The smart journal for surface treatments
ISSN 2280-6083
ipcm digital on 2021
12th Year - Bimonthly
Fully Automated Equipment
Easy maintenance • Compact layout Low current consumption • High reliability Fast cycle • Easy human machine interface Line-Met sputtering technology can be integrated in every production setup.
Arzuffi high vacuum systems Leader company in PVD and PECVD processes with over 30 years of experience Bernareggio (MB) • Italy • Phone +39 039 6012626 • MADE IN ITALY
Future-proof and reliable overhead
and floor MONORAIL and P+F CONVEYOR systems that can be perfectly integrated into your production processes. We take care of all your requirements and create a tailor-made and cost-optimized concept for you.
© AdobeStock
MARKET CLOSE UP Ethics and Sustainability Remain Key to the Future of the Coating Industry
© HangOn
46 05 10 14 18 26
ASF Releases its Color Report 2020 B for Automotive OEM Coatings
A Look Back at the Great Crises of the Past to Overcome Fear
28 30
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH PPG Presents its New Colour Project, Extra-Ordinary, and Introduces Upcoming Colour Trends in the Automotive World
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY FASTER. A Turnkey Powder Coating Plant for Laboratory Fume Hood Components
IPCM IN REVIEW FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Dradura’s Last Generation Coating System Optimises the Powder Coverage of Metal Mesh Intersections
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY The Perfect Combination of 3D Printing and PVD Sputtering: From Prototyping to the New Frontiers of Additive Manufacturing
ART WITHIN SURFACES French Artist Creates a Colour Palette With 144 Automotive Models
66 68 72
AkzoNobel Develops A More Sustainable Way of Making Resins
Robust and Precise Mixing System for Up to Three Components
BRAND NEW HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Use and Reuse: MST CHEMICALS’ Sustainable Corporate Philosophy
FASTRIP, for the easy, effective and rapid paint stripping of metals. The FASTRIP range is easy to use with adjustable cycle parameters: time setting, heating function, constant temperature control, and real-time temperature display. It is made of high quality steel and the cleaning basket can be supplied in AISI 304 stainless steel. It features a powerful large-diameter transducer with a considerable cleaning effect and an electric circuit insulated from liquids for greater safety.
the range of medium-sized paint stripping tanks with a capacity of 800 liters.
the range of compact tanks for immersion paint stripping
FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY OMSO SpA: Innovative Process Solutions and Integrated “Green” Coating Technologies
© Arzuffi
INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE rzuffi Fast-Met Metallising Systems A for an Unlimited Range of Colours Thanks to Reactive Sputtering
© Viktor Mácha
108 82
The Lively Spirit of Steel in Viktor Mácha’s Photography
SUCCESS STORIES Tenfold Increase of Tooling Uptimes and Improved Process Stability with the Drag Finishing Technology
Axalta on the Sustainability of Super Durable Powder Coatings in the Architectural Segment
From Craftsmanship to Contract Coating: the Metamorphosis of a Contractor through Targeted Investment in Technologies 4.0 and Human Resources
98 104 106 112 116
© ipcm
THE MARKETING CORNER Social Media Trends 2021: The Ultimate Guide
BRAND NEW SUCCESS STORIES Solutions for Efficient Powder Coating at Wandel GmbH
HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Walther Trowal Expands in the United States
The Professional Training Courses of ipcm® Academy: The Opinion of a Trainee
Disruption in Technical Communication: ipcm®OnAir, a Television Format Devoted to Technological Innovation
The Year of the SCIP Database
SNCF (Société nationale des chemins de fer français) RATP (Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens) Gütegemeinschaft Anti-Graffiti e. V. London Underground
The Future after Covid-19 Richiedi la versione in italiano a
Anyone who thought that on 1 January we would put behind us a dramatic year, which saw the entire planet face a pandemic that has overturned everyone’s life in many ways, was wrong. Aware of being wrong. Indeed, the beginning of 2021 has been very similar to the end of 2020: fluctuating infection rates, openings and closures occurring all over the world (even Beijing is no different), new, frightening virus variants, and an underlying uncertainty that never goes away. However, whereas 2020 was a dark year, 2021 is bringing a light of hope, with the vaccines and the other tools that the global scientific community is making available for treating the sick and defeating this virus. The year 2021, therefore, is offering us one or more reasons of hope and optimism – which do not allow us to plan for the short-term future, yet, but do give us a glimpse of a return to normality. Even Morgan Stanley, just before Christmas, stated that the arrival of vaccines, whose effectiveness has been confirmed to be higher than 50%, and the rise in markets experienced last November make more concrete the possibility of returning to some sort of “normality” in the second half of 20211. In the meantime, we must not give up. The fastest countries to reach herd immunity will be the biggest drivers of recovery. Although difficult in a somewhat shaky market environment, with rising raw material costs and continuing restrictions on international travel, companies must not give in to the temptation to deconstruct themselves, so as to be ready to face the future huge demand from the market, especially from those countries that have suffered the most from the pandemic crisis. Covid-19 has set the pace for the transition to a digitally driven economy. The year 2020 has taught us that everything (or almost everything) can be done “remotely” or online. The question, however, is: can everything be done as well as with a traditional approach? The answer is no (or at least not everything). On the other hand, opening digital channels and investing in flexibility, dynamism, and the possibility to reinvent oneself are not only ways to survive in the current context, but also the key to corporate development in the future post-Covid environment. I am therefore very happy to open this editorial year with the success stories of several companies that, by virtue of their ability to reorganise, invest in technology, team up, and develop industrially, closed 2020 without any major shocks and opened 2021 with a positive market outlook. On the following pages, you will find numerous reports on new product launches, projects combining technology and sustainability (another key to succeed in future), and finishing processes designed for new additive manufacturing techniques. And some words spent on ipcm®’s projects. Indeed, we also closed 2020 successfully despite several difficulties (you will find a video review on page 28) and started 2021 with many big news, from our ipcm®_Academy course (which will finally be able to certify professional Industrial Surface Finishing Process Technologists) to our ambitious ipcm®OnAir project (which combines virtual and real-life features in a television format, in order to offer to the industry an opportunity to meet in the absence of events and trade fairs). From this ipcm® issue on, moreover, you will find a new section, The Marketing Corner, presenting original content to guide you through the world of digital communication. Finally, there is a small technical innovation that makes the digital version much easier to read: an interactive table of contents. By clicking on the title of each article in the table of contents, you will be taken directly to your page of interest. A little improvement to make ipcm®’s user experience even better.
Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief Direttore Responsabile
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
Ethics and Sustainability Remain Key to the Future of the Coating Industry Interview with Giovanni Marsili Vice President of Assovernici, the Italian Association of Coating Manufacturers
Š Assovernici
2020 has been a particularly intense year for all markets: how has the coatings industry fared during this period, and with what outlook? Our industry has been able to adapt promptly to the needs that have suddenly arisen in all markets following the pandemic, while wisely applying the series of the urgent decrees issued by the Government. As regards the construction sector, based on the nature of their economic activity, producers and distributors were allowed to remain active and, in many cases, from April to July they witnessed a strong increase in sales to private customers: the sales of
Giovanni Marsili.
products related to do-it-yourself activities, such as enamels and impregnating agents,
fter a fluctuating 2020, full of
have increased significantly, as have online
unexpected events and unpredictability,
sales. As a result of this major change in
the coatings industry is preparing to
their sales mix, Assovernici, through its
face the new year with renewed momentum,
continued statistical panel available to
starting from two elements that are becoming
members, has recorded positive year-end
more and more crucial: sustainable
results in terms of revenue. The industrial
innovation and ethical business management.
sector, on the other hand, was heavily
This is what we can infer from the answers
affected by the lockdown and, despite a
that Giovanni Marsili, the Vice President of
positive trend in the second half of the year,
Assovernici (the Italian Association of Coating
closed on negative ground. COVID is still a
Manufacturers) and a board member of the
global health challenge, whose effects on
European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink,
socio-economic systems is largely uncertain.
and Artist’s Colours Industry (CEPE), gave us
Moreover, as in other sectors, the pandemic
in this interview. They illustrate the signs of an
has triggered processes of acceleration of
increasingly innovation-driven industry, but
changes already underway, such as new
also the premises for an even closer, more
ways of managing staff, suppliers, and
active collaboration among companies and
customers, but also the enhancement of
the associations that represent them.
digitalisation processes and an exponential
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
growth of the e-commerce channel.
Currently, both sectors are seeing the
While Governments will continue to field
spread of claims related to antibacterial
interventions of various kinds, what will
surface protection products. Where does
make a difference in the near future is the
your association stand on this issue?
ability of companies to adapt quickly and
We believe it is essential to promote
flexibly to these changes, by learning to live
investment in research and development
with uncertainty and adapting rapidly to new
to deliver solutions that are increasingly
customer and consumer demands.
effective, efficient, and responsive to today’s challenges in the building, industry, and
What are the industry’s current
infrastructure sectors. In addition, our
legislative and technical priorities?
Association has the important statutory
As a board member of CEPE, the European
objective of disseminating correct
trade association to which we belong, I
information about coating products.
can say that, at the European level, the
Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic,
“Chemical Strategy for Sustainability” and
we have seen an increase in advertisements
the broader “Green Deal” framework are
of paints and coatings focussing on their
the complex and important challenges
antibacterial, disinfectant, or sanitising
to be managed by the entrepreneurial
properties, not always demonstrated by
system in the near future. The companies
objective data and sometimes ending up
in our sector will have to make a further
being completely inappropriate. In principle,
effort to renew themselves and rethink
such products can significantly contribute to
their products and production processes.
ensuring a healthy working environment and
Alongside this, in both the construction and
preventing the spread of microorganisms.
industry sectors, VOC reduction regulations
However, several regulatory requirements
are constantly coming in force for greater
must be met for their marketing and use.
emissions reduction, as well as limitations
Only mandatory approvals ensure that such
on the use of substances that may adversely
products have undergone prior evaluation to
affect human health and the environment.
guarantee their safety for the environment
Over 2021, our priorities will address
and consumers, as well as the effectiveness
the implementation of new regulations,
of the indicated conditions of use. In
including the new hazardous notification
addition, their related claims must always
system of the European Chemicals Agency
be documented and proven by adequate
(ECHA) and since 1st October 2021 2021,
empirical evidence.
the 14 Atp will come into force, which th
includes the classification of TiO2, with
What requirements must companies
significant consequences especially on
fulfil in order to be admitted to your
production areas, where the use of raw
materials with suspected carcinogenicity
Our association is open to all companies
will require special measures to be taken.
that manufacture coating products, provided
Finally, as for research activities, our industry
that they operate on the Italian domestic
is focussing on new raw materials, such as
market and they are willing to commit to
binders, additives, and biocides, capable of
the principles set forth in our association’s
meeting the above-mentioned sustainability
Code of Ethics. When evaluating a potential
requirements without sacrificing product
member, our Board of Directors gives a
performance, but rather improving it.
higher score to firms that show virtuous
© Adobe Stock
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
behaviours, such as the adoption of integrated certification systems
to reconcile the main differences among them by offering to our
or other quality, safety, and environmental management certifications,
members a continuous service of statistical data collection, divided
the adoption of organisational models pursuant to Law 231/2001, o
into our three macro areas. This is a fundamental tool available to
the creation of sustainability reports. Indeed, our association wants
companies to keep abreast and monitor the main industry trends.
to maintain a precise direction, rewarding the implementation of
The main elements of differentiation lie in technical and regulatory
continuous improvement processes and of concrete, demonstrable
aspects. This is why we have separate statistical and technical/
actions of social responsibility and business ethics.
regulatory committees, which however are always open to dialogue
Finally, for companies and entities that have characteristics of
on any analysis and interpretation issues. We also have an integrated
complementarity and economic connection with our ordinary
Health, Safety, and Environmental Committee devoted to monitoring
members, there is the possibility to join Assovernici as an aggregate
safety and health issues within manufacturing facilities, analysing
member. Raw material suppliers are an example of this: their presence
any workplace accidents in the context of the international OSRA
fosters the exchange of experiences in terms of production chain,
Safety Alert program, and developing environmental indicators. These
product formulation, and related services.
activities are of particular importance to both sectors, also given the stringent environmental and safety standards imposed to companies,
Assovernici is characterised by the presence of members from
which have been even exacerbated by the current pandemic. Our
two different sectors: industrial coatings and construction
working groups are also the starting point for strengthening our
coatings. How does the association act as the “common thread�
relation with CEPE and they will play an increasingly significant role in
between them?
reaffirming the importance of our industry. Finally, we try to guarantee
These various product sectors have the important role of enriching
an appropriate level of representation within our Board of Directors,
our scope of representation and our activities, while offering a
which is our decision-making body, issuing the main operative
complete overview of our industry. In terms of markets, it is important
guidelines of Assovernici.
Š Adobe Stock
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Ready. Steady. Coat If you can’t perform, you won’t compete. You know that. We know that. And that’s why powder job coaters look to Interpon. We’re a global leader in quality powder coatings and our products are approved for use with a diverse range of applications. We have literally thousands of colors, textures, and special effects in stock. Take the next step to outperformance with Interpon Powder Coatings.
© BYK-Gardner GmbH
BYK Gardner Launches spectro2go for Mobile Control BYK Gardner has introduced spectro2go to help the users from automotive, paint and plastic industries control the quality of colour, appearance and physical properties.
YK Garner developed spectro2go, the newest member of
displays. The spectro2go is completely in line with this trend offering a
the spectro2guide family, to help the users from automotive,
3.5” colour touchscreen – the largest on the market. A perfect premise
paint and plastic industries to control the quality of colour,
for the icon-based menu, which allows an intuitive smart phone like
appearance and physical properties.
operation and the integrated camera, that shows a live preview of the
The overall appearance of a product is influenced by colour and gloss.
measurement area to ensure precise positioning and to prevent false
To ensure colour harmony spectro2go measures colour and 60° gloss
readings on imperfections or scratches. The long-term calibration of
simultaneously in compliance with international standards. In addition,
the instrument can be monitored on an external colour and gloss
the spectro2go uses the same high performance LED technology as
test standard. If the values are out of specification, the instrument
light sources for which BYK Gardner’s measurement instruments are
will automatically ask to calibrate on the instrument white standard.
highly appreciated by customers. Due to the outstanding performance
A docking station to perform an automatic auto diagnosis can be
of these innovative LEDs, the short-term, long-term and temperature
purchased as an optional accessory.
stability as well as a homogeneous illumination spot are unsurpassed
The spectro2guide offers three possibilities to transfer data: via
in the industry. As a result, a superior accuracy and excellent inter-
docking station, USB cable, and wireless with WiFi. Dependent on
instrument agreement allow the use of digital standards.
needs, data analysis can be done with either the software smart-lab
Being part of the family, digital standards can also be exchanged
for online measurement and flexible data analysis or smart-process
with the spectro2guide which additionally predicts colour stability
for a standardized sampling process with digital standards defined in
by means of a built-in miniature fluorimeter. This high technology
is complimented by the easy-to-use operation and handling of the spectro2go. As for mobile phones, there is a trend towards ever-larger
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
ALIT Technologies Partners with SAT for the Exclusive Sale of Fastrip ISP ALIT Technologies and SAT sign a collaboration agreement for the sale of Fastrip ISP paint stripping technologies for aluminium extrusions vertical coating lines.
LIT Technologies has signed a commercial agreement with
together”, said Andrea Trevisan, CEO of SAT, an Italian engineering
SAT (Surface Aluminium Technologies) S.R.L. for the exclusive
company dedicated to the design and the installation of aluminium
sale of ALIT Technologies’s Fastrip ISP machine for the in-line
profile surface treatment systems.
paint stripping of hooks for aluminium extrusions coating lines. The agreement comes as a result of years of projects between the
“SAT is a very well-known and respected brand; we are happy of the
two companies and has the aim to provide their customers with the
agreement we signed with them. I’m sure it will provide great value
most advanced technologies that make the painting process more
for worldwide customers in our market”, stated Loris Rossi, CEO of
efficient and economical.
ALIT, specialist in chemical paint stripping of metal surfaces.
“We are all very excited about this collaboration and we really look forward to working with ALIT to carry on new challenging projects
For further information:
New H2O’s Solution to Reduce COD by Further 50 Percent H2O has developed the Purecat solution: this new technology, in combination with Clearcat, is able to reduce COD 50 percent further.
he limits of the chemical oxygen demand (COD – Chemical
minimize the COD value. In fact, thanks to this solution the treated
Oxygen Demand) for the reuse and discharge of polluted
water can be reused in production or discharged, and previous
industrial wastewater are becoming increasingly strict globally.
complex processes will be simplified, because maintenance- and
COD measures the pollution of wastewater with organic substances,
cost-intensive activated carbon filters used for post-treatment will no
such as oils.
longer be needed.”
The H2O GmbH’s application centre for wastewater-free production
As early as 2006, H2O launched a COD-reducing technology on
has developed a technology that reduces the COD value drastically.
the market. The Clearcat condensation stage achieved very good
“We are helping to make even more industries wastewater-free”
COD reduction, but often lacked the last bit to meet the values. The
said Uwe Hanschke, Head of application technology at H2O GmbH.
Purecat technology puts the necessary icing on the cake and, in
“We achieve fantastic values with our new Purecat technology. The
combination with Clearcat, reduces COD 50 percent further.
COD value in the wastewater is reduced by 97 per cent. This means that even very strict limit values can be complied with in order to
For further information:
© H2O GmbH
The visual comparison shows the difference: in the laboratory, a rich green stands for a lot of COD, orange for little. The brighter the orange colour, the less COD. In the picture on the left, the distillate of the VACUDEST without technology, in the middle with Clearcat, on the right additionally with Purecat.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
complete plants
IDEAS NEED TALENT C.M.V. srl - Via dell’industria, 2 - 61036 Tavernelle di Colli al Metauro, PU - Italy - T +39 0721 892274 - -
PPG Presents its New Colour Project, Extra-Ordinary, and Introduces Upcoming Colour Trends in the Automotive World During the digital preview of the biennial Color Show, PPG revealed 5 colour palettes encompassing 80 colours, shades where brightness stands out as a new symbolic trend expressing quality and a search for beauty.
PG confirmed in 2020 its biennial
important for PPG and it continues to be
coating materials to produce batteries or
appointment with Color Show,
strategic, even this particular year. In fact,
“battery packs”, in which PPG is supporting
choosing a digital format to present a
PPG’s mission is to hold a unique position
both Automotive OEM (Original Equipment
preview of the group’s new palette which will
as a partner of the automobile industry,
Manufactures) and battery and components
colour the cars of tomorrow under the larger
supporting its ongoing transformation
manufacturers to accelerate the development
Extra-Ordinary project.
thanks to a range of advanced technologies
of high performing energy-storage solutions
At a time when everything is strongly
and products – from glues and sealants,
for the cars and commercial vehicles of the
influenced by this undoubtedly complex
protective and rust-proof paints, to
future. PPG proposes paints suitable for
situation, PPG is at Italy’s side with products
decorative paints. Both the automobile
different substrates and colour technology
that enhance the combination of quality and
industry and our customers are guiding
to reduce the overheating of the interior in
beauty to guide automobile manufacturers
two major steps forward: electrification
summer and the energy consumption for
and Italians towards the future of colour for
and autonomous driving, areas where PPG
air conditioning. In the second case, this
intends to be present and active. In the first
means introducing formulation principles that
The automotive sector has always been
case, this means providing painting and
enable the creation of colours compatible
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
with radar and LiDAR sensors as required by
our goal “We Protect and Beautify the World1”
customers, began ten months ago, and PPG
assisted driving, and painting products for
because we want to bring beauty and quality
will continue to work on it, even enabling
infrastructure that facilitate safe autonomous
to the different sectors we work in and to the
new colour projects to be experienced ‘at a
driving, such as road signs.
everyday world in which people live,” says
As well, we could not forget a third line, that
Rodolfo Saporiti, PPG Global Account Director
“We are very proud of this new digital
is, car sharing, which, especially in light of the
FCA & Automotive Market Director, Italy.
project, which we have been working on in
health crisis and with particular attention for
concert with the global team for more than
safety, will lead PPG to expand new horizons,
The digital project
considering paints with antimicrobial power
With constant research, a capacity for
forced new ways of working. This is proof
to be an important objective to which PPG
innovation, and attention to modern needs,
once again of the great research work and
Research & Development technicians are
PPG combines global expertise with the
tendency towards the future that forms part
potential of digital tools to introduce a
of the group’s DNA. For each new colour,
“We are happy to be a part of Color Show
project that allows colours to be shown
we have created a digital version so that it
again, which on this occasion is being held
three dimensionally, creating involving
can be easily rendered by our customers
in a new, digital format. In such a particular
experiences increasingly close to reality. PPG
on their vehicle models,” explains Federico
year even for the automotive sector, we
has developed a digital car model where the
Menta, PPG Global Director Automotive
would like to remain close to industrial
colour is visualized on concave and convex
OEM Coatings. “This is just the beginning
players and support them in addressing new
forms, corners, and rapidly changing slopes.
of an ambitious project. Our vision is to
emerging requirements, working together to
PPG paints are read directly and scanned to
leverage digital tools to increase cooperation
anticipate the needs of the future. The group
generate files that can be used to paint the
with customers and support them on the
aims to contribute by continuing to deliver
virtual model and render the colour over the
path towards excellence and continuous
innovation, digitization, and creativity through
entire shape.
quality. Innovation is, in fact, the heart of
the introduction of a new colour range, the
The project, which translates into a tool
our group strategy, and this is exactly what
result of our profound dedication in terms of
to support both chromatic design and
explains our commitment, which translates
ten months, even before the pandemic
studies, analysis, and value for the automotive market. We combine research capacity with
into a continued investment in Research & “We protect and beautify the world” is a trademark of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.
© PPG Industries Inc
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
© PPG Industries Inc
The colour palette The PPG project is inspired by five thematic areas that guide people’s daily lives: awareness, ‘so conscious’ of being an active part of changes; ethics, ‘so ethical’, viewed as a daily attitude that interweaves modern life understood as sustainability and attention to waste with a glance towards the future, which for cars cannot overlook electrical mobility; normality, ‘so normal’, a concept that never more than this year is new and resonates with resilience; beauty, ‘so beautiful’, which should not and cannot be missing in life and which enhances the specifics of the genius loci as a trademark of excellence; and finally audacity, ‘so bold’, a push to view the future optimistically in spite of adversity. “The colours we are launching are the outcome of studies and analysis that involve the modern era and aim to transmit emotions. We are convinced that for such a particular and emotionally demanding year the keyword is ‘brightness’, a theme symbolizing the hope that we all nurture. Light that also shines through in the deepest tones and which makes the colour unique in all areas, with a common thread that we call ‘ONE PPG’, representing a unique, coherent path between the automotive industry, architecture, and all sectors in which we operate,” says Daniela Nicolelli, PPG Styling Center Manager Automotive, Italy. Extra-Ordinary PPG lists five concepts yielding 80 colours that express brightness in a game of shimmers, accentuated shadows, and liquid metallization and allow for new and unexpected nuances. Amid these colours, warm tones (browns and oxides) predominate, ranging from decided accents to coloured neutrals and also lending warmth to medium-dark grey with copper shades and the interference of indigo blue. There is room for dusty pinks tending towards warm shades, and blues and reds explore terrain between pink and orange. Unavoidable, white also takes on different finishes. In detail, these are the shades pertaining to the thematic groups: • So conscious: medium or medium/light tones and ‘limiting’ shades. Metallic or ceramic finishes with evident flop are available. The tones are mostly warm and desaturated, and accompanied by dusty blues. The neutrals are coloured in medium and medium/light variations and are found on average in petroleum, copper, and bronze. • So ethical: brown, terracotta, pinkish sand, and ochre have a place in this palette; green is warmer and tends towards yellow. The finishes range from metallic to pearl, which serve to recreate the colour, diluting its density for a more modern look. • So normal: the colour areas are equally divided between warm and cool tones with medium saturation. The two main colour groups are warm naturals and greyish blues, both characterized by a surprising brightness. • So beautiful: the colours range from green tending towards yellow, coloured liquid with a ‘lacquered’ effect, to deep blue, bright, metallic orange, and a decidedly shimmering, elegant mallow colour. • So bold: saturated tones deriving directly from the primary colours, red (orange flame or classic), yellow, and blue (from classic to aqua). An outsider is black, which draws strength with holographic effects in the highlights and an intense background depth. Bright and lively tones are an expression of optimism and positive energy.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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SAT | Surface Aluminium Technologies Srl | Via Antonio Meucci, 4 37135 Verona | Italy | ph +39 045 8280601 | GEMA SWITZERLAND GMBH | Mövenstrasse 17 9015 St.Gallen | Switzerland | ph +41 71 313 83 00 |
New Coatings for Plastics will Prevent Transmission of Hospital-acquired Infections The MOBACT project is developing bio-based solutions as an environmentally sustainable alternative to metal in order to fight the current major public health problem of hospital-acquired infections.
ot only COVID-19 pandemic, but
cleaning. In order to solve this problem, a
of microorganisms on healthcare surfaces
also other public health problems
consortium made up of AIMPLAS - Plastics
near patients as a means of reducing up to
continue to be of high concern for
Technology Centre in Paterna (Valencia,
one-third of the burden of these diseases,
the European Centre for Disease Prevention
Spain), the Institute of Materials Technology
which represent a health risk that calls for
and Control (ECDC), such as hospital-acquired
of the Universitat Politècnica de València, the
considerable public spending.
infections caused by microorganisms and
companies Lamberti and Industrias Tayg,
The project aim is to prevent the
transmitted through contact surfaces.
and the La Fe Hospital Health Research
accumulation and proliferation of
Depending on their nature and environmental
Institute are developing the MOBACT Project
microorganisms thanks to the development
conditions, these surfaces can host
with funding from the Valencian Innovation
of new materials based on active substances
microorganism colonies for several months,
Agency (AVI). The goal is to develop a
with bacteriostatic or bactericidal capacity
even after what might appear to be proper
technology capable of curtailing colonization
to add in furniture surface coatings or in injected parts mass-produced. Another goal is to ensure that the materials are environmentally sustainable: the project team is working with compounds of renewable origin as alternatives to metal compounds, traditionally used because of their resistance to the high temperatures of different transforming processes. The new bio-based compounds will be encapsulated in polymer matrices, so they can be used as water-based coatings. Research findings will be validated in a real hospital environment to check their functionality and compliance with current legislation. This project is in line with the United Nations’ Strategic Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 3 on good health and wellbeing, SDG 9 on industry, innovation and infrastructure, and SDG 12 on responsible consumption and production.
For further information: © AIMPLAS
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Kolzer, an Italian company specializing in designing and manufacturing vacuum coating machines, presents its PVD metal coat machines for 3D-printed parts.
o provide a solution to common 3D-Printed
elastomers) and metals (titanium, stainless steel,
mould and part problems, reducing the
aluminium alloys, nickel super alloys, kovar, etc.).
impact of wear, friction, harsh chemicals and
“Surface preparation, cleaning and handling is key.
materials, or heat, Kolzer has developed PVD metal
Metals are a lot easier than nonmetals, as they
coat machines for additive manufacturing systems
do not absorb oils and are not as porous as the
which can increase mould life and performance,
nonmetals, so there is no trapped air, for example.
without knocking the part out of engineering
Plastic parts are more porous and take longer
time for cleaning and preparing within the vacuum
3D printing processes (SLA, SLS, MJP, CJP and DMP)
process chamber”, explains Antonio D’Esposito,
are revolutionizing the way to design, produce and
Kolzer’s CEO. “The union between the KOLZER
use many components, both in polymer and in metal,
PVD metal coat machines and 3D print systems
for applications in industry and in everyday life.
guarantee a better future for all.”
Kolzer Presents its PVD Metal Coat Solutions for Additive Manufacturing Systems
By this technology it’s possible to print quickly 3D parts, based on customized designs, of plastics
For further information:
(PA11, PA11, composites, other polymers and
© Kolzer
Via Monte Bianco 20 - 20833 Giussano (MB) - IT p. +39.0362.314075 - f. +39.0362.861222
Spray Galvanising as Essential for Motorist Safety Numerous accidents have been caused by the corrosion of bridge and tunnel support structures. Hot spray galvanising is a useful protective solution that ensures that both structural and non-structural elements have a service life of more than 80 years.
he death of a truck driver in the Lehigh tunnel in Pennsylvania (USA), occurred on February 21, 2018, was caused by
the detachment of a lighting fixture from the vault due to the breaking of a corroded support bracket. The analysis conducted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) confirmed that the PVC coated bracket was completely corroded. Subsequent inspections found that other similar support systems were corroded and these were immediately replaced. It is worth noting that spray galvanising is the most effective corrosion protection system in such highly corrosive environments, not only for structural elements, such as the iron reinforcements of reinforced concrete, but also for non-structural ones, including lighting systems, sign posts, gutters, etc. Indeed, spray galvanising is the only system that enables to apply zinc coatings up to 300-500 microns,
© Wikipedia
guaranteeing a service life of more than 80 years before first maintenance is required. For further information:
Top: The entrance to the Lehigh tunnel in Pennsylvania (USA), where in February 2018 a lamp broke off causing the death of a truck driver.
© Motorionline S.r.l.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Bottom: In December 2019, a part of the ceiling of the Berté tunnel along the A26 motorway in Italy (Genova-Gravellona Toce section) collapsed, fortunately without consequences for the drivers of passing vehicles.
Lesta and Cabycal Sign a Distribution Agreement of Lesta’s Painting Robots in Spain Last July, after having worked for several months in the presentation of the robots in the Spanish market, Lesta and Cabycal have signed a collaboration agreement for the distribution of Lesta’s painting robots in Spain.
esta and Cabycal have signed a collaboration agreement for the distribution and business development of the paint application robots of the Italian company in Spain. Cabycal will be in charge of the commercialization and sale of Lesta’s painting technology in Spain. Based
on a joint commercial strategy, this agreement seeks to open, develop and consolidate business opportunities in the area of paint application robots, and will allow for Lesta to enter the Spanish market, consolidating its presence in Europe. For its part, with this collaboration Cabycal intends to make the automation of the application process accessible and affordable for industrial painters, which will allow them to carry out competitive developments, reducing labour costs and short-term payback of robots. For further information: and
© Cabycal
BASF Releases its Color Report 2020 for Automotive OEM Coatings BASF’s Coatings division Münster (Germany)
BASF has released the BASF Color Report 2020 for Automotive OEM Coatings unveiling a wider range of chromatic colours used by the world’s OEM automakers.
ASF released its Color Report 2020 for Automotive OEM
The emergence of some new colours such as blue and yellow made
Coatings. The report shows how the automotive colour palette
the overall spectrum wider than in 2019. Achromatic colours like
is shifting in unconventional ways, unveiling a wider range of
white, black, silver and grey still coated the majority of the vehicles
chromatic colours as demonstrated by the world’s assembly lines’
produced, with white being the most popular colour.
choices in terms of colour.
The automotive colour Parolis Purple by BASF.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Automotive colours around the world EMEA: In 2020, about 11% of new vehicles in Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) were coated in blue, making it the most popular chromatic colour. Violet is a newcomer to the market, increasing diversity even more. In the achromatic spectrum, white is still on top at 28% of the market, followed by grey and black. “Colour variety changes with size. For example, where violet has a unique home in mid-size SUVs, it does not appear in great numbers in smaller or
The automotive colour Nation Tide.
larger SUVs,” said Mark Gutjahr, head of Automotive Color Design, EMEA. “The opposite is true with yellow, which shows up in both the very small and the very large, but not the middle. These are specific and unique colour positions that appear and disappear throughout the segments.” North America: Blue gained more popularity as an automotive colour in North America. In fact, shades of blue are seen as more elegant, and buyers who may have chosen beige or brown
in the past seem to be moving to blues or greys.
The automotive colour Billowing Blue.
“Just as we predicted three or four years ago, blue is having a moment in the sun, and we’re using some beautiful effects and pigments that advance the possibilities of hue and texture in this important design space”, said Paul Czornij, head of design, The Americas. Asia Pacific: Asia Pacific’s preferences mirror global data, and its bright colours reflect the awakening that chromatic colours are experiencing elsewhere. White is still the most popular colour in the region and black and gray continue © BASF
to improve. While the total numbers aren’t huge, brown, green, and violet are
The automotive colour Dark Seltzer.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
all consistent in colour popularity.
favourite, covering about 39% of OEM vehicles. The popularity of grey
“People in Asia Pacific really enjoy choosing colours for their vehicles.
and silver is higher than in other regions, with 18% for each. Black
Colours are very human-oriented, flexible, and free, showing the
has the smallest preference among the achromatic colours, with 12%.
diversity of the region and its people,” said Chiharu Matsuhara, head
Altogether, the achromatic colours command an 87% share.
of design, Asia Pacific.
“Trends that are popular in other parts of the world are slower to catch on in South America. While this is a continent with many
South America: The South America market highlights its love
colourful aspects of its culture, people tend to be more conservative
for achromatic colours. In fact, South American car buyers have
with their cars,” said Marcos Fernandes, Director Regional Business
historically chosen more traditional colours. White is so far the
Management, Automotive Coatings South America.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
New New 2021 2021
IMEL SpA – Via Divisione Julia 10 – 33033 Codroipo, UD – Italy – T +39 0432 908578 – –
Datacolor Launches the Spectro 1000/700 Series Datacolor® has launched Spectro 1000/700, a high-efficiency benchtop spectrophotometer series.
atacolor has launched Spectro 1000/700, a close-tolerance
for digital exchange of colour data has increased. Datacolor set out to
benchtop spectrophotometers series designed for high
develop a family of high-efficiency spectrophotometers designed to
efficiency and confidence in colour formulation and quality
meet the industry needs of today while also staying ahead of tomorrow’s
control in a wide range of industries.
trends,” said Albert Busch, President and CEO. “With the Spectro
The new series features the high inter-instrument agreement to ensure
1000/700 series, users can feel confident their instruments are ready
uniform colour assessments across various instruments and multiple
to take advantage of future product enhancements, allowing for remote
locations throughout the supply chain.
service and data analytics thanks to internet connectivity.”
The systems are designed to increase productivity and improve workflow
The Spectro 1000/700 series also features the ability to capture the
efficiency through high measurement speeds and seamless backward
temperature of samples measured in order to allow those who work with
compatibility with other Datacolor benchtop instruments. The Spectro
materials that need to be within certain temperature ranges to assure
1000/700 family is optimised for the future of colour management,
accurate colour measurement.
featuring internet connectivity for upcoming remote services. “Heightened by the pandemic and remote working trends, the need
© Datacolor
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
For further information:
KRÜSS Launches a Completely New Website KRÜSS has completely renewed the company’s website, with new, engaging content, optimized mobile use and diverse navigation aids for newcomers to interfacial analysis.
ith the ultimate aim of providing its
visitors who want to remedy the lack of long-term
customers with a solution-oriented tool,
adhesion of a coating or the formation of lumps in
easily navigable by non-expert visitors as
a dispersion are not necessarily familiar with the
well, KRÜSS has completely renewed the company’s
relevant contact angle measurement techniques.
website, which can be easily accessed both from
The new website features also a classic menu
desktop and mobile.
navigation, which quickly provides orientation with
Through the new website, customers will also be
a clear structure and a variety of functions such
able to access useful content such as use cases,
as filters, bookmarks, or a comparison of selected
application reports, videos, products, background
knowledge, and more, by simply selecting their
The new KRÜSS website was created in cooperation
material and/or their process.
with the Hamburg agency Elbkapitäneand and is
This new feature aims at providing support to
available in German, English, and Chinese.
newcomers to interfacial analysis who may not know that sometimes a certain behaviour of their product
For further information:
could be related to interfacial chemistry. For instance,
2020 in review Ilaria Paolomelo ipcm
020 has been a particularly difficult and unusual year. Perhaps
to expand and diversify our range of services and create new innovative
the most unusual ever experienced so far for most of us.
projects. We launched EOS Mktg&Communication new website, the
During the first months of the year we saw fading the possibility
company specialized in marketing consultancy, event organization
of attending the most important trade fairs and events of the sector,
and graphic design, as well as the publisher of ipcm® magazines. We
organising the sessions of the ipcm®_Academy training courses in
have also launched the new website of ipcm®_Academy, the division
person, as well as meeting and interviewing the protagonists of our
dedicated to the training of finishing technicians, and the “Beyond
reportages. However, if you have leafed through the pages of our
the Pandemic” interviews, a series of 20-minute video-interviews that
magazines over the past year, you will have realized that the work of
aim to bring you a real and unfiltered testimony of how the industry
ipcm® editorial staff has never stopped: we had to adjust and rethink
is experiencing this pandemic. Last but not least, “ipcm® on air”, an
workflows and methods to best adapt them to this new situation, with
exclusive television format dedicated to technological innovation in the
the aim of never ceasing to inform, create original content and show
coating and surface finishing sector, was born.
the best of the surface treatment industry. The ongoing thrust of digital has certainly supported us in continuing
Scan the QR code to find out more about our 2020!
to offer the industry the same information service that has distinguished us for 11 years. Although we have always believed in the digital channels - which are an integral part of both our advertising and editorial offering and of our communication thanks to our social networks, newsletters and a web portal to deliver comprehensive contents and information - we realised that 2020 was the perfect year
© ipcm
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Dradura’s Last Generation Coating System Optimises the Powder Coverage of Metal Mesh Intersections Monica Fumagalli ipcm
In the coating field, is it possible to combine maximum production capacity, adequate film homogeneity in the most critical areas, and maximum paint savings? For Dradura, a company specialising in the processing and finishing of wire for household appliance and furniture components, the answer is yes – thanks to a latest-generation coating booth developed by Wagner, a hanging system designed by Rostirolla, and the plant engineering solutions featured by its O.M.SA. line.
he shape of an object determines its aesthetics and functionality: the task of a coating process is to cover its contours, thus enabling the film to settle on its surface. One of the most common problems
related to the application of coatings is the inhomogeneity of thicknesses between edges and flat surfaces. In the case of three-dimensional components with complex geometries, in particular, the major critical issues are found in undercuts and concave areas. However, the coating application operation is even more complex when it comes to optimising the spraying process on products made of wire and characterised by large mesh size. Indeed, as well as identifying the best application technology to avoid paint waste, it is also crucial to design the most suitable system for applying the correct amount of coating on wire mesh intersections and obtaining a homogeneous layer with the minimum thickness needed to meet customer specifications. Dradura Italia
(San Donà di Piave, Venice, Italy), now belonging to German Group Dradura, specialises precisely in the processing and finishing of metal © ipcm
Baskets are among Dradura’s main current productions.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
wire, with which it produces components intended mainly for the household appliance and furniture sectors.
Dradura, a leading Group in the wire processing sector This Italian company’s history started back in the 1950s under the name of OMIM, a small manufacturer of iron boxes for milk bottles. It then expanded its range to include grilles for refrigerators and, later, in response to the boom in the sales of household appliances in the 1960s and 1970s, plasticised iron baskets for dishwashers. “Most of our products,” states Dradura Head of Engineering, Maurizio Scalabrino, “are made with metal wires with different diameters and coated with different finishes to meet the requests of our customers, which include Bosch, Electrolux, Liebherr, and IKEA, just to name a few. Dradura’s core business is the production of dishwasher baskets at most of the other plants of the Group, that is, the headquarters in Germany, another production site in Italy at Conzano nel Monferrato (Alessandria), one in France, one in Poland, one in the Czech
© ipcm
Republic, and one overseas in the United
The 6-stage pre-treatment plant installed by OMSA Srl.
States. Our production plant is the only one that devotes 50% of its activity to the furniture sector. “This explains why we are also the only firm in the Group to have felt the need for a new coating line to meet our requirements of high production capacity and optimal wire coating. Besides the complex shapes that metal meshes can take on, we foresaw two main possible issues: uneven film thicknesses on wire intersections, which are the most difficult surface areas to coat, and excessive consumption of the powder coating sprayed in the empty areas of mesh. We were offered a solution to these doubts by Wagner (Valmadrera, Lecco, Italy), belonging to international Group J. Wagner GmbH and specialising in the design and construction of liquid and powder coating technologies, which provided us with a last generation application system called SuperCube, integrated with its powder management unit SuperCenter EVO.”
© ipcm
Baskets exiting the drying system.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
© ipcm
Endless finishing options Dradura Italia’s production process starts from pre-cut and processed wire stored in the Group’s warehouses or directly with a coil processing operation carried out through its 2D and 3D bending and CNC machines. After processing, these complex-shaped bent parts are subjected to pre-treatment and finishing phases, with different characteristics in each factory. “All the production sites of this German Group,” says Scalabrino, “use different finishing processes depending on the technical requirements of the products to be treated, including polishing, barrel galvanising, chromium coating with NiCr or zinc, electropolishing, coating with any RAL tint also by cataphoresis, and powder plasticisation performed with different types
Wagner’s SuperCube coating booth and, in the foreground, the load bars specially designed for Dradura by Rostirolla.
of materials, such as polyamide, polyethylene, epoxy, PTFE, and polyurethane, both transparent and in different colours.”
© ipcm
© ipcm
The Dradura factory, in particular, is equipped with two galvanising systems and two plants for the application of epoxy, polyester, and polyurethane powder clear coats, because “galvanising alone is not enough to protect our grilles against the low temperatures or humidity rates of the environments they are intended for, such as refrigerators, toilets, or showers, and achieve the minimum 144-hour salt spray resistance value required by our customers,” indicates Scalabrino. Some time ago, the firm received a few orders for the treatment of bath baskets. The progressive increase in requests for coated wire products by the well-known Swedish brand led Dradura’s management to install a new coating line: started up in October 2019, it is devoted exclusively to the coating of wire mesh baskets.
A flexible, future-ready line “As requests continue to grow, every solution adopted to intensify production is fundamental for us,” notes Scalabrino The booth is equipped with 8 guns per side.
Metal wire intersections are among the most difficult elements to coat.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
while describing the main features of the new coating plant. Dradura’s technical team
P25 column standard or customizable system to hang from the smallest parts to heavy 6-metre long bars
© ipcm
The Wagner SuperCenter EVO system.
developed and optimised it together with three
this case. O.M.SA pays close attention to the
partner companies: Wagner, which designed and
construction and manufacture of its equipment.
installed the application system, Rostirolla, which
For instance, the peculiar structure of our oven
took care of the hanging system, and O.M.SA. Srl
panels has been developed to guarantee a high
(Besana Brianza, Monza e Brianza, Italy), which was
coefficient of thermal insulation, as well as for easy
responsible for the coating line. Dradura already
transport and quick installation. Specifically, for
knew O.M.SA. because it was its long-standing
Dradura’s line, we developed a 6-stage multi-metal
supplier of both coating and wire plasticisation
pre-treatment plant, including degreasing, two
equipment. “Coping with the increase in our
rinses with mains water and one with demineralised
production volumes was the primary need that we
water, nanotechnology conversion, and a final
wanted to meet with this project,” says Scalabrino.
rinse with demineralised water.” After exiting the
“However, we were looking for a plant solution that
pre-treatment tunnel, the workpieces enter a drying
was not only able to meet our current needs, but
oven, followed by a cooling area located before
also to treat any type of component that could be
the coating booth and, afterwards, they reach a
commissioned to Dradura in future: our new line
conventional curing oven.
has fully achieved both of these objectives.”
The technological core of the line: the coating booth
“The plant,” explains O.M.SA. owner, Giovanni
“The booth we have supplied to Dradura,” says
Sala, “was installed very quickly, as the customer’s
Wagner Sales Manager, Venanzio Rosada, “is a
request was urgent. Indeed, the elements that
last generation SuperCube machine equipped
characterise the design and construction of
with 8 guns per side and a total of 18, including 2
O.M.SA.’s plants are quality, long-term reliability, and
guns for pre and post-retouching operations, and
the configuration of a specific layout for optimising
pre-arranged for quick colour change operations.
the production flow, as required by Dradura in
These are not needed for now – currently, there
© ipcm
The inside of the SuperCenter EVO with the two load cells for powder boxes.
© ipcm
The EPG S2 generators.
are only four colours used: two white shades, one black, and one grey
to avoid any risk of sintering, that is, powder agglomeration that can
– but, should they be required in future, they will be easily managed by
result in rejects. Constant powder levels translate into constant flow rate
SuperCenter EVO, the powder management unit 4.0 that is Wagner’s
reaching the guns through our high-density Venturi pumps, which use
less transport air than the previous Venturi system.
“Wire mesh,” says Scalabrino, “is certainly among the most difficult
“For gun control, the system is equipped with EPG S2 generators
elements to coat: these carbon steel baskets of about 30x40 cm are
operating in combination with the central management system, which is
characterised by little coatable surface and a lot of free space, so powder
fully automatic and able to store up to 200 recipes. Thanks to the booth’s
loss is high. Moreover, according to the customer’s specifications, the
scanning device, which detects the parts’ shape and arrangement on
film thickness must be 50 µm, and our main difficulty was obtaining this
the conveyor, the system can activate the guns needed to carry out the
result on the wire mesh intersections. Thanks to the system developed
application operation and deactivate those that must not operate. Finally,
by Wagner, we can obtain a homogeneous coating layer over the entire
the SuperCube machine features a twofold lateral suction device that
wire surface, by applying the correct amount of product and recovering
replaces the floor suction one. This avoids any depressions in the powder
any over-applied powder.”
applied in the central part of the booth: this further helps to effectively
The technological core of the coating plant is in fact its powder
optimise coating on difficult-to-treat products such as metal mesh, in
management unit, whose integrated weighing system does not only
terms of both performance and consumption.”
keep the powder level constant, but also enables consumption to be measured. “Our new SuperCenter is able to handle large production
The high productivity rate of the new coating line
batches and keep consumption monitored thanks to the integration of
Although this project was primarily aimed at optimising the company’s
two load cells, on which two boxes of powder at a time are placed and
coating process, a number of features that are usually considered of
weighed, and a fluidisation system, which mixes fresh and recovered
secondary importance in a surface treatment line, such as the position
powder,” explains Rosada. “This high-efficiency plant was also designed
of hooks and load bars on the conveyor, were tackled carefully. “For
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
High performance modified alcohol cleaning machines
© ipcm
High pressure waterjet deburring and cleaning systems
Entry into the curing oven.
this aspect, we decided to rely on Rostirolla Srl, which specialises precisely in the production of hooks, load bars, and masks,” says Scalabrino. “Actually, they presented to us their project for a new load bar just when we were looking for a solution that would optimise our production capacity.” Simone Rostirolla, the owner of Rostirolla Srl together with his brother Pierluigi, explains the client’s requests: “Dradura was looking for a solution to hang the pieces that was first modular, in order
Complete integrated in-house build automation
to optimize the efficiency of the system with products of different shapes and types. It should be also sturdy and durable and light to handle, at the same time. In addition, the support hook had to be easily replaced, so that it was not necessary to remove the entire bar daily. We proposed our P25 hanging system combined with the HB hook interlocking system. It is characterized by a central bearing rod called column and a horizontal bar with HB welded sheet metal boxes, which accommodate a Ø2mm metal wire hook.
All the components used for the Dradura’s bar are standardized and tested over the years. They ensure a smooth functioning, despite numerous coating cycles. Of course, the measurements of
our systems (height and type of handle, useful height, distance and number of positions) can be customized”.
Tel. +39 02 97289696
© Rostirolla
© Rostirolla
A detail of the P25 system’s comb.
The GHB hook with a diameter of 2 mm.
“Now, for each new part to be treated on our line,” explains Scalabrino, “we prepare a sample and we interface with Rostirolla and Wagner’s technical departments to identify together the optimal orientation and arrangement of the workpieces to guarantee the most efficient pre-treatment and powder application operations. For example, in the case of the baskets we are currently treating, we hung four of them at a time on each frame.”
Conclusions Maurizio Scalabrino concludes our meeting by emphasising that this line’s high production capacity has also had important consequences in terms of lean production: “The coating phase occurs between mechanical processing and automatic packaging, which is performed by wrapping robots with stretch film. We are currently implementing a lean production project aimed at optimising our production flow. Due to the high speed of the coating plant we still have a few small storage buffers after the curing station, accommodating about 10 baskets. Moreover, in terms of production control, the automatic coating management system provided by Wagner has enabled our coating manager to devote their time to other functions: in the event of a problem, the system has alarms to indicate any malfunction or that an empty powder box needs replacing.” Since an important customer is very pleased with these finished products, Dradura has invested heavily in this project and it expects further orders, with impressive production volumes to be handled. “Based on our prediction, we have already designed a modification to our one-rail conveyor: we want to lower its chain in order to recover space and take advantage of a third level for hanging load bars. This will enable us to coat 33% more baskets and further increase our production capacity, also thanks to the high coating performance that our new line guarantees.”
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
After coating, the baskets are sent to the packing area.
L’unica vernice in polvere rapida a bassa temperatura
The unique fast and low bake powder coating
Condizioni di cottura Curing Condition: Raggrinzato/ Fine textured: 3 min. @ 120°C Liscio / Smooth: 8 min. @ 140°C 14 min. @ 130°C 20 min. @ 120°C Caratteristiche tecniche Resistenza UV: 2000 ore
Resistenza chimica: paragonabile a un poliuretano Resistenza al graffio e durezza superficiali: non paragonabili a polveri attuali Nebbia salina: 700 ore (su ferro sabbiato)
Technical Features UV resistance: 2000 hours
Chemical resistance: comparable with polyurethane Scratch resistance and hardness: not comparable with existing systems Salt spray chamber: 700 hours on sandblasted panel
The Pulvercoat project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825511
Pulverit S.p.A. Italia Via Carlo Reale, 15/4 20157 Milano-Italy Tel +39 02 376751 email:
Pulverit Polska Sp. z o.o. ul. Strefowa 16 43100 Tychy-Polska Tel. +48 32 329 14 11 email:
Pulverit Deutschland GmbH Im Wert 3 73563 Mögglingen- Deutschland telef.: +49 7174 7193000 email:
Pulverit Iberia s.l.u. c/ Caravis, 28, 1º 3ª 50197 Zaragoza Tel. +34 607163259 Email:
Š 3D Besa
Components printed by 3D Besa.
The Perfect Combination of 3D Printing and PVD Sputtering: From Prototyping to the New Frontiers of Additive Manufacturing Monica Fumagalli ipcm
The additive manufacturing industry is expanding rapidly. In 2020, its global turnover reached $12 billion and it is expected to reach about $78 billion by 20281. The surface treatment sector must prepare for the new challenges that 3D printed components will present. This case study focusses on 3D Besa, the 3D printing division of Besafilm, and Kolzer, a company specialising in the design and manufacture of systems for the PVD sputtering coating of plastic and metal, which are developing together innovative finishing solutions that take us into the future of AM. 1 (15.01.2021)
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
n our collective memory, one the few positive and certainly most
Conceived for the prototyping of objects to be tested before starting
indelible moments of 2020, a year dominated by the pandemic,
mass industrialisation, AM is now widely regarded as the future of
relates to Cristian Fracassi. This young Italian engineer hit the
manufacturing 4.0.
national and international headlines because, thanks to the 3D
Youri Beltrame also believes this. He is the owner of Besafilm Srl
printing technology, he first created some respiratory valves,
(Colognola ai Colli, Verona, Italy), which in 2018 decided to diversify
desperately needed by his nearby hospital, and then had the idea
its production, centred on cutting and rewinding processes for plastic
to turn snorkel masks into ventilators for the many overcrowded
and paper materials for more than thirty years, by inaugurating a new
hospitals that were lacking the necessary equipment to overcome the
division for three-dimensional printing: 3D Besa. “When it comes to
health care crisis (
diversifying production, the advice you hear most often is to keep your
printing). From small components to the entire structure of a
core business within your industry. However, Besafilm has reached a
6.5 m long boat (, there is a
level of expertise that is hard to match in the cutting and rewinding
feeling that additive manufacturing (AM), i.e. the digital production
fields. Our most obvious evolution could have been in the plastics
system based on the use of 3D printing for the creation of
moulding industry, where, however, competition is extreme due to
manufactured objects, has no longer any limits in terms of production
the large number of specialised companies and the relatively limited
and, if it still encounters one, it can overcome them quickly through
possibilities of innovating. Therefore, I chose to radically change and
the development of more and more advanced technological solutions.
focus on what I believe is the technology of the future, that is, additive
Š ipcm
The CAD design of a complex object.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
© ipcm
The industrial 3D printer with the Multi Jet Fusion technology.
manufacturing through 3D printing.”
ability to meet any type of request, even with unusual materials.
On the other hand, competition is increasing exponentially also in
These aspects make us almost unique in our industry. Our company
this sector, often characterised by an erratic approach to production
now aims to achieve the same goal with its new division, 3D Besa.”
and little attention to the numerous, delicate process steps involved
The adventure of 3D Besa began two years ago with the acquisition
in three-dimensional printing. “That is why I decided, once again, to
of an industrial Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) printer, which turns PA12
distinguish my company by offering end products manufactured
nylon powder polymers into a layer that is superimposed on
with a production cycle that does not stop with the printed object,
the previous one while this is still melted, in order to fully bond
but continues with its surface treatment thanks to a PVD sputtering
them. This machine was subsequently integrated with some resin
deposition system provided by Kolzer Srl (Cologno Monzese, Milan,
printers, which represent the evolution of wire printing. “The use
of AM technologies increased sharply during last year’s lockdown,”
A company that does not fear “business risks”
indicates Beltrame. “On the one hand, this has enabled to rapidly develop some technologies that were still linked to the prototyping
What distinguishes Beltrame’s management style is his far-sighted
of components. On the other hand, however, it has led many
and often nonconformist perspective. “This vision has enabled us to
companies to start working with them without yet having the
provide our customers with a complete service and it has given to
necessary skills to deal with their related processes.”
Besafilm both high flexibility in the management of orders and the
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Efficient and reliable solutions for surface coating since 1988.
electrostatic systems for liquid painting
electrostatic systems and spraying booths for powder coating © ipcm
The inside of the additive manufacturing printer.
pneumatic systems for high-, medium-, and low-pressure painting
Finishing issues Beltrame’s initial business idea was to supply a finished product that was not only printed but also chrome plated and liquid
IR and UV drying systems
coated. “The main problem was that the first solutions we were offered for chrome plating involved a galvanic treatment process, which I did not want to perform. Then, I was fortunate enough to meet Kolzer’s engineers at a trade show. Their finishing technology
robot and reciprocators
seemed to match perfectly with the idea of rapid, flexible, and above all ecological production that I had in mind for 3D Besa: a solution that clearly breaks with the past and projects us into the future of additive manufacturing.” Kolzer Business Development Manager, Stefano Lazzerini explains that “it is a strategic choice to opt for the PVD sputtering finishing of 3D printed products. In this way, it is possible to treat the plastic materials used in this technology (galvanic processes only allow coating chromium plating-ready ABS) and, at the same time,
obtain decorative finishes with many colours and deposits that
CM SPRAY s.r.l.
© ipcm
A bird’s eye view of the PVD sputtering machine.
are also functional, all while maintaining full control over the deposited metal thicknesses. Of course, particular attention must be paid to the preparation of the 3D printed material before the PVD sputtering operation, due to the roughness levels inherent in the additive manufacturing process. 3D Besa, however, has successfully developed some dedicated procedures aimed at solving this critical issue.” “I am convinced that, in the next few years, the PVD sputtering technology will be the finishing solution of choice for many AM components,” states Beltrame. “It will be necessary to move beyond the traditional view of this process, in order to improve it and learn how to prepare surfaces properly. At the same time, new finishing solutions will be developed and, in the end, this technology will become the optimum that no one will be able to give up. This is one of
© ipcm
the goals that the partnership between 3D Besa The liquid coating booth.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
and Kolzer aims at achieving.”
© ipcm
A detail of the Kolzer machine’s loading system.
Developments in PVD sputtering for 3D printed parts
in the lighting, electronics, automotive, marine,
The installed system belongs to Kolzer’s DGK 36
growth are very promising. We would also be
series. “This type of machines,” notes Lazzerini, “is
able to end the surface coating treatment with
characterised by simplicity of use and minimum
the PVD phase, without the need for the final
footprint, two elements that make it appealing to
layer of pigmented clear coat, which would
a company specialising in 3D printed products.
be an advantage in terms of both process
Compact design minimises operator movement
simplification and resistance to light of the
and simplifies machine loading.” 3D Besa’s
metallised surfaces.”
finishing process, which takes about 40 minutes,
and art sectors, where our possibilities for
includes primer application, coating through PVD
A new industrial culture
sputtering and/or PECVD (e.g. nano quartz), and
“Our collaboration with Kolzer,” says Beltrame,
clear coat application (optional).
“has enabled me not only to get to know a
“One of the needs that I am noticing and on
company with the same values that I consider
which I would like to continue to work with
fundamental for our production, such as
Kolzer,” says Beltrame, “is the possibility to mix
sustainability, but also to appreciate its
more metal targets than the current two. This
professional ethics in dealing with customers.
would enable us to increase the variety of hues
Users do not need a system supplier that,
offered to our customers, which mainly operate
however competent, ends the relationship once
© ipcm
Frames used for the metallisation of components.
© ipcm
Some finished plates with different chrome effects.
the machine is delivered, but a partner, almost a travel companion,
workpieces that will be delivered to us already printed.”
capable of growing together with them and, therefore, providing
Additive manufacturing offers several benefits, including speed,
them with the tools to gain a competitive advantage over the
as it allows moving from CAD design to printed products very
market. Kolzer is exactly this.
quickly, full customisation, and sustainability. However, it still
“We are now on track to optimise our process: the next six months
has a few disadvantages. The number of manageable batches is
will be critical. First of all, we will need to automate the surface
currently limited, although there is an increasing trend towards true
preparation phase after 3D printing, which is still done by manual
industrialisation in this sector, which will imply a new approach also in
sanding. Optimising our coating process will enable us to not only
terms of costs of raw materials and moulded components, which are
provide perfect end products to our customers, but also to offer, in
still too high. However, the future of three-dimensional printing and
a not distant future, a contracting metallisation service by treating
its related surface treatments has been mapped out.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
New 2021 La nuova frontiera della verniciatura di massa
Luca Floreanini designer
La soluzione ideale Verniciare e/o trattare in modo automatico e veloce piccoli pezzi a lotti (metallici e non) quali ad esempio: bulloni, viti, molle, O-ring e molto altro. Il nuovo processo Controllo automatizzato della portata e delle modalità di spruzzatura, che permette di ottenere una bagnabilità perfetta dei pezzi in ogni fase del ciclo.
La gestione del Centro di lavoro Rotover 4.0 Sistema di pianificazione lotti per una o più macchine facile e interattivo. Data base cicli di lavoro accessibile da ogni macchina e facilmente aggiornabile: interconnessione in logica 4.0 La multifunzionalità Cestelli intercambiabili di varie forme, misure. e geometrie, pensati per diversi tipi di lavorazione e diversi materiali tutti con la .stessa macchina.
Dalla parte dell’operatore Un software di controllo facile e immediato.
Nuovo design Funzionale ed ergonomico.
Nuovo controllo temperatura Affidabile, preciso, economico.
Il Servizio Clienti Inviaci un lotto di prova e Imel ti preparerà il ciclo ottimizzato per la produzione.
Il Data Management Il nuovo Sw di controllo memorizza tutti i dati di processo per una misurazione accurata dei consumi, dei costi di produzione e per la gestione della manutenzione preventiva. .
Benefici fiscali L’investimento ricade nei benefici fiscali previsti dalla nuova Legge di bilancio.
Per saperne di più, scansiona il QR code per aggiungere ai tuoi contatti i riferimenti del nostro resposabile prodotto.
IMEL SpA – Via Divisione Julia 10 – 33033 Codroipo, UD – Italy – T +39 0432 908578 – –
A Look Back at the Great Crises of the Past to Overcome Fear Adriano Antonelli IBIX Srl - Lugo (Ravenna), Italy
urrent events as told by newspapers will soon turn into history
The crises of the 20th century
to be written in textbooks. For now, however, we are still
The economic crisis that immediately springs to mind, and which
wondering how we will get out of this and what price we will
is often used as a basis for comparison with more recent crises, is
have to pay in economic and social terms. Certainly, the past can offer
certainly that of 1929. After years of uninterrupted financial and
valuable teachings, especially to avoid repeating some mistakes. In
production growth, there was a sudden stop. Thursday, 24 and
particular, national economies will have to be shaken up before being
Tuesday, 29 October were the two “black days” that went down in
competitive again in international markets. So, how will they need
history. That crisis was the result of uncertainty about whether growth
to be organised and how will value chains change? Many industrial
was real and lasting or the economic bubble, as we would now call it,
districts are already transforming their structures and services.
was about to burst at any time. The overseas crisis quickly transferred
In general, the questions are manifold and the future economic
to international markets and especially to the European ones. Some
scenarios are uncertain and difficult to predict, but we can start by
countries already in difficulties, such as Germany, had the worst of it.
delving into how some past crises were overcome. © HangOn
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Then, in 1973, we found ourselves dealing
© HangOn
worldwide. In developing countries, chronic
with a crisis that was primarily political in
underinvestment in healthcare has surfaced,
nature. The members of the Organisation of
thus putting their entire systems under
the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
pressure. We should also note that lockdowns,
decided to increase crude oil prices by 70%.
a measure designed to contain the pandemic
Later that year, they doubled these already
and with which we are all now very familiar,
adjusted prices. Raw material exporting
in about two months have caused more
nations aimed at sending a message to
damage than the whole previous financial
importing Western countries, which had
and economic crisis. We can now expect
supported Israel’s policies. This turned out to
a worsening in the labour market, with
be a harsh punishment especially for countries
possible massive layoffs. Italy, like some
like Italy, which were and still are net importers
other countries, has also been damaged in
of raw materials.
its tourism, catering, and leisure sectors, with consequences on the entire supply chain.
The crises of the new millennium
In order to avoid an uneven and poorly
Also in this case, there is a date that got stuck
articulated restart, Europe should now plan an
in our memory: on 15 September 2008, the
inclusive recovery policy.
investment bank Lehman Brothers collapsed. The origin of this crisis was purely financial.
Optimising production capacity
Loans that were provided to potentially
Let us now delve into the effects and possible
high-risk individuals had been “unpacked”
measures for our market niche, by asking
and resold into other financial products.
ourselves how we can face these new
The bubble burst when debt holders could
challenges. HangOn has launched some
no longer repay. Banks found themselves handling a large amount of papers that had lost their value. The banking liquidity
new products (which in Italy are distributed Figure 1 - An example of a frame with a high hanging density.
crisis fell onto the real economy, where the
by Tecno Supply, a division of Ibix) designed to reduce masking and hanging times and maximise production capacity accordingly.
‘Quantitative Easing’ policy managed to stem the problem.
With hanging operations, in particular, it is important to have flexible,
Then, after a debt crisis in 2010, we had to deal with a crisis due to
non-specific frames available: as these are not assigned to any specific
the accumulated debt that had been needed to boost the depressed
workpiece, their cost is divided among different components and
economy. The question that arose was whether highly indebted
batches. The witness mark left by the hook must be minimised to
countries would be able to repay and honour their outstanding debts.
prevent corrosion from initiating and spreading over the entire coating.
From that moment on, speculation on public debt began, thus causing
The frames’ limited weight is also crucial for lower cleaning costs
the spread to rise, with all the consequences we know. This led Mario
and easier handling. Finally, another key aspect is hanging density.
Draghi to say his famous phrase “Whatever it takes”, which froze
Obviously while preventing the workpieces from “shadowing” each
stock exchanges and stopped any speculation attempts, since the
other, the possibility of hanging as many components as possible in
EU umbrella was too strong and wide to be undermined. The Italian
the available space is a decisive factor that guarantees a significant
GDP, which had been struggling to return to a positive growth trend,
reduction in costs. This can sometimes require off-line pre-application
reversed its course.
operations (fig. 1).
The current crisis
The main features of the HQL bar
And here we are in the present day with a crisis that originated in
HQL bars are produced fully automatically: this makes it possible to
healthcare, but that has also reduced the demand for consumer
sell them at a low cost, as well as using them as disposable products.
goods. The contraction in global GDP is substantial and it includes
In order to hang parts symmetrically, a double hook is inserted in the
double-digit figures for international trade. Unlike in the previous
bar, which has a diameter of 1 mm. For instance, the HQL 800X33
crisis, there are not specific industrial zones or districts affected,
bar features 46 hooks along a length of 800 mm. These bars can be
but rather the consequences are hitting almost indiscriminately
integrated into HCF universal systems. In this way, the system becomes
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
© HangOn
Figure 2 – The new HQL bar.
© HangOn
Figure 3 – Some new products in the HangOn range.
© HangOn
Figure 4 – A comparison between BH R58 and HQC frames and a single-hook hanging solution.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© HangOn
Figure 5 – The new metal adapter also allows inserting an H11B bar.
modular and it is possible to insert the bars according to the characteristics of the workpieces to be treated. The related HQL G6 cap, finally, does not compromise the electrostatic field.
Custom-built painting installations Macchine e impianti realizzati su misura
The benefits of using this bar type are therefore manifold: • time saving – up to 30 times faster than using single hooks; • minimised mark left by the hook; • use of harmonic steel hooks; • possibility to request bars with special hook configurations;
Shot blasting booths Cabine di sabbiatura
• functional packaging to reduce transportation costs.
New solutions to simplify the pre-application phase HangOn has expanded its range with several products always ready in stock for immediate use (figs. 2 and 3). The HQC series, for example, is a good, sturdier option (fig. 4). The bar accommodates 1.5 mm diameter hooks, but only on one side. The bar’s coupling can be inserted into a central hook with a diameter
Washing tunnels Tunnel di lavaggio
of 10 mm. The R 58 bar-holder guarantees the stability of the bar and the possibility to extract it in an easy way, also thanks to the use of the BH G 20 cap. The resulting frame is inexpensive and flexible, since any level can be skipped. The hooks have a distance of 50, 75, and 100 mm. This type of bar was also designed to avoid using single hooks. Indeed, this dramatically reduces handing times, as a ready-to-use
Liquid painting installations
Impianti di verniciatura a liquido
frame eliminates the need to manage single hooks. Moreover, this frame ensures easy offline pre-hanging operations. Other advantages include the ability to use it for multiple workpiece configurations and the fact that the bar’s production technology enables it to cost almost as little as a single hook: therefore, purchasing this frame does not cost more than a standard hook. Finally, in order to make it more versatile, a new metal adapter has been launched that allows inserting also H11B bars.
Powder painting booths
Cabine di verniciatura a polvere
In this way, using the same central hook, it is possible to accommodate bars for hooks up to 4 mm in diameter, for higher
Flexible frames: hanging anything from small parts to profiles Another flexible and economical system that can be used for
Curing ovens
Forni di cottura
hanging small parts and profiles is the HQS frame, with metal slats to allow hanging both single parts and profiles (figs. 6, 7, and 8). The central 4 or 5 mm hook guarantees an overall resistance of the frame up to 100 kg. HQS frames feature various types of hooks, thanks to which each customer can find the best configuration for its specific use. The tree can be up to 2,400 mm in length, while the slats are 1.0 mm thick and 18 mm high. It is also possible to create different configurations: slats on one side only (i.e. sheared), zigzag-shaped, or bent from 0 to 180°. This type of bar
Eurotherm S.p.A. T +39 011 98 23 500 | M Eurotherm Lackieranlagen GmbH T +49 711 400 545 13 | M
was also designed to avoid using single hooks. Again, the fact that Eurotherm France S.A.S. T +33 (0) 4 90 55 20 75 | M
Made with passion in Italy
horizontal flexibility (fig. 5).
© HangOn
© HangOn
Figure 6 – Metal slats for HQS frames.
© HangOn
Figure 7 – A detail of the hanging system of HQS frames.
Figure 8 – Examples of HQS frames.
the frames are produced automatically guarantees a limited cost,
processes more efficiently. The flexibility of HangOn’s universal frames
equivalent to that of single hooks. Several new configurations have
has been extensively discussed in a few previous articles here on
also been launched for this product family, so that users can find the
ipcm®. The possibility to use interchangeable load bars, and, in some
most appropriate hook shape for their components. Another new
cases, accessories that can be inserted on them depending on the
feature is the adapter that allows extending the HQS frames by using
workpiece to be hung enables to significantly reduce the number of
any standard or currently available one. HQS frames can be applied to
different frame types required and, therefore, limit the space needed
different operations, including hanging small parts, more or less heavy
for the storage of the frames and their handling, as also described in a
components, and profiles.
previous article1.
Ad hoc solutions for different applications In addition to its automatically produced, standardised range, HangOn can build ad hoc frames, hooks, and systems according to customer needs. Trolleys also allow managing industrial treatment
© HangOn
A. Antonelli, “Whatever it takes!,” in ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 66 (November/December 2020), vol. XI, pp. 168-172. “Fill the line: a modern production philosophy to boost the efficiency of your coating line,” in ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 65 (September/ October 2020), vol. XI, pp. 122-124. 1
© HangOn
Figures 9 and 10 – Examples of frames for cataphoresis coating.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© HangOn
© HangOn
© HangOn
Figure 11 – A hanging system using magnets.
Figure 12 – The use of magnets guarantees fast hanging and solves the critical issues related to the absence of holes.
Figure 13 – Other examples of special hanging applications.
Here, on the other hand, we would like to dwell on the use of
protect any parts that do not need to be painted and not to create
cataphoresis universal frames (figs. 9 and 10). Their structure is
inefficiencies in downstream stations, especially in the assembly
the same, but the bars and accessories are different to guarantee
department. An assembly line cannot be stopped for a pin that does
maximum conductivity. Pre-welded bars with square hooks are
not screw in smoothly: therefore, all components must come out
available in the standard range, which minimise contact. For greater
of the coating phase in optimal condition. For this to be possible,
flexibility, hook-holders are available where square hooks can be
they must be carefully protected where necessary. This calls for the
inserted with protective caps at the top.
following characteristics of masks: speed in protecting the parts
Another interesting hanging application is the use of magnets (figs.
not to be treated, perfect seal, ease of insertion, and the ability to
11, 12, and 13). In cases where metallic coatings are not used and
remove the masking system and reclassify it for later use. Sometimes,
the presence of a non-coated area is acceptable, one of the two faces
moreover, one object may require the use of 50-60 masks, some of
of the metal workpiece can accommodate a magnet for hanging.
them similar to each other: the possibility to identify the right product
This technique guarantees fast hanging and solves the critical issues
at a glance is therefore of fundamental importance.
related to the absence of holes. The range includes several magnets,
Another aspect to consider is pre-treatment. In fact, sometimes,
to be selected according to the weight to be carried. The magnet is
masks must be inserted prior to pre-treatment. In the case of
always covered with a silicone mask to prevent it from getting dirty.
sandblasting or shot blasting operations, these must resist abrasion
The importance of masking
and prevent grit from penetrating into the holes and cavities of the treated products. Otherwise, the coated part will be considered non-
The other aspect that is gaining more and more attention in the
compliant. Other times, such as in the case of phosphodegreasing
coating field is that of masking, an operation performed in order to
applications, the inserted masks must be waterproof, otherwise
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
some functional parts of the machine may be damaged. Finally,
component. In the case of bushings with large through holes, good
there are several occasions in which components are treated with
results have been obtained with expanded silicone. SP expanded
a cataphoresis process, as it offers obvious advantages in terms of
silicone tubes, which can be cut to measure, expand into the hole,
corrosion protection. In these cases, the use of tight masking systems
thus creating a mask that prevents any shading and build up effects.
is essential.
Their maximum diameter is 60 mm. GBH caps also allow masking
A great variety of masks
large holes, although with a smaller diameter, as the cap has little silicone. HangOn has recently expanded this product family with a
Many ready-to-use products in the HangOn range can guarantee the
few additional sizes. GDM H cylindrical caps can also mask large-sized
achievement of the customer companies’ production objectives in
through holes up to 83 mm. These allow for proper masking and,
terms of time and methods, management of masks before and after
more importantly, protection of holes during sandblasting.
use, and, therefore, of final results. The silicone system line certainly
For pins, HangOn has designed non-standard caps such as the GAP
belongs to these high-performance products. It is coloured, and tint
and GAQ ones, which allow protecting pins up to 50 mm and with
consistency is guaranteed for each batch. For example, the M4 size is
variable lengths (fig. 14). GAP caps feature a ventilation valve to insert
white in all its various configurations, so that operators can recognise
and remove the mask without air resistance. Given the ever-increasing
and classify it easily and quickly. Colours can also be modified and
demand, HangOn has decided to expand the range with new sizes.
customised in order to match each device with a specific tint. Here are
GAQ caps, on the other hand, allow significantly reducing masking
a few examples of products included.
times thanks to their particular configuration.
GDM caps allow hermetically sealing through holes. The cylinder terminal part enables to tighten the nut’s flaring. This series currently
Masks in different materials
includes caps up to 83 mm in size. These caps are hollow for easier
As there is an increasing need for special, customised masks
insertion. QB caps are screw caps for blind holes, i.e. parts where
manufactured without long moulding times, let us now briefly analyse
depth is minimal and it is necessary to close a hole hermetically and
the currently available materials that can be cut and glued.
guarantee the mask stays still even during the movement of the
© HangOn
Figure 14 – The new non-standard GAP and GAQ caps allow protecting pins up to 50 mm and with variable lengths.
© HangOn
Figure 15 – Masks in magnetic silicone 1 mm and magnetic PVC 0.9 mm.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
© HangOn
© HangOn
Figure 16 – An MDF mask with magnets.
Figure 17 – Examples of masks in cork and cork with EPDM.
Solid silicone from 1 to 6 mm
pre-treatment because it would soak up water. It is less flexible and
Solid silicone has the same characteristics as the silicone (plugs and
therefore more difficult to clean. On the other hand, however, it is
caps) used in coating plants. It comes in sheets that can be die-cut
more economical and it withstands temperatures up to 200 °C, which
to measure. They can be glued on top of each other to increase
makes it also suitable for powder applications (fig. 16).
thickness and pull handles can be applied to them. The masks obtained can be cleaned like conical caps.
Cork from 2 to 25 mm Compressed cork is an inexpensive material designed for liquid
Silicone foam from 2 to 20 mm
applications. It withstands temperatures up to 150 °C and it can be
This material looks like a sponge. Thanks to its silicone nature, it can
glued to other materials. Magnets can be added in this type of masks
withstand high temperatures and it is also cleanable. Its softness
to provide more stability and better grip on parts. In order to improve
allows inserting the caps easily and provides an efficient grip. It can be
grip, it is also possible to add caps (fig. 17).
glued to solid silicone when required (fig. 15). Such a wide variety of materials and options enables every company EPDM from 1 to 6 mm
to select the best masking system according to its production times
It is rigid and resistant to the abrasive action of mechanical
and methods. Masks must be chosen by considering, first of all, the
pre-treatments. It has a maximum heat resistance of 170 °C.
characteristics of the workpiece to be protected, the acceptable tolerance rates, the hanging system used, the level of simplicity
Magnetic silicone 1 to 2 mm
required in the masking operation, the product type, the durability
It has a magnetic power that enables it to stick to ferrous material,
performance, and the budget. These masking systems’ flexibility
thus eliminating the need for disposable taping systems. It withstands
is especially evident when it comes to quantity: since there are
a temperature of 250 °C and it can be easily cleaned and glued to the
no minimum amounts, HangOn can produce exactly the number
above materials.
of items needed. Moreover, if the technical department changed the dimension of the component to be coated, a new mask could
be manufactured with no fixed costs to bear. Even in the event of
Compared with the previous materials, MDF has a few limits. It can
damage or wear of some products, these can be replaced at no
be applied before mechanical pre-treatment, but not chemical
additional cost.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
do you need a CHAIN CONVEYOR?
BRAND NEW HOOK! loading capacity > 1,500 kg, it allows the rotation with an integrated lock system
TRAS-MEC is the first company to safeguard your system and contractually guarantee a downtime free production.
© Zoer
© Zoer
French Artist Creates a Colour Palette With 144 Automobile Models Solara is site-specific art installation by French painter Zoer, which features 144 automotive models recovered by one of largest scrapyard in France. With this project, the artist aims at creating an industrial heritage by saving automobile wreckage, while cleaning up metal-polluted soils.
oer’s project links the heart of
years has arranged them throughout his
automobiles also reflect the collective
painting - the colour - to the
life. Each vehicle appears as a component
impact of consumer objects, underlining the
automobile wreck, by defining a
of an overall composition, a pixel with its
consequent global footprint issue.
palette on 144 automobile models.
own colour and brightness among all the
In fact, through this installation, the artist
The artwork title is a reference to a car
elements of an image.
wants to underline the necessity to save
model produced until 1981, the latest car
automobile wreckage not only as industrial
The Talbot Solara. This model is among the
Heritage and ecology: the aim of the project
144 painted cars that make up the colour
To preserve the memory of these car
a successful crowdfunding campaign
chart. The title has been specifically chosen
wrecks, the artist has created a colour chart
to buy hyperaccumulating plants for
among all the industrial names because
in which the RGB reference is combined
phytoremediation of the French scrapyard
it etymologically refers to the solarization
with the collective imagination by renaming
and bring these wrecks to the museum.
phenomenon, a natural process of colour
each shade used with the name of the car
Symbolically, the artist would like that
alteration after a long exposure to the
model on which it was applied. This way,
for each car saved from complete
sunlight. To respect this phenomenon,
each colour carries with it the history of the
destruction and showcased in a museum
Zoer’s intervention focuses mainly on the
object, its use, and its personality.
or private collection, an agricultural plot of
hoods, roofs, and trunks of the cars.
By associating the individual aspect of
hyperaccumulating plants equivalent to the
The layout of these cars corresponds to the
the object with the infinity of possibilities
car’s size is planted.
way in which the scrapyard owner for 50
offered by the RGB system, all these
of Anglo-French car manufacturer Talbot:
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
heritage but also to avoid soil pollution. To tackle both issues, Zoer launched
AkzoNobel Develops A More Sustainable Way of Making Resins AkzoNobel, in collaboration with the Dutch Advanced Research Center Chemical Building Blocks Consortium (ARC CBBC), has developed a more sustainable process of making resins, which employs bio-based monomers.
ith the aim of developing a more
release of active ingredients, or the ability to
so they can be made in a more efficient way
sustainable process for making
add new functionality during the lifetime of a
and on a larger scale. Estimates suggest it
resins, AkzoNobel has been
could be around five years before the first
working with the Dutch Advanced Research
“There’s no doubt we’re on the verge of
products start to emerge.”
Center Chemical Building Blocks Consortium,
progressing to the next level of coatings
“We’ve still got a long way to go in terms of
with most of this research taking place at the
technology, thanks to this fantastic example
exploring the scope of the technology, but it
University of Groningen – where the team
of collaborative innovation in action,”
will almost certainly define the future of our
is led by professor in organic chemistry and
explains Klaas Kruithof, AkzoNobel’s Chief
products,” continues Kruithof. “By 2040 or
Nobel Prize winner, Ben Feringa, and PhD
Technology Officer. “We’re opening up a
2050, there’s also a good chance we might
student, George Hermens.
new future for paints and coatings by using
only be using bio-based monomers in our
The research conducted by AkzoNobel and
sustainable building blocks that will enable us
resin production, which will help us to reduce
the ARC CBBC has led to the development
to explore and develop some really exciting
the overall carbon footprint of our products.”
of a new process that uses bio-based
functionalities for our customers.”
A detailed explanation of the science behind
monomers to make the resins, rather than
“Faced with the challenge of developing
the development of the new process can
the traditional oil-based. Requiring just UV
the sustainable chemistry of the future – a
be found in a research article which has
light, oxygen and renewable raw materials,
major goal of the ARC CBBC – I’m extremely
just been published in the journal Science
patent applications have already been
pleased with these game-changing results,”
filed for resins and coatings made with
adds Feringa. “They show that a material
monomers derived from sugar derivatives
for coatings can be produced from biomass
For further information:
isolated from biomass.
using a sustainable chemical process. Having
This innovation could pave the way for the
started in 2018, the research project is still at
introduction of futuristic functionality, such
a relatively early stage and a lot of work still
as intelligent paint that uses controlled
lies ahead in order to optimize the monomers
The process uses bio-based monomers to make the resins. Biomass is cracked by using acid to produce the sugar derivative (furfural). Using light and oxygen and adding different alcohols, it produces monomers that can be polymerized into polymers which are used in coatings; the monomers can also be used in coating formulations which are cured by UV-A light.
© G. Hermens – P. Visser
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
Robust and Precise Mixing System for Up to Three Components Kristin Roth Dürr Systems AG, Bietigheim-Bissingen - Germany
With the EcoDose 3K, Dürr is growing its product family of paint mixing systems with a solution for three-component fluids based on the tried-and-tested two-component injection technology. The mixing system boasts a number of features including high precision, long service life, and smart functions.
by hundreds of customers worldwide, the new EcoDose 3K from Dürr boasts
a long service life and ease of maintenance. The new mixing system is used wherever three
© Dürr
ike the proven EcoDose 2K, which is used
temperature. The EcoDose 3K meets the high precision requirements with proven Dürr valve technology that enables injections in particularly short cycles.
shortly before application. Three-component
Robust valve technology for long service life
coating systems are popular in aviation,
Despite the high clock frequency of 5 Hz, the
woodworking, and yacht and boat building.
lifetime of the Dürr valve technology is second
components of a fluid need to be merged
Precise mixing thanks to injection technology
to none: the valves from the first series, which Dürr launched three years ago, have now completed over 10 million switching cycles
The EcoDose 3K is based on the same inline
without any maintenance at all and are still in
injection technology as Dürr’s established two-
operation today.
component mixing system. In an upgrade to
In addition, the clever valve design ensures
the EcoDose 2K, a colour changer, a measuring
that fluids cannot get into the valve’s pilot
cell, and a mixer have additionally been
air piston in normal operation, even in the
integrated into the system. The controller has
event of minor leaks. This prevents undesired
also been appropriately enhanced to enable it
reactions with the moisture in the air. If
to meter, merge, and mix all three components
maintenance is ever required, the valve can
fully automatically shortly before they are used.
be quickly replaced by undoing four screws –
This is done by monitoring the continuous
which means that the system is ready to use
flow of the first component using a measuring
again within just a few minutes.
cell. The other components to be injected are metered as appropriate to the desired mixing ratio by opening and closing valves. The metering quantity is also monitored using
Smart functions complement the EcoDose 3K
measuring cells to ensure the correct mixing ratio is maintained.
Dürr’s EcoDose 3K is complemented by a 7-inch colour touchscreen
Particular precision is needed for the third component, which
display. Users quickly find their bearings, since operation is similar
typically determines the viscosity. This is because only a very
to Dürr’s other controller-based products. The standard delivery
small amount of this agent is added, and it often has a very low
contents also include an Ethernet communication interface that
viscosity. Dürr uses Coriolis measuring cells in the EcoDose 3K as
can be integrated into the particular controller landscape. The
the most efficient way of dealing with low viscosities. These are
mixing system also has smart functions to minimize both detergent
maintenance-free, offer high measurement accuracy, and provide
consumption and fluid loss, and to significantly reduce the time
additional measurement functions, for example for density and
required for rinsing and loading a new medium.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Salcomix è il marchio di AkzoNobel per un sistema di prodotti vernicianti industriali dal design modulare, che può essere utilizzato per fornire vernici per una grande varietà di applicazioni per l‘industria leggera, in modo rapido e flessibile. Questo è possibile grazie a un sistema di miscelazione che offre una superiore precisione del colore con la massima varietà di prodotto. Salcomix is AkzoNobel's brand for a modularly designed industrial coatings system that can be used to provide paints for a variety of small-industry applications, quickly and flexibly. This is possible thanks to a mixing system that offers superior color accuracy with maximum product diversity.
FASTER. A Turnkey Powder Coating Plant for Laboratory Fume Hood Components Francesco Stucchi, ipcm
During the “year of the Pandemic” – as 2020 will be remembered by future generations – only a few industrial fields could profit of the situation and increase (or at least keep steady) their production volume and turnover. One of these industries was the laboratory equipment sector. Companies in this field could meet the growing demand for their products only if they were well-structured and well-organized at a production level. One of the key factors to succeed and to streamline the workflow was to have the coating stage integrated in the production process. This was exactly what allowed the Italian company FASTER to expand its offer and meet the demand: a brand-new powder coating installation designed by CMV Srl. © FASTER
Some of the fume hoods manufactured by FASTER.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
The system designed and installed by CMV.
he COVID-19 pandemic affected the industrial world not only
of reaching a temperature of -80 °C, which are currently very topical
negatively, with a general decline in production due to the
because they are used for the conservation of the first COVID-19
contraction of consumption: some industries have actually
vaccines approved by the European Union during transport and
experienced a surge in demand, thanks to the new diagnostic,
storage. Thanks to the foresight of its management, which had already
treatment, and disease prevention needs. One of these is the
laid the groundwork in 2016 for an expansion that included powder
laboratory equipment sector, which has seen an increase in requests
coating, FASTER has been able to cope with increased production and
for instruments, chemicals, fume hoods, freezers, and even furniture.
meet the still-growing demand for chemical fume and laminar flow
DASIT Group is an Italian holding company that controls several
hoods. CMV Srl (Pesaro, Italy) handled the project for the insourcing of
companies operating in the laboratory field: Vitro Diagnostics (IVD),
FASTER’s coating operations.
CARLO ERBA Reagents, a well-established firm within the research and industrial laboratory sector, which produces chemical reagents and
A completely redesigned production flow
commercialises laboratory material on the Italian and foreign markets,
“FASTER employs about 90 people,” explains production coordinator,
and FASTER, which operates in commercial synergy with CARLO
Marco Benfenati. “Our production plant in Ferrara, which extends over
ERBA Reagents and it is a leader in the manufacture of high-tech
an area of about 10,000 m2, is of recent construction: we moved here
instruments for air handling, cold management, and laboratory space
in 2019, while maintaining our sales, management, and R&D offices in
and furniture design. Established in 1984, FASTER’s core business are
Cornaredo (Milan). The aim of moving to this location was to insource
laminar flow and chemical fume hoods, typically placed in biology labs,
all of the production processes that we previously used to outsource,
freezers, and laboratory furniture in general. In recent years, however,
particularly metalwork and coating. The main manufacturing phase of
it has begun to expand its product range in order to provide turnkey
FASTER’s products is the assembly of hoods, which has always been
laboratories. One of the latest additions have been chillers capable
carried out in-house. However, the time had come to rationalise our
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
© ipcm
The two-rail conveyor.
production flow for higher cost efficiency and to exercise greater quality control. Insourcing all its production phases and, at the same time, moving to a new plant required a very significant investment for FASTER. We had to equip our metalwork department from scratch with laser cutting machines, an automatic warehouse for loading and unloading sheets, bending systems, welding robots and so on, as well as buying a powder coating plant, since our hoods’ bodies can be made of either stainless steel or coated carbon steel.” “A professor from the University of Bologna supported us in the development of our new production flow,” indicates Benfenati. “He suggested that we also include a coating plant, as this would have improved delivery costs and times within our supply chain. More than one year after the installation of our in-house coating plant, we have already cut the supply of coated materials to our assembly stations by at least two weeks, whereas coating costs are already slightly lower than those charged by external suppliers are. “The consultant who supported us in designing our production layout also recommended, among others, CMV as the potential supplier of our coating line. We followed his suggestion because, except for the powder application technology, CMV could supply a complete plant, including its conveyor, without subcontracting any components. Of course, insourcing our coating phase also required an investment in the training of specialised personnel. However, also thanks to the ease of use of the system designed by CMV, we have achieved good results within a year, while there is still some room for improvement in terms of quality and logistics.”
© ipcm
A box-type part to be coated.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
The stainless steel pre-treatment tunnel.
Characteristics of the coating plant The system is designed for workpieces that are maximum 2 metres long x 1.5 meters high x 2 metres wide. The load bar has a maximum load capacity of 500 kg, as FASTER also coat box-type parts weighing up to 80 kg. The cycle time is 4 minutes per load bar. Designed and installed by CMV, the plant includes a two-rail conveyor with multi-station loading and unloading areas and two storage buffers in the ovens, one inbound and one outbound; a 6-stage cell pre-treatment tunnel; a multi-station drying oven with automatic doors and an air vein burner; a fully-equipped Gema Europe powder coating booth; and a curing oven with automatic doors and an air vein burner. “The whole plant design was focused on saving energy for maximum coast efficiency,” explains CMV owner, Saimon Frati. “The pre-treatment tunnel has cells with return valves, prearranged to discharge waste water for disposal outside. Completely made of stainless steel, the tunnel has a radiant burner for water heating. The cleaning cycle includes phospho-degreasing, two mains water rinses, one demineralised water rinse, and one final no-rinse passivation stage. A demineralisation system is linked to the passivation and demineralised water rinse stations. The two-rail conveyor’s route includes some cooling areas after drying, with various stations created before the booth’s entrance. The powder application takes place in a last generation Gema automatic booth with a quick colour change system, 4 automatic guns, 2 manual stations for pre and postretouching, and a powder feeding unit with Venturi injectors.” © ipcm
“We paint raw or galvanised sheet metal with The Sherwin-Williams Company’s The powder application booth. In the foreground: the post-retouching station.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
epoxy powders. We apply a single coat © ipcm
with a thickness between 100-120 microns, although the minimum thickness required is 80 microns. Currently, we try to organise a linear production flow during the day to avoid any colour change operations, but it can happen to apply three different tints in one day due to urgent orders. At the moment, our product range includes three colours, but we will soon keep only one,” says Marco Benfenati from FASTER. “Although we do not need it at the moment, however, we chose a quick-colour change booth to remain open to the future and not to preclude the possibility of expanding our tint selection, should our laboratory furniture and freezers range expand.” “CMV integrated the coating system created for FASTER with all of the latest technologies to guarantee lower environmental impact and greater energy savings. The shape of the ovens, in particular, is very important
On the left, the entrance and exit doors to the curing oven and, on the right, the spray booth.
for saving energy,” says Saimon Frati. “These ovens are always hermetically sealed except for the passage of parts. At these times, a
© ipcm
hot air curtain is turned on to optimise heat retention inside the chamber and prevent heat loss. A control device prevents both automatic sliding doors from opening simultaneously, in order to further avoid an increase in heat loss during the passage of parts.” “I can only confirm that we have relied completely on CMV to provide us with the latest technology available so that the plant reflected the philosophy of our company,” states Benfenati. “The plant is also Industry 4.0-oriented, with management software developed in synergy by CMV and FASTER. The software package takes care of the management and handling of products on the load bars, thus guaranteeing their traceability, and it is constantly in communication with CMV’s headquarters for remote technical assistance.”
Perfect timing The touch screen.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
“The plant has been in operation for one year. We started testing it in September 2019
and actual production began in January 2020. Although we were new to coating, we did not
© ipcm
encounter any problems handling it. The system provided by CMV is exactly what we needed. The quality of the product and the project that they presented to us convinced us more than those of other competitors,” states Marco Benfenati. “Operational almost five days a week, the coating plant fully meets our production needs and it enables us to cope with any increase in production by simply scheduling a few extra shifts. CMV’s plant has practically replaced two contractors, which were actually struggling to meet our needs. We were fortunate to have a fully operational plant available at the same time as demand for our products increased due to the COVID-19 emergency. Coating in-house, finally, enables us to maintain a higher, more consistent level of quality.” Marco Benfenati (left) with Saimon Frati from CMV.
PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray and PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating Are the Colours of the Year 2021 Pantone Colour Institute presents the colours of the year 2021: Ultimate Gray and Illuminating. A combination of two independent colours that highlights how different elements come together to support one another and infuse light, energy and a desire for balance.
antone Color Institute, the American academy that every year
time warming and optimistic, the marriage between PANTONE 17-5104
provides forecasts on colour trends, has decided on the colours
Ultimate Gray and PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating is an infusion of
that will accompany us in 2021. For 22 years, PANTONE has used
strength, hope and positivity”.
only one shade, but since 2021 will be a special year, the choice fell on
The combination of PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray + PANTONE 13-
PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray + PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating.
0647 Illuminating is a clear message of happiness that gives us hope. As
The first is a bright grey that recalls solid and dependable elements, which
stated by the Colour Institute: “The colour mix chosen for 2021 has strong
last over time and offer a solid foundation. It is the colour of the pebbles
references to introspection, innovation and intuition, as well as respect for
on the beach and of natural elements whose weathered appearance
wisdom, experience and intelligence, and inspires regeneration, pushing
highlights an ability to stand the test of time. Ultimate Gray discreetly
us towards new concepts and new ways of thinking”.
reassures, promoting feelings of composure, firmness and resilience. The
“In a historical moment in which people try, in every possible way, to
second is a bright and cheerful yellow sparkling with vivacity, a warming
find energy, clarity and hope to overcome this phase of uncertainty, the
yellow shade imbued with solar power.
colours that instil determination and courage respond to our quest for
“This union is designed to demonstrate that different elements come
together to support each other,” said Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute. “Practical and rock solid but at the same
For further information:
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Use and Reuse: MST CHEMICALS’ Sustainable Corporate Philosophy Alessia Venturi, ipcm
A laboratory equipped with state-of-the-art technology for analysis, research, and development. An industrial approach based on sustainability and the concept of resource use and reuse. A focus on the water purification industry in the metal treatment sector in general and in the aluminium one in particular, but a wide range of applications available for its products. Numerous patented or patent pending processes. In short, these are the characteristic traits of MST CHEMICALS, an emerging star in the field of speciality chemicals for ZLD waste water treatment processes.
eusing, that is, using materials or resources in the same
designed by CIE Srl. With thirty-nine years of experience, this company
production process from which they originate without
is a world leader in the design, development, construction, and
transforming them into something else, is one of the many
installation of water treatment plants, which allow completely reusing
sustainable industrial approaches on which circular economy rests.
waste water in their production cycle of origin. “With the development
MST CHEMICALS (San Zenone al Lambro, Milan, Italy) is one of those
of the ZLD technology, especially for the treatment of aluminium, we
companies that, thanks to the effective development of chemical
soon realised that CIE could no longer rely on the well-known and
products and processes, has made reuse, particularly that of a
widespread speciality chemicals available on the market. It needed ad
precious commodity like water, its foundation as well as its industrial
hoc products, with very precise, high-level chemical and performance
characteristics,” states Franco Falcone, the patron of CIE and the
MST CHEMICALS was established in 2015 with the purpose of
founder of MST CHEMICALS, now successfully managed by Dafina
providing speciality chemicals intended for the zero liquid discharge
(ZLD) water treatment plants included in the metal treatment lines
In December 2020, MST CHEMICALS moved to a new headquarters
© ipcm
MST CHEMICALS’ new headquarters and the illuminated panel that stands proudly at the entrance to MST CHEMICALS’ factory.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
ST Powder Coatings S.p.A. Via E. Segrè, 46 36075 Montecchio Maggiore ITALY Tel.: +39 0444 165400
ST Powder Coatings España S.L. C/Batalla de Brunete, 11 28946 Fuenlabrada - Madrid ESPAÑA Tel. +34 916 977 292
ST Powder Coatings Portugal L.d.a. Rua R.B. Rodrigues, 210 4475-132 Maia - Porto PORTUGAL Tel. +351 220 944 229
Barten S.r.o.
Porfesték Kft.
Ružová 307, Louky 763 02 Zlin CZECH REPUBLIC Tel. +420 573 332 198
Szurdokpart u. 70 3200 Gyöngyös HUNGARY Tel.: +36 37 505 050 Subscribe to our Newsletter
T H E R M O - S E T T I N G P OW D E R C O AT I N G F O R A R C H I T E C T U R A L I N D U S T R Y Tribo/Corona application • Wide color range • Ideal for panels and aluminium profiles • Qualicoat class 2 Subscribe to our Newsletter
in San Zenone al Lambro, on the outskirts of Milan, which includes 1500 m2 of production area and laboratories and about 300 m2 of office spaces, with a super technological meeting room outfitted to hold webinars and host online technical events. “MST CHEMICALS was created in the form of a fully equipped, technological laboratory with staff dedicated to the research and analysis of materials aimed at formulating the speciality chemicals necessary for the operation of CIE’s ZLD systems, which are mainly manufactured here at our factory and partly by external suppliers,” indicates MST CHEMICALS COO, Dafina Ianchis. “MST CHEMICALS works in close collaboration with CIE, but it also © ipcm
has an operational autonomy that enables it to produce speciality chemicals of a different type than those strictly necessary for CIE’s plants. Clearly, our main activity is to develop chemical processes
Clockwise from left: Alessia Venturi (ipcm®), Franco Falcone, Jessica Galeone, Dafina Ianchis, and Angelo Quaini.
for water treatment – for example PUR-ALL®, which guarantees the zero liquid discharge purification of waste water by chemical means only, without the use of evaporators or osmosis plants – that CIE than engineers for its plants. We also develop the products necessary to different depuration technologies to operate systems, such as ultrafiltration, osmosis, or evaporation plants, requiring special products for the cleaning and preservation of membranes or products for COD abatement, which are made with carbonbased additives, bentone derivatives, adsorbents, and more. “Founded as an emanation of CIE for carrying out R&D activities on ZLD treatment processes, therefore, over time MST CHEMICALS has become an autonomous company, also active in sectors where CIE is not,” says Ianchis. “Ninety percent of our products are sold overseas, mainly in India and South Africa, thanks to the fact that MST CHEMICALS and CIE are leaders in water treatment applications both for coil and extruded aluminium finishing processes and for processes devoted to cans for soft drinks such as beers and sodas (called aluminium cans) – a category distributed worldwide.”
© ipcm
The ICP-OES plasma spectrometer.
The analysis laboratory: the flagship of MST CHEMICALS “Our lab is equipped with high-level scientific instrumentation that very few private laboratories can boast, and similar to those available to environmental protection and research or public health care institutes,” says Jessica Galeone, the research and development, analysis, and quality control manager. “For example, we can use the Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) spectrometry technology, which enables us to perform both qualitative and quantitative analyses in order to identify the chemical composition of a liquid sample and simultaneously determine the presence of individual metals in concentrations as low as few micrograms/ Page 1 of 1 litre. Through the ICP technique, a liquid sample is injected and dispersed into micronised aerosol particles. Depending on the
© ipcm
From left to right: a thermostatic heater, a mixer, a spectrometer, and a centrifuge.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
emission wavelength of each ion already catalogued in the literature, we can assess its concentration in the sample analysed. This instrument guarantees the simultaneous analysis of all metals and cations in solution with a variety of parameters. It enables us to make a quick but very accurate screening of samples to verify the effectiveness of our processes. We have also already budgeted an advanced instrument in which we will insert an HPLC device, an ion chromatograph that will allow performing the same multi-parameter analyses on liquid samples, but for the detection of anions. With spectrophotometry, on the other hand, we analyse the elements generating COD and BOD to be cut down, reduced, or kept under control. Our laboratory owns three spectrophotometers, one bench top and two field ones, with which we analyse all polluting © ipcm
elements (anions and metals) in a quick but A jar test instrument (left) and a vacuum filtration pump.
efficient way, to be generally used directly on the field. Finally, our laboratory is equipped with an ion-selective electrode analyser for fluorides, conductivity meters, pH meters, turbidimeters, stoves, thermoreactors, centrifuges, and a pilot plant that we use for pre-industrialisation process simulations.”
Aluminium treatment: MST’s sector of choice, but not the only one “MST is currently focussing on the R&D and production of speciality chemicals for the aluminium industry, especially the can sector,” states MST Chemicals Sales and Technical Director, Angelo Quaini. “However, we also develop processes for many other sectors, including stainless steel pickling, phosphating, steel and HDG, plastic cleaning, and food, for recycling water containing any processing waste. Finally, we are waiting for patents to be granted on two important innovations: a sulphate removal process for various applications and a hydrochloric acid recovery process from stainless steel and aluminium © ipcm
pickling baths. These also confirm our choice to The lab’s workbench.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
embrace the “use and reuse” philosophy”.
Leipziger Messe Takes Over PaintExpo Leipziger Messe has taken over PaintExpo, the world’s leading trade fair for industrial coating technologies, from FairFair GmbH.
n December 1, 2020, Leipziger Messe took over PaintExpo
Leipziger Messe’s proven expertise in organising successful
from FairFair GmbH. The fair will keep taking place every two
international trade fairs and its strong service orientation will help
years in April at Messe Karlsruhe (Germany). The next edition
lead the way for PaintExpo’s future development. I am sure the event’s
will take place from 26 to 29 April 2022.
success story will continue”, says Jürgen Haußmann.
PaintExpo was established in 2006 by Jürgen Haußmann, Managing Director of FairFair GmbH, who will continue to play an advisory role.
About Leipziger Messe
Leipziger Messe is taking over the PaintExpo exhibition team and site
Leipziger Messe is one of the ten leading German trade fair companies
in Oberboihingen, Baden-Württemberg, and will continue cooperating
and one of the top 50 worldwide. It organises events in Leipzig and at
with its existing partners, JOT – Journal für Oberflächentechnik
various locations in Germany and abroad. With its five subsidiaries and
(Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH) and Messe Karlsruhe – the
the Congress Center Leipzig (CCL), Leipziger Messe is a comprehensive
PaintExpo venue.
service provider covering the entire chain of the events business.
Gerhard Ohmacht, Executive Director of the Trade and Industrial Fairs
Thanks to this offer, customers and visitors voted Leipziger Messe -
Division at Leipziger Messe, is now responsible for PaintExpo’s future
for the seventh time in a row - the service champion of the trade fair
industry in Germany’s largest service ranking in 2020. The Leipzig
“PaintExpo is a perfect fit for us. I look forward to working with
fairgrounds comprise an exhibition area of 111,900 m² and an open-air
PaintExpo’s strong partners, the international exhibitors and visitors
exhibition area of 70,000 m². Every year, around 270 events take place
and the current exhibition team. With our extensive expertise in
– trade fairs, exhibitions and congresses – with over 15,500 exhibitors
industrial fairs, together we will continue to expand PaintExpo as the
and more than 1.2 million visitors from all over the world. Leipzig
world’s leading platform,” says Markus Geisenberger, Chief Executive
was the first German trade fair company to be certified according to
Officer of Leipziger Messe. “PaintExpo is now part of the Leipziger
the Green Globe standards. Sustainability is a recurring theme in the
Messe portfolio – this sends a strong signal. We want to take this
Leipziger Messe’s corporate activities.
opportunity to further strengthen our portfolio and market position, particularly at such a challenging time.” “I am pleased that PaintExpo has now become part of Leipziger Messe
For further information:
and that this will ensure the necessary continuity for customers. and
© Peter Hirth
© FairFair GmbH
Karlsruhe venue.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Leipziger venue.
Top Quality Coil coatings Since 1978 coil coatings for building, industry, and packaging for
Aluminium closures
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Innovative coil coatings Worldwide market presence High performance paints and inks Salchi Metalcoat Srl Viale dell’Industria 3/A-3/B - 20875 Burago di Molgora (MB) ITALY Ph. +39 039 6251824 Fax +39 039 6251829 E mail: -
OMSO SpA: Innovative Process Solutions and Integrated “Green” Coating Technologies Alessia Venturi, ipcm
The world of coatings is a fascinating one because we all get our hands on at least one coated object every day. One of them – one of the most unexpected, to be honest – is the aluminium or plastic closure capsule of beverage and food bottles and packages. These capsules are actually decorated and coated with highly automated, digitalised, efficient, and sustainable systems. One of the leading suppliers of printing, decorating, and coating machines for this sector is Italian company OMSO, which has started a partnership with Verind, belonging to the Dürr Group, for the provision of their related paint application equipment. The results in terms of efficiency and paint savings have been highly satisfactory.
Closure capsules coated with OMSO machines.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
ormally, food and beverage capsules are deep-drawn from
industries is OMSO’s core business. Established in 1952, its
aluminium foil that is pre-painted both externally and internally
primary objective has always been the continuous improvement
with a food-compatible finish. During the capsule deep-drawing
of the quality level of its direct printing results, by using innovative
operations, however, this pre-painted material is aesthetically damaged
technologies such as flexographic and digital printing alongside
at the stretching points. Therefore, the technological need of this sector
the more traditional ones, including silk-screen and dry-offset
is to post-coat these components to give them a better finish.
printing. With these techniques, OMSO can meet a wide range of
One of the world’s leading designers and manufacturers of
decoration needs, from simple one-colour graphics to photographic
machines and lines for decorating closure capsules for the cosmetic,
reproduction. The experience gained over the years in the field of
pharmaceutical, and food industries is OMSO (Reggio Emilia, Italy). The
the decoration of food and beverage capsules now enables OMSO
development of innovative solutions with integrated coating equipment
to present itself as a reliable supplier of technologies for this field,
for its target market was the completion of OMSO’s corporate vision
able to design and deliver any type of solution, from standalone
for sustainable business development. The company chose Verind
machine to complete lines.
(Milan, Italy), a part of the international Dürr Group, as its partner for
“Our MecapLine capsule decoration lines have been installed on
the supply of the coating application technology of its plants installed all
all five continents, thus giving rise to a wide range of combinations,
over the world.
with dry-offset machines combined with upstream and downstream accessories such as glazing and coating machines, upsetters, or head
About OMSO
printing systems, capable of meeting the most diverse decoration
Building machines for decorating containers with different shapes,
needs,” states OMSO Engineering Manager, Massimo Verona. “We
materials, and sizes for the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical
certainly are among the world leaders in this field and we export 96-
Metallic effect capsules and a capsule with a matt effect coating.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
97% of our equipment. Our customers include all the major players of
quality of the film applied with OMSO’s equipment is a plus that
the cosmetic, food, closure capsule and corks sectors.”
distinguishes this company on the market. This result has been obtained thanks to innovative plant engineering choices such as:
Debut in the coating field
• stop-and-go conveyors;
“We entered the coating world occasionally a few years ago, in order
• Cartesian systems with multiple axes for the handling of automatic
to offer turnkey solutions to our most loyal customers,” says Verona.
“One of our most long-standing customers, for which we are the
• application of 2K water-based coatings;
primary supplier of decoration machines, was particularly important
• electronic dosing systems for 2K coating with flow control tools;
in pushing us in this direction: their need for a tailor-made coating
• 30% reduction in paint consumption compared with other solutions
system, together with the will to maintain a single technological
available on the market;
partner for all their capsule decoration and protection requirements,
• improved environmental conditions and reduced emissions, waste,
led them to turn to OMSO.”
and energy consumption;
Now, three years after the installation of its first coating line, the
• high surface finishing quality.
A completely automatic decoration and painting line manufactured by OMSO.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
The origin of a partnership Normally, for post-coating plastic or aluminium capsules, solventbased liquid coatings, UV coatings, or water-based two-component coatings are used alternately. Although these are sound technologies, they have all different needs in terms of dosage, fluid management, mixing, catalysis control, and most importantly, spraying methods. When it entered the world of coatings as a supplier of specialist machines for capsules, OMSO aimed at finding a partner capable of handling all the coating pumping, dosing, mixing, and application technologies required. Verind, belonging to the international Dürr Group, was the company chosen by OMSO as its technological partner for the design of its coating systems. “A company like OMSO looks for partners that offer the most current technologies, meet high standards of equipment reliability, and have a “green” approach, that is with a view to circular economy and sustainability,” notes Alessandro Soba, the New Business Sales Manager of Verind Spa. “For them, having an
© ipcm
Massimo Verona of OMSO in the middle, with Alessandro Soba (right) and Marco Assorgia (left) of Verind.
© Verind
The EcoDose 2k electronic mixing system.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
application technology available with all these characteristics is an important competitive advantage to differentiate itself from its competitors. Moreover, in general, Verind equipment is automotive-derived and benefits from the extensive know-how and R&D of the whole Dürr Group. The application concept includes the paints pumping systems, the EcoMCC3 automatic colour change system, the EcoDose2k electronic dosing equipment with PLC, the EcoFlow dome-loaded pressure regulators that control the paint flow rate, and the EcoGun automatic spray guns”.
Characteristics of the application systems “We have created a flexible and modular concept for OMSO’s plants. This combines an application system with highefficiency EcoGun mini automatic guns with an automatic dosing and mixing system for 2K coatings, featuring the gear or Coriolis technology,” indicates Marco Assorgia from the © Verind
Application Technology General Industry – Sales department of Verind. The EcoDose 2K machine is an advanced electronic
The EcoMCC3 automatic colour change system.
plant for the dosage and mixing of 2K solvent-based, waterbased, and high-solid paint products. The main technical characteristics guaranteed by the Coriolis technology are as follows: • function control through an industrial PLC and an operator panel; • catalysis ratio from 1:1 to 30:1; • possibility of storing over 1024 programs; • dosage tolerance lower than 1%; • Direct Injection Technology (DIT) with two channels (A and B); • independent cleaning circuits for component A and component B; • consumption measurement of coating and cleaning products; • modular and expandable automatic colour change system for paints and catalysts; • graphics pages displaying data on real flow, program consumption, and total consumption values; • data transmission to the supervision system for the analysis and printing of real-time and previous data; • density or temperature measurement for the A and B channels; • absence of stress on coating products; • advanced management of the pot life parameter; © Verind
The EcoFlow LPF regulator that controls the paint flow rate.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
• push-out function in the automatic colour change
in Ita ly
Senza titolo-5 1
22/01/2014 12:08:51
© Verind
The EcoGunAsAutoMiniFS automatic spray gun.
• operations for consumption optimisation; • closed-loop flow control; • predictive maintenance on all components.
Application examples “Over the past years, we have installed coating plants in China with UV coating application at a Chinese leader in the closure capsule field,” says Massimo Verona from OMSO. “The same we did at several European factories of the world-leader company manufacturing closure capsule in more recent times. One of the latest applications is a water-based technology with IR drying and very accurate control of the polymerisation curve: the resulting plant guarantees a coating process with near-zero environmental impact. Another important project was completed in Ukraine for a client requiring a very special coating line, using a solvent-based paint that must withstand post-coating mechanical processing. This coating requires a polimerisation time of 60 minutes. This feature of the coating system forced us to design a huge oven
PAINT STRIPPING OVENS Forni pirolitici per termosverniciatura e...
with an anthropomorphic robot, which picks up the capsules exiting the painting booth and loads them on load bars housing 32 capsules each. These bars convey the 32 capsules across the oven at a very low speed so to reach the dwell time needed. The polymerization chamber of the oven houses a total of 12,000 capsules as the takt-ime of the line is 200 p/min”.
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The small museum at the entrance of OMSO Headquarters.
The innovative contribution of OMSO and Verind in the coating of closure capsules
superior result than painting a moving object.”
“What OMSO has done in terms of coating equipment is highly
significant number of variables involved,” says Verona. “It is through
innovative, because our customers appreciate the concrete possibility
innovation that we maintain our technological competitiveness. We
of savings offered by our plant solutions,” explains Massimo Verona.
are committed to ensuring that all our new products and solutions
“In order to achieve this, we have deployed several technologies that
contribute to lowering unit production costs by increasing efficiency.”
we already used daily on our decoration machines, including the “stop
“The joint work between OMSO and Verind has enabled us to develop
and go” technology for the handling of workpieces on our lines during
innovative and “green” industrial solutions that meet the market’s
both pre-treatment (typically performed with deionisation and flaming
needs,” notes Alessandro Soba. “These include environmental
processes for both plastic and aluminium) and coating. Briefly, the
sustainability, safety of the working environment, reduction of
guns only spray when the conveyor brings an item to be coated in front
transformation costs, energy efficiency, high quality levels, and
of them. This results in 30% paint savings compared with traditional
digitalisation of products and systems.”
continuous coating methods. Less consumption also translates into
“Our collaboration with Verind has been so fruitful that we have already
less waste and less overspray, for huge cost savings. The finishing
created ten coating lines together and, during these years, we have
quality also benefits from this: painting a stationary object provides a
never sought any alternative partners,” states Massimo Verona.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
“The surface painting and coating process is very complex, given the
The SuprAnodic Collection Alesta® SuperDurable
The Alesta® SD SuprAnodic Collection offers the appearance and colour shades anodised finishes with all the benefits of a powder coating in a super durable quality. The perfect mix between future colour trends and today’s demands in the architectural and design segments and are all formulated according to the highest Axalta bonding standards. It’s part of the premium range formulated in super durable polyester quality designed to endure the most severe weather conditions in terms of UV exposure and humidity and ensuring gloss retention and colour fastness. Developed for aluminium and steel architectural components, such as window frames, façades, cladding and doors. It is also intended for urban furniture, garden furniture, lighting and more. The major advantage is that a wide range of substrates can be treated including aluminium and steel profile extrusions, cladding or sheet panels. Architects Brenac & Gonzalez & Associés | Photographer Stefan Tuchila
Expect a much better colour consistency than traditional chemical anodisation on different materials and between different batches and can hide the surface defects on aluminium profiles. The powder coatings don’t carry any health or environmental hazard pictograms and the final cured coating does not emit VOC. Qualicoat Class 2 and GSB Florida 3 certified and meeting the AAMA 2604 requirements. For more information and to order a colour card or fan deck visit
Axalta Powder Coating Systems GmbH Uferstrasse 90 CH-4057 Basel Switzerland +41 61 40 44 00
Tenfold Increase of Tooling Uptimes and Improved Process Stability with the Drag Finishing Technology To date the voestalpine Rotec GmbH, a global leader in the manufacture of precision steel pipes and tubes, has been using a manual process to place a radius on its stamping tools. Within the framework of its continuous process optimization program the company replaced this manual operation with an automated Rösler drag finishing system R 4/700 SF. With the single piece dry drag finishing process the usable life of the stamping tools can be at least doubled. For some tools the uptime can even be increased by a factor of ten. For this reason, the return of investment period (ROI) is well below two years.
ith eleven manufacturing locations
edges. Frequently the edges were reworked
in Europe, North-America and Asia
by hand. But this did seldom extend the
Cost-efficient dry processing in a drag finisher
the voestalpine Rotec is a globally
usable life of the tools. With around 50 million
Edge radiusing of the tools is an ideal
operating company that is specialized in the
manufactured components per year tooling
application for the drag finishing technology.
manufacture, refinement and marketing
supply was a significant cost factor. Therefore,
This unique mass finishing system allows the
of precision steel pipes and tubes. Since
it was not surprising that the process
precise, targeted surface finishing of high-value,
the company belongs to the internationally
optimization specialist was looking for an
complex work pieces. Exactly defined process
operating steel and technology corporation
automated, repeatable edge radiusing process
parameters guarantee absolutely repeatable
voestalpine, the customers have direct access
for prolonging the service life of the tooling.
finishing results. “From my previous occupation at a supplier of motor sport components I knew
liquification to the complete pipes and tubes.
that Rösler Oberflächentechnik builds such
The development of innovative products and
equipment. That is why I contacted Rösler first.
manufacturing technologies takes place in
Of course, we also contacted other suppliers
four divisions. Within the corporate structure
of mass finishing equipment and asked them
the voestalpine Rotec, headquartered in
to run processing trials for us”, continues
Krieglach, Austria, belongs to the metal
Hannes Winkler. In the end the customer
forming division. At this location the company
chose the R 4/700 SF system, because Rösler
manufactures primarily belt tensioning tubes
was the only supplier, who could offer a dry
for the automobile industry. The complex
finishing process for the tools. Hannes Winkler
manufacturing equipment for making pipe
adds: “The dry solution eliminated the process
and tube components is also designed and
water cleaning system required with the wet
built at the same location. Hannes Winkler, assistant to the plant manager at voestalpine Rotec and responsible for process optimization, explains: “To be able to make our products at internationally competitive costs, our company is utilizing continuous improvement processes”.
© Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH
to comprehensive knowhow ranging from steel
processing solution. This reduced not only the capital expenditure but also resulted in lower operating costs. Of course, the quality and long service life as well as the high availability of the Rösler equipment also played an important role in our decision”.
Cost reduction by increasing the usable life of tooling Even before wear became visible, stamping tools like arbors and die plates had to be replaced because of minor fracturing at the
Automated finishing that is perfectly adapted to different tools The compact, universally usable drag finisher R 4/700 SF is equipped with a carousel with four rotating spindles.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
At the heart of the compact, plug-and-play drag finisher is a carousel equipped with four rotary spindles, each spindle allowing the mounting of
three work pieces. The carousel and the rotary spindles are outfitted with separate drive motors allowing the setting of totally different rotary speeds for carousel and spindles. The processing bowl is filled with processing media, which in this particular application consists of crushed walnut shells and aluminium oxide. A vibratory motor mounted below the processing bowl ensures the optimum mixing of the processing media. Required bowl changes can be quickly carried out with a forklift truck. For the actual process the tools to be finished are manually mounted to specially designed work piece fixtures, which in turn are attached to the spindles equipped with quick-connect couplings. To facilitate this operation, the operator moves the spindles to the load/unload station with the touch of a button. This allows quick, ergonomic and simple loading/unloading of the work pieces. Once the respective processing program, stored in the programmable system controls, has started, the carousel with the spindles is lowered so that the rotating spindles are immersed in the processing media. Carousel and spindles are moving clockand anticlockwise at the defined rotary speeds. At the midpoint of
This is the work of your best painter
Articulated robots for every painting need!
the processing cycle – depending on the tools to be finished, the total finishing time varies between 15 and 45 minutes – the rotary
Lesta srl
direction is usually changed. This guarantees an even radiusing of the tool edges on all sides.
Continuously growing work piece spectrum shortens the amortization period Initially it was planned to use the drag finisher for five frequently
Lesta srl
Lesta Srl
Via Damiano Chiesa 42 20036 Dairago Mi Italy
+39 0331 430817 -
used tool types. Hannes Winkler reports: “The new mechanical drag finishing system produced such good results that the usable life of these components could be practically doubled. And in some instances it could even be increased by a factor of ten. Since commissioning the drag finisher about six months ago, we have increased the spectrum of work pieces to be finished mechanically to around 20 different tool types. This helped reduce the amortization period to well below two years. By continuously adding additional work pieces, the amortization time will decline even further”. This positive experience led the voestalpine group of companies to list Rösler as the exclusive supplier for this particular finishing application. Besides the mechanical edge radiusing of additional tool types, the process optimization specialist is also considering a polishing application. Hannes Winkler concludes: “At the moment we are conducting processing trials. If the results are as we expect, we will purchase a second processing bowl with the required processing media. A key advantage of the Rösler drag finisher is that processing bowls can be easily exchanged allowing us to quickly switch from one application to another”.
So is this
© Axalta Powder Coatings
Axalta on the Sustainability of Super Durable Powder Coatings in the Architectural Segment Markus Koenigs Axalta Powder Coatings – Wuppertal, Germany
Axalta Coating Systems gives new impulses to architectural and design applications with the SuprAnodic Collection.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
limate changes are affecting all corners of our globe. Warmer
Alesta® SD series
and more UV intensive periods alternate during the year.
Alesta® SD is part of the premium range formulated in super durable
This not only affects our day to day lives, but also the way we
polyester quality designed to endure the most severe weather
build, our housing, our sun protection. Architecture itself craves for
conditions in terms of UV exposure and humidity. This range of products
sustainability and we need durable, long lasting products to increase
is based on a super durable polyester resin system, incorporating higher
the life expectancy of architectural structures and objects. Prestigious
grade pigments and stabilizers with outstanding exterior durability.
buildings are built to last for many years and harmonise with the
All products have a quality certified by the Qualicoat Class 2 and GSB
surrounding areas. Reliable materials with outstanding properties and a
Florida 3 (Master) quality labels and meet the AAMA 2604 requirements.
respect for the environment are of paramount importance.
The Alesta® SD powder coatings don’t carry health or environmental
We see in trends and demands from the market, is that powder coatings
hazard pictograms. In addition, the final cured coating does not emit
with a super durable quality are no longer just a demand in countries
closer to the equator, but this demand is now slowly moving up north. Axalta has been a reliable partner, with years of experience in the
The SuprAnodic Collection
development and production of super durable quality powder coatings,
The product marketing department is closely monitoring trends in
under the product group Alesta® SD.
terms of quality and sustainability, where the colour experts, on their
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
© Adrian Lambert Photography
turn, keep a close eye on colour, finish and effect trends in the architectural and design market. Over time and especially over the last years, chemical anodization has become a popular finish for aluminium building components. This popular finish however has certain drawbacks. The biggest drawback of chemical anodization is colour consistency between different batches or the qualities of aluminium, which can lead to major claims during the delivery of a project. The choice of colours is rather limited as well as the possibilities for application on other metal substrates than high quality aluminium. The finished metal objects are vulnerable to acid and base substances, like for example mortar that can heavily affects an anodized surface, and repair is only possible by replacing the parts on site. Axalta labs have been working to recreate the anodized look and finish in the formulation of new super durable powder coatings. The SuprAnodic Collection is the new result of their development. They are the answer to the demand of super durable, longer lasting powder coatings and offer colour versatility. A new collection of twenty-two colours with an anodized look and all the benefits of a powder coating.
The SuprAnodic Collection’s features Colour uniformity Due to the high-standard bonding technology at Axalta, the products ensure batch-to-batch colour consistency and the colours have a low sensitivity to conditions during application. Freedom in substrate and colour Vita, Manchester, UK 5 Plus Architects Manchester, Adrian Lambert Photography.
The SuprAnodic product line can be applied on aluminium and steel, hiding the extrusion lines and have the ability to hide imperfections. Maintenance and repair are made easy, because damages can be repaired on site by the use of liquid touch-up paints. Sustainability In addition, the powder coatings don’t carry health or environmental hazard labels and pictograms, and the final cured coating does not emit VOC. The application process is environmentally friendly & nonhazardous, offering versatility in the use of substrates. This unique and trendy colour offering comes with a reliable supply and service and a high manufacturing quality.
© Stefan Tuchila
Agora CHU de Poitiers, France Architects Brenac & Gonzalez & Associés, Photographer Stefan Tuchila.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
From Craftsmanship to Contract Coating: the Metamorphosis of a Contractor through Targeted Investment in Technologies 4.0 and Human Resources Monica Fumagalli, ipcm
Building a large-sized contract coating company is the objective of HVL Color, a business specialising in powder surface treatments that hit its own turnover record in 2020, thanks to a revamping and industrialisation 4.0 project involving its whole production plant and careful training of its employees.
hanging mindset is never easy, especially when it comes to
skilled human resources.
work routines and systems that are customary not only within
“The economic crisis of 2008,” recalls Antonio Olivieri, partner and
one’s own factory, but throughout the industry. HVL Color
General Manager of the company, “was a clear dividing line in the
(Italy) specialises in the contract powder coating of components
history of HVL Color, founded only ten years earlier. Until then, our
of which 80% are intended for the air conditioning, heating, and
production was limited to meeting the demands of a small number
electrical switchgear fields. A few years ago, it began a process of
of customers and remaining competitive thanks to reduced costs.
enhancement and improvement of its operational structure that has
When our customers turned to other suppliers to cope with the crisis,
led it to make the decisive transition from a small craftsman business
we found ourselves in difficulties. Therefore, we decided to change
to a structured industrial company. What made a difference was its
perspective by aiming at raising the quality of our production and by
targeted investment in plant technology 4.0, automation, and highly
leveraging the relationship with our new customers, among the world
The headquarter of HVL Color in Casalmaggiore, Cremona (Italy). © ipcm
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
Overview of the new powder coating installation designed and installed by Silvi Srl.
leaders in the HVAC sector, which have always believed in us and have
in drying station, which has enabled us to properly pre-treat and clean
supported us in this growth phase. The high technical specifications
our components. This was also the starting point for developing the
and quality performance levels required for the components
concept of our new coating line, which is now equipped with a 6-stage
we coated gave us the motivation to continuously improve over
multi-metal pre-treatment plant. The cycle, designed by Chemetall,
time. Once we achieved a good level of customer satisfaction, we
includes an alkaline stage at the beginning and a final nanotechnology
thought of offering a complete service by integrating our production
passivation from the Oxilan range. Chemetall’s process enables us to
departments with assembly and packaging operating divisions. The
treat a wide variety of materials, from iron to hot-dip galvanised and
resulting significant increase in our business volume then led us
electro-galvanised steel, with excellent performance.”
to reassess our whole plant structure, which we found inadequate
Also as regards the coating application systems, HVL Color chose to
in terms of performance and in need of an upgrade and possible
continue working with the same provider as before, Gema Europe,
replacement of older machines. This explains the huge intervention
which installed two booths – one in 2015 with Venturi application
project that we started in 2018.”
pumps and the other in December 2020 with the dense phase
The strategic improvement of coating equipment
technology. Each booth includes a double manual post-retouching station and an automatic pre-retouching one, each of which is fitted
HVL Color is currently equipped with two coating systems, a static
with a robot provided by Lesta Srl, a company designing and building
semi-automatic and a fully automatic one, which was installed
articulated robots specifically for coating applications.
more recently. The semi-automatic line was revamped during the
“On the occasion of the purchase of our second booth, in the
renewal project and it is now used for special processing and to treat
framework of the Industry 4.0-oriented reorganisation project that
oversized products with maximum dimensions of 6000x2000x2000
was concerning our whole production plant, we involved Gema
Europe also in the revamping of our already-existing booth. The
“About three years ago,” says Olivieri, “when we decided to install
aim was integrating a last generation powder management system
a pre-treatment plant on our coating line, we turned to Silvi Srl,
and interfacing it with the software package that controls our
a company specialising in the design and installation of surface
entire production flow. We took the opportunity to revise its casing
treatment systems. It supplied us with a 3-stage machine with a built-
and dimensions as well, thus complying with all safety standards,
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
© ipcm
© ipcm
© ipcm
expanding it and making it harmonious with the other booth, also in order to create enough space to avoid the potentially dangerous proximity of operators to the robots during the pre-retouching phase. The overspray filtration system was also automated: both Gema booths can perform the automatic withdrawal of waste, which is conveyed to a big bag with a weighing system. This also gives us an accurate figure for powder coating waste, which we did not have before.”
The new coating line built in record time Silvi’s team was responsible for the design and installation of the 6-stage spray pre-treatment tunnel, the coating plant (except for the two booths), the air-vein drying and curing ovens, and the switchboard. “We Top left: The loading station. Top right: The entry of the pretreatment tunnel (on the left), the drying oven (in the middle) and the curing oven (on the right). The pretreatment tunnel is totally made of AISI 304 – 316 stainless steel with vertical pumps.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
are very proud of the work done for HVL Color,” states Silvi Srl owner Daniele Fumagalli, “not only in terms of quality and efficiency of the installed structure, which is totally made
© ipcm
of AISI 304 – 316 stainless steel, but also because the entire line was built in just one month’s time, from 13 December 2019 to 13 January 2020, including masonry work and the dismantling of the previous installation: a record-breaking timeframe for any coating contractor.” The project also included the recovery of some parts of the old plant, such as the one-rail box-type conveyor built by Se.po. (Olginate, Lecco, Italy), which, thanks to a new towing unit, can now handle 150 load bars/hour with a pitch of 800 mm or 38 load bars/ hour with a pitch of 3200 mm and a speed of 2 metres per minute. The pre-treatment tunnel includes the following stages: • alkaline degreasing • 2 rinsings with mains water • rinsing with demineralised water • nanotechnology passivation • rinsing with demineralised water • final blow-off. “Both the drying and the curing ovens are equipped with a series of electric fans with inverted blades of our own design for heating air circulation,” explains Fumagalli. “A plenum is located on the entire base of the oven for uniform distribution of hot air directly onto the workpieces to be dried. Suction adjustment is achieved through adjustable shutters placed on the bottom of the machine.”
© ipcm
© ipcm
The inside of the pretreatment tunnel.
Application of the powder coating with dense phase technology.
says Olivieri, “have proven highly efficient and practical. The pre-
HVL Color’s Industry 4.0-oriented approach: perfect harmony between human and machine
treatment tunnel is heated by a stainless steel-plate heat exchanger,
“As happens in every company,” notes Olivieri, “when we started looking
which prevents the formation of scales through its direct exchange
at the possibility of integrating robots into our production flow, we could
operation: after one year of operation, the machine is in fact
sense the concern of our employees. Personally, I have never thought
completely free of them. For our curing oven, along with Silvi’s staff, we
that an artificial mind and arm could replace human ones. Instead, I am
opted for the total recirculation, air-vein combustion technology with
convinced that the optimum is reached through their perfect harmony.
two 300,000 Kcal/h burners: a solution that definitively breaks with
Indeed, the number of booth operators has remained the same as when
the past. The ovens’ air distribution system with no direct channelling
we were coating manually, but now they have more time to spend on
to a single point, as was the case with the previous plant, guarantees
process management and control, rather than on practical operations.
uniform and adjustable air diffusion according to our needs. This is
The robots and, in general, the machines we have chosen to achieve an
an advantage in terms of consumption, thanks to the guarantee of
organisation 4.0 are self-managing: once trained, they continue their
constant temperature.”
work unattended. That is not a minor benefit at a time of generalised
“The air diffusion and modulation systems developed by Silvi,”
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
health risk such as this one, when it is possible that labour may be
HVL Color also invested heavily in its general management software.
lacking for even long periods.”
The whole production flow is digitalised, paperless and traceable, and
Unlike some of its competitors, HVL Color has chosen to optimise its
outgoing material labelling and order scheduling have been implemented,
pre-retouching phase with Lesta articulated robots to avoid, where
with the ultimate goal of offering a perfect and efficient service to
possible, having to intervene on the workpieces already coated by
the reciprocator. “This is due to the type of parts we treat,” explains Olivieri. “They are mainly panels, whose inner edges are the most
The flexibility of the application system
critical areas in terms of coating application. Moreover, the presence
Not many coating contractors embrace both application technologies
of a robot in the pre-retouching phase allows avoiding any human
currently available on the market, i.e. Venturi pumps and dense phase.
errors due to excessive coverage, which causes cosmetic defects
“Although these two systems are usually opposing,” says Olivieri, “for our
such as build-up and dripping. Automatic application guarantees
production they are complementary. In case of emergency, we can use
consistency and uniformity and, managed by a control PLC, it
either one booth or the other without having to stop production, because
integrates seamlessly into the entire line’s system 4.0. Together with
they both have management software that can interface with our general
the commercial flexibility of Lesta, which offered us flexible purchase
software program.
options, this was one of the factors that convinced us to invest in this
We have implemented Gema’s dense phase application system OptiSpray
automation intervention.”
AP01.1 with SIT technology (Smart Inline Technology) only recently and
© ipcm
© HVL Color
One of the two powder centres by GEMA and, on the right, the articulated robot by Lesta for the pre-retouching installed at the entrance of the dense phase coating booth.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
© ipcm
The second powder coating booth equipped with traditional Venturi technology and a second articulated robot for the pre-retouching operations.
we are now starting to appreciate its excellent results in terms of finishing and consumption.
“The main difference we immediately noticed compared with the Venturi technology provided by the same company is the more uniform film distension all over the panels, which results in a completely different aesthetic outcome. In addition, dense phase pumps operate with a very low transport air flow, which guarantees optimal powder coverage and higher particle penetration capacity due to the absence of rebound effects. Certainly, dense phase
© Southbank Place
pumps are ideal for treating large batches: the applied thickness differs by only a few microns from one spot to another of a panel. Better distension, in particular, jumps to the eye with glossy finishes, ensuring higher aesthetic yield.”
The team of a large-sized company The last step of the quality leap that has enabled HVL Color to transition from a small business into a structured company was the search for new employees capable of coping with the innovations brought by this Industry 4.0-oriented revamping project. “We aim at becoming a large-sized contract coating company and, in
WHEN IT HAS TO BE order to do so, we need to choose the right people for the right roles. This is something that is usually tied to contingent needs, in
small firms. HVL Color has strived to overcome this limitation and invest in qualified personnel not only at the top of the company’s organisational chart, but also in its production departments. This factor has also contributed to improve the quality of our production in both the coating and the assembly and packaging departments, which has also been appreciated by our customer base. This, in turn, is growing so much that we plan to increase our work shifts from a 12-hour one to two 8-hour ones in the near future. We are among the few contractors to have a sales manager and a supply chain manager: this is also a choice made to improve quality and customer satisfaction. The areas dedicated to the production process are very large to ensure our customers storage service and flexible deliveries: we work on a 10,000 m2 are, of which 5,500 m2
are covered.”
Growing together with its partners The new coating line has increased HVL Color’s throughput by 25% and reduced its defect rate from 4 to 1.3%. Consumption is
© ipcm
similar that of the old system, despite the increase in the number of heat pumps from 3 to 6 and the installation of 3 thermal electric-power stations. “Thanks to the complete automation of the line, well-devised plant design, and the working teams created by both us and our partners,” states Olivieri, “we can now offer to our customers not only optimal results – in our laboratory, we currently obtain salt spray resistance values of 720 hours for iron products, and even higher values for galvanised steel, HDG steel, electro-galvanised steel – but also the peace of mind guaranteed by a production line that never stops. During the early 2020 lockdown, we have been among the few companies in the sector that never stopped production within the limits imposed
The dense phase pumps.
by the law to permitted activities: our customers who © ipcm
could continue working did not have to stop their business due to a missing key link in their supply chain. This was very important and the results obtained are proof of this: in 2020, HVL Color achieved record turnover since it has been in operation. “We have also been fortunate to be joined by several professional partners, ready to take immediate action either in person or remotely, no matter how small the problem may be. Their help has been fundamental to get here and their collaboration will be the lever to strengthen our presence not only in Italy, but also abroad, particularly in France, Switzerland, Austria, and Germany, where companies such as ours, designed to become contract coating hubs, are highly valued.”
The PLC of the coating line.
© ipcm
Scan the code to view the timelapse of the plant’s construction
Antonio Olivieri, partner and General Manager of HVL Color, with Daniele Fumagalli of Silvi.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Wörwag
PPG to Acquire Global Coatings Manufacturer Wörwag PPG announced the acquisition of Wörwag, a global manufacturer of coatings for industrial and automotive applications.
PG has reached a definitive agreement to acquire coatings manufacturer Wörwag. The transaction is expected to close in the first half of 2021, subject to customary closing conditions.
“Wörwag’s industry expertise in powder and liquid coatings for industrial and automotive applications is highly complementary to PPG’s business, and will help to further expand our product offering,” said Rebecca Liebert, PPG Executive Vice President. “The addition of Wörwag will also enhance PPG’s waterborne, direct-to-metal, liquid and powder coatings offerings, and allow us to further expand current customer distribution in key geographies.”
About Wörwag Wörwag is a family-owned company headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, founded in 1918. The company employs about 1,100 people globally and its full year 2020 revenue is expected to be approximately 220 million euros. The company specializes in developing sustainable liquid, powder and film coatings. Wörwag operates locations in Germany, the U.S., China, South Africa, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland and Poland. © Wörwag
For further information:
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Arzuffi
Using reactive sputtering to obtain the required colour.
Arzuffi Fast-Met Metallising Systems for an Unlimited Range of Colours Thanks to Reactive Sputtering Massimo Galbiati Arzuffi Srl – Bernareggio (Monza e Brianza) - Italy
he last issue of ipcm®_International Paint&Coating Magazine1
The Fast-Met machines are high vacuum metallising equipment with
included an article presenting the characteristics of the
sputtering and reactive sputtering process. This technology allows
metallising plants belonging to Arzuffi’s Line-Met product
achieving a “colour coating”, or coloured metallisation effect. Their
family. The subdivision of Arzuffi’s production into families is
structure is modular and it can be changed according to customer
necessary because each plant line can be tailored to customer needs,
needs: for example, the metallising chamber can have two doors
while maintaining the processes and technologies of its family. This
or one double-sided door, the magnetron cathode can be rotating
article, on the other hand, delves into the characteristics of the plants
or planar, the piece-holding fixtures can be double or single. The
belonging to the Fast-Met family.
cycle time of this family’s machines is short: from 4 to 9 minutes, depending on the required treatment. Moreover, especially in the
D. Arzuffi, Line-Met: the new, revolutionary concept of metallising plants created by Arzuffi Srl, in ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine no. 66 (November/ December 2020), Vol. XI, pp. 94-96.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
presence of a double-sided door, the process can be automated
© Arzuffi
A Fast-Met system with one double-sided door and two fixtures.
through the addition of a robot. This solution allows optimising time
example. The main feature of the sputtering process is the possibility
and space by having a single loading and unloading station. Whichever
to control the thickness of the deposited films based on the required
version is chosen, however, the Arzuffi machines always guarantee the
results. Consequently, it is possible to obtain completely metallic or
compactness and ergonomics that distinguish them.
translucent surfaces and even “play” with these decorative aspects
The metallisation process of Fast-Met plants
depending on the application field. Alongside conventional sputtering processes, however, Fast-Met is
The Fast-Met systems perform the following process steps: ionic
also an optimal solution for reactive sputtering applications. With
discharge (glow discharge), needed to activate the surfaces for
this technology, it is possible to obtain numerous different hues,
improved adhesion of metal; plasma polymerisation (HMDSO), which
ranging from the typical “aluminium grey” to darker grey obtained
can be carried out before or after the deposition of metal (usually
by depositing chromium, steel, or titanium, up to golden-coloured
aluminium), in order to guarantee anti-corrosion properties; AHC
metallisation obtained by copper alloy deposition. The reactive
(Arzuffi Hard Coating) to change the substrate’s surface tension with
process results from the injection of gases in addition to the standard
the aim of increasing its hardness, thus reducing the amount of scrap
metallisation one (typically argon), aimed at obtaining a series of
parts due to improper handling; and sputtering or reactive sputtering,
colours ranging from gold to red to blue. The most requested effects
which we will discuss below.
by Arzuffi’s customers include “black chrome”, a dark grey tint similar
Sputtering process flexibility
to anthracite, and “gold rose”, one of the latest trends for home decor and electronic devices.
The sputtering technology allows depositing not only aluminium,
Usually, the colour range achieved with metallisation is given by the
which is the typical choice as it is optimal for obtaining reflectivity
material of the metal target used, but with reactive sputtering it is
effects and for decorative purposes, but also several other metals,
possible to obtain different hues, which could not be created with the
from titanium to steel, from copper to gold, from silver to alloys,
deposition of a metal alone. Reactive sputtering is therefore an actual
in order to achieve different effects and hues while enhancing the
additional finishing process, in which the amount of gas injected in a
surfaces with much brighter results than those given by painting, for
given period with a specific vacuum value must be well regulated.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
The deposition process: Arzuffi’s full support
cycle or to quickly switch from one target to another over the course of
The Fast-Met systems’ operation is similar to that of Arzuffi’s PVD
cycles, thus providing incredible process flexibility. A “flipping” system,
sputtering machines, considered among the most reliable in the
exclusive to Arzuffi, enables to replace the target quickly, ergonomically,
market based on the high quality components installed and the
and without the use of forklifts, cranes, overhead cranes, and so on.
advanced software developed by the company’s R&D team. Thanks
The simplified maintenance of Fast-Met systems thus saves time and
to the experience gained over the years, Arzuffi’s technicians and
engineers can offer all their expertise in the surface treatment field to their customers. In the case of reactive sputtering applications, in
The main advantages of Fast-Met systems
particular, Arzuffi supports its customers in finding the most suitable
• High productivity;
gas mixture to achieve their required finishes. In the framework of
• Fast cycles;
a process which is already largely known to the market, Fast-Met
• Process flexibility;
offers a key benefit: the ability to make the final results uniform,
• Treatment homogeneity, uniformity, and repeatability;
homogeneous, and repeatable, guaranteeing the same shade on all
• Customisation options;
the pieces loaded on the fixture.
• Compact layout;
The machine can be equipped with one or more magnetron
• Ease of maintenance;
cathodes. This latter solution is increasingly demanded by the market
• Advanced human machine interface;
because it enables to sputter more than one metal during the same
• Competitive price.
© Arzuffi
A Fast-Met system with two doors and two fixtures.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Arzuffi
The main target markets The sectors interested in this technology are mainly the automotive industry, for the creation of logos, lights (car body lighting field), and coloured car exteriors and interiors; the lighting industry, where there is a demand for semi-transparent or coloured effects; the cosmetics industry for tubes, creams, perfume caps, and so on; the fashion industry for buttons, buckles, heels, etc.; household appliances and electronic devices; and the furniture industry for decorations and furnishing accessories, but also chairs, mirrors, and frames.
Manual or fully automatic? Dürr supplies pre-installed and perfectly matched solutions for a wide range of painting tasks – from spray guns to robot systems.
© Arzuffi
The “flipping” target replacement mechanism devised by Arzuffi.
Scientists Develop Antimicrobial and Anti-Reflective Coating by Studying Insects’ Eyes Scientists from Russia and Switzerland have developed a biodegradable nanocoating with antimicrobial and anti-reflective properties by studying the nanostructures covering the corneas of the eyes of small fruit flies
cientists from Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU, Russia) and
and complex functional nanocoatings.
from University of Geneva, The University of Lausanne, and
The scientist explains that the mechanism underlying the formation
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich teamed up to
of the protective nanostructures on the corneas of Drosophila flies is
conduct an interdisciplinary research project during which they were
a self-organizing process, described by Alan Turing back in 1952 as a
able to artificially reproduce the nanocoating of the corneas of fruit flies
reaction-diffusion mechanism. That is consistent with the mathematical
(Drosophila flies) naturally designed to protect the eyes of the insects
modelling performed during the research. This mechanism is also
from dust particles and shut off the reflection of light.
responsible for the patterns forming, for example, on the fur of a
By investigating these flies, the team learned how to produce a
zebra or a leopard. The nanostructures that protect the corneas of
biodegradable nanocoating with antimicrobial, anti-reflective, and self-
Drosophila eyes are the first established example of Turing patterns at
cleaning properties in a cost-effective and eco-friendly way.
the nanoscale.
How the study was conducted
In the course of the research project, scientists made a detailed characterization of the properties of retinin, as this protein has been
Scientists managed to rebuild the corneal coating of small fruit flies
little studied so far. It turned out that this initially unstructured protein
via direct and reverse bioengineering methods. First, they took the
forms a globular structure when interacting with corneal waxes. Thus,
protective layer apart into its constituent components, which turned
scientists took a look deep into the biophysical nature of the self-
out to be retinin (protein) and corneal wax (lipids), and then reassemble
organization abiding to the Turing model, highlighting an important
it under room temperature conditions, covering glass and plastic
molecular process likely at the core of the self-organization: the
initiation of the protein structuring.
According to Vladimir Katanaev – the head of the research and Head of the Laboratory of Pharmacology of Natural Compounds in the
Fields of application of the new nanocoating
School of Biomedicine of FEFU – any other types of materials can be
This coating might find applications in diverse areas of economics
nanocoated too. Combinations with different types of wax and genetic
including medicine, nanoelectronics, automotive industry, and textile
manipulations of the retinin protein allow the design of highly diverse
© Wissenschaft
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Bioengineer
It can wrap up any flat or three-dimensional structure, and, depending on the task, give it anti-reflective, antibacterial, and hydrophobic properties, including self-cleaning. The self-cleaning property, for example, is a very important feature
Get more from water
for expensive reusable overnight ortho-k lenses that correct the eyesight. Similar anti-reflective coatings – which are being used on the panels of computers, glasses, painting in museums – are created by more complex and costly methods. “We are able to produce the nanocoating in any required quantity given that its design is more cost-effective compared to the modern methods of manufacturing similar structures. The work with natural components requires no special equipment nor significant energy consumption and constraints of chemical etching, lithography, and laser printing,” explains Vladimir Katanaev. “The development has broad applications. For example, it could be the structural dying of textiles that would change the colour depending on the angle of view. It is possible to create a disguise coat based on metamaterials, an antibacterial layer for medical implants, and a self-cleaning coating for contact lenses and windshields. We also believe that if we
Turn key solutions for industrial wastewater treatment Design and manufacturing of plants and chemicals for industrial wastewater treatment Chemical-physical plants Sludge treatment and compactor systems Ion exchange demineralization systems and reverse osmosis systems Oil separators Filtering systems
reinforce the nanocoating, it might be utilized as a basis of flexible
Batch type systems
miniature transistors prototypes designed for modern electronics.”
Flotation units
What comes next? Professor Vladimir Katanaev started studying the structure of the eye of Drosophila fly about 10 years ago.
Chemicals and spare parts for water treatment Technical service, support and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants
According to the scientist, the first data were obtained almost impromptu by means of atomic force microscopy. During collaboration with the laboratory of Prof. Igor Serdyuk from the Institute of Protein Research (Russian Academy of Sciences), it was discovered that the surface of the corneas of the flies was not smooth but was covered with beautiful patterns of pseudo-ordered nanoscale outgrowths. As it turned out, nanocoatings of this kind were described back in the late 1960s on the surface of the eyes of moths, larger insects to whom these structures also provide an antireflex function, reducing the reflection of incident light to zero and allowing to optimize light perception in the darkness. At next stages, the research team aims at developing a model of three-dimensional nanostructuring (with nano-funnels, nanocolumns, nanorolls within the layer of the coating), also based on the Turing mechanism. This work would lie at the very frontier of modern scientific knowledge and can have promising fundamental and technological consequences.
In over 15 years, WaterEnergy developed its proved and consolidated industrial water treatment technology specifically designed for chemical and mechanical engineering area
Beware of imitations, buy the original!
The study by professor Vladimir Katanaev and his team was published on the journal Nature.
For further information:
© J. Wagner GmbH
By means of a laser scan, the workpiece contours are recorded before powder coating. The gun distances in the booth are optimized accordingly by the automatic gap, height and depth control.
Solutions for Efficient Powder Coating at Wandel GmbH Wandel GmbH, a German company specialising in electrostatic powder coating, choose the automatic systems by WAGNER to increase its throughput and meet the customers’ requirements for increased surface quality and higher coating efficiency also on complex workpieces.
he company Wandel GmbH in the German city Rottenburg
In the beginning, Wandel used equipment for manual powder coating.
has specialized in electrostatic powder coating since 40 years
In the course of time, the customers’ requirements for surface
ago. Today, over 60 employees work in 2-shift operation on
quality increased and the workpieces became more complex. Wandel
an area of over 5,000 m². The chemical pre-treatment of workpieces
required reliable coating systems with which the company can react
as preparation for powder coating is just as much a part of the
flexibly to different customer orders. They invested more and more in
company’s activities as complex masking work. Customers include
automated systems - the choice fell on WAGNER.
international suppliers from the mechanical engineering, electrical
After Wandel had already had good experience with WAGNER guns
appliance and automotive industry. The coating spectrum ranges from
and controls, the company decided on automatic systems with the
flat metal parts to various pipe and wire geometries.
plastic booths PrimaCube and SuperCube. These meet the increasing
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
requirements for speed and number of colour changes and offer a high coating quality. The automatic gap, height and depth control records the workpiece contours and optimizes the gun distances. This results in a high application efficiency with minimized powder consumption. By using a robot, the degree of automation of the coating process could be increased in most cases so that manual coating is no longer necessary. However, the system has been designed in such a way that a recoater can be used if it is necessary for particularly complex shapes. During colour change, the injectors, powder hoses and guns are automatically cleaned. The booth can be blown out quickly and easily. PXS powder centres are used as the central powder supply and colour change system. During colour change the operator is guided through the process
© J. Wagner GmbH
The workpieces are coated in a highly automated process to meet Wandel GmbH’s increasing requirements in terms of speed and number of colour changes.
on the touch screen. Short suction distances, fluidization with vibration
© J. Wagner GmbH
and integrated ultrasonic sieving allow an optimal powder preparation. The innovative injector technology from WAGNER meets the high-quality demands of Wandel with its low-air feeding and high coating efficiency. The change of the long-life collector nozzle is possible in a few seconds and minimizes maintenance time considerably. By the increasing automation of the production with the coating systems and innovative injector technology from WAGNER the company Wandel sees itself very well positioned to master the challenges of the future. For further information: customerreferences/wandel/ WAGNER’s injector technology enables low-air powder feeding with high coating efficiency.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
The Lively Spirit of Steel in Viktor Mácha’s Photography Through his photos Viktor Mácha explains us the charm of an industrial production that he feels to belong to the past: are we really among the last generations to have had the privilege of admiring the cold steel transformation into a warm and lively material?
ephaestus, the god of fire, is often depicted in ancient art while working on white-hot metal inside his forge, between sparks and gushes. Our minds frequently recall these evocative
images when talking about steel mills, maybe because these factories make it possible to “tame the devil”, as photographer Viktor Mácha says. ipcm® has interviewed this peculiar artist, who has been documenting the innermost aspects of heavy industry for years. Viktor Mácha was born in 1984 in Prague (Czech Republic). Fascinated from an early age by these “rusty monsters”, where the descendants of Hephaestus and his cyclops work and power such huge plants, since 2006 he has been travelling around the world at his own expense, portraying heavy industrial sites such as iron works, steel works, rolling mills, forges, foundries, and coke plants. Currently, his archive comprises several hundred mills, stretching from the American Midwest to the Asian part of Russian Urals ( The only aim of these photographs is to objectively document the technological processes linked to steel making and shaping, because it is possible that our generation will be one of the last to experience the fascinating world of dark, rumbling factories, where the reflections of white-hot metal on surfaces reveal the warm and lively soul of cold steel. You define yourself as an industrial photographer. What made you to choose such a special (and perhaps unprofitable) subject as the industrial sector? Actually, that self-definition is not correct. It works for public relations managers to get permissions, but to be honest I do not feel like a photographer. Photography is not even my hobby at all. I just fell in love
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Viktor Mácha
with the steel industry when I was a child. It was somewhen in the late 1990s that I found out that the heavy industry would inevitably become part of my life. I was 15 and my parents took me to the Beskid Mountains for the summer holidays. Thanks to some road works and detours, we suddenly ended up in the town of Trinec, with big dark mill rising above the riverbank. Even though I had not the slightest idea what was that rusty monster on the other side, I knew from the very first moment that this was it. It was just something completely different. That smell, the smoke, the rumbling sound, everything. Few years passed and the landscape begun to change, the time of the steel dinosaurs had come. And I simply could not let the good old mills fade away so easily. So, I bought my very first camera in 2007 and without any photographic education or skills I walked into the nearest plant to document it. And that is what I have been doing until today, only travelling much further and spending way more than I did before. I have completely lost control over it. I cannot tell you why I chose the steel industry, there is no rational explanation. All I can tell you is that every time I see a blast furnace on a far horizon, I am getting butterflies in my stomach immediately. What is the relationship between art and industry and how do you translate it into your creations? Creations... I do not create anything. When I enter a mill, all scenes are ready and perfect. All I need to do is pressing the camera shutter. It is that easy. But what is the relation between art and industry? There are not many © Viktor Mácha
© Viktor Mácha
questions that I find so difficult, congratulations! Without any doubt, art is the universal language. Even if you cannot speak that language, you can understand it at least a bit when you listen carefully. On the other side, there is the steel industry. The true art of steel making and shaping. Giant factories with miles of pipes, cables, dust, heat, and tiny ant-like workers operating the chaos. Not fully understandable on the very first sight. Simply too many things are happening together. I am way too far from calling myself an artist, but the duty of those who are more talented than me is to step in and start making the industry understandable. The process of iron and steel making is utterly fascinating and beautiful, but after years spent acting secretively, the steel industry has become suspicious. And what is suspicious has no place in common society. The beauty of steel must be rediscovered. Art has the power to make it happen.
Viktor Mácha and some of its photos showing the fascinating world of steel mills.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
Among your works, there is a specific and important project
absolutely overwhelming, it is the archetypal process of creation, the
addressed to the steel mills. What fascinates you about this
taming of the Devil. You can clearly witness the process of material
transformation. Is this not fascinating enough?
You probably mean The Beauty of Steel project... Well, what fascinates me the most is the fact that this beauty is still
What catches your attention and makes you decide the right
almost completely ignored. Common society has learned to live with
moment to take the photo?
the popular prejudice that the industry is ugly and needs to be wiped
After almost thirteen years of continual documentation of the world’s
out by all means. That is partly understandable. All that most people
heavy industries, I am not visiting the mills for some spectacular shots.
see are just some weird, dark factory halls from the outside. Not many
My approach is strictly typological, so I am taking more or less the
have had the privilege to step inside one of them.
same photographs in every plant.
I still remember my very first visit to an active steel plant. When I
It is the search for the ideal form of a blast furnace, an oxygen
entered the grey cast house, the furnace was just being tapped
converter, or a rolling stand. The only important thing for me is the
and the whole hall was flooded by an intense orange glow. That
action, the orange glow. When the blazing piece of steel is formed by
liquid sun changed the scenery completely. It was not just a boring
the cold steel machinery. That is the spirit. Shutdown plants never
factory hall anymore. It was a real temple of work. Steel making is
interested me.
Š Viktor Måcha
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
OptiCenter® All-in-One Outstanding application performance
Can you point out a particular work or artist that has inspired you? As a big admirer of industrial art, I definitely need to mention Czech painter and graphic artist Josef Drha (1912-2009). He devoted himself to industrialisation in Ostrava and made some extraordinary paintings capturing the basic industrial processes. However, his legacy is still waiting to be discovered by vast audience. Or Ukrainian artist Yuri Sergeevich Komendant (1926-2009), who created many fabulous paintings inspired by the heavy industry in Donbass without the typical pathos of socialist realism. Among the photographers, I cannot forget the famous couple Bernd and Hilla Bechers, A. Aubrey Bodine, or Czech industrial photographer František Krasl.
© Viktor Mácha
The first powder center combining electrostatics and powder feeding The new powder center is equipped with OptiStar All-in-One® gun controls, in which the injector technology is directly integrated. This ensures the fastest powder output response times for reliable coating quality. The fully automated application and cleaning process ensures efficient color changes.
Gema Europe Srl | Via Goldoni, 29 20090 Trezzano s/N | Italy T +39 02 48 400 486 F +39 02 48 400 874
Walther Trowal Expands in the United States Georg Harnau Walther Trowal GmbH & Co. KG, Haan - Germany
Walther Trowal has significantly expanded the facilities of its subsidiary in Grand Rapids, Michigan (USA), that was founded in 2005. It now offers its customers in North- and South-America just-in-time delivery times for the mass finishing media and compounds. In the substantially upgraded Process Development Lab experienced and knowledgeable application engineers assist the customers to optimize the surface finishing solutions for their work pieces.
ith the move into a substantially larger facility the Walther
their work pieces in Walther Trowal machinery and, jointly with the
Trowal LLC in Grand Rapids, Michigan (USA), has now
company’s application engineers, improve their finishing processes.
eliminated the disadvantages of two separate physical
The lab is not only equipped with mass finishing and shot blast
locations. With a total area of more than 4,000 m² all the company’s
machinery but also coating systems for mass produced small parts.
business functions are now under one roof: Sales, service and
In the Tech & Training Centre Walther Trowal offers application and
administration and a threefold larger warehouse area for machines,
training seminars, which are primarily attended by distributors but
compounds and media.
also by customers from the automobile, machinery building and
Walther Trowal has also expanded the Process Development Lab
aerospace industry.
that is now equipped with a variety of different finishing machines. It
With the new facility Ken Raby, Vice President and General Manager
allows the American customers to quickly run processing trials with
of the Walther Trowal LLC, can now serve his North- and South-
© Walther Trowal
All Walther Trowal business functions are now located under one roof on an area of more than 4,000 m². In the Tech & Training Centre Walther Trowal offers a wide range of application and training seminars.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Walther Trowal
The Process Development Lab allows the customers to quickly run processing trials with their own work pieces in Walther Trowal equipment.
American customers even better: “We have significantly expanded
coating equipment, as well as compounds and plastic media, at its
our warehouse capacity. This enables us to ship standard media and
headquarters in Germany. Ceramic grinding and polishing media are
compounds to our customers from Grand Rapids just-in-time. In
still produced in Great Britain at a facility in Stoke-on-Trent.
addition, we are stocking numerous mass finishing machines, which can now be shipped instantaneously.
About Walther Trowal
Several application and sales engineers at the Grand Rapids office
Since 1931 Walther Trowal has been developing and producing
support the already existing nine distributors in the United States and
systems for the refinement of surfaces. Initially focusing exclusively on
Canada, including the subsidiary company in Queretaro, Mexico. At
mass finishing – the term “Trowalizing” originated from the company’s
this location the Walther Trowal LLC founded the Walther Trowal S.A.
cable address “Trommel Walther” – Walther Trowal has continuously
de C.V. in January 2020. With initially three employees this office has
expanded its product portfolio.
also a test lab and a sizable stock of Trowal products.
Over time the company has developed a broad range of machinery
Christoph Cruse, general sales manager at Walther Trowal in Haan
and systems for mass finishing, shot blasting and coating of mass
(Germany), explains why the company is further expanding its
produced small components.
presence in the Americas: “We see a continuously growing flow of
With the invention of new systems like, for example, drag finishing
customer enquiries and purchase orders from North- as well as
and the development of special finishing methods for 3D printed
South-America. Both markets are undergoing a steady growth. With
components, the company has proven its innovative capabilities again
short response times, a large warehouse capacity and intensive on-
and again.
site technical support, our American customers have perceived us for
Walther Trowal develops and implements complete surface treatment
quite a while as a local player in the field of surface finishing”.
solutions that can be seamlessly integrated into linked production
Walther Trowal produces all its mass finishing, shot blasting and
systems existing at the customers. This includes the entire process
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
technology, perfectly adapted to the specific surface finishing requirements of the work pieces: Equipment and the respective consumables always complement each other in a perfect manner. Each individual work piece and each manufacturing process must meet special technical requirements. That is why the experienced process engineers in our test lab, in close cooperation with the customers, develop the optimal process technology for the finishing task at hand. The result: work piece surfaces that meet exactly the required specifications with short processing times and a high degree of consistent, repeatable results. Walther Trowal is one of the few manufacturers who develops and produces all machines and mass finishing consumables © Walther Trowal
in-house including ceramic and plastic grinding and polishing media as well as compounds.
In the Process Development Lab the customers have the opportunity to test the Walther Trowal equipment with their own work pieces.
The company’s equipment range also includes all kinds of peripheral equipment
© Walther Trowal
for handling the work pieces like lift and tip loaders, conveyor belts and roller conveyors, in addition, special driers for mass finishing applications and, last-but-not-least, systems for cleaning and recycling of the process water. With its exchange program for wear items like work bowls, which are part of a continuous recycling program, Walther Trowal conserves valuable resources and, thus, makes a significant contribution towards sustainability in the field of industrial production. Quick technical support and the global repair and maintenance service ensure high uptimes for our equipment. Walther Trowal serves customers in a wide range of different industries all over the world, for example, automotive, aerospace, medical engineering and wind power.
The Process Development Lab is also equipped with machinery for the application of coatings on mass produced small parts.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
COVERED by ipcm®
The First Digital Conference of ipcm®: Architecture and Design of the Future. Natural vs. Engineered Materials On 2 December 2020, ipcm® held its first fully digital conference on a topic of great interest to the finishing sector, aimed at a target group that has been among the readers of ipcm® since its inception: architects and specifiers.
ith the title “Architecture and Design of the Future. Natural
finished aluminium, composite materials, and powdered finishes) are
vs. Engineered Materials”, the conference presented
a series of cutting-edge technologies for sustainable
The conference saw the participation of a large number of speakers
architecture and design solutions.
from both the paint and coating sector (Marco Misani from Salchi
Imitating means exhibiting characteristics similar to those of another,
Metalcoat, Guido Pozzoli from Stardust, Klaus Karner from Tiger
usually more precious object or product. This term can have both
Drylac Italia, and Andrea Perelli from Pulverit) and the academic,
a positive and negative connotation but, in the construction sector,
architecture, and construction worlds (Arch. Massimiliano Mandarini
the negative one often, and wrongly, prevails. This happens due to a
from Biophilic Architect, Andrea Brotini from Marcegaglia, and Prof.
“clash” between natural materials (such as wood, marble, copper, and
Eng. Stefano Rossi from the University of Trento).
iron) and artificial, chemically engineered materials: in architecture
Lots of interesting topics and suggestions were discussed, including
and design, the latter are asked to imitate the finishes of the former,
the need for harmony between nature and engineering, for dialogue
which are considered more precious precisely because they are
between old and new, and for innovation aimed at improving our
quality of life both indoor and outdoor.
Contemporary construction and design, however, have to take into
The half-day conference was also attended by users from the metal
account numerous demands that are not compatible with the use
architecture sector as well as from the architecture, engineering, and
of natural materials, successfully used up until today, but not always
urban planning offices of a few Italian provincial capitals.
able to meet the current criteria for sustainability, anti-seismic
The talks authorised for broadcasting are available on the YouTube
construction, energy efficiency, durability with no or little maintenance,
channel and the social pages of @myipcm.
and, therefore, cost efficiency. Furthermore, in both design and architecture, engineered materials enable very important functions to be added to surfaces. It is the duty of the architecture and design sectors of the future to use sustainable materials, with a lower environmental impact than other products in their category, produced with lower levels of pollutant emissions and energy consumption, with the lowest possible amount of toxic chemicals or pollutants, and devised to ensure easy disposal and recycling of their raw materials. Finally, they have the task of offering additional functionalities, meeting the needs of their times (anti-microbial, photocatalytic, anti-graffiti), in an effective way. The aim of this conference was exploring the potential of new materials in architecture and design for energy-efficient, sustainable, lightweight, earthquake-resistant buildings and for hygienic and smart furniture, devices, and components, thus dispelling the idea that these new materials (such as pre-painted metal, sublimated and imitation-
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
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Š eos Mktg&Communication Srl
Social Media Trends 2021: The Ultimate Guide Barbara Pennati eos Mktg&Communication Srl
By analysing the Hootsuite and Hubspot/Talkwalker reports, we have identified 10 key trends that will guide 2021 social content and strategies and that brands will need to take into account to set up an effective communication with their audience.
hen we talked about the digital trends of 2020 last year, no
one would have imagined such a leap in the use of these tools,
one could’ve imagined what 2020 had in store for us.
caused by the need to stay in touch when the word of order was
The pandemic and the consequent economic crisis, the
social distancing.
rampant social protests, the pressing climate situation - all these
Surely Covid-19 more than any other factor has acted as a catalyst
factors have not only influenced the approach of companies to digital,
for many ideas, events and initiatives that perhaps would not have
and in particular to social networks, but also how social networks
occurred otherwise, and we must expect that some dynamics
adapted to cope with new needs.
and repercussions generated by this situation will also have an
For instance, although a stronger growth in video content and an
impact in 2021.
increase in Live or Stories usage were already expected last year, no
Like every year, global platforms such as Hootsuite, Hubspot and
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Talkwaker analyse the market situation, collecting interviews and
would not want to find our brand. Most people use social media to
feedback from marketers and industry experts in order to publish
find fun content and to inform themselves. Also, Hootsuite lets us
reports and projections on what awaits us in 2021.
know that 68% of people don’t think brands or companies are sharing
In this article, we present 10 key points to consider when setting up a
interesting content.
social media marketing and communication strategy in 2021.
Brands that wish to stand out in 2021 will have to find creative ways to
1 - The socially conscious new generations
plug into the conversation instead of trying to lead it, creating content that breaks through the wall of indifference.
Contingent events such as Covid-19 and social rifts have led many
Adopting conversational marketing strategies can help go from
brands to take a stand, adopting specific policies.
theory to practice, by building relationships based on personalized
Issues of common interest such as education, society, politics, equity,
one-to-one content, adopting a more conversational and human
the climate are important to the younger generations and are widely
tone, combining artificial intelligence with a more empathic form of
discussed on social media. These topics also guide the purchasing
decisions of these generations, which are growing and will soon enter
In 2021 it is reasonable to expect a greater commitment from brands
the working world, increasing their spending capacity.
and platforms to connect more with consumers, also thanks to the
Goal-oriented companies will need to take these factors into account
use of artificial intelligence. Promotions will become less forced
and take a stand accordingly. But be careful: adopting a socially
and will derive more from listening to the audience, from natural
conscious marketing strategy is not something that can be falsified,
conversations and consolidated relationships with consumers.
imitated or built overnight. Giving in to social pressure has led many
Brand-wide, it is good to review your performance metrics, keeping
brands to be defined as hypocrites, especially when compared to
in mind the normal behaviour of users. In fact, most people on
brands like Patagonia that have made social and environmental
Facebook share 1 post every 30 days on average. This should make
responsibility their USP.
us understand how likes and shares do not always represent the real
Therefore, if the company does not have a strategy that is truly
interest of a user. In this sense, reach and engagement are more
oriented towards these goals, any marketing effort will be useless and
realistic metrics, especially if the engagement is later translated into
above all harmful to the company’s reputation.
concrete actions, such as the request of information.
Social media can help us to listen to what consumers ask, want and consider important when it comes to purchasing decisions.
3 - The continued importance of customer experience
But the decision to take a stand in this regard must come from the
Listening to your audience also means focusing once again on
company’s management, which must define a functional strategy,
customer experience.
oriented towards the goals. This strategy should not be made of mere
In fact, in recent years we have witnessed a shift in focus from
statements, nor impromptu but it should carry real meaning and be
improving the customer experience to seeking a higher ROI. However,
as authentic as it gets.
transactions do not make a brand memorable or lead to long-term
What to do then? As we specified when talking about LinkedIn
growth. Moreover, today more than ever, it is necessary to recreate
(, the first step
on social media the costumer experience that has been lacking in
is to create behavioural policies for social media, an even more
physical touchpoints due to social distancing and closures imposed by
fundamental tool in times of crisis. If these policies already exist, a
the pandemic.
review of them will make employees and in particular the social team
This will not only raise the social value but will also help differentiate
more prepared and confident in managing interactions with the
our products and services from all other advertisers (which are
audience – an audience that we should listen to. And this brings us
growing, by the way).
directly to the next trend.
A success story on this matter is presented by Clarins, a company of
2 - Social listening
skin care products, forced by the pandemic to close all its physical stores – which traditionally represent the number one source of sales
As already mentioned, when the pandemic broke out, many brands
and profits – shifting its focus on e-commerce.
rushed to change their communication strategies, focusing all
To make up for the lack of support and purchase advice notoriously
attention on Covid-19 and related topics and ending up adopting an
available in-store, Clarins relied on her beauty coach Rebecca Jones
almost sentimental language, which became tiring in the long run.
who, directly from her home through Instagram Stories, shared advice
You cannot appear disconnected from reality but neither can you
on beauty products and routines, based on types of skin and the most
forcefully insert yourself into conversations in which consumers
common needs. The home-based and DIY nature of these stories
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
Š Mitja Kobal
Fridays for future.
allowed consumers to identify with Rebecca, leading to incredible
Despite this, the Boomers have often been excluded from the
engagement results.
communication targets. One of the culprits of this error is the
It is therefore essential to go back to the basics of social networks:
industry’s bad habit of chasing novelty rather than effectiveness. For
to stay connected, in this case with your customers. To do this in
example, TikTok has been one of the most discussed novelties and
a period in which in-store experiences are limited or will have to
while its influence is set to grow, Hootsuite lets us know that based on
be rethought, it is important to accompany the online shopping to
the opinions of its interviewees, TikTok ranks among the least effective
experiences similar to those that could be done in-store, in order
platforms at the moment.
to make the quality of the product more tangible. This can be done
So, how to fix this? As with any target, not everyone is necessarily
for example through Live on social media, employee advocacy and
interested in your brand. However, rather than excluding an entire
collaborations with influencers.
generation simply based on age (and stereotypes), it is better to opt for a specific, interest-based targeting that does not necessarily
The Baby Boomers case
include everyone but that does not exclude Boomers altogether
Speaking of customer experience and social listening, in 2021
either, since Boomers as well have hobbies and passions, just like
many marketers will have to abandon stereotypes and remedy a
everyone else.
mistake perpetrated for too long: the exclusion of the Baby Boomers Particularly active on Facebook, as every Millennial child will confirm,
4 - The four Cs that will guide the conversation tone on social media
this generation that groups those born between 1946 and 1964, has
The repercussions of Covid-19 will not end with the arrival of the
become over time more and more tech and social savvy. Moreover,
vaccine but will also affect the future. Our consumer habits have been
70% of internet users aged 55-64 say they have bought something
influenced and changed by the pandemic and will almost certainly
online in the past month.
never be the same as in the pre-pandemic situation.
generation from marketing targets.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
In light of this, according to the report by Hubspot and Talkwalker, the tone of 2021 will be determined by four Cs: Community, Contactless, Cleanliness, Compassion - words that have become trendy and widely discussed on social networks. Consumers seek reassurance and information about their concerns from brands. Brands will therefore have to be able to provide an answer to these concerns and requests for information- However, before becoming part of these conversations, brand should take into account the relevance of their communication in relation to the topic. The four Cs will have to shape brand communication in 2021, adapting to changing consumer concerns. Based on all the trends mentioned so far, brands will need to connect more with their consumers, listening and analysing their conversations to understand their concerns, and provide answers that allow them to address these issues more effectively.
5 - The power of (remixed) user-generated content The rise of TikTok has certainly given new shape to user-generated content, electing it as one of the most effective forms of digital communication. What makes this new type of user generated content really a trend to focus on (and expect more from the future, also considering the success of the recently launched Instagram Reels) is the possibility for users to remix content, personalizing it in the most appropriate way to express themselves and their personality. In fact, we no longer speak of a mere act of sharing a viral post: people’s contributions are taken up by other users, who make them their own, customizing the format and transforming a trend into something new. This type of content was even more successful during the lockdown imposed by Covid-19, providing a way of connecting and
● ● ● ●
Conveyors Conveyor chains Special components Automations
communicating with other people, creating new content without having to leave the house. Brands can fit into this context by providing new formats and templates on which users can base their content. This will allow for a more organic connection between brands and consumers. Moreover, expect more and more apps and social channels to adapt to accommodate this type of content, while also offering VR and AR options.
6 - The commitment to stop digital disinformation The term fake news has entered everyone’s vocabulary. And as many already know, fake news, disinformation and conspiracy theories are widely spread on social media. If we were already aware of the dangers and controversies related to fake news by social giants - with Twitter following the hard line
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to fight them and Facebook choosing a more cautious approach - the
forms of communication, especially among the youngest. In fact, it is
coronavirus pandemic has certainly given a boost to the efforts
estimated that 55% of people aged 13-25 exchange memes every week.
of both brands and social platforms to fight fake news and the
They are certainly a fun, sometimes irreverent, form of communication,
overall disinformation, as we discussed when we talked about
which offered a relief and a form of escapism from the situation
how the Coronavirus has changed the digital world
generated by Covid-19. However, as it often happens with the most
popular forms of communication, memes can also be exploited to
2021 (and we bet the years to come, as well) will be marked by this
influence online users with malicious purposes, especially when they go
continuous joint effort.
hand in hand with disinformation, which is growing rapidly. All hot topics such as politics, the economy and Covid-19 itself are at
The Meme situation
risk of manipulation, even through memes. In the coming months and
Why do we talk about digital disinformation in correlation with memes?
years, we must expect memes to be used more and more to persuade
Well, memes have become one of the most powerful and popular
consumers. The impact of memes does not only affect key issues such as those mentioned above but also brands. If on the one hand brands exploit memes to communicate with the language of their audience, also sharing those generated by the community itself, on the other, brands will have to pay more and more attention to minimize the propaganda potential of the medium. While waiting for new regulations for this type of content (which also raises copyright concerns), let’s expect an ever-increasing monitoring of this format, both by the platforms and by the brands.
7 - The charm of nostalgia marketing How many of you born in the 90s like me like to think back to the hours spent playing Super Mario Bros on the Game Boy Color, the exchange of Pokemon cards, the hours spent listening to Spice Girls tapes with the Walkman? Whether your tastes meet mine or your year of birth is different from mine, each generation has memories linked to moments, objects, customs of a certain period, which bring to mind carefree moments. The last few years saw a rise of this nostalgia – just think of the several (and more or less successful) reboots of productions that have gone down in history or new tv shows such as Stranger Things, which gives a nod to an entire generation who misses the 80s and its customs. In times of uncertainty and economic recession like the one we are experiencing, the resort to past memories and nostalgia is even more frequent and for many it represents an attempt to connect to happier times and distract ourselves from the current situation. It should therefore come as no surprise that 2021 will see an increase in nostalgia marketing strategies, able to connect positive emotions to a brand, giving it a sentimental connotation. Stories associated with the “better days” theme, content that revolves around classic elements, re-editions of now defunct products or content presented in “old school” style - the formats that brands can exploit are many. Netflix-Meme.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
What we must keep in mind if we want to adopt similar strategies is that
nostalgia marketing only works for one generation at a time, precisely
through platforms such as Twitch or YouTube, players connect with
because of the close link with the historical period.
each other, sharing experiences. In fact, Talkwalker lets us know that people who identify as gamers
8 - The return of traditional marketing
(citing this in their social bio) rose from 31.1 million in 2019 to 41.2
Those who read our articles know how many times we have
million in 2020, marking a + 32%.
mentioned that there is no perfect and always effective marketing
If on the one hand many companies have already understood and
strategy: the habits of consumers and online users change and adapt
exploited the potential offered by the gamer community (i.e. Warner
to trends and contingent situations and this is why it is important that
Bros, which launched the first trailer of Nolan’s latest film, Tenet,
our marketing strategies are flexible.
through the Fortnite game), on the other hand, many game franchises
We have already talked about how the Covid-19 pandemic has
will go beyond their origins, building and expanding their community
changed the habits of online users. Today we are given another fact:
more and more, even beyond the gameplay.
the more traditional marketing strategies – such as newsletters and
Even the social platforms themselves seem to be oriented in this
podcasts – have returned to fill an information gap.
direction: Facebook will soon launch Facebook Horizon
The conclusion that can be drawn from this is that brands will have to
(, a virtual place in which users can
focus more on offering quality content, able to fill the aforementioned
meet, build their community, interact and play.
gap, focusing more on content rather than style.
10 - Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are here to stay
9 - Social media meet gaming
We often read about declining platforms (how many times have you
With the lockdown, more and more people have used video games
heard this about Twitter?) or about new platforms in full swing (does
as a distraction, also marking a strong growth in communities and
TikTok ring a bell?). However, the truth is that, if you analyse the data,
online forums. What may surprise you is that the keywords linked to
the platforms that after a decade and despite the different targets
these communities are not so much related to games per se, but to
continue to have no equal are three: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
the social relationships that derives from them, to playing together:
Part of the success of these three platforms is their ability to adapt
© Netflix Life
Stranger Things 80s nostalgia.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
Š youtube
Tenet movie trailer premiere in Fortnite Party Royale game.
to any situation, promptly responding to emerging user needs through
2021 also promises a return to basics under many points of view: not
new features and formats.
only will the importance of the consumer experience be rediscovered
So, even if they won’t be the same platforms we use today, let’s expect
with respect to sales and ROI (which will remain important in any case),
to see these three platforms dominate the scene over the next few
but more and more attention will also be given to the ability of a brand
years too, probably under different guises. What brands will have to do
to social listening and create a real connection with their audience. The
is know how to adapt each and every time to these new guises.
authenticity of the stand brands will take on social issues, as well as their ability to adapting to new formats and new consumer habits will
Summing up
be pivotal as well.
What we can deduct from these trends is that the leitmotiv of 2021 will
The year ahead will certainly not be easy and the feeling is that of
be Consumer is king: brands that will fully understand their consumers -
having to ponder our strategic choices with even greater attention. That
their motivations, needs, conversations - and take decisive actions based
said, a truly authentic, consumer-facing approach is likely to reward our
on these intuitions, will be the ones to survive the turmoil that awaits us.
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The Professional Training Courses of ipcm® Academy: The Opinion of a Trainee From an interview with Manuel Zecca Process Technologist at Verniciatura Industriale Srl, Piano di Follo (La Spezia), Italy
We continue our in-depth analysis of the training courses offered by ipcm® Academy with an interview to one of the first students to obtain the qualification of Industrial Surface Finishing Process Technologist, the new professional role recently included in the Framework of Professional Standards of the Lombardy Region.
or over ten years now, ipcm® Academy, the training division of
Technologist, now recognised at the Italian and European levels.
our publishing house, has been committed to filling the gaps
Manuel Zecca, Process Technologist at Verniciatura Industriale Srl
in the technical-professional training opportunities offered to
(Piano di Follo, La Spezia, Italy), has illustrated the peculiarities of the
the strategic sector of coating. After our interview to ipcm® Academy
course, emphasising that it is fundamental for an operator of our
director, Paolo Rami, for this article we have chosen to change
industry to find a training structure capable of addressing all technical
perspective by asking a few questions to one of the first students
aspects of the processes involved and conveying its instructors’ specific
to obtain the certification of Industrial Surface Finishing Process
skills in a way that is applicable in daily work activities.
© ipcm
Trainees during ipcm® Academy courses.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
What features of the training course did
Were the covered topics easily
the world of work, after finishing a vocational
you most appreciate?
school or a university diploma or degree
I have highly appreciated its structure,
The course was divided into 12 days for a
conceived to guarantee easy and convenient
total of 100 hours of training. Each day covers
participation especially for those who, like
a specific phase of the coating process in
You hold the role of process manager
me, already work in a company. The choice
approximately 8 hours. Classes usually end
within your company. Have you had
to hold the lessons on Thursdays and Fridays
at 4:00 p.m. and, in the following hour, the
the opportunity to apply the concepts
has enabled me to organise my work by
teacher checks if the concepts explained have
learned in the course and, if so, how?
distributing it over the remaining three days of
been correctly understood. If this is not the
I am convinced that it is the duty of any
the week, without affecting my productivity.
case, there is still time for further clarification.
technical manager to frequently keep up-to-
Given the specificity of the topics covered
Generally, I never got home after class with
date on the operational aspects of the tasks
and the high degree of competence of
any doubts.
for which they are responsible. This enables
the teachers, I would say this is more than
Furthermore, not only does the course review
them to cope with the various issues that can
a refresher course, but rather an actual
in detail all stages of the surface treatment
arise in a paintshop, but also to interface with
vocational training school. Moreover, the
process, but every topic is also examined from
the increasingly demanding customers with a
choice of forming classes with a reduced
the basics to the most complex aspects, so
proper technological knowledge level.
number of participants favours direct student-
that even non-experts can fully understand
This is the reason why I decided to attend
teacher interaction, which, in turn, helps make
the subject matter. This is why I would also
ipcmŽ Academy’s training course: I wanted to
both teaching and learning more fluid.
recommend it to those who have just entered
use my increased expertise to present myself
with better, more complete know-how to all
visits, and preparing plant and equipment
who are just beginning to approach the
stakeholders, from colleagues to clients.
purchase documents.
world of work. As this is a completely new professional role, I find it difficult to grasp
My mindset enables me to acquire theoretical notions and apply them with
The Lombardy Region has officially
how this recognition will reflect on my career
ease in my daily work activities. The two days
recognised the new profession of
path, but it surely is further legitimisation of
of practical lessons included in the course
Industrial Surface Finishing Process
my expertise.
also offer the opportunity to apply in a real
Technologist. Therefore, you have had
Finally, also the preparation to the course’s
environment what you have learnt in class.
the opportunity to conclude the course
final exam has enabled me to better
The day devoted to the documentation
with a final exam that made you the
understand which topics were more difficult
that a technical manager must handle was
first to achieve this certification. What
for me and for which I thought I was better
another plus of this course, as this topic is
are your thoughts on this?
prepared: the exam is certainly the most
not always addressed in depth elsewhere.
This is certainly an added value for such a
effective way to take stock of all the work
In fact, the amount of documents we
complete course as that of ipcm® Academy.
done... which will not stop there. I am ready
have to manage in our companies is often
I had not planned to obtain this certification,
to take more ipcm® Academy courses in
overlooked, perhaps because it is considered
also because I was qualified when I had
future to keep up-to-date and delve into
a secondary aspect of our daily work. The
already finished the lessons. However, I
the strategic issues related to my job role. I
daylong lesson devoted to this issue even
think it can open up many opportunities
believe that continuous learning keeps my
includes a useful hands-on test of drafting
not only for those who are already active
mind sharp, a key aspect for facing my long,
control documents, simulating inspection
in our industry, but also for young people
exciting career path ahead.
About ipcm® Academy ipcm® Academy is the training division of the ipcm®_International Paint&Coating magazine, a specialised journal for the surface treatment field. It has been training industrial surface finishing specialists since 2011. Its classroom courses are held by highly trained teachers with many years of experience in the field of surface treatments, and they include both a theoretical and a practical part, where the trainees are involved in quality control simulations. In June 2020, the Subcommittee of the Lombardy Region officially recognised the new profession of Industrial Surface Finishing Process Technologist and included it in the Framework of Professional Standards of the Lombardy Region. The recognition of this new professional role was obtained thanks to the partnership with the ASP Mazzini Institute (Cinisello Balsamo, Milan, Italy), a well-established local professional training body, and to the active collaboration of Paolo Rami, a consultant, the director of the ipcm® Academy, and an industrial finishing expert, who defined the specifications and requirements of the role. Who is this course for? • coating operators; • department managers; • technical sales employees of paint manufacturing companies; • quality control managers; • unemployed people; • workers 18 years of age or older seeking a vocational specialisation. For further information:
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© ipcm
Manuel Zecca.
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Disruption in Technical Communication: ipcm® OnAir, a Television Format Devoted to Technological Innovation Alessia Venturi, ipcm
When the background noise subsides, we become ready to listen.
with a format designed to capture the attention, but above all the
Nothing more than this sentence properly illustrates the
imagination of every company’s target audience, even if at a distance.
communication and visibility needs of companies at this time
An exclusive format, never before offered by any other magazine in
dominated by physical distancing. We are living in an era in which
our sector, which combines real and virtual elements in a 3D setting
all forms of “physical” brand promotion, such as events, trade fairs,
and offers the chance to interact with an audience, in-person or
conferences, open days, etc., are banned and the silence is deafening.
The need for promotion, on the other hand, has far from ceased. Quite the opposite is true: we need ventures that stand out for their
ipcm® OnAir – broadcasting innovation
originality, effectiveness, and innovation degree.
With its OnAir project, ipcm® aims at creating television shows
How can a company increase brand awareness, communicate its
focussing on the latest innovations in the surface coating and finishing
innovations, and promote its identity when all in-person events are
industry. The virtual meetings will be recorded in a soundstage in
cancelled, uncertainty reigns in the field of trade shows, and “live”
Milan, Italy. Here, an ipcm®-branded 3D virtual environment will be
exchange and networking events are prohibited?
created in which the sponsoring companies will be able to record
ipcm has found an answer in the spectacularisation of information,
a video of approximately one hour. The aim will be to present their
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
Example of a virtual set.
technological content by exploiting the international prestige of ipcm®.
Tech-Talks: event features
The television shows will be then broadcast through ipcm ’s channels:
• 4 speakers with 40-50 minutes of time each
YouTube, website, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Individual
• 1 presenter/moderator who will introduce the event and the most
companies will also be able to use their own recordings on their
salient issues, present each speaker, and animate the debate and
channels and to extract short videos or video segments for later use,
interaction with the audience
in line with their own promotion strategies (e.g. at future trade shows
• Presence of 5 users in person and 2-3 remotely connected ones (pre-
and events or on their own digital channels).
recorded speeches)
Interested companies have two options to access ipcm _OnAir tv
• Involvement of a representative of a trade association related to the
format: by organizing an exclusive event on their own or to take part
theme of the day
to ipcm _Tech-Talks.
• Each company presentation will have a schedule that will include
audience interaction and, optionally, videos and Power Point
Within the project of ipcm _OnAir tv format, ipcm _Tech-Talks
Do not let physical distancing keep you from communicating your
is a technological-content show, which leverages the television
company’s mission, vision, values, strategy, technology, and identity!
format of virtual meetings and digital broadcast channels to reach a professional, specialised audience. This will include a series of thematic days, each focussing on a different topic related to the surface treatment sector.
For more information about costs, technical details and to
Each Tech-Talk will be broadcast with a fixed frequency set by ipcm®.
participate to the project, please contact
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
The Year of the SCIP Database Marcello Zinno UCIF – Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, Milan, Italy
he Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP (CARACAL), performing consultancy activities
for the European Commission and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), presented some updates on the SCIP database during the Group’s 37th meeting held last November. The SCIP database is a database of Substances of Concern in Articles, as such or in complex objects (Products), active since January 5, 2021. During the meeting, the launch of Version 1 of the SCIP dissemination portal with basic functionality was defined. Once the EU Water Framework Directive has been transposed into national laws, the Member States’ competent dob
authorities will be asked to ensure
e St
uniform implementation of the SCIP obligations across the European Union and to further raise awareness of these obligations by promoting supporting materials and providing advice where needed. ANIMA, the industrial federation representing the Italian companies
tools for submitting notifications, simplified
From January 2021, indeed, any company
in the mechanical sector within
notifications, and the use of references.
that produces, assembles, imports, or
Confindustria (the General
ECHA also provided a series of useful ideas
distributes products within the European
Confederation of Italian Industry),
for companies, from an invitation to consult
Union must submit item and product
invited all its members to participate
the supporting materials prepared on the
information to ECHA, with particular regard
in a webinar organised directly by
SCIP database to more detail suggestions,
to substances of very high concern present
ECHA to provide information on the
such as recommendations to present and
in concentrations greater than 0.1%
preparation and submission of the
structure information in a way that is clear
w/w. ANIMA Confindustria is available to
SCIP notification. During the webinar,
and understandable to all database users,
companies to provide information about
ECHA delved into the preparation of
to ensure correct identification of items in
these new obligations, which should help
notifications, focussing on requirements,
notifications, and to become familiar with the
regulate more effectively the management of
‘grouping’ and ‘hierarchy’ techniques,
tools available.
hazardous substances.
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
SFCHINA2020 Closes with Positive Results Despite Current Difficulties Despite the difficulties of this historic period, SFCHINA2020 reports positive results for this year’s edition, which featured a hybrid format for the first time.
he 33rd edition of SFCHINA, which took
surveys, majority of visitors gave positive
strengthen brand or corporate image;
place from December 8 to December
• 92% expressed the exhibition could help
10 at Area A of the China Import and
• 94% affirmed the exhibitor mix was
consolidate existing sales channels;
Export Fair Complex (CIEFC) in Guangzhou,
• 87% opined the exhibition was an effective
P.R. China, closed with reasonable results in a
• 94% expressed concurrent technical
platform for promoting new products or
year full of uncertainties, with a total of 4.011
programmes were of high quality;
registered visitors, and 164 exhibitors from 13
• 94% agreed SFCHINA was well-organized;
• 84% agreed the exhibition could serve to
countries/regions. In addition, there were 33
• 93% opined SFCHINA was successfully staged.
develop new markets, find new customers and
new exhibitors this year.
“The exhibition represents the temperature
build relationships with prospects.
To meet the needs of overseas visitors
and wind direction of the industry. I visit
“Although the number of visitors attending
and exhibitors who were unable to attend
the show to allow myself to witness and
in person has decreased, most of them are
SFCHINA2020 in person, a virtual edition was
experience”, said David Zhou, Sales Director of
potential customers”, said Luo Yiming, General
launched to allow participants to meet online
Nordson Co., Ltd. (China).
Manager, Guangzhou Tongxing Industry Co.,
even after the Guangzhou Ground Show
ended. It includes all exhibitors who exhibited
What exhibitors said sbout SFCHINA
in Guangzhou Ground Show and will be online
Majority of exhibitors showed satisfaction to
Shanghai on November 16-18, 2021 at the
until February 6, 2021, providing an additional
the exhibition according to our survey results:
Shanghai New International Expo Centre
option for the industry to stay connected.
• 97% affirmed the exhibition was one of their
What visitors said about SFCHINA According to findings from our onsite visitor
important marketing activities in China and Asia;
For further information:
• 97% endorsed the exhibition could
© Sinostar-ITE International Ltd. / SFCHINA Exhibition Ltd.
The 34th edition of SFCHINA will return to
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Sinostar-ITE International Ltd. / SFCHINA Exhibition Ltd.
AMAS Announces New Dates for Surface Finishing Mexico 2021 The Asociación Mexicana de Industriales de Acabados Superficiales (AMAS), organizer of Surface Finishing Mexico (SFM 2021), announces new dates for the SFM 2021 Expo. The fair will count a virtual event in March 2021 and an in-person expo in October of 2021.
n light of the pandemic and taking in consideration guidance and
of friendship, fellowship and mutual assistance among its members.
restrictions from local authorities, AMAS has postponed the in-
Members of AMAS include applicators, suppliers, educational
person SFM 2021 Expo, scheduled to take place from March 8-10,
institutions, consultants, and related automotive and aerospace
to October 5-7.
associations who currently participate in the surface finishing industry of
To still provide the industry an opportunity of networking and
promotion of technical education within the industry, On March 2324, AMAS has planned a virtual B2B event, during which participants
For further information:
will have access to business-to-business meetings and technical
About AMAS The Mexican National Association of Surface Finishing (AMAS) is a non-profit professional trade association dedicated to electroplating, anodizing, and all areas of surface finishing and coatings industry of Mexico. The mission of AMAS is to advance the science and technology of surface finishing through courses, workshops, technical programs, conferences and expos, while fostering a cooperative spirit
international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - N. 67
Eastern Coatings Show Calls for Technical Papers Largest Coatings Show on the East Coast set for June 9-11, 2021 at Harrah’s in Atlantic City (USA).
he Eastern Coatings Show (ECS) is seeking submissions
criteria for presentations is now available on ECS website.
from academia, government, and industry, presenting novel
The ECS board members express their heartfelt best wishes to all
research results in all aspects of industrial coating technology
members of the coatings industry as they persevere through this
for presentations at its biennial conference which will be held June
coronavirus pandemic. The ECS is the largest regional coatings show in
9-11 at Harrah’s Resort in Atlantic City (USA). The goal of the Eastern
Coatings Show is to further the advancement of coatings technology and offer educational and technical presentations to create a profound
About the Eastern Coatings Federation
understanding of the theory, science, manufacturing, and marketing
The Eastern Coatings Federation, Inc. is a corporation founded by the
of coatings to highlight the improvement of coatings performance and
Metropolitan New York Coatings Association (MNYCA), the Philadelphia
functionality beyond traditional expectations. Technical papers will
Society of Coatings Technology (PSCT) and the New England Society
be presented during show hours June 9-11, 2021. The ECS Technical
of Coatings Technology (NESCT) to serve the coatings industry on
Committee will be responsible for coordinating the agenda and logistics
a broader national basis exceeding their regional orientations. The
of all speakers.
Metropolitan New York Coatings Association serves coatings and allied
The ECS Technical Committee will review the presentations based on
industries in the New York Metropolitan area. The Philadelphia Society
their technical content and contribution to furthering the advancement
of Coatings Technology serves the coatings and allied industries in the
of coatings technology. The presentation format should be as close to a
metropolitan Philadelphia area. The New England Society of Coatings
short course as possible. Presentations providing educational insights
Technology serves the coatings industry in the New England states.
about emerging technology will be given priority. Although a company logo may appear on the slides, it is not appropriate for a presentation to
For further information:
be overly promotional or laden with trade names. All information on the
© Eastern Coatings Show
The venue of Eastern Coatings Show.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
SF EXPO 2021 in Guangzhou on 26 to 28 July 2021 The 14th SF EXPO in Guangzhou (China) will be held at Poly World Trade Center on July 26-28, 2021.
F EXPO has been held for 13 sessions
INDUSTRIAL, POTENCER, etc. The exhibits
The 14th Guangzhou (China) International
in Guangzhou and 4 sessions in
covered many fields, such as pretreatment,
Surface Finishing, Electroplating and Coating
Chongqing (Since 2014, SF EXPO
electroplating, paint & coating, rust protection,
Exhibition will be held at Guangzhou Poly
alternates annually between Guangzhou and
engineering design, detection, surface
World Trade Center on July 26-28, 2021. The
Chongqing). SF EXPO is deemed as the most
finishing, etc. SF EXPO covered an area of
exhibition always adheres to the industry
professional and rapid expanding surface
12,000 m2 with 20,639 overseas and domestic
development demand and leads the
finishing exhibition in China and approved
visitors, 20 purchasing groups. The degree of
surface treatment technology innovation
by UFI since 2012. SF EXPO is audited strictly
satisfaction of exhibitors reached 96.55%.
and industrial upgrading. Industrial coating
by UFI annually and it is considered that the
Meanwhile, concurrent events included
exhibitions and technical seminars will be held
proportion of international exhibitors and
The 5 International Summit on Surface
at the same period. Besides, the exhibition
visitors and the degree of professionalism
Finishing Industry Development, 2019
will add sections of intelligent manufacturing,
have reached a certain international level.
China (Guangzhou) Automotive Surface
environmental protection and safety etc.
SF EXPO 2019 was held in Guangzhou Poly
Anti-corrosion Seminar, 2019 Asia-Pacific
to bring together industry elites, corporate
World Trade Center on May 21-13, 2019.
International Powder Paint & Coating
executives and technical experts to discuss
The exhibition scale reached a new record,
Exhibition and Summit, Non-cyanide
industry focus and difficulties. Organizing
with 30.27% increase compared with the
Electroplating New Process, Technology &
surface treatment users in electroplating
last session. There were 413 exhibitors,
Progress Forum, Chairmen and President
factories, coating factories, surface finishing
Expansion Conference of China Surface
parks, automobile & parts, hardware, plastics,
Power, QiXiangDa, Cienalo, JinYuanKang,
Engineering Association Paint of Branch,
sanitary products, aluminum, home appliance,
New Fortune, Sinpony, Mengde, Potencer,
The 13 Covna Salon Investment Promotion
lighting, communications, digital, IT, etc. to
Ching Feng, Mengde, DOMIN, Yuanrong, XIN
Session, 2019 South China Surface Finishing
visit and purchase through extensive publicity
Products Promotion Technology Summit,
and promotion and one to-one visitor
NABRO, PARKER, Superb Buffing, Ching
exhibitors interview and visit. The number
of guests and professional audience
Solution, ONTOP, Universal Plating, GeYuan,
participating in the same period had
For further information:
Hao Sheng, Skyray Instrument, WONDER
exceeded 1500.
© Sinostar-ITE International Ltd. / SFCHINA Exhibition Ltd.
N. 67 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 - international PAINT&COATING magazine
© Sinostar-ITE International Ltd. / SFCHINA Exhibition Ltd.
Metalworking EURASIA
International Sheet Metal Processing, Metal Cutting and Metal Forming Technologies Fair
10 - 13 November 2021 Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center Istanbul Turkey
Free ce Entran : Ticket .com
urasia win-e
Official Airline
Hannover Fairs Turkey Fuarcılık A.Ş. Tel. 0212 334 69 00
Destekleyen Dernekler
Elektrik Tesisat Mühendisleri Derneği ‘’ Türk Endüstrisinin İtici Gücü ’’
Eos Mktg&Communication srl - - Redazione - Sede Legale: Via Pietro Mascagni, 8 - 20811 - Cesano Maderno (MB) - Italy Tel. +39.0362.503215 - Fax. +39.0362.1794768
EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Felice Ambrosino:
Kevin Biller
The Powder Coating Research Group
Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti: Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics
Prof. Stefano Rossi: Material Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento - Product Design
Dr. Franco Busato: European environmental legislation and new technologies
Dr. Fulvio Zocco: Environment and quality
Prof. Paolo Gronchi: Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section
The smart journal for surface treatments
ISSN 2280-6083
ipcm digital on
12th Year - Bimonthly
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The smart journal for surface treatments
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rotoli, pannelli e celle in fibra di vetro
rolls, panels and cells of glass fiber
celle filtranti per alte temperature
filtering cells for high temperatures
rotoli e pannelli in fibra sintetica accumulatore vernice “Columbus” filtri “Andreae” cartucce filtranti filtri assoluti applicazioni speciali
rolls and panels of synthetic fiber paint accumulator “Columbus” “Andreae” filters filtering cartridges absolute filters special application
FILTRO ALVEOLARE MAX PAINT distributori esclusivi per l’Italia
massima efficienza massimo accumulo di vernice massima durata
minori costi di smaltimento minori costi di manutenzione
L’esclusivo design alveolare permette di trattenere quantità di overspray notevolmente superiori rispetto ai filtri oggi in commercio