ICT_Industrial Cleaning Technologies n. 16 (Supplement of ipcm n. 59/2019)

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Supplemento a IPCM n° 59 - Settembre/Ottobre 2019


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AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS FOR GRINDING AND POLISHING Impianti automatici per smerigliatura e lucidatura DAN di DE ANTONI srl 25 03 0 Cocc a glio (BS) - Via G a zzolo 2/4 Tel. +39 030 77 21 850 - +39 030 77 22 477 s a l e s @ d e a n t o n i . i t - w w w. d e a n t o n i . i t



10 pag. 16

Low Costs and High Technology in the Industrial Cleaning Field: Biokavitus Makes it Possible Risparmio e tecnologia nel lavaggio industriale: con Biokavitus è possibile




Fine Cleaning: Reliable Process With DOWCLENE™* 1601 and MAXISTAB™ SD-5 Lavaggio fine: un processo affidabile con DOWCLENE™* 1601 e MAXISTAB™ SD-5


High-Quality Cleaning of Aluminium Die-Castings for the Automotive Sector Lavaggio di alta qualità di pressofusioni in alluminio per il settore automotive


30 pag. 30

Cleaning with CO2 Snow in Cleanrooms Using a Dry and Residue-Free Process Lavaggio con neve di CO2 in camere bianche con un processo a secco e senza residui


© acp systems AG


Flexible Ultrasonic Solutions – Fit for New Applications Soluzioni flessibili a ultrasuoni – Adatte a nuove applicazioni



Energy Efficient, High Quality Deburring of Precision Plastic Components Sbavatura precisa ad alta qualità ed efficienza energetica su componenti in plastica


44 pag. 40 © Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH


Deburring Components for Particulate Cleanliness Sbavatura dei componenti per l’eliminazione del particolato

DeburringEXPO Product Showcase Parts2Clean Product Showcase

ICT | Editor’s Letter he value chain framework is a model that allows describing the structure of an organisation as a limited set of processes. Theorised by Michael Porter in 1985, it is still used to assess the competitive advantages of companies, especially the medium to large-sized and goods-producing ones. Competitive advantages can lie in any activity, from design and production to sales and customer service, and they can be either cost advantages or differentiation or specialisation advantages.


a catena del valore è un modello che permette di descrivere la struttura di un’organizzazione come un insieme limitato di processi. Questo modello è stato teorizzato da Michael Porter nel 1985 ed è utilizzato ancora oggi per valutare il vantaggio competitivo di un’azienda, soprattutto di quelle medio-grandi e produttrici di beni. Il vantaggio competitivo può risiedere, infatti, in ciascuna delle attività che l’impresa svolge: dalla progettazione alla produzione, dalla vendita al servizio al cliente, e si può trattare sia di un vantaggio di costo sia di un vantaggio di differenziazione o specializzazione.

The concept of value chain, therefore, is nothing new. Yet, companies are now focussing more than ever on integrated production processes and systems, i.e. plants and machines that combine multiple operations in one solution, such as, to make an example from our industry, surface deburring and cleaning. These systems guarantee reliability, repeatability, and process linearity by simplifying operational management. Although the concept of value chain refers mainly to good manufacturers, a similar concept can also be applied to service businesses: those offering complete packages and presenting themselves as a single source for various interrelated activities have a huge competitive advantage over providers of single services.

Il concetto di catena del valore non è nulla di nuovo, dunque. Eppure, mai come in questi ultimi anni si parla di produzione integrata o di sistemi di produzione integrati, ossia di quegli impianti o macchine che riuniscono, in un’unica soluzione, più processi produttivi come, per fare un esempio calzante con il nostro settore di riferimento, sbavatura e lavaggio delle superfici insieme. Questi impianti garantiscono affidabilità, ripetibilità e linearità dei processi, semplificando la gestione operativa. Sebbene il concetto di catena del valore sia riferito principalmente alle imprese che producono beni, un concetto simile si può assimilare anche alle aziende di servizi: quelle che offrono un pacchetto completo, che si propongono come fornitori unici per svariate attività affini fra loro hanno un vantaggio competitivo enorme rispetto al fornitore di un servizio singolo.

Consequently, value chains are important development drives for industries, especially the surface treatment one, which has an impact on the design, conservation, packaging, and transport of products. This third issue of ipcm®’s ICT supplement deals with this and much more. Incidentally, this is a very important issue, as it will be distributed at the two most important European trade fairs for the surface preparation and cleaning sectors: DeburringEXPO (Karlsruhe, Germany), to be held on October 8th to 10th, and parts2clean, the only exhibition in Europe to specialise in industrial surface cleaning technologies. DeburringEXPO, of which EOS Mktg&Communication is the exclusive agency for Italy, Spain, and Portugal, perfectly embodies the concept of value chain. By its third edition, it has managed to combine deburring, cleaning, AM post-production, and sheet deflashing technologies into one event.

Ecco che questo concetto di catena del valore diventa un motore di sviluppo importante per l’industria, soprattutto quella del trattamento delle superfici, che ha ricadute sulla progettazione, sulla conservazione, sull’imballaggio, sulla logistica di un prodotto. Di questo e di molto altri si parla nelle pagine di questo terza edizione del supplemento ICT a ipcm®, un’edizione molto importante poiché è distribuita alle due fiere più importanti in Europa che impattano la preparazione e la pulizia delle superfici: DeburringEXPO di Karlsruhe, Germania che si svolgerà dall’8 al 10 ottobre prossimi, e parts2clean, l’unica fiera europea specializzata sulle tecnologie di lavaggio industriale delle superfici. DeburringEXPO, di cui EOS Mktg&Communication è agenzia esclusiva per Italia, Spagna e Portogallo, incarna perfettamente il concetto di catena del valore poiché, nell’arco di tre edizioni è riuscita ad integrare in un’unica manifestazione sbavatura, lavaggio, postproduzione di manufatti prodotti con tecnologie additive nonché i processi coinvolti nella sbavatura delle lamiere.

Besides numerous articles on the latest developments in terms of industrial cleaning machines and products, this issue of ICT offers extensive press coverage of all the innovations and technologies that will be presented at both events. Happy reading!


Francesco Stucchi Editor

Oltre a numerosi contributi in tema di innovazione nelle macchine e nei prodotti di lavaggio industriale, questa edizione di ICT propone un’ampia copertura stampa di tutte le innovazioni e le tecnologie che saranno presentate ad ambe le manifestazioni. Buona lettura!

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 FEBRUARY - N. 15


ICT | Industry News




For further information: www.benseler.de ‹

Per maggiori informazioni: www.benseler.de ‹


he BENSELER Group has expanded the portfolio at its resso la sede di Frankenberg il Gruppo BENSELER ha ampliato la Frankenberg site by a further process: chemical bath sua gamma con un nuovo processo: il bagno chimico di sbavadeburring (CBD). With this technology, it is possible to tura (CBD). Con questa tecnologia è possibile lavorare con preciprecision-machine components made of low-alloy and unalloyed sione e su tutti i lati componenti in acciaio basso-legato e non legato. steel on all sides. The process, for example, removes interior and Il processo rimuove le bave interne ed esterne, arrotonda gli spigoli, riexterior burrs, rounds edges, removes scales and material overlaps muove le scaglie e gli eccessi di materiale e leviga le superfici ruvide. and even smooths rough surfaces. “La sbavatura con bagno chimico sta vivendo un nuovo rina“Chemical bath deburring is currently experiencing a small scimento”, afferma Silvio Peschke, Amministratore Delegato di renaissance,” says Silvio Peschke, BENSELER Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG. “EsiManaging Director of BENSELER steranno sempre dei componenti per i Sachsen GmbH und Co. KG. “There quali questo processo è esattamente ciò are always components for which che serve – ad esempio pezzi che non this process is exactly the right one – devono subire sollecitazioni termiche o for example, parts that may not be meccaniche”. Il processo è adatto sia per subjected to thermal or mechanical pezzi alla rinfusa sia per manufatti posiziostress”. The process is suitable for both nati. bulk goods and single parts. Nel processo CBD i pezzi posizionati in ceIn the CBD process, the components stelli sono sottoposti a un numero di fasi vapass through 14 to 16 stations in riabile da 14 a 16, a seconda delle richieste. baskets, depending on requirements. Questi sono lavati, sgrassati e privati dalle They are cleaned, degreased and freed particelle contaminanti prima di essere imof particles before they are immersed in mersi nel bagno acido, la cui composizione the acid bath, the composition of which è abbinata in modo preciso alle rispettive is precisely matched to the respective proprietà dei materiali. Per assicurarsi che material properties. To ensure that durante l’immersione la soluzione raggiunthe CBD solution reaches all sides of ga tutti i lati dei componenti, i cestelli e i the parts in the immersion bath, the blister girano e ruotano secondo un preciimmersion baskets and blisters swivel so schema di movimento. Dopo un risciacand rotate according to a defined quo multi-stadio e una passivazione, i mamotion pattern. After multi-stage rinsing nufatti vengono asciugati con aria calda o and passivation, the workpieces are sottovuoto. In the CBD process, the components pass through 14 to 16 dried using warm air or a vacuum. “La sbavatura chimica a immersione è un stations in immersion baskets or blisters, depending on requirements. “CBD is a completely ablative process,” processo completamente ablativo”, spiesays Silvio Peschke. “The ablation is ga Silvio Peschke. “L’ablazione è definita in Nel processo di sbavatura chimica a immersione i componenti posizionati in cestoni sono sottoposti a precisely defined and uniform over the modo preciso e uniforme sull’intera superun numero di fasi che va da 14 a 16, a seconda delle entire wetted surface of the workpiece. ficie bagnata del componente. Si può anrichieste. It can also be used to remove the solid che utilizzare per rimuovere le radici solide flash roots that remain after thermal deburring. At the end, the che rimangono dopo la sbavatura termica. Alla fine il cliente ottiene un customer obtains a ready-to-assemble component with minimally componente pronto da assemblare, con spigoli e bordi minuziosamenrounded corners and edges and a shiny surface.” te arrotondati e con una superficie scintillante”. BENSELER will exhibit at the parts2clean in Stuttgart (October BENSELER sarà espositore alla fiera parts2clean di Stoccarda (ottobre 2019), stand D 22 in hall 7. 2019) presso lo stand D22 - padiglione 7.


N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies


ECOCVELOX - INNOVATIVE ALL-ROUND TALENT FOR DEBURRING AND CLEANING IN ONE-PIECE FLOW EcoCvelox: la macchina universale innovativa per sbavatura e lavaggio in un’unica soluzione



© Ecoclean

rocess-reliably and reproducibly deburred and affidabilità e la ripetibilità dei processi di sbavatura e di lavagcleaned parts are crucial for the quality of subsequent gio sono cruciali per la qualità dei successivi processi produttiprocesses such as bonding, sealing and assembly as vi, come possono essere ad esempio l’incollaggio, la sigillatura well as for perfect product function. e l’assemblaggio, e per la perfetta funzionalità del prodotto finale. With the completely new system concept EcoCvelox, Con EcoCvelox, Ecoclean presenta un sistema integrato completaEcoclean introduces a highly flexible, modular solution for mente nuovo, compatto, a costi sostenibili, dotato di un sistema di cost-efficient high-pressure waterjet deburring and cleaning trasporto lineare altamente dinamico, sviluppato per sbavare e lavare in a single procedure. The process-dependent configurable i pezzi con acqua ad alta pressione in una unica macchina. Il sistema, and expandable machine with integrated linear transport espandibile e modulabile a seconda della necessità del processo, consystem enables processing of parts with dimensions up sente la lavorazione di pezzi fino a 200 x 200 x 200 mm con tempi ciclo to 200 x 200 x 200 mm cycle times of only 15 seconds per di soli 15 secondi per pallet nel cosiddetto flusso a pezzo singolo. palette in the so-called one-piece flow. È possibile integrare un’interfaccia CAD/CAM per una programmaAn integrated CAD / CAM zione semplice e velointerface allows for quick ce della sbavatura ad alta and easy programming pressione, che può essere of the high-pressure eseguita da un solo mandeburring process – either drino o da una torretta with a single spindle or che può alloggiare fino a high-pressure turret ad un massimo di cinque with up to five tools. In utensili. Inoltre, una socombination with an luzione innovativa per la innovative system for movimentazione dei pezparts handling, it ensures zi garantisce che le sethat process operations quenze di processo per for new workpieces can eventuali nuovi pezzi posbe implemented in the sano essere implemenshortest possible time. tate nel più breve tempo Component cleaning possibile. and drying can be carried Il lavaggio e l’asciugatura out by means of injection possono essere realizzati flood washing, spraying, con lavaggio ad iniezione, EcoCvelox enables processing of parts with dimensions up to 200 x 200 x 200 mm cycle times controlled rinsing and risciacquo mirato a spruzof only 15 seconds per palette. ultrasound, as well as zo e ultrasuoni, nonché EcoCvelox consente la lavorazione di pezzi fino a 200 x 200 x 200 mm con tempi ciclo di high-speed blowing and con soffiatura ad alta vesoli 15 secondi per pallet. vacuum drying. locità e asciugatura sotto The system can be loaded vuoto. automatically with a robot or portal system as well as La macchina può essere caricata automaticamente con un sistema a manually. portale, con un robot oppure manualmente. Ecoclean GmbH will exhibit at DeburringEXPO Ecoclean GmbH sarà presente alla fiera DeburringEXPO, (Karlsruhe, Germany) Hall 1, Stand 316/415. Padiglione 1, Stand 316/415 (8-10 ottobre, Karlsruhe – Germania). For further information: www.ecoclean-group.net ‹

For further information: www.ecoclean-group.net ‹

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


ICT | Industry News




M Solutions convoglia tutte le attività del gruppo Rösler nell’ambito della produzione additiva sotto un unico marchio. Accanto ai servizi già offerti nel campo del post-processo come AM Solutions – Servizi di post-processo 3D, questa divisione aziendale si arricchisce, a partire da settembre, dei pacchetti proposti come AM Solutions – Servizi di stampa 3D (fig. 1). L’omonima azienda appena costituita (AM Solutions S.r.l.), con sede in Italia, sarà quindi in grado di proporre soluzioni complete per il settore della produzione additiva. I suoi servizi non si limiteranno all’ingegnerizzazione e ottimizzazione del design dei pezzi AM, ma includeranno anche la vera e propria stampa 3D, le lavorazioni meccaniche post-processo, la finitura superficiale e il controllo qualitativo (fig. 2). La produzione additiva garantisce numerosi vantaggi, come la rapida produzione di singoli componenti molto complessi senza dover ricorrere a costose strumentazioni. Poiché la produzione di

© AM Solutions Srl

M Solutions combines all activities of the Rösler group regarding additive manufacturing. Beside the existing offerings in the field of 3D post processing (AM Solutions - 3D post processing), this company division expanded by AM Solutions - 3D printing services in September. The newly founded company (AM Solutions S.r.l.) based in Italy will offer a comprehensive service package in the field of 3D printing (Fig. 1). These services not only cover engineering, including optimization of the product design for additive manufacturing, but also actual 3D printing services, mechanical post processing, surface finishing and quality control (Fig. 2). Additive manufacturing offers numerous advantages like the timely production of highly complex and individualized components without the requirement for expensive tooling.



The newly founded company AM Solutions S.r.l., based in Italy, will expand the existing offerings of AM Solutions, a brand of the Rösler Group, in the field of 3D post processing as a service provider for 3D printing solutions. L’azienda AM Solutions S.r.l., di recente fondazione e con sede in Italia, espanderà l’attuale offerta di AM Solutions, marchio del gruppo Rösler, nel campo del post-processo come fornitore di servizi per la stampa 3D.


N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

Since the manufacture of such components with conventional shaping methods is either impossible or extremely expensive, it is not surprising that additive manufacturing is rapidly expanding into all kinds of industries. Be it in aerospace, medical engineering, the automotive industry, the tooling industry or any other industrial applications, the need for 3D printed components is growing at a brisk pace. The technical possibilities of AM regarding the creation of innovative and optimized components can best be exploited, when all critical additive manufacturing aspects are already taken into account during the design phase.

pezzi simili con metodi tradizionali è spesso impossibile o, comunque, estremamente costosa, non sorprende affatto che la produzione additiva sia in rapida espansione praticamente in tutti i settori industriali. Dall’aeronautica e l’ingegneria medicale all’industria automobilistica e degli utensili, in qualunque campo la richiesta di componenti stampati in 3D è in crescita vertiginosa. Le possibilità tecniche offerte dalla produzione additiva per la creazione di parti innovative e perfettamente ottimizzate, tuttavia, possono essere sfruttate a pieno solo quando tutte le criticità del processo AM vengono prese in considerazione già a partire dalla fase di progettazione dei pezzi.

Additive thinking - from design to the finished product

Un pacchetto di servizi completo, dalla progettazione al prodotto finito

That’s why the design phase is an essential part of the service portfolio of AM Solutions – 3D printing services. Equipped with state-of-the-art electronic tools (for example, the simulation tool Altair, CAD software Siemens NX and GOM 3D scanner Atos) the specially trained company experts ensure that the design flexibilities and possibilities of the 3D printing technology are fully utilized for the tasks at hand. This applies equally to the complete engineering of components from scratch, the re-design of already existing work pieces for additive manufacturing, the validation of a product design or a topology optimization. The components can be printed from different materials, for example different types of stainless steel, aluminum and titanium. The printing process takes place with state-of-the-art equipment like the EOS M 290 allowing component sizes of 250 x 250 x 325 mm (Fig. 3). The fully automatic 3D printing process guarantees not only extremely high precision but also consistently high quality and absolute repeatability of the printing results. If the 3D printed components require a subsequent machining step, the experienced specialists at AM Solutions - 3D printing services have access to a range of modern machining equipment like a 5-axis milling machine DMU 50.

Ecco perché il design dei componenti è una parte essenziale del portfolio di AM Solutions – Servizi di stampa 3D. Grazie agli strumenti elettronici più all’avanguardia (come il software di simulazione Altair, il CAD Siemens NX e lo scanner 3D Atos di GOM), i nostri esperti specificamente formati possono sfruttare a pieno la flessibilità e le potenzialità della tecnologia di stampa 3D per qualunque applicazione, sia che si tratti di ingegnerizzare un componente da zero o di riprogettare un componente già esistente in ottica AM, oppure di validare un disegno o un’ottimizzazione topologica. L’azienda può poi stampare componenti in diversi materiali, tra cui svariati tipi di acciaio inox, alluminio e titanio. Il processo di stampa avviene con strumenti avanzati, come la EOS M 290, che permette di trattare componenti fino a 250 x 250 x 325 mm (fig. 3). La stampa 3D avviene in modo completamente automatico, estremamente preciso e in grado di assicurare un’elevata qualità costante e un’assoluta ripetibilità dei risultati. Se i pezzi richiedono anche lavorazioni meccaniche successive, gli specialisti di AM Solutions – Servizi di stampa 3D hanno accesso a un’ampia gamma di sistemi moderni, come il centro di lavoro a 5 assi DMU 50.



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© AM Solutions Srl

ICT | Industry News




© EOS GmbH


The offerings of AM Solutions – 3D printing services will not only cover engineering, including optimization of the product design for additive manufacturing, but also actual 3D printing services, mechanical post processing, surface finishing and quality control.

Most modern software like the simulation tool Altair or the CAD software Siemens NX as well as state-of-the-art hardware like an EOS M290 or a 5-axis milling machine DMU 50 are used. Moreover the entire post processing portfolio of AM Solutions - 3D post processing will come into action.

La gamma di AM Solutions – Servizi di stampa 3D non includerà solo l’ingegnerizzazione e l’ottimizzazione del design dei pezzi da produrre con tecniche additive, ma anche la stampa vera e propria, il post-processo meccanico, la finitura superficiale e il controllo qualitativo.

L’azienda impiega gli strumenti elettronici più moderni, come il software di simulazione Altair e il CAD Siemens NX, e impianti all’avanguardia come la macchina EOS M 290 e il centro di lavoro a 5 assi DMU 50. Utilizza inoltre tutte le tecnologie di post-processo offerte da AM Solutions Servizi di post-processo 3D.

Post Processing – added value by professional expertise

Le fasi di post-processo: un valore aggiunto garantito dall’esperienza

For post processing of the parts - the removal of powder residues and support structures to surface smoothing and polishing -- the company is utilizing a wide range of technologies and processes. This includes the complete portfolio of AM Solutions - 3D post processing, which offers numerous benefits. For example, already during the design & engineering phase an assessment can be made, whether the customer requirements for a certain surface finish can be met, or whether a design modification is necessary. Depending on the task at hand, it is also possible to tweak existing processes or consumables in order to meet customer specifications. This know-how in the field of surface finishing helps prevent problems with the post processing stage and is key for a cost-effective additive manufacturing process. Last-but-notleast, the service portfolio also includes quality control of the components. The official launch of AM Solutions – 3D printing services, located in Concorezzo in Northern Italy, took place during the RM Forum on September 11 and 12, 2019 at the Museum Alfa Romeo in Arese, Milan.

Per il post-processo dei pezzi, ovvero la rimozione dei residui di polvere e delle strutture di supporto, ma anche la lisciatura e lucidatura delle superfici, l’azienda utilizza infine un’ampia gamma di tecnologie e processi che includono, tra l’altro, il portfolio completo di AM Solutions – Servizi di post-processo 3D. Questo garantisce numerosi vantaggi. Ad esempio, già durante la fase di progettazione e ingegnerizzazione, è possibile svolgere una valutazione per determinare se i requisiti di finitura superficiale del cliente potranno essere soddisfatti o se sono necessarie modifiche al disegno. A seconda dell’applicazione richiesta, è anche possibile mettere a punto processi o prodotti di consumo già esistenti per soddisfare le specifiche del cliente. Queste competenze nel campo della finitura superficiale, in breve, permettono di evitare problemi in fase di post-processo e sono essenziali per una produzione additiva efficace in termini di costo. Infine, la gamma dei servizi offerti include anche il controllo qualitativo dei pezzi. Il lancio ufficiale di AM Solutions – Servizi di stampa 3D, con sede a Concorezzo, in Lombardia, è avvenuto durante l’evento RM Forum, svoltosi l’11 e il 12 settembre 2019 al Museo Alfa Romeo di Arese (Milano).

For further information: www.solutions-for-am.com ‹

Per maggiori informazioni: www.solutions-for-am.com ‹


N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies


INTEGRATION INTO THE PRODUCTION FLOW: THE CENTRAL IMPORTANCE OF CLEANING PROCESSES Integrazione nel flusso di produzione: l’importanza centrale dei processi di lavaggio


na sbirciatina dietro l’acciaio: alla fiera parts2clean, Pero consentirà di osservare all’interno delle sue camere di lavoro per conoscere la tecnologia del processo di lavaggio a umido. I visitatori dello stand potranno vedere come funziona un processo di lavaggio e quali sono i passaggi necessari per ottimizzarlo. Ciò chiarirà in che modo i sistemi di lavaggio contribuiscono a una gestione stabile del processo e in che modo un processo di lavaggio ottimale può garantire costantemente elevati livelli di qualità del prodotto. Altri argomenti centrali saranno l’integrazione delle macchine di lavaggio nell’ambiente di produzione, le varie opzioni offerte dalla moderna comunicazione nel settore e l’uso dei dati ottenuti dai processi di lavaggio. Pero offre una vasta gamma di impianti di lavaggio ad acqua e a solvente. A parts2clean, mostrerà come prodotti differenti possono essere combinati per ottenere un’elevata affidabilità operativa (Padiglione 7, Stand A03).


For further information: www.pero.ag ‹

Per maggiori informazioni: www.pero.ag ‹

© Pero AG

peek behind steel: at the parts2clean trade fair, Pero will let you look in its work chambers to gain insights into the wet cleaning process technology. Stand visitors will get to see how a cleaning process works and which steps are required to optimise it. This will clarify how cleaning systems contribute to stable process management and how an optimal cleaning process can consistently ensure high product quality levels. Other central topics will be the integration of cleaning machines into the production environment of a plant, the various options offered by modern communication in the industry, and the usage of data from cleaning processes. Pero offers a wide range of cleaning systems using aqueous media and solvents. At parts2clean, it will show how different media can be combined for high operational reliability (Hall 7, Stand A03).



Process stability is ensured through the local or centralised use of data gathered from the cleaning process. La stabilità del processo è garantita attraverso l’uso locale o centralizzato dei dati raccolti dal processo di lavaggio.

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


ICT | Industry News

H2O GMBH AT PARTS2CLEAN 2019: IMPROVED CLEANING QUALITY DUE TO EFFICIENT WASTEWATER TREATMENT WITH VACUDEST H2O GmbH a parts2clean 2019: migliore qualità di lavaggio grazie ad un efficace trattamento delle acque reflue con VACUDEST



© H2O GmbH

leaner, better, cheaper - in parts cleaning the iù pulito, più economico, migliore – nel lavaggio industriale i requirements for stable cleanliness and cost requisiti per ottenere livelli di pulizia e costi costanti sono sempressure are continuously increasing. At this year’s pre maggiori. All’edizione di quest’anno di parts2clean, che si parts2clean in Stuttgart, the experts for wastewater-free terrà a Stoccarda, gli esperti in tema di produzione senza acque reproduction will be demonstrating how production can flue mostreranno come il processo produttivo possa rimanere ecoremain economical despite rising quality demands. nomico nonostante i requisiti qualitativi siano sempre più elevati. The leading international trade fair for industrial parts and La fiera leader internazionale sul lavaggio industriale si terrà dal 22 al surface cleaning will take place from 22 to 24 October. 24 ottobre. H2O GmbH from Steinen in Baden will present its H2O GmbH di Steinen, nel Baden, presenterà i suoi sisteVACUDEST vacuum distillation systems, the efficient mi di distillazione sottovuoto VACUDEST, la soluzione efficiensolution for sustainable rinsing water treatment. te per un trattamento sostenibile delle acque di risciacquo. How exactly the technology works will be explained L’esatto funzionamento della tecnologia sarà illustrato dagli by the experts for esperti di H2O presso wastewater-free lo stand E02 nel padiproduction at their glione 7. booth E02 in hall 7. Diverse aziende leader Leading companies si affidano già ai sistealready rely on mi di distillazione sotVACUDEST vacuum tovuoto VACUDEST distillation systems for per il trattamento delthe treatment of used le acque di risciacquo rinsing water. utilizzate. Il vantaggio: The advantage: l’acqua di risciacquo è the rinsing water is trattata con standard treated to such a high così elevati da poter standard that it can be essere rimessa in circirculated. Users thus colo. Gli utilizzatori rireduce their disposal ducono i costi di smalcosts by up to 98 timento fino al 98%. percent. Inoltre, le tecnologie 1 In addition, the brevettate di H2O mipatented technologies gliorano la qualità di 1 of H2O GmbH lavaggio grazie alla H2O GmbH will present its VACUDEST vacuum distillation systems at parts2clean 2019. improve the cleaning straordinaria qualità H2O GmbH presenterà i suoi sistemi di distillazione sottovuoto VACUDEST nel corso di quality thanks to the dell’acqua di risciacparts2clean 2019. outstanding quality of quo. the rinsing water. Chiunque fosse inteInterested parties can find out more about the efficient ressato potrà scoprire di più in merito a questa efficiente soluziosolutions from the experts for wastewater-free production ne dagli esperti in tema di produzione senza acque reflue durante at parts2clean. parts2clean. For further information: www.h2o-de.com ‹ 08

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

Per maggiori informazioni: www.h2o-de.com ‹


QUALITY INSPECTION OF PARTS SURFACES Controllo qualità delle superfici he cleanliness as well as the wettability of metal and plastic surfaces are significant quality characteristics for securing the functionality of parts. Pre-treatment processes such as cleaning or activating as well as contamination from manufacturing processes affect those features. Measuring the contact angle and the fluorescence permits an objective quality inspection and the comparison of target and limit values to evaluate the surface condition of parts. This ensures a high and stable product quality. At this year’s parts2clean show SITA Messtechnik GmbH presents the SITA SurfaSpector and the SITA CleanoSpector, easy to use and mobile measuring devices for inspecting the wettability as well as the cleanliness using the measuring variables contact angle and fluorescence intensity. Both devices measure selectively and precisely in just a few seconds on functional surfaces of parts with various geometries. Thus, they enable quality control directly during production. Based on cross-industry process knowledge as well 1 as long-term know-how in quality assurance, SITA 1 Messtechnik GmbH supports SITA SurfaSpector. customers choosing the suitable measuring method as Il SurfaSpector di SITA. well as using the device. The presentation of SITA application specialist Stefan Büttner at the innovation forum of the parts2clean on 24 October 2019 uses examples to demonstrate basics as well as areas of application for both testing methods fluorescence and contact angle measurement. Visit SITA Messtechnik GmbH at the parts2clean in Stuttgart/ Germany from 22 – 24 October 2019, hall 7, stand B21. Sita’s application engineers will provide information about the beneficial use of measuring devices for quality assurance and process control of stable parts cleanliness.



For further information: www.sita-process.com ‹

Per maggiori informazioni: www.sita-process.com ‹

a pulizia e la bagnabilità delle superfici in metallo e plastica sono caratteristiche di qualità significative per garantire la funzionalità dei pezzi. Processi di pretrattamento come il lavaggio o l’attivazione così come la contaminazione da processi di produzione influiscono su tali caratteristiche. La misurazione dell’angolo di contatto e della fluorescenza consente un controllo obiettivo della qualità e il confronto tra valori target e valori limite per la valutazione delle condizioni superficiali dei pezzi. Ciò garantisce una qualità del prodotto elevata e stabile. Alla fiera parts2clean di quest’anno, SITA Messtechnik GmbH presenta SITA SurfaSpector e SITA CleanoSpector, due dispositivi di misurazione portatili e facili da usare per il controllo della bagnabilità e della pulizia mediante le variabili di misurazione dell’angolo di contatto e dell’intensità della fluorescenza. Entrambi i dispositivi misurano in modo selettivo e preciso in pochi secondi le superfici funzionali di componenti con varie geometrie. Pertanto, consentono di monitorare la qualità direttamente durante la produzione. Grazie alla conoscenza dei processi intersettoriali e al © SITA Messtechnik GmbH solido know-how in termini di garanzia della qualità, SITA Messtechnik GmbH supporta i clienti nella scelta del metodo di misura adatto e nell’uso del dispositivo. La presentazione che il tecnico Stefan Büttner terrà durante al forum sull’innovazione di parts2clean del 24 ottobre 2019 illustra esempi per dimostrare i campi di applicazione sia per i metodi per testare la fluorescenza sia per la misurazione dell’angolo di contatto. Visita lo stand SITA Messtechnik GmbH (padiglione 7, stand B21) alla fiera parts2clean di Stoccarda/Germania, che si terrà dal 22 al 24 ottobre 2019. Gli ingegneri di Sita specializzati nell’applicazione forniranno informazioni sull’uso vantaggioso dei dispositivi di misura per la garanzia della qualità e per un controllo del processo di lavaggio stabile.

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


ICT | Highlight of the month

LOW COSTS AND HIGH TECHNOLOGY IN THE INDUSTRIAL CLEANING FIELD: BIOKAVITUS MAKES IT POSSIBLE Risparmio e tecnologia nel lavaggio industriale: con Biokavitus è possibile

© Biokavitus

Opening photo: The Phoenix device by Biokavitus. The company proposes customized solutions to integrate into the cleaning machines for regeneration and recycling of available resources. Foto d’apertura: L’apparecchiatura Phoenix di Biokavitus. L’azienda propone soluzioni personalizzate da integrare negli impianti di lavaggio per la rigenerazione e il riciclo delle risorse disponibili.



owadays, more and more companies are committed to protecting the environment. Being eco-responsible manufacturers is not just a great green marketing-oriented publicity opportunity, but also, and above all, civil responsibility for every company. In the industrial cleaning sector, however, results in this field are not always so obvious. Too many variables are linked to the processes required to obtain a product in line with quality standards – where quality should not stand for inherent characteristics or for often misleadingly boasted and certified features, but for method, control, training, and application. Quality should be related to an entire production

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies


l giorno d’oggi sempre più aziende sono improntate alla salvaguardia ambientale; essere produttori eco-responsabili non è solo un importante biglietto da visita orientato al green marketing, ma soprattutto una responsabilità civile per ogni azienda. Se parliamo del lavaggio industriale, i risultati non sempre sono così scontati. Troppe variabili sono legate ai procedimenti necessari per ottenere il prodotto in linea con gli standard qualitativi, dove per qualità non si intende l’insieme di caratteristiche insite nel prodotto o ciò che il produttore stesso sbandiera e certifica, spesso a sproposito. Qualità deve essere sinonimo di metodo, controllo, formazione ed infine applicazione. La qualità deve essere relativa all’intero processo pro-

Rossano Conidoni Biokavitus Srl, Concesio (Brescia, Italy) conidoni@biokavitus.com

process, rather than to a single stage that makes a product “certified” by the transitive property. Companies grasping this concept have already won. The impact of waste water treatment on process quality cannot be understood only in terms of environmental benefits. Surface preparation, including proper cleaning, must necessarily be considered a strategic operation for the subsequent processes. Biokavitus, a new firm of the industrial group Metal Work SpA, operates in this framework by offering solutions that enable technological leaps characterised by simplicity. Although the average scenario presents many variables linked to the industrial cleaning processes, it always manages to integrate the alreadyexisting flows and offer tailor-made solutions for each customer. This company, which has always promoted environmental commitment in the industrial sector, fosters a production and consumption model focussed on the regeneration and recycling of available resources for as long as possible, in order to reduce waste and disposal costs. The consistent use of Biokavitus equipment guarantees an evolution in one’s own cleaning process, resulting in several advantages, particularly in the management of waste water and industrial fluids in general. The technology developed by this firm naturally increases process efficiency through the use of a resource with very low costs and environmental impact, which often results in the minimisation or even elimination of chemical additives and in the reduction of energy costs. Finally, Biokavitus’ systems are characterised by a low investment cost, which is also reflected in their management costs. Indeed, these machines take advantage of the formation of nano bubbles, air, and different gases within the fluid to be treated; their technology can be applied to all industrial sectors, such as automotive, mechanical engineering, aluminium die-casting, precious metal processing, textile, food, and many more. The flagship product of Biokavitus’ range is the Phoenix device, intended for the

duttivo, piuttosto che caratteristica di una singola fase che, per transizione, rende il prodotto “certificato”. L’azienda che comprende questo ha già vinto. La ricaduta del trattamento delle acque sulla qualità dei processi non può essere intesa solamente come un beneficio ambientale. La preparazione delle superfici dei particolari, incluso il loro lavaggio corretto che conduce a una superficie pulita, deve necessariamente essere considerata un’operazione strategica per le lavorazioni successive. In questo scenario si inserisce Biokavitus, una nuova realtà del gruppo industriale Metal Work SpA, che offre soluzioni rappresentate da un salto tecnologico caratterizzato dalla semplicità. Sebbene lo scenario standard presenti molte variabili nel lavaggio industriale, l’azienda riesce ad integrarsi nei processi esistenti ed offrire soluzioni personalizzate per il cliente. L’azienda, da sempre attenta a promuovere l’impegno ambientale in ambito industriale, incentiva un modello di produzione e consumo volto alla rigenerazione e riciclo delle risorse disponibili il più a lungo possibile, al fine di ridurre i rifiuti, così come i costi legati allo smaltimento delle risorse esauste. Un utilizzo costante delle apparecchiature Biokavitus permette di ottenere un’evoluzione nel lavaggio caratterizzata da una serie di vantaggi concreti e quantificabili nella gestione delle acque, così come dei fluidi industriali in generale. La tecnologia sviluppata dall’azienda aumenta naturalmente l’efficienza dei processi attraverso l’utilizzo di una risorsa a bassissimo costo e impatto ambientale, spesso accompagnato da una forte riduzione, quando non addirittura eliminazione, degli additivi chimici e da una concreta riduzione del costo energetico. Non ultimo, i sistemi Biokavitus sono caratterizzati da un costo iniziale contenuto, che si protrae anche nei costi di gestione. Di fatto, le apparecchiature sfruttano la formazione di nano bolle, di aria e gas diversi, all’interno del fluido da trattare e la tecnologia Biokavitus può essere applicata in tutti i settori industriali, a partire da quello dell’automotive, il metalmeccanico, le pressofusioni di alluminio fino a arrivare alla lavorazione di metalli preziosi, all’industria tessile e a quella alimentare, solo per citarne alcuni. Il prodotto di punta della gamma Biokavitus è l’apparecchiatura Phoenix, destinata alla rigenerazione dei liquidi industriali, già adottata come tecnologia innovativa da alcune delle principali aziende

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


© Biokavitus

ICT | Highlight of the month



One of the Biokavitus devices integrated into a cleaning machine. Uno dei dispositivi Biokavitus integrato in un impianto di lavaggio.

regeneration of industrial liquids and already adopted as an innovative technology by some of the leading European automotive companies (ref. Opening photo). This compact, space-saving solution can be perfectly integrated into already-existing systems and it allows performing effective and accurate cleaning processes even at low temperatures (Fig. 1). Its technology can be applied to any type of workpiece, from the smallest to the largest components. The washing water is cleaner thanks to the induced flotation of suspended particles and extraneous oils, which results in a clean and odourless process. When used to regenerate industrial cleaning water, the Phoenix device’s reliability guarantees better purifying action on difficult-to-clean parts and better oil separation performance, but it also reduces the 12

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automotive europee (rif. foto d’apertura). Si tratta di una soluzione perfettamente integrabile negli impianti esistenti, compatta e salvaspazio, che permette di realizzare processi di lavaggio efficaci e accurati, anche a basse temperature (fig. 1). La tecnologia è applicabile indifferentemente dalla tipologia dei particolari lavati, dai componenti più piccoli a quelli più voluminosi. L’acqua di lavaggio risulta più pulita proprio grazie alla flottazione indotta delle particelle sospese e degli oli estranei, portando ad un risultato di lavaggio pulito ed inodore. Quando impiegata per rigenerare acque di lavatrici industriali, l’affidabilità dell’apparecchiatura Phoenix consente una migliore azione detergente su particolari difficili da pulire e migliori performance dei disoleatori, unitamente alla riduzione nell’utilizzo di detergenti, nel

Rossano Conidoni Biokavitus Srl, Concesio (Brescia, Italy) conidoni@biokavitus.com

© Biokavitus

use of detergents, water consumption, waste water consumo di acqua e dei costi di smaltimento delle acdisposal costs, and energy costs for heating the que reflue, così come la riduzione dei costi energetici cleaning water itself (Fig. 2). per il riscaldamento dell’acqua di lavaggio (fig. 2). For example, one of Biokavitus’ customers, a world Per citare un esempio, uno dei clienti Biokavitus, leader leader producing millions of automotive valves per mondiale nella produzione di milioni di valvole automoyear, uses such equipment in both its Italian and bilistiche all’anno, utilizza le apparecchiature Biokavitus Polish factories. sia nei propri stabilimenti sul territorio nazionale che nei The Biokavitus technology enables it to carry out its siti produttivi in Polonia. cleaning operations without using any detergent; La tecnologia Biokavitus consente di realizzare l’operano increase in rejected zione di lavaggio senparts due to unsuitable za uso di detersivo; cleaning was found sulle macchine a conon its dimensional trollo dimensionale control machines. non si è registrato alBiokavitus’ devices cun aumento di scarti are integrated into its dovuto ad un lavaggio production process, inappropriato. Oggi, guaranteeing the le apparecchiature following advantages: Biokavitus sono intetotal elimination of grate nel processo prochemical substances, duttivo permettendo reduction of waste water di ottenere i seguenti in its chemical-physical vantaggi: eliminaziostate, and elimination ne totale delle sostanof bad odours in warm ze chimiche, riduzione periods due to the delle acque di scarto presence of oil and water al chimico-fisico, elimiand to the formation of nazione di cattivi odori bacteria. The use of the nei periodi caldi dovuBiokavitus technology ti alla presenza di olio has also allowed ed acqua e alla formareducing the number zione di batteri. L’imof operators needed piego della tecnologia 2 to assist with the daily Biokavitus ha permesso, operation of machines inoltre, di ridurre la pre2 (skimming cycles) as senza di operatori per A cleaning bath treated with the Biokavitus technology. well as the biweekly l’assistenza giornaliera The extraneous oil is separated from the aqueous solution and concentration checks; alle macchine (operaefficiently brought to the surface. So it is ready to be removed by it has also resulted in zioni di scrematura), cothe complementary oil separator. less workload for the sì come per il controlUna vasca di lavaggio trattata con la tecnologia Biokavitus. purchasing department L’olio estraneo viene separato dalla soluzione acquosa e portato lo bi-settimanale della cacemente a galla, pronto per la successiva rimozione a and warehouse in terms effi concentrazione, oltre mezzo di un disoleatore complementare. of orders and product ad un minor carico di ladeliveries. voro per l’ufficio acquiThe latest innovation developed by Biokavitus in sti e il magazzino per gli ordini e le consegne di prodotti. partnership with Biotech Srl is a wide range of liquid L’ultima novità in casa Biokavitus, sviluppata in detergents for industrial use consisting of alginates partnership con Biotech Srl, offre una vasta gamma di (surfactants derived from marine algae) combined detergenti liquidi ad uso industriale costituiti da alginati with organic chemical compounds. (tensioattivi derivati da alghe marine) combinati con

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16



© Biokavitus

© Biokavitus

ICT | Highlight of the month


3 4

Extraneous oil separated from the emulsion and brought to the surface for the oil separation. Olio estraneo separato dall’emulsione e portato in superficie per la disoleazione.

All products are customised to meet specific customer needs, without neglecting eco-friendliness, safety, health, and cleaning performance. These products guarantee the best cleaning performance degree and the longest bath duration, besides not being labelled as hazardous and offering a real answer to the problem of chemical pollution. Moreover, they do not pose any health and safety issue, thus massively reducing the risks associated with the use of chemical products for both companies and their operators. Improvements in cleaning results have already been obtained with different types of metallic materials 14

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composti chimici organici. Tutti i prodotti sono personalizzati per soddisfare le esigenze specifiche del cliente senza mai precludere l’ambiente, i fattori di sicurezza e salute, nonché le prestazioni di lavaggio. I prodotti garantiscono le migliori performance di pulizia e la durata più lunga del bagno di lavaggio, oltre ad essere esenti da etichettatura con avvisi di pericolo e rappresentano una vera e propria risposta al problema dell’inquinamento chimico. Inoltre, non hanno implicazioni per problemi di salute e sicurezza, riducendo in modo massiccio i rischi legati all’uso di prodotti chimici, sia per l’azienda sia per i suoi operatori.

Rossano Conidoni Biokavitus Srl, Concesio (Brescia, Italy) conidoni@biokavitus.com

(steel, aluminium, cast iron, alloys, etc.) and with plastics in general, contaminated with emulsified oils, processing, grinding, and quenching oil, etc. Most products are odourless and can be used with any type of plant, whether with low or high-pressure processes, and on any type of metal and/or plastic material (Figs. 3 and 4). In general, the amount of product used is significantly lower than that of chemicals; therefore, the solution itself lasts much longer. Finally, in most applications, it is possible to carry out the cleaning process at room temperature or, at least, with a much lower temperature than with chemical products, thus significantly reducing operating costs. In order to get an accurate economic evaluation, it is important to assess the management costs of the entire cleaning process for each individual system. Organic products cost more per unit than chemicals, but their use guarantees an overall cost reduction between 30% and 70%. ‹




Miglioramenti della qualità nel lavaggio industriale sono stati ottenuti su diversi tipi di materiali metallici (acciaio, alluminio, ghisa, leghe ecc.), e su materiali plastici in generale, contaminati da oli emulsivi, olio da lavorazione e rettifica, tempra ecc. La maggior parte dei prodotti è inodore e può essere utilizzata con qualsiasi tipo di sistema esistente, sia a bassa sia ad alta pressione, e su ogni tipo di metallo e/o materiale plastico (figg. 3 e 4). In generale, la quantità del prodotto utilizzato nei sistemi di pulizia è significativamente inferiore alla quantità di prodotto chimico impiegato e quindi la soluzione stessa dura molto più a lungo. Inoltre, nella maggior parte delle applicazioni è possibile eseguire il processo di lavaggio a temperatura ambiente o molto più bassa rispetto ai prodotti chimici, con un notevole risparmio sui costi operativi. Per ottenere una valutazione economica accurata, è importante valutare i costi di gestione dell’intero processo di lavaggio per ogni sistema. I prodotti biologici costano di più per unità rispetto ai prodotti chimici, ma il loro utilizzo consente di ottenere un beneficio complessivo dei costi compreso tra il 30% e il 70%. ‹

Easy and economical parts cleaning The standard cleaning plant PERO R1 provides technical cleanliness, degreasing and preservation especially

energy-efficient economical quick & reliable Hall 7 St. A03

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Test clean in our Competence Centre.



ICT | Case Study

FINE CLEANING: RELIABLE PROCESS WITH DOWCLENE™* 1601 AND MAXISTAB™ SD-5 Lavaggio fine: un processo affidabile con DOWCLENE™* 1601 e MAXISTAB™ SD-5


I Opening photo: From filigree small parts to massive parts weighing a ton, VIA Oberflaechentechnik cleans all parts of industrial production in programmes specially adapted to the component. Foto d’apertura: Dai piccoli pezzi in filigrana a componenti del peso di una tonnellata, VIA Oberflaechentechnik offre servizi di lavaggio con programmi specifici per ciascuno di essi.


f industrial parts cleaning is offered as a service, this confronts the cleaning service provider with special challenges: the enormous variety of oils and residues on the parts to be cleaned can lead to the creation of organic acids or sulphur compounds and as a result to odour nuisances, corrosion and other possible damage to the cleaning system and items to be cleaned. The new sump stabilizer MAXISTAB™ SD-5, which is added directly to the distillation unit in the system, acts both preventively as well as reactively with regard to such challenges. VIA Oberflaechentechnik has been using the stabilizer for about a year and since then has a significantly improved cleaning process. VIA Oberflaechentechnik, based in Lennestadt, Germany has been providing industrial parts cleaning for absolute product cleanliness since 1996. VIA is a specialist when it comes to the degreasing, cleaning and polishing of industrial workpieces. From filigree small parts to massive parts weighing a ton, the

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l lavaggio industriale è un servizio e i suoi fornitori devono confrontarsi con particolari sfide: l’enorme varietà di oli e residui sui componenti da lavare può causare la formazione di acidi organici o composti sulfurei e di conseguenza odori sgradevoli, corrosione e altri possibili danni al sistema di lavaggio e ai manufatti da lavare. Il nuovo stabilizzante MAXISTAB™ SD-5, aggiunto direttamente all’unità di distillazione del sistema, agisce sia preventivamente sia reattivamente per affrontare queste sfide. VIA Oberflaechentechnik utilizza lo stabilizzante da circa un anno, con risultati di lavaggio migliorati in modo significativo. VIA Oberflaechentechnik, con sede a Lennestadt, Germania, fornisce dal 1996 servizi di lavaggio di alta qualità per componenti industriali. VIA è uno specialista quando si tratta di sgrassare, lavare e lucidare manufatti industriali. Da piccoli pezzi in filigrana a componenti del peso di una tonnellata,

Michael Onken SAFECHEM Europe GmbH – Düsseldorf, Germany m.onken@safechem.com

company cleans all parts of industrial production in programmes specially adapted to the component (ref. Opening photo). The company generates an annual turnover of approximately fifteen million euros in three plants in Germany and one subsidiary in Poland.

l’impresa lava i manufatti con programmi specifici per ciascuno di essi (rif. foto d’apertura). L’azienda ha un fatturato annuo di circa quindici milioni di euro, con tre impianti in Germania e una sussidiaria in Polonia.

Parts cleaning to the highest standards

Lavaggio secondo gli standard più elevati

At the Lennestadt location, the company meets the cleaning requirements of the customers in a total of ten different systems with different processing features. “We have been catering to the wishes and concerns of our customers for twenty years, with high standards for our own services. Our goal is to find the optimal cleaning process for each workpiece,” explains Kai Lechner, Head of the Technical Department of VIA Oberflaechentechnik.

Presso la sede di Lennestadt, l’azienda soddisfa i requisiti imposti dai clienti con un totale di dieci sistemi diversi, ognuno con diverse caratteristiche di processo. “Da vent’anni siamo stati in grado di soddisfare i desideri e risolvere le preoccupazioni dei nostri clienti, con elevati standard di servizio. Il nostro obiettivo è trovare il processo di lavaggio ottimale per ogni manufatto”, spiega Kai Lechner, Direttore del Dipartimento Tecnico di VIA Oberflaechentechnik.

Fine cleaning in DOWCLENE 1601

Lavaggio fine con DOWCLENE 1601

For many customers with high demands on the cleanliness of the parts, an optimal cleaning process also includes fine cleaning. When the company bought a new system in 2008, the decisive factor for VIA was also to be able to work with modified alcohols during fine cleaning. It chose a machine from Dürr Ecoclean (today SBS Ecoclean Group, Fig. 1). Since 2008, the company has been using the DOWCLENE™* 1601 solvent from SAFECHEM in the system. While the cleaning results were always outstanding, the periodic bath monitoring revealed that acid had been produced in the system – the highest value measured was about 5,000 ppm. Consequently, VIA changed the solvent in the distillation unit up to four times a year and had to subject it to an elaborate cleaning process. Including the time needed for the machine to cool off, this meant a downtime of the system of about two shifts in each case. Additional standstill times arose due to the need to change gaskets.

Per molti clienti con esigenti requisiti di pulizia, un processo ottimale include anche il lavaggio fine. Quando l’azienda acquistò un nuovo sistema nel 2008, il fattore decisivo per VIA era la possibilità di poter lavorare con alcoli modificati durante il lavaggio fine. Scelse una macchina di Dürr Ecoclean (oggi SBS Ecoclean Group, fig. 1). Dal 2008 l’azienda utilizza il solvente DOWCLENE™* 1601 di SAFECHEM. Mentre i risultati di lavaggio erano sempre eccellenti, il monitoraggio periodico del bagno rivelava che all’interno del sistema si produceva acido – il valore più alto registrato è stato di 5.000 ppm. Di conseguenza, VIA cambiava il solvente nell’unità di distillazione fino a quattro volte all’anno e doveva sottoporre l’unità a un elaborato processo di pulizia. Includendo anche il tempo necessario alla macchina per raffreddarsi, il fermo operativo del sistema era di circa due turni ogni volta. Ulteriori fermi sopraggiungevano poi a causa della necessità di cambiare le guarnizioni.

Process reliability with MAXISTAB SD-5

Affidabilità di processo con MAXISTAB SD-5

VIA contacted the solvent manufacturer SAFECHEM for the troubleshooting. The stabilizers of the MAXISTAB™ S-Series proved to be the ideal solution: developed to act without contact against organic acids and when using sulphurized oil, MAXISTAB™ SD-5 is the ideal sump stabilizer for the challenges faced by VIA (Fig. 2). After a renewed bath change in October 2016, VIA Oberflaechentechnik used MAXISTAB™ SD-5 for the first time. The stabilizer proved effective immediately: since then, the problem of over-acidification has

Per risolvere i problemi VIA ha contattato il produttore di solventi SAFECHEM. Gli stabilizzanti della serie MAXISTAB™ S si sono dimostrati la soluzione ideale: sviluppati per agire senza contatto contro gli acidi organici e quando si usa olio solforato, MAXISTAB™ SD-5 è lo stabilizzante ideale per le sfide affrontate da VIA (fig. 2). Dopo un cambio del bagno nell’ottobre 2016, VIA Oberflaechentechnik ha usato MAXISTAB™ SD-5 per la prima volta. Lo stabilizzante si è dimostrato sin da subito efficace: da quel momento il problema della sovra-

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ICT | Case Study




The cleaning system from Dürr Ecoclean (today SBS Ecoclean) is in the fine cleaning room at VIA. Il sistema di lavaggio di Dürr Ecoclean (oggi SBS Ecoclean) nel reparto dedicato al lavaggio fine presso VIA.

completely disappeared – the acidic values have remained consistent in a reliable range thanks to the admixture of MAXISTAB™ SD-5. The admixture of MAXISTAB™ SD-5 at VIA occurs at regular intervals through the distillation unit. It is filled in during ongoing operation: the stabilizer is drawn into the vacuum distillation, where it remains. This mode of action ensures that neither sensitive gaskets, flaps and similar parts of the system come into contact with the stabilizer nor the workpieces to be cleaned. The stabilizer prevents the formation of organic acids, which can lead to problems like corrosion or shortened service life of gaskets and extends the bath service life. The cleaning process is stable and efficient. The process reliability achievable with MAXISTAB™ SD-5 18

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acidificazione è completamente scomparso – i valori acidi sono rimasti uniformi in un range affidabile grazie all’aggiunta di MAXISTAB™ SD-5. VIA aggiunge MAXISTAB™ SD-5 a intervalli regolari attraverso l’unità di distillazione. Questa è riempita durante il suo funzionamento: lo stabilizzante viene attirato dal vuoto nel distillatore, dove rimane. Questa modalità assicura che né le guarnizioni delicate, le linguette o parti simili, né il componente da lavare entrino in contatto con lo stabilizzante. Lo stabilizzante previene la formazione di acidi organici, che possono causare problemi come la corrosione o l’usura delle guarnizioni, ed estende la vita utile del bagno. Il processo di lavaggio è stabile ed efficiente. Presso VIA Oberflaechentechnik l’affidabilità di proces-

Michael Onken SAFECHEM Europe GmbH – Düsseldorf, Germany m.onken@safechem.com

can also be measured in euros and cents at VIA Oberflaechentechnik: “Since the end of October 2016, i.e. for about 11 months, we have not made any more bath changes and not cleaned the distillation either. Compared to the quarterly bath changes, this is naturally a huge saving in effort, costs and downtimes. Since the system runs continually in two-shift mode, we are talking about big savings here,” revealed Mr Lechner.

so ottenibile con MAXISTAB™ SD-5 si può misurare in euro: “Dalla fine dell’ottobre 2016, e per circa 11 mesi, non abbiamo più sostituito il bagno né pulito l’unità di distillazione. A confronto con i cambi del bagno trimestrali questo è ovviamente un grande risparmio, sia in termini monetari sia di fermi operativi. Poiché il sistema lavora in continuo su due turni, stiamo parlando di risparmi davvero significativi”, ha spiegato Lechner.

Odour on parts gone

Nessun odore sui componenti

Another effect of the stabilizer is evident at VIA as a positive side effect: “Our customers, 90 percent of which come from the automotive industry, only contact us occasionally if something isn’t running ideally. Occasionally, customers used to complain that there was an unpleasant odour of sulphur on the cleaned parts,” explains Kai Lechner. “But since we started working with the stabilizer, no customer has called us anymore.” VIA owes this satisfaction to the active operation of MAXISTAB™ SD-5 against the formation of sulphur and organic acids in the system.

Per VIA lo stabilizzante ha un altro evidente effetto positivo: “I nostri clienti, il 90% dei quali proviene dal settore automobilistico, ci contatta solo occasionalmente se c’è qualcosa che non funziona nel modo ideale. A volte i clienti si sono lamentati di uno spiacevole odore di zolfo sui pezzi lavati”, spiega Kai Lechner. “Ma da quando abbiamo iniziato a lavorare con lo stabilizzante, non abbiamo più ricevuto alcuna segnalazione di questo tipo”. VIA deve questa soddisfazione al funzionamento di MAXISTAB™ SD-5 contro la formazione di acidi organici e sulfurei all’interno del sistema.


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ICT | Case Study




The stabilizer MAXISTAB™ SD-5 acts efficiently to prevent the production of sulphur and acids in the system. Lo stabilizzante MAXISTAB™ SD-5 agisce in modo efficiente per prevenire la formazione di acidi e zolfo nel sistema. 3

The condition of the solvent can be easily measured using MAXICHECK™ DCL-1S Test Kit for optimal solvent monitoring. Le condizioni del solvente possono essere facilmente misurate con il kit di prova MAXICHECK™ DCL-1S per un monitoraggio ottimale del solvente stesso.


Other service elements for outstanding cleaning results

Altri elementi per risultati di lavaggio straordinari

To facilitate a reliable process, regular checks of the solvent are indispensable. SAFECHEM provides the MAXICHECK™ DCL-1S Test Kit with all the accessories needed, specially adapted to the solvent and stabilizer system, for regular measurement of the alkalinity (Fig. 3). The results of the analyses are recorded in a logbook and forwarded to SAFECHEM. The view on the use and consumption of solvents provides the latter with important information that contributes significantly to the great process reliability and economic efficiency. “The logbook has always been a great assistance to us, because we can detect the condition of the solvent and any harmful developments with easy measurements. We fill it out regularly and send it to SAFECHEM. As a result, we feel very sure about our cleaning process,” Kai Lechner explained in conclusion. ‹

Per rendere più affidabile un processo sono indispensabili controlli regolari del solvente. SAFECHEM offre il kit di prova MAXICHECK™ DCL-1S con tutti gli accessori necessari, adattati appositamente al sistema solvente + stabilizzante, per una regolare misurazione dell’alcalinità (fig. 3). I risultati delle analisi sono salvati in un registro di sistema e inoltrati a SAFECHEM. Una panoramica sull’uso e consumo dei solventi fornisce a SAFECHEM importanti informazioni, che contribuiscono in modo significativo a migliorare l’affidabilità e l’efficienza economica del processo. “Il registro dati è sempre stato di grande aiuto per noi, poiché ci permette di individuare la condizione del solvente e qualsiasi sviluppo dannoso con delle semplici misurazioni. Lo compiliamo regolarmente e lo inviamo a SAFECHEM. Così facendo ci sentiamo molto sicuri del nostro processo di lavaggio”, ha concluso Kai Lechner. ‹

™ Trademark of SAFECHEM

™ Marchio registrato di SAFECHEM

™* Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company

™* Marchio registrato di The Dow Chemical Company

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies




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ICT | Case Study

HIGH-QUALITY CLEANING OF ALUMINIUM DIE-CASTINGS FOR THE AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR Lavaggio di alta qualità di pressofusioni in alluminio per il settore automotive

© Alupress AG

A Opening photo: One of the complex die-cast components manufactured by Alupress AG (Brixen). Foto d’apertura: Uno dei componenti pressofusi complessi realizzati da Alupress AG di Bressanone.


luminium is playing an increasingly important role among the most used materials for car construction: in terms of frequency of use, it has surpassed plastic and, more recently, steel. Initially applied to engine components that reached a maximum temperature of 250 °C, its use has now extended to even the hottest parts, thus helping to significantly reduce weight. Other features that have determined its success include low density (thanks to its specific weight, one of the lowest among structural materials), high ductility (even at low temperatures), high thermal and electrical conductivity, and high resistance to atmospheric corrosion. One of the most delicate phases in the processing of aluminium components is cleaning: Tier 1 manufacturers demand compliance with increasingly stringent cleanliness requirements, which directly influence their satellite companies’ strategic choices linked to production.

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ra i materiali più utilizzati per la costruzione delle auto l’alluminio sta rivestendo un ruolo sempre più determinante, superando l’impiego della plastica e – più recentemente – dell’acciaio. Inizialmente applicato ai componenti del motore che raggiungevano temperature massime di 250 °C, oggi il suo impiego si è esteso anche alle parti più calde, contribuendo ad abbatterne notevolmente il peso. Tra le altre caratteristiche che ne determinano il successo possiamo annoverare la bassa densità, grazie al suo peso specifico tra i più bassi dei materiali strutturali, l’elevata duttilità anche a basse temperature, l’elevata conduttività termica ed elettrica e un’alta resistenza alla corrosione in ambiente atmosferico. Una delle fasi più delicate della lavorazione dei componenti in alluminio è quella del lavaggio: le società Tier 1 richiedono il rispetto di requisiti di pulizia sempre più stringenti, che influiscono direttamente sulle scelte strategiche legate al flusso produttivo delle aziende dell’indotto.

Monica Fumagalli ipcm®

L’azienda Alupress AG realizza componenti pressofusi in alluminio da quasi 55 anni. “Abbiamo una conoscenza storica dei processi di lavorazione di questo materiale – Simon Schwienbacher, responsabile Production Technology della società con sede centrale a Bressanone. Per questo motivo Alupress può vantare la fama di specialista della pressofusione. Grazie a uno sviluppo aziendale continuo e a diverse operazioni di acquisizione perfezionate negli ultimi anni, le sue attività si concentrano oggi nella produzione, nella lavorazione e nel montaggio di complessi componenti pressofusi in alluminio (rif. foto d’apertura). Le esigenze dei clienti e l’ottenimento del massimo livello qualitativo sono elementi prioritari dell’intero processo di lavorazione dei nostri componenti. Per il nostro team risultano di primaria importanza i requisiti di purezza superficiale richiesti anche da un singolo committente: un esempio dell’attenzione che rivolgiamo in questo senso ai nostri interlocutori è l’installazione di un impianto di lavaggio dedicato alla pulizia di due tipologie di pezzi commissionate da un singolo cliente. La macchina è in funzione dalla fine dello scorso anno ed è stata fornita da IFP Europe di Galliera Veneta (Padova), società specializzata nella realizzazione di impianti ad elevato apporto tecnologico, indicati per questa tipologia di lavaggio”.

© Alupress AG

Alupress AG (Brixen, Italy) has manufactured die-cast aluminium components for almost fifty-five years. “We have a historical knowledge of this material’s manufacturing processes,” observes Simon Schwienbacher, Production Technology Manager. “That is why Alupress can be considered a die-casting specialist. Thanks to continuous business development and to the several acquisitions completed in recent years, its core activities are now the production, processing, and assembly of complex die-cast aluminium components (ref. Opening photo). Customer needs and excellent quality are the two priorities of the entire manufacturing process of our components. The surface cleanliness requirements of each and every customer are of primary importance for our team. An example of the attention we pay to this aspect is the cleaning plant we have installed to treat two types of components we produce for only one customer. This machine has been operating since the end of last year. It was supplied by IFP Europe (Galliera Veneta, Padua Italy), a company specialising in the construction of highly technological systems, suitable for this type of cleaning process.”


Alupress’ headquarters in Brixen. La sede di Alupress AG a Bressanone.

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© Alupress AG

ICT | Case Study



The wide machining department: Alupress produces about 80,000 workpieces a day. Il vasto reparto per le lavorazioni meccaniche: Alupress realizza circa 80 mila pezzi al giorno.


Alupress AG: a passion for aluminium

Alupress AG: una passione per l’alluminio

Originally formed as an in-house department for die-casting requirements at Durst Phototechnik AG, Alupress was established as an independent company by Christof Oberrauch in 1965. Ten years later, it underwent its first expansion and moved into a new building in the industrial zone of Brixen, where its headquarters are still located today (Fig. 1). In the following years, the company developed into a major supplier for the automotive industry through further growth with respect to technology and quality. During that same time, it implemented a management system and achieved various certifications, such as ISO 9001 (1995), VDA 6.1 (2002), ISO TS16949 (2002), and ISO 14001 (2002). The first decade of the 2000s was marked by strong growth in order to keep up with the development of the European automotive industry and the requirements of its key customers. The company also opened two offices in Germany (Berlin and Hildburghausen) and one in the Unites States (Laurens).

Nata come divisione di Durst Phototechnik AG per soddisfare il fabbisogno interno di componenti pressofusi, Alupress AG viene fondata come azienda indipendente da Christof Oberrauch nel 1965. Dieci anni dopo, venne realizzato un primo ampliamento a cui seguì il trasferimento nella nuova sede aziendale nell’area industriale di Bressanone, dove si trova ancora oggi la sede principale di Alupress AG (fig. 1). Grazie a un continuo processo di sviluppo tecnico e qualitativo, negli anni successivi l’azienda è divenuta un importante fornitore di componenti per l’industria automobilistica. Questo periodo ha visto inoltre lo sviluppo del sistema gestionale e l’ottenimento di numerose certificazioni quali ISO 9001 (1995); VDA 6.1 (2002); ISO TS16949 (2002), ISO 14001 (2002). Nel primo decennio del Duemila l’azienda ha vissuto una forte crescita per mantenersi al passo con lo sviluppo dell’industria automobilistica europea e con le esigenze dei clienti più importanti ed ha inaugurato 2 sedi in Germania (a Berlino e a Hildburghausen) e una a Laurens, negli Stati Uniti.

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Monica Fumagalli ipcm®

Pressofusioni in alluminio di elevata qualità

“Our exceptional know-how, combined with a complex casting simulation system, enables us to develop and construct the right production tools for the manufacturing of our workpieces,” states Simon Schwienbacher. “Our company is structured in such a way that we design and build in-house all components for the production tools we need.” Casting takes place inside shaft furnaces that enable the processing of aluminium alloys to start with a limited use of energy, in line with the environmental protection policy that this firm has always pursued. Alupress currently works with five aluminium alloys. “Our die-casting machines are integrated into fully automated casting cells and they enable us to produce complex highprecision, pressure-resistant components”, adds Schwienbacher. “The process is extremely precise and it guarantees constant performance thanks to the adoption of a vacuum and jet cooling system

“Il nostro eccezionale know-how unito a un complesso sistema di simulazione del processo di fusione, ci permette di sviluppare e costruire gli strumenti produttivi per la realizzazione dei prodotti richiesti – precisa Simon Schwienbacher. L’azienda è strutturata in modo tale che sviluppiamo e realizziamo nel nostro reparto interno i componenti per gli strumenti produttivi necessari per la realizzazione dei nostri prodotti”. I processi di fusione si svolgono all’interno di forni a tino che permettono di attivare i processi di fusione delle leghe in alluminio con un limitato impiego di energia, in linea con la politica di tutela dell’ambiente da sempre perseguita dalla società bolzanina. Al momento Alupress realizza 5 leghe di alluminio. “I nostri macchinari per la pressofusione sono integrati in celle di fusione completamente automatizzate e permettono di produrre componenti complessi, dall’elevata precisione e resistenti alla pressione – continua Schwienbacher. Il processo è estremamente preciso e consente un rendimento

Industrial Wastewater Treatment

Simple Principle

© Alupress AG

High quality aluminium die-castings

Your Leaders in Zero Liquid Discharge

Effective Result

Leading companies rely on vacuum distillation systems for the sustainable treatment of industrial wastewater.



Do you want to benefit from a zero liquid discharge production with VACUDEST aswell?

The IFP Europe system in operation for about a year. L’impianto IFP Europe in funzione da circa un anno.


ICT | Case Study


and to the reduction of splashes.” After casting, the workpieces are deburred and sandblasted. Then, they are subjected to machining operations aimed at meeting the strict requirements of our customers. The machining department is equipped with different types of machines (horizontal, vertical, and double-spindle machining centres, milling systems, and rotary plants) that allow manufacturing components with the most diverse shapes, but always with a high degree of precision (Fig. 2). In order to keep their surfaces perfectly clean, even the most complex-shaped parts can be dry-processed. “We offer a complete service because, depending on our customers’ needs, we can glue shielding films, insert gaskets, screw gasketed lids, insert joints, mount clips, and implement a wide variety of mounting options,” says Schwienbacher. “It is also possible to perform leak and/or functional tests on the components assembled or obtained by chip removal machining. If necessary, the parts subjected to final inspection can be laser engraved DMC marking.”

costante grazie all’adozione di procedimenti con sistema a vuoto e jetcooling e alla riduzione degli schizzi”. In seguito alla fusione, i manufatti sono sbavati e sabbiati e passano poi alle lavorazioni meccaniche, in grado di trattare i componenti per rispondere alle tolleranze rigide imposte dai nostri clienti. Il reparto di lavorazione meccanica presenta diversi tipi di macchinari (centri di lavoro orizzontali, verticali, a doppio mandrino e di fresatura e impianti a rotazione) che consentono di produrre componenti dalle forme geometriche più diverse con un elevato grado di precisione (fig. 2). Al fine di mantenere le superfici perfettamente pulite, anche i componenti geometricamente più complessi possono essere lavorati a secco. “Offriamo un servizio completo perché, a seconda delle necessità del committente, siamo in grado di incollare pellicole di schermatura, inserire guarnizioni, avvitare coperchi con guarnizione, inserire giunti, montare fermagli e applicare una grande varietà di opzioni di montaggio – prosegue Schwienbacher. È inoltre possibile eseguire una prova di tenuta e/o una prova funzionale sui componenti montati o ottenuti mediante lavorazione ad asportazione di truciolo. Ove necessario, i componenti sottoposti a controllo finale possono essere dotati di contrassegno DMC inciso al laser”.

Maximum finishing precision

Massima precisione di finitura

Thanks to its vibratory finishing, shot blasting, and cleaning plants, combined with a cutting-edge laser cleaning system and continuous process development, Alupress can produce components specially prepared for gluing and coating. “Our modern laboratory for the inspection of processing residues, meeting all the VDA volume 19 requirements, guarantees compliance with the agreed values in terms of residues’ particle size. In our factory, we manufacture 80,000 workpieces a day, of which about 30% are subjected to final cleaning operations. In some cases, cleaning can also be carried out as a preliminary stage before the leak test. “Thanks to the accurate control of our results, last year we assessed that water- and detergent-based cleaning operation we performed on some die-cast components was not sufficient to meet the specific cleanliness requirements of one of our customers. Therefore, we searched for a solution that could consistently achieve the required cleanliness degree while, at the same

Gli impianti di tribofinitura, granigliatura e lavaggio, uniti a un impianto di pulizia laser all’avanguardia e al continuo sviluppo dei processi, consentono ad Alupress di realizzare componenti appositamente predisposti per l’incollaggio e la verniciatura. “Il nostro moderno laboratorio per i residui di lavorazione, realizzato nel rispetto dei requisiti VDA volume 19, garantisce il rispetto dei valori concordati per quanto riguarda le dimensioni delle particelle dei residui di lavorazione. Nel nostro stabilimento realizziamo 80 mila pezzi al giorno, di cui circa il 30% sono sottoposti a operazioni di lavaggio finale. In alcuni casi il lavaggio può essere effettuato anche come intervento preliminare prima della prova di tenuta. Grazie al controllo accurato dei risultati delle nostre lavorazioni, lo scorso anno abbiamo valutato che il lavaggio con acqua e detergente che effettuavamo su alcuni componenti pressofusi non era sufficiente per soddisfare i requisiti di pulizia specifici indicati da uno dei nostri committenti. Abbiamo quindi cercato una soluzione di lavaggio che mantenesse costante il grado di purezza desiderato e che, allo stesso tempo, fosse compatibile

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Monica Fumagalli ipcm®

time, being compatible with our environmental strategy. We chose an IFP Europe system and we devoted it exclusively to the treatment of these specific products, after performing various tests and optimising the cleaning process (Fig. 3). The new machine thus completed our cleaning equipment, currently including six systems.”

con la nostra strategia ambientale e abbiamo scelto l’impianto di IFP Europe da adibire al trattamento esclusivo di questo specifico prodotto, dopo aver eseguito numerose prove e ottimizzato il processo di lavaggio (fig. 3). La nuova macchina ha completato la dotazione degli impianti di lavaggio installati in stabilimento, che hanno raggiunto oggi le 6 unità”.

IFP Europe’s cleaning plant

L’impianto di lavaggio IFP Europe

IFP Europe’s plant is a closed-loop system that works with modified alcohols. “Alupress needed a cleaning solution for two specific types of components,” says IFP Europe General Manager Giacomo Sabbadin, “with very demanding cleanliness and gravimetric specifications. This modified alcohol plant implements all the most important technologies developed for this sector by our technical team in the last few years. It is equipped with special dual-pass cartridge filters to remove every particle from the parts’ surfaces, such as neat oils, emulsions, and swarf generated during machining.”

L’impianto IFP Europe è un sistema chiuso che opera con alcoli modificati. “Alupress necessitava di una soluzione di lavaggio per due tipologie di componenti specifici – interviene Giacomo Sabbadin, Direttore Generale di IFP Europe - che presentano specifiche di pulizia e gravimetria molto elevate. L’impianto ad alcol modificato sfrutta tutte le più importanti tecnologie sviluppate in questo settore nel corso degli ultimi anni di esperienza del nostro team tecnico. È provvisto di filtri particolari a cartuccia in doppia passata per bloccare tutte le particelle presenti sulla superficie dei supporti, risultanti dalle lavorazioni meccaniche, come oli interi, emulsioni e trucioli”.


© Alupress AG


IFP Europe designed and built the entire external automation system. Il sistema esterno di automazione è stato progettato e realizzato interamente da IFP Europe.

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ICT | Case Study 5

One of the main advantages brought by IFP Europe’s machine is the greater accuracy of cleanliness checks. Uno dei principali vantaggi riscontrati della macchina IFP Europe è la maggiore accuratezza del controllo del grado di pulizia delle superfici.



© Alupress AG

The system performs three immersion cleaning stages, with the possibility of controlling temperature and vacuum parameters. It is equipped with functions for the distillation and continuous stripping of contaminants. “The loading and unloading system with an automatic basket return trip feature was custom-designed, as were the workpiece-holding baskets,” adds Sabbadin. “The whole system guarantees that the parts are perfectly cleaned and treated in a delicate way, since no part of the machine can come into contact with them and risk ruining their surfaces. The entire external automation system, fully designed and built by IFP Europe, is covered and pressurised with clean-room type filters to avoid any contamination with the environment (Fig. 4).”

L’impianto esegue 3 lavaggi ad immersione con la possibilità di controllo dei parametri di temperatura e vuoto. È dotato di funzioni per la distillazione e lo strippaggio continuo del contaminante presente. “Il sistema di carico e scarico con ritorno dei cesti in postazione in modalità automatica, è stato progettato su misura, così come i cesti portapezzi – continua Sabbadin. Tutto il sistema garantisce che i pezzi siano lavati perfettamente e trattati in modo delicato, dal momento che nessun organo della macchina può entrare in contatto con il pezzo rischiando di rovinarlo. L’intero sistema esterno di automazione, progettato e realizzato completamente da IFP Europe, è coperto e pressurizzato con filtri del tipo a camera bianca, per evitare qualsiasi contaminazione con l’ambiente esterno (fig. 4)”.


I vantaggi

“Every need of our customers is also our need,” states Vitaliy Kushch, Process Engineering – Surface and Cleaning Technology. “Thanks to the installation of IFP Europe’s machine, we have solved all issues related

“Ogni esigenza dei nostri clienti diventa anche nostra – conclude Vitaliy Kushch, Process Engineering – Surface and Cleaning Technology. Grazie all’installazione della macchina IFP Europe abbiamo risolto le pro-

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Monica Fumagalli ipcm®

to the cleaning process that did not meet one of our customers’ requirements. Although it treats a limited number of workpieces compared with our daily productivity, we have found several advantages in terms of quality, including greater cleanliness and the ability to perform more accurate surface checks (Fig. 5); of environment, because distillation allows recovering the treated substances and eliminates the need to discharge waste water; and of maintenance, which is much simpler than that of our other cleaning systems. IFP’s team has managed to meet both our needs, by perfectly integrating its system into our lean production flow, and those of our customer, by guaranteeing the achievement of its required surface quality degree. We are now considering installing this type of system also in our other factories, whose production processes could greatly benefit from its water recovery system, already much appreciated in our Brixen plant.” ‹

blematiche relative al lavaggio dei componenti che non soddisfaceva i requisiti richiesti dal nostro committente. Pur adibendo l’impianto al trattamento di un numero limitato di pezzi rispetto alla nostra produttività giornaliera, abbiamo riscontrato dei vantaggi in termini qualitativi, per il maggior grado di purezza del supporto e la possibilità di effettuare controlli superficiali più accurati (fig. 5); in termini ambientali, perché la distillazione consente il recupero delle sostanze trattate ed elimina lo scarico di acque reflue; e a livello di manutenzione, che risulta molto più semplice rispetto agli altri sistemi di lavaggio presenti in stabilimento. Il team di IFP è riuscito a soddisfare sia noi con un sistema perfettamente integrato nella nostra lean production, sia il nostro cliente con la qualità superficiale dei componenti pressofusi richiesta. Infine, stiamo valutando la possibilità di integrare questo tipo di impianto anche in altre nostre sedi, dove il processo produttivo potrebbe beneficiare ampliamente del sistema di recupero delle acque che abbiamo molto apprezzato nella nostra sede di Bressanone.” ‹



ICT | Technology Overview

CLEANING WITH CO2 SNOW IN CLEANROOMS USING A DRY AND RESIDUE-FREE PROCESS Lavaggio con neve di CO2 in camere bianche con un processo a secco e senza residui

© acp systems AG

Opening photo: The quality of the cleaning jet can be monitored with sensors and converted into a digital value which is assigned to each individual part and then stored and documented. Foto d’apertura: La qualità del getto di lavaggio può essere monitorata con sensori e convertita in dati digitali assegnati a ogni singolo componente e successivamente salvati e documentati.


arts cleaning is indispensable in the manufacturing industry to ensure high quality standards and cleaning processes are increasingly being carried out in clean environments. As far as the technique, design, process reliability and automation are concerned, the proven quattroClean technology offers many advantages.



Whether it’s the automotive and supplier industry, optics, medical engineering, semiconductor industry or microtechnology – cleaning processes are key technologies that guarantee the quality and function of products in numerous industrial sectors. Cleanliness requirements vary depending on the product, the manufacturing phase and the following step in the production chain, such as coating, bonding, assembly or packaging. There is a growing demand for cleaning processes that are suitable for use in clean environments or cleanrooms. The modular quattroClean snow jet technology from acp systems AG has proven to be an efficient, reliable and cost-effective cleaning process. It is therefore being implemented more and more to replace

Che si tratti dell’industria automobilistica e dei suoi fornitori, dell’ottica, dell’ingegneria medica, dell’industria dei semiconduttori o della microtecnologia, i processi di lavaggio sono le tecnologie chiave che garantiscono la qualità e la funzionalità dei prodotti in numerosi settori. I requisiti di lavaggio variano in base al prodotto, alla fase produttiva e alle fasi successive come verniciatura, incollaggio, assemblaggio o imballaggio. Vi è una crescente domanda di processi di lavaggio adatti all’uso in ambienti puliti o camere bianche. La tecnologia modulare a getto di neve quattroClean di acp systems AG si è dimostrata efficiente, affidabile ed economica. È quindi sempre più utilizzata in sostituzione ai metodi convenzionali come il lavaggio

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

el settore produttivo il lavaggio di componenti è indispensabile per assicurare elevati standard di qualità e i processi di lavaggio sono eseguiti in misura sempre maggiore in ambienti puliti. Per quanto riguarda la tecnica, il design, l’affidabilità del processo e l’automazione, la comprovata tecnologia quattroClean offre molti vantaggi.

Doris Schulz Schulz.Presse.Text, Korntal, Germany doris.schulz@pressetextschulz.de

chimico a umido. Tra le ragioni della scelta le sue dimensioni compatte e i minori costi di investimento e operativi.

Four effects for clean, residue-free surfaces

Quattro effetti per superfici pulite e senza residui

The cleaning medium used for the process is liquid non-corrosive carbon dioxide which has a practically unlimited shelf life. It is created as a by-product of chemical manufacturing processes and biogas energy generation, thus making it environmentally neutral. The heart of the cleaning system is a wear-free two-component ring nozzle, through which the non-flammable and non-toxic carbon dioxide is fed. On exiting the nozzle, the carbon dioxide expands to form fine CO2 snow, which is then bundled by a separate circular jacketed jet of compressed air and accelerated to supersonic speed. When the easily-focused jet of snow and compressed air impacts on the surface to be cleaned at a temperature of minus 78.5°C, a combination of thermal, mechanical, sublimation and solvent effects occur. The combined effect of these four mechanisms removes particulate and filmic contamination such as microchips, dust, abrasion, 1 processing media residues, polishing pastes, separating agents, silicones, fluxes and smoke residues in a reliable and reproducible way (Fig. 1). During the cleaning step, the crystalline carbon dioxide is transformed from a solid to a gaseous state, with the result that the cleaned material dries instantly. Detached impurities are removed from the component surface by the aerodynamic force of the compressed air and transported away together with the sublimated carbon dioxide by an extraction unit integrated into the cleaning module. The cleaning process is so gentle on materials that it can even be used to clean delicate and finely-structured surfaces. The dry cleaning process is suitable for workpieces made from practically all technical materials and material combinations.

L’agente di lavaggio utilizzato è l’anidride carbonica liquida non corrosiva, che ha una durata praticamente infinita. Si genera come sottoprodotto dei processi manifatturieri chimici e dalla generazione di energia da biogas ed è quindi neutrale dal punto di vista ambientale. Il cuore del sistema di lavaggio è un ugello anti-usura a due componenti, attraverso il quale fluisce l’anidride carbonica non infiammabile e atossica. Questa si espande in uscita dall’ugello formando fini cristalli di neve di CO2, che sono poi aggregati da un getto circolare di aria compressa e accelerati a velocità supersonica. Quando il getto mirato di neve e aria compressa colpisce la superficie da lavare ad una temperatura di -78,5°C, si ha una combinazione di effetto termico, meccanico, solvente e sublimante. L’effetto combinato di questi quattro meccanismi rimuove in modo affidabile e ripetibile la contaminazione pellicolare e i particolati come microtrucioli, polvere, abrasivi, residui di prodotti di processo, paste lucidanti, agenti separanti, silicone e residui di fumo (fig. 1). Durante la fase di lavaggio l’anidride carbonica cristallina passa dallo stato solido a quello gassoso, con il risultato che il materiale lavato asciuga istantaneamente. Le impurità distaccate sono rimosse dal componente dalla forza aerodinamica dell’aria compressa e trasportate via insieme all’anidride carbonica sublimata da un’unità di estrazione integrata nel modulo di lavaggio. Il processo è talmente delicato da poter essere utilizzato per lavare superfici sensibili e finemente strutturate. Il processo di lavaggio a secco è adatto a componenti in praticamente qualsiasi materiale o combinazione di materiali diversi. © acp systems AG

conventional methods such as wet chemical cleaning. The reasons for this include its compact dimensions and lower investment and operating costs.


The quattroClean system, which can be integrated into networked manufacturing environments, enables the partial or full-surface removal of particulate and filmic contamination from practically all technical materials in clean environments. Il sistema quattroClean, che può essere integrato in ambienti produttivi interconnessi, permette la rimozione parziale o totale di contaminazione da particolato o pellicolare da praticamente tutti i materiali tecnici e in ambienti puliti.

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


ICT | Technology Overview


Full-surface or partial cleaning with uniform results

Lavaggio parziale o totale con risultati uniformi

The quattroClean system is scalable and can therefore be easily and space-savingly adapted to different component geometries for partial or full-surface cleaning. Depending on the task, one or more single nozzles or a nozzle array are used. The patented technology ensures uniform cleaning results even where large surfaces are concerned. Through pilot tests in the acp systems technical center, all process parameters, such as the volume flows for compressed air and carbon dioxide as well as the length of time and area the jet is applied to, are precisely tailored to the respective application. The parameters take not only material properties into account but also the type of contamination requiring removal. If desired, they can be filed as part-specific cleaning programs in the system controls. To ensure a consistently high process quality, the supply of CO2 and compressed air to the nozzles and the consistency and duration of the jet can be individually monitored and the values recorded automatically stored (ref. Opening photo). The concentration of CO2 around the inlet and outlet of the plant adjacent to the production environment can also be monitored with internationally-certified sensors.

Il sistema quattroClean è modulabile e può quindi essere adattato facilmente e in dimensioni contenute, per trattare componenti con geometrie complesse e per un lavaggio parziale o totale. A seconda del bisogno si possono utilizzare più ugelli singoli oppure ugelli in serie. La tecnologia brevettata assicura risultati di lavaggio uniformi anche su superfici grandi. Grazie a dei test pilota effettuati presso il centro tecnico di acp systems, tutti i processi di parametro come il volume dei flussi di aria compressa e anidride carbonica, nonché il tempo e l’area di applicazione del getto, sono impostati su misura a seconda delle necessità. I parametri tengono conto non solo delle proprietà del materiale, ma anche del tipo di contaminazione. Se lo si desidera, i parametri si possono memorizzare come ricette specifiche di lavaggio nel sistema di controllo. Per assicurare un processo con qualità uniforme, la fornitura di CO2 e di aria compressa agli ugelli e la consistenza e durata del getto possono essere monitorate individualmente registrandone automaticamente i valori (rif. foto d’apertura). Anche la concentrazione di CO2 vicino all’ingresso e all’uscita dell’impianto adiacente all’ambiente produttivo può essere monitorata con sensori certificati a livello internazionale.

Systems for manual, semi-automated and fully-automated cleaning

Sistemi di lavaggio manuali, semi-automatici o automatici

The criteria determining the design of the systems are the cleanliness and cycle times required. Based on these specifications, acp systems uses standard modules to develop customized manual, partially and fully automated plant concepts - both as stand-alone solutions as well as ones for integration into production lines and networked manufacturing environments. The latter is made possible by the system’s industry 4.0 capability. Thanks to standardized interfaces, it is no problem to integrate the systems into higher-level master computers and to control them via these. To ensure complete documentation and traceability, all process parameters are automatically recorded, stored and transferred to the host computer.

I criteri che determinano il design dei sistemi sono le esigenze di lavaggio e di tempi ciclo. Sulla base di queste specifiche, acp systems utilizza moduli standard per sviluppare dei concept di impianto manuali, parzialmente o totalmente automatici – sia come soluzioni indipendenti che come integrazione in linee produttive e in ambienti produttivi interconnessi. Quest’ultima è possibile grazie alla capacità 4.0 del sistema. Grazie a interfacce standardizzate, integrare i sistemi in computer di controllo di livello più alto e controllarli attraverso questi non costituisce un problema. Per assicurare una completa documentazione e tracciabilità, tutti i parametri di processo sono automaticamente registrati, memorizzati e trasferiti al computer host.

Different concepts for cleanroom-compatible design

Concept differenti per un design compatibile con la camera bianca

When production takes place under clean conditions, during the cleaning process it is essential that no contamination from the surroundings reaches

Quando la produzione avviene in condizioni di pulizia, durante il processo di lavaggio è essenziale che nessuna contaminazione dall’ambiente circostante raggiun-

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

Doris Schulz Schulz.Presse.Text, Korntal, Germany doris.schulz@pressetextschulz.de

the product or is released into the environment, and that recontamination of the product is reliably avoided. To meet these requirements, a corresponding system for preparing the liquid carbon dioxide and compressed air is integrated into the plant. The air supply, extraction system and other features, such as components for automation and pick & place, are adapted to the respective cleanroom class. The design of the cleaning module also focuses on creating optimum airflow conditions in order to ensure fast and reliable removal of detached contamination. Different solutions are used to tailor the cleaning system to customer requirements and the space available.

The cost-effective solution: clean machine concept For applications where only the cleaning process needs to be performed under clean conditions, the so-called “clean machine” concept is ideal. These systems are equipped with an encapsulation with integrated clean air supply. Positive pressure prevailing inside the cleaning module prevents contaminated air from entering from the environment. Since these systems are made from electropolished stainless steel, the interior surfaces are exceptionally smooth and easy to clean (Fig. 2).

ga il prodotto o sia rilasciata in atmosfera e che sia evitata in modo efficace la ricontaminazione. Per soddisfare questi requisiti, nell’impianto è integrato un relativo sistema di preparazione dell’anidride carbonica liquida e dell’aria compressa. La fornitura di aria, il sistema di estrazione e altre caratteristiche, come i componenti per l’automazione e il pick&place, sono adattati alla rispettiva classe di camera bianca. Il design del modulo di lavaggio si concentra anche sul creare condizioni ottimali per il flusso d’aria, al fine di assicurare una rimozione veloce e affidabile della contaminazione distaccata. Soluzioni differenti sono utilizzate per personalizzare il sistema di lavaggio a seconda delle richieste del cliente e dello spazio disponibile.

Una soluzione economica: il concept di “macchina pulita” Per applicazioni in cui solo il processo di lavaggio è eseguito in condizioni di pulizia, l’ideale è il concept di “macchina pulita”. Questi sistemi sono dotati di un incapsulamento con integrata la fornitura dell’aria pulita. La pressione positiva prevalente all’interno del modulo previene l’ingresso dell’aria contaminata dall’ambiente. Poiché questi sistemi sono in acciaio inossidabile elettrolucidato, le superfici interne sono eccezionalmente lisce e semplici da pulire (fig. 2).

ICT | Technology Overview

Le pareti interne sono in acciaio inossidabile elettrolucidato, che conferisce superfici estremamente lisce e facili da pulire.


In a quattroClean system designed for a medical device application and integration into a cleanroom, a robot feeds the parts to the jet-cleaning process In un sistema quattroClean progettato per un’applicazione su dispositivi medici e per l’integrazione in una camera bianca, un robot introduce i componenti nel processo di lavaggio.


Cleanroom applications Complete encapsulation is also available for systems that are integrated into a cleanroom. In this case, the clean air is supplied with negative pressure. Thus, air is sucked in from the cleanroom and removed via an extraction unit integrated in the cleaning module. This prevents particles or other forms of contamination from reaching the cleanroom environment. 3 This solution is used, for example, by a medical device manufacturer to clean stents (Fig. 3). One of the challenges here was to optimize the cleaning process to the requirements of the extremely delicate components. On the one hand, the stent has to be held securely in place

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

Un produttore di sensori utilizza questa soluzione per, ad esempio, eliminare le particelle dai delicati sensori prima dell’imballaggio. I sensori sono introdotti nel sistema da un’unità cassetto progettata secondo il principio poka yoke (a prova di errore), con vassoi contenenti i sensori sporchi disposti in modo specifico. Non appena il cassetto è in posizione, un supporto progettato appositamente e montato su un’unità lineare prende due sensori e li trasporta all’unità di lavaggio, dove sono prelevati da uno speciale meccanismo di presa. Successivamente due ugelli lanciano un getto con angolo definito sui sensori, che ruotano durante il processo. Le particelle distaccate sono immediatamente ed efficacemente rimosse dalla cella di lavaggio da un modulo di estrazione aria. Dopo il lavaggio, il meccanismo di presa trasferisce di nuovo i sensori sul supporto lineare. I componenti “sporchi” e “puliti” sono mantenuti separati per prevenire la ricontaminazione. I sensori sono posizionati su vassoi puliti forniti da un secondo sistema a cassetto. © acp systems AG

The inner walls are made of electropolished stainless steel, thus ensuring extremely smooth and easy-to-clean surfaces.

© acp systems AG


A sensor manufacturer uses this solution, for example, to clean particles off sensitive sensors before packaging. The sensors are fed into the system by a drawer unit designed according to the poka yoke principle, with trays containing soiled sensors arranged in a specific way. As soon as the drawer is in position, a specially-designed holder mounted on a linear unit takes two sensors and transports them to the cleaning unit, where they are picked up by a special gripping mechanism. Two nozzles then blast a jet at a defined angle onto the sensors, which rotate during the cleaning process. Detached particles are removed immediately and effectively from the cleaning cell by an air extraction module. After cleaning, the gripper mechanism transfers the sensors 2 back to the linear holder. The “dirty” and “clean” parts are kept strictly separate to prevent recontamination after cleaning. The sensors are placed on clean parts trays that are supplied via a second drawer system.

Applicazioni in camera bianca L’incapsulamento completo è disponibile anche per sistemi integrati in una camera bianca. In questo caso l’aria pulita è fornita con pressione negativa. In questo modo l’aria è risucchiata dalla camera bianca e rimossa da un’unità di estrazione integrata nel modulo di lavaggio. Ciò evita che le particelle o altri tipi di contaminazione raggiungano la camera bianca. Questa soluzione è utilizzata, ad esempio, da un produttore di dispositivi medici per lavare gli stent (fig. 3). In questo caso una delle sfide era ottimizzare il processo di lavaggio secondo i requisiti relativi a componenti estremamente delicati. Da un lato, lo stent deve essere te-

Doris Schulz Schulz.Presse.Text, Korntal, Germany doris.schulz@pressetextschulz.de

during cleaning. On the other hand, it may not nuto saldamente in posizione durante il lavaggio. be deformed and all adhering particles and filmic Dall’altro, non si deve deformare e tutta la contamiresidues must be reliably removed. To achieve this, a nazione particellare e filmogena deve essere rimosspecial parts holder was developed that is fed to the sa in modo affidabile. Per ottenere questo risultato è cleaning jet by a robot. stato sviluppato uno speciale supporto mosso da un A manufacturer of robot verso il getto di lalithography systems vaggio. for the semiconductor Un produttore di sistemi industry placed extremely per litografia per il settohigh demands on the re dei semiconduttori ha cleanroom-compatible posto requisiti molto sedesign of the cleaning veri in merito alla comsystem. Among other patibilità del sistema di things, these were met lavaggio con la cameby equipping the media ra bianca. Alcuni di quepreparation system sti sono stati soddisfatfor the compressed ti dotando il sistema di air and liquid carbon preparazione di anidride dioxide with special carbonica liquida e aria filtration systems that compressa di speciali siguarantee a particlestemi di filtrazione che and hydrocarbon-free garantissero una fornimedia supply (Fig. 4). tura priva di particelThe extraction unit for the le e idrocarburi (fig. 4). removed contamination L’unità di estrazione deland sublimated CO2 is la contaminazione rimossa e della CO2 sublimata è designed as a three-step filter system. progettata come sistema The plant integrated filtrante a tre fasi. into the cleanroom is L’impianto integrato nelused to clean optical la camera bianca è utiliz4 © acp systems AG components for EUV zato per lavare compo(extremely ultraviolet nenti ottici per litografia 4 radiation) lithography, EUV (radiazioni ultravioTo clean sensors, the CO snow jet system was integrated which are heavily lette estreme), che sono 2 into a standard module featuring a clean air supply and a contaminated with pesantemente contamimedia preparation system for the liquid carbon dioxide and adhering impurities and nati da impurità e residui compressed air. smoke residues. A nozzle di fumo. Per il lavaggio si Per lavare dei sensori il sistema a getto di neve di CO2 è stato integrato in un modulo standard, caratterizzato da is utilized for cleaning, utilizza un ugello mosso un sistema di fornitura di aria pulita e da un sistema di which is moved over the sulla superficie da un ropreparazione dell’anidride carbonica liquida e dell’aria surface to be cleaned by bot secondo una sequencompressa. a robot according to a za di movimenti specifica specific motion sequence e a una distanza definita and at a precisely-defined distance. Compared in modo preciso. A confronto con il metodo di lavagto the wet chemical process previously used, the gio chimico a umido utilizzato in precedenza, il temcleaning time could be significantly reduced po ciclo si è ridotto in modo significativo e non vi è and neither chemicals nor water are required. più la necessità di utilizzare prodotti chimici né acFurthermore, the cleaning process is gentler and qua. Inoltre, il processo di lavaggio è più delicato e dà produces better results. ‹ risultati migliori. ‹

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


ICT | Highlight of the month

FLEXIBLE ULTRASONIC SOLUTIONS – FIT FOR NEW APPLICATIONS Soluzioni flessibili a ultrasuoni – Adatte a nuove applicazioni

© Weber Ultrasonics AG

Opening photo: The design of the vacuum-capable multifrequency submersible transducers can be adapted to a wide range of requirements. Foto d’apertura: Il design dei trasduttori sommergibili multifrequenza a tenuta di vuoto si può adattare a un’ampia gamma di esigenze.


ightweight engineering is one of the key technologies that has now become established as a success factor in many sectors. Here, mass can be reduced through use of lighter materials such as composites and sandwich structures. At the same time, new production methods such as additive manufacturing are also allowing the weight of products to be reduced.


ingegneria leggera è una delle tecnologie chiave che sono ormai diventate un consolidato fattore di successo in molti settori. Con questa tecnologia la massa può essere ridotta attraverso l’utilizzo di materiali più leggeri come compositi o strutture a sandwich. Contemporaneamente, anche alcuni nuovi metodi di produzione come la manifattura additiva stanno consentendo di ridurre il peso dei prodotti.

Altered production processes

Processi produttivi mutati

The changes in production processes when implementing lightweight construction strategies are presenting manufacturers with new challenges. This starts with product development and continues through all production areas, right up to component cleaning. For example, the materials used in lightweight construction, such as carbon-reinforced and glass fibre-reinforced plastics, honeycombs, as

I cambiamenti nei processi produttivi stanno ponendo ai produttori nuove sfide nell’implementazione delle strategie della costruzione leggera. Questo ha inizio con lo sviluppo del prodotto e continua in tutte le fasi produttive, fino al lavaggio dei componenti. Ad esempio, i materiali utilizzati nelle costruzioni leggere, come plastiche rinforzate con fibra di carbonio o fibra di vetro, nidi d’ape, sandwich composti da strati di alluminio

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies


Doris Schulz Schulz.Presse.Text, Korntal, Germany doris.schulz@pressetextschulz.de

well as sandwiches made of aluminium layers with “internals” made of plastic or metal foam, require different processing than conventional materials such as steel. While machining or forming with liquid medium represents the state-of-the-art for the latter, composite materials should ideally be cut when dry. However, the dust and particles released when using conventional processes such as dry milling contaminate components deep into their structure (Fig. 1). Ultrasonic-assisted cutting is a great way to significantly reduce this contamination. The higher speed is also beneficial, even in comparison with classic cutting.

con all’interno plastica o schiuma metallica, richiedono processi diversi rispetto ai materiali convenzionali come l’acciaio. Mentre per questi ultimi lo stato dell’arte consiste nella lavorazione o formatura con agenti liquidi, i materiali compositi dovrebbero idealmente essere tagliati a secco. Tuttavia, la polvere e le particelle rilasciate durante i processi convenzionali come la fresatura a secco contaminano i componenti in profondità nella loro struttura (fig. 1). Il taglio a ultrasuoni è un ottimo modo per ridurre in modo significativo questa contaminazione. Anche la maggiore velocità è un beneficio rispetto al taglio classico.

New requirements for component cleaning

Nuovi requisiti di lavaggio dei componenti

The altered materials and production processes also lead to new requirements for component cleaning. This affects both the soiling to be removed and the workpieces themselves, or rather their surfaces. When working with machined composites, the main

Nuovi materiali e processi produttivi hanno portato anche nuovi requisiti di lavaggio. Ciò influisce sia sul tipo di sporco da rimuovere sia sui componenti stessi o, piuttosto, sulle loro superfici. Quando si trattano materiali compositi lavorati, i principali contaminan-

EcoCvelox The Finishing for your Parts


© Weber Ultrasonics AG


Highpressure Deburring



In contrast to classic cutting in the form of dry milling, significantly less soiling is produced and therefore needs to be removed when using ultrasonic-assisted composite cutting. Contrariamente al taglio tradizionale sotto forma di fresatura a secco, il taglio ad ultrasuoni dei compositi produce una quantità notevolmente inferiore di sporco da rimuovere.

Experience our new multi-talented system for deburring and cleaning applications at parts2clean 2019. www.ecoclean-group.net

ICT | Highlight of the month


Ultrasound also facilitates deburring and cleaning in a single process. The root of the burr is removed in a targeted way by the sonotrode, which itself is matched to the specific application, and the burr is then moved by the flow, broken off, and carried away. Gli ultrasuoni facilitano la sbavatura e il lavaggio con processo singolo. La radice della bava viene rimossa in modo mirato dal sonotrodo, abbinato alla specifica applicazione, e la bava è quindi mossa dal flusso, rotta e portata via.


contaminants to be removed alongside residue from their manufacturing process are dust and particulate matter. These need to be removed from deep structures and without damaging or deforming the respective components. Components produced from metallic materials using additive manufacturing are soiled with residual powder, which also needs to be “dragged out” of pores and complex geometries so that it does not impair downstream processes or component function. Both the porous surfaces of these workpieces and the delicate component 2 areas must be reliably protected from damage. Due to these special requirements, tried and tested cleaning approaches used for components produced by machining and forming cannot simply be transferred one-to-one here.

ti da rimuovere insieme ai residui del loro processo di produzione sono la polvere e i particolati. Questi devono essere rimossi in profondità dalle strutture e senza danneggiare o deformare i rispettivi componenti. I componenti prodotti da materiali metallici tramite la manifattura additiva sono inquinati da residui di polvere, che necessitano di essere anche “tirati fuori” da pori e geometrie complesse in modo da non compromettere i processi a valle e la funzionalità del componente. Sia le superfici porose di questi componenti sia le loro aree delicate devono essere pro© Weber Ultrasonics AG tette efficacemente dai danneggiamenti. Per via di queste esigenze particolari, non si possono semplicemente trasferire i collaudati approcci di lavaggio utilizzati per componenti prodotti in modo convenzionale con lavorazione meccanica e formatura.

Ultrasound offers suitable solutions

Gli ultrasuoni offrono le soluzioni adatte

For ultrasonic cleaning, this means that higher frequencies and also multiple frequencies are required, often in combination with a vacuum. Weber Ultrasonics has developed special, vacuum-tight submersible transducers for these tasks. These are offered as single, dual, and multifrequency versions together with optimally matched ultrasonic generators, such as the intelligent and Industry 4.0-capable Sonopower 3S. The dimensions and design of the Sonosub submersible transducers can be adapted to customer-specific requirements to secure the best possible sonic yield (ref. Opening photo). Special laser welding technology ensures both a high sealing strength and dimensional accuracy of these submersible transducers. This high degree of flexibility facilitates cleaning solutions that are individually matched to the respective workpieces and, for example, operate at frequencies of 40 and 80 kHz or 58, 80, and 132 kHz. The lower frequency allows easily accessible soiling to be removed reliably and gently. The smaller cavitation bubbles produced at higher frequencies, on the other hand, penetrate into

Nel lavaggio a ultrasuoni sono richieste frequenze maggiori, ma anche frequenze multiple, spesso in combinazione con un vuoto. A questo scopo Weber Ultrasonics ha sviluppato degli speciali trasduttori sommergibili a tenuta di vuoto. Questi sono disponibili nelle versioni a frequenza singola, doppia o multifrequenza, con generatori adattati in maniera ottimale, come l’intelligente e Industry 4.0-ready Sonopower 3S. Le dimensioni e il design dei trasduttori sommergibili Sonosub sono personalizzabili secondo le esigenze del cliente, per assicurare la miglior resa sonica possibile (rif. foto d’apertura). Una speciale tecnologia di saldatura laser assicura per entrambi un’elevata impermeabilità e un’accuratezza dimensionale. Questa elevata flessibilità facilita soluzioni di lavaggio specifiche per ogni pezzo e, per esempio, consente di operare a frequenze di 40 e 80 kHz oppure 50, 80 e 132 kHz. La frequenza minore consente di rimuovere in modo delicato lo sporco facilmente accessibile. Le più piccole bolle di cavitazione prodotte dalle frequenze più alte, dall’altro lato, penetrano nelle aree più difficili da raggiungere co-

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

Doris Schulz Schulz.Presse.Text, Korntal, Germany doris.schulz@pressetextschulz.de

areas that are more difficult to access, such as tight gaps, pores, and undercuts, and remove the soiling. The most suitable frequency or frequency combination for the respective cleaning task can be determined in the test lab of the ultrasonic component manufacturer.

me spazi stretti, pori e sottosquadra eliminando lo sporco. La frequenza o la combinazione di frequenze più adatta a seconda del tipo di lavaggio da eseguire può essere determinata nel laboratorio di prova del produttore di componenti a ultrasuoni.

Vacuum boosts the cavitation effect

Il vuoto amplifica l’effetto cavitazione

When cleaning in a vacuum, the pressure in the working chamber is reduced. This boosts the cavitation effect of the ultrasonic waves and thereby also the cleaning efficiency. Thanks to the lower pressure, any air trapped in undercuts, pores, or cavities of the parts is removed - for example in the sections of honeycombs. This secures a deep clean without compromising the surface.

Nel lavaggio sottovuoto la pressione nella camera è minore. Questo fa aumentare l’effetto cavitazione delle onde ultrasoniche e quindi anche l’efficienza del lavaggio. Grazie alla minore pressione, qualsiasi aria intrappolata nei sottosquadra, nei pori o nelle cavità del pezzo è rimossa – ad esempio nelle sezioni dei nidi d’ape. Questo assicura un lavaggio in profondità senza compromettere la superficie.

Ultrasound – also a solution for deburring

Ultrasuoni – una soluzione anche per la sbavatura

Ultrasound can also be used for deburring workpieces, whether for burrs that form on cutting edges or are the result of classic machining. The deburring effect is based on the physical effect of cavitation and a flow here. It can be adjusted to a very wide range of deburring tasks – focused on just one point or a surface – via the power output, amplitude, and duration of ultrasound application, as well as the distance and position of the specifically designed sonotrode relative to the workpiece. This allows cleaning and deburring to be performed efficiently and in a single process in submersible systems, which also saves space (Fig. 2). The systems can be designed to handle specific requirements by adding additional tanks for separate precleaning and/or rinsing after the deburring process. ‹

Gli ultrasuoni si possono utilizzare anche per sbavare i componenti, sia per le bave che si formano sui bordi di taglio sia per quelle derivanti dalla lavorazione classica. L’effetto sbavatura si basa sull’effetto fisico della cavitazione e del flusso. Questo metodo si può adattare ad un’ampia gamma di esigenze di sbavatura – concentrate in un punto o su una intera superficie – tramite la potenza in uscita, l’amplitudine e la durata dell’applicazione degli ultrasuoni, nonché la distanza e la posizione del sonotrodo sviluppato appositamente per il manufatto in questione. Nei sistemi sommergibili ciò permette di effettuare lavaggio e sbavatura in modo efficiente e in un singolo processo, facendo anche risparmiare spazio (fig. 2). I sistemi possono essere progettati per gestire richieste specifiche aggiungendo vasche addizionali per un pre-lavaggio e/o risciacquo dopo la sbavatura. ‹

Surface technology



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ICT | Case Study

© Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH

ENERGY EFFICIENT, HIGH QUALITY DEBURRING OF PRECISION PLASTIC COMPONENTS Sbavatura precisa ad alta qualità ed efficienza energetica su componenti in plastica

T Opening photo: Detailed view of the work piece fixture. Foto d’apertura: Dettaglio del supporto portapezzi.


he deburring requirements for precision passenger car fuel systems are extremely demanding. That is why for this application a leading supplier of injection-moulded components is using shot blasting technology from Rösler. A special dual turbine and suction blast system produced the best results with a very high energy efficiency. During the course of a capacity expansion, the company planned to invest in a new shot blasting machine for deburring of extremely precise components for passenger car fuel systems. The work pieces with a diameter of about 40 mm and a height of 8.5, respectively 4.0 mm, are produced from a highly filled Duroplast in multi component dies (ref. Opening photo).

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies


requisiti di sbavatura per le unità di alimentazione del carburante delle autovetture sono estremamente elevati. Ecco perché, per questa applicazione, un’azienda leader nella fornitura di componenti stampati a iniezione ha scelto la tecnologia di granigliatura di Rösler, installando uno speciale impianto che combina una doppia soluzione: un sistema a turbina e un sistema di lancio ad aspirazione per garantire i risultati migliori con una significativa efficienza energetica. Questa azienda ha deciso di investire in una macchina di granigliatura per sbavare i suoi componenti di precisione per le unità di alimentazione del carburante delle autovetture nel quadro di un progetto di espansione della propria capacità produttiva. Questi pezzi, con un diametro di circa 40 mm e un’altezza tra 4,0 e 8,5 mm, sono prodotti con plastica termoindurente molto caricata in stampi multi-componente (rif. foto d’apertura).

Julia Lips Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH - Untermerzbach, Germania j.lips@rosler.com

Stringent deburring requirements

Requisiti di sbavatura elevati

After coming out of the mould the work pieces have very fine burs and flashes. To prevent functional failures of these components during their later use, the burs must be completely and reliably removed without damaging the work piece surface and changing their dimensional integrity. For this demanding application the customer chose a plastic de-flashing shot blast system from Rösler. A major reason for their decision was their excellent experience with Rösler, already having about 25 to 30 Rösler shot blast machines in operation at various company locations.

I pezzi che escono dagli stampi sono caratterizzati dalla presenza di bave molto fini che, per evitare guasti funzionali durante l’utilizzo dei componenti, devono essere rimosse in modo completo e affidabile, senza danneggiare al contempo alcuna superficie o modificarne l’integrità dimensionale. Per questa complessa applicazione, il cliente ha selezionato un sistema di sbavatura della plastica di Rösler. Una delle principali ragioni della scelta è stata l’eccellente esperienza giù avuta con questo fornitore: l’azienda possiede infatti già quasi trenta granigliatrici di Rösler, dislocate nei suoi svariati stabilimenti.

Automatic processing with two different shot blasting methods

Trattamento automatico con due diversi metodi di granigliatura

The swing table machine RWS 1200 T1-I4 SAT 1 has two work chambers, each equipped with a rotating satellite station that can hold six work pieces (Fig. 1). The dual chamber concept allows loading/unloading of one batch of parts, while another one is processed. This helps keep unproductive times at a minimum. During the shot blasting process in the noise insulated, dust-proof blast chamber the work pieces are rotating while being exposed to the blast stream of a turbine W32 with an installed power of 4 kW and a media throwing speed of up to 80 m/sec. Due to a relatively large blast pattern, about 90% of the deburring tasks are accomplished by the turbine process. At the same time four suction nozzles, whose height, distance and direction is adjustable, are blasting the surface areas that cannot be reached by the turbine (Fig. 2). The combination of the two shot blasting methods allows to significantly improve the deburring results compared to just blasting with a turbine. And, at the same time the dual blast system is considerably more energy efficient compared to blasting just by air. Cleaning of the non-abrasive plastic media takes place with a vibratory screening unit, which also discharges undersize media, and a special air wash separator. To prevent the media from getting electro-statically charged, which could cause adherence of the media to the work pieces, an anti-static compound, specially developed by Rösler, is injected into the blast chamber.

Il sistema a tavola rotante RWS 1200 T1-I4 SAT 1 presenta due camere di lavoro, ciascuna dotata di una stazione rotante a satelliti che può ospitare fino a sei pezzi (fig. 1). La doppia camera consente di caricare o scaricare un lotto mentre l’altro è in lavorazione, riducendo al minimo i tempi non produttivi. Nel corso del processo di granigliatura all’interno delle camere antirumore e antipolvere, i componenti vengono fatti ruotare ed esposti al getto di granigliatura prodotto da una turbina W32, con una potenza installata di 4 kW e una velocità di proiezione dei media fino a 80 m/sec. Grazie all’ampia impronta di granigliatura, il 90% dei risultati di sbavatura è garantito da questo processo a turbina. Allo stesso tempo, tuttavia, quattro ugelli ad aspirazione, regolabili in altezza, distanza dal pezzo e angolazione, sottopongono a granigliatura le aree superficiali non raggiungibili dalla turbina (fig. 2). La combinazione di queste due tecnologie permette di migliorare significativamente i risultati di granigliatura rispetto all’uso della sola turbina, oltre a dimostrarsi significativamente più efficiente dal punto di vista energetico rispetto all’uso della sola aria compressa. I media in plastica non abrasivi sono poi puliti in un’unità di setacciamento a vibrazione, che elimina anche la graniglia sottodimensionata, e in uno speciale separatore aria-acqua. Per evitare che i media si carichino elettrostaticamente e aderiscano ai pezzi, inoltre, viene iniettato nella camera di granigliatura un composto antistatico specificamente sviluppato da Rösler.

ICT | Case Study © Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH


Rösler swing satellite table machine RWS 1200-T1-I4-SAT 1 in our German plant after successful precommissioning by the customer. La macchina a tavola rotante con satelliti RWS 1200-T1-I4-SAT 1 nello stabilimento tedesco, dopo una fase positiva di preavviamento presso il cliente. 2

Glimpse into the blast chamber of a Rösler RWS 1200-T1-I4-SAT 1 showing the following details: blast nozzles, blast turbine, blow-off nozzles and the satellite station with work piece fixture supplied by the customer. Un dettaglio della camera di granigliatura della RWS 1200-T1-I4-SAT 1, in cui sono visibili gli ugelli di granigliatura, le turbine, gli ugelli di soffiaggio e la stazione a satelliti con i supporti portapezzi forniti dal cliente.



© Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH


Manufacturing of plastic de-flashing shot blast equipment in Untermerzbach

Impianti di sbavatura della plastica prodotti a Untermerzbach

About one year ago Rösler transferred the product line “plastic de-flashing equipment” from the previous location in Kirchleerau (Switzerland) to its main manufacturing plant in Untermerzbach. This allows Rösler to synergize the product development between engineering, manufacturing and marketing. Since this time the slogan „made by Rösler Germany“ also applies to plastic de-flashing with shot blasting. Also at the Rösler branch in Battle Creek, U.S., plastic de-flashing shot blast machines are being built, especially for the North American market. As international market leader Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH offers total solutions in the field of mass finishing and shot blasting, painting & preservation systems and mass finishing consumables. In addition, Rösler offers a broad spectrum of surface finishing technologies (deburring, descaling, desanding, polishing, surface grinding,…) for work pieces made from metal and other materials. Headquartered in Germany with plants in Untermerzbach/Memmelsdorf and Bad Staffelstein/Hausen, the Rösler group also maintains sales and manufacturing branches in Great Britain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Serbia, Switzerland, Spain, Romania, Russia, Brazil, India, China and the United States. ‹

Circa un anno fa, Rösler ha trasferito le linee produttive dedicate ai suoi sistemi di sbavatura della plastica da Kirchleerau (Svizzera) alla sua sede principale di Untermerzbach (Germania). Questo ha consentito all’azienda di creare sinergie di sviluppo tra i reparti di ingegnerizzazione, produzione e marketing. Anche le macchine di sbavatura della plastica possono così ora dirsi “Made by Rösler Germany”, sebbene una parte di esse, dedicata specialmente al mercato nordamericano, continui a essere prodotta nella filiale di Battle Creek (Stati Uniti). In qualità di leader mondiale di mercato, Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH fornisce soluzioni complete nel campo della finitura di massa e granigliatura, impianti di verniciatura, linee di conservazione e materiali di consumo, nonché un’ampia gamma di tecnologie di finitura superficiale (sbavatura, disossidazione e rimozione di sabbia, lucidatura, levigatura…) per componenti metallici, ma non solo. Oltre agli stabilimenti tedeschi di Untermerzbach/ Memmelsdorf e Bad Staffelstein/Hausen, il Gruppo Rösler ha filiali produttive e commerciali in Gran Bretagna, Francia, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Belgio, Austria, Serbia, Svizzera, Spagna, Romania, Russia, Brasile, India, Cina e Stati Uniti. ‹

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

ICT | Technology Overview

DEBURRING COMPONENTS FOR PARTICULATE CLEANLINESS Sbavatura dei componenti per l’eliminazione del particolato

© Ecoclean GmbH

Opening photo: The new EcoCvelox combines deburring and cleaning with high-speed automation, enabling these processes to be carried out efficiently in a single machine from one source. Foto d’apertura: Il nuovo EcoCvelox combina sbavatura e lavaggio con un’automazione ad alta velocità, consentendo di eseguire questi processi in modo efficiente e con un’unica macchina.


leanliness specifications for particles just a few 100 micrometers in size are commonplace in many industries today. Especially in the case of machined components with complex geometries, these specifications can only be reliably fulfilled if an effective deburring process is carried out beforehand. A new solution combines both processes with rapid automation, enabling deburring and cleaning to be merged in a single highly-flexible system.



Components are constantly becoming smaller and more complex. This invariably makes them more sensitive to particulate contamination, which results in higher cleanliness demands. Depending on the part and application, specifications such as “no particles larger than 200, 300 or 400 micrometers” must be met. Therefore, especially manufacturers of machined or cut metal workpieces with complex geometries have to go to great efforts to clean the components

I componenti stanno diventando sempre più piccoli e più complessi. Ciò li rende inevitabilmente più sensibili alla contaminazione da particolato, con la conseguente necessità di un migliore lavaggio. A seconda del componente e del suo utilizzo, si devono soddisfare specifiche del tipo “nessuna particella più grande di 200, 300 o 400 micrometri”. In particolare i produttori di componenti metallici lavorati o tagliati con geometrie complesse devono fare grandi

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

e specifiche di pulizia per particelle delle dimensioni nell’ordine dei 100 micrometri sono oggi comuni in molti settori. In particolare nel caso di componenti lavorati con geometrie complesse, queste specifiche possono essere soddisfatte in modo affidabile solo se si effettua prima un efficace processo di sbavatura. Una nuova soluzione combina entrambi in processi con una rapida automazione, consentendo l’unione di sbavatura e lavaggio in un sistema singolo e altamente flessibile.

Doris Schulz Schulz.Presse.Text, Korntal, Germany doris.schulz@pressetextschulz.de

sforzi per lavare i pezzi in modo da soddisfare i requisiti (rif. foto di apertura). Nonostante questi sforzi, particelle più grandi del consentito si trovano ancora sui filtri di analisi durante le successive ispezioni. Il componente, o a volte anche un intero lotto, non è quindi deliberato per la fase di assemblaggio finale.

Particulate contaminants are often detached burrs

I contaminanti particellari sono spesso bave distaccate

The cause is often coarse and fine burrs that have been detached during the cleaning process but not completely eliminated. A further cause is handling the parts during the residual contamination check, since burrs can be broken off here as well. Burrs are undesirable fragments of material that form on machined edges, as well as on component surfaces due to material displacement, and are still firmly attached to the workpiece. Since machined workpieces often have areas that are difficult to access, such as undercuts, slots, grooves and internal and intersecting bores, they pose a particular challenge when it comes to 1 deburring. Nevertheless, these machining residues also have to be removed because burrs could loosen in later service and impair the function of the part or even lead to a system failure. This is especially the case with cleanliness-critical components such as hydraulic parts, e.g. transmissions, brakes and steering systems, as well as valves and housings for motors and pumps.

La causa sono spesso bave grossolane o fini che sono state distaccate durante il processo di lavaggio ma che non sono state completamente eliminate. Un’ulteriore causa è la manipolazione dei pezzi durante il controllo della contaminazione residua, dal momento che le bave si possono rompere anche in questa fase. Le bave sono frammenti di materiale indesiderati che si formano sui bordi lavorati, nonché sulla superficie dei componenti, a causa dello spostamento del materiale, e che restano saldamente attaccati al componente. Poiché spesso i componenti lavorati hanno aree di difficile accesso come sottosquadra, scanalature, fessure e fori interni e intersecanti, questi rappresentano una sfida particolare quando si tratta di sbavatura. I residui di lavorazione devono essere rimossi, poiché le bave possono successivamente allentarsi e compromettere la funzione del pezzo o addirittura causare un guasto di sistema. Questo è particolarmente vero quando si tratta di pezzi critici da lavare come componenti idraulici, ad esempio trasmissioni, freni e sistemi sterzanti, nonché valvole e alloggiamenti per motori e pompe.

Deburring - a manufacturing task or a cleaning task?

Sbavatura – un’attività produttiva o un’attività di lavaggio?

Despite its significant relevance when it comes to component quality, deburring is often still seen as an unproductive manufacturing step. This frequently results in controversial discussions between users and manufacturers of cleaning systems. Especially where high cleanliness standards are required, it is therefore common today for a system manufacturer only to guarantee the required residual particulate contamination values if parts are reliably and completely deburred.

Nonostante la sua significativa rilevanza quando si tratta di qualità del componente, spesso la sbavatura è vista ancora come una fase produttiva improduttiva. Questo scatena frequenti controversie tra gli utilizzatori e i produttori di sistemi di lavaggio. Soprattutto quando sono richiesti elevati standard di pulizia, è oggi pratica comune per i produttori di sistemi quella di garantire solo i valori di contaminazione residua da particolato richiesti, se i pezzi sono sbavati completamente e in modo affidabile.

© Ecoclean GmbH

in order to comply with requirements (ref. Opening photo). Despite these efforts, however, particles larger than those permitted are still often found on analysis filters during subsequent cleanliness inspections. The component, or even an entire batch of parts, will therefore not be cleared for final assembly.


Reliable deburring is a necessity in order to comply with high cleanliness standards. Una sbavatura affidabile è necessaria per essere conformi a standard di pulizia elevati.

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16





The deburring and cleaning modules are designed for components with the dimensions 200 x 200 x 200 mm. The various operations can be performed in cycle times of 15 seconds per pallet, with processing time accounting for around 14.5 seconds. I moduli standard sono progettati per pezzi di dimensioni 200 x 200 x 200 mm, introdotti su pallet. Le varie operazioni possono essere eseguite con tempi ciclo di 15 secondi per pallet, con tempi di processo di circa 14,5 secondi. 3

On the 19-inch flat-screen screen (HMI) of the new and intuitive operating panel, each module of the machine is displayed clearly and separately in a complete overview, similar to a smartphone display. Sullo schermo piatto da 19 pollici (HMI) del nuovo e intuitivo pannello operativo, ogni modulo è mostrato in modo chiaro e separato con una panoramica completa, come sullo schermo di uno smartphone.


© Ecoclean GmbH

© Ecoclean GmbH

ICT | Technology Overview

High-pressure water jets - targeted burr removal

Getti d’acqua ad alta pressione – rimozione mirata delle bave

In everyday industrial processes, various techniques are employed to remove burrs. These can generally be divided into targeted and non-targeted categories. For components made of steel and aluminium with complex internal geometries, the use of high-pressure water jetting has become established to remove burrs in a targeted manner. Various deburring tools, such as different nozzles or lances, are used for this purpose. These are inserted into the bores and inner geometries to aim a jet of water directly at the burrs. The pressure of the water jet is significantly higher than the later working pressure used to guide fluids such as hydraulic oil through the component. For example, if an oil pump operates at 150 bars, the water jet used for deburring will have a minimum pressure of 300 bars. As a result, any burrs that are not removed by the process do not pose a threat during later operation of the pump. In order for targeted deburring to be effective, production-related burrs must be defined and the mechanical processes causing them must be known in advance. This information can be used to create a part-specific deburring program, which ensures that the water jet hits the burr in such a way that it is carried away rather than pushed into the bore.

Nei processi industriali quotidiani esistono varie tecniche di rimozione delle bave, che si possono generalmente dividere in tecniche mirate e non. Per i componenti in acciaio e alluminio con geometrie interne complesse, l’utilizzo di idrogetti ad alta pressione è diventato metodo consolidato per rimuovere le bave in modo mirato. A questo scopo si usano vari utensili di sbavatura, come diversi tipi di ugelli o lance. Questi sono inseriti nei fori e nelle geometrie interne, per permettere al getto d’acqua di arrivare direttamente alle bave. La pressione del getto d’acqua è di molto superiore a quella di esercizio utilizzata per guidare i fluidi, come l’olio idraulico, attraverso il componente. Ad esempio, se una pompa dell’olio funziona a 150 bar, il getto d’acqua utilizzato per la sbavatura avrà una pressione minima di 300 bar. Ne consegue che qualsiasi bava non rimossa non rappresenterà una minaccia per la successiva funzionalità della pompa. Affinché la sbavatura mirata sia efficace, si devono definire le bave legate alla produzione e conoscere in anticipo i processi meccanici che le provocano. Questa informazione si può utilizzare per creare un programma di sbavatura specifico per ogni pezzo, per fare in modo che il getto d’acqua soffi via la bava anziché spingerla nel foro.

Interface problems - detaching and removing burrs

Problemi di interfaccia – distacco e rimozione delle bave

For reasons of energy and resource efficiency, the lowest possible pressures and water volumes are utilized for deburring, with the result that some chips/ particles remain on the components. This is because the detached burrs are not rinsed off by such small

Per motivi di efficienza in termini di energia e risorse, per la sbavatura si utilizzano le pressioni e i volumi d’acqua più bassi possibili, con il risultato che alcuni trucioli/particelle rimangono sul componente: quantità d’acqua così piccole non riescono a sciacquare via le bave distaccate.

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

Doris Schulz Schulz.Presse.Text, Korntal, Germany doris.schulz@pressetextschulz.de

quantities of water. That is why the components are then cleaned. This is usually carried out in a separate system and mostly in the form of batch processes. Such a constellation poses several challenges for users. Among other things, two separate machines are required to solve the task of “components as clean as required”. In addition, process responsibility lies with the equipment user if he has commissioned different suppliers for the two machines. Any cleanliness issues arising are often difficult to solve because the responsibility for the overall result lies in different hands. Furthermore, cleaning parts in batch processes requires additional handling as well as specially-designed workpiece carriers, and the parts are only given a general wash. The critical areas cannot be cleaned in a targeted manner.

In a single process - targeted deburring and individual cleaning Workpieces with high cleanliness requirements are therefore ideally not only deburred as single parts, but also cleaned in the same process. However, up till now very few solutions have been available. The solution lies in a brand new and highly-flexible system concept. It features an integrated linear

Questo è il motivo per cui i componenti sono successivamente lavati. Solitamente l’operazione si effettua in un sistema separato e quasi sempre con un processo a lotti e per gli utilizzatori le sfide sono tante. Tra l’altro, sono necessarie due macchine separate per ottenere “componenti lavati come richiesto”. Inoltre, se l’utilizzatore ha commissionato le due macchine a due fornitori differenti, la responsabilità del processo spetta a lui. Qualsiasi problema di pulizia che emerge è spesso difficile da risolvere, poiché la responsabilità del risultato finale è in mani diverse. Inoltre, lavare i pezzi in processi a lotti richiede una ulteriore movimentazione degli stessi, nonché portapezzi fatti su misura. Solitamente si esegue un lavaggio solo generale e le aree critiche non possono essere lavate in modo mirato.

In un processo unico – sbavatura mirata e lavaggio individuale I componenti con elevati requisiti di pulizia devono quindi idealmente essere sbavati e puliti singolarmente e nello stesso processo. Tuttavia finora sono state disponibili molte poche soluzioni. La soluzione risiede in un concept di sistema nuovissimo e altamente flessibile. Esso è caratterizzato da un sistema lineare integrato

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ICT | Technology Overview


system for component handling, and automation can be tailored to customer requirements. Ecoclean’s modular EcoCvelox combines a 5-axis high-pressure water jet deburring technology with a series of processes for part cleaning and drying (Fig. 1). The standard modules are designed for parts with dimensions of 200 x 200 x 200 mm which are fed in on pallets. The various operations can be performed in cycle times of 15 seconds per pallet, with processing time accounting for around 14.5 seconds (Fig. 2).

per la movimentazione dei pezzi, con un’automazione personalizzata secondo le richieste del cliente. Il sistema modulare EcoCvelox di Ecoclean combina una tecnologia di sbavatura a getto d’acqua ad alta pressione a 5 assi con una serie di processi per il lavaggio e l’asciugatura del componente (fig. 1). I moduli standard sono progettati per pezzi di dimensioni 200 x 200 x 200 mm, introdotti su pallet. Le varie operazioni possono essere eseguite con tempi ciclo di 15 secondi per pallet, con tempi di processo di circa 14,5 secondi (fig. 2).

Deburring and cleaning - individually configurable

Sbavatura e lavaggio configurabili individualmente

The modules for deburring, cleaning and drying components can be individually configured and extended as required. High-pressure deburring can be performed with the standard single spindle and a maximum pressure of 1,000 bars (up to 3,000 bars if necessary) or with an optional HD turret that can be fitted with up to five different tools. Both options can be adapted specifically to the part in question. For component cleaning, the processes of injection flood washing, spray cleaning, ultrasonics and targeted rinsing (all combinable) are available. Parts are dried in a high-velocity air-blowing and/or vacuum drying process. The air-blowing unit can also be integrated into a cleaning module, if the cycle time is appropriate.

I moduli per sbavatura, lavaggio e asciugatura si possono configurare ed espandere individualmente secondo le richieste. La sbavatura ad alta pressione si può eseguire con il mandrino singolo standard ad una pressione massima di 1.000 bar (fino a 3.000 bar se necessario) oppure con una torretta HD opzionale che può essere dotata di un massimo di 5 strumenti. Entrambe le opzioni possono essere adattate appositamente al componente in questione. Per il lavaggio sono disponibili i processi a immersione, a spruzzo, a ultrasuoni e di risciacquo mirato (tutti combinabili). I componenti sono asciugati con un processo a getto d’aria ad alta velocità e/o in vuoto. L’unità di soffiaggio aria può anche essere integrata nel modulo di lavaggio, se il tempo ciclo lo consente.

CAD/CAM interface - fast and easy programming

Interfaccia CAD/CAM – programmazione semplice e veloce

Adapted for use with machine tools, a CAD/CAM interface can also be integrated into the deburring module. Existing data from component production can thus be used when programming high-pressure deburring, enabling it to be carried out quickly and easily offline and then imported into the plant control unit. In addition, deburring processes for new components can be programmed and implemented in the shortest possible time and with minimum effort. For part identification, a camera system can be integrated, resulting in effective and cost-efficient deburring operations even with ‘lot size one’ parts. Thanks to the highly-adaptable system configuration and process design, this new solution meets all deburring, cleaning and drying requirements cost-effectively from a single source (Fig. 3). Furthermore, its simple operation and ease of maintenance makes EcoCvelox an efficient answer to increasingly stringent cleanliness requirements. ‹

Adattata per l’utilizzo con macchine utensili, un’interfaccia CAD/CAM si può integrare nel modulo di sbavatura. I dati di produzione dei componenti si possono così utilizzare nella programmazione della sbavatura ad alta pressione, consentendo di eseguirla offline rapidamente e facilmente , e importarli poi nell’unità di controllo dell’impianto. Si possono inoltre programmare e implementare processi di sbavatura per componenti nuovi nel minor tempo possibile e con il minimo sforzo. Per l’identificazione dei pezzi si può integrare un sistema video, per operazioni di sbavatura efficienti ed economiche anche per ‘lotti di dimensione uno’. Grazie al processo e alla configurazione di sistema altamente adattabili, questa nuova soluzione soddisfa tutti i requisiti di sbavatura e lavaggio in modo economico e da una singola fonte (fig. 3). Inoltre, il suo funzionamento semplice e la facilità di manutenzione rendono EcoCvelox una risposta efficiente ai requisiti di pulizia sempre più severi. ‹

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies







ICT | DeburringEXPO Product Showcase



ever before has there been such a concentrated and comprehensive exhibition of solutions for deburring, chamfering and the production of precision surfaces: At


ino ad oggi, le soluzioni per la sbavatura, la smussatura e la realizzazione di superfici di precisione non sono mai state rappresentate in maniera così concentrata e completa: oltre 180

the DeburringEXPO from 8 to 10 October 2019, over 180 exhibitors

espositori presentano alla DeburringEXPO dall’8 al 10 ottobre 2019

will present innovative and advanced technologies, products and

tecnologie, prodotti e servizi innovativi ed evoluti per queste fasi di

services for these quality-critical production steps. This unique range

produzione, decisive in fatto di qualità. L’offerta degli espositori, unica nel

of exhibitors is complemented by an attractive frame programme

suo genere, viene completata da un attraente programma generale con

with theme parks, research pavilions and a bilingual expert forum.

parchi a tema, padiglione dedicato alla ricerca e un forum specialistico bilingue.

With over 180 exhibitors, the 3rd DeburringEXPO not only boasts an increase of around 20% compared to 2017’s event, but is also able

Con oltre 180 espositori, la terza DeburringEXPO registra non solo

to present the world’s most comprehensive range of solutions for

un aumento dei visitatori del 20% rispetto all’edizione del 2017, ma

deburring, chamfering and the production of precision surfaces.

presenta anche la più vasta offerta al mondo di soluzioni per la

“This concentration of technologies, services and providers in a

sbavatura, la smussatura e la realizzazione di superfici di precisione.

focussed framework enables visitors to have a kind of overview

“Questa concentrazione di tecnologie, di servizi e di fornitori in uno

which would not be possible at any other fair,” remarks Hartmut

stesso luogo permette ai visitatori di ottenere una panoramica che

Herdin, CEO of fairXperts GmbH & Co. KG and organiser of the

nessun’altra fiera è in grado di offrire”, afferma Hartmut Herdin,

DeburringEXPO. The fact that this kind of technology monitoring is

amministratore delegato di fairXperts GmbH & Co. KG e organizzatore di

becoming more and more important emphasizes the changes in

DeburringEXPO. I cambiamenti in atto in numerosi settori dell’industria

many industry sectors. Over recent years, deburring and surface

spiegano come questo monitoraggio sulle tecnologie diventi sempre

finishes have become critical factors for quality and a company’s

più importante. Negli ultimi anni, per molte aziende la sbavatura e la

competitiveness. An indicator of this is that providers of these

finitura superficiale sono diventate fattori di qualità decisivi in termini

solutions more and more often are benchmark partners for

di competitività. Un indizio è anche il fatto che i fornitori di queste

production companies that are involved comparatively early in

soluzioni diventano sempre più dei partner di riferimento per le aziende

the product development phase or an optimisation process.

manifatturiere, coinvolte quasi da subito nella fase di sviluppo del prodotto o nel suo processo di ottimizzazione.

Industry get-together: Presentation of numerous innovations

Il punto di ritrovo del settore: presentazione di numerose

This also becomes clear when we look at the sheer number of new


and advanced technologies, products and processes that will be

Ciò si palesa anche dal gran numero di tecnologie, di prodotti e di

shown in all exhibition areas at the DeburringEXPO this year. “This

processi nuovi ed evoluti che sono presentati quest’anno in tutte le aree

includes innovative machines for fully-automated deburring and

espositive di DeburringEXPO. “Comprendono impianti innovativi per

cleaning of components within a single process – for high-pressure

la sbavatura e la pulizia completamente automatiche di componenti

water processes as well as for ultrasonic, or dry with CO2 snow. Visitors

in un’unica soluzione, sia con il processo del getto d’acqua ad alta

thermal deburring machines (TEM), as well as the deburring and

trovano, inoltre, novità nei settori ECM e TEM come anche nella

can also expect novelties in the areas of electro-chemical (ECM) and

pressione sia con ultrasuoni oppure a secco con neve di CO2. I visitatori

processing of thin and thick metal sheets. Deburring tool providers

sbavatura e lavorazione di lamiere sottili e spesse. Anche i fornitori

will also be travelling to Karlsruhe with the most varied of novelties

di utensili per la sbavatura arrivano a Karlsruhe con varie novità,

for automatic and manual deburring of bores and bore intersections,

ad esempio per la sbavatura automatica e manuale di alesature o


N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

for example. Even when it comes to microprocessing or the

intersezioni alesate. Le novità e le evoluzioni in prodotti e tecnologie degli

manufacture of surfaces fit for application, the exhibitors’ new and

espositori garantiscono alta precisione ed efficienza in tutte le fuzioni

advanced products and technologies always ensure high precision

anche nel campo della microlavorazione o della produzione di superfici

and efficiency.

ottimizzate per le relative applicazioni.

Additive Manufacturing: Post-processing 3D-printed

Additive Manufacturing: post-processing di pezzi stampati in 3D


Sia con il “Parco a tema AM Parts Finishing” sia con ulteriori espositori,

For the first time, the post-processing of additively manufactured

a DeburringEXPO è rappresentata per la prima volta la post-lavorazione

parts will be demonstrated at the DeburringEXPO, both in the “AM

di pezzi prodotti per via additiva. “Grazie al sempre maggiore uso di

Parks Finishing Theme Park” and by other exhibitors. “Due to the

Additive Manufacturing nella produzione in serie, i requisiti posti alle

ever-increasing use of additive manufacturing in mass production,

superfici di componenti stampati 3D si alzano molto rapidamente. Il

the demands placed on 3D-printed component surfaces are

nuovo formato della manifestazione tiene in considerazione questo

increasing rapidly. This development is taken into account by the

sviluppo, riscontrando un grande interesse da parte delle rispettive

new exhibition format and has garnered great interest from the

aziende”, spiega Hartmut Herdin. Queste misure vanno dalla rimozione

respective companies,” explains Hartmut Herdin. The spectrum

delle strutture di supporto e della polvere, dalla pulizia sino alla finitura

ranges from the removal of support structures through to

o la preparazione della superficie per le operazioni di lavorazione

powder removal and cleaning right up to finishing, i.e preparing

successive. Anche in questo settore la fiera presenta alcune novità.

the surface for the next production step. The exhibition will also present novelties in this area.

Pulizia del componente: lavaggio dopo la sbavatura I requisiti sempre maggiori per la pulizia tecnica di componenti, sia per

Component cleanliness: Cleaning after deburring Increasingly higher demands on the technical cleanliness of components – whether it be for smooth function or to ensure the

DeburringEXPO is the leading trade fair for deburring technologies and precision surfaces, which will take place from 8 to 10 October 2019 in Karlsruhe (Germany). DeburringEXPO è la principale fiera specializzata per le tecnologie di sbavatura e per le superfici di precisione. Si terrà dall’8 al 10 ottobre 2019 a Karlsruhe (Germania).

garantire il loro perfetto funzionamento sia per garantire la qualità

ICT | DeburringEXPO Product Showcase

The fundamentals and the expert knowledge of process design and optimisation will be imparted throughout the three-day expert forum during the DeburringEXPO. I fondamenti e il sapere di esperti sulla realizzazione e l’ottimizzazione di processo vengono trasmessi nel foro competente di tre giorni della DeburringEXPO.

Due to the multitude of new and advanced methods, products and processes in all exhibition areas, the DeburringEXPO will offer a kind of technology monitoring that cannot be experienced anywhere else in the world. Grazie al grande numero di procedure, di processi e di prodotti nuovi ed evoluti in tutte le aree espositive, la DeburringEXPO permette un monitoraggio tecnologico unico nel suo genere a livello internazionale.

quality of subsequent processes – cannot be met

dei processi successivi, non si lasciano soddisfare senza un’affidabile

without reliable removal of burrs and flakes, as well

rimozione di bave primarie e secondarie con successivo lavaggio. Gli

as subsequent cleaning. The exhibitors of the theme

espositori del parco tematico “il lavaggio dopo la sbavatura” e altre

park “cleaning after deburring” and further

aziende di tutti i settori delle tecnologie di lavaggio

companies from all areas of industrial

industriale presentano soluzioni per raggiungere

cleaning technology will present solutions to

la pulizia necessaria in maniera economica e con

achieve the required cleanliness in a reliable

processi affidabili.

and economical way. Live: operazioni di lavoro lungo la catena Live: Work steps in the process chain

di processo per la sbavatura di lamiere

of metal sheet deburring

Fra i punti salienti di DeburringEXPO di

The highlights of this year’s DeburringEXPO

quest’anno vi è anche il parco tematico sulla

include the theme park process chain

catena di processo legata alla sbavatura

metal sheet deburring. In this event space,

di lamiere. In questo spazio dell’evento,

which was jointly initiated by experts and

organizzato in collaborazione con esperti

market leaders in the industry, various

e leader del settore, vengono presentate,

technologies and downstream processes

oltre alle operazioni di produzione

are shown in addition to the production

appartenenti già in origine alla sbavatura di

steps such as degreasing, removal of oxide

lamiere come sgrassaggio, disossidazione,

layers, deburring, chamfering and surface

sbavatura, smussatura e finitura superficiale,

finishing, originally attributed to metal sheet

diverse tecnologie e diversi processi di

deburring. “All steps of this process chain

postlavorazione. “Tutte le fasi di questa catena

will be demonstrated live on a sample part.

di processo sono presentate dal vivo tramite la

This makes the theme park a unique performance

lavorazione di un pezzo campione. Questo rende il parco tematico

show we have never seen before”, adds Hartmut

uno show potente in una forma mai vista sino ad ora”, aggiunge


Hartmut Herdin.


N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

Bilingual: Expert knowledge for optimised

Bilingue: il sapere degli esperti per una

deburring and finishing

sbavatura e una finitura ottimizzate

Transfer of knowledge and exchange of

Al centro del forum di esperti di tre giorni di

experiences are the central focus of the three-

DeburringEXPO vi è il trasferimento di conoscenza e lo

day expert forum during the DeburringEXPO. A

scambio di esperienze. Le 29 relazioni totali di rinomati

total of 29 presentations by renowned experts

esperti nel campo dell’industria e della scienza

from industry and science will be simultaneously

sarranno tradotte in simultanea (tedesco <> inglese).

translated (German <> English). “With this, we are

“Così facendo teniamo in opportuna considerazione

taking the considerably increasing international

la richiesta di informazioni sempre maggiore a livello

demand for information in the areas of deburring

internazionale nei settori delle tecnologie di sbavatura

technologies and precision surfaces production

e della realizzazione di superfici di precisione”, fa

into account,” says Hartmut Herdin. The

notare Hartmut Herdin. Il programma, sviluppato in

programme, which was worked out in technical

collaborazione professionale con il Fraunhofer IPK,

cooperation with Fraunhofer IPK, Institute

l’istituto PTW della TU Darmstadt e della Lima Ventures

PTW, TU Darmstadt and LIMA Ventures GmbH,

GmbH, si suddivide nelle seguenti sei sessioni di

is divided into the following six presentation

conferenza: sbavatura meccanica, AM Parts Finishing,

sessions: Mechanical deburring, AM parts finishing,

sbavatura e lavorazione di superfici funzionali in

deburring and functional surface processing in

un’unica operazione, lavaggio dopo la sbavatura –

one step, cleaning after deburring – deburring and

sbavatura e pulizia, sbavatura non maggiormente

cleaning, undefined deburring (blasting, TEM and

definita (sabbiatura, TEM e altri processi) come anche

other processes), as well as metal sheet deburring.

sbavatura di lamiere. Per i visitatori della fiera la

Participation is free for trade fair visitors.

partecipazione è gratuita.

Latest research: Discover what is being

Stato della ricerca: per apprendere di cosa si


occupa oggi la ricerca

Yet another novelty of this year’s leading trade fair

Un’ulteriore novità dell’odierna fiera di riferimento per

for deburring technologies and precision surfaces

le tecnologie di sbavatura e le superfici di precisione

is the research pavilion. This will enable visitors

è il padiglione sulla ricerca. Esso permette ai visitatori

to inform themselves about recently completed,

di informarsi sui progetti di ricerca appena conclusi,

ongoing and future research projects influencing

in corso o futuri relativi al fattore di qualità della

the quality factor that is deburring.


For further information:

Per maggiori informazioni:

www.deburring-expo.de ‹

www.deburring-expo.de ‹

Leading trade fair for deburring technologies and precision surfaces Trade Fair Karlsruhe, Messeallee 1, 76287 Rheinstetten, Germany

eos Mktg&Communication is the sole

8 to 10 October 2019

agency for Italy, Spain and Portugal


for DeburringEXPO

ICT | DeburringEXPO Product Showcase


N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcmÂŽ Industrial Cleaning Technologies

ipcmÂŽ Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


ICT | DeburringEXPO Product Showcase

acp systems AG Deburring and dry cleaning of plastic parts in a single process After injection moulding or machining, plastic parts usually have burrs. For components made from hard and brittle plastics such as PEEK and PPS, the quattroClean system from acp is a well-proven solution for efficient, inline, deburring and dry cleaning. Environmentally neutral liquid CO2 is passed through a nonwearing two-component nozzle that expands on exiting to form fine CO2

crystals. They are then contained by a circular jacket of compressed air and accelerated to supersonic speed. When this highly focused cold jet (-78,5°C) of snow and compressed air impacts the part surface, four effects (quattroClean) act concurrently. This leads to local embrittlement of the burrs. The rapid volume expansion through sublimation of the CO2 creates micro-pressure waves

which spread with high forces to remove the burrs. Concurrently, the four effect mechanism enables a reproduceable and reliable removal of particulate and film-like contaminants. ‹

acp systems AG 71254 Ditzingen, Germany Phone +49 7156 480 140 www.acp-systems.com Hall 1, Stand 333 and 318/421

ADI Srl Tools for various treatments ADI offers a wide range of products for the mechanics industry. CNC machining and profiling, tangential, centerless and internal grinding, honing, HSS and HM saw blade sharpening on automatic machines. The company has in its house the most complete bond technologies currently available: metal, vitrified, resin and coated along with all their possible variances. ADI was

founded in 1980 in Thiene (Italy) and is recognized as a leading player in the manufacturing of super-abrasives (diamond and CBN) tools for the mechanics, stone, ceramics, glass and optical industries. ‹

1 - CNC Round Tools. 2 – Profiling. 3 – Sharpening.



ADI s.r.l. 36016 Thiene (VI), Italy Phone +39 0445 360244 www.aditools.com 2

Hall 1, Stand 320/419

Assfalg GmbH Break edges precisely with speed The strength of the deburring machine Speedy is processing outer- and inner contours. The Speedy contour deburrs uniformly angular and round workpieces, Speedy Prism deburrs straight edges. The machines are ideal for processing milled or turned parts, but also for laser-cut workpieces with smooth surfaces. Re-clamping of workpieces for the deburring process is not required. ‹


N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

Assfalg GmbH 73525 Schwäbisch-Gmünd, Germany Phone +49 7171 925050 www.assfalg-metall.de Hall 1, Stand 101

ATL Anlagentechnik Luhden GmbH TEM is catching up with the industry After production, components have burrs that are often located in inaccessible places. They usually have to be removed before further processing. In the TEM process, the material to be removed is burned, as a chemical reaction takes place between the material and the gas mixture. For this purpose, the workpieces are placed in a deburring chamber, which

is hydraulically closed by means of a closure. Via a gas metering system, a precisely defined mixture of fuel gas and oxygen is conducted into the deburring chamber and ignited. During the subsequent combustion, temperatures of 2,500-3,300° C. The burr to be removed reaches its ignition temperature and reacts with the excess oxygen in the deburring chamber. ‹

ATL Anlagentechnik Luhden GmbH 31711 Luhden, Germany Phone +49 5722 992190 www.atl-luhden.de Hall 1, Stand 301

AVAtec GmbH High performance and efficient centrifugal disc finishing machine The new high-performance centrifugal disc finishing machine TE60R with integrated separation unit and media return is very compact and requires less set-up area. Cost-efficient high grinding capacity can be achieved due to wear-resistance Polyurethane-coating of the working container as well as the proven technology of

TE60-series from Avatec. Complete emptying over the separation unit is enabled through the large swivel angle and the supporting rinsing and simultaneous turning of the working container’s disc. The frequency-controlled separation unit with an operating length of approx. 1,200 mm provides high separation efficiency and the

height-offset quick-changing screens support the total emptying of scooping parts. The separated abrasives will be collected in a bunker underneath the screens and used abrasives will be eliminated via the integrated undersized sieve into a readily accessible collection tray. ‹

AVAtec GmbH 71063 Sindelfingen, Germany Phone +49 711 68700760 www.avatec.de Hall 1, Stand 312

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. Pure Filtration ECM Compact Technology Baldwin Technology Company Inc. will showcase its new Pure Filtration ECM Compact. To meet the market demand for high quality and efficient filtration systems for smaller ECM machine applications, the company has developed this new system, ensuring 100% constant clean electrolyte by increasing the process efficiency, surface quality of the components, the reduction

of loss of electrolyte by increasing significantly the ECM production capacity. The system was developed for ECM machines (electro chemical machining) which require a very clean electrolyte (< 0,1 microns) for high precision applications, which with traditional filtration methods (filter press) and the higher requirements for the surface quality and environmental aspects was until today not satisfactory. This system’s design is based

on ultrafiltration technology, ultimately improving the overall manufacturing process and the capacity of the production, and concurrently safeguards the environment. ‹

Baldwin Technology GmbH 86316 Friedberg, Deutschland Phone +49 821 79420 www.baldwintech.com Hall 1, Stand 418

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


ICT | DeburringEXPO Product Showcase

Dr.Beier-Entgrattechnik e.K.– Spezialentgratwerkzeuge Efficient Automated Deburring of Intersections in Boreholes For deburring of crossing boreholes and other bore intersections HSD tools from Dr.Beier-Entgrattechnik have been used since years in automated production. The advantage is the deburring of all cross bores by one HSD tool entering the main hole. HSD tools can be combined for stepped bores or intersections in different layers. Multiple

intersections will be deburred with one tool in one step. Such HSD tools are used in shaft production in continuous operation. Cross holes with a diameter of down to 1 millimetre and more are deburred. If several cutting edges are used in one at different stages, deburring can be carried out faster.

The easily exchangeable cutting edges achieve very long service live also by means of an optional coating. ‹

Dr.Beier-Entgrattechnik e.K. – Spezialentgratwerkzeuge 12623 Berlin, Germany Phone +49 30 56498203 www.beier-entgrattechnik.de Hall 1, Stand 106

Heinz Berger Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG Fettling with robotic deburring technology Manual deburring and fettling as a non-value-adding activity represents a large amount of time, even in a highly automated production of castings and forgings, and leads to a high risk of reworking and rejects due to a lack of process reliability. At DeburringEXPO the Berger Gruppe presents solutions for robot deburring and fettling of castings and forgings.

The focus will be on partly standardized robot deburring cells with different conceptual approaches. Depending on the nature of the cast or forged part, the robotic cell is equipped with different processing stations. The workpiece is aligned via CNC axes so that all-round machining with robot-guided tools is possible without additional changeover time. By using tools specially

developed for robot deburring of undefined contours, blank tolerances can be compensated and defined chamfers or radii can be applied seamlessly, reliably and at very high feed rates. ‹

Heinz Berger Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG 42349 Wuppertal, Germany Phone +49 202 247420 www.bergergruppe.de Hall 1, Stand 411

BOTECH AG Peak Performance on Edges and Surfaces Botech presents an exceptional service and two suiting products. A calculation program for motion patterns of planetary brushing heads was developed at the company. This program takes a precise look at defined conditions in various deburring machines. Based on this way now visualized conditions on edges and on surfaces, the latest M and Q


abrasives are inserted into the company’s filaments. Various trials have proven that not only do cutting results improve but also the tool life is further enhanced. Both of which in turn lead to even higher through-put. The proprietary manufacturing of minimal batches of Supercut-abrasives allows Botech to embrace the challenges of the market, special solutions become a standard. ‹

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

BOTECH AG 6020 Emmenbrücke, Switzerland Phone +41 41 2813950 www.botech.ch Hall 1, Stand 511

ECO Entgratungscenter GmbH Job-shop deburring of parts made from plastics, elastomer and non-ferrous metals ECO Entgratungscenter GmbH is a competent partner when it comes to cryogenic deburring of parts made from plastics, elastomers and non-ferrous metals. The company offers deburring services for complex injection molded parts, turned and milled parts of various materials as well as novel materials and material compositions, i.g.

glass fibre and carbon fibre reinforced plastics. Best results will be achieved for parts even with complex geometries and with back cuts. The services for cryogenic process technology include deburring and cleaning, takeover of productions in case of emergency (emergency guarantee), trainings as well as application advice and process optimization. ‹

ECO Entgratungscenter GmbH 57223 Kreuztal, Germany Phone +49 2732 559750 www.eco-entgratungscenter.de Hall 1 Stand 506

Extrude Hone GmbH New Solutions for ECM and TEM Deburring At this year`s DeburringEXPO Extrude Hone will present the new ECM (Electro Chemical Machining) machine ECO+. Together with our innovative solutions for quick fixture changeovers, digitalization, cathodes, our competencies in the fields of Dynamic ECM and automation we are the best partner for you to define the most economical solution for your ECM applications.

With chamber diameter offerings as wide as 400 mm and heights as tall as 1000 mm our new T-Series TEM (Thermal Deburring) machines are the solution to deburr any metallic material in a matter of seconds. Besides solutions for the conventional production industry with AFM (Abrasive Flow Machining), TEM and ECM we offer various solutions for the surface improvement on

additive manufactured metal parts, e. g. Titanium alloys and for removal of DMLS support structures. ‹

Extrude Hone GmbH 87752 Holzgünz, Germany Phone +49 8393 94340 www.extrudehone.com Hall 1, Stand 212/311 and 318/421

Forplan AG Innovation for Mass Finishing: ultra-compact centrifuge The ultra-compact and fully automated centrifuge FPW 60 from Forplan enables cleaning, separation and drying on a required space of only 4 square meters. The new machine combines the advantages of the Turbo models with automated leading, separation and unloading and is available with a container volume of 60 liters.

Operation and programming can be done via touch screen or from a central workstation, the integration into an ERP system is also possible. Programs can be read and retrieved by using a barcode reader. Dosing of water and compound is carried out automatically. Abrasives consumption is also monitored. Optionally, a dryer unit can be integrated. ‹

Forplan AG 2555 Brügg, Switzerland Phone +41 32 3667778 www.forplan.ch Hall 1, Stand 504/605

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


ICT | DeburringEXPO Product Showcase

GMO-Tools Sonderwerkzeuge Process reliable deburring of boreholes The GMO deburring tool has been especially developed for process reliable deburring of boreholes in a diameter range of 0,80 up to 16 mm. The design of the tool allows stepless adjustment of the deburrer to the respective bore diameter with just a few simple steps. Due to the high quality of the carbide cutting edges both a long service life and a consistently precise deburring result are achieved.

Due to the adjustable cutting pressure, the tool can be used with all common materials. Deburring on curved edges is also possible as external and internal deburring. In addition to a wide range of standard cutting tools, componentspecific special solutions can also be implemented. ‹

GMO-Tools Sonderwerkzeuge 78532 Tuttlingen, Germany Phone +49 7461 9080062 www.gmo-entgrater.de Hall 1, Stand 124

GOSTOL TST d.d. Vibratory Finishing Solutions for Different Applications Vibratory bowl finishing machines are among the mostly used types of machines for vibratory finishing because they offer a wide range of applications. The machines can be used for the surface finishing treatment of parts made from metals and non-metal materials such as plastics, ceramics, stone, glass, wood and rubber. As a global active manufacturer

of machines for shot blasting and vibratory finishing bowl finishing machines, Gostol TST will present a broad portfolio of machines for barrel bowl finishing. They are available with separator units and without separator. The company also offers wide range of deburring and polishing medias, surface finishing compounds, and drying and polishing grains. ‹

GOSTOL TST d.d. 5220 Tolmin, Slovenia Phone +386 5 3801280 www.gostol-tst.eu Hall 1, Stand 713

GP Anlagenbau GmbH Vacuum suction blasting process for deburring and cleaning Vacuum suction blasting refers to a blasting process patented by GP Anlagenbau for surface treatment using a suction flow in negative pressure. In this process, a negative pressure is generated in a closed system. The resulting suction flow sucks in the blasting medium, which is accelerated in the blasting lance and


directed onto the workpiece. The kinetic energy of the blasting medium leads to the desired surface treatment. Subsequently, the blasting medium and the removal are sucked off directly from the blasting hood. In comparison with other blasting processes, no dust and blasting media emissions occur in the blasting process and fine dust

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

produced is reliably removed from the process by a filter system. The extracted blasting medium is separated from the material removal and can be reused several times. ‹

GP Anlagenbau GmbH 03222 Lübbenau, Germany Phone +49 3542 8870595 www.gp-anlagenbau.de Hall 1, Stand 407

gravostar - SEH Technik GmbH Deburring undefined edges Workpieces with mass or position deviations, e.g. cast or forged parts, can also exit the CNC machine with evenly deburred edges. This is possible due to the tools from Gravostar Technologies, which are equipped with deflecting spindles. In addition to the tools for use on CNC machines, the company also offers tool solutions for robots and special systems.

These versions are available with integrated or attachable drive spindles. The designs with electrical high frequency spindles should be highlighted in particular. In contrast to the relatively common compressed air spindles, these offer significant advantages in terms of operational safety, as well as dramatically lower maintenance and energy consumption costs. ‹

SEH Technik GmbH 9242 Oberuzwil, Switzerland Phone +41 71 9400676 www.gravostar.com Hall 1, Stand 706

International Chips S.r.l. Plastic abrasives media and abrasive wheels International Chips was founded in 1975 and is specialized in the production of plastic abrasives media for wet surface treatment. Thanks to the experience gained in the various areas of surface finishing and stimulated by the international demand to reduce the environmental impact, in 2008 the company has patented the Ecos Project: a technology

for dry vibratory finishing of every type of material. International Chips also produces Sander: abrasive wheels in polyurethane foam for satin finishing and polishing of metals and resinoid diamond wheels. ‹

International Chips S.r.l. 28845 Domodossola (VB), Italy Phone +39 0324 241734 www.internationalchips.com Hall 1, Stand 320/419

joke Technology GmbH Intelligent robot for deburring, grinding and polishing tasks Joke Technology has developed an intelligent robot for deburring, grinding and light polishing tasks. The key feature here: it is a complete concept that derives the working stages and the appropriate design from the desired result. The result is a cobot (or collaborative robot) that can be easily taught and takes over the working stages that are monotonous or critical

in ergonomic or health terms. The Eneska Robotics has been completely designed and developed by Joke. The basic system is a sixaxis robot with five different drives for various working stages (grinding, polishing or deburring). These can be linear, rotating, for internal or external surfaces, involving brushes, files or milling tools. The robot can guide the tool or the workpiece both options are possible. ‹

joke Technology GmbH 51429 Bergisch Gladbach, Germany Phone +49 2204 839547 www.joke.de Hall 1, Stand 612 and 318/421

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


ICT | DeburringEXPO Product Showcase

joke Technology GmbH Intelligent ultrasonic system for lapping and polishing Systematically further developed with more power, well thought-out and with an elegant design summarises what the Eneskasonic, the new ultrasonic system from the Joke family, is all about. It is ideal for workpieces with complex geometries and is versatile in use. Particularly in the field of eroding and punching, calling for extremely precise edges

or highly abrasive work with hard materials, the system can be exploited to the full with an output of 45 watts. “Tune up the frequency” - the Eneskasonic determines the correct frequency for the clamped tools automatically with the new Tune function – an innovation on the German market. ‹

joke Technology GmbH 51429 Bergisch Gladbach, Germany Phone +49 2204 839547 www.joke.de Hall 1, Stand 612 and 318/421

Rudi Knopp Maschinen GmbH Precision deburring of control edges The centerless cylindrical grinding and polishing machine type Polimat from Knopp makes it possible to deburr control edges precisely in one or more stages as a single station or in a concatenation with a centerless grinding machine. The use of a PU-foam-bonded elastic grinding wheel in different hardness ratios and grain sizes enables the rounding of the control edges from 0.02 to 0.04 mm. The concentricity

and diameter tolerances can be maintained at approx. 1my. The quick adjustment of the diameter enables deburring of control pistons as well as all cylindrical turned parts with diameters from 5 to 140 mm to holes, cut-ins etc. in the same process. The supply and removal of parts can be done manually or automatically. ‹

Rudi Knopp Maschinen GmbH 72229 Rohrdorf, Germany Phone +49 7452 919950 www.knopp-maschinen.de Hall 1, Stand 703

LEERING HENGELO B.V. Efficient and careful finishing of serial 3D products Serial production is increasing in the AM industry, which creates new requirements for the finishing process. The Normfinish AM Tumbler XL offers a solution. Especially designed for blasting series of plastic or metal parts in a rotating basket. With a cycle time of 10 minutes, one can finish a large number of products. A homogenous, reproducible result is guaranteed because of the


automatic configuration of the rotational angle of the basket (for a controlled rolling motion). The ergonomic construction of the Normfinish AM Tumbler XL makes changing product series easy by unloading and loading via the front door. The integrated ionisation unit ensures powder-free parts at the end of the process. The cabinet is ATEX-certified. ‹

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

LEERING HENGELO B.V. 7554 TC Hengelo Ov., The Netherlands Phone +31 74 2558282 www.leering.nl Hall 1, Stand 337

LESSMANN GmbH Deburring of cutting edges with brushing tools Lessmann is a leading manufacturer of technical brushes which are used for different deburring applications. In series production of fixes tube lengths, deburring machines are used to process the saw cuts. The tube is transported through a double sited deburring machine and touches with both ends the rotating roller brushes in the machine. Thereby the tube is turning on its

own axis and enables the roller brushes to reach all burrs both at the inner and outer side of the tube. When deburring tubes or profiles manually, usually table countersinks or grinder benches with rotating wheel brushes are in use. Those brushes remove burrs easily or round them. The type of the brush depends on the material of the work piece and the burr size which has to be removed.

The size of the burr varies according to the thickness of the material and the sawing blade. A static and dynamic balancing guarantees a balanced run of the brush and a long lifetime. ‹

LESSMANN GmbH 86732 Oettingen, Germany Phone +49 9082 7070, www.lessmann.com Hall 1, Stand 102

LESSMANN GmbH Deburring of plane surfaces with disc brushes Lessmann is a leading manufacturer of technical brushes which are used for different deburring applications. For deburring surfaces often disc brushes are in use. These brushes are inserted in individual equipment as well as in machining centres. They achieve an excellent rounding of edges and also remove secondary burrs. A

typical application is deburring of engine blocks or gear wheels. Next to staple set disc brushes, the company offers HFB brushes which have an extra dense filament. Since this deburring application is very intensive in material, a high durability of the brush is necessary. The high quality of the brushes ensures excellent brushing results and a long service life. ‹

LESSMANN GmbH 86732 Oettingen, Germany, Phone +49 9082 7070, www.lessmann.com Hall 1, Stand 102

LESSMANN GmbH Deburring of hard-to-reach areas with interior brushes Lessmann is a leading manufacturer of technical brushes which are used for different deburring applications. For burrs which are hard to reach, the company has the right solution. Interior brushes are ideal for deburring bores, cross bores or o-ring recesses in complex shaped work pieces. The brushes are available in different diameters for the treatment

of both small and large work pieces. The design of the brushes depends on the material of the workpiece and the size of the burr, which has to be removed and can vary depending on the material properties. Depending on the desired brushing result, wires or abrasive nylon are used as filling material. Since this deburring application is very intensive in material, a high

durability of the brush is necessary. The high quality of the brushes ensures excellent brushing results and a long service life. ‹

LESSMANN GmbH 86732 Oettingen, Germany, Phone +49 9082 7070, www.lessmann.com Hall 1, Stand 102

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


ICT | DeburringEXPO Product Showcase

LOI SRL MACCHINARI TRATTAMENTO METALLI New and revamped finishing machines Loi is specialized in new and revamped finishing machines like circular and linear vibrators, driers, depuration plants, study of deburring and polishing’s cycles, preliminar test by the company, supply of consume materials, media, polishing pastes, deburring compounds. As a novelty the company offers small plants with one or two vibrators, complete of recycling tank,

inverter and working accessories plus machine VAO, omega circolar vibrator for special super finishing cycles. ‹

LOI SRL MACCHINARI TRATTAMENTO METALLI 20084 Lacchiarella (Milano), Italy Phone +39 02 90033218 www.loi.it Hall1, Stand 629

LUKAS-ERZETT Vereinigte Schleif- und Fräswerkzeugfabriken GmbH & Co. KG Individual and future-oriented tool solutions Deburring and polishing everything from a single source - from automation to manual use will be presented by Lukas-Erzett. Especially for the finishing and polishing of surfaces, the company offers a wide range of polishing tools - polishing points, polishing discs, polishing sticks and polishing rolls. And if none of the standard

solutions fits the needs: LukasErzett develops an individual solution for each problem. Whether in robotic cells or in automatic machines, together with partners in automation, the experienced development department has a lot of expertise in all areas of polishing and deburring. ‹

LUKAS-ERZETT Vereinigte Schleif- und Fräswerkzeugfabriken GmbH & Co. KG 51766 Engelskirchen, Germany Phone +49 2263 840 www.lukas-erzett.com Hall 1, Stand 701

MEWO GmbH & Co. KG Deburring of functional parts without distortion and changing the surface texture Mewo is manufacturer of cryogenic deburring machines as well as washing, cleaning and drying systems for the rubber-, plastic- and non-ferrous metal industry. The cryogenic deburring process ensures precise, reproducible, even and clean finishing at all times. A color, geometric as well as


surface change or change of material properties does not occur 100% and it is especially suitable for complex, delicate geometries, even with back cuts. ‹

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

MEWO GmbH & Co. KG 57223 Kreuztal, Germany Phone +49 2732 559750 www.mewo-machines.com Hall 1, Stand 506

Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH Innovative product developments The Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH deals for example with the development of novel materials for lightweight constructions from polymers, fiber-reinforced composites and metals including the processing. Applicationoriented solutions by optimization of materials and production processes are also offered. This includes metallized softtooling. For this purpose, tools for prototype and small batch

production are developed in the form of 3-D printed polymer tool inserts with metal coating. The advantages offered are low costs, short production time as well as improved thermal and mechanical properties of the polymer insert. Another area is thermal arc spraying for functionalization of polymer components by metallic coatings and the development of innovative 3D heating systems.

The used equipment, Praxair arc spray system model 9935 CoArc, enables high deposition rate and low thermal load on the substrate. ‹

Neue Materialien Bayreuth GmbH 95448 Bayreuth, Germany Phone +49 921 50736121 www.nmbgmbh.de Hall 1, Stand 318/421

OTEC Präzisionsfinish GmbH Engine Blades for the Aerospace Industry The engine blades used in the aerospace industry are usually made of materials that are difficult to machine. The blade surfaces have to be of the highest quality and optimally adapted to the conditions in the engine. Otec has developed a special process to improve the efficiency and safety of engine blades and produce fewer defects. Smoothing the air foil, i.e. the blade body, has a positive

impact; depending on the required result, the surface can be smoothed to values of up to Ra < 0.2 μm in a few minutes, increasing blade efficiency. The material is removed evenly and only a minute amount is taken from the surface. Repairing the leading and trailing edges with precision rounding can reduce the quantity of rejected parts. The upstream machining process, e.g. blasting, can damage these edges.

The method enables them to be rounded to a given radius and hence repaired. The rounding process is very precise and involves minimal material removal. ‹

OTEC Präzisionsfinish GmbH 75334 Straubenhardt-Conweiler, Germany Phone +49 7082 491120 www.otec.de Hall 1, Stand 114

OTEC Präzisionsfinish GmbH Disc Finishing Machine – Redesigned and Even More Remarkable The new design of the Otec CF Series disc finishing machine is sure to impress. Modular and compact, it has an optimised welded structure that guarantees trouble-free operation and a long service life. It also features storage space for the compound container and pumping station. The waste water drain has been optimised and the machine can

be disassembled and reassembled easily and quickly for transport purposes. The new 7.5- inch colour touch display is another highlight. It’s both highly efficient and user friendly, with fast, straightforward creation and storage for up to 1,000 programmes. What’s more, it now has optimised backup functionality as well as integrated options for remote machine maintenance and control. ‹

OTEC Präzisionsfinish GmbH 75334 Straubenhardt-Conweiler, Germany, Phone +49 7082 491120, www.otec.de Hall 1, Stand 114

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


ICT | DeburringEXPO Product Showcase

OTEC Präzisionsfinish GmbH Polishing Carbide Tools Otec machines allow the quality of carbide tools to be improved considerably. The special procedure enables the chip grooves of carbide cutters and drill bits, for example, to be polished to a high gloss. Generally, the chip flow is dependent on surface smoothness. When the chips are able to flow better, there is less tailback on the cutting edge. This significantly reduces the

pressure on the cutting edge. As the chips are removed from the chip groove more quickly, the chips are heated less. These positive effects of the smooth surface mean that higher cutting speeds and significantly longer tool life can be achieved. The smooth surface also reduces the risk of fusing with the material being machined. The polish enables higher cutting values and feed rates to be achieved. ‹

OTEC Präzisionsfinish GmbH 75334 Straubenhardt-Conweiler, Germany, Phone +49 7082 491120, www.otec.de Hall 1, Stand 114

Perfect Finish GmbH Innovative Technology for Deburring und Polishing The product program of Perfect Finish GmbH includes machines for flow grinding, flow deburring and flow polishing as well as consumables. The machines of the PFM Vario type had been specifically developed and continuously optimized for the very high requirements of customers from the automotive, medical and aerospace industries. The big advantage of these systems for flow

grinding is that even components up to a diameter of 650mm and a height of 800mm can be machined. Thanks to its variable design, it is possible to retrofit the PFM Vario in cylinder sizes of 100, 160, 200 and 250mm diameter within a very short time. The customer thus has the opportunity to react to a wide variety of customer requirements in the long term without having to invest in additional machines. ‹

Perfect Finish GmbH 71686 Remseck, Germany Phone +49 7146 2846510 www.perfectfinish.de Hall 1, Stand 501 and 318/421

PILLER ENTGRATTECHNIK GMBH Fine cleaning integrated into the deburring system In order to optimize the process of customers, Piller has extended the VectorJet III Plus with an integrated fine cleaning system. This means that off-peak periods can be used effectively. Customer advantage: Fine cleaning in a connected multi-chamber washing system can be abandoned, thus significantly reducing the required installation


space and eliminating the risk of re-contamination. All system components of the VectorJet III Plus are used for additional cleaning tasks. It is no longer necessary to re-clamp the components in between individual cleaning steps. The cleaning result is exactly replicable due to a freely selectable and precisely programmable cleaning process.

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A high-performance blow-off function and a downstream vacuum dryer removes the residual moisture from the components. ‹

PILLER ENTGRATTECHNIK GMBH 71254 Ditzingen, Germany Phone +49 7152 997700 www.piller-online.com Hall 1, Stand 606/705

plasotec GmbH Plasma polishing of metallic surfaces Plasotec is specialized of plasma polishing of metallic surfaces of parts e. g. for the medical, precision and food industry. Anodically polarized metallic work pieces are placed in an electrolytic bath for the plasma polishing process. The electrolyte consists of a solution of about 98% water and 2 to 3% salt. This produces gas wetted the workpiece to be polished and results in processinduced development of plasma.

This plasma coats the workpiece and leads to a reduction of the roughness as well as removes organic and inorganic contaminants with minimal mass loss. Depending on the material specifications the material removal lies between 2 to 8 μm per minute. The geometric shape of the component is almost maintained. The following materials can be processed: all stainless steels, titanium, copper, brass and the alloys and CoCrMo. ‹

plasotec GmbH 14712 Rathenow, Germany, Phone +49 3385 5198970 www.plasotec.de Hall 1, Stand 613

REXIM Werkzeug GmbH Deburring, Grinding and Polishing with Air Turbine Hand Tools Air Turbine Hand Tools are suited for grinding, deburring, polishing and engraving operations. They have been developed for continuous use in industrial operations. The hand tools have an ergonomic design greatly reducing injury risk and repetitive stress on hands and arms. High rpm from 40.000 up to 90.000 saves a lot of time while achieving excellent

results. Model series 201SV persuade with very low vibrations of only 0,62 m/s². The governed turbine creates constant high speed even under load. There are more model series available, the ones marked with a “X” are more powerful as a double turbine is used. As an option the models can be equipped with a break stopping the rotating spindle within a few seconds.

There are only two moving parts, no maintenance is needed. Air cooled grease packed bearings avoid any oil mist. The Air Turbine hand tools only need to be connected to dry, clean 6.2 bar compressed air. ‹

REXIM Werkzeug GmbH 75433 Maulbronn, Germany Phone +49 7043 92270 www.rexim.de Hall 1, Stand 109

Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH Efficient, fully automatic post processing of 3D printed components The growing implementation of additive manufacturing systems goes along with stricter demands for improved surface finishes for 3D printed components. AM Solutions, a brand of the Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH, offers various, fully automatic solutions for these challenging tasks. For example, with the finishing system GPA DLyte 100 D for fully automatic surface smoothing

and polishing of components made from metal. Compared to mechanical polishing methods this amazing machine achieves homogeneous finishing results on the entire component surface with Ra values of 0.09 μm and lower, without any micro scratches and no surface contamination whatsoever. This finishing process does not affect the component geometry

and stays completely within the dimensional tolerances, even at critical cutting edges. Moreover, components with complex shapes can be processed without requiring time-consuming programming efforts, and, last but not least, the finishing process itself improves the overall corrosion resistance of the work pieces. ‹

Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH 96190 Untermerzbach, Germany Phone +49 9533 9240 www.rosler.com Hall 1, Stand 116/219 and 318/421

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


ICT | DeburringEXPO Product Showcase

Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH The complete program for mass finishing processes Whether the goal is partial or full automation, with its complete range of mass finishing products Rösler offers solutions for practically any finishing task, from deburring to high gloss polishing. At DeburringEXPO the company presents various equipment options in a “live” environment. This includes the rotary vibrator R 220 EC, a truly multifunctional machine that cannot only handle delicate

work pieces but also large, bulky components. The centrifugal disk finishing machine FKS 06.1 E-SA, with integrated processing and separation unit allowing screen changes without the need for any tools, ensures a maximum of process safety and ease of operation. The highly effective heating elements in the rotary vibratory dryer RT 250 Euro allow different optional temperature

levels and provide an excellent heat transfer. This results in absolutely dry work pieces with no water spots and even a light polishing effect. The compact, space saving cleaning centrifuge RZ 120 M-V was designed for efficiently processing a wide range of industrial, even highly aggressive, fluids. With the 3-phase version of this centrifuge solids, water-based fluids and oil can be completely separated. ‹

Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH 96190 Untermerzbach, Germany Phone +49 9533 9240 www.rosler.com Hall 1, Stand 116/219 and 318/421

RSA cutting systems GmbH Deburring Solutions for Tubes, Bars, Sections and Sheet Metal With the Rasamat, Rasamax and Turnamat product lines, RSA cutting systems is one of the world’s leading suppliers of deburring systems for metal tubes, sections, bars and sheet metal. At this year’s DeburringEXPO, RSA will be presenting a wide range of deburring machines as well as the hand circular saw H350 of the brand Häberle. RSA does not only

offer a special service to trade fair visitors: A demonstration van with various deburring machines and saws on board goes to an interested company on request. The customer can than convince himself of the advantages of the systems when machining his own workpieces. The service is free of charge and without obligation. ‹

RSA cutting systems GmbH 58239 Schwerte, Germany Phone +49 2304 91110 www.rsa.de Hall 1, Stand 408

SIT Società Italiana Tecnospazzole New Deburring Tools SIT Tecnospazzole is introducing the new line of abrasive brushes (composite and metal hub) for hard metals and special alloys deburring. Made from patented ceramic and diamond abrasive filaments, the new brushes are ideal for the automation of the deburring process inside machining centers and robotic cells. Benefits of the filaments are fracture


resistance, hardness and selfsharpening qualities that boost the performance of the brush around 3 to 5 times compared to conventional solutions. Composite brushes in the automated deburring will also drive to an improved process (no hand deburring, simplified production cycle, less time and costs in handling) and to an improved and standardized quality. Target industries are

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from automotive to aerospace, from biomedicals to agriculture, from mass production to small high-precision and high-quality lots. ‹

SIT Società Italiana Tecnospazzole 40033 Casalecchio di Reno, Italy Phone +39 051 6113211 www.sitbrush.com Hall 1, Stand 112

stoba Sondermaschinen GmbH Micro is not small enough Today we are increasingly talking not only about micro-computers, but also about mechanical processing, which are carried out in the micro range. Whether macro- or micromachining, the requirement for the workpieces is that they must be free of burrs at the end and, in addition, in many cases must have defined edges in terms of

shape and surface quality. “All In One” is therefore the motto of Stoba Customized Machinery. As a supplier of turnkey equipment, the company discuss the required deburring design with the customer and propose suitable process methods and processes that fit perfectly into the production line of customer. In addition to electrochemical deburring,

Stoba CM presents the laser deburring machine Focus One as a novelty. It is a laser machining centre for precise micromachining of workpieces and their edges inside and outside. ‹

stoba Sondermaschinen GmbH 87700 Memmingen, Germany Phone +49 8331 984870 www.stoba-memmingen.de Hall 1, Stand 406/505

Otto Suhner GmbH Intelligent technology for tool and mold making In many technical fields, ultrafine grinding is one of the tasks that give the product its final polish – in the truest sense of the word. This applies equally to both precision and the visual appeal. SUHNER now presents an innovative grinding, milling, and polishing system under the name Sunmic 60. The central element is an intelligent control unit with touch panel that can take a range of micro motors and tool

hand pieces depending on the application. The control part has modern features such as touch screen operation on a glass display, the option to save settings, and a rotation speed regulator with tangible resistance. Key settings are easily legible on a large digital display. The micro motor system can be connected to a 90–240 V source, and can therefore be used anywhere in the world. ‹

Otto Suhner GmbH 79713 Bad Säckingen, Germany Phone +49 7761 5570 www.suhner.com. Hall 1, Stand 113

Supfina Grieshaber GmbH & Co. KG Solutions for perfect surfaces and edges As one of the leading providers of surface finishing systems, Supfina develops economical solutions for achieving frictionoptimized and tribologically perfect surfaces and edges on components. The company develops optimal processes to design, produce and deliver economical manufacturing equipment. Even from product conception, it supports customers by consulting not

only on surface characteristics but also on process and process engineering. Using its own test system, Supfina can process prototype and pre-series parts. Then, after taking into account the customer’s manufacturing needs, the design is finalized and production commences. The full range of services includes fast delivery, equipment commissioning, and comprehensive training. ‹

Supfina Grieshaber GmbH & Co. KG 77709 Wolfach, Germany Phone +49 7834 8660 www.supfina.com Hall 1, Stand 512 and 318/412

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


ICT | DeburringEXPO Product Showcase

TDK Maschinenbau GmbH High quality deburring and surface optimization With the Pinflow technology, TDK Maschinenbau specifically focuses on the cleaning, deburring and controlled edge rounding of steel, cast iron, aluminium, brass and bronze components. The company presents the great benefit of using examples of simple or complex workpieces, in which, within short processing times, deburred inside and

outside, mould sand residues removed or the surface must be smoothed. The Pinflow method uses the vibration technique. The deburring medium, consisting of small steel balls, is rolled over the workpieces via the acceleration energy of the vibration motors and the weight of the deburring medium. During the machining process, the workpiece is

machined both from the outside and inside in hard to reach places. Compared to other deburring and cleaning processes, the process is convincing due to its low preparation effort, short processing time and low maintenance, service and energy costs. ‹

TDK Maschinenbau GmbH 24539 Neumünster, Germany Phone +49 4321 871563 www.pinflow.de Hall 1, Stand 308

Thielenhaus Superfinish Innovation AG Even more quality and efficiency Precision-machining of wave-shaped components to reduce roughness and friction as well as for structuring and increasing the functional surfaces’ contact area can now be carried out even more efficiently: The new tape finishing machine Cube evo for machining shafts, bearing and sealing seats is available from Thielenhaus

Superfinish Innovation as a freely programmable unit and is designed to meet future Industry 4.0 standards. The automatic loading technology reduces the machine’s non-productive time and loading processes to an absolute minimum. With its quickly adjustable tape-finish units, the modular construction guarantees flexible, cost-neutral

configuration for the most varied workpieces. A program with all the parameters required for the machining process can be stored and loaded for every workpiece that needs to be machined. ‹

Thielenhaus Superfinish Innovation AG 9548 Matzingen, Switzerland Phone +41 523 762619 www.thielenhaus.com Hall 1, Stand 416

VİBROMAK YÜZEY İŞLEM TEKNOLOJİLERİ SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. Machines and Consumables for Efficient Barrel Finishing Vibromak’s portfolio includes vibratory finishing machines, ceramic and plastic-bonded grinding tools as well as porcelain, zirconia and stainless-steel polishing tools. Compounds and dry polishing granules complete the program. The machines are manufactured in the company according to exact quality criteria


with the newest technologies and offer nevertheless always a very good price alternative compared to competitors. Collaboration with customers is not only based on sales, but, as a first step, on developing tailor-made procedures and processes for each task. Trials are carried out with customer products. ‹

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VİBROMAK YÜZEY İŞLEM TEKNOLOJİLERİ SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ., 6980 Kahramankazan / Ankara, Turkey, Phone +90 312 3944490, www.vibromak.com Hall 1, Stand 708



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ICT | Parts2Clean Product Showcase



oping effectively and efficiently with new and different challenges in parts cleaning is of ever more mission-critical importance for all


a competitività delle imprese manifatturiere dipenderà in futuro sempre più dalla loro capacità di far fronte con efficienza ed efficacia alle sempre nuove e mutevoli sfide

poste dalla pulizia industriale delle parti. parts2clean presenta

puts them in touch with all the latest trends, solutions and

le tendenze, le soluzioni e il know-how per essere un passo più

expertise they need to stay ahead of the competition.

avanti su questo fronte.

Whether digital transformation, redesigned parts and

Molti settori dell’industria stanno cambiando nel segno della

the new challenges they pose, innovative manufacturing

trasformazione digitale, di una diversa struttura dei pezzi e delle

technologies and materials, or tougher demands in

nuove sfide che ne derivano, ma anche per effetto dell’adozione

terms of the stability, reproducibility and cost efficiency

di innovative tecnologie di produzione e di nuovi materiali, o per

of processes – the changes now taking place in many

più esigenti attese di stabilità, di comprensibilità e di economicità

sectors of industry also have direct implications for parts

dei processi. Tutto questo si riflette anche sulla pulizia industriale

and surface cleaning. “parts2clean is the world’s biggest

delle parti e delle superfici. “parts2clean propone la più completa

© Deutsche Messe

manufacturers aiming to stay competitive. parts2clean


N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

© Deutsche Messe

© Deutsche Messe

showcase of technology for consistently reliable and

offerta internazionale per una pulizia dei pezzi

efficient parts cleaning,” said Olaf Daebler, Global

affidabile ed efficiente”, dice Olaf Daebler, Global

Director of parts2clean at Deutsche Messe, adding:

Director di parts2clean presso Deutsche Messe. “Gli

“The exhibitors will be presenting effective ways of

espositori dimostreranno come sia possibile far

meeting today’s and tomorrow’s standards.” The

fronte con successo alle esigenze di pulizia attuali

leading international trade fair for industrial parts

preparandosi a quelle future.” La fiera leader

and surface cleaning runs from 22 to 24 October in

internazionale per il lavaggio dei pezzi e delle superfici


è in calendario a Stoccarda dal 22 al 24 ottobre.

Innovations and advancements for every

Innovazioni e perfezionamenti per ogni

conceivable application


“parts2clean is the place where the market leaders

“a parts2clean le aziende leader del settore

present their new and improved products to the

presentano al pubblico specializzato

international industrial community,” explains Daebler.

internazionale tutti i loro nuovi sviluppi e

These include, amongst other things, solutions that

perfezionamenti”, dice Daebler. Tra di essi

combine the deburring and cleaning of parts in a

soluzioni che consentono la sbavatura e la

single process and with short cycle times. This enables

pulizia di pezzi singoli in un solo processo e brevi

manufacturers to meet demanding standards for

tempi ciclo, contribuendo al raggiungimento

particulate cleanliness. New and improved process

di livelli di pulizia molto elevati. Anche nuove e

technologies for wet chemical cleaning are likewise

perfezionate tecnologie di processo per la pulizia

making it possible to achieve improved cleaning

chimica a umido permettono di raggiungere

results more quickly. Exhibiting firms will also be

più rapidamente buoni risultati. Gli espositori

showing solutions specially developed to meet new

presenteranno inoltre soluzioni adeguate alle

or revised standards in fields such as electromobility

nuove e mutate esigenze che derivano ad esempio

or medical technology. Typical examples are dry

dall’elettromobilità o dalla tecnologia medica. Tra

cleaning processes that can be readily integrated into

di esse processi di pulizia a secco integrabili senza

a linked sequence of production processes. When

problema in processi di produzione concatenati. In

it comes to cleaning processes, the monitoring of

fiera saranno inoltre proposte diverse innovazioni

cleaning parameters, cleanliness checks or servicing

non solo per il processo di pulizia, ma anche per il

and maintenance, automation and digitalization are

controllo della pulizia e dei suoi parametri, o per

also at the top of the agenda, as will be reflected by

l’assistenza e la manutenzione, l’automazione e la

exhibitors’ showcases.


ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


© Deutsche Messe

ICT | Parts2Clean Product Showcase

Special displays covering today’s – and tomorrow’s –

Mostre speciali dedicate a tematiche attuali e

hottest topics


“In addition to individual showcases by exhibiting firms,

“Ad arricchimento del fronte espositivo, il fitto programma

a top-notch supporting program offers visitors in-depth

di eventi collaterali offrirà ai visitatori ricchezza e varietà

information, ideas and valuable know-how on every

di informazioni, impulsi e prezioso know-how sulla pulizia

conceivable aspect of parts cleaning,” says Daebler. The

delle parti”, aggiunge Daebler. L’area speciale “QSREIN 4.0”

special “QSREIN 4.0” display staged by the German Industrial

(“Pulito QS 4.0”), organizzata dall’Associazione di categoria

Parts Cleaning Association (FiT) serves as a starting point

tedesca per la pulizia industriale delle parti (Fachverband

for discourse on adaptive process solutions capable of

Industrielle Teilereinigung – FIT) sarà un animato punto di

self-adjusting depending on the condition of the parts

incontro per colloqui su soluzioni di processo orientate allo

involved and the degree of cleanliness required. This

stato delle parti e alla pulizia che esse richiedono. Al centro

facilitates the optimization of processes as well as the

dell’attenzione ci saranno sia l’ottimizzazione dei processi

mastering of new challenges as they arise.

esistenti sia soluzioni per nuove esigenze.

Another special display at the upcoming show is “Parts

La mostra speciale “Lavaggio 4.0 dei pezzi nella

Cleaning 4.0 in practice”, which reflects the trend towards

pratica” – che sarà organizzata in collaborazione con

automated cleaning and handling solutions and the resulting

Stäubli – punterà i riflettori sulle tendenze delle soluzioni

need for technical information. The display is being

automatizzate di pulizia e di manipolazione e sul

co-organized by robotics specialist Stäubli.

fabbisogno informativo che ne deriva.


N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

At the special display entitled “Process flow in parts cleaning,

La mostra “Flusso di processo nel lavaggio dei pezzi, inclusi i controlli

including cleanliness checks”, industrial cleanliness specialists

della qualità di pulizia” permetterà ai visitatori di assicurarsi – con

will be on hand to guide visitors through the steps needed

la guida competente di specialisti della pulizia tecnica – una visione

in order to properly achieve, document and maintain any

d’insieme sui diversi passaggi necessari per ottenere, documentare e

specified degree of parts cleanliness.

mantenere un livello di pulizia predefinito.

Bilingual Industry Forum: a highly valued resource

Forum specialistico bilingue: una risorsa di grande valore

The three-day Industry Forum that forms part of parts2clean,

Il forum specialistico della durata di tre giorni è ormai da tempo una

and whose program is coordinated by the Fraunhofer

delle risorse di conoscenza di settore più quotate a livello internazionale.

Cleaning Technology Alliance and FiT, is internationally

Del suo coordinamento tecnico rispondono Fraunhofer Alliance per

renowned as a highly valued resource. The talks by senior

la tecnologia di lavaggio e l’Associazione di categoria tedesca per il

experts from industry and the scientific and research

lavaggio industriale dei pezzi (FiT). Nel corso delle attese conferenze con traduzione simultanea

simultaneous translation

(tedesco <> inglese), relatori

(German <> English) – will show how issues such as

© Deutsche Messe

community – available in

di alto profilo dal mondo dell’industria, della scienza e

the digital transformation,

della ricerca dimostreranno

artificial intelligence (AI),

che temi quali trasformazione

simulation and computer-

digitale, intelligenza artificiale,

aided process optimization

simulazione e ottimizzazione

are and have been impacting

computerizzata dei processi

the world of industrial

hanno già fatto il loro ingresso

parts cleaning. Grouped

anche nel lavaggio industriale

into six sessions, each talk

dei pezzi. Il programma del

will focus on a different

convegno prevede sei sessioni

theme: “Cleaning processes”,

dedicate rispettivamente a:

“Cleaning, drying, and

Processi di lavaggio; Ambiente

maintaining bath hygiene”,

di lavaggio – asciugatura e

“QSREIN 4.0 – process

mantenimento della qualità dei

solutions for parts cleaning in the future”, “Digitalization

bagni; QSREIN 4.0 – Soluzioni di processo per il lavaggio dei pezzi nel

and automation”, “Analytics and industrial cleanliness”, and

futuro; Digitalizzazione e automazione; Analisi; Pulizia tecnica e pulizia

“Cleaning in practice”. The full agenda is published on the

industriale. Il programma completo è consultabile sulla home page di

parts2clean homepage. Admission to the Industry Forum is

parts2clean. Per i visitatori della manifestazione, la partecipazione al

free of charge for parts2clean attendees.

Forum è gratuita.

Guided Tours – the shortest route to best-fit solutions

Guided Tour: la via diretta alla soluzione ottimale

The Guided Tours offered at parts2clean are a great source

I Guided Tour di parts2clean offrono, soprattutto a chi è inesperto

of orientation, especially for less experienced users and

o nuovo del mestiere del lavaggio industriale dei pezzi e delle

newcomers to industrial parts and surface cleaning. Taking in

superfici, la possibilità di prendere confidenza in modo mirato con

selected exhibitor stands that cover each and every link in the

soluzioni, innovazioni e fornitori su misura per le proprie esigenze

process chain, the tours enable visitors to discover relevant

visitando direttamente una serie di stand selezionati lungo la catena

solutions and innovations and to identify the most promising

di processo del settore. È previsto un Tour per ogni giorno di fiera,

suppliers for solving their particular challenges. Tours last about

e ogni Tour durerà circa due ore e sarà tenuto in lingua inglese da

two hours, and are available for groups of up to 25 persons

una guida appositamente istruita. Vi potranno prendere parte al

(max.) on all three days of the show. Each tour is led by a

massimo 25 persone.

trained guide, with commentary in English. For further information: www.parts2clean.de ‹

Per ulteriori informazioni: www.parts2clean.de ‹

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


ICT | Parts2Clean Product Showcase

acp systems AG Effective, reliable and efficient pre-treatment of joining areas Lighter and more energyefficient vehicles which are manufactured more efficiently and resource-saving – as a consequence of these requirements more and more automotive components are joint by gluing processes. Therefore, the joining areas have to be reliably pre-treated, especially when it comes to structural components such as

car body parts. Compared to other cleaning procedures like atmospheric plasma and laser cleaning, the quattroClean technology from acp offers several advantages. This CO2 snow jet cleaning procedure reliably removes separating agents from the surfaces of crash-relevant components made from fiber composite as well as from parts made of

polyamide which are bonded together. The achieved degree of cleanliness enables the subsequent surface activation by flame treatment without any risk of over-activation. The quattroClean process has also proven for the targeted removal of drawing oil from bonding areas of car body parts made of aluminium. In this application the cold and dry process replaces a laser cleaning procedure. Due to the heat input during the laser cleaning drawing oil from surrounding areas has re-contaminated the bonding regions. ‹

acp systems AG 71254 Ditzingen, Germany Phone +49 7156 480140 www.acp-systems.com Hall 9, Stand D06

ATL Anlagentechnik Luhden GmbH Thermal deburring is catching up with the industry After production, components have burrs that are often located in inaccessible places. They usually have to be removed before further processing. In the TEM process (thermal deburring), the material to be removed is burned, as a chemical reaction takes place between the material and the gas mixture. For this purpose, the workpieces are placed in

a deburring chamber, which is hydraulically closed by means of a closure. Via a gas metering system, a precisely defined mixture of fuel gas and oxygen is conducted into the deburring chamber and ignited. During the subsequent combustion, temperatures of 2,500-3,300° C. The burr to be removed reaches its ignition temperature and reacts with the excess oxygen in the deburring chamber. ‹

ATL Anlagentechnik Luhden GmbH 31711 Luhden, Germany Phone +49 5722 992190 www.atl-luhden.de Hall 7, Stand B61

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. Sustainable High Quality, Pure-Filtration System for Clean Water in Precision Parts Cleaning Process Baldwin Technology Company Inc. is pleased to announce the exhibit of Pure-Filtration CW at parts2clean. It is the new exceptional highquality filtration system developed for parts washing machines in the metal and glass industries among other industries. The system enables continuous perfect clean wash water. The self-cleaning filters


increases significantly the lifecycle of the wash water leading to nearly zero chemistry waste and drastically reduced water and energy consumption. The filtration system was developed for parts washing machines which require a very clean wash water (< 1 micron) for high precision parts washing process, which with traditional filtration

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

methods (filter socks, centrifuge, cartridges) and the higher requirements for the surface cleanliness and environmental aspects was until today not satisfactory. This system’s concept is based on cross-flow technology, creating a highly effective filtration performance (< 1 microns). ‹

Baldwin Technology Company Inc. St. Louis, MO 63105, USA Phone +1 314 8636640 www.baldwintech.com Hall 9, Stand A11

BELKI teknik ApS Efficienct cleaning of cleaning baths The filtration and separation of tramp oils makes an important contribution to the economical operation of parts cleaning systems. With its oil separators, Belki Filtertechnik GmbH offers effective and reliable solutions for end customers and manufacturers of parts cleaning machines. The oil separators are used to separate tramp oils out of washing baths and other process fluids such as coolant, and degreasing baths.

The functionality provided by oil separators also offers a whole series of benefits, e. g. a self-regulating suction unit, which effectively skimms material off the surface. The suction unit automatically follows the level variation in the tank. Thanks to gentle pumping a high level of oil separation is achieved. They are easy to adjust, so that only oil runs into the

collection container. With an array of different surface suction devices, even difficult and heavily contaminated surfaces can be skimmed. ‹

BELKI teknik ApS 8840 Rødkærsbro, Denmark Phone +45 86658811 www.belki.dk Hall 9, Stand A33

BOOS Reinigungsanlagenbau GmbH External Barrel Washer in Hygienic Design Boos Reinigungsanlagenbau is offering over 30 years of experience in building external KEG washers and crate washers as well as other customized cleaning systems. The company is planning and building respective transport systems in stainless steel. The focus is on hygienic design, application and process engineering, pump technology, and service.

The company presents its stateof-the-art external barrel washer based on hygienic design criteria. Inclined surfaces avoid stagnant medium. An integrated lowmaintenance 20 bar mediumpressure spraying enables better cleaning results and label removal. Glass-maintenancedoors maximize visibility. The central media distribution ensures automatic draining when the machine is turned off.

An automated self-cleaning of the machine’s interior is enabled by a special spraying head. ‹

BOOS Reinigungsanlagenbau GmbH 67592 Flörsheim-Dalsheim, Germany Phone +49 6243 90670 www.boos-anlagenbau.de Halle 9, Stand A45

Bussi Elettronica Industriale Electronic Pulse Demagnetizers Residual magnetism has a crucial influence on the efficiency and the quality of industrial cleaning systems. Ensuring metal cleanliness is a fundamental step in metals surface treatments. Thus, residual magnetism has to be kept under control to guarantee the maximum quality cleanliness. Bussi provides demagnetizers which offers different advantages, e. g. minimum residual magnetism,

minimum energy consumption (< 150 W), demagnetization value repeatability, easy parts transfer without magnetic retention, very high productivity, almost zero maintenance, easy integration in line and exchange of interface I/O and system modification and overhaul. ‹

Bussi Elettronica Industriale 10060 San Secondo di Pinerolo (TO) Italy, Phone +39 0121 500660 www.bussi-demagnetizers.com Hall 9, Stand A21

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


ICT | Parts2Clean Product Showcase

dhs Dietermann & Heuser Solution GmbH Particle analysis and data management for clean production accordingly to VDA 19 Technical cleanliness has become a decisive quality factor in production. Even during the production process, residual contamination analysis provides information on the type and location of the contamination so that production processes can be optimally controlled and the conditions optimally adapted. Risks due to “residual

contamination” are minimised. High quality costs such as rejects, rework, breakdowns or complaints are vastly reduced. At this year’s parts2clean, dhs Solution shows why automatic detection with lightoptical systems has become indispensable in the field of clean manufacturing, and what types of particles can be “tracked” and analysed using the

company’s software. There are various freely configurable device variants for standard-compliant and reproducible cleanliness analysis, for a wide variety of requirements and budgets. ‹

dhs Dietermann & Heuser Solution GmbH 35753 Greifenstein-Beilstein Germany Phone +49 2779 91200 www.dhssolution.com Hall 9, Stand E40

DST-CHEMICALS A/S Pure Performance Parts Cleaning – Cost Reduction Met Quality Improvement Ever since the beginning in 1987 DST-CHEMICALS has focused on developing the best products and concepts for parts cleaning and passivation. Initially the idea was based on a demulsifying cleaner that could run low temperature. And for many years to come the competition has been looking to reach similar quality with their products. We have set many new standards for the industry the

past 30 years – and we continue. From a manufacturing standpoint optimizing the production flow has always been key. With process excellence methodologies as the Six Sigma the focus on a lean process is never ending. The pure performance concept represents all products that reduce production time, total cost of operation (TOC), improve quality and decrease environmental load. ‹

DST-CHEMICALS A/S 6000 Kolding, Denmark Phone +49 151 70228004 www.dstchemicals.com Hall 9, Stand A46

Endress+Hauser Messtechnik GmbH+Co.KG Pocket-sized flow measuring technology In industrial process measurement and automation, demand is steadily rising for simple, reliable and maintenance-free measuring instruments in a pocket-sized format. The new Picomag from Endress+Hauser fulfills such requirements, making no compromises. Not only does it measure the flow of electrically conductive fluids, but also their process


temperature and conductivity. In addition, the measuring device offers customers easy commissioning with Bluetooth using its SmartBlue App, as well as seamless system integration thanks to IO-Link technology. This makes this device absolutely ready for Industry 4.0. Whether it is for quantity measurement or process monitoring of cooling, warm or process water: due

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

to its compact design, Picomag can be installed flawlessly into any pipe up to 50 millimeters (2”) in diameter, even in confined spaces. ‹

Endress+Hauser Messtechnik GmbH+Co.KG 79576 Weil am Rhein, Germany Phone +49 7621 97501 www.de.endress.com Hall 7, Stand B23

FIMUTENS S.R.L. Handheld devices for cleanliness control The Surface Analyst 2001 & 3001 are BTG Labs’ handheld surface inspection devices that allow manufacturers to quantify critical surface cleanliness to ensure successful bonding, coating, sealing, painting or printing. Through the push of a button, the devices validate cleanliness by collecting precise, repeatable and objective measurements. For use directly on the factory floor,

common applications include: optimizing washer systems by determining when washer fluid should be changed. Validating materials have been uniformly and effectively cleaned after wash processes. Establishing a cleanliness spec for materials coming from suppliers. Developing a spec for manual wiping. Guaranteeing surface cleanliness prior to adhesion operations.

Confirming the cleanliness of processing equipment such as chemical etching chambers, plasma treatment chambers, CVD and PVD. Setting cleanliness specs for successful RTV and FIPG sealing. ‹

FIMUTENS S.R.L. 20135 Milan, Italy Phone +39 02 5453210 www.fimutens.com Hall 9, Stand D07

HaDo International GmbH Fascination dry ice cleaning Remove hard-to-clean dirt without using chemicals and without surface damage. Hado International GmbH, developer and manufacturer of the dry ice blasting machine Coolmaster, supplier of automation solutions and compressed air systems, shows how this works. With dry ice cleaning, e.g. plastic parts are precisely deburred, electronic components and watersensitive surfaces are cleaned. This sustainable type of cleaning

can be used indefinitely in a wide variety of industrial sectors. The dry ice blasting system works economically with less than 35 kg dry ice per hour. Due to the low air consumption of max. 1,100 l/min, existing compressed air systems can still be used. ‹

HaDo International GmbH 72770 Reutlingen, Germany Phone +49 7121 679300 www.coolmaster.de Hall 9, Stand E32

HEUTE Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG Cleaning system for a clean production During the manufacturing, treatment or coating of products the contamination of surfaces and production environment can become a problem. Dirt and dust entering the working environment through tires, rollers, wheels and soles settles on finished parts and products, causing quality degradation. The result is costly cleaning, reworking or even customer complaints. The Profil Gate

clean running zone offers a solution. It removes dirt from tread surfaces and collects it in entrance or transition areas. The operating processes do not have to be changed. This is because the system is installed at ground level in the floor and works purely mechanically when driving and walking over. ‹

HEUTE Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG 42699 Solingen, Germany Phone +49 212 380310 www.profilgate.com Hall 9, Stand B20

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


ICT | Parts2Clean Product Showcase

Hitachi High-Technologies Pte. Ltd. CO2-Powered Manufacturing Manufacturing processes are often complex and very costly. For companies to remain competitive in the evolving industrial landscape there is a need to revisit their processes and acquire new technologies that are simple, robust and economical. Increase yield, productivity and environmental quality while reducing manufacturing waste with Cleanlogix’s advanced carbon dioxide (CO2)-technology. As a

waste by-product of many industrial processes, CO2 forms a valuable resource for high-tech or highreliability product manufacturing applications, performing basic functions like precision cleaning, extraction, disinfection, cooling and lubrication; and even in synergistic processes with atmospheric plasma, laser and more. ‹

Hitachi High-Technologies Pte. Ltd. Singapore 528736, Singapore Phone +65 67332754 www.hitachi-hightech.com Hall 9, Stand A42

MAFAC – E. Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG High Process and Cleaning Quality At the upcoming parts2clean in Stuttgart Mafac will show how high cleaning quality can be achieved efficiently. The examples used are the cleaning system Pura and the sprayflood cleaning machine Java with vector kinematics. The trade fair presentation focuses on the results of a customer survey on the Pura and a comprehensive test series regarding the vector kinematics introduced in 2018.

In both cases the results are very insightful: the Pura convinces by its compact installation size with compressed functionality and also by its ease of operation. Through the use of vector kinematics, it can be safely assumed that up to 56 % more contact is made. Based on these test results, the technology is close to market maturity and can be tested at the company’s new Technical Centre from 2020. ‹

MAFAC – E. Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG 72275 Alpirsbach, Germany Phone +49 7444 95090 www.mafac.de Hall 9, Stand D14

Martin Walter Ultraschalltechnik AG The Digital Solution for Cleaning Tasks POWERSONIC DFS Generator The newly developed DFS generators of the POWERSONIC series by Martin Walter Ultraschalltechnik AG are based on the most advanced SMD technology. With the built-in microprocessor control and robust power electronics, the generators of the DFS series are designed for daily industrial use. The DFS principle allows the user to switch between


two frequencies without power loss. It is also possible to connect an additional oscillator to the system. This makes it possible to alternate the sound of two tanks with only one generator. The system is operated via a 4.3” graphic display with touch function. The newly developed air flow channel always guarantees perfect operating parameters

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

while simultaneously protecting sensitive components. This is achieved by ventilation channel that only cools the significant components. ‹

Martin Walter Ultraschalltechnik AG Hardtstrasse 13, Straubenhardt, Germany www.walter-ultraschall.de Hall 9, Stand E12

Metallform Wächter GmbH Adapt containers to meet cleaning requirements Parts cleanliness is a quality criterion and thus a major factor of value creation. In contrast to the machine and process technology as well as medium, the choice of workpiece holders and baskets does not focus on cleaning requirements rather than on logistic aspects and internal transport demands. This very often results in insufficient parts cleanliness which generates costly extra

work and, in the worst, customer complaints. Workpiece holders and baskets which are used for parts cleaning should, therefore, have the essential characteristics necessary for resource-efficient and cost-optimized cleaning processes with stable results. Metallform here mentions in the first place good allround accessibility for the medium and the cleaning mechanics to the parts. For workpiece holders used

for set goods the ideal positioning of the parts in the container is crucial, so that areas difficult to clean can be treated in a targeted way. ‹

Metallform Wächter GmbH 75015 Bretten, Germany Phone +49 7252 94260 www.metallfom.de Hall 7, Stand C30

SensAction AG Bath monitoring and concentration measurement in industrial parts cleaning SensAction develops and manufactures sensors for online liquid analysis in ongoing processes. The LiquidSens measuring system is used for the precise and reliable online concentration measurement of cleaners, cooling lubricants, hardness polymers, and corrosion protection media in fluids in real time. The system is therefore ideal for integrated manufacturing lines and Industry 4.0 production. Even

smallest changes are determined and indicated. An innovative media app-concept enables simple and quick adaptation to the specific application. With the LiquidSens Mobile SensAction has developed a mobile measuring system for monitoring fluids randomly. The user interface and the memory management are especially designed for monitoring multiple cleaning baths respectively

various cleaning machines. The adaption to the respective application is also carried out by media-apps. ‹

SensAction AG 96450 Coburg, Germany Phone +49 9561 976230 www.sensaction.de Hall 7, Stand B23

SensoTech GmbH One system – 20 measuring stations – maximum flexibility SensoTech has developed with LiquiSonic QC a highly efficient analysis system for monitoring of cleaning baths. It consists a measuring device with optional accessories and is suited ideally for measuring several samples in one central location. This is of great use, as inline monitoring is often not appropriate due to the low volumes. LiquiSonic QC manages 20+ measuring points.

Compared to other measuring instruments, the device convinces with very rapid and yet highly precise measurements. A sample is analyzed in only two steps: 1. Insert sensor into the sample. 2: After the display value is stabile save it via the save button. The data are clearly displayed graphically and in a tabular history and can be read out via data export. ‹

SensoTech GmbH 39179 Magdeburg-Barleben Germany Phone +49 39203 514 100 www.sensotech.com Hall 9, Stand A36

ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies - 2019 OCTOBER - N. 16


ICT | Parts2Clean Product Showcase

STÄUBLI TEC-SYSTEMS GMBH ROBOTICS Six-axis machines for inline parts cleaning 100 percent humidity and a pH of 9: in such conditions, the deployment of robots poses real challenges. These are the very parameters under which Stäubli robots are delivering reliable service on the parts cleaning line at the Nissan Dongfeng engine plant in China. Cylinder blocks and heads are manufactured on four lines at Nissan Dongfeng. At the end of each line, there is a cleaning

station, with one cell for the precleaning and one for the final cleaning. The cycle time per station must not exceed 65 seconds. There are TX200 HE robots. They hoists the cylinder block and heads with a gripper from a roller conveyor, swings it across to a bath and lowers it until it is submerged. To ensure that the nooks and crannies are reliably flushed, the six-axis robot follows a meticulously

programmed motion profile. Subsequently, the thoroughly cleansed part is passed through a drying unit. ‹

STÄUBLI TEC-SYSTEMS GMBH ROBOTICS 95448 Bayreuth, Germany Phone +49 921 8830 www.staubli.com Hall 9, Stand A14

TEIJO Cleaning Machines Ltd. Cleaning Machines for repair shops and the industry Teijo manufactures standard and customized cleaning machines for industrial parts. They are used in machine and component repair shops and in different industrial applications. The Finnish company was established in 1967. Today it manufactures a wide selection of standard component cleaning machines. The machines can also be modified according to customer specifications. The size of cleaned

components can vary between 1 and 3000 kg. The design philosophy of cleaning machines is based on cleaning effectiveness, energy efficiency and a long life cycle. To enhance use and make operation easier additional equipment for all machines are offered. ‹

TEIJO Cleaning Machines Ltd. 29250 Nakkila, Finland Phone +358 531 2200 www.teijopesu.fi Hall 9, Stand B60

TREAMS GmbH Fully automated cleanliness control With Vidam, Treams offers the first fully automated production related cleanliness measurement device for detecting film-type contaminations on the surface of components. Unique in the market, device provides qualitative and quantitative values in gram per surface or component, enabling the easy determination of appropriate evaluation limits. As a result of spectral measurement and compared to customized data


bases, contaminants can be clearly identified and assigned to their causes. Furthermore, the company develops modularly designed bake out systems (Vobos series) for dry cleaning of components. It can also provide the service of process chain analysis with the company’s in-house systems. Based on the company’s experiences and knowledge it offers workshops for cleanliness of components and appropriate construction. ‹

N. 16 - 2019 OCTOBER - ipcm® Industrial Cleaning Technologies

TREAMS GmbH 07751 Großlöbichau, Germany Phone +49 3641 8734555 www.treams-gmbh.de Hall 9, Stand A29

VACOM Vakuum Komponenten & Messtechnik GmbH Defined and reproducible quality of cleanliness Vacom offers solutions for extremely clean components in fine and ultra-fine cleaning. The company thus meets the highest cleanliness requirements of many branches of industry, including those of the semiconductor industry and the associated ultra-fine cleaned components, which are required. Particulate and filmic impurities

are removed to the extent, that residual dirt levels of less than 5 mg/m² are achieved. Awarded with the Clean Prize 2015, Vacom will present its cleaning process and its cleaning services at parts2clean according to defined cleanliness classes and the quantitative cleanliness evaluation. The focus is on reproducible quality of cleanliness. ‹

VACOM Vakuum Komponenten & Messtechnik GmbH 07751 Großlöbichau, Germany Phone +49 3641 87340 www.vacom.de Hall 9, Stand A29

WIGOL W. Stache GmbH New Products for De-rusting Processes Wigol W. Stache will present new products at parts2clean. Booster TE is a neutral de-rusting medium that can be used to remove oxide layers from metal surfaces. It is preferably used to remove rust layers after thermal deburring. The derusting medium can be used in spray cleaning, pressure liquid circulation cleaning, immersion and ultrasonic cleaning. It can also be used to enhance the

performance of cleaning processes, if particle dust and metal oxides have to be removed. The activator TE is supplementary component to the booster and is used to adjust the pH-value in case of an enrichment of cleaned impurities and increasing pH-values during cleaning processes. In order to avoid corrosion on the surface activated by the rust removal, we recommend the use of powerful temporary corrosion inhibitors in the rinsing bath. ‹

WIGOL W. Stache GmbH 67547 Worms, Germany Phone +49 6241 41410 www.wigol.de Hall 7, Stand D03

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