at least 720 h without base metal corrosion in salt spray testing (in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9227). The innovative surface protection from Dörken MKS is available worldwide and fulfils high quality standards.


Figure 1: Thanks to the spray application, the new DELTA-PROTEKT® 170 RT can be applied in the thinnest of layers.


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

For further information: www.doerken-mks.de/en


The First VACUDEST XL 16.000 Leaves H2O Production


t the end of June, the first VACUDEST

About H2O GmbH

XL 16.000 left the production of H2O

H2O GmbH nowadays forms part of the worldwide

GmbH. This unit complements the

most experienced experts in the sustainable treatment

VACUDEST series by the 19 size.

and recirculation of industrial wastewater.

“The plant was developed on customer

With its efficient and safe VACUDEST vacuum

request - it closes the gap in the upper

distillation systems they achieve wastewater-free

performance range, which is urgently needed

production for customers in more than 50 countries

by ever larger industries,” says Sales Manager

throughout the world.

Jochen Freund. With a capacity of 16.000

Since the spin-off from Mannesmann Demag in 1999

cubic meters per year, it completes the

H2O has, as an owner-operated company, been able to

VACUDEST series between the smaller

gain a growing number of loyal customers.

XL 12.000 and the more than twice as

More than 100 employees contribute to achieving this

powerful VACUDEST XXL 30.000.

high customer satisfaction level from the headquarters

Optically, the XL 16.000 differs from its

in Steinen in south Germany and in the subsidiaries in

sisters only in its dimensions. With a good 4

Switzerland, Poland and China.


meters in height and 5.9 meters in length, it is around 60 cm taller and longer than the

For further information:

smaller XL 12.000.


© H2O GmbH

With a capacity of 16.000 cubic meters per year, VACUDEST XL 16.000 completes the series between the smaller XL 12.000 and the more than twice as powerful VACUDEST XXL 30.000.


The Industrialisation of Chemical Paint Stripping © Condoroil Chemical Srl


he development of nontoxic and increasingly high-performance formulations has been recently promoting the revival of the chemical

paint stripping technology (Fig. 1). Compared with the past, however, this trend means that simple, “secluded” treatment tanks are no longer used and that the process is rather industrialised and integrated into the production cycle. Condoroil Stainless, with the collaboration of Condoroil Chemical, which has been producing paint strippers since its establishment, is now able to offer spray, ultrasonic, barrel, and hydrokinetic treatment plants, totally automated and integrated with the production lines in order to eliminate the need to remove the frames from the chain. By using the skills acquired in the development of its

Figure 1: An in-line zero discharge paint stripping plant.

recovery and regeneration technology, Condoroil Stainless can also offer zero discharge plants equipped with regeneration units for the paint stripping solutions used and with rinse water recycling systems that simultaneously recover any dragged paint stripper (Figs. 2 and 3). For further information:

© Condoroil Chemical Srl


3 1 2 1 ©


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

l l Sr ica em Ch il o or nd Co

Figure 2: A conventional paint stripping tank.

Figure 3: A sludge decantation unit.


VISIOMER® Specialty Methacrylate Monomers Launches Online Product Recommender and VISIOMER® Toolbox


s the pioneer in methacrylate

This easy-to-use tool allows customers to

chemistry, the Specialty

search for products by entering the chemical

Methacrylate Monomers group

name, synonym, or CAS numbers; or they

of Evonik has a standard portfolio that

can use the provided filters to choose key

includes more than 40 different specialty

features, functionality and applications. Once

monomers, and the ability to customize

the recommended product(s) are shown,

monomers to their customers’ needs.

customers can click the product name to see

With such a versatile toolbox to solve any

the product details. There is also the option

challenge in a broad range of application

to add the product to the shopping cart

areas, an online self-service portal –

feature, and have a sample shipped to their

VISIOMER® Toolbox - was launched to make


it easier for customers to find the right

In addition to the product recommender, the

solution for their application needs.

portal also allows customers to download

VISIOMER Toolbox is a 24/7 access point

technical data sheets, material data safety

to technical support, product recommender

sheets, brochures, certifications, and in

and educational materials. Customers can

future versions a full application guide and

access the new portal by registering on

downloadable online webinars.


www.visiomertoolbox.evonik.com. For further information:

the product recommender tool.


© Evonik

The highlight to the new customer portal is

VISIOMER® Toolbox is a 24/7 access point to technical support, product recommender and educational materials.


Innovative Cooling System Expands Powder Coating Potential


aker Perkins has responded to

cooling feeds the cooling water from

industrial or plastics extruders. They are

market demands for powder

the rear of the gearbox. This feature is

examples of the specialisation that make

coatings that may be applied to

unique to Baker Perkins: extruders from

choosing Baker Perkins’ twin-screw extruders

temperature-sensitive materials, such

other manufacturers feed cooling water

for powder coating an easy decision.

as wood and plastic, by developing an

either at the gearbox/shaft coupling or

They handle all types of powder coating

innovative cooling system for its twin-screw

the extruder discharge. The coupling is

formulations, including epoxy, hybrids,


a highly stressed area, which increases

polyester, acrylics and fines recycling and

The system maximises heat removal from

the likelihood of leaks, while feeding

provide continuous production at outputs

the agitator shafts, screw elements and

water into the discharge end risks water

from 100 to 2,900kg/hour.

barrel to minimise the risk of pre-curing.

entering the product area: when that

This enables extrudate temperatures to

happens, the product is ruined and there

For further information:

be driven down below 100°C, allowing

is yet more loss of production.


material with low curing temperatures to

These two features provide a highly

be produced.

efficient cooling system that can cope with

It is standard on the new generation of

the wide range of heat levels created by

Baker Perkins MPX 50, 65 and 80 machines.

handling resins with both low

The powerful cooling capacity of Baker

and high melt temperatures,

Perkins twin-screw extruders is due to a

and formulations requiring

new barrel, and through-shaft cooling.

high intensity mixing.

The surface area of new multi-directional

These features have been

barrel cooling channels has been increased

developed specifically for the

by 138%, and the channels are now

powder coating industry and are

closer to the barrel bores to increase heat

not found on general-purpose

transfer. Rates of cooling can be controlled and adjusted to suit each individual product profile. Through-shaft cooling enhances extruder reliability: preventing the screws overheating is crucial, because if this happens the product can pre-cure on the screws. At best this reduces product quality and output, at worst an expensive machine shutdown to clean them. In both cases, there is a costly loss of production through downtime and waste. Increased heat removal from the shaft and screw elements raises product quality by removing hot spots, linked to temperature sensitive materials, from the mixing edges. Improved cleanliness is another bonus. The Baker Perkins design for through-shaft


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

The MPX65 extruder by Baker Perkins.



AT Aluminum North America


SAT Surface Aluminium Tech Opens its North American Branch in Indianapolis The choice should be seen in the light

is the American Branch of the

of an always more global organization,

Italian engineering company

begun with SAT acquisition by the

SAT Srl, worldwide leader in the

Gema and Graco group. This has

design, production and installation

represented a turning point to meet

of Vertical Powder Coating Lines.

the customers’ expectations in all

Based in Indianapolis, it represents

markets, and to further develop new

a fundamental step for SAT to

technological solutions also in close

increase its presence in the US

collaboration with the Swiss company,

market as well as to promote its

leader in the electrostatic powder

experience to support the extrusion

application equipment.

companies for everything that is related to the aluminium surface finishing.

From left: Alberto Formenti, SAT Aluminum North America Sales Manager, and David Turnipseed, SAT Aluminum North America Sales Agent.

For further information: www.sataluminum.com

© Imel Spa

Opening photo: The loading station.


Imel’s Plant: Perfect Integration into the Factory Logistics Luca Maddalena Imel SPA, Codroipo, Udine - Italy



N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



and the highest level of quality,

ith a focus on innovation, Imel has been striving to offer ever-more user-friendly and

readily useful solutions for the control and management of coating plants. This company is constantly in contact with its customers to understand their needs in terms of painting line use and management. Such requirements are then analysed by its R&D team and general direction and, finally, integrated into technical innovation projects. After the creation of its 4.0-oriented platform for structured data analysis and smart maintenance and documentation management1, Imel has developed a series of solutions for in/out communication

After the creation of its 4.0-oriented platform for structured data analysis and smart maintenance and documentation management, Imel has developed a series of solutions for in/out communication with the various scheduling systems and production databases of factories. The goal is to help any coating plant perfectly integrate into any factory’s logistics.”

also guaranteed by the Qualicoat certification that it gained at the beginning of 2019,” says Luca Maddalena, i4paintshop product manager from Imel. “Therefore, after starting the line, we identified the needs of planning and conducting of the plant”. It should be noted that customer’s current offer includes a range of more than forty colours and that it is often very difficult to distinguish different shades of the same tint, without the ideal light conditions. Moreover, in addition to our wide colour range, quality control procedures force to

with the various scheduling systems and

record not only the tint applied, but

production databases of factories. The

also the manufacturer of the powder

goal is to help any coating plant perfectly

attention to the implementation of its

coating used, for each batch.

integrate into any factory’s logistics.

i4paintshop platform and the integration

Thanks to the solution by Imel, which

All users, and especially companies

of the machine into the factory’s planning

has fully integrated into the plant’s

coating their products in-house, are now

system. “The mission of this firm is to

control system, the customer’s

equipped with more or less advanced

provide its customers with the widest

needs have been met with a lean

ERP systems interfaced with

possible range of colours and solutions

manufacturing-oriented approach.

MES systems that manage the planning © Imel Spa

of orders along their production flow, from warehouse picking to packaging. In most cases, nevertheless, the coating phase is considered a “black box” fed with often paper production order lists and generating mere hand-written executed order lists. In Italy, however, the subsidies linked to the Government’s Industry 4.0 hyper-amortisation plan are now encouraging the integration of the coating process into the factory logistics, since this is an essential requirement to benefit from these incentives, as it happens in most European countries.

A successful case study After providing and starting an aluminium profile coating plant for a leading company in the design and supply of awnings and pergolas, Imel immediately directed its 1 1 “Return to Global: The New Industry 4.0-Oriented Plant for Coating Aluminium Radiators” ipcm®_International Paint&Coating Magazine No. 56, Vol. X, 2019, pages 80-88

Figure 1: The unloading station.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58



Automatic acquisition of the

© Imel Spa

In short, they were as follows: production plan from customer scheduler; 2.

Possibility for the line operator to change the loading sequence, normally determined by the production plan, according to priorities;


Batch tracking: each lot is tracked and recorded in the cloud, with a product data sheet that includes information on its composition, the type of coating used, actual process data, and any faults occurred.


A visual management system in the loading, application, and unloading stations, in order to display all significant production data in real time (ref. Opening photo and Fig. 1);


An off-line quality control system integrated with the scheduling system for waste management.

“This latter aspect is particularly important, since the i4paintshop platform also enables to operate in compliance with the Qualicoat certification system,” states Luca Maddalena.

Imel’s idea for a lean manufacturing process Coating plants are often used abnormally compared with other production systems: the line operator is generally entrusted with achieving maximum efficiency. However, starting from the most demanding industries such as the automotive one, users are now increasingly often leaning towards

2 1

Figure 2: The consumption monitor.

highly automated management systems providing traceable and repeatable results.

affect the ability to adjust the loading

to the line’s efficiency and availability,

In this success case study (and soon also

sequences. The production plan can be

quality level, and consumption are

for the Epta Group in France and the

updated at any time, except of course

made available on the i4paintshop

Zanardo and Sabiana companies in Italy),

for the items already in the loading

platform (Fig. 2).

Imel has implemented a line production

phase. The operator can see loading

The visual management display is

planning system integrated with the

sequences, efficiency rates, and timers

controlled by a PC that communicates

factory’s one, which enables maximum

on the visual management system’s

with the ImelSw4 software package,

loading flexibility, so that it does not

monitor, while all other data relating

which manages the line, in real time.


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Coating plants are often used abnormally compared with other production systems: the line operator is generally entrusted with achieving maximum efficiency. However, starting from the most demanding industries such as the automotive one, users are now increasingly often leaning towards highly automated management systems providing traceable and repeatable results.�

Air Protection Technology airprotech is active worldwide with a wide range of solutions and products for the control of industrial emissions including VOC volatile organic compounds, solvents and other gaseous pollutants.

Therefore, the monitor shows data and commands from the different HMI panels arranged along the line; for example, it is possible to check in real time how many and what parts of a batch are being loaded, how many load bars are being used for it, etc. Moreover, all statistical data that the customer wishes to transfer once a batch leaves the line are matched with the load bars already in the loading station, automatically drawing from the archive ones made available.

Customisation is the future Imel is pleased with the work done and the choices made in the development phase of this new technology. The complete integration of the ImelSw4 PLC management software package with its 4.0-oriented platform allows exchanging data with any customer database system in real time, be they scheduling data, statistical data, and/or documents that can be used during processing, e.g. about masking systems, specific quality controls, programs and their related process parameters, and quality controls to be carried out depending on the workpieces. This project will continue to evolve, but Imel has already laid the foundations to allow customising it specifically for any type of customer or product.



BASF Recognized for its Contribution to Sustainable Development


ASF’s Coatings division was awarded

“The challenge tackled by our teams was to

This innovation is also fully in keeping with a

the Pierre Potier prize medal in the

provide technical solutions for bodywork

desire of the end consumer to be an

Environmentally-friendly Process

repair processes which are as effective as

eco-responsible motorist.

category for its R-M eSense automotive

the standard systems, while at the same

paint line which covers all bodywork repairs.

time significantly improving environmental

The ceremony was attended by Agnès

performances. This specific feature is a first in

Responsible innovations for a sustainable future

Pannier-Runacher, French Secretary of

automotive paints and makes the eSense line

With eSense, BASF confirms its commitment

State to the Minister of the Economy and

the sustainable solution for vehicle repairs.

to effective, economical, and ecological climate

Finance. The Pierre Potier prize honors

What is more, receiving this prize in the year

protection. “Climate change is one of the main

chemical companies which innovate and

that R-M celebrates its 100th anniversary is a

challenges for society and BASF has been

constantly strive to improve their products

fantastic gift,” said Fabien Boschetti, Managing

innovating in this field for many years. Energy

and procedures in an effort to preserve the

Director of BASF Coatings Services France.

efficiency and the use of renewable resources

environment, and thus provide solutions to

In practice, if a body shop uses products from

are key levers to combine climate protection,

the challenge of the ecological transition.

the eSense line to repair the equivalent of

conservation of resources and economic

The Pierre Potier prize also encourages the

2.5 bodywork parts, it saves 550g of CO2.

benefits. This prize recognizes BASF’s expertise

Thanks to eSense, body shops can now use

in these fields. Therefore, I am very proud to

in the chemical sector.

products achieving a result that equals or even

receive this award, which crowns the hard work

The innovation of the eSense line is based

betters standard products, at the same time

and commitment of our teams“ said Thierry

on BASF’s Biomass Balance approach,

offering superior environmental performances.

Herning, head of BASF France.


development of eco-responsible approaches

certification body. This approach involves using renewable resources to reduce


developed in cooperation with the TÜV SÜD

the share of fossil fuel resources in the feedstock right from the start of the paint product manufacturing process. The share of renewable raw material used is then allocated to a selection of end products. The use of renewable raw materials, in this case biogas or bio-naphtha, means the eSense line is part of the bio-economy. Since 2018, BASF transferred the certification to the new European REDcert2 standard for the chemical company.

eSense: good for cars and the environment Additionally, by allowing body shops to significantly shorten product drying times during the repair process, the eSense line enables a considerable reduction in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Left to right: Thierry Herning (Head of BASF France SAS), Fabien Boschetti (Managing Director BASF Coatings Services France), Yannick Pichot (Laboratory, Product Development Manager, BASF Coatings Services France) and Bernard Meunier (Former Director the French Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), President of the French Academy des Sciences).



Your eco-friendly approach.

We care. Water treatments specialities

is a brand of



Your lasting colours.

We care. Paint strippers

is a brand of


Rostirolla Introduces New Accessories to its Hanging System P25


ostirolla presented an innovative project

same column can be used for coating smaller

for the hanging of aluminium bars of

parts of various shapes and sizes, through the

various lengths and sizes on powder

implementation of a third accessory called

coating lines.

‘Crossbar’ (HB product – Fig. 2). This allows the

Rostirolla – a company specialized in the

user maximum flexibility”.

production of hooks, racks and masks for industrial powder, liquid and cataphoresis coating

For further information:

– has developed the innovative P25 system for


The system consists of a vertical column and of vertical bars, which, in the presence of hollow

© Rostirolla

the coating of aluminium profiles (Fig. 1).

aluminium bars, can be inserted into the profile itself for an optimal hanging, without the risk of scratches. “The vertical bars can be made more or less robust, depending on the size of the bar to be supported,” explains Simone Rostirolla, owner of the company. “Furthermore, the system was

Figure 1: The P25 powder coating hanging system for aluminium bars.

© Rostirolla

developed in such a way that the


2 1

Figure 2: The P25 column with the “HB crossbar” for the hanging of different parts.

© Evonik

Opening photo: A digitisation pioneer: COATINO sector by Evonik.


is the first digital laboratory assistant specially developed for the coating


COOL COLOURS. Evonik Presents COATINO™, the First Digital Laboratory Assistant for the Coatings Sector Evonik Resource Efficiency GmbH, Essen - Germany



ike many others, the sector of resins and raw materials for

One of the key features of the future industry is customer interaction.

paints and coatings is undergoing a digitisation process.

Gaetano Blanda, Business Line Coating Additives Manager at Evonik

High process automation, predictive maintenance systems,

Resource Efficiency, firmly believes this. “Interacting with customers

and remote controls are now essential characteristics of any excellent

does not only mean to collect precise information on their needs or

factory. However, the potential of digitisation goes far beyond that.

guarantee order transparency: continuous, consistent, and mutual


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Evonik presented COATINO™ at the

any voice command they are given and, if

Evonik has identified some critical issues

European Coatings Show 2019, the first

everything works right, will then play the

in the paint, ink, and coating industry: the

digital voice control laboratory assistant

desired music, provide a weather forecast or

increasing complexity and width of product

in the world for the coatings sector as

update the user’s calendar. Voice-controlled

ranges, for instance, makes the management of

well as an advanced tool that will enable

digital assistants promise to provide us help in

formulations more complicated for customers;

formulators to optimise their time.

our daily lives. They are rapidly spreading.

the dramatic increase in regulations on

At home, in the car, and while shopping,

Whereas they were found in only one percent

chemicals makes it more difficult to understand

voice-controlled digital assistants have

of US households in 2016, this figure had risen

what raw materials can be used in what

become a part of daily life. In the future,

to 20 percent just two years later. They are also

regions of the world; and, finally, sales staffs

they will also make lab work easier.

used in no less than 13 percent of German

increasingly need full and real-time access to all

The first such assistant to specifically help


possible solutions offered by their companies.

scientists in the coatings industry is named

If everything goes according to Dr. Gaetano

Therefore, Evonik asked itself how it could

COATINO™ (ref. Opening photo).

Blanda’s wishes, this will only be the beginning.

improve the professional life of its customers

Bearing names such as Siri and Alexa,

Blanda wants to turn voice-controlled digital

and employees: we came to the conclusion that

virtual assistants are now a part of the

assistants from simple helpers for daily life

a digital laboratory assistant was the missing

family in one out of five American homes.

into chemistry experts and use them in a place


Boasting endless patience, they accept

where a comprehensive amount of specialized

© Evonik

interaction is needed. In the last few years,


Figure 1: Coating test circuit (HTE): with its fully automated paint composition test system, Evonik progressively reduces the time required to find optimal formulations. It can test over 100 samples in 24 hours.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


will now help users research and adjust

From can to prototype

is spoken: the laboratory.

ingredients directly in the laboratory. The

To find this out, the scientists decided to

As the Head of the Coating Additives Business

assistant’s name is COATINO™. The idea

simply start working. They coated an empty

Line at Evonik, Dr. Blanda knows about the

for COATINO™ was born during a strategy

can of paint in the company’s colors. They

great demands that the new lab assistants

meeting at Coating Additives. “We talked

then put it into the laboratory, where they

have to fulfill with regard to scientific expertise

about new ways in which business could

filmed a discussion between a colleague and

and language skills. His team specializes in

develop,” says Dr. Oliver Kröhl, Head of the

the can. In the video, the user asked the can

formulations for the coatings industry and

Strategic Business Area Development at

about a suitable waterborne anti-foaming

the associated additives. In order to exactly

Coating Additives and the project’s manager.

agent for a wood coating. The can gave its

meet the customers’ wishes with respect to

“Innovations are no longer just limited to

reply, provided the lab employee with a

colour, gloss, and durability, the experts have

finished products or processes. Instead, you

selection of products, and ordered a sample.

to create complex mixtures in the lab which

need to demonstrate your ability to come

“Back then, the questions were answered

they supplement with the right additives.

up with solutions in the form of new services

by a colleague who stood behind a wall,”

Thousands of combinations are possible —

and business models.” The researchers

says Kröhl. “Although this was rather ad

far more, in fact, than the human brain can

focused on everyday challenges for the

hoc, we wanted to tangibly test our idea


formulation of coatings and paints and

with customers and quickly get feedback.”

soon decided that they could use a

The video was shared with a number of

The experts spend correspondingly much

voice-controlled digital formulation assistant.

customers and the team also conducted

time searching through notes and data

The team was thrilled by the idea. But is this

structured interviews. The idea engendered

sheets on their desks. So a digital assistant

what the experts in the lab actually need?

a great amount of interest.

© Evonik

knowledge is needed and a technical language

2 1


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


This approval encouraged the developers to move into uncharted territory. “We’re experts for paints and coatings, but not for voice-controlled assistants,” says Kröhl. “That’s why we knew that the project might not work. However, we and our customers thought it had such great potential that we were willing to take the risk.” Their aim was to develop a prototype assistant in time for the European Coating Show, the world’s most important trade fair for the paint and coatings industry. This was no easy task, because conventional voice-recognition systems were unable to handle the specialist vocabulary. “The usual assistants simply can’t understand our language,” says Kröhl. They quickly reach their limits when you ask them about dispersion, rheology or silicone resins, for example, and they can, at best, only supply general information.

A test course for coatings The high-throughput experimentation unit for the testing of coating recipes at the Coating Additives Business Line provides an important pool of data for the coating industry’s digital assistant. This unit, which is housed at Evonik’s Goldschmidtstrasse location in Essen, doses raw materials, formulates them to create coatings, and characterizes the finished coatings (Fig. 1). All of this runs fully automatically according to a precisely defined program that can be reproduced at any time. As a result, the unit can formulate an average of 120 samples in 24 hours. The results can be called up and reproduced at any time. If this data is linked with COATINO™, customers will receive daily updated data about individual coating formulations. Technical language and speech recognition were two other challenges in the development of COATINO™. “The usual assistants simply can’t understand our language”, says Oliver Kröhl, Head of the COATINO™ project. “They have to be able to do a lot more in order to formulate a coating,” says Kröhl. “If they don’t know the components’ properties and how they interact, they won’t be any help in the laboratory.”

Figure 2: Digital laboratory assistant: thanks to the modern methods offered by big data and machine learning technologies, COATINOTM can always recommend the most suitable additive among the most varied options, thus enabling researchers to work in a more targeted way and achieve effective results more quickly.

Preventing foam, scratches, and runs

Training for global application

says Blanda. Once a user has found

Paints, lacquers, and other coatings

For example, if you ask the assistant,

voice command to tell COATINO™ to

basically consist of four components:

“Which additive is suited for printing

order a sample, directly call up the

solvents, binders, pigments, and

ink?,” the system obviously has to be

pertinent technical data sheet by e-mail

additives. A solvent keeps a wall paint in

able to understand each word. Among

or have a conversation with an expert

a liquid state, for example.

other things, COATINO™ had to learn

arranged. “For us, customer-oriented

The solvent evaporates after the paint

that “additive” designates a certain

digital solutions enable people to talk

is applied, causing it to dry. Pigments

category of coating components. In the

with one another more efficiently about

give the paint the desired color. Binders

next step, the assistant has to access its

innovative solutions,” says Kröhl.

are used to ensure the paint remains

data, search through it, create suitable

attached to the wall and is effective.

links, and assign the data to a possibly

This component is colorless and bonds

relevant result. To do so, it first breaks

New formulations from the database

the paint with the substrate. Additives

down the sequence of sounds into their

The COATINO™ prototype was

make up the smallest percentage of a

smallest components and conducts a

ready just in time for the start

formulation. Although their share is less

data search on the basis of characteristic

of the European Coating Show.

than five percent, they nevertheless

properties. A special challenge for the

“We immediately presented it to a

play a key role. Additives eliminate foam

assistant is that COATINO™ has to be

select group of our customers,” says

when paint is applied. They also prevent

able to understand not only German

Blanda. Instead of a can, the users

the paint’s pigments from agglutinating.

nouns in the nominative case but also

imparted their wishes to a tablet via a

They make coatings thixotropic, i. e. they

in other cases. The researchers also

microphone. “The feedback was even

make them easy to apply, but prevent

want to make sure that the speaker’s

better than we’d hoped. We were able

them from forming runs when they dry

dialect or accent won’t hamper the

to gain some of the customers as first

on vertical surfaces.

result. The ultimate aim is to enable

users who will test the assistant.”

Other additives make coatings more

COATINO™ to understand customers’

They will pass on their experiences to

scratch-resistant, for example.

pronunciations worldwide. Added to

Blanda and his team. “We wanted to

The various components influence

these challenges are the speakers’

get the customers involved at an early

each other’s effects, depending on

different talking speeds and pitches

stage,” says Blanda. “Such a project

the mixture. The number of possible

as well as the specific context of a

can only work if customers also think it

combinations is immense. Even if

discussion. “The training process is

benefits them.” In 2020 the researchers

only ten curing agents, ten binders,

very nerve-wracking,” says Kröhl. “And

plan to make COATINO™ available for

ten pigments, and ten additives are

after the trial run with our colleague in

the entire coatings industry.

considered during the development of a

Shanghai was finally successful, it went

coating recipe, these numbers translate

wrong with our colleagues in Essen.”

However, there is no end in sight for

into 10,000 possible combinations.

For almost two years now, COATINO™

the system’s further development.

And this doesn’t even take into

has been jointly developed and trained

“When you use digital assistants,

account variations in the ratios of the

by the business line and an external

you continually come up with ideas

components used. “Customers have

development company from Berlin.

for new features,” says Kröhl.

very precise ideas about the capabilities

The assistant passed its first important

For example, COATINO™ could

that a product should have once it’s

development test when the prototype

conceivably not only supply existing

finished,” says Blanda.

was demonstrated at the ECS.

formulations but also suggest its own

In order to develop a functional

COATINO™ has a lot of things to say.

new mixtures.

voice-controlled assistant for the

When asked about suitable additives, it

The scientists could directly test

coatings industry, the researchers at first

not only presents a list of products but

these mixtures in the lab and

began to structure all of the available

also prioritizes them (Fig. 2). “COATINO™

enhance them for their own use.

information and feed it into a huge

can tell me which additive would be

“Our COATINO™ might one day really

database. In the next step, they made it

best suited for my formulation and my

become an artificially intelligent entity,”

possible to call up this information using

requirements. It can thus give me

says Blanda. “But we still have a long,

a voice-control function.

well-founded recommendations,”

long way to go until then.”


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

the desired product, he can issue a

© ipcm ®

Opening photo: A semi-trailer produced by Menci.


Robotic Electrostatic Application of Water-Based Coatings for Semi-Trailers and Tippers: Menci’s Revolution Alessia Venturi ipcm®


echanical stresses, wear

The world of transport expects maximum

components and numerous weld joints.

through weathering, and

performance from these, including

These two characteristics, combined with

heavy loads are the daily

sturdy design and reliable finishes

the high quality coating requirements

operating conditions of semi-trailers,

guaranteeing the necessary corrosion

imposed, significantly complicate the

movable floors, and their equipment,

protection over time. Semi-trailers can

painting process, which is traditionally

such as tippers and tanks (ref.

exceed thirteen metres in length and

carried out with liquid products and

Opening photo).

present considerably complex-shaped

manual operations.


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Menci: excellence in the machining of aluminium

This specialisation was maintained in the

is also an important test bed for new coating products and plant technologies:

Its ability to treat aluminium has

innovation. Not even the involvement

for example, several companies switched

characterised the development of Menci and

of his three sons Adriano, Luciano,

from solvent to water-based paints already

the evolution of its offer: from tanks to quarry

and Francesco in the Sixties led Menci

many years ago and the ones choosing

and construction tippers, the use of light

to abandon the agricultural sector.

the latter now account for the majority.

alloys is the trademark of this manufacturer.

However, in the Seventies, precisely this

The transition from manual to robotic

MENCI & C. SPA was established in

specialisation led to the creation of the

electrostatic application techniques and

Castiglion Fiorentino (Arezzo, Italy) in 1927

company’s first fodder transport tank,

the digitisation of the coating process have

by Geremia Menci, a skilful metalworker

which marked the debut of Menci in

been two further hot topics in the last few

who produced machines and equipment for

the world of industrial transports and

years, thanks to the incentives that have

agriculture, especially ploughs.

opened new horizons for this firm.

The sector of trailers and their equipment

following years without any particular

The quality leap

investing in Industry 4.0

occurred in the

© ipcm ®

been offered to anyone throughout Europe.

Nineties, due to

These trends also

a period of crisis

correspond to the

in the agricultural

evolution of the

sector that forced

paintshop of Menci,

the company

one of the main

to enhance

manufacturers of semi-

its production

trailers, tippers, and

intended for

tanks for the agricultural

road use.

and industrial sectors.

The processing of

In the last few years,

fodder transport

its production flow

tanks helped

has actually been

the company’s

revolutionised and its

workers develop

focus has shifted towards


process automation, as evidenced by the recently installed robotic welding stations. The revolution

aluminium welding


skills. This, in

Figure 1: A robotic welding station.

revolutionising the production

was completed in 2018

flow of Menci, which has continued to

and it has been effective for about six

grow by developing of light alloy welding

months now. It required the creation of a development team involving CMA Robotics (Udine, Italy) and Wagner SpA for the application elements and Inver


Sherwin-Williams for the fine-tuning of the water-based coating system. Although not completely free of problems, the transition from manual to automatic processes was quick and easy: Menci has already transferred approximately 50% of its semi-trailer coating operations to the automatic booth. 1

turn, allowed

Inver is a brand of The Sherwin-Williams Company.

The sector of trailers and their equipment is also an important test bed for new coating products and plant technologies: several companies switched from solvent to water-based paints already many years ago and the ones choosing the latter now account for the majority.”

technologies and other new innovative projects (Fig. 1). Since 2001, in order to meet some customers’ need for steel heavy-duty semi-trailers, the firm’s production began to also include this material, although just for tipping semi-trailers – a sector where Menci is now the European leader in the 22-60 m3 range in all possible combinations. The exponential growth of MENCI & C. Spa has occurred over the last ten years, transforming it into an Italian market leader with 1,800 semi-trailers produced

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


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per year. In 2004, Menci began to export its products all over the world, starting with the whole European market and reaching the South American one a few years ago. In 2013, Menci further grew by acquiring the manufacturer Zorzi, with a factory in Treviso (Italy). The Group now also includes Menci Maroc and Menci do Brasil. It has a consolidated turnover of approximately 80 million Euros and 280 employees in Italy alone. “We are particularly focussing on our internationalisation, especially in distant countries and emerging markets, for which we have specifically developed a tank that simplifies and reduces the impact of transportation on our products’ costs,” states Menci Industrial Director Francesco Cau. “This is an easy-to-build modular tank kit, whose structural elements are bolted and can

2 1

be shipped in containers. We decided to launch a product line Figure 2: An already-coated tipper taken to the assembly area.

intended for developing countries that it is not only easy to build on site, as it does not require any welding operations, but also

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easy to maintain.”

The production flow Menci’s production philosophy translates into robotic welding stations for all main components, state-of-the-art solutions to guarantee maximum quality and ISO 9001 compliance, and extreme attention to details for aesthetically perfect and functional products (Fig. 2). The products that distinguish this company’s offer are as follows: - Tipping semi-trailers in light alloys and steel; - Moving floor semi-trailers; - Frames for tanks; - Tanks for the transport of animal feed and flours for animal use. “Our two Italian manufacturing sites stand out for their product

3 1

customisation level. Here in Castiglion Fiorentino, we produce Figure 3: A frame within a drying oven.

standard frames and tippers under the brand Menci, but the Treviso plant specialises in a highly customised production under

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the brand Zorzi, often starting from a blank sheet,” explains Cau. “We produce frames in both steel, which accounts for 80% of our production (Fig. 3), and aluminium. Tippers and tanks can also be manufactured in steel, with round sections, or in aluminium, with square sections and greater volumes. The choice of the constructive material obviously depends on the type of load for which the vehicle is intended. The maximum size of our semi-trailers is 13.60 m, that of our tippers 11.5 m, and that of our tanks 12.5 m.” “Our production flow starts with aluminium extrusions, machined on two 5-axis centres, and with the folding of steel sheets. That is how we prepare the kits needed to assemble the first welded units. After the welding of the structure, we

4 1

proceed with a manual sandblasting phase in two large booths

Figure 4: The two coating robots installed in the 20-metre long dry application booth.


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

that can accommodate frames, tippers, and tanks in both steel and aluminium,” adds Cau. “We have fine-tuned an extremely

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5 1

Figure 5: The programming and control devices of the two robots.

delicate sandblasting process for aluminium, using special pyramidal metal shots. Our aluminium movable floors, on the other hand, are sanded by hand. Typically, the aluminium tippers are not coated but, when they are, the sandblasting process is preceded by a chemical pre-treatment phase, that is, phospho-degreasing through a pressure washer. For the coating cycle, we use a three-coat, two-component, water-soluble liquid system, including two layers of base coat and a layer of enamel, supplied by Sherwin-Williams. It takes place in an area equipped with three manual booths, each linked to a drying oven, and with a new robotic booth featuring an automatic mixing device and an electrostatic application system, which was Menci’s latest plant investment.”

The coating system: adjusting a tailor-made product The coating products used by Menci in its robotic booth are the same as those used in the manual systems. Inver has fine-tuned these last generation, two-component acrylic primer and enamel precisely to allow using them also in the automatic machine. “Thanks to the adjustment process carried out in our laboratory in Minerbio (Bologna, Italy), the transition from manual to automatic application operations has been very smooth,” says Lorenzo Mori, CEO of Invercolor Toscana, one of the companies controlled by Inver in partnership with its sales representatives in order to capillarily supply a high quality service while maintaining the parent company’s peculiarities.

6 1 © Menci

Figure 6: A rendering of the bearing structure equipped with the two robots.

Manager at Sherwin-Williams. “This

“The two products are applied in three layers with a total thickness between 120 and 130 microns. Many colours may be applied, because Menci’s production is highly customised in terms of finishes and the customers can choose any type of tint, even fluorescent ones,” adds Lorenzo Mori. “Inver also supplies colours from the Scania, Volvo, and DAF ranges, since every tank must guarantee the perfect colour match with every tractor.” “The peculiarity of Menci’s coating system is that its base coat has been developed to ensure the optimal distension of its enamel layer. Although these products are applied with high thicknesses on sandblasted surfaces, they give the surfaces optimal aesthetics and guarantee a salt spray resistance value of 700 hours,” says Giuliano Grandi, Area Manager and Invercolor


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Inver has kept pace with the entire development of water-soluble liquid paints, which were created in the 1970s as products for immersion application operations. This firm, however, immediately started testing them for spraying processes: despite some initial disastrous results, as the raw materials available at that time were not suitable, it carried on. It is now among the most experienced companies in the field of water-soluble technologies, and water-based liquid coatings with a low cosolvent content account for approximately 80% of its production.”

excellent result depends on the surfaces’ refinement degree, resulting in little absorption of enamel and therefore in excellent finishing results. Moreover, both the base coat and the enamel employ the same isocyanate catalyst, which further favours adhesion among layers. Until two years ago, the tanks were sanded by hand after the base coat application: a whole day was needed for this operation alone. Now, thanks to the fine-tuning of its coating system, Menci can automatically perform a wet-on-wet cycle with a flash-off stage of approximately 2 hours between one coat and the other, and a final flash-off stage of at least 40 minutes at 30 °C to let all water evaporate; the final drying in the oven lasts 1 hour at 50 °C. The final flash-off stage is crucial to reach the required film quality level,” states Mori.



“This company works with internal specifications that can be customised according to the demands of the market or of individual customers. For example, some require total thicknesses up to 350 microns. For these particular needs, Inver provides a water-soluble epoxy base coat able to reach a dry thickness of 250-300 microns with two coats,” says Giuliano Grandi. “Inver has kept pace with the entire development of water-soluble liquid paints, which were created in the 1970s as products for immersion application operations. This firm, however, immediately started testing them for spraying processes: despite some initial disastrous results, as the raw materials available at that time were not suitable, it carried on. It is now among the most experienced companies in the field of water-soluble technologies, and water-based liquid coatings with a low cosolvent content (also for electrostatic application) account

© Wagner

for approximately 80% of its production.”


SVERNICIATURA CRIOGENICA per recupero di telai e ganci

SVERNICIATURA CHIMICA per pezzi in alluminio e di design

SVERNICIATURA TERMICA per il recupero di telaistica in ferro

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Figure 7: The robots feature Wagner GA 4000 AirCoat automatic guns.

. sas


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take a long time. In fact, we are about to hire a person who will take care of the coating and welding robots’ programming. However, we already manage to paint four or five frames per day and we are fine-tuning the coating of the first tippers.” The two CMA Robotics coating robots are installed within a 20-metre long and 7-metre wide dry application booth with an air intake plenum device on the roof, a suction system on the floor, and three filtration levels i.e. roof, floor, and walls (Fig. 4). This automation project was aimed at enabling the coating of several

8 1

large-sized frames and tippers, with a

Figure 8: The paint mixing and feeding occur through the separated AquaCoat system.

length of 4 to 13.6 metres. The CMA GR6100 robots used have a very wide work area, they are ATEX Zone

Robotic electrostatic application: an operational revolution

Francesco Cau from Menci. “We have not

1, Category 2G certified, and they can

fully mastered the robot activation phase,

be programmed off-line (Fig. 5). Their

“We started automating our coating process six

yet, due to the variability of our products

wrists are hollow to allow space for the

months ago, although continuing to work with

in terms of shapes and dimensions: the

paint feeding pipes and access narrow

the manual booths at the same time,” explains

coating programs’ generation and testing

areas more easily. Indeed, the frames to

WAGNER provided Menci with an application system developed based on the experience gained in forty years of activity in the field of electrostatic systems and water-based coatings. A completely insulated device favours the creation of the electrostatic effect, crucial to help cover geometrically complex parts. The high voltage paint is also attracted by areas that are difficult to reach with the guns, thus guaranteeing perfect workpiece coverage and overspray reduction.”


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9 1

Figure 9: The coating management unit.

© Wagner


be coated have very complex shapes and narrow spaces (Fig. 6). “In order to cover the entire length required by Menci, we matched the two robots, i.e. one per side, or one above and one below if needed, with two horizontal carts, each with a 18-metre stroke, which constitute the seventh axis,” states CMA Robotics Project Manager Daniele Donato. “We then fixed the carts + robots unit high up on a sturdy steel structure so as not to take up space on the floor, because the booth’s bottom is equipped with a suction device. This configuration enabled us to comply with the minimum booth size required

10 1

by this customer, i.e. an internal width of 6.8 metres, a length of 20.9 metres, and a

Figure 10: The control modules of the Wagner Intellimix mixers.

height of 5.7 metres (under the filter). The system has a retaining pin on the

creation of the electrostatic effect, crucial to

automatic electrostatic system, whose colour

help cover geometrically complex parts.

reached its position,” states Donato.

change operations are managed by the CMA

The high voltage paint is also attracted by

“It was designed to make sure that the carts

dialogue interface.”

areas that are difficult to reach with the guns,

are always in the correct position.

“We provided Menci with an application

thus guaranteeing perfect workpiece coverage

system developed based on the experience

and overspray reduction.”

gained by Wagner in forty years of activity in the field

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The plant coats through a Wagner Intellimix

robots’ control panel that the workpiece has

© Wagner

ground with a switch that signals to the

of electrostatic systems and water-based coatings,” says Wagner SpA Area Manager Roberto Mattioli. “It applies a 2K water-soluble product with an air-aided high-pressure jet.

11 1

Figure 11: A coated frame.

The GA 4000 AirCoat automatic guns on the robots’ arms use a low-pressure

“The base coat and the enamel use the same

pulverisation air jet, but they deliver the

catalyst, fed by one pipe. We also provided for

product through high-pressure airless nozzles

the presence of a wild card colour in smaller

(Fig. 7). The paint mixing and feeding occur

barrels for non-standard productions,” adds

through the separated AquaCoat system

Roberto Martinelli from Protek (Laterina

(Fig. 8).

Pergine Valdarno, Arezzo, Italy), the Wagner

A completely insulated device favours the

distributor that also dealt with the system’s

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


good quality consistency. Moreover, the

installation and service. “The mixing and control electronic system is connected to the flow meters via fibre optic cables to ensure it is insulated. The system guarantees precise catalysis ratios, in addition to providing information on consumption, cycle times, and plant productivity. The paints are taken directly from the barrels located in the coating management unit and provided with stirrers to maintain the required viscosity (Fig. 9). The Intellimix dosing machines receive them through high-pressure pneumatic pumps; through fibre optic measuring devices, they control the amount of product supplied to the guns, dosing the catalyst in the percentage required by the coating program (Fig. 10).” “The colour change phase is the result

The colour change phase is the result of the communication between the Intellimix machine and the CMA robots. The process is automatic and takes about three minutes. The guns’ automatic cleaning station is located in the middle of the booth and the robots are positioned on it when needed; this system also retrieves the cleaning product to avoid polluting the plant. Finally, a manual station has been integrated with an electrostatic gun for any touch-up operations.”

paint saving guaranteed by the electrostatic application process is remarkable, about 20-30%, with benefits also in terms of emissions and maintenance. Of course, the optimal result, i.e. the possibility to treat all products in the robotic station and industrialise coating programs for every frame, tipper, and tank we produce, is still far away. However, only six months have passed since acceptance.” “The main problem will be adapting our production capacity,” states Francesco Cau (Fig. 12). “We are currently working on two shifts in the manual booths and on two shifts in the automatic one, where the robots are used for both production and tests. Soon, the robotic booth will operate on two or three shifts, whereas the manual stations will only

between the Intellimix

treat non-standard

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of the communication machine and the CMA

productions, such

robots,” concludes

as frames that

Mattioli. “The process

we produce in

is automatic and takes

minimum quantities

about three minutes. The

and for which

guns’ automatic cleaning

it is not worth

station is located in the

developing specific

middle of the booth and

coating programs.

the robots are positioned

Certainly, during

on it when needed; this

this industrialisation

system also retrieves

phase, the technical

the cleaning product to

assistance service of our technological

avoid polluting the plant. Finally, we integrated a

partners is proving

12 1

very helpful, as

manual station with an electrostatic gun for any touch-up operations (Fig. 11).”

Figure 12: At the head of the table, Francesco Cau. From left to right: Roberto Martinelli from Protek, Francesco Mori, Lorenzo Mori and Giuliano Grandi from Sherwin-Williams, Roberto Mattioli from Wagner Spa, Alessia Venturi from ipcm and Nicolas Berneschi from Protek.

well as the training courses that Inver has offered to our applicators on

Increased productivity, quality consistency, and product saving

manage their development with all the

procedures, defect management, and

partners involved in the project and

quality control, directly at their premises in

to find a compromise on the possible

Minerbio (Bologna).” “This is an exclusive

“The switch to robotic paint application

solutions, in order to obtain the most

service offered by Inver to its customers,”

was a very important change for Menci,”

stable process possible with the

says Giuliano Grandi, Area Manager and

says Menci Production Manager Maurizio

required quality degree. We are very

Invercolor Manager at Sherwin-Williams.

Niquoziani. “Such large and complex plants

pleased with our choice, because the

“Our training program also includes

pose equally large and complex problems,

robots have enabled us to increase our

an upgrade delivered directly at their

especially because it is necessary to

productivity and, most of all, achieve

premises every two years.”


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Powder coating lines since 1976.

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EUROIMPIANTI USA LLC 1817 NW 79th Ave Miami, FL 33126 (US)








n. 58

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58




ANALYSIS Painting Plastics Problems


FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Dissemination of Best Practices in Coating, Technical Analysis of New Polymers for Excellent Finishing Results, and Supplier Retention: GHE-PA’s Mission in the Field of Plastics


HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Operational Continuity, Knowledge Transfer, and Brand Awareness: The Leitmotifs of Varnish’ Strategy


INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Stahl Powder Coatings: Ultra Violet, Ultra Fast and Ultra Low Bake Curing Process Compared


INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Cleaning Process for Interior Parts Made of Plastic Integrated into Flatbed Coating Lines: Ice-cold Technology Enhances Quality and Productivity


FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY New System Painting: When the Robotisation of Plants Becomes Synonymous with Production Flexibility and Result Repeatability


SUSTAINABILITY The First REACH Compliant Plating on Plastic Facility in Europe


FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY A New Coating Plant for Promoting Growth in the Plastic and Glass Metallisation Sector


INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Photoinitiators for High-Performance UV Curing Applications


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© American Chemistry Council



Painting Plastics Problems Clifford K. Schoff Schoff Associates – Allison Park (PA) – United States


hose of you who paint plastics or

and paintability. Due to having lower

of dirt. In addition, plasticizers or other

formulate paints for them know

surface energies and polarities, many

components may come to the surface over

that plastics are very different

plastics tend to experience more wetting

time. These surface contaminants must

from metals and can be considerably

and adhesion problems than do

be removed. However, not every bump or

more difficult to paint. Paints over plastics

pre-treated metals.

irregularity in a coated surface is due to

suffer many of the same problems as

Substrates must be clean to ensure good

dirt. Occasionally, what looks like dirt really

those applied to metals, but have a

coating adhesion and minimize defects.

stems from surface damage caused by

number of their own defects. One of the

This is particularly true for plastics, which

moulding problems or bad part handling

difficulties with painting plastics is that

may have mould release agents on their


there are so many different plastics in

surfaces and seem to have great affinities

Plastics are commonly cleaned by a power

use, each with its own surface properties

for oils, sanding dust, and other kinds

wash followed by a solvent wipe.


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


This process normally ensures

primers are needed if topcoats are to be

as a heat sink and the heat-up and

paintability, but it must be audited

applied electrostatically. Application can

cool-down behaviour of backed and

periodically to determine whether

affect appearance in ways ranging from

non-backed areas are different. This results

parts really are clean. I have been in a

smoothness to colour to aluminium or mica

in significant temperature gradients in these

number of plants where they were not.

flake orientation. Often, these problems are

areas, which, in turn, cause surface tension

The cleaning process itself can cause

blamed on the paint, but may be possible

gradients that drive flow.

problems. Detergent residues can

to solve by adjusting atomization pressures

The result is the formation of noticeable

hurt adhesion, result in water spotting

and flow rates and optimizing the ratio

steps and/or colour differences along

and contribute to other appearance

between them. Guns and bells can produce

outlines of the reinforcements. Longer flash

problems. Checking parts by eye after

dirt-like spits and drops, especially if they

times and higher bake temperatures have

cleaning is useful, but testing wettability

are worn or damaged (not unusual in

helped to reduce readout.

by one of the several available methods

plastic painting facilities).

Gassing is a defect similar to popping in

is even better. The standard technique

Defects such as cratering, crawling,

appearance, but the volatiles come from

involves the measurement of contact

telegraphing, popping, and delamination

below the organic coating. There also are

angles of paint, water, or solvent on the

occur over virtually all substrates. Additional

forms of gassing that occur over galvanized

surface of parts (see ASTM standards

defects found with the coating of plastics

steel, but I have seen a lot more over

D7334 and D7490), but it requires

include fibre read-through, bond-line

plastic substrates. The defect usually looks

specialized equipment and is not

readout, gassing, and micro-popping.

like a crater or solvent pop, but careful

practical in the field. There are several

Fibre read-through in coatings over

examination of a cross section with a

simpler wetting/dewetting tests in

fibre-filled composites is a special case

microscope often shows a small hole that

ASTM D7541 that can show if cleaning

of telegraphing. The glass fibres in the

goes all the way to the substrate. Any plastic

is effective. This document describes

composite are amplified instead of

that has bubbles or pores near the surface

cotton swab, marking pen and drawdown

being hidden. This may be a fault in the

has potential for this defect. Prevention

techniques that simulate the application

composite in that the fibres are too close

usually depends on using a primer that seals

of a wet film. The swab and commercially

to the surface, but usually occurs when

the surface well.

available marking pen techniques are

solvents in the paint penetrate and swell

Micro-pops are very small bubbles, bumps,

simple and rapid and are particularly

the surface producing an effect similar to

or pinholes that appear in the coating, often

useful for testing in the field or on curved,

grain raising in wood. It is important to

late in the bake. To the eye, the result may be

irregular, or porous surfaces where

use a primer that does not itself cause the

fuzzy reflections, or a surface that just does

contact angles cannot be measured.

problem and works well as a barrier to

not look right. Keeping the film open longer

Application techniques for coating

prevent topcoat solvents from getting to

by using slightly slower solvents may help.

plastics are similar to those used for

the composite.

metals (i.e., conventional air spray, airless,

Bond-line readout is a peculiar defect

electrostatic guns or bells, flow coat or

that occurs on baking of plastic parts with

even dip coating). However, conductive

reinforcements. The bonded backing acts

Š 2019 American Coatings Association, Inc. This article was originally published in CoatingsTech magazine and is reprinted under license of the American Coatings Association.


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© ipcm ®

Opening photo: For many years, GHE-PA has collaborated with AkzoNobel for the research and development of the most peculiar colours, which are rarely found in the catalogues of its competitors.



Dissemination of Best Practices in Coating, Technical Analysis of New Polymers for Excellent Finishing Results, and Supplier Retention: GHE-PA’s Mission in the Field of Plastics Monica Fumagalli ipcm®


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


© ipcm ®


e have often described

local distributor have also remained

the synergy that is created

the same, which is another crucial

between applicators and

factor for the loyalisation of a single

coating products’ suppliers on the

supplier, because we have created

pages of our magazine. On the one

with Moreno Scarpettini and Luca

hand, the coater benefits from the

Gori (ErreEsse’s agent) and, more

relationship with a reliable partner; on

recently, with other components

the other hand, besides loyalising a

of the AkzoNobel team, such as

customer, the supplier may even find

Christian Balestrini (technical

an attentive and critical “experimenter”

advisor), Fabrizio Mattusi (sales

in it. When a coater turns into a

manager Industrial Coatings) and

promoter of the paints it applies, the

Luca Albertini (sales representative

collaboration becomes perfect.

for Italy) a collaboration that

The case study presented in this article

goes beyond a mere commercial

deals with the coating and paint stripping


contracting activity of GHE-PA Srl

“GHE-PA does not only receive

(Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy),

and apply the coatings we supply,”

specialising in the treatment of surfaces in different materials for about thirty years, from ferrous alloys and plastics to wood and MDF. This company has found the best solution to its coating

states Moreno Scarpettini from


ErreEsse. “Indeed, it is one of our

Figure 1: Some products coated by GHE-PA: this Italian company treats the most diverse materials.

Colorificio ErreEsse and distributor of this product line in the provinces of Arezzo, Florence, Siena, and Prato (Italy). “About fifteen years ago,” says GHE-PA owner Vanni Burrini, “we decided to exclusively apply Salcomix-branded liquid coatings because they guarantee high performance and cover our broad spectrum of processes (ref. Opening photo).”

An exclusive supplier of liquid coatings: the reasons for this choice “We started to exclusively use Salcomix

intended for a niche market involving scale retail, from biomedical to furniture,

plastics, in the products of AkzoNobel’s Moreno Scarpettini, business partner of

the characteristics of its production, different sectors, from naval to large

problems, especially those related to brand Salcomix and their ideal vendor in

most attentive customers. Due to

Due to the characteristics of its production, intended for a niche market involving different sectors, experimentation and the search for innovative application solutions are crucial for GHE-PA. The Salcomix team’s task is not only to support them in their choices, but also to develop ever higher-performance systems tailored to the new substrates they are required to treat from time to time.”

from peculiar objects such as ATMs and fuel dispensers to small parts such as shoe buckles (Figs. 1 and 2), experimentation and the search for innovative application solutions are crucial for this firm. Our task is not only to support them in their choices, but also to develop ever higher-performance systems tailored to the new substrates they are required to treat from time to time.”

Flexibility and expertise: the solution for handling small batches The Burrini family’s passion for coating has deep roots. Vanni Burrini adds: “My father, the founder of GHE-PA, and I have always

products in 2006,” says Burrini, “because

believed that the thorough knowledge and

they seemed the best solution to the supply and delivery problems we were

different materials, such as plastic and

awareness of the coating process is essential

having with other providers. Moreover,

iron. GHE-PA now uses Salcomix products

not only for ourselves and our staff, but also

this relationship with Salcomix has

to coat 95% of its production. AkzoNobel,

for the companies that entrust us with the

guaranteed us the support of a globally

which took over the management of this

finishing of their products. Together with the

recognised company equipped with a

coating range three years ago, has kept the

AkzoNobel management, for some time now

cutting-edge lab and able to provide

products’ characteristics unchanged. The

we have been striving to increase awareness

a line of paint products applicable on

Salcomix’s agent, Stefano Baglioni, and our

and disseminate knowledge on the coating

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


© ipcm ®


application process,

that uses plastic media to paint strip the most delicate

because we are often

workpieces whose anodised surface must remain intact,

faced with sector

and 1 vibratory finishing plant. The factory also includes a

operators without any

thermal paint stripping system, a chemical paint stripping

technical knowledge,

system, and a pyrolytic oven.

who select their

“We also manage a galvanising firm,” says Burrini, “that

suppliers only based

works on medium-sized products such as, for example, the

on costs. We are

shopping carts of retail store chain Esselunga (Fig. 5), of

trying to promote

which we are among the leading suppliers. Thanks to this

the idea that the

structure and to the selection of high-performance coating

surface treatment

products, we can deal with the most diverse materials,

of a product is what

guaranteeing compliance with every specification. For

determines its aspect,

instance, a few days ago our marine anti-corrosion coating

which in turn affects

process was approved by Fincantieri (Monfalcone, Italy)

purchase behaviour,

and Calzoni (Bologna, Italy), a market-leading company

as it represents the

in the aviation and defence field with its naval handling

first visual contact

systems and visual landing aids. Also in this case, our

with the object; at

partnership with AkzoNobel was decisive: for about

2 1

also the first element

Figure 2: Manual application on small parts.

to deteriorate.

© ipcm ®

the same time, it is

Therefore, it is important to

understand the processes that determine its quality and durability levels (Fig. 3).” Thanks to its advanced approach, this Italian company has become a benchmark for the firms in its surrounding area. “Know-how and flexibility are the keys to our success: we have organised our company based on the materials to be treated, precisely in order to streamline our production flow and meet the demands of customers in the shortest time

3 1


Figure 3: The deep knowledge of application processes is one of the fundamental aspects of this company’s policy.

The full spectrum of coating: GHE-PA’s plants for the application of liquid and powder paints, 1 6-axis powder coating robot (Fig. 4), 5 in-line sandblasting systems using steel, brown

© ipcm ®

GHE-PA is equipped with a complete range of plants: 7 coating systems

corundum, and corundum 2000 media, 1 small sandblasting machine

Together with the AkzoNobel management, for some time now GHE-PA has been striving to increase awareness and disseminate knowledge on the coating application process, because they are often faced with sector operators without any technical knowledge, who select their suppliers only based on costs.”


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

4 1

Figure 4: The 6-axis robot for the application of powder coatings.

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5 1

Figure 5: Shopping carts treated in the galvanisation department.

three years now, we have been using International Paint-branded anti-corrosion products, of which we are certified applicators. These two market leaders from the naval sector were looking for an applicator able to work with anti-corrosion systems meeting the requirements of the English, American, and Australian navies: the fact that we are International Paint certified applicators and we are able to achieve a surface roughness value of Sa 2.5 with a dedicated sandblasting plant convinced them that GHE-PA was the right choice.”

The coating of plastic: new challenges One of the most active departments of GHE-PA is the plastic coating one, accounting for about 45% of total production. After gaining several years of experience in this sector and improving its standard application cycle, the company is now facing new

© ipcm ®


challenges related to the characteristics of materials. As Burrini explains, “We have dealt with the coating of polyurethane plastics for over twenty years (Fig. 6). Our conventional cycle includes as follows: sanding, washing with AkzoNobel’s Plastic Cleaner, application of a 2K high-solid polyurethane base coat (Salcomix GL62 0160 or GL62 0180) to facilitate the second sanding phase, and application of a top coat from the 729/732 series, with which we meet 90% of requirements. In most cases, the parts we treat are stored outside and they may face the most diverse atmospheric conditions, from 30 °C below zero in Norway and Russia to 45-50 °C in North Africa; however, we have never received any complaint, because we have perfected a coating system with AkzoNobel that guarantees the best mechanical adhesion possible.” “One of the current critical issues faced by the world of plastics,” says Christian Balestrini, “is the ever-increasing presence on the market of more and more elaborate materials aimed at lowering production costs. These are often polymers coming from Asian countries without any label specifying their characteristics and the type of coating that can be applied on them. This is where the Salcomix laboratory comes into play: through IR analyses, it can identify the polymer family to which a workpiece belongs and,

6 1

therefore, the type of surface tension that it can withstand. In this way, it can recommend the most suitable coating to the applicator.”

© ipcm ®

Figure 6: Plastic coating accounts for about 45% of the firm’s production.

One of the most active departments of GHE-PA is the plastic coating one, accounting for about 45% of total production. After gaining several years of experience in this sector and improving its standard application cycle, the company is now facing new challenges related to the characteristics of materials.”


7 1

Figure 7: The plastic materials treated by GHE-PA are mainly ABS and Baydur®.

N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© AkzoNobel


8 1

Figure 8: The new spectrophotometer launched by Salcomix.

Plastic materials: industry innovations The plastic materials treated by GHE-PA are mainly ABS and Baydur® (Fig. 7). “We are currently receiving many workpieces in Baydur®,” the owner of GHE-PA adds. “This is a thermosetting polymer that becomes very porous after being treated, which makes it difficult to coat. The use of this polyurethane polymer is increasingly spreading in the market. Again, together with the AkzoNobel team, we have developed the most suitable coating system for it. The workpiece reaches our departments after exiting the moulding machine. We perform deburring and sanding operations, use a filler product on any defects, and apply the AkzoNobel polyurethane base coat and the two-component acrylic top coat from the 729/732 or 821 series. These products have a wide field of application and allow making up for any small surface defects due to the material’s porosity. Depending on the cycle agreed upon with the customer, a coat of a brushable tixo glossy transparent product (GP31 0430) can be applied as the final finish. As for ABS, on the other hand, our standard cycle is integrated with a vibratory finishing phase with porcelain chips able to break and change the parts’ surface tension: this highly delicate operation acts as both a deburring and pre-treatment phase prior to coating.”

The advantages of a capillary network

© ipcm ®


“The benefits of our partnership with AkzoNobel are not limited to our products’ quality level, our result consistency, and the technical support we receive,” states Burrini. “A further advantage is AkzoNobel’s capillary distribution network, which includes Colorificio ErreEsse.” “Our distributors,” adds Albertini, “offer an important service: supporting our customers along with our technical staff. They can also supply even the smallest batch of paint in the shortest possible time thanks to our Salcomix multi-purpose

9 1

colour production system.” Besides all conventional tools, Colorificio ErreEsse has in fact two automatic industrial colour

Figure 9: From right to left: Alessia Venturi from ipcm, Christian Balestrini from AkzoNobel, Moreno Scarpettini from Colorificio ErreEsse, Vanni Burrini from GHE-PA, Luca Gori from ErreEsse, and Luca Albertini from AkzoNobel.

production systems. “We manufacture in-house 90% of the tints requested,” states Scarpettini, “thus significantly reducing our delivery times. The automatic systems allow us to eliminate any margin of error.” “In order to help simplify the task of our paint shops,” says Albertini, “Salcomix is currently launching a new spectrophotometer called AM Vision, which will enable them to obtain the required hues even faster and with greater accuracy in terms

Many aspects should not be

In the framework of GHE-PA’s commitment in coating education, making available not only effective products, but also consultants and engineers who consider continuous training essential has been, and still is, a great contribution towards the goal of specialisation of surface treatment operators.”

underestimated, for example the communication between producers and coaters, crucial to ensure that our interventions are effective and lead to the desired results. “Our relationship with AkzoNobel will make a further leap in quality, because GHE-PA is setting up a laboratory that will be put at the disposal of ErreEsse and where it will be possible to carry out preliminary tests to approve our systems:

of performance (Fig. 8). This device’s

from granite test benches to feeler gauges

software package has been developed

and from roughness testers to tearing

by AkzoNobel for bodyworks and,

resistance test tools, everything will be

therefore, for metal and pearl colours

products. “In the framework of our

aimed at making production ever more

in particular. It will represent a turning

commitment in coating education,” states

flexible and fast. Moreover, true to our

point in the world of the plastic coating.”

Burrini, “making available not only effective

corporate mission, we will hold internal

products, but also consultants and engineers

training courses to teach our staff how to


who consider continuous training essential

adequately use these instruments:

As a result of this long-standing

has been, and still is, a great contribution

for GHE-PA, training and the knowledge

collaboration with its supplier, GHE-PA

towards the goal of specialisation of surface

of the best practices in our sector remain

has become a promoter of Salcomix

treatment operators (Fig. 9).

among the most important aspects.”


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Varnish

Opening photo: Varnish (Galliate, Novara, Italy) is a plastic coating contractor also offering moulding and assembly services.



Operational Continuity, Knowledge Transfer, and Brand Awareness: The Leitmotifs of Varnish’ Strategy Barbara Pennati ipcm® From an interview with Luca Maitan, owner of Varnish Srl (Galliate, Novara, Italy)


he advent of technology

technology and problem management

reliability and solidity must therefore

and the resulting process

is not enough. It is necessary to

also implement the best practices of

automation have led to the

consider the general framework,

business continuity, thus achieving

need for entrepreneurs to implement

by reflecting on human resources

such an organisational resilience as to

new practices for managing any

and business processes as a whole

guarantee full operational continuity in

interruptions of operations at best.

and defining how to prevent and be

terms of both processes and creation

However, time and experience have

prepared for any problem. A company

of protections and values for all the

shown that focussing solely on

that wants to convey and ensure

parties concerned, from employees


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© ipcm ®


plastic are complicated and they require a careful analysis of the interactions between the substrate and the product to be applied. That is why we perform tests in our laboratory (Fig. 2) to approve each coating system according to the workpiece characteristics, starting from the surface preparation phase, which requires the use of CO2 cleaning and flame

hardening systems (Fig. 3).” “We began coating plastic components for the motorcycle industry, gradually opening


ourselves up to the automotive

Figure 1: From left to right: Varnish general manager Marco Pintori and owners Chiara Maitan e Luca Maitan.

sector, which has become a very important sector that we deeply understand (Fig. 4),” adds Maitan. “Our goal is now to transfer all

to customers, with a view not only to

Varnish (Galliate, Novara, Italy) specialises in the supply of coated plastic components. It has based its business on three pillars: business continuity, cross-sectoral quality and know-how transfer, and brand recognition.”

managing problems, but also preventing them. Varnish (Galliate, Novara, Italy) specialises in the supply of coated plastic components (ref. Opening photo). It has based its business on three pillars: business continuity, cross-sectoral quality and know-how transfer, and brand

the knowledge gained in this field, notoriously very demanding in terms of quality and finishes, to other sectors where surface finishes are acquiring a more and more strategic value, such as the rail transport (Fig. 5), high fashion, and sports equipment ones.”

Automotive-level quality at the service of all industries

© ipcm ®


Varnish was established in 1975 as a coating contractor in Cesano Maderno (Monza e Brianza, Italy). At the beginning of the 1990s, it moved in Barlassina (Monza e Brianza), doubling its production capacity and gradually abandoning the powder coating activity to devote itself exclusively to plastic coating in its new factory of Galliate. Indeed, there was a considerable demand for this service at that time, but also a lack of technologies and knowledge. “We started as coating contractors, but we decided to specialise in the coating of plastics at a time when only a few companies painted this material,” says owner Luca Maitan (Fig. 1). “The cycles for the preparation and coating of

2 1

Figure 2: Varnish’ testing laboratory.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


© ipcm ®

© ipcm ®


A lean and sustainable approach to offer a complete service “We have also started a corporate revival process aimed at presenting ourselves no longer as a mere coating contractor, but as a provider of integrated systems. In fact, at the request of our customers, we also offer moulding, painting, and assembly services,” states Maitan. The Varnish factory in Galliate covers 10,000 m2 and the new offices of the Group were inaugurated in June (Fig. 6). The company has four coating plants designed by the Varnish Group itself, able to treat workpieces with a maximum size of 3000x2000x600 mm.

3 1

Three systems are automatic

4 1

Figure 3: The CO2 cleaning and flame hardening robot.

and equipped with robots

Figure 4: Some automotive parts coated by Varnish.

(Fig. 7), whereas one is manual and devoted to small series and prototypes. “Two automatic

© ipcm ®

plants are Industry 4.0 and lean production-oriented, thus guaranteeing higher production flexibility (Fig. 8),” adds Maitan. “We have also heavily invested to make our company more sustainable: our plants are equipped with regenerative thermal oxidisers (RTO) for the treatment of volatile organic compounds, which are recovered and used for combustion to reduce our environmental impact and, at the same time, achieve greater energy efficiency. Finally, we are IATF 16949 certified and we passed a sustainability audit conducted by one of the most important automotive Groups in Europe.”

5 1

Figure 5: Profiles treated by Varnish, intended for high-speed trains.


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

The Varnish factory in Galliate covers 10,000 m2 and the new offices of the Group were inaugurated in June. The company has four coating plants designed by the Varnish Group itself, able to treat workpieces with a maximum size of 3000x2000x600 mm. Three systems are automatic and equipped with robots, whereas one is manual and devoted to small series and prototypes.”

© ipcm ®


6 1

Figure 7: The automatic systems are equipped with coating robots.

7 1

© ipcm ®

Figure 6: The new offices of the Group, inaugurated in June.


































“That is also why we have been

– in terms of locations, coating

paying increasing attention

processes, target markets, and

“Varnish has a great past. Although it

to the issue of sustainability,

services offered. However, the

was characterised by highs and lows,

getting certified and developing

will to provide our customers

our goal has always been to provide

technologies that ensure

and employees with an added

our customers with the operational

energy efficiency and reduced

value, presenting ourselves as a

continuity that we have been

environmental impact.�

reliable and flexible partner, has

guaranteeing for forty years now. That is

“We also collaborate with various

always been there. This will is

why we have chosen to offer a complete

local universities through calls

well represented by the Varnish

service as suppliers of integrated system

for research and development.

brand, which has remained the

and, most of all, put the knowledge we

Currently, we are working on some

same from the very outset and

have acquired in the automotive sector

new special finishes, studying

has conveyed the essence of our

to the disposal of customers operating

their chemistry and application

family and corporate history as a

in other sectors that are seeing an

method,� adds Maitan. “Our

synonym for quality, solidity, and

increase in the level of technology and

company’s history has always

service for over forty years,� states

quality required,� says Luca Maitan.

been characterised by change

Luca Maitan.

Š Varnish

The values conveyed by this brand for over forty years


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Figure 8: The scheme of one of two automatic plants designed based on the Industry 4.0 and lean production principles.


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine




Salcomix è il marchio di AkzoNobel per un sistema di prodotti vernicianti industriali dal design modulare, che può essere utilizzato per fornire vernici per una grande varietà di applicazioni per l‘industria leggera, in modo rapido e flessibile. Questo è possibile grazie a un sistema di miscelazione che offre una superiore precisione del colore con la massima varietà di prodotto. Salcomix is AkzoNobel's brand for a modularly designed industrial coatings system that can be used to provide paints for a variety of small-industry applications, quickly and flexibly. This is possible thanks to a mixing system that offers superior color accuracy with maximum product diversity.

www.akzonobel.com infosalcomix@akzonobel.com



© Stahl


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



Stahl Powder Coatings: Ultra Violet, Ultra Fast and Ultra Low Bake Curing Process Compared Oriol Aixalà and René Rieser Stahl Performance Powder Coatings – Parets del Vallès, Spain



substrates such as natural

coating, no drying time due to efficient

Ultra Violet, Ultra Fast and Ultra-Low Bake curing

woods and plastics, without

curing process and full automatic

Ultraviolet, Ultra Fast and Ultra Low Bake


powder coatings allow for an extremely

ow can you coat heat-sensitive

using VOCs? More than 15 years ago, Stahl started experimenting with powder coatings to develop a sustainable alternative to solvent-based paints and lacquers, resulting in innovative powder

- faster processes because of single layer

- higher efficiency by a fully automatized process and lower cost per piece; - 100% solids coating with up to 99% powder utilization.

low thermal load on the substrate, which makes them applicable on heat-sensitive substrates, like MDF, plywood, plasterboard and plastics (Fig. 1).

coating systems to coat a variety of

Compared to conventional liquid paint

heat-sensitive materials in a durable,

application processes, the UV, UF and

sustainable and more efficient manner. The powder coatings are applicable in industries such as furniture, interior design, architecture and automotive (ref. Opening photo).

Key benefits Stahl’s powder coatings, under the brand name PermaQure®, offer high-end performance coatings. They have excellent properties such as high water resistance and high flexibility. The key benefits compared to the

ULB curing processes are done with a

More than 15 years ago, Stahl started experimenting with powder coatings to develop a sustainable alternative to solventbased paints and lacquers, resulting in innovative powder coating systems to coat a variety of heat-sensitive materials in a durable, sustainable and more efficient manner.”

vertical application method which makes it possible to coat the most complex shapes (Fig. 2).

PermaQure® UV PermaQure® UV is an ultraviolet curable powder, applicable on indoor and outdoor heat-sensitive substrates that have process limitations due to the thermal stress they can handle. Because of the low melting temperature of 80°C to 110°C, UV powders can

conventional liquid paint application

be applied on materials such as

process are:

MDF, Oriented Strand Board (OSB),

- environmentally-friendly coating with

plywood, particleboard, plasterboard,

100% VOC-free powders that are also

In this article Stahl explains the differences

glue layered panels, plastic or other

free of monomeric substances;

between Ultraviolet (UV), Ultra Fast (UF)

composite materials. The application

and Ultra Low Bake (ULB) curing processes

possibilities of UV powder coatings give

of the vertical application, seamless

for powder coatings. Depending on the

designers the design freedom they look

finishing, possibility to change colours

application, the requirements for a coating

for in a sustainable, durable and

quickly and no limits in used materials;

can vary greatly.

cost-efficient way.

- high degree of design freedom because

Opening photo: More than 15 years ago, Stahl started experimenting with powder coatings to develop a sustainable alternative to solvent-based paints and lacquers to apply in industries such as furniture, interior design, architecture and automotive.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


UV powders are generally recommended where high performance is

© Stahl


needed because of severe usage. Think of furniture for bathrooms, kitchens, offices and shops. The heating cycle used to melt a UV powder is milder and, unlike that of a UF and ULB powder, separate from the curing process. This inherent latency allows for superior smooth finishes.

PermaQure® UF UF powder coatings offer new opportunities for high-quality home and office furniture, including kitchen and bathroom cabinets, children’s play- and bedroom items and professional desks and accessories. Just like ULB powder coatings, UF is a thermo-curing powder coating, but with lower curing temperatures that lie between 120°C and 130°C in a shorter process (3 to 5 minutes instead of 6-8 minutes). UF powder coatings are applicable on heat sensitive substrates as MDF or solid woods for both indoor and outdoor use.

Testing & results UV and UF To ensure the powder coatings meet the most stringent demands, Stahl conducted various tests to compare their UV, UF and ULB powder coatings with the requirements to office furniture which are being used intensively. Table 1 shows the results of these tests. Both UV and UF powder coatings offer great chemical resistance and resistance to abrasion and scratches. In addition, they show great adhesion and impact resistance.

Resistance to changing temperatures Since UV and UF coatings are applicable on indoor and outdoor materials like furniture, it is important that they have a strong resistance to changing temperatures. Therefore, Stahl tests the


Figure 1: Stahl powder coatings can coat heat-sensitive substrates such as natural woods and plastics, without using VOCs.

materials by exposing them to cycles of alternating temperatures. The test piece is stored in a climate test chamber which can be heated up to +60°C and cooled down to -20°C. This is done 42 times. One cycle of a temperature chamber test comprises of:

PermaQure® ULB

- 1 hour cooling to -20°C with a rate of cooling of 1.33 ± 0.1K/min;

ULB powder coatings are micro textured, ultra-low bake

- 1 hour constant temperature of -20°C;

powders, especially designed for heat-sensitive substrates

- 1 hour heating to +60°C with a heat up rate of 1.33 ± 0.1K/min;

such as MDF or other composite materials for interior

- 1 hour constant temperature of +60°C.

application. With ULB powder coatings, the temperature

The results show zero visible changes after 42 cycles.

used during the melting and curing process is in between 130°C and 140°C.

Testing & results ULB coatings offer great resistance to mechanical damage,

Ultraviolet, Ultra Fast and Ultra Low Bake powder coatings allow for an extremely low thermal load on the substrate, which makes them applicable on heat-sensitive substrates, like MDF, plywood, plasterboard and plastics.


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

cold liquids, abrasion, scratches and dry and wet heats. The overall performance meets the requirements of FIRA 6250 for horizontal surfaces in general use. In most cases, ULB powders are recommended for materials with a lower-performance usage. Think of shelves and TV stands (Table 1).


Table 1: Comparison DIN test results UV, UF and ULB powder coatings against the requirement for office furniture. The scores can be read from a scale from A to F, with A being the best.



Requirement for office furniture

Results PermaQure® UV

Results PermaQure® UF

Results PermaQure® ULB

Chemical resistance

DIN 68861

≤ 1B




Abrasion resistance

DIN 68861

≤ 2B




Scratch resistance

DIN 68861

≤ 4B




Dry-heat resistance

DIN 68861

≤ 7C

100°C / 7C

100°C / 7C

70°C / 7C

Wet-heat resistance

DIN 68861

≤ 8B

80°C / 8B

80°C / 8B

70°C / 8B

Impact resistance

DIN EN 438-2

> 20N

22 N

22 N

22 N

Light resistance

DIN 54004

≥ 4 Greyscale ≥ 6 Bluescale

5 Greyscale 7 Bluescale

5 Greyscale 7 Bluescale

5 Greyscale 6 Bluescale

Cross-cut adhesion


≤ GT 1

GT0 / GT1

GT0 / GT1

GT0 / GT1

The curing processes compared

This is necessary to regularly deposit the

area. Passing through the high-voltage

Before the coating process, the preheating

electrical charged particles to the earth

spray gun cascade, the powder particles are

step brings the moisture to the surface

grounded substrate. The UV, UF and ULB

electrostatically charged and deposited onto

of the substrate, generating uniform

powder coatings are fluidized with air and

the earth-grounded surface of the material.

conductivity along the substrate.

transported to the spray gun in the spraying

Due to the recycling system, up to 99% of

© Stahl


the powder is used and any remaining powder is easily reclaimed by the




integrated automatic reclaiming systems VOC



6 to 8 minutes

3 to 5 minutes

3 to 5 minutes


products and an extensive cleaning procedure. After a possible coating check, the coated substrate is then transported by a vertical conveyor to the melting zone. curing happens in the same location. With ULB curing, the coated substrates for 3 to 8 minutes; while with UF curing,

process time

130 - 140°C

120 - 130°C

80 - 110°C

Indoor use

Indoor & outdoor use

Indoor & outdoor use

With UV curing, the coated substrates enter the UV radiation zone after melting. The powder immediately starts to crosslink and is cured in a few seconds (Fig. 3). Since the temperature is lower during curing, the powder had more time to flow around the edges which gives a smoother end result than ULB and UF coatings.

process temperature

Good range

process temperature

Wide range

of possible substrates for application

of possible substrates for application

of possible substrates for application

Good chemical resistance

High chemical resistance

Very high chemical resistance

Very good scratch resistance

Very good scratch resistance

Very good scratch resistance

High wet and dry heat resistance

Very high wet and dry heat resistance

Very high wet and dry heat resistance

Limited range of finishes

Good range of finishes

Broad range of finishes

business key benefit

Lower capital investment

Lower capital investment & energy and time saving

business key benefit

No food contact material approval

No food contact material approval

Food contact material approval

only 3 to 5 minutes are needed for melting and curing.


process time

Limited range

stay in the heated melting and curing zone


process time

process temperature

With ULB and UF curing, the melting and

business key benefits

Energy and time saving

In the cooling area, the substrates are The products are now ready to be

© Stahl

transported again.

3 1

Figure 3: The UV-curing process.


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

To achieve better bonding between the substrate and the powder coating

and used again without the use of cleaning

cooling down from the curing phase.


layer, liquid water-based primers help to seal and block the surface against porous defects, to stop fiber rising and to improve the finish aspects of the coating. Specific tests on material composition, surface resistance, density, and moisture content can show which primers can achieve the best result.

Testing under full-scale processing conditions Achieving a high-quality finish with UV, UF and ULB curing requires choosing the right materials and powders, as well as the correct technical support and curing line. At Stahl’s Center of Excellence they can evaluate the results under full-scale processing conditions, for both tailor-made powder coating systems and

2 1

Figure 2: Comparison UV, UF and ULB.

off-the-shelf solutions based on accurate feasibility reports rather than on theoretical evaluations.

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Š acp systems

Opening photo: Integrated into a flatbed coating line, all process parameters, such as flow rates for compressed air and carbon dioxide, cleaning time, angle of the cleaning jets and motion sequence, are tailored to the geometry of the part to be coated.



Cleaning Process for Interior Parts Made of Plastic Integrated into Flatbed Coating Lines: Ice-cold Technology Enhances Quality and Productivity Doris Schulz Schulz.Presse.Text, Korntal - Germany



ue to higher quality standards,

plastic automotive parts in flatbed

processes. Suitable for Industry 4.0

increasingly complex component

coating lines is becoming a major issue.

applications, the quattroClean

designs, as well as modified coating

In addition, more and more OEM’s

snow-jet technology meets these demands

are demanding automated cleaning

with ease. The modular, highly-compact

materials and layer structures, cleaning


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Reliable and cost-effective with uniform cleaning results

results, even when it comes to sophisticated

Since it is generated as a by-product from

Thanks to the aerodynamic force of the jet,

Regardless of whether it’s classical spray

chemical processes as well as from the

the detached contamination is carried away

painting with water-based or solvent-based

production of energy from biomass, the

and removed by an integrated extraction

paints, fast-drying UV paints, PVD coatings or

liquid carbon dioxide used in the cleaning

laser paints for day/night designs – today there

process is environmentally neutral.

sublimates instantly at atmospheric pressure,

are more ways than ever of adding decorative,

Non-combustible, non-corrosive and

components are dry at the end of the

functional and individual features to plastic

non-toxic, the carbon dioxide is fed through

cleaning process and are ready for ionizing or

interior parts destined for the automotive

the non-wearing two-component ring

coating straightaway.

industry. However, quality standards for

nozzle of the acp system and expands on

coatings have also never been so high. For this

exiting to form fine CO2 crystals. These

cleaning system can also be integrated into existing coating lines (ref. Opening photo).

coatings such as piano lacquers.

unit to prevent recontamination. Since CO2

is becoming an ever-more crucial process

jet of compressed air and accelerated to

Customized application – even suitable for lightweight components

for conventional flatbed coating lines. This is

supersonic speed. The impact of the non-

The modular design of the quattroClean

because the cleanliness of the surface to be

abrasive jet of snow and compressed air on

system means that it can be tailored perfectly

coated decisively affects coating results. It is

the surface to be cleaned at a temperature

to requirements. All process parameters,

reason, cleaning parts before they are coated

number of vehicle manufacturers expect the specifications for such components to

such as flow rates for compressed air

© acp systems

therefore no wonder that an increasing

are then bundled by a circular jacketed

and carbon dioxide, the angle of the jet and motion sequences – including

include an automated cleaning process.

three dimensional movements – can be specifically adjusted to the part requiring

Space-saving, dry cleaning system - also suitable for retrofitting

coating and filed as a cleaning program in the controller. The effective range of the nozzle array is also automatically

A conventional power wash system

scalable to workpiece geometries.

that uses an aqueous cleaning medium

With this degree of flexibility, whole

and a downstream water dryer has its

surfaces - or just specific areas - even of delicate parts are cleaned effectively,

limits. On the one hand, the process is expensive, energy-consuming and takes up a lot of space, making it expensive as far as costs are concerned. On the other hand, liquid residues are sometimes still present when parts reach the coating

while simultaneously minimizing the


Figure 1: For applications in flatbed coating lines, one or more nozzle arrays are used depending on requirements. The consistent power of the jet over the entire cleaning surface guarantees uniform results.

consumption of compressed air and carbon dioxide. The cleaning system is also suitable for Industry 4.0 applications; via interfaces such as Profibus or Profinet, it can be

line, which impairs coating results. Consequently, some coating line manufacturers

of minus 78.5°C triggers a combination

linked with the control unit of the coating line

see the environmentally-neutral CO2 snow

of thermal, mechanical, sublimation

or production planning system. This enables

jet cleaning system quattroClean from acp

and solvent effects. These four cleaning

the production facility to function fully

systems AG as an alternative. The system uses

mechanisms enable the quattroClean

automatically without any need for manual

a dry, residue-free process to clean the areas

system to reliably remove filmic


of parts requiring coating in-line. Its compact

contamination, for example residues of

Thanks to its reliable cleaning process tailored

design, as well as the flexible supply options

separating agents, silicones and fingerprints,

to the geometry of components, as well

for carbon dioxide and compressed air, makes

as well as particulate contamination, such as

as the ability to integrate it into an existing

it easy to integrate the cleaning module into

dust and fluff. When integrated into a flatbed

flatbed coating line, the quattroClean system

new or existing coating lines. Depending on

coating line, one or more nozzle arrays are

from acp goes a long way towards meeting

the requirements of the coating process, the

used depending on requirements (Fig. 1).

today’s high coating standards. At the same

coating line manufacturer or operator decides

The jet is applied evenly to the complete

time, it offers great potential to make coating

whether the system should be mounted onto

area to ensure a uniformly clean surface.

and painting processes more cost-effective

an existing axis or integrated into a robot.

And that in a quality that gives first class

and gentler on resources.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


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Opening photo: New System Painting is a coating contractor specialising in plastics.



New System Painting: When the Robotisation of Plants Becomes Synonymous with Production Flexibility and Result Repeatability Barbara Pennati ipcm®


rocess automation is becoming

some fear will result in high technological

their abuse. However, the concept of

more and more important in

unemployment; on the other hand, machines

“replacement” can be misleading.

modern global society. Things

have brought undoubted benefits to our

We should not compare artificial and

described in science fiction novels by

everyday and business lives, especially in

human intelligence, as people have a

visionary authors have now become reality

terms of safety, health, and quality.

characteristic that can hardly be transferred

and they are shaping an increasingly smart

Robots will certainly replace human beings

to robots: the ability to reprocess

future. On the one hand, doubts remain

in many fields and mankind has the duty to

experiences and knowledge in a

about the long-term implications of artificial

employ these technologies in such a way

cross-sectoral, creative, and unpredictable

intelligence and process automation, which

as to maximise their benefits and minimise

way that goes beyond mere mechanisms


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and functions. Perhaps, as often happens, balance will be found halfway, in a synthesis of human input and process automation. New System Painting is precisely working towards this goal. Established at the end of the 1980s by the De Carli brothers as a body shop, this company began to transform in the mid 1990s by focussing on the coating of helmets for the world of two wheels. New System Painting is now managed by the second generation of the family (the siblings Riccardo, Alessandro, and Eleonora De Carli) and it has established itself in the contracting coating field by specialising in the treatment of plastics (ref. Opening photo). In the last few years, this firm has expanded its target market by including


Figure 1: The core business of the company is the painting of motorcycle and protection helmets.

sectors such as the household appliance one.

project, with the aim of fully automating its

“New System Painting primarily

coating processes. In order to achieve this

specialises in the coating of motorcycle

goal, the company has relied on Lesta Srl

helmets, collaborating with several Italian leading manufacturers. However, the market has suffered a contraction due to the displacement of many productions in Asian countries. That is why we have diversified our offer, applying the expertise gained in the field of motorcycle helmets to other industrial sectors such as household appliances, consumer goods (e.g. professional hair dryers), and protective helmets intended for fire brigades and police forces (Fig. 1). Helmets remain our core business, but we are also able to treat other products intended for various industrial sectors and requiring a high quality level, precisely thanks to the knowledge acquired with the former,” says New System Painting Quality Manager Eleonora De Carli. New System Painting has recently embarked on a new transformation

(Dairago, Milan, Italy), specialising in robotics

Established at the end of the 1980s by the De Carli brothers as a body shop, this company began to transform in the mid 1990s by focussing on the coating of helmets for the world of two wheels. New System Painting is now managed by the second generation of the family (the siblings Riccardo, Alessandro, and Eleonora De Carli) and it has established itself in the contracting coating field by specialising in the treatment of plastics.”

for the industrial coating sector.

The automation process “Our company has always treated medium and high-end products, for which finishes are a high added value,” states Eleonora De Carli. “Everything we have learned from the industry of helmets has enabled us to also offer our services to other industrial sectors where finishing plays an equally important role.” New System Painting has four coating plants, which are undergoing a process of gradual robotisation (Fig. 2). Two plants are manual and equipped with two booths each; the other two are semi-automatic and equipped with a booth each, featuring fixed guns for the application of primers and topcoats. “We paint any type of plastic, including thermosetting and thermoplastic materials, and our standard systems include a primer, decals (Fig. 3), and a transparent topcoat.

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New System Painting has recently embarked on a new transformation project, with the aim of fully automating its coating processes. In order to achieve this goal, the company has relied on Lesta Srl (Dairago, MI, Italy), specialising in robotics for the industrial coating sector.” explains Lesta sales manager Marco Morlacchi. “LeBot MV A6 and MV A5 robots are equipped with LeCRob RobotManager control software

2 1

(Fig. 6) and they can operate in

Figure 2: New System Painting has four coating plants, which are undergoing a process of gradual robotisation.

self-learning mode or, in the case of the six-axis robot, in two modes, i.e. self-learning and point-to-point programming, for the painting of peculiarly shaped parts. Finally,

materials and intended uses, we offer to our

robot on the primer application booth of one

in order to ensure optimum coverage, the

customers a complete service, developing

of the manual systems, handling large-sized

robots’ software package can also manage the

and customising our systems based on their

objects (Fig. 4), and a five-axis robot on one of

workpiece’s rotation on the conveyor in both

specific needs,” adds De Carli. “Therefore, in

the two semi-automatic coating lines (Fig. 5),

the continuous-flow and step-by-step modes,

order to ensure an even higher quality degree,

although they have also kept the old fixed

through an additional external interpolated axis.”

result repeatability, and very competitive

guns for any touch-up operation needed in

At the end of June, they also installed a second,

delivery times, we have embarked on a

the presence of complex shapes. “These LeBot

identical six-axis robot for the application of the

process of robotisation of our coating plants,

MV-type self-learning robots can work with both

transparent topcoat on the manual line. With

starting from one of the manual systems.”

continuous-flow and step-by-step conveyors,”

an Industry 4.0-oriented approach, the robots

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At the end of March, they installed a six-axis

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However, precisely because of the variety of

3 1

4 1

Figure 3: The application of decals on parts intended for the market of high-end household appliances.


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Figure 4: Lesta’s six-axis primer application robot on one of the manual systems, handling large-sized objects.

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5 1

Figure 5: Lesta’s five-axis robot installed on one of the two semi-automatic coating lines.

were connected to the company’s management system. In this way, information on the type of part to be painted and its matching coating program is sent directly from the production department to the robots. It is also possible to monitor all process data generated by the coating line from the office.

Robotisation to offer a complete service “Our systems have been adapted to handle all types of parts. We provide our customers with tailored services, including the development of the most suitable coating systems and of the ideal colours, often specially created for us by our suppliers, and even the execution of the final assembly stage, upon request. The diversity of materials treated and systems applied makes our production very versatile, which in turn calls for great flexibility on the part of our technological partners,” says Eleonora De Carli (Fig. 7). “Our goal is to use less and less operators on our coating lines, for safety and health reasons.

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At the same time, we want to exploit the expertise we have gained in order to increasingly expand our target market, while always guaranteeing a consistently high quality level.” “We have established an excellent relationship with Lesta and its technical team, which was important for us as it would be crucial in case of any problems,” adds De Carli. “Although the robots have been operating for a relatively short time, their benefits have been clear from the outset: repeatability of results, more targeted organisation, competitive process times, and greater paint saving. In future, we aim at completing our plant robotisation project. Currently, we are assessing the installation of a second five-axis robot on the semi-automatic line. This would enable us to devote a robot to the application of primers and the other to that of topcoats, 6 1

Figure 6: The LeCRob RobotManager control software package.

as is already happening on the manual line, thus making our production even more flexible and advanced,” says Eleonora De Carli.

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The LeBot MV-type self-learning robots can work with both continuous-flow and step-by-step conveyors. LeBot MV A6 and MV A5 robots are equipped with LeCRob RobotManager control software and they can operate in self-learning mode or, in the case of the six-axis robot, in two modes, i.e. self-learning and point-to-point programming, for the painting of peculiarly shaped parts. Finally, in order to ensure optimum coverage, the robots’ software package can also manage the workpiece’s rotation on the conveyor in both the continuous-flow and step-by-step modes, through an additional external interpolated axis.”

7 1

Figure 7: From left to right: Coating Line Manager Riccardo De Carli, Quality Manager Eleonora De Carli and Production Manager Alessandro De Carli.


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The First REACH Compliant Plating on Plastic Facility in Europe Edited by Coventya Coventya SAS - Villeneuve La Garenne, France


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Opening photo: A number of years ago, Coventya initiated a long-term R&D project focused on the removal of CrVI products used in the metallization of plastic parts for OEM automotive applications.


- The second project is the development of a

he global metal finishing industry

A number of years ago, Coventya initiated

has been aware hazards of

a long-term R&D project focused on the

Chrome Free Etching technology that resulted

working with CrVI, not only for

removal of CrVI products used in the

in a new range of products called SILKEN BOND.

environmental reasons but also for the

metallization of plastic parts for OEM

health of people who work closely with

automotive applications (ref. Opening

Syncotech, former WAFA SPAIN, is a company

the suspect technologies.


located in Barcelona (Spain, Fig. 1) dedicated,

Due to REACH initiatives as well as

- The first project involved the development

among other business, to the plating of plastic

progressive companies desire to

of innovative Trivalent Chromium processes

parts with a commitment to workplace safety

become green, there is an urgent

resulting in a broad product range of

and environmental sustainability. Over the last

challenge for specialty chemical

TRISTAR technologies. These technologies

five years, Syncotech has industrialized, with

suppliers to eliminate this dangerous

have been available in the industry for over

great results, the Coventya range of TRISTAR

substance. Coventya is one such

five years with remarkable success replacing

processes replacing CrVI by CrIII in the back end


CrVI by CrIII for decorative finishing

of its decorative finishing process.


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© Coventya


simple to analyse the process components. Two main issues common with Chrome Free Etch technologies have been overcome during the one-year partnership. First, the development of an additive step, which prevents the metallization of the racks and second, the successful implementation of an oxidation cell into the SILKEN BOND ETCH chemistry which enables a stable and a long life etch process. As a follow-up to the success at


Syncotech, an update to the status of the Figure 1: The headquarters of Syncotech in Barcelona, Spain.

SILKEN BOND process is provided.

Process sequence In 2017, as a result of the success

With the SILKEN BOND process there

obtained with decorative trivalent

are 22 total steps including 9 process

chromium, Syncotech and Coventya

and 13 rinsing steps (Fig. 2). As for

collaborated on a project for the

conventional chromic acid prep, there

industrialization of Chrome Free

are 19 total steps with 7 processes and

Etching technology (SILKEN



Co ve nt ya

Today Coventya team can

12 rinsing steps. Additional development to incorporate the SILKEN BOND conditioner into

confirm that the project is a

the SILKEN Bond neutraliser steps

great success and is the first

will decrease the total process

REACH compliant plating

steps making for easy integration

line for plastic in Europe that

as time and temperature comparable to

is free of Cr VI. During the one-year

conventional chromic acid based etch.

partnership, there has been a focus on

In addition, it was critical that SILKEN BOND

Oxidation cell

important targets to assure success. The

was successful on both ABS and ABS/PC with

As already described, the SILKEN BOND

Chrome Free Etch technology had to have

the low concentration chemistry advantage

process requires the use of an oxidation cell

a long life and provide stable performance

of the SILKEN BOND process. Finally, the

in the SILKEN BOND ETCH, which generates

as well as operating parameters such

process had to be easy to maintain and

a stable process and a long-life system.

2 1

Figure 2: The COVENTYA process developed at SYNCOTECH can be integrated with a reasonable effort in an existing plating line.

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© Coventya

into existing plating line layouts.

3 1

Figure 3: Diagram of the oxidation cell that illustrates the basic concept and reactions controlled to make the technology stable over long periods.

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© Coventya


4 1

5 1

Figure 4: Rack without newly developed additive.

Figure 5: Rack with newly developed additive SILKEN BOND PROTECT.

The usage of an oxidation cell offers many advantages for the

This reaction happens only during the etching of the plastic

SILKEN BOND process. The technology operates with a very low


concentration of permanganate, 0.3 g/l, nearly 10 times less than

The use of porous pot (oxamat) unit keeps the Cr (III) at

competitive technologies (Fig. 3).

controllable concentrations.

During etching, the butadiene will be oxidized out of the plastic


surface. With conventional etchants and SILKEN BOND there are

Mn (VII)

breakdown products associated with both processes.

and other oxidation values

1. Chrome Sulphuric Etch

This reaction occurs constantly, even during idle production

Cr (VI)


Mn (IV)

© Coventya

Cr (III)

Mn (VI)

6 1

Figure 6: With the SILKEN BOND process, the surface demonstrates a smoother finish after the SILKEN BOND ETCH.


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The additive C stabilizes the system,

tendency and occurrence.

obtained are on the same level when

but also creates a product which is

A newly developed additive in one

compared to a conventional pre plate

controlled by the oxidation unit.

of the process steps protects the

process (Fig. 6).

The oxidation unit must run at all times.

rack coating and prevents rack

Figures 7 and 8 illustrate adhesion

metallization (Figs. 4 and 5).

values of 14.6 – 17.2 N/cm for ABS

Rack plating

and 7.2 – 8.0 N/cm for PC/ABS.

To date, the greatest challenge the


Syncotech and Coventya Spain team

All automotive OEM’s have

several thermal shock tests from

faced was to eliminate rack plating

traditionally implemented a thermal

different OEM’s and industry segments.

(metallization). In the conventional pre

shock test and/or a peeling test

Below an SEM comparison of an ABS

plate process, hexavalent chrome from

value in their specifications for

part with chrome sulphuric and etched

the etch poisons the PVC rack coating

characterizing the effectiveness of the


and therefore the palladium absorption

plating process.

The comparison of peeling test values

into the rack coating is prevented. In

The traditional hexavalent chromium

is summarized in Figure 9. Peeling

a Chrome Free Etch technology, this

etch system has historically

test at 90° followed ASTM B533-85

poisoning is not possible so alternative

performed well in passing these tests.

(2013). The peeling strength highlights

ways to avoid rack plating potential is

With the SILKEN BOND process, the

the adhesion of the metallic layer in a


surface demonstrates a smoother

plastic surface. Parts are 2.5 cm wide

Coventya has developed a way to

finish after the SILKEN BOND ETCH

and measurements were performed in

balance the system and thus, avoid this

even though the adhesion values

OEM labs.

The SILKEN BOND process has passed



liquid or powder spray applications

over 60 years of experience in surface finishing lines


pre-treatment | spray applications | electroplating | vertical & horizontal plants | enameling | aluminium | white goods | automotive | general industry


7 1

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© Coventya


8 1

Figure 7: ABS, 9 min Cr/H2SO4 etch.


Figure 8: ABS, 9 min SILKEN BOND.

- The process operates with the

has delivered very positive results

As a result of the Syncotech and Coventya

lowest amount of permanganate

for both companies. Collective

partnership, the SILKEN BOND process

(0.3 g/l) compared to other chrome

efforts have proven to the European

has successfully addressed the following

free etch technologies in the market

Automotive Industry that with true


leadership, innovation can overcome

targets: - Function of the oxidation cell

The future is now for the plating

the obstacles industry will face in

- Elimination of rack plating

on plastic industry with respect to

the future. The first, high volume,

- Adhesion

gaining a REACH Compliant Process

CrVI free production line in Europe

- Understanding critical process steps to

Line. Pursuit of workplace safety

confirms the reality. It is not only

and environmental sustainability

about REACH.

plate Bi-Injected parts process steps - Long life cycles of each process step

© Coventya

- Parameters for all necessary

- Positive yield comparison. Due to this successful partnership, - The SILKEN BOND process is ready for the next step - The SILKEN BOND process is state of the art and can be integrated with minimal effort into existing plating lines - Adhesion values are similar to parts processed with conventional chrome sulphuric etch - The tendency for rack plating has been eliminated


9 1

Figure 9: Comparison of peeling test values.

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A New Coating Plant for Promoting Growth in the Plastic and Glass Metallisation Sector Barbara Pennati ipcm® © ipcm ®


esign is the perfect combination of production

requirements, functionality, and aesthetic research. Over the years, it has acquired an increasingly important role in any field, both at the industrial level and in everyday life. Although various factors come into play at the time of purchase, from brand recognition to the type of product, design is increasingly affecting consumer’s choices, becoming a real marketing tool. The packaging sector represents this trend particularly well, as it fully exploits the innovative and multifaceted nature of design. The manufacturers of


perfumes, bottles, and containers communicate their values and convey their messages through shapes and colours, creating

Figure 1: The Molteni Glass division was established in 2018. It is exclusively devoted to the processing of glass used in packages intended for the glass, wine & spirit, and perfumery industries.

a point of contact with the consumers. This is no longer restricted

In this framework, the metallisation

its production and consolidating its

to the perfumery industry, traditionally

of surfaces is one of the preferred

presence on the international market as

very inclined to experimentation, but it

techniques to decorate glass.

a provider of services for the packaging

also involves the food-packaging field,

Flexibility and versatility are therefore

industry, particularly specialising in the

in particular the wine & spirit sector.

factors of paramount importance, which

glass metallisation niche.

Special editions, personalised bottles,

every player in the supply chain must

and co-branding partnerships lead the

guarantee. Metallizzazione Molteni

Paolo Molteni established it in 1965

manufacturers of beverages and spirits to

(Barzago, Lecco, Italy) has turned these

as a company focussing on plastic

use ever-more inventive packages.

elements into its strengths, boosting

metallisation. Over the last fifty years,

Opening photo: Metallizzazione Molteni specialises in the treatment of plastic and glass for different industrial sectors.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


the firm, now managed by Paolo’s son

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Mauro, has undergone various renewal processes that have helped it establish itself as a benchmark supplier in the field of plastic and glass treatments (ref. Opening photo). Indeed, it initially focussed on the toy industry, collaborating with a single customer for almost forty years. In 2005, following the bankruptcy of this client, Metallizzazione Molteni undertook a first transformation project by offering the expertise gained in the plastic high vacuum metallisation process for the toy market to other sectors. In 2007, a further change involved precisely its metallisation operations,

2 1

as the company began to treat glass in addition to plastics.

Figure 2: One of the three metallisation plants.

“In order to reinvent our business and consolidate our presence in various markets, we acted on two fronts:

The manufacturers of perfumes, bottles, and containers communicate their values and convey their messages through shapes and colours, creating a point of contact with the consumers. This is no longer restricted to the perfumery industry, traditionally very inclined to experimentation, but it also involves the food-packaging field, in particular the wine & spirit sector.”

the search for new customers from different sectors interested in our long-standing know-how and the expansion of our services of metallisation, including that of glass, secondary activity until that moment,” says Mauro Molteni. “Now, we

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and coating, which had been a

especially focus on the treatment of medium-small batches. This enables us to provide our customers with a fast service, excellent quality yield, and extreme flexibility; these factors, in turn, have allowed us growing exponentially.” “In 2014, we saturated our production capacity. That is why we started a further renewal phase. In 2018, we established Molteni Glass, the Metallizzazione Molteni division exclusively devoted to the processing of glass used in packages intended for the glass, wine & spirit, and house and personal perfume industries, which now account for 30% of our turnover (Fig. 1),” adds Molteni. “We also invested in new plants for both the metallisation and coating phases.”


3 1

Figure 3: The new automatic coating system designed and installed by M.I. Due for painting glass products.

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For the installation of an automatic coating system, Metallizzazione Molteni relied on M.I. Due (Besana in Brianza, Monza e Brianza, Italy), specialising in the design and construction of plants for the surface treatment of metals, plastics, and glass, especially for the packaging sector.

Investing in new plants to conquer new sectors

Efficient and reliable solutions for surface coating since 1988.

“The transformation process we undertook resulted in continued and exponential growth, also thanks to our investment in new plant engineering solutions,” states Mauro Molteni. “In particular, we invested in a new glass metallisation machine and in an automatic coating system, both for Molteni Glass.” Currently, Metallizzazione Molteni owns three metallisation plants (Fig. 2), one in-line automatic coating plant, and two water-veil manual coating booths. The new M.I. Due coating plant was installed in July 2018 and it is now devoted to the coating of glass products of any size (Fig. 3). This automatic system features a floor conveyor (Fig. 4) and manual loading and unloading stations. It includes the following stations: - deionisation through three anti-static nozzles; - brushing;

electrostatic systems for liquid painting

- flame hardening - two water-veil coating booths with a Venturi system, guaranteeing excellent overspray reduction and consistent performance, and with adjustable reciprocators mounted

electrostatic systems and spraying booths for powder coating

on a fixed support (Fig. 5); both booths are enclosed in a pressurised room for filtered and heated air supply; - two flash-off ovens (maximum working temperature: 90 °C), a thermal curing oven (maximum temperature:

pneumatic systems for high-, medium-, and low-pressure painting

200 °C), and a UV oven, which can be activated depending on production needs (Fig. 6). IR and UV drying systems

robot and reciprocators

CM SPRAY s.r.l. www.cmspray.it


The coating plant is completely automated and it can be controlled through a PLC. It was designed to seamlessly integrate and interact with the already-existing metallisation and manual coating systems. This investment has enabled Metallizzazione Molteni to further boost the glass processing activity and to present the company as a benchmark supplier in markets that it could not access in the past, such as that of perfumery.”


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Figure 4: A few workpieces arranged on the floor conveyor of the coating plant.

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4 1

Figure 5: The coating plant features two water-veil booths equipped with reciprocators.

5 1


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PAINTING ROBOTS & SYSTEM INTEGRATOR We are able to provide the full range of articulated and cartesian robots for every painting need! LeBot MV A5-A6: 5 and 6 axis articulated robot with self-learning, point to point and 3D offline programming, also available in chariot, carriage and carousel configuration with 3D Lesta shape acquisition system.

LeBot C5: 5 axis cartesian robot with 3D Lesta shape acquisition system. acqui ystem.

6 1

Figure 6: The plant has two flash-off ovens, a thermal curing oven, and a UV oven, which can be activated depending on production needs.

“The coating plant is completely automated

LeBot IA6: articulated 6-axis industrial robots with jointed-arm kinematics for all point-to-point and continuous-path tasks, controlled by our LeCRob K-Manager software. LeBot IA6 robots can work with 3D Lesta shape system. aacquisition ac qu tem.

and it can be controlled through a PLC. It was designed to seamlessly integrate and interact with the already-existing metallisation and manual coating systems (Fig. 7)”, explains Molteni. “This investment has enabled us to further boost our glass processing activity and to present our company as a benchmark supplier in markets that we could not access in the past, such as that of perfumery. At the same time, the installation


of a metallisation plant and an in-line coating system for the treatment of glass has enabled us to release a part of the productive capacity of the other metallisation machines, which now are exclusively devoted to the treatment of plastic. This, in turn, has resulted in the acquisition of new customers in this sector, too.”

LESTA S.r.l.

Via D. Chiesa, 42 - 20020 Dairago (MI) - Italy +39 0331.430817 0331.1581053 +39 0331.158 info@lesta.it

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Continuous growth even outside of Italy

the goal we had set ourselves. Whereas previously we could

“The productivity

only aim for the Italian

of Metallizzazione

market because we

Molteni and its Molteni

could not ensure

Glass division varies

competitive delivery

depending on the

times, in the last year,

parts to be treated. In

thanks to our new

general, we manufacture

plant equipment, we

approximately 14000

have been increasingly

parts per shift in the

targeting foreign

case of small products,

markets, in particular in

and 5000 parts per shift

France, England,

in the case of larger

and Germany.”

objects, such as bottles.

“Finally, thanks to the

7 1

Therefore, we have a highly varied and flexible

system provided

Figure 7: The automatic coating plant was designed to seamlessly integrate and interact with the already-existing metallisation and manual coating systems.

production flow. In the first six months of 2019,

by M.I. Due, we have been able to start using water-based coatings. This called for an

in any case, we observed a 40% increase in our turnover compared with the same period of 2018,” states Mauro Molteni (Fig. 8). “M.I. Due’s automatic coating plant was designed for future growth, in order to allow us entering into markets to which we could not offer our services with the previous plant equipment, as

The productivity of Metallizzazione Molteni and its Molteni Glass division varies depending on the parts to be treated. In general, it manufactures approximately 14000 parts per shift in the case of small products, and 5000 parts per shift in the case of larger objects, such as bottles.”

accurate study on the right painting system, but it has enabled us to obtain excellent results in a more sustainable way for both the environment and our working space, two very important factors for our company,” says Mauro Molteni. “Such continuous growth, as well as the transition from one customer to a much

was already saturated,”

wider client portfolio and

adds Molteni. “We relied

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our production capacity

the flexibility degree this

on M.I. Due because we

called for, also required

had known this company

an adaptation effort

for over ten years and

on the part of all

we considered it one of

our employees.

the best manufacturers

However, we can only

of this kind of systems.

be pleased with our

It took us three months

collaboration with

to bring the system

technological partners

into full operation, a

such as M.I. Due, able

significant period for a

to perfectly understand

contractor. However,

our needs and suggest

since when it was

functional solutions

started, our production

aimed at future growth,

has never stopped; on

product and market

the contrary, we have recorded significant growth, thereby achieving


8 1

Figure 8: Mauro Molteni with his father Paolo, the founder of Metallizzazione Molteni.

N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

diversification, high quality level, and eco-friendliness.”

Your Crystal Clear Choice for Decorative Glass Let our Larique Direct-to-Glass Coatings help you and - your glass - shine.

A KALEIDOSCOPE OF COLOR SPECIAL EFFECTS To learn more, contact: gi.emeai.marketing@sherwin.com Visit: oem.sherwin-williams.com

© iStockphoto_narvikk

Opening photo: In the span of 50 years SONGWON has become the second largest producer of polymer stabilizers worldwide.



Photoinitiators for High-Performance UV Curing Applications Edited by SONGWON, Ulsan – South Korea



ounded in 1965, SONGWON is

polymer stabilizers worldwide and a key

help customers achieve numerous different

headquartered in Ulsan, South

player in the specialty chemicals business

formulations, for applications ranging

Korea and operates group

(ref. Opening photo).

from non-pigmented clear coats to highly

companies all over the world. Since it

pigmented systems.

launched its first product, a PVC stabilizer,

Photoinitiators by SONGWON

more than 50 years ago, SONGWON

The company is a leading producer

coating technology are the followings:

– formerly the only plastic additives

of specialty chemicals for UV-curable

- Simple and cost-effective solutions, high

manufacturer in Korea – has grown to

applications, where photoinitiators are

efficiency and low toxicity of the wide range

become the second largest producer of

crucial. SONGWON has designed a range to

of photoinitiators.


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

The key elements in the fastest-growing




Figure 1: Technical features of the SONGCURE® CS photoinitiators’ series.

choice is therefore essential to achieve

coating systems, while SONGCURE® CS TPO

involved in coating laboratory in South

the desired results, and tests should be

is suitable for highly pigmented systems

Korea, in dedicated local support centres

performed to determine the right amounts

and applications requiring low odour and

and in a world class production facility in

and achieve the required speed and reactivity.

low yellowing.


SONGWON’s range of photoinitiators covers a

SONGWON’s team of experts is available to

wide variety of requirements (Figs. 1 and 2).

help customers develop new products or

50 years’ manufacturing experience,


suggest the best curing package for specific

backward integration of key raw materials

CS 1173 are designed for unpigmented clear


- Technical expertise of the team members

- Proven reliability thanks to more than

and a global sales organization and © SONGWON

distribution network. - Strong commitment to develop continuous innovation in order to meet new industry standards and product requirements throughbexpert services worldwide.

SONGCURE® CS photoinitiators The SONGCURE® CS photoinitiators enable customers to overcome a wide variety of formulation challenges. Photoinitiators are essential to the radiation curing process. Whether used on their own or in combination, they can impact the curing speed and the final properties - such as chemical resistance and adhesion - of the cured coating, ink or adhesive. Appropriate

2 1

Figure 2: Absorption spectrum (% in acetonitrile).

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58



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It’s the Surface that Counts Š ROMIRA GmbH


ptimized PVD grades from ROMIRA provide a premium alternative to electroplating.

properties. ROMIRA has succeeded in developing PC-based blends that fully meet these requirements.

A metallic surface is a sought-after property

The PVD process can also be shortened

for various plastic parts, not only as a

by one process step when using ROMIRA

decorative feature, but also regarding their functional use. Today, these surfaces are still largely produced using galvanic processes. Due to environmental problems, especially


Figure 1: Coating layers of the PVD process.

when chromium (VI) compounds are used,


About the ROMIRA GmbH The ROMIRA GmbH was founded in 1990 and is an affiliated partner within

metal deposition from the gas phase, known

properties can be obtained that cannot

the ROWA GROUP. As part of this strong

as the physical vapor deposition (PVD)

be achieved by using the electroplating

combine, ROMIRA sets standards for

process, is gaining in importance (Fig. 1).


technical plastics with its profound

The process as a whole is also emission-free

The prerequisite for successful PVD

competence and synergetic know-how.

if using UV-curable coatings as a top layer.

processing is to use a base material with

With the use of different chemical elements

a special property profile, especially with

For further information:

or compounds, certain special effects and

regard to surface quality and optical



High-speed rotating atomizer The range of EcoBell2 SL atomizers offers the Ecobell2 SL EC that is suitable for the electrostatic application of all water borne paint and the EcoBell2 SL DC which is the right choice for the electrostatic application of all paint or for painting without high tension. Both were developed especially for high paint flow rates and high painting speeds at either high or low tension.



Plug & Play: WAGNER Delivers First Ready-to-Operate Mixing & Dosing System for Liquid Paint


AGNER now offers the 2K Smart liquid paint mixing and

ready-to-connect complete system 2K Smart C (Fig. 1). The new system is delivered with configured paint


dosing system as a Figure 1: WAGNER offers the 2K Smart liquid paint mixing and dosing system as the complete system 2K Smart C ready for connection.

supply – fully documented and with CE declaration. The equipment can be put into operation within one day in just a few steps - and ensures perfect surfaces with high mixing accuracy. Fast colour changes, exact material dosing and durable components ensure high cost-effectiveness.


The 2K Smart C is particularly easy to operate

which is already supplied with pre-installed

For easy commissioning, the pumps are already

and an “all-round carefree package” for the

paint supply. All material and air hoses

assigned in the 2K control system. The effort for

process steps of preparing, feeding and mixing

are already installed, as well as necessary

installation and commissioning is thus reduced

in liquid paint coating. The system is delivered

accessories such as agitators, material

to connecting the central air supply, first

pre-assembled on a rollable rack including

containers or suction systems.

flushing and creating the recipes. “Instead of compiling all the components - from

of integrated pumps, the rack is available in

the simple screw connection to the complete

different sizes. The control of the mixing unit


drip tray (Fig. 2). Depending on the number

mixing unit - individually from catalogues and

is also already part of the complete system -

rack one’s brains over parts lists, WAGNER

as a separate ATEX control unit for explosion

sales partners can configure this system

protection conforming to EU directives or

completely via the WAGNER distributor online

mounted directly on the rack. For high process

shop. This minimizes the effort involved in

reliability, the multi-colour 2/3K mixing system

submitting quotations and processing orders.

automatically doses up to three components,

The complete delivery of the tested system also

which enables recipe and colour changes

reduces the risk of unexpected complications

in minutes, minimizes cleaning effort and

on the construction site”, explains Carsten

reduces solvent consumption by up to 90

Ludwig, Senior Product Manager Liquid at

percent compared to manual mixing.


Individually configured and put into operation in the shortest possible time

Individually configurable for a wide range of applications and all 2K and 3K materials

With the 2K Smart C, WAGNER launches the first electronically controlled mixing and dosing system for several colours on the market


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

2 1

Figure 2: WAGNER cage filter with drip pan.

The 2K Smart C processes up to four colours and three components and can be supplied with three to six pumps. It is suitable for


material containers or other equipment

patented AIS valve (Adaptive Injection

coated with 2K or 3K materials. The solution is

details. “By combining low-pressure diaphragm

System) is also used as standard

particularly flexible to configure. For example,

pumps with a WAGNER Cobra 40-10

in the newly available 2K Smart C

the suction system can be varied, as can the

high-pressure diaphragm pump in the paint

(Fig. 3). This proven feature adapts


almost all applications in which workpieces are

3 1

Figure 3: The 2K Smart C is equipped with the patented AIS system for automatic dosage adjustment.

supply, the system can be quickly

the hardener injection to different

converted from a low-pressure to

material flow rates for particularly

a high-pressure system.

homogeneous coating results.

This opens up even more flexibility

For flow measurement WAGNER

with regard to application fields

offers gear flow meters for double

and coated workpieces and saves

diaphragm pumps and stroke sensors

solvents in flushing processes”,

for piston pumps. The latter calculate

adds Carsten Ludwig.

the flow over the stroke at the pump

High process reliability through precise dosing and measuring

without coming into contact with the material. This additionally reduces wear and cleaning effort.

As in the case of the 2K Smart mixing systems already tried

For further information:

and tested on the market, the


WHEN MAINTENANCE IS AN EASY GAME TO PLAY UV Ray is the major Italian manufacturer specialized in the production of LMKLP] VIWMWXERX HMGLVSMG VIƥIGXSVW charecterized by low energy consumption and easy maintenance. )JƤGMIRX PSRK PEWXMRK ERH EFSZI EPP LMKL QERIKIEFPI XLI 9: 6E] VIƥIGXSVW EVI XLI VMKLX ERW[IV SJ WTVE] TEMRXMRK WIGXSV JSV IZIV] GLEPPIRKI

UV Ray, R for f every challenge h ll



Opening photo: The LU-VE Group has been producing heat exchangers for the commercial and industrial refrigeration and air conditioning sectors since 1986.


A Nanotechnology Pre-Treatment Process for Heat Exchangers: The Sustainable and Innovative Choice of the LU-VE Group Ilaria Paolomelo ipcmÂŽ


inishes play a primary role in the

where complex-shaped metal components

largest manufacturers of air heat exchangers

choice of a product. In some industries,

are hidden inside bodies and fairings, treating

in the world. It operates in different market

however, manufacturing a high quality

each element correctly is mandatory to

segments: commercial and industrial

object means to find the right combination of

guarantee the functionality and usability of

refrigeration, process cooling for industrial

surface protection and aesthetics. In sectors


and power generation applications, civil,

such as the automotive and refrigeration ones,

This is the case of the LU-VE Group, one of the

industrial, and precision air conditioning,


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

and glass doors and closure systems for

© ipcm ®


refrigerated counters and display cabinets. LU-VE has succeeded in combining aesthetics and functionality: since 1986, it has been coating in-house its products with different tints (mainly white, the colour of cleanliness) and, recently, it has installed a new nanotechnology pre-treatment plant to improve the anti-corrosion protection of their surfaces.

The LU-VE Group “Its focus on innovation, its constant commitment in the research and development of new technologies, and the high quality of its products have allowed the LU-VE Group to immediately establish itself as a leader in the production of heat exchangers for the commercial and


Figure 1: The show room located at the headquarters of the Group in Uboldo (VA).

industrial refrigeration and air conditioning sectors (ref. Opening photo),” states Chief

and plants covering 570,000 m2 of surface.

The production process

Communications Officer Fabio Liberali.

We export 83% of our production in 100

ipcm® has had the opportunity to visit the

“LU-VE is an international business with

countries. In 2018, our pro-forma turnover

headquarters of the Group, located in

16 production plants in 9 countries:

was more than 420 million Euros. Our R&D

Uboldo (VA, Italy - Fig. 1). “The productive

Italy, China, Finland, India, Poland, Czech

laboratories are among the largest in the

activity of this factory is mainly focussed on

Republic, Sweden, Russia, and the USA.

industry and we collaborate with 22

ventilated machines such as evaporators,

The Group has over 3,000 qualified

universities and international research

condensers, and dry coolers (Fig. 2) intended

employees (1,000 of whom work in Italy)

institutions, starting from Politecnico di Milano.

for the sectors of commercial and industrial

We were among the first in our sector to

refrigeration, process cooling for industrial

implement environmentally friendly production and product technologies. The success on the international market of the LU-VE Group stems precisely from these choices. Its advanced R&D policy is based on the fundamental principles of environmental protection: reduced energy consumption, reduced use of refrigerants, low noise levels, high reliability in time, and limited dimensions,” says Liberali. © LU-VE

Finishes play a primary role in the choice of a product. In some industries, however, manufacturing a high quality object means to find the right combination of surface protection and aesthetics. In sectors such as the automotive and refrigeration ones, where complex-shaped metal components are hidden inside bodies and fairings, treating each element correctly is mandatory to guarantee the functionality and usability of products.”

Figure 2: The productive activity of the factory is mainly focussed on ventilated machines such as refrigerators, condensers, and dry coolers.

2 1

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


© ipcm ®

3 1

Figure 3: After machining, the galvanised sheet metal fairings are sent to the pre-treatment tunnel.

and power generation applications, and civil, industrial, and precision air conditioning. Finned heat exchangers are the core of these machines,” explains Quality Manager Angelo Borroni. “They are batteries consisting of louvred fins and manifolds made in-house by machining aluminium (or copper) coils and of copper (or aluminium) tubes. Correct assembly between two complementary fins enables the coolant flowing in the copper pipes to come into contact with the air in the battery, thus generating heat exchange.” “We also produce in-house the galvanised iron fairings that constitute the frames of our machines (Fig. 3). During assembly, we then add brackets, electrical connections, and transmission systems. The last phases are packaging, storage, and shipping,” says Borroni. “Finally, our factory includes a department that manufactures precision air conditioners intended for operating rooms, clean rooms, data centres, web farms, and telephony service providers,” adds Liberali.

Environmental sustainability and Industry 4.0: the investment made by LU-VE “Chemical pre-treatment is a key process in order to provide our refrigeration and conditioning systems with optimum quality in terms of both corrosion protection and aesthetic value: without it, the coating applied could delaminate or lose its colour over time. Our factory is equipped with two different systems: a spray one dedicated to the pre-treatment of external components and an immersion one for internal components to be assembled on bodies. The choice of installing two different solutions was motivated by the different nature of the materials we treat (black iron for internal components and galvanised iron sheet for the external ones),


The choice to replace both the phospho-degreasing systems of the Uboldo factory was primarily due to the company’s focus on environmental sustainability and safety. As for the line treating galvanised sheet metal, LU-VE relied on two leading technological partners: DN Chemicals, which supplied its Dollcoat SA115 nanotechnology solution, and Soft Rain.” their complex shape, and the large dimensions of some of them. Thanks to our collaboration with DN Chemicals, the company formed by the merger between the Surface Treatments Division of Dollmar Spa with Noxorsokem Srl, and Soft Rain1, we have now installed a new pre-treatment plant.” “The choice to replace both the phospho-degreasing systems of the Uboldo factory was primarily due to the company’s focus on environmental sustainability and safety. Both plants worked very well and allowed achieving optimal quality results, but their baths were too aggressive, using large quantities of chemicals and generating waste products such as fumes and sludge. That is why we decided to replace them. As for the line treating galvanised sheet metal, we relied on two leading technological partners: DN Chemicals, which supplied us with its Dollcoat SA115 nanotechnology solution, and Soft Rain (Fig. 4).”

© DN Chemicals

1 B. Pennati, The Synergy between Dollmar and NoxorSokem Group Creates a New Specialised, High Added Value Business, in ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 52 (July/August 2018), pages 24-27.

HIGH 4 1

Figure 4: A detail of the Soft Rain system.


© DN Chemicals

© DN Chemicals

5 1

6 1

Figure 5: The Soft Rain Avantgarde system was integrated into the tunnel as an innovative technology for the mixing of the nanotechnology solution.

Figure 6: The nebulisation of the Dollcoat SA115 nanotechnology product developed by DN Chemicals.

The new 7-stage pre-treatment tunnel

- nebulisation of always fresh

“The nanotechnology solution chosen for

“The new pre-treatment cycle includes

- nanotechnology product consumption

seven stages, i.e. two active baths and five rinses with osmotised water.

nanotechnology solution; optimisation; - performance consistency, as the parts

this pre-treatment process is Dollcoat SA115, developed by DN Chemicals (Fig. 6). The characteristics of the synthetic oligomers obtained from silanes improve

The Soft Rain Avantgarde system

are always treated with the same

the paint adhesion and corrosion resistance

was integrated into the tunnel as an

amount of nanotechnology solution;

properties of the treated surfaces.

innovative technology for the mixing of

- no waste water to be treated;

Furthermore, this product is free of

the nanotechnology solution (Fig. 5),”

- recovery of the excess nebulised

heavy metals and resins and, therefore,

adds Borroni.

product, which is recirculated into the

environmentally sustainable and safe for

Andrea Paganelli, the owner of Soft

pre-treatment process;

the health of operators,” says DN Chemicals

Rain (Poggio Torriana, RN, Italy), lists

- no product dripping or dragging;

the main advantages of the Soft Rain

- autonomous dosing of the powder

Avantgarde system:

amount needed for each cycle.

sales director André Bernasconi.

Final production stages “After pre-treatment, a one-rail overhead conveyor takes the workpieces to a drying oven and a Wagner powder

The nanotechnology solution chosen for this pre-treatment process is Dollcoat SA115, developed by DN Chemicals. The characteristics of the synthetic oligomers obtained from silanes improve the paint adhesion and corrosion resistance properties of the treated surfaces. Furthermore, this product is free of heavy metals and resins and, therefore, environmentally sustainable and safe for the health of operators.”


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

coating booth equipped with eight reciprocators (Fig. 7). If necessary, this is followed by a manual retouching operation on the most difficult-to-reach areas, where the paint may not adhere properly. “Both the pre-treatment plant and the coating booth were developed following


the Industry 4.0 principles upon LU-VE’s

© ipcm ®

Both the pre-treatment plant and the coating booth were developed following the Industry 4.0 principles upon LU-VE’s request. When coating large-sized products, i.e. over 5 metres long, being able to track and control the parameters of each process phase is crucial to guarantee a high quality product.”

request. When coating large-sized products, i.e. over 5 metres long, being able to track and control the parameters of each process phase is crucial to guarantee a high quality product. “Finally, the pre-treatment plant is equipped with a HMI interface that monitors the process and enables the parent company to remotely connect and intervene in real time to solve any problems,” says Borroni.

Effective collaboration “We are very pleased with the investment made, as the characteristics of our pre-treatment plant guarantee safety and environmental sustainability, two critical values for the LU-VE Group. The only technical issue that we have encountered concerns the amount of paint needed to cover edges and notches. Our next step will be to integrate the application of a base coat, thus switching to a two-layer system. In the near future, we will also assess a new nanotechnology product that DN Chemicals is currently developing, which will allow reducing the current loads that cause corrosion and evening out the surfaces treated through a network of nanotubes, thus enabling the paint to adhere correctly and uniformly to the whole part,” states Borroni. This product is still in the development stage, but it will be soon available on the market.

Figure 7: The Wagner spray paint booth is equipped with eight reciprocators.

7 1

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


© Verniciatura Rigodanza


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Industry 4.0-oriented Innovations Simplify the Management of an Intensive and Versatile Production Process in the Contracting Coating Sector Monica Fumagalli ipcm®


he advantages brought by the fourth

Then, last year, we revolutionised our

market thanks to the possibility to treat

industrial revolution to the Italian

production flow again by replacing our old

larger components, which were previously

and international manufacturing

painting line with a new system designed and

entrusted to other coaters. During the

industry are well known and they have often

installed by Euroimpianti (Valeggio sul Mincio,

analysis and design phase in collaboration

been analysed in depth on the pages of this

Verona, Italy), with which we have collaborated

with Euroimpianti, and especially while

magazine, as well as by other media. However,

since 1993. I cannot deny that this was a very

focussing on these critical issues, we could

there is not often the opportunity to examine

significant investment for our firm. However,

not ignore the innovations brought to the

such benefits in the context of small and

we have improved our production efficiency

market by the fourth industrial revolution.

medium sized enterprises, where the Industry

and raised our penetration capability in

Thanks to the help of Euroimpianti owner

4.0 principles determine crucial structural

an increasingly demanding and versatile

Gianluca Baruffaldi and CMA Robotics

changes that generate new business growth © ipcm ®

and development strategies. Ipcm visited the factory of Verniciatura Rigodanza (Noventa Vicentina, Vicenza, Italy) in July 20141. It has recently returned to interview owner Maurizio Rigodanza on the investments made to comply with the Industry 4.0 parameters and maintain the focus on innovation that has always characterised this company, specialising in the powder coating of parts from the most diverse industries since 1980 (ref. Opening photo). “Shortly after your visit to document the integration of our line with last generation GEMA equipment,” explains Maurizio Rigodanza, “we installed a 6-axis coating robot provided by CMA Robotics (Pavia di Udine, Italy).

1 M. Fumagalli, Powder Coating with Quick Colour Change: Production Versatility and Speed to Address the Current Changes in the Contracting Market, in ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 28 (July/August 2014), Vol. V, pages 58-64.

Figure 1: The pre-treatment tunnel is a part of the new plant equipment installed by Euroimpianti.

Opening photo: Verniciatura Rigodanza specialises in the powder coating of parts from the most diverse industries.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


© ipcm ®

© Verniciatura Rigodanza

2 1

3 1

Figure 2: Workpieces entering one of the two GEMA coating booths integrated in the new line.

Figure 3: The 6-axis coating robot for the pre-retouching phase.

sales director Marco Zanor, who have

© ipcm ®

Thanks to the help of Euroimpianti owner Gianluca Baruffaldi and CMA Robotics sales director Marco Zanor, who have been able to understand the needs arising from intensive and varied production flow of Rigodanza, the company is now using a few advanced plant technologies, some of which were implemented and tested for the first time in its factory.” Gianluca Beggiato, production manager at

been able to understand the needs

Verniciatura Rigodanza.

arising from our intensive and varied

“Even for accessory devices such as the air,

production flow, we are now using a few

water, and gas treatment systems, we chose

advanced plant technologies, some of

to employ the most expensive materials,

which were implemented and tested for

e.g. 316 steel, to provide our plant, which

the first time in our factory.”

is constantly in function, with solidity and efficiency.”

The new coating plant’s structure

The pre-treatment tunnel includes two phospho-degreasing tanks with iron and zinc

The new coating line, inaugurated in

salts (Fig. 1). “This is the ideal solution for the

August 2018, is constituted by a

kind of products we treat more frequently,

pre-treatment tunnel and two bigger

such as metal cabinets and electrical

coating systems than the previous plants,

switchboard enclosures,” adds Beggiato.

one exclusively devoted to dark colours

The line has a very shot takt time (3.50 m/

and the other to light ones. A plant from

minute) and a contact time of 3 minutes

Euroimpianti’s Komby series was also added for components with a length up to 8 m. “We spared no expense for this new automatic line,” states


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

4 1

Figure 4: A detail of some products coated in black.

in the degreasing and phosphating tanks. The pre-treatment cycle includes two rinses with mains water (contact time: 1 minute) and one rinse with constantly recirculated


demineralised water (electrical

The aim is reducing the consumption

microns on the pre-treated surfaces.

conductivity: 0.5 μS). The first two tanks

of the water/chemical mix and

Integrated with specific electronic

are equipped with metering pumps that

ensuring maximum effectiveness of the

microprocessors for adjusting

maintain the pH value equal to 4.20-4.50

chemical itself. With a consumption of

and controlling the air and water

for galvanised components and 5 for

approximately 4-5 litres/hour per nozzle,

pressure, this system guarantees

pickled iron parts. Aluminium workpieces

this ensures a deposit of a few tens of

consistent water conductivity values,

are treated in the same way.

no dripping and therefore quick

Euroimpianti has also supplied the

drying phases, cost reduction, and maximum cleaning quality degree.”

company with a passivation system called Nebula, which, combined with the surface treatment operations performed, enables the products to reach a salt spray resistance value of 1000 hours. “Nebula,” says Gianluca Baruffaldi from Euroimpianti, “is a nebulisation system developed to reduce the huge quantities of water and chemicals used in pre-treatment cycles. It is based on the water-veil application of the conversion product by atomisation, in the last pretreatment stage tunnel.

Verniciatura Rigodanza spared no expense for this new automatic line. Even for accessory devices such as the air, water, and gas treatment systems, the company chose to employ the most expensive materials, e.g. 316 steel, to provide the plant, which is constantly in function, with solidity and efficiency.”

As for the application process, Verniciatura Rigodanza chose to maintain the two GEMA booths already in use, i.e. a QCS cylindrical booth and a quick colour change Magic Compact Equiflow one (Fig. 2), and integrate them into the new line, as well as the CMA coating robot used for any pre-retouching operation needed before applying dark colours on particular parts such as box sections (Figs. 3 and 4).

OptiCenter® All-in-One Outstanding application performance Outsta

The first powder center combining electrostatics and powder feeding The new powder center is equipped with OptiStar All-in-One® gun controls, in which the injector technology is directly integrated. This ensures the fastest powder output response times for reliable coating quality. The fully automated application and cleaning process ensures efficient color changes.


Coating robots with a unique movement capability The coating robot installed at the Rigodanza premises is a 6-axis GR 650 ST type guaranteeing maximum manoeuvrability thanks to its graft system, perfect pneumatic balance, the special alloys used, and the particular wrist configuration (Table 1). “This is the first robot able to perform such a high number of

Table 1: Characteristics of the GR 650 ST robot Robot axes Auxiliary axes Wrist load capacity Motors Axes positioning Robot weight Repeatability Maximum speed of axes #1, 2, and 3 Maximum speed of axes #4, 5, and 6 Program speed changeability Movement modes Robot protection degree Operating temperature Maximum humidity Robot colour Compressed air

movements,” indicates Beggiato. “Its workspace is limited and its working speed is very high. We cooperated closely with the

Arm balancing Programming modes ATEX execution

6 6 5 kg Brushless servo motors Absolute encoders 370 kg 2 mm 120°/s 360°/s From 1 to 200% Joint - Cartesian - Tool IP 65 + 5° - + 40° 75% without condensation RAL 6018 7 bar – 20 litres/minute ATEX version 220 litres/minute Pneumatic Self-learning and PTP Joystick + teach pendant Ex-p (optional)

CMA staff to identify the most suitable application programs and we chose two of them. They are both very complex because of the high movement capability required from the robot’s arm in a very narrow space. In most cases, the robot intervenes in the pre-retouching phase of cabinets and drawer systems’ undercuts, i.e. the most difficult-to-reach areas that we treat. The programs are stored and managed by the PC integrated

Panel protection degree Control panel size Control panel weight Operating temperature Installed power Connection cables Data and process management computer Operating system User program memory Software language Teach pendant Digital inputs - outputs Power supply Communication

IP 54 80 x 42 x H150 cm Approx. 160 kg + 5° - + 40° 6 KW 5 m (standard) or different upon request Industrial PC WINDOWS CE Embedded 2 GB CompactFlash (about 800 hours of programs) Italian Mobil Panel + Joystick 36 inputs + 36 outputs (24 + 24 optional) 380V AC 50-60 Hz RS-232 – ETHERNET (PROFIBUS optional)

The robot complies with the ATEX 2014/34/EU Directive.

© ipcm ®

into the control unit (Table 2).”

Table 2: Control panel characteristics

Euroimpianti has also supplied the company with a passivation system called Nebula, which, combined with the surface treatment operations performed, enables the products to reach a salt spray resistance value of 1000 hours.”

5 1


Figure 5: A detail of the one-rail conveyor.

N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


The coating robot installed at the Rigodanza premises is a 6-axis GR 650 ST type guaranteeing maximum manoeuvrability. This is the first robot able to perform such a high number of movements. Its workspace is limited and its working speed is very high.”

Advantages of the new plant “Thanks to our new coating line,” says Rigodanza, “we have increased our production capacity. We can now process workpieces with a maximum length of 3 m, instead of 1.80 m as in the past, thus expanding our customer portfolio. The new hanging system enables us to load up to four parts at a time, and not only one as happened in the past, and therefore to fill as much space on the load bar as possible. This is crucial to support our massive production: the system is in fact operating 24/7 (Fig. 5). The new conveyor also has twice the capacity of the previous one: we replaced the 37 mm bearings with 45 mm ones and we can now handle weights up to 150 kg. A further advantage are the new plant features, enabling us to control the entire process through one monitor (Fig. 6): we thus eliminated the different displays for the control of individual devices around the factory. The management of our production flow was further streamlined.” The third system installed by Euroimpianti, belonging to the Komby series, was also adapted to these new automation features. “Komby is the ideal industrial coating plant for small production and touch-up operations,” adds Baruffaldi, “thanks to the possibility to load different parts requiring different colours on the overhead conveyor. It is extremely adaptable to metal workpieces in various sizes and its modular design allows rethinking and changing the system over time with additional modules. Rigodanza uses it to coat outsized products. Due to its characteristics, Komby was conceived as a manual system: it was

© ipcm ®

6 1

Figure 6: The display for the control of the entire coating process.

The implementation of Industry 4.0-oriented innovations in a small-sized company required a major effort not only in terms of costs, but also of operator training: they had to become acquainted with completely new systems and operations. Both Rigodanza team and the Euroimpianti and CMA ones have collaborated closely and effectively, thus achieving all required results.”


have collaborated closely and effectively,

precisely to meet the automation needs of

“The implementation of Industry

thus achieving all our required results.

Verniciatura Rigodanza. Besides the cleaning

4.0-oriented innovations in our small-sized

However, we will not stop innovating: I am

tank, it includes three booths: a coating one,

company required a major effort not only in

sure that you will be able to document a

a desiccation one, and a drying one. After

terms of costs, but also of operator training:

further technological evolution, on your next

hanging parts to the load bar, the operator

they had to become acquainted with

visit. We will consistently strive to meet our

selects the working cycle through the PLC.

completely new systems and operations,”

customers’ needs with the flexibility and

Actually, this is the first semi-automatic Komby

says Maurizio Rigodanza. Both our team

efficiency that have always distinguished our

machine installed in Italy.”

(Fig. 7) and the Euroimpianti and CMA ones


© ipcm ®

transformed into a semi-automatic plant

7 1

Figure 7: From left to right: Gianluca Beggiato, Erica Rigodanza, Alessia Venturi from ipcm, Mattia Beggiato, and Maurizio Rigodanza.


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

powder coatings Paint Engineering

Premium quality Formulation, design and manufacture adapted to technical requirements, and highly complex facilities.

Anticorrosive systems

Coil Coating Superdurable Superdurable coatings for sublimation effect Metallic bonding


© ipcm ®

Opening photo: The new laboratory.


Chemtec Inaugurates a New Production Plant Ilaria Paolomelo ipcm®


n June, 21 2019, Chemtec

and the other to the end product logistics.

factory and laboratory (ref. Opening photo

celebrated the inauguration of

On the upper floor, there is a laboratory

Fig. 1). The latter is key to the success of

a new production plant devoted

devoted to the research and development of

Chemtec as it daily carries out the following

to the formulation and manufacturing

new formulations and products as well as to


of surface pre-treatment and coating

tests and chemical analyses carried out on

- quality control of raw materials, production

waste water treatment products and

behalf of third parties.

technologies. The company decided to

phases, and end products; - research and development of new products;

expand its structure with the primary aim

The inauguration ceremony

of insourcing some production phases

On the occasion of the completion of

previously entrusted to contractors.

the new plant, already operating for

The laboratory has also been conceived

The new plant, located in Corbetta (MI,

over five years, Chemtec invited Italian

for providing a consultancy service to the

Italy), is composed of two buildings

and international customers, suppliers,

company’s customers and any other firm

arranged in a horseshoe shape, one

distributors, and partners to attend the start

requesting it. That is why Chemtec uses

devoted to the storage of raw materials

of the first production and visit the new

comprehensive instrumentation for the


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

- chemical-physical analyses for product approval.

© ipcm ®


led us to always develop and produce new solutions and gain market share in the chemical sector, where major multinationals prevail,” the CEO added. “Our corporate philosophy, which so far has proved to be a winning one, has always focussed on building a team of young and highly qualified people to give them the possibility to work and stand out in a sector that is not very prone to change, at least in Italy. Thanks to the


synergy with Aertech SAS, our

Figure 1: The production systems in the new Chemtec’s factory.

distributors, and our new branches Chemtec North America LLC and Chemtec Latin America LLC, we are

QC of industrial coating processes, including

now able to provide our customers with a complete

neutral and salt spray tests, accelerated corrosion

assistance and consultancy service. I hope that

resistance tests with electrochemical methods

today’s step forward is only a part of a marathon that

such as impedance spectroscopy and ACET,

will continue in years to come,” Guidetti stated.

hardness, film, surface tension, and paint bending

Corbetta mayor Marco Ballarini also gave a

resistance measurements, and colourimetry

speech to thank the company for choosing this


territory for its production and sales activities

At the end of the guided tour, Chemtec CEO

and guarantee maximum support in terms of

Carlo Guidetti gave a thank you speech dedicated


to all those who have played an important

The event was concluded with a classical concert,

role in the development of the company and

during which a Korean tenor, an Italian soprano,

contributed to its success (Fig. 2).

and a Korean pianist delighted the audience with

Guidetti thanked the company’s customers for

a few arias from the most famous Italian operas

their trust as well as its raw material and service

– the perfect combination between culture and

suppliers and other partners. Finally, he specially


thanked Pierre Point, President of the French “This event is not intended to celebrate the success of our

© ipcm ®

subsidiary firm Aertech SAS.

company, but it is an opportunity to pause and reflect on the results we have achieved in these first nine years of activity and on what we want to achieve in future. Chemtec is a small company, established in Corbetta in 2010 with the aim of providing a wide range of technologies for the entire

2 1

coating process, from surface treatment to waste water treatment. Our continuous commitment to innovation has

Figure 2: On the occasion of the inauguration of the new production plant, Chemtec CEO Carlo Guidetti gave a thank you speech dedicated to all those who have played an important role in the development of the company.

© Dürr Systems AG

Opening photo: Around 1,000 visitors from across the world attended the 11 Open House by Dürr from May 13 to 17 in Bietigheim-Bissingen (Germany). th


11th Dürr Innovation Show: Digital Solutions for Smart Production Kristin Roth Dürr Systems AG – Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany


nder the banner “Smart up your


(Germany, ref. Opening photo).

At Dürr’s Digital Factory, a cross-departmental

plant”, Dürr presented new solutions

Ralf W. Dieter, CEO of Dürr AG, says: “As a world

software competence centre, around 100

for efficient and smart production

market leader, not just in paint systems, we

experts work on innovative applications.

at its 11 Open House from May 13 to 17.

know the processes in automotive production

Among them is the digital maintenance

The focus was on digital technology for

inside out, and we know what is important.

assistant, DXQequipment.maintenance. It

networked production processes. Around

We combine this expertise with our software

shows maintenance dates for components

1,000 visitors from across the world, most of

skills to develop applications for optimizing

in automotive paint shops, for instance

them from the automotive industry, attended

production processes. Our customers have

for robots, pumps or valves. In addition, it

the innovation show in Bietigheim-Bissingen

seen the results at the Open House.”

provides access to instructions and creates



N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Dürr Systems AG


floor. Two-tone painting makes them look flatter. Aside from overspray-free painting, Dürr’s Open House also featured other automation solutions for paint application, sealing and cleaning of car bodies (Fig. 2 and Cluster 2’s box). Talking about the importance of overspray-free painting, Dr. Jochen Weyrauch, CEO of Dürr Systems AG (Fig. 3), says: “Applying sharp lines of paint enables us to forge new paths in paint application and offer carmakers significant productivity benefits. This process sets us apart


from our competitors.

Figure 1: In the overspray-free painting process, a robot applies the contrasting or accent colour so accurately that no overspray is produced.

The EcoPaintJet is a quantum leap in the journey toward the efficient, two-tone painting of cars. It is the first system to efficiently combine

a maintenance history. Another example

colour so accurately that no overspray

customized product design with

to be showcased at the Open House is the

is produced (Fig. 1). This dispenses with

automated production”.

analytics software, DXQequipment.analytics.

the need for masking the other areas

For further information on the

It records all data from the painting

of the car body. EcoPaintJet also offers

EcoPaintJet process, you can read

process, creating a ‘digital fingerprint’

benefits in the painting of electric vehicles.

the article published on the ipcm®

for each painted car body. It contains

These often have a higher structure to

magazine no. 57 (May/June 2019),

information, for example, on the robots’

accommodate the battery in the vehicle

pp. 50-51.

movements, on paint consumption, © Dürr Systems AG

on the heating curves in the oven and further information about the condition of the plant. In the event of a quality problem, the cause can be determined immediately using the recorded data. For further information on software developed by Dürr’s Digital Factory, see the Cluster 1’s box at the end of this article.

Customized paint application without overspray The trend for car colours is toward customization. Dürr has developed the pioneering EcoPaintJet process for the two-tone painting of car bodies. Aside from saving carmakers time and energy, it also generates less waste. In this overspray-free painting process, a robot applies the contrasting or accent

2 1

Figure 2: Aside from overspray-free painting, Dürr’s Open House also featured other automation solutions for paint application, sealing and cleaning of car bodies.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


© Dürr Systems AG

3 1

Figure 3: Dr. Jochen Weyrauch, CEO of Dürr Systems AG, during its speech.

Flexible automated guided vehicles

For further information on AGVs and RoDip

the Dürr Group acquired the industrial

process by Dürr, see the Cluster 3’s box.

environmental technology business of US-based company Babcock & Wilcox,

In automotive paint shop of the future, automated guided vehicles (AGVs) take

Another topic at the innovation show was

comprising the Megtec and Universal brands.

car bodies and materials to their relevant

the reduction of volatile organic compounds

Since then, it has over 16,300 employees and

processing stations. AGVs are more versatile

(VOC). In the purification of polluted exhaust air

108 business locations in 32 countries. The

than conventional conveyor technology lines.

produced in industrial production processes,

Group operates in the market with five divisions:

This has particularly great advantages in paint

Dürr’s latest generation of environmental

- Paint and Final Assembly Systems: paint shops

shops where many different and individual

technology systems not only complies with the

car bodies are built and painted, one reason

increasingly stringent emission limits, but even

being that there are no more waiting times in

falls below them.

the modular painting and production process

The Dürr Group is one of the world’s leading

the automated application of paints, sealants

due to different processing times. Dürr’s

mechanical and plant engineering firms

and adhesives ;

new EcoProFleet automated guided vehicle,

with extensive expertise in automation

which was premiered at the Open House, is

and digitization/Industry 4.0. Its products,

control, noise abatement systems and battery

specifically designed for paint shops.

systems and services enable highly efficient

coating lines;

An intelligent concept for power supply and

manufacturing processes in different industries.

control ensures that all AGVs are always on

The Dürr Group supplies sectors like the

the move productively – without charging

automotive industry, mechanical engineering,

breaks at the socket. Dürr has recently

chemical, pharmaceutical and woodworking

received a design award for this innovative

industries. It generated sales of € 3.87

machinery and equipment for the

conveyor system.

billion in 2018. In October 2018,

woodworking industry.


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

and final assembly systems for the automotive industry; - Application Technology: robot technologies for

- Clean Technology Systems: air pollution

- Measuring and Process Systems: balancing equipment as well as assembly, testing and filling technology; - Woodworking Machinery and Systems:

IIoT platform ADAMOS,


1 .1

which is used to collect all production, process,

© Dürr Systems AG


and quality data. The software determines the quality condition from these information

DXQplant.analytics Detects Irregularities in the Painting Quality Using Artificial Intelligence

and visualizes it on a dashboard for the paint shop operator. Statistics provide a

By systematically analysing production data

quick overview of

across a complete paint shop, the

quality-related performance indicators,

Expertise from IT and mechanical

DXQplant.analytics software enables paint

such as the production rate including


shop operators to significantly improve

post-processing and the second-run rate.

Dürr has bundled its digital expertise in

quality. The newly developed digital

The performance indicators are automatically

a Digital Factory. Here, the company’s

assistance tool, which combines machine

associated with the recorded quality defects

digital experts work across division

learning and Dürr’s industry know-how,

and evaluated on the basis of the defect

boundaries on new digital solutions

detects irregularities in the painting quality

cause. The paint shop operator is shown a

to optimize processes and products,

and meticulously identifies possible causes.

visualization of where quality defects occur

especially for the automotive industry.

This allows to increase the first-run rate and

more frequently on the bodies, and in this way

The resulting software products have

thus the overall equipment effectiveness.

is helped to find production vulnerabilities.

been brought together under the name

This enables operators to continuously

DXQ. The products combine the Digital

On the way through a paint shop, each

optimize their paint shop and thus increase

Factory’s high software competence

body undergoes different complex process

the first-run rate in the long term.

with Dürr’s expertise in production

steps in which sensors record a variety

technology and manufacturing

of parameters. The basic concept of

Identifying defect patterns and detecting

processes. In the four product families

DXQplant.analytics is to save information

causes intelligently

DXQoperate, DXQanalyze, DXQcontrol,

from different sources via the Industrial

DXQplant.analytics uses artificial

and DXQsupport, Dürr will offer

Internet of Things (IIoT) specifically for each

intelligence to identify systematically

tailored software solutions for plant

individual body in a whole-of-life record,

occurring quality deviations and uncover

operation, analysis, and control (MES),

compare this information with quality data,

their causes in the process. This is achieved

and will provide the associated service,

and statistically evaluate the data of all the

using self-learning data models that look for

training, and e-learning offerings.

vehicles produced. Its goal is to determine

recurring patterns in the recorded quality

DXQplant.analytics demonstrates

the normal behaviour of the plant with its

data and link them to anomalies in the

the benefits of industry expertise in

process steps from the collected data sets,

production process. Up to now, defects were

developing machine learning methods

identify patterns using artificial intelligence,

often only found during the visual inspection,

using artificial intelligence. Extensive

and, from the correlation with the quality

meaning that bodies had to be reworked.

knowledge of process interrelationships

data, to derive consequences for a targeted

In contrast, DXQplant.analytics uses the

was implemented right from the

optimisation of the first run rate.

historical data to determine that the defect

beginning, with the result that the

is not sporadic but rather a systematic

IIoT solution starts from an existing

Big data clearly visualized

defect pattern and provides advance

knowledge level. This improves the

DXQplant.analytics uses big data

information about impending quality

decision-making ability and enables

models to identify previously unknown

problems. The tool thus makes a significant

the software to make very precise

interrelationships in the paint shop. The

contribution to quality management in paint

statements about the cause of the

infrastructure for the digital data flows is the

shops and production plants.

defect quickly.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


© Dürr Systems AG


1 .2 New Software Simulates Body-Specific Heating Curves in the Oven for the First Time Dürr’s DXQequipment.analytics software for ovens enables paint shop operators to monitor heating curves in real time during production and individually save relevant data for each body for the first time. for ovens that simulates body heating

This enables the conditions in the

the evaluation of calibration runs

curves in the oven in real time using

oven, which are influenced by a variety

and simplifies process and quality

a trainable algorithm. This means

of parameters, to be traced back

monitoring of the entire body drying

that paint shop operators can see the

precisely for each individual body.

process.Dürr is expanding its

current temperature profiles directly on

Deviations from the ideal process can

DXQequipment.analytics software

the workpiece from the current drying

then be identified at an early stage,

(formerly EcoScreen Equipment

process and additionally get various

and appropriate countermeasures put

Analytics) to include a new module

body-related characteristic values.

in place. © Dürr Systems AG

The new analytics tool supports


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


DXQequipment.analytics for ovens closes information gaps For each body type, the specific heating behaviour must be scrupulously observed in order to guarantee a consistently high quality of the painting result and the curing of steel and

Get more from water

aluminium. The latter is important for crash safety. Up to now, the processes were adjusted based on data from the initial calibration runs during commissioning and from test runs conducted at intervals of several weeks during production. In the interim, the operator could only see process data such as air temperatures, fan frequencies, or pressure difference. He had no information about the actual heating behaviour on the body. DXQequipment.analytics closes this gap. Algorithm calculates the temperature profile The software’s algorithm calculates the heating curves at different measuring points on the body based on the current system parameters. Since the software determines the temperature profiles, it means that no expensive measuring technology is required. An optical measurement inside the oven, which serves as a reference point, ensures the quality of the calculated profiles in the long term. Each body gets its own electronic workpiece data record where all the data is stored. In addition, all physically measured data from test runs are stored centrally and used to

Turnkey solutions for industrial waste water treatment Spraybooth water treatment systems and chemicals Chemical-physical systems Sludge compactors Reverse osmosis & ion exchange water demineralization units De-oiling & degreasing units Filtering systems Water treatment chemicals & consumables Technical service & maintenance of water treatment systems

train the algorithm. Quality certificate for individual bodies DXQequipment.analytics for ovens is part of Dürr’s new digital product family DXQanalyze. As a supplier of data for an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solution, it places the focus on the quality of plant operation. The real-time simulation of heating curves, a clear visualization, and the central, continuous data storage greatly increase transparency for the operator. At the same time, they serve as an individual quality certificate for the entire drying process for each individual body. The tool uses the body-specific data and relates them to quality data generated during the inspection of the end product. This allows to determine which causes in the process influence the quality of the end product. DXQequipment.analytics for ovens also provides an important component for the Dürr tool DXQplant.analytics by storing body-specific data. The aim of this tool is to determine the normal behaviour of the plant with its process steps from the collected data sets, to recognize patterns using artificial intelligence and to derive consequences for a targeted optimization of the first run rate in correlation with the quality data.




2 .1 Dürr Presents EcoProFleet as the First AGV for the Paint Shop of the Future ©

AG ms ste Sy rr ü D

Automobile production of the future is moving away from the production line

Figure 4: EcoProFleet by Dürr is the first AGV specifically designed for paint shops.

and towards modular workstations. An important feature here are flexible automatic guided vehicles, or AGVs for

The resulting cost benefits are all the greater

Exact fulfilment of paint-specific

short. Dürr is presenting the first AGV

the more different and individual the bodies


specifically designed for paint shops

are constructed and painted, because the

EcoProFleet is the first AGV that has been

as a new solution for more intelligent

modular painting and production process

specifically optimized for the needs of paint

production at the 11 Open House

means no more waiting times as a result of

shops. The paint- and solvent-resistant

(Fig. 4). EcoProFleet combines

different processing times. Downtimes caused

platform is just 335 mm high. This low height

tried-and-tested industrial components

by sudden malfunctions are also reduced to

means that the AGVs can go under all typical

with innovative ideas, like a new energy

a minimum, since AGVs can be redirected to

workstations and conveyor systems in order

storage concept. This means that the

a different workstation or a different painting

to feed in, pass off, or pick up bodies, and

AGV is ready for operation around the

booth. “Scalability and flexibility are becoming

thus work together perfectly at the interfaces.

clock – without breaks for charging at

increasingly important in paint shops. With

In order to transport the heavy loads stably,

the power outlet.

EcoProFleet we have designed the first

the EcoProFleet has been designed with an

Whether small cars or SUVs, with

AGV for paint shops and thus created an

unladen weight of 850 kg in good proportion

electric motors or combustion

important enabler for these requirements,”

with the maximum load capacity of 1,000 kg.

engines, the range of vehicle

says Jens Reiner, Director R&D and Product

The integrated technology with laser scanner

models being painted in a plant is

Management at Dürr, describing the

and safety limit speed guarantees a high level

ever-increasing. Manufacturers want

significance of the new development.

of safety.


vehicle types into the production process. This desire for flexibility and scalability is pushing linear

© Dürr Systems AG

to be able to easily integrate new

production to its limits. The necessary migration to modular production is also requiring manufacturers to rethink their production logistics. Instead of transporting bodies using conveyor technology laid rigidly in the ground, they are moved independently and in a parallel formation between workstations, finishing booths, and intermediate storage (Fig. 5).


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Figure 5: With EcoProFleet car bodies are moved independently and in a parallel formation between stations in the paint shop.


Intelligent concept for energy supply and control


The energy storage concept with

2 .2

supercap technology enables smart logistics tailored precisely to the painting process. EcoProFleet uses capacitors as energy stores, which charge within just 1.5 minutes. The charging points are installed

Inventive Details Make the RoDip® Rotational Dip Process Even More Efficient and Flexible

strategically in the plant layout where the AGV would be stationary

More than 10 million vehicles

on both sides of the tank.

anyway for passing off or picking

each year are protected against

This design has now been


up a body. This short time frame

corrosion using RoDip .

streamlined in favour of a

is enough to supply the supercap

The tried-and-tested rotational

single-sided design, which

capacitors with more than enough

dip process from Dürr comes

reduces maintenance.

energy for the next section.

in two versions, the mechanical

The 360° rotation is initiated

Compared with a battery-powered

RoDip® M and the electric

by a V-shaped guide track


fleet, where a fixed number of

RoDip E. Both versions have

arranged on the side of the

transport systems always has

been enhanced for the

tank, which now features


to be kept plugged into a power

11 Open House, true to the

an angled V. This makes it

outlet for hours, the big benefit

motto “form follows function”.

possible to reduce the speed

of EcoProFleet’s energy concept

The result is even greater

of rotation so that more

is that all the AGVs are always

efficiency, quality, and flexibility.

delicate body zones such as

on the move and working. This

around the hood emerge more ®

is guaranteed by a sophisticated

RoDip is used throughout

control system, which is connected

the pre-treatment/cathodic

to DXQcontrol, the central

electrocoating (EC) area and is

Traffic light for easy system

production control technology from

now the best-selling rotational

status monitoring

Dürr. Dürr thus offers a consistent,

dip process worldwide. Turning

The RoDip® E is equipped with

intelligent control system across

the bodies around their own axis

a new light concept on the

all levels for the use of AGVs in

in the immersion tank results in

trolley. It works in a similar way

paint shops: the device control for

corrosion protection that is both

to a traffic light, so that the

physical control of the individual

high quality and economical,

operator can monitor the system

AGVs, the fleet control for route

since the immersion tanks do

status with just one glance.

planning and the higher-level order

not need entry and exit inclines.

The redesign of the mechanical

planning are transparently linked

Smaller tank volumes mean

components also means that

via interfaces. This allows AGVs

lower operating costs, as less

the RoDip® E is now lighter

to fully exploit their potential as

energy and chemicals are

and more robust. The RoDip®

a flexible and efficient transport


E trolley is the best proof that


gently from the tank.

an imaginative, detailed design Gentle immersion protects

can pay off in industrial plant

EcoProFleet is not only functionally

delicate zones

engineering. Just last year it

convincing, but also attractive to

A hallmark of RoDip® M

won the prestigious Red Dot

look at: its successful design has

are powerful chain drives,

Award Production Design for the

won the prestigious IF Design

which used to pull the carrier

exceptional harmony of its form


through the process line

and function.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


© Dürr Systems AG


3 .1 New Product: EcoRS Clean F Cleans a Wide Range of Models in Paint Shops – Flexibly and Efficiently The new EcoRS Clean F from Dürr combines efficient cleaning using feather rollers with the high flexibility of a robot. As a result, the

the future: painting lines for many different bodies with

© Dürr Systems AG

to the challenges of

© Dürr Systems AG

new robot system is ideally suited

complex contours. Dürr is enhancing its “Clean family” in a particularly clever way, combining the positive features of the tried-and-tested cleaning machines in a single system in the newest addition. Like the EcoClean


F5/F3 cleaning system,

Modular cells for different surface

the EcoRS Clean F features feather

performance levels

rollers that provide especially

Whether passenger cars or transporters,

effective cleaning. At the same

the flexible EcoRS Clean F cleans bodies

time, the robot system is very

of different sizes in the same cleaning cell,

flexible and easy to program.

without the robot having to change position.

This combination makes it ideal

It is designed for vehicle sizes up to 2.0 m

for lines where many body variants

in height and width. The EcoRS Clean F is

with complex contours are painted.

suitable for line tracking and stop-and-go

This is because the EcoRS Clean

operation. The modular cleaning cells

F cleans different body shapes

can be planned with a variable number of

efficiently and independently

robots in order to achieve the right surface

of each other in almost any

performance level as appropriate to the body

combination and sequence.

size and available cycle time.

N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Sophisticated technology right down to the


last detail

3 .2

The vast experience D端rr has amassed from different cleaning strategies is reflected in the work processes of the EcoRS Clean F. Roof and side surfaces are cleaned in parallel in logical order. Since the robots are individually programmed, the cleaning

New Swing-Arm Robot with an Enormous Reach Enables Interior Painting of Transporters Up to Eight Meters in Length

rollers can also track unusual contours and precisely sense them down to the last detail.

The new swing-arm robot from D端rr

Flexible for individual tasks

The dirt captured is absorbed by a suction

makes painting zones even more

The swing-arm robot comes in

device. The supply lines and suction hoses

flexible: with its highly mobile swing

two designs: the EcoRP S053i

are arranged in such a way that the full range

arm, the EcoRP S053i can easily

with eight axes for stop-and-go

of motion of a 6-axis robot is guaranteed

reach surfaces several meters away

operation and the EcoRP S153i

and the roller can move freely in every

as well as hard-to-reach areas in

with nine axes for line tracking

conceivable direction.

the interior. It can also paint small

operation. Compatible with all

and large vehicles on one line and is

known coating materials and

suitable for stop-and-go operation

application methods, the new

as well as line tracking. The new

robot coats every millimeter

swing-arm robot completes the

of even very spacious interiors

third generation of D端rr painting

with a flawless finish. Like the


other members of the third robot generation from D端rr, the

Transporters have been getting

swing-arm robot has a modular

bigger and bigger for years, and

structure and - in combination

large vans are now reaching lengths

with various arm concepts - can

of up to eight meters. The new

be flexibly adapted to individual

EcoRP S053i has been designed


for automotive finishing in this market segment. With its far-

Optimized maintenance for

reaching swing arm, it is ideally

increased availability

equipped for painting the inside

The modular design and

of all commercial and transport

an enhanced maintenance

vehicles currently available on the

concept, like quick-release

market. The robot arm with its

fasteners on the robot lids and

extremely stable mechanical design

easily accessible application

extends up to five meters into the

components, increase the

bodies and folds itself back into the

availability of the swing-arm

tightest of spaces after it is finished

robot compared with the

painting to make space for the next

previous generation. As a result,

body. This enables three drive axes

exchanging an air heater can

arranged horizontally, which allow

now be done twice as fast and

the painting robot to turn in a tiny

changing a proportional valve

gap of approx. 2.7 meters between

takes 60 percent less time on

the vehicles.


international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


© Dürr Systems AG


3 .3 New Technologies for Fully Automated Process Efficiency in Sealing In order to improve the speed and quality of sealing processes, Dürr is focusing on fully automated, efficient application in its latest technical innovations. The new EcoJet ST multi-jet nozzle seals standing seams in just one pass, while the special EcoJet SE wide-slot nozzle applies underbody protection without any overspray. A new nozzle changing system ensures

EcoJet ST meets the challenge of reliably

provides a range of benefits. Since the

maximum flexibility and robot utilization at

sealing standing seams in just one pass.

second application is not required,

the same time. In addition, the automated

It does this by producing three streams

EcoJet ST greatly shortens the application

roof seam application system with

from one nozzle, which wrap around the

time. Robot application is also not only faster

integrated vacuum forming provides visually

seam and merge perfectly. Compared

than manual rework, but also ensures higher

perfect seals. The seams are ready for

with conventional methods, which require

quality, since the coating precision eliminates

painting without manual rework and require

either two work passes or manual

the risk of air inclusions and blistering.

no further masks.

rework, the new technology

EcoJet ST is compatible with all common PVC materials and can be retrofitted in existing plants. Overspray-free underbody protection application with EcoJet SE EcoJet SE applies underbody and sill application fully automatically without any overspray. The special wide-slot nozzle applies strips up to 150 mm wide in the required coating thicknesses evenly and at a high speed that reduces the cycle times. The flat stream method is much less expensive than airless application, since it does not require enclosed booths. This also does away with the need for equipment for © Dürr Systems AG

regulating the air balance and the cost for


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

ongoing cleaning. On top of this, the nozzles need less energy to produce a flat stream and therefore are less susceptible to wear.

© Dürr Systems AG





Nozzle changing system for maximum robot utilization From delicate seams to wide strips: there is a wide range of nozzles for the varied tasks involved in sealing. Dürr currently has more than 360 different versions in its range. The newly integrated nozzle changing system enables car manufacturers to design more flexible application systems and maximize sealing robot utilization. The compact technology is fully integrated in the EcoGun2 3D applicator. Whereas previously it was only possible to change one nozzle per cycle, now the entire nozzle head with three nozzles can be changed at once. This saves times, works very simply, and enables maximum variety, since the compact, vertically positioned storage for the nozzle changing system provides space for six different heads with a total of 18 nozzles. Fully automated application of visually perfect roof seams A further innovation in the area of sealing is Dürr’s roof seam sealing system with vacuum forming. Here the roof channel is initially filled with PVC. Then the excess material is removed by vacuum suction cups and the roof seam is shaped in such a way that it can be painted directly. The fully automated application requires no manual rework or masking.

© Dürr Systems AG

CM AUTOMAZIONE srl Via Monte Bianco 20 20833 Giussano (MB) - IT p. +39.0362.314075 f. +39.0362.861222 info@cmautomazione.it




n the presence of the Minister of


BASF Starts Up Plant for Functionalizing Foils at the Münster Site Economics, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of the German federal state of

North Rhine-Westphalia, Professor Andreas Pinkwart, and Münster’s Lord Mayor Markus Lewe, a plant for coating foils was started up on the BASF company premises in Münster (Fig. 1). Innovative materials

applied layer by layer in an ultra-thin coat give foils additional properties, thus “functionalizing” them. BASF developed the innovative coating technology and the first product – a barrier foil – within a very short time. These barrier foils protect items such as thin-film photovoltaics from harmful environmental stresses (Fig. 2). “For these foils, we have joined forces with international partners to develop new applications and are also considering functions beyond barriers,” explained Jörg Lenz, head of the “Beyond Paint” business unit. Professor Pinkwart said, “The chemical


Figure 1: Dirk Bremm (President of BASF’s Coatings division), Jörg Lenz (Head of the Beyond Paint business unit at BASF), Professor Dr. Andreas Pinkwart (Minister of Economics, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy of the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia) and Markus Lewe (Lord Mayor of the city of Münster) started up the new plant for functionalizing foils.

industry is a driver of innovations. It lays crucial foundations and is indispensable for

mobility, chemistry’s innovations make progress

With this technology, BASF’s Coatings

coping with the responsibilities we face.

possible. BASF’s new coatings technology is a

division is entering a new business area

Whether it is climate change and the energy

good example of this, since the foils extend the

and is tapping into additional market

transition, food for the world’s population or

service life of photovoltaic units.”

segments. “This investment will strengthen © BASF

the Münster site as the headquarters

Figure 2: The barrier foils produced at the plant protect items such as thin-film photovoltaics from harmful environmental stresses. Other areas of application for the foils include OLED displays and thin-film batteries.


of the Coatings division and will help it position itself strategically for the future. At the same time, Münster’s significance as an industrial and technical location will increase,” said Münster’s Lord Mayor Lewe, visibly pleased. Other areas of application for the foils include OLED displays and thin-film batteries.

2 1

N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

For further information: www.basf-coatings.com


Sealable Products that Grant a Long-Lasting Adhesion


he persisting evolution of the world of design, a wider expansion of uses and the request of pairing with different materials such as glass,

metals and composite products with powder coated surfaces sometimes leads to the request of sealing with silicone or polyurethane agents. In order to assist their customers, Europolveri developed a series of “Sealable” products addressed to lighting, architecture, domestic appliances and other sectors that are able to grant a long-lasting adhesion with this kind of materials. As there are different applications and finishing, all the products are studied together with customers’ needs and have to be homologated after a series of tests that Europolveri is able to run in its R&D laboratory. For further information:

© Europolveri


Europolveri developed a series of “Sealable” products addressed to lighting, architecture, domestic appliances and other sectors that are able to grant a long-lasting adhesion with various mating materials.

© Nordson Deutschland GmbH

Opening photo: BSH Electrodomésticos España replaces a 30-year-old powder coating line and switches to dense phase technology with major impacts on quality, flexibility and profitability.


White Goods Take On Colour: New Powder Coating Line Increases Production Flexibility While Reducing Costs Corinna Hellwig Nordson Deutschland GmbH, Erkrath – Germany



efrigerator, stove, dishwasher, washing machine: for a long time,

past. A modern refrigerator often in a noble anthracite or a dazzling

these major household appliances were hidden behind screens

red matches the carefully crafted ambiance and colour scheme of a

or banished to the basement. In today’s open living spaces and

new kitchen. BSH Electrodomésticos España in Spain powder coats

kitchens, the design monotony of “white goods” is now a thing of the


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

appliances under the brands of Bosch, Siemens, Neff and Balay.


The company early recognized the trend

With the goal of being able to offer its

toward colour diversity and installed a

customers a greater selection of colours and

Dense phase technology recommendations

state-of-the-art powder coating system with

higher finish quality, in 2015 BSH decided

José Luis Castillo inquired within the industry

dense phase technology (ref. Opening

to expand its facilities and invest in a new

and heard of several recommendations


powder coating line. The goals for the new

pointing at the dense phase technology

BSH Hausgeräte GmbH of Munich,

system were set high with the top 6 priorities

from Nordson. Other users reported high

Germany, a 100% subsidiary of the Bosch


application efficiency and low maintenance

Group since 2015, looks back over a

- a dramatic increase in coating capacity,

delivered by this technology. Mr. Castillo

50-year success story since it was founded

in order to cover production peaks and

contacted Nordson and visited several

in 1967. The company was established

handle increasing demand from door as

coating lines already in operation in the

well as top panels;

region. During the visits he was impressed

in 1967 as a merger of the household

- coating quality optimization and elimination

appliance divisions of Bosch and Siemens.

of rework;

By bundling that expertise, the new

- maximum operating flexibility – any

company sought to withstand the serious

product, any colour, on-demand;

market crisis occurring at that time and to

- maximum automation and process control

prepare itself for the emerging European

for quality and powder savings;

market. Beginning from the mid-1980s,

- significant reduction in energy

BSH drove its internationalization into


growing European, Asian and American

- compliance with the strictest ecological

markets by entering into joint ventures


with strong regional brands or taking

by the quality of the coatings and the high production rate. The high level of colour change and coating application automation were also of key interest. “All of these were strong arguments for dense phase technology,” explains José Castillo, “but what really excited me was the ability to make a complete colour change in under 10 minutes with minimum efforts on the part of the operators”.

the industry’s long-established companies in 1988: the Balay-Safel Group of Spain – and along with them, the then still new production facility in Esquíroz, which has been producing refrigerators since 1987.

© Nordson Deutschland GmbH

them over. As a result, it acquired two of

In the mid-2000s, the Spanish construction and real-estate boom caused demand to soar. To meet that demand, coating operations were outsourced. But then when the housing bubble suddenly burst, the Spanish economy plunged into a serious crisis and the demand for such goods collapsed. In 2008, the company resumed its in-house powder coating operations. At that time there were two single-colour booths where, day in and day out, the components were coated in unwavering white and metallic silver. However, the need for more colours and greater colour change flexibility was pressing. Jose Luis Castillo Fernandez, responsible for manufacturing engineering dishwasher at BSH Electrodomésticos España, reported also that the old booths accumulated too much powder creating greater demands on maintenance and safety concerns.


Figure 1: The Nordson ColorMax3 fast colour change booth, Encore HD powder guns and Spectrum HD powder feed centre form the powerful colour change system that fully meets the BSH Electrodomésticos España specifications.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


careful optimization of the system operating

Back in Esquíroz, the decision was made to invest in powder coating systems from Nordson kicking off the implementation stage of the process where close collaboration between the companies was a must. In December 2016, the first of the two powder coating lines went into operation. The powder is applied by four spray

parameters. On the old line, the products were

With the goal of being able to offer its customers a greater selection of colours and higher finish quality, in 2015 BSH decided to expand its facilities and invest in a new powder coating line.”

routinely coated at 200μ, often in two passes, to ensure uniform surfaces. After upgrade, due to the process control, BSH was able to reduce to 100μ or less resulting in significant powder savings. The first pass application efficiency was also significantly improved. The coating quality impressed right from

long-stroke reciprocators. Specifically

the start. Compressed air and energy

© Nordson Deutschland GmbH

systems per booth side mounted on the designed for dense phase technology, the Nordson Encore HD spray systems deliver powder to the products with minimum air resulting in soft spray and high application efficiency. “At a maximum

consumption are monitored both via the Nordson PowderPilot HD and the BSH Wonderware ERP system (Fig. 3).

Customer service at Nordson

line speed of 2.80 meters per minute, we

During start-up and commissioning of the new

achieve a coated area of 530 m2 per hour

powder coating line whenever any needs were

– on both sides. That is an excellent value

identified the Nordson team worked closely

that illustrates the performance of our

with BSH to offer solutions.

system,” says José Miguel Lopez Alzorriz,

The system could be flexibly and easily

Manufacturing Engineering Metal Shop at

fine-tuned to deliver the desired coating

BSH Electrodomésticos España.

and colour change performance. “Whenever

The Nordson ColorMax3 powder

any area of optimization was discovered,

coating booth, Encore® HD powder

the excellent collaboration and close report

guns and Spectrum HD powder

by Nordson personnel brought a quick and

feed centre form the powerful colour

effective solution – without interruption to our

change solution so highly demanded

normal production,” says Castillo.


by BSH Electrodomésticos España in its components are easily accessible, making

Second construction phase and completion

colour changes faster. In order to meet

With the objective of being able to coat three

the customer’s required high surface

main colours in parallel, two more ColorMax3

finish standard, both the recycled and

booths were installed in 2018. In order to

project specifications (Fig. 1). All system

fresh powders are screened through a 200-micron ultrasonic sieve.

Precision digital control Integrating the control software of a

2 1

Figure 2: High quality refrigerator doors are powder coated on the new line at BSH Electrodomésticos España.

operate all three booths simultaneously, the capacity of the conveyor also had to be increased. A splitter added to the conveyor system allowed to accelerate the parts transport and increase production flexibility.

machine into the higher-order control

Through smart investment and project

system, presents the engineers with a

management, BSH fully fulfilled its need for a

stated José Alzorriz. “PowderPilot® HD, the

Conclusion after the first construction phase: we are on the right track

Nordson control system of the powder

Along with side panels, the new line now

total energy and compressed air consumption

coating line, was connected to our BSH

also enables BSH Electrodomésticos

are not only monitored and shared between

‘Wonderware’ production control system

España to coat the refrigerator doors

the Nordson PowderPilot controller and

without any problem whatsoever. Our fears

(Fig. 2). Achieving the high finish quality

BSH Wonderware ERP systems, but also

that this step might cause delays were

demanded by the most visible parts while

minimized through the implementation of


reducing the applied coating cost required

the Nordson “Going green” performance

major challenge when modernizing part of a production line. “But not in our case,”


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

“any product – any time” production. The environmental friendliness of the new line was highly important to BSH. For this, the

© Nordson Deutschland GmbH


to be,” confirms Mr. Castillo. “Our strict quality controls are met on the first pass nearly 100% of the time; rework is the rare exception.” Both believe that the reason for this lies in high degree of the process control delivered by the new equipment. “It is a complex system of course. First you have to get your mind around the principles of operation and their interactions. But then the system offers a wide range of possibilities for fine-tuning the individual parameters and with a little experience you quickly approach the optimal result,” continues Castillo. “We continuously monitor the energy and compressed air consumption for example, so we can optimize them further,” states Mr. Alzorriz. “The analysis is done with a tool that provides us with data on the Nordson PowderPilot HD control system

3 1

and on our in-house BSH Wonderware ERP.”

Figure 3: Compressed air and energy consumption are monitored via Sentron PAC3200 and the BSH Wonderware ERP system.

Another positive aspect of the system is that energy and powder consumption decreased significantly even with the gain in production capacity. “Our biggest savings are in energy

package. It uses intelligent controls to adjust the electrical consumption

consumption,” reports Alzorriz, “they are really dramatic. The fact that

of the equipment to match the actual energy requirement at any given

we are consuming far less energy is not only good news for us, but also


for the entire BSH Group. We have done our part toward achieving the

For BSH Electrodomésticos España’s system, the suspension of product

tremendous savings of 25 million kWh overall between 2015 and 2017.

on the chain conveyor in groups of three with separation gaps proved

We have accomplished all our goals and more,” stated Castillo.

optimal to provide a time window for the automatic cleaning cycle.

Along with the qualitative progress, the documented figures already

The resulting gaps on the line are detected by a light barrier and are

prove a big step forward. The capacity of the new system is about four

signalled to the control system, which switches the system components

times greater than its predecessor, and production has already increased

to stand-by mode: the spray systems are switched off, the booth

as more parts are being coated. “And that is despite the tremendous

exhaust system and automated floor cleaning are switched to stand-by

increase in the range of products and in the number of colours that

mode, the gun movers are stopped significantly reducing the energy

we can now process,” says Castillo. “Colour changes are extensively

and compressed air consumption.

automated and completed in just minutes. This gives us the ability to react

In the start-up phase of the installation, the standby mode would

very flexibly to our production requirements at all times.”

require the minimum of 30 seconds to activate. For further optimization this time was reduced to 22 seconds for further energy savings.

The bottom line “The investment in a new coating line has paid off in every respect”, explains Alzorriz. While discussing the benefits of the new technology, he starts with the improved quality. “Our customers offer kitchens in the upper price segment and the demands their end customers place

At a glance:



Increase coating capacity

Fast, contamination-free colour change Operating flexibility

Flexibility to produce more different parts Higher surface quality, no rework

today on the surface finish of a refrigerator are similar to what they expect of their car. Thanks to dense phase technology, we are achieving that level of quality very easily. Rework due to powder coating operation is virtually no-existent. That is one of the most striking differences from the way things used

Change colours effectively High degree of automation Energy savings High ecological standards

Maximum process control for powder savings and quality High production rate Highly automated coating line Energy savings Controls integration

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58



AkzoNobel Rises to Challenge of Historic Hudson Yards Project in New York


ew York’s historic Hudson Yards

cities, the new Manhattan neighbourhood

A stand-out feature of 30 Hudson Yards

development – which is changing the

represents one of the most complex

is an outdoor observation deck which is

city’s iconic skyline – has reached its

construction projects New York has ever

the highest in the western hemisphere.

latest milestone, and AkzoNobel has made a

seen – with the company also supplying

Expected to open to the public in 2020,

major contribution.

products for several other new buildings

it is 335 meters (1,100 feet) in the air and

The largest private real estate development

in various stages of completion.

extends 20 meters (65 feet) from the

in US history, the ongoing project recently

“We are extremely proud to be part of


saw the completion of the two towers at 10

this unprecedented investment in the

“We have a long track record of supplying

and 30 Hudson Yards. Taller than the Empire

heart of one of the world’s greatest cities,”

market-leading products for iconic

State Building, the impressive glass and

says Simon Parker, Managing Director

buildings all over the world and are very

steel structure of 30 Hudson Yards uses the

of AkzoNobel Industrial Coatings, which

excited to be involved in the Hudson

company’s high-performance architectural

provided liquid coatings for the towers.

Yards development,” adds Daniela

powder coatings, while 10 Hudson Yards

“It underlines the trust that customers

Vlad, Managing Director of AkzoNobel’s

features AkzoNobel’s industrial coatings.

have in our ability to deliver coating

Powder Coatings business. “Customers

Described as a template for the future of

technology which can provide modern

value our unique ability to supply top

buildings with extreme levels of durability

quality liquid and powder coatings and

and sustainability.”

meet any specification, no matter how

Most of the aluminium on the


LEED* Gold-designed larger tower is

Planned as the first LEED certified

coated with the company’s Interpon

© Related Companies

D3000 Fluromax metallic

neighbourhood, Hudson Yards is the latest example of how the paints and

powder coating, including

coating systems we supply are making

the highly prominent first

an important contribution to the ongoing

five stories. The remaining

development of more sustainable cities.

louvers and some of the

Hudson Yards will eventually encompass

ornamental metal were

more than 20 buildings, including

coated with AkzoNobel’s

residential and office space, retail outlets,

TRINAR liquid coating. The

restaurants and a luxury hotel.

shorter tower at 10 Hudson

AkzoNobel products can already be

Yards features AkzoNobel’s

found not too far away on Brooklyn

TRINAR coatings on all visible

Bridge, the Barclays Center and the New

aluminium – both exterior

York Times building. Elsewhere in the US,

and interior.

the company’s coatings have been used on Ocean City in New Jersey; Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago; the SheiKra rollercoaster in Tampa, Florida; Nationals Park in

The largest private real estate development in US history, the Hudson Yards project recently saw the completion of the two towers at 10 and 30 Hudson Yards.


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Washington DC; and Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia. For further information: www.interpon.com


Finishing becomes S.M.A.R.T. Marcello Zinno UCIF – Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, Milan, Italy



reparations for the UCIF


conference to be held on RI



November, 6 2019 are in











its members in the collection of


be ignored in the enhancement


frontiers of this sector, which cannot

UCIF association has involved





dedicated to finishing and the new

of any product’s surfaces. The



full swing. It will be completely

information about all industry

“La Finitura diventa SMART”

innovations, in order to share them with the event participants through thirteen specific reports. The goal is to describe in a simple and practical way the many strides made by the surface treatment field. For this reason, UCIF has invited the companies that will participate


to the event as speakers, which are active members of the association, to involve their customers in the development of their reports and in

from the entire supply chain and will turn

guaranteeing economic benefits

the description of the benefits that the

the conference into an opportunity for

for customers, this choice is also

technology or innovation in question

technical and cultural growth for all industry

environmentally friendly thanks to

has brought to their production


its reduced impact. The saving of

processes. In this way, it will be possible

resources, however, also regards

to focus on application aspects and see

Two of the reports’ common threads

water and methane, resulting in a

first-hand how the users’ flows have

will be environmental sustainability and

wide range of solutions on which plant

changed in terms of time or cost. It is

energy consumption. These issues will

manufacturers have been focussing.

no coincidence that several customers

be addressed in terms of both plant

have already accepted to be involved

engineering (i.e. the strategic aspects

The event that will be held at the Milan

in the development of relations, such

that have led some companies to create

Conference Centre of Fondazione

as FCA Italy, Federal Mogul, Fonderie

low energy-consumption systems) and

Cariplo on November, 6 will, therefore,

Montorso, Roboze, Zanasi Group,

material consumption (especially as regards

be unmissable for anyone wishing to

and OMR. UCIF strongly believes in

coatings). Indeed, several companies are

fully understand the developments

this new presentation method, which

striving to minimise their paint consumption

of the finishing sector and the way

will surely make the topics treated

(for instance, one of them will speak about

in which its products are going to

even more interesting for companies

the “zero overspray” technology): besides

change in the coming years.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


COVERED by ipcm



Surcar Europe 2019: Renaissance of Car Body Painting and Process © Infopro Digital

Alessia Venturi ipcm®


Figure 1: Jean-Luc Brossard, Technical Director of La Plateforme Automobile.


URCAR is the world-class event for the worldwide car body

and facilities suppliers. Every edition, the program is carefully established

finishing community. Created back in 1964, SURCAR has evolved

with the help of an international technical committee of surface finishing

from a two-day congress held every 2 years in the South of France

experts and focuses on innovations in paint materials and equipment,

to a worldwide brand dedicated to the automotive body and paint

new clean technologies, surface treatment developments, feedback and

finishing industries with an event portfolio all over the world.

benchmarking of installations, materials and processes as well as the

Since it was founded, SURCAR quickly became the bi-annual meeting for

latest steps taken to meet environmental challenges and sustainability

international automotive Original Equipment Manufacturers with their


specialized surface treatments, sealants, paint materials, equipment

A crowd of over 300 highly qualified automotive experts came together


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

COVERED by ipcm

ZOOM ON EVENTS on June 27-28, 2019 to attend the 30th

- The Jury’s Awards was also given to a


autonomous driving and e-mobility, new steel

edition of SURCAR Cannes congress. The

joint-presentation about what Toyota

performances for light weighting and much

conference brought together international

and Lexus Colour Strategy was and


car body finishing experts at the prestigious

how they achieved their outstanding

To understand a bit more the trends of the

Hotel Barrière Le Majestic in Cannes (France)

silver colour. The winning presenters

automotive industry, ipcm®, one of the media

to discuss the evolution of car painting with

were Akira Nishimura, Project Manager

partners of the SURCAR Congress 2019,

two main topics: the paint-shop of the future

from Toyota Motor Corporation, and

interviewed six VIP speakers of the Congress

and e-mobility.

Masahiro Omura, Technical Manager at

asking the following questions:

The agenda was composed by four

Kansai Paint. © Infopro Digital

technical sessions and panel discussions: 45 speakers from the major Automotive OEM and

- How do you see the future of the automotive field? - Which kind of role will

their specialist suppliers.

new materials and

The event featured two

light weighting play in

Keynote Speakers who

the field of automobile

shared their vision on


customers’ expectations

- How to combine new

and how they are paving

wow colours and

the way for the future


of mobility: Jean-Luc Brossard (Fig. 1),

The six interviewees

Technical Director of

highlighted some

La Plateforme Automobile,

common trends, like the

and Isabelle Marchand,

importance of research &

Expert Leader Perceived

development in the field

Quality of Renault. Four project presentations were rewarded by the SURCAR

of paints for radars and

2 1

lidars1 in order to ensure

Figure 2: The SURCAR European Committee rewarded four project presentations.

European Committee

their proper working, the still great importance for car users of wow colours

and special effects over new functionalities

Motor Corporation, presented Super High

Megatrends of the automotive industry: the opinion of the insiders

Transfer Efficiency Application for Body

The Automotive industry is undergoing

industry. Nevertheless, they also highlighted

Coating and was rewarded the Award for

profound changes: electrification,

different point of views about the future of


new mobility patterns, autonomous


(Fig. 2): - Shinya Otake, Assistant Manager of Toyota

- José Rodrigues, Paint Technology Manager,

of the paint, and e-mobility and autonomous driving as the future for the automobile

driving to name just a few. The Paint

and Takahiro Tawata, R&D Engineer of

Community must face these new

According to Anne-Catherine Basset

ABB were rewarded with the Award for

challenges and offer appropriate

(Fig. 3), Paint&Plastic Process General Manager

Technique with their joint-presentation

solutions, like digitization, low energy

at RENAULT and SURCAR European Congress

about the Reduced Overspray Painting

and low bake automotive paint

President, environmental footprint is one of


processes, 4wet processes, reduced

the major issues for the future of cars and their

- Daniel Pasch and Guillaume Basquin, Paint

overspray painting processes to

Engineering Managers at OPEL Automobile

speed up two-tone painting, new

and GROUPE PSA co-presented New PSA

functionalities for surface treatments

Paintshop 4.0 and won the Jury’s Awards.

and coatings to meet the needs of

1 Lidar (Laser Imaging Detection And Ranging) is a surveying method that measures distance to a target by illuminating the target with laser light and measuring the reflected light with a sensor.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


COVERED by ipcm

© Infopro Digital



engine. This transformation requires high investments, a new organization of the companies’ workflow and a completely new car body construction. The second big transformation is digitization that will not only change the car itself (autonomous drive, connectivity) but also deeply affect the work process. Light weighting is still a very important issue for carmakers: cars, and SUVs in particular, are becoming heavier and heavier and this will imply problems with the traditional driving licence (which allows the driving of automobiles weighing less than 3 tons) in a near future. More than new materials, higher performances of traditional materials will be important: there is a lot of innovation in steels (higher strength, more formability,

3 1

Figure 3: Anne-Catherine Basset, Paint&Plastic Process General Manager at RENAULT and SURCAR European Congress President.

less weight) and of course, aluminium is increasingly used for car production. Whithin AUDI, magnesium is starting to be used for components of high-end cars of the brand.

painting in the coming years. OEM should anticipate the problem

As far as coatings are concerned, a very important role is played by

and find a solution to comply with the increasingly strict regulation.

low bake processes and compact painting processes like the 4wet or

This is a worldwide issue, and both Europe and China are going very

the no-overspray processes for two tone painting. Autonomous drive

strong in this direction.

will also require new functionalities, like the integration of sensors and

Paints and coatings are strictly connected to electrification and

touch pad directly into the coating.

very clear paint for their finishing, a layer that will cause no disturbance to their automatic detection of obstacles. From the materials side, aluminium is the first solutions

© Infopro Digital

autonomous driving: radars, sensors, and lidars will need a

for light weighting but, within Renault, plastics are being introduced massively, while composite materials are still limited to premium car due to their high cost. “At the end of the day, states Mrs. Basset, everything turns around the final cost for the end user and how we, carmakers, are able to sell the new functionalities to the customers. First, we need to know which functionality the customer wants, then at which price we can sell it. Even more important is the durability we can give to this functionality during the lifespan of a car”. At Renault, colour remains very important: The mission of the carmaker is to ensure a durable “wow” effect. For Thomas Heusser (Fig. 4), Head of Technology Development Materials and Process Engineering at AUDI, one of the greatest challenges for automobile production is the transformation process from combustion to electric


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

4 1

Figure 4: Thomas Heusser, Head of Technology Development Materials and Process Engineering at AUDI, during the interview with Alessia Venturi.

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© Infopro Digital


5 1

Figure 5: Kenny White, Director, Vehicle Systems Global Paint GMNA Paint Execution.

For André Thierig, Supervisor European Paint

aluminium for high volume production, limiting

reality in the near future but it will take a

Engineering at FORD, the automotive field is

the use of “fancy” materials like magnesium or

while to replace all the existing cars with new

experiencing a big change in the segmentation

carbon fibre for sport cars and for low volume

vehicles, in particular because we need first

of vehicles: families will move away from


the infrastructure. Light weighting and new

family van and wagons in favour of SUV and

As for colours and finishing, there is a great

materials will play a big role in e-mobility as it

Crossovers. This, together with electrification

demand for individualization: there is a growing

will help reduce the size and weight of batteries

process and a new use of cars - less for

demand for 4 coats painting systems, tinted

while increasing their performances. Finally yet

personal use and more for fleet and car sharing

clear-coats, two-tone finishing (which is a major

importantly, the paint and coatings industry

- are the mega trends that we can recognize

disturbance to the paint process as it implies

should focus on the development of colours

in the market. According to this, customers’

long masking-demasking manual processes)

able to ensure a good detection of sensor.

expectations and requirements will change.

but the end user is not yet asking for special

Especially lidars, need a good reflection of the

E-mobility brings about a massive change in

functions of the coating, like self-healing or

colour of the car to work properly, so paint

the design and assembly. The underbody of an


suppliers should work together to create new

e-car is completely different and it will require

Ingo Weber, Group Leader Radar

colours fulfilling the properties required by

the use of different substrates and materials.

Development at BMW, sees many changes

autonomous driving.

According to Thierig, the industry should stick

in the automotive field in the nearest future.

Kenny White (Fig. 5), Director, Vehicle Systems

as much as possible to high strength steel and

Level 4 or 5 autonomous driving will be a

Global Paint GMNA Paint Execution, put the

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58


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with environmental regulations about CO2

stress on light weighting. “We see lots of

the mutation of technologies, some of

challenges in the industry trying to light

which are not known or not common to the

weight the vehicles. For the paint industry

automotive industry. E-mobility is not a trend

most important issues. As far as painting is

a big issue is how light weighting, e-mobility

anymore, it is a reality”.

concerned, there is a growing interest about

and autonomous drive affect the appearance

Light weighting plays a fundamental role in

the final appearance of the vehicles and this

of the overall vehicle. For example, the

e-mobility because with electric engines we

is linked to the development of “wow” colours,

question is what kind of paint we should use

need to add components to a car and light

mostly obtained with 3-layers painting system.

for radars and lidars. At the same time, I see

weighting will help reduce or at least limit the

The challenge for the OEMs is to find the way

the traditional engine still playing a big role

total weight of the e-vehicle. An important

to offer “wow” colours at a reasonable price.

in transportation. So, to me it is a balance

role in light weighting and in colour

“Improving quality and reducing production

of bringing the new technology while using

customization is the integrated painting of

costs is possible,” stated Gruant.

which pays for the new technology!” According to White,

© Infopro Digital

the old technology

production and VOC emissions are the

The role played by SURCAR “SURCAR Congress is a

the industry is doing a

great opportunity for all

great job in reducing its

OEMs and Suppliers to

environmental footprint.

share their experiences,

The paint process uses a

to network and meet

lot of water and energy,

the experts in our

it creates a lot of CO2 and

field,” commented

VOC but there have been

Anne-Catherine Basset,

many improvements

SURCAR European

in recent years when

Congress President.

building new paint-

All the VIP speakers

shops. “The industry

were asked to share

is finding a common

their opinion regarding

path to increase its sustainability. The new challenge is how to reduce the lead time and the cost per unit

the SURCAR Congress.

6 1

All of them agreed on

Figure 6: Silvio Licitra (on the right), Head of Manufacturing Engineering Paint FCA, with Francesco Stucchi from ipcm.

the importance of the event for the automotive industry. SURCAR has become a world

and how to make colour customization affordable in high volume

different substrates at a time, for example

famous congress: it features very high quality

production” Kenny White ended.

aluminium and plastics.

presentations and it represents an occasion

For Silvio Licitra (Fig. 6), Head of

FCA found a solution to this issue in the low

to meet with both colleagues and suppliers

Manufacturing Engineering Paint FCA, after

bake painting system. “Together with the

at the same time. This is a good chance to

years of continuous improvement in the

zero overspray application, the integrated

align the strategy of the industry in order to

automotive world, cars are becoming more

painting system are for sure the two most

avoid wasting energy, time and money and

similar to smartphones and other products

important innovations that can completely

to see what our region of the world is doing

that underwent a quick and impressive

transform the way we paint our cars” ended

to meet the challenges of the future. Sharing

evolution in a short period. “We still expect

Silvio Licitra.

experiences and lessons is very helpful to

big changes in cars, it is like we are at the

For Christophe Gruat, Paint Materials

all the players of the field to improve their

beginning of a disruptive evolution that will

and Process Director at GROUPE PSA


impact the production technology, including

one of the first issue for the automotive

painting”, stated Silvio Licitra. “OEM must be

industry in the next few years will be

For further information:

extremely flexible and recognize fast enough

sustainability: electrification, compliance



N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



0+ 25 , 2



68,000 + PA RTI CIP AN TS



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ide spaces, rearranged

© ipcm ®

ipcm® Participates at the Inauguration of Varnish Tech’s New Factory workstations, and a new aesthetics are the

characteristics of the new factory of Varnish Tech, an Italian company specialising in the design and construction of surface treatment and coating plants for over twenty years. Operating on the market since 1998, Varnish Tech has established itself as a producer of high quality coating systems, primarily intended for the general industry and the automotive sector. Its synergy with the IMEL Group, started in 2014, has allowed the firm to share experiences and skills


with a leading plant engineering company in the coating field,

Figure 1: Varnish Tech’s new factory is characterised by wide spaces and new, modern design.

developing. In line with its corporate mission

© ipcm ®

thus significantly growing and

focussed on client satisfaction, this new plant (Galliate, Novara Italy), reflects Varnish Tech’s will to create a place that is pleasant to visit and enables customers to feel comfortable right from the sales and technical development phases. The large and modern structure, covering an area of about 10,000 m2, 4,300 m2 of which are covered, has also been designed and built to create a positive working climate and optimise production processes. On the occasion of its inauguration, held on Friday 14, June 2019, suppliers, customers, and employees were able to visit the new factory accompanied by Director Luca Maitan during a welcome aperitif.


2 1

Figure 2: From right to left: Varnish Tech Director Luca Maitan, Davide Vercelli, who designed the new factory, and Paola Giraldo from ipcm.

N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine




Dubai World Trade Centre






Industry and Engineering Students: A Winning Combination for an Industry-Oriented Present and Future - Industry Sector Sales Manager from Verind and External Industry Assistant for PoliEFUN


oliEFUN is the association of Politecnico di Milano that focusses

© Speroni

Edited by Alessandro Soba

such as the industrial organisation methods and the business challenges

on spreading business culture in the

of Speroni, now led by the third

surface treatment industry, supports the

generation of the family. Other

degree course in Materials Engineering and

aspects of the history of Speroni

Nanotechnology, and provides its member

were also discussed, such as spirit of

companies with access to a complete R&D

sacrifice, passion, shared business

program. Thanks to its collaboration with

vision, integration of innovative

the two firms Speroni SpA and Verind SpA, a few students had the chance to visit the new factory of the former and see first-hand the results of its investments in technology and Industry 4.0, which

technologies to compete on the global


market, involvement of employees

Figure 1: The students were guided into an interesting training, cultural, and technological journey by Heros, Brenno, and Giuseppe Speroni.

as a fundamental part of the family and the company, curiosity and will to tackle new challenges, and so

are currently reshaping manufacturing

on. All participants showed great


interest and emotional involvement,

Speroni Water Pumps has recently made

The visit included as follows:

even during the lunch organised in the

significant innovation, sustainability, and

- Presentation of the company’s history;

historical headquarters of the firm, where

Industry 4.0-oriented investments, as also

- Presentation of the CS series electric pumps’

grandfather Speroni worked (Fig. 2).

reported by ipcm®1, in order to achieve

manufacturing line and product engineering

crucial objectives such as:


For further information:

- Productivity and automation;

- KPM – CAM series’ automatic lines;

www.poliefun.com, www.speroni.it,

- Quality of manufactured products;

- Visit to the test room and tests on CS


- Eco-friendliness through the use of 2K water-based coatings;

and 2C series products; - Visit to the coating line with an analysis of the

- Process data control and processing.

technological solutions

The students, accompanied by Professor


Paolo Gronchi from the Department

- Description of the

of Chemistry, Materials, and Chemical

automatic electrostatic

Engineering of Politecnico di Milano, were

2K coating systems supplied

guided into an interesting training, cultural, and technological journey by Heros, Brenno, and Giuseppe Speroni (Fig. 1).

© Speroni

- Reliability;

by Verind/Dürr; - Visit to the automatic machining centre; - Visit to the automatic end

1 ipcm®_International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 56, Vol. X, 2019, Pages 36-44 “A 4.0 CONNECTION POINT: SPERONI’S PLANT CHOICES ARE PROJECTED INTO THE FUTURE, BUT IN THE NAME OF CONTINUITY”


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

product warehouse. During the day, important topics were analysed,

2 1

Figure 2: Group picture with all the partecipants.



nvesting in products and services,

to diversify our educational

learning from industry experts and

offerings and bring new and

networking with others is what FABTECH

innovative presentations to

is all about. It has been nine years since

the finishing sessions.

CCAI’s FINISHING Pavilion & Education

Our comprehensive program

Program debuted at FABTECH, and time

and show floor for all finishing

has proven that it is the place for finishing

industry segments makes

professionals to see the latest in finishing

FABTECH the place where

equipment and materials, enhance their

the finishing industry comes

skills, and exchange best practices. Visitors

together each year.”


FABTECH 2019 Offers Advancement for Finishing Operations

plans should be well underway to attend

2 1

FABTECH 2019 from November 11-14, at

FABTECH offers the perfect

McCormick Place in Chicago, IL, USA.

opportunity to learn more

FABTECH attendees are encouraged to

about the technologies you

visit the show for multiple days to take

see on the show floor by

advantage of everything the event has to

attending the education program.

involved in finishing technologies. CCAI has

offer. “I have been amazed to watch the

The finishing education track has been

created a program that encompasses a

growth of CCAI’s FINISHING Pavilion since we

confirmed with nearly 30 sessions, offering a

variety of segments, including pretreatment,

first partnered with FABTECH in 2010,” says

wide range of technical presentations – from

masking and racking, powder and liquid

Anne Goyer. “We have continually worked

basic to advanced – on topics for everyone

coating, troubleshooting, curing and ovens,

Figure 2: CCAI Finishing education sessions are interactive.


and measurement and testing equipment to name a few. Within the 90-minute sessions, attendees will learn about advancements and new technologies that touch many aspects of the finishing industry.

About the Chemical Coaters Association International Chemical Coaters Association International (CCAI) is a technical and professional organization that provides information and training on surface coating technologies. CCAI works to raise the standards of finishing operations through educational meetings and seminars, training manuals, educational videos, and outreach programs with schools, colleges and universities. 1

For further information: www.fabtechexpo.com and

Figure 1: The Finishing Pavilion stays busy with nearly 200 exhibitors that focus on finishing.


international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58



The IoT Solutions World Congress 2019 Announces its First Speakers and Sessions


he IoT Solutions World Congress

artificial intelligence. Other confirmed

(GE Current), Jennifer Bennett (Google

(IoTSWC), which will be held from 29th

speakers at the event include Erkut Ekinci,

Cloud), Beverly Rider (Hitachi), Maria

to 31st October in Fira de Barcelona’s

head of IT at Hugo Boss; Emmanuel

Schwenger (Honeywell), Wael William

Gran Via venue, will be based around nine core

Cox, head of digital transformation at

Diab (Huawei), Juan José Ruiz (IBM), Chris

themes: open industry; technologies enabling

SNCF Réseau; Daniel Wilson, director of

Pendleton (Microsoft), Shyam Varan Nath

IoT, connected transport; manufacturing;

business development at TradeLens-

(Oracle Corporation), Brad Klenz (SAS),

energy and supplies; healthcare; construction

Maersk GTD; and Gloria Zaionz, a

Charles Paumelle, (Thales Group) and

and infrastructures; artificial intelligence; and

prestigious emerging technology expert.

Madhusudan Pai (Wipro).

blockchain. There will be over 200 sessions

Additionally the following executives from

The program committee is also adding

including talks, round tables and presentations,

global companies providing solutions

the finishing touches to the topics and

and more than 400 speakers are expected to

to digitalize all types of industries have

selecting other success stories with


been confirmed to attend K. Eric Harper

the aim of providing knowledge to help

Among the first confirmed experts is Joe

(ABB), Teresa Tung and Edy Liongosari

accelerate the digital transformation of

Barkai, analyst and author of “The Outcome

(Accenture Labs), Dirk Slama (Bosch

companies in different sectors and provide

Economy: How the Industrial Internet of

Software Innovations), Said Tabet (Dell),

an overview of the state of application of

Things is Transforming Every Business”,

Jake Gostylo (Dun & Bradstreet),

disruptive technologies such as IoT, artificial

who will reflect on the development of

Shannon Lucas (Ericsson), Garret Miller

intelligence and blockchain.

© Fira Barcelona

In the age of intelligent machines IoTSWC 2019 will analyze the implementation status of artificial intelligence and automatic learning technologies for process improvement. It will also address issues related to standardization, as well as ethical aspects and social responsibilities that arise at the beginning of the era of smart machines. In this regard, it will also address the relationship and role of people and machines in Industry 4.0 to improve safety, productivity and



Figure 1: The IoT Solutions World Congress (IoTSWC) will be held from 29th to 31st October in Fira de Barcelona’s Gran Via venue.


N. 58 - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

In addition, IoT enabling technologies will be

© Fira Barcelona


2 1

Figure 2: The purpose of the program committee is to provide knowledge to help accelerate the digital transformation of companies in different sectors and provide an overview of the state of application of disruptive technologies such as IoT, artificial intelligence and blockchain.

discussed from the experiences contributed

company (SNCF) will also present the

examples from the UCSF Health hospital

by companies from different industrial

results obtained after applying predictive

consortia in California and Radboudumc

sectors. Special attention will be given to the

maintenance via IoT on its 30,000 km of

in the Netherlands; learning from

potential provided by “Digital Twins”, one of

track, 15,000 trains and 3,000 stations.

Amaresco how large energy consumers

the main strategic trends in the industrial IoT.

Meanwhile, Hugo Boss will focus on

(from industries to cities) can reduce their

The IoTSWC will also present good practices

how automatic learning is changing its

carbon footprint through digitalization,

and success stories of companies that have

production systems and market access.

as well as intelligent and connected

implemented the IoT, artificial intelligence

For its part, Legal Aid Ontario corporation

solutions for upgrading buildings and

and blockchain in their activity, achieving

responsible for administering the legal aid

infrastructures; or explaining how

significant competitive advantages.

program in that Canadian province will

blockchain contributes to data privacy and

For example, the US firm Advanced Disposal

present its case for digitization and use

improving services that local governments

Services will explain how it has transformed

of blockchain solutions. Along the same

offer to citizens. IoT SWC will also look at

the waste management and recycling model

lines, Maersk will announce concrete

technologies needed in this new wave of

through the use of mobile technologies, IoT

achievements in the use of blockchain in

digitalization such as LoRaWAN, 5G and

and data analytics. For its part, Pentair will

the maritime transport industry and the


talk about various intelligent solutions for

cost savings it represents.

water management in industry, businesses

Time will also be spent analyzing the

For further information:

and the home. The French public railway

healthcare revolution via the IoT with


international PAINT&COATING magazine - JULY/AUGUST 2019 - N. 58



Questo periodico è associato all’Unione Stampa Periodica Italiana


Eos Mktg&Communication srl www.myipcm.com info@ipcm.it

Sergio Castagna: Automation specialist

Redazione - Sede Legale: Via Pietro Mascagni, 8 - 20811 - Cesano Maderno (MB) - Italy Tel. +39.0362.503215 - Fax. +39.0362.1794768

Attilio Bernasconi:

Paint stripping technologies and cryogenic processes specialist


Marco Zavattoni:

ALESSIA VENTURI venturi@ipcm.it

ISSN 2280-6083

The first international magazine for surface treatments




10th Year - Bimonthly N° 58 - JULY/AUGUST







Tommaso Ponara:

Water treatment specialist

Lauro Gatti:

Air treatment specialist

ipcm digital on


In this issue :



Coil coating pretreatment specialist

Franco Falcone:

ZLD Water treatment specialist

Michele Cattarin:

Electrostatic application of powder coatings specialist

Alessandro Soba:

Electrostatic application of liquid paints specialist

Loris Rossi:




Surface treatment on aluminium specialist


NICOLE KRAUS kraus@ipcm.it





Dr. Felice Ambrosino: Zaniolo CdA - 1.19



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Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti:

Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics

Dr. Franco Busato:

European environmental legislation and new technologies

NICOLE KRAUS kraus@ipcm.it

JONATHAN LOWE lowe@ipcm.it

Kevin Biller

The Powder Coating Research Group

Prof. Stefano Rossi:

Material Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento - Product Design

Dr. Fulvio Zocco:

Environment and quality

Prof. Paolo Gronchi:

Registrazione al Tribunale di Monza N° 1970 del 10 Dicembre 2009 Eos Mktg&Communication srl è iscritta nel Registro degli Operatori di Comunicazione con il numero 19244

Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section


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